
452 Abstracts not increased, a specific thiamine-dependent defect in diphosphogalactose pyrophosphorylase activity, a pos- was considered. Assay of this sible alternate pathway, was detected in the liver of in fresh peripheral leucocytes, or after phyto- Negro patients and activity with thymidine hemagglutination stimulation, at low and high con- diphosphoglucose as substrate was negligible. Either centrations of pyruvate, with and without thiamine these patients possess a non- pathway of added, revealed no abnormality. Negative results were metabolism or the residual transferase activ- also obtained with cultured skin fibroblasts. A pheno- ity accounts for their galactose metabolic capability. typic variant of the traits described by BLASS and TAD A, Results of in vivo metabolic studies with labeled galac- but limited to liver in this case, is proposed. (Research tose suggests the latter is most likely. supported by Grants MRC 1085 andNHW604-7-643.) 67 Idiopathic Hypomagnesemia and Osteochondritis. 65 Low Activity: A Symptom but not a WILLIAM G. KLINGBERG, Dept. of Ped., West Diagnosis. GEORGE HUG, WILLIAM K. SCHUBERT Virginia Univ. Sch. of Med., Morgantown, and GAIL CHUCK, Children's Hosp. Res. Fndn. W.VA. Cincinnati, Ohio. A previously asymptomatic 5-year-old boy presented Since our initial description of deficient activity of with classic carpopedal spasm of 6 h duration. On hepatic dephosphorylase and increased liver examination he also had papilledema, decreased DTR's glycogen [Science 153: 1535, 1966], we have studied a and a negative Chovstek. Serum Mg was 0.8 and K total of 7 patients with this condition. Five of these was 2.8 mEq/L. All other serum electrolytes, proteins, patients have been reported [J. clin. Invest. 48: 705, , Ca, PO4, , BUN and Creatinine were 1969]. They and the 2 additional patients, brothers age normal. The EMG and PEG were normal. The EEG 4 and 1 % years, always had greatly reduced liver phos- showed a few non-specific low waves and mild dis- phorylase activity (about 10% of control) that could organization. Unexpectedly x-rays of bones showed a be increased to normal by addition of kinase. This rules mild osteochondritis of shoulders, knees and hips out phosphorylase deficiency, or type VI glycogenosis. (Legg-Perthes-like). Creatinine clearance was 70 ml/ On the basis of 'one enzymatic defect for one type of min/1.73 M2. Gross renal tubular function was normal glycogenosis', we called deficient kinase activity type by concentration and acidification. IX glycogen storage . In type IX glycogenosis A 6-day balance study showed minimal negative there is no hyperlipemia, hypoglycemia, acetonuria, Mg balance. When 20 mEq magnesium acetate or evidence of X-chromosomal inheritance. There is (MgA) was added per os daily, another 6 day balance a typical light and electron microssopic appearance of study showed a positive balance, but barely so (intake the liver. Biochemically, the skeletal muscle is normal 174 mEq, output 132 mEq = +42 mEq). Little is as is the blood sugar response to glucagon. In contrast, known regarding Mg balance and metabolism in chil- in a girl with hepatomegaly and low hepatic phos- dren, but adults with hypomagnesemia given MgAc phorylase activity there is increased glycogen concen- would excrete very little in the urine. This child con- tration in the skeletal muscle as well as the liver and tinued to excrete 5—9 mEq/day during the balance the glucagon tolerance curve is flat. In her skeletal studies. Potassium was also in negative balance al- muscle the amount of total phosphorylase is normal though not enough to be significant. Other ions were but all of it is in the inactive form. in normal balance. is present in this muscle but we found evidence for When MgAc orally was increased to 40 mEq/day deficient activity of 3'5'-AMP dependent kinase that serum Mg rose to normal. After 6 months therapy the normally activates phosphorylase kinase [J.biol.Chem. bony lesions have reverted almost to normal. MgAc 243: 3763, 1968]. Therefore, we have named this new therapy is still required as hypomagnesemic tetany type of giycogen storage disease with a hitherto un- again occurred when inadequate therapy was given. described enzymatic deficiency type X glycogenosis. Is this a specific, partial renal tubular defect in Mg (Supported by NIH grants No. AM 13903 and No. absorption. RR 00123.) 68 Evaluation of Adenine Therapy for Lesch-Nyhan 66 Liver Galactose-1- Uridyl Trans- Syndrome. JOSEPH D.SCHULMAN, MARTIN L. ferase: Activity in the Negro Galactosemic. STANTON GREENE, WILFRED Y.FUJIMOTO and J.EDWIN SEGAL and SHIRLEY ROGERS, Children's Hosp. SEEGMILLER, NIH, Univ. of Washington, of Philadelphia, Pa. Seattle, and Univ. of California, San Diego Since the Negro with congenital can (introduced by W.L.Nyhan). metabolize substantial amounts of galactose, assays The use of oral adenine to prevent the devastating for the deficient enzyme, gal-l-p uridyl transferase, neurologic consequences of the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome were performed in homogenates of punch biopsies of has a sound theoretical basis, and has been proposed liver from two Negro patients. Kinetic churacteristics for management of this aspect of the disease. We have of the normal enzyme were determined in homogenates attempted therapy of two patients with adenine begun of liver from four non-galactosemic patients undergoing in one patient, during the first month of life. Prelimi- abdominal surgery and in two 50-fold purified prep- nary experiments in rats explored the toxicity of ade- arations of liver obtained within 24 h of death. Ki- nine; pretreatment with allopurinol (10 mg/kg) re- netic parameters including concentration dependence duced the nephrotoxic effects of the insoluble adenine and Km were similar in the crude homogenates and metabolite, 2,8-dioxyadenine, at adenine doses of 70 partially purified normal enzyme. The specific activity mg/kg. Two patients, a 13-year-old male with estab- of transferase in m/imoles/min/mg protein was 12 and lished neurologic disease and self-mutilation, and a 1.6 in crude homogenates of the normals and galactose- normal-appearing one-month-old boy with document- mics, respectively. The latter activity was linear with ed hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase incubation time but showed no concentration de- (PRT) deficiency, were given adenine in doses up to pendence on uridine diphosphoglucose. No uridine 65 mg/kg/day. Toxicity was monitored by daily esti-