Anna Freud Centre Kantor Centre of Excellence 4-8 Rodney Street London N1 9JH T: +44 (0)20Document 7794 2313 Version X E:
[email protected] Mental Health Awareness Training in Secondary Schools XX.XX.2016 Below is a list of all schools in alphabetical order that are eligible for the free Mental Health Awareness Training (MHAT). To find out if you are eligible please search the list below by the name of your school. Each setting can send up to two members of staff on the training. The first two years of the three year programme were delivered by Mental Health First Aid England (2017 - 2018). We are delighted to have been commissioned to deliver the third and final year of this Mental Health Awareness Training (MHAT) training programme. This one-day training will be freely available to those schools who: 1) Have not yet received Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training in 2017 – 2018 and 2) Are identified as secondary, middle deemed secondary, all through and sixth form colleges The training will run from September 2019 to March 2020. If your school is eligible and you wish to book onto the training, please email
[email protected] Educational settings eligible for Mental Health Awareness Training Establishment Name Street Town County (name) Postcode Abbey Grange Church of England Academy Butcher Hill Leeds West Yorkshire LS165EA Abbeyfield School Mereway Northampton Northamptonshire NN48BU Abbeywood Community School New Road Bristol BS348SF Abbot Beyne School Linnell Building Burton-on-Trent Staffordshire DE150JL Academy