
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.51.2.250 on 1 February 1988. Downloaded from

Journal ofNeurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1988;51:250-255

A new metabolic muscle due to abnormal activity

K R POULTON, S NIGHTINGALE From the Midland Centrefor Neurosurgery and Neurology, Smethwick, West Midlands, UK

SUMMARY A 34 year old man presented with an 8 year history of mild muscle pain and stiffness on exertion especially in the cold. Clinical examination was normal. Apart from a mild persistent leucocytosis, his routine investigations were normal including activity, electro- myography and conduction studies. An ischaemic exercise test produced a slow and incom- plete rise in lactate. Histological examination showed non-specific myopathic changes in some quadriceps femoris muscle fibres. Investigation of muscle by spectrofluorometric analysis of muscle activity and by muscle fibre incubation studies revealed a severe defect in , associated with an electrophoretically abnormal hexokinase. Further metabolic studies suggest that the block in glucose metabolism is by-passed via an enhanced phosphorylation of by the abnormal hexokinase. Protected by copyright.

Hexokinase (HK) (ATP: D--6-phospho- regarded as negligible. However, enzyme mea- : EC has an important role in glu- surements in muscle from patients with the X-linked cose metabolism in , catalysing the muscular dystrophies (Duchenne and Becker) have phosphorylation of a number of to their shown higher activity of both KHK and fructose-l- respective 6- as they enter the sarcoplasm. splitting aldolase than in normal subjects.7 Four different isoenzymes of HK have been iso- Electrophoretic separations of HK isoenzymes in lated.`4 sensitive tissues, and hence skeletal muscle from patients with Duchenne and Becker mus- muscle, have mainly HKII (electrophoretic nomen- cular dystrophies has shown an abnormality of HKII clature) which has a Km for glucose of 10-4M' with increased mobility towards the anode.48 which is considerably lower than the Km for fruc- We report the case of a man with no detectable tose.2 Three other HK isoenzymes (HKI, HKIII and glucose phosphorylating activity in his skeletal mus- HKIV) exist in tissues with differing kinetic cle and abnormal HK electrophoretic mobility. In properties and electrophoretic mobilities." ' HKIV view of our previous studies in X-linked muscular is also known as ; it has a Km of 10- 2M dystrophy patients, an investigation of his muscle's

for glucose and is exclusively a enzyme. HKI is fructose metabolism was undertaken in order to http://jnnp.bmj.com/ mainly associated with , but varying amounts of discover if metabolic compensation to the enzyme HKI, HKII and HKIII exist in most tissues. deficiency has occurred. A specific system for phosphorylation of fruc- tose exists in liver by means of ketohexokinase Case report (KHK) (ATP: D-fructose-1 -: E.C.,5 6 the products being directed towards Clinicalfeatures rather than anaerobic metabolism. Skele- A 34 year old male unemployed labourer was admitted in 1985. He had been well until 8 years previously when he had tal muscle has a level of KHK so low as to be on October 1, 2021 by guest. developed intermittent sharp pains in the region of his right knee, which were worse with walking one and a half miles Address for reprint requests: Dr S Nightingale, Midland Centre for (2 4 km) or in cold weather. These symptoms remained Neurosurgery and Neurology, Smethwick, Warley, West Midlands, unchanged until 18 months before admission when he had B67 7JK, UK. developed similar pains in the left knee, as well as a constant "heavy" feeling across the back of his neck. All of these Received 6 February 1987 and in revised form 3 June 1987. symptoms were worse as soon as he commenced any exer- Accepted 8 June 1987 tion and also in cold weather. He had no "second-wind phe- 250 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.51.2.250 on 1 February 1988. Downloaded from

A new metabolic muscle disease due to abnormal hexokinase activity 251 nomenon", which is to say that the symptoms did not lessen trocnemius. No spontaneous activity was recorded in these when exertion was continued. He denied weakness of the muscles and the interference patterns were complete. Motor muscles even when the symptoms were severe, but with con- unit potentials were of normal configuration and amplitude, tinued exertion his muscles seemed "stifi" and his walking though some polyphasic potentials were seen in the tibialis became "awkward", so that he would, for example, have anterior and gastrocnemius with maximum amplitudes of some difficulty climbing stairs. For 6 months, he had experi- 3-4 mV and less frequently in quadriceps femoris too. Motor enced painful nocturnal calf cramps about twice a week and and sensory conduction velocities were normal in the right rarely when resting during the day. His symptoms were not median, ulnar, lateral popliteal, tibial and sural . related to eating or ingestion. He had not noticed F-wave latencies of the right median, ulnar and tibial nerves urine colour change after exertion, nor had the were normal. Ischaemic exercise of the right lower leg for 3 muscles been tender to palpation. He had no symptoms to minutes did not provoke muscle spasm. Repetitive stimu- suggest involvement of the extraocular, facial or bulbar lation of the right lateral popliteal nerve at a rate of 20 s' muscles. resulted in physiological increment in extensor digitorum Prior to these symptoms he had been well. His birth had brevis. The electromyogram of the biceps muscle was been normal and, although not keen on sport, he had been repeated following exposure to a cold environment, but the normally active in his early life and teens. There had been no electromyogram appearance was not altered. apparent change in his life style, diet or general health to account for the onset of muscle symptoms in the last few Methods years. He had three brothers (including a non-identical twin) Ischaemic exercise test and two sisters who were all well, as were his parents Ischaemic exercise1421 was carried out on the patient using (unrelated to one another), two sons (age 11 and 5 years) and a modification of the technique devised in this laboratory a daughter (13 years). There was no family history of (A. L. Woolf, personal communication). The patient is muscular or neurological disease. fasted for 12 hours and confined to bed for 30 minutes Examination revealed a short, well built man of normal before the test. The patient's forearm is made ischaemic with somatotype (height = 1-58 m; weight = 65 7 kg), with no a cuff round the upper arm inflated to 180mmHg and a muscle wasting, fasciculation or focal muscle hypertrophy. wrist cuff to 80 mm Hg. After a base line blood sample, exer- Protected by copyright. The muscles were firm to palpation, though not excessively, cise in the form of rapid and vigorous squeezing ofan elastic and were not tender. A brief percussion myotonia could be bandage for 45 seconds is followed by I minute rest. The elicited over the deltoid muscle or thenar eminence, but no biceps cuff is then released and blood sampled every 30 sec- myotonia was observed following voluntary contraction. onds for 10 minutes and assayed for lactate (BCL Ltd Muscle tone, power and reflexes were normal in all limbs adapted for operation on a Cobas Bio centrifugal analyser, and his plantar responses were flexor. His gait was normal Roche Diagnostica). and he could jump up from the squatting position or hop on either leg without difficulty. Examination ofhis mental func- tion, cranial nerves, coordination and sensation were nor- Enzyme determination mal. General examination of his respiratory, cardiovascular, Ketohexokinase, hexokinase and (ATP: D- and abdominal systems were normal. He had a faint purple Fructose-6-phosphotransferase E.C. were assayed reticular mottling over the legs but no skin lesions elsewhere by similar spectrofluorometric methods designed to avoid and no lymphadenopathy. Brisk walking in a cold environ- interference from endogenous substrates. About 50mg of ment caused him to complain of "tightness" of the leg mus- muscle was pulverised in liquid and extracted into cles and the back of the neck, but re-examination revealed 20 volumes of ice-cold buffer (20mM Tris, 50mM KCI, no abnormal signs, though he experienced the sensation of 05mM EDTA, 05mM phenylmethylsulphonyl, fluoride, further tightness of the muscles during maximal effort. The 0 5 mM dithiothreitol: pH 7 4). After thawing and centrifu- muscle symptoms persisted for several hours before gradu- ging at 4,500 g at 4°C for 10 minutes the supernatant was ally resolving. divided into two portions of known volume. One portion http://jnnp.bmj.com/ was subject to gel filtration on a Sephadex G-25 column (col- Investigations umn dimensions 0-9 x 15 5 cm) with 0 4 M triethanolamine: The white blood cell count was persistently mildly elevated pH 7-5 as elution buffer. The peak was detected by at between 10 and 16 x I0 I-' (neutrophils 81%, lympho- an LKB Uvicord and collected; the volume was then mea- cytes 16%, eosinophils 1%, basophils 1%, monocytes 1%), sured. The other aliquot of extract supernatant was used but haemoglobin, indices, platelet count and without further treatment. blood film were normal. The following serum or plasma con- centrations were normal: alka- urea, , , on October 1, 2021 by guest. line , aspartate , gamma glutamyl (1) Hexokinase activity 20up1 untreated extract was drawn transferase, albumin, globulin, glucose, calcium, phosphate, into a flow cell containing 05 mg/ml NADP, 0-5 mg/ml free thyroxine and . The rheumatoid latex ATP, 0 01% (w/v) MgC92, 1 U glucose-6-phosphate dehy- test, direct Coomb's test, antinuclear factor, and antibodies drogenase (G6PDH) (BCL Ltd) made up to 200up1 with to mitochondria and were all negative. Elec- 0-4 M triethanolamine: pH 7-5. The reaction was started tromyography was performed in the right abductor pollicis with 10p1 of 0mM glucose and the rate of NADPH for- brevis, abductor digiti minimi, biceps, deltoid, extensor digi- mation observed as the increase in fluorescence followed in torum brevis, quadriceps femoris, tibialis anterior and gas- an MPF3 spectrofluorimeter (Perkin Elmer). J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.51.2.250 on 1 February 1988. Downloaded from

252 Poulton, Nightingale (2) Ketohexokinase activity 100 y11 of desalted extract was (Reeve Angel) for electrophoresis at 200V for 1 hour in drawn into a flow cell containing 05 mg/ml ATP, 0-01% 0-04M sodium barbital buffer: pH 8-4 containing 2-7mM (w/v) MgCl2, 50mM KCl, IOpM NaF, 2 mg/ml NADH EDTA at 4°C. and 100 U triosephosphate , 90U fructose-l- Staining for hexokinase took place using an agar gel phosphate splitting aldolase and 3 U -3-phosphate modification of the thiozolyol blue-ooupled enzymic stain'9 made up to 200p1 with 0-4M triethanol- at three different glucose concentrations. 375 mg of agarose : pH 7 5. The reaction was started with lOp1 of 1OmM was dissolved in 50 ml 0 1 M Tris: pH 8-0 buffer. at 100°C tagatose and the oxidation of NADH followed spectro- and then cooled to 45°C. Gel strips were immersed in fluorometrically. This procedure kept the concentration of agarose/Tris matrix containing 1OmM or 0 5mM or IOpM tagatose below the Km for fructose of hexokinase and pro- glucose, 20pM MgCl2, 0-5 mg/ml ATP, 0-3 mg/ml NADP, vided a high concentration of KCI to stimulate KHK. 0-12mg/ml phenozenemethosulphate and 012 mg/ml thio- zolyol blue and 80 U G6PDH, and incubated at 37°C for I (3) Fructokinase activity 100 p1 of desalted extract was hour to allow permeation of stain into the gel and then incu- assayed in 0-5mg/ml NADP, 05mg/ml ATP, 0-01% (w/v) bated overnight at 4°C (both stages being carried out in the MgCI2 with 1 U each of G6PDH and phosphoglucose iso- dark). The agarose prevented the background from staining merase. The reaction was started with 10pl ofOS M fructose too swiftly and significantly slowed the fading of the bands and the reduction of NADP followed spectrofluoro- when exposed to light. metrically. Results Incubation experiments Muscle specimens were placed on ice immediately after their surgical removal and kept moist Histology with Krebs-Ringer Phosphate (KRP). II Fibre bundles were Paraffin sections of the left quadriceps femoris muscle dissected out'6 and between 30 and 50 mg transferred to I ml KRP in the main compartments of Warburg flasks kept on obtained from open biopsy showed an abnormal vari- ice. Radiotracer substrates of 10-25 pCi were introduced ation in muscle fibre size from moderate atrophy to slight hypertrophy with some replacement by fat and

into the flask's side arms which were then stoppered. In the Protected by copyright. centre well were placed two 2-ply fibreglass filter discs fibrosis, but no collections of lymphocytes, necrotic (Whatman GF/A 2 1 cm diameter) soaked in 200 p1 1% (v/v) fibres or regenerating fibres. There was no excess of 2-methoxyethylamine. The flasks were then transferred to a internal nuclei. One nerve was seen at the edge of the shaking water bath and allowed to equilibrate at 37°C. The specimen which showed a minor excess of fibrosis and main stopper was then put in place and the contents of the loss of myelinated axons. The cryostat sections side arm tipped in. Incubation of the muscle was carried out showed similar morphological features. The fibre type for 60 minutes after which time the fibre bundles were removed, washed, blotted and pulverised in liquid nitrogen differentiation was possible on the neutral fat (Sudan and extracted into 1 ml 30% (w/v) KOH containing Black) and (PAS) stains though there was an 10 mg/ml glycogen. Glycogen was prepared from this extract excess of neutral and PAS in some fibres. There by a triple ethanol-precipitation/water-resolvation cycle" was a good reaction with fibre type and the final pellet redissolved in 1 ml H20 and subjected to differentiation though some fibres showed reduced liquid scintillation counting using NE260 as cocktail activity. NADH showed good fibre type (Nuclear Enterprises). differentiation, though there were some groups of The wicks soaked in methoxyethylamine were recovered very small type I fibres and a few fibres showed a and the centre well washed three times with methanol. The patchy reduction in reactivity. The ATP stain showed wicks together with the washings were dispersed in 10 ml NE260 and then counted for beta emission. a similar fibre type distribution to NADH. Electron- Lactate and sorbitol were measured in the incubation microscopy showed gross disruption in a few of the media remaining in the Warburg flasks by the method of sampled fibres with focal loss of sarcomeres leaving http://jnnp.bmj.com/ Bergmeyer'8 adapted for automation onto a Cobas Bio sarcoplasm-containing lipid droplets and some gly- centrifugal analyser (Roche Diagnostica). cogen. Elsewhere there was partial loss of fibrillary protein. Some fibres showed differential contraction Glycogen level Muscle stored glycogen was measured by and others showed distortion of the banding pattern digestion of glycogen in a muscle homogenate with Amylo with smearing and discontinuity of Z bands in places 1,6; 1,4 glucosidase (Aspergillus Sp.) at 55°C"7 and the and reduction and discontinuity of I bands elsewhere. resulting free glucose assayed by Glucose Rapid II Kit Dilatation and reduplication of the sarcoplasmic method (Roche) on a Cobas Bio centrifugal analyser- reticulum and T system triads were conspicuous, on October 1, 2021 by guest. Roche Diagnositca. with focal honeycomb-like proliferation of packed T Electrophoresis Tissue samples (50-100mg) were homoge- system tubules. The mitochondria were normal. nised in 10 volumes of ice-cold 0 1 M Tris: pH 7 4 containing 5 mM EDTA and 10 pM glucose. Homogenates were centri- Ischaemic exercise test fuged at 25,000g for 60 minutes at 4°C. Supernatants were The patient exercised continuously for the full 45 then concentrated five fold in Minicon Polymer blocks second test period. The blood lactate gradually rose (Amicon Ltd) and applied directly onto cellogel strips to a peak level of 2 48 mmol/l at about 4 minutes after J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.51.2.250 on 1 February 1988. Downloaded from

A new metabolic muscle disease due to abnormal hexokinase activity 253 Table 2 Conversion of("4C)-substrates to (14C)-C02 by fresh.fibre bundles Patient Normal range E 7-5 mM glucose 15-3 25-340 - 6- 6-9 mM fructose 634-6 18-280 -4- 1-9 mM palmitate 44-1 24-550 0) 45mM butanoate 3296-8 1000-11,560 455 mM 3 hydroxybutanoate 3017-7 2000-5470

0 6-5 mM glucose-6-phosphate 123-8 23-1519 Production of (14C)-CO2 by fresh muscle bundles in nmol/g wet weight/hour. The total observed range of 13 healthy control subjects is shown for comparison. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lb 11 Exercise Time (min) when the muscle extract concentrations were as high as 400mg wet weight/ml in the reaction cup and a 10 Fig 1 Plot ofblood lactate levels in the patient during fold increase in instrument sensitivity was used. The ischaemic exercise. The shaded area is the normal range x (2 SD from the mean) fromfive subjects, three of whom had glucose concentration was 5 10-4M, which is the muscle weakness not due to a metabolicfault and two were correct order of magnitude for HKII' and is the con- healthy controls. centration at which HK is measured in all our muscle biopsy samples. Further investigation revealed a fruc- tose phosphorylation mechanism with a high specific the start of the exercise period. This represents a 3 75 activity (0 554 iu/g) equivalent to the mean HK activ- fold increase in blood lactate from the base line sam- ity in the control muscle population (table 1). Fruc- ple. The test results are displayed in fig 1. Ischaemic tose phosphorylation in normal muscle occurs to a exercise lactate curves from healthy individuals and limited extent with a mean specific activity of0 05 iu/g Protected by copyright. patients presenting with non-metabolic causes of and therefore our patient's muscle had 10 times the muscle weakness usually show a three to four fold fructose phosphorylating capacity of normal tissues. increase in lactate within 1 minute of the end of Because of the ability of muscle undergoing dys- exercise. trophic change to shunt glucose to fructose via sor- Enzyme assays bitol dehydrogenase (the )1620 and Table 1 shows enzyme activity and glycogen mea- then further metabolise this via abnormally active surements. The muscle was also assayed for phospho- KHK and fructose-l-phosphate splitting aldolase,7 fructokinase, phosphorylase, , the KHK activity in this muscle was assayed (table 1) acid and neutral maltases, , and shown to be present only at the low levels seen in phosphoglucose isomerase, both fructose- - normal muscle. phosphate splitting and fructose 1,6 bis phosphate splitting actions of aldolase, debrancher and Incubation experiments carnitine palmitoyl transferase, all of which had activ- Incubation of muscle fibre bundles with radiotracer ities within the range expected for normal muscle. fuels also indicated a decreased ability to handle glu- Muscle glycogen measurements were normal. The cose in this patient's muscle (table 2), while showing ability to phosphorylate glucose to glucose-6- an increased flux of fructose to CO2. The rate of util- phosphate was not detectable in this muscle, even isation and conversion to CO2 of the long (palmitate) http://jnnp.bmj.com/ and short (butanoate) chain fatty acids and the (3- hydroxybutanoate) indicate that impaired glucose processing is not due to a fault in mito- Table I Muscle enzyme and glycogen determinations chondrial function. Table 3 which shows the con- Normal subject Dystrophic subject Measurement Patient range (N) range (N = 9) Table 3 Muscle lactate levels Hexokinase ND 0-12-098 (88) 0-15-0-93 Fructokinase 0-554 0 01-010 (19) 0 01-013 on October 1, 2021 by guest. Ketohexokinase 0-04 0 0-0 6 (54) 15-11-6 Substrate Patient Normal range 8 54 0 3-11-4 114-12-19 Glycogen (103) 7-5mM glucose 3 14 15-50 Enzyme measurements in iu/g wet weight made on muscle extracts 6-9 mM fructose 10 25 5-29 as described in the text. Glycogen measurements are shown in mg/g 6-5 mM glucose-6-phosphate 22 72 10-44 wet weight. The patient's results are a mean of three separate determinations. The total observed range of control groups of Lactate levels (nmol/g wet weight) in incubation media in Warburg healthy subjects (N is the number of cases) and of nine patients with flasks after removal of fibre bundles for glycogen determinations. are shown for comparison. ND = no activity The total observed range of 13 healthy control subjects is shown for detected. comparison. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.51.2.250 on 1 February 1988. Downloaded from

254 Poulton, Nightingale Table 4 Muscle sorbitol levels of sorbitol was approximately 10 times the upper nor- mal range, indicating the interconversion of glucose Substrate Patient Normal range and fructose via the polyol pathway. Incubation Preincubation 2 14 007-025 studies showed similar increases in sorbitol concen- 7 5 mM glucose 4 17 0-01-038 tration. 6 9 mM fructose 2 71 0-01-038 6 5 mM glucose-6-phosphate 3-35 0-02-047 Electrophoresis Sorbitol levels (nmol/g wet weight) in incubation media in Warburg flasks after removal of fibre bundles for glycogen determinations. Electrophoresis of soluble extracts of muscle (fig 2) The total observed range of 13 healthy control subjects is shown for illustrates three anomalies in the pattern obtained comparison. from this patient. Most significant is the abnormally migrating band in the region of HKII which version of substrate fuels to lactate, indicates some slower than in normal extracts and stained only inability of this muscle to process glucose via anaer- faintly at all three glucose concentrations. Secondly obic metabolism, compared with the other carbo- the larger HKI band seen in the normal muscle elec- hydrate fuels included in the incubation batch. The trophoretogram is missing, and the smaller slower fact that glucose-6-phosphate is metabolised nor- band stains more densely. Thirdly in the HKIII mally to both CO2 (table 2) and lactate (table 3) indi- region the normal pattern of two moderately stained cates that distal to hexokinase is normal. bands is replaced by one narrow moderately stained Table 4 shows that the preincubation concentration band and one faintly stained one. Normal Patient Discussion [ 71 The muscle from this patient exhibits an inability to Origin glucose at the normal concentration

phosphorylate Protected by copyright. (10-4M) for HKII. This block would be so funda- mental as to halt glucose metabolism completely. HKI [ However, his relatively mild symptoms suggest that this is not so and that some form of metabolic com- pensation is taking place. Our investigation suggests that there is a by-pass system in which fructose is phosphorylated to fructose-6-phosphate, which itself f- - - --.% r I I can then proceed along the usual glycolytic pathway. I I Consistent with this hypothesis, incubation experi- ments have shown both an increased flux of fructose to CO2 and a normal flux to lactate, while glucose HKII t metabolism in these same experiments is at rates lower than expected for normal muscle. Furthermore, enzyme activity assays have shown a greatly increased capacity for fructose phosphorylation to fructose-6- phosphate. Higher than normal levels of sorbitol in the muscle are also consistent with our hypothesis that glucose is converted to fructose before being http://jnnp.bmj.com/ further metabolised. In studies on muscle from Duchenne muscular dys- HKIII | trophy patients the alteration in glucose metabolism favours fructose to fructose-l-phosphate formation. The subsequent metabolic splitting of this by aldolase only yields one potential energy gener- ating moiety and one free glyceraldelyde. This abnor- mal pathway severely depletes the supply of energy on October 1, 2021 by guest. Fig 2 Diagranm of muscle hexokinase isoenzYmle for muscle work and increases lipogenesis. In our electrophoresis in health!vsubjects and in the patient. patient however, a situation can be envisaged where Electrophoretic te(hniques are described in the text. The the rate of glycolysis is slowed down by the need to degree ofactivit' i.s represented hti the anmount of'shadling. convert available glucose to fructose before further The diagrams are clerived from control muscle from eleven healthy subjects andi three separate homogenates ol the metabolic processing can take place, but the net yield patient 's muscle. in energy is unaltered. The low level of blood fructose J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.51.2.250 on 1 February 1988. Downloaded from

A new metabolic muscle disease due to abnormal hexokinase activity 255 is not sufficient to provide the substrate for the com- We are grateful to Dr RC Hughes for permission to pensatory mechanism. Therefore situations might report his patient and to Dr M Carey for reporting arise, for example during long or strenuous exercise, the histopathology. when energy demand will exceed the rate at which it can be supplied leading to muscle cell damage and the References associated symptoms. The "late rise" in the lactate level during the ischaemic exercise test may reflect this I Katzen HM, Schimke RT. Multiple forms of hexokinase in the rat: tissue distribution, age dependency and properties. Proc glucose reprocessing. A "late rise" in lactate, as seen Natl Acad Sci USA 1965;54:1218-25. in this patient, has also been observed by us in a num- 2 Crane RK. and pentokinases. In: The Enzymes 2nd ber of cases with minor metabolic errors of glycolysis ed. 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