How to integrate for Students of French in your language course

Consult the list below which correlates the grammatical terms covered in beginning French courses with the relevant chapters in English Grammar for Students of French, 7th ed. (“O&H Study Guide”).

Students will get help with their homework and instructors will get help with their syllabus.

For the Student

Before your first class Read the “Study Tips”and “What’s in a Word?,” pages 1–8.

In preparation for each lesson 1. Search under GRAMMATICAL TERMS for the terms covered in the upcoming lesson. 2. Read the corresponding RELEVANT CHAPTERS that review concepts covered in the MAIN CHAPTER. 3. Read the MAIN CHAPTER that explains the grammar as it applies to English and to French. 4. Follow the STUDY TIPS for advice on memorization. 5. Now you’re ready to go to your textbook and do your homework.

For the Instructor The O&H Study Guides are available for students of: In preparation for your syllabus Spanish 1. Under GRAMMATICAL TERMS select the grammar covered in each French lesson and integrate the corresponding chapters into you syllabus. German Students should read your selections before doing their assignment Italian or coming to class. Latin Russian 2. In class you will be able to rely on a common grammatical Japanese vocabulary (, , direct object, etc.) and devote class time to Arabic teaching French and developing communicative skills. Chinese

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©The Olivia and Hill Press English Grammar for Students of French Correlation — Page 1 of 6 GRAMMATICAL TERMS O&H RELEVANT CHAPTERS Pg. O&H MAIN CHAPTER Pg.

Adjectives 2. What is a Noun? 9 27. What is an ? 87 3. What is Meant by Gender? 11 4. What is Meant by Number? 14 10. What is a ? 31

Adverbs 7. What is a Verb? 25 33. What is an ? 103 27. What is an Adjective? 87 — Adverb or adjective 104 28. What is a Descriptive Adjective? 88 STUDY TIPS 105

Agreement of past 19. What is a Participle? 60 19. What is the Past Tense? 63 13. What is an ? 46 20. What is the Past Perfect Tense? 6 Être auxiliary 9. What is a ? 29 22. What is the Future Perfect Tense? 72 Agreement of past participle 64 25. What is the Conditional? 81 Avoir auxiliary 36. What is an Object? 111 — Past conditional in if-clauses 82 — Direct object 111 Agreement of past participle 65

Agreement of past participle 132 40. What are Reflexive and ? 131

Agreement of past participle 151 43. What is a ? 148 — Relative pronoun as direct object 150

Agreement of past participle 166 45. What is Meant by Active and Passive Voice? 165

Aller + (Futur proche) The immediate future 73 21. What is the Future Tense? 72

Articles 2. What is a Noun? 9 5. What is an ? 16 3. What is Meant by Gender? 11 — Definite articles 16 4. What is Meant by Number? 14 — Indefinite articles 16 — Partitive articles 20 STUDY TIPS 21

Auxiliary (helping) Verbs 7. What is a Verb? 25 13. What are Auxiliary Verbs? 46 12. What is a Verb Conjugation? 38 — Auxiliary verbs to indicate tense 47 16. What is Meant by Tense? 55 18. What is a Participle? 60 19. What is the Past Tense? 63 — Selection of avoir or être 64

Avoir and être 13. What are Auxiliary Verbs? 46

Ce 32. What is a Adjective? 101 43. What is a Relative Pronoun? — Relative pronouns without antecedent 159

Celui-ci/-là, celui de, celui qui/que 44. What is a Demonstrative Pronoun? 160

Commands. See Imperative.

Comparative 27. What is an Adjective? 87 29. What is Meant by Comparison of 28. What is a Descriptive Adjective? 88 Adjectives? 91 3. What is Meant by Gender? 11 — Comparative 91 4. What is Meant by Number? 14 — Superlative 92

©The Olivia and Hill Press English Grammar for Students of French Correlation — Page 2 of 6 GRAMMATICAL TERMS O&H RELEVANT CHAPTERS Pg. O&H MAIN CHAPTER Pg.

Conditional 7. What is a Verb? 24 25. What is the Conditional? 81 12. What is a Verb Conjugation? 38 — Present conditional in if- ("si") clauses 81 12. What is Meant by Mood? 77 — Past conditional in if-clauses 82 13. What is an Auxiliary Verb? 46 — If-clauses sequence of tenses 83 19. What is the Past Tense? 63 — Use of conditional in indirect speech 84 21. What is the Future Tense? 72

Conjugation 7. What is a Verb? 24 12. What is a Verb Conjugation? 106 9. What is a Subject? 29 —Choosing the proper person 39 10. What is a Pronoun? 31 — How to conjugate a verb 42 11. What is a ? 33 STUDY TIPS 43

Conjunctions 26. What is the Subjunctive? 85 34. What is a ? 106 — Coordinating conjunction 106 — Subordinating conjunction 106 STUDY TIPS 107

Contrary-to-Fact Statements 25. What is the Conditional? 81

Demonstrative Adjectives 27. What is an Adjective? 87 32. What is a Demonstrative Adjective? 101 2. What is a Noun? 9 3. What is Meant by Gender? 11 4. What is Meant by Number? 14

Demonstrative Pronouns 10. What is a Pronoun? 31 44. What is a Demonstrative Pronoun? 160 2. What is a Noun? 9 — This one, that one, these, those 3. What is Meant by Gender? 11 (celui-ci, celui-là) 160 3. What is Meant by Number? 14 — To show possession: celui de 161 — The one (that) (celui qui, celui que) 163

Depuis 19. What is the Past Tense? 67

Descriptive Adjectives 27. What is an Adjective? 87 28. What is a Descriptive Adjective? 88 2. What is a Noun? 9 STUDY TIPS 90 3. What is Meant by Gender? 11 4. What is Meant by Number? 14

Disjunctive Pronouns (Stress 35. What is a Preposition? 108 39. What is a Disjunctive Pronoun? 125 pronouns) Pronoms personnels 36. What is an Object? 111 — As object of a preposition 127 toniques) — Object of preposition 114 Summary of object pronouns 128

Dont 43. What is a Relative Pronoun? 14

En 39. What is a Disjunctive Pronoun? 128

Future Tense 7. What is a Verb? 24 21. What is the Future Tense? 72 Futur, Futur proche 12. What is a Verb Conjugation? 38 — The immediate future 73 16. What is Meant by Tense? 55 STUDY TIPS 74

Gender 5. What is an Article? 16 3. What is Meant by Gender? 11 2. What Is a Noun? 9 STUDY TIPS 21 27. What is an Adjective? 87 10. What is a Pronoun? 31

If-CLAUSE (Si-CLAUSE) 25. What is the Conditional? 81

Imparfait 19. What is the Past Tense? 63 — Selection: Passé composé vs. imparfait 66

©The Olivia and Hill Press English Grammar for Students of French Correlation — Page 3 of 6 GRAMMATICAL TERMS O&H RELEVANT CHAPTERS Pg. O&H MAIN CHAPTER Pg.

Imperative 7. What is a Verb? 24 24. What is the Imperative? 79 12. What is a Verb Conjugation? 38 — Tu command 79 11. What is a Subject Pronoun? 33 — Vous command 80 23. What is Meant by Mood? 77 — Nous command 80

Infinitive 7. What is a Verb? 24 8. What is the Infinitive? 26 — Consulting the dictionary 27 STUDY TIPS 27

Interrogative 15. What are Declarative and Interrogative Sentences? 52 — Tag questions 54

Interrogative Adjectives 27. What is an Adjective? 87 31. What is an Interrogative Adjective? 99 2. What is a Noun? 9 3. What is Meant by Gender? 11 4. What is Meant by Number? 14

Interrogative Pronouns 10. What is a Pronoun? 31 42. What is an Interrogative Pronoun? 140 9. What is a Subject? 29 — subject: who, what (qui, que) 140 36. What is an Object? 111 — direct object: whom, what (qui, que) 141 — Direct Object 111 — indirect object and object of a — Indirect Object 112 preposition (qui, que, quoi) 142 35. What is a Preposition? 108 — restructuring dangling preposition 142 — Object of a Preposition 114 — Which one, which ones (lequel) 145 STUDY TIPS 146

Inversion 15. What are Declarative and Interrogative Sentences? 52

Mood 24. What is the Imperative? 79 23. What is Meant by Mood? 77 26. What is the Subjunctive? 85 — Indicative mood 77 25. What is the Conditional? 82 — Imperative mood 77 — Subjunctive mood 77 — Conditional mood 78

Negative Expressions and Words 14. What are Affirmative and Negative Sentences? 49

Nouns 3. What is Meant by Gender? 11 2. What Is a Noun? 9 4. What is Meant by Number? 14 STUDY TIPS 21 5. What is an Article? 16

Number 5. What is an Article? 16 4. What is Meant by Number? 14 2. What Is a Noun? 9 — Singular 7. What is a Verb? 24 — Plural 10. What is a Pronoun? 31 27. What is an Adjective? 87

Object 7. What is a Verb? 24 36. What is an Object? 111 2. What Is a Noun? 9 — Direct Object 111 10. What is a Pronoun? 31 — Indirect Object 112 Summary French object pronouns 128 37. What is a Direct ? 116 38. What is an Indirect Object Pronoun? 119 39. What is a Disjunctive Pronoun? 125

Object pronouns, Direct 7. What is a Verb? 24 37. What is a Direct Object Pronouns? 116 10. What is a Pronoun? 31 — Me, you, us 120 36. What is an Object? 112 — Him, her, it, them 121 Question to ask when choosing STUDY TIPS 124 French object pronouns Summary French object pronouns 128 ©The Olivia and Hill Press English Grammar for Students of French Correlation — Page 4 of 6 GRAMMATICAL TERMS O&H RELEVANT CHAPTERS Pg. O&H MAIN CHAPTER Pg. Object pronouns, Indirect 7. What is a Verb? 24 38. What is an Indirect Object Pronoun? 119 10. What is a Pronoun? 31 — Me, you, us 120 36. What is an Object? 112 — Him, her, it, them 121 Summary French object pronouns 128 — Questions to ask when choosing object pronouns 122 STUDY TIPS 124

On 11. What is a Subject Pronoun? 33 — We 35

Participles 17. What is the Present Tense? 58 18. What is a Participle? 60 Participe présent, participe passé 13. What is an Auxiliary Verb? 46 — Present participle 60 See Agreement of past participle 19. What is the Past Tense? 63 — Past participle 61 above.

Partitive Articles 2. What is a Noun? 9 5. What is an Article? 16 3. What is Meant by Gender? — Non-count and partitive articles 21

Passé Composé (Present Perfect) 13. What is an Auxiliary Verb? 46 19. What is the Past Tense? 63 See Agreement of past participle 18. What is a Participle? 60 — Passé composé 63 above. Passé composé vs. imparfait 66 — Selection of avoir or être 64 — Agreement of past participle 64 — Imparfait 66 — Selection: Passé Composé or Imparfait 66 STUDY TIPS 68

Plus-Que-Parfait (Past Perfect) 13. What is an Auxiliary Verb? 46 20. What is the Past Perfect Tense? 69 See Agreement of past participle 18. What is a Participle? 60 above.

Possessive 2. What is a Noun? 9 6. What is the ? 22 5. What is an Article? 16

Possessive Adjectives 27. What is an Adjective? 87 30. What is a Possessive Adjective? 94 2. What is a Noun? 9 — My, your (tu), his, her, its 95 3. What is Meant by Gender? 11 — Our, your (vous), their 96 4. What is Meant by Number? 14 STUDY TIPS 97

Possessive Pronouns 10. What is a Pronoun? 31 41. What is a Possessive Pronoun? 135 3. What is Meant by Gender? 11 — Singular possessor: mine, yours, his, hers 136 4. What is Meant by Number? 14 — Plural possessor: ours, yours, theirs 137 STUDY TIPS 138

Prepositions "Dangling prepositions" 142 35. What is a Preposition? 108 152

Present Tense 7. What is a Verb? 24 17. What is the Present Tense? 58 11. What is a Subject Pronoun? 33 12. What is a Verb Conjugation? 38 16. What is Meant by Tense? 55

Pronouns 2. What is a Noun? 9 10. What is a Pronoun? 31 3. What is Meant by Gender? 11 4. What is Meant by Number? 14 11. What is a Subject Pronoun? 33

Questions and Statements 15. What are Declarative and Interrogative Sentences? 52 — TAG QUESTIONS 54

Reflexive Pronouns 10. What is a Pronoun? 31 40. What are Reflexive Pronouns and Verbs? 131

©The Olivia and Hill Press English Grammar for Students of French Correlation — Page 5 of 6 O&O GRAMMATICAL TERMS O&H RELEVANT CHAPTERS Pg. O&H MAIN CHAPTER Pg. Reflexive Verbs 7. What is a Verb? 24 40. What are Reflexive Pronouns Verbes pronominaux, verbes 10. What is a Pronoun? 31 and Verbs? 131 réfléchis 9. What is a Subject? 29 — Reciprocal action 133 — Agreement past participle 132

Relative Pronoun 10. What is a Pronoun? 31 43. What is a Relative Pronoun? 148 9. What is a Subject? 29 — Relative pronoun as subject (qui) 149 36. What is an Object? 111 — Relative pronoun as direct object (que) 150 37. What is a Direct Object Pronoun? 116 — Agreement past participle 151

38. What is an Indirect Object — Relative pronoun as indirect object/ Pronoun? 119 object of a preposition 152 — Restructuring dangling prepositions 152

35. What is a Preposition? 108 — Relative pronouns object of preposition other than de (qui, lequel) 153 — Relative pronouns object of preposition de (dont) 154 — Possessive relative pronoun 'whose' (dont) 155 — Summary of relative pronoun with an antecedent 156 — Relative pronoun without an antecedent (ce qui, ce que, ce dont) 158

Subject 7. What is a Verb? 24 9. What is a Subject? 29 2. What is a Noun? 9 10. What is a Pronoun? 31

Subject Pronouns 10. What is a Pronoun? 31 11. What is a Subject Pronoun? 33 9. What is a Subject? 29 — "You" 34 3. What is Meant by Gender? 11 — "It" 35 4. What is Meant by Number? 14 — "We" 35 12. What is a Verb Conjugation? 38 — "They" 36 STUDY TIPS 37

Subjunctive 7. What is a Verb? 24 26. What is the Subjunctive? 85 23. What is Meant by Mood? 77 STUDY TIPS 86 34. What is a Conjunction? 106 STUDY TIPS 107

Tag Questions 15. What are Declarative and Interrogative Sentences? 54

Tenses 7. What is a Verb? 24 16. What is Meant by Tense? 55 17. What is the Present Tense? 58 STUDY TIPS 56 19. What is the Past Tense? 60 20. What is the Past Perfect Tense? 69 21. What is the Future Tense? 72 22. What is the Future Perfect Tense? 75

Verbs 8. What is the Infinitive? 26 7. What is a Verb? 24 12. What is a Verb Conjugation? 38 16. What is Meant by Tense? 35 23. What is Meant by Mood? 77 40. What are Reflexive Pronouns and Verbs? 131

Voice 7. What is a Verb? 24 45.What is Meant by Active/ Passive 9. What is a Subject 29 Voice? 165 — Avoiding passive voice in French 167

Y 38. What is an Indirect Object Pronoun? 121

©The Olivia and Hill Press English Grammar for Students of French Correlation — Page 6 of 6