Studia Maritima 24
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POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES COMMITTEE OF HISTORICAL SUBJECTS UNIVERSITY OF SZCZECIN STUDIA MARITIMA Edited by Edward Włodarczyk VOLUME XXIV This volume is dedicated to Professor Jerzy Trzoska on His seventieth birthday SZCZECIN 2011 Editorial Board: Jerzy Dygdała (Toruń), Andrzej Groth (Gdynia–Słupsk), Bolesław Hajduk (Gdańsk–Szczecin), Alina Hutnikiewicz (Szczecin – Assistant), Gabriela Majewska (Gdańsk – Subeditor), Józef Stanielewicz (Szczecin), Jerzy Trzoska (Gdańsk – Subeditor), Jacek Wijaczka (Toruń), Edward Włodarczyk (Szczecin – Editor in Chief), Józef Włodarski (Gdańsk) Managing Editor: IRIMIKA Krzysztof Gołda [email protected] Proofreader: Renata Bacik Typesetter: Ewa Radzikowska-Król Editorial Address Uniwersytet Szczeciński Instytut Historii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych PL 71–017 Szczecin ul. Krakowska 71–79 e-mail: [email protected] Electronic copy available at: © Copyright by Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Szczecin 2011 ISSN 0137-3587 WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU SZCZECIŃSKIEGO Nakład 50 egz. Ark. wyd. 15,0. Ark. druk. 15,9. Format B5. Oddano do druku i druk ukończono w grudniu 2011 r. CONTENTS / INHALT The Life and Activities of Professor Jerzy Trzoska (BOLESŁAW HAJDUK) .............. 9 Prof. Jerzy Trzoska’s selected major publications on maritime history of Poland and Gdańsk ......................................................................................... 15 HENRYK SAMSONOWICZ (Warszawa) The Gdańsk Navigation: Conjunctive or Disjunctive a Phenomenon? ....................... 23 Żegluga gdańska: razem czy osobno? Streszczenie .................................................... 30 BOGDAN WACHOWIAK (Poznań) Die ausgewählten Probleme des Amtes Wollin im 16. Jahrhundert ........................... 33 Wybrane problemy dziejów domeny Wolin w XVI wieku. Streszczenie ...................... 46 EDMUND KIZIK (Gdańsk) The Chronicles and Memoirs of a Gdańsk Merchant and the Official of St. Mary’s Church, Eberhard Bötticher (1554–1617) ..................................... 47 Kroniki i pamiętniki gdańskiego kupca i witryka kościoła Mariackiego, Eberharda Böttichera (1554–1617). Streszczenie ............................................... 61 JERZY TRZOSKA (Gdańsk) Danziger Handel und Schifffahrt angesichts der Veränderungen im europäischen Machtsystem während des Großen Nordischen Krieges ....... 63 Handel gdański i żegluga wobec zmian układu sił w Europie podczas wielkiej wojny północnej. Streszczenie ................................................ 85 JERZY DYGDAŁA (Toruń) Danziger Einkäufe und Ausgaben des Bischofs Adam Stanisław Grabowski Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts ................................................................................. 87 Gdańskie zakupy i wydatki biskupa Adama Stanisława Grabowskiego w połowie XVIII wieku. Streszczenie ................................................................. 99 4 GABRIELA MAJEWSKA (Gdańsk) The Late 18th Century Swedish Press on Poland ........................................................ 101 Prasa szwedzka końca XVIII wieku o Polsce. Streszczenie ...................................... 113 RADOSŁAW GAZIŃSKI (Szczecin) Seefahrtschule auf der Lastadie in Stettin in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts .......................................................................................... 115 Szkoła żeglarska na Łasztowni w Szczecinie w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku. Streszczenie ....................................................................................................... 126 JÓZEF STANIELEWICZ (Szczecin) Der Einfluss von Wirtschaftskrisen auf Güterumschläge des Stettiner Hafens in den Jahren 1873–1913 .................................................................................... 127 Wpływ kryzysów ekonomicznych na przeładunki portu szczecińskiego w latach 1873–1913. Streszczenie ...................................................................... 133 ANTONI F. KOMOROWSKI, IWONA PIETKIEWICZ (Gdynia) Die Schifffahrtspolitik und die Markierung des Schifffahrtsweges Stettin–Swinemünde in den Jahren 1820–1945 ................................................ 135 Polityka żeglugowa i oznakowanie trasy Szczecin–Świnoujście w latach 1820–1945. Streszczenie ..................................................................... 145 EDWARD WŁODARCZYK (Szczecin) The Evolution of the Maritime Function of the 19th Century Pomeranian Port Towns ......................................................................................................... 147 Ewolucja funkcji morskich zachodniopomorskich miast portowych w XIX wieku. Streszczenie ....................................................................................................... 158 ANDRZEJ MIELCAREK (Szczecin) On the Development of Merchant Navies in the Baltic Countries. The Years 1918–1939 ......................................................................................... 161 Z historii rozwoju flot handlowych państw nadbałtyckich w latach 1918–1939. Streszczenie ....................................................................................................... 174 5 WŁODZIMIERZ STĘPIŃSKI (Szczecin) Preußische Nationalkonservative über die Zweite Polnische Republik. Polen im DNVP-Vereinsblatt „Pommersche Tagespost“ in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 1923 ................................................................................................... 175 Pruscy narodowi konserwatyści o II Rzeczypospolitej. Polska na łamach organu DNVP „Pommersche Tagespost“ w pierwszej połowie 1923 roku. Streszczenie .................................................... 195 BOLESŁAW HAJDUK (Gdańsk –Szczecin) Great Britain in the Economic Life of the Free City of Gdańsk in the Years 1920–1939 .......................................................................................197 Wielka Brytania w życiu gospodarczym Wolnego Miasta Gdańska w latach 1920–1939. Streszczenie ..................................................................... 222 MARIAN MROCZKO (Gdańsk –Słupsk) For Obtaining and Solidifying Poland’s Access to the Sea ........................................ 223 O uzyskanie i utrwalenie polskiego dostępu do morza. Streszczenie ....................... 235 RYSZARD TECHMAN (Szczecin) Schifffahrt über Haffs, auf Hafen- und Küstengewässern Pommerns in den Jahren 1945–1956 .................................................................................... 237 Żegluga na zalewach, wodach portowych i przybrzeżnych Pomorza Zachodniego w latach 1945–1956. Streszczenie ...................................................................... 254 Professor Jerzy Trzoska Studia Maritima, vol. XXIV (2011) ISSN 0137-3587 THE LIFE AND ACTIVITIES OF PROFESSOR JERZY TRZOSKA December 2011 will see the seventieth birthday anniversary of Professor Jerzy Trzoska, an outstanding historian, specialist in the economic studies on Gdańsk, Pomerania and the Baltic region, and Associate Editor in the Editorial Board of “Studia Maritima”. A teacher’s son, Professor Trzoska was born on December 29, 1941 in Łowicz. In 1959 he completed his secondary education at the Czersk High School (Chojnice Dictrict) to subsequently study history at the Gdańsk Pedagogical College. His MA thesis entitled Gdańsk as a Timber Port of the 1st Republic of Poland in the Late 17th and 18th Century, written under the tutelage of Professor Edmund Cieślak was submitted and assessed in June 1964, which earned Jerzy Trzoska the title of the Master of Arts in History. The thesis was subsequently granted both the award of the Rector of the Gdańsk Pedagogi- cal College and the honorable mention at the All-Polish Contest organized by the Poznań Branch of the Association for the Western Territory Development. New and broader possibilities of conducting further studies on the modern history of Gdańsk and the Baltic zone appeared before Jerzy Trzoska on July 1, 1964, that is, at the moment when he became a staff member of the Gdańsk Re- search Group at the Pomeranian History Institute of the PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) History Department. Since 1955 the Head of this workshop was its originator and organizer as well as an outstanding specialist in the history of Gdańsk, Pomerania, and the Baltic zone in the period from the 15th till the 18th century, Professor Edmund Cieślak. He exerted a considerable influence on Jerzy Trzoska’s scholarly lot and research tasks he undertook concerning the history of 10 The Life and Activities of Professor Jerzy Trzoska Gdańsk issues, the Polish-Swedish economic relations and the maritime policy of the Polish kings of the Saxon dynasty. The doctoral seminar tutored by Profes- sor E. Cieślak which Jerzy Trzoska attended bore fruit in the form of a doctoral dissertation on the late 17th and 18th century Gdańsk milling industry and bak- er’s trade. He defended this dissertation in June 1970 and the Scholarly Board of the Faculty of Humanities at the Pedagogical College granted Trzoska the title of Doctor of the Humanities. In January 1971, Jerzy Trzoska was appointed Assistant Professor in the PAN Institute of History. On subsequently becoming a coauthor of the multivolume History of Gdańsk edited by Edmund Cieślak, Jerzy Trzoska was assigned the task to prepare the issues of trade, navigation and craft in the period from 1655 to 1793. Due to the existing research situation, the preparation of the assigned issues required conducting pioneering, broad, thorough, and time-consuming archival and li- brary research, first and foremost in the crucial, for the analysis of