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In Your Neighborhood Taste of Gratulerer Lutefisk: med dagen, Du må ta din vinter, ta din frosttid, la deg gjennomherje uten kny. Friend or foe? Færder Lodge! Da skal også dine vårdøgn komme og din makt og mulighet bli ny. Read more on page 13 – Louis Kvalstad Read more on page 8 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 122 No. 2 January 14, 2011 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidene $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at Politicians call for tougher tolls www.norway.com In an effort to News Norway is not in talks with reduce air pollution Air – KLM Group, in , politicians Deutsche Lufthansa AG and British Airways Ltd. to sell its are joining forces SAS AB stake, Trade Minister Trond Giske said. The carri- to make it more ers are ready for a bidding war expensive to over the Nordic region’s big- gest airline, Danish newspaper drive older, less Børsen reported Dec. 31. SAS, environmentally 50 percent-owned by the gov- ernments of , friendly cars and Norway, is struggling with low-cost competition after los- Li v Bu l i ing money in all but one of the Views and News from Norway past 12 quarters. (blog.norway.com/category/ news) Local branches of both the Labor Party and the Conservatives Business are joining forces to make it more Statoil has planned 990 modi- expensive to drive older, less envi- fication projects on the Norwe- ronmentally friendly cars in Oslo. gian continental shelf in 2011, They want to link the level of auto- with a price tag totaling NOK 9 mobile tolls to the level of exhaust billion. The modifications will Photo: Think.no improve health, safety and the CONTINUES PAGE 6 Norway-based electric car Th!nk City is fully electric, and will not be as affected by the proposed toll increase in Oslo. environment (HSE) – as well as earnings from the installations. (blog.norway.com/category/ Fly like a Norwegian Remembering Reidar business) events in the U.S. provide Beloved St. Olaf Norway in the U.S. College professor BAM and Abbey Theatre pres- a great time for the whole family ent the U.S. premiere of Hen- dies at age 88 rik Ibsen’s play “John Gabriel Borkman” at the BAM Harvey Dr. Ma r y Jo Th o r s h e i m Theater in Brooklyn, N.Y., Minneapolis, Minn. through Feb. 6. (blog.norway.com/category/ norway-in-the-us) The sun has set on the amazing life of Dr. Reidar Dittmann (1922- 2010). Edvard Munch’s famous What’s inside? painting “The Sun” (“Solen”) was News 2-3 a favorite, and he frequently used the projected image as a dramatic Business 4 conclusion to his lectures on the art Research & Education 5 CONTINUES PAGE 5 Photo courtesy of St. Olaf College Opinion 6-7 Taste of Norway 8 Diplomacy in Blackberry Age Travel 9 Obama’s appointee Roots & Connections 10 visits Seattle, Wash. Obituaries & Religion 11 Arts & 12 Ch r i s t i n e In g e b r i t s e n In Your Neighborhood 13 Professor Norwegian Heritage 14 Photo: Ken Nordan Dept. of Scandinavian Studies This jumper shows good form 10 meters into his flight. Sports 15 University of Washington On Jan. 6, 2011, the Honorable Ke n No r d a n However, by that point, Norwe- $1 = NOK 5.9696 Barry White, U.S. Ambassador Batavia, Ill. gians had been flying for almost updated 1/10/2011 to Norway, visited the University 100 years. Olaf Rye, Sondre Nor- In comparison The names Orville and Wilber of Washington campus in Seattle, heim, Olaf Haugann, Svein Sol- 12/10/2010 6.0511 Wright are synonymous with flight. Wash., connecting his work in Oslo lid, Narve Bonna and Jacob Tul- In 1903, they were credited as the to the most substantial population 7/10/2010 6.3613 lin Thams were all pioneers in the 1/10/2010 5.6924 first men to fly a powered aircraft. of students and faculty who study Photo: U.S. Embassy in Oslo CONTINUES PAGE 9 CONTINUES PAGE 5 U.S. Ambassador Barry White. 2 • January 14, 2011 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter – Mest tragiske ulykke i vår historie Terrorceller ser Biskopen bekrefter å ha gitt 10.000 21 mennesker har omkommet mot nord kroner på veistrekningen i der Oslo-biskop Ole Christian Kvarme bekrefter den tragiske ulykken 7. januar Af t e n p o s t e n at en oslokvinne har fått 10.000 kroner, men avviser at pengene hadde noe med en an- Terrorforsker Brynjar Lia mener Nor- No r d l y s meldt overgrepssak å gjøre. Den 70 år gamle den kan fremstå som mer interessant for ter- kvinnen sa til VG at biskop Kvarme forsøkte rorister fordi det er stort trykk i terrorjakten å kjøpe henne ut etter at hun varslet om at en – Den verste trafikkulykken jeg har op- lenger nedover i Europa. prest hadde befølt henne. – Da denne saken plevd i min tid som politimester i Troms Striden om muhammedtegningene og ble meldt til biskopen, ble den høsten 2009 politidistrikt. Det sa politimester Truls Fyhn nordiske lands militære engasjement i Af- fulgt opp etter de retningslinjer som fore- da han orienterte pressen om trafikkulykken Foto: Jan-Morten Bjørnbakk ghanistan kan kanskje være med på å forklare ligger for håndtering av slike saker, skriver på E8 i Lavangsdalen 7. januar. «et overraskende høyt antall terroravsløring- Kvarme i en pressemelding. Ifølge VG ble Ved 14.30-tida kom fire biler, hvorav Politimesteren opplyser at de både har er i Norden de to siste årene», mener terror- presten satt «under veiledning», men nekter en minibuss, kjørende i retning fra Tromsø. folk på plass i Lavangsdalen, på UNN og på forskeren. for å ha befølt kvinnen. Cirka fire kilometer fra slutten av Lavangs- Scandic og at det ikke har manglet på res- Lia som er forsker ved Forsvarets for- (NTB) dalen, krysset til Kantornes, møter de fire surser fra politiets side. skningsinstitutt, viser til at sikkerhetspolitiet Fyhn sier at han ikke kjenner til spe- i en rekke europeiske land har hatt betydelig Veidøden kostet oss 6 milliarder i fjor store busser med unge håndsballspillere fra Alta, på vei til Tromsø. En av bilene får sladd sielle forhold ved veistrekningen der ulyk- suksess i opprulling av terrorceller, og at det Døden på veiene kostet det norske samfunn og kolliderer med den første bussen. Til sam- ken skjedde. kan få en del av terroristene til å trekke nor- 6,3 milliarder i fjor. De alvorlige person- men tre av de fire bilene blir involvert i ulyk- – Men vi har allerede rutinemessig op- dover. Han fremhever både England, Frank- skadene i trafikken koster minst like mye, pnevnt en sakkyndig for å bringe klarhet rike og Tyskland som land nær Norden der ifølge Transportøkonomisk institutt (TØI). ken, som altså ender fem drepte og fire ska- i forløpet, i tilfelle det senere skulle bli en man har avdekket en lang rekke planlagte Utgangspunktet for anslaget er de foreløpige dete. straffesak. En representant for Statens ha- terrorhandlinger. tallene som viser at 210 personer omkom i De skadete er brakt til UNN, mens de varikommisjon kommer også i kveld. Lia mener Norge kan tenkes å ha bedre trafikken i fjor, det laveste dødstall siden døde ennå i går ettermiddag ikke var brakt ut Distriktssjef Ingeborg Solberg i Statens 1950-årene. Endelige tall vil først foreligge fra ulykkesstedet. Fyhn regnet imidlertid at forutsetninger for å møte denne utfordringen i februar, får NTB opplyst. Tall fra forskn- det ville skje i løpet av kvelden. vegvesen, sa i ettermiddag at det var for tidlig enn Sverige og Danmark. Mye tyder på, sier ingsinstituttets siste verdsettingsstudie viser Politiet hadde ingen totaloversikt over å si noe om forholdene på strekningen. han, at radikale islamistiske miljøer i Sverige at en person som dør i trafikken koster 30 antall skadde, men så langt ser det ikke ut til – Det er en høytrafikkert strekning, der- og Danmark er både større og mer radikale millioner kroner, hvorav 4 millioner utgjør å være noen på bussen som er alvorlig ska- for er det også mange ulykker på den. Det vi enn i Norge. Lia mener det fortsatt er lettere realøkonomiske kostnader i form av produk- det. De tre bakerste bussene slapp helt unna vet så langt, er at det er vanlig vinterføre, sier å jobbe forebyggende i Norge. sjonsbortfall samt medisinske og materielle ulykken. Det samme gjelder den fjerde bilen, hun, men opplyser at de har folk på stedet – Så langt har vi sluppet hardhendte anti- kostnader. I tillegg kommer velferdskost- som visst nok bare fikk knust et speil. som foretar målinger. terroroperasjoner, som fort kan bringe oss til naden, som er anslått til 26 millioner per I regi av Tromsø kommune er det op- English Synopsis: A three-car accident near Tromsø et tidsskille der frontene skjerpes, opinionen dødsfall. prettet et pårørendesenter på Scandic hotell. on Jan. 7 killed five people and injured several more. polariseres og det skapes martyrskikkelser, (VG) Der får både de som har opplevd ulykken Slippery winter conditions caused a car to slide and spesielt dersom det ikke er åpenbart for alle collide into a bus of handball players. Grief counsel- på nært hold, deriblant de unge håndball- at de pågrepne er terrorister, sier Lia. 2010 det kaldeste året siden 1941 ors set up a temporary family center at a Scandic hotel spillerne, og pårørende som kommer til, kan for the witnesses to process what they saw. “The worst English Synopsis: Terror researcher Brynjar Lia be- Middeltemperaturen for Norge som helhet få hjelp og støtte. traffic accident I’ve seen,” said the police chief. lieves Scandinavia is a draw to terrorist cells. Norway i 2010 lå 1 grad celsius under normalen has fewer radical groups than Denmark and Sweden. og fjoråret ble dermed kaldeste år i Norge siden 1941. Bare i deler av og i Barnehagebarn Nye reglar kan hindra straumsjokk enkelte kystområder i Troms og lå middeltemperaturen over normalen. Det får bedre språk Nettselskapa kan verta kaldeste året som er registrert er 1915 da middeltemperaturen lå 1,7 grader celsius enn hjemmebarn pålagde å informera under normalen. Årsoversikten fra Meteo- straumkundane rologisk institutt viser at det største avviket fra normalen i 2010 kom i enkelte områder VG betre og oftare om av Hordaland, Møre og Romsdal, Trøndelag Barn i barnehage har bedre utviklet og Hedmark. Her lå middeltemperaturen for forbruket sitt for å språkferdigheter enn barn som blir pas- året mellom 2 og 2,5 grader under det nor- unngå sjokkrekningar male. set hjemme av foreldre, dagmamma eller i (NRK) barnepark, ifølge en undersøkelse fra Folke- i framtida, varslar helseinstituttet. Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI) Noregs vassdrags- og Høyre forbi Ap på ny måling har studert nærmere 20.000 barn i Norge. Både Arbeiderpartiet og SV faller på en ny – Vi har målt språkferdighetene til barn energidirektorat (NVE) meningsmåling som TNS Gallup har utført i ulike passordninger. Vi ser at det er færre barn i barnehage som har sen språkutvikling Foto: Nyhetsspiller for TV 2. På målingen går Høyre forbi Ap og Forskrifta om måling og avrekning gjev enn det som er tilfellet blant andre barn, sier er det største partiet. Høyre får en oppslut- NRK NVE heimel til å påleggja nettselskap og ning på 27,6 prosent i målingen, en oppgang doktorgradsstipendiat Ratib Lekhal ved FHI kraftleverandørar å innføra krav til nye rutinar i på 1 prosentpoeng fra desembermålingen. til Vårt Land. – I anstrengde kraftsituasjonar er det kritiske energisituasjonar. Det er første gang i målingens åtteårige his- Det finnes 420.000 barn i aldersgruppen viktig med oppdatert informasjon til for- torie at Høyre er det største partiet. SV faller 0-6 år i Norge. 270.200 av disse gikk i 2009 i å redusera straumrekninga si gjennom å avg- brukarane om eige forbruk. På den måten er 1,4 prosentpoeng, mens Ap får redusert sin barnehage, ifølge Statistisk sentralbyrå. rensa straumbruken. Hyppigare målaravles- dei betre førebudde dersom kraftsituasjonen oppslutning med 1,5 prosentpoeng. De to FHI har også sett på betydningen av ing og fakturering er med på å bevisstgjera forverrar seg, opplyser seksjonssjef i NVE, får oppslutninger på henholdsvis 4,8 og 26,2 foreldrenes inntekt, morsmål og alder. Men forbrukarane, meiner Grammeltvedt. Thor Erik Grammeltvedt på direktoratet sine prosent. Regjeringspartner Sp er partiet som dette endrer ikke konklusjonen om at barn i Det er forskrifta om måling og avrekn- heimesider. går mest fram på målingen. Oppslutningen barnehage har bedre språkutvikling enn de ing som gjev NVE heimel til å påleggja net- på 5,6 prosent er en oppgang på 1,6 prosent- som ikke går i barnehage. tselskap og kraftleverandørar å innføra krav Uvanleg dyr vinter-straum poeng. – En mulighet kan være at barn som til nye rutinar i kritiske energisituasjonar. (NTB/Adresseavisen) Fyllingsgrada i norske vassmagasin er ellers har like forutsetninger får en mer inten- Grammeltvedt understrekjer at det på uvanleg låg, og NVE spår at straumprisane siv språkstimulering i barnehagen. Så langt noverande tidspunkt ikkje er aktuelt å innføra Forbudt å ta betaling vil halda seg på eit historisk høgt nivå gjen- vi har kommet nå er det vanskelig å avgjøre slike krav, men at dei varslar om ei evetuell Turistnæringen bruker millioner av kroner nom heile vinteren. om årsaken er språkstimulering eller andre rutineendring no, slik at dei er budde dersom på å kjøre opp perfekte skispor på vinter- På grunn av den kritiske situasjonen i læringsbetingelser. Men høsten 2011 vil vi det kjem eit pålegg. sportsstedene. Mange steder ønsker å få kraftmarknaden, går NVE no ut med eit brev samle inn cirka 30.000 spørreskjemaer fra brukerne, langrennsløperne, til å betale for til alle nettselskap og kraftleverandørar i lan- barnehagene og da vil vi få bedre holdepunk- English Synopsis: After the historically high energy denne tjenesten, akkurat som alpinistene må det. prices from last winter, the Norwegian Water Resourc- ter for hva som foregår i barnehagen og betale for å bruke preparerte bakker. Men det I brevet vert selskapa og leverandørane es and Energy Directorate (NVE) is taking a proac- som virker positivt på barnas utvikling, sier har den ikke lov til. Bokstavelig talt. – Ja, å varsla om at dei kan bli pålagde å innføra tive approach to warn customers of price hikes. “It is innføre en slik brukerbetaling vil kreve en Lekhal. important to give updated information to consumers særskilte krav til rutinar for avlesing, fak- about their own consumption. That way, they are bet- lovendring, sier rådgiver Øyvind Dannevig English Synopsis: A new study by the Norwegian turering og informasjon om straumforbruk. ter prepared if the power situation worsens,” says head i Miljøverndepartementet. Institute of Public Health shows that children in kin- of NVE, Thor Erik Grammeltvedt. Level in Norwe- (Aftenposten) dergartens have a higher language development than – Bevisstgjering gian reservoirs are unusually low, and NVE predicts children who are cared for at home. The study looked that electricity prices to remain at a historically high at 20,000 children in Norway. – Straumkundane kan sjølv vera med på level throughout the winter. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news January 14, 2011 • 3 News U.S. Ambassador Health delegation visits US This week on Norway.com Norwegian households boost economy, in Seattle, Wash. Delegates from the pressure rates Norwegian Ministry Norwegian households spent more heavily than expected in November and the pace of of Health and Care credit growth picked up, pointing to a faster economic recovery that could see interest Services visited San rates rise sooner than anticipated. Season- Francisco and Houston ally adjusted retail sales volume grew by 2 percent from October, compared with a rise of 0.30 percent forecast in a Reuters No r w a y .o r g poll. Growth in household and business credit over the past year was 5.9 percent at Photo: Per Andreas W. Larsen Deputy Minister Robin Martin Kåss, the end of November, compared with 5.6 The delegation at the Royal Norwegian Consul- Political Adviser Tord Dale, Director Gen- percent expected in the Reuters poll and up ate General in Houston, Texas. From left: Kari from 5.4 percent in October. “The growth eral Bjørn Erikstein, Director General Kari Sønderland, Bjørn Erikstein, Bjørn Akselsen (In- of the Norwegian economy is picking up Sonderland and Deputy Director General novation Norway), Cathrine Meland, Tord Dale, Cathrine Meland visited the Royal Norwe- Anne Brith Berge (Norwegian-American Cham- faster than Norges Bank anticipated and gian Consulates General in San Francisco, ber of Commerce), Consul General Dr. Jostein this increases the chances that interest rates Calif., and Houston, Texas, to learn more Mykletun. will rise earlier than expected,’’ said Frank Photo: Christy Olsen Field about the American approach to the integra- Jullum, chief economist for Fokus Bank. Consul Kim Nesselquist (left) and U.S. Ambassa- (Reuters) tion of primary and specialty care, best prac- world. dor to Norway Barry White. “Both the U.S. and Norway are high tices for measuring health care efficiencies Swine flu reappears in Norway and services, and the latest medical technolo- spenders, so this visit was focused on how Jo h n Er i k St a c y gies. it is possible to cut costs while improving Two persons have been admitted to hospi- tals in Norway, diagnosed with the H1N1 Seattle, Wash. Deputy Minister Kåss notes health care health care quality,” he said. virus, known as swine flu. The cases fol- in the U.S. is relevant not only because of On Jan. 3, San Francisco Consul Gen- low a recurrence of the disease in Swe- innovators in the health care system but be- eral Arne Rosnes, Vice Consul General U.S. Ambassador to Norway Barry den as well. Norwegian health authorities cause both the U.S. and Norway are among Geir Tønnessen, and Innovation Norway White spoke and answered questions at a lun- said they didn’t expect a major outbreak, the top health care spenders per capita in the cheon in Seattle on Friday Jan 7. The event CONTINUES PAGE 10 but were prepared. News site VG Nett re- was titled “Business opportunities in Nor- ported that the two patients diagnosed with way” and was arranged by The Norwegian swine flu were a small child and a man in American Chamber of Commerce together Meet Fnugg and Ull his 60s. The child was admitted to hospital with Seattle Export Assistance Center. on Christmas Eve and had been taken off a Ambassador White shared impressions Two cute characters respirator. The older man was considered to of Norwegian government policy, culture be in a high-risk group and was admitted to and business and described areas where create delight and winter hospital on Dec. 30. Norway and the U.S. might have opportu- joy in connection with (Views and News from Norway) nities to learn from one another. He praised Norwegian high-tech activities, including the FIS Nordic World Ski Gold strike on ? alternative energy, biomedical research and Championship in Oslo The company Store Norske Gull has found more. He went on to mention how Norwe- gold on the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard. gians might learn from Americans regard- Store Norske Gull started drilling this sum- Os l o 2011 ing venture capital investment in emerging mer in the St. Johnsfjord on the western companies as well as commercialization and Illustrator: Trond Vestengen coast of the island Spitsbergen, after suc- marketing practices. “We wanted to create mascots that look The FIS Nordic World Ski Championship in Oslo cessful geological surveys in 2209. Analy- The ambassador answered a variety of cute and nice, at the same time as they em- has their own mascots: Fnugg and Ull. sis made in Canada and Sweden show questions from the floor about doing business body our graphic profile. With their simple that there is gold in the area, but it is too in Norway. He pointed out that the embassy yet expressive line I think we have managed less of which skiing nation they are from, early to say if the deposits are big enough has specialists that understand business in that,” says Åsne Havnelid, head of the 2011 has a relationship to playing in snow, throw- to be profitable, NRK reports. According Norway and can help advise and make con- FIS Nordic World Ski Championships. ing snowballs, and building snowmen,” says to Morten Often in Store Norske Gull, the tacts. The Web sites http://www.buyusa.gov/ A “snowman” was the starting point Havnelid. explorations will continue next summer. norway/en/ and http://www.export.gov are a given to illustrator Trond Vestengen when he She hopes that children are inspired to Store Norske Gull is a daughter company good starting point for exploring some of the started working on creating the mascots last draw the mascots, and even more that they of the Store Norske Group, who operates Norwegian coal production on Svalbard. services available. fall. Vestengen was given the task after win- are inspired to create the mascots in the snow (Barents Observer) Another useful resource is the “Com- ning the design competition. this winter. mercial Guide for U.S. Companies,” pro- “Our vision is to delight and spread “You do not go skiing with a carrot and duced annually by the Department of Com- winter joy. We therefore wanted snow to be a hat. By using what we have available in one of the elements. And everyone, regard- CONTINUES PAGE 15 CONTINUES PAGE 12

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • January 14, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (January 10, 2011) Solid momentum for Norway

Norsk Kr. 5.9696 Increased investment Dansk Kr. 5.7578 shows growth for the Svensk Kr. 6.8827 Nordic countries Canadian $ 0.9952

Euro 0.7734 Ra s m u s Fa lck For detailed information about Oslo, Norway the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no.

Norway now appears to be the largest market for venture capital investments in Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU Scandinavia, measured in terms of invest- ment per capita. There is 50 percent higher Independent Insurance Broker growth in foreign direct investment into the Long-Term Health Care Nordic countries compared to the larger E.U. Serving individuals and corporations countries. In Norway, the venture segment is highly internationalized. Non-Nordic ven- Call me or visit my website: ture funds invested four times in Norway www.obergltc.com more than Nordic funds during the last four (206)362-5913 years, according to a new report by the Oslo- 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155 based Menon Business Economics. The most attractive Nordic sector for Photo: Yngve Ask/Innovation Norway MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE foreign venture fund investment is life sci- ences, followed by computer and consumer Sweden the signs of recovery are weak. a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w electronics, energy and environment. The That being said, Swedish funds are the Danish market has the strongest interna- largest contributors in terms of cross-border tional interest for life sciences ventures. In capital between the Nordic countries. Specif- Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, Sweden, computer and consumer electronics commercial transactions and estate planning. ically, Swedish funds play an important part are the most attractive industries, while Nor- in the Finnish market, both in absolute terms way appears attractive within the segments and relative to investments from Denmark 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 of energy and environment. has re- and Norway. Sweden attracts about the same Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 ceived relatively moderate attention from proportion of capital from each of the other international venture capital during the past Nordic countries, indicating that Sweden is three years. pretty much in the core of the region. Nor- Although the majority of venture invest- way is the country which attracts the least ments are made by national funds located venture capital from the other Nordic coun- in the home country, a significant amount tries. However, Norway compensates this by of cross-border interaction takes place be- attracting more international venture capital tween the Nordic countries, creating a well- from outside the Nordic region. developed Nordic market for venture capital Small and medium sized enterprises are investments. the keys to improved competitiveness, in- From 2007 to 2009, investment volumes novation and growth. Venture capital is the in the venture capital segment were almost crucial way of financing growth among these erased. There are now clear signs of improve- companies. In other words, venture capital is ments. In 2010, venture capital investments still the key! in Norway caught solid momentum, while in Business News & Notes Norwegian state’s net financial assets at is one of them. Statoil had two rigs in the area record high when the drilling ban came last spring. One of For the first time, central government’s net the rigs is now operating offshore Egypt. The financial assets exceeded NOK 4000 billion. other one has been hired by ExxonMobil in the Both net lending and net holding gains con- Gulf of . This means the company does tributed to the increase in net financial assets not have any available rigs. “Statoil hopes to during the third quarter of 2010. Central gov- start drilling as soon as possible, hopefully in ernment’s net financial assets are calculated to the spring,” said Ola Morten Aanestad, Sta- I can help you with your changing insurance or financial needs. NOK 4.093 billion at the end of the third quar- toil’s head of information in North America. ter of 2010, which is NOK 156 billion higher (Offshore Media Group) Scott F. Peterson than at the end of the previous quarter. Central (206) 783-2195 government’s net foreign assets amounted to A year with big fluctuations – but a strong 1713 NW Market St. NOK 2720 billion, while net domestic assets finish Seattle are calculated to NOK 1.373 billion. 2010 was a year much affected by macro- [email protected] (Statistics Norway) economic developments outside Norway, principally the state of the national economy Come and compare your current policy with one from Allstate. Wilhelmsen acquires Nalfleet in and other European countries. In Insurance and savings offered only through select company and subject to availability and qualifications. Savings applies to most Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA’s subsidiary, Norway, 2010 brought major new listings in major coverages.Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. Wilhelmsen Ships Service, has signed a defini- the autumn, a record level of activity for both tive agreement to acquire Nalfleet for USD 41 the equities and fixed income markets, and million. “The Nalfleet acquisition enhances the migration to new IT systems for the Oslo our world leading position within marine Børs marketplaces. The OBX Index, which chemicals,” says Thomas Wilhelmsen, group comprises the 25 most traded shares listed on Advertise in the Weekly! Oslo Børs, gained 18 percent in 2010, while CEO at Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding (WWH). the OSEBX Benchmark Index gained 18.4 Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: “Nalfleet will be a valuable addition to our to- tal product range and chemical expertise within percent and ended the year on 439.72 points. Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for the ships service segment.” Nalfleet is the ma- The Benchmark Index recorded a rise of 10.5 EVERY week! B&W, $15/col inch for color rine division of Nalco, the world’s largest sus- percent in December, which was one of the • Free ad design tainability services company. strongest December performances in the his- (Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding) tory. Turnover in the Norwegian stock market • Support the only Norwegian- grew by around 20 percent between 2009 and American newspaper! Statoil resumes drilling in Gulf of Mexico 2010, with a daily average by the end of 2010 of NOK 7.2 billion. Thirteen companies have been allowed to re- (Oslo Børs) For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] sume drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and Statoil norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research January 14, 2011 • 5 Research and Education Ambassador... (…continued from page 1)

Norway and the Norwegian-American in the western states of the U.S. Ambassador White, a Harvard graduate with a distinguished record in law, addressed the UW class “Scandinavia in World Af- fairs,” providing insights to the way things look from his new post and introducing stu- dents to the speed and challenges associated with representing the U.S. government over- seas in an internet age. Not unlike President Obama, he consulted his handheld Black- berry, providing immediate references and updates, as needed. The ambassador came to Seattle to share his unique experiences rep- Photo courtesy of St. Olaf College Professor Reidar Dittman lecturing in the Munch Room at the National Gallery in Oslo, Norway. resenting the U.S. in Oslo, as well as to learn from us how Norway is portrayed in Ameri- Photo: University of Washington From left: Ambassador Barry White, Consul Kim dittman... can universities. (…continued from page 1) Nesselquist, Thomas Selinger and Vidar Keyn at Crossing the campus, the ambassador Grieg Garden. and his delegation passed through the Grieg of Scandinavia. His strong personal faith was (not even acknowledging him because of his Garden, an enclosed green space honoring ful questions, which followed a diverse set reflected in his observation that one could in- ethnicity). ”Wagner was the greatest!” they the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg, just of issues – from new security threats to eco- terpret the painting as a representation of the said. Unfortunately, another incident when adjacent to the entrance of the School of In- nomic and trade partnerships, as well as the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The painting is he was slapped on the ear ruptured his ear ternational Studies, named after Norwegian- legacy of Norway’s historic preference for part of a mural in the University of Oslo au- drum, and he remained able to hear from American state senator Henry Jackson. neutrality and how this is reconciled with ditorium in Norway where Dittmann began only one ear, all of his life, Lisa recalls. In the classroom, the Ambassador pro- NATO membership in the modern age. his college education until it was interrupted When he was released, he showed in- vided a detailed overview of the domestic The themes the ambassador address in- by the Nazi occupation of Norway in World domitable spirit by following his dream to and foreign policy priorities of the Norwe- cluded the diplomatic challenges associated War II. In contrast to Munch’s bright paint- study in America (specifically St. Olaf), ar- gian government – from poverty alleviation, with the WikiLeaks crisis, the puzzle of why ing of sunshine, part of Dittmann’s youth riving at St. Olaf in 1945 as a malnourished, peace promotion, universal health care, a have rejected the government’s was spent in the shadows of Buchenwald. seriously underweight young man. He could strong preference for independence, a sus- attempts to join the European Union, and the Edvard Munch was his favorite Norwe- describe difficulties like his physical condi- tainable policy for coastline management, ways Norway balances its membership in gian artist, and he also loved the nationalis- tion but quickly lighten the mood of his audi- and a hydropower capacity and petroleum NATO with a strong anti-nuclear position. tic, realistic landscapes of the “father of Nor- ence by interjecting a bit of humor. One par- export economy that permitted unprecedent- Ambassador White’s capacity to con- wegian painting” J.C. Dahl. In the latter, he ticular incident that he recalled included his ed wealth, set aside for future generations in nect ideas generated through his role as a regularly pointed out the inclusion of birch aversion to lutefisk. When the cafeteria was a sovereign fund. He also described the in- diplomat in Oslo with diasporas of Norwe- trees – symbols of the strength and resilience serving it as a special offering before Christ- tensity of witnessing the empty chair at the gians and Norwegian-Americans located in of Norway. Dittmann also showed strength mas, he thought that he could avoid eating it Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo. New York, Houston, Minneapolis and the and resilience throughout his life. The art of by going late to supper, after the lutefisk was From the student’s perspective, hosting Pacific Northwest promises to open a new the Italian Renaissance and French Impres- depleted. Using this ingenious approach he an ambassador on the second day of class was avenue of social networking, commerce and sionism also held a fascination for him. entered the cafeteria, only to be greeted by surreal. Nonetheless, they prepared thought- transnational agenda-setting. Dittmann was a beloved professor of art the motherly cafeteria servers who tried to history, Norwegian, German, and co-founder help him gain weight by serving him special of the International Studies program at St. food: “Reidar! We saved a plate of lutefisk Olaf College in Northfield, Minn. He died for you!” in hospice care on Dec. 29, 2010 at the age His undergraduate work was supported of 88. Born in Tønsberg, Norway, on Jan. 15, by a St. Olaf scholarship awarded to Nor- Global Study 1922, he lived in Norway until he immigrat- wegian students who had experienced the ed to the U.S. in 1945. occupation interfering with their education. Prior to emigrating, Dittmann was an He majored in music both at the University At PLU, rigorous academics and a caring community active participant in the Norwegian Resis- of Oslo and at St. Olaf; his interest in music ensures challenge and support for every student tance when the Nazis occupied Norway continued all of his life, but art history be- during World War II. In November 1944, came his major focus. At the age of 50, he he was punished for this patriotic work for began work on the Ph.D. in art history. He Norway by being incarcerated in a concen- received bachelors of music and art degrees tration camp – the notorious Buchenwald in from St. Olaf and masters and doctoral de- . His story has been told in a short grees from the University of Washington. film “Prisoner 32,232” that was a project of Art history was a personal and profes- the Minnesota Historical Society; it is in the sional interest that brought pleasure and edu- Permanent Film Collection of the U.S. Holo- cation to many. In 2002, the St. Olaf building caust Memorial Museum. JoAnn Magnuson, that houses the college’s art, art history and noted Jewish studies lecturer and scholar, dance departments and art galleries named comments that Dittmann was a “great hero in his honor. In 1977, the King of Norway of our generation.” awarded him the prestigious St. Olav Med- His daughter Lisa Dittmann recalls al. hearing this anecdote from Buchenwald that Dittmann’s knowledge of the great art- relates to her father’s background in music. ists of the world led him to the great art mu- During an interrogation by the Nazis, he was seums. Beginning with a tour of 12 countries confronted thus: “Since you are a musician, in 72 days in 1952, Dittmann had led travel name the greatest German composer!” He groups of students, St. Olaf alumni, and oth- thought a moment, and then named Men- ers to Europe and across the globe, on a reg- PLU students visit Emei Mountain near Chengdu, China, as part of a semester abroad. delssohn (who was Jewish). The Nazi offi- ular basis since 1954. His popular alumni art cers responded, “Who was Mendelssohn?” CONTINUES PAGE 11 Want to study in the ? CHALLENGE SUPPORT SUCCESS NALA helps you every step of the way. PLU Tacoma, Washington www.plu.edu 800-274-6758 Visit www.gradusa.org for more information. 6 • January 14, 2011 norwegian american weekly opinion An opinion column about current issues in Norway Editorial Join the conversation! This newspaper’s opinions On the EDGE Waiting list for She saves the day in Cancun hospital care By Erik Solheim, Minister of Environment and International Development

At the end of 2010, almost 280,000 This time I would like to share with you better than expected. It is so balanced that it and inclusive. There are no secret groups Norwegians were on waiting lists for hos- some inside drama from the U.N. Climate could gain the support of all countries. But or back-room deals here. Ms. Espinosa has pital care. The list grew by 6 percent, or Change Conference in Cancun, which took it is a case of take it or leave it. If anyone repeatedly made this clear in Cancun. The 15,000 people, in just 2010 alone. Almost place just before Christmas. There is an ex- wants to remove or change any points, ev- 52-year-old diplomat and foreign minister weekly, one can read in Norwegian news- pectant atmosphere in the plenary hall. Patri- erything will have to be renegotiated. is friendly, authoritative and incredibly pa- papers about patients that are not getting cia Espinosa, president of the conference, is The future of the Kyoto Protocol has tient. the care they need in time. greeted with a standing ovation. Her proposal been one of the thorniest issues. has “We have made every possible effort to This is a fundamental and systematic for a climate compromise is finally to be dis- said that it will not ratify a second commit- draw up a text that takes everyone into ac- cussed. But suddenly she is interrupted by problem that is a shame for a country of 4.9 ment period of the Protocol. The developing count,” says Ms Espinosa. “Now you will shouts and hammering on the doors. million with a pension fund that has sur- countries will not accept an agreement that have a chance to give your views.” Bolivia Delegates from the group of develop- passed USD $500 billion. does not include an extension of Kyoto. It is has asked for the floor. ing countries have been delayed because of Over the past 40 years, a debate has difficult to find a compromise between two Bolivia’s chief negotiator Pablo Solón a consultation meeting, and in the mean- taken plce over private clinics and hospi- positions that are mutually exclusive. Ms expressed deep dissatisfaction at having time, the plenary hall has filled up. The se- tals n Norway. The conservative govern- Espinosa’s text proposes that work on a new been met with closed doors, and adds that curity guards have fire safety instructions to ment under the leadership of Kåre Wil- commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol the document does not reflect the views follow, and have closed the doors. The sym- loch opened up for private solutions in the should be completed as soon as possible, of Bolivia, and he cannot give it his sup- bolism is striking: the rich have closed the beginning of the l980s. These clinics and but without clarifying all the conditions. port. The room is silent. This is unusual, as doors on the poor and are taking decisions small hospitals are still in operation, doing In other words, the Kyoto issue has he tends to be well-received by his Latin over their heads. The lack of confidence an excellent job in regard to elective sur- not been resolved, but neither is it being al- American allies. takes the floor and from fizzles like radio static in gery and out-patient care, as well as being lowed to stand in the way of finding solu- supports the text. Enthusiastic applause. the background. innovative and efficient in the way they op- tions in many other areas, such as reducing Then it is Venezuela’s turn. Collectively, we Patricia Espinosa immediately grasps erate. There should be more of them. But emissions, developing monitoring reporting hold our breath. what is happening and has the doors re- the issue has not moved much the last 30 and verification (MRV) systems, protecting Claudia Salerno says that they are very years. The left side of Norwegian politics is opened. The delegates from the developing rainforests and securing funding. The agree- close to an agreement, but that she has to still doing what it can to restrict growth of countries file into the room, led by Clau- ment text upholds the emission reduction listen to the views of the Bolivian delega- private clinics and hospitals, while the non- dio Salerno from Venezuela looking cross. targets from the Copenhagen agreement, tion. She asks if it is possible to take the text socialistic block has done too little to create At worst, this experience could turn them and urges countries to cut emissions fur- back to the working groups to make a few growth in the private health care sector. against the text of the climate proposal. I ther. In 2011, there will be negotiations on small adjustments. Cuba, Nicaragua and The newspaper VG tells a story about met Claudia Salerno in Venezuela earlier what form a comprehensive, global climate Saudi Arabia give the same response. This a patient that had to wait three years to get this year. She was the one who showed us change agreement could take. The proposed is the same group that blocked the Copen- a minor surgery on his foot, and finally de- her bloodied hand on the last night in Co- Cancun text would take us a big step for- hagen agreement. cided to get it done at another hospital. “I penhagen, after she had been hitting the wards. But now Bolivia stands alone. Pablo was traveling back and forth to the hospi- table in an attempt to get speaking time. Ms. Espinosa and her capable team Solón reminds us that consensus is neede- tal for consultations. Sometimes they just After 48 hours of intense consulta- know the negotiation process well, includ- din the U.N. It is as if one of your neighbors checked my blood pressure,” the patient tions, Ms. Espinosa presented a balanced ing the background for the positions held were to turn up at the general meeting of the said. The answer from the clinical director solution, in which all countries have both by the various countries. Mexico learned housing cooperative and insist that the bal- of the hospital in to why the man gained something and lost something. The from the experiences from Copenhagen conies should be painted green, even though had to wait three years on a minor surgery: Norwegian negotiators can hardly believe and stressed that the process must be open everyone else wants them to be grey. “This is about a patient that thought he was their eyes. The text is good – in fact, much waiting for surgery. The reality is that wait- CONTINUES PAGE 15

ing is part of the treatment.” It is an absurd The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an statement, and a good example on lack of endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. accountability and why 280,000 Norwe- gians have to wait on health care. tolls... The reason this newspaper calls this a (…continued from page 1) would likely replace earlier plans to imple- inner-city, the toll ring was only intended to systematic problem is because the Minister ment additional rush hour fees at the toll be in place until 2007. of Health in Norway, Anne-Grethe Strøm- they emit. gates that form a ring around Oslo. Instead of being eliminated, though, Erichsen, is very much aware of the well- If their proposal is implemented, own- Critics voiced immediate opposition the toll ring has been expanded and updated defined problem. The government has the ers of older-model vehicles are likely to have to the proposal, arguing that it will unfairly and now consists of automated entry points tools to fix it, and Norway is one of the few to pay much more than today’s already hefty affect those with low incomes, as they are around the periphery of Oslo, where pass- countries that can not blame the problem on fee of NOK 26 (USD 4.50) to drive into most likely to drive older cars. Information ing cars are photographed and owners are lack of financial resources. The main prob- advisor Nils Sødal of the Norwegian Auto- billed retroactively. A “Visitors payment” lem is structural. It is the lack of choice and Oslo. The idea is that polluters should have to pay for his or her own emissions, and that mobile Federation (NAF), Scandinavia’s scheme is available for tourists, who can competition in a government-run hospital largest automobile organization, told NRK register a credit card to which the fare will system, and lack of competition within driving cars that are better for the environ- ment, such as hybrid vehicles, should be re- the proposal “affects the average Joe, people be charged. the system itself is one of the main issues. who can’t afford to purchase modern, envi- Commuters driving into downtown Oslo Competition from more private clinics and warded. “Fees must be high enough that they will ronment-friendly vehicles.” from the west now must pay two tolls, to hospitals would lead to innovation, effi- The Oslo toll ring was established in the help fund future highway improvements and ciency and accountability. change behavior,” Jan Bøhler, head of the Labor Party (Arbeiderpartiet) in Oslo, told late 1980s and has had a rather controversial encourage them to switch to public transport. history. Built to help fund the development The new extra toll has raised the cost of driv- What’s your opinion? Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK). Charging Write to us or send us an email! tolls linked to a vehicle’s emission levels of roads and restrict the amount of cars in the ing into the city to about USD $7.

SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle norwegian american weekly January 14, 2011 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Published since May 17, 1889 From the journal of 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local:(206) 784-4617 fax: (206) 448-2033 • email: [email protected]

Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] CEO and Executive Director, NAF Kim Nesselquist [email protected] Managing Editor Christy Olsen Field [email protected] Assistant Layout Editor Harry Svenkerud [email protected] Advertising & Subscriptions Roald Amundsen (206) 441-3044 [email protected] South Pole Expedition • 1911 – 2011 Contributing Editors Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. 15 januar – søndag January 15 – Sunday Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Stille i nat -10°C. Klart & fint. Man skulle jo tro sei hensat i et Calm last night – 10°C. Fine and clear. One might believe one Carla Danziger McLean, Va. Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. eventyrlann, når man ser disse herlie farve sammensætninger. Ved was in fairyland when one sees these wonderful colours. At midnight Rasmus Falck oslo, Norway midnatstid har man solen i S. Over hele dette fjellvann av is hæver the sun is in the S. Over the whole of this mountain lake of ice, a Marit Fosse geneva, Shelby Gilje seattle, Wash. det sei en blankenne hvitt skinn mot himlen i S. I N derimot står shining white curtain rises up to the sky in the S. To the N on the Line Grundstad Hanke seattle, Wash. natten. Ned mot havet ligger en røkakti, sort farve som lit høiere går contrary, it is night. Down towards the sea, is a smoky, dark colour Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. over i mørke blåt, for så enner høiere gradvis at gå over i barrierens which a bit higher up goes over to dark blue, and even higher, gradu- Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. strålenne glanss. Selve barrieren ligger der, sannsynligvis som den ally goes over to the barrier’s radiant light. The barrier itself lies Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. lå for årtusinner siden, badet i midnatssolensstråer, vidunderli smuk. there as it probably has done for centuries, bathed in the midnight Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Jei vill anta, at barrieren her i bukten har en jennemsnitshøide av 100 sun’s rays, wonderfully beautiful. I think that the barrier here in the Solveig M. Lee seattle, Wash. f og for det meste går den loddrett i vannet. Bukten er nu næsten isfri. bay has an average height of 100ft and goes mainly vertically down Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. Litt ”Bay is” med noen enkelte isfjell er det eneste tilbake. Og vor vi- into the water. The bay now is almost free of ice. A little “Bay ice” Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. dunderli stille det er. Det synes ennu, som prinsessen som sover i sit with a few icebergs, is all that remains. And how wonderfully quiet it Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. David Moe Juneau, Alaska fagre slott. Måtte det lykkes os at vække henne! Lannpartiet forlod is. It seems as though the princess sleeps in her beautiful castle. May Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. fartøiet i morges kl 11 med en slæe, 8 hunner og ca 300 kilos last. Det we be lucky enough to waken her! The landing party left the vessel Bill Osmundsen Milton, N.H. tok tid, innen mine dyr, vi hadde hunner av mit spann, forstod, at det this morning at 11am with a sledge, eight dogs and a load of about Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. John Erik Stacy seattle, Wash. stille, dovne liv ombor nu var forbi og at en ny tidsalder med arbeide 300 kg. It took time until my dogs, which we had in harnesses, under- Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. & slit ventet. Det så sandeli nokså betænkeli ut i begynnelsen. Men stood that the quiet lazy life on board was now over, and a new age Kjell Olav Strømsli , Norway Julie Whipple Portland, Ore. endeli efter at ha ombyttet hunnerne i deres plasse, gik det. Og da gik of strenuous work awaited. They really looked rather suspicious to Beate Ørbeck oslo, Norway det med glanss. Selvfølgeli entte spurten – ere gange i det villeste begin with. But finally, after having changed the dogs around in their CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives virvar. Tilslut fik vi dog det hele til at gå nogenlunne. Med litt praksis places, it succeeded. And then things really took off. Naturally the to make its news report fair and accurate. If you skall det nok gå bra. Ombor så vi glisenne hoder over rækken, vor sprint ended several times in the wildest muddle. Finally, we man- have a question or comment about news coverage vi så. De troet visst hunnene skulle få overtake. Det viste sei, at den aged somehow to get the whole thing to work. All it needs is a little call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for plass vi hadde valgt som midlertidi opphollsted for vore hunner lå practice. On board, we saw grinning heads over the rail wherever we style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right 1.2 km fra fartoiet. På dette sted, mellem Mt. Nelson & Mt. Rønne looked. They certainly thought the dogs would take the upper hand. not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor i et koseli lite dalføre, satte vi opp et 16 mannstelt til bruk for hun- It appeared that the spot we had chosen as a temporary place for the taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and nepasserne, Jørgen & Helmer, samt for tilfældie reisenne. Runtt teltet dogs, lay about 1.2 kilometers from the ship. At this spot, between letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian strakte vi så i en trekant, ver side = 50m, en wire, vori vore dyr fra i Mt. Nelson & Mt. Rønne, in a pleasant little valley, we set up a 16- American Weekly, and our publication of those views is morgen av vill få sine plasse. Efter dette fortsatte vi vor marsch inntill man tent for those looking after the dogs, Jørgen and Helmer, and for not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by det sted, vor vi hadde utset plassen for vort hus. Dette lå kun 1 km fra occasional travellers. Around the tent we stretched an area of 50m the paper’s editorials should be directed to the den forrige plass og altså således 2.2 km fra skuten. På denne måte with wire on three sides, where our dogs will stay from tomorrow. publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published kommer al ilannbringelse til at foregå meget hurtigere enn oprindeli After this we continued on our march to the spot which we had cho- weekly except the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks bestemt. Vi kan nu kjøre alt direkte til vor beboelsesplass. På dette sen for our house. This lay only 1km from the former spot and thus of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • sted utstakk vi så tomten, i en retn SE – NWlig retning og opsatte et 2.2km from the ship. In this way, the unloading on land will go much Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. 16 mannstelt til bruk for Bjaaland & Jørgen, som blir byggmester quicker than originally thought. We can now drive everything direct NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, der. På tilbakeveien opmærket vi hele veien med små mørkeblå vi- to our living quarters. We marked out the ground on this spot, in a US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. mpler, således at det blir umuli at ta feil av veien. Disse mærker er SE - NW direction. And set up a 16-man tent for Bjaaland and Jørgen opsatt for vert 15de skritt. Vi var ombor ijenn kl 5 emd. Tok noen who will be in charge of the building here. On our return, we marked SINCE MAY 17, 1889: Formerly Norway Times foto fra denne vor første tur. Ltn Nilsen har i dag opmålt den hele out the whole route with small dark blue flags so that it would be im- Western Viking & Washington Posten jennemseilede distance fra Norge og hertil. Den er 15.938 km og var possible to go the wrong way. These posts are marked every 15 steps. beregnet til 16.000. Det var ikke verst. Vi hadde bereinet at være på We were back on board at 5pm. Took some photographs from our Comprising Nordisk Tidene, Decorah- vort arbeidsfeltt den 15de januar. Vi lå til her i går, den 14 de. first tour. Today, Lt. Nilsen has measured the whole distance sailed Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, from Norway to here. It is 15,938 kilometers and was estimated to be Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven Photo, text and translation courtesy of Fram Museum. 16,000. That’s not bad. We had reckoned on arriving at our new place NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. of work on 15th January. We anchored here yesterday on the 14th. Letters to the Editor will resume in the Jan. 21 issue. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • January 14, 2011 norwegian american weekly taste of norway Lutefisk letdown A first-time experience with the famed fish leaves much to be desired

Sh e lb y Gi lj e Seattle, Wash.

I succumbed to a whim of the season thing to do to a perfectly good cod.” Other this past Christmas and tried lutefisk for the Norwegians have told me it is a feast not to very first time. To bolster my courage, I in- be missed. Finally faithful, faux Norwegian vited Norwegian American Weekly fellow that I am, I decided to try the legendary, con- contributing editor Melinda Bargreen, to troversial fish dish for myself. join me for lunch. Here’s how www.whatscookingamerica. To get us in the proper mood, Melinda net describes it: brought along a Stan Boreson CD with songs “Lutefisk is dried cod that has been about lutefisk. soaked in a lye solution for several days to Her personal favorite is “O Lutefisk,” rehydrate it. It is then boiled or baked and sung to the music of “O Christmas Tree.” So served with butter, salt and pepper. The fin- of course we sang along: ished lutefisk usually is the consistency of Photo: Roadfood.com Jello. It is also called lyefish, and in the U.S., “O Lutefisk, O Lutefisk, Norwegian-Americans traditionally serve it lutefisk! That’s testimony to the popularity bite when he dropped in. However my son- I set you by the doorway; for Thanksgiving and Christmas. In many of this delicacy. Some sources I consulted in-law, Mike, and my twin granddaughters, I wanted you to ripen up Norwegian homes, lutefisk takes the place said it is more popular in the USA than in Analise and Kristina, gave it a “thumbs up.” Yoost like they do in Norway. of the Christmas . It is a food that you Norway. An interesting factoid. But these young ladies and their father are A dog came by and sprinkled you; either love or hate, and, as some people say, The next time I moseyed across town adventuresome eaters, having downed sea I hit him with my Army shoe. “Once a year is probably enough!” to Ballard, the lutefisk delivery had not ar- cucumbers and squid, complete with tenta- O Lutefisk, now I suppose The history of lutefisk dates back to the rived. Well, I thought, one must persevere to cles dangling from their lips on a recent trip I’ll eat you as I hold my nose.” Vikings. According to one legend, plunder- retain culture. Luckily the third time was the to Beijing. ing Vikings burned down a fishing village, charm: I could purchase fresh or frozen lute- Melinda said the lutefisk “was actually Lutefisk was not a holiday tradition for including the wooden racks with drying cod. fisk complete with directions. quite tasty, especially smothered in dill but- my late husband, Svein. In his family, the Returning villagers poured water on the Several cookbooks said for tradition’s ter.” Alas my view of this traditional fish holidays were celebrated with roasted pork; racks to put out the fire. Ashes covered the sake we should have side dishes of mashed preparation is not quite so flattering. Though surkål (cabbage simmered with water, sugar, dried fish, and then it rained. The fish bur- peas and mashed potatoes. But that sounded it wasn’t quite as bad as I thought it might be. vinegar, sliced apples and caraway seeds) ied in the ashes thus became soaked in a lye like way too much pale, mushy food. So for It was, as I’ve often heard, gelatinous. In fact boiled potatoes, and, of course, rice pudding slush. Later the villagers were surprised to a starter, I bought some delicious pea soup it tasted a bit like clear gelatin soaked in fish with a hidden almond so someone could win see that the dried fish had changed to what from Scandinavian Specialties. broth. But that is scarcely a glowing review. the marzipan pig. looked like fresh fish. They rinsed the fish in Boiled red potatoes, a green salad by Frankly in the future I’d prefer my cod roast- Consequently though Svein introduced water and boiled it. One particularly brave Melinda and a splash of red wine rounded out ed with warm tomato-olive-caper tapenade me to pickled herring for breakfast, gjetost villager tasted the fish and declared it “not our lutefisk luncheon. Having heard many a with a dash of balsamic vinegar and sautéed that looked a great deal like a yellowish- bad.” tale about the palatability or lack thereof re- shallots. Now there’s a dish to celebrate any brown Fels Naptha bar of soap, and lefse, Of course I went to Scandinavian Spe- garding lutefisk, I melted a large amount of day of the year. lutefisk never was permitted in our home. cialties in Ballard to buy lutefisk. The first butter and added fresh dill sprigs to gener- What is your opinion of lutefisk: Friend In Svein’s view, “lutefisk was a terrible time I went on a Friday, they were out of ously smother both fish and potatoes. One or foe? Write to us with your favorite lute- can eat almost anything topped with melted fisk experience! Send your letter to: Letters butter and dill, plus crumbled bacon bits. to the Editor, Norwegian American Weekly, Having heard about lutefisk’s reputa- 7301 5th Ave. NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, tion from his dad, my son, Kurt, declined a or email [email protected].


6909 ird Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 www.nordicdeli.com Go on, take theCredit(s) Nordic Spirit presents Oslo International Summer School at the University of Oslo offers a wide variety of courses for academic credit. Choose from topics such as Norwegian Language and Culture to International Nordic Explorers: Politics and Peace Research. Full course descriptions available at www.summerschool.uio.no. Voyages, Expeditions and Discoveries Contact us at (800) 639-0058 or at [email protected] for more information. “Six Weeks of Academic Achievement & International Good Will” A two-day symposium of illustrated talks and music for the public

Meet Norwegian polar explorer Liv Arnesen! Stop by our Scandinavian cafe! Featuring open-faced sandwiches, pea soup, and a variety of delicious February 11 – 12, 2011 cakes and desserts. Served 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday in Thousand Oaks, California Antarctic Crossing 2000 – 01. Photo: yourexpedition.com Bancroft-Arnesen www.scanspecialties.com For information, call (818) 788-4552 or email [email protected] 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 www.scandinaviancenter.org Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (877) 784-7020 Scandinavian American Cultural and Historical Foundation — California Lutheran University — Thousand Oaks, California Mastercard and Visa accepted. Hundreds of items available for nation-wide shipping! norwegian american weekly January 14, 2011 • 9 Travel

The crowd watches as a skier lands after a 70-meter flight. Photos: Julie Nordan ski jump... (…continued from page 1) and cold to jump! I’ve talked with several Olympic hopefuls and hot beverages (and a few cold ones too!) Norwegian style of flight: The ski jump. One tournament I will be paying close on the women’s team that would like to com- available at the clubhouse. At many of the Norwegian lieutenant Olaf Rye became attention to this January is called the “K70 pete for their country in the 2014 Olympics. jump clubs, you are so close to the action the first ski jumper to have his distance re- 4 – Hills International Tournament,” which All of the members I’ve talked with from the you can have your brat and cheer the jump- corded. In 1809, he launched himself 9.5 will bring top U.S. and European jumpers to- U.S. and Norwegian men’s teams would like ers at the same time. Your kids will love see- meters (about 31 feet) through the air as gether to compete at four different ski jump to see the women compete in the Olympics. ing kids their own age jumping off the small an expression of courage to an audience of clubs in the Midwest. I’ve come to like ski jumping, mostly hills, while you talk to the proud moms and other soldiers. In the 1860s, This year’s schedule is: because the events are more than just watch- dads of the jumpers, yes these clubs are that is said to have jumped as far as 30 meters. • Jan. 21 – 22: Flying Eagles Ski ing someone fly, although the flying is still friendly. Many of the jumpers are willing The longest recorded flight at the first Hol- Club in Eau Claire, Wis. (www.ec- lots of fun to watch. The tournaments are to “talk up” their sport to the attendees and menkollen jump competition in 1892 was by flyingeagles.org) truly family events – you can bring your they will yell and scream just as loud as the Arne Ustvedt with a distance of 21.5 meters, • Jan. 26: Minneapolis Ski Club in partner, your friends, your kids, or even your crowd for a long jump and a great landing. or about 70 feet. By the time Orville took Bloomington, Minn. (www.minne- parents and everyone will have a good time. Bring your cow bell, dress for the weather his first flight at Kitty Hawk, N.C., (adis- apolisskiclub.com) If you like a good college football tailgate and be prepared to “see a whole lot of flyin’ tance of 37 meters) Norwegian ski jumpers • Jan. 30: Norge Ski Club in Fox party, ski jumping is for you with lots of food going on!” were regularly matching that distance. At the River Grove, Ill. (www.norgeski- 1924 Winter Olympics in Chamonix, France, club.com) Norwegian Jacob Tullin Thams jumped 49 • Feb. 4 – 5: Snowflake Ski Club in meters (160 feet) to take the gold medal. Westby, Wis. (snowflakeskiclub. A Piece of Norway in America As more Norwegians emigrated to the com) U.S. in the 19th century, ski jumping clubs Athletes from Norway, Finland, , began popping up across the Upper Mid- and all across the U.S. will be attend- west. In the 1880s, clubs were founded ing these events. In past years, we have seen in Red Wing, Minn., St. Paul, Minn., Eau members of the current men’s Olympic and Claire, Wis., and Ishpeming, Mich. Today, international teams as well as the women’s clubs like the Norge Ski Club in Fox River international team. Each club sells tickets or Grove, Ill., founded in 1905, have regular buttons for their particular event and prices tournaments that include international com- vary. petitors. Clubs can be found not only in the If you are a Winter Olympics fan, it is Midwest, but across North America. Check important to get out and support the women out skijumpingcentral.com for clubs in your jumpers. As many of you know, the Interna- area. If you are not into watching winter ski tional Olympic Committee has not allowed jumping, many clubs have jumping action women to jump in the Olympics, even though during the summer too. You don’t need snow they do jump in other international events.

Norge Ski Club Fox River Grove, Illinois

In 1905, a group of Norwegian men founded the Norge Ski Club in Fox River Grove, Ill. The club is the oldest continuously operated ski club in the U.S., and five Norge Ski Jump members are in the Ski Jumping Hall of Fame. Norge Ski Club, 100 Ski Hill Road, Fox River Grove, IL 60021 Phone: (847)639-9718 – Online: www.norgeskiclub.com Share your favorite piece of Norway in America! Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] The jumpers from various countries participate in an opening day ceremony. 10 • January 14, 2011 norwegian american weekly roots & connections Norwegian American Weekly Photo of the Week No r w e g i a n 101 Language practice with Heidi Håvan Grosch Playing the piano (Å spille piano) and other keyboard instruments (tangentinstrumenter)

Many of us learned to play the piano as chil- dren (å spille piano som barn), practicing scales (skala), intervals (intervaller), and chords (akkorder), both minor (moll) and major (dur). We learned to pay attention to note values (notetegn), key signatures (faste fortegn) and accent marks (aksenttegn) and getting big enough to reach the ped- als (pedaler) was huge, as was the ability to reach across the en-

Photo: Christian Ruscetta/Oslo 2011 tire keyboard (klaviatur). Most of us learned to play on an upright On Oct. 14, 2010, a winter sport motive was projected onto the Royal Palace in Oslo to stir piano (piano) but some were lucky enough to try their hand at a up excitement for the upcoming FIS Nordic World Championships 2011, which are sched- grand (flygel). “Sit up straight” (“rett deg opp”), “keep your wrists uled for Feb. 23 – March 6. up” (“opp med håndleddene”) and “don’t slide up and down the Want to be featured as our Photo of the Week? piano bench” (“ikke skli på kraken”) are some of the expressions Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. I remember best. In Norway, many learn to play the accordion (trekkspill) in- stead; almost my entire Norwegian family has had lessons (timer)! Little Ole had been misbehaving Organs (orgel) are popular and every church has one. Electronic and was sent to his room. After a while pianos (elektroniske pianoer) are finding their way into more and he emerged and informed his mother that he had thought it over and then said a more homes, perhaps because they have a program selector (pro- prayer. gramvelger) and a volume control (volumkontroll). “Fine,” said Lena, his pleased moth- er. “If you ask God to help you not to misbehave, he will help you.” “Oh, I didn’t ask him to help me not Ole and Lena to misbehave,” said Little Ole. “I asked America’s favorite Norwegians! him to help you put up with me.” Norwegian Proverb of the Week “Bedre med en fugl i hånden enn ti på taket.”

Translation: “Better to have one bird in hand than ten on the roof.”

delegation... (…continued from page 3) tween the Norwegian Minister of Health and Care Services, Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen, the leadership from M.D. Anderson Cancer Manager for Business Development and Cli- Center and the Norwegian Cancer Consor- 14. januar Herman A. Olson Olympia WA ent Services Åse Pettersen Bailey took the tium is already scheduled for mid-April Harald Veseth Malta MT Jonas Motland Anaconda MT delegation to Kaiser Permanente headquar- in Oslo, and a series of concrete initiatives Josephine Nelson Santa Rosa CA Gustav Carlson Toledo OH ters for presentations on their integrated care were discussed. Alma S. Knudsen Mukilteo WA Lawrence C. Olson Tumwater WA model and its implications for quality and The Ministry is also considering various Erling Berg Seattle WA Marilyn Andersen Centerburg OH cost control. Torbjørn Pedersen opportunities for possibly establishing a po- Conway AR 18. januar During the second day of the visit, the Julia Losnegaard Korssund Norway sition as a research and health adviser at the Alice Bjorvand Tveit Norway delegation traveled to Silicon Valley, where Mark A. Uhl Portland OR Norwegian Consulate General in Houston, Palmer Knutson Ferryville WI it toured El Camino Hospital, a state-of-the Bodil Petersen Bratvold Richland WA to follow more closely the medical develop- Duane C. Hedal Great Falls MT art private hospital with the vision of using Arlene M. Templin Seattle WA Otto Eik ment in Houston, and also Dallas. Lombard IL technology to provide superior experience, Solveig M. Grupp Sioux Falls SD Anna Storlie Lawrence Everett WA At Texas Heart Institute, the delegation access to information, and efficient service 15. januar Bell Lirhus LaCosta CA witnessed a touching reunion, when Markus delivery for its patients. Astrid Olafson Everett WA Stella Haugland Moorhead MN Isaksen (17) met Dr. David Ott who saved After walking alongside robots support- Helen Ruen Decorah IA 19. januar Markus’ life when he as an infant had to un- ing the needs of the hospital’s staff, the dele- Norma Pedersen Melick Oldwick NJ Adelheid Marie Haugan Price Springboro OH dergo heart surgery. Having received follow- Gunnar Solbjørg Vestre Gausdal Norway gation visited Cisco Systems, which features Jeffrey Johnson Seattle WA ups at Oslo University Hospital, Rikshos- Astrid Bjerke Oslo Norway an on-site health center. Cisco employees Axel Gidlof Los Angeles CA pitalet and Stavanger University Hospital, Mary T. Vangsnes Moose Jaw Sask Can demonstrated the company’s on-site primary Helga Nelson Spokane WA Isaksen is an example of successful transat- Verla Aamodt Keeling Cedar Rapids IA care system with its incorporation of the lat- John Husaby Cannon Falls MN lantic cooperation in his own right. Gordon Walvik-Nielssen Beaverton OR Erna Mayfield Newport News VA est company technologies such as its care-at- “My heart has been in good shape since Edward Thompson Gardiner NY Kari Jensen Ventura CA a-distance solutions. Dr. Ott’s procedure. He did a great job,” 16. januar Deputy Minister Kåss said, “We were 20. januar Markus said. The two had not met since the Anne Graven Aws Madison MN inspired by the use of IT to improve health Thorwald Kamp Minneapolis MN surgery, seventeen years ago. Karl Heistein Poulsbo WA Arvid Lingaas Edmonds WA care and [the visit] shows how it is possible “I am proud and glad to see him stand- Inga Bersos Seattle WA Regina Jensen Scotts Valley CA to use technology to make a high-standard Oscar Fuglestad ing here,” Dr. Ott commented. Cashmere WA system.” Berit Røsand Steinkjer Norge “Norway is a small country, and we need Norway and Houston already have deep Lydia Almquist Minneapolis MN Want to see your birthday in the to look beyond our borders to make sure that ties in oil, energy and finance, and the pur- William E. Mansell Springfield OR Norwegian American Weekly? we deliver top quality health care to our pop- pose of the delegation’s visit to Houston was 17. januar Give us a call at (800) 305-0217 or email us at naw@ ulation,” Deputy Minister Kåss said. norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one to prepare the ground for further cooperation Mrs Carl Nelson Stoughton WI To learn more about the delegation’s month in advance. in the health sector. A follow-up meeting be- U.S. tour, go to www.norway.org. norwegian american weekly January 14, 2011 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary free of charge. Anton Elias Haugland Busy idleness December 29,1912 – December 19, 2010 Everybody is busy nowadays – or have – and there are more than 50 years of expe- you met anyone who isn’t? I dare say, peo- rience behind that statement. Again, it’s a Anton Haug- Nelson and they lived in Seattle and Everett ple at large are not as busy as they think question of wisely managing our time and land was born in until 2002 when they moved to their first as- they are. There is plenty of time to be hu- cutting out unimportant things and unnec- Anacortes, Wash., sisted living home. From 2006 – 2008, they man if we want to be. The whole matter is essary involvement. I am still trying! on Dec. 29, 1912, to lived with their daughter, Vicky, in Kailua- a question of time management and right Christian Bartholdy, Danish minister Albert O. and Edith Kona, Hawaii, but missing the great North- scheduling of our priorities. We are doing and author says, “A minister’s gravest sin (Hunsker) Haug- west and lutefisk, they returned home to a whole lot of things of no consequence to is busy idleness.” Oh yes, if ministers and land. When he was Washington State. Nina died in November either ourselves or others. Time consum- housewives and other mortals just would 14 years old, Anton 2009 at the age of 96. Most recently Anton ing trivialities eat up hours that could have take the time to reason with themselves, began fishing com- lived at North Creek Health and Rehab in been used towards something much more they would be amazed to discover how mercially with his Bothell, Wash. constructive. much time is wasted in pure nothingness! father on the family Anton was always ready to gather with Recently I read about a housewife who There is plenty of time! Nobody needs to boat out of Anacortes. Anton started his ca- friends, have a few drinks, and celebrate never seemed to be able to get her work zoom through life like a racing car. reer as a boat captain when, as a teenager, his life. He lived to be just 10 days short of his done. She sat down, scheduled her tasks There is plenty of time to do something father turned the boat over to him and told 98th birthday, which in his daughter’s mind and priorities for each day, and discovered constructive and meaningful ever day, if we him to navigate the turbulent waters of De- goes to prove that hard work and hard liv- she had plenty of time left to do other things would just be willing to mortify the myth ception Pass. Anton would recall the lessons ing, sprinkled with a lifetime of fun and imp- than housework. that we are so awfully busy. Remember – he learned that day and vow never make the ish lightheartedness, can create a long and Ministers, so the myth goes, are more our work is “pre-prepared.” (Ephesians same mistakes again. happy life. busy than ordinary people. I don’t think so 2:10). In the 1930s, Anton fished for halibut Anton was preceded in death by his off the coast of California. In 1938, Anton wife, Nina, all of his brothers; Carl, Art, married Helen Blanche Divin and they had Harry, and his only sister, Hazel Udd. He Funeral Home one child, Vicky Lynn, who survives them is survived by his daughter Vicky Lynn Nar- both. Anton continued his fishing career in done of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, a brother-in- SOlie and Crematory Alaska where he fished for salmon and crab. law, Magnus Udd of Anacortes, Wash., and Honoring • Caring • Serving He retired in 1966 when he ended the sea- five nieces and nephews. son by coming back to Washington for his In lieu of flowers, Vicky requests that 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 daughter’s wedding. memorials be sent to the American Lung As- In 1967 Anton married Nina (Borseth) sociation. The Scandinavian Hour Doris Moxness Lueth Celebrating over 40 years on the air July 20, 1919 – December 8, 2010 KKNW – 1150 AM Doris Lueth al- many years in the First Presbyterian Church Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST ways told her family and numerous guilds and clubs. that Scandinavians Born July 20, 1919, in Everett, Wash., to Streaming live on the internet at: are tough, and she Peter Andreas Moxness and Leonora Ander- www.1150kknw.com exhibited that tough- son Moxness, Doris graduated from Everett ness all her life to High School, where she met her future hus- her final hours on band. The couple married in 1942. Then and Proud to bring you the the morning of Dec. later, Doris’ homemaking skills resulted in a Norwegian American Weekly 8. Half Danish and spotless home and great meals, particularly half Norwegian, Do- at Christmas when she would produce more ris was proud of her than a dozen kinds of Scandinavian Christ- Nordic heritage. At 91, she outlived every- mas cookies and such delicacies as rulle Does retirement feel like a distant dream? one’s predictions for a shorter lifespan af- pølse and julekake. Now is the time to maximize your retirement savings with a Traditional or Roth IRA at ter enduring a severe bout of polio in 1955, Doris is survived by her devoted hus- Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. when her youngest child was only a year old. band of 68 years, Richard; two sons, Richard To learn more: Doris never walked unaided or drove a car A. Lueth II (Faith) of Walpole, Mass., and Log on to Thrivent.com/readyforsteady Call our Financial Advice Center at 888-834-7428 Contact your fi nancial representative Find a workshop near you at Thrivent.com/fi ndaworkshop again, living instead with crutches and the Dr. Brian Lueth (Beverly) of Everett, Wash.; heavy steel leg braces of the day. In her later and a daughter, Melinda Lueth Bargreen years, she was confined to a wheelchair. (Howie) of Everett, Wash. She also has six But that did not stop her. Doris and her grandchildren: Rachel Lueth Carroll, Dr. beloved husband Dick raised their three chil- Owen Bargreen, Maren Bargreen Mullin, dren in a family atmosphere of love, learn- Brianne Lueth, Alexander Lueth, and Chel- ing, music, and achievement. Despite her sea Lueth, and great-granddaughter Emma infirmities, Doris continued to be active for Carroll.

dittman… About Mary Jo Thorsheim (…continued from page 5) Dr. Mary Jo Thorsheim is the founder and owner of NORWAY ART®, import- history tours to Europe concluded when he ing prints and paintings from Scandinavia was 80 years old. since 1979. She is a well-known speaker on Dr. Reidar Dittmann, who had experi- Scandinavian art and performs appraisals enced some of the worst of humanity and the of original Norwegian paintings. Her art Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available darkest of days, looked at the beauty of life education includes study at St. Olaf College in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., in general, and the world’s art, music and lit- 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, 800-847-4836, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned and the University of Minnesota. She holds subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of erature in a unique way. He appreciated the a Ph.D. in psychology with a minor in pub- Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. arts with a special relish that he was able to lic health, from the University of Minnesota. • NOT A DEPOSIT • NOT FDIC INSURED • NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT inspire in others through his teaching, lectur- Norwegian culture, history, music, art, liter- AGENCY • NOT GUARANTEED BY THRIVENT FINANCIAL BANK • MAY LOSE VALUE ing, writing, travel leadership and conversa- ature, etc. have been keen, life-long interests. !PPLETON 7ISCONSINs-INNEAPOLIS -INNESOTAs4HRIVENTCOMs 4(2)6%.4   tion. Visit www.norwayartonline.com. 26226NAWC N1-11 201008528 12 • January 14, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style

Style Highlight of the Week Calendar of Events Relax and rejuvenate What’s going on in your neighborhood? A look at trendy spa treatments in Norway California Lancaster, Pa. Gudstjeneste service Sons of Norway Bondelandet Lodge 3-612 January 23 invites you to their annual Lutefisk and San Diego, Calif. Meatball Dinner at St. Thomas Episcopal The Norwegian Seamen’s Church will Church in Lancaster, Pa. One lodge mem- ber writes, “We have been making our own again hold its gudstjeneste (church ser- Lutefisk for the past five years. Never a vice) in San Diego on Jan. 23 at 5 p.m. at complaint.” For those who don’t care for Good Samaritan Episcopal Church, Roet- lutefisk, meatballs and all the Norwegian ter Hall, 4321 Eastgate Mall, San Diego, trimmings will be served. Admission: $15 CA 92121. Please come and enjoy this for adults, and free for children under 10. service. For additional information call Bjarne Anthonsen at (761) 631-5678. Texas Disney in concert with Per Brevig Crab Feed Dinner January 15 January 29 Tyler, Texas Hayward, Calif. Video and four solo singers on stage with Sons of Norway Snorre Lodge #61, Hay- music from The Little Mermaid, Beauty ward will be hosting the annual Crab and the Beast, Mary Poppins, The Lion Feed for the community. The annual Crab King, and more! Performed by the East Feed Dinner will be held at Hill & Valley Texas Symphony Orchestra conducted Clubhouse, 1808 B Street, Hayward, CA. by Per Brevig. Join us at the Cowan Cen- Photo: Morten Rakke/Farris Bad This is a great event – one that shouldn’t ter for the Arts at University of Texas in The indoor pool at Farris Bad, the largest spa in Scandinavia. be missed! Call (510) 728-0450 or email Tyler, Texas. Shows at 2 p.m. and 7:30 [email protected]. p.m.. For tickets, call (903) 566-7424 or Li n e Gr u n d s t a d Ha n k e visit www.ETSO.org. Line Grundstad Hanke Interior Design Massachusetts Showing of “” film Washington Happy New Year to you all! Many of us • http://overnattingnorge.no/spa-ho- February 6 Showing of Max Manus have new year’s resolutions of healthy liv- teller West Newton, Mass. January 21 ing, and each January gives us a fresh start Farris Bad, located in , Norway, Mark your calendars! Sons of Norway Seattle, Wash. to begin the new year on the right foot. This is the largest spa in the Nordic countries.The Norumbega Lodge will be showing The Norwegian American Chamber of may be a good time to book a spa treatment mineral-rich waters from the natural spring “Max Manus” at their next meeting at the Commerce Greater Seattle Chapter ini- and start fresh. have drawn people to Larvik for many years: Scandinavian Living Center, located at vites you to a showing of the World War Though spas are a new trend in Nor- In 1843, Karen Linaae established the first 206 Waltham Street, West Newton, MA II epic “Max Manus.” Join us Jan. 21 at way, the practice of traveling to hot or cold spa at this natural spring. In 1880, Dr. Inge- 02465. The film “Max Manus” is an epic 7 p.m. at the Nordic Heritage Museum, springs to improve one’s health dates back to brigt Holm built a new spa. It was frequented World War II thriller and foreign film located at 3014 NW 67th St., Seattle, WA pre-historic times. Archaeological investiga- by the likes of Ibsen and Bjørnson, Lagerlöf Oscar nominee. For more information, 98117. Admission: $10 for NACC mem- tions near hot springs in France and Czech and Hamsun. They stayed here, danced here, call (508) 758-7849, email lmj1705@ bers, $15 for non-members (includes des- Republic revealed Bronze Age weapons and and partook in the curative spa. Soon, the ef- comcast.net, or visit www.norumbegas- serts, coffee or tea, and a no-host bar). ofn.org. offerings. In Great Britain, ancient legend fervescent, heath-bringing water from Larvik credited early Celtic kings with the discov- was known throughout Europe. The idea for Annual Lutefisk Dinner ery of the hot springs at Bath, England. creating a spa on the same site took root in New York February 5 Many hotels and day spas in Norway 1990, but construction didn’t take place un- Ibsen’s “John Gabriel Borkman” Kennewick, Wash. offer many different spa treatments in a til 2007 due to years of negotations with the Through February 6 Sons of Norway Sol-Land Lodge 2-086 number of locations. From spas in the city, government. In March 2009, the new Farris Brooklyn, N.Y. invites you to their Annual Lutefisk Din- by the sea or the mountains, one can book a Bad was officially opened, and it is now the BAM and Abbey Theatre present the U.S. ner at Kennewick Lutheran Church, lo- day visit or an overnight pacakge. Check out largest, most comprehensive spa in the Nor- premiere of Henrik Ibsen’s “John Gabriel cated at Highway 395 and Yelm Street Borkman.” The play, in a new version by these two Web sites for recommendation of dic countries. in Kennewick, Wash. Menu includes Frank McGuinness, stars Fiona Shaw, a spa treatment in Norway: Godt Nyttår! Lulefisk and sauce, meatballs and gravy, Alan Rickman, Lindsay Duncan and James • http://www.opplevgodenorge.no/ potatoes, vegetables, lefse, Scandinavian MacDonald. Premieres Jan. 7 at 7:30 p.m. ogn-helse/spa_hoteller_norge.htm at BAM Harvey Theater in Brooklyn. For specialties and cookies! Admission: $18 more information, visit www.bam.org. for adults, $6 for children 6 – 12 years mascots... old. For more information, contact Nan- (…continued from page 3) Centennial of Færder Lodge cy (509) 375-0919 or Ginger (509) 734- 7876, or visit www.sol-land.org. March 26 the nature and in your backpack, the kids can Brooklyn, N.Y. easily create the mascot when they are out in Save the date! Sons of Norway Færder Wisconsin the wild,” says Vestengen, in explanation of Lodge #109 is celebrating its centennial in American Birkebeiner why the characters have a clementine as nose 2011. In celebration of this historic mile- February 24 – 26 and pine needles as ears. stone, Færder Lodge will hold a gala din- Hayward, Wis. The girl Fnugg is small, happy and en- ner and dance at the Rex Manor, located Celebrating its 38th year, the American thusiastic, but also determined and brave. at 1100 60th Street in Brooklyn, N.Y. Our Birkebeiner will take placed Feb. 24 – The jury chose the name because she is like a featured entertainer for the gala will be the 26. The American Birkbeiner is the larg- snowflake (snøfnugg in Norwegian) – small, famous Norwegian recording artist Bjøro est and most prestigious cross country playful and swirling. Fnugg is the first snow Håland. Admission: $90 per person. Please ski marathon in North America. Span- join us for this special celebration. For of winter, spreading energy and joy to all. ning more than 50 kilometers from Ca- more information, contact Frank Bolstad at The boy Ull is the epitome of generos- ble to Hayward, the Birkie is part of the (732) 302-0955 or John Petersen at (718) ity. He’s big and strong, a little modest, but Worldloppet series of 15 international 494-2080. very kind and helpful. The name comes from races, and part of the lives of skiers from the Norse ski god Ull, making an interesting around the world. Visit www.birkie.com Pennsylvania historical connection to winter and skiing. or call (715) 634-5025. Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner Ull means “wool” in Norwegian, which is January 21 excellent at protecting the body against the winter cold, and warmth and caring are also Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 part of the boy’s personality. to add your list to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! The mascots have appeared at various Photo: Nina Horn Hynne Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. events this winter and promotional material. The mascots made their “live” debut at the Beito- sprint event Nov. 12 – 14. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us January 14, 2011 • 13 In your neighborhood A great reason to celebrate Sons of Noway Færder Lodge #109 in Brooklyn, N.Y. celebrates its centennial in 2011

Fr a n k Bo l s t a d President, Færder Lodge Somerset, N.J.

On Jan. 6, 2011, Sons of Norway Færder Lodge #109 of Brooklyn, N.Y., marked its centennial. Færder Lodge is the oldest Sons of Norway Lodge on the East Coast. In cel- ebration of this historic milestone, Sons of Norway Færder Lodge will hold a gala din- ner and dance on March 26 at 7 p.m. at the Photos courtesy of Frank Bolstad Rex Manor, located at 1100 60th Street in The Sons of Norway Færder Lodge’s 35th anniversary on Jan. 12, 1946 was celebrated with a dinner party. Brooklyn, N.Y. The Færder Lodge has a rich history the Norwegian-American community in 200 at one time. It was organized by Carl in 1984. as the first Sons of Norway Lodge on the Brooklyn and supported numerous charities W. Refsland and was in existence for many In November 1972, a dream was finally east Coast. The first meeting was called on such as the Norwegian Children’s Home, the years. The Færder Drill team was organized realized when Færder House was purchased. Thursday Dec. 8, 1910, at Prospect Hall in Norwegian Christian Home, Eger Home, in 1956. The first performance was for the We had our own home in which we took Brooklyn, N.Y. Seventeen members signed Camp Norge, and the Norwegian Seamen’s installation of officers of Færder Lodge in great pride. The members put a lot of work up the same night. At the next meeting on Church and during World War II: Red Cross, January 1957. The Drill Team were busy into keeping this home in a good condition. December 29th, nine more members signed President Roosevelt’s Fund, War Fund and during Installation time every year and did a In November of 1992, the lodge was able to up. On Jan. 6th, 1911, Færder Lodge #109 American Relief for Norway, Little Nor- lot of traveling around N.Y., N.J., Mass. and “burn the mortgage” and own the building was instituted in Prospect Hall with 26 char- way and Norske Sjømenn’s Gave Fond. In Conn. They also installed the new officers of free and clear. ter members. The lodge was named Færder the later years, the lodge also has supported the Third District at the Convention in New Færder Singers were organized in the after the lighthouse in the Oslo ; and BRAVO (a local volunteer ambulance ser- York in 1968. The drill team was dissolvedFull Service Agency With Experienced like Færder Fyr (lighthouse) is a guiding vice), Sons of Norway Foundation, Ski for Norwegian Speaking Consultants! CONTINUES PAGE 15 light on the Norwegian coast, so has Færder Light, Vinland Center, and Third District Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! Lodge been a guiding light for Sons of Nor- Charitable Trust Fund. information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! way lodges on the Eastern Seaboard. On April 11, 1940, Færder Lodge was Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , The lodge has had its ups and downs. the first Sons of Norway Lodge to donate VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n During the Depression, it initiated a “resting $700 to “Norgeshjelpen” (help for Norway). Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 membership,” so that the lodge could keep Together with Daughters of Norway Urd Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] their members even if they were unable to Lodge, they donated a completely furnished Verrazano TraVel & leisure pay their dues. During this time, the lodge room to the Norwegian Children’s Home in 1 (718) 979-6641 lost all its monies. The Building Fund in the Brooklyn and a “Færder Hybel” (room) at The Swedish Meatballs Ellen Lindstrom 917-968-2926 [email protected] Norsemen Assembly also was lost. the Norske Sjømenns Hvilehjem Eidsvold in [email protected] From then on there was only one way Katonah, N.Y. to go – forward. The lodge grew to over 800 Through the years, the lodge arranged members at one time. Færder members have many events where well-known persons held offices on the Sons of Norway Third from Norway gave lectures; and after awhile District and the International Board; and Færder Forum was started. At these meet- have also been very active delegates to the ings lively discussions followed after each Sons of Norway international conventions lecture. Færder Lodge was also a member through the years. of the Norske Nasjonal Forbund. Norwegian The first issue of “Færder Glimt,” the Parliament President C.J. Hambro was an lodge newsletter, came out , 1937. honorary member of Færder Lodge. The price was 2 cents and a booster cost $1 On Oct. 3, 1943, a Junior Lodge was a year. instituted. The membership reached over ...a delicious musical experience! Færder Lodge has been very active in www.theswedishmeatballs.com


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[email protected] 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 Færder Singers from 1978. 14 • January 14, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner Love lost and found The boys from Vangen: Mysterious Kristina” adds a “soap opera” dimension to research by Norwegian genealogist in California

Written by Leif Halse Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual English/Norwegian se- rialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian Ameri- can Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic!

MONS AVGJØR KAMPEN MONS DECIDES THE FIGHT Photo: Richard Londgren Nå flyr Kåre i full fart på Larris og Kåre runs at full speed toward Larris At work compiling his family history, Lowell Lykken gets a helping hand from his wife Beverly. His greier å gripe fatt i stauren, så Larris ikke and manages to grab hold of the board so roots are in Norway and Denmark, and hers are in Norway and Finland. Both are actively involved in får slått broren hans forderva. Katten Mons that Larris can’t beat his brother senseless. Scandinavian organizations in southern California. som har fulgt med, er også lysten på å kaste The cat Mons, who has followed along, is seg inn i kampen. Han bykser beint på den also looking for a fight. He jumps right at Ri c h a r d Lo n d g r e n fremmede guten og river av han lua. Gutten the stranger and tears off his hat. The boy Thousand Oaks, Calif. har nå kommet seg opp på Steinar og driver has gotten on top of Steinar and is punch- og slår til han med knyttneven. ing him with his fists. She was born in Wisconsin in 1862, study of a diary of Løland, he had found the Dette er mer enn Mons tåler å se på. This is more than Mons can stand. lived for many years in Norway as Kristina information about Kristina. Katten freser som et villdyr og setter klørne The cat hisses like a wild animal and digs and died in 1921 as Christiana in North Da- For Lowell, this new information came i hodet på gutten. Dette angrepet kommer his claws into the boy’s head. This attack kota. But for family historian Lowell Lykken like a bolt out of the blue. After all, he had så uventa, og gjør så vondt at han får mer comes so unexpectedly and is so painful of Westlake Village, Calif., his great-aunt re- grown up in North Dakota and knew much enn nok å gjøre med å komme seg unna. that he has more than enough to do just cently “came back to life” in a surprising and about his extended family, went to high Gutten tar til sprangs bortover vegen, og to get away. The boy runs away along the intriguing way. She is Margreta in a short school in Grafton and then studied engineer- Larris kommer etter i god fart. road, and Larris quickly follows him. story by noted Norwegian writer Rasmus ing at the University of North Dakota in Steinar Vangen er redda for denne Steinar Vangen is saved this time. Løland. Grand Forks. And he had already gathered gangen. Kåre hjelper til med å børste av Kåre helps to brush the snow off him, So for Lowell, that discovery put him information for his family history. han snøen, og Steinar tar på seg ryggsek- and Steinar puts on his backpack again. back in publishing to share the story with his Once Lowell got wind of Kristina’s in- ken igjen. Mons kommer så kry stigende til Mons comes back proudly, now that he has extended family. In 2005, he had published fluence on the life and writing of Løland, he bake, nå har han jaga fienden på flukt. Så chased off the enemy. The three of them an extensive and expensive 375-page per- pursued the new information with gusto. He tar de alle tre på heimveg. Men langt borte walk home. But Larris is walking along the fect-bound soft-cover fam- even decided to get help i vegen går Larris. Han snur seg og truer road some distance away. He shakes his fist ily history. Then, with this from the Google translat- til dem med knyttneven og roper at Steinar and shouts that Steinar had better wait till discovery about his great- ing system to convert the bare skal vente til neste gang, så skal nok next time, then Larris will...! aunt, he felt he should add Norwegian story of Kris- Larris...! a special chapter to share tina into English and in- Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen with his family. So in 2010 clude it in his addendum to he published a 28-page sup- the family history. Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. plement to his earlier book. “Ordinarily, that sys- www.astrimyastri.com Though Kristina (aka tem works quite well,” he Christiana) Olson had been explained, “but the Norwe- Deb Nelson Gourley presents Kings of Norway included in a general way in gian mix of Old and New Written and illustrated Kings of Norway includes 3 CDs that his book, she surfaced sud- Norwegian challenged the by Anders Kvåle Rue feature bilingual text, bilingual audio and full- denly for Lowell as a con- process.” color illustrations of 57 kings and one queen who spicuous “blip” in his re- Lowell admitted that ruled Norway from circa 875 to present. Ideal for search. He learned that this he himself was stymied by first-year Norwegian classes and heritage/cultural distant relative had inspired Photo courtesy of Lowell Lykken the language, even though programs. Includes text and audio of both an acclaimed short story by Christiana (aka Kristina in Norway) he grew up with Norwe- Astri, My Astri and Astri, Mi Astri. the noted Norwegian writer became the inspiration for the noted gians and even produced short story by Norwegian author For all ages on both sides of the Atlantic! Rasmus Løland. In his story an award-winning news- Rasmus Løland. titled “Hans og Margreta,” letter for the Sons of Nor- • 58 bilingual stories & audio in English and Norwegian • Book includes 3 CDs — hear all stories in both languages he told of Hans’ infatuation with a friendly way in Thousand Oaks, Calif. Besides that, • Hardcover, 128 pages, all in full color, illustrated and cheerful maid who came to work for his he has been involved in the Scandinavian • $29.95 (1 book & 3 CDs) with FREE shipping in the USA well-to-do family. Kristina was the model Center at California Lutheran University as Astri My Astri Publishing for Margreta, and Hans is the alter-ego of the well as the Scandinavian Festival there. Deb Nelson Gourley www.astrimyastri.com introverted, lonely author as a young man. So he found that the “Googlizing” trans- 602 3rd Ave SW [email protected] Waukon, IA 52172 Phone: (563) 568-6229 In pursuing this family mystery, Lowell lation of the Norwegian story required a ma- found that even his great-aunt had not known jor helping hand from others skilled in the Norway.com that she was the unrequited love in the story vagaries of the Norwegian language. Royal Norwegian Consulates by the Norwegian author. And Lowell also Organization of the Week in the United States discovered that Løland had spiced up his The 375-page family history published by Lowell Lykken, called “Our Family Ancestry” MONTANA story of lost love with anguish and conflict. Daughters of Norway A chain of events led to the discovery of includes background information about Scandi- Pauline Fjelde Lodge Honorary Consul James Sites navia as well as the extensive information about this family link to Løland, explained Low- Lowell’s family, past and present. The smaller Minneapolis, Minn. Royal Norwegian Consulate ell. While he was in Sweden on an assign- book about Kristina adds an intriguing chapter Meets the third Sat. of the month at 10 PO BOX 2529 ment for Honeywell, he made a special ex- to the initial history compiled by Lowell. Both a.m. at the University Lutheran Church Billings, MT 59103 cursion to the genealogy research center in of these books are available as references in the Stavanger. That led to a connection with a library of the Scandinavian Center at California For more information, visit: Tel: (406) 252-3441 Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks. For more www.daughtersofnorway.org Norwegian cousin, Tone Årtun. He learned Fax: (406) 256-8526 information, e-mail ScanCenter@callutheran. facebook.com/pages/Daughters-of- that she had turned up key information for E-mail: [email protected] edu, call (805) 241-0391 or write to Scandina- Norway-Twin-Cities-Minnesota Lowell from her colleague Ernst Berge Drange of the staff of the Ryflyke Museum. vian Center at California Lutheran University, 60 For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, W. Olsen Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations He was writing about Løland, and from his norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports January 14, 2011 • 15 sports Northug finally smiles again Norway’s bad boy of skiing, Petter Northug, redeemed himself after winning races in Val de Fiemme,

Photo courtesy of Frank Bolstad The charter members of Sons of Norway Færder Lodge, pictured in 1912, one year after the lodge was founded. Photo: NRK Færder lodge… our membership was old in years, so a large Ni n a Be r g l u n d (…continued from page 13) number is now deceased. Also a factor is the Views and News from Norway minimal number of immigrants coming into fall of 1975. The singers were active for our area and the move to suburbia by some Northug himself said the past few days himself, and that led to bad behavior that about ten years in the community singing in former members. The lodge is working hard amounted to a “seasonal breakthrough,” be- prompted many spectators, former skiing various churches, hospitals, nursing homes to generate interest for Sons of Norway in cause he finally felt like he was back in good stars and commentators to suggest Northug and other local events. The choir was sup- the second and third generation descendants shape and proved it with his performance. He was simply a bad sport. He’d ignore ques- ported by a very active Ladies Auxiliary. of our forefathers, and we do hope that some won a event in Val de Fiemme, tions, came 15 minutes late to an awards In order to take advantage of the boom- of our younger members will be interested Italy on Jan. 8, for the first time since March presentation, has been fined for various ing real estate market in Brooklyn, Færder enough to take over and continue to preserve 21, 2010,, and chalked up his two best races transgressions and even got in trouble for House was sold in 1997. The lodge is cur- our Norwegian heritage and culture, so that in the Tour de Ski, hanging on to second zig-zagging his way in a recent race, mak- rently meeting at the Danish Club, Where it will live on for years to come and Færder place overall. ing it impossible for his rivals to get around members can enjoy great fellowship. Lodge can face the future with hope. As a result, Northug smiled, chatted co- him. He lost lots of bonus seconds for that Unfortunately, the lodge membership Look for an article about Sons of Nor- operatively with reporters and even tossed offense. has become smaller, due to several reasons. way Færder Lodge’s centennial celebration his flower bouquet to his mother, who was Norwegian coaches and cross-country Being the oldest lodge in the Third District, in future issues of the Weekly. among the spectators in Italy. Newspaper Af- skiing staff have been criticized as well, for tenposten reported that his entire family was failing to discipline Northug. The entire team on the edge… Patricia Espinosa were to stand as presiden- relieved that there finally was some good has been under pressure, because of their me- (…continued from page 6) tial candidate for the whole world, she would news around Northug. diocre performance leading up to the World secure a great many votes. “We need this very much now,” his fa- Championships on home turf at Holmenkol- Ms. Espinosa has the patience of a god- ther and manager John Northug told Aften- len in Oslo at the end of February. On Jan. dess, as India’s Minister of the Environment Erik Solheim is the Minister of the Environ- posten. “Maybe we’ll be able to focus on the 9, they were relieved as well, while Northug Jairam Ramesh has called her. “Your views ment and International athletics aspect now.” said he intended to head home to Norway, will be reflected in the conference minutes,” Development, and is a There have been so many other things to take a break before the next World Cup event she said. The principle of consensus cannot member of the Socialist report about Northug since he first got sick in Otepää and refrain from serious training be interpreted in such a way that one coun- Left. He has worked in when the season opened in November. He’s until he feels ready. try has the right of veto when 193 countries politics since 1977, and been sluggish, apparently frustrated with have reached agreement after such strenuous former positions include efforts. Socialist Left party leader Sports News & Notes We spend a lot of time clapping this (1987-1997) and member (1989- evening. The night is rounded off with cham- 2001). He served in the Ministry of Foreign : Bø triumphed again “We don’t need Marit to succeed” pagne at the Norwegian delegation’s office Affairs for five years before joining Prime Norway’s Tarjei Bø outraced compatriot placed second place in the at five in the morning. The climate negotia- Minister Jens Stoltenberg’s cabinet in 2005. to seal his fifth IBU Tour de Ski in Val de Fiemme, Italy. She tions are back on track, confidence in the biathlon World Cup victory of the season in shared her success with the rest of the Nor- U.N. system has been re-established, and if Oberhof, Germany on Jan. 9. Russia’s Ivan wegian women’s national team that captured Tcherezov came third. This was Bø’s second four of the top ten places in the summary. win of the week in Oberhof. The 22-year-old “Marit [Bjørgen] was simply awesome this AIR - SEA - LAND also racked up three wins in a row in Hoch- season, but in the Tour de Ski has the rest of For all your travel needs: cruise specialists, domestic and international flizen, at the start of the season and us proved that we are good,” said Johaug to travel for individuals, groups and conventions his fifth win on Sunday increases his lead in NRK. Bjørgen won the World Cup before the the overall World Cup standings over Svend- Tour de Ski, but chose to stay home from the Always at the best possible prices! sen to 55. intense competition to charge for the World (Norway Post) Cup on home soil at the end of February. (NRK)

Corporation (REC) and the Seattle US Ex- Fax: (718) 238-3604 • Tel: (718) 748-7400 • toll free @ 1-800-822-5838 ambassador… 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11209 • [email protected] (…continued from page 3) port Assistance Center. A reception was held in his honor on Jan. 6 at the Nordic Heritage merce U.S. Commercial Service. Museum, where he was welcomed by lead- During the Ambassador’s visit to Wash- ers of the Norwegian-American community ington state, he met with students at Pacific in the Puget Sound area, including represen- Lutheran University in Tacoma, Wash., and tatives from Daughters of Norway, Sons of 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 students at the University of Washington in Norway, Karmøy Club, Norwegian Com- Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] Seattle. He also met with representatives mercial Club and more. from Microsoft, Boeing, Renewable Energy Featuring great Nordic products Sons of Norway Building, B-20 Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 and more! www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] By appointment please Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com Not for Profit Retirement & Assisted Living Community serving Seattle for over 50 years!

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