
Twenty-Sixt- h Year. Hock Island, Illinois, Fridav, December 1, 1876. Established Oct 18, 1851 The Rock Island & Mercer Co. Rail- - HELICAL. EOBSE KAILS AUTISTIC TAILORING- - EOESE NAILS. TELEGRAPHIC. road. MOLINE. In a trip to the new town ot Cable, on BgyThe saw mills have shut down. GS-XjOK-EI THE KILD POWES m0 AUSABLH HOUSE CD. Telegraphed to the Rock Manet Argut. Wednesday, Jwe noticed many improve MIL JB6?The council met on Monday even- r mo no ments along the line of the new road. At ing. Y LjUL. fiWJ 11 tU a WOA ILL t Manufacturers of Milan Ti SOUTH CAROLINA. the old depot building belonging to JJ-- e ball at Freja hall last evening ntMPHBETS' PATENT HAMMERED, the Coal Valley Mining Co. haa been was well attended. JI OMEOPA THIC SPECIFICS moved into the forks of the two roads fand J8The Barabee troupe at the Con- MIL The Democrats in Possession. gregational church C1P1 HAVE ritOVED, HIOM THE MOST POINTED & POLISHED, platforms built around it, so that trains IMPOETING experience, an entire "raeceiw. Simple, CO min- Prompt, Reliable. They are the only will run on each side ofAit. tgf'Thiladelphia and back in haU MANUFACTURERS OP medicines perfectly odupted to popular use so POINTED & BLUED, Na-ture- d. utes" at Timm's simple that mistakes ennnot bo made in usinv And Both Parties Good At Black Hawk, the new station at the ; so moulding shop of Deere's them harmless as to be free from danger: ana mouth of Turkey Hollow and 4 miles west JSThe no efficient as to bo always reliable. They nave plow works was shut down to-da- to af- POINTED, the highest commendation icora, all, and Trill of Milan, business will open with ta station always render satisfaction. ford time to line the cupola. Nos. Cures.. . Cents. FROM "BENZON IRON" EXCLUSIVELY, agent on Monday. The depot is a neat fiSHThurch notices should be handed Congestion, . . 25 Hopes of a Compromise. POLISHED I. Fevers, Inflammations, We offer our Hammer Pointed Nails to the g, ready in by morning J. Wormi 'Worm Fever, Worm C'olie, . trade knowing that they are far superior to any buildin for use. Itoads have been at 10 o'clock. 3. 'ryIn or Teething of Infants, 25 "Cut Points". The "AUSABLE" is THit pened from depot Pastors will please make a note of this. of Children or Adults, . 25 the to the road near ths 4. Ilarrlicea, Hammered Nait. Pointed in market. Quality Deo. 1. The Herald prints Wedding Garments a Specials AND 5. Iysentery, Griping, Bilious Colic, . 2 fully guaranteed. New York, Ilubbard Moore,farm,and to the Andalusia happened yesterday in front of 'holrra-Iorbn- s, , 25 6. Vomiting, . the following: road. It is onlv 4 miles from this depot theBItpost office. "You're a liar !" ''You're 7. Cough, Colds, Bronchitis, . . . 25 Columbia, S. C., Dec. 1, 1 A. m. 8. Toothache, 25 ABRAHAM BUSSING, At to Audalusia and a hack and mail line Slap-dow- n go ! FINISHED Nenraljrla, Faceachn, . another!" . you That's 9. Sick 25 one o'clock this morning the houses are hould Made to Orde Headaches, Headache, Vertigo, SECRETARY, be established from Black Hawk all; no arrests. Servants' Livery 10. lyspepia, Bilious Stomach, ... 25 still in session. The members are sleep- Andalusia. A post office can be II. Kapprencdi or Painful Periods. . 25 85 Chambers Street, moulders' ball at Timm's hail 12. too Periods, 15 ing, or or conversing, and a few established here if the people ask it. fiThe White, Profuse. . ... NEW YORK. Dec. 22d, promises to be a fine affair. 13. Croup, Courh, litticult Brenthin?, . . J5 ot them are listening to the eloquence of a CLERGYMEN TEN FEB CENT DISCOUNT Horse Shoe Nails 14. Knit Hhrnm, Erysipelas, Eruptions, . 25 negro from Charleston county, known as TAYLOR RIDGE. Those who attended the dance last year 15. JCheumatisin, liheumntic , . . 25 Chill 80 '"Fancy Fill, Santafee Both At this station a very handsome two have not forgotten the pleasantries of the RECOMMENDED BY OVER 16. 1 'ever and Agne, fever, Agues, LOCAL COLUMN. the orator." story 17. Mien, blind or bleeding, 50 are holding till store tastefully and conveniently occasion. Eyes, . 50 parties the tort Wabash Ave. Cor. Monroe, 18. pht hnlmy, nnd Soreor Wenk know nished and neatly painted has been 10. acute or chronic. Influenza, . So The Democrats that if they go out JSSrThanksgiving was very generally eniCAQO. Established 1854. ILLINOIS 20,000 HORSE SHOERS. Catarrh, 60 conscjfption can bb cubed. erected by a young man named Michael 20. WhooplnK-ConR- h, violent coughs, . they will not be and they pro observed in this city and nearly all ot Ail Nails are made of the best 21. oppressed iireathinir, . . . 80 schenck's pulmonic , aimer who intends to uaye open Asthma, 60 pose to stay until 12 M, when it lor the business houses and the manufactor- 22. Kar IMscharges, impaired heannfr, . Schbnck's Sea Weed Tonic. business large uasrma. enlsi-get- l 60 in a few davs. A new fluid 23. Her of-l-a, phtnds, Fwcllings, . the Laurens and Edgefield delegations will ies were closed. The Congregational NORWAY IROJST, Debility, Physical Weakness, . 60 Schenck's Mandrake Piias. and substantial blacksmith shop has also !4. Ueneral Are the onlv medicines that will cure Pn uionarv doubtless be ejected by the federal sol church was filled yesterday morning at and Warranted perfect and ready for driving. V. and scanty Secretions, . . . . 50 been erected by Mr. who is Iropijr sickness from riding, . 50 Consumption. diers. A. Hubbard, the union services and an impressive ser- 1,1 Orders filled promptly, and st ths lowest 26. Frequently medicines stop a conga will lit 27. Kldney-lMseas- e, Gravel, . 50 that win aving all the work he can do. Mr. H. . rates by .... occasion the death of the patient ; they lock up the The scene in the hall, at this hour, is mon was delivered by Rev. J, W. Haney, 9 ltv. Seminal Weakness lower, son-i- n law of Mr. James Taylor, is K.nnni , iiver.stop tne ol tne Dlood, nemorrnage unique and interesting. Speaker Mackey of the M. L involuntary . . . . .100 circulation E. church. The singing by the or follows, and tu clog now keeping on KiHTMVb 19. Sore Month, Canker, .60 fact,they the action of the very (Republican) remarked to me a few mo- sale a stock of goods in choir Congregational ... . 40 organs that caused the contih. of the church was GLOBE COM'Y, 30. I'rlnary Weakness, wettingthobed, ago the dopot building. He will soon erect a Will positively afford relief by external MIL 31. with Spasms, . . 80 Liver Complaint and DvsneDsia are the causes ments that this was the first free, excellent. Gainful IVrtodi, two-third- s nice building for a A 52. JTeart, palpitations, etc.,. 100 of of the cases of Consumption. Many square meeting of the legislature had store. water tank application. cures on Neu IMsease of a con- that j&aLast right Oliver Norris went to It the instant BOSTON. 53. Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance, . 1 00 persons comniain 01 ami in thy side, has beer, erected here, and the stock vards Kpllepsey, 50 ever assembled in South Carolina. There N. him- 54. IMphtheria, uloernted sore throat, . . stipation, coated tongue, pain in the shoulderblade enlarged the saloon of P. Peterson and made ralgia, Nervous Headache, Rheumatism, Eruptions, 50 leeiings OI restlessness, tiie food, is easy about and improved, lhesala of coal 35. Chronic t'oiisestioiis and arowriness and a free and air it that does self too familiar to suit the proprietor, who Toothache, Earache, aud all pains, Viuls, iu cents, (except 24. S2 and 33), . 100 lying heavily on the stomach, accompanied with agree really at this statiou is already quite an item, nervous Eeal 01 not with the situation as it is. requested him to desist. Norris.instead of &tate. CASES. acidity ana ocicuing np wind. the coal beiug brought from Cable. A SO AS BY MAGIC. FAMILr These symptoms usually orginated from a disor Coltjmbu, Dec. 1. The situation is heeding this advice, became noisy, and Case (Morocco) with above 35 large vials and dered condition of the stomach or a torpid liver. unchanced; both bodies have occupied the post office will be established here if asked Sold by all Druggists at $1 per bottle. Manual of directions, . . . 10 00 Persons so affected. If they take one or two heavy tor by the people. This will be wanted to fight. He went behind the bar L. CHBISMAITS Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and Book, 6 00 colds, and if the congh in these cases be suddenly house of representatives since noon yester and insisted on taking charge of the busi- For sale in Rock Island by John Bengeton. as above. quite a good point lor business from the Single Boxes and Vials checked, will find the stomach and liver clogged. day. .Numerous propositions tor acorn Officer was called, These remedies are aent by the and before surrounding country. ness. Teller and the any reinaimug torpid, inactive, and almost promised availed nothing. It is now 1 :30 case or single box to part of the they are aware the' lungs are a mass of sores, and lhe heavy cut in Turkey Hollow near unruly customer taken tothe look np, On QUO CTOaUJ:Z2Ii:SSTABIT. REAL ESTATE country, free of charge, on receipt of ulcerated, re-u- lt and the United States troops have not the of wnich is death. the summit being in clay, is being widened the way to the calaboose Norris assaulted AND price. Address Schenck's Pulmonic Svrup is an expectorant which interfered. The Democratic representa officer and does not contain opium or anything calculated to so that any elide cau not reach the track. the used the most abusive HuPomeyopathc check a eousih suddenly. tives from Edgefield and Laurens are still ianeuage. Teller collared bis man. how THS FAVOB.XTZS Medicine Co., in REYNOLDS. Office and Depot, No. 402 Bboadwav, New York. Schenck's Sea weed Tonic dissolves the food. their seats. ever, and after a tough struggle succeeded Loan Agency, Hale by nil Druggists. mixes with the gastric juices of the stomach, aids is now likely sufficient This station,4 miles from Taylor ISLAND, For digestion and creates a ravenous appetite. It that a number Kidee.is in placing him under lock and key, This HOME REMJLiDY. niLLIER BLOCK ROCK ILL. Sold in Rock Inland by Denser Thomas, Otto Waen the Dowels are costive, skin sallow, or tne ot Republicans will unite with the Demo situated at the corners of 4 towns Kdging-to-n morning he was brought before Magistrate C Speidel, and K. Breunert inwf Evidence trnparallelled in the history of Medi irojan, symptom ot herwise of a bilious teudency,Scb.cnck's crats in a plan by which the entire matter and Bowlingin this county, and Preemp. Swander and fined $10 and costs, lie cine" Over two thousand testimonials given for Mandrake i'lils are required. will be settled. and Perry ton Mereer and four the wonderful cures made by FOR SALE. These medicines are prepared only by tion in roads had no money, or at least would not pay lOfl Acre Farm In McHenry Co. Ills. Good Im J. U. Schenck ASov centre here. The depot buUding stands in tip, so he went to jail until the fine s paid I L U provemenhs. Price $4,70O MISCELLANEOUS. N.E . corner Sixth and Arch.Sts. Phila. Howling, but the town, laid out by Walker Acr In McHenry , And are lor sale by all druggists aud dealers. Another Ineligble Republican. Elector' Light diet for a few days, and a cold cell, 100 1 O Farm Co Ills., 84 & WTait, is in Edgington. Where ouly a I WW I W miles from W oodstock POVIDENCE, it. I., Dec. 1, The general may possibly induce Norris to repent He Price $4,000 ew weeks ago there was nothing but a a large and powerful, like THE ENEMY OF DISEASE ! assembly convened in special session to day is man but O t Acre Farm in Story Co., Iowa. Why let aches and pains your temper epoilJ and Gov. Lippett communicated the opin cornfield, there is now a very large two every one else whom officer Teller arrests. CU Price 2.SCO A cure is sure by using 3 SARSAPA.RILLA, ion or the supreme court that Mr. Corliss story hotel 3 stores and blacksmith sh.)ps, he bad to go to the lock up. lhis is not 1 C fl Acre Farm, Franklin Co., Kansas. a presidential elector elect, is inelligible and 3 more stores going up. The hotel is his first offense. Or Matchless Liver lOU Price S4.000 THE FOE OF PAIN ! plastered and will probably be opeu by 1 Gf) Acre Farm, Douglas Co., Kanas. Reniie's Magic Oil by reason ol being a member of the United lOU Price 83,500 V Christmas. is built and owned by Mr. BLOOD AND TO MAN AND BEAST btates centennial commission. Hon. It KIDNEY SYRUP. Acre Farm. Snmner Co., Kansas. W. C. Goodner, who, we presume, will MISCELLANEOUS 17R Is the Grand Old RENTE'S MAGIC OIL cures Rheumatism, O. Mater was ejected to nil vacancy, re . f Three thousand bottles sold 113 Price $1,600 KENNK'S MAGIC OIL cures Neuralgia, ceiving 81 votes to 19 for Charles It. Cut keep it. One of the stores is by Mr. It. each year by one store in Q n Acre Farm, Lyon Co., Kansas. RENNE S MAGIC OIL cures Sprains, Olmsted, one by Cleveland Now receiving or 0U 81.30O ter. Democratic candidate. li. A. e. Crandall, and by Price TiUSTAHO RENNE S MAGIC OIL cures Bruises, drug and Variety st ire) by W.Harty ders mail every day from A ft Acre Farm, Douglas Co., Kansas. RJOTSE'S MAGIC OIL cures Colic, on? la HMH DYE. all parte or the country. SVOOO - tU Price RENNK'S MAGIC OIL cures Cholera Morbus, Srang-gling- Smith. II. Dibbern is also buiMing a Herewith are a few of the ClafUn Win? In tbe Snits C BATCH ELOR'S CELEBRATED nAIR DYE Acre Farm, Whiteside Co., Illinois, near RENNE S AG1C OIL cures Coughs by in world. many certificates and le'tirs Aftft cures store. The three blacksuiith shops arc best the Tbe inventor has used th'ii received hundreds of which tUU Sterling. Price $14,000 KEX.tU'S MaGIC OIL Sore Throat. iEV 10RK, I'cc. 1. Chiet Justice splended Hair Dve for 87 years with benefit to the by. 40 Messrs Clark, Webster abd West Mr. : we could print, if necessary. 1 1 Q Acre Farm, Rock Island Co . His. Which ha? stood the test of "It Works like a Caarm. Johnson, of the New York circuit court hair, and no injury t'i his health proof that it is I fi7 27,1875, S.IIonecutt has also built a dwelling house the only perfeet Dve, Harmless, to snow rentons Matchless Uf I L Price $4,80O Dayton, Ohio, August to day rendered opinion m the great suits true and reliable Liver, Blood Kidney Sy yours Messrs. Wj, Renms & Sons. and barn, and will probably other instantaneous. No disappointment; no ridiculous and J C Acre Farm, Callaway Co., Mo. Stork Farm of the United States against II. B. Clafiin build rnp is appreciated at home. I vl Tliere is no Sore it will not hea Gents Please send me at once by express one houses another year. A good many lots tints: remedies tne ill erects ol bad eyes; leave 0 Price 815,000 dozzen bottles large size Magic Oil. The Magic Oil & Co., for the recovery of a million and the hair oft and beautiful Black or Brown Sold and extending over the whole country, upon its Ofl Acre Farm, Atchiiijon Co., Mo. Splendid cure, no indeed work a charm. Six years ago been sold and another will and properly applied BATCIILOR'S Wig Kac "merit only." Ana we claim wltlicut rear or favor 9 no LiimeiKfs it will not dots like halt dollars penalties for the purchase o have season at 0DU StrrckFaim. Price $!O.BCO mother had a fall which came very near rt suiting probably show a good deal ot activity hero. tory. No. 10 Bond street, N. Y, Sold by all dru it is the best family medicine in the world, and Ache, no Pain, that Afflicts th fatally. She recovered her health in some degree allowed smuggled goods, in which th gists. guarantee it the best hlcod aud livor and ki'iuev Acre Farm, Kent Co., Michiran, The Montgomery already s, 80 Berlin. 45,000 body of a hor.-- dnriiii: the year following, but she sustained such iudgement ot lower court for the de Brothers are syrnp ever produced. Send for cironla-- read and Price , or the severe injuries, t specially in spine and left urtu the judge for yourself. We will be pleased to scud a LANDS in all the Westeen wiil sell for her erecting orn cribs tor storing corn, and MOSQUITO BITES, VEGETABLE POISQHS, Statts Ho-pir- f'endants is affirmed to any person wno or oue. on or other domestic animal, that doe nd shoulder, that she was almost heipleps. will go into the business of purchasiiiR circular wnies Cash or part Cash, and tbe balance. a change of climate might be beneficial, the HOME EVIDENCE. Houses Lots in Rock Island and a number Ring-Wor- . not yield to its mairic touch. A spring of the second year after her fall she went to and shipping grain. Rufus Walker is also Burn-- Chilblains. Itchint; of the Head of ether placesad for sale or exchange for lands. Y., ssw, race or Hody Extracts from letters received. l tica, N. to visit some relatives. While there Weather Probabilities. opoeiiing a lumber yard. A hack line will and ait ttruptions ot tne imme and get prices and location of lauds. bottle costing 25c, 50c, or $1.00, she obtained and used some of vour Magic Oil ; it riiately cured by Ratchelor's Curative ointment. RnETJ MAM ISM Some six months could not "Call Doc. 1. The .Signal Sei on Monday to run crnt-- : Rock Island, 111., Aug. 28, 18TB. often saved the life of a human relieved her almost immediately , so much s tu t Washington, commence between Sold wholesale and retail at Factor' , No. lti Ilond walk without the belpof a tried physi has she came home very much improved in health and vice observations taken at 10 o clock thi Aledo and Reynolds, distance about 13 street, and by all druguiste. cians and many kinds of advertised cutes without to life and use- use Magic Oil sue , benefit. Six bottles of Fenton's Matchless Syrup beinpc, and restored streuirth, and by the free oi the forenoon indicate the following weather miles, to connect with trai-iS- and a post valuable horse. is now enjoyiug better health thaif she has known W. I. B&TCHELCfi'S Aim. SEAL OIL curea me. capt Ueo Hand. GET THE GENUINE. fulness many :i lor ten ye.irs. and lias recovered entirely irom ner probabilities for this afternoon and t office will soon reestablished if the people SALT RHEUM- - Eight bottles made a perfect and Injuries. Motner nas so much confidence in your nicht: ask lor it. for the Hair. The Best Hair 0".;in use permanent cure. Magic Oil that she will not be without it. diminishing north Capt Thomas Pknnixotox Respectfully yours, Joseph E. Dixson. For the northwest, PREEMPTION. EEAJTiFUL TEETH ! WK1TE AS PEARLS ! Invaluable Hand-Boo- k for the Citizen, fol SCROFCLA From infancy was treated by the Some folks seem lobeprond or telling bow "lame west winds veering to east and soutb, This is the next station, and is a well best physicians and took everybody's enre, Two their shoulders are" of "m crick in ti e back" or l wed l y warmer, clear and hazy weather established village, having a hotel, stores, Sound, Healthy Gums, Breath PiasraEt as the Rose bottles Matchless Syrup cured me. SHIEEELL'S "I have tot the Sciatica" and delight in bragging secred by using A, BatcUelsr's Dentifrice. Sold Mas Jokes, Iniispensibie Guide to Visiters. can cure we shops of various kinds an old established wholesale and at Factory, No. lti Bond Eliza that 'nothing me!" but when such mstl street. SCROFULOUS NECK Eight years ,'awful folks." tonse RENNE S PAIN KILLING Selling- the Centennial Snildinfs. place. M, v. aua oy an aru.'gl8ts. cured by MAGIC OIL, faithfully, we not only cure their Fenton's Sarsaparilla, after irying nearly every HUNT S Pa , Doe. 1. The - W. A. BATCBELSH'S SEW Known remeuy. lameness an 1 charm away their pains, but we ac- Philadelphia, main CARLE- CC'KETIOliE otuer John mcwinity. '," builJibg Conductor L f M S K h, Cleveland, C WASHING CRYSTAL Guide and Cen tually take all teat kind of "brag out of them and of the international exhibitio: This is the uext and last station, at the PhiladelDhia thev franklv cwn up and sav, "Jt works like a was purchased by the State Kxhibi Black or Er wn for tintinff the Ha. SALl ntl&lM eleven years a'l over my bo.ly ; charm." bold by all Druggists, Merchants and Iuter celebrated Richland Grove mines, where Whiskers or Mustachois without greasing t hem. took all ttteil i . emedies advertised, and in the Company 2.'m),(H)0. tennial Directory! Grocers. Call for Reunc's Magic Oil where you tion for the sum of Mr, Cable has some 1,300 acres of fold wnoicsaie ami retail at tactory, ltt Hond M. hospital, New i k, twenty weeks; could not ge SHIRRELL CO., Proprietors. usually trade. New York, and by all druggists. AsU them. curea; six ..es .i rem on s .nan niess s;ru 47 Pearl Street, N. Y in- coal tr :...r.l.FFALO. This "mtiltnm in Parvo" gives mare practical f00 of which is tbe finest land in the cured me. George Brown, Cleveland, O. tlie Fire in Council Elufs. formation in a comprehensive torm than all northern part of the state, averaging from FtMALE WEAKNESS some years: rn-e- v d. six t cphi'iiu-ra- l works up for the com-bme- USE RENNE'S Doc. 1. The Agri ery the Mm irotfu before Council I'Jlitfs, to 0 teet thick and ot very nua quality. alterative known; tried climate from is Shmdard Guid' published pain-killin- g 1TJTKS li the cultural woiks in tin city were wholly con is old W nesot i to iexas; coma get no rcr.ei; alter a tew any of the others wore thought of. It has stood At present there the augh mill in S. A.. GrEIM, month's use of Fenton's Matchless Sarsaparilla was to J, R. ZEIGLh-- U iht.-..tn- line mid i conceded to be all that is sumed by fire at an early hour this morn the distance with its few scattered house?, (Successor to GRIM BROTHERS.) curea coinpicieiv. tSuccessors wanted' at this time, nth Edition, revised and cor ing. Lios $35,000; insurance $13,000. airs u , Ohio st, t levelaud. o, Manufacturers of K.iglish werman I and around the cepot a thick sprinkling Dealers In and at reeled to date, in lioth and Manufacturers ot RHEUMATISM-D-r. Feuton: Having been laid fniu"ea. hax besides much other valuable mai miners cabins, and the big Cable store METAL & WOHD and latest ! p five weeks with Hheumatism, and soenl dollar the most coiuplet", relHble The Pension Bill Beady to Beport. now building, and which will be run by Excelsior Lubricating Oils after dollar, my physician told me it must wear MAP OK PHILADELPHIA brother-in-law- , Washington, Dec. 1. The house com- - Mr. It. It. Cable and li Those Oils are made a new process otl; got up and on crutches as msLy more week showing Park entire, with its Van Schsack, Stevenson & Rebl. Wholesale Agt's under was advised to get six bottles of Fenton's Sarsapu-- published, Pnlrmonnt appropriations low. nearly by super-heate-d steam Wirsahlcoi, extension, the Centennial grounds, etc., Chicago 111. Sold in Rock lslutid by John Benga nii tee on met today and Mr. bud lhe store is ready nua. rive Duties vuku mu completely, l freely of We guarantee thP '.owin qualities for these from ottk-in- l surveys, hesiutifiill colored, worth ton and F. H. Thomas. ut homed Kenrtsentative Atkins to re f ruse, Mr. Win. Thompson, of this city, ' recommend the Mambh ss Syruo as a sure cure fur book. has a Oils: It will not gum. rust or corrode. It is more Rheumatism. Vours ll fUe tunes the price of the It D pension appropriation bill re trtilv. rt the annual having completed tue plastering and durable than any oil iu use. It is not a u.ixed oil. W. II Bates, CoMri.KTK City Railroad Directory, Wednesday. is O. on the assembling of congress. It con turned The store 110 feet but perfectly "Tlionsauds Bear Testimony," giving the routes of all the railways and other in The Oreat American Institute forms strictly to the estimates, calling for by 30, with tin root, and is very commo Formation. It has a Fair (session of 1875) awarded to Pare and Glenn.. SCROFl'LOUS SORE LEG twelvo rears, cured the Triumph Truss Company the $20,531,001). dious and secure. The roofing was done by It is free from acids, chemicals cr grit. It will not by Fenton's Sarsap:'i:la,after trying various iiuled street Directory, & rhill in. re than any srood oil. It is always uniform blood remedies. alleys, lanes, etc. Premium Medal for the Best Elas- bpencer Nofisker. It will soon be open. givlns the names of the streets, tic Truss on Exhibition. quality. 11 v Et,,'P c001 aaT Journal under it Capt. Hsshy Palmer, Akron, O. tlu-- run to. with expla-nu'io- n A house will alsoliw put f.r where are aud where they Patronize the TKIOMI'II TRUSS Fire in New Orleans. upimiueuiateiy fastest time ai.dihe heaviest- pressure. It cannot SCROFCLA, five large abscesses on body, could of the m ''e of numbering the houses, entj mere can oe no mac 1 evaporated and destroyed except by actual wear. SHOW CASES! find and TRIUMPH RUPTURE CURE, New Orleans, Dec. 1. The fire which .ur. cuatow. aouot not turn in bed for weeks, cured by Kenton's blintr one with the name and U'.mber to the the town of Cable will, ere long, show It costs LESS than anv other oil in ne. Now what bad expended over one hundred dol OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. place without difllculty and loss of time or other So. 334 Bowrey, New York. broke out early this morning, on the corner we claim is, it is cheaper, better, sater and Imaltb annoyance. large popula'ion prob- lars prevlotiB to using tue Acme or Medicine, "Fen- 215 Hamilton Street, PLCPIA.ILL of St. Bernard and Claiborn streets has qnite a and hqsj ier than any other oil in use. To prove the above, ton's Matchless." C. Field. It has an Amusement Directory, a notel Directo all that we is you try Office Correspondence solicited and orders promptly ably much larger than Coal Valley. , ask that the oil. and Soans Point, New York. reached and crassed Esplanade street and wan-house- ry, a .oolo.'ical uarden Directory, it lias is 23i Pnn venue, Pittsburgh, Pa. ailed. LUTKE & MEHAN. Directory, The Triumph Truss Comp'y is still burning. Three blocks have been Thw railroad said by all to ho the "Ageuts Wanted. SCROFULOUS NECK, a number of ulcers, onen Centennial Exhibition Ask no advance payment for curing ruptures, and finest piece of road ever built in Illinois. for nine months; had the nest medical advice in FIELD BROS. Agents. Rock Island. with illustrations, description of buildings, etc. offer $1,000 reward for any case they destroyed. leveland. O. A sent me Fentons Sarsana-- It embraces a rrraphic description of Fairmount cannot cure. A telegraph line is being put up to Cable, rilla. Twelve bottles made a perfect and perma Pnrk with illustrations. and end of line will a nent cure. W. II. They employ first-cla- ss Office this the have wire to Meahs. a Ladv Sursrcon. Their The Tribune's Enjlewood Burned DR. BloomSeld, An IIistoihcal Sketch ot Philadelphia, Chief Surgeon 3!) success ! R. Cable's house, in this city, so BEALE'S. North O, has had years' unfailing Dec. 1. Thirteen buildiues It. that mid Illustrations of all the most prominent build examinations aud advice oounueutiui ana iree. New York. he can be consulted as to business on the Camp Bbown, Wyoming, Dec. 2G, 1874. GALVA COAL of in 10 for New by RHEUMATISM DrC F Fcuton: The six insriu (act, all objects and places Interest Orders filled by mail. Send cents their were destroyed fire at Englewood, I hot th rlt v. the nark. he zoological gardens and the Book, to prop. v . u. bu "iNtuvai, J., this morning. Loss $40,000, road or at the tainss ties Sarsaparilla sent me in July lat t, cured me of cen eniiial exhibition grounds are very fully de i;ni:i unrgeon. aERMA.s Kneumatssm, aud ouly nsed Ave, (one got broken.) ! scribed and illustrated. will effectually i I had it tor lour years, and spent nearly oue thoua . lor weight lu IFOR to strangers Washing-toa- Book Binding or F.uling, go to and dollars, wsth the best doctors in Montana SALE 'The vMue of which, especially The Troops in For cure all disease iStomacb, swim Ter Office cor. Mississippi ROCK ISLAND (Tri'iit" ritory previous. 1 bave got two more customers. Elk and Sts. mn.it h nrnrv's Press. Special Despatch lo th K. Y. World. The Argus Bindery. No better work arising f'ani a. jniing st the heed A neriect tnilde to our city." Commercial List, E0BEB.T BATY, Please express me eighteen more bottles to South This Coal is the Best Illinois Coal ever nsed in can be done in this vicinity. Prices reason- di?ffiortd liver X curried, or dim give "It contains a splendid map on a good scale, so it of Washington, Nov. 25. There was and breathing Pass. Enclosed find the greenbacks. Write me to 'bis market, and will entire satisfaction tr all ' s Manufacturer stomachi cult Camp Brown, JOHN can he readily read. reierson tie porter. purade to day of ell the regular troops now able. Work done quick, Leave orders at such as consti- - fluttering at the as before. Yours trnly, nouselt. SVAS8. "A valnable little volume." Herald. J LIMBS. here, some (00 ;n number. Ihi9 force The Argus Couuting Room, opposite the patation, Uatn-- i heart, choking J 1). WOODRUFF. PitiCES: ARTIFICIAL lenc.e. inward E English when mailed 30c; in flexible by Tuesday the t'ost Utbce. ;ur suffocating CONSUMPTION. Dr. C F Fenton. Dear Sir: PERR1N, Agent, Edition 2r.c: Office for the. Northwest of Dr. Rly's Celebrated wi!l be iucreased to over 1,000 piles, fullnessofl sensat ions when My wife was sick two years with consumption, we B. J. cioih 50c; in pockat tucks 75c; morocco, full gilt Limbs, as following will show: l y holidays a regular brigade the blood to the in a lvlng pos paid over one di. Dealer in l IHI. Patent the men aud the out thousand liars and received no RoniKsTEU, N. Y.. Sept. 1, 1874. will organized head, acidity oij iture. aimness of benenis; 1 sent for six bottles of your Matchless O. rman Edition. 2.1c; in flexible cloth 50c; in tucks Ksy.. Milwaukee, Wis. of infantry nud artillery be A. c. : Robkrt the stomach, vision, The Syrup: she took it up and supposed herself cured. - 75-- morocco, full gilt. $1.00. Bat. Dear Sir.: ou are the onlv party autuorizea to under the immediate commaid of General nausea, heart- Tea is prepared One year from this time she felt it coming ot.. I CLEVELAND- COAL! liCA 'euts Wanted. Liberal Inducements. my Legs in the Northwest, there be-in- e burn.disgust fori aud sold JOHN P. MI NT. Publisher, make Patent Barry, subject, of course in all its impor- at sent to Capt. John Vanier, of Cleveland, to send me no one in Chicago authorized to manufacture good, fullnesi--l So. 60S South more J9 South 9th Stn et PHILADELPHIA. moveuient8,if any probable, to USE BENHE'S six bottles, which completed the cure, for And all sizes of any ol my patents. Yours &c, tant are the Secoud Stree,.Phlladflphia, and can be purchased which we thank you, and wish to say to all, we be- (Opp. site of new P. O. Of direction of General Sherman. Most of pain-killin- g druggist. Price Si cents tier package, lieve it the best Renovator and Blood Purlner or iu RWs Limbs manufactured or. Government orders. the will be quartered the arsenal, r sale by trail Knecher, Rock Island. the- world. Truly, yonr friend. at Capt. are Invited figures before or Apparatus for Shortened Limbs and all Dcformi where temporary barracks are in the Hen by Buock, Port Burwell, Ont. Purchasers to obtain PERFECT MADE. lies. For particulars address FEMALh WEAKNESS, of even vears standing d3rtng elsewhere. Hard Coal thoroughly screened" THlV:0ST ROBERT 15 ATI. course of erection. Unless the president cured by the nse of one and a half bottles Fenton's 19 umce on tne Levee, toot oi aie street. 105 Wisconsin StreeUMilwaukee Wis. gives some explanation in bis message, a OIL MatcnittiC sarsaparilla, Jlu. Wm. Sins, ROCK ISLAND .....ILLS. I resolution is to be promptly introduced in Port Hope, Mlcb. inquiring why Works like a Charm." SALT RHEVM eighteen years: naed all the no e house troops are "It k?d humor cures without effect ; six bottles Fenton's assembling here. If vou have got Rheumatism. JHatchiiss harsi-parill- cured tue; it is a dead sure "W. USE RENNE'S MAGIC OIL cure. r u uooo, liuaala, ?i Y J. Pughe, i If you have got Neuralgia, Every person should read this carefullv. VJ1S MAGIC OIL. The Greatest Biocd FarHier Known. RENNE'S Dr Peutou. Cleveland, O. Dear Sir: Five years U yon have got Colic or Cramps, ago, I PORTRAIT PAINTER ANT ! ! a ! tnen in Brazil, America, there contrac EVERTWHtrE TRiomi rearer success A Good Sale USE KENNE'S MAGIC OIL. e 6' nilula, Hnniors, Weakness, &;. Business Stand for ted a uii:a-- that nearly cost roe mv life. I was Curi!s If you bave cot anvklnd f Ache or Pair, seven months in hoepluds Spanish Brazilian alid ROCK ISLAND ILLINOIS. loot ail uiooa, juivcr, okiu anu vieni'S aiscasef. PAIN-KILLIN- G in THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE HIS USE RuNNE'rt MAGIC OIL. Buenos Ay res but no purpose. 1 fi Life - Price $L or sis boUlea $5. Exp. rfP" Offine advtct, I cor. you to then went to tiifPortnas tainted or from Photo- Saloon and Residence .7th Ate. and 144 Try it. and will be surprised at tbe beneficial Cienfuegus, Cuba, and sixty-fou- r days rec C.E.H0V,'E,M.D. un e a use of spent in the graphs. jixit-eix- Streets. For further particulars apply to the fleet derived'lrom thorough and fa thful 1 i suits, jr. military hospital. The doctors told me If bad any j.isions gsving tu Painting and Drawing. Also l. dersigned on lhe premises. this popular remedy. It is pun ly vegetable ; safe friends 1 had better make my way to them. 1 he an Evening School iu Drawing. T H Thomas, drog J. V. BEHREN&. aud clvau to use internally ur externally. American Consul sent me to New York. Last TOMI Agent. Sold by John Bengston and SY-ac- II. KINS. Is, duly Kitn, s gists. Rock island. l., if & CO., Spring it came on me again, rest in the night was Rooms In Star Block, over Ensu-iu'- 4ewelr Wat. Renne & Soss, Plitsfluld, i ass. ROMER of Katent Scandi out of the question. A friend in the St Charles Store, opposite liarper House. a as well as a wisn to Established Manufacturers lNotice. Sins As duty, privilege, l navian or Jail L cks. Bra.-- s Pad Locks for Rail Hotel here (Detroit) advised Fenton's Matchless commend t" those unacquainted with its healing roads Switches. Also, Stationary R. R, Syrup; Isentfor six bottles. I have only To whom may concern : qualities you "raiu-Kulin- g Magic Oil, and Patent ttken all it r to be Car Door Locks. Sewing Ma four aird stn perfectly well. I must say it surprised in arrears for water suppled by KEPT IN READINESS T"OK as Severe Patent Piano and All water takers chine Liocks. me, and a 1 that knew the condition I was in f r the ciiy will have the water cutoff from tueir pieui of bowel utmcuiiiee, to oe applied liuiu. 141 145 five yer I freeiy recommend FeiUon's Matchless paid by Dec. 1st. a irritant, and as an to Railroad Avenue. ises if they have not Kali.t, ta counter intk knai.lt NEWARK N. J Syruo above ny blood purtUr iu the catalogue of JLSsV -. 25d3t S. F. COOKE, City Clerk. anodyne and hosier. Also for fresh wounds, having AUUS CUilfi IONIC Kill- on cuts, Illustrated Catalogues sent on application. uieuicmes, iuunreutvuujtj. permanently Acnes, Sciatica, tested it, especially the bruises and strains Detroit, Micb. E. McKittcrick. It will cure Chills, 1 received in the terrible calamity at tbe Central Neuralgia, Debiiitv, aU nervous and periodic diseases. We Intend to publish more wonderful evidences . Baptist church, Juue 93, li.T4. In behalf of all warrnncca 10 k;ii-.i- Sold Rock by Everr ootllo civb tniiigs which are good, and truly f ul. I subscribe in Island John Bengston, K Breu Price $1, or Six bottles $5. Expr. f&" Office'"v"advice Dooley's Patent Combination nert, T H Thomas and E Kcphler. ! D. myself, Fratutnally joujg, Rev. H. A. Sizbr. Olotliinp: j-re- C. B. HOWE, M. Western Agents, Van Schaack, Stevenson Reid House SoU Proprietor, Sentca Jail, JIT. T. F. HOPP & OO., Chicago. UNDER DARfSHALl M'fg Co O T Thomas, drug RENNH'S MAGIC OIL TOE-CALK- S. Fenton . Prnnwtom. Cleveland, Sold by John Bengston and H 817 Washington Street, gists. Rock Island Is a purely vegetable and general family remedy. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE Keep in to use in case of emergency. WEST OF CHICAGO. it the bouse years Try it internally. It enres Cholera Morbus, Diar- M ARwll--n I AnlfQ nnutr 43 H1RD SAVEDls Stomach, Coughs, oi age Sena IS NEW YORK. rhoea, Pains hi the Indigestion, stampiiinii'Muufor great Sore 1 hroat. Colas, &c. fx, confidentiallhuilocircular, of value. ROCK ISLAND in quantity by their perfect purity and great S500. Use it externally, enres. CatUirh, Spains,Cuts, Dr. H. G. PARK, Hubbard's Block, Iudianapc- - S25,S5Q,SiB0, S200, , it 12, irengui; the only kinus inaue by a prac- Bruises, Old Sor.-s- Headache, Toothache, aud in tical fact almost all the aches and pains flesh is heir to. Chemist and Physician, with scientific The reliable house of ALEX FROTHINGHAM CoMW Sold by ati dealers in Medicine. are to insure tuiilormity, 1. faithfulness, deli p. 14 WhII Kr. TCf V'urk tiiihliKh a hand. SISSIQH I WM. RSNNJS & SONS, Prop'rs, PittsBeld, Mass eight-pag- IIEHCHANTS cacy ami tree iioni from all in iirious substan- - some e weekly paper, called the Weekhr J. Report, which they send free to any ad- - ctN. flier are far penor to tb., common gnclfn .tiiion to a large number f editorials USE EEKNE'S t-- auultornleil kinds. Obtain the eenuine. Ob on financial and other topics, 1' con U His very ion FOR THE SALE OF Put np In boxes containing S Be, ech. 5 cd : ; w of PAINKILLING f n T. A. F2EY, Principal serve Mnrka na almvp "Crpam" reports of the sales and standing Toe-Csl- ottr Trade and accurate These are mide from Stel converted H Baking every stock, bond ud security dealt In at the Stock from of Norway THIS COLLEGE AIMS . TO GIVS A? , "Hand and Cornucopia." carefully selected brands and CB , - Exchange. Messrs. FROTHINGHAM & CO , are Butter. Cheese, Eggs, Swedes iron by a special process which ensures the I tborou:h and complete coarse in 30 u,e only securely in- " mking Powder in cans extensive brokers of large experience and tried utmost ease welding, together with greatest A SHORTHAND, BOOK-KEEPI- bnsi-nes- e, MA. GrIC in tht labelled. Many have been deceived in loose tegrity. addition to their stt ck brokerage OIL COMMERCIAL IATp. Id dnraidlity wear. - AlilTHMhTIC, &c. Ilea, Wcmsa Children, r in - if cr fjuiK they sell what Is termed "Privileges" or "Puts Poultry, Game, ani iron, steel and hardware dealers S BUSINESS COKRESPONBENCB, jj- rowder sold as Dr. Price's. le- - For sale by oil now one of the favorite mtthoda of j Manufactured onlv bv and Call"," rr" GOOD SALES AND PROMPT RETURNS, Van Schaack, Stevenson A Reld, Wbolesals Ag't throughout New England . Manufactured solely and the preparatory English branches. gi'imaie speculation, uvi;: i Grot-Cuxre- - G raeir viuuic,uu Market Prices guaranteed, Sendjqx Price Chicago, Lie. For sak in Rock Island by O, by CF.DKWIJK&CO., A Terms reasonable, Nlht School Oc- STEELE by following it many bare made fortunes. LNew Fnll and 360 Ave., South Bor ton, Mass. PRICE, 1 jn, Breunert, Dorchester S3 tober to May. Qcaqot at. Louis and Cincinnati. ork Metropolis.! and Marking Plate. 1