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y.\\SSED ~y THE LEGlSL.IlT\Jl\~


Published agreeably to Resolve of June £8, le£.

POR 'PL.!lND :



AN AC'.r to Incorporate the Bath Steam Mill Company,

SECT, 1. it enacted by the Senate and House of 1'e ...OllS illCO>'- Representatives -in Legislature assembled, That James :M'Lel­ I)orated, lan, Ebenezel' Clap, Aaron Tyler, Charles Clapp, Seth Trufant, with their associates and successors, be, and they hereby are incorporated into a body politic by the name of the Bath Steam Mill Company; with power to sue and be sued; to have a common seal and to chang'e the same; to make any bye-laws for the management of their affairs not repugnant to the laws of this State; to erect any steam mill or mills within this State on their premises and to apply steam power in such ways, and fOl' such purposes at their m~]]s, as they nray hold real & may judge propel'; and to take, hold and possess such real personal.,tate, d ! I b i' bl' I'd an persona estate as lllay e necessary lor esta IS llng an carrying on the mills, machinery, and business of the corpo­ ration, and as shall be actually used and employed therefor: nt,?t eXlceedrilllogo Pl'ovided, Snch real estate shall not exceed the value of one ucva 0 I~ 000 dols.oreach. hundred thousand dollars, and such personal estate shall not exceed the valne of one hundred thousand dollars; and with power to give, grant, bargain and sell, or lease the same; and to choose a President, Treasllrer, Secretary and sllch other officers and agents as they may deem necessary, Shal'r, not 10 ex· SECT, 2, Be it jtwther enacted, That the stock and estate each,ceed 250 dolial's 0 f Sal'd corporatIOn'I s la II b e eI' IVI 'd eel' II1tO s IJares, not exceeeI' ll1g the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars each; certificates of' which shall be which shall issue under the seal of the corporation and be l)ersonall)'stnte, • ' • ~ , signed by the President and Tl'easurer thereof, and said shares shall be deemed and taken to be personal estate and may be and may he transferred, by an assignment thereof in writing on the back of transferred by assignment ill the certificate of such share signed by the assigner in the pres­ writing. ence of one subscribing witness, and recorded by the Secretary Shares may be of the Corporation; and said corporation, or its ofiieers duly assessed, authorized by its bye-laws may make assessments upon the shares subscribed for, for the purpose of effecting the objects of the corporation: Provided, The whole amount of the )1ot exceeding assessments on each share shall not exceed the Sllm of fifty ~a~·~~s.on each dollars, after deducting the amount of any dividends previ­ ously declared thereon; or may at any time increase their fllnds for the purpose aforesaid, by creating new shares, and 011': sha ... to disposing of the same: and at any meeting of said corpora- €uhtled to one , f II vote, nnd one tlOlI, eac I1 propnetor ' 0 a s h are s]a I be entlt'I ee I to one vote, :~~ :~diti~~~l and to one vote for every two additional shares he may own: ohms. P.rovided, That no one proprietor shall be elltitled to more than fifteen votes; and every proprietor may vote by proxy duly comtitnted ill writing under his hand. HARTLAND AND ATHENS, 39

SECT, 3, Be it fwrtlw1' enactell, That when any proprie- Exooutor,,&c. ~f . I 11 d' d f I I ,. 'd ,deceasect 1'1'01'1'1- tor S la Ie possesse 0 any S lare or S Jares 111 sal corporatIOn, etors entitleu to his executor, administrator or devisee, upon producing to the new mtificalos. Pt'esident and TreasUl'' of said corpot'ation, such deceased propl'ietors certificate or certificates, shall be entitled to receive a new certificate of such shares,,.executed as aforesaid; and such executor or administrator may sell and convey the same at auction, observing the forms prescribed by law for the sale of shares in corporations when taken in execution, as fal' as the same are applicable. . SEc'r. 4. Be it further enacted, That the persons who Stocl

AN ACT to set off a part of tbe town of Hartland, and annex tbe same to the town of Athens.

BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That, that part of the town of Hart- :~l?t'~~~ oOJ tlte land, included in the following limits, to wit: beginning at the northwest corner of said Hartland, and running south on the town line, to a stream running fro111 a pond in the northeast cornel' of COl'l1ville, into Moose Pond; lhence easterly by said