
Bethel Baptist Church Dr. Edward O. Williamson, Pastor-teacher Bible Study Handout #6 March 3, 2021 Topic: The Book of Part I – Concluding Comments & Discussion – The Book of Joshua Part II – Chapters 9 & 10 – Encounters with God by Blackaby

Concluding Thoughts On The Book of Joshua (Information from The Bible Knowledge Commentary, Walvoord and Zuck, editors.)  The Purpose o The purpose of the Book of Joshua is to give a historical account of the fulfillment of the Lords promise to give the land of . o The conquest under Joshua’s leadership was based on the Abrahamic Covenant. God made Abraham the center of His purposes and determined to reach a lost world through Abraham’s seed. The covenant or contract with Abraham included promises to unconditionally give him the land, to give him a prosperity, and spiritual blessings to his descendants (Genesis 12:2-3) o The nation was dispossessed of the land because the people took divine blessing for granted, fell into worship of idol gods, and came under chastisement. (Deuteronomy 28:15-68). o The hope: Israel must possess the land forever according to the promise. This awaits fulfillment with the return of the and the redemption of Israel. The Messiah will be a “second Joshua” (Isaiah 49:8). o Paul taught that events of the Exodus and Conquest are meaningful for Christians in that those events possess significant types (1 Corinthians 10:1-11). As Joshua led Israel to victory over her enemies and into possession of the Promised Land, and as he interceded for the nation after it had sinned and been defeated, so does Jesus. Jesus brings the people into a promised rest (Hebrew 4:8-9); intercedes for His own continually (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25); and enables them to defeat their enemies (Romans 8:37; Hebrews 2:15-15).

 Outline Chapters 22-24 I. A Border Dispute (chap. 22) 1. The admonition of Joshua – 22:1-8 2. The symbolic action of the Eastern tribes – 22:9-11 3. The threat of war – 22:12-20


4. The defense of the Eastern tribes – 22:21-29 5. The reconciliation of the tribes – 22:30-34

II. The Last Days of Joshua (23:1-24-28) 1. Joshua’s final challenge to the leaders – 23 2. Joshua’s final charge to the people – 24:1-28

III. The Appendix (24:29-33)

Part II – Encounters with God by Blackaby Chapter 9 – “Questions for Personal Application o The most important step in Bible study is application. You can’t apply what you don’t know, so study is important… o Life transformation comes when we respond to the God of the universe and apply the truth to our lives.  Question #1 – What did God say to me today?

 Question #2 – What is the general principle for all believers?

 Question #3 – What is the specific application to my life?

 Question #4 – Am I going to do it?

 Question #5 – Who will hold me accountable?

Chapter 10 – “Encountering Truth” Then Jesus said…, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31,32 I. Truth Is Personal a. In the world in which we live everything is relative. b. The Bible describes what is right to God and, therefore what is right for us. c. Truth in the Bible is not so much and concept but a Person. d. Jesus is truth. When He speaks, you know the truth and the truth will set you free. II. Truth Is Relational a. The Lord is more interested in your relationship than your circumstances. b. In fact, He may alter your circumstances in order to enhance your relationship. c. God will often take you through challenging circumstances in order to show you truth about Himself. d. God’s greatest desire is that you know Him. III. Truth Is Freedom – Christ’s greatest desire is to set you free from sin and to bring you into abundant life in Him. Freedom comes when you die to self and allow Him to live in you.

Concluding Comments