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Travel News Norwegian The price of a hospitality Vårt liv kan ikke være fullkomment uten venner. cup of coffee in Asia Read more on page 3 Read more on page 9 – Dante Alighieri Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 124 No. 9 March 8, 2013 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy News in brief Find more at blog..com Studying Utøya survivors News Norway and Denmark are two Researchers in among several countries singled out as terrorist targets in Al- Bergen and Qaida’s latest propaganda issue Inspire, Aftenposten reports. to find out if July The English language magazine mentions Norway as one of six 22 survivors have countries as possible targets for lasting changes what it calls individual jihad, that is terrorist attacks carried out by in the brain due a single individual. A number of persons are also named on a so- to their trauma called death list published in the magazine, including the Swedish artist Lars Vilks, according to the Bergens Tidende Norwegian news agency NTB. (Norway Post) Weather Over 500 young people hunted Western and central Norway by a ruthless mass murderer on an were hit by fierce winter storms island with no means of escape, Mar. 2, blocking roads, cutting and far from help. This horrific power lines and damaging scenario became reality on July 22, property. There are no reports of 2011, and now, two years later, it is serious injuries. Many ferries and becoming very interesting for Nor- passenger boats had to remain Photo: Erik F. Brandsborg / Aktiv I Oslo in harbor, and even the famous From the Rose Parade held in Oslo on July 25, 2011 in memory of the Utøya victims. Survivors of the massacre will participate in new See > survivors, page 6 studies in Bergen and Oslo. coastal cruise ships “Hurtigruten” had to cancel its sailings between Bergen and on Mar. 2. The main roads from east Norway’s “Peer Gynt” to west, crossing the mountain Lunch ‘n Learn ranges, were closed in the strong The first in a new monthly series of “Lunch’n Author Jo wind and driving snow. Roofs Nesbø awarded were torn off buildings, and in Learn” events was hosted at Norway House Trondheim, people were told to prestigious prize stay indoors, due to flying debris. (Norway Post) Norway Post

What’s inside? Norwegian author Jo Nesbø News 2 – 3 will be awarded this year’s Peer Gynt Prize for his international Business 4 success and for thus helping to put Research & Education 5 Photo: Arvid Stridh Opinion 6 – 7 See > peer gynt, page 6 Author Jo Nesbø. Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Photo: Christian Danielsen Norway triumphs Obituaries & Religion 11 Consul General Jostein Mykletun led the event. Arts & Style 12 It was a very In Your Neighborhood 13 successful weekend Special Release Norwegian Heritage 14 Royal Norwegian Consulate of skiing for the Sports 15 Norwegian athletes The main theme of the lun- way and the Norwegian Ameri- Norway Post $1 = NOK 5.7149 cheon was the past, present and can Chamber of Commerce, the updated 3/4/2013 future Norwegian related business “Lunch’n Learn” Series aims at be- At home, Norway saw big suc- activities in Florida. ing an attractive platform to engage In comparison cess the weekend of March 1 – 3. Organized by the Norwegian and inform the local Norwegian 2/4/2013 5.5475 Norway’s Aksel Lund Svindal Consulate General, in cooperation and U.S. community of Norway’s 9/4/2012 5.7988 finally won a race in his homeland Photo: Wikimedia Commons with INTSOK, Innovation Nor- was one of the Norwegian 3/4/2012 5.6042 See > lunch, page 14 See > triumph, page 15 athetes who did well this weekend. 2 • March 8, 2013 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Ny metode Talte til Elevtinget Har gått på grunn 4. mars åpnet Elevtinget 2013 på Oslo Kon- En nyere type gressenter. Hans Kongelige Høyhet Kro- nprins Haakon var til stede ved åpningen, Hurtigruten MS «Kong ultralyd kan avsløre og understreket den viktige posisjonen or- Harald» har gått på underliggende ganisasjonen har for elever i ungdoms og videregående skole. Det er 14. gangen det grunn i Raftsundet i hjertesykdom tidligere holdes Elevting – det største landsmøtet for Lofoten. Det er foreløpig ungdom. Kronprinsen holdt hilsningstale VG til elevene og framholdt Elevtinget som et ingen redningsaksjon eksempel på demokrati og demokratilæring på sitt beste. 2013 er da også et spesielt år Det viser doktograden til Asle Hirth, for demokratiet i Norge: Vi feirer 100-årsju- VG som disputerer torsdag. bileet for kvinners stemmerett, for retten Der slår UiB-forskeren fast at metoden til medbestemmelse for både kvinner og «vevsdoppler» kan avdekke hjertesykdom menn. Kronprins Haakon pekte på de histo- Et hurtigrute-skip har gått på grunn i hos blant annet de med nyresykdom på et riske linjene – og på forskjellene som stadig Trollfjordmunningen, i Raftsundet mellom Foto: Hurtigruten svært tidlig stadium. eksisterer på verdensbasis hva lik tilgang til Svolvær og Stokmarknes i Nordland. MS Kong Harald underveis. – De «gamle» metodene er ikke sen- utdanning angår. Ifølge Hovedredningssentralen for sitive nok, det må relativt mye sykdom til (Kongehuset) Nord-Norge er det ingen akutt fare. før de gir utslag på de tradisjonelle måle- – Vi står i fortløpende kontakt med metodene. Men med vevsdoppler så ser det Det er 258 passasjerer og et mannskap Norge har ikke plass til flere svensker skipet, og det er ingen akutt fare for båten, ut til at det skal relativt lite sykdom til før på 57 personer ombord. NHO mener Norge nærmer seg grensen mannskapet eller passasjerene, sier redning- man kan måle forskjeller, sier Hirth, som er – Båten var på vei nordover da for hva som tåles av arbeidsinnvandring, sleder Øyvind Aadde ved HRS. phd-kandidat ved UiB, til VG. Metoden er grunnstøtingen inntraff rundt midnatt, sier og hevder at innvandringen vil føre til økt brukt på noen hjertesykdommer tidligere. Norum. arbeidsløshet i den norske befolkningen. Har kontakt med båter Han håper metoden kan føre til at de Avdelingsdirektør Dag Aarnes i Næring- Det er mistanke om at det er hull i ulben, Han opplyser at HRS har kontakt med som er i faresonen får behandling tidligere slivets Hovedorganisasjon (NHO) frykter foran på baugen, men dette rommet er skilt båter i området som kan bistå om situasjonen og at de kanskje klarer å bremse, og i noen at den høye innvandringen fra blant annet av fra resten av baugen, slik at det vil ikke skulle utvikle seg. tilfeller stoppe, at hjertesykdommen utvikler Sverige og Polen vil skyve nordmenn ut av komme noe vann videre inn i båten, ifølge - Men det er ingenting som tilsier at dette seg. I sin doktorgrad har han sett på folk som jobbmarkedet, melder NRK. – Utlendings- Norum. skal utvikle seg i kriseretning, sier Aadde. har nyresykdom. De følte seg friske, men direktoratet snakker om 50.000 arbeidsin- – Det er ingen dramatikk i dette. Om Også kystvaktskipet KV «Svalbard» er nyresykdom kan føre til hjerteproblemer. nvandrere i året fra EØS-området og mellom båten kan kjøre videre er det for tidlig å si, på vei. Da forskerne studerte dem med vevsultralyd 20.000 og 30.00 svensker. Til det kommer sier han. og sammenlignet dem med friske personer, mellom 20.000 og 25.000 nye nordmenn MS «Kong Harald» ble ferdig i 1993, til – Venter på tidevannet så de en klar forskjell i hjertemuskelfunks- som søker jobb hvert år. Dersom summen Hurtigrutens 100-årsjubileum. av de tre, brutto opp mot 100.000 nye ar- Ragnar Norum, kommunikasjonssjef i jonen. Han tror imidlertid metoden kan være beidstakere i året, vedvarer tror jeg det er for Hurtigruten, sier at bauen på skipet står på nyttig for flere. mye til at det norske arbeidsmarkedet klarer en grunne. English Synopsis: A Hurtigruten ship, the MS Kong å håndtere det på en god måte. Faremomen- – Det er ingen fare, men man må vente Harald, ran aground in Lofoten. At time of press, no- English Synopsis: A Norwegian researcher believes body was reported injured or in danger. tene er at vi får kraftig økt arbeidsledighet he has discovered a new method for the early detec- på tidevannet før båten kan komme seg løs. tion of heart disease. og høyere trygdetilbøyelighet i den norske befolkningen, sier Aarnes. (VG) Jensen snur Flere reiser med toget Fire ulykker i to år Totalt 53,8 millioner reiser ble levert av Dersom Frp gjør et NSB i 2012. Økningen skyldes først og katastrofevalg, vil ikke Anja (10) omkom på tur fremst passasjervekst i byene og på de korte regiontogstrekningene fra Skien, Lilleham- Siv Jensen garantere med pappa. Begge to mer og Halden til Oslo. – Vi er glad for at at hun setter seg ved mistet livet da traileren stadig flere benytter tog som fremkomstmid- del. Med en stor forestående befolknings- forhandlingsbordet braste utfor veien. Det vekst spesielt i og rundt de største byene, har vært fire ulykker på arbeider NSB med å gjøre toget enda mer VG konkurransedyktig, sier direktør for NSB samme veien i to og et persontog, Tom Ingulstad. For regiontogene I et intervju med VG sier Siv Jensen var økningen størst på strekningen mellom at Fremskrittspartiets størrelse etter valget halvt år Halden og Göteborg på Østfoldbanen med avgjør om de vil delta i regjeringsforhan- 14 prosent. På samme bane, mellom Oslo dlinger. Aftenposten og Halden, var det 4 prosent flere reisende i – Går du i forhandlinger uansett hva 2012, og NSB forklarer veksten blant annet som blir Frps oppslutning? med etableringen av Moss lufthavn Rygge. – Vi kommer ikke til å gå i forhandlinger Pappa Dave Gardien (47) hadde vært Foto: Geir Martin Strande (VG) for enhver pris, sier Jensen. utallige turer til Vestlandet før den fatale fer- På ulykkesstedet fant politiet en teddybjørn. Dermed er det ikke lenger noen garan- den natt til 28. februar. Denne gang fikk dat- Erik Solheim stiller spørsmål ved Lysbak- årsaken til ulykken, men han er klar på at noe ti for at de borgerlige partiene sammen vil teren Anja Gardien plass i vogntoget. Hun og må gjøres med veien ved Ådland bru. kens karakter forhandle om en borgerlig regjering hvis de broren Bas (11) pleide å bytte på å reise med – Det mest spesielle med Ådlandsbrua, 23. mars i fjor skulle Lysbakken presentere får flertall på Stortinget. faren, forteller barnas mor Sabine Gardien er at med denne elven som renner der, så får SVs nye regjeringsmannskap og markere en Jensens uttalelse står i kontrast til hva (45). – Han kjente veiene i Norge og forhold- ny start for SV under han ledelse – rett etter du elveråken opp. Og når du får frost og fuk- hun sa i fjor sommer. Da uttalte hun til Aften- ene godt, sier hun til BT.no. at han måtte gå av som barne- og likestill- tighet i den kombinasjonen får du veldig ofte posten at Frp ville skape mest mulig klarhet Vogntoget med far og datter kjørte utfor ingsminister på grunn av inhabilitet. I ste- glatt veibane i det området, sier han. om et borgerlig regjeringsalternativ. På det og dundret ned mot elven under Ådlandsbrua det måtte Lysbakken bruke hele dagen til å – Jeg har sagt til Vegvesenet at jeg synes tidspunktet hadde Frp 14 prosent oppslut- på E39 like før klokken fire natt til torsdag snakke om Erik Solheim, som rettet knall- de skal kalle inn til et møte, der politiet og ning. Siden har det rast nedover. 1. På ulykkesstedet fant politiet en teddyb- hard kritikk mot Lysbakken fordi Lysbakken kommunen og en del andre er invitert, der vi På VGs siste partibarometer fikk Frp jørn og rosa klær. Ti år gamle Anja ble funnet hadde vraket Solheim som statsråd. 4. mars sammen kan komme med noen kloke ideer kun 10,9 prosents oppslutning. Om det var først og erklært død på stedet. Føreren ble – ett år etter at Solheim måtte gå av som og innspill, sier lensmannen. valg i dag, ville antallet stortingsrepresent- funnet under styrehuset. utviklings- og miljøvernminister – fortset- Arne Amdahl Bakkevig i Vegvesenets anter stupt fra 41 til 20. Politiet og ulykkesgruppen til Statens ter Solheim sitt nådeløse oppgjør med den ulykkes­gruppe sier det samme: nye SV-lederen. Det gjør han i sin nyeste Venstre og Kristelig Folkeparti – som til vegvesen gransker nå hva som gikk galt – – De mange ulykkene har skjedd på et memoarbok «Politikk er å ville» – en tittel sammen fikk 12,2 prosent oppslutning i par- nok en gang ved Ådland bru på Stord. På konsentrert område, så det er åpenbart at vi han for øvrig har «stjålet» fra Olof Palmes tibarometeret – ville dermed vært større enn bare to og et halvt år har det skjedd fire alvor- må vurdere veien, sa han. memoarbok, utgitt i 1986 – som kommer ut Frp i en borgerlig regjering. lige trafikkulykker på en strekning på rundt 4. mars. English Synopsis: English Synopsis: The Progress Party in Norway 150 meter. Tragedy struck in western Nor- (Aftenposten) has been making plans in case the election this year Lensmann på Stord, Bernt Norvalls, sier way when a father and daughter were killed in a car goes badly and excludes them from the Stortinget. det er for tidlig å kunne si noe sikkert om accident. The same road has seen four accidents in 2.5 years, and the police say something must be done. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news March 8, 2013 • 3 News Nuclear talk This week on Norway.com A high performance “Vikings” tv show premieres A two-day international The History Channel’s latest drama takes conference on the Environmentally on a Scandinavian hue as it explores the exceptional Norway lives of Viking warriors. It premiered humanitarian impact of Sunday, March 3. The show, created and nuclear weapons opened scores high in the 2012 written by Michael Hirst – also the writer of in Oslo on March 4 EPI report popular shows Elizabeth and The Tudors – transports us to the brutal and mysterious world of Ragnar Lothbrok, a Viking orway ost N P Denise Leland warrior and farmer who yearns to explore Seattle, Wash. – and raid – the distant shores across the The conference, with more than 120 ocean. His ambition puts him at odds with nations represented, was opened by Espen local chieftain Earl Haraldson, who insists Barth Eide, Norway’s Minister of Foreign The 2012 EPI report has ranked Norway on sending his raiders to the impoverished Affairs; Peter Maurer, President of the In- with third highest environmental perfor- east rather than the uncharted west. Catch ternational Committee of the Red Cross mance in the world. Norway received a value the show Sunday nights at 10 / 9 Central (ICRC) and Antonio Guterres, the United scale score of 69.92 out of a possible 100.0. on the History Channel. Nations High Commissioner for Refugees The Environmental Performance Index Photo: epi.yale.edu (Staff Compilation) (UNHCR). (EPI), a project of Yale University, ranks Norway scored very high in comparison to other countries. “This is an important moment. For de- countries on environmental public health and Norway municipalities failing music cades political leaders and experts have de- ecosystem vitality through performance in- schools, committee points out bated the challenges posed by the continued dicators. These indicators track these policy ronmentally? Besides the country’s general A cultural committee presented an official existence and further proliferation of nuclear categories and provide a gauge at a national excellence in all categories, Norway’s envi- report on the perceived unbalanced state weapons,” said Minister Eide in his opening government scale of how close countries are ronmental health received a perfect score of of the Norwegian art and culture in Oslo remarks. to established governmental policy goals. 100.0 on the value scale. This area of public March 4. The task of the committee, So what made Norway stand out envi- headed by former Center Party (Sp) See > nuclear, page 15 See > performance, page 5 Minister Anne Enger, has been to review the developments in Norwegian culture since 2005. According to Mrs. Enger, the Drug control largest amount spent by the municipalities Reach for your wallet has been on building projects, both in sports facilities and cultural centers. She If you want to buy a Minister of Health and highlighted that the council libraries Starbucks latte in Norway, Care Services Jonas Gahr and the music and culture schools – i.e. Støre wants to allow afternoon schools that provide education prepare to spend $10. But in fields such as music and dance – are the don’t worry, not all hope smoking of heroin in drug institutions that have suffered because of consumption rooms this. is lost! (The Foreigner) Press Release Many immigrants avoid child care services Ministry of Health and Care Services A number of children of Somali immigrants Staff Compilation have been sent out of Norway because This is not a legalization or decriminal- their parents want to avoid a confrontation ization of heroin smoking. The proposal will with municipal child care services. Bashe On your next trip to Norway, you might require an amendment of the Drug Injection Musse, leader of the Somali network in want to consider alternative methods of caf- Rooms Act, and will therefore be submitted Norway, says that some Somali families feine intake. for consultation. become scared after being in contact with Your usual cup of morning joe, if it’s a The City of Oslo has asked the Ministry child care services. Several of them choose grande latte from Starbucks, will put you out Photo: Cherrysweetdeal / Flickr of Health and Care Services to evaluate the to flee the country, and sometimes the $9.83 in Oslo. A grande Starbucks drink costs an astounding possibility of removing the current restric- children are sent out of Norway without On Feb. 22, the Wall Street Journal $9.83 in Oslo. tions in the Drug Injection Rooms Act. To- their parents. “It is not acceptable that printed an infographic comparing relative day the Act only allows injection of heroin in children are being sent out of the country, prices of a 16-oz. latte around the world. drug consumption rooms. and we think it’s important to deal with “In countries where the currency is a country with a strong currency, like Nor- In contrast to many other countries, most this issue,” says Vilde Reparents, a Church overvalued, a dollar doesn’t go as far,” the way, than in one with a currency that has less heroin addicts in Norway inject the drug, Mission employee. infographic explains. “That means it would buying power, like in India.” (Norway Post) take more dollars to buy a Starbucks latte in See > wallet, page 11 See > drug, page 7 Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], or write to us: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. 4 • March 8, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (March 4, 2013) Winners Losers Streaming from Norway Norsk Kr. 5.7149 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change The story of the entrepreneurs behind Beat.no, a popu- Codfarmers 0.45 12.5% Reach Subsea 5.90 -11.68% Dansk Kr. 5.7263 Petrolia 6.90 7.48% Medistim 23.5 -10.98% lar music streaming alternative to iTunes in Norway Svensk Kr. 6.4207 Tide 15.4 6.21% EOC 3.30 -10.81% Byggma 26.6 5.56% Interoil Exploration & Production 2.52 -10.0% Canadian $ 1.0278 Agasti Holding 1.30 4.00% Birdstep Technology 0.74 -9.76% Euro 0.7680 ForFull detailed Service information Agency With about Experienced the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Norwegian Speaking Consultants! Full Service Agency WithOur Experienceddaily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou makeconstantly wise travel changing decisions inworld! a constantly changing world! Specials to Scandinavia, VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Europe & the Caribbean Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] Verrazano TraVel & leisure 1 (718) 979-6641 MULLAVEY, PROUT,[email protected] GRENLEY & FOE [email protected] attorneys and counselors at law

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Photo: Beat.no / Facebook Beat.no has arguably one of the most beautiful office settings, in Førde, Nor- LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. way. Sales and Service Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway

These days music lovers just down- years ago Førde received a price as an inter- load their favorites direct from the internet. national municipality. Streaming has become more and more popu- Beat.no was established in 2009 with Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK lar. 48 percent of Norwegians who listen to the vision to make it simpler to enjoy good phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 music use streaming. This is the highest per- music in a simple way. The music can be fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 centage in the world. played on all portable units and computers. One of the pioneers in the field in Nor- As a member, you can stream over 8 million way is Beat.no located on a small island on records. The customer can also download the west coast. The startup received NOK the application Beat Mobile supported by [email protected] 4.8 million in 2010 from Fjord Invest. The iPhone, iPad and Android and stream the us- 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 fund was established with NOK one million ers own music wanted list over wireless or in share capital in 2001. Today Fjord Invest download so that the music can be played is an investment environment in Førde, Sogn offline. Subscribe to the Weekly! & Fjordane that make investments in seed It all started when a young married cou- Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] and growth companies. They manage four ple moved to the little island Mjønn. They private equity funds with a total capital of wanted to raise a family. The home was al- around NOK 400 million. The seed fund has ready there. But there were not any jobs rel- a capital base of NOK 55 million. Fjord In- evant for their competence, so they had to vest has five employees. start their own business. They realized that Førde is a small place. When it passed the music arena would change drastically 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 10,000 inhabitants in 1997 they changed the and that there was a gigantic opportunity Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] status to town. Under the theme “friendship in streaming. Together with another fam- and learning” they have a friendship arrange- ily related couple they started Beat.no in ment with La Crosse in Wisconsin. Among 2009. The music service was on the air the Featuring great Nordic products the various activities is a special Norwegian next year. They have competitors like Spo- Garden located in the city park by the Mis- tify and Wimp, but none of them are making Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments sissippi. Together with the neighbors, the money so far. Beat.no expects to start mak- Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats town also has a friendship agreement with ing a profit this quarter. The reason is that and more! Kent in Washington. Here, there is an ex- the clients pay for their music services. The change of so-called ‘youth ambassadors’ as company is growing. This year expected Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com an important element. revenue is NOK 40 million. They also want Førde has a refugee camp with room to go international. for 140 people. Today there are 23 different The entrepreneurs are uncertain where nationalities and ethnic groups represented. the company will be five years from now. Each summer they arrange an international Their financial partner expects an exit or a Advertise in the Weekly! Folk Music Festival. Last year 330 musi- solid growth pattern! cians from 41 countries participated. Some Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for Business News & Notes EVERY week! B&W, $15/col inch for color • Free ad design Norway retail sales rise more than expected ing motor vehicles rose by 1.0 percent from • Support the only Norwegian- Norwegian retail sales rose faster than expected the previous month, beating all estimates in a American newspaper! in January after several weak months, strength- Reuters poll in which the median expectation ening the crown and providing early signs the was for a 0.5 percent rise, data from Statistics economy may be moving past it recent rough Norway showed on February 28. For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] patch. Seasonally adjusted retail sales exclud- (Reuters) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research March 8, 2013 • 5 Research & Education A Norway / Africa research partnership The Research Council of Norway will be the Norwegian partner in a new program aiming to advance research cooperation with South Africa. This is clear from the newly signed framework agreement between the countries

Kristen Ulstein Research Council of Norway

The agreement was signed in South Af- Photo: NSBA & Research Council of Norway rica on Tuesday, February 26 by Assistant Norwegian Ambassador, Kari Bjørnsgaard, who signed the recent agreement, Director General Mmboneni Mufhe from together with her fellow Nordic Ambassadors to South Africa. Right: a chart Department of Science and Technology and showing flow of funds in the program. The government of the Republic of South Africa and the Department of Science and Technology together with the govern- the Norwegian ambassador Kari Bjørns- ment of Norway are shown at the top, while NRF of South Africa and the RCN gaard. are in the middle (National Resesarch Foundation and the Research Council of The program shall focus on research co- Norway). operation within three main areas: Environ- ment, Climate change and Clean energy. The full name of the activity is “South al funding sources,” she said. She expressed her hopes that the knowl- Other research topics in previous calls Africa – Norway Research Co-operation on “The experiences from the previous two edge produced under this program will in- for proposals have included HIV / AIDS, Climate, the Environment and Clean Energy research agreements (2001 – 2010) have form policy formulation in both countries, general healthcare and medical sciences, in- (SANCOOP).” been positive. The projects have delivered and contribute to the international discourse formation and communication technology, high quality research. A total of 67 projects on the climate challenges, such as the one environment, communication and social Time to start preparing were supported and the result has been a being conducted by the UNFCCC and the change, education and energy. “It is pleasure to note that the frame- huge number of scientific articles and books, IPCC. work and financing of a new program for including two articles in the prestigious jour- cooperation is in place at last. Norway has nal Science,” said ambassador Bjørnsgaard quite a few strong research institutions with- during the signing ceremony. in these thematic fields, and we therefore She pointed out the fact that a large expect great interest for SANCOOP,” says number of post graduate students in both Research Council Head of department Bjørn countries, not least from the historically Student-Faculty Tore Kjellemo. disadvantaged groups in South Africa, have A call for proposals will be prepared this been attached to the research cooperation spring, with a call deadline in the autumn of projects, helping them to complete their Research 2013. Masters ad PhDs. At PLU, rigorous academics and a caring community Research groups may, however, start The funding is for the main part pro- contacting partners and preparing their co- vided by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign ensures challenge and support for every student operation now, based on the stipulations in Affairs and has a maximum limit of NOK the agreement. 40 million for the period 2013-17. The South The program is built on the same model African government will contribute ZAR 10 as the Norway – South Africa Research Pro- million, according to the agreement. grams 2001-05 and 2006-10. The program will be administered by The Research Coun- Fits into a cluster of bilateral arrange- cil of Norway in close cooperation with Na- ments tional Research Foundation in South-Africa. “The research themes named in the agreement fits well with a cluster of related A positive experience bilateral arrangements, such as the coopera- The Norwegian ambassador empha- tion between the Norwegian and South Afri- sised that the goal of establishing long-term can Departments of the Environment, some partnerships between the two countries has collaboration projects within the Higher been achieved to a large extent. “Many of the Education sector, and, above all, the part- completed projects have served as a stepping nership on carbon capture and storage,” said stone for further joint initiatives, including Kari Bjørnsgaard. joint applications to national and internation- Chemistry Professor Neal Yakelis and Chelsea Berdahl in the Rieke Science Center laboratory. < performance From page 3 ranked second. CHALLENGE SUPPORT SUCCESS The country with the highest EPI rank- health includes air pollution, water sanitation ing in 2012 was with a score of and environmental burden of disease, includ- 76.69. Second place ranking went to Latvia ing child mortality rates. with 70.37. The United States was ranked PLU 49 in the grouping of “modest performers,” In the past, Norway has been on the high Tacoma, Washington www.plu.edu 800-274-6758 end of EPI ranking and hasn’t made signifi- with a score of 56.59. cant changes for better or worse. In 2010, For a detailed breakdown of all catego- Norway ranked fifth and in 2008 the nation ries and country rankings, visit epi.yale.edu. 6 • March 8, 2013 norwegian american weekly opinion

< survivors An opinion column about current issues in Norway From page 1 Join the conversation!

wegian researchers. On the EDGE Several major research projects are Norwegian women: stand up! underway to study how the experiences of By Elisabeth Skarsbø Moen Utøya affect the daily lives of young people who escaped the massacre with their lives. One of them takes place at Haukeland We like to boast that the participation bers too much as victims, and therefore, affects the nursing homes where many un- University Hospital. It is unique in a global of Norwegian women in the workforce is nurses now speak about “the right to full- skilled health workers with less education context, according to project manager Anne among the top in the world. Prime Minister time.” Words form thoughts. Women, are hired. They do not get the professional Marita Milde, of the Department of Biologi- Jens Stoltenberg brags constantly that the claim your right. support and guidance they should have cal Psychology at the University of Bergen. work effort of Norwegian women means In the Nurse’s Association’s old ar- had. The result is poor care of us when we Here, survivors between 16 and 25 years more in dollars and cents for the Norwe- chives, there is research that shows that grow old. old from Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane and gian economy than all our oil wealth. That their members focus on marriage, as well. Women who choose to work only Rogaland will be examined in a sophisticat- is true. 79 percent of Norwegian women It makes me think of my male journalist a little, because they want to have more ed MRI machine. are economically active, while 86 percent colleague, who always made a firm -re time to themselves, is only part of the truth “Many of Utøya-youngsters have expe- of Norwegian men are. In other words, mark out at the bars in Oslo, usually about about women’s part-time work. But it is rienced cognitive difficulties, such as con- almost half of the working population is fifteen minutes before closing: “I’m just the truth. centration and memory problems. We want comprised of women. Society is a dugnad (that is, a volun- to identify any difficulties on multiple levels, So what’s the problem? The prob- teer effort). A woman’s struggle is also to see if the trauma and stress they have been lem is that we work too little. Norwegian about solidarity between women. subjected to has resulted in changes in parts women work part-time. Therefore, Nor- Voluntary part-time workers are not of the brain,” said Milde. wegian women on average only make part of that solidarity. The women who The young people who decide to con- about 60 percent of a Norwegian man’s believed in women’s liberation in the 70s tribute to the project will go through an ad- income. Even though there are almost as were tricked when pension reform came. vanced form of MRI scanning, where their many working women as men, we only The reform led to those who had chosen brain activity will be measured using magne- get about half the money. to balance full-time jobs and children, de- tism and radio waves. The method is mainly Thus, Norwegian women are far from spite the lack of day-care and maternity used for research, and not for studies of nor- financially independent of men, which leave, being forced to give up part of their mal patients. was the goal of the women’s liberation pension, while those who had worked Milde says that people who fall victim movement in the 1970s. part-time got more. to a terrorist attack, for example, can be left The development of barnehager (free Voluntary part-time working women daycare) was an important step for wom- on a mental “red alert” long after the event Photo: Wikimedia Commons create an image of ourselves as a kind of en in the labor market. Full kindergarten is over. Nurses work mostly part-time in “reserve labor force,” which may need “This chronic stress condition may have coverage has had some effect. Since its Norway. some work part-time, but who are con- effects on the body’s hormone systems, expansion in 1990, the proportion of part- stantly sick or home with sick children. It < July 22 which in turn affects brain function. This time working women went down from 48 compromises the view of women as labor From page 1 may include or go beyond memory, concen- to 38 percent. in general. tration and learning ability,” Milde said. But for nurses, things are going the going in to get myself a nurse.” Full-time working women are paid The National Hospital in Oslo is carry- opposite way. 53 percent of nurses are Nurses who participated in the wom- only 80 percent of men’s hourly wages. ing out a similar study, under the auspices of working part-time. Less than half of Nor- en’s rights movement in the 70s despair of This usually occurs when women work in the University of Oslo. Around 500 Utøya- wegian nurses have full-time jobs. This young colleagues who only want to work the public sector, while men work in the survivors across the country have been in- cannot continue if we are to overcome a little and would rather be at home and private sector. But wage inequality tells us vited to participate. the challenges associated with an aging enjoy free time. that a woman’s work effort is not as highly The government has urged the two uni- population. If Norwegian gender equality These young women must decide valued as a man’s. An important part of versities to collaborate in the study, although will continue to be the gold standard in the for themselves how much they want to the fight for equal pay therefore begins there is talk of two different projects. world, we need fresh nurses working full- work, you may be thinking now. But then with Norwegian women themselves. “Both do an MRI scan of the suvivors’ time. we must remember that it is we who are brains. After they became aware of each “Neither nurses nor anyone else can, participating in the labor market, which other’s projects, there have been some ad- in the future, regain the time they used sit- jointly funds nursing education: three to justments in the plans. But the goal is still ting at the cafe or going to the gym when four years of higher education. to have everything ready in a year,” says co- they could have been working,” said Spec- We do it because, in the future, we Elisabeth Skarsbø Moen ordinator Nils Olav Refsdal of the Research trum director Anne-Karin Bratten in 2011. will require a nurse to take care of us. And works as a debate editor It caused quite a racket. But she was then we had better have a nurse we know, Ethics Committee. at Verdens Gang. right. They know this and even admit to rather than seeing a new face every day. At Haukeland, it is hoped that between it at the Norwegian Nurse’s Association, Nurses who look on their work as 25 and 30 survivoring AUF members will be but they do not say it loudly. Instead, they something they do just a little – and not as examined. The first youth to be scanned will have for years talked about “involuntary a profession – also create poor academic start on Mar. 8. part-time.” This characterized the mem- departments at institutions. In particular, it Young people of the Venstre party (Left) and the Høyre party (Conservative) have The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is been invited to participate in the control not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. group, which the researchers will compare results against. Researchers hope the results of the study < peer gynt can primarily provide insights that health- From page 1 two million copies in Norway alone. tion of the country after the war. care workers can make use of as they follow “I am very happy and honored to receive The Prize Award Ceremony is held at Norway on the world map of international up with the care of survivors of trauma, in- the award as the year’s Peer Gynt,” says Jo the Peer Gynt Festival at Vinstra, North of literature. cluding the July 22 survivors. Nesbø. Lillehammer, during the annual Peer Gynt The award is named for Peer Gynt, the “This will also be valuable for future di- The award was presented for the first Festival. Parlamentary members and former main character of Ibsen’s play of the same time in 1971, given to a person or institution winners of the Peer Gynt Prize may propose sasters. In addition, the results will contrib- name. The Peer Gynt Award is an honor that has made its mark in a positive way on candidates for the award. ute to the science of how trauma and stress which is awarded to individuals and institu- the philanthropic plan and who has helped The Norwegian Parliament (Storting) affect the brain, and whether it is related tions who have exercised social responsibil- make Norway known abroad. decides who will get the award, and the prize to the development of mental illness,” said ity and highlighted Norway internationally. A number of famous people have previ- is also presented by a Member of Parliament. Milde. Nesbø’s books have been translated into ously received the award. Jens Stoltenberg, Marit Bjørgen, Ole Similar studies have been conducted 40 languages. He is best known for his crime The first was Labor Party politician Ein- Gunnar Solskjær, Gro Harlem Brundtland on veterans, after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks novels with Harry Hole as a recurring char- ar Gerhardsen, who recived the award for his and Thor Heyerdahl are also among previous acter. efforts as prime minister in the reconstruc- winners. See > survivors, page 15 His books have been sold in more than Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. norwegian american weekly March 8, 2013 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Managing Editor Dear Editor, boys some of the same childhood experi- and Thor Larsen for his “Hyde Park on the Kelsey Larson [email protected] Once again I want to thank you for your ences. Hudson” article. Assistant Layout Editor articles that have both languages. Thank you, Thor Dahl, for bringing me The Norwegian American Weekly Harry Svenkerud [email protected] Example: Little Red Riding Hood. It back to those years. couldn’t do it without you! Advertising was so much fun to read this. As I read it Erik Krippaehne [email protected] I could just hear my grandfather telling me Med vennlig hilsen, Sincerely, this story. So long ago – what fond memo- Sidsel Wettre Brady Editor Subscriptions ries. Edmonds, WA Call (800) 305-0217 [email protected] Thank you so much. Contributing Editors Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Sincerely, Carla Danziger McLean, Va. Winifred Rholl Dear Editor, Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. Do you have something to say? Write to us! Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. Fertile, Minn. Thanks so much for the article by Thor Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Larsen about the Norwegian royal couple Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland visiting President Roosevelt at Hyde Park, Letter to the Editor Norwegian American Weekly Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. N.Y. which mentioned my parents, Arnold Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Dear Editor, and Johanne Berge! 7301 5th Ave. NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. or send a note to [email protected] Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Reading the letter from Thor Dahl Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. brought back childhood memories. Sincerely, Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. I spent many Summers from age 7 Karen Berge Pettigrew Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. in 1950 on the peninsula Lamøya where Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Kaupang is, and had some of the same ex- Don’t Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. periences as him, from the excavations of Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. the Viking village to movies at “Munken” in Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Larvik. Dear Readers, Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. I remember a Viking play with horses Thank you so much for your feedback! forget! David Moe Sun City, Calif. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. one of the first years after the excavations Judging from my inbox, it looks like we’ve All subscribers have Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. started, and the excitement of seeing the been running some content lately that has Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. frame of a real viking and a ship. been well-received. We could not do this full access to our new Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. I learned to swim in Viksfjord, and spent without our talented and dedicated team of Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway digital edition! Email Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. most of the summers more in than out of the contributors! Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. water. Thank you so much to Heidi Håvan [email protected] to CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly Many years later I was able to rent a Grosch for the Red Riding Hood piece, Thor activate your account. strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you Summer cottage at Lamøya and give my two Dahl for sharing his thoughtful reflections, have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor < drug taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. From page 3 Gahr Støre. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and Health professionals cite good argu- letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian ments for opening up thedrug consumption American Weekly, and our publication of those while smoking heroin is far more common views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, rooms scheme to also include heroin smok- in other countries. The risk of an overdose suggestions and complaints about the opinions ing. The Norwegian Directorate of Health expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed through smoking heroin is minimal, assum- recommends smoking heroin instead of in- to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is ing other drugs are not taken simultaneously. published weekly except the first week of the calendar jecting it, as smoking the drug is consider- “I want to give the most serious drug year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks ably less harmful than injection. of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • abusers, who currently frequent drug con- Be our friend The proposal will require an amendment Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. sumption rooms to inject themselves, the NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription of the Drug Injection Rooms Act, and must opportunity to smoke heroin. This is an im- Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, be studied and submitted for consultative US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. portant means of reducing overdoses and comments. How the proposal fits in relation on Facebook! preventing infectious diseases among heavy SINCE MAY 17, 1889: to the UN’s narcotics conventions must also Formerly Norway Times abusers. We must work to reduce the number be examined, along with considerations that Western Viking & Washington Posten This week we reached of overdose deaths in Norway. We have seen form the basis for the Act relating to preven- 1300 likes! Wow! See a slight decline in recent years, but we unfor- Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- tion of harmful effects of tobacco. The earli- Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, tunately still have far too many deaths com- what it’s all about: est possible implementation of the proposal Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven pared with other European countries,” says would be sometime in 2014. facebook.com/naweekly Minister of Health and Care Services Jonas NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per

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Photo: Tine.no Gravlaks comes from the word “grav” which means “dig,” implying the fish was once stored under- NIGHTLY ground to keep it cool while it fermented. Recipe adapated from food.com NEWS. Norwegian cured salmon Our Late Flight Gravlaks Newark – Copenhagen 1 1/2 lbs filet red salmon, boned, skin on 8 sprigs dill (enough to lightly cover the is back. 1/4 cup sugar filet) 1/4 cup coarse salt 1/4 cup cognac 1 teaspoon cracked white pepper 1/4 cup dry white wine

Combine the sugar and salt. Rub a handful of the mixture onto both sides of the salmon. Cover loosely with fresh dill sprigs, and press the spices and dill into the salmon. In a glass or ceramic shallow dish, just large enough to hold the salmon, mix the cognac and wine. Place the salmon skin side up into the dish. Cover the dish loosely with plastic wrap and place a board the size of the salmon on top, weight it with approximately a 2 – 3 pound weight, tighten the plastic wrap, and place in fridge. Allow to marinate for 3 – 4 days. Always with SAS SK902 departs Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 11:30pm Transfer salmon to a cutting board and cut the salmon horizontally into thin slices. Serve Business, Economy Extra, Economy with bread, crackers, or by itself. 60 destinations in Scandinavia EuroBonus points

flysas.com/us What are your favorite recipes? Call us at (206) 784-4617 or (800) 305-0217 or email your ideas to [email protected]. norwegian american weekly March 8, 2013 • 9 Travel Norwegian hospitality around the world A Norwegian-American student traveling abroad finds that Norwegian hospitality extends beyond borders

Photos: Drew Voigt Left: A Norwegian flag hangs outside of Baan Chang bar, Cha Am, Thailand. Right: St. Olaf student Amanda Burgdorf singing at Baan Chang, Cha Am, Thailand.

Petra Hahn Northfield, Minn. A Piece of Norway in America

In every nook and cranny of this wild sunburned faces. While trekking back to our world, one can find the warm, welcom- rooms, we heard raucous laughter and disco ing arms of a fellow Norski. As a proud music echoing from a nearby alley. Follow- Norwegian-American, who attends St. Olaf ing our ears, we found a charming outdoor College, founded by Norwegian-Americans bar bearing a Norwegian flag, slowly flutter- in 1874, I am blessed to find Scandinavian ing in the warm sea air. tradition woven into my everyday life. At St. Surprised to find the flag of our school Olaf, we eat lutefisk dinner the first weekend and heritage literally thousands of miles in December, we celebrate Syttende Mai, we from home, we stumbled into the affection- even fly a Norwegian flag right alongside the ate arms of a Norwegian man, Karl, wel- Stars and Stripes. coming us to his bar, Baan Chang (Thai for As much as I adored my blue-eyed, elephant house). The bar was absolutely blonde populated college, I ached to explore packed with people, a lively mix of people beyond its Minnesotan borders. I spent this dancing and singing. We huddled to a table past semester studying infectious disease and in front of the motely group of Thais and Eu- healthcare in China, Viet ropeans playing live mu- Nam and Thailand with a sic, mostly rock classics. group of 19 Oles and our “I have never felt so at home Karl asked us where we professor and his wife. We as I did that night, embraced by were from, and when we Photo: Jan Aas climbed the Great Wall, the warm ties of Scandinavian mentioned we were stu- Sjømannskirken boated through Ha Long heritage, even though I was lit- dents at St. Olaf College Bay and hiked to more erally thousands of miles away in Northfield, Minnesota, Davie, Fla. Welcome to the Neighborhood! mountain temples than my his smiling face broke feet care to remember; we from any semblance of it.” into a great guffaw. He also took classes at local laughed as he pointed to universities and visited a table populated entirely Crown Princess Mette-Marit’s Seaman’s Church in Davie, Fla. was dozens of clinics, labs and hospitals. I soaked of elderly Norwegians, enjoying rounds of inaugurated in November of 2011 and serves the Florida community up every glorious minute of it, diving in to akvavit. “Those folks are from Trondheim, of Norwegians and Norwegian-Americans. the Asian culture that was so different from where Saint Olav’s bones are buried!” he ex- Share your favorite piece of Norway in America! my own. claimed in accented English. I laughed at the Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] After months of fumbling with chop- absurdity of the situation: here I was, on a sticks and making friends who lovingly for- remote beach in Thailand, being hugged by a gave our Western attempts at acclimating bear of a Norwegian man introducing me to Eastern culture, we landed in Cha Am Beach, Norskis who lived in the city my Norwegian Thailand for a Thanksgiving vacation. We school’s namesake was buried! 6720 E Green Lake Way N, had just finished a week long, un air-condi- I have never felt so at home as I did SUPPORT Seattle, WA 98103 tioned bus tour of Thailand’s ancient capitals. that night, embraced by the warm ties of Subscribe to the www.hearthstone.org Under the blistering heat of the Thai sun, we Scandinavian heritage, even though I was YOUR Norwegian American gratefully collapsed out of the bus and onto literally thousands of miles away from any Weekly newspaper any Retirement Living at Seattle’s Green Lake 206.517.2213 the sandy beaches of Cha Am. We slurped up semblance of it. It was then I realized what the sun and salty spray, feeling bad for our a blessing it is to be Norwegian – for wher- NORWEGIAN time of year...it’s easy! frigid friends back home in the snow. After ever you go, you are bound to find a Norski dinner, we walked back to the hotel with sand brother or sister, waiting with open arms and HERITAGE! between our toes and smiles plastered on our an embrace that feels like family.


• 1) Email us at [email protected] $79 Canada 2) Call us at (800) 305-0217 3) Subscribe to our digital edition • 4) Mail a check to: 7301 5th Avenue $179 elsewhere NE; Suite A; Seattle, WA 98115 10 • March 8, 2013 norwegian american weekly Barneblad roots & Connections Norwegian American Weekly Giants in the Earth Photo of the Week Puzzles with Sölvi Dolland

Photo courtesy of Sandy Horlitz This photo was submitted with the note: “This photo was taken on Feb. 2, 2013 in front of the wonderfully painted building in the beautiful Timber Coulee outside of Wesby, Wisc. during the 90th year of the Snowflake Ski Jumping Tournament, held the 1st and 2nd of February. As always, it is a wonderful event to attend!”

Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption.

Sven’s down at the feed store and runs across Community Connections Ole. Sven says, “Ole, good to see you! How’ve you been?” “Fine,” Ole says. “And what about Gratulerer med Dagen! your wife, I haven’t seen her in awhile. How’s she doing, Ole?” “Fine,” Ole says. Sven says, “I heard you bought her a piano, didn’t you? For just $35, you can print a photo That must be real fine. How’d she like it?” Ole and up to 10 lines of text to celebrate answers, “Fine. But I sold the piano and bought a clarinet.” “A clarinet? Why would you give life’s milestones with the Norwegian- her a clarinet instead of a piano?” Ole glares at American community. Commemorate Sven a bit, then says, “Because with a clarinet, birthdays, engagements, weddings, an- she can’t sing!” niversaries, baptisms, birth announce- Ole and Lena ments and more! America’s favorite Norwegians! Each submission will be printed in the “Roots & Connections” page, and we will send you up to 10 copies to 13. mars share with family and friends. Alvin Berg Seattle WA Rolf K. Jensen St Petersburg FL Helen Hagen Auburn WA Hans Wold Minneapolis MN For more information, Mrs. Otis P Nelson Northwood IA call us at (800) 305-0217 or Egil Disen Placentia CA email [email protected]. Rita Anja Huste Houston TX Katharine Bothner Litchfield CT Kelly Nordby Boston MA 8. mars Petra Sletten Outlook Sask Can 14. mars Mabel Nilsestuen Cashton WI Ernest Andersen Hankinson ND Andrew Hexem Hendricks MN 9. mars Ethelyn Thompson Hollandale WI Norwegian American Weekly Puzzle Solution Lars Bakstad Romedal Norway Ivar Sunde Seattle WA Helga W. Endahl Spokane WA Aslaug Briggs Tillamook OR Organization of the Week Capt. Otto G Lee Greers Ferry AZ Arnold Barneson Eleva WI Dorothy Bakken Glendale CA Victoria Sandvik Porter Mastic Beach, NY Daughters of Norway 10. mars Asta Lehn Trondheim Norway AGNES WERGELAND Selmer M. Hamland Gilman WI LODGE #52 Hanne Ekelund Lunner Norway Junction City, Ore. 11. mars Want to see your birthday in the Magne Erga Seattle WA Norwegian American Weekly? Meetings: 4th Sat., 10:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m. 12. mars Inger Flagtvedt Nyborg Norway Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. Sig I. Gildnes Bow WA com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one Oddbjørg Petzinger New Bern NC month in advance. For the full list of organizations, NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed visit noram.norway.com/organizations away? Please notify us! norwegian american weekly March 8, 2013 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years In Loving Memory in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Charles Darden August 28, 1946 – February 20, 2013 Knowing someone cares

Charles Darden, lining the life of the ragtime composer. My high school basketball coach was have such a person in Jesus. Jesus spoke 66, passed away Feb. Charles Darden was the director of mu- always yelling at me. I thought he criti- of himself as the Good Shepherd, and it 20, 2013, at his home in sic for the Anglican Church, and director of cized my play more than my teammates, remains one of my favorite images for Dublin, Calif. La Chorale De Bons Choeurs, on the island so one day I asked him, “Why are you Jesus in the Bible. He said that he cares He was born in of St. Barts in the Caribbean French West always on my case?” I never forgot his for His sheep. He is not like a hired hand Galveston, Texas, on Indies. In 1999, he produced L’Hymne á St. answer. He said, “Larson, when I get off who cares nothing for the sheep. No, Jesus Aug. 28, 1946, to the Barthlemy, the island’s own national anthem. your case, it means I don’t care about you will be there even when the wolf stands at late Linnie L. Darden Mr. Darden divided his time between St. anymore.” From that point on I had a new the door. We can count on it. Jesus will be Sr. and Victoria Darden. Barts and New York. He appeared as pianist/ appreciation for his “helpful” suggestions. there for us in our darkest hour and in the He attended local schools in Galveston and singer in a number of first class hotels around I didn’t appreciate being criticized, but I midst of our greatest despair. Berkeley, Calif. Following his graduation the world before going to St. Barts. These in- wanted him to keep caring about me even A noted psychologist has said, “Every from Berkeley High School, he joined the cluded the Noga Hilton in Cannes, , more. person needs someone who has for them U.S. Army. the Renaissance Hotel in Hong Kong, and We all need people who care about an unconditional positive regard.” I can’t He was a graduate of The Curtis Institute the Colombo Hilton in Sri Lanka. us. We all need someone who hasn’t given think of a better phrase to describe the of Music in Philadelphia. He grew up in Cal- Charles was preceded in death by his up on us and who will be there no mat- kind of unconditional love that God has ifornia and was the founder and conductor of parents, Linnie and Victoria Darden, and his ter what we do or say. When we are going for us in Jesus Christ. We all need people the Berkeley Free Orchestra. In 1970, Seiji brothers, Jeff Darden, Otis Darden and Na- through our most difficult times, it helps who care about us. Knowing that Jesus Ozawa appointed him apprentice conductor thaniel Darden. to know that someone cares. Knowing this cares, gives us the solid foundation of car- to the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra. He is survived by his sisters, Charlene often makes it possible for us to go on in ing we need to live through the most dif- Later, he was twice a conducting fellow at Darden of Las Vegas, Claressa Morrow life when things get really rough. ficult of times. Tanglewood, the summer home of the Bos- of Berkeley Jean Reeves of Dublin, Calif., We should always remember that we ton Symphony Orchestra, where he studied and Melvin Neeley of Texas City, Texas; his with Leonard Bernstein. In 1975, Lorin Maa- brothers, Linnie L. Darden Jr. of Hinesville zel appointed him conducting assistant to the and Paul Darden of Portland. Ore.; his neph- Cleveland Orchestra. He was later appointed ew, attorney Linnie L. Darden III of Hines- The Scandinavian Hour musical director of the Ballet Rambert in ville; as well as a host of other nieces and London and later principal conductor of the nephews. Celebrating over 50 years on the air! Dance Theater of Harlem in New York. A memorial service will be held at Hill- He was a frequent guest conductor in top Community Church in Richmond, Ca- KKNW – 1150 AM Europe, primarily in Norway, where he was lif., at 11 a.m. March 7. Flowers or remem- Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST a regular conductor with the Den Norske Op- brances may be sent to the Hilltop Commu- era. nity Church, 3118 Shane Dr., Richmond, CA Streaming live on the internet at: He was an accomplished pianist and ap- 94806. www.1150kknw.com peared as Jasbo Brown in the Metropolitan The family will receive friends before Opera’s production of “Porgy and Bess.” Mr. and after the service. Darden was an authority on the life and mu- Published in Coastal Courier from Feb- Funeral Home sic of the ragtime composer Scott Joplin. He ruary 22 to March 1, 2013. SOlie and Crematory wrote the one-man show “Great Scott!” out- Honoring • Caring • Serving 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159

< wallet From page 3 “Coffee is a major revenue for us at the cafe.” The prices at this independent cafe, as described by Juvera, are “in the middle.” Economic uncertainty can affect In New Delhi, the same coffee will cost An Americano costs NOK 28 (USD you only $2.80, a dollar and a half cheaper 4.89), a cappacino NOK 30 / 34 (USD 5.24 / your fi nancial future. So can you! than in New York, where you’ll dish out 5.94, depending on a single or double shot), $4.30. and a cafe mocha NOK 36 / 40 (USD 6.29 / Will I have enough to retire? How will market swings Don’t worry; all hope is not lost for vis- 6.99). affect me? Should I consider an IRA rollover? iting coffee drinkers in Norway. “In Norway, we don’t do sizes like at Kaffebrenneriet is Oslo’s most popu- Starbucks, but rather, single and double shots Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is uniquely lar chain coffee shop, with locations found of espresso. The milk is always the same,” positioned to help guide you through these throughout the city. In fact, Oslo’s sole Star- explains Juvera. uncertain times. With more than 100 bucks is located inside Gardermoen airport; He doesn’t deny that prices in Oslo can years of fi nancial expertise and therefore, most Oslo dwellers wouldn’t buy be a little high. stability, we can help turn retirement their daily coffee there anyway. “I have even seen some coffee shops sell uncertainty into confi dence. Prices for coffee at Kaffebrenneriet, lattes for NOK 48! Insane!” he says. though still more expensive than average Perhaps high prices are one reason in- Visit Thrivent.com/strong or U.S. prices, won’t break the bank like a drink stant coffee options, such as those offered by contact a Thrivent Financial from Starbucks would. Nescafe, are popular in Norway. representative today to learn more. Order a regular cup of “dagens kaffe” If you are thinking about taking a trip (coffee of the day) and spend NOK 20 (USD to Norway and don’t want to spend all your 3.49) for an 8 oz. cup, NOK 25 (USD 4.36) money on coffee, consider stopping in at a for a 12 oz., and NOK 28 (USD 4.89) for a regular grocery store (Meny, Rema 1000 and 16 oz. Kiwi are all good options) and find cheap in- A “Cafe au lait” (regular latte) will cost stant coffee to tide you over – or, if you have you NOK 32 for a single shot of espresso access to a coffeemaker, just buy the beans! Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., (USD 5.59) and NOK 37 for a double shot But watch out for the “kaffeinfri” label, 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent (USD 6.46). Still expensive, but much better which designates caffeine-free coffee. Financial for Lutherans. For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. than reaching for that 10-dollar bill! To view the infographic made by the Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) Anthony Juvera, owner of Cafe Fedora Wall Street Journal, visit http://online.wsj. 27683NAWA N2-13 616155 in the Frogner neighborhood of Oslo, says, com. 12 • March 8, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Even more awards Calendar of Events Norwegian films continue to do well as the 2012 award season begins to wind down What’s going on in your neighborhood?

California grave (b. 1928): Primavera for Soprano Heritage Day and Flute. 8 p.m. – 10 p.m. For more in- March 16 formation call (212) 239-0205 x204 or Palm Desert, Calif. email: dzeidman@midamerica-music. Presented by Solskinn Lodge #150. Food com. demonstration, entertainment, Viking Room, vendors, travel info., meatball Pennsylvania lunch and lefse. 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Hope St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Church, 45900 Portola Ave. For more March 17 information call (760) 699-7436 or visit Susquehanna, Penn. http://www.solskinn.org. Come and enjoy the best corned beef dinner you will ever have at Land of the Minnesota Vikings! A true St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner with everything you want with a little April 6 “Viking” twist. Plan on spending the Edina, Minn. night or weekend or even longer as we Lutefisk and Meatball Dinners will be have a special rate Sunday thru Thursday prepared and served by the Norwegian in March of only $50 / night! We have Glee Club of Minneapolis at the Lu- 26 rooms, a wonderful handmade Viking theran Church of the Good Shepherd shaped bar and 150 acres of recreation on Saturday April 6, 2013. Paid in ad- space all owned by the members of the vance tickets are required for seating at Third District of the Sons of Norway. Photo: Norwegian Film Institute either 2PM, 4PM or 6PM. Reservation Please come visit....everyone is invited! 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. For more info, email A scene from Kurdish-Norwegian director Hish- form can be obtained at web site: http:\\ am Zaman’s “Before Snowfall,” which won the www.norwegiangleeclub.org. Dinners [email protected] or call (570) 461- Dragon Award at the Goteborg International are served family style. Accordian music 3500. Film Festival. will be provided while dining and at the end of each seating the Glee Club will South Dakota sing for you. For more information call Borgund Lodge Dance Workshop Special Release (612) 861-4793, email: e v e n s t a d @ April 5 Norwegian Film Institute mindspring.com or visit http://www.nor- Rapid City, S.D. wegiangleeclub.org. Borgund Lodge in partnership with Dis- trict 4 will host a dance workshop fea- Kurdish-Norwegian director Hisham turing Bob & Marin Holmen. The event 16th Annual Ibsen Festival Zaman’s “Before Snowfall” (Før snøen fall- takes place in the beautiful Black Hills. April 12 – 14 er) won the Dragon Award Best Nordic Film Lanesboro, Minn. Contact John Burke for more information at the Goteborg International Film Festival The 16th Annual Ibsen Festival features at (605) 342-4226. Events takes place at Kurdish-Norwegian director Hisham a world premiere adaptation by Jef- 12:00 noon at Canyon Lake Sr. Citizens Zaman’s feature debut, “Before Snowfall” frey Hatcher of Ibsen’s groundbreak- Center, 2900 Canyon Lake Dr. Email: (Før snøen faller), received the Dragon ing masterpiece A Doll’s House. A wife [email protected] for more infor- Award Best Nordic Film at ’s 36th must make a heart-breaking choice when mation. Goteborg International Film Festival – for the past threatens to destroy her perfect the second consecutive year the festival’s household. Ibsen’s classic is presented Washington top prize, which comes with a SEK 1 million as the latest in a series of adaptations by Olympia Norway Day (app NOK 850,000) check, went to a Nor- acclaimed playwright Jeffrey Hatcher April 20 wegian film, after Arild Andresen’s Compa- and commissioned by the Commonweal Olympia, Wash. ny Orheim (Kompani Orheim) won in 2012. Photo: Norwegian Film Institute Theatre. As always, the festival will in- There’s more to Norway than lutefisk “The director succeeds in telling a story Director Hisham Zaman on the set of his movie clude lectures, fine art, music, post show and lefse. Join us for our 7th annual Nor- that reveals the impact of tradition and cul- “Before Snowfall.” discussions and many other events to way Day. Music, Nordic Cafe serving “ekte Norsk” food, scrumptuous bake ture and the fact that they can be conquered put this work into context for a twenty- Finn Gjerdrum for Paradox Produksjoner in sale, demonstrations, vendors, genealo- by naiive, true love – a film with an original first century audience. For more - infor co-production with Mitosfilm in . gy, fjord horses, Norwegian Elk Hounds and honest vision that goes beyond cliches,” mation call (800) 657-7025or email: Scripted by Kjell Ola Dahl and Hisham Za- and much more. Admission is only $3 reasoned the international jury presided over [email protected]. Visit the man, it stars Taher Abdullah Taher, Suzan and children under 12 are free. For more by Iranian director Samira Makhmalbaf. web site at http://www.ibsenfest.org. Ilir, Bahar Zen, Birol Nel – “an exceptional information call (360) 923-1242, email: The first Norwegian film premiere this cast,” per the jury. [email protected]. year (7 February), after opening Norway’s New York The film stars Nazmi Kirik Taher, org, or visit http://www.OlympiaNor- Tromsø International Film Festival and Norwegian Classical Musicians at Carnegie Hall Abdullah Taher Bahar, Ozen Suzan Ilir, Bil- wayDay.com. competing in Goteborg. A road-movie from April 4 East to West: When Nermin, Siyar’s elder ley Dimirtas Hassan, Demirca Naseradeen New York, N.Y. sister, flees her wedding in the little village Mohammed, and Kaheleel Birol Unel. Featuring: Camilla Ediassen, Soprano; in Iraqui-Kurdistan, Siyar is obliged to find Educated at the Norwegian National Ingrid Holmen, Flute; and Erling Eriksen, her and restore family honour. In Istanbul Film School in Lillehammer, the Kurdish- Piano. On the program: Mussorgsky: The he meets a young girl, Evin, and they travel Norwegian director has signed numerous Nursery; Prokofiev: Five Poems of Anna together through Greece, Germany and Nor- shorts, including Bawke (2005), about two Akhmatova, Op. 27; Rachmaninov: Li- way. Iraqi emigrants in search of a better life. lacs, Op. 21 No. 5; How fair this Spot!, “This is a fantastic start for Zaman and Bawke was awarded an Amanda – Norway’s Op. 21 No. 7; Sing not to Me, Beautiful his film,” said Norwegian producer Stein national film prize – and toured 94 festivals, Maiden, Op. 4 No. 4; The Isle, Op. 14 B. Kvae, who staged the production with returning with 28 accolades. No. 2; Nystroem: Soul and Landscape; Sommerfeldt: Hildring i Speil (Mirage in a Mirror), Op. 48; Grieg: Four Songs, Op. 21; Bjørnson: Selections from Fisher Maiden and Monte Pincio; Thea Mus- Join our community! Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 Just $59 for 47 issues to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] for details norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us March 8, 2013 • 13 In your neighborhood Saluting our heroes Art, scissors, paper Wounded Warrior fundraiser event in Santa Ynez, Scissors for a Brush, featuring the work of Karen Bit Calif., brings stories, inspiration and connections Vejle, opens March 22 in Seattle, Wash.

Photo: Larrie Wanberg Opening an evening of “Saluting Our Heroes” to support the Wounded Warrior project are two speakers, Navy Captain Charlie Pumb, a Viet Nam POW and a 90-year-old WWII pilot, Jim Kunkle, with the Vandenberg AFB Security Forces Honor Guard.

Larrie Wanberg N.D. Contributing Editor Photos: Karen Bit Vejle / Flickr Artist Karen Bit Vejle with some of her amazing pieces. Bit Vejle’s work will appear at the Nordic Heritage Mu- It isn’t often that one can meet a WWII were treated. seum in Seattle, Wash. March 22 – June 16, 2013. P-38 pilot, a Navy POW pilot from Viet Moments of “gooseflesh,” coupled with Nam, and a recent Wounded Warrior return- laughter, were mixed in the engaging stories ee in one large room in a rural town under they recounted. Special Release 5,000 population. Jim Kunkle, a 90-year-old active pilot Nordic Heritage Museum This rare experience happened on March from Solvang. CA. is a WWII highly deco- 1st at Santa Ynez, CA in a fund-raising event rated P-38 fighter pilot. He had a twinkle in to support the Wounded Warrior project, his eye as he related this story with a humor- Using just scissors and paper as her sonal style and technique that are entirely sponsored by Rangeworks, a local produc- ous ending. tools, Danish-Norwegian artist Karen Bit her own. For more than 35 years she has tion company in cooperation with several “After D-Day, we supported the ad- Vejle creates a stunning, multi-faceted been absorbed, fascinated, and deeply com- sponsoring organizations in the community. vance of ground troops from Omaha Beach world. Now that world, where design, detail, mitted to this art form that developed from The venue at the Ranch & Reata Roadhouse through France and into Germany. On Sep- and wonder meet, is coming to Seattle as the small, simple snowflakes to unusually large was sold out with a waiting list – jammed to tember 16th, I was engaged with a number of exhibition Scissors for a Brush. The exhibi- and highly complex image cuttings. She is the limits of code. German fighters in an aerial dogfight. I was tion’s first time beyond Scandinavia, Scis- one of very few in Europe who can cut at The evening was filled with inspiration, alone, got shot down near Aachen, Germany. sors for a Brush will run March 22 through such an advanced technical and artistic level. humorous stories, memories of valor and the I was blown out of the aircraft and landed June 16, 2013. There is a great degree of humor in Karen tales of cohesive strength of camaraderie un- with my parachute between the lines of the Bit Vejle will visit the Museum and lead Bit Vejle’s world of imagery; humor and the der dire circumstances. opposing ground forces. An American patrol public tours of the exhibition at 2:00 p.m. on ability to identify joy in small things. Just as The fund-raising event was, in my opin- was sent out to pick me up. I was pretty bad- Friday, March 22 and at 2:00 p.m. on Satur- often, though, she confronts deep serious- ion, a model way for a community to sup- ly burned and spent some time in a hospital day, March 23. ness and themes intended to invoke involve- port its veterans and ideally to honor many of with a bunch of infantry guys. “I have finished a number of cuttings ment and reflection.” the untold stories of courage and patriotism “Later, I was evacuated to a military over the course of nearly 40 years, and as In addition, alongside Bit Vejle’s work, of its citizens. The program started at 6:00 hospital in Paris. My face was burned and I never had anywhere else to keep them, Scissors for a Brush will feature four origi- p.m. with dinner and drinks, inspirational my hands were heavily bandaged with my they had just remained hidden underneath nal paper cuts by Hans Christian Andersen speakers, an auction of memorabilia, and a fingers splinted so my fingers wouldn’t curl. my rugs,” says Bit Vejle. “They might have on loan from the Hans Christian Andersen headliner country/western singer/songwriter A severely wounded buddy of mine from the stayed there forever, if a colleague had not Museum in Odense, Denmark. This is a rare “Adrian,” performing with the area “Valley ward and I decided to see Paris one night, so happened to look under my rugs and find opportunity to see these fragile works in the Cats” band. the nurses dress us up with borrowed clothes them. He thought they should see the light United States. I had the privilege to privately inter- – assorted uniforms without too many holes of day. Ever since, these paper cuttings have Bit Vejle’s first show opened at The Na- view two speaker-veterans of the evening. in them – and we went to the Lido club. It taken on a life of their own and started a cru- tional Museum of Decorative Arts in Trond- Their uniforms and insignias struck a chord was crowded and everyone was celebrating, sade for the rediscovery of paper cutting.” heim, Norway in 2008. Since then the travel- of memories in me from my vintage time of as Paris had only recently been liberated. Psaligraphy — the art of paper cutting ing exhibition Scissors for a Brush has been active duty over 21 years on the staff of mili- I had the “call of nature” at the club and — is an art form that takes painstaking pa- touring prominent museums in the Nordic tary hospitals where wounded warriors and as I headed for the Latrine – that’s what we tience and concentration. Bit Vejle’s works countries to considerable public attention. POWs from WWII, Korea, and Viet Nam called it – I suddenly realized that my uni- are formed from a large, continuous piece of Learn more about Karen Bit Vejle at form pants had buttons. My hands were tight- paper that is folded one, two, and three times, http://papercutart.no. ly wrapped in bandages. My buddy couldn’t and then cut using only a pair of scissors. assist me, as he had mobility problems re- Every single scissor cut is carefully planned, Exhibition support is provided by Scan covering from a bullet wound to the head. So as the slightest mistake can have disastrous Design Foundation by Ingers & Jens Bruun, I turned around and said, ‘I’m in trouble. I consequences for the finished result. 4Culture, Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural need to go and I have button-up pants. I need Exhibition curator Sissel Guttormsen Affairs, the Washington State Arts Commis- some help.’ And 5-6 young French “Florence says, “Her magical cuttings are rooted in sion, the Norwegian Association for Arts Nightingales” came to my rescue and even a tradition that has known a long journey and Crafts, and the Norwegian Ministry of went with me. I thought it was pretty funny, through history. But she has created a per- Foreign Affairs. quite liberating.” Retired Navy Captain Charlie Plumb joined the conversation. In retirement, he is a professional speaker and spends time Sign up for our free weekly in Santa Ynez at his “man camp” (his sec- ond home) to fly aircrafts with his long-time e-newsletter! friends. Photo: Larrie Wanberg In the interview, he related some of his Email [email protected] Charlie Plumb, a navy pilot, spent over 6 years as a POW in Viet Nam. See > heroes, page 14 14 • March 8, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage < lunch Norwegian Language Corner From page 1 ees an outlook on the various Norway re- numerous interests and capabilities. lated social and business organizations that NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS This first event centered on Norwegian are currently operating in Florida. Jakobsen related business activities in Florida, one also gave a briefing about the work being of the states that are part of the Consulate’s done by Norwegians Worldwide, a mem- 10-state jurisdiction, and drew approxi- bership organization for Norwegians living mately 40 attendees from a variety of back- abroad founded in 1907. On the occasion of With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, grounds. Speaking on the topic were two the visit from the Norwegian Crown Prince “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the col- representatives from the Norwegian Ship- and Crown Princess to Houston in May, the lections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri ping Club & Norwegian American Chamber next edition of the Norwegian Worldwide publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. of Commerce in Florida, an organization magazine will have a special emphasis on dedicated to develop, promote, foster and Norwegian related business in the Houston sponsor personal and business relationships area, and Jakobsen made a pitch to those at- within and between the Norwegian and the tending the event to take out ads in the mag- American business clusters in Florida. azine to support the work being done by the The first briefing was given by John organization. Haagensen, a native of Norway with busi- Jostein Mykletun, Consul General of ness experience from Florida spanning Norway, led the event, and gave ample room several decades. Haagensen chronicled the for dialogue between the speakers and those history of Norwegian related business ac- attending. After the event had formally end- tivities in Florida, and described the way in ed, most of the attendees stayed at Norway which the nature of the Norwegian presence House for another hour to discuss the topic has changed. While the 1970s and 80s were at hand and to engage in networking. growth years for Norway in Florida, with The next “Lunch’n Learn” event will be cruise lines sailing under the Norwegian flag held at Norway House on March 20, from and with Norwegian crew, there was a down- 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and will be open to the turn during the 1990s related to a noticeable public free of charge. At this luncheon, a shift from the cruise industry to the energy presentation will be given by Gary Isaksen sector. Today, Haagensen noted, there is still of ExxonMobil, who will give an up to date Rype Sal og den gjerrige Lagopus Sal and the farmer’s a strong continuing Norwegian influence in overview of ExxonMobil in the Norway – kona wife who was so stingy Florida, but the nature of that presence has U.S. context. changed substantially since the 1970s. Der den gamle kongevegen gjer ein Where the old imperial road makes a Following Haagensen’s presentation To sign up for the next “Lunch’n brå sving, ligg det ein stor stein. Inne i sudden turn, there is a large stone. Inside was that of Beate Jakobsen, Honorary Vice Learn” event, please communicate to: rsvp. denne steinen budde det ein gong eit troll the stone there once lived a troll named Consul of Norway and Vice President of [email protected]. We hope to see you som heitte Rype Sal. Lagopus Sal. NSCNACC in Miami, who gave the attend- there. Det kan vera einsamt å bu inne i ein It can be lonely to live inside such a slik stein, så om dagen låg han ofte og stone, so during the day he often listened lydde etter kva folk prata om når dei gjekk to what people talked about when they forbi på vegen. < Heroes walked by on the road. that I was feeling “gooseflesh” from their Ikkje så langt derifrå budde det ei rik From page 13 Not far from there, lived a rich farm- spirited tales of adventure from the past and bondekone. Både skuffer og skåp var fulle er’s wife. Both drawers and cupboards experiences as a POW in Hanoi for 2,103 carrying the feeling forward to the moment. av gull og sølv. Og på stabburet var det were full of gold and silver. And inside the days. He went to Viet Nam in 1966, got shot They chimed in, “anyone that rides with mat i tønner og trau. stabbur [traditional food storage building down on May 19th, 1967 only 5 days be- us gets goose bumps too.” Men kona var så sur og tverr at ho on a farm — before refrigeration] there was fore end of his tour, parachuted into enemy I left with a medley of heartfelt stories aldri gav bort noko. Ja, om det så var food in barrels and wooden bowls. hands, tortured for two days and thrown in a that needed to be shared beyond the confines svoltne fattigfolk som bad om ein matbit i But the housewife was so unpleas- 8x5 prison cell. He endured captivity in six of a building bulging with eager listeners Guds namn, fekk dei aldri noko av henne. ant and grumpy that she never gave away different prison camps over six years, some- and an honoring public. Rype Sal låg inne i steinen sin og a thing. Aye, even if there were poor and times with a cellmate. He was repatriated in And the party went on into the evening. høyrde på alle som klaga på den gjerrige hungry people who asked for a bit of food 1973 and “air evac’d” to Great Lakes Naval kona, og han tykte synd i dei svoltne. Til in God’s name, they would never get a Hospital. slutt vart han lei av alle klagene. thing from her. On this evening though, it wasn’t about Ein dag skapte han seg om til ein fat- Lagopus Sal lay inside his stone and dire circumstances; rather, it was fun and fri- tig mann, og gjekk til garden der den gjer- listened to all those who complained about volity, recounting personal stories that were rige kona budde. Han ville finna ut om ho this stingy housewife, and he felt sorry for accented with laughter and joking, as if it var så ille som folk sa. the poor and hungry. In the end he became were a spontaneous reunion. Another vet- tired of all this complaining. eran joined our story circle and then another. One day he turned himself into the fig- Names of “buddies” were exchanged about ure of a penniless man and went to the farm POWs that were known personally by the in- where the stingy housewife lived. He want- dividuals and were even familiar to me from ed to find out if she was as bad as people my personal experience the 1970s, as part of said she was. a field medical research team to the Center for POW/MIA studies in San Diego. 4.NAW.Vangsgutane.6Jan2013_Layout 1 1/7/13 12:20 AM Page 1 Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng At the end of the interview, the two pi- Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. • www.astrimyastri.com lots were telling with excitement how they fly aircraft regularly today. To me, it was like Photo: Larrie Wanberg an old-fashioned “hanger party” when cap- Your #1 source of bilingual English Norwegian books! Jim Kunkle, a highly decorated pilot from WWII, still tivating stories are exchanged. I expressed flies actively today. The Boys From Vangen:

• Bilingual English & Norwegian text • Book for all ages • Full colored & illustrated, Smyth sewn • 6”x9”, hardcover, 176 pages • = $19.95 with FREE shipping in USA Vangsgutane has been a classic series in Norway since 1941. Right after WWII, Vangsgutane was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Honest and quick-thinking, the boys become role models for Norwegian children through their nu- merous ventures and narrow escapes. Previously serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly. Call — send a check Made in America! or order from website Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] norwegian american weekly March 8, 2013 • 15 Sports < triumph From page 1 Biathlete Martin Fourcade of France Ski in the U.S. also received the award. Races and events in the U.S.’s favorite Nordic-inspired winter sport with victory in a super-G event at Kvitfjell, Norway’s Tarjei Bø had to settle for sec- Lillehammer on Sunday. ’s Georg St- ond place and silver in the World reitberger was second, ahead of Italian Wer- Cup pursuit event at Holmenkollen, Oslo ner Heel. on Sturday. Winner was of Mar. 16 The Solitude Nordic Spring Fling near Salt Lake City, Utah: 7 km race The victory was Svindal’s fifth win of France. at 10:00 am, 1.2 km relay at noon. Both are free technique. Prizes for fastest the Alpine season, and it also gave Svindal ’s Alexandr Loginov placed third. skiers in different age groups. Entry fee $15 for morning event; $8 per person the title in the discipline Super-G. Fourcade led from start to finish, only or $20 per team for relay. Entry fee includes hamburgers and hot dogs, plus Svindal is also second in the World Cup very briefly being overtaken by Boe at the entertainment, after the races. Come dressed in funny or unusual costumes for ranking overall, only 29 points behind Mar- 1.8 km mark. a chance to win other great prizes. Contact the Nordic Center for information: cel Hirscher of Aus- Away from (801) 536-5774. tria. home, Norway also Norway’s Tora triumphed. Mar. 16 Glide the Divide in Steamboat Springs, Colo. This is a 45K marathon Berger won the Norway topped and a 90K ultramarathon on packed snowmobile trails starting and ending at women’s 12.5 km the medal rank- Steamboat Lake State Park. Qualification is required for the 90K race, which ing of the Nordic goes all the way to the Wyoming border and back. There are both classic and event at Holmen- Ski World Cham- skate divisions for both distances. For information, go to http://www.glidethe- kollen on Sunday, pionship at Val di divide.com. ahead of ’s Fiemme, , with Anastasia Kuzmi- 8 gold, 5 silver and Mar. 23 The Equinox Ski Challenge is a season finale nordic ski race to be held on na. ’ Daria Photo: Rune Petter Ness 6 bronze medals. the Rendezvous Ski Trails in West Yellowstone, Mo. Similar to the 24 Hour Marit Bjørgen nabbed three gold medals and one silver France is sec- mountain bike races, skiers complete as many laps as they can, either as a Domratsjeva placed during the Nordic Ski World Championships. third. ond with 3 gold solo entrant or on a relay team in the 3-Hour, 6-Hour, 12-Hour, or 24-Hour This also and 1 bronze, while division. Team can be composed of 2-8 skiers. For the fifth year in a row, means that she has won the World Cup over- Russia is third with 22 gold and 3 bronze the Equinox Ski Challenge will donate a portion of the proceeds to the West all this season. medals. Yellowstone Ski Education Foundation and to Manaia Youth Programs. Par- Berger was also awarded the Holmen- Marit Bjørgen alone captured three indi- ticipants can also earn raffle tickets by bringing food donations for the West koll Medal, Norway’s highest distinction vidual gold medals and one silver. Yellowstone Food Bank. The festivities will include a potluck with beverages within ski sport. on Saturday evening and an all night bonfire at the start/finish line. Complete details, race updates and online registration are available at www.equinoxs- kichallenge.com. whether you’re talking about war in the Mid- < survivors Mar. 30 Intermountain Series FINALS – Grand Targhee/Driggs, Idaho. The Inter- From page 6 dle East or school murders in the U.S.,” says mountain Series is the premier regional race series for Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, the researcher. and Montana. Athletes are encouraged to race in as many IMD Series races as against the United States and the bombing Ousdal says that it also will be interest- possible to qualify for overall age-group prizes at the end of the season. The of a federal office building in Oklahoma in ing to see how any changes in adolescents’ IMD Series races also function as qualifying races for racers aspiring to make 1995. brains develop over time. the IMD Junior National Ski Team. Saturday’s schedule includes a Classic “However, this is the first study in the “We know that the brains of people un- Mass Start 5k in the morning, followed by a Freestyle Downhill Derby race in world to use these methods to examine der 25 years old have a much easier time re- the afternoon. Sunday there will be Club Relays. These races will be scored youths’ responses to traumatic stress,” said pairing themselves, and they can get back to with IMD points, so come finish the season strong and see how you stack up Dr. Olga Therese Ousdal of the radiology de- normal functioning again. This has not been against other IMD skiers in your age group. Overall awards will be presented partment at Haukeland. studied on this scale before,” she says. at the end of competition. She says that while the U.S. scientists Studying a variety of people who are have studied war veterans of varying ages so similar has great value for all scientific and life situations who may have experi- research, because it makes the results very enced various traumas, those who survived transferable. < nuclear Utøya are of similar ages, and experienced Milde thinks it is a unique scientific op- From page 3 Although there is wide recognition of the exact same trauma. portunity for Norway to seize. the importance of the humanitarian conse- “In addition, they are all gifted young- She believes there is a tradition of let- “This conference, however, takes a dif- quences of a nuclear weapon detonation, as sters, who initially shared a political interest. ting the American scientists undertake the ferent starting point. It raises a very deep and demonstrated by the outcome document of That this research will be done on a group most important and costly research, while serious question: If nuclear weapons actu- the last Review Conference of the Nuclear that is so homogeneous makes the results Norwegian researchers are left with less ally were to be used, what would the conse- Non-proliferation Treaty, direct consider- more transferable than similar studies con- complicated subjects. quences be? Would we be able to handle the ation of these issues has so far been limited. ducted earlier,” says Ousdal. “We cannot look to other countries and humanitarian catastrophe that would follow The conference program includes pre- She hopes that the findings will also be the United States in our quest for knowledge. a detonation?” he said. sentations by experts and discussions around noticed internationally. When such events happen in Norway, it is The conference, which will be held on three key aspects: first, the immediate hu- “Perhaps the findings could have im- important that research is done with Norwe- senior official level, is open to all states, as manitarian impact of a nuclear detonation; plications beyond borders. Every day, youth gian youth, living under Norwegian condi- well as U.N. organizations, representatives second, the possible wider developmental, worldwide experiences stress and Fulltrauma, Service Agency With Experienced Norwegiantions,” Speaking said Consultants! Milde. of civil society and other relevant stakehold- economic and environmental consequences; ers. Full Service Agency WithOur Experienceddaily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! and third, preparedness, including plans and information will help you make wise travel The conference invitation states that a existing capacity to respond to this type of Our daily specials and regularly updated information will help you make wise travel decisions in a constantly changing world! decisions in a constantly changing world! nuclear weapon detonation, whether inten- disaster. Specials to Scandinavia, VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE tional or accidental, could cause catastroph- The conference says it is providing an Europe & the Caribbean Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 ic short- and long-term humanitarian, eco- arena for a fact-based discussion of the hu- Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] nomic, developmental and environmental manitarian and developmental consequences effects. Such a detonation could have global associated with a nuclear weapon detona- Verrazano TraVel & leisure implications. tion. 1 (718) 979-6641 Waiting too [email protected] for your issue? [email protected] Find the perfect gift from in Try our digital edition – delivered to our online store, or if your inbox every Friday morning! you’re in the area, visit our shop in Waupaca, Wisconsin! E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 Email [email protected] to activate your (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] digital subscription today!

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