

BOOTS AND SHOES AYER'S RA i A i MtiMrAT.PVWiT.ITTTfWf FALL IMPORTATION Ready-mad- e LR0 1)S. CABDS A HOWE, Church Street, OF Fine "Money Saved" fir oHs!i BUSINESS MIXES and ! PECTORAL CATEAETIC J.M'TLA.MKV of and dealers in Ladies, Gents, THE WORLD UNANIMOUS FANCY GOODS AND TOYS ! FALL AND WINTER IURLIN(iTO Childrens Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Ties, of every va- it7 riety and style. We now on hand a very Leather Bags, Port Monnaies, Perfumery, Meer-schan- "PILLS. WINTER ARRANGEMENT PETTENGILIi & CO'S have CLOTHING S. Jf. LARGE ASSORTMENT Pipes, Cigar Holders, China and Arm van feeble, and A.ETZBTISI5G AOESCT, Porcelain Goods, Brushes, Combs, Ac compIainlnJ Are you out of m ana alter .Monaav. jiovemher . ELEGANT OVER-COAT- S iii ii t x- - St., of desirable Goods for Spring trade, at prices leave the Rutland and ... , 10 State the Also, 120 Cases of all descriptions. order, wiiuyour ajsteui Burlinzton to accommodate all classes or tho community. TOYS FROCK AND BUSINESS COATS, ranged, anarour iuufc un- ollows:J ' D. " bostox. The ichole comprising one the largest stocks to be comfortable These symp- A. Train kinds of of oftl prelude to 8.20 31., Jlail for Boston, Lowell, Cor found in the Un ed states. PANTS AND VESTS, toms are the cester, Springfiale, Roots, Shoe nn d Gnitcrs serious Ulnfc. Some fit of Trow, Albany, ye T Press and you, anltod States and manufacture! will find it for theirinterest to call superbly made and trimmed, sickness Is oleping upon York, Ac. X Ladies, Gontlcmen, and Children, Dealors should be averted by a 2 40 31., Express arrivinj tocontractfor and ward purchases, as they will find and P. Train at Troy a i or order in the most Fashionable Style, at Lowest Prices for Cash, timely use if the right rem- 31. This connects uargi&ins. P. train with Uf at our lowest rate- - Tinted. BT edy. TakeAyer's illls, and from Ogdensburgh and 3(ontrcaI outthe disordered hu- at Rar A SOAPS . W . & cleanse lingtoD, running from SttW S20.000 worth COOKING EXTRACTS J SMITH CO. mors pujfy the blood, and 3Iontreal t.i Xrnv WHEELER, JOHN B. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. C0L0NGE3, SOAP , Ac to be sold Dock Square, cor. Elm street, IDEA. let the flcto move en unob- without change of cars. at Law. SASH, DOORS, 'BLINDS at manufactures prices. h CAPITAL structed i health again. Trains arrive at Burlington xs follows Attorney & Counsellor TOYS by the case, from to 150, well assort- - BOSTON. Tney etimlate the functions I 30 P 31 Accommodation from Rutland. AND STAIRS. $5 vigorous ac- BURLINGTON, VE '.MONT. THE GREAT COUNTER IRRITANT ! ca case. of the boo into C 00 P 31 3Iail Train from Boston. Lr.we'l, in each with all the largest man tivity, the system from rr TTAVING'connection puiry cester, Springfield, New T"rk. Ac May 29. dlT- - subscribers have just set up a complete ufacturing establishments in New lork, to the obstrulions which make CO. XX ... - 1 . 1 1 ,,t ami Alw-- 00 A M Fraiebt Train with pasener TnE of new and improved machinery for the Tho JIOff,lEY, CUTTER & we aa A cold settles somewuem nun II mT 4t. virus of disease often makes its way to tho getherwith homo facilities, enjey superior disease. not rellosed, tached Troy ami Butla d. manufacture of DOORS, internal 32 A 3GFcderal, and 107, 111, 113 Congress Sts. the very best goods at the structs its natural functions. Thes, if from C. BENE ICT, SASH fyBLlUH, organs through tho pores of the skin. vantacesfor sUDnlvine the surroudlng organs, E. A. CH.UM.V, Ii. nil descriptions. This The styles will bo foun react upon themselves and ?np'. of penetrating Ointment, melting unJcr the BOSTON. lowest po sible prices. general ararraration, suffenig, and disease. Nov. 19, 1S59. dAwr C0KKI83105Er. FOU THE They are also to execute al order' for hand Lnglan derangements, Rutland, prepared as it is rubbed in, is absorbed through the Manufacturers and extensive dealers in FIRE sto excel any thing made in the New While In this condition, oppressed by he ST.ITE OF VERMOXT, IX jVEW YORK. PLANING OR SLITTING LUMBER, same channels, and, reaching the scat of inflamma- States, the workmanship far exceeds any thin tike AVer's Pills, and see how direcry they restore the and the buoyant VERMONT CENTRAL SCROLL-SAWIN- tion, WORKS of all descriptions. o offered in this market, and it so aok natural action of tho system, wh it RAILROAD. Office 74 Wall Street. MOULDINGS promptly and invariably subdues it, whether heretof Is true so apparent In located in the nowledgedby all who pat oniie our establishment feeling of health agsJn. What ad OF ALL PATTERNS kidneys the liver, tho lungs, or any wl3tJanl trivial and common complaint, lsalso true in many other important organ. to order garments oi overy uoecrip-tio- n, this The same WINTER ARRANGEMENT N. PECK, JR., fc CO. from J inch to 8 inches. It penetrates tho surface Weulsomalce of tho deep-seate-d and dangerous distmpers. to the interior, through the countloss tubes that at short notice, at a small advance on the Durcatfre effect expels them. Causediy similar obstruc- RJThey would call particular attention to their BOYS' GRAIN-LEATHE- R ROOTS, or the RETAIL, DEALERS IX communicate with the skin, as summer rain passc3 prices or our reauy-mau- e ciotning. tions and derangements of tho natuil functions Choice of Rentes for NEW AT rapidly, and many of hem surely, cured PATTERNS into the fevered earth diffusing its cool and re- 0UBLE Sole, and well made. Received Botton Sept. 20, 1859 wl4is3m CALL body, they are OF DOORS, SASH AND RLTNDS, by the eame means. None who know be virtues of these Cliica.: Wrq. DRY GOODS. generating influence. by A. PR0UTY, Jr. neglect to employ them wen suffering from and the THE which, for durability and beauty, EXCEL V far Pills, will AT disorders they cure. any kind ever offered in this market. SKIN DISEASES AND GLANDULAR the or thing of the Statements from leading physicws In some trie BRITISH AND U. S. MAIL ROUTE. "BEE HIVE." Also STAIR BUILDING of nil Kinds SWELLINGS. HENRY P. DOOLITTLE. principal cities, and from other well mown public per- Corner Church and College Burlington, Vt BANISTERS, of ttt., including RAILS, NEWELS and Every species of exterior irritation is quickly vi r.Nu.E AVoriETur. deu.er in sons. specimens of Commence Monday, Xa. 21. 18"9. If. FECK, Ja., D. B. TECK, J. E. TEOS, of any stylo and material desired, reduced by the anti inflammatory action of this a Forwarding Merchant .tmil, lib. 4, 18J6. Shop. From rS. which may be seen at our Ointment. Angry EncrriONS, such as Heavy Shelf Hardware, Tour Pills are the pargon of all that is work delivered or Depots Salt ami De. Ater: GOING NORTH AND All at the Wharves RnEuu, Erysipelas, Tetter, Ringworm, Scald comprising an extensive assortment of BTAiflFOHD great in medicine. They have cured oy little daughter TR '.INS WEr. F. EDMUNDS. free of charge. die MECHANICS' TOOLS, of ulcerous sores upon her hands and ft that had proved Burlington at !.3" P. M an.' fi.l.'i p V GEORGE Heat, Nettle, Rash, scabies, (or Itch) tc, HOUSE TRIMMINGS, griev- Leave end for years. Her mother Iiajbeen Ions -- Shop, South of tho out, to no more, under its application. CUTLERY incurable T.t.viv eoi met? at W in or ani tr . return SADDLERY, TABLE AND TOCKET ETC. ously afflicted with blotches and her skin and Mail & Counsellor at Law Pioxeer MAcnixE Snor. Hospital experienco in parts of tho world prov- pinirn tried with train? leaving 'lr .to iHornev SMITH. all DEaLER IN fn her hair. After our child was cred, she also River Jnnction CHASE t es A snnwilay, and New T..-- k its infallibility in diseases of tho skin the Nails: Mill, Cross-cu- t and Ciratlar Saws ; your Pills, and they have cud her. Springfield at 7,30 3J, AXD SOLICITOR IX CHAXCERY. Burlington, April 1, 1850. wly l.'.i) p v, muscles, tho joints, and the glands. Pump Chain; Axes; previous evening. Leave Windwr at Steel Springs; at 7,10 P 31, Sr. A!)i.in Office over Commercial Bank, Burlington, Vt. ULCERS, SORES, AND TUMORS. Win-dox- o As a Family Phrslc. arrivins at Burlington Oils; E- AND BUY YOUR Ames' Shovels; Paints; -i P 31. and arrive at Montreal a' I'l.m SHIRT MAKING. The effect of this iVoni Dr. E. in Oirticrigld, .tu Orleans. lodz. order unrivalled external remedy Glass ; Carriage Bolts, ij c. A M. and at 'gileajl.'irsh at 12,40 P 31. QjHIRTS neatly andTnoROtiGriLT midc to upon Scrofula, and other ulcers and sores, S5 Your Pills are the prince of purgl. Their excellent WILLIAM G. SHAW PARLOR, virulont AND DEALER IX we wssess. They are at Ogdenthurgh with Grand TrunV Oat low prices at the SEWING is pois- Qualities surpass any cathartic almost miraculous. first discharges tho on tho I'et-o- it d-- K C College It Af;rieiiltiirnl Implement mul Machines; very certain and effectual irtheir action train, and tho West witVoii OK mar21 No. st, mild, but fr COMUISSIOXCK FOR THE STATES on which produces suppuration and proud flesh, Seeds. the daily Wind-o- , Field, Garden and Flower THE bowels, which makes them invaluabi to us in Express Traix crnneetin sl r and thus the cures which its healing properties ) ,1 , MAINE, N. HAMPSHIRE, MASSACHUSETTS, treatment of disease. which leaves New York M. i ! ! ! OF BURLINGTON A VICINITY FOR train ' SKIRTS SKIRTS afterwards oompleto aro safe as well as pormanent. AGENT eh with train w ich CONNECTICUT, NSW Centre-Draug- RUSSIA SAIiTE Stomach. White Hiver Junction RHODE ISLAND, A Mcars' celebrated ht Hendache,SIckIIendaclie,Toul SKIRTS tncked and stitched in the WOUNDS, BRUISES, BUi'NS, AND SCALDS. Prouty Bofd, 5 00 P M. the previob .lav I. ILLINOIS, MIUHIGYN, WISCONSIN Tadies A Co.'s Plows; Blanchard's, XV E G ETA RLE 01 3VTJI E IVT From Dr. Edward JalUnorc Boston at VOilK, manner. Children's dre?es stitched, Plows; R. Tabor complaints A "or!in,-t.-, In cases of tho fracture of tho bones, injuries been snd ,old In Bo,ton for the Itit Thirty1- -1 DtiR Ma. I cannot answer you what Windsorat S 31, arrive at OHIO and IOWA. 1 sewingdono Perkins, Messer A Colby's Scythes; the ccnuine u,d Atir: and all kinds of plain an ornamental by steam - Year,, end iu Tirtuc, hire tcod tae test of Urns. I hare curd with your Pills beter than to say all that rce 31, Point at4.1. P M. X, tre.il at ,4." caused explosions, Bruises. Burns, Brookficld Forks; Wheeler, Mcllick A Co.'s Horse great depen- P R"Uc' Burlington, Vt., Aug. 25th, 185S. promptly and well, at tho ertr treat with a purgative mediine. I place Ortlenburgu 01 i P M. th Scalds, Rheumatism, Stiffness op toe Joints, ; Reap- RUSSIA SALVE CVKES BCRXS. with P 31, and at at ain MACHINE SEWING PARLOR, Powers and Threshers Manny's Mowing and dence on an effectual cathartii in my daily contest - and contraction of the sinews, is employed and us day, and nroeeeding by Grand Trunk f.,r De-- mar21 Free Press Building, it ing Machines; Vood's Improvement, Ac, Ac. RUSSIA S4LVE CURES CANCERS. disease, and believing as I do iat your Pills afford the u. i. BENEDICT, warmly recommended by the faculty. This mar- RUSSIA SALVE CURES SORE EYES. best we hare, I of course vafno them highly. and tbe West the same 'light vellous remedy has been introduced by itsinventor MY STOCK OF FARMING TOOLS RUSSIA SALVE CURES ITCH. rTrrsiiUBJ, Vol, May 1, 1S55. A pissenger car attached to a freight tn IMMISSIO.fER FOR TUE paiivt's. in person into all tho leading Hospitals of Europe, IS VERY LARGE, SUCH AS RUSSIA SALVE CURES FELONR. Da. J. a Ara. Sir: I lave beet repeatedly cured of leaves Nurthfield at 6,00 A 31. for Bnrliagto... sr. Straw-Cutter- s, dose or two and no private household should be without it. s, Churns, Patrick's RUSSIA SALVE CURES SCALD HEAD. A N D the worst headache any boly can have by a riving thtre at 11,00 A 31. Y ( K . OF rt AM receiving of s, Horsc-Kakc- s, Hand-Rake- s, Fan- RASTt. of your seems to iris, from a foul stomach, STATE NEW T mr SPRING STOCK UN DENIABLE T K ST I.MO NY Cheese-Pres- RUSSIA SALVE CURES SETTLE Pills. It 2 PAINTS. LINSEED OIL and VARNISHES, Grain Cradles, Snaths, Manure RUSSIA SALVE CURES CUTS EH which they cleanse at once. Ofict Fret Prut Rooms, Burlington, Wmwil. Tho Medical Staff of tho French and English ning Mills, Yours with great respct, ED. W. PREBLE, TRAINS GOING SOUTH AND EAST consisting in part of s, Cattle-Tie- s, RUSSIA SALVE CURES CORNS. Armies in the Crimea officially signed their appro- and Hay Forks, Cleric of Steamer Clarion. A 1,55 M Flor- Binding-C- CURES SCALDS. Leavo Burlington at 7,20 3f, and P Atlantic Lead : American and French Zinc; of Holloway's most Halter, Trace and RUSSIA SALVE val Ointment, as tho reliable RUSSIA SALVE CURES SALT RREUM. er connecting with trains leaving 0. ence White; Hampden Permanent, Paris, Grind-Stone- s, Billons DIsorders-Llr- Complaints. 3Iail Tbaix ALBERT G. STRONG, dressing for sabre cuts, stabs, and gun-sh- ot wounds hains, Imperinland Chrome Greens; Chrome RUSSIA SALVE CURES SORES. From Dr. Theodore Dell, nAeio Fork Cry. densburgh at 2,15 P 31. and Montreal at 3. '10 P M is also used by the of Allied Na- Scythe-Stone- s, Ac, Ac, DEALER IU Venetian It surgeons tho RUSSIA SALVE CURES VLEA BITES. dmirably adapted to their pur- leaves Rouse's Point at 7,50 P 31. lodge at Yrllmo; French Yellov; Red; vies. all of which I am prepared to Not only are your Pills Whiting; Putty; Limctd Oil; Furni- RUSSIA SALVE CURES WHITLOWS. pose as an aperient, but I Ind their beneficial effects upon Albans, leaves at 6,40 A 31, arrive at Burlin;t-8,1- 5 Burlington Wagon Axles, SELL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. RUSSIA SALVE CURES ULCERS. fldeed. They have In my prac- ture, Coach and Deman Varnish; 4v . fyc. the Liter very marked A 31, and Windsor at 1.10 P 31, cr.cnrctlr-a- t Canada BOTH There aro many in tho Hardware and RUSSIA SALVE CURES WARTS. tice proved effectial for the cure of bilious com- Plate, In conequenco of tho large amount of impuro THE OIXTMEXT AXD PILLS articles more White River Junction with train for TV! Sheet Lead, Agricultural Line that are not kept in tho country RUSSIA SALVE CURES SORE NITPLES plaints than any one renedy I can mention. I sincerely Linseed Oil made SHOULD BIS USED IX THE FOLLOW- is wor- and Barton, and for Boston, Lowell. Lead Pipe, and Paints sold, I have arrange- should any dosire any such articles, I will, at RUSSIA SALVE CURES STIES. rejoico that we hare at ength a purgatire which River ments parties me with thy the confidence of tht profession and the people. Worcester, arriving in Boston at 6,40 P 3!, ar, Tin with reliable to furnish a ING CASES. times, order them with pleasure at the lowest RUSSIA SALVE CURES TESTERS. r Plates, puro will should all connectin; at Windsor with trains for B. !t'n Mill andCircular ttavtt, article, which I ivarrant they Bunions, Mercurial eruptions, prices. RUSSIA SALVE CURES RINGWORM DtaaTxcrr of the I.ttibior, ) provo will them back and re- SALVE CURES SCURVT. D. 7tb 1856. Springfield and New York, arriving in New Tnrk and .Mechanic Tool. otherwise, I take Burns, Piles, Coi.lece Street, RUSSIA Washngton, C Feb., J fund tho money. Mv prices, all times, RUSSIA SALVE CURES BUNIONS. 33 Era: I havo used yox 1111s in my general and hospital at 11,10 P 31. at are as Chapped hands, Rheumatism, wtf LOW AS THE LOWEST, for a pure article. Apl 5, 1850. wly BURLIXGTOX.VT RUSSIA SALVE CURES SORE LIPS. Octobc: "i, 1859. practice ever since yotmade them, and cannot hesitate to Express Train leaves Ogdensburgh at 6,C0 A HARD WARK, regu- SHELF H. Chilblains, Ringworm, RUSSIA SALVE CURES INGROWING XAILt. say they aro the best atbartic we employ. Their .Montreal 9,00 A 31, Rouse's Point at 11. 10 A Vnils, Iron, H. D00L1TTLE. lating Is quick and decided, conse- at Fistula, Salt Rheum, RUSSIA SALVE CURES SPIDER STINGS. action on the Iter Burlington 2,35 P 31, ami Wind- Gltis, Paints, Burlington, Vt., April 5, 1859. wly quently they are an almirable remedy for derangements 31, arrives at at Gout, Scalds, RUSSIA SALVE CURES SHINGLES. 7.20 P 31. Passencers by this train reach Oils, Varnishes, Lumbago Skin Diseases, of that organ. Indad, I have seldom found a case of sor at BILLINGS' RUSSIA SALVE CURES ERUPTIONS. Dyspepsia Eemedy bilious duease to obstnate that it did not readily yield to Troy, N. Y., and Concord same day, an! Boston Anvils, Vices, Glands. Sprains, MOSQUITO BITES. 'Xi Swelled RUSSIA SALVE CURES them. Fraternally ours, ALO.NZO BALL, JL and New York next forenoon Sheet Stiff RUSSIA SALVE CURES CHILBLAINS. DR. DARIUS Iron, Sore legs, Joints, nAM'S liiysician of the Marine Hospital. Through Tickets for Chicago and the West Iron Ware, PIONEER BUILDINGS, CENTRE Soro Breasts, Tetter, RUSSIA SALVE CURES FROZEN LIMBS. Rheumatic Pills AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. Dysentery, Etarrhrea, Relax, "Worms. for sale at the principal stations. Brcs, Zinc, BUILDING. Sore Heads,, Ulcers, 3 RCSSIs. SALVE CURES WENS. O. MERRILL, Sup't A N D RUSSIA SALVE CURES SORE . From D". J. G. Green, of Chicago. Capper, Sore Throats, Venereal Sores,, A 21, 1S59. poor animal is the greatest sufferer. This is RUSSIA SALVE CURES BOILS. This Medicine has been used by the public for six Your Pills have bid a lone trial in mv practice, and I Northfield, Vt., Nov. 1Jlar Lead, Sores of all kinds. Wounds of all kinds. recom- esteen, havs BURLINGTON, VT. 3 RUSSIA SALVE CURES TLESH WOODS. years, with increasing favor. It is hold them In as one of the best aperients I Bar Tin 5?" CAUTION ! None aro genuino unlefsthc mended to Cure Dyspepsia, Nervousness ever found. Their iterative effect upon the liver makes . RUSSIA SALVE CURES TILES. doses for Chaits, itolte,. words "Holloway, Aria York and London," arc Heart-bur- them an excellent renedy. when given in small RUSSIA SALVE CURES BRUISES. Colic , Wind in the sugar-coatin- g MICIIINISTS' discernible as a Water-mar- k 53 oihoiu dysentery atd diarrhoea. Their Nuts, Washers. TOOLS. in every leaf of the 5 RUSSIA SALVE CURES CHAFFED HANDS stomach, or Pains in tho Bowels us book The public have Ion? felt the need of makes them very acceptable and convenient for the Great Northern awl Westrrr of I WATER WHEELS, directions around each pot or box; the . RUSSIA SALVE CURES SPRAINS. ' Headach, Drowsiness, Kid- or some reliable remedy for P.heumatisni. women and chilcten. . ftiitnl, (ictusim, and SMtu samo may be plainly soen by holding the leaf to RUSSIA SALVE CURES SWELLED NOSE. ney Complaints, Low ,iar4i, the light A tn of t Dyspepsia, Imparity of the Blood. ROUTE. -- MILL WORK OF ALL KINDS. MADE handsome reward will be given Knmvinj this fact, the proprietor RUSSIA SM.VE CURES EUTSIPELAS. i ' t SRI. HOUSE rftWVIK';. Spirit, Delirium V. Advent Church, Brjston. f above-name- From Hex. limes, Faster of anyone rendering such information as may lcai t ti.e d medicines, some J car. 3 RUSSIA SM.VE CURES LAME WRIST. In- J. CAttRHflK ! SThlL AND d Tremens, Dr. rills with extraordinary the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting c of this dis- . of V,nomoni Reptiles ire lnHsntly cured by til, Atir: I jour ORTHERN (N. Y.) RAiLROt' HT-- FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. nil commenced the study n.!n .i Jltrr" igi rriwiu'mn. Spring temperance success in my fatniy snd among those I am called to visit at' tho medicines or vending the same, knowing ttcm use In Ins studies and practical ; organs of digestion and SprinL-- .fc EXCELLENT OINTMENT. in distress. To ifgulate the Miles saved between Burlington J Cl.r . . 'ieel. Ac. to bo spurious. It Stimulates, Exrilvrates, Invigorates, but very best remedy I have 90 Vl A1o,mI1 kindsof MACHINE JOBBING and RE- ct nments, with different medicines purify the blood, Ay are the by Sold at tho Manufactory of Professor H IL Revert mother "with children, will not Intoxicate or Stupefy. ever known, and I can confidently recommend them to this Route. PAIRING, Blneksmithinp, Woolwork, up' n Ihe various forms of the disease, littern way, 80 Mniden Lane. Now York, and by all res mul nil Ilemls of Families, AS A MEDICINE, is quick and effect- my friends- - Yours, J. V. HIMKS. IHST TRAIN leaves Rouae's Point Making, end IRON CAST t.e was the advice and Dux Die or en tfie ,ht!f. it every description of favored with ; Sl.oaU keep s in cpNrd, 'f . 1)1 . ARIES 18GO. peetable Druggift and Dealers in Medicine u,e cases Dyspep- Wars.w, Wyoming Co, N. Y--, Oct. 21, 1SAS. P1 Osdcnaburgb at 1 1 25 x.3i . , i. INGS mide and supplied to order, with dispatch some of ablest medical htndy fr in ual, curing the most aggravated of arrives at throughout the United States and the civilizi counsel of the Era : I an using your Cathartic Pills in my prac- M . i CASE OF ACCIDEXT. sia, Kidney Complaints, and all other dorange-m-nts- of Drts ing at Potsdam with rotsdan: and atertown and for sale at HUNTINGTON'S world, in pots at 25 cents, 02 J cents, and $1 each and pharmaceutical talent of I lie times. tice, and find than an excellent purgative to cleanse lb Watertown, Rome, Syracuse, RKSEIVKD C J. P. FLANDERS. Price, M Cents p:r Box. the Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy blood. road for rWht priee, from oeot-- ' to live dollars is He perfected and prepared svi.tem and puriy the fountains of the JSf There a considerable saving by taking tho lias at length Put up in lirce tizt mftil boie,. with in ,nffrsTed g. m. Niagara Palls, Buffalo, Cleveland, Cincinna'i HUNTINGTON'S. July 5. '. 6m without manner. John jieacham, d .it larger sizes. tlicso offers them to the afflicted, confi- rpper. nmiUrto Ihe stxiT, rrmnnt. Ogderen-i--connec- t remedies, and none are peauine. It will instantly revive the most melancholy tbe West, via. Lake Shore; and at Nov. 7th, 16r,tt. N. B Directions for the guidance of patients in which lpatln,Cotlveness,Snppress Ion, A-y.- ill always prove safe, effectual, and ,11 Tender, nerv- Const with Grand Trunk Railroad for By"" WOOD R O W N , dent that tlie Sold m the l"mtt Sttt. nd Csnads bj and drooping spirits, and restore the weak, Illieumntisui, Gout, Xeurnlgla, Drop- ovory order arc affixed to each pot. harmless to the ontitution. That such i their char- IV.ent Medicine Drncs'Jtv it lr.oil of the. ous health, strength and vigor. Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, Detroit, Chicago sr. f couutrr ore. en3 and sickly to sy, Paralysis, Fits, etc. 4 COMPLETE stock of Agrieurtaral Tob just MAXCrARTUBERS and West. OF acter is amply attested by the universal success with Persons whorom in the judicious use of liquors, Frrm Di. J. 1' Vaughn, Canada. all points South reoeivod by & Co., Proprietors, '. V which they have been employed. They cure Rheuma- Redding have becomo dejected, and their nervous systems of your Pills for tha cure of SECOND TRAIN leaves Rouse's Point at J. 5. I'IKRCK. FOR LAND TO BOOT AIY SHOE Boston. Ton much nnnnt be said the Trains from TILE DRAINING, tism, Gout, and Neuralgia. The Liniment alone would Ao.R Stnte Mrrel, shattered, constitutions broken down, and subject cruf trenrss. Ifothers of our fraternity have found them P. 31, or on the arrival of the as 1 me in proclaim- Ogdensburgh s " AT THE MANUFACTURERS. be in- to horriblo curse to humanity, the Delibium as efficacious have, they should join Central Railroad, arrive at not cure thee diseases ; the Pills need to taken that fr- M A I Z A R O N . Tremens, almost immediately, feel the hap- ing it for the benefit of the multitudes who suffer from P. M., connecting with grand Trunk Railroad TIIURBUR JJAILEV, VERMONT STATE TILE WORKS, ternally, the Liniment to be applied externally, and will, that complain:, which, altbongb bad enough tn itself, is py and healthy invi. orating efficacy of Dr. Ham's ail points West. ATTOItNLT AND 'XWNSBLLOR AT LAW. S y s e m thus used conjointly they eiert a genuine curative the prosemUf of others that are worse. I believe On the North Shore of Mallctt'. Bav, Colchester, The Cash Invigorating spirits. tn originate in the liver, but your Pills affect thnt RETURNING. pon er. Rheumatism is too intimately connected with S Ov V 62 Wall Street, Vermont. Poet office address, WEST MILTON. THE BEST" FOR ALL ! organ and cure the disease. FIRST TRAIN leaves Ogdensburgh at A. , the anil oilier internal organs to be reached sole- OF TARTAR SUBSTITUTE. WHAT IT WILL DO. July. 1 wtf. liver arrives at Rouse's Point 4 10 P. 31. Connects w New York. One full as necessa- - rss Mrs. E. Smrt, rhysician ami Midwife, Diston. ly through the medium of tbe skin. Thee Tills are - Dose. wine glass asoftcn the Vermont Central and arrives at Burling' '' fTUIE UNDERSIGNED, being convinced of the DAXA, FARRARi- HYDE, Afents, I find one sr two larce dees of your Illls, taken at tlw Varment New peculiarly searching in effect upon the Liver. O- - Commhrionrr for in York, S. their . ... of natural erre-t- 7 10 P. 31., making connections with all Railr. DUTTES, CHEESE, PRODUCE, truth of the above, and having determined to One dose remove lian pmper time,re excellent promotives the Solicits CVmniissicr.E te which he will jjirc prompt They contain do Mercur) , Potash, Quinine, .Morphine, 83 Broad Street, Boston. will all spirits. when whnllT or suppressed, ami very Lines Sonth and East. adhere to it, would inform all Heart-bur- mrtUllr alo and careful attention. UOTISE. or any of those mischievous medicines which are too Ono dose will cure enVtual to riennse the stomach and expel worms. They SECOND TRAIN leaves Ogdensburgh ar : ! rmnnsinx is confidently offered to the pub--1 doses will cure Indigestion. we ' ,.r often emplo)ed in tbe treatment of Illteumatism. reIIIS article Three re so murh ths wwt physic have that I recommend P. 31., arrives at Rouse's Point at 8 00 P. X r 31 and 32, South Market St., Boston f.,,i..- . lie as a Substitute for Cream of Tartar, Ono dose will you a good Appetite. no other to uy patients. RBFSREXClk. Boots ami Shoes. n..r,.,j.,c ijmhent is a safe and lodge,) connecting as above, and with Champ., r for The nriee which Cream of One pains of Dys- ' U. L. K that he is prepared to supply them with ALL efficacious Liniment. The prim.,. .. , domestic use. hish dose will stop the distresing From the lie. Dr. Hatches, the MtOuiis! Epis. Church. Railroad for .Montreal and (in . Hon . A. Small, y, BuriUjrUrti; i.. removed my location from City Wharf, .u. imi.i wiumanas togeiner wiin ino murium); cl- pepsia. f and St.Lawrenco Uar!ia.-t- ; Niye', Esq.. TTTavinc my consignees KINDS OF STOCK, either in enter into its composition, those from u luch it derives adulteration has been Pviaski IIocsc Savannah, Oa Jan. 6. 1856. Tickets for the above Routes can be pr'cuff ' 3" Chittenden, Hri!Io this method to inform ient to which it dangerous "no dose will remove tho distressing and disa- - H mith. t. Al- in the Kile its greatest power, are new, ami liave(net cr before the unequalled II'oaiD Sis . I shnnld be unirratefu! for the relief at all stations on the Vt-- Central Railroad. ' Kurlingt. a; rtV l.tttm C Ee,., and all others interetted particularly carried, warrants us in offering greeablo offects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon your kill ha brought me if I did not report my ease to .I Word, am SOLE LEATHER. CALF SKINS, been eihibited in any Umnwnt tint has been offered M. L. CHURCH, Burlington, Vt. bans; !.. k"rit.b. ,tf.n PlUtoburgb, of Butter and cheese in tUs mnrket, that I substitute, preparod by one of the most skillful as the stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit,the ycu. A cold settled in my limbs and brought oo excru- VP. Esq., Waiteburfth. .V : increased facilities for doing UPPER LEATHER, BINDINGS, to the public. It is well adapted for all tire purposes f country. rheuma- GEO. V. HOYLE, S.f'r. N. V.; Jonn :iley, prepared to offer them LiNINGS. Arc. in grcnt variety. chemists of tho distressing load and all painful feelings will be ciating nenrslgK pnin. whkh emid in chrome A. S. Tfeurber. liouse 1'edrit, N. V. their business, and would solicit consignment:!. a Family Liniment, and is unsurpassed in curing The following true comparison of its nature. removed. tism. XotwithscatunnK I hnd the be-- of physiciajM. the January 4, 1853. feb!3diw Which he will sell at such disease ;rrew worse and worv. nntii bv the advice of April 11. ' Being fully sensible that owing to tho competition Lameness, Sprains, Bruises, &c. We have in our and results of its uso, with thoso of Croam of Tar One dose will rcrnnvo tho most distressing pains tout LOW RATES FOR CASH val- nxraiunt aint iu Baltimore. Dr Mackenzie. I tried your nd high price? paid for Produce in tlie country, possession, and might publish, many letters and certi- tar, will convince tho most incredulous of its Colic, in -. as to satisfy ALL of tho advantages of buying of of either tho stomach or bowels. mis i Heir euvei- lmt 5t i!y persevering good o the profits aro small, aftor deducting expenses, ficates from rons who have derived great benefit ue. A few doses will remove all obstructions in the in tlw use of them. 1 am.!..m.w mttiy EAGLAaD itfi'iJiVi: J, assortment him on those terms.. He would also say to Cream potash. Its aw AIUIEMS therefore I shall make my Commission charges certificates are olun-tanl- y of Tartar is a of Kidney, Bladder or Urinary Organs. JJS fIGSIRKD DELAINES from these preparations. The Secatt Cnuri'S. Ff'n Rrnir, tm.. Dee. 1M. AXD rents, and Substitute is a simple phosphate, and contains noth- 1 ! low, and with my facilities, low small by been cured of the Persons who are scnouslv amicted with rny D. Arst: have bcri coric-l- enred. ymr Pills, ef JELLlNV Curriers and Finishers Shoe Stock, furnt'lied tliose who hae beef-stoa- .i enabled, and sbaU make my com- sf ing but what is found in corn, wheat Complaint4 speedy by a Rheumatic Grut a jiufol disrut- that h.id afnicted me expeneet, I am that on Consignments invoiced to him at a little various forms of the disease, such as Rlieumatic Tever, Kidney are asurod relief low rate ; in particular for and other ccrrsals.and is therefore highly nutritious, by the uso of one fbr years. VlSCh.vr SLIDELL. THE REMEDY! mission charges at a LESS than tho current Market rates, ho will guar- Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, and Neuralgia; they are dose or two, and a radical cure 0NU and regular assignments. Cream of Tartar, as every body knows, maes two ot of the Pills in market notsin Mercury, the larger anty them prompt CASH returns. Please call cn natural, such as sane n ould write, or bottles EDWARDS A-- STEVEN I have Cash capital and other Cash facilities. genuine and jiersons bread and cake, which, when cold, are dry aud which, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is es Iv including York kinds received and sold yet in comparison with Hie certificates of charlatans tasteloss. Substitute produces cotd bread and cake NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. dangerous in a public pill, from the dielfnl t rn States, New Jl AWDFACTUnnB1. Country Produce of all JAMES P. WHITNEY, frennently follow me. veil crs sound exceedingly tame. We which the that iu ineanlk.u These and ttiJt section of the Union which on Commission. Wool I do not sell. 88 and nostrum are swet, moist, and qratetulto palate. Persons who. frox dissipating too much over contain no mercury or mineral sabetance whatever T . 1 TOOJf- MliINK No. Milk orrosiTE Pearl st., mo r a ort-tai- n A IMHr JAU1. advancos made on consignments. relj entirely upon the intrinsic worth of these remedies, Cream of Tartar, in cooking, requires tho use of nicht. and feel the evil effects of poisonous li J wil 'v known "New EngUnd." Liberal wlSm3 BOSTOX. Price, 25 cents per or 5 SI. a intelligent PLAlYtt'G MACHINES. Account sales and remittances made promptly. and every sufferer will be left to appreciate for himself considerable shortening; tho Substitute ruirej quors, in violent hevlacnas, steKness at stomaen, Box. Boies for thrif'y, industrious r"j".' My personal and prompt attention given to all the relief they afford. less. weakness, giddiness, 4e., will find one dose will Prepared by Dr. J. & A7ER. It, CO.. Lowell, Mass. who have achieved an uncommon fhiree of ,v. -- FOR THE SEASON. t I , J . . V A3 A II M food, ty J Mil. my care. Cream of Tartar has no healthy action in remove all bad feelings. pro-peri- : with a climate extremely trv.ng to business entrusted to Price, 50 Cents each per Bos and Bottle. CORN CRACKERS, Storo location one of the very bct. on the system, and supplies nothing which the Ladies of weak and sicklv constitutions, should 31 R S . W certain constitutions, and a soil of small fertil- TV has n h'alth-givin- g IXSLOli", CRIME'S IMPROVED SMCT MILL!-- , am a. mni-- Cellar the best in my experience for Butter. PREPARED ev body requires. The Substitute tako tho Invicoratine Spirit threo times a day: it ity, they hiive contrived to surpass raore favored X HE Subscriber Manufactures and deals in xchich influence, and suppli's there is a con happy, con-du- Rent and expenses unusually low. READY-MAD- thit for will mnke them strong, healthy and re an experienced Nurso and Fcmalo Physician, pre coniTnunitie-- in almost every thing that MILL GEARING AND SnAfTISG. E CLOTHING, T. Terms for business moderate. JOHN BILLINGS, tinual demand in the svstem. move all obstructions and irregularities from the sents to tho ol mothers, to social comfort and happines-- . Un- of TYLER'S of which he has now on hand a LARGE STOCK, cases attention her Also Agents for and manufacturers Quotations and remarks perfectly reliable. PHARMACEUTIST, It is made of uniform strength, equal in all menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health fortunately, the- - are occasionally so absorbed Wheel, the suitable for the season; Cream ant? consequently can al Improved Vertical Scroll Water mot to pure of Tartar, and beautv to tho careworn face. bu-ine- IVE-S- in ss and mental cultivation, that th y compact, portable and economical wheel yet inven- - S. ways be relied upon. nresnnney will be found an mvalua- - REFERENCES. together with LOWELL, Durinr it S00THIXG , n,r!"'": the precautions which are essential to d. For mr present Commercial standing efer The following arc Extracts from Certificates, blo medicine to remove disigrceablo sensations at For Children Teething. RUBBER BELTING ALL KINDS OF FURNISHING GOODS, in possession of the boiLiy health. Dyspepsia and physical dt.bJi7 LEATHER AXD you to taken from a large number tho stomach. which greatly facili ates the process of teething, INDIA-RUBBE- R are prevalent amontr all classes. The first rrale at manufacturers prices. Charles Ellis, Esq., President Howard Banking GOODS AND FUR COATS, agents: AH tbe proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce 1859. 1S5S. by softening tbe gums, reducing all inflammation is produced by inattention to the digestive EDWARDS t STEVENS. Co., Boston. all very low in proportion to value. J. M. CHAMBERLIN, C. T. of Boston, State Assayer, this, he has put up tho invigouatisg spirit in Dr. Jackson, will allay nil and spasmodic action, and is onran. which are so susceptible of derangement. Winooski Falls, Vt May 18, 1S58. d&wtf. William Hilton, Esq., Botton. CLOTZIE5 XEATLV CLEANED OR REPAIRED. DEALER IX says: pint bottles, at o0 ct.. quarts il. SURE TO h REGULATE THE BOWELS Thousands are now paying the penalty of tlis Charles Lane, Esq., Boston, Director Bank C. BENNS. " I have examined Professor Horsford's Cream (ieneral Depot. water street, .. x. Depend upon it, mothers, fc negi-t- , North Ameiwca. No.5 AVhseler1! Block, Bur gto Western Flour, Pork and Grain, of Tartar Substitute, and his Yeast Powder, and Sold in Winooski by J. S. Storrs Son; in Bur will give to vourselves, and and siuTering daily the most trying lin it rest They CARRIAGE AND SLEIGMAKING G. N. Seymour, Esq., Ogdensburgh, New York. Next to tho American Hotc 5 w22 V Railroad Depot, OGDENSBURGn, N. Y.J A find them to bo suitable for bread making, and I lington, by T. A. Peek, Agent, and by Druggists RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. pain, almost without a hope of relief. AT E. B. Allen .t Son, Ogdcnsbnrgh, N. Y. the Office formerly occupied by Uramtora jA have made use of them in my family cooking, for generally. Wo have come to believe that their ailment is THE OLD STAND OF have put np and sold this article for over St. Albans, Vt. apr. 15 snocess. November a, lbo'J. wiyr -- , and that they to tie H. B. Sowlcs, Esq., Cougus, wly a brief neriod. with ten years and cax sat, w coxtidesce aso trctd chron must bear with it K . G R A Y , Colds, Hoarseness and Tho Cream of Substitute is chiefly an gratifies us exceedingly to announce JOHN Influenza, Soreness, " Tartar of it what we have never been able to say end. It For my personal and business reputation in the Irritation, acid phosphate of lima, and in mixing with the of aSicted individuals they rr.iv of King and Champlain Streets, Bur or any affection of the Throat any othen medicine to these that CORNER City, refer you to flour is made to act on super-carbona- te of soda, to ATXrS. AH work warranted of tlic best dc I CURED, tho Hacking Couon in INDIA RUBBER GOODS. NEVER. HAS IT now command a remedy of unquestionable scription. James M. Beebee, Esq.. Merchant. as to produco neutral phosphato of lime, ana pnos X A SIN-- and virtue, which has never been four.i CoNsujirnox, Bronchitis, Wnoop gas. Goodueur's India Rnhbcr Glove Manufacturing FAILED Winslow's lo'jncy Alpheus Hardy, Esq. phato of soda, and to givo off carbynie acid de-T- Almost all kinds of Cocon, ) fail in all cases of digestive weakness or Bingham, Joy & Co., Produce. iso Asthma, Catarrh resulting salts, are, so as my ooscrvauon Comnanv. 3S JOHX STREET XE W YORK CARRIAGES AND SLEIGHS RELIEVED by BROWN'S tho lar TO EF- - fcOObiling z t- - Hundreds of tongues are ready r Samuel Walker fc Co., Produce. coes. harmless to the constitution, and in many Manufacture "exclusively" (under Goodyoar s FECTA tt"i when timely e kept constantly on hand. Also, BRONCHIAL TROCHES, or Coucn Lozenges. systom." Patents.) every description of ladies' and gent's CURE, ruw loquent in praise of this wonderful Cnnvrrse. Harding t Co., Morchants. caseswill doubtless act beneficially on the used. Never gi run did we know "A simple and elegant combination for CoUGIIS. Ac. INDIA RUBBER GLOVES, MITTS, MITTENS, and FINGER of dyspepsia, which is known as LUMBER. .Tewett, Tibbetts k Co., Merchants. " I havo found that those produce good an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who nsed Dr. G. F. Bigelow, Boston. and quite cots; also, LADIES dpess PHYSICIANS' Matched Spruce Flooring, plained and thorough Portor i, Deramoc, Provisions. and light bread, of a pleasant flavor shields, it. On the contrary, all aro delighted with its OR. .fc extremely serviceable cots, caps, Ac. m noLESALE and J. HOSTETTER'S ly seasoned. 5tonc Eldrcdgo, Provisions. "Have proved for Hoarse- white." retail operations, and speak in terms of highest com- RITED A!CD CEDAR SHINGLES. M. F. WOOD. ness." Rev. Henrt Ward Beecuer. Dr.. NicnoLS. a distinguished ch'mist, having a DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF mendation its magical effect and BITTERS. RUBBER BOOTS A SHOES, TOYS, COMB of medical vir- CELEBRATED STOMACH warranted. 100,000 feet of Strip Lath. Norway Junol, 183. wtf recommend their use to Public Speakers." laboratory at No, 7, Central street, Boston, says tues. We speak in this matter "WHAT WE "I NURSERY CLOTH, CLOTHING, Jtc. thes-selv- Pine Flooring, thoroughly seasoned. llefnloeke P. S. If the tatements and rofcrence are New York. the Snbstituto, a under date of May Ac, DO years' But that numerous class who devote Rov. E. H. CnAnx, of in letter improvements with have KNOW," after tea experience, and Boards and Codar Posts for fencing. Mackue ntisfactory trmt any consignee will not bs recommending The creat recently REPUTATION to and other sedentary pursuits, "MojI in BROXCIIITIS." 1, 1S59: "I have no hesitation in TLEDGE OCR TOR TBE rULriLLMEST Or literary Sawed Clapboards, C feet long. salutary relief been made in tho manufacture or India jiusber avid exer- Rev. S. Seigfried, Morristown, Ohio. it to tho public, as a wholesome substitute for woat we here declare. In almost every instance in consequence of a want of physical Gloves and Mitts, render them a desirablo article - of potassa, or Cream of Tartar in bread where infant is suffering ex- become the- and debi- PINE CLAPBOARD, II IN E SB URGli ACADEMY. for all. the from pain and cise, victims of languor 13 "Beneficial whn compelledto speak, suffering from making. is found in wheat and other cereals, haustion, relief will be found in 15 20 hitherto planed, ft. It Tho heavy Gloves and Mittens are unrivillcd as or minutes lity, without nerve or appetite, have Cold." Rev. S. J. P. Anderson, St. Louis. and indeed in every variety of vegetation It is the syrup is administered. Inquire at the shop of a protection all kinds of acid work of the after sought in vain for some invigorating, K. GRAY, A. E. LEAVENWORTH. Principal. in removing Hoarseness and Irritatiin introduced into the animal economy through the in This valuable preparation is the prescription shaL JOHN "Effectual Chemist, Druggist and Photographist; Manufac-turin- e of medicine, whose effects upon the system erner of King and Champlain the Throct, so common tcith Speakers and Sing- agency of food, and then subserves a very import- one or the most and ot its. 1859-- 60, of and handling of Potashes and other strong KAPK 1HE CKIJ be. both speedy and permanent. Phyiicas Tune 1S57. CALENDAR FOR ant end in sustaining vitality and health." New ers." Alkalies; for Oystermcn, drivers in storms, and SKILLFUL NURSES in England, eminence, and profoundly acquainted with the Fall Term begin's Aug. 31st, and oads Nov. 15th M. STACY JOHNSON, LaGrangc, Ga. and has been used never-failin- g Prof. Srepard, of Providence, says: hoso compinios in tho firo department. Hatters, with success in frame, comacr.d Winter Term " Nov. 23d, " Feb. 7th. Teacher of Music, Southern Female College. Protessor requirements of the human "Your substitute for Cream of Tartar, is un- Farmers, Tanners, Lumbermen, Jrisbormcn, and THOUSANDS OF CASES. as the safest and Spring Term " Feb. 15th, " " May 1st. not in- HOSTETTER'S BITTERS " Great benefit when taken before and after preaching. Greatest improvenren and important invention. find these Gloves and Mittens well I only relieves tbe child from pain, bnt Summer Torin " May 0th, " " July 24th. doubtedly a inot useful Seamen will vigorates swiftest stimulant to the recuperative cnerr.? as they prevent Hoarseness. From their past effect, 1 is substituting n porfeetly innocent and harm- adapted for use. They aro much superior to the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, been It their and to of the m yet discovered. It restores The building has thoroughly repaired, an thinklhey will be oj permanent advantage to me. less substanco in the place of one, tbe continutl the buck mitten, especially in wet work. gives tone and energy the whole system. It will appetite, gives fresh vigor to the chgest .furnithod in modorn style. Rev. E. Rowley, A. M., uso has long been known to produce se- (ilovcs almost instantly relieve ' Prmtrd at A'o. 6 College Street, Burlington, Vt. HE GOOD of which Ibe Light are used for softening and sends through the veins President of Athens College, Tenn. SAMABilAN, rious gastric disturbances." bleaching the hands; as a speedy and effeetual organs, the blood Sept, 2, GRIPING IN THE BOWELS and WIND COLI, a more livrly current, corrects a tendency HOT-AI- B cure for chapped or rough hands, rheum, GEO. W. & G. G. Sold by all Druggists, at 25 cents per box. DRATJOHT New York, Oct. 8, 1859. salt ic, and overcome con vuisions, man ,r BENEDICT, ; very depr. vim of spirits, and fits a f '"f : "they have no equal are useful whtlo en rem-deat- NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! ! Also, Brown's or Cathartic I.ARRK VENTILATED 'VEN. Gentlemen From an examination of a sample which, if not for speedily b. .Van Laxative Troches, gaged in domestic affairs, such as sweeping, dust- trail a. on of business with a checrft: Editors and Proprietors. of Professor Horsford's Cream of Tartar Substi- edied, end in We . Lozenges for Dysppsia, Indigestion, Constipation, and nn active mind. Unlike other m.-d- ' wlOiao, tute, as well as from a knowledge of the process ing, house cleaning all roughening and dirty kinds beliove it the Children RECEIVED Headache, Bdlious Affections, fyc. COOKING best nnd the sarr "".ft To ruin or Subscription. AT STOVE by which is prepared, we have no hesitation in of work; and particularly useful in gardening and rrm -- ccly wH h have been devised for it aiirril Teething1. in the spamd.:--?- FOR WOOD OR COAL. recommending a cheap and valuable substi- the caro of shrubs and flowers. vvorlil. in C! n a r m a f the do not act ' Village Subscribers, supplied by the ; it ai BITTERS influence ot jje ELL JSOISJg IT HAS THE CONFIDENCE OF THE PEOPLE! now so For salo by Rnbber Dealers generally in all DYSENTERY OIARRIIC3A or with a temporary power the - - tute for the article universally used, and wu- - Carrier, $2 50 A Good Assortment IN whether - of FANCY SILKS, we bolievo its use to ba beneficial rather than pre- parts of the country. Price lists and catalogues CHILDREN it arises from teeth th..- reimdv i, lasiiiur. And if a patient If paid strictly in advance, - - - 2 00 BLACK GOOD ing or any other cause. We say to proper " THE SAMARITAN to the health. will be sent on application by letter, addressed every mother bu pv.. -- ome to securing For Mail Subscribers, and those who take it THE WAUREG.U Is the best finished and most durable Stove the da) judicial who has attention VALENCIA S, of Yours, respectfully, to the a child suffering from any of the fore go. ex. has been afforded, m at the Office, - - - . - 2 00 ing complaints do not let ik. after the relief " " SILK ALACIANS, RHEUM REMEDY!! & Goodyear"8 India Rubber Glove Minufacturing your prejudices, nor the affliction. ta - SALT THE GOOD SAMARITAN" Everett Livermore, Analytical Chemsts. f.ar no return of tbe If paid strictly in advance, - - 1 SO MERINOS, Co., 38 John Street, New York. prejudices of others stand between your suffering vers paid during the year, AMERICAN OINTMENT. Combines every advantage for Cooking ever applied to d. ... natural to the encroachments o. If . . - 1 76 COBURGS, a litove. C. C. Holcomb, of Lee, Mass., says: Oct. 22. 1859. d.tw3m. cniid and the relief tnat win be ven oy Interest chargeable after Dr. SURE on the frame is also alleviated the year's end. the use of tho Cream of Tartar Sub- ABSOLUTELY SURE to follow the useo tit bodily LADIES' HEAVY ENGLISH SHAN LS For the entire Extermination of Piles, Scatd "Against . medicine, thus eI)8tw? THE GOOD SAMARITAN stitute, to which you have called my attention, no this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for tl i i,Txt strengthening Term of Subscription for Dnilr LADIES CLOAKS. Head, Chapped or Cracked Hands, liaWci perfectly on Top and ill Ihe Oren, and Roasu i using will accompany each th ag. d to pas their declining days in physic , rational objection can possibly obtain. It cannot bottle. None genuine " Chilblains, and all other Frontal the same time, without impartiii; i the suffering &o:r-- PrcM. flavor of one kind of food '.o nnolncr" fail to do all iu the process of bread making tliAt unless of CURTIS & PERKINS, ca o ; v bereas they are now Frc Non-Jehri- FOR - Cutanc-cou- s SALE. To Cream of can do, and yet by no chemical New York, is on the ontside wrapper. trinio akness and nervousness. thi!jL V'illage Subscribers per annum, - - fWe have also on hand a large Assortment of Tartar BEST DRUG STAND a $00 Eruptions. THE VENTILATED OVEN change can its constant use become injurious to the IN VERMONT, Sold by Druggists throughout the world. crahlc la of people. HOSTETTEB Those who receive it by Mail, for 6 LADIES' EMBROIDERED SETTS, Collars Em- THE l months 2 00 By the constant admission of pure freiii air. always economy." and well known as tbe Principal Ornce, No 13 Cedar commended as ui"."-al.- Or per annum, - . qq broidered Bands, Linen NO ! ! ! the food being animal Sr., N. Y. BITTj&RS may be . 4 Hdkfs, Ac, Ac, PUFFING NO HUMBUG insures Sweetness to baked. Price only 23 per invigorator September 11. d.twtf. Dr. C. Wiggin, of Providence, R. I., says: Aug. Ct. Bottle. llic proprietors of this It sells on its merits or not HOT-AI- R 23, '59 dawly A L WATS IX ADVAXCE. at all. Has cured THE DRAUGHT "While tho continued use of Cream of Tartar, Peck Drug Establishment, in addition, a deep gratification in aSIr" 1 is curing, and will euro every case of Salt the temperature of the Fire Box, and wjI w- X 00yj ceived, a Raises increases and its constant introduction into tho system, NURSING MOTHERS that they J large lot of fresh Figs in fancy Rheum, for which it has been or is used accord- the heating properties of the Stove, thus enabling A N safct subscription stopped until all arrearages boxes and very fine. g. through tho medium of a prominent article of BURLINGTON, VT. sir STOCK ithe the best and ENo j. PEIRCE. ing to directions. We refer our friends to Medi or SITTSBS s"1 are paid, except at the option of the publisher, fail of producing injury, of r--. few-- are or College str ct, Nov. 2o. cine Daalers in every town, where THE GOOD SAMARITAN food, cannot that its 'toratives. Very medicines uiseoEiinueu unless oy positive the Remedy can To do more work in every variety of Cooking, beiDg The STOCK and FURNITURE, trifA the be ai orders. be found and a "Wauregan Gazette." with "Substitute," in its nature highly nutri by physicians as proper to zivin" full less Fuel, than any Stove in the World. effects & 3:11 JUST RECEIVED . particulars of it. tious, and healthful in its on tho animal RIGHTS AND PRIVjLEGES BOOTS SHOES t . jd I'.uring'thc period of nursing; Tcrui.fo' AdrrrtLlngin Weekly. A NEW lot of Shetland organism, must ai certainly contribute much to La-- , and Lace VEILS, at 25 THE GOOD SAMARITAN TniS DA RECEIVED AT THE obtained an universal preference. PRICE CENTS PER BOX. for Hr ,. of those who use it." yW a JELLISON'S. Has the most perfect arrangement ..'uij tho welfare which have accrued in a series of years of unin- . rem One square, 3 weet $1,00 43- - 1 e who djsiro to purchase thu crcit None genuine without the signature or Front Hearth, without interfering Willi ,r CORNE.t BOOT & SHOE STORE, - terrupted and successful prosecution of the busi iv-r- p " lmontl ... l,2o other operations of Cooking Dr. S. A. Arnold, of the same place, says: m inn ueoiury tnoniu reroemiw TWENTY-FIV- E of ness by the present proprietor are offered. OPPOSITE " 3 month 2,50 CENTS " It is far superior to Cream of Tartar, as a diet- - THZ . HO STUTTER'S CELEBBA. Every department of sale is well supplied, and L u- p- .'nee sanares, 3 week. 2,25 JTOR the Life, Trial and Conviction of S. F.WILLARD. THE GOOD SAMARITAN tetic." in BANK OF BURLINGTON. STOMACH BITTERS. It put - " Has a constant supply of Hot Water without Coil, uj w21m3 with the namr, DR. J. H0STill-- V 3montlu 5,50 Orders should be addressed to heats Water for the Bathing Room For sale by the principal grocers. t.les CAPT. JOHN BROWN, iuprrior FULL RUNNING ORDER. STOZIACH BITTERS, Mown on th 7,00 WILLARD & to any Range. l,'e''oph Ten lines of minion type eonstitute n fcquare and a full account of the attempted insurrection HOTCHKISS, THIS IS AH kinds of BooM and Shoes made and repaired Mumped on the cap covering the cork, with .n uiciai uiscuunt to yearly advertisers. at Harper's Ferry, this day received and for sale MADISON, CONN. THE GOOD SAMARITAN THE to order at saoRT sotice at the Lowest Cash Pri 1I03TETTEK A SM1T1I on the UbeL Legal notices 10 cent a line Is ill every respect worthy if n:.me Ail Excellent ces. T pay. Important, on account of the numerous coon at. HUNTINGTON'S Book Store. For sale by Harmon A. Sheldon, H. P. Russell, CONFESSION AND EXPERIENCE Opportunity E. hre The privilege or limi-tedt- y yearly advertisers is o Illustrated with saveral lame cuts and a oorrect Middlcbury; M. COME AND for a party desiring to engage in a lucrative occu- Burlington, August 30, 1859. dAwtf now la the market. rm their own II.Hadley, M. S. Mills, Bristol; SEE IT OF A VICTIM : immediate business, likencs of old John. Price Hines-burg- pation ono oy in their own 25 cents. F.Huntington, Vcrgennes; Marcus Hull, h; in of the most beautiful towns in New ana soia uu name; and all advertisements A ATTHm also lubl for tho benefit of book for the million, get it while it is going. H. Leonard, St. Albans; S. for the benefit, and as a warning England. PAPER HANGINGS, & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and other persons, as well as legal J. J. Storrs advertisements and A Sou, Winooski Falls; Amos C. SrEAR, Bur- R I C ii H O N I) and a caution to these who suffer from ner- For particulars and terms. AT COST, AXD LESS THAX COST, all drunsists, Rrocors, and dealers Senivi, advertisements of amtion sales, and CHEAPER THAN ,., fVi.TTni'r-r- i Canada, advertisement COLD DUST lington; and by Druggists and Country Mer- vous debility, indigestion, lowness of spirits, Address the Proprietor, ,i u statBs.r with the names persons, TOR A SHORT TIME, AT iiuuuuum"-- of oti er sent in by them AND MUCH chants generally. want of sleep, premature decay, Ac; as a conse THEO. A. PECK. TOTica, nnd Germany. mult be paid for at the nsual rates. ' BETTER FOR "SASS." w21mC Agricultural W a r e ii o use imprudence, or the Aug. 10, 1859. C". BB Contracts quence of youthful baneful Sold by AM03 SPEAR, and J. for yearly advertising will not be dis- AND self-abus- habit of e At the same time pointing CHIiVA HALL, A Burlington, S. Storrs & Son, continued unlessan order to that effect is and QUINCES arc for sale BROKE INTO INCLOSURE. CO., J. - left at out tho certain means of seij-cur- e. CRANBERRIES A General ar- ttie office and when discontinued and will, probably, be kept by tho STOVE STORE. 130 CHURCH STREET. ISO WEEKS POTTER, Boston, in less than a about last of August, broke By one who has suffered from the above cause, arrived at New England States. year prief whole be A. S. DEWEY. into tho inclosure JUSf for the of a year trill charged. of the subscriber, a two I have also a large lot of the various kinds of and from misplaced confidence in medical humbug PEIRCE'S. b r 1859. ; Wo 4v inserted year old heifer, - 3Iarch 21. ertitementscan be gratuitously dark red, with a tar mark on the Cook, Parlor, Dining Room,- and Box Stoves. and quackery. Single eopies sent (post-free- ) on Dec. 1st. 8. S. BROWN. of cocietwi publio ALSO, a few bbls. XWPFt a Tn t'V hip. The owner is requested to institutions or companies. nnT crovo DroDertv. Stove Pipe, Ac, which will be sold as iow as the the receipt of a stamped envelope, bearing the BurHatfon, Advertisements ordered upon the inside which, at present prices, do not keep in any pay charges and take it away. lowest. March 17. 1858. dAwtf. JUST RECEIVED AT JELLISO' cumate. address of the applicant. RECEIVED, at Jellison's, a addition of 25 pe Bt. if made A. COREY. HENRY DOW. JUST . rnrfl J. P. Address, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., assortment of FANCY SILKS, at PLFEN'S, Boys' GOOD awortment oi -- rates. Nov. 15th, 1859. Hinesbuxgh, Dec. 6, 1859. w3w RicnitoxD, Vt., Oct. 28, 1859. and Youth's Rnbber Boots, just and large mparflr wtf w24m3 Bodfordj Kings County, N. Y. Panic Price. 1M received bv a PBnriTV Tc A LINEN.