Planning and implementation The Master Plan for Hamburg’s 105th district was approved by the Senate of the City of Hamburg on 26 February 2019 . Since then, the individual issues relating to the Oberbillwerder Master Plan have been specified in greater detail. The Bergedorf district office is working on the local plan for the purpose of planning approvals. The planning horizon for the creation of Oberbillwerder as a liveable, ener- getic, affordable and sustainable district is well over a decade away. One of the most important factors in planning capability for such ambitious goals is the early establishment of the ongoing and holistic management of the development process. For that purpose, in early 2018 the Hamburg Senate set up a new development company, IBA Projektentwicklung GmbH & Co. KG (IPEG), thus paving the way for the realisation of the city’s second-largest urban development project. It is anticipated that the first development will get under way from 2022, with the first houses built from the mid-2020s. At the same time, the IBA Hamburg is continuing with process-related commu- nication and public participation. Legal information: Image credits: Legally responsible for content: ADEPT APS Anke Hansing Design: Kaller & Kaller Werbeagentur Limitation of liability: The information contained in this publication is intended for the gene- ral public; it is not claimed to be either complete or correct. It may not be used to assess risks of investments or other business decisions in connection with the IBA Hamburg or parts thereof. Version: April 2019 Contact: IBA Hamburg GmbH · Am Zollhafen 12 · 20539 Hamburg Tel.: +49 (0)40 / 226 227 - 0 Email:
[email protected] THE CONNECTED CITY OBERBILLWERDER – HAMBURG‘S NEW DISTRICT A bird’s eye visualisation from the south At a glance Oberbillwerder – Approx.