Quoted, 264 Adelman, Je
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-13328-9 - Colonialism and Postcolonial Development: Spanish America in Comparative Perspective James Mahoney Index More information Index Abad people, 106 to Canada, 251; and contrasting Abernethy, David B., 2 levels of development in interior vs. Aborigines, 236 littoral, 132; and estancias, 127–8, Acemoglu, Daron, 13–14, 17–19, 234, 146; European migration to, 131, 264–5; quoted, 264 211; and exploitation of indigenous Adelman, Jeremy, 204; quoted, 203 population, 81; exports of, 128; Africa: British colonialism in, 236–7; financial institutions in, 126;and economic and social disaster in, 237, “free trade,” 125–6; gaucho workers 257; precolonial societies, 256 in, 127; GDP per capita of, 128, African population: as cause of liberal 210–12; “golden age” in, 128, 210, colonialism, 183, 201; in colonial 211; intendant system in, 126; Argentina, 125–6, 130; in colonial investments in education in, 224;lack Brazil, 245–6; in colonial Colombia, of dominance of large estates in, 127; 107–8, 160; in colonial El Salvador, landed class of, 127; literacy and life 95; colonial exploitation of, 53;in expectancy in, 222–4; livestock colonial Mexico, 58, 60; in colonial industry of, 82, 126–7, 130, 211; Peru, 67–9, 71; in colonial Uruguay, merchants in, 82, 126–8; 80; in United States, 236;inWest nation-building myths in, 224; Indies, precolonial societies in, 77–9; 238; see also slavery problems of industrialization in, 211, Alvarado, Pedro de, 94, 97 212; reversal of development in, 212; Amaral, Samuel, quoted,
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