Chapter 15

Structure, Function, and Post-translational Regulation

of C4 Pyruvate Orthophosphate

Chris J. Chastain Department of Biosciences, Minnesota State University-Moorhead, Moorhead , MN 56563 , USA

Summary ...... 301 I. Introduction ...... 302

A. Role of PPDK in C 4 Plants ...... 302 B. PPDK Properties ...... 302 1. as Related to Structure ...... 302 2. Oligomeric Structure and Tetramer Dissociation at Cool Temperatures ...... 304

3. Km s for C 4 PPDK ...... 304

C. PPDK as a Rate-Limiting Enzyme of the C 4 Pathway ...... 304

II. Post-translational Regulation of C 4 PPDK ...... 305

A. Light/Dark Regulation of C 4 PPDK Activity by Reversible ...... 305 1. Discovery of the PPDK Regulatory , RP ...... 305 2. PPDK RP: Enzyme Properties ...... 305 3. The PPDK Phosphoryl-Inactivation Mechanism ...... 306 4. Regulation of RP’s Opposing Activities ...... 307 B. Other Post-translational Components Governing PPDK Activity In Vivo ...... 310

III. Functional and Bioinformatic Analysis of Cloned Maize C 4 and Arabidopsis C 4-Like PPDK-Regulatory Protein ...... 310 A. Cloning of RP from Maize and Arabidopsis ...... 310

B. Functional Properties of Recombinant Maize C 4- and Arabidopsis C 4-Like RP ...... 311 C. Bioinformatic Analysis of RP Primary Sequence ...... 312

1. RP Is Highly Conserved in C 3 and C 4 Plants ...... 312 2. RP Represents a Fundamentally New Structural Class of Regulatory Protein ...... 312 IV. Future Directions ...... 313 Acknowledgments ...... 313 References ...... 313


Pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase is a cardinal enzyme of the C4 pathway. Its role in C4 photosynthesis is to catalyze the regeneration of PEP, the primary carboxylation substrate from pyruvate, Pi, and ATP in the stroma of leaf-mesophyll cells. It is the most abundant of C4 , comprising up to 10% of the soluble protein of C 4 leaves, and thus may exert a limitation on the rate of CO 2 assimila- tion into the C4 -cycle. Studies dating back to the 1970s documented its biochemical properties as related to its role in C4 photosynthetic process. Later studies originating in the early 1980s discovered how the enzyme is regulated in a light/dark manner by reversible phosphorylation of an active-site .

Author for Correspondence, e-mail: [email protected]

Agepati S. Raghavendra and Rowan F. Sage (eds.), C 4 Photosynthesis and Related CO 2 Concentrating Mechanisms, pp. 301–315. 301 © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011 302 Chris J. Chastain

A bifunctional /protein with unprecedented properties, the PPDK Regulatory Protein (RP), was identified as the enzyme catalyzing this reversible phosphorylation event. However, the encoding this unusual enzyme had eluded cloning for some two decades until modern cloning methods allowed its recent isolation from maize. Although the enzyme properties of C 4-PPDK are well understood, the molecular basis of its post-translational light/dark regulation by RP is poorly understood.

Because of the significance of PPDK regulation to the C 4-photosynthetic process, this chapter addresses the current state-of-knowledge on how C4 -PPDK is post-translationally regulated by its companion regu- latory enzyme, RP. This includes proposed models that describe how phosphorylation of PPDK by RP leads to complete inactivation of enzyme activity and the mechanism regulating the direction of RP’s opposing PPDK- and PPDK-phosphorylation activities. Also reviewed are the recent bioinformatic analyses of the RP polypeptide primary structure. These revealed that vascular plant RP represents a fundamentally new and novel kind of protein kinase with evolutionary origins in PPDK- containing anaerobic bacteria.

I. Introduction (PEP) in the stroma of leaf-mesophyll cell chlo- roplasts: Pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase (PPDK, E.C. is an ancient enzyme found in a diverse group of microorganisms that includes the archea (Tjaden et al., 2006 ) , eubacteria (Pocalyko et al., 1990 ; Herzberg et al., 1996 ) , amitochondri- ate protozoa (Bringaud et al., 1998 ) and green algae (Chastain and Chollet, 2003 ) . It is absent in cyanobacteria and metazoans, but is evidently present in lower fungi (Marshall et al., 2001 ) . Its Although its catalysis is freely reversible, the evolution in (C ) plants and recruitment into the reaction is maintained in the PEP forming direc- 3 tion by the abundant and ade- C4 pathway has been proposed to be the result of modifications of the gene promoter to confer cell nylate kinase activities in this organelle as well specific expression (Sheen, 1991 ) . In this regard, as the physiochemical factors prevailing during illumination such as stromal alkaline pH (Jenkins its transcriptional regulation, as with other key C4 enzymes, is an important overall component of C and Hatch, 1985 ; Ashton et al., 1990 ) . It is the sole 4 PEP regenerating mechanism for photosynthetic photosynthesis regulation. This aspect of PPDK + regulation is covered in Chapter 12 . This chapter PEP carboxylase (PEPc) fixation in NADP - and NAD+ ME- type C plants and contributes to C will focus on the functional aspects of PPDK in 4 4 photosynthetic PEP supply in PEPcK-type C4 the C 4 pathway and the more recent findings con- cerning its post-translational regulation. plants (Ashton et al., 1990 ) .

A. Role of PPDK in C Plants 4 B. PPDK Enzyme Properties In the C pathway, PPDK catalyzes the conversion 4 1. Catalysis as Related to Structure of 3- pyruvate into phospho enol pyruvate Most of what is known concerning the structural aspects of the PPDK catalytic mechanism origi- Abbreviations : aa – amino acid; GFP – green fluorescent nate from studies of crystallized PPDK homo- protein; NADP MDH – NADP malate ; NADP dimer from the bacterium Clostridium symbiosum ME – NADP malic enzyme; ORF – open reading frame; Pi – (Pocalyko et al., 1990 ; Herzberg et al., 1996 ; Lin inorganic ; PPi – ; PEP – phospho - enol pyruvate; PEPc – PEP carboxylase; PPD K – pyruvate et al., 2006 ; Lim et al., 2007 ) . Although compara- orthophosphate dikinase; Pyr – pyruvate; RP – regulatory ble studies of crystallized plant PPDK are not as protein; yet available, the C. symbiosum structural model 303 15 C4 PPDK and C4 PPDK regulatory protein is considered to be homologous to that of the plant et al., 1996 ; Lin et al., 2006 ; Lim et al., 2007 ) . enzyme as indicted by a high degree of conserved A key element in this mechanism is the ability primary structure between plant and bacterial of the central domain to freely pivot or swivel PPDKs (Pocalyko et al., 1990 ) , and an identical between the remote N- and C-terminal domains reaction mechanism (Carroll et al., 1990) . Fur- upon flanking “hinge-like” peptide linkers. Thus, thermore, the first reported plant PPDK crystal as viewed in this structural context, catalysis structure (of a maize C4 PPDK dimer complexed proceeds within these domains through a 3-step with PEP) is very similar to the three dimensional partial reaction sequence as illustrated in Fig. 1 . structure of the C. symbiosum enzyme (Nakanishi In the C4 PEP-forming direction, the first par- et al., 2005 ) . tial reaction is initiated by ATP binding to the PPDK is a member of the PEP-utilizing enzyme N-terminal -binding domain. This is family that catalyze Pyr/PEP interconversions followed by pyrophosphorylation of the central using a highly conserved His residue for catalytic domain catalytic His residue (E-His) with the phosphoryl group transfer. Typically, enzymes of b- and g- of ATP during interdomain the PEP-utilizing family are structured into three docking to form an E-HisP bP g intermediate. In the major catalytic domains that facilitate the over- second partial reaction, the g phosphate from the all reversible catalysis (Herzberg et al., 1996 ; Lin E-HisP bP g catalytic intermediate is transferred to et al., 2006 ; Tjaden et al., 2006 ; Lim et al., 2007 ) . a free phosphate yielding pyrophosphate (PPi), In the case of PPDK, the structural basis for the AMP, and the E-HisP b catalytic intermediate. In reversible reaction mechanism, as deduced from the third partial reaction, the central phospho- the C. symbiosum enzyme (Fig. 1 ), involves the transfer domain pivots to the active-site of the dynamic interaction of a central “swiveling” C-terminal pyruvate-binding domain where sub- phospho-transfer domain with flanking N- and sequent transfer of the His bound P b to pyruvate C-terminal substrate binding domains (Herzberg takes place to form PEP.

interdomain interdomain ATP PEP peptide peptide central (swiveling) linker linker catalytic-His phospho transfer domain P-His- AMP.PPi Pyr

N-terminal C-terminal ATP-binding domain Pyr/PEP-binding domain

γ β α (a) E-His + P P P -Ade + Pi E-His-PβPγ•Pα -Ade•Pi

(b) E-His-PβPγ•Pα-Ade•Pi E-His-Pβ + Pα-Ade + PγPi

(c) E-His-Pβ + Pyruvate E-His + PEPβ

(Overall) Pyruvate + ATP + Pi PEP + AMP + PPi

Fig. 1. The reversible three-domain enzyme reaction mechanism of PPDK. PPDK catalysis proceeds via a three-step partial reaction sequence that involves the interaction of a swiveling central catalytic phospho-transfer domain with remote N- and C-terminal ATP and Pyr/PEP substrate binding domains, respectively (Herzberg et al., 1996 ; Lin et al., 2006 ; Lim et al., 2007 ) . The central catalytic phospho-transfer domain can freely pivot back-and-forth on flexible interdomain peptide linkers of ~15–30 residues in length, enabling either reaction direction energetically feasible. 304 Chris J. Chastain

Table 1 . Representative PPDK Substrate Kms (m M): PEP forming direction.

C4 leaf source Pyruvate ATP Pi Maize 82a ; 158 b /65 b 32a ; 95b /47 b 380a ; 408b/134b Flaveria bidentis 73b /59 b 25 b /49 b 118 b /138b Source of data are superscripted: a Edwards et al. ( 1985 ) ; b Ohta et al. ( 1997 ) .

Paired Kms values are: Kms native leaf enzyme (numerator)/Kms recombinantly produced enzyme (denominator).

2. Oligomeric Structure and Tetramer determined by these studies for the PEP-forming Dissociation at Cool Temperatures reaction are summarized in Table 1 . Comparable extensive studies with recombinantly produced C PPDK is active as a homotetramer of ~95 kDa 4 C4 PPDK have yet to be performed, although subunits. Tetramerization to form active enzyme Ohta et al. ( 1997 ) found that recombinantly requires free Mg+2 . In planta and in vitro, it has produced maize and F. bidentis (C 4) PPDK had been long known that C PPDK dissociates into 4 substrate Kms that were similar to the respective inactive dimers and monomers when subjected species enzyme isolated from leaves (Table 1 ). to cold temperatures (e.g., £ 12°C) (Shirahashi For example, in maize, the reported Km s for et al., 1978 ) . The single known exception to this pyruvate ranged from 82–158 mM for enzyme phenomenon occurs in the C -like NADP-ME 4 extracted from leaves, while a Kms of 65 m M was dicot species Flaveria brownii where its cold- reported for cloned, recombinantly expressed stable PPDK retains tetrameric structure at tem- maize PPDK. Likewise, the Kms for ATP from peratures down to 0°C in vitro (Burnell, 1990 ) . these same sources ranged from 32–95 m M for A later study utilizing amino acid substitutions the leaf extracted enzyme and 47 mM for the of recombinantly expressed F. brownii PPDK recombinantly produced enzyme. identified three hydrophobic residues within the extreme C-terminal portion of the polypeptide C. PPDK as a Rate-Limiting Enzyme that were responsible for conferring cold-stability of the C Pathway of the tetramer in vitro (Ohta et al., 1997) . A pro- 4 posed mechanism by which these three closely Under varying conditions of light and tempera- spaced residues allow cold-stabilization of active ture, the rate of CO2 assimilation by C4 leaves can F. brownii PPDK tetramer centers around how be limited by one or more enzymes in the path- the respective hydrophobic side-chains may way (Furbank et al., 1997 ; von Caemmerer and increase interaction between PPDK monomers Furbank, 1999 ; Kubien et al., 2003 ) . A number (and hence tetramer stabilization). Evidence con- of earlier studies had implicated PPDK as a major firming this proposed mechanism will ultimately rate-limiting enzyme of the C4 pathway (Furbank require a three dimensional structure of F. brow- et al., 1997 and references therein). These investi- nii wild-type and mutant enzyme. Nevertheless, gations arrived at this conclusion by showing how these investigations provide convincing evidence the level of PPDK enzyme activity, as measured in that F. brownii C4 PPDK has acquired resistance desalted crude C leaf extracts, appeared to match to cool, suboptimal temperatures solely by minor 4 the CO2 assimilation rate of the corresponding structural changes in the enzymes’ C-terminal intact parent leaf prior to extraction. In contrast, PEP/Pyr binding domain. the similarly extracted activities of PEPc, NADP- ME and Rubisco where shown to be higher (and thus non rate-limiting) than the corresponding 3. Substrate Km s for C 4 PPDK rate of intact leaf CO2 assimilation. Given a pleth- Earlier investigations into the biochemical and ora of variation in experimental conditions and imperfect extraction and assay techniques, such kinetic properties of maize C4 PPDK largely established the enzymes’ biochemical and kinetic estimates were likely to be inaccurate. However, properties (reviewed in Edwards et al., 1985 ; in the past decade, development of the transgenic

Carroll et al., 1990) . Substrate binding constants C4 Flaveria system and the subsequent production 305 15 C4 PPDK and C4 PPDK regulatory protein of transgenic C4 enzyme RNA-antisense lines by studies that showed PPDK extracted from has allowed a less problematic assessment of C4 dark-adapted maize leaves had negligible activ- pathway enzyme- limitation points. This is well ity, while PPDK extracted from illuminated illustrated by a study that examined CO 2 assimi- leaves contained highly active enzyme with max- lation as a function of antisense-reduced PPDK, imal light state reached at irradiances Rubisco, and NADPH-MDH in F. bidentis trans- of around one-half full sunlight (Edwards et al., genic lines (Furbank et al., 1997 ) . This investi- 1985 , and references therein). Further research gation implicated PPDK, along with Rubisco, demonstrated that light activation of the enzyme as co-limiting activities with respect to whole was specific to photosynthetically active radia- leaf CO2 assimilation. In a study that utilized an tion, i.e., activated solely by red and blue spectra. empirical multifactorial C4 photosynthesis model DCMU, an uncoupler of photophosphorylation (von Caemmerer and Furbank, 1999 ) , the rate (Yamamoto et al., 1974 ), was also shown to of PEP regeneration (i.e., PPDK activity) was inhibit light activation of PPDK (Nakamoto and predicted to limit C4 -leaf CO2 assimilation at or Edwards, 1986 ) . These circumstantial observa- above the thermal optimum of the C 4 photosynthe- tions alone implied that the activation could be sis process. Related evidence that PPDK activity due to physiological changes in the mesophyll- can exert a limitation on C4 leaf CO2 assimilation cell chloroplast stroma such as pH, redox state, comes from a pair of studies of the cool tolerant or divalent cation level. However, a key observa-

C4 -hybrid grass, Miscanthus x giganteus (Naidu tion that led to the elucidation of the causal agent and Long, 2004; Wang et al., 2008 ) . Specifically, of the activation process was that the inactivated these studies demonstrated that maintenance of C4 PPDK in dark-adapted crude leaf extract could photosynthetic competence during plant growth regain its activity simply by extended incubation at cool temperatures is highly correlated with an of the extract at ambient temperatures (Edwards elevation in the amount of PPDK polypeptide, et al., 1985 ) . Further pursuit of this phenomenon implying that the adaptation mechanism relies in lead to the finding that an enzyme activity was part on the increased synthesis of PPDK enzyme responsible for the PPDK activation effect. In in order to sustain flux into the C4 pathway. subsequent investigations, this enzyme activity In summary, because PPDK is one of two was shown to confer both dark-induced inac- enzymes demonstrated to co-limit C 4 leaf CO2 tivation and light-induced activation of PPDK assimilation, it represents a viable target for strat- by catalyzing reversible phosphorylation of an egies aimed at the photosynthetic improvement active-site Thr residue (Thr-456 in maize) (Bur- of C4 plant productivity via nell and Hatch, 1983, 1985a ; Ashton et al., 1984 ; approaches. Budde et al., 1985 ) . Now named the PPDK Regu- latory Protein (RP), it is a low abundance protein ( £0.04% of soluble maize leaf protein) specifically co-localized with PPDK in the stroma of meso- II. Post-translational Regulation phyll cell . of C 4 PPDK 2. PPDK RP: Enzyme Properties

A. Light/Dark Regulation of C4 PPDK Activity by Reversible Phosphorylation The collective enzyme properties of RP make this among the most unique 1. Discovery of the PPDK Regulatory of the many thousands of now classified regula- Protein, RP tory protein /protein . These collective properties are: (i) its bifunctional-

As a potentially rate-limiting enzyme in the C4 ity, catalyzing both PPDK phosphorylation and pathway, synchronization of PPDK activity with dephosphorylation. This is rare as most regula- light availability in vivo is essential for efficient tory phosphorylation cycles have separate protein functioning of the C 4 cycle and its coordination kinase and enzymes; (ii) the with the C3 pathway. This coordinate regulation use of ADP versus ATP (i.e., b -phosphate) as of activity with light was demonstrated early on its phosphoryl substrate; and (iii) its utilization 306 Chris J. Chastain

Fig. 2. Light/dark-mediated reversible phosphorylation of PPDK by RP. Dark induced inactivation of PPDK by RP pro- ceeds by phosphorylation of a specific active-site Thr residue. Only the E-His-P intermediate enzyme form, as indicated by the encircled His-P residue, can undergo phosphorylation by RP. The catalytic His phosphate is removed in the dark by a yet-to-be identified mechanism (see section on “Putative Regulation by Adenylates” for a further discussion). of a Pi-dependent, pyrophosphate forming Fig. 3. Substitution experiments of the maize PPDK active- dephosphorylation mechanism versus simple site Thr residue with the alternate protein kinase phospho- anhydride bond hydrolysis utilized by most pro- rylation targets, Ser and Tyr. can serve as an RP tein phosphatases (Fig. 2) (Burnell and Hatch, phosphorylation target but not Tyr. Insertion of the chemi- cally related but nonphosphorylatable Asn in place of the 1983, 1985a ; Roeske and Chollet, 1987; Chastain catalytic His negates phosphorylation of the regulatory Thr and Chollet, 2003 ). residue. More recent insights into the functional proper- ties of C RP have been gained by selective sub- 4 to phosphorylation by exogenous RP, despite stitutions of the maize C 4 PPDK active-site His residue (His-458) and the proximal RP target Thr harboring the adjacent target Thr. The striking residue (Thr-456) (Chastain et al., 1997, 2000 ). inability of this His458Asn mutant enzyme to The effect of these substitutions on RP catalyzed undergo phosphorylation provided direct support phosphorylation of the respective maize mutant for earlier biochemical studies which suggested PPDK enzymes are summarized in Fig. 3 . Among that RP’s protein kinase function has an absolute the more informative of these were substitutions of substrate requirement for the E-His-P form of the the WT Thr-456 with Ser or Tyr. In vitro analysis of target enzyme (Fig. 2 ) (Burnell and Hatch, 1983 ; mutant enzyme showed that Ser was functionally Burnell, 1984 ) . interchangeable with Thr (i.e., phosphorylatable by RP) while Tyr was not (Fig. 3 ). The implica- 3. The PPDK Phosphoryl-Inactivation tion of this observation was that RP was mecha- Mechanism nistically, and by inference, structurally related to the Ser/Thr super family of eukaryotic protein What is the mechanism by which the RP-catalyzed kinases (Hanks and Hunter, 1995 ; Hardie, 1999 ) . phosphorylation of a Thr residue converts active Another informative substitution with respect to PPDK enzyme to inactive enzyme in a strict on/ the RP catalytic mechanism was replacement of off fashion? A hypothesis that accounts for this the catalytic His with Asn, a chemically related but on/off “switch” relates the di-anionic charge nonphosphorylatable residue. As expected, this of the phosphate group to its placement on the substitution produced a catalytically incompetent regulatory Thr. Positioned in this manner, the PPDK, but it also rendered the enzyme resistant electrostatic charge emanating from the central 307 15 C4 PPDK and C4 PPDK regulatory protein

central (swivelling) central (swiveling) catalytic-His catalytic-His phospho transfer domain phospho transfer domain Thr-P P-Thr Ser Ser His His


C-terminal N-terminal C-terminal N-terminal PEP/Pyr-binding domain ATP-binding domain PEP/Pyr-binding domain ATP-binding domain

Fig. 4. Proposed PPDK phosphoryl-inactivation mechanism. By placement of a di-anionic phosphate group one residue removed from the central catalytic His, catalysis in the Pyr-PEP direction can be negated via electrostatic repulsion, as indicated by dou- ble headed arrows , of substrate bound at the C-terminal domain. domain active-site would repulse the similarly light variation). However, until the recent clon- charged Pyr or PEP bound to the C-terminal ing of maize C 4 RP and its availability in stable domain attempting to bind the substrate Pi at the recombinant form (Burnell and Chastain 2006), adjacent His residue (Fig. 4 ) (note that the AMP all previous biochemical studies of RP regula- to ATP partial reaction at the N-terminal domain tion have utilized partially purified preparations is unaffected by regulatory Thr phosphorylation, extracted from maize leaves. An impediment (Burnell, 1984) ) . This hypothesis was tested by plaguing these studies is the extreme instability of replacing the RP target Thr residue with mono- RP activity once it is extracted from C4 leaf tissue anionic charge bearing amino acids Glu or Asp (Smith et al., 1994 ) . This in turn placed limita- (Chastain et al., 2000) . These substitutions pro- tions on the kind and veracity of in vitro experi- duced completely inactive enzyme, thus mimick- ments that could be used to assess RP regulation. ing the effect of phosphorylation of the WT Thr Future studies using highly stable recombinant residue at this same position. Replacement of the RP should overcome such limitations imposed on WT Thr residue with neutral Val or Ser resulted these past studies. Nevertheless, a plausible and in PPDK with WT activity, demonstrating that simple “ADP-as-attenuator” model has emerged amino acid replacement at this position per se based on empirical evidence from past studies does not lead to inactive enzyme. Hence, intro- that can account for the strict regulatory require- duction of even a single anionic charge at this ments posed by RP. position without including the steric bulk of the As depicted in Figs. 5 and 6 , the key compo- larger phosphate is sufficient to abolish PPDK nent in governing the direction of RP catalysis activity. is the stromal concentration of the RP protein kinase substrate ADP and its action as a potent competitive inhibitor of RP phosphatase activity 4. Regulation of RP’s Opposing Activities (Table 2 ). Under this proposed scheme, stromal [ADP], which is a function of the stromal ade- Putative Regulation by Adenylates: nylate energy charge (AEC), exerts a default con- Stromal ADP as an Attenuator of RP trol as an attenuator on the opposing reactions as Bifunctional Activity its level fluctuates in up/down fashion in parallel Because of the bifunctional nature of RP, the to the rate of photophosphorylation. For exam- opposing regulatory activities of the protein ple, in the direction of decreasing illumination, kinase and protein phosphatase must be finely the accompanying decrease in photophosphor- controlled, so that PPDK activation state is cor- ylation transiently causes an elevation in stro- rectly adjusted to match C 4 cycle activity (for mal [ADP], tilting RP catalysis in the direction example, in response to temperature fluctuations, of PPDK phosphorylation (inactivation). Simi- 308 Chris J. Chastain

Fig. 5. Regulation of RP’s opposing phosphorylation/dephosphorylation activities by stromal ADP level. As illustrated, the (proposed) separate protein kinase and protein phosphatase active-sites for RP allows for ADP to inhibit RP phosphatase activ- ity in a competitive manner while also serving as substrate for PPDK phosphorylation reaction (top diagram ). In the light, active photophosphorylation causes an upward shift of stromal adenylate energy charge (AEC) and corresponding decline in stromal ADP, leading to dephosphorylation of phospho PPDK (bottom diagram ).

Fig. 6. Proposed model of ADP-as-attenuator of RP bidirectional activity. Depending on the prevailing light or dark conditions, the ratio of active, dephospho-PPDK to inactive, phospho-PPDK is carefully balanced to ensure that the rate of PEP regenera- tion catalyzed by PPDK is synchronized with the available light energy incident on the C4 leaf. This is accomplished by stromal ADP-level acting as a de facto sensor of photon flux density for attenuating PPDK activity, rendering subtle up/down regulation in the overall pool of catalytically active PPDK. PPDK in C4 leaves is fully active at approximately 1/2 full-sunlight (~1,000 m mol photon m −2 s −1 ). AEC, adenylate energy charge = [ATP] + .5[ADP]/[ATP + ADP + AMP]. 309 15 C4 PPDK and C4 PPDK regulatory protein

Table 2. Key Michaelis parameters of maize RP as measured in vitro.

Protein kinase Protein phosphatase 50 a , 52 b 700 a , 650 b Km ADP (m M) Km Pi (m M) 1.2 a 0.7 a Km PPDK-Thr (m M) Km PPDK-ThrP (m M) 84 a Ki ADP (m M) a Burnell and Hatch ( 1985a) . b Roeske and Chollet (1987 ) . larly, in the direction of increasing illumination must take into account that ADP extracted and and higher rates of photophosphorylation, stro- quantitated from chloroplasts is actually com- mal [ADP] declines, tilting the prevailing RP prised of two fractions, a protein-bound fraction reaction towards dephosphorylation (activation) and a free fraction. Since only the latter form is of inactive PPDK (Fig. 6). The key elements to available for RP regulation, the actual in situ free this proposed mechanism are (i) ADP as a potent stromal [ADP] may be on par with those meas- competitive inhibitor of the dephosphorylation ured to inhibit RP phosphatase activity in vitro reaction (K i = 84 m M, Table 2 ) and (ii) light/dark (Table 2 ). This seems plausible in light of studies induced changes in stromal [ADP]. Evidence that demonstrated the extensive and tight binding supporting this working model comes from ear- of stromal ADP to subunits of the abundant CF 1 lier studies that examined the effects of DCMU, chloroplast ATP (Hampp et al., 1982 ; a PSII electron-transport inhibitor, and CCCP, an Maylan and Allison, 2002 ) . uncoupler of photophosphorylation, on maize C4 - Another potential factor that has bearing on the mesophyll protoplast and chloroplast PPDK activ- bidirectional regulation of RP relates to the fate ity (Nakamoto and Edwards, 1986 ; Nakamoto of the phosphoryl group remaining on the PPDK and Young, 1990 ) . These findings showed that catalytic His residue after the enzyme under- illumination of mesophyll cell preparations in the goes ADP-dependent inactivation to produce presence of DCMU or CCCP markedly inhibited the E-HisP/ThrP PPDK [inactive] form, Figs. 2 light activation of PPDK, and this was correlated and 3 ). In vitro, it has been shown that if this cata- with lowered stromal ATP concentrations in the lytic phosphate is not removed from inactivated light. Moreover, in vitro evidence for physically PPDK, the rate of the Pi-dependent dephosphor- separate active-sites for RP protein kinase and ylation/activation reaction is reduced by as much protein phosphatase catalysis lends credence as fivefold (Burnell, 1984 ) . Thus, if this slower to the proposal that ADP acts as both competi- activating PPDK enzyme-form were allowed to tive inhibitor and substrate (Roeske and Chollet, accumulate in dark adapted leaves, one could 1987 ) . Although this “ADP-as-attenuator” model project a physiological scenario that negatively appears to elegantly account for the apparent reg- impacts the responsiveness of C4 cycle activity. ulatory balancing of the opposing RP reactions, But such a scenario is never allowed to transpire more accurate estimates of C 4 -leaf mesophyll in vivo since nearly all of the nascently inactivated stromal adenylate concentrations are needed to and catalytic phosphorylated PPDK enzyme- fully validate it. For example, in a pair of studies form is known to be converted to the catalyti- that examined light/dark changes in in vivo PPDK cally dephosphorylated state (E-His-ThrP) soon activation state with respect to in vivo changes after the leaf has been dark adapted (Burnell and of mesophyll cell and chloroplast [ADP], the Hatch, 1985a, b ) . How this happens has yet to be observed light-induced, ten-fold change in maize resolved. One possibility is that the catalytic His- leaf PPDK activity was not highly correlated phosphate is removed from inactivated PPDK by with the respective measured two-fold changes in the AMP+PPi to ATP + Pi back-reaction, thereby [ADP] (Roeske and Chollet, 1989 ; Usuda 1988 ) . converting the enzyme to the preferred PPDK Thr-P However, this discrepancy may be an artifact dephosphorylation substrate. Confounding the plau- incurred by the methods used in these reports for sibility of this mechanism is the abundant stromal estimating in vivo stromal [ADP]. Such estimates pyrophosphatase activity known to occur in this 310 Chris J. Chastain organelle that would function to keep stromal PPi pyruvate to PEP reaction is strongly favored. At at exceedingly low levels. Alternatively, the cata- pH ranges of <7.0, the approximate stromal pH lytic His-phosphate might be removed enzymati- of dark adapted chloroplasts, the PEP to pyru- cally, but at present a phosphatase that catalyzes vate reaction is strongly favored. Enzyme activ- + + this removal has yet to be identified. ity is also stimulated several fold by NH4 and K (Jenkins and Hatch, 1985 ; Ashton et al., 1990 ) . Lack of Evidence for Post-translational Regulation of RP Due to the instability of RP when isolated form III. Functional and Bioinformatic C leaves, a rigorous in vitro investigation of the 4 Analysis of Cloned Maize C enzyme for revealing potential post-translational 4 and Arabidopsis C -Like regulation mechanisms has not been possible. 4 PPDK-Regulatory Protein Nevertheless, there is no indirect evidence to date to suggest that RP is post-translationally modi- A. Cloning of RP from Maize fied (for example, by reversible phosphorylation) and Arabidopsis or regulated by endogenous factors (for example, stromal pH). This view is supported by a study As mentioned above, one of the difficulties in that examined RP activity after it was rapidly biochemical characterization of RP is its low extracted from dark-adapted or illuminated maize abundance and extreme instability upon extrac- leaves (Smith et al., 1994) . In this investigation, tion from C leaves. This has prevented its puri- RP activity from these leaves showed no prefer- 4 fication to homogeneity (with the exception of a ential direction in catalysis, i.e., having equivalent single report (Burnell and Hatch, 1983 ) ) despite relative competence in the in vitro phosphoryla- repeated attempts using more advanced purifica- tion or dephosphorylation of PPDK, regardless of tion schemes (Roeske and Chollet, 1987 ; Smith the light/dark pre-treatment of the parent leaves. et al., 1994 ) . Failure to isolate the RP polypeptide Furthermore, the ratio of rapidly extracted, com- to a high level of purity has precluding its cloning peting RP activities was also shown to be inde- by conventional means. In order to advance our pendent of pH utilized for extraction and assay. understanding of this enigmatic enzyme, a cDNA These sets of observations indicate that a post- clone was needed to elucidate its structure and translational regulatory mechanism, e.g., cova- enzyme mechanism. This clone was ultimately lent modification, or changes in stromal pH, is obtained by culling information from a proteom- not evident under conditions in which RP dis- ics study that profiled differential expression of plays distinct in vivo regulation of its competing soluble stromal polypeptides in isolated maize reactions. Likewise, stromal redox state, a well leaf mesophyll and bundle sheath cell chloroplasts known regulatory mechanism for many stromal (Majeran et al., 2005 ) . In this report, a low abun- enzymes (via the ferredoxin/thioredoxin system) dance polypeptide of unknown function, specific also has been shown to have no influence on RP to the mesophyll cell chloroplasts was identi- regulation in organello or in vitro (Nakamoto and fied (ZmGI Accession No. TC220929) and sub- Young, 1990 ; Smith et al., 1994 ) . cloned from a maize cDNA library. The encoded open reading frame (ORF) from this cDNA was B. Other Post-translational Components functionally demonstrated in vitro to encode the Governing PPDK Activity In Vivo elusive RP gene (Burnell and Chastain 2006). In

parallel to the cloning of C4 RP from maize, a Unlike numerous metabolic enzymes (for example, similar effort cloned the C 4-like RP from Ara- PEPc), PPDK activity is not subject to regulation bidopsis (Accession No. At4g21210) (Chastain by metabolite effectors. However, the direction of et al., 2008 ) . A second RP-like gene was also the reversible reaction catalyzed by PPDK is sig- discovered to be encoded by the Arabidopsis nificantly influenced by pH (Jenkins and Hatch, genome, but this cytoplasmic localized isoform

1985 ) . At alkaline pH ranges of >8.2, the approxi- appears to be of exclusive C3 function and is not mate stromal pH of illuminated chloroplasts, the discussed further in this C4 review. 311 15 C4 PPDK and C4 PPDK regulatory protein B. Functional Properties of Recombinant take place. This is because RP is unable to phos-

Maize C 4 - and Arabidopsis C4 -Like RP phorylate PPDK at its target Thr unless the active- site catalytic His is also phosphorylated with the In order to authenticate the cloned RP sequences, b-phosphate from ATP (e.g., the PPDK-His-P the respective recombinantly expressed catalytic reaction intermediate, see Fig. 2 ). This were functionally tested by previously estab- RP property was aptly demonstrated when phos- lished biochemical assays (Chastain et al., 2008 ; phorylation of PPDK was shown to be negated Ashton et al., 1990) . The results of one of these by the inclusion of pyruvate in the assay mixture assays, which is based on the immuno-detection (Fig. 7a ). The addition of pyruvate to the phos- of phosphorylated PPDK on western blots, is dis- phorylation reaction has the effect of scavenging played in Fig. 7 . phosphate from the catalytic PPDK-His-P reac- This specific test showed that the putative tion intermediate during its catalytic conversion recombinant RP catalyzed the ADP-dependent, to PEP (Fig. 7c ) thereby “removing” the uniquely site-specific threonyl-phosphorylation of PPDK specific RP PPDK phosphorylation substrate (Fig. 7a ). Yet another critical biochemical test from the reaction mix. Recombinant RP was also that confirmed RP specificity of the recom- shown to catalyze the Pi-dependent dephosphor- binant enzyme was the demonstration that ATP is ylation of phospho-PPDK (Fig. 7b ). Although not required (along with ADP) in the assay mixture in displayed here, the results of these immuno-based order for the PPDK phosphorylation reaction to assays were further corroborated by an analogous

Fig. 7. Immuno-based in vitro assay of recombinantly produced Arabidopsis C4 -like RP. Western blots demonstrating the highly specific PPDK phosphorylating (protein kinase) (a ) and PPDK-dephosphorylating (protein phosphatase) (b ) activities of recombinantly produced enzyme. Shown are representative denaturing western blots of assay reaction aliquots probed with anti-PPDK-ThrP or anti-PPDK antibody as previously described (Chastain et al. 2008 ) . Noted above each lane are variations in the standard reaction mixture: +ADP (1 mM), +ATP (0.2 mM); +pyruvate (2 mM); +Pi (2.5 mM). ( c ) Diagram illustrating the effect of added pyruvate to the RP protein kinase assay mixture (see text for a detailed explanation). The corresponding figure of this same assay performed with recombinant maize RP portrays the same result (as seen in Bur nell and Chastain 2006). 312 Chris J. Chastain spectrophotometer-based RP assay method (Burnell maize and Arabidopsis full-length polypeptides, and Chastain 2006; Chastain et al., 2008) . Thus, respectively (Fig. 8b ). The only bioinformatics- from these first experiments came confirming deciphered motif structure within the RPs’ DUF evidence that recombinantly produced RP pos- 299 is a centrally positioned, 8-residue ATP/GTP sessed the requisite RP functional properties of binding P-loop (Fig 8b ). Interestingly, organisms (i) a protein kinase with strict substrate specifi- possessing the DUF 299 domain are restricted city (i.e., ADP as phosphoryl donor, PPDK-His-P phylogenetically to vascular plants, green algae, as phosphorylation target) and (ii) a Pi-dependent and a diverse group of PPDK-encoding prokaryo- protein phosphatase (Table 2 ). tes (Chastain et al., 2008 ) . Both polypeptides are predicted to encode N-terminal chloroplast leader C. Bioinformatic Analysis of RP Primary sequences (Table 3 ). Recent GFP-RP ORF fusion Amino Acid Sequence studies confirmed the chloroplast targeting of the Arabidopsis C 4-like RP. When the predicted 1. RP Is Highly Conserved in C and C Plants N-terminal transit sequence was fused to the GFP 3 4 ORF and transformed via microprojectile bom- A direct alignment of maize C RP and Arabidop- bardment into Arabidopsis or leaves, 4 accumulation of GFP was shown to be localized sis C 4 -like RP (Fig. 8a ) reveals a high degree of similarity between proteins with the most homol- to the chloroplast stroma (Chastain et al., 2008 ) . ogous region of the two polypeptides being a cen- trally positioned DUF 299 ( D omain of U nknown 2. RP Represents a Fundamentally New F unction) (Hulo et al., 2006 ) . By definition, the Structural Class of Regulatory Protein Kinase DUF designation is assigned to conserved amino acid encoding sequences that are recurrent in As stated above, RP can phosphorylate Ser (but various protein databases, but have no known not Tyr) in place of the PPDK wild-type Thr tar- functional precedent. In the representative maize get residue. The implication of this observation and C4 -like Arabidopsis RP, this ~260-aa domain was that RP was functionally and, by inference, spans the central core of the 426- and 403-residue structurally related to the Ser/Thr super family of

b 1 75 150 225 300 375 426 maize RP ORF DUF 299

1 75 150 225 300 375 426 C4-like Arabidopsis RP ORF DUF 299

a Fig. 8. Primary structure of maize C4 RP and Arabidopsis C4 -like RP deduced amino acid sequence. ( ) Direct alignment showing the high degree of RP primary structure similarity between the respective dicot and monocot species and (b ) the position of the conserved DUF 299 region within the RP polypeptides with arrows indicating the bioinformatically identified 8-amino acid ATP/GTP binding P-loop motif. 313 15 C4 PPDK and C4 PPDK regulatory protein

Table 3. Summary of cloned recombinant RP properties.

a b Maize C4 RP Arabidopsis C4 -like RP Length of encoded ORF 426 aa 402 aa Predicted N-terminal organelle targeting transit peptide Chloroplast-targeted Chloroplast-targeted ADP-dependent protein kinase function Yes Yes Pi-dependent protein phosphatase function Yes Yes a Bur nell and Chastain ( 2006 ). b Chastain et al. ( 2008) . eukaryotic protein kinases (Hanks and Hunter, IV. Future Directions 1995 ; Hardie, 1999 ; Scheeff and Bourne, 2005 ) . Thus, prior to its cloning it was anticipated that As discussed above, the gene for RP had proved the primary structure of RP would encode the to be recalcitrant to cloning efforts that were ini- familial Ser/Thr protein kinase 12-subdomain tiated soon after the enzyme was discovered in structure. The premise for this is that all known maize leaf extracts some two decades ago. Thus, eukaryotic Ser/Thr protein kinases share this many questions concerning this key regulator of highly conserved subdomain primary structure, the C 4 pathway had remained largely unapproach- all of which are requisite for enzymatic phos- able. Its recent cloning therefore represents some- phorylation of target Ser/Thr substrate residues thing of a watershed for revealing new insights

(Hanks and Hunter, 1995 ; Hardie, 1999) . How- on C4 cycle regulation. Among the key questions ever, after its cloning, it was soon discovered that can now be addressed with the availability that RP primary structure, either from maize of an RP gene sequence include an unequivo- or Arabidopsis , lacked even weakly facsimile cal elucidation of how its opposing bidirectional eukaryotic or prokaryotic protein kinase sub- activities are regulated. Additionally, the mecha- domain structure. A more rigorous analysis nism by which the catalytic His-phosphate is using an algorithm-aided custom alignment also removed from nascently inactivated PPDK may failed to locate any primary structure within also become more clear. Finally, assessment of the RP polypeptide or the internal ~260-residue photosynthetic regulation of transgenic C4 plants DUF 299 domain that would correlate with the with reduced RP levels (via RNAi or anti-sense canonical subdomains I–XI inherent in all known technology) will undoubtedly provide the most eukaryotic Ser/Thr protein kinases, or the cata- revealing picture of how RP is integrated into the lytically essential (and invariant) Ser/Thr protein overall regulatory machinery of the C4 pathway. kinase residues (Chastain et al., 2008 ) . Lastly, an unrooted molecular phylogenetic analysis of full- length maize and Arabidopsis C 4 -like RP amino- Acknowledgments acid sequences with other vascular plant and green alga RPs and representative Arabidopsis This work was supported by U.S. National Science Ser/Thr protein kinases and Ser/Thr protein phos- Foundation Grant Nos. IOS-0642190 to C.J.C. phatases confirmed the related alignment analysis that RP, whether from plants or green algae, are unrelated to the canonically structured plant Ser/ References Thr protein kinases (Chastain et al., 2008) . This tree analysis also demonstrated that the protein Ashton AR, Burnell JN and Hatch MD (1984) Regulation of phosphatase function encoded in the RP primary C 4 photosynthesis: inactivation of pyruvate, Pi dikinase structure is highly divergent from the ubiquitous by ADP dependent phosphorylation and activation by - and Protein Phosphatase phosphorolysis. Arch Biochem Biophys 230: 492–503. 2A-catalytic subunits included in the tree analysis Ashton AR, Burnell JN, Furbank RT, Jenkins CLD and

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