Minutes of the Michigan Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church

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Minutes of the Michigan Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church Minutes of the Michigan annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Methodist Episcopal Church. Ann Arbor, Mich. : The Conference, 1878-1938. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/wu.89077107910 Public Domain, Google-digitized http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google We have determined this work to be in the public domain, meaning that it is not subject to copyright. Users are free to copy, use, and redistribute the work in part or in whole. It is possible that current copyright holders, heirs or the estate of the authors of individual portions of the work, such as illustrations or photographs, assert copyrights over these portions. Depending on the nature of subsequent use that is made, additional rights may need to be obtained independently of anything we can address. The digital images and OCR of this work were produced by Google, Inc. (indicated by a watermark on each page in the PageTurner). Google requests that the images and OCR not be re-hosted, redistributed or used commercially. The images are provided for educational, scholarly, non-commercial purposes. K TIM; ICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE OK T1IK I, 'I! ;E^: ^- ION, SEPTKMBER 5 VM L. ITAHUIS. \VI 'ALL. Sr, I.TTAKY. RECORD STEAM PRINTING HOUSE. CONTENTS, FACIE. Appointments Albion College Trustees elect nl is Anniversaries ( '.institution 1>. S. I-', s ft4 Committees of Examination -4 Committees— Standing 4 Conference Societies :, Roll 09 Disciplinary Quest ii ins Flowers, J. A.. Case of 47 Historical liccurd T.'i Journal 7-21 Lay Electoral Conference ;,!i Lay Electoral Conference, Members of t;i Local Preachers 72 Memoirs 51-58 liesolutions r, t [it-ports 30-47 Statistics —Appendix OF THE MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE IS SESSIOltT. ALBION, SEPTEMBER 5-11, 1883. BISHOP WILLIAM L. HARRIS, PRESIDENT. WILBUR I. COGSHALL, SECHETAKV. BUCHANAN, MICH.: RECORD STEAM PRINTING HOUSE. 1 8 S « . CONFERENCE OFFICERS. PRESIDENT: BISHOP WILLIAM L. HARRIS. SECRETARY: WILBUR I. COGSIIALL. ASSISTANT SECRET A ItlES: I. H. A. WIG HTM AX, F. L. McCOY. RECORDING SECRETARY: N. SAUXDERS. STATISTICAL SECRETARY: M. D. CARREL. ASSISTANT STATISTICAL SECRETARIES: I). C. RIEHL, N. BRAY, A. J. WHEELER, L. W. CALKLNS . AV. S. SLY. W. W. LAMPORT. G. A. BUELL. TREASURER: A. M. GOULD. ASSISTANT TREASURERS: L. DELAMARTER, j. c. FLOYD, w. J. HATHAWAY, E. T. LUMBER. COMMITTEES. COMMITTEE* OK EXAMINATION. For Admission on Trial — W. S. Sly, J. Clubine. P. J. Maveety. First Year— J. A. Bready, E. Wigle, D. Cronk. Second Year— M M. Callen, II. P. Blake, O. B. Whitmore. Third Year— I. B. Tallman, N. M. Steele, Joshua White. Fourth Year— J. I. Buell, G. L. Hickey, W. H. Thompson. To Examine Candidates for Local Deacons' Orders — G. .S. Barnes, J. Webster, S. C. Strickland. For Local Elders' Orders— D. W. Parsons, C. G. Thomas, H. S. Bargelt. To Preach the Missionary Sermon — L. Master; Alternate, W. H. Thompson. To Preach the Centennial Sermon— A. J. Eldred; Alternate, C.C. Olds. STANDING COMMITTEES. Hoard of Stewards— G. W. Gosling, X. M. Steele, J. H. Tanner, L. M. Edmonds, I. Wilson, L. Dodds, D. W. Parsons. J. X. Dayton, J. W. H. Carlisle, W. Doust. Freedman's Aid—M. M. Callen. X. L. Brockway, T. T. George, I. B. Tallman. Periodicals — C. G. Thomas, G. L Cole, G. A. Buel. Sam-.tity of the Sabbath— d. S. Barnes, R. H. Bready, J. Roberts. Publication of the Minutes — Conference Secretaries. Book Concern Accounts—G. L. Mount, .1. Hills, J, Hoyt, M. W. F. Smith, W. L. Tilderi. Education— Y.V. Hemenway. J. C Floyd, J. I. Buel, T. H. Jacokes, A. A. Knappen. Mission Auditing Committee — E. H. Day, John Clubine, J. White. Temperance— C. 8. Fox, E. I). Bacon, S. C. Woodard, J. A. Bready, W. R. Stinchcomb. Sunday Schools and Tract* — I'. Mason, W. H. Thompson, G. L. Haight. Bible Cause—John Graham. W. S. Sly, B. S. Pratt. Mission* — The Presiding Elders. State of the Church —J. Boynton, A. J. Eldred, E. A. Whitwam, J. W. Miller, I. R A. Wightmau. Memoii-n—D. F. Barnes. Public \Vorsh ij>~ The Presiding Elder and the Pastor where the Con ference is held. Committee on Conference Claimants — A. A. Knappen, J. Graham, W. (Jardner, J. Hamilton, L. Master. Tritrs of Appeals — E. Cooley, (J. D. Lee. T. H. Jacokes, J. Boynton, E. H. Day, R. C1. Crawford, C. C. Olds. Committee on Centenary — Ministers: W. J. Aldrich, F. B. Bangs, T. H. Jacokes, D. F. Barnes, C. L. Barnhart, J. A. Sprague, A. P. Moors. Laymen: J: W. Moon, Muskegon; L. H. Jennings, Ionia; Win. Allman, Sturgis; Wrn. Van Loo, Big Rapids: Melvin Bigelow, Kalamazoo; Mrs. J. R. Hrtllock, Climax. CONFERENCE SOCIETIES, MISSIONARY SOCIETY. President, - - - - C. C. OLDS. Secretary, J. J. MCALLISTER. Vice President, - G. DONALDSON, Treasurer, - - A. M. GOULD. Board of Managers, Districts. Districts. Albion, - - -- G. W. SHERMAN. Ionia, - - M. M. CALLEN. Coldwater, - - - - E. COOLEY. Lansing; W. Dousx. Kalamazoo, - - W. GARDNER. Big Rapids, - - - H.P.BLAKE. Xiles; - W. H. THOMPSON. Grand Traverse, - - . E. H. DAY. Grand Rapids, R. C. CRAWFORD. SUNDAY SCHOOL SOCIETY. - - - President, G. S. BARNES. ; Secretary W. A. HUNSBURGER. Vice President, - J. HAMILTON. • Treasurer, - - I. B. TALLMAN. Managers. DMricta. District,*. Albion, - - - J. M. WHITNEY. Ionia, J.F. ORWICK. Coldwater, - - L. M. EDMONDS. Lansing, - I. R. A. WIGHTMAN. Kalamazoo, - - - D. O. BALL. Big Rapids, - S. G. BLANCHARD. Grand Rapids, - A.,J. WHEELER. Grand Traverse, O. B. WHITMOHE. NTiles, G. L. COLE. BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION. President, - - - J. W. MILLER. Secretary, - - R. C. CRAWFORD. Vice President,- - A. P. MOORS. Treasurer, - - - A. M. GOULD. Additional Members. J.I. BUELL, E. G. STUDLY. L. DODDS, J. W. MOON. THE PRESIDING ELDERS, Ex-Offlcio. FREEDMEN'S AID. (No report.) HISTORICAL SOCIETY. (No report.) EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY. - - - President, - W. H. BROCKWAY. | Secretary, D. ENGLE. - - Vice President, - W. J. SWIFT, j Treasurer, .A. J. RUSSELL. Managers. L. MASTER, S. DICKIE, J. M. WHITNEY. CONFERENCE RULES OF ORDER, Rule 1st. The Conference shall meet at 8 A. M., wpemliug 30 minutes In devotional exercises, and adjourn at 12 M.. but may alter the time ft meeting and adjournment at their discretion, and provided also that on the second day of the: Annual Session the Conlerencc shall be adjourned by the expiration of time at 10 A. M. 2. The President shall take the chair precisely at the hour to which tne Conference stood adjourned, and cause the same to be opened by reading the Scriptures, ringing and prayer, and shall have the journal of the preceding day read and approved. 8. The President shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Conference, but in case of an appeal the question shall be taken without debate. 4. He shall appoint all committees not otherwise ordered by the Conference, but any mem ber may .decline serving on more than one committee at the same time. 5. All motions and resolutions Introduced by any member shall be reduced to writing, it the President, Secretary, or any member request It. 6. When a motion, resolution, or report presented is read by the Secretary, or Htatcd by the President, it shall be deemed as In possession of the Conference, but any motion or reso lution may be withdrawn by the mover at any time before the decision or amendment. 7. No new motion or resolution shall be made until the one under consideration is diaposcd of, which may be done by adoption or rejection, unless one of the following should intervene, which motions shall have precedence In the order In which they are named, viz: The previous question, Indefinite postponement, laying on the table, reference to a committee, postpoue- ment to any given time, amendment, or substitue. 8. No member shall be interrupted by speaking, except by the President to call him to order when he departs from the question, uses personalities, or disrespectful language, but any member mav call the attention of the President (o the subject when he deems a speaker out of order, or any other member may explain when he thinks himself misrepresented. 9. When any memoer is about to speak in debate, or deliver any matter to the Conference, be shall rise from his sent and respectfully address himself to the President. 10. No person shall speak more than twice on the same subject, or more than fllteeu min utes at one time, without leave of the Conference, iior shall any person speak more than once until every member chosing to speak, shall have spoken. 11. Whenever any motion or resolution shall have passed, it shall be in order for any mem ber who voted hi the affirmative to move a reconsideration. IS!. No member shall absent himself from the services of the Conference without leave, unless he is sick or unable to attend. 13. No member shall be allowed to vote on any question who Is not within the bar at the time when said question is put bv the President, except by leave of the Conference, or when ench member has been necessarily absent. 14. Every member who shall be within the bar, at the time the question is put, shall give his vote, unless the Conference, for special reasons, excuse him. 15. No motion shall be considered nuless seconded. 16. The Secretary shall keep a journal of the proceedings of the Conference, and when approved shall record them in a book provided for that purpose. He shall have charge of the journal and other papers of the Conference, *nd presn rve them with care: suft'er no person to take a copy of any paper during the interval of Conference, except with the counent oi the Conference, and shall forward the journal and papers to 'ihe next Annual Conference, 17.
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