The Railway Activities of the Port of Hamburg and the Hinterland Traffic Daniel Bischof, Head of Rail Research and Development 21-11-2013 Hamburg Port Railway

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The Railway Activities of the Port of Hamburg and the Hinterland Traffic Daniel Bischof, Head of Rail Research and Development 21-11-2013 Hamburg Port Railway The railway activities of the Port of Hamburg and the Hinterland Traffic Daniel Bischof, Head of Rail Research and Development 21-11-2013 Hamburg Port Railway established in 1866 Department of the Hamburg Port Authority port of Hamburg's rail infrastructure manager building and operation of railroad facilities today Hamburg is Europe's most important „rail port“ Daniel Bischof Hamburg Port Railway Deregulation yesterday • infrastructure and transportation in charge of the Hamburg Port Railway • one carrier today • one owner and operator of the infrastructure = HPA • several railroad companies Today 112 different rail transport companies pay for use of the infrastructure of the HPA. Daniel Bischof Hamburg Port Railway Railway infrastructure Ross Veddeler Kreuz Peute Kornweide Hausbruch Source: HHM Daniel Bischof Port of Hamburg - important railterminals Norderelbe CTBCTB CTT CTS HBS EUK Rethe- brigde WHO HP Rethe HOS CTA Kattwyk- brigde ASE Reiherstieg Süderelbe Hausbruch Port railway main stations DB-Netz large terminals HPA port railway Daniel Bischof Hamburg port railway – facts track ca 300 km (+ 160 km in private use) switches ca 850 (+ 600 in private use) engineering work 65 gravity sorting systems 3 marshalling humps with 6 switch towers >200 trains per day including 135 container trains freight cars per day ca 5.000 railroad companies 112 share in cargo handling (port of Hamburg) ca 30 % share in national rail freight transport ca 12 % of German rail freight transport originate or end at port of Hamburg 01.11.2013 Daniel Bischof Hinterland of the Port of Hamburg 33 % 22 % 44 % Daniel Bischof 8 Port of Hamburg: Modal Split 2012 (Container) Daniel Bischof Especially in the last decade, annual growth in container transport by the port railway has been outstanding. 1200% 1000% 800% 600% 1980 = 100% 400% 200% 0% Daniel Bischof In 2011, we set another new record and we expect further growth in the future transport total (m tons) container transport (m TEU) 80 4,5 70 4,0 60 3,5 3,0 50 2,5 40 2,0 30 1,5 20 1,0 10 0,5 0 0,0 220 freight trains 400 freight trains per day per day (2010) (medium term = 2020 et seq.) Daniel Bischof North Range Ports: Intermodal Rail Traffic Development 2.500 Hamburg Bremerhaven 1.975 2.000 Rotterdam Antwerp 1.500 1.042 1.000 TEU 1.000 794 617* 500 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: Port of Rotterdam Authority, Hamburg Port Authority, bremenports, Antwerp Port Authority, HHM Daniel Bischof Hamburg main rail axes Fredericia Kopenhagen / Riga / Talinn Stockholm Kaunas Gdansk Sassnitz Sestokai Rostock Bremerhaven Lübeck Wilhelmshaven Hamburg Ilawa Minsk Stendal Berlin Moskwa Rotterdam Hannover Poznan Warszawa Frankfurt / O. Malaszewicze Dortmund Dessau Lodz Horka Leipzig Dresden Köln Poti / Baku Antwerpen Wroclaw Kiew Praha Gliwice Katowice Frankfurt Nürnberg corridor 1 Mannheim Odessa German ports – Switzerland Brno corridor 2 German ports – Austria Regensburg corridor 3 Linz / Enns German ports – Czech Republic/Poland München Wien Basel Salzburg Bratislawa corridor-access Zürich / Mailand Ljubljana / Zagreb Belgrad Bucuresti Budapest Daniel Bischof Intermodal railway services via Hamburg Port of Hamburg Europe‘s largest rail freight hub: All in all more than 1200 trains per week, thereof more than 900 intermodal trains! Denmark: 6 Trains/week Lithuania: if required Russia: if required Poland: 39 trains/week Germany: 620 trains/week Czech Republic: Ukraine: 100 trains/week if required Slowakia: 11 trains/week Switzerland: Austria: 32 trains/week 80 trains/week Hungary: 10 trains/week weekly container train connections from/to Hamburg Italy: inc. Terminal Billwerder 64 trains/week (Stand: 06/2012). Port© Hafen of HamburgHamburg Marketing More Peaks in Hinterland Traffic Caused by Increasing Loading Capacities of Ocean-Going Vessels Daniel Bischof Key Projects at Hamburg Port Railway area Richtung Richtung Lübeck/Feh- Hamburg Hbf marnbelt/Skandinavien 1.1 Kapazitätserhöhung Verbindungsgleise im Mühlen- Raum Waltershof werder 2 Bhf 2. Umbau Bhf Waltershof Waltershof 16 3.3 Zweigleisige Anbindung der 3 15 Containerterminals (CTB: dreigleisig) 3 3 Stein- 4.4 Gleisanbindung Altenwerder (4. Stufe) werder 2 1 5.5 Sicherung Vorstellfunktionen Bhf Alte 17 Bhf Hamburg Richtung Süderelbe Süd Peute Ross Büchen/Berlin/ 6.6 Südanbindung Altenwerder Stendal 7.7 Anbindung Seehafenbahnhof (langfristig) 19 4 Wilhelms- 13 8.8 Ersatzbau zweigleisige Kattwyk-Bahnbrücke Bhf Alte 14 burg 9.9 Sicherung Vorstellfunktionen Süderelbe Altenwerder Seehafenbahnhof (DB) Ost 12 10.10 Umbau Knoten Harburg Bhf Hohe Schaar 8 11.11 Ausbau Zweigleisigkeit (HPA/DB) 5 axis 1 12.12 Kreuzungsbauwerk Wilhelmsburg 6 13.13 Sicherung Vorstellfunktionen Wilhelmsburg (langfristig) 18 11 14.14 Ersatzbau Rethebrücke construction & extension 15.15 Umbau und Modernisierung Bhf Hamburg 9 construction (long term) Süd 7 Seehafen- construction & extension DB 16.16 Puffergleise Rothenburgsort bahnhof 17.17 Vorstellgruppe Ross axis 2 Richtung 18.18 Zweigleisige Durchfahrt Bhf Hohe Schaar Haus- 10 Maschen/Hannover/ 19.19 Lokservicestelle bruch StendalBremen Daniel Bischof 19 In the last three years we invested heavily in infrastructure refurbishment projects. example: Rethebridge – world’s major double flap bridge Daniel Bischof We have developed an integrated IT system to optimise communication and production for all partners Daniel Bischof Thank you for your attention! HPA Hamburg Port Authority AöR Neuer Wandrahm 4 20457 Hamburg Daniel Bischof phone: +49 40 42847-1839 fax: +49 40 42847-4399 e-mail:

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