

Februar}' 2, 1960

TH"B C0!1L"iWN" C01J?'fCIL OF THJ~ CI'l'Y OJ!' B.1.iOON!.lNtxTON, IND.wlJ\Ul, met in Council Chambers in Cj.ty Hall, on Tuesaa.y, February 2, 1960, at the hour :r seven-tlurty-o'c!ock {7:30 P.1r. o.s.T.) in reg,111<'.r session with Mayor Thos. L. Lemon presiding. l!Iembers present: Chitwood, Peace, Graves, Stikeleather, Faucett, and Ma,rxson. !,{embers absent: Sili::.

Councilman Gra:ves opened the meeting 1vi th , prayer. Councilman Graves moved, seconded by Councilman Peace that the minutes of the last regular meeting or January 19, 1960 approved as submitted to each ind1vidual councilman; motion unuimously carried.

Councl.lma,n Graves presented Ordina,nce No.' 4,, 1960 for second' reading an.ct moved., seconded by Councilman Pea,ce that Orctinance No. 4, 196op be reaii by title only." Uponca roll call vote the motion was unanimously ca,rried. After second reacling by t1 tle only, Councilman Graves moved, ~~·"~~.1 seconded by Councilman Ch1twood. that Ordinance No. 4, 1960 be daly adop·tecl. Upon a :roll call vote, Ordin?-nce No. 4, 1960 was unanimously ~'}.'._ adopted. ·~:t' , Council man Graves presented Ordin

" Your committee has had under consideration the matter of the licensing of vending machines, Ordinance No. 1, 1931, Sec. 13; and Ordinance No. 8, 1947, and sul:Jmi ts its :report and recmmnenda;tton <1,s fol .tows:

We have examined statutes,' especially Ch. 129, Sec. 53, .Acts of 1905, which ::}Utho:rize c:i. ties to 1 iceuse, tax, aml :regulate various kinds of t ~ades, employments, activities, !'laeh:Lnes, devices, and places.

There is uo doubt in_ou:r minds tllB,t the city has authority' ·to license, tax or :regule, places, machines, or devices for sports, games, entertauunent, and :related activiillies but seriously 1loubt whether this city o:r !J,ny oth :r city in the state is authorized by s-tatute to 1¥'1ry special license fees o:r taxes on all the other kinds of vendors o:r vending machtnes included in the above cited o:rdim,nces.

Your commi ·ttee, the:ref ore, :recommends that the City Attorney l: instructed to prepare ordinances to accomplish the following purposes:

1. To repeal Seoi>ion lJ of O:nlinance i'fo• 1, 19Jl1J1, and OrdI nance No. 8 1947.

2. To require that machines or devices used for ent(~:rtainment, amuse­ ment, and the like shall be :reported to the Chief of Police.

We see no immediate need fen· add:i. t;_onal 1:egulatory or taxing measures. If in the future, ci:rcmnstancos seem ·to warrant such meai:m.:res, we recommenc that the Counc:i.l consHle:r enacting an o:rdim1nce p:&1ma:rily for regul- ation rather than for raising :revenue. Respectfully st1hmi tted, S/ Hilbert H. Graves S/ ]'forhert Peace S/ Pressly S. Sikes, Ch2,irman

Councill!lan Graves moved the adoption of the above ~ommittee :report~ motion unanimously carr2e1l. J'C

The following report was given by Attorney HoreAJe R. Karsell :i.n behalf of his client,, Mx. Clin,ton Boothe owner of Va.lhalla Memoqi Ga;rdens: '. PROl>,OSE.l.l cAGIIBl'::illli1~T Roads instde Cemetery: • Ro~ds existing at time of this ag;reement' are to be maintv,ined at present '!'!Hi.th and COlll!JOSi ti on. New roads will be 20 feet in width and will be constructed of a 6 inch crushed. stone base. and 2 inches of blaclc top11ing. Blacl{ ·topping wiJ.l be applied to the o:rusl1ed stone hase with 2 years or after the crushed stone base he,s settled. There 1vill be a new entry t~ Valhalla Cemete:ry opening onto Johnson. Road a,n<'J. a ro!'ld, on cemetery land, connecttng Joimsou Road with the other roadwa.ys :l.n ·the ceme-te:ry., This new entry :road will conform to specifi­ cations 13et, out herein for new road.s within the Cemetery ar.P. w1ll completed a.nd :rea,ily fol: use by October 1, 1960 •.

Development of npw arev,s ' for interment will be in

Drainage of Surface Water: It is ag:ree•.l tlu.1,t'Valhalla Memory Gardens "will be maintained in'' such a way that ·there will be no surface water or pools on pud.fUes standtng to interfere with visitors to developed portions o:r the cemetery.

The Cemetery a,grees to employ p, full time ca.retairnr of its cemetery. , The Cemetery ·will· eliT;1inat(;l all i;:ovenan·!;s which a:1,'e restrictive of the use of its cemetery lots by persons of any particular race o:r, covir, as a,ppl ied to gardens cleveloped in the future. Howeve:r • the Oo:rpo:rati on i;;hall have the, :rigl;rt to, •.-elop areas or gardens for use by any speia,l o:r religious· or. fraternal organizR:t:j.ons for whom. it may desire. ExampHrn of" such organizat:j.ons e,nd '.feli.gious groups a:re tl;l.e Roman Catholics, The ~k"sonic O:rcle:rs, :!)he Eagles and the Elks f:ra,ternal organizations, for . whom this Corpo:ra,tion already has provided space. Sa.l.e of lots in these areas will he, :rest1·icted to members qf the pa:ri;im1l<>,:r o:rganizat1on. In·terll!ents therein 'Nill be made only for such menbe:rs

5125' _...,. • on,,. for "'iDP-1°C": "<.-"; ••.,,, suace"..L \ ... $110.00 for 2 or more spaces

SectiQn K - "Devotion Gard." (This garden is fully platted, ful I dev­ eloped lawn, fully lanclscaped ana. has a large :religious a,rt feature con­ _sistlng of e,n opeu .Bible of Ca:rra:ra marble on a decoreoi;i base o:f stone !1 in tI1e qenter)" ?5. 00 per spe"ce (75fo sold)

Section J' - "Chrlstus Garden" (fully platted, first year la,wn, will be fully landscaped. in spr of 1960, has a life _size Carrara, marble s-ta,tue of Christ in ·the center of garden) $150. 00 spa,ce - 22.5 see sched:.le Section q - ":Masonic G-arden" restricted to Masons ,a,nd thE.dr families. (fully platted, first year lawn, will he fully lam1scapllld by fall of 1961) 50. 00 per space i;o 225 see schedule ':.1 j)_

Undeveloped Land:

Fo:ra period of 10 years from the date o:f' this agreement, Valhalla. will have spo.ces available for burial at not :more timn $150. oo each. City shall have no oontrol over prices so long as they are below base m prices~ '.l'he base price o:f all hu:riaJ. spaces, eJrnept in the "illld Tradit:lona! ~'onument S·ection", shall automatically, without City Council approval, increase i11 accoriln,:r1oe '\Vi tJ1 the follo;;ving sch.ed11iee

$150 per space until Garden i~ 75% sold out

:kl 7< ner4 spr;,ce .un"ti 1 Garden is 80% soHt out n n n 1'~ r;,;50/ ·n u $z00 " O~, ,a ;µ;:::tf>·n2I.., :.J " :H J;J U ~~ 100% :n IH Until a new Gft,:nlen is developed ic.nd ready for iirtermen:t, there w:il 1 be spac es a:vaU.ahle oot need {at death) in <>,n a.l:ready developed f~a.:rden for ;~150 lJase p1~icf~ C\>"(;n t11ot1gJ1 p1~1ce incre~'1ses are ii1 e~ffec"t i.n accord.ar1ce v.ri tl1 t11e a11ov~e scJ1ed.r1le.

"F""i Th~e is no :requirement that 1r:raves haYe any ma:rke1·s of

·'!!.~2t §pcq,lf.Jcat:i,gns for marke:r_fiJJ:JL~e:rn sec·ti..QJl ~t To preserve uniform beauty all memorialiZ>3otion ili the modern section must he tl1e tJ'J1e uf' nu:;1DoriaJization s1Jecifiec~ for ttu3 partictila:r

),femnrialization for the mmle:rn garden section:; is specif:i.ecl 1J.s follows:

t\ 1Jror1ze 1ttar1:c{~I' set 011 a" grs.;J.i te basee frtrni-sl'led for vet0rans by the U, government may be exempted from hei:n·0; set

or•- g<'a'ri;::.~· ~·1'-. ~ "te ,. ·

Tlte l>ronze u1arire:r is to ir1eet t11e fol 1ovr"ir1g s1JecificB.,tions:

'fhe ma1·lce:e mu~rt lJ

letters, nume:ra,ls, o:rmi,menta:tion and insignia mu.st he liand , nely buf1'ed and high11ghted, Be,ck:g:rouml2 mus'b he o:t' sculptured "texture :'.ier approvec1. sample C'll!l1lete:r;1' office. Baclc- gound· is to be finished in statmi:ry bronze 00101~, secured, by entirely chenrica1 n1ea./.t1s "t;luoL1f;l1 "tl1f7 formation of c1trJress ozi1ie and_ cu11ric oxide on. tJJ.e }Jttckgrouncl sl11·fa,ce~ l'i<) s11lp111i:te, TIJJr go1Cten imo11ey·, 11o:r Ii·vex of' st1l:pJ1ur, i1or pain·tecl 11o:r pigme11ted ltircL1uer fi11ishes c~J:re to be used in the proel.uction o:t' the marker.

E'"1ct1 mari:ee:r nrugt l.H'J _case 1vi tl-i integral f)osses on the TJacr.c in l.ocatio11.s spec:i.ficed b y the Cemetery. The bosses nml~t be ll:rillecl and tc~pped. to recei.\"e tlrr.ee eigl'rts i11ches diame"te:r ttnc11or 1·ugs of lrrass or 1Jronze~ 'rhe i:mcho:r lugs, washers anrl nuts must be ied to the Cemete:ry '.Vt tl:_ tl1e n1Etrlr.:.

The a .. 1 lo;;r of tl1e 11!~1rker ehaJ.l consist of: !'Tot less than bl/'ori,..,.,,-

l\To·t less t·han 5% tin c Jfot more than 2-~J}d l'ifot rr.c~~re t112vn 5% zinc ltl1 ot11e1~ e1tt.;1ne11tis; it1 total TIO"t 110 cxceec1

G:rr.:n.i te bt1.,f?€:S for bronze marker

The grv~nite 1nt1st sound, a:::iti. free of" any 2,pparont de:teci;s. One side m'ttst fJe gcn.1nCL p·o1ished to ct sn1ooth gloss finislJ~ gr.s~11.i te lilts "t 'be t:iar f':fi -to rece:f:~re p1·oper t11e t111·et~ eigJ:rtl1 i11ct1 a11cl101· 111gs gr; J-1'1;<;;;-",,-- t"'·to ]J"O.,,..,,.,,!" ll'l'"'_;.,.n'\>:> 't··1r..:: ~ii f.J.tj,. ·fe·1- +"'~l"''"" n t ·i O'J:l"Fl~·nc o:r tl£_e .:.-;v ll;_,__::.t;"~' 1..'(::.:; t 'e i;l1.e g:r2~.r1i te ll.rust JJl.~ovide a lJ01"Ci.e:r of ·tivo inclte8 011 ec"cl1. of' t11e si.ct.es anct e11cts of' ·the ti1a,1•J£er "tl1e Clirnensions o:t -tb~e grarli te must i'Je f'ou:r incJ1es

:m9 longer B>!~t1 four 'ir1cl1es '\Vitler "tb_a)ri t11 e 1ua:rlce:r 0 T11e ;g;ra:r1t te n1ust be a minin:um o:r t1yo and on e h2d.f inches in thickness a,:rn:t of a color c1.lilfined as or its equ:i.va1en.t. Installa;tion <'md liiJ1,indations

' All memorials shEtll }Jo instaL! th.e *3'.f3'°, 011. conc1$ei1e fo11nclc1.t1,·11>i.<:::: b6uil t by the Cemetery, at the cost of the owner. If the mcmori.al is purchased through the Cemetery, the insta.U.atJ.on charge ancl continua,1 C!""re charge shall be included in the purchase price, The installa,t1.on c1w.:rge shall be 10¢ per squa.rc inch of bfonze sm:face and the continual cot:re charge sha,11 be h;(~ !;or squh·e inch of bronze surface for suc11 1112'-'rl<:e:r:. If the memoria.1. is pu:rcl:mserl from au outsJ.cte agent and is approved by tl,1e Cen1eter:sr, tl~.e cllEtl"gies for insta,J..1a:tion a;r:1ct contint1a,1 ca.:re sha.11 ·t11e sa:rne a,s e,bove eJr1d. a_,1 I sttc11 cI1argee s11al 1 ~lJe pP,,id to -th.e Ce·n1etery i·n aA:lv·a,nce of ins·tal11,ng sucl1 u1e111o:rial*

PrlcQJi_of 1'1Q.lll.Ql:j&lz

Lily :Design Price List il t Iie (:;Jl Pr i c~. 1. Lily No. :t - Inca vi dual 1 {" f;f '00 TI:i:onze " x 7" mounted ,_p ~)@ 24" x 12 gre,nl 1JrLSC

1 2~ ]~ily :~0$ 2 = 1! amily 1femmria_,l:t $ 25u. 00 Ilronze :;2-n x ·8~~H 1nour1tecl on 36" x 13" granite ba,se (without 'fai!n11e)

3. ~i1'jr No,, 3 - (Jo1n.pan:ionate ~; 325. 00 Bronze 32 u x 84o 11 n1ounteC1. ort ~- 36" x 13" g:ra,nite liase. liaw two sc:roU.s. (without Vi'l.se)

LJ,. Lily No. 4- - infr,,nt BroI.tZ(-'; on gl"fJ'111t te ,,,~'-' 9"_l@ 0 0

Q' I. Qti 00 5. Lily l'l'o. 5 - Comp

Tl1e p.rices inclmle an installa;J.;i.on charge ' l u¢ per square inch of a~ n1~:.in.tenance che_,rf!:e o·f 1Jr on~~e a.na ,, ,_,.' 1u¢ per square inch of bronze.

If ~11 e fn,rail~t '~~;JJ.ts a. I'le1no:rial la,rger or m.ore or1i.a:te; tl1svn: a.ilJove, i;hen they may obtfJ,i.n thefu but prices will be set the Cemetery.

1Xeth<)Cl for Inc;:r·east11g Ii1~1ce8:

'I1l1e Y}Xices of· bu1lial r:rDf:1,ces a,nd ruen1oria,Is or 1na,rke:rs tts h{'.:j:fein set 011t arc base prices to be effective D,s o:i:' tr,,e o.ate of this <'greement. At 'yea.:rly in·tc:rva,ls from -the elate o:r ·thj.s agreement the Cemetery shall have i>he right to increase ;:iricos above the base pl'j,ces by a percentage equal to the percentage of increase in the n.r.• s. :!.ndex above the index as of the de,t of this ag;reement. The Cemetery sl1<;,ll aJ.so have the right to increase the p:r:i.ce of memorials or markers hy the Emme :rcenta, the cost of same to the ci:.,metery increv,ees.

Any inm:eases t\hove the base pr:!.ceB other than ·those incro1:1,ses he:reim:i,fi!lree provided for may be made only af·te:r pe:r·mission gI:a,nted by the Common Council of the City of Bloomington ancl the Council e,g:rees to act on the C!!emetery' r; i.tion for "' price increz1se ?."t the meeting following that at which the petition is presentecl.

If the:re is a decrease in the B.I•• s. Index or i:i:' there is a decrease in the cost of the Cel);letery o:i:' memorials o:r ma:dce:rs, then, _if the Cemetery h as im::irea,sed. its p:rtces because of inc:re2.scs in the n.r,.s. Imlex or cost·of memorials or makke:rs, the Cemetery will reduce its prices proportion­ a,tely to the 1Iec:re

any o:r the costs o:r of the cemete:r~' ope:ra:tton a:re inc:rerie,ed C1..11e to t11e enei,ct1nent of a.ny 11e1v la... ~v, s11clt t1,,s a. 11ev:r lav1 rer..1ui:ci:r1£· 11m:re than the present :requLretl, ~5% o:r p:r:l.ce o:f si:moss to be depoE

M:r. Bootlte w:Ul sell Valhalla,, dlt:ring the first yee.:r if he defaults for $150, coo. 00, plus net ea,:r11ings of corporation f:rom elate o:t' agree­ ment to date o:r sa1e.

After 11 yea:r from date of agreement, sale p:n.ce J;e se·t be 3 recognizEH:l, competent• expe:riencfJcl cemetery appre,ise:rs, l to be chosen by VaJ.haJ.la Memory Gardens, 1 by the City and the Jrd by the first t'\vo a)lJI.Jra.. i.Sers.


All interested parties willing_ to a,cqniesm? in agreement between City ancl Ve_,111_ all a.,.

"f""'i I"("\ "'-~'""' Jolin Tra,,b-uJ3 o:t TraTJTJ.e l11ionu1nent \l'fo:r1i:'.s, Heray· J. B. Ar1Cl.rev:rs, a,n(J. P,.n_ ex .i11te:resi;Bcl ci tize11 a1)pca,r.ecl ct-tr tl1e 1necti11g in connection vri tl':t tliec ~ proposed. cemetery a,g:reement.

'Phe following was :received hy ,Mayor Lemon: c c February 2, 1960• Bloorni1'lgton, India11a

iro 1111:IB 1'Li:~·~ro11 _1tND TI-IE C0Jtl.IYL((0i COUI\fCIL OF CI'l'Y 0.0 BLOOi1Hl'lHTON, INJHAN!l.


This is to ac!_vise you that e,ll bills in connection v,,ith the oonst:ruct:i.on of the water matns by Church Lane Water Line CompP"ny, Inc., on which construction finanoial assistance 1ms given l:Jy the City of Bloomington, have been pa.id in fuJ 1, and there is enclosed herewith the chec1c 01· the Corpo:ration jtrn·!; referred to macle pa,yal:He to City o:!:' Bloomington, Inuie,na, fo:r the sum o:I:' $2, 500. oo. The amoun1; of the enclosed check :rep:resents the surplus 11thich wa,s not need.eel for construct ion purposes through llecembe:r Jl, 1959. 'I'he Corporation sttl 1 has on ha.nfl. a, snml l hahmce which, it is assumed., during the :remainder of 1960, will be add.<)d to by hook-on fees. During the month of J'2,nua:ry, 1961, aduit:i.ona,l functs will be SfJnt to the City by the 6orporation.

On l:JehELlf of Church Lane Water Oompan:y, Inc. e,nct the people who <'-re benefiting l:Jy water se1·vice f:rom tlre water lines const:ructect it, I wci,nt to thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Church Lane Water Li!le Comp

Very truly yours, S/ Elinore J. Murphj Treasurer, Church Lane We;ter I1ine Compa:ny, Inc.

lifayo:r Lemon p:resentect the following petition which was read to Bm•trd of Public works 8: Safet;1' iovt thej.r meeting, Februa,:ry 1, 1960:

TO THE BO.ARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AmJ COJ11H0N _QpUNClJ, O,i;' THE crn: OF BLOOMINGTOi' We, the unde:rsignecl, own rea,l estate and :reside in the a:rea between South Henderson Street which bo:nlers on Brym1 Park and Washington Street.

A natural ditch wl11cl1 has its origin in i;he eastern parts 01 Maxwell runs through'' Bryan l'ark and in a Sou:thweste:ily di:rect1on through our property. Since so mamu streets Jµl,ve been paved in the Maxwell Manor's area and na:!;ure,l vegetation removed, we flnd that this stream is much more likely to overflow 1:;,nd to be more unsightly than it was :i.n former years. lie :respectfully request the City Administration to give considerati,on to ~enclosing this stream and drainage way between Henderson Street and Washington Street. Signed by 57 citizens. ,The· following petition was 'received as follows: We the undersigned property owners of the City of Bloomington petition his honor 1 The Mayor & Common Counc11• to give serious consideration to the drainage problem as affecting PJ:'ope:rties atl.;loining Davis St. & rilo:rton Street & south to ·the City Limits. These are now ine,dequate to fa'Lke care of surface we,·te:r an.d are causing damage. Signed by 17 citizens. Annual repor.ts for 195:J .were :rece.i vea. from The Aviation Board, Fire Dept., Water .uept., Hea1th Dept. St:reet,Dil;pt. amt Ci·ty Court and placed on file. Reports for the month of January, 1960 were received e,nd p.l.aced on file from the Street Dept., Plumbing Inspector, and Water Dept.

Councilman Chitwood moveo., second.en by Councilman Peace th.at the elaims presented for payment February 3, 1)160 be <1,llowed a.s suhmftted; motion unanimous.l.y carried.

Counc1.l.man 1Iarxson moved, seconded by Councilman S.tikeleather ·that the taxi cab license app.l.1ca:tion of Guy Miller d/b/a Ca;mpus Cab Corqpany be approved. and licenses issued; motion m1animous!y carri / Meeting adjourned. __;,.~---·7\ __ ·----?~,"' -r-_,/·/J _,/ <"-._. ·- _- ·1 • 1 1 i ·! . ' ;I / i1_-'_! ! II ,J; I/;. ..'.--.-·,,£;.'" !' 2t ' 71 ·--··

ATr:L1EST: / l'r~ri.~i ~~{/ f':I'. fi·oer · (Cl " -::. '--'/·Ii \ \