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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-47300-2 - The Cambridge History of Scandinavia: Volume II: 1520–1870 Edited by E. I. Kouri and Jens E. Olesen Index More information Index Tables and figures are denoted in bold typeface. This index follows Scandinavian alphabetical order, with æ/ä, ø/ö, å and Þ coming at the end of the alphabet. Á Glæsivöllum (poem), 895 administration. See also chancery, civil service A Norseman’s View of Britain and the British 19th century Norwegian, 968–70 (book), 893 20th century Swedish, 982 Aagesen, Jens, 421 Danish provincial, 117–23, 280, 407–9 Aalborg, Niels Mikkelsen, 400 growth of in 17th century, 384–91 Aarestrup, Emil, 889 growth of in 18th century, 656–67, 1031 Aasen, Ivar, 893, 967 Icelandic, 282 ABC Book, 81 in Greenland, 286–7 Abildgaard, Nicolai, 615 of West Indies, 305 abolitionist movement, 297–8 Adolf Frederik (Swedish king), 644–5 absolutism. See also revolutions Africa, 294–9 administration under, 385, 790–1 Aftonbladet (newspaper), 792, 899, 987, 990 and Iceland politics, 1001–2 Afzelius, Arvid, 897 and natural law, 377–84 Age of Aristocratic Rule, 346 and nobility, 343–69 Age of Liberty as consequence of processes under way, and end of Absolutism, 1033–6 358, 368–9 and pietism, 551 Danish Kongelov law, 654–6 and political parties, 605 educational laws in, 847–8 constitutional monarchy in, 641–7 February Revolution (1848) fall, 803 education in, 574 fiscal developments, 340–2, 1029 music, 630 inclusive nature of, 914–15 social mobility during, 530, 532, 534, 537, 543 landholding in, 333, 539–40
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