The Polish Studies Center Newsletter, 2015.Pdf

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The Polish Studies Center Newsletter, 2015.Pdf (-IJJF'JE'GFJK>F'L' HMN1OM>NHJM>F'(NPDH1( *+&, "') '"- ( , ' . & ) % , $ / # " " ! ! & Te Polish Studies . + !"#$%&'()"$*+,-(#)$ $ & ) 0 . 5 . 0 & " * 4 . & $ 1 %$ .#/+#0$1#2)'#++#0 , /'&)2"3 Center Newsletter ,6789:;6<=>"?@AA Indiana$$$$3/-(4/4$5/(6#0)(+7$8$9'&&:(/;+&/<$3/-(4/4$$$$$$$$$$*=0(/;$>?@> University • Bloomington, Indiana Spring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ly in American history, Kościuszko J9?&'%#Q&?R#S)6&)'#>8# !"#$%&'()*+$,%'-,.),/0'12%),/.' 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Our first Fellowship recipient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óż'4C$:#B1*%*# )*>/-."$/2%<#5)/&#"1*#1+28&+8*#5/-C# )*+8$2(%#0$--#?*#.2$@.*#/,,/)".F %"+".*""*%<#"/#+#-*""*)#?'#!(2+4'#6+8F 2$"$*%#5/)#,*)%/2+-#$2"*)+4"$/2%# *)*0%C$<#"/#?.""/2%#,)/4-+$&$2(#I7/F 0$"1#0)$"*)%#01/#+)*#%1+,$2(#"1*# >$*"#"+2C%<#2/#"1+2C%JK#+28#IL*-*+%*# -+28%4+,*#/5#4/2"*&,/)+)'#6/-$%1# Solidarność NOW!” A photograph -$"*)+".)*: /5#E$--#M/12%"/2#+44*,"$2(#+2#+0+)8# Director of PSC, 5)/&#"1*#6/-$%1#N/)*$(2#;$2$%"*)#5/)# Joanna Niżyńska B1*%*#>$%$"%#+)*#/2-'#"1*#"$,#/5#"1*# "1*#9*2"*)G%#0/)C#,)/&/"$2(#6/-$%1# 2015 Polish Studies iceberg. 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