IDP Project IDP project name Scheme details Economic Social Biodiveristy Population & Soil Water Air Climatic Material Cultural Landscape reference Factors Factors Health Factors Assets Heritage CR (a) SHS 1 Canal upgrade Potential upgrade of surface to accommodate increase of usage. +?+ +-+---++

CR (b) Canal Bridge 18 Access to the canal +?+ +-+---++ CR (c) ECO 2 canal upgrade Potential upgrade of surface to accommodate increase of usage. +?+ +-+---++ CR (d) Comprehensive enhancement Potential restoration of the Griff Arm +?+ +-+---++ of the canal EA (a) Sustainable Drainage Incorporate a sustainable drainage system within the systems development plans for each site including urban wetlands and +?+ ? +++-++-+ street rain gardens FC (a) Football/sporting facility on Potential for development of grass sports field, 3 g pitch and ++- ++------Eastboro Way sporting facility. FC (b) Accessibility to the stadium improve accessibility to the stadium through new pedestrian routes and public transport ++- ++------GEH (a) Development of George Eliot Development of the site to increase the bed capacity +++ - ++ ------Site GEH (b) Extra care housing and There is a current lack of elderly accommodation and there is a Nursing home schemes need for investment in extra care housing and nursing homes schemes to support care in the community. +++ - ++ ------

GEH (c) Work with other agencies Working with other agencies to address life expectancy and deprivation issues within the borough. To reduce reliance on the health services to free up growth areas within the plan. +++ - ++ ------

GEH (d) Implications on maternity and Dependant on the population in the development areas there paediatric services maybe increased pressures on paediatric and maternity +++ - ++ ------services. Further information will be required to identify the implications. GEH (e) Increase to GP services Development of GP primary health care services within the borough, require extensions to facilities. +++ - ++ ------GEH (f) Additional car parking on Additional car parking on George Eliot sites to support the George Eliot site increase in users. ++- +------

Improvements to A444 junction to prevent blocking of this area GEH (g) Improvements to A444 ++- +------? and emergency access to the hospital site. GI (a) SHS1/ECO2 Community Park New Community Park with Ballcourt + older children's and younger children’s equipped play provision 0+++ + ++-- --+ GI (aa) Community park New Community Parks by extending existing open spaces 0+++ + ++-- --+ GI (ab) Allotments New allotment site 0+++ + ++-- --+ GI (ac) A5 Woodland Belt A5 woodland belt with crushed stone pathways 0++ + + ++- - - - ++ GI (ad) Link to Change brook Open Link to Changebrook Open Space - may require culvert + new 0++0 + ------? Space play area GI (ae) Play Area, MUGA and Local Play facilities provision of a playing pitch 0++0 + 00-- --? (inc. drainage) Improvements to existing sports pitch GI (af) Improvements to existing 0++0 + 00-- --? sports pitch GI (ag) Strategic cycle route 50% Contribution to strategic cycle links 0++0 + 00-- --? GI (ah) Existing allotments and sports Contributions to existing allotments and sports provision 0+0 +00----0 provision GI (ai) Site securing (inc. gates, trip Site securing (inc. gates, trip rail, kissing gates) 0+- +------rail, kissing gates) GI (aj) Signage (large & small) Signage (large) 0+------GI (ak) Amenity Lighting Amenity lighting 0+------GI (al) Small span pedestrian bridge Small span pedestrian bridge ++- +------? GI (am) Small span pedestrian bridge Small span pedestrian bridge ++- +------? GI (an) Large span pedestrian bridge Large span pedestrian bridge ++- +------? GI (ao) Provision of 0.58 allotment Provision of 0.58 allotment site (not including land value) ++- +------? site IDP Project IDP project name Scheme details Economic Social Biodiveristy Population & Soil Water Air Climatic Material Cultural Landscape reference Factors Factors Health Factors Assets Heritage GI (ap) Upgrade existing Allotment Upgrade existing Allotment site