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Presentazione Standard Di Powerpoint Lago Maggiore and its Valleys Ascona-Locarno ■ Located on the shores of the Lake Maggiore. ■ Ascona: the pearl of Lake Maggiore and an exclusive tourist destination. ■ Locarno: the city of movies on Lake Maggiore. ■ Typical villages, waterfalls, alpine lakes: the magic of our valleys. ■ The mediterranean climate allows to discover the most beautiful corners: ■ Outdoor activities with 1,400 km of hiking trails. ■ Marvelous parks and gardens. ■ Every year the lake Maggiore region hosts many events you should not miss. Tea Ceremony Cultural Pass Terreni alla Maggia Discover the japanese tea culture Thanks to it, art lovers who The farm was founded in the 1930. and philosophy and enjoy a tea- visit one of the museums The agriculture is based on an tasting session. You have the participating to the program, get integrated and ecological system. opportunity to visit the park, a 20% discount on the admission Not only vineyards and fruit- the tea-garden and the Zen garden to the other partner musuems garden: it is the first and only (Pinacoteca Casa Rusca, Ghisla farm that produces rice grown Art Collection, Cantonal museums 100% in Switzerland. of Ascona, Monte Verità). Cardada-Cimetta Lama Trekking Collina Alta Take the Centovalli railway, the A stunning panoramic excursion, A place where you can see both cable car to Mount Comino and ideal for everyone, accessible lowest and the highest point of there you go! The llamas come with all year round thanks to its low Switzerland, a paradise for you in a trekking through a altitude and south-facing aspect family activities and a good marvellous region. Everyone will giving magnificent views over starting point for many enjoy an encounter with these Lake Maggiore. excursions. good-natured character animals. Brissago Islands Camellia Park Botanical Garden of Unique Swiss Botanical garden on The stunning Camellia Park has Gambarogno an island, an oasis on 2,5 ha become an attraction, thanks both Walk through thousands of with plants and flowers from all to its landscape value and to its beautiful magnolias, azaleas, continents. The botanical precious botanical features. Every peonies, camellias: this park, collection has been carefully year in March the international located on a hillside of selected since the foundation of Festival, Camelie Locarno, Gambarogno is a true treasure. the garden in 1885, celebrate this beautiful flower. Jazz Ascona Moon & Stars Locarno Film Festival The only music festival in One of the most important open Locarno transforms itself into europe, officially supported by air festivals in Europe. the world capital of cinema. the City of New Orleans. Music, International pop & rock bands Feature films and short films, rhythms and flavours from the perform concerts in the the magical screenings in the city on the Mississippi. magnificent setting of the Piazza Piazza Grande as well as cultural Grande. events and entertainment.
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