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Sx® Nuclear Safety Division Nea CSNI Report 145 General Distribution ARCHIVES ©SX® NUCLEAR SAFETY DIVISION NEA Joint OECD(NEA)/CEC Workshop on RECENT ADVANCES IN REACTOR ACCIDENT CONSEQUENCE ASSESSMENT Rome, Italy, 25/29 January 1988 Organised by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency in collaboration with the Commission of the European Communities and Hosted by the Direzione Sicurezza Nucleare e Protezione Sanitaria of the ENEA PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST PART OF THE WORKSHOP Volume I February 1988 COMMITTEE ON THE SAFETY OF NUCLEAR INSTALLATIONS OECD NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY 38, boulevard Suchet, 75016 Paris, France nuClEWSAFETVDMSW Joint OECD(NEA)/CEC Workshop on RECENT ADVANCES IN REACTOR ACCIDENT CONSEQUENCE ASSESSMENT Rome, Italy, 25/29 January 1988 Organised by the OECO Nuclear Energy Agency in collaboration with the Commission of the European Communities and Hosted by the Direzione Sicurezza Nucleare e Protezione Sanitaria of the ENEA PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST PART OF THE WORKSHOP Volume I 2 LEGAL NOTICE The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development assumes no liability concerning Information published 1n this book. EDITORIAL NOTE In preparing this material, staff of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency have mounted and paginated the original manuscripts as submitted by the authors. This document was reproduced on the basis of the best available copy. The opinions expressed 1n the papers and the general style adopted are the responsibility of the named authors. Reference to the Proceedings of this meeting should be made as follows OECD(NEA)/CEC Workshop on Recent Advances 1n Reactor Accident Consequence Assessment (Rome, Italy, 25th-29th January 1988) 11130 FOREWORD At the meeting of CSNI's Group of Experts on Accident Consequences (GRECA) held 1n January 1986 there was general consensus that the state of development 1n the area of accident consequence assessment had reached a certain level of maturity. Several large development efforts were expected to bear fruit 1n the course of one to two years from the time of the meeting, and 1t was expected that there should be significant progress to report by the end of 1987. This view was confirmed by subsequent developments. An additional reason for holding a Workshop on Recent Advances 1n Reactor Accident Consequence Assessment 1n early 1988 was that the Chernobyl accident had had a significant Impact upon accident consequence assessment work, both 1n the short and long term, since the accident had provided a unique opportunity for examining the behaviour of radioactive materials 1n the environment. In order to avoid wasteful duplication of efforts, and considering the substantial programme sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities 1n the area of accident consequence assessment, the NEA Secretariat approached the CEC with a view to exploring the possibility of organising a joint meeting. This proposal was endorsed by the CEC, and an arrangement was designed to take account of the different objectives of the two Organisations. lhe programme of the Joint Workshop was therefore composed of two parts the first part, held on 25th and 26th January a.m., was organised by the NEA; 1t focused on the progress achieved 1n the work of GRECA; participation 1n this part of the Workshop was restricted; the second part, held from 27th January to the late afternoon of 29th January was organised by the CEC; 1t covered the MARIA (Methods for Assessing the Radiological Impact of Accidents) Project of the Commission and related subjects; participation 1n this part of the Workshop was open. The programmes of the two parts of the Workshop were coordinated by a joint Programme Committee, composed of the following experts: Dr. G. Boer.1, ENEA/DISP (Local Technical Coordinator) Mr. L. Chamney, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Mr. L. Devell, Studsvlk Energ1tekn1k AB Dr. J. Ehrhardt, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH Ms. M. H111, National Radiological Protection Board Mr. D. Manesse, CEA/Inst1tut de Protection et de Sûreté Nucléaire Dr. S. Nair, Central Electricity Generating Board Dr. H.-G. Paretzke, Gesellschaft fur Strahlen- und Umweltforschung (GSF) mbH Dr. J. Royen, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Dr. J. Slnnaeve, Commission of the European Communities Mr. U. Tveten, Instltutt for Energ1tekn1kk 4 The Workshop was hosted by the D1rez1one Slcurezza Nucleare e Protezlone Sanitaria (Directorate for Nuclear Safety and Health Protection) of the ENEA (Comltato Nazlonale per la Rlcerca e per lo Svlluppo dell'Energla Nucleare e delle Energie Alternative). Mr. C. Sennls, Deputy Director of ENEA/DISP, welcomed the participants, stressing the Importance of NEA and CEC work 1n the area of reactor accident consequence assessment. Mr. U. Tveten, Chairman of GRECA, and Dr. J. Slnnaeve thanked him on behalf of NEA and the CEC and expressed their gratitude to ENEA/DSIP for hosting the Workshop. Dr. G. Boerl opened and closed the meeting. The Proceedings of the first part of the Workshop are contained 1n this book. The Proceedings of the second part of Workshop will be published by the CEC shortly. 5 CONTENTS VOLUME I GRECA PARAMETER STUDIES Session 1: Chairman Dr. S. Na1r page Characteristics of the Chernobyl Release and Fallout That Affect the Transport and Behaviour of Radioactive Substances 1n the Environment. 11 L. Devell. Studsvlk Nuclear. Chernobyl Accident and Hot Particles in the Fallout. 42 1. Raunemaa. University of Kuoplo. S. Lehtlnen, H. Saarl, M. Kulmala. University of Helsinki. Radionuclides Associated with colloids and Particles 1n the Chernobyl Fallout. 53 B. Salbu. Agricultural University of Norway. Source Term of the Chernobyl Accident. 68 R. Mourad. AECL/CANDU Operations. Long Range Transport of Radionuclides. 84 S. Acharya. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. S. Daggupaty. Environment Canada. Parameters In Consequence Calculations for an Urban Area. 103 J. Roed. R1s«( National Laboratory. Session 2: Chairman Dr. S. Acharya MSi Review of Evaluations concerning Radionuclide Transfer to Foodstuffs via Plants 1n View of the Data Available After the Chernobyl Accident. 158 S. Vuorl. Technical Research Centre of Finland. 6 GRECA Review of Chernobyl Data on Transfer to Animal Products. 169 S. Na1r. Central Electricity Generating Board. T. Iijlrna. Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. Chernobyl Accident Radiometric Data: Cs-137 1n Fresh Water Fishes of North Italy Lakes. 200 M. Belv1s1, R. Florenza, L. Onorl, L. Tornarchlo. ENEA/DISP. Distribution of Cs-137 1n Water Sediment and F1sh 1n the IJsselrneer. 238 R.H. Hadderlngh. N.V. KEMA A.V. Baerveldt. Agricultural University, Wagenlngen. Uptake 1n the Human Body Resulting from the Chernobyl Accident. 254 R. Mourad. AECL/CANDU Operations. Radioactivity of People in the Nordic Countries Following the Chernobyl Accident. 268 U. Baverstarn, R. Falk. National Institute of Radiation Protection, Sweden. Preparations for an International Study to Evaluate Long-Range Transport Models Against the Chernobyl Accident. 274 H.M. ApSlmon, J.J.N. Wilson. Imperial College. VOLUME II | 1 REAL-TIME MODELS FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE Session 3: Chairman Mr. L. Devell page Feedback of Environmental Survey Data for the Optimisation of the Input Parameters of Assessment Models During an Emergency. 299 P. Govaerts, A. Sohler. SCK/CEN Mol. OLDES - An Advanced Real-Time Emergency Response Tool for Nuclear Facilities. 310 H.D. Brenk, H. de W1tt, A.G. Knaup, K.-P. Kruschel. Brenk Systems Planning. OIVA - A Real-Time System for Offslte-Dose Calculations During Nuclear Power Plant Accidents. 329 J. Lahtlnen, L. Blomqvlst. Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety. A.L. Savolalnen. Finnish Meteorological Institute. Decision Support 1n Emergency Response. 337 D.J. Stolk. Physics and Electronics Laboratory TNO. Assessment of the Radiological Consequences 1n Case of Emergency On a Nuclear Installation. 343 B. Crabol, D. Manesse. CEA/IPSN/DAS. PARK - The Planned German Real Time-System for the Assessment of Radiological Consequences of Major Reactor Accidents. 350 P. Jacob, H. Muller, H.G. Paretzke, G. PrÔhl, GSF. RAD: A Real-Time Facility for Assessing Radiological Consequences of Airborne Releases from Accidents 1n UK Civil Nuclear Power Reactors. 361 G. Lewis. Nuclear Installations Inspectorate. S.J. Strachan. Associated Nuclear Services. Demonstration of the ENEA/DISP ARAC (Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability) - ARIES (Accidental Release Impact Evaluation System) Emergency Response Systems. LIST OF PARTICIPANTS (First Part of the Workshop) 379 Appendix: OECD, NEA, CSNI 389 11 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CHERNOBYL RELEASE AND FALLOUT THAT AFFECT THE TRANSPORT AND BEHAVIOUR OF RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES IN THE ENVIRONMENT by L. Devell, Studsvik Nuclear 1 INTRODUCTION There is a potential interest in the use of Chernobyl fallout data in evaluating generic parameter values which are applied in computer codes for accident consequence assessment. However, these evaluations and the relevance of the results for other accidents are dependent on the properties of the release and fallout. For example, the dry deposition of particulate mate» rial is dependent on particle size and density. For iodine the physical and chemical form is crucial. The OECD/NEA's Group of Experts on Reactor Acci- dent Consequence Assessment (GRECA) is devoting a study to the assessment of various ; parameters obtained from the Chernobyl fallout. As an ;r:re duction to this study, the characteristics zf the fallout will be summarized, "his paper a crocr.ess report of this effort. The aim is thus to document and specify the ele- ments and nuclides and their cherr.ical and p.-.ys:.c forms m the release and fallout; this ir.fcrra-i will then servf as a basis for.the appropriate use of parameter values obtained from Chernobyl fallout data, for application in future assess- 12 2 CORE INVENTORY Information about the core inventory is of interest for the estimates of release tractions obtained from environmental sampling, and for comparisons of nuclide ratios in the core and in environmental samples e.g. hot particles and air samples. The USSR (Ref 1) have given their calculated nuclide inventory indirectly, with the decay adjusted to May 6 1986, in their Table 4.14.
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