![Hilbert H. Graves S/ ]'Forhert Peace S/ Pressly S](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Ji REG'UIJ~R MEE'l'II~G Februar}' 2, 1960 TH"B C0!1L"iWN" C01J?'fCIL OF THJ~ CI'l'Y OJ!' B.1.iOON!.lNtxTON, IND.wlJ\Ul, met in the Council Chambers in Cj.ty Hall, on Tuesaa.y, February 2, 1960, at the hour o:r seven-tlurty-o'c!ock {7:30 P.1r. o.s.T.) in reg,111<'.r session with Mayor Thos. L. Lemon presiding. l!Iembers present: Chitwood, Peace, Graves, Stikeleather, Faucett, and Ma,rxson. !,{embers absent: Sili::es. Councilman Gra:ves opened the meeting 1vi th a, prayer. Councilman Graves moved, seconded by Councilman Peace that the minutes of the last regular meeting or January 19, 1960 be approved as submitted to each ind1vidual councilman; motion unuimously carried. Councl.lma,n Graves presented Ordina,nce No.' 4,, 1960 for second' reading an.ct moved., seconded by Councilman Pea,ce that Orctinance No. 4, 196op be reaii by title only." Uponca roll call vote the motion was unanimously ca,rried. After second reacling by t1 tle only, Councilman Graves moved, ~~·"~~.1 seconded by Councilman Ch1twood. that Ordinance No. 4, 1960 be daly adop·tecl. Upon a :roll call vote, Ordin?-nce No. 4, 1960 was unanimously ~'}.'._ adopted. ·~:t' , Council man Graves presented Ordin<u1.:ie No. 5, 1960 for second. reading and moved, seconde;i by Councilinan Pei1ce that Ordinance 7fo. 5, 1960 be gi,ven second i·eading ~yti tle only. Upon a :roll ca.i.l vote the moti on unanimously carried. After second readrng by title only, Councilman Graves moved, seconded by Councilman Peace that Ordinance No. 5, 1960 be duly arloptett. Upon a roll ca1l vote, Ordinance No. 5, 1960 was unanimously adopted. Counciiman C+raves presented the following Committee report on Vendi ng Machine Licenses: " Your committee has had under consideration the matter of the licensing of vending machines, Ordinance No. 1, 1931, Sec. 13; and Ordinance No. 8, 1947, and sul:Jmi ts its :report and recmmnenda;tton <1,s fol .tows: We have examined statutes,' especially Ch. 129, Sec. 53, .Acts of 1905, which ::}Utho:rize c:i. ties to 1 iceuse, tax, aml :regulate various kinds of t ~ades, employments, activities, !'laeh:Lnes, devices, and places. There is uo doubt in_ou:r minds tllB,t the city has authority' ·to license, tax or :regule,te places, machines, or devices for sports, games, entertauunent, and :related activiillies but we seriously 1loubt whether this city o:r !J,ny oth e:r city in the state is authorized by s-tatute to 1¥'1ry special license fees o:r taxes on all the other kinds of vendors o:r vending machtnes included in the above cited o:rdim,nces. Your commi ·ttee, the:ref ore, :recommends that the City Attorney l:Je instructed to prepare ordinances to accomplish the following purposes: 1. To repeal Seoi>ion lJ of O:nlinance i'fo• 1, 19Jl1J1, and OrdI nance No. 8 1947. 2. To require that machines or devices used for ent(~:rtainment, amuse­ ment, and the like shall be :reported to the Chief of Police. We see no immediate need fen· add:i. t;_onal 1:egulatory or taxing measures. If in the future, ci:rcmnstancos seem ·to warrant such meai:m.:res, we recommenc that the Counc:i.l consHle:r enacting an o:rdim1nce p:&1ma:rily for regul- ation rather than for raising :revenue. Respectfully st1hmi tted, S/ Hilbert H. Graves S/ ]'forhert Peace S/ Pressly S. Sikes, Ch2,irman Councill!lan Graves moved the adoption of the above ~ommittee :report~ motion unanimously carr2e1l. w J'C The following report was given by Attorney HoreAJe R. Karsell :i.n behalf of his client,, Mx. Clin,ton Boothe owner of Va.lhalla Memoqi Ga;rdens: '. PROl>,OSE.l.l cAGIIBl'::illli1~T Roads instde Cemetery: • Ro~ds existing at time of this ag;reement' are to be maintv,ined at present '!'!Hi.th and COlll!JOSi ti on. New roads will be 20 feet in width and will be constructed of a 6 inch crushed. stone base. and 2 inches of blaclc top11ing. Blacl{ ·topping wiJ.l be applied to the o:rusl1ed stone hase with 2 years or after the crushed stone base he,s settled. There 1vill be a new entry t~ Valhalla Cemete:ry opening onto Johnson. Road a,n<'J. a ro!'ld, on cemetery land, connecttng Joimsou Road with the other roadwa.ys :l.n ·the ceme-te:ry., This new entry :road will conform to specifi­ cations 13et, out herein for new road.s within the Cemetery ar.P. w1ll completed a.nd :rea,ily fol: use by October 1, 1960 •. Development of npw arev,s ' for interment will be in <M;co:rdance with the :recommendations of a, qualified., capa,b~e landscape e,:rchiteot and civil engineer. The landscape architect and civil engineer are ·to .. be chosen by the Cemetery. The landscape a:rchi tect presell'tly employe1l is Glen Jensen of Indianapolis. tie is a gre,dtmte of a school of architecture, which I pelieve is Iowa University. His services are desired in the future in order to maintain continu:i. ty o:r design already estalHished. Drainage of Surface Water: It is ag:ree•.l tlu.1,t'Valhalla Memory Gardens "will be maintained in'' such a way that ·there will be no surface water or pools on pud.fUes standtng to interfere with visitors to developed portions o:r the cemetery. The Cemetery a,grees to employ p, full time ca.retairnr of its cemetery. , The Cemetery ·will· eliT;1inat(;l all i;:ovenan·!;s which a:1,'e restrictive of the use of its cemetery lots by persons of any particular race o:r, covir, as a,ppl ied to gardens cleveloped in the future. Howeve:r • the Oo:rpo:rati on i;;hall have the, :rigl;rt to, de•.-elop areas or gardens for use by any speia,l o:r religious· or. fraternal organizR:t:j.ons for whom. it may desire. ExampHrn of" such organizat:j.ons e,nd '.feli.gious groups a:re tl;l.e Roman Catholics, The ~k"sonic O:rcle:rs, :!)he Eagles and the Elks f:ra,ternal organizations, for . whom this Corpo:ra,tion already has provided space. Sa.l.e of lots in these areas will he, :rest1·icted to members qf the pa:ri;im1l<>,:r o:rganizat1on. In·terll!ents therein 'Nill be made only for such menbe:rs <Fiia their fall!ilil!ls. Sales Promotion: Base: Present Prices $ 97.5u preneed $i50.oo at death SelU.ng Prices: I!). Sections B, D, Ef F, G, &_H {Traditional Monument SectHn:is) 5125' _...,. • on,,. for "'iDP-1°C": "<.-"; ••.,,, suace"..L \ ... $110.00 for 2 or more spaces SectiQn K - "Devotion Gard.en" (This garden is fully platted, ful I dev­ eloped lawn, fully lanclscaped ana. has a large :religious a,rt feature con­ _sistlng of e,n opeu .Bible of Ca:rra:ra marble on a decoreoi;i ve base o:f stone !1 in tI1e qenter)" ?5. 00 per spe"ce (75fo sold) Section J' - "Chrlstus Garden" (fully platted, first year la,wn, will be fully landscaped. in spr of 1960, has a life _size Carrara, marble s-ta,tue of Christ in ·the center of garden) $150. 00 spa,ce - 22.5 see sched:u.le Section q - ":Masonic G-arden" restricted to Masons ,a,nd thE.dr families. (fully platted, first year lawn, will he fully lam1scapllld by fall of 1961) 50. 00 per space i;o 225 see schedule ':.1 j)_ Undeveloped Land: Fo:ra period of 10 years from the date o:f' this agreement, Valhalla. will have spo.ces available for burial at not :more timn $150. oo each. City shall have no oontrol over prices so long as they are below base m prices~ '.l'he base price o:f all hu:riaJ. spaces, eJrnept in the "illld Tradit:lona! ~'onument S·ection", shall automatically, without City Council approval, increase i11 accoriln,:r1oe '\Vi tJ1 the follo;;ving sch.ed11iee $150 per space until Garden i~ 75% sold out :kl 7< ner4 spr;,ce .un"ti 1 Garden is 80% soHt out n n n 1'~ r;,;50/ ·n u $z00 " O~, ,a ;µ;:::tf>·n2I.., :.J " :H J;J U ~~ 100% :n IH Until a new Gft,:nlen is developed ic.nd ready for iirtermen:t, there w:il 1 be spac es a:vaU.ahle oot need {at death) in <>,n a.l:ready developed f~a.:rden for ;~150 lJase p1~icf~ C\>"(;n t11ot1gJ1 p1~1ce incre~'1ses are ii1 e~ffec"t i.n accord.ar1ce v.ri tl1 t11e a11ov~e scJ1ed.r1le. "F""i Th~e is no :requirement that 1r:raves haYe any ma:rke1·s of <MJY kina. but when u1a:rlce:r:3 ar(~; ·u.sed. ·th.f~Y 1?n1st n1eet t11e follo\v1ng s1Jec;ificatio11s: ·'!!.~2t §pcq,lf.Jcat:i,gns for marke:r_fiJJ:JL~e:rn sec·ti..QJl ~t To preserve uniform beauty all memorialiZ>3otion ili the modern section must he tl1e tJ'J1e uf' nu:;1DoriaJization s1Jecifiec~ for ttu3 partictila:r <c:rea in which it is to he set ancl meet a.u. speoifications latoo:r set Oltt~ ),femnrialization for the mmle:rn garden section:; is specif:i.ecl 1J.s follows: t\ 1Jror1ze 1ttar1:c{~I' set 011 a" grs.;J.i te basee frtrni-sl'led for vet0rans by the U, government may be exempted from hei:n·0; set or•- g<'a'ri;::.~· ~·1'-.
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