
Review Paper


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ich ich permitsunrestricted noncommercial use, provided the original original the provided use, workproperly is cited. ed for many other uses, based on tradition Livergallbladderand problems Fever Diabetes Diabetes Acne Ulcers Burns wound healing wound Reducing inflammation Asthma

SES OFSES EUCALYPTUS OIL • • • • • • • • • eucalyptol (72.71 %), vterpineol (2.54 %), (-)-globulol (2.77 α-pinene %),α-terpineol (9.22 %), acetate (3.11 %), α- and alloaromadendrene (2.47 %).3 U Medicinal use of Eucalyptus oil used are extensively as a ingredient raw in material many and pharmacological aids. uses: the followingare as The an active Int.Drug J. Dev. Res.,& October -December 2013, 5(4): | October - December 2013 | Vol. 5 | Issue 4 | ISSN 0975-9344 | 0975-9344 ISSN | 4 Issue | 5 Vol.| 2013 December - October | Eucalyptus oil and its major component 1,8-cincole

Medicinal herbs, Eucalyptus Medicinalherbs, oil, Safety, Antimicrobial.

bstract: bstract: eywords: chemical injury secondary here.presented to the use of eucalyptus oil K has been A The ancient Egyptians were aware of their usefulness familiar in treatment of various diseases. with Eucalyptus many used medicinal herbs to and control Eucalyptus oil has been suggest several diseases or on derived scientific theories. However, from these uses have studied in not microbial human, and been there is thoroughly limited scientific evidence infections. about sa effectiveness. antimicrobial effects. In this review, an unusual and a rare case of isher and licensee and isher IYPF. is This Access Open an article wh


2 ntroduction is the study deals medicinal with properties use of of plants. Plants have ability the to synthesize a wide variety of compounds chemical that are used to perform important biological functions. Many herbal remedies have been used for oral health for hundred of Eucalyptus years. oil is made by extracting the oil from the leaves of the tree. Eucalyptus trees, which are otherwise known as “gum trees” are members of the Myrtaceae family. Eucalyptus oils are grouped into three categories: medicinal, perfumery and industrial. Eucalyptus oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It has a long history of use against the effects of colds, influenza, other rhinitisrespiratoryinfections, 2 sinusitis. and Research suggest that forty-seven compounds were identified in the essential oilsvand the main constituents of the essential oils were 1, 8- I

© 2013 © Lakshmi. publ al, et T,

Reader, of Department III BDS, BDS, Dental Saveetha III pharmacology ,Saveetha CollegeDental &Hospitals, Chennai Authors: Corresponding Lakshmi. T Reader, of Department pharmacology, Saveetha CollegeDental &Hospitals, Chennai Email:[email protected] College&Hospitals, Chennai 2 1 Ruchika Agarwal Agarwal Ruchika Lakshmi.T* CoveredEmbase,&Scopus in Elsevier

Eucalyptus oil Eucalyptus in dentistry: mini A Review

Page 58 • Loss of appetite Lactobacillus acidophilus . The study proved that • Arthritis garlic extract showed significant anti caries • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease activity and Eucalyptus oil had not shown any Tuberculosis activity.

SIDE EFFECTS ANTI PLAQUE ACTIVITY 10 The side effects associated with the use of The study was conducted by AL-Bayaty et al to Eucalyptus oil are: 6 evaluate and to compare the antibacterial • Allergic skin reactions effects of Gengigel, Oradex and Salviathymol N • Rashes and burning sensation of the skin on certain dental plaque bacteria, on pooled

• Prolong use can cause drowsiness, difficulty in samples of dental plaque (supragingival and breathing. subgingival plaque) and to compare some dental • Worsening of Asthma plaque bacterial morphology before and after • Rhino conjunctivitis treatment with Gengigel, Oradex and • Cardiovascular collapse and multi-organ Salviathymol N , respectively, by failure due to massive ingestion of mouthwash examination under Scanning Electron containing eucalyptus oil. Microscope. Essential oils based mouthwash (Salviathymol N) Page 59 Page DENTAL USE OF EUCALYPTUS OIL 7 has proved its value over years for the treatment For treatment of gum diseases as anti plaque of inflammatory conditions affecting the oral agent for bleeding gums for halitosis Stomatitis. cavity and pharynx. This mouthwash mainly contains sage oil ( Oleum salviae ), eucalyptus oil ANTI BACTERIAL ACTIVITY 8 (Oleum eucalypti ), cinnamon oil ( Oleum Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu conducted a study on cinnamoni ), fennel oil ( Oleum foeniculi ), aniseed the invitro antibacterial activity of some 21 plant oil ( Oleum anisi ), peppermint oil ( ) and essential oils against ( Escherichia coli, Klebsiella chlorophyllin. Recently, bacteriological pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus investigation by Graf et al has been done to vulgaris ) and two grampositive bacteria Bacillus determine the spectrum of antibacterial activity subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus at four of Salviathymol N against bacteria found in the different concentrations (1:1, 1:5,1:10 and 1:20) oral cavity . using disc diffusion method. The findings indicates The findings reveals that Salviathymol N which Lakshmi. T et al; Eucalyptus oil in dentistry: A mini Review mini A dentistry: oilin Eucalyptus al; Lakshmi.Tet that Eucalyptus oil showed significant contains essential oils showed moderate anti antibacterial activity against the tested strains. bacterial activity against oral plaque forming micro organisms. ANTI CARIOGENIC ACTIVITY 9 Jalal Poorolajal performed a study on IRRATIONAL USE OF EUCALYPTUS OIL .11 Antibacterial effect of eucalyptus ( globulus Labill ) Chemical injuries of the oral soft tissues may and garlic ( Allium sativum ) extracts on oral readily due to the large number of chemical Cariogenic bacteria Streptococcus mutans and substances such as drugs and various agents,

Covered in Scopus & Embase, Elsevier Int. J. Drug Dev. & Res., October -December 2013, 5 (4): 58-61 © 2013 Lakshmi. T et al, publisher and licensee IYPF. This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, provided the original work is properly cited.

which come in contact with the oral cavity. In oral (COPD), and respiratory infections. It is also used cavity it may cause diffuse erosive lesions, which as an expectorant to loosen coughs, antiseptic, depends upon the concentration, type and fever reducer, and in vaporizer fluids and for quantity of the substance. A rare case secondary treatment of wounds, burns, ulcers, and cancer.it to topical application of eucalyptus oil has been is also used as a insect repellent . In dentistry, reported. eucalyptus oil is included in products used as The case report as follows: (published in sealers and for root canal fillings. Bangladesh journal of medical science) Dried eucalyptus leaf is used as a flavoring agent. A forty two-year old female patient reported to It is also used as a mouthwash, antiseptic, the dept of oral medicine with the complaint of and ointment, and in , cough drops, pain and decayed tooth in the right back region and lozenges. Eucalyptol is used as an ingredient of the upper jaw since two weeks. The patient has in some mouthwash and dental preparations, as applied eucalyptus oil over the gums associated an endodontic , and may possess with the decayed tooth following application of antimicrobial properties. Listerine® mouthrinse is a eucalyptus oil patient complained of severe combination of essential oils (eucalyptol, menthol, burning sensation and ulcerations in the same thymol, ) that has been shown to

area. Long exposure or higher concentration of be efficacious for the reduction of Review can cause epithelial necrosis and dental and gingivitis. Page 60 Page shedding. The contact of the chemical with oral cavity shows inflammation and ulcerations. The REFERENCES

patient was prescribed a topical application of

Pa herbal acacia catechu 134mg and acacia 1) Peter S. Abbott. History of Eucalyptus oil. FGB natural products available at

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Acacia catechu , has anti-inflammatory, anti- 2) Hardel Dadenra kumar et al Review on bacterial, used for swollen gums and Phytochemical and pharmacological of stomatitis . Acacia farnesiana , used for treating Eucalyptus Globulus-A multipurpose tree bleeding gums, stomatitis and dental caries. The .IJRAP.2011;2(5)1527-1530. case report presented that the irrational use of 3) Aihua Song, Ying Wang, Yanmei Liu, Study on the eucalyptus oil can cause caustic damage to the chemical constituents of the essential oil of the oral mucosa. leaves of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines 2009 4 (4):134- 140.

4) Medicinal uses of eucalyptus oil available at- CONCLUSION www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements. 5) Angela E. Sadlon, ND and Davis W, Lamson, MS, Eucalyptus oil should be administered after MD. Immune-modifying and antimicrobial effects dilution. The diluted oil is utilized for pain and of eucalyptus oil and simple devices. inflammation of respiratory tract mucous Altern Med Rev 2010;15(1);33-4 membranes, coughs, bronchitis, sinus pain , asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Covered in Scopus & Embase, Elsevier Int. J. Drug Dev. & Res., October -December 2013, 5 (4): 58-61 © 2013 Prof. R. K. Sharma et al, publisher and licensee IYPF. This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, provided the original work is properly cited. 6) Side effects of eucalyptus oil available at- www.intelihealth.com/IH/inhtlH/WSIHw008. 7) Bachir Raho Ghalem and Benali Mohamed. Antibacterial activity of leaf essential oils of Eucalyptus globules and Eucalyptus camaldulensis. African jornal of pharmacy and pharmacology .2008; 2(10).pp.211-215. 8) Seenivasan Prabuseenivasan, Manickkam Jayakumar, Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu. In vitro antibacterial activity of some plant essential oils. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine

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Article History: ------

Date of Submission: 04-09-2013

Date of Acceptance: 29-10-2013

Conflict of Interest: NIL

Source of Support: NONE

Lakshmi. T et al; Eucalyptus oil in dentistry: A mini Review mini A dentistry: oilin Eucalyptus al; Lakshmi.Tet

Covered in Scopus & Embase, Elsevier Int. J. Drug Dev. & Res., October -December 2013, 5 (4): 58-61 © 2013 Lakshmi. T et al, publisher and licensee IYPF. This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, provided the original work is properly cited.