Breakdown of 2017 Secondary Non-Selective Places in

A school might receive more applications than the number of places available (the Published Admission Number or PAN). If this happens for Community, Voluntary Controlled schools or Academies (where the school has adopted the Local Authority admissions arrangements) places will be allocated using the Local Authority’s oversubscription criteria. If a Voluntary Aided or Foundation school receives more applications than it has places available, the governing body for the school will allocate places according to that school’s published admission criteria.

Only on time applications received have been processed for places offered on 1 March 2017. Late applications and subsequent changes to applications will be processed through the reallocation rounds which begin on 20 March 2017.

Warwickshire Local Authority over-subscription criteria

The following criteria were used where schools had received more applications than places available after children with Statements of Special Educational Needs (SEN) or EHC plans had been admitted first.

1. Children in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, a local authority and Children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order). 2005 act

2. Children living inside the priority who will have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission.

3. Other pupils living inside the priority area.

4. Children living outside the priority area who will have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission.

5. Other children living outside the priority area.

Within these criteria priority is given in order of straight line distance between the home address and school. The shortest distance has the highest priority. For more information on how distances are measured, please see

If you live within Warwickshire Local Authority and we are unable to meet any of your preferences, we will allocate a place at the next nearest community, voluntary controlled school or Academy with vacancies available. This will be indicated on the breakdown as ‘unplaced’ offers.

The following page shows all non-selective secondary schools in Warwickshire, the school’s PAN, number of offers made and an explanation of the offers made on 01 March 2017.

If you have named a school outside of Warwickshire, you will need to contact the relevant Local Authority, to discuss your application.

Information on Grammar School places including qualifying and waiting list scores can be found on our website at:

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No. Places No. Non-Selective Schools Last On time Offer Made To Available Offers NORTH 210 210 Criteria 5 up to a distance of 2.54 miles

Kingsbury School 126 126 Criteria 5 up to a distance of 3.037 miles

The Polesworth School 224 224 Criteria 5 up to a distance of 1.432 miles

The Queen Elizabeth Academy 120 120 Criteria 5 up to a distance of 4.784 miles


Ash Green School 177 177 Criteria 5 up to a distance of 1.227 miles * 120 120 Criteria other children up to a distance of 2.068 miles The George Eliot School 190 190 All applicants offered including unplaced 210 210 Criteria 5 up to a distance of 1.536 miles

Higham Lane School 246 246 Criteria 5 up to a distance of 1.142 miles

The Academy * 210 167 All applicants offered including unplaced Nicholas Chamberlaine School 300 235 All applicants offered including unplaced

St. Thomas More Catholic School and 156 156 Other Non-Catholic Children up to a distance of 0.281 miles. Sixth Form College *


Ashlawn School (Non-Selective) * 226 226 Applicants living in the priority area up to a distance of 0.949 miles

The And 220 220 Criteria 3 up to a distance of 1.697 miles Performing Arts College * * 210 178 All applicants offered including unplaced

Harris C of E Academy * 182 182 All applicants offered including unplaced

Rugby Free Secondary School 180 178 All applicants offered including unplaced

CENTRAL and Sixth Form 206 203 All applicants offered including unplaced College Campion School 155 146 All applicants offered including unplaced Kenilworth School and Sports College 270 270 Criteria 5 up to a distance of 3.953 miles 275 275 Criteria 5 up to a distance of 2.032 miles 240 240 Criteria 5 up to a distance of 1.720 miles 270 270 Criteria 5 up to a distance of 6.184 miles

Trinity Catholic School 150 121 All applicants offered including unplaced

2 of 3 SOUTH 130 130 Criteria 5 up to a distance of 9.456 miles

Henley-in-Arden School 150 150 All applicants offered including unplaced offers

Kineton High School 150 150 Criteria 5 up to a distance of 6.498 miles

Shipston High School 120 119 All applicants offered including unplaced

St. Benedict's Catholic High School 140 140 Other Non-Catholic Children up to a distance 10.993 miles

Stratford-Upon-Avon School 290 243 All applicants offered including unplaced

Studley High School 150 133 All applicants offered including unplaced This information is based on offers made on 1 March 2017

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