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A GEM. showed by leaving Greene behind him un Virginia], I should certainly have endeavor­ ton, by a move to the Upper Chespeake, NORWALK GAZETTE, J. G.GREGORY & CO. REAL ESTATE. Tlie Farmer's Corn. molested, on Troublesome Creek, and by ed to have stopped you, as I did then,as well which should threaten both Baltimore and Daily Messenger. — —- • « * CrrAiiLES Philadelphia. But whfen Cornwallis casne PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MDRRIHB. WALTER BUCHANAN. - / ' KINGSLKT. marching, within two days, straight for as now, consider such a move as likely to be Apartments to Let. W. 33. 3NTewoomb Wilmington. Publicly, he said: "I thought dangerous to our interests in the Southern into possession of Phillips's papers,—that The world goes up and the world goes down Successors to EDWARD P. WEED, N tho Brick Houses on Leonard street. Iu OULD announce that making daily trips to r general having died of fever a few days be [ At early dawn, when o'er the leaves And the sunshine follows the rain; it was time to look for some place for rest colonies." The Second Oldest Paper In tbe State. quire at LEONARD'S COAL OFFICE. W Mew York, heis prepared to act as Messen­ and refitment." Privately, Ihe wrote to his Perhaps it was the strain of official court­ fore Cornwallis reached Petersburg,—he as­ No. 38 Wall Street. Korwalk, Ct., ger to trans;ct dny errands or businessin the city, The hoar-frost creeps and steals , their And yesterday's sneer, and yesterday's frown and to purchase and bring up small articles for bloom, '•• friend General Phillips that he was "tired esy that led to this discomfiture of logic and sumed, because Phillips's opinion had been those who may wish. Careful personal attention Can never come back again, OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. invite the attention of the pnblicto their complete To Let. given to all orders. Orders can be left at store ot When trees stand stiff in gloom of marching about in search 'of adventures." of grammcr. How was it possible that asked, that it was proper to give his own stock of Sweet wife, J. LESTER GREGORY. 53 Main St., or with Mr. Such partisan and desultary warfare did not Cornwallis should, on the 10th of April, He disapproved, he said, of the plan of the HE Storo recently occupicd by Mrs. Uoyt mil' J. Mourns BENEDICT,Post OfllceNcws Dealer. Bmeath the sunless morn, ' $•. No, never come back agaiD. Tliner,at tho entrance ot the Gazette Building. Old Farmer John salutes his sheaves in the least commend itself to his military "intimate the probability of an intention" to commander-in-chief. As a mere preliminary A* H. BYINGTON & CO. Fare Medicines and Drugs, Alao, Four rooms suitable for offices on the 2nd floor of Gazette Building at a very low figure. Of ripened corn. ; /v For woman is warm, though man be cold, judgment. The aim of war is not adventures join Phillips in Virginia, when he did not to his own larger plan of dividing the colo­ and a full lino of For full particulars enquire of And the night will hallow the day; The subjugation of the Ca rolinas no nearar know till the 22d of April that Phillips had nies by driving in a wedge of reparation in A. H. BYINGTON, J. B. ELLS, G. N. ELLS BEN J. J. STURGES, Agt. Readman Bros., Mo. i Gazette Building. Bright jewels 'mong the stubble gleam, Till the heart that even was weary and old, in the spring of 1781, when he arrived at been ordered to that province ? And how, if Virginia, he proposed to brush Lyfayettc out TOILET & FANCY ARTICLE. Norwalk, Ct.,Sept. 5,1331. : Photographers, And sparkle from his careless tread, Can use in the morning gay, sweet wife, Wilmington, then in the spring of 1780, when no such intimation was given because it was of the way,—"the boy," he said, "cannot Subscription $2.00 per year, in advance. And gossamer, out spread, ;- Also dealers in To its work in the morning gay. • j he left Charleston. What end could be impossible, did it happen that Clinton "did escape me,"—and then ha» would return to Single Copies 5 Cents. Store to Rent. 8AZETTE BUILDING, NORWALK. Enrobes the naked thorn; « % gained by marching and countermraching for then . . . consider such a move as dan­ Williamsburg to await further communica­ Views of Residences taken at short notice. Pure Wiuos& Liquors fox* HE capacious and handsome Storo lately oc, But Farmer John, to all a-drcatr, Why Cornwallis was at another year through tho country in search gerous" ? But the truth is Cornwallis had tion from the commander-in-chicf. No T cupied by Messrs. Earle & Smith,on Wall St.- Moves through his corn. given a very positive intimation of his incli doubt he expected Clinton would submit as Entered at the Post Office at Norwalk, Conn, Medicinal Purposes. near the old Morwalk Hotel, it comprises two of Sumter and Marion and Davie and the as Second-Class Matter. floors, 21x95, with requisite counters and shelves, GOODELL & PAIgE, Yorktown, other partisan chiefs ? He could never find nation in his letter of April 10th, and before, and that he would have his own suitable lor any first class business. Everything The startled hare before him springs, Careful attention paid to the dispensing ot pliy. is in complete order. Possession given immedi­ COUNSELORS AT LAW, way. sicians'prescriptions. 2g And down the furrow speeds like wind, them if they did not choose to.be found; but Clinton is anxious to cover up his own stu­ ately. Apply to JACOB WEEKS, orol BEMJ. Sword's Building, SOUTH NORWALK, CONN, North American Review. Here was the crucial point in the relation J. STURGES. While crisp leaves spirt behind; they were never at a loss to know where they pidity in not understanding it, by complain­ Advertising Rates: EDWIN B. UOODELL, (37TL) ALLAN W. PAIGE. • When Lord George Germaine waited upon could find him. They might disperse or be ing that an intention subsequently formed in of the two generals. Clinton was riot dis­ The yellow mists, up borne, Lord North with the news of the surrender accordance with that inclination; was not posed to give up his own plan for the cop< Four lines or less,1 time 50o., 3 times $100 €. H. Kendall, tt. D For Sale. Skim o'er the vale on noiseless wings ''yM dispersed, but they could never be disot^a J)ne square, one insertion ... 100 of Cornwallis at Yorktown, on the 19th of duct of the war, that another, whta)i Jte did T South Morwalk, half a mile from the depot, Notice. . Above the corn. , . ; . nized. They might lie hidden, unknown to conveyed to him. Cornwallis said in that Per week for continuance 50 A the late residence ot A. H.Snowden, known October, 1781, the minister received it, not in the least approve of, might to carried NORWALK, CONN. as "Oliffwood." Largo Villa House, substantial- him, in the depths of swamps, within sound letter: "I cannot help expressing my wishes One Square, three months 400 1} built, in good order, eleven rooms, cellar and DR. HITCHCOCK HA8 REMOVED But Farmer John, with anxious eyes, 700 Office second Germaine says, as he would have taken a of the neighing of his own horse; yet their that the Chesapeake may become the seat out by Cornwallis. He therefore (greeted '• " six months attic, large parlor with bay windows beautiful O the corner of West Avenue and Berkeley The struggling streaks of dawn surveys ball in his breast, and exclaimed : "O God! Cornwallis, as he declined to move lagrard * " one year, with paper..,.. 15 00 door west from tower, carriage house, bam and stable, attractive T Place, third house below tbe Methodist communication with each other, wherever of the war, (even if necessary) at the ex­ Two 41 « it u 25 00 Danbury B. B. grounds, finely shaded with iruit and forest trees. Church. And, through the spreading haze it is .all over?" It was not merely that a pense of abandoning New York. Until the Upper Chesapeake, to take a defensive -Depot. Dental Apply to A. C. SNOWDEN, on Office Honrs from 7 to 9 a. m., 2 to 3, and 7 to 8 they might be, was certain, and rapid. Tlje Three " " •• " 30 00 operations in all the premises, or to KEV.EV. R. B,B. SNOWDEN. 81 p. m. That veils the face of morn, battle, or a town, or an army had been lost; men who to-day were holding the plow or Virginia is in a manner subdued, our hold of and healthful position where A harjjor oottld Quarter of a column, one time 500 branches as for­ St. Mark's Place, Brooklyn, M. Y. Silt merly. Painless A b'ood-red rim he sees arise V ^ it was the loss of a cause. The final military wielding the sickle, would be ready to-mor- the CarolinBS must be difficult, if not precar­ be secured for line-of-battle ships, and return " " one year 50 00 extraetionof To greet his corn. so much of his force as was needed for de< One-half column, one time 10 00 teeth by did of movement, which had been devised and de­ row to shoulder their rifles at the call of their ious." Fortunately'Jthis hint seems to have " " one year 80 00 LAUGHING Farm for Sale. pended upon for the subjugation of the leaders, ready to hang on the flanks or his fallen upon dull , and was only made to fense of the post, to New York. The posi­ Full column, one timWi 20 00 GAS a specialty HE subscriber will sell the well known David And fear creeps through his trembling veins St. John Farm with all the Stock, Tools and MICROPATHY. tive orders of a military superior must be T As the rising sun dilates in red, ' American Colonies, had failed, and the Brit* rear, to cut off his detachments, or run off do service as an after-thought, when intent, < " oneyear.. 150 00 N. B.—Dr. Kendall spends Mondays in Bidge- Growing Crops. Most of the price can remain on • ish Empire was now hopelessly divided his supply-trains into the woods. It was like ion had become an accomplished fact. obeyed; but they can be so obeyed as to hin­ One inch constitutes a square. field. Prices for artificial teeth reduced. 42 mortgage. For full particulars address Dyspepsia, And, as each mountain's head der, and not help. 22tf GEO. F. BELDEM, Winhipauk, Conn. His crimsou hues adorn, • No wonder that such intelligence came to fighting shadows, the substance of which, Whatever may have been Cornwallis's in Special Notices 25 per cent, advance on the Lord North like the blow of a bullet. The however, was felt, though not seen. tention before the 22d of April, he decided Before this point of the controversy was above. FRANK T. HYATT, FOB SALE. Heart Disease anil John quakes to think the coming rains misfortunes of his country, even when they reached,—when Cornwallis wa8 expecting Local Notices in Beading Columns, 25 EVERAL very desirable Building Sites tor May swamp his corn. From a purely military point of view, this what to do the moment he heard that Phil Cents per line. KfOT belonging to any combination, can and to have his own way in a campaign for the S Business purposes, situated on Water Street. were not the result of his own stupidity and ftate of things was altogether irregular, and lips was in Virginia. He knew that the ob­ Yearly advertisers restricted to the business J3I will make Artificial Teeth'cheaper than Enquire of F. W. MITCHELL,Real Estate Agent StilLhigh o'erhead the waning moon obstinacy, he could bear with the most to the purely ^military man exceedingly ex­ ject of that expedition was to aid his own reduction of Virginia, even, if necessary, contemplated at the time ot contract, but are any other Dentist in Norwalk and warrant them permitted to make monthly changes ot their ad­ to be.of the very beat material. 1 have also pro­ Are easily cured by this system of mcdicine. Reveals a patch of clearing blue, good-natured equanimity; but this announc­ asperating. There were no rules laid down campaign in North Carolina; he seized upon "at the expense of abandoning New Tork," vertisements. cured tho services of J. C. NEWKIBK, and am FOB SAliB. now prepared to do filling at the Lowest Cash WO very, desirable Building Lots on West And hope comes peering through .'/.isr':. •. ement of a disintegration of empire was the —he had written to Clinton that he was "in­ Marriages and Deaths inserted gratuitously. Price. Extracting 2 5 c. Nochargo for extract­ J. W. MAC I/EAN, M. D., in the books for its management, and it was it as the pretext of abandoning that campaign Obituary or Fnneral Notices 15 cents per line. T Main street. Apply at GAZETTE OFFICE. With Luna's welcome horn, announcement also of the defeat of party. clined to think well of York as a proper ing if artificial teetti are to be inserted. Office 24tf NORTH AVENUE. absolutely ^subversive of all military disci­ altogether. He wrote the next day to Lord -4.11 unusual cuts and devices 85 per cent, extra and Besidence adjoining Methodist Parsonage, That yet a favoring sky at noon - "Who could stop to think of the welfare of harbour and place of arms"—that is, as a Norwalk. Open evenings. 25 pline. Some captains were hopelessly in­ George Germaine that he apprehended he Will bless the corn. the people when a cabinet was in jeopardy ? base for his own operations; thai Portsmouth capable at the head of companies where ev­ could not join Lord Rawdon in South Car­ HE well known property of WILLIAM C. Had Lord North ever heard of that habitual ery trigger had a brain behind it as well as was objectionable because it could not "be T STREET, situated on High Street, in the Bor­ The changeful sun, erst steeped in fire, olina without great hazard, as, should he ough of Morwalk, containing one acreoi ground prayer, through all those trying years of the a forefinger in front. But there waa also attempt it, General Greene might hem him made strong without an army to protect it"; A Triple Combination of Experi­ fronting on High and Main Streets, with commo­ HE subscribers will act as Purchasing Agents Behold, pours forth rich amber streams Revolution, of a county clergyman in Mas­ that it was "remarkably unhealthy," and that ence, Artistic Taste and Skill. dious Dwelling House, with all the modern im­ T and Messengers between Norwalk and Ncw trained soldiers who were too wise to under­ in, cut off his subsistence, and render his —35 Doses provements, large Barn, and out buildings, and York, daily. Orders and packages received at That quench with bright joy-gleams sachusetts—"Deliver us, O Lord, from Lord, value \his kind of fighting material. Corn­ it could "give no protection to a ship of the With the above combination, DR. O. H. one-half of small house on Main Street. For fur Theodore Knapp's, South Morwalk, and Bene­ The frowns his face had worn, arms useless; he resolved, therefore,to march '35 cents. A Mothers' KENDALL offers from Jnnc 7th, 1881, Artifi­ tber particulars enquire of BU RR SMITH, Agent. dict's Mews Room, Post Office, Norwalk. North, the Flesh, and the Devil 1"—he wallis spoke of this irregular soldiery as the line." York, iff other words, was ihe best cial Teeth of superior quality at so low a price Norwalk, April Utb, 1SS1, 15tf EDWIN K. SELLECK, with James McCreery ft For heaven and he may now conspire immediately and attempt a junction with remedy for sleepless and irritable that all desiring them will do well to call on him Co., takes 6 o'clock train. would have felt almost ready to acknowledge "warlike militia," and with quiet sarcasm he General Phillips. Four days before, he had place for his own purposes, and Portsmouth Children. The Recipe of Old D«. before purchasing elsewhere. D.R. SELLECK, takes 7:15a.m. train. To save the corn. that the most earnest purpose of the petition wrote to Clinton: "The list of Briti^offl- was the worst on Chesapeake Bay. But discussed the condition of affairs more at Pitcher, Free from Morphine, and For Sale. See, o'er the east a golden mantle's flung! had been listened to and that Providence had cers and soldiers killed and wounded by when his plan was rejected, and the com­ ilength in a letter to the minister. The Tor­ not Narcotic. Formula published A House and abont one acre The Norwalk Fire Insurance Co., Fast move the mists from out th£ north. gone over to the side of the rebels. them since last June proves too fatally that ies of the Southern colonies, whose aid had mander-in-chief ordered him to take such a with each bottle. For Flatulency, ID. T. Leonard & Son, Has now completed its Great things had been expected of the op­ position as Cornwallis himself had suggested 18tli Successful Business fear. And, as the winds come forth, they are not wholly contemptible." Morgan been so largely counted on, were not, he assimilating the food, Sour Stomach, of Land on Prospect Hill, To little shreds are torn erations at the South, which Sir Henry understood them perfectly. He wrote to said, nearly so numerous as was supposed, York was and Portsmouth was not,he imme­ Feverishness, Worms, and Disor­ May be had on reasonable terms. Apply to Andhas not outstanding a Dollar of unpaidlosses Clinton had left in the hands of Lord Corn­ diately put his army in motiorfaqd marched, E. W.STUART. or of claims for losses. The great cloud masses that o'er hung ^ General Greene, not long before the battle of and their loyalty was of no practical value; dered Bowels, Castoria has the larg­ COAL, WOOD, Morwalk, March16th, 1881. 12tl 10 SOUND COMPART INSURES AT LOWER RATES. The golden corn. wallis at the fall of Charleston the year be­ Guilford: "I expect Lord Cornwallis will the character of the Southern country mado not to York, but to Portsmouth. est sale of any article dispensed by Wx. O.STREET, Pres., S. E.OLMBTEAD , Treas. fore. And if the colonies were to be saved, push you until you are obliged to fight him, it impossible for a hostile army to hold it, As in the case of the advance into Virgin­ Druggists. 9 FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS willbuy GBO.B. Cowi.ES.Scc'y. And lo 1 the wakened crows soar high; Masons Materials, A a small place on the hill east of "Wmnipank it was obvious enough to almost everybody . . Tou'll have, from what I see, a great and very difficult to reduce it to obedience ia from Wilmington, Clinton, was not ad­ facing the Lonnsbury & Bissell Factory. A How arrow-straight they upward fly chance for a poor man to secure a homo ot his 7J7TRFA INSURANCE Co.of HARTFORD. that a great thing must be done somewhere. number of militia. If they fight, you'll beat by e direct attack. "If, therefore," he con­ vised of his move to Portsmouth till it was OBMBN-T PIPE own. Apply at the GAZETTE OFFICE. 6tf iTU Incorporated 1812. Charter Perpetual O'er bits of dappled sky, Hitherto, exhaustive as. the struggle had too Jate to countermand it. "I. flattered Cornwallis; if not, he'll beat you." What cluded, "it should appear to be in the in­ For Drains,Sewers, Wells, Ac., Capital and Assets, «6,716,893,77 And leave the earth forlorn; been, the promise of success was on the Morgan himself could do with them he had terest of Great Britain to maintain what she myself,"he wrote to Cornwallis, "that you A Splendid Besidence Insures against lossand damageby Fire, on terms While clouds of lazy rooks float by rebel side. Except from the Canadian bor­ adopted to the hazard and consistent with the shown at Cowpens. already possesses and to push the war in the would at least have waited for a line from At Lowest Gash Prices. laws of compensation. COWLKS A MERRILL, The tempting corn. ° der in northern New York, the war had The problem of a Southern campaign was, Southern provinces, I take the liberty of me before you finally determined upon so Sole Agents for Norwalk and vicinity< HE well known place formerly belonging to What smiles sleep in the fanner's eyes I • never been carried inland more than half a how to conduct it to a successful issue under giving it as my opinion that a serious attempt serious and mortifying a move"; and he WEI BE MEYER'S CATARRH Drains and Wells Dng and Piped SETH ELY, deceased,situated within three T QHAR1.ES S. I.OCKHrOOI», Tc-day he'll "in" that precious grain, day's march from tide-water. The defeat of such conditions. It was obvious that not upon Virginia would be the most solid plan, reminded him that he would find in those Core, a Constitutional Antidote for minutes walk of Post Ofllce, Churches. Schools, this terrible malady, by . Also Sole Agentf or and Railroad Depot. Said place is situated on For lie knows the dreaded rain, Burgoyne was of the last importance, not much more than the skeleton of a regular because successful operations might not only instructions to Phillips—by which Cornwall- Water Street near Chapel, and contains abont one hall acre of land, fruit of all kinds in abundance. Fashionable Draper and Tailor Such bodings dare not scorn. merely because it was a campaign won on one army could be sent from the North. So long be attended with important consequences is professed to be guided when seeking to SPURTS of disgusting Mneons, Patent Tinder Wood, Honse contains toarteen rooms, with all conven­ Snuffles,. Crackling in the AMD So, whistling thanks to sun and skies, • " side and an army lostjon the other, but be­ however, as even this could be done, and the there, but would tend to the security of South justify himself for rejecting the proposition iences, gas, water, and bath, in fact all modern Head, Fetid Breatli, Deafheu, and The Cheapest and BestEicdling out. Try it improvements. Also large barn, carriage house, He leaves the corn. cause the interior was saved from the danger South be assured of some support from the Carolina, and ultimately to; the submission to move against Baltimore and Philadelphia any Catarrhal Complaint, can be stabling, coal room, wood house, and henery. GENTS' FURNISHING EMPORIUM 0* Branch Officc at H. S. Betts' Drug Store This place commands a fine view of Morwalk of the proposed junction of the armies under Congress, and that the good cause was not of North Carolina." —that he, the commander-in-chief, had there ext erminated by Wei De Meyer's Harbor, and is suitable tor any gentleman doing Main Street,Morwalk, Conn. Be as Thorough as you Can. Burgoyne and Clinton. It was plain that hopeless, just so long would the fighting In announcing to General Phillips, the said, ,'God forbid I should think of burying Catarrh Core.' TEe most important business in Mew Tork returning the same day,as Discovery since Vaocination. Other it is within one hour and twenty minutes ot the rebels had no cause for despair or de­ men of the Carolinas bold together and rally next day, his intention to march immediate­ the elit* of my army in Nansemond and Grand Central Depot and two minutes ot horse BERNARD COHN, remedies-may relieve Catarrh, this PURE MILK. cars in Morwalk. For further particulars enquire Whats'er you find to do, spondency if their own spirit and their own around such an army, if it were only a Princess Anne!" Perhaps both he and Corn­ ly to Virginia, he says: "My situation here cores at any stage before Connoap* Delivered in Norwalk and South Norwalk, at Of HORACE S. ELY, MERCHANT TAILOR, Do it boys, with all your might!: resources held out; so long as they could general and his staff. But they would hold is very distressing, Greene took the advan­ wallis wished, three months later, that he had tton seta in~. your door, every morning 22 Pine St. M. Y. thus keep the enemy at bay. It was equally or JAMES MITCHELL, Real Estate Broker, WEEK'S BUtflBING, WAIL ST., Never be a little true, together after their own methods, and would tage of my being obliged to come to this been buried there. 7ail2 Morwalk, Conn. A FULL LINE OF plain, on the other side, that five years of One "package generally snffloea. AT 7 CENTS PER QUART, Or a little in the right, clothe, also in their own way, the regulation place, and has marched to South Carolina." The repeated orders for the return of Delivered by Druggists, or by S. B. Imported and Domestic Clot Trifles even want of success forshadowed ultimate de­ Dewey St Co* 182 Fultbn 8t* N.T., Farm for Sale. frame-work with the blood and sinew and It is remarkable that it had not occurred to troops to New York were baffled by this By REMSON BROS. of the latest styles, constantly on hand. Novel­ Lead to heaven, feat. muscle that would fit it for effective work. movement to Portsmouth, and before the ILOO complete. Treatise and re-, HE subscriber offers his Farm for sale, situa­ ties in Scotch Snitings. Satistaction guaranteed him earlier that Greene was that kind of a ted in the Town of Greenfield, in Saratoga in every particular. 49 Trifles mak^the life of man; marfcable statements by the cured TBE HSODSXJ Co.,T In the state ot Mew Tork, nine miles from The one chance left was the South. There Washington knew that he could do little man who "takes advantage" of the blunders position at Yorktown was taken, tbe season mailed free. So in all things, to help the South, except to help the South Saratoga Springs. It is pleasontly situated on the Tory element was larger and more ac­ of an enemy. Colonel Tarleton, in his his- was so advanced they could not Ije spared Hair Dressing& Bath Rooms a rise of ground, 95 acres of land, which is favor­ W. E. QUINTARD, Great or small things, tive. The distance from the North and the to help herself. The policy of her fighting from the work of intrenchraent. It was near Wall Street, Up Stairs. ably divided into pasture, plow, meadow and tbry of these campaigns, says that "the move wood land ; with a large house; the size of tho Be as thorough as you can. difficulty of communication so great, that the men was to avoid as long as possible any toward the shipping in Cape Fear River," the end of July before it was decided that cleanliness, Comfort, Artistio Workmanship and barn 30 by 40, wagon house and stabling, hay loft gentlemanly Attendance are leading features of over the same, 23 by 13, and grainery 16 by 18. General FmisMni (Mertater, rebellious people could place little reliance general battle, which, from the circumstances after the battle of Guilford, "had prompted Old Point Comfort was not a tenable posi­ this establishment. Will be Bold cheap; part of the purchase money OPPOSITE HORSE R. R. DEPOT. Let no speck that surface him— - ~ upon any efficient aid from that quarter, of the case, they could rarely hope to win. tion; it was nearly the middle of August E. APJELiLi, Proprietor. can remrin on mortgage it desired, or will-ex­ •^Orders attended to day or night. Residence Spotless truth and honor bright General Greene to point his course toward change tor village property. For further particu- Main Street, 3 doors from Union Avenue, either in men or the munitions of war. What they aimed to do, and what they did, South Carolina." He adds that''the wisdom before all the troops were landed at York lars inquire of SILAS P. TUTTLK, I'd not give a fig for him The Southern colonies, therefore, it was was to harass the enemy at every point; to and vigor" of these movements "deranged^ and Gloucester. The watchful eyes of ti51 Morwalk, Conn, Who says any lie is white! hoped, could be saved to the Crown, and cut him off atfd cut him up in detachments: all the designs of Earl Cornwallis at Wil­ Washington—"Mr." Washington, as Clin­ Stamforfl&Nofwalt Telephone CB People's Market, He who falters, then, perhaps, the rest be recovered. For, to make the country everywhere too hot to mington." If Cornwillis had really had any ton was always careful to call him—were on Desirable Property for sale. No. 19 MAIN STREET, Twists, or alters LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS OF NORWALK, III SPEAK- that they were already as good as lost was a hold him ; to render the contest, as Corn­ intention of taking the field again in the all these delays and blunders of the summer. Very desirable place on East Avenue. HE very best of BEEF, delivered daily to Little atoms when weEpeak, M COMMUHICATIOH TO DATE. A Also, a tew choice Building Lots situated on T our customers. Also, in their season, Veal. conviction making its way in every intelli­ wallis afterward declared it had proved to be, Carolinas, he may now have become The intrenching tools of Cornwallis's men Adams Bros. Market Osborn Avenue, for sale cbeap. Lamb, Mutton, Pork, See., at the lowest May deceive me; "impracticable against the rebellious inhabi­ had broken ground at Yorktown before the Also, a nicely located House and Lot on Mer- Market Sates. Vegetables and Frnlts a full gent mind in England, except the King's— convinced that he had lost the chance Adams & Stevens Market win Street near West Avenue, for sale at a bar­ fresh and varied supply daily received. Market But believe me, if his may bo called intelligent,—though as tants, supported by a continental army." American and French armies had crossed the The most Powerful, Bank, Central Nat Offioe gain, Enquire of wagon sent about town every morning. To himself he is a sneak I of doing so with any hope of success S. E. OSBORN,East Avenue, JAMES E.WIXSON. J yet it was not much talked about. It was Gates's ;mistake that he failed to Hudson, though Clinton did not discover for Penetrating and -relieving " Fairfield Co. Nat " tfll or to D.W, Fitch, TV est Avenue. by his blunder in leaving Greene behind him Help the weak if you are strong, Accordingly affairs seemed to put on an­ recognize the fact .that the defense of the a week that they had marched southward. remedy ever devised by man. It " Nat. of Norwalk " W — x- Tito Host Praypaut as! at Troublesome Creek; that the only way Love the old if you are young, other aspect, at least to the English mind in country depended upon the people, and that Before the end of September, Cornwallis was soathes Pain, it allays inflammation, Beard, E Residence Small Place for Sale. Floreston to atone for that blunder and extricate Beatty, J; P. & Bros Office ^ Able. SoldbydealenlnDrngft Own a fault if you are wrong, England, with the successive reports of the their aid must be accepted in the way they surrounded in the trap of his]own oontriving. it heals Wounds, and it cures SMALL, two-story House, with one acre of Cologne tad^rgco..K.T. himself from the situation which was so Betts, H. S Druggist A Land, near Broad River Bridge,is oflered If you're angry hold your tongue. progress of Cornwallis in the Carolinas. chose to give it. A .late historian of "The "distressing," was to make the presence of Before the end of October, the Btillness of RHEUMATISM, Brush, F.V..M. D Office for sale at a low price, to close an estate. En­ • All Farmers, Mothers, Business Men, Mechanics^ quire at the GAZETTE OFFICE. 6tt &C., who aire tired out by work or worry, and allwho« In each duty That the real charactej of his campaign was Battles of the Revolution" says of that gen­ the midnight in the streets of Philadelphia Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Byington, A. H. & Co.. .Gazette Office Phillips in Virginia an excuse for joining him 'are miserable with Dyspepsia, Rheumatism; Neural* Lies a beauty, misunderstood, only made the reverse at eral, that "there is not a redeeming fact was broken by the cry of a Scotch watchman Burns, Stiff Joints, Cats, Swell­ Clarke, E. C., M. D Residence gia, or Bowel, Kidney orLiver Complaints, youcam to change the seat of war to that province, ings, Frost bites, Quinsey, Salt For Sale. 6einvigorated and cured by using « If your eyes you do not thus, Yorktown, the next autumn, the harder to during his connection with the Southern —"Past twal o'clock, a cloudy naomiD,".^' Comstock Bros Norwalk and strike there a telling blow. Rheum, Itch, Sprains, Galls, and Comstock Bros South Ncrwalk cosy, comfortable Cottage on one of thepleas- Just as surely bear. It was believed that from the northern army to show his fitness to command troop." Cornwallis be tak'n 1" aptcst streets in town, within five minutes PARKERS GINGER TO NIC! As it was fortunate that Clinton did not Lameness from any cause. Suf­ Crofut & Knapp Upper Office A And securely The truth seems to be rather that be did not SYDNEY HOWABD GAY Crofut & Knapp Lower Office walk of the Bridgo or Churches, will be sold at • If you are wasting away with Consumption, Age,J boundary of Georgia to the southern bound­ accept the dispatch of April 10th as "an ferers from low price. A portion ot the purchase money can ^nRipation or any weakness, you will find Parker's^ As a kernel in a nut! ary of Virginia, he had not merely overrun understand there was any Southern army D. & N. R. B Freight Officc remain on bond and mortgage. Price £7,000. En­ •Ginger Tome the greatest Blood Fertilizer and thei intimation of the probability of an intention," PAIN IN THE BACK, quire at this Office. but had conquered the whole country; that to command outside of his regular troops. so now, fortunately, when the intention was .Large Fire in New Tork. Dann, William E Stable Best Health A Strength Restorer yon Can Use, j Love with all your heart and soul, Fever Sores, Eruptions, Broken Donovan, Jerry Storo .and far superior to Bitters and.other Tonics, as itj he had aroused a loyal people zealous enough At the battle of Camden he did not know, positively announced in dispatches of the Breasts, contracted Cords, Neu­ 'builds up the system, but never intoxicates, soct.4 Love with eye and and touch; LOSS ESTIMATED AT $2,000,000. Earle, W. H Residence Sand $1 sizes, iliscox & Co.. Chemists. N. Y. < to hold it in firm allegiance to the Crown; and, apparently, did not care, what forec of 23d, it was too late for either expostulation ralgia, Palsy or dislocated lim^s; NEW YOKE, October 10.—One of the larg­ Ferris, J. H Residence For Sale Cheap. Removes D&ndratf That's the moral of the whole, that over every rebel stood a guard, and the militia was present. From his disposition or counter orders. Before the letters reach­ and owners of horses, planters, me­ finely Perfumed# est conflagrations that has occurred in this Ferris, J. H Coal, Upper Offico pATB.;mxsABsaug You can never love too much! guard was his neighbor, or even several of of them , he seemed to think they might be ed New Tork, Cornwallis was in Virginia. chanics, merchants and professional city for some time broke out a few minutes Ferris, J. H Coal, Lower Offioe Better than low interest Bonds. 'is the glory his neighbors. Rebellion was dead south of of some use in being killed; it clearly did He relied upon favor at court to sustain him, men everywhere, unite in saying, that Ferry, Mrs. O. S Residence before seven this evening on the southeast Brigss ctJ Go's Of the story Virginia; from North Carolina to New York not occur to him that on this point they might and referred Clinton, for his determination Gibson, A. S Residence corner of Thirty-second street and Lexing­ CENTAUR LINIMENT A House on Fair Street. In our babyhood begun: it was hemmed in between two fires. So it have definite opinions of their own,and would aud the reasons by which he j ustified it,.tt> Gregory Bros. Stable Patent Transferring Papers. ton avenue, which was occupied as a carpen­ brings relief when all other Lini­ Gregory, J. Ot., iff. D Residence Our hearts without it— looked in England; to Sir Henry Clinton it pay small regard to his wishes. copies of his letters to Germaine. No won­ O STAMP GOODS of all kinds for Braiding, ter shop. The building in which the fire ments, Oils, Extracts and Embroca­ Gregory, J. G. & Co Druggists Apply to B. J. Sturges. T Embroidery, and every description of Ar- Never doubt it— : seemed that all this, though not yet quite "I think I am giving your a general," der the commander-in-chief was indignant. Necdle Work. Pcrchasers do their owntranst originated adjoins the Fourth avenue rail­ tions have failed. Hat Forming Co .Office , ierring by simply passing a warm flat-iron over Are the words without a sun. true, might be made so if there were no abat- Washington said, when Greene was appoint­ "As your lordship is now so near," he soon the back of the pattern. For sale ini all Fancy road stables, which occupies almost the en­ Biggins, R. L., M. D Residence DWELLIHTGrS ment of effort in that region of country. ed to supersede Gates; "but what can a Hill, E. J Lumber Yard and Dry Goods Stores. A.B.SCOFIELD, Agent, If you think a word will please, wrote to Cornwallis in Virginia, "it will be tire block from Thirty-second to Thirty- AMD 421 New Tork Avenue, Washington.D. O. Cornwallis knew better. general do without men, without arms,'with­ unnecessary for you to send your dispatches Hilsdon, W Market N. B.—Twelve beautitul D'Oley Patterns, Firty Say it, if it is but true; third street and from Fourth avenue to Lex­ A. H. BALDWIN, M. D„ Hitchcock, D., M. D Residence Gents. Im3 He had tried the experiment of subduing out clothing, without stores, without pro­ immediately to the minister; you will, Building Lots. Words may give delight with case, ington Avenue. In less than five minutes Holmes & Keeler Grocers the southernmost colonies by invasion from visions 7" What could be done it was for therefore, be so good as to send them to me Hoyt, I. Mortimer Druggist EVERAL dwellings, various prices in differ­ When no act is asked from you. after the flames were first discovered the fire HuiEoiatliic Physician & Sirneoi ent portions of Borough, either to let or for ^ Notice. • d-\ the South, and it was a failure. He believed the military genius of this Quaker to show. in future." Tht^sJudied courtesey of official Office corner of Main and Wall Streets, ovei H. Hyatt, J. W Office saleS at reasonable prices. Also, several places, Words may often ' ' had extened to the stable and in leqs than S. Betts' Drug Store. HE water in theReservoir is reported as being it would continue to be a failure so long as Neither men nor means were wanting if they correspondnce between the two generals was Keeler, E. O.... Residence eutside ot Borough limits—one in Winnipauk, quite low, and as being, very heavily drawn Soothe and soften, fifteen minutes the entire building was ablaze. Office Hours from 10 p.m. to 9 a. m.,lto3and Also several Bnilding lots in and ont of Borough T communication between them and the North were looked for in the right place and used henceforth tempered by an acrimony bitter 7 to 8 p. m. Kendall, J. C., M. D Residence tl49 Enquire at this Office. upon,. The undersigned wonld therefore request Gild a joy or heal a pain; ' Second and third alarms were sent, but ow­ Slates at Hanford & Oeborn's, East Korwalk, Knapp, Burr Office as a matter of prudence that consumers discon­ r was left open. True, as he moved north­ in the right way. They would have hardly enough to show that each was quite willing and at D. Boers, Jr, South Norwalk. Calls bv tinue street and garden sprinkling and make a They arc treasures ; •; ;" ing to a lack of water, and assisted by a sharp Leonard, C. T. & Son.. .Coal, East Side careiul and saving use ot the water until the sup­ ward from Charleston with an army of vet­ understood thim if he had talked about a Telephone at Betts* Drug Store promptly attend­ Yielding pleasures C. to see the other come to grief. "They were breeze blowing from the northeast, the flames ed to. Iy23 Leonard, C. T, & Son.. .Coal, West Side ply shall have been replenished, eran troops, commanded by some of the best Fabian policy, for "Plutarch's Lives" bad E.H.PARKER, Superintendent It is Wicked to retain. so ill together," says Horace Walpole, "that continued to spread in every direction, and Lockwood, W. A., M. D Residence Korwalk Water Works. officers who had seen service in America, his not yet become the node meeum of Southern Lockwood, F. St. John Residence Morwalk, Aug. 29,1881. Sir Henry had owned to Conway that he all the reserve of the fire department- wore L. N. PHINNEY, M. D., Whatsoe'er you find to do, progress was irresistible. Rebellion was culture. But they understood his method, Besidence andoffice, No.62 Wall Street. Lounsbury & Bisseii Co Office J.M.POTTER was determined to challenge Lord Cornwallis summoned to the scene. While the firemen CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS. Do it then with all your might; trampled down before him. He established and saw how carefully it was adapted to that Office Honrs—6 to 9 a. m;, 12 to 8 and 7 to 8 p.m. Many, C. W Residence after the campaign." When the end came, were directing their efforts to the stables the Slates at I. A, Uecker & Go's,Norwalk, and Still- Mahackemo Hotel Office Let your prayer be strong and true- and he held such posts as he pleased. He of Marion and Sumter, and the other leaders however, the consequences of their differ­ flames leaped across the street to Morrell's son's and Plaistcd's Drug Stores, So. Norwalk. Mead, Frederick .Store G. A. FBAMZE'S Prayers, my lads, will keep you right, scattered, usually without .much difficulty, of the irregulars of that 'country. Their ences had proved too momentous to admit storage warehouse, a large five story building Meeker, I: A. & Co Druggists Prayer in all things, though sometimes at heavy cost, such armed confidence in him .was unbounded, because CHARLES W. MANY, MUler, George E Residence of their consideration as a mere perscoal occupying about half a block on Thirty-se* SiariM ail Hair Ciitiog Saloon, Great and small ^things. resistance as the country militia could offer. they knew he understood what they could MitchoU, W. & D Meat Market quarrel, cond street and Fourth avenue, in which was ion Like'a|.Chri8tian gentleman; • . r •s • He could rally about him the loyal Tories and what they couid not do, and acted ac­ Cornwallis arri ved at Petersburg on the Surgeon Dentist, Nolan, R. G., M. D Residence Pleasant Share,; stored a vast amount of valuables, consisting And forever, ; wherever he went, and could generally rely cordingly. His reliarice'upon them was un­ 20th of May. Almost from that moment, North, G. S GaUery Artistic Hair Cut, or of pictures, furniture, china plate and jewel­ NORVALK, CONN. Norwalk Gazette Offioe ; si HAS REMOVED HIS Now or never, upon them for destroying their neighbor's swerving, because he knew that performance the want of harmony between the two gen­ Norwalk Hour Office Thorough ry. The firemen made desperate effort to I ' . CALL AT Be as thorough aa you can. property and cutting their neighbors' throats would keep step with promiBe where erals, led to the confusion which ended in Office corner of Main and WallStreets. Nitrous- Norwalk Iron Works - • Office check the progress of the flames, but to little Oxide Oas administered. —N. Y. Evangelist. with an alacrity and zeal worthy of the nothing beyond was asked or expected. disaster in the movements in Virginia. Norwalk Look Co Office Mr> Franke'8 Hair Catting Saloon, :; purpose and in a short time nearly the whole Norwalk Mills Office -il warmest praise. But he also knew that the After the battle of Guilford he retreated in "L^rd Cornwallis," says Clinton, "had ALEX. S. 6IBSON1 No. 1 GAZETTE BUILDING. of the storage warehouse and contents were Palmer, E. M. & Co Office MUSIG STORE Never tdll a girl you love her rebellion trampled down in the van of his good order from a well-fought field, consid­ forded himself upon me in that province": Particular attention given to Ladies and Child­ -iss destroyed. At the time of tbe outbreak Organist of the First Congregationalist Church Pardee, E. V., M. D Residence Till you think her pa is willin'; troops ,waB not trampled out, but was as ering that only about a third of hiB small "Lord Cornwallis thought proper to decline ren's Hair Gntting and Shampooing. nearly a thousand horses were in the stables, Phinnev, L. N., M. D Residence To Opera House Block, in Never tell a man he's honest lively as ever the moment he was out of army were^regulars, and were outnumbered engaging in the plan of operations which I Teacher of ' Plaist G. B... . .Druggist AT HOME TO EVERYBODY. and nearly all, it waa stated, were got out/ j Store with A. W. Austin, When you think he is a villain; sight; that the potts he garrisoned held the by the veterans on the other side. He lost had! proposed to him in case he had none of Propeller Dock . .Norwalk but it is feared a large number perished. Plane-Forte, Organ and musical Prdwitt. J. T .Hardware Hot and Cold Water Baths Never think you are so funny cq^ntry in subjection precisely within the a battle, but he gained a campaign. His his own." Of course Cornwallis was not Jeweler. -• -vv For a time the greatest alarm prevailed in Composition," . .... i Store That your wit will last forever; range of a musket or the swing of a saber; communications wer^ unbroken; bis little without a plan; else why was he in Virginia fiandle, J. C...... t - the Park Avenue hotel, which is situated di­ Lock Box 39, P.O., NOBWALK, CONN. ' Raymond & Nickerson. Store Never use that old expression, that the militia scattered by a charge of his army on Troublesome Creek, thcugh ragged, at all ? He had, on his sole responsibility, Raymond, G. W Residence NEW MARKET! PENSIONS. Weak and weary, "Hardly ever." veteran cavalry would be found, very likely, and barefooted, and hungry, had lost*nothing abandoned North Carolina to Greene; he rectly opposite the stables, but beyond a few Raymond Brothers Upper Office ^Pensions and Bounties got for cracked and broken windows the hotel sus­ No. 6 Main Street, Norwal, Ct. in ambush at the next turn of the road, or of its courage and will; his larger army of had left Rawdon in peril in South"Carolina, Hurlbutt & Relyea, . Raymond Brothers Lower Office THE BEST OF •xm tained no damage. Judge Hilton, who was Rowan, R. H Office allSoldiers of my own and other A Vegetable Shoe-Black. would be heard from, when the troops were partisans and militia,|hidden away in for- and jeoparded the loss of the whole of that m in the hotel at the time, quieted the guests Sandiforth, L. W Residence Beef, Yeal, Mutton, Lamb, Fork, Begiments,&c. The <'shoe.black plant" is the name popu­ half-way across the next ford, from behind ests4and swamps,or scattered among the.plan- province, as lie acknowledged, except the HAMS, POULTRY, &c., always on hand at very by assuring them that there was not the Attonep and Counsellors at Lav, Sherman, S. J.. Residenoe larly given to a species of hibiscus growing the trees and rocks on the opposite bank ; tations, from the Dan to the Santee, was as district immediately aronnd Charleston; and lowest market prices. GAME ot all kinds in its W.H. NOBLE, slightest danger. The loss on the stables and Sherman, S.J Stable season. Try me; I will try to suit. in New South Wales and remarkable for the that the stealing of cattle and horses and this complete change in the conduct of the Room No. 1| Hp Stairs, Smith, W. H. & Co . Hardware 6miS W. F. LOCKWOOD, late with Adams Bros. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. indomitable as ever. contents, including many thousand bushels showy appearance of its scarlet flowers. crops, the burning of barns and houses, and Cornwallis knew what a contest was with war he bad taken upon himself to make be­ Solmans, A Office ,§at of oats and corn and thousands of bales of GAZETTE BUILDING, NORWALK. Starr, O. S .Residence Growing freely in almost any kind of soil, the hanging and shooting of their owners, these people when without a general; it was cause he believed that those provinces could Free Reading Room. hay and straw, is estimated at $760,000. Starr Brothers Store HIS is a comfortable room fitted up lor the 17 STOP ORGANS. the plants is frequently cultivated for the would be continued with unremitting dili­ easy to see what it probably would be with only be subdued by first reducing Virginia. Oliarles F. Oliew, Steamboat Dook South Norwalk benefit of the public generally, situated on The loss on Morrell's building and contents T flowers, which, when dry, are used as a gence— hnly that as soon as his back was such a general as Greene. Had Cornwallis He would make the war aggressive there, Stillson, G. C Drnggist east side of South Main Street, over Rood's Jew­ CUD D1CC and Oct. Coupler 4 Sets is estimated at over one million dollars, which PIANO TUNER, &c. elry Store, Clark and Lane's Block, nearly oppo­ 0Ud-dA00 Heeds, $8S.OO, substitute for "Day and Martin." The flow­ turned actors and sufferers would change remained in the Carolinas he would not have because it had necessarily ceased to be so Orders received at I. A. MEEKEB'8 DRUG St. John, C. E Residence site Railroad Depot, South Morwalk, Ct. It is k partly covered by insurance in the city and opon trom 9 a. m., to 9:45 p. m. Tbe room is well ers contain a large proportion of mucilagi­ places. farther qpth, and had become defensive STOBE, 21 Main Street. lyS Western Union Telegraph Norwalk PIANOS $125 and upwards sent on trial. Cat­ lost Yorktown. A similar result would have out of town companies. At least thirty Western Union Telegraph, So. Norwalk lighted, warm and comfortable. It is supplied alogue FREE. Address nous juicc, which, when evenly applied, Warfare of his character was fruitless and come, perhaps, in some other way. But that merely. And he stud: "If our plan is de­ with four dallies, two weeklies, and several houses surrounding the scene were more or ! Bental of Telephone, per quarter, with use of monthly papers and journals, beside a number of gives a glossy varnish-like appearance, which discouraging to the invader It was even the fensive, let us quit the Carolinas (which line, 86.25; Bental of Telephone and Transmitter instructive and interesting books. DAKIEI F. BEATTY, Washington, K.J. particular result would not have happened less damaged by water. .Two firemen were perfectly replaces ordinary blacking, with more discouraging that it was varied occa­ •cannot be held defensively while Virginia can with use of line. {9.00. No charge will bo made had be not relinquished the attempt to sud- severely injured by falling walls, but fortu­ B. S. BLASCER, jor putting m instruments. ; COFFEE KOOM. the advantage that it is perfectly cleanly in sionally by real battles, which taught the be so easily armed against us,) and stick to There is a Coffee Room on the same floor and a due the Carolinas] as hopeless so long as nately no fatal accidents occurred. At a late Has removed to Lockwood'a Building, Wall Street use, and can be applied in a few moments. English commanders that these rough par­ our salt pork at New York, sending now and foot of Main, which has been refitted and furn­ Outfit sent Iree tothose who wish to engage lady in attendance from 9 a. m., to 9:45 p. m., to B EATT Y'S Virginia was in possession of the rebels, and hour the fire was still burning but under con­ ished with a choice stock of in the most pleasant and prolltable business serve HOME MADE articles mentioned below, Four or five flowers, with tbe anthers and •"4 tisans of the woods and swamps could be undertaken, without orders 'and without then a detachment to steal tobacco, etc." known. Everything new. Capital not ree at the following prices: trol. "CHURCH ORCANS, pollen removed are required for each boot," l turned into formidable soldiery when they What else could Clinton expect but that It is stated that between fifty and one hun­ qiurcj. We wll lurnish you everything. $ls 1 Cup of Coffee, with crackes, 5 cents t . - g consultation with his chief, to carry on the Groceries, Crockery, Glass, &c: a any and 11nwards is easily made without stayine 1 Cup of Tea, with Crackers, 5 uud ii policing brush may be applied after­ dred horses perished in the flames, but ow­ Saway from home over night. Mo risk whatever. Cocoa - 5 CHURCII, CHAPEL A1SD PARIOK. thought it worth while to submit to military war in another way. When he turned his Cornwallis should reject all plans except He gives his personal attention to hiB business ing to the confusion the exact number could and invites public patronage. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are Brown Bread and Butter, 5 ward it iletired. A few plants of the hibis­ discipline. Ferguson, if he aspired to a those of his own devising, which he came to making fortunesat the business. Ladiesmake as Sandwich, - - 5 back upon Guilford Court-house, and his not be ascertained. The stables are owned cus rosa sinensis growing in the garden would soldier's death on a well-fought field, could Virginia for the sole purpose of carrying by William H. Vanderbllt, and the estimated Yourselves by making money when a much as men, and young bovs and girls make Cake, - - - - 5 BEATTY PIANOFORTES face to the sea, he took the first step on the Igolden chance is offered, thereby al­ great pay. Mo one who is willing to work tails to Doughnuts, - • 5 remove one of the minor disadvantages of a not have found a more honorable one than highroad that led straight to .an inevitable out? He had appealed to Germaine for loss on them is about $200,000. The loss ways keeping poverty from yonrdoor. make more monev every day than can be made in Piece of Pie, . 0 GRAND, SQUAREAKDVPltlCDT. on" Morrell's storage warehouse is now rough­ Those who always tako advantage ot a weekat any ordinary employment. Those who Crullers, - 5 day in the country during such Uncci tain when he fell at King's Mountain. The support. To falter now would be a tacit BBL engage at once will find a short road to fortune. Ham, 10 catastrophe. ly estimated at $2,000,000. It is said that the good chances for making money that are of­ Pork and Beans, with bread and butter 10 " Best and Sweetest-Toned Instruments in the weather as we usually txp/rience in iliis campaign may not have seemed to Tarleton as acknowledgment that this was a proper case fered , generally become wealthy,while those who Address H. HALLKTT & Co., Portland, Maine. - World. The move to Wilmington;alarmcd Clinton some of the finest furniture in the city was do not improve sach chances remain in poverty. StewedOysters, ... 15 " country.—Ex. v, / exciting as a fox-chase till he met Morgan at for the consideration of a court-martial. stored here and that the greater portion and We want many men, women, boys and girls to lest disaster should follow in the Southern lOutllt lurnished tree, with lull instructions nDf*lllC $30, $40, $50, to $1,000, 2 to Cowpens. When he heard, the cry of Clinton, on the other hand, believed in the: that of the most valuable was owned by the tfork for as right in their own localities. The tllf The Chinese piittail U long IHI<- nnd is al­ provinces. He chose ato ssume, however, businoss will pay more than ten times ordinary Geo. Ward Selleck, for conducting the most profitable business UnbAllU 32 Stops. PIANOS»125upl0 proprietors of the Fifth Avenue hotel. A wages. We furnish an expensive outfit and all any one can eagago in. Tho business is so 81,600. Every Instrument fully Wa n am­ ways continued in tliiir necks.— Whitehall, •'Tarleton's quarter I" in reply to the prayers that Cornwallis was ready to march south­ old plan—the conquest of the Southern prov­ oaBy to learn, and our instruction!) arc so ed. Sent on Trial, lienutilul Illustrated Cat­ costly picture, which was valued at $50,000, that yon need, tree. No one who engages tails to i ; (Has in his New Stoie, Si l'imes. of his men for. mercy,—prayers which, it inces by direct attack, and as preparatory of make money very rapidly. You can devote yonr v simple and plain, that any ono can make great alogue and Steel Plate EiigravIuS Iree. ward again should such disaster seem immi­ belonging to W. K. Vanderbilt, was among profits lrom the very start. Mo one cau fail who Those desiring to buy are requested to visit my Guitcau objects to the employment of should be stud, were nevertheless not un­ the more northern colonies, Virginia and the the articles which perished in the flames. whole time to the work, or only yonr spare mo­ factory here, and select the iiibtflmicnt in person. nent. But when he learned positively that HARDMIROOK'S HEW BLOCK, WALL STREET, is willing to work. Women are as successtul a-, Co'onel Ingersoll in the case, "because - ments. fall iniormtt ion and all that is needed men. Boys and girls can earn large sums. Many Address or call on ^ heeded,—he may have reflected that his con­ Cornwallis was about to push forward into rest. He had sent Phillips and Arnold to The best families in the city, when traveling, tentiree. AddressSTINSOM tt Oo.,Portland,Me. tbe whole Christ au world would be preju­ or out of town, deposited their valuables at A completeassortment of the best class ot have made at the business over one hundred dol­ tempt and his cruelty had been equally un­ Virginia, he avows his disapprobation in a Virginia first to intercept all aid to Greene; lars in a single week. Nothing like it ever known DANIEL. F. BEATTY, 4 diced." Morrell's and took their own risks, insuring For Sale Cheap. belore. All who engage are surprised at the ease wise. When the news of the battle at Guil­ remarkable protest. "Had it been possible," and when all should be done that could be or not as they saw fit; hence much of the and rapidity with which they are able to make The popularity of Dr. Holland's books A Stivers' Jtunp-Seat Baggy. money. You can engage in this business during lyl3 ~Washlu£ton, Ji etr Jersey. is attested by their publishers' figures. Of' ford Court-house was received in England, he wrote in May, "for your Lordship, in done in this way on behalf of Cornwallis in material stored was uninsured through the GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRUITS? neglect of the owners. A woman who lived EARLY NEW, and in perfect order, will be your spare time at great profit. You do not have the "Titcomb Letters" 61,000 copies have Fox said, in the House of Commons, "An­ your letter to me of the 10th ult.,.to have North Carolina, then Phillips pnd Arnold sold at a bargain. To any one desiring a &c.,for family use,at Popular Prices. His stock to invest capital in it. We take all the risk. been sold; of "Bitter JSweet"^ 90,000; of in Thirty-second street died from fright, and neat,N light carriage, which can quickly be is at all times tresh and good,and will stand com. These who need ready money should write to us can 0biai R TY1>JS j other such victory would ruin the British intimated the probability of your intention were to make a diversion in favor of New atonce. Allfurnishedfree.Address,THUS&|Co., MACHINISTS METAL atthe' Kathrina" 100,000. another woman was carried from the house changed to carry tour, will find this a rare oppor- arison with those of any Grocer in town. Call 0AZBTT1S Om/OB,>• I army." When Cornwallis thought of it he toftcm ft Junction witb General Phillips [in York, so perpetually menaced by Washing' in an unconscious condition to the hospital. Oaity, ApplyatGAZEiXXSIOmOA— Si and leave your orders.^ .. Aogosta, Maine.Bi J' t W" :...

v';'. Y v1 J c \ * ft* S > ^ ?t A w f r ^ V *v s ,* S * V '*r -^V* •?> ^ i ^r- v v*»t ~r %V ^ * , ' > ^ <- •*"* ^ • " ^ ^ V - Op „*

THE "On to Yorktown!" llEPVBLICANSElVATOKlAL^ - CJITYNEWS - .Letters from the People. , • The Railroad Survey. Registry .Lists. . -- •••« 1 Wanted. CONVENTION. JANt> THE POLITICAL FIELD. V-V'' « Water Mice. The survey by the engineers from the Har­ The Registrars will hold two sessions next DEAR GAZETTE : " ^ " I WOMAN to do General Ilousework; apply n t Nor^aUs Gazette. week for the purpose of revising their lists. South Norwalk is trying to organize a Fire Samuel and Jacob Pakulski, the barbers HIS Supply of Water in both ItcsorvoirB . No. S Carap Street, or at this Office. lem road has made more rapid progress, Mid 1 loth District. The shortness of the water supply, which T is not more than one week's ordinaiy con­ The first list will be printed and circulated, Police force. v under the Mahackemo Hotel, have dissolved sumption. Tho gate of Distributing Reservoir we learn that they find the proposed line to is causing so much inconvenience, is not al­ Will be opened each day from 6 to 8a.m. only, and the people will have opportunities of ex­ partnership. Jacob will remain in business For Sale. Tuesday, October 18,1881. be one that cannot fail to make a good and Mrs. Msrrill, the artist^ has taken the Dr. The first convention of the Republicans together a new thine; it is only somewhat until the flow of water is increased by rain. here, while Samuel will give tho Danburians I'er order, . E, H. ir'AHRliK, S'.ipt. PROFITABLE AND WELL ESTABLISHED safe road, and one which can be run with amining the same. If any name appears on of the new 12th Senatorial District,comprosed worse than it ha3 been every year when the Norwalk, Oct.17th, 1881. Mosman house on Wall street. a display of his tonsorial art. A Business. Address Post Office Box 47, JndRe Davis. great speed, as the grade and curvitures will the list which ought not to be there on of the towns of Norwalk, Westport, Fairfield, rain fall has been deficient. Our water sup­ Westport, Conn. account of death, removal or other cause, the If the Newark parties who arc looking for | —Between tlichonsoof Asa Smith and St ' The quiet eaae and the celerity with which be less than on competing lines in this The Democratic Senatorial Convention is Trumbull, Weston and Stratford, convened ply, which, unless I am much mistaken, was LUSla Paul's Church on Sunday morning a fact should be reported to the Registrars at at the Adams House, Norwalk, on Saturday a location of a factory, have gone to Bridge­ spoken of as sufficient for a city of 40,000 GOLD BKAUELET. The flnderwill berewarded \7"EKY CHOICE CHESTEB PIGS the Democrats in the Senate were made to State, and we believe that this route will to be held in Westport on Thursday. by leaving it tho office or the Pottery. Itpl2 > For salo. I>. B. OGDEN, these sessions. If any name is omitted, that the 15th inst. It was quite fully attended, port, there is probably little hope of their inhabitants, and which was certainly suppos­ "Pll Wilton, Conn. "drop their stolen goods" by the election of soon be under contract. returning here. Bridgeport has a live board Many of our readers are perhaps not aware fact should also be reported, for no names all of the towns except Westport being rep- ed to be sufficient for South Norwalk and Judge David Davis, would be irresistibly can be added on election day excepting such The joint Board of Selectmen and School of trade, and holds out liberal inducements Notice. that the present located line of the Parallel resentd, and Norwalk friends generously Norwalk both, turns out to be insufficient for mirth-provoking save for the specific gravity as may have been omitted by "clerical error." Visitors were in session Saturday night. to all manufacturing enterprises. HE ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholder road is almost identical with the line on stepped in and filled up their quota. even the small number who use it. Shall we of Tho Danbury & Norwalk Eailroad Com­ *bf the Judge, who is reported to "kick the If any person intends " challenging" a man's An adjourned term of the Court of Com­ T Hmusmmts. which the New York and New Haven rail­ The convention .was quite harmonious in go on year after year in the same way ? Is it pany, to choose Diroctors, will be held at Danbury beam" at over three hundred. The sharp The weather itself must have had the fever mon Pleas, will be held here this week. It on Thursday, tho 27th inst., at 12 o'clock, m. road was chartered, and should have been vote the proper place to do it is at these ses­ its results, and developed during the course not the part of good sense and good judgment A. WILLIAMS, Scc'y. Democratic Senators were fairly outgeneraled and ague lately—hot one day and cold the is probable the question of fact will be heard Danbury, Oct. 17,1SS1. 2142 built, and but for a piece of sharp legislation sions of the Registrars. of business a very unusual, but earnest and to stop our leaks and increase our storage in their craftiness, and the mortifying defeat next. on the oyster question. The oystermen of by which the commissioners (then appointed » • first-class, speaking talent,—enough for, and capacity and so make tho most of the supply; of their "grab game" has made them the The Yorktown Celebration. 11 Five Mile River claims the right to work on Registrar's Notice. laughing-stock of the Nation. They are now for each road) were allowed in an amendment If the water famine continues old topers more than often met with even in a State and is not this just the time to do the work ? will be forced to take their whisky straight. convention. The speakers, being notably a public bed, which bed is claimed by un in­ VKRD. SAI*. OTIOE is hereby Riven that the Registrars oi JOHN B. GOUGH of the charter to make changes in the line, floundering about in a vain endeavor to ex­ LAFAYETTE IN NORWALK. dividual who has secured an injunction to re­ N Voters ot the Mm Voting Uietrfct ol the supposed by the members only to refer to Too bad. Messrs. E. J. Hill, J. B. Hurlbutt, S. E. SPEAKS AT THE tricate themselves, but they will be doomed strain the operations of the oystermen, and DEAR GAZETTE I send you some ol the slight changes to avoid obstructions, but The Grand Centennial of the surrender of Olmstead, C. Olmstead,' add J. W. Scott of to defeat. As for Judge Davis, no more they are seeking its dissolution. The in­ hones of the sermon delivered by llev. R. S. Opora BCouse, after the legislature adjourned Professor Cornwallis at Yorktown, Va., thus ending The Phoenix Engine Company sociables Norwalk, J. H. Perry and A. R. T. Nichols Irom 1o'clock p. m. until 5 p. ni.t for the purpose honorable, dignified or straightforward man junction was granted by Judge Hall, aud Storrs, D. D., nt Black Rock, on Friday, 13th of correcting and revising tho Voting List of said Twining was discharged and a new chief our Revolutionary War, is to be celebrated are to be resumed on Wednesday evening of of Fa'rfield, W. Coggswell of We§ton, and First Voting District. can be found in the Senate. He was the the petition for its removal is being heard by inst—the occasion being that of the installa­ EDWARD MERRILL, f Iinrsday, Get. 20th, engineer appointed, a new line run over a this week, and among the distinguished vis­ this week. L. S. Catlin of Stratford. warm and trusted friend of President Lin­ him. tion of Rev. H. C. Woodruff. Text from C4KOKGK N. ELLS, ON cheap right of way, across harbors, below itors to take part is the grandson of the Gen­ The convention was called to order by Registrars of Voters 1st Voting District. coln, and Gen. Logan and others knew what Mr. Wm. Mitchell purchased the Elizi Messrs. Iloyt & Olmstead have secured a John 4:23—"The father seeketh such to wor­ Datod at Norwalk, Oct.17,1851. 2tlJ the line of population in every town on the eral, the Marquis de LaFayctte. Apropos of Hon. John H. Perry of Fairfield, and on " EXPERIENCES." they were about when they brought forward Mitchell homestead, at the auction s lie last full working force of Spaniards in their cigar ship Him." In all the great ethnic religions line except Bridgeport, the road contracted this and as being of local interest, we repro­ motion Henry P. Stagg of Stratford, was Walnut liCaf Hair JScBtorer. This new Lecture has attracted morcpeoplc the name of Judge Davis for the Presidency Thursday. factory. of the world mankind appears as seeking It is entirely different from all others. It is as than any ono over delivered in America. Every­ for in a lump, and the contractors made a duce from our file3 of AUGUST 24,1824, an elected Chairman and George M. Olmstead clear as water,and, as its name indicates, is a per- body ought to hear it. of the Senate. During the winter the Temperance Reform after God; this consonant search must con­ good thing out of it but the public had to account of tho reception here of the illustri­ of Norwalk, Secretary, lect Vegetable Ilair Kestorer. It will immediate­ TICKETS, 35, SO and 75 CENTS. In one aspect, this selection is of the most The democratic caucus for appointing Association will furnish a free singing school. vince us that God exists, unless the race is ly free the head from iill dandruff, reatore gray suffer, as the road was thrown on the com- ous LaFayette himself, on his second visit to Messrs. S. E. Olmstead of Norwalk, Eu­ hair to its natural color, and produce a now Oct Reserved Seats Early. serious importance. It removes all incentive delegates to tho Senatorial Convention, was At 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening next the and always has been, crazy. In the Christ­ growth where it has fallen off. It does not in any pany not nearly completed, and the loss of this country, while en route from New York gene Morehouse of Stratford and Nathan B. manner affect the health, which Sulphur, Sugar for any "crank" or desperado to attempt the held last evening. first meeting will bo held. ian religion—the religion of the Bible—this JAMES FINKEY, Auctioneer. life caused by accidents was fearful for some to Boston. He held a reception at the Nor­ Johnson of Weston, were appointed a com­ of Lead, and Nitrate of Silver preparations have life of President Arthur in the hope of rein­ There is trouble between the chief of po­ is reversed, and God is represented as calling done. It will change light or laded hair in a few Auction. three y^ps after trains commenced running walk Hotel which was very generally attend­ mittee on Credentials, who reported the fol­ days to a beautiful glossy brown. Ask your drug­ stating the Democratic party into power in Ireland is excited over the arrest of Par- lice and the chief of the fire department. It His people to Him—calling them by His gist for it. Each bottle" is warranted. Chas N. ILL be: sold at Public Auction, on Saturday, over the road. ed by our citizens, eager and anxious to take lowing : Crittendon, Now York,and Geo.O. Goodwin & W Oct. jfeil, issi, at 10 o'clock, a. in., at the the national administration. nell, the agitator, and J. P. Quinn, secretary seems at the fire on the evening of Oct. C, prophets, by judgments, by captivity. This 'atcrciidence.o! LoGrand w. Craw, cn tho Roton Some effort was made in Greenwich by the General by the hand and thank him for LIST OP DELEGATES. Co# Boston, Wholesale Agents. Iy38 of the Land League. Chief Engineer McGo-van gave certain orders search on His part implies that they have I ill road, various articles ol Personal Estate, in- application for an injunction to restrain the the part he had taken in our national strug­ Norwalk—S. E. Olmstead, E. J. Hill, J. va.uablc Aldcrney Cow,Farm Wagon, All Ball Oliio. in regard to changing streams which Chief wandered from Him, and while He is repre­ Sled, longs, Dredges, Nets, lot of company from bridging their harbor, but was gle for Liberty. The occasion is probably W. Scott, G. M. Olmstead. empty pork and other Barrels, Moulded Skiff, Ohio elects her Republican Governor and In the Malley trial, at West Haven, the Pelham countermanded and has informed the sented as searching, they appear as withdraw­ Scow^andci i?rcat varietyol KonsaboM Furniture not successful, while in the good old Borough well remembered by our oldest citizens, and Fairfield—A.. 11. T. Nichols, J. II. Perry, Legislature by the overwhelming majority of defense rested last Friday and the court ad F. S. Rogers, B. J. Sturgos. Mayor he shall continue to do the same un­ ing from Him. Jesus appears ascalling men 4 arming find Oyster Tools. of Norwalk the business men, with one or have heard Rev. S. B. S. Bissell and Iti2p AVILLlAil J. ORAW, Administrator. full 20,000. Two years ago it was 17,000. journed over Sunday. Weston—N. B. Johnson,W. Coggswell, A der similar circumstances. The members of in a manner different from all others. "Come two exceptions, were glad enough to have Messrs. Eli B.Bennett and Gould D.|Jennings A significant fact concerning the Ohio election E. Turney, H. B. Wheeler. the fife department say "if Mr. Pelham in­ unto me." No other has dared to say this as the road go below the Borough, as they speak of the occasion and of the appearance Union Maiiiiikctming Co., is that this is the first time the Republicans The H. II. Elwell Mfg. Co. of Bridgeport, Westport—J. B. Hurlbutt, C. Olmstead, terferes with the orders of their chief again, He did. We may say "Come unto me" that thought and declared that the trains would of LaFayette, He was escorted by our local C. P. Woodbury, — Baxter. JTorwalb, Conn, have carried the State in the year following have united with the Ives Patent Lamp Co., they will turn the streams upon him and you may learn history, that you may learn frighten the horses of some half a dozen military company. In connection with the Trxmbull—'D. Hall, A. S. Nichols, A. S. a Presidential campaign since 1869. of 33 Barclay street, N. Y. wash off some of his self-importance and art, that you may study science. He said ISO ®toolaL market wagoners that run to the packets on general celebration now progressing, this ac Cook, O. Benton. . „ Announce to the public that they have on hand a general crabbidness and endeavor to teach "Come unto me" that you may see God. lino assortment of Par Value, $25 Eacli. market days. What wisdom died and will count of the visit of LaFayette will be read Stratford—L. S. Catlin, H. P. Stagg, E. Glorious Iowa. Some of the naughty [newspapers arc re­ Morehouse, S. Judson. ' him that he is not chief of the fire and police The Gospel is all invitation. Other religions For salo to close an estate, by have died when these shrewd men are gone. with much interest as of a timely and local Fifty thousand Republican majority is the importance. One of the gentlemen above porting that ex-Gov. Samuel J. Ti'.den and Mr. Lyman S. Catlin of Stratford, in a few forces." Although Mr. Pelham is a model of the world are like torches waved by the lt-12 W. C. NCSTES, 21 Nasnau St,, rf.Y. Lydia Pinkham are engaged. Fall and Winter proud greeting Iowa sends to her loyal sister We very much fear that the recently mentioned, in speaking of the reception, says brief remarks presented the name of Hon. officer, it seems his accociates fail to compre­ holders in the frantic attempt to light up the Agents wanted lor Life of states. Like steady and sturdy Vermont whispered rumor that Vanderbilt hed closed that Mrs. Joseph Meeker, who was quite a Tallmadge Baker of Norwalk, for nomination hend his fine points. It is rumored that un­ darkness of nature; this religion is like the President Garfield. A com­ The Lockwood Rifles, Co. F, 4th Regt., GARFIELD plete. faithful history from Iowa may well be denominated "tho Repub­ a bargain with the Parallel managers had no portly lady, had much trouble in gaining ad­ as Senator for the 13th District. He was der the new deal, Marshal-elect Kinney may sun. Man is afraid to think of God as seek­ cradle to grave, by the eminent biographer. Col. C. N. G., will send arifleteamtoQuinnipiac, seconded by P. M. Olmstead of Westport in have the opportunity of wearing the uniform ing after Him ; the lower races think of tho Millinery Conwell. Introduction byhisExcelleney.JohnD. lican star that never sets." foundation in fact. We have reason to be­ mission to LaFayette. but after persistent ef­ Nov. 3d and 4th, to take part in tho fall rifle Long,Governor ol' Massachusetts. Books all ready lieve it at least premature. The Vanderbilt fort she succeeded, and grasping the General glowing and laudable terms, and endorsed and of acting as grand sachem of the city lightning, the earthquake, the storm, as God INCLUDING lor delivery. An elegantly illustrated volume. En­ tournament. police. seeking them, and they fear; when man, dorsed edition. Diberal terms. Agents take orders Yorktown. surveys, however, continue. warmly by the hand, remarked: "Well, by Messrs, Scott of Norwalk, Perry of Novelties in Velvets, Plushes, Rib­ for from 20 to 50 copies daily. Outsells any other General, if you had as much trouble in fight­ Fairfield and Hurlbutt of Westport. The nomination of Hon. Tallmadge Baker highly civilized man, thinks of God as so far ten toone. Agents never made money so fast.Tho Dr. Jas. G. Gregory accompanies Gov. The large fire seen in the southwest, Mon­ bons, Ostrich & Fancy Feathers, book sells itself.Experience not necessary. Fail­ Bigclow and his fellow staff officers to the Tlie Last Call. ing the British as I have had to g,et in here to A formal ballot being -ordered was taken for State Senator, is one very gratifying to away that it is absurd to think of Him as ure unknown. AH make immense profits. Private day evening of last week, was undoubtedly with following result: - the Republicans here and as annoying to the seeking them. Science says it is inconceiv­ Birds, &c. terms lree. George Stiuscii &, Co.,Portland, Yorktown Celebration. The party goes out Persons desiring to be made voters this Hhabp hands with you, you must have had a Maine. im42 the great conflagration on Fourth avenue, Tallmadge Baker, Norwalk, 17 democrats. But they put on a bold front able that God, who has so many worlds to All tho Loading Shapes in on the tteamer which takes out the Connec­ Fall must get in their applications immedi­ hard time indeed. . . New York city. Setb Hill, Trumbull, 2 and assert they are sure to win in the com­ guide and to control, so many stars to keep ticut Regiment and so will have aecommo- ately. The Registrars will be in session on We copy as follows: « in • The vote being announced one of the ing election, so far as the senatorial contest in their courses, should seek after so small a dations self-provided, on their arrival there. Thursday from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m„ for the Much of this paper is devoted to a descrip­ Dwight E. Holly of Danbury, who passed is concerned, and they base their claims on thing as a man. But the fact that God rep­ There is great complaint of a want of ade­ purpose of receiving applications, and will tion of the grateful reception at New York of such an excellent examination for the West Trumbull delegates arose to explain that the BoieiUidHats, Mew Goods. these grouuds: first—that through the influ­ resents himself as seeking after mau shows quate provision for the entertainment of the deposit their first list with the Town Clerk that steadfast friend of liberty, LA FAYETTE Point appointment, has been off on a trip to votes for Mr. Hill were given on the sup­ For both Ladies and Children. ence of their members who «are connected that in man there is that which is worth AT crowds likely to attend. Wednesday and on the following day. Names must be en­ whose arrival we briefly noticed in our last— the Winnipeg country. position that the 1st ballot was an informal with the Reformed Men's Association, they seeking. The highest eulogy ever pronounc­ A fine assorfmeii t of Thursday are to be the great days. tered on this list, or the applicant cannot be In this and in any other country was there ev­ one, it would have been different if they had understood that it was a formal ballot. On will induce them to run a separate ticket for ed on human nature was when the Son of made. The Selectmen, at their sessions, er witnessed such an universal expression of The millinery openings held last week by Hfcournivig Goods motion the nomination of Hon. Tallmadge Senator, then they will work assiduously to God said that "The Father seeketh" man, Tallmadge Baker. cannot consider any names not on this list. profound respect and heart-felt gratitude to the Misses St. John and Mrs. Fawcett, were Constantly on hand, and orders executed at short Baker of Norwalk, was made unanimous. get every Republican in the Association to God compels the water to find its level; He notice. Particular attention is given to the pur­ i. H. HOYT & Co'S. The nomination of the above gentleman Remember, therefore, and see that your one individual as has been manifested on this well attended by the ladies, and all seem to chasing ot Crape. They are enabled to sell very A Senatorial Committee of one from each vote the so-called temperance ticket, while compels the storm, released from its bed on low as it is bought in large quantities and at tho for State Senator in our newly reconstructed name is handed in to the Registrars in time. occasion towards Gen. La Fayette, The have been well pleased. town was then elected as follows: oft the sly, they will vote for the regular the mountain, to fall to a lower point; He lowest figure. 18th District, is a guarantee of election. The Selectmen, in this issue, give notice bursts of applause and the shouts of welcome Norwalk—J. B. Hurlbutt. Democratic nominee. Secondly—they cjaim compels the planets to move in their orbits Ladies are invited to call and examine tho valu­ A Line of Fine Mr. Baker is well known to the whole State, of the days when they will be in ssssion to which fell upon the ear rre confined to no On account of Mr. Gough's lecture, the able improvement effectod in renewing Crape and Westport—H. P. Burr. to have made an arrangement with the Oyster without the loss of a millionth part of a making it impervious to dampness by ttc Patent as its late efficient Treasurer and as a member admit voters. The first day is the 26th inst. party, age, nor sex,—all feel the same im­ "Thursday evning prayer meeting"-of the Process. Their Stock of Fairfield—J. H. Perry. Association, which runs through every shore second in thousands of years: all nature He of the Legislature. No honest man or body pulse—all unite in honoring the man to whom First Congregational church will be held on French Calf Gaiters, Weston—N. B. Johnson.' town in the district, whereby tho oystermen compel*, but man He seeks. He does does not of men who seek an honest candidate can We cannot expect to have any more oysters under Providence, we are so much indebted Wednesday evening, this week. Fancy Goods Stratford—Eugene Moiehouse. are to vote for a Democratic Senator, while come to the earth and recall to Himself the Button and Lace, lor GENl'S'; will lit. object to TALLMADGE BAKEH. until after the next election. The citor oys­ for our liberty and present prosperity. When includes all tho latest novelties. Please examino Trumbull—Austin S. Nichols. the Democrats are to vote for a Republigan gold, that He may pave with it the floor cf termen are going todabble in politics, xlvery taking by the hand his few remaining com­ Th'e Ohio Democracy engineered a Tem­ their stock of It was then voted that the next Senatorial oysterman for Representative. Thirdly— heaven; He does not seek the diamonds Hosiery, CHoves, Corsets, Hair The case of Cook & Hilton «». the Norwalk candidate must pledge himself to stand by the panions in arms, and beholding in what af­ perance Ticket to run as a lighter-tender to Convention for this district be composed of Mayor-elect Swartz is to be the third nomi­ and the precious stones, that He may use oystermen or suffer ignominious defeat. On fectionate remembrance his name is held by Goods, &e. I Ladies'Fins FrensfiKid ButtonI oystermen began in the Superior Court last their heavier Bookwalter machine. They nee. At least General Taylor and Richard them as the foundation of the new Jerusa­ their side, however, there seems to be no one the descendants of those with whom he four delegates from each town, and that in Agents for the week. Some time ago Judge Hall granted nursed the bantling and paid its bills and Golden have been appointed delegates, and lem ; He seeks nothing from this earth, noth All widths, lit any foot. authorized to pledge and deliver the solid fought and bled in the cause of liberty, what the call for the convention, a notice be given an injunction restraining the oystermen from coddled it, oh, so tenderly, knowing that five on Saturday, Mayor Swartz was strongly ing but that which is more precious than all oyster vote. Probably every oysterman will delightful associations and tender recollec , that the subject of delegations in future con­ Universal Perfeet Fitting Patterns taking oysters from the grounds claimed to out of every six votes this third party polled urged to accept the nomination if it should these—the soul of man. Let thi3 church Acknowledged the best in the world. vote, when the time comes, according to the tions must crowd upon his memory, and ventions be considered and fixed. be owned by Messrs. Cook & Hilton, which would be drawn from the Republicans. But come to him. But so far, the Mayor has not its bell, the meetings for prayer and praise, OrderB received for the 8TOGA BOOTS, comprise some thirty-five acres. The de­ dictates of his own conscience and not at the thrill his soul with joy 1 and how little will alas, all goes under by over 20,000 Republi­ "struck" at the templing bait prepared by his the ministrations of your pastor, all remind 14 different kinds. Can suifryou. fendants claim that the grounds referred to bidding of somebody else. The city Reform­ he regret the sacrifices which he made for Fairfield JSast Consociation. Norwalk Dyeing Establishment. can majority. own enthusiastic friends. He is to shrewd you that God is seeking yeu. G. arc natural beds and therefore they have ers also propose to settle the election to suit such a people! Surely, he will feel that it m irni • The 150th annual .meeting of this body $2.00 to $3.25. and far-sighted to clip his young and fast- MISSES ST. JOIO, themselves—and their "ardent" democratic can no longer be said 'Republics arc always The members of Phoenix Engine Co., call­ was held nt Newtown last Tuesday. Rev. the right to take the oysters therefrom. On growing wings by entering a contest with George Kelley of Hartford, run over by a 33 Main Street, Norwalk, Conn. "friends." How many other city organiza­ ungrateful.' ed upon the newly married couple, Mr. and J. W. Pubbell was chosen Scribe and Rev. the other hand the plaintiffs claim, that, if Mr. Baker. But the Democrats say here is gravel train near Wallingford, Friday, died they are natural beds, their title still holds tions may yet seek to control the election by The account on the preceding page are to Mrs. W. S. Bartram, at the residence of the G. F. Waters Moderaior. OJieap JSIIOGS the place where their candidate should comc Saturday. splitting the Republican vote remains to be the time of his departure from New York for bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Craw, on A very interesting sermon was preached good in accordance with a validatory act from, and if the better judgment of Mr. Rev. D. N. Finch of the West Cornwall For all who wish them. passed by the General Assembly in 1878. The Boston on Friday morning last. He left the Hoyt street, on Wednesday evening last, and by Mr. Hubbell from Mat, 16:18 on "The Congregational church has accepted a call to Registrars' Notice. seen. Swartz cannot be overcome, they may bring case is of considerable interest to oystermen city about 3 o'clock in a coach driven by tour were well received and entertained by the Stability and Security of the Church." Norwalk, O. OTICE is hereby given that tho Registrars ot General Taylor to the front. In fact, a dele­ N Voters of the Third Voting District ot the and the result will be looked forward to with John B. Gouglx In Boston. elegant grey horses, attended by his son, the happy couple and friends. Healths were The topic, "Worship, wliy neglected, and The corner stone of St. Patrick's Roman town of Norwalk, will be in session at the store A. H. HOYT & Co. gation of Democratic oystermen waited upon Catholic church in Brooklyn, Waterbury, of Hanford & Ue'oorn, in said District, on TUES­ interest. The Boston Journal says that "John B. committee of the Common council,Ald.Hone drank,good wishes without number given and how Promoted ?" was discussed earnestly by DAY, Oct. 25th, and on FBIDAY, Oct. 2Sth, from the General and with profound bows and a was laid Sunday. A. II. HOYT. J. F. RUSCO. Gough's fortieth year as a lecturer, after and Col. D. C. Colden. He was escorted to a prosperous bon voyage on the matrimonal Rev. A. C. Pierce and others. !) o'cloek a. m., until 5 o'clock p. m., for the pur­ suitable amount of obsequious reverence1, ex­ The grand total of the Garfield fund is pose ot correcting and revising the Voting List of There was a large attendance at St.Paul's more than eight thousand addresses, has not Harlaem by a large body of troops and citi­ sea, expressed by all. The Communion of the Lord's Supper was said Third Voting District. pressed their desire that he should become §357,851.21 WILLIAM JJ. HENDRICK, Church on Wednesday afternoon last to wit­ found him with a waning faculty for enter- zens, and after resting half an hour receiving enjoyed. the Democratic senatorial nominee, and then Twenty-four divorces have been granted WINFIELD S. HANFUKD, 2ND, ness the marriage of Hiss Aj^e W.,daughter taining an audience, was evidenced at Music the congratulations of the inhabitants he pro The late Dean STANLEY was not very acute From the reports on the state of religion by the present term of the superior court of liegistrars of Voters, 3d Voting District, and there pledged the oyster vote throughout Norwalk, Oct.17th, 1681. of Gen. R. B. Craufurd, ana Mr George D. Hall, last evening. His lecture was deliver­ ceeded and arrived at Byram (30 miles) in 3 either of taste or smell, so that all he ate was in the churches, it appeared that there had Danbury. the District to the Democratic candidate. Thornton, of New York. The ceremony was ed with a power and an aptness of illustra­ hours after leaving New York. A regiment of much the same to him if it was only tender. been no very extensive revival of religion The intelligent and reliable correspondent These are all cunniDgly-planned schemes and of the Boston Post at the Atlanta exposition Notice performed by Rev. Mr. Walsh of Newburgh, tion that gave it all the charm of novelty to horse artillery from the city escorted him as THOMAS HUGHES first met the Dean when a during the year and yet that there had been sufficiently artful to have originated in the says : "There is more to interest the student S hereby given that tho Selectmen and Town New York, who was assisted by Rev. Mr. the large audience that listened tp it. His far as Putnam's Heights, Horse-Neck, where lad at a Rugby breakfast, where be and six considerable additions to'the churches. The of industrial questions than any'other fair in I Clerk of tho town ox Norwalk will hold a Sentinel building. The Democrats claim the session at the office ot Eaid Selectmen, for the Selleck, Rector ;of^St. Paul's, and Rev. Mr allusion to the late President Garfield as an he alighted amidst the shouts of the assem others were plentifully regaled. Mr. HUGHES churches" in Bethel and Brookflcld have the world ever showed and, perhaps there is purpose of examining the aualiiicaBons of elec­ Thoroughly oystermen are all aware of this bargain, and less to interest the mere sight-seer than any AN© Sanford. After receiving the warm con­ example of how the brightness of a pure bled multitude, and viewed the celebrated gives many pleasant glimpses of AETHUK procured ;new organs and materially im­ tors, and admitting to the Electors'oath those who that even Capt. Bell of Five Mile River has other fair ever afforded." shall bo lound qualified, on WEDNESDAY, tho gratulations of their many friends, the happy character can dissipate calumny, called forth spot where Gen-Putnam made his miraculous STANLEY, as he liked to be called, in the No­ proved their houses of worship at large ex­ 26th inst., irom » o'clock in the forenoon until 5 endorsed it. The latter part of this claim is At the agricultural bureau the grain re­ o'clock in tho afternoon, and by public adjourn­ couple departed on their wedding! journey to escape from the British troops in the Rev­ vember Harper. A full-page portrait of the pense. Economically! a cordial round of applause." certainly false. The oystermen are not to be ports for October are fully as unfavorable as ment of said meeting will be in session for said Yorktown and Richmond. Mr. Gough's lecture in Norwalk Opera olutionary war. To some of the by-standers late Dean adorns the pame |number. Two pastors have been missed, Mr. Her- for September. The prospects are that be­ purpose as follows, viz. —At the City Council And to do so buy your caught in any such way. Furthermore, but ltoomsin thecity ot South Norwalk, on FRIDAY, House, on Thursday evening, will be large­ the General observed that Washington and shey from the Second Church in Danbury, fore the final statement of the total is issued tho 2Sth Inst., from 10 o'clock in tho forenoon un­ r a very few of them are knowing to any such that wheat and corn will fall much below the til 4 o'clock alternoon, and unless all entered on The Columbiad fi ed at the late election by ly attended and greatly appreciated. Reserv­ himself once rode five miles out of their way The arrest of Senator Mahone on a charge and Mr. Davenport from the Park Church bargain, and the better informed of them see September average, owing ;to the heavy rains the first list as"to be made," shall havo been ad­ the Reform Club, evidently did execution at ed seats can now be obtained at Stanley's for to visit the spot. A salute was fired at the that he intended to fight a duel with General in .Bridgeport. The last has extended mitted or rejected will be in session tor the same Jubal Early was as great a surprise to Mr. at once that it would be the most direct and in the northwest since the 1st inst. purpose on MONDAY", the 31st inst., at the office Parlor Stoves both ends. The wounds at the rear were 50 and 75 cents. Every seat is numbered, place, after which the military escort from N to Mr. Thrall of Washington a call, which of said Selectmen from nine (9) o'clock fore­ Mahone as to the public. He ridicules the positive way of defeating the very object noon until 7 o'clock in the afternoon, and net af­ worse than those in the front, and the dam­ York returned ,and he continued his journey idea of even thinking of meeting Early on the has been accepted-. Mr. Higgins is about The additional arrests made in Ireland of terward, with this exception,that said Selectmen on age to the Club may be said to be critical. under an escort of troops from Stamford and field of honor and says the latter is too old leaving Huntington for Mt.Carme!, and Mr. they have in view, namely, the preventing of prominent land leagurers indicates that the and Town Clerk will be in sesion on HON DAY, The Water Supply. steam dredging. They have no trouble about the 7th day of November, A.1)., ISSl.at tho office The Club is not self-supporting, but depends of citizens from the adjoining towns. Af­ for dueling purposes. The complainant on Wilson will probably soon leave Olivet English government has fully determined, ot said Selectmen from 'J o'clock in the forenoon As we have had no rains to increase our whose affidavit the warrant for the arrest of securing favorable legislation in the House whether wisely or not, to crush out by strong upon the public for its very existence. The ter remaining at Stamford long enough to re­ Church in Bridgeport. until 5 o'clock in the afternoon lor tho purpose of OF Borough water supply, and as the amount Mahone was issued i3 an eccentric person, of Representatives, but the contest comes in measures the organization which has placed admitting to the electors'oath only those whoso public confidence in the Club has been shat­ ceive the congratulations of the people he Redding was selected as the place of the itself m direct opposition to the law. rights will mature after said Monday, the 31st stored is very limited, the Commissioners and his unsupported evidence is not generally the Senate. The coming Senate will be Re­ inst., and on or before the 8th day of November, tered and unless something is soon done to re­ pursued his journey and arrived in Norwalk accepted as establishing the charge. next annual meeting, liev. S. H. Dana the • next. Applications irom tho Third Voting Dis­ have decided to shut off the water at 8 publican whether the 13 th District goe3 one store tnat confidence and retrieve its lost in the dusk of the evening. Here consider' Mahone's friends say that the Virginia Bour­ preacher, and Rev. C. R. Palmer bis substi­ New York will follow Ohio's lead. If trict can be made in tho first or Second Voting o'clock this morning, and to turn it on daily you don't believe it ask John Kelley.— Tri­ Districts on the above days. JAQUI. bons are striving their utmost to get rid of way or the other, by at least six majority, standing the fate of the Club is sealed. The able preparation bad been made to receive tute, and for a committee of arrangements, CHARLES Ai BURK, ) hereafter only between the hours of 6 and him, peacefully if they can, violently if they perhaps eight. To leave out of question the bune. NELSON J.ORAW, } Selectmen. immediate result of this action of the Club him, and he drove up to the Hotel under a Rev. W. J. Jennings, Rev. G. F. Waters —•—•».— Largest Assortment, 8 a. m., until the supply is [[increased. must, in order that tlic democrats may con­ fact that there will be Democratic votes in WILLIAM C. SAMMIS, ) is the resignation of the president and secre­ military escort, accompanied by a band of trol the senate. and Deacon' T. M. Abbott. The worst thing about riches is the difficul­ HENRY K. SELLECK, Town Clerk, Users will therefore draw enough for dally the Senate for steam dredaing, tho Republi­ ty in acquiring them, Dated at Norwalk, October 17th. A. D. 1331. Lowest Prices. tary whose wise counsels were unheeded and music, and alighted amidst the discharge of Mr. Hubbell was re-nominated to the consumption during those hours. It is hoped cans have it in their power to pass laws that tho matter pushed in spflfe of their disappro­ musquetry, the roar of cannon, and the Danbury Fair Premiums. State Conference as a member of the commit­ How long would it take to count Crown Jewel, The King of Base by this plan to cut off waste and leakage, • will favor the steam or the sail boat interests. bation. Certainly the Club can never expect cheerings of the hundreds who had assem At the late Danbury Fair, premiums wero tee on Fellowship and Work. two millions ? Burners, Good Luck, lioyal, and thu3 save sufficient water for use in case In the face of these facts, the Republican to have a better or more worthy officer than bled to bid him welcome.^He was conducted awarded to persons from this vicinity as fol­ The county was divided into two sections Over two millions volumes of the revised Elegant, Windsor, Elite, of a serious fire, and also prolong the supply oystermen of this district, leaviDg out of Mr. Hallock, or one more devoted to the good into the house aud introduced to a great lows : Best knit wool stockings, Mrs. J. C, northern and southern, and a committee ap­ edition of the New Testament, were sold on Como, Boom, Argus, as long as possible. Under the circumstances consideration their natural affiliation with the first day of its issue. These figures can MOID, work for which the Club was organized. He number of ladies and gentlemen, whom he Kendall, Norwalk, $1.00; bett embroidered pointed in each. consumers must cheerfully submit to the sit­ the Republican party, will not desert it at only be equaled by the enormous sale of Triumph, Laurel, had the respect and confidence of the com­ most familiarly and affectionately took by sofa cushion, Miss G. A. Weed, South Wil­ Rev. Messrs. Pierce and Frost, and Rev. uation. the hour when it is of the greatest importance Swayne's Ointment for itching piles, which Broadway, munity, and in losing his services the Club the hand, often expressing his thauks for ton, $2.00; 3d do, Mias E. A. Grumman, Messrs. Dana and Palmer, to superintend is universally used as a standard remedy for to them to have its aid in the State. Tall­ CONSTABLE & CO. THE has met • with serious loss. Will the Club stopping the itching at night, when one thinks New Publications. their attention. The scene was interesting Branchville, 7oc; 2d best ottoman, Miss meetings for the promotion of the observance Havo now in Storetheir Fall Importations of make an hones-t effort to retrieve its former beyond description, and was well calculated madge Baker is a man of *vide acquaintance, that pin worms are crawling about the rec­ Harpers's Monthly for November concludes Carrie J. Allen, Norwalk, $1,00; 3d do, Mrs. of the Sabbath and christian fellowship. tum, To calculate the extent of its sale in position, or will il blindly continue to follow of much legislative experience and of exten­ the 63d volume. The number contains nearly to draw tears from eyes that do not use V) W. R. Palmer, Westport, 75c; best embroi. Delegates were appointed to the State actual figures, would involvo the labor of a the lead.of the bad'advisers? sive influence—the very best man to repre­ FOREIGN Parlor DoaiilBHeaters weep. Such an excitement was never before dered pillow shams, Miss C. J. Allen, Nor­ Conference, which meets to day at West life time'. Will you be pestered longer from 100 fine engravings,—nearly every article sent the interest of the oysiermeu and the witnessed here. It was felt and acknowl­ walk, $1.00; 3d do, do, 50c; embroidery in Winsted. the aggravating piles ? 4t43 Radicnt Light, Elegant aiid Anti- being illustrated. It contains two serials, district. edged by all, and by none will it be soon satin, Miss G. A. Weed, So. Wilton, 75c; The meeting was well attended, and was Clinker. PERSONAL.. two short stories, two poems, full editorial About 5 o'clock p. m., Sunday, a fire broke The beauty and color of the hair may fee forgotten. The feelings of the son on the best embroidered bracket lambrequin, do, deeply interesting and profitable.' It is a joy And if in want of a Perfect and Durable departments, and the following leading arti­ out in the barn of W. R, Tuttle and very safely regained by using Parkers's Hair Bal­ CARPETS. Joseph J. Asch, city, has returned from occasion were also, as may well be supposed $1.00 ; best embroidered table cover, Mrs. that the pastors and churches feel it a duty sam, which is much admired for its perfume cles : In Cornwall with an Umbrella; a Week soon consumed it. How it originated is not Europe. powerfully excited. To an inquiry whether E. Hill, Norwalk. $1; 3d do, Miss C. J. Al­ and privilege to attend these meetings. cleanliness and dandruff eradicating proper­ 3F£ Gr E3 , in a Dug-Out; Tilghman's Ride from York- known. A considerable quantity of crockery ties. 4w42 SEE he was not very much fatigued he replied len, 50c; best embroidered piano cover, Mrs. Chenille Asminsters, Royal Wiltons, Body Mrs. Susan Byxbee and daughter started town to Philadelphia; Journalistic London ; and rags were stored in it, but the insurance Brussels, in the Newest designs, and In Col­ with tears streaming from his eyes, 'O, how E. Hill, $3.00; best bead work, Miss C. J. The "Old Mechanics' Fair'' at oring adapted to the present style of decor­ Crawford, Archer, and the New Hub for San Francisco, last week. Ohio's First Capital; The Land of the Mid­ of $600 will probably cover the loss. An We have known boys to cry an hour when ations. Also, American Carpetings, Chen- can I be fatigued while so much attention Allen, $1.00; best embroidered silk pin cush Boston. told to take an old fashioned pill because it illo Axminsters, Wiltons, Body Brussels, with patent Reflex Grate, a beauti­ Assessor F. W. Mitchell has recovered night Sun; Tehauntepec and the Eads Ship adjoining barn caught but the slight loss was 1 and respect is paid to my father.' The Gen. ion, Miss G. A. Weed, 75c; best embroider­ The fourteenth exhibition of the olcl Me­ was too large. That same boy would take Tapestries and Ingrains; Oi cloths, Linol­ ful worker, the Bunker Hill with ftom his recent illness and resumed has du­ Railway; A Reminiscence of Arthur Stan­ covered by insurance. in a lemon ball one inch in diameter, and eums, Rugs and Mats. eral and his suite resumed their journey ed canvas pin cushion, Miss O. J. Allen, 7{fc; chanics' Association, Huntington ave., Bos­ patent Reflex Grate, Sure Worker, ties. ley, by Thos. Hughes. Sold by A. Selleck. The loss suffered by Mr. R. G. Millard, think nothing of it. Since the discovery of about half past eight o'clock, and as they best chenille embroidery, do, $1.00 j best ton, opposite old Coliseum grounds, is now Cobb's kittle Poffophyllin Pills, boys lake India Whole Carpets. also the King Bird with Wrought Rev. Dr. Augustus Beard of Syracuse, was was settled satisfactorially to all parlies on Appleton's Journal for November spreads crossed the Bridge stopped a moment to gaze Kensington embroidery, Mrs. E. Hill, Nor­ in perfect running order, and daily receiving them in preference to the lemon ball. Only Masulipatam, Agra, Bhagulpore, Ellore, Saturday last; amount allowed for damage Mahratta, Sclnde, Khokand, Lahore, Iron Oven that does not crack, and on a visit to his ancestral home, city, last the following bountiful table of contents: upon an arch which had been erected during walk, $1.00; 2d best embroidered Kensington thousands of visitors. Its building is of its 25 cents. II. S. Betts, agent Kashmir, Turkey, Persian and Punjaub. to house was $1,550. Waverly with same, Boom, Marvel, week. An Adventure in the Philippine Islands; the the day and illuminated in the evening, embroidered mantle lambrequin, Miss G. A. own erection, and is simply elegant, arch! p.-gyr yc»-»T Mr. John Bogardus is the new President of Nugget, GlendoD, Windsor, Serene, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Smith, city, celebrated end of Saints and Sinners; Rambles Among bearing the inscription, WELCOME LA FAY­ Weed, $2.00; 2d best hair receiver, Miss C. tecurally considered. It has twenty-twe BROADWAY & 19th. STREET, the City Reform Club. Sam, Thames. their 35th wedding anniversary, last Tuesday Books; Arab Humor; "Suit the Action to ETTE.' Here he was again cheered as he J. Allen, 25c; card receiver, do, 25c; watch rooms, all of which are filled with the choic MARRIED. NEW YORK.C John H. Knapp, city, recently sold to Mrs. Best assortment of evening. the Word"; Mr. Cimabue Brown on the De­ passed on, after which the assemblage peace­ case, do, 25c; best braiding, do, 25c; braided est results of New-England industry, skill Francis Boylston, a house and lot. Price fensive; Recollections of George Borrow; ably dispersed, rejoicing in this opportunity pillow shams, Miss E." Morehouse, So. Wil­ and art, including a full machinery hall; all In Norwalk, Oct. 12, by Rev. John Walsh, The Rev. M. Mix and wife, and Miss $3,000. of Newburgh, assisted by Rev. O. M. Selleck My Troubles in Russia; Electricity as a Fac­ of manifesting their respect to the man whom ton, 75c; embroidered handkerchief, Miss O. the electrical appliances; a feuperb art gal­ such as Annie Curtis, are hourly expected to arrive The Lock factory is to put in two new and Rev. Mr. Sanford, Mr. Qeerge DeWitt For Saie. tor in Happiness; Brigandage in Macedonia; they had always been taught to admire for lery; a military and colonial museum; a Thornton, of New York, and Miss Anna from Europe. The vessel was due on Satur­ J. Allen, $1.00; worsted tidy, Mrs. W. R. boilers. Electra Cook, / . : Editor's Department. Single numbers 25 his virtues and patriotism. The Gen­ Palmer, $75c; 2d do, Mrs; C.B. Morehouse, Ward, daughter of Mr. Robert B. Craufurd, day. cataract and floral pyramid; an immense The First National Bank of South Norwalk Chief Cook, . cents. eral took supper in Fairfield, lodged in of Norwalk. JamcB Griffith, son of James L. Griffith of Branchville, 50c; knit cotton tidy, Miss C. camera-obscura; a large department of la Carriage Factory. Apply to Parole Cook, Bridgeport, and arrived in New Haven about has declared a semi-annual dividend of four In South Norwalk, Oct. 13, by Rev. Arza Maryland, formerly a well-known jj^sident The International Review for November, J. Allen, 50c} crocheted cotton tidy, Miss dies' embroidery and needle-work; vocal and Hill, Wm. H. Richards and Miss Annie C. JACOB M. LAYTON, Agent, Dover Cook. ten o'clock on Saturday morning, where he per cent., payable Nov. 2. lm39 65 Washington St.,South Norwalk, Ct. of this place, is in town, and intends remain* ha3 the following articles: Victor Hugo, E. Grumman, Branchville, 75c; 2d best lamp instrumental music, and in short, a thousand Weed, all of Seuth Norwalk by August Langel; Mr. Atkinson on "The was received and treated with suitable at­ I HE WOOD STOVES ing here through the winter. mat, Mrs. C.B. Morehouse,35c; hood, Miss attractive novelties. New lot of Ladies Underwear at F. In Southpo'rt, Oct. 13, by the Rev. Mr. Solid South," by W. E. Boggs; The Plays tention. G. A. Weed, 25o; • knit collar, Mrs. J. C. B. SMITH'S. "" Smith, Willis P. Clark, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Oakland and Plow Boy. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Lathrope of Hawkins- SMITH'S. of Octave Feuillet, by J. B. Matthews ; The Kendall, 25c; handmade point lace, dis. to tgr Corded Corsets $1.00 atF. B. to Sara A. Monroe of tho former place. ALSO ville, Ga., have been spending a month here Gough's "Experiences." i®* Freshly roasted coffees and selected Punishability of the insane, by W. A. Ham­ Miss P. Hoffman, Norwalk, 75c; 2d best In Branchville, Oct. 13, by Rev. Mr. Pegg, with their friends, .with headquarters at ©-Just received at Starr Brothers', New Teas, new canned goods and novelties in Cylinder Stoves, Sugar Loaf Stoves, mond ; Our Exports of Breadstuffs, by R. H. There was a rush at Stanley's yesterday guipure lace, Miss Emma Alien, Norwalk, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. - "Blue Mountain" residence. morning by persons desiring to obtain good Buckwheat Flour and , Breakfast Ba fancy groceries received weekly at Starr and Mrs. Burr Bouton,Mr. William H. Allen &c., and the Edmonds; An Arcadian Governor, by J. G, $1.00; 3d do, Miss Carrie J. Allen, 75c; con, Hams and Tongues, at Starr Brother;. and Mrs. Annie B. Olmstead, both of New Mr. G. D. Nichols and family have remov­ seats for Mr. Gough's lecture, which is to be Brothers. Wilson. Price GO cts. A. S. Barnes & Co., hand made Breton lace, do, $1.00 ; best knit York. BINOfSED ana RELIABLE ed to Brooklyn for the winter, he having Publishers, N. Y. given at the Opera Houre on Thursday even­ jacket, Mrs. J. C. Kendall, 75c; darned lace A Great Premium .List.

- •, _ f ^i?*:; '• _ •' "• " - • • • ' '• • • ma r " , •>* f " jjo ' t* -»r "' 'i&S.r """ Wfe. •. Ust; '.V.V

: WESTPORT. Obituary ftfeMlS. ,* •' :V Y-; v.' • -• • J'1' Heat Yonr Houses! Norwalk Gazette. An old conundrum reads something Death ot Colonel Rodman. follows: "If all the women should go to r. FITCH'S Fall 18811 China, what would the men do? Go to Pekin, Colonel Daniel C. Rodman, formerly of Tuesday, October 18,1881. of course." Applied, this describes the kind the Seventh Connecticut regiment, died at of thoughts in the minds of Westport people Giroton, Sunday, of consumption. Colonel ^Wintor ra approaching, and if you'tfaat a * ' Fairfield County Items. last Wednesday, when delegates representing Rodman led the assault on Fort Wagner and JnBt rcccivccl a Good Line of the Ladies' Missionary Society of Fairfield was severely wounded in his leg and in his FIRST-OLAJSgl STOTE'^^ ;!:] side and lungs; his death was caused by oho HB Fifteenth Tear will commence Sep* CITY OF WEST NOR WALK. County met in semi-annual convention at the temper 5th, 1881 • Pupils received at of those wounds. After the war he was ap aayT age over six. Young Ladies arcalsoadmitted Got efth6r tee The festivities of the fall and winter sea­ Congregational church. The movements of to the Day Department, both in the Primary and pointed pension agent for this state, and was Advanced Course. Sessions arranged to accom­ son were successfully commenced on Satur­ these ladies, about eighty in number, was an DRESS GOODS, ASTRA£, -/ - • modate pupils wishing to commute on the cars. enigma to the opposite sex, for not a man retained in that position till Boston was made ForallSkin: NEW AJHERICAIF, ^ ' ; day evening at the house of Edgar Smith, Penmanship and Bookkeeping, a specialty, ; was aljowed to approach the church, much the headquarters for New England. Colonel REMEDY SUCH AS DISEASES taught by tcachcrs ot large expcri. ncc. Free ••X .B.«*SSIWIEB, O*: i- : Esq., the occasion being Mr. and Mrs, Hand Drawing and Fainting also taught. Young .u KENMOBB, « . less enter its portals while the business of the Rodman was a brave man, and he was very TETTER.ITCH.SORES. PIMPLTS. Ladies and Qentlemen fitted for College. Smith's Silver Wedding. At an early hour much respected. In the attack on Fort RYSiPELAS RINGWORM. Circulars and references will bclurnished on Black Silks, the guests commenced to assemble and by 9 convention was in progress. This, while .it CcC. application to the Principal. And you have tho Best and most Powerful 3 Wagner, Colonel Rodman received a desper­ OFFERS D J. C. FITCH, Norwalk, Conn. Heating Stoves in the market,' They con- p. m. the rooms were well filled by the elite might not have been intended as uncompli­ r. mentary, seemed so, for when men hold a ate wound, but bore up with characteristic sumeaume!• n 10 tnothoV/vn f.least Am coal2 • i.t. of _ any1 slove made, because . ^ " ! of this and other towns, who came to do heroism, inspiring and cheering forward his Satins and Velvets, tho large Hues in the base prevent the heat honor to the bride and groom. Many pres­ convention they invariably invite the ladies. trom passing up the chimney. For a good ** 1 % Curiosity was all day on the tip toe to learn men. He was breveted brigadier general for NORVALK LATIN SCHOOL, ents comprising wood, silver and bronze were gallant service, but never allowed himself to Belden Ave. near West Avenue. received. After a bounteous repast, music what was going on, but not a syllable could be caught—not even a first class suspi­ use the title. New Goods 1^1"ALE DEPA BTMENTat 8:30 a. m., (limited to and dancing were in order until the clock 25 pupils.) Torms $10 per year; extra stud- Hosiery, EAJSTG-E cion. On their way to the church the ladies ies Latin, Greek, German, and Higher Mathe­ ' struck 13 when all disappeared, having en­ JOSIAH GILBERT HOLLAND. THE GREA UREF0R In every department for Fall, matics, S7.E0 each per year, C.ET THE . were very happy, and the words they let fall, joyed the festivie occasion greatly. In the death of the above well-known char­ FEMALE DEPARTMENT at 9:00 a. m. Terms \ although nothing definite could be put to­ <10 per year without extras. Special terms lor DUCHESS, Mr. Frank Bates has the addition to his acter the literary world and a wide circle of boarders and young children on application, DNDEBWEAR AND NOTIONS, ADVOCATE or V.-'' gether, indicated the importance of the work mill enclosed and when it is completed will friends mourn the loss of one of the bright­ Third Year, First- Quarter, Septem­ CJNe made Electors, and to perfect their lists. J. S. Godfrey, d, Ebenezer Fitch, r. The ; President of the J Senate, elected EDWABD MERRILL, FRUIT JARS, V The Board of School Visitors met on visited Temple Lodge, Thursday evening. GEOBGE N. ELLS, the eut of 1880, is dry, sound knotted, and Greatest Ease to the Patient. Oct. 10, would be acting President of the Registrars of Voters of 1st Voting District. Wednesday evening and appointed D. L. Westport is represented at the Yorktown United Slates in case of a vacancy occurring Norwalk, October 10th, 1881. 3U1 No Body Spring to Gall and Rnst. No Elastic centennial in the persons of Mr. and Mrs. D. :Baml to wear out. Rowland chairman, and Ebenezer Fitch sec­ in that office, but, while he remains merely with little or no sap, being manufactured Fruit Jars, H. S. BETTS, Agent, Sorwalk. retary and acting visitor. Facts. C. Birdsall. President of the Senate, he may be removed Registrar's Notice. It is said the Cornwall and Patterson at any time by a vote of the Senate. from stock boards. I am receiving and sell­ WILTOH. Manufacturing Company have leased for two rpo ALL CITIZENS who wish to be mad* Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Merwin returned Sat­ X Elector* of the State of Connecticut and years the brick factory now being erected town of Norwalk ing as they arrive the shingles from two mills FRUIT JARS, urday, from a visit with Dr. A. E, Emory, at Mr. Baker was a useful member of the The undersigned Registrars of veters of the by the Westport Improvement Company. lower house last year, and his knowledge of Third Voting District of Norwalk, will be in ses­ Excelsior Tickets!! his home in New Hampshire. The concern has at present four shops—two State finances makes him a very desirable sion' at the store of Hanford & Osborn, on FOR B. G. Northrop, Esq., Secretary of the THURSDAY, the 20th day ot October, 1881, be­ to wit: The T. H. MpQraw & Co; and] E. in New Jersey, one in Bridgeport, and one man to have in the Legislature.—Hartford tween the hours of 9 o'clock, a. m., and 5 o'clock, State Board of Education, will lecture on the Courant. p.m., for the purpose of receiviug the applica­ FRUIT .JARS, in Saugatuck, and they are anxious to bring tions ofpersons to be made Electors, and to per- J. Hill brands. Of each of these I have sold Milkmen, Restaurants, Check, Sc. 9th of November, on "Village Improvement." the four together. With this end in view, fccttlieir lists. These Tickets,or Checks, lately introduced,"are We trust that Mr. Northrop will have a full Mr. George F. Lockwood, son-in-law of WILLIAM B. HENDB1CK, round in form, about the size ot a silver quarter, they will, it is_ said, agree to locate in WINFIELD S. HANFORD, 2D. and the edges arc completely protected by a brass house and that our citizens will adopt and Mr. Charles Benedict, for many years con­ during the past few years several millions, FRUIT JARS, ring. They are printed on one or both sides as Westport provided they can have at,their nected with the Bank, in this town, is now Registrars of Voters. 3d Voting District desired, then varnished to protect them from put in execution any suggestions he may Norwalk. October 10th, 1881. 2t41 disposal on January 1st, 1882, a building the proprietor of the Norwalk Shoe Store. water or fluids. They are very convenient to make. There is still room in Wilton for im­ Mr. It. is a thorough gentleman in every re­ add thoroughly acquainted with them, and handle, and will last a long time. Milkmen, Sa­ 4:! 400 feet long by 50 wide, two stories high, AND loon Keepers and others using checks should ex­ provement and if we wish our town to appear spect, and an acquisition to any community, amine them. Also printed to order, the ordinary and basement. The importance of securing styles of attractive and inviting we must make it look and will make many friends in his new posi­ can guarantee them as unexcelled by any these people is patent to the Building com­ tion.—New Canaan Messenger. Fall and Winter 'J Milk Checks,Restaur ant Checks, MAIN STREET, SOBWALK. directors were re-elected. the bugle. velopmentsof Malaria that done for three years, and what I 'shall con­ leg crushing it below the knee in a fearful PROTECTION Tempcrance organizations are good things, 3d. When a ball takes down ten pins. FBOM people continnally suffer best designs in ; vw: . but when they become the tools of designing manner. It was necessary to amputate the 4th and greatest* When our agent strikes from this noxious poison tinue to do so long as my trade will justify it. a town where Peerless Cough Syrup is known. politicians it destroys their usefulness. The leg, just below the knee. He is about fif ly when they imagine it is It goes like hot cakes, at 50cts. and $1 a bot­ lurking in their system. Tn all grades of finishing lumber I offer Carriage Making Vv* - Norwalk organizations seem to have been years of age was a soldier in the late war. tle. H. S. Betts, agents. MALARIA! the cat's paw to pull the chestnuts from the Two weeks ago he was discharged from the Chilli and Fever, Headache, stock of Fine, Spruce, Hemlock, Ash, Blaok Intermittent Fever, General Debility, ADVEETMIffi OAEOS - Sit fire for the ally of the rum power. Can any hospital where he had been under treatment AND The theater manager who was wrecked had Bilious Fever, Lassitude, Walnut, Cherry, Whitewood, and Southern ' one tell us why it is that the Democratic for lung complaint. He^was apparently sober the light houses to warn him. Typhoid Fever, Nausea, V- ';- .•/' party always lookB with favor (sarcasm if last evening, although at eleven o'clock the The days are getting very short, and a ABE THE Pine, from one to three years old. • can be found at the ^ B• E'F A1 RI NGr. - you please with the word favor) on "Temper­ previous evening he was in the depot under good many people can sympathize with Painful Offsprings of Malaria ! ance" tickets. the influence of liquor. Ryan said he had them. and have their origin in a disordered Lirer, which I will deliver lumber promptly anywhere A ruined westerner sadly remarked that This was an "off" year for the Ohio Dem­ been up town all day, and went down to the if not regulated in time, great suffering, wretcti- that customer! will pay for taking it, by rail, at; depot in the evening hoping to steal a ride to gambling was the keno to his present sad edne.s and death will ensue. ocrats. situation. Gazette Ofl3.ce, ' Norwalk in the darkness, but slipping off, he team or vessel, and my facilities for so doing What a bad man David Davis is all at once* The days of. chivalry cannot be said to be n. 1 iij a*.-sr ^ ; Democrats now say he is a "trickster." fell under the train. over so long as a man goes on a knight-er­ SIMMON? LIVER REGULATOR (P UREL Y,VEGNTABLE,) are as perfect as I desire. Nine-tenths of my The choicest designs of the Phil­ 'O * " Vennor is losing his reputations a weather rand for some paragoric. DANBURY. is absolutely certain in its remedial offects and Main Street, South Norwalk, C adelphia, o^fon and New York pub­ . . - r prophet. That cold storm predicted for the Anna Dickinson, while on the stage this lumber I buy from the man who cuts down • - Mrs. Livermore lectures to-night. acts more promptly in curing all iorms of Malari­ lishers i'untiblied at very low rates. 15th and 16th of the present month failed to The Republican states that 116 new houses .winter, will not hesitate to wear a false al diseases than calomel or quinine.without atay of mustache, even if she has to it on up­ Ooupo Hoc Ji S-VoodRorder, for sale. ^ J . put in an appearance. have been erected in Danbury since Jan. 1st. the injurious consequences which lollow their the tree. I get as near the producer as it is The assortment embraces good de­ The Democratic Senatorial Convention is side down. nso. If taken occasionally by persons exposed to signs iri black and colored inka, at "I,•: It will soon be time to look for that Thanks­ Guiteau wishes a of public possible to get, and deliver the production to to be held in Danbury next Friday. Malaria low price-;, as well as the raore cost­ giving turkey. St.James' church was consecrated last opinion for one year, and public opinion It will expel the Poison and Protect them from ^ 1 -iC Committees on the state of the coal bin are Tuesday. A large number of clergymen wishes a suspension of Guiteau for about attvek. my customers as low as is consistent with a ly trtu!'!.K'i:«ntly illuminated C!sro- twenty minutes. : quite numerous. were present. Bishop Williams preached the As evidence see extract from W.B. Yates' letter '' '•! *' £" mo 0 Something for every­ sermon. The most horrible case of insanity in the fair, reasonable profit to myself, to whioh I Regular meeting of the Court of Burgesses where the Begulotor afforded protection from the .V PRANGS' body. i'rices a( carding to quality. Railroad Commissioner Bacon and wife Massachusetts asylum is that of a man who worst and most deadly type of Malaria, to wit am entitled. In this way I am enabled to Tfv. to-morrow evening. have gone to Atlanta, Ga. imagines he is a Chicagoan. He gets up in Yellow Fever. V:. ' I- Don't jiive orders to drummers and Candidates for legislative honors continue Rev. Mr. Parsons of Ridgefield, and wife, the middle of the night to brag.—Boston "SinsIhave stood thestorm of four epidem­ have ,> oiir cards spoiled in priutii>j.<; MmSM'' will receive congratulations on the fiftieth Post. ics ot the Yellow Fever. 1 had it the first visita­ offer to the public every advantage of the Birthday Cards, to be plenty. W. anniversary of their marriage, the 19th. tion, but daring the other three I uBed your med­ but '•support your o\\mu'L and .(h'.K-i 5^ "General George B. McClellan has a great icine. I was continnally in the rooms of tne sick wholesale market as well as to reap some STAMFORD. The town debt was reduced over $12,000 fondness for ceramics," says an exchange. FOlt SALK AT/THIS !%. enconi>nniu j home - .. last year. and dying, but I escaped, i had several ask me Rev. Mr. Braithwaite has returned from Other distinguished men have warmed at how I escaped. I told them the virtue of your benefit for myself, which I am free to say is Europe. A County Sunday Schonl Convention is to sight of little brown jugs.—New Orleans Simmons' Liver Regulator. It the Fever was Yflunv Men by a Thorough ancl Practical Course ot Commercial V The machinery is being put into the new be held in Danbury, Nov. 2d. Picayune. to brea i oat again and I had a bottleof your Beg­ Tralnfnfr are prepared for all Business Pursuits and EVEIiY DEPARTMENT OF MER­ GAZETTE OF-Figg The Danbury ulator I would l'eel as safe as it I was 1,000 miles the primary object. CANTILE LIFE. An able corps of Teachers and Assistants in the various departments. straw hat factory. & Norwalk Railroad com­ The house fly can only see a distance of away. Cows for Sale, The Hollingshead electro-plating works pany derived some benefit from the Fair. "Memphis, Tenn., April IT, 1879." They sold over 1,000 excursion tickets dur­ thirty-seven feet, but that never bothers him Inquiries in person or by correspondence nnwo thorough.:bred JERSEY COWS in full r- are nearly ready to commence work. any. He always manages to keep within Having neutralized the poison of Malaria in SPACIOUS AND ELEGANT HALLS AND COUNTING ROOMS i# JfL iai;k, nod ;:n>nrp!iss«l i'or crcara ar,| butter Smx- r-"'' A refrigerator building is being erected ing the week. such extreme cascB, it can be relied on as a sover­ buali'!c=. lofiuiie Ht GAZETTE OPi'K.'ls. 3fo?\''V .:-r Rev. E: C. Ambler was robbed of his pock- thirty-seven feet of everything.—Detroit wUl be promptly attended to. Soliciting a near the depot, 24x40, with a wing 22x20, to Free Press. eign specific and antidote in milder forms. For Instruction in Banking, Insurance, Railroading, Steamboating, Manufacturing, General et-book at the Fair. Prepared only by J. H. ZEILIK ft CO., Phila­ Merchandising, Brokerage, Exchange, &c. Call or send for Catalogue giving full particulars. Blacl EaasieM Caii Boarfl, be used for storing fresh dressed meats continuance of the patronage so liberally ex­ For Exchange, brought direct from the cheap markets of delphia, Fa. Address . the West. - It is expected that meats can NEW CANAAN. In April Last thus be furnished cheaper than by the pres­ The shirt factory has changed proprietors, Twenty-four members of Arlington's min- tended heretofore, I ain respectfully yours, ^ R. C. LOVEHIDGE, New Haven, C#np. Carmine and Blue foi Fane*Work Mr. Davenport having sold out to Mason E. M ACHIN ISTSMET^attheTYPB ent system of supplying'the market by cattle -strels were taking Warner's Safe Kidney and Wftgoa. Anply at UAZEXTK O-t lflUE. 3t£3, Ballarda of High Ridge, ^ . law; Cure, It made them happy. 0A»XSBOmOB* * " - . ^ & J. BILL A. H BYXN&IOH & CO. on the hoof. . 4- •' • ' rdl K'lSii NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. o SATUB1>AY NIGHT. contented with their lot, barely ekeing out an TEMPERANCE. _ CONVEYANCES fep&s •amm existence wid when they wish meat, can go m TT' fiwis Norwalk Ctezetfci Contributed by Ladles ol Norwalk Temp. Union Placing the little hats all in a row, with their dog and'inn short time can bring DANBURY & NORWALK B. R Ready for church on the morrow, you know; back as his reward, a nice fat deer, of which In 1870 the entire cost of education in this SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ji-'iV* Hi NEW TORE Commencing Juno 27,1881, Washing wee faces and little black flats, Tuesday, October 18, 1881. in some future letter, I will write upon the nation.wBS $95,402,726. For the same year -AND- -•-"5 DAILY TRAIN S Getting thcrn ready and fit to be kissed; p»mn and the manner of hunting it here. the institutions of religion was $47,836,495; SELTZER 30 Main Street, LeavcNorwalkBridgeforDanbury, Patting them into clean garments and white Licensed—to do What? ^ *These men came here long before the railroad tho liquor bill $600,000. 9 82 a.m., Mail. < J linked the two shores together, crossing the NORWALK. ' 2 22p.m.,Accommodation. ; That is what mothers are .doing to-night. Licensed to make a strong man weak; . j Desires to oall the attention of his friends , 4 26p.ra.,N.Y. Express. ~ ^ plains in ox teams and having the red man to CROSSING THK LINK.—A boy who went and patrons to his large and well selected 6 21 p.m.,Mail. licensed to lay a wise man low; ; We still adhere to LowjRates Spying out holes* in the little wom hose,9 ;; with his father on a voyage to South America Stookof: S 07 a. m., Sunday Accommodation. Licensed a wife's fond heart to break, contend with. Many a heart-thrilling story Laying by shoes that are worn through the was anxious to see the equatorial line, and " Wbtt will . FARE ONLY 35 CENTS. Arrive at Norwalk Bridgefr om Danbury. And make her children's tears to flow. have I listened to and many an Indian have TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT toes j said to an old sailor, "Jack, will you show cure?" asks the sufferer from a multitude of dis­ 7 34 a. m.,Mail. fallen before the brawny arm of these pioneer 8 52 p. m., N. Y. Express. Looking o'er garments so faded and thin— me tho line when we cross it ?" eases. We answer: It will remove front tho sys­ Licensed to do thy neighbor harm; , j settlers of the West. Many of them have tem the active cause of most of the diseases that Excursion Tickets to N. Y. &reliirn 108 p.m., Accommodation. 5 14 p.m.,Mail. Who but a mother knows where to begin ? Licensed to kindle hate and strife; i "O, yes, my boy." flesh is heir to. It won't mend a broken limb, nor roughed this stormy battle of life, of which close a bullet hole; but it may be profitably used 9 05 p. m., Freight. Changing a button to make it look right— After a few days the boy asked whether 9 oo p. in.Sunday Accommodation. Licensed to nerve the robber's arm; their faces* with their deep-wrinkled brows, in stomachic diseases. It will dono harm,and may That is what mothers are doing to-night. they had crossed tho line. Tho old tar said do much Rood. Try it«nd sec it it won't suit your L.W.SANDIFORTH,3upt, Licensed to whet the murderer's knife! and brawny arms show hard labor and care. case. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. THE POPULAR ANDSWIFT STEAMER "Yes, my lad." But pioneer life will soon be o'er. The iron AND Calling the little ones all round her chair, Licensed thy neighbor's purse to drain, "Why didn' you tell me, and show it to HEW YORK, NEW HAVEN & HARTFORD RAILROAD. horse is extending itself into the very heart Trains leave So. Norwalk for New York at 12 il Hearing them lisp forth their evening prayer; And rob him of his very last; ....; a. m, Washington Ex. via Harlem River; 4 56. ex.; of our territory, opening up these vast re­ me ?" Telling them stories of Jesua of old, Licensed to heat his feverish brain, f > j 5 18 ex.; 5 50, U 2U,7 45 ex.; 734, !> 04 ex.; 9 35,103e gions that have long been held aloof from "The sailor replied : "O, my lad, we al­ 1145 ex. a. m.; 120,2 56 ex.; 4 30 ex.*, 516,5 24 ex.; Who loved to gather the lambs to His fold : Till madness crown thy work at last! ways cross the line in the dark." 6 10 ex.; 655,9 18 p. m. ex. For New Haven, 1 36 civilization and linking it directly with our KNABE ex.; 6 52,9 Ul, 9 28ex.; 10 48 a.m.,1211 ex.; 143. 2 11 Watching, they listen with weary delight— Will leave So. Norwnlk, every morning,(Sundays Moderate drinker, you alwajs cross the line UNEQUALLED IN ex.; 313ex.; 4 19, ex.; 5 42, 6 12 ex.; 6 55, 9 42,11 05, That is what mothers are doing to-iiight. Licensed, like spider for a fly, large cities. The warrior of the plains, is excepted,) at TsSO A.M.,on arrival oi the Dan- 11 28 ex.; 1158 ex. p. m. between moderate and iramodorat; drinking bury and Now Haven trains. Returning will Is mado from a simple Tropical Leal of rare val­ To spread thy nets for man, thy prey falling back, until now he must be taught to For Springfield. 6 52, 9 28 ex. a. ra.; 1211,143, 211 Tone, ToncIijWorKmaiisliijp & DnraMlity. leave Pier 2-2 IS. K., foot of Fulton Street, at 2:4 5 ex.; 6 55 ex.; U 05,11 58 p.m. Express foi Boston ue, and is a POSITIVE Keme

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