
ltx &tftrvttscmcnt. Special JCctircs. oaAvis. 3. W.i.Tll.iSlAF. W IN CHESTER'S When death is at the door, the remedy which GRAVES & THOMAS, FALL TRADE. would have saved life, if administered in time, ! HATS TAPS, AND FUR GOODS. comes too late. Do not trifle with distasc. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KENTUCKY" -- upon hen the will not & Rely it, that stomach the market is filled with RIVAL , and the manufacturers of POLLARD, PRATII3R, SI2ITH, digest foul: when fuintness and lassitude per- Lebanon, Ky. euch WHILE and puffing their own articles to the skies as a cure for every Louisville. vade the system when the sleep is disturbed, certain ill 455, 3tiin Street, thatfl esh is heir to, and decrying all others as base imitations or the the appetite feeble, tho mind lethargic, the Practice in all the Courts of impositions, proprietor of TE have made large additions to ourman-V- WILL aud adjoining Counties, nna the ufucturing departments by which we nerves unnaturally sensitive, and the head con- fused rely upon it, that when these symptoms promptly attend to all business entrusted to can supply cur friends with a better article of their caro. KENTUCKY LINIMENT of vi'al ity are and Presents his to the a cure-al- l, a our line ever before, 01 our own occur, the powers failing, preparation public, not as but as will tried and valuable remedy goods in than entirely different manufacture, and much superior in style and that, unless the mischief is promptly checked, in its composition and much superior to any other in all cuses where a Lini- life will be as well as rendered mise- ment is quality to goods bought of jobbers in the. Eas- shortened, BUENA VISTA! required. rable. Now we know from a mass of testi- Wednesday Hcrnirg, Sept. 19,1855. tern cities. a SAVING recently purchased the iustlv FOR MAN ORBEAST Our FALL STYLE DR3SS HAT will be mony, greater than was ever before accumulated JJX celebrated Buena Vista Spring, 5 miles 11 is equally useful, and ill particular it is excells every other in its prompt actsoa end superior in one remedy, Hoofland's German far to and of a more elegant style than favor of that South of Lebanon. I would respectfully inferm cleansing properties, producing iu all sores a i Rae-s- superior - Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. V. Jackson, Phila- Rass! Rsfa!!n o anv oilier sold. the public generally, that I have refitted the HEALTHY CONDITION AND CURE!.' delphia, will immediately abate, and, in i he end, SPEEDY wanted Our stock of SOFT HATS, embiacitig every establishment entirely, with new furniture and Pprins, Cuts, t. Burns Clc.'in Linneti and Cotton Hags entirely remove all of these disorders as surely Neralgia, and all similar complaints, it cures like rongir, color, quality, and style, is very large, and will everything necessary for the comfort and and it is particularly RECOMMENDED TO in- lit this office. The highest price in CASH as a mathematical process will solve a problem. THE LADIES, as being unlike tiny other Li be sold at greatly reduced prices. convenience of visitors. And I am now pre- - ment -p- free from oil, will the agony, and the risk erfectly grease, tar, or anything that soils or staius. In particnlar its will be paid for any amount brought. .MEN'S AND BOY'S WOOL HATS We Who, then, endure pared to receive boarders by the day, week, freedom from grease life, and reach? makes it far preferable on the s?ore of neatness, as on application to the have the largest stock to be found in any house of with health safety within month or during the season; and my charges , Sec advertisement. in the Union. will tie reasonable. Price 25 cents per bottlo, For sale by L. H. NOBLE, Lebanon, Ky., and the principle Notice. to sell goods to cash The water of this is C lleb!ate, and We are determined our INVALIDS recovering from the effects of spring and Dealers throughout the country. April 13 lt53-t- f. prompt-tim- e men Ins by its use, performed All personal communications to this pa customers and cheaper than Fever, Iiillious Diseases, or long continued ill- several remarkable had of and by an cures both on those in the and thaig-e- they can he any other house, ness of any kind, will find Carter's Spanish neighborhood per will be lierialUr as ndver those who visited from PROSPECTUS examination of our stock all will be convinced. Mixture the only remedy which will revive have it a distance. SELBY HOUSE, tisements, and must lie paid for, before of goods for has The situation of the establishment is OF Our stock the Fall trade their drooping constitutions, expel all bad hu- high, will be ad- tho airy, comfortable and healthy; the are they can appear. This rule been gotten up under the supervision of mors from the blood, excite the liver to a prompt cottages LEBAKO.Y, KY. and in in- THE LEBANON POST. hered to strictly. most experienced and practisod manufacturers and healthy action, anil by its tonic properties, comfortable every way suitable tn . T. . in the country. We obl'gate ourselves to sell restore the patient to life and vigor. valids. W. PHILLIPS. Enough every article in our line at Eastern prices, and April lSihGm has been said and wrote l)c illisscs J5clbn Wanted, Immediately. A young AVe can only say TRY IT. A single bottle upon the innumerable advantages arising guarantee the quality and style to be belter. is worth all the so called Sarsap rillas in exist- 1 5th 2m. out of having a in 1 lately lad , of from 1 2 to 5 years of age, Sept ence. It contains no Mercury, Opium, or any Carter's Spanish Mixture. newspaper a County; HAVING purchased the Tavorn'ftand other noxious or poisonous drug, and can be will not, therefore, enlarge upon this point. occupied by Mr. J. A. Ham., take to learn the printing business. this method of informing old Fond COlMSUMPTiOEI. given t' the youngest infant without hesitation. THE GREAT PURIFIFR Feeling convinced that the people of Ma- their friends the public generally that they are now prepar- A boy of good moral character, Successfully Treated by of See the certificates of wonderful cures around rion wish an establishment of the kind in the bottles. More than five hundred persons in ed to receive boarders, by the day, week or intellect, who can Medicated Vapors. their county, I have month. The has of a sprightly the city of Richmond, Va., can testify to its Not a pnriicle of Mercury in it. consented, after many house been thoroughly re- well recommended, can Johnson Stewart Rose, M. D.. Fellow good effects. solicitations, to make a trial; let us see fitted and with the most costly come the College of and THE and neat furniture. BY Royal Physicians, See advertisement. LET AFtLWTED READ what will be the result. I had partially have a chance to obtain a good for years senior Physician in the Loudon Royal Those who stop with them may be assured AND PONDER! made my arrangements to move the thi-- Infirmary, for diseases of the luncs. Er. Hydropiper, upon that ro will be spared to make com- and lucrative trade. Ill this age of progress. Medical Science has Geohegan's An infallibie remedy for Scrofula, King's Evil, Ohio river, but if the people of Marion fortable. The Stables of the estnblishineufwill Obstinate Cutaneous contributed her full share to the general wel Is prepared bv a reguHr Physician, and is Rheumatism, Eruptions, will show, by subscribing liberally for the always he supplied by the best of proviiider and and shines the of Vegetable the names of Pimples or Postnles on the Face Blot-he- attentive hostlers. It is said that T. F. Meagher, re- fare; that which resplendent, purely ingredients, "POST," that they want a paper, we will brightest jewel in her diadem, is her last and whichraccompanv each bottle. It is a pleasant, Boils, Ague and Fever, Chronic Sore Eyes, The above stand is on the North Easf corner cently admitted to practice in the New greatest gilt, MEDICATED VAPOR INHA- safe and certain cure for diseases of women. For Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargo-mentandPa- succum to their wibhes, and settle amongst of 1st mid Main Streets, to the left as you enter LATION in the treatment of CONSUMP- Kidney Affections, Impurities of the Blood, dis- of the Bones and Joints, Stub- them. the street coining from Springfield. York Courts, has been retained for the Sympathetic TION, BRONCHITAS, ASTHMA, and kindred eases of the Skin, Dyspepsia and Scrofula it has born Ulcers, Disorders, Lumbago, THE POST, will be strictly NEU- Jan. 12, 153 if. defence of the alleged murderers of Pe&l. an is a slight stimuleut, and Spinal Complaints, and all diseases arising from affections. never had equal. It TRAL in Politics and Religion, in All must see the absurdity of treating Con and See advertise ahd in urious use of Mercury, Imprudence in all will be his first case. a powerful tonic alterative. else It sumption through the stomach, by filling it ment. life, or impurity of the Blood things perfectly INDEPENDENT; expressing Negroes and Uovaut. The English with nauseous drugs; the disease is not in the great alter ttive medicine and Purifier freely the views of the Editor House and Sign med- used s stomach, but in the lungs, and by inhaling THIS Bloid is now by thousands of and his Correspondents, on the passino-event- papers mention that nmong the recent icine in the form of Vapor, I apply the remedy grateful patients from all parts of the United of the day, local matters, &c 1 directly to the diseased organ. There is, there- Stales, who testify da'ly to the remarkable cures presentations to Queen Victoria was tbe am in favor fore, no case so hopeless that inhalation will not p rformed by the greatest of all medicines, decidedly of Railroad commu- UNDERSIGNED, hbTisgentered I. Envoy of the negro Emperor Faustin reach. I earnestly appeal to the common sense CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE. nication in Ken'ucky, being firmly convin- THE copartnership, in the Painting business, afflicted with diseases, to and the distinguished personage is said to be of all lung embrace at Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Urnptione of ced that in that way alone, can our belov-Stat- e permanently f.cated themselves in Lebanon; would, most once the advantages of inhalation. the Skin, Liver diseases, Fevers, Ulcers, old keep up with the advancement of the respectfully tender their services as black as ebony. I claim for inhalation in the treatment of to the citizens of Lebanon and Marion county Sores, Affec'ions of the Kidneys, diseases of the Sister-State- &.C. age and her older s. am V consumption, a place amongst the priceless Throat, Female Complain's, Pains and Aching I generally. are prepared to do House Paint- Suit has been commenced by a in gifts that nature and art has g ven us, that of the Bones and Joints, are speedily put to particularly favor of a communication ing Sign Painting and Iniitutions of Woods, Marbles, Mr. Blaclinan, of New York city, against "our days may be long in the land," and as the flight by using this great and inestimable reme of this kmd across the State, and thus &ic, in a neat and workniaH-lik- e man- A AYEIi'S PILLS, only ark of refuge for the Consumptive! ner, in the quickest manner possible, and upon-th- the Camden and Amboy Railroad Com- dy giving us a direct intercourse with the method not only rational, but simple, safe, and ANEW and s'nsuiurlv successful remedy fur the For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet most reasonable terms; in a word, we wilt of all Bilious diseases Costiveness, Indi- great southern mart; being convinced that pany, for damages sustained in the inju- efficacious. been found 1ocomparewitb.it. It cleanses ihe warrant our work to be done in such a style and) I have pleasure in referring to 108 names, gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumntium, Fevers, such an intercourse would redound to dispatch as to please our employers. Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Inflamma- system of all im unties, acts tenlly and eff- the ry of two of his family by tho. Burlington of and who Irritability, MUSSLEMAN &.' residents New York neighborhood, tions, Headache, Pains in the iireast Side. Back, iciently on the Liver and Kidneys, s rengthens benefit of all classes, and that the propos- SPALDING. have been restored to vigorous health. About Mar. 15 tf accident. and Limbs, Female Complaints, dire., &c. Indeed, the digestion, gives ton to the stomach, makes ed route through Marion County is the one-thir- d of the above number, according tn very few arc the diseases in which a Purgative Medi- clear mid healthy, and the skin restores the best location in the state, and believe firm- The Lafayette (la.) Courier says the patients' own statements were considered cine is not more or less required, and much sick- c institution, en eebled by disease or broken hopeless cases. ness and suffering might be prevented, if a harm- down by the excesses of youth, to its pristine ly that it can and will be run. We will FULLERXON & CO. that contracts have already been made for less but effectual Cathartic were The Inhaling method is soothing, safe, and more freely used. vigOY and strength. advocate, conditionally, to the best No person can feel well while a costive habit of of our Manufacturers', Wholesale of to be delivered du- consists in tho administration of medicines in F the Ladies, it is incomparably better thaD and Retail large amounts corn body prevails ; besides it soon generates serious and ir ability, this truly beneficial enterprise and such a manner that they are conveyed into r the often fatal which might have been all the evt-- used. A few doses of PREMIUM BLINDS. ring the winter, and previous to the open- In the and disease, avoided solicit the pens of others. luns f irm of vapor, produce their bv the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. Curter'o Spanish Mixture action at the seat of the THE POST, will be dedicated to Cottage . ing of the canal iu spring, at twenty cents disease. Its practical This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Will remove all sallowness of cimplexion, News, Furniture, success is destined te revolutionize the opin- derangements. A-- Show Cases, end Window Bilious They all tend to become or bring the roses mantling to the cheek, give Agriculture, Tales, Poetry, Anecdotes, Dealers in a bushet. ions of the medical world, and establish produce the deep seated and formidable distempers the elasticity to tbe step, and irnpn ve general health Ac. Nothing shall appear in Shades, entire CURABILITY of Consumption. which load the hearses all over the land. Hence a its columns in a ri'markable cegree, beyoud the medicines of Out of a population of at least Applicants will please state if they have bled reliable family physic is of tho first importance to ai a hurtful or demoralizing tendency to Blinds, Plain and tancj the public health, and this Pill has been perfected ever heard of. WINDOW in Nor- from the lungs, if they have lost llesh, have a me mina; in a word, it snail bea AMILl' Narrow and Wide Slali, Fan- twenty thousand, lately residing with consummate skill to meet that demand. An The large number of cirtificates which we Cot-tog- cough, night sweats, and fever turns, what and cy Furniture, What Nots, Reception and e extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes- have received from persons from all parts of the NEWSPAPER. folk and its suburbs, scarcely three thou- how much they expectorate, what the condition Chairs of all kinds, Window Shades, c'lmw sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing United States, is the best evidence that is THE POST, will be issued of their stomach and bowels. The Medicines, there weekly, on Cases, Cords ond Tassels, Gilt Cornices and sand remain. Seventeen thousand have any tiling hitherto known ot any medicine. Cures no humbug about it The press, hotel keepers, she'et Apparatus, &c. will be forwarded to have been effected, beyond were they not sub- every Wednesday, on an imperial at Curtain Bands, Chamber Sets, all colors, orna- any part. belief, magistrates, physicians and public men, well cither fled or been destroyed by the pes- stantiated by persons of such exalted position and 2 per year in advance, $2 50 if paid in mented in gold scrolls, flowers and landscapes. to al I add character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. known the community, their testimo- Spring Mat'rnsses on hand or mnde to tilence. ny to the wonderful eilects of this GREAT six months, or $3 if the payment is delay- order. TESTIMONY. Among the eminent gentlemen to whom we are No. G8. Third Street. "We, the undersigned, in medi- allowed to refer for these facts, are Ei OOD PURIFIER ed until the end of the rear. Wishing practitioners Sop. ly. The "Agricultural and Mechanical cine, cheerfully recommend Dr. Johnson S. Prop. Valextixe Mott, the distinguished Sur- Call on tho agent and get a Circular and Al to commence on the last of April or the Rose's method of treating diseases of the throat geon of New York City. manac, and read the wonderful cures this truly Fair" held at Crab Orchard in Lincoln first of May, I would be gratified to re- and lungs, as the best and most effectual ever Doct. A. A. Hayes, Practical Chemist of the greatest of all Medicines has performed. NEW week, was largely attended, Port of Boston, and Geologist for the State of Mas- None signed & ceive all of my prospectuses, crowded with county, last introduced into medical practice. Our convic- sachusetts. genuine unless BENNETT BEERS, Proprietors, 3 names before that time. and passed cEf in the finest style. The tions are based upon having several of our Iiia L. Moore, M. D., an eminent Surgeon and No. Pearl Street, Rich Cabinet Shop. own patients, confirmed consumptives, restored Physician, of the City of Lowell, who has long used mend, Na.; to whom all orders for supplies and W. W. JACK, exhibition of stock was in the highest de- to aganciesmust be addressed. vigorous health after a few months treat- them in his extensive practice. Editor and Pr.orKiETon, section of ment by Dr. Rose. H. C. Southwick, Esq., one of the first mer- And for sale hi L II. NOBLE. Leb- gree creditable to that the chants in New York City. In the above named diseases, the application anon; JOHN STARK Sr SON, Spring- State. of "Medicated Vapors" inhaled directly into C. A. Davis, M. D., "Snp't and Surgeon of the DOCTOR States Medicine . HOOFLAND'S the lungs may be considered a United Marine Hospital, at Chelsea, Mass. field; and by dealers in generally justly great Did space permit, we could give manv hundred CELEBRATED On Friday night last, the clerk's boon 10 suffering humanity, rendering con- such names, from all parts where the Pills have sumption a perfectly curable disease. ply- been used, but evidence even more convincing than Dr. A. J. Vanderslice. (Serincm office of the steamer Isaac Newton, Dr. Rose deserves well of the profession for the certificates of these eminent public men is Bitters, th e PREPARED BY i'1 his strenuous and unwearied exertions in bring shown in their effects upon trial. Late Professor of Ecole Cliniqne de ing en the Hudson River, was breken into ' C. M. li DE. JACKSON, ing this successful and only reliable method of These Pills, the result of long investigation and Medicine et Pharmacie la. Paris. Philad'a., Pa., WILL EFFECTUALLY CCRE IW and $2,500 taken from the drawer. treating cousumption to 6uch a degree of per- study, are offered to the public as the best and twenty-sin- e years LIVER COSPLiUT, fection. most complete which the present state of medical (a practitioeer for DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, James Elder has resigned the Signed, science can afford. They are compounded not of TAfcT.) Chrome or Aervou Debility, Liteatc of tkt the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues Kidnryt, and all dittatet anting from a Presidency of the Planters' Bank of Ten- WAYNE BREWSTER, M. D. New York. only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical 4 NNOUNCES to his friends and the pub- - Liver or Stomach. RALPH STOBED, M. D. ' in a state of purity, and mbined together lie that he continues to devote his time people of Leba nessee. Col, E. McDavit succeeds him. process r IiE attention of the good JONAS A. MOTT, M. D. " m such a manner as to insure the best results. This to the curing of the following diseases, viz: Such as Constipation, inward Piles, Fullness non and surrounding towns and coun ' of the CYRUS KINGSLEY, M. D. ' system of composition for medicines has been found Coughs, Colds Asthma, Fits, Dropsy, Dyspep- Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, try, is' called to the fact that we are It is proposed to establish a new in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a respectfully And eleven other eminent practitioners in sia, iver Complaint, Piles, Fistula, Gout, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness now manufacturing, and will keep on hand, at more than had hitherto been ob- of of Boon, this and neighboring cities. etlicient remedy Rheumatism, Scr ifula. 'White Swelling, Ner- or Weight in tho Stomach, Sour Eructations. second sto- county out portions Grant, tained bv any process. The reason is perfectly ob- all times at our Ware Room, in the Terms fee. Bah vous Affections, and Com- Sinking or Fluttering of gene-c- Five dollars, consultation While ev- Fever Ague, Billious at the Pit the Stomach, ry of R. M. Bowman's shop, a large and Newton, Galatin and Pendleton counties. vious. by the old mode of composition, of auce of fee payable only when pa ients report ery medicine is burdened with more or less of acri- plaints, &c. Swimming the Head, Hurried ana Difficult assortment of themselves convalescent. by this each indi- Dr. Van.lerslice has met with great success Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or On ac- monious and injurious qualities, FURNITURE AND CHAIRS; Friday afternoon week, an N. B. The new that vidual virtue is desired for the curative by his peculiar treatment of disease, Suffocating Sensation, when in a postage law requires only that where other lying posture, Which will be sold prices as low as the low- an ue My effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual- very have failed to Dimness of Vision, Dots or before at commodation stage capsized near Ashville, letters irepaio. correspondence be eminent physicians produce Webs the est, in tha way Mahogany, Walnut and ing ities of each substance employed are left behind, the To .sight, and Lull Defici- of extensive, applications to ensure replies a cure. attest his confidence in his own lever in the Head, Cherry. N. C, in which were the lion. Wm. musi enclose postage. curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is skill and meiii, he will undertake the cure of ency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin the effects should prove as Bureaus, Book-Case- s, Secretaries, Sofas, Di- u.r s on they have all the and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Cain, (late Lieut. Gov. of South Caro koso ircitise Consumption price proved more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, patients without charge, excepting cost Chest, Limbs, vans, Ottomans, Work Tables, What one aonar. Address of the no fee &c , Sudden Flushes of Heal, Burring in the Fancy more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine, requiring until after the Nots; Centre, Side and Tables: Mahogany lina,) and his wife, and the wife, two JOHNSON ROSF,. restoration to health, Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Pier STEWART medicine known to the world. and Walnut Spring Seal Chairs, Cherry and Office, 831 Broadway, Diseases of a charactor he guaran- Depression of Spirit-- . daughters, and a son of Dr. Elias Ilorl New York As it is frequently expedient that my medicine peculiar Walnut Cane Seats; French Bedsteads, Look- Money letters be registered should be taken under the counsel of an attending tees to remove radically in a few days CAN BE must by the without EFFECTUALLY CURED ET ing Glasses, Hair and Moss Spring Matrasses, beck, of Charlston. Mrs. Cain was killed, Post Master; Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a offensive or madicine. He ' such letters, only, being at my risk. deleterious warrants DR. HOOFLAND'S Lounges, Ace, we arc prepared to furnish remedy without knowing its composition, 1 have to all, no how severe or long &c, dying in a few minutes, and all the others JUly 13, matter standing or make to ordej, on the shortest notice. We supplied the accurate Formula; by which both my the disease, an effectual cure, or he requires ne PectoKil and Pills are made to whole body of CELEBRATED GERMAN invite an inspection, under the confident assu- were much injured and bruised. Sa it the pay. Females with Practitioners in the United States and British Amer- suffering irregularities, rance, that our work will not suffer in compar- Mill Creek Mills. uervousness, debility, &.c, can be permanently BITTERS, seems there are other ways to be killed,! XXAVING, uader the superintendence of ican Provinces. If however there should be any ison with any in this or any other market. one who not received them, they will be relieved by Dr.V while Mr. BJiiN. J ACKMAN, refit- has PREPARED BY G. McROY A. CO. traveling, besides roing on railroads overhauled, promptly forwarded by mail to his address. Invalids in any section of the country, by Au29tf ted, and thoroughly our MILLS, and P. S. Coffin making and undertaking, dose and steamboats. II repaired Of all the Patent Medicines that are olfered, how addressing a letter to him, post paid, and enclo- DR. C. M. JACKSON, procured ! on the shortest notice. few would be taken if their composition was known sing a fee. can have advice and medicines No. 120 Arch street, Philadelphia. Their life consists in their mystery. I have no The Best Smut machinery, promptly sent them. Their power over the above diseases is not ex- we feel confident in saying that we are now mysteries. tiesidmice on composition of preparations is laid open Preston street, between Green celled, it equalled, by any other preparation in Bra. I. & Sen FALL AND WINTER iuny prepared to manutaeture in The my and Westerfisld, Jrl&'TOTnJS to all men, and all who are competent to judge on Walnut. Private office on Floyd street, the United States, as the cures attest, in many permanently located in the very best ' manner. We solicit the patro- the subject freely acknowledge their convictions between Market and Jefferson. Office hours cases after skilful physicians had failed. HAVING tender their professional ser- - ID'jriT nage of the public. We do on 8 IDS custom work of their' intrinsic merits. The Cherry Peotoral was from to 12, A M.. and from2 to 6 P. M. These Bitters are worthy the attention of in- vices to the afilicted. They will give special from Atlan- - Tuesdays and Fridays wagon loads of Twentv by scientific men to be a wonderful com- ARE just receiving the pronounced Individuals can be accommodated with valids. Possessing great virtues in the rectifi-cetio- n atteutson to the treatment of tic Cities, and are now oueninr? a com Bushels and Upwards, promptly attended to at medicine before its effects were known. Many em- fortable rooms, and strict attendance by the Dr. of Diseases of the Liverand lesser glands, ON1C wplete assortment or any lime. inent Physicians have declared the same thing of These coming from a distance who are afflicted exercising tha most CUE DISEA SES. searching powers in weak- my Pills, and even more confidently, and are will- exclusively en- FALL AND WINTER O" We are at all times paying the HIGH- would do well to place themselves under his ness and affections of the digestive The senior partner has been GOODS; EST ing to certify that their anticipations were more organs, they for 2fc) Consisting of MARKET PRICE FOR WHEAT. control! as that will tbe more certainly secure are, withal, safe, certain, gaged in the practice of medicine the last Cloths, Cassimeres, English and 14.-w- than realized by their effects upon trial. pleasant. Satin-stripe- July LEWIS & MURPHY. his years. In addition to a regularcourseof study, French Merinoes, d Delaine, They operate by their powerful influence on the success. READ AND Ladies' Western BE CONVINCED. he read and three years in partnership Cloaking, and Mantillas; Cloak and Dress trim- American and Lebanon Post copy internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it April 25. tf. practiced More testimony the - of all six weeks, and send bill to advertisers. into healthy action remove the obstructions of from South in favor with the- mings kinds; Capes, Collars, Swiss Edg- of HOOFLAND'S celebrated GKF.MAN the liver, and other organs of the BU'TFRS, . ings and Inserting; Hats, Caps, Boots and stomach, bowels, pieparedhy Dr. C. M. Indian Doctor Richard Carter, . body, restoring their irregular action to health, and JACKSON, Philadelphia. They Shoes; Hardware and Cutlery; Queens and Kotico. sland alone and unapproached by any oilier remedy now Formerly of Shelby county, Jv'- from whom, by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange- the . Glassware; Blankets and Gro- TO ALL IT MAY CONCERN: public, for the cure of he obtained ell those valuable RECIPES and TOM ments as are the first origin of disease. leu &.C. vv ILL Liver Complaint, the ceries Which we will sell cheap for cash T not, most positively, hereafter pay Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take, MABBLE WORKS! Dyspepsia, Jaundice, formulas, for preparation of his peculur any suc- or to punctual dealers, payable on the 1st of 1 accounts made by any person, at any and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from & CO having permanently Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kid- remedies, which have proven so eminently lSjo'. place, unless a order cessful in the of January written is received for their use in any quantity. HPOOL Lebanon, Ky., take pleasure in neys, &c. treatment Those who are indebted to under the hand writing of one of th For minute directions, see the wrapper on the dc, the firm, or any announcing to the public, that they have just H. W. OHANEY, Millersbuisr, Ky., Oct., 16, 1855 Chronic Diseases. gentlemen who do Box. : member of it are requested to call and settle, business for me in Lebanon. imported a large of said "Having sold your Hitters some time, find it In allcases of simple, uncomplicated diseases PREFAKED BV stock American and Italian has J. W. CHANDLER &. CO. LEWIS SMITH. Marble, and are now given satisfaction in every instance tliat has come where a carefully written description is sent 18, 1S55. prepared t till all orders under my nonce. Sept 12, 3m. July them, post-pai- medi JAMES C. AYER, for Tomb Stone, Monuments, Counter To s, NELSON & EDWARDS, Salivisa Ky., June they will promptly send Table and Stand Top6, tc., &c., in the very I80I, said : "We rejoice to inform you that this justly cines and directions by mail. sep Oif Practical and Analytical Chemist, cclehvated to beststvleof art; at shortest notice and ou tho medicine has fully maintained the exalted Wanted Hire. Stationery. LOWELL, MASS. which hn been eiveu it, and having c. CLEAVER, most reasonable terms. As we employ tested Its J. MAXWELL, W. W. UNDERSIGNED wishes to hire from have 25 Cents per Sox. Boxes for $1. none virtues we unhesitatingly say 11 eniineiitlT deserves it." rpHE a good supply STATION Price Five best St I this time ua il Christmas, a small negro of but the workmen, we warrant allourwork J. T. J. W. BERRY, Uniomown,' K y.. July SI. on hand and sale; such as: SOLD BY to give satisfaction. We 1802 said: "We have lieaid of inauv cures nertorm,l! piri, who nan nourse, go errands, &.c. A lib- llii, Jor solicit a continuance by Sc Foolscap L. H. NOBLE, Lebanon. of the public patronage the use of Dr. Ho lland's German Eitters.ai.d believe 1'Drs. Maxwell Cleaver. eral price will be paid for such an one. and Letter Pafek, heretofore so liberally 11 10 w a bestowed. vmuHoie meoicme. Sep 12 tf W.W.JACK. Note Paper, E. L. Chandler, Campbcllsvillo, may 2t tf. J. GRANT, lrviae, Ky., June 2fi, 2, said; "We Office two doors above the Drug Store. havo & succeeded in introducing your Hoofllaml Dec Plain Fancy Envelopes, J. Stark Sen, Springfield, and by 2u tf HOUR HARHISOX, BEN. and others purchase lliem the half dole" SLB Steel Pens, &c., &c. And sekl by all dealers in Medicines BOWLES HOUSE, and dozen." DR. P. FATIO & SHO,, Knoxviik, Tsnn.. April FINE LOT OF VISITING and BUS I 8c every where. , THOMAS W ELLIN 18'.!, said: HARRISON SELBY, W. W. JACK. CTON, "Yoni Hitters ale now selling very ta.si NESS CARDS, ou hand and for snle at June 13, 3t, y and 1 very pel sea llialtias used it, so far as we have beet! ATTORNEYS AT LAW, PROPRIETOR. able to learn, ht een nenehtted " thePriuting Office. may 5, tf POUNDS of clean Linnen These Hitlers arc entirely "77'ILL attend to any business entrusted tc vecftahle ti,p. i,,,.irut-- l and Cotton RAGS wanted at ! ! ! ! and strengthen the ivMem, never piostrau'tt, and cam FINE LOT OF NOTE PA PEE jtift V V in tne ...anon Courts aud tho, C"' "AGS RAGS HAGS be tor ;r. the Prntinf ice, tor which the highest price March 7th, 4t. used nlants as well as adults. aud for sale, at the Printing office. Courts of the adjoining counties. Particular at- - CASH wil'l b' i iiajto wanteUhn- - For s;ile by respectable dealers everywhere. P'd. may 5,1!' SJT i k. & t? v: y May S, tf lention will ba given to collections. mediuLly at this O.'Hcc. for IK VEKY FINEST art:. 1e of LETTER S:l.i iii Lebanon by L. j'l. Nop'e 'V .i : l ri fie ai ca m wi! ho paid Lit t! e hen 4. PAPER th t'(j';iiry can fttTcrd I,; t. i1 o t in,v SrrinnW J. 07... j N' V 0 1' h rf every arid "rice i . . Jjj "i ':'"t ''er ' ..4 4