
International Relations

House style guidelines

If you would like to discuss your paper prior to submission, or seek advice on the submission process please contact the Editorial Office at the address below:

The Editor, IR Office, Department of International Politics, , Penglais, Aberystwyth, , SY23 3FE, .

Tel: +44 (0) 1970 622387. Fax: +44 (0) 1970 621887. Email: [email protected]

Submission of an article to the Journal will be taken as indicating that the work is original, unpublished and not under consideration elsewhere in article or other form.

Biographical notes (50-100 words) should give current affiliation, research interests and recent publications.

Length. Normally, main articles should be 8-10,000 words, including footnotes. Lengths for review essays, replies to articles, forum contributions, etc. are by negotiation. As a guide, replies, forum and debating contributions should be 1-1,500 words, and review essays 3-4,000 words.

Please note that an abstract should be submitted with your article and should be between 100 and 150 words. A maximum of ten keywords should be submitted. See the SAGE Author Gateway page for more information on writing abstracts and selecting keywords.

English spelling should be used although American spelling is acceptable in articles from North America if used consistently. Please spell out numbers from one to nine and use figures for 10 and above except in tables. Indent all quotations of more than 50 words and make sure that all subheadings are clearly indicated. Dates should be in the form 14 May 2002. Take out the points in any abbreviation e.g. NATO. When referring to pagination and dates use the smallest number of numerals possible (e.g. 4-5, 14-15 but 24-9 and 124-39). Refer to 1978-85 and 20th century. Use single quotation marks and double marks inside single.

Subheadings. Contributors should include subheadings in articles to provide 'signposts' for readers. They should at the left-hand margin (not centred) with only the first word and any proper names capitalised. A lower level of subheadings should be numbered (i) (ii) etc. and italicised.

Tables. Each table should have an explanatory caption and be presented on a separate sheet at the end of the paper. Check that each table is cited in the text.

Figures. Each figure should have an explanatory caption and be presented on a separate sheet at the end of the paper. Check that each figure is cited in the text. If possible, figures should be supplied electronically as TIFF or EPS files but a clear paper copy is also needed. Computer generated tints and shading should be avoided as the seldom reproduce well; use cross-hatching instead. Line artwork supplied as hard copy should be ready for scanning and not need redrawing. Photographs (if justified) should preferably be black/white glossy prints or slides with good contrast. Reproduction

1 from colour prints or slides is possible but of less good quality. If in any doubt about the above please contact the Editorial Assistant.

Authors will receive proofs of their articles. Authors are responsible for proofing their work and obtaining permission from copyright holders where appropriate.

Copyright. SAGE require the author as the rights holder to to sign a Journal Contributor's Publishing Agreement for all articles we publish. SAGE's Journal Contributor's Publishing Agreement is a license agreement under which the author retains copyright in the work but grants SAGE the sole and exclusive right and license to publish for the full legal term of copyright.

Authors will be sent a pdf of their article for circulation.

The Editor reserves the right not to accept articles for consideration if they are not presented in the house style and at the appropriate length.

References and notes. Use endnotes as a referencing system listing authors as they name themselves. For example, use 'David Davies' if that is the name appearing as the author, not 'D. Davies' or 'Davies, D'.

Cite publications in the form of the following examples:

Basic Format for a Book

David Davies, An International Force (: Benn, 1932), p. 34.

Two or Three Authors

C.K. Webster and Sydney Herbert, The League of Nations in Theory and Practice (London: Allen & Unwin, 1933).

Edited Volume - One Editor

Brian Porter (ed.), The Aberystwyth Papers: International Politics, 1919-69 (London: University Press, 1972).

Edited Volume - Multiple Editors

Tim Dunne and Nicholas J. Wheeler (eds.), Human Rights in Global Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), pp. 58-61.

Individual Chapter or Article in a Edited Volume

Ieuan John, Moorhead Wright and John Garnett, 'International Politics at Aberystwyth, 1919-69', in Brian Porter (ed.) The Aberystwyth Papers: International Politics 1919-69 (London: Oxford University Press, 1972), pp. 86-102.

Translated Work

E.H. Carr, Cydberthynas y Gwledydd Wed'r Cyfamodau Heddwch, trans. into Welsh by Stephen J. Williams (: University of Press, 1938).


Edition Other Than the First

Andrew Linklater, Men and Citizens in the Theory of International Relations, 2nd ed. (London: Macmillan Press, 1990), pp. 195-202.

Volume in a Multivolume Work

Sir Robert Jennings and Sir Arthur Watts (eds.), Peace, Vol. I of Oppenheim's International Law, 9th ed. (Harlow: Longman, 1992), p. 345.

Work in a Series

C.K. Webster (with H.W.V. Temperley), The Congress of Vienna 1814-15 and the Conference of Paris 1919, Leaflet No. 56 (London: Historical Association, 1923).

Article in a Journal

E.H. Carr, 'Public Opinion as a Safeguard of Peace', International Affairs, 15(6), November-December 1936, pp. 846-62.

Article in a Newspaper or Magazine with Author

'Mr. Eden's Odyssey', , 7 May 1941.

Article in a Newspaper or Magazine without a Specified Author

'Russia, Britain, and Europe' (editorial), The Times, 6 November 1944.


United Nations Security Council, 'Resolution 1441 (2002)', 8 November 2002, < http:/ods-dds- ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N02/682/26/PDF/ N0268226.pdf?OpenElement> (25 May 2003).

Michael Isikoff, Daniel Klaidman and Evan Thomas, 'Al Qaeda's Summer Plans', Newsweek, 2 June 2003, < http:/www.msnbc.com/ news/917895.asp> (25 May 2003).

Government Document

United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Assessment of the British Government (Norwich: The Stationary Office, 2002), pp. 9-11.


Alfred E. Zimmern, My Impressions of Wales (London: Mills & Boon, 1921).

Unpublished Source

Jerome D. Greene, 'Idealism and Realism in Efforts Towards Peace' (Inaugural Lecture delivered at Aberystwyth, 1 February 1933).

Henry Shue, 'Conditional Sovereignty' (unpublished paper), p. 5.


All references after the first mention should contain the author's surname and an abbreviated title (not op. cit.). For example:

Carr, 'Public Opinion', pp. 850-2.

Davies, International Police Force, p. 48.

If authors cannot find the necessary citation format from the above list or for other queries, please contact the Editorial Assistant at the address above.