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Vol. 120, No. 9 March 6, 2009 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Tel (800) 305-0217 $1.50 per copy Online News “Max Manus” comes to the United Dateline States Norway to search Arctic for Amundsen The biographic war seaplane film about Norwegian More than 80 years after its Resistance fighter disappearance during a polar Max Manus makes rescue mission, Norway’s navy is launching a search for the lost plane its American debut in of Roald Amundsen. New York

Compiled by Norwegian Education Chr i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Minister wants to “I think it’s great that ‘Max Manus’ legalize file sharing is now being shown in the United States. The IFPI (International Federation I’m very excited,” said Gunnar “Kjakan” of the Phonographic Industry) has Sønsteby. The 91-year-old came with demanded that one of the country’s his wife Anne-Karin to New York for a largest internet service providers private showing of “Max Manus.” block all access to The Pirate Bay Photo: Erik Aavatsmark / Filmkameratene. or face a lawsuit. However, Minister CONTINUES PAGE 13 Gunnar Sønsteby (Knut Joner), Kolbein Lauring (Christian Rubeck) and Max Manus (Aksel of Education, Bård Vegar Solhjell, Hennie). has said that non-commercial file sharing should be legal and the recording industry needs to learn to Accolades and applause for Hustvedt adapt. Siri Hustvedt shares insight into her new book, her talent Norway orders Sting and, not least, her good sense of humor Ray torpedoes Norway’s largest oil and gas company posted a 67 percent drop El s e Hv i s t e n d a h l & Ro l f St a n g New York, N.Y. in fourth quarter profit as a weaker krone pushed up departmental costs and crude oil plunged more than On Feb. 19, when the highly $100 a barrel from a record. recognized author Siri Hustvedt spoke, she engaged the audience on many levels, some very profound. A woman Norway jobless rate of great scope, she holds a Ph.D. in increases English, but also showed just how her On Feb. 25, Statistics Norway extra dimensions come from life-long reported that the jobless rate stood self-education. Her fearless curiosity has at 3 percent in December, measured put her deeply in touch with herself. It by the average of three months from is clearly most responsible for the November to January. That up from profound gifts: spontaneity, invention, 2.5 percent in September, based on and depth she continues to share with the average from August to October. her readers. It was fascinating to listen, as her answers and commentary swept from the very serious to much laughter- provoking humor. Certain questions awakened $1 = NOK 7.15 Photo: Berit Hessen From left: Brooklynites Paul Auster and Siri Hustvedt, with Siri’s sisters, Manhattanites updated 3/2/09 CONTINUES PAGE 13 2/6/09 $1=NOK 7.03 Astrid Hustvedt and Ingrid Hustvedt. 2 Norge - Uken som gikk Nytt på Nett Store Norske fra bokhylle til nett Osebergskipets gåte løst I forrige uke slo de store norske på nett. Osebergskipet ble gravd ut i Vestfold leksikonutgiverne tilbake mot Wikipe- Synlige fagfolk som går god for inn- mellom 1904 og 1905 og står nå på dia og Google, melder Aftenposten. holdet er det viktigste våpenet til museum på Bygdøy i Oslo. Området i konkurransen med etablerte nettlek- hvor Osebergskipet ble bygget, er Den 25. februar ble Norges største sikon. Store norske leksikon har kny- trolig Nord- Rogaland, melder Aften- leksikon, Store norske leksikon, lansert ttet til seg flere hundre fageksperter fra posten. Dette beviser for første gang som gratis tjeneste på Internett. Nettst- norske fagmiljøer. Disse står ansvarlig kontakt på 800-tallet mellom konge- edet har fått navnet og gir gratis for innholdet i de eksisterende artiklene makten på Karmøy og ynglinge-ætten tilgang til 300.000 kvalitetssikrede ar- og skal fortløpende kvalitetssikre nye i Vestfold. tikler. artikler som kommer inn under deres I tillegg introduseres en åpen plat- fagområde. På denne måten vil Norges Flere Nordmenn blir uføre tform for alle som ønsker å bidra med største oppslagsverk fortsette å vokse i kunnskap. FOTO: HANS ERIK ELMHOLDT / Aftenposten. årene som kommer, samtidig som kravet Stadig flere nordmenn blir uføretrygd- Nettleksikonet Store Norske har ca. 350 fagmed- “Internett har gitt leksikon ny men- til høy kvalitet opprettholdes. ede. Fortsetter utviklingen, vil halv- arbeidere, sier hovedredaktør Petter Henriksen. parten av oss forlate yrkeslivet som ing. Med millioner av kilder å velge mel- Kunnskapsforlaget har det redaksjo- uføre. 2007 var det over 32.000 per- lom tilbyr en trygg havn for alle Store norske leksikon er Norges nelle ansvaret for soner som sluttet i jobb og gikk over på som er på jakt etter fakta de kan stole på, største leksikon, med en historie som og åpner for dem som innehar kunnskap English Synopsis: On Feb. 25 the uføretrygd. Tallet har økt hvert år siden strekker seg over 100 år tilbake. largest Norwegian encyclopedia som kan gjøre Store norske leksikon 2000, og omfatter alle nye uføretrygd- Kulturminister Trond Giske er en av “Store Norske” was launched on the ede i aldersgruppen 18-67 år. – Norge enda bedre, sier Petter Henriksen, lek- politikerne som har engasjert seg for å web. You can find as many as 300,000 er på verdenstoppen i uføretrygd, sier sikonets hovedredaktør. få på plass et godt norsk leksikontilbud articles on Kenneth Stien i NAV Hordaland. Nye e-postregler Norske forskere med råd til Obama Hovedregelen etter de nye reglene er admini-strasjonen bør gjøre for å skape som er blitt utarbeidet i samarbeid med at arbeidsgiver bare har innsyn i de varig fred i landet som amerikanske en rekke framstående personer i irakisk ansattes e-post når det er nødvendig styrker invaderte for seks år siden. samfunnsliv. for å ivareta virksomhetens daglige Et viktig poeng i rapporten er at Planen var at det var irakere som drift eller andre berettigede interesser. USA må slutte å tenke på Irak som et skulle presentere rapporten 3. mars på Arbeidsgiver har også innsyn når det er land splittet i ulike sekter og religiøse United States Institute of Peace (USIP) begrunnet mistanke om at arbeidstak- grupper, skriver NTB. Men ingen av dem fikk visum til USA. eren bruker e-postkassen sin på en “Tonen i Washington er nå at man er I rapporten fikk også USA råd om måte som innebærer grovt brudd på ar- i ferd med å lykkes i Irak. Utviklingen å satse stort på valget i desember 2009. beidsforholdet. De nye bestemmelsene har vært mer positiv enn forventet, men Med verdenssamfunnets hjelp bør det i personopplysningsforskriften tredde i vårt budskap er at ting vil bryte sammen gjennomføres uten at kandidater kan kraft fra 1. mars, melder Fornyings- og igjen dersom det ikke kommer politiske kjøpe stemmer og uten at mange velgere administrasjonsdepartementet. reformer,” sier Henrik Thune,” forsk- blir hjemme fordi de er redde, melder Urfolk ikke invitert Jan Egeland besøkte Washington 3. er fra Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt (NUPI). English Synopsis: Jan Egeland and I slutten av april arrangerer arktisk råd mars med en Irak-rapport som inne- Både USAs forsvarsdepartement, three others from the Norwegian In- utenriksministermøter i Tromsø. Der holder råd om hva Barack Obama bør utenriksdepartement og nasjonale sik- stitute of International Affairs (NUPI) skal også utenriksdepartement holde gjøre i det voldsherjede landet. kerhetsråd fikk besøk av Thune og kol- visited the United States Institute of en konferanse om hvilke konsekvenser legene Reidar Visser og Daniel Heradst- Peace in Washington, D.C. on March issmelting og klimaendringer forårsak- Med NUPI-direktør Jan Egeland veit. 3. Findings from the project “Iraq’s er. Til konferansen kommer fredspris- (foto) i spissen presenterte tre norske Håpet var at Obama-administras- future on Iraqi terms,” funded by vinner Al Gore. Samerådet har fått forskere en fersk Irak-rapport i Washing- jonen ville lytte til rådene i rapporten, Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, kjennskap til at utenriksdepartementet ton. Den inneholder råd om hva Obama- was presented. ikke hadde planer om å diskutere hvor- dan klimaendringene påvirker urbe- folkningene i arktiske områder. Leder Oljen kan gi 2.000 nye arbeidsplasser i nord Gunn-Britt Retter ved samerådets arktiske miljøavdeling sier til NRK at Oljevirksomhet utenfor Lofoten og Oljeindustriens landsforening (OLF). “omtrentlig og uriktig omgang med be- dette provoserte urbefolkningene i de Vesterålen kan gi mellom 1.000 og Sammen med Norsk Industri, Red- greper,” melder NTB. arktiske områdene sterkt. 2.000 nye arbeidsplasser i nord, viser eriforbundet og LO, utgjør OLF det så- Debatten om hvilke ringvirkninger en ny rapport fra oljenæringen. kalte KonKraft, en sammenslutning som oljevirksomhet utenfor Lofoten og Dør tidligst i Finnmark, lever jobber for å styrke konkurransekraften Vesterålen kan medføre har i den senere Prognosene sier til norsk oljeindustri. tiden vært svært heftige i Norge. lengst i Sogn at norsk petro- I følge en KonKraft-rapport som ble Finnmarkinger dør tidligst, og folk i leumsproduk- presentert 2. mars, kan olje- og gassvirk- English Synopsis: Per Terje Vold at Sogn og Fjordane lever lengst, viser sjon vil falle somhet utenfor Lofoten og Vesterålen gi The Norwegian Oil Industry Associa- en kartlegging av risiko for sykdom markant i løpet inntil 2.000 nye arbeidsplasser lokalt og tion (OLF) says opening Lofoten for og helseproblemer i ulike deler av av det neste regionalt når ringvirkninger inkluderes. petroleum activity will create 2000 landet. Ferske tall fra Folkehelsein- jobs. A new report from KonKraft, a tiåret. Tilgang Beregningene tar utgangspunkt i to collaboration forum for the OLF, Fed- stituttets statistikkbank Norgeshelsa til nye leteom- store, tre mellomstore og noen mindre viser klare forskjeller mellom ulike re- eration of Norwegian Industries, Nor- råder vil vi- funn, med forutsetninger om ressurser på wegian Association of Ship-owners gioner og fylker, skriver VG. Tallene dereføre statlige om lag 2 milliarder fat oljeekvivalenter. and Norwegian Trade Union Federa- viser blant annet at kvinner i Oslo har inntekter til beste for fellesskapet og op- Rapporten mener oljeleting i nord tion (LO) has now been handed over høyest risiko for brystkreft, og at syke- prettholde sysselsettingen, sier adminis- ikke er noen trussel mot fisk og miljø to Minister of Petroleum and Energy, fraværet er høyest i Nordland og lavest trerende direktør Per Terje Vold (foto) i og hevder miljødebatten er preget av Terje Riis-Johansen. i Rogaland. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • MARCH 6, 2009 3 Norway in the News The Palestinian president visits Oslo for the Socialist Left Party. Nominations resolution has sparked major debate all by pirates, but so far none of them have Palestinian President Mahmoud Ab- for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize totaled over Norway. While Parliament Speaker been hijacked. (Regjeringen) bas visited Oslo on Feb. 24. He said a a record 205, the largest group of poten- Egil Olli maintains that the Sámi people new national unity government that in- tial winners put forward in the award’s should have land rights practically all Støre visits the Gaza Strip cludes rival Hamas must be in place 108-year history. over the country, critics now argue that Norway’s Foreign Minister Jo- and internationally recognized to man- ( the parliament is by far overestimating nas Gahr Støre visited Gaza on Friday age humanitarian aid for Gaza and the its powers. The Sámi Parliament already Feb. 27. “This is senseless destruction, West Bank. Norway’s Prime Minister Want less cruise ships to Svalbard controls major land areas in the north- destroying the livelihood of ordinary Jens Stoltenberg and Abbas discussed The Norwegian Polar Institute wants ernmost Norwegian county of Finnmark. people, creating misery and not creating the humanitarian situation in Gaza and cruise-vessels to stay away from the un- (NRK) peace and security,” said Støre, who was the prospects for peace in the region. touched areas in the north-east Svalbard visibly shaken up to witness the Gaza The prime minister called for Palestinian and south-east Svalbard nature reserves. Norwegian Central Banker is going to Strip in ruins. He met with the head of the reconciliation and for the international The Governor of Svalbard recommends save Iceland outgoing Israeli government Ehud Ol- community to stay engaged. (Regjerin- that a management plan is worked out Svein Harald Øygard, a Norwegian mert, as well as Palestinian Prime Minis- in cooperation and dialogue with the re- economist, has been hired as interim ter Salam Fayyad. He did not meet with levant user groups, by organizing a ref- governor of the Central Bank of Iceland. members of Hamas, which has ruled in One year anniversary of the Svalbard erence group containing representatives The Althingi parliament passed a bill on Gaza since 2007. On March 2, Norway Global Seed Vault from research, tourism and relevant au- changes to the bank’s senior manage- was co-chair with Egypt at the Ad Hoc The Svalbard Global Seed Vault’s thorities. (BarentsObserver) ment on Feb. 28, making its previous Liaison Committee’s (AHLC) Interna- first year of operation has been a great governors redundant. Øygard is a vet- tional Donor Conference in Sharm El- success. 25 national and international Architect Sverre Fehn has died eran Norwegian financial official. He Sheikh. 80 countries took part in the institutions have deposited more than One of Norway’s best known ar- has 11 years experience working in Nor- conference, which aim is to rebuild the 400,000 unique seed samples for long- chitects, Sverre Fehn died on Feb 23, way’s central bank and finance ministry, Gaza Strip. (NRK) term back up security storage in the at the age of 84. Among his best known as well as in parliament. Øygard says the vault. The first anniversary seminar works is the Norwegian Glacier Museum recovery of the Icelandic economy will Roadbuilding neglected took place last week at the University (1991) in Fjærland. Fehn’s most recent take time, but he is confident the coun- Minister of Transport and Commu- Centre (UNIS) in Longyearbyen. Del- work is the new Norwegian Museum of try’s economic foundations are strong. nications Liv Signe Navarsete says that egates from all over the world attended. Architecture in Oslo. His highest inter- ( due to the oil resources, Norway’s efforts ( national honor came in 1997, when he to building new roads, and maintaining was awarded both the Pritzker Architec- Norwegian frigate to fight of pirates old ones, have been very poor over the Jagland new head of Nobel Commit- ture Prize and the Heinrich Tessenow The Norwegian Government will past 30 years. (Norway Post) tee Gold. (Norway Post) send a new Nansen-Class Frigate to the Norwegian Parliament Speaker Thor- E.U. anti-piracy naval operation ATAL- Rising unemployment bjørn Jagland was Feb. 26 elected new Sámi Parliament demands more land ANTA, outside Somalia in August. Pi- Unemployment is increasing very chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Com- control rate activity outside the Somalian coast rapidly in Norway. Growth in unem- mittee, which selects the Nobel Peace The Sámi Parliament in Norway is a considerable threat to the supply ployment is lowest in the northernmost Prize winner. The committee is elected demands that the Sámi people get land of humanitarian support to Somalia, as county of Finnmark. The construction by parliament, and each member sits for rights over as much as 40 percent of well as to international shipping. As a industry has the biggest increase writes six years. Jagland (58), who is former Norwegian land areas. In a resolution on major seafaring nation, Norway has an the Welfare Service (NAV) in a press re- Norwegian Prime Minister and Foreign Feb. 25, the Sámi Parliament stated that obvious role in the work of protecting lease. 67,400 people were registered as Minister, is the only male member on the Sàmi people living in the southern part of international shipping. Approximately unemployed at the end of February, that current committee. Another new elect is the country should have the same rights 1,000 Norwegian controlled vessels sail is 25,500 more than a year ago. In one Ågot Valle, member of parliament and to manage reindeer pasture land as in the through the area every year. A number of year the increase in unemployment has spokeswoman on international affairs northernmost county of Finnmark. The Norwegian vessels have been attacked been 61 percent. (NRK)

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NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • Ma r c h 6, 2009 4 Bu s i n e s s Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: (March 2 09) Vinnere Business spotlight: Navn Siste % Roxar 5,29 51,14 Norsk Kr. 7.1583 Mole Genetics PetroProd Ltd. 0,19 26,67 Aqua Bio Technology AS 1,79 19,33 EOC 5,70 14,00 Dansk Kr. 5.9229 Ri ch a r d Ha y h u r s t Bouvet ASA 34,50 11,29 Special to Norwegian American Weekly Mole Cook Book—showing them how Svensk Kr. 9.1954 to isolate DNA and RNA from their Tapere If you are a research scientist, it’s particular special sample type. Canadian $ 1.2855 Navn Siste % been hard to miss Mole Genetics this AGR Group 4,84 -46,22 Lighthouse Caledonia AS 0,12 -33,33 year. With their bright quirky ads and You launched in Europe early this Euro 0.7947 Wega Mining AS 0,98 -27,41 coffee bar-themed stands at exhibitions, year—how has the market received Scandinavian Clinical Nutr. 1,94 -23,92 they have made a major impact in a the instrument? Golden Ocean Group 1,58 -19,80 short time. Their desktop instrument, To our satisfaction, we have been GeneMole, enables researchers to proved right that there is a market for automatically extract precious DNA our product and furthermore that the from samples in a few minutes instead of market is growing fast. Until around the hours it normally takes using manual 2000, DNA and RNA purification was kits. What’s more, they have managed to performed manually using centrifugation make GeneMole affordable for even the and either chemical extraction or Why settle smallest labs. Here managing director, spin column purification. Our former for average? Frank Larsen, reveals the secrets of their company GenoVision started the process success. 2.15%3.25% a p y * vs. 1.63%2.47% a p y ** of bringing automation to small and Allstate Bank National Average medium size labs by using magnetic bead When was Mole Genetics founded and based extraction. Mole is taking this a Allstate Bank offers a competitive 1-year CD rate that’s typically higher by who? step further with a solution better suited than the national average. A CD is one of the smartest ways to save. It’s Mole was founded in June of simple, secure and easy to open. Call us today to open your account with for research labs. The customers like 2005. The founders are in the company Allstate Bank. It couldn’t be easier. the easy-to-use GeneMole instruments, management; myself (Frank Larsen), the small size of the instruments and the Tone Yrvum the Director Sales, and fact that it is a multi-user solution. The Scott Peterson Marketing; and Arne Deggerdal, the DNA applications are giving equivalent Allstate Insurance Company Research Director. results to manual results. However many 1713 NW Market Street labs also do RNA work using manual Seattle, WA 98107 What was the business idea? extraction kits and we have to develop an Bus (206) 783-2195 The business idea is to make application for this to meet their needs. Fax (206) 783-9269 an automated solution for sample *Annual Percentage Yield (APY) quoted as of February 18, 2008, for a 1-year Certificate of Deposit (CD) and preparation available to all research What have been the main is effective through Februay 21, 2008. Minimum deposit $1,000. Rates are subject to change. labs. Mole will focus on DNA and RNA applications? Penalties will be imposed for early withdrawal. Deposits are FDIC insured up to $100,000 per depositor. In certain states, the referral of CDs to Allstate Bank is limited by state security laws to agents who are regis- extraction for the first products. The DNA isolation from blood samples tered securities representatives. Contact an Allstate Agency or Allstate Bank for further information. Allstate solution should aim for an instrument has been the main application so far, Agencies receive compensation for the referral of Allstate Bank CDs, which may vary depending on the size and term of the certificates. with software and reagents, that is but Mole is covering a wide variety of **Annual Percentage Yield (APY). National Index determined by Bankrate, Inc., N. Palm Beach, FL on Febru- intuitive to use, a range of applications, sample types that people work with— ary 13, 2008. The Cupped Hands logo is a registered service mark and “Our Stand” is a service high quality DNA/RNA and affordable from human samples to cyanobacteria mark of Allstate Insurance Company.©2006 Allstate Insurance Company. price. Mole itself is a biotech company in water and difficult samples such as that focuses on customer applications buccal swabs and saliva. Fortunately, and links product development closely Mole’s kits and protocols have been able

Services with the customers. We have more than to handle this variety of samples very 50 years of accumulated experience well. • Financial Planning working with magnetic beads in • Retirement Planning companies such as Dynal, GenoVision Are you still on track to launch in the • Investment Strategies and Qiagen. We combine this experience United States next year? • Insurance* Analysis with expertise in chemistry, molecular Mole will launch the GeneMole in biology, software and instrumentation. It • Succession Planning Judy A. Cooper the United States this year. It is important is very rare for a small company to be to have a product with a wide range of • Charitable Giving Financial Advisor able to cover all these disciplines. applications before we introduce the • Business Planning [email protected] products in the United States, but we will

*Insurance products are provided 2601 • 4th Avenue, Suite 450 • Seattle, WA 98121 What has been the progress so far? be in position this year. A lot of research through insurance companies with which Waddell & Reed has sales arrangements. Tel: (206) 283-6661 x 103 After three years, we have an labs that are interested in our products instrument on the market and have have actually contacted us already, so achieved sales in eight European this looks promising. countries. We have genomic DNA “Jeg snakker Norsk!” Anne Marie Steiner, GRI applications documented for more than Are there more products in the (206) 782-7406 60 different sample types and are ready pipeline? to launch a similar range of applications HOME 24 hour pager: Mole’s business model is to bring for RNA in the first quarter 2009. realty, inc. (206) 977-2193 new models and dedicated instruments and solutions to the market. However 12055 15th Avenue NE Seattle, WA 98125 What is so special about GeneMole? this year GeneMole will fully focus on Dedicated & Professional Service GeneMole is the first fully automated the existing instrument and broadening solution for DNA/RNA extraction on the application range from basic research Please call me for your Residential and Commerical the market with a price as low as EUR applications to clinical applications. Real Estate needs 10,000. The GeneMole comes with New product development will be based an integrated PC, pre-programmed on feedback from customers. Sons of Norway Building, B-20 applications and pre-filled reagents For more information: 1455 W. Lake Street strips. It lives up to the slogan “Three Norway Art Minneapolis, MN 55408 (612) 339-7829 Clicks Away from Pure DNA.” Together email: [email protected] with our customers, we also develop an By appointment please. extensive documentation package—The NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • Ma r c h 6, 2009 Sp o r t s 5 Hög Loppet - a tradition Norway with team sprint gold A beautiful journey for Nordic skiers in Fi s -Sk i the Cascade back-country Ola Vigen Hattestad won the team sprint in Liberec and took the World Jo h n Er i k St a c y aid stations is an important aspect of Championship titles. Ola Vigen Hattestad Seattle, Wash. the service provided by the LWSC in made the double and won after the sprint arranging this event. In addition to In late February, the Leavenworth also the team sprint for Norway with his “civilian” volunteers—about 60 in all— Winter Sports Club (LWSC) organizes teammate Johan Kjølstad. They finished there are also U.S. Forest Service and an event that draws hundreds of Nordic in a very tight race just 0.5 seconds ahead local law enforcement on the scene. By skiers up above the tree line in the Cascade of Germany (Tobias Angerer and Axel keeping people on the trail and providing Mountains of Washington State. The Teichmann). Finland (Ville Nousiainen emergency care if needed, the support name of the event is the “Hög Loppet” and Sami Jauhojaervi) lost the photo crew helps to make this event accessible and it is a mass wandering that joins Photo: John Erik Stacy finish sprint against Germany and took to a very wide range of participants. Participants got great views of several mountains, cross-country skiers from the region and the bronze medal. This year the youngest “Hög including Mt. Rainer, 60 miles away. beyond to enjoy stunning views, crisp From the beginning to the end, the Lopper” was 10 years and the oldest was snow and the fellowship of shared spirit. race was tight. A total of nine teams 75. To me, the Loppet has much of the an immediate jump in the popularity of This year, on Saturday, Feb. 28, nearly finished within 10 seconds of each other. feel of a weekend ski trip in Oslomarka. the event. 500 participants—including myself— For Hattestad it was the second gold In Norway, the trails are full of people The LWSC became responsible for did “The Hog.” The fun started with an medal and Kjølstad made also his second of all ages and abilities. Also, the aid arranging the event in 2005, making this early morning assent via chairlift to the medal after silver in sprint. stations set up with hot chocolate and year the fifth Hög Loppet under their top of Mission Ridge. The lift brought us goodies—although admittedly not quite leadership. Their contributions to the to an altitude of about 7,000 feet. From It’s Norway Day at a Norwegian stue like Ullevålseter—is event (beside the aforementioned logistic this vantage point, we could see an awe- reminiscent of the “hut to hut” skiing that coordination, registration, etc.) include inspiring panorama, including the peaks the Championships is the norm for Scandinavia. The promise the hiring of shuttle busses that ferry of Mt. Stuart, omnipresent Rainier, the of waffles, hot chocolate and the chance participants from either Leavenworth more distant Adams in the south as well meeting of friends is part of what gets or Wenatchee in the early morning and as Baker near the Canadian border. This skiers out into the winter wonderlands in then return them from Blewett pass in “big-country” view was the starting point Norway and . Some of that same afternoon. The first to finish this year of our 20-mile trek West to our end point magic is at work in the Cascade Hög arrived at the end point at 9:30 a.m.— on Blewett Pass. Loppet as well. The second aid station meaning a time for the 20-mile course The Hög Loppet course follows follows a rather long climb, and arrival of less than 2.5 hours since the earliest the line between Chelan and Kittitas brings a sense of accomplishment shared available chair lift is 7:00 a.m. The last counties along forest service roads. The with the other participants. The third aid to finish came in at 4:25 p.m. Busses trails are groomed for cross-country station at Haney Meadow has a party destined for the towns arrived roughly Photo: Feature Pics skiing just prior to the event. This year Those who displayed the Norwegian flag on atmosphere as people tend to linger, eat every half hour after noon. Note: the Nordic skiers of all sorts participated, their clothes or body on Norway day at the lunch and visit. And here participants event is not meant to be a race. Besides from those on ultra-light gear through to Championships got a free beer. know that most of the rest of the trip is whatever personal satisfaction you may back-country metal-edge mavens. The Fi s -Sk i an easy downhill over several miles to derive, the only reward for coming in beginning of the course is characterized the end point in the parking lot off of first is to wait several hours for a bus. Although the organizers of the by some steep descents, so the skate and Highway 97. There are many medium and long championships have designated some performance crew were well advised to This year was my third Hög Loppet distance Nordic skiing events around the days as national days, basically every get out ahead of the pack to make use in the same number of years, but the event United States and Canada. The American day is a “Norwegian Day.” The reason is of fresh grooming. The rest of us had has been going on for over 20 years. The Birkebeiner in Wisconsin, named after simple: Norwegian fans have taken total to deal with a somewhat less pristine name of the event is a strong indicator the Norwegian parent event which control of the Championships. Every day surface, which helped foster some that it was conceived by Scandinavians again derives from the epic ski rescue basically belongs to them. entertaining face-plants into the soft since the literal translation from of the infant King Håkon Håkonsson in However, in the schedule of powder. Although some skiers managed Swedish is “The High Run.” Originally 1206, is probably the best known. The social events accompanying the World the descents with impressive élan, for the the direction of the course was the Hög Loppet is another example of how championships the official Norwegian bulk of us, this was the most challenging opposite. That would have made the Scandinavian traditions continue to Day fell on Thursday, Feb. 26. segment. The course becomes a lot more course a much greater aerobic challenge, resonate in America. At the information stand, a free like “standard” groomed trails after this gaining 3,000 feet in altitude, and would To learn more about the Hög Loppet brochure was available about the point. presumably have ended by skiing down and other events arranged by the LWSC sights of the Norwegian capital and its Hög Loppet trails are normally used one of the Mission Ridge Alpine runs visit and click surroundings. The next Nordic World by snowmobilers, and by volunteers from —also a challenging task on free-heel the “events” link on the navigation bar Ski Championships are going to take the motorized community that support skis and tired legs! I do not know when at the top of the page. Thanks to Hög place in Oslo and pictures of a futuristic the event by hauling snacks to aid stations they transitioned to starting at the high Loppet organizer Rebecca Darley for ski jump area made one anticipate an and being on hand for emergencies. point, but I am sure it corresponded to providing facts and figures! exceptional spectacle. The Norwegian The coordination of volunteers and fans themselves provided a spectacle for Liberec. They arrived in the Regional makes the triple Plaza in folk costumes, with national flags and a band of drummers which Fi s -Sk i France in which Petter Northug joined was followed by a large singing crowd him. At the end of the last lap, Angerer The third gold medal for Petter around the square. launched the final attack but Northug and Northug (NOR) at 2009 FIS Nordic The Norwegian Day wasn’t just a Vyhlegzhanin were fasters at the end. World Ski Championships in feast for the eyes only. Gourmets had a Northug won his third gold medal, the Liberec came in the final event, the 50 good time too. All visitors having with most successful male athlete at the 2009 km mass start race in the free technique. them or displaying on them any form of FIS Nordic World Ski Championship He finished on the challenging course the Norwegian flag were treated to a free in Liberec. The leader of the medal in the final sprint just 0.7 seconds ahead beer. Since probably don’t schedule after 20 Nordic competitions of Maxim Vyhlegzhanin from Russia. like drinking on their own, they were was Norway with 12 medals total: five The bronze medal went to Tobias happy to paint the Norwegian flag on the Photo: Faster Skier golds, four silvers and three bronze. face of everyone. Petter Northug won his third gold medal at the Angerer (GER), 2.0 kable attack came 2009 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships. after 34 km by Vincent Vittoz from NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • Ma r c h 6, 2009 6 Op Ed was too common a name and he wanted the International Summer School in Oslo something different, maybe something several years ago, when I was 65 years to distinguish himself from others. And old. Letters to the I always thought this was sort of funny. Growing up I did know a few people Sincerely, Editor: with the name Reite, but I knew a lot of Thomas Warp Do you have something to say? Send your letters to: people named Carlson and most of them Des Moines, Wash. Jake Moe, Editor-In-Chief [email protected] were not related at all to me. 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Grandfather was right in a way. In Vaksvik, Reite was a common name, Dear Editor, Island Immigration Station, first and even to this day. And, there was already I think there is some confusion about second class passengers were processed was a Reite family, also from Vaksvik, the Norwegian naming system that was aboard ship. Ellis Island only operated living in San Francisco when he arrived. in effect until 1920. You had your given from 1892 to 1924, and was closed In fact, my grandfather went to work name, then your patronomynic name during that time for four years due to a for J.B. Reite in San Francisco before (Johnsen, Anderson, Olsen, Amundsen/ fire and the people were processed at the starting his own construction company. Amundsdatter), this changed each harbor office. There were other ports. So my grandfather really wanted to generation when the child took the first If people took different names, it strike out on his own when he came to name of their father, added “sen” or was their choice, not the choice of some the United States. My grandfather had “dotter” and that became their surname. government official. two brothers who immigrated (also to Women kept their name throughout their Sincerely, San Francisco), and they also changed life. Jo Anne Sadler their names, except that they changed Dear Editor, The third name was the farm name, it Glendale, Calif. to Carlsen—just a bit more family As a long-time reader of Nordisk was an address. If you moved to another confusion. Tidende here in Lista, there is a great farm, then that because your third name. Dear Editor, When my father, Lars Hatlen American festival during the last When Norwegians came to America It is a pleasure to renew my (also from Vaksvik), immigrated to weekend of June that you could write they sometimes kept the patronymic and subscription to the paper. The Nordisk San Francisco, he found that there a little about. We also have Brooklyn sometimes an abbreviated version of the Tidende was very good all this year, was already someone in San Francisco Square in Vanse Lista, where one can farm name. There are Moen/Flormen/ but now it is even better. It is very nice named Lars Hatlen. So in order to avoid find a restaurant named 8th Avenue Bar Besmoen/Nymoen farms in Norway. In to have a newspaper that you can get confusion, my father called himself and Supper Club, where they serve spare the old days, with overpopulation, there the news from Norway and the United L. Carsten Hatlen. If you look back ribs as good as they do in Brooklyn. This were at times several different families States. through one of your predecessor papers, is just a little information for the readers living at the same farm, they all had the Thank you! The Washington Posten, you will find of the Weekly. farm name but that did not mean they many articles by L. Carsten Hatlen (or Visit, were related. Sincerely, LaCaHa that he would use sometimes). and for more When your grandfather was in the Ole Johan Sundby For many years during the 1930s and 40s information. military he was not living at a farm, Randolph, Mass. he was the San Francisco correspondent hence, his name was Peder Amundsen, for the Washington Posten. Hilsen, instead Peder Amundsen Moe. Walter Willumsen You are most unlikely to be related Dear Editor, Thank you for your great paper, Lista, Norway to a Amundsen. If you want to find Your column in the Feb. 6 issue “I’m Leif C. Hatlen relatives, you have to “start with yourself” a phony Moe!” reminded me of name Houston, Texas and work backwards, you cannot skip changes in my family. My grandfather generations and you need to understand was born in Vaksvik (in Sunnmøre) on a Dear Editor, naming systems of whatever country farm called Reite. His father was known The photo below was created and you are researching in. I have never as Karl Reite and I would have expected produced by me, and has been well understood people’s need to try to link that my grandfather would have been Ole -received. If you wish, you may print up with famous people, isn’t it enough to Reite when he came to the United States. it in the Norwegian American Weekly. be a good person? No one ever admits But no, he used the name Ole Carlson, I hope it is enjoyed by others. I was there are criminals and drunks in their which was probably understandable, born in America. My father immigrated Proud to bring you the background. he being the son of Karl. But why the from Rogaland and my mother’s family Norwegian American Weekly By the way, only third class change? The story that my mother told from Uppland. I have visited relatives passengers were processed at the Ellis me was that her father thought that Reite in Norway several times. I also attended

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • Ma r c h 6, 2009 Op Ed 7 Norwegian American Editor’s Note with Jake Moe W EEKLY Meeting a fine Norwegian Leif Hovelsen came to visit worked to perfection. Shortly after WEST COAST 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 me last week. My good friend Jan this experiment, a representative of the OFFICE tel:(206) 784-4617 fax: (206) 448-2033 email: [email protected] Brekke brought Leif by the office Barnum and Bailey Circus approached toll free: 1 (800) 305-0217 and introduced me this to this fine him about an idea to bring his “ski- EAST COAST Berit Hessen - (914) 337-4737 gentleman from Oslo. The impact jumping” to millions of circus fans. OFFICE that he had on me is nothing short of And, Carl became nationally famous profound. as the “Flying Norseman,” performing Publisher & Editor-In-Chief Jake Moe [email protected] You see, Leif’s father, Carl at Madison Square Garden and all WA Managing Editor Tiffanie Clark [email protected] Howelsen, was practically the “Father over the country. NY Managing Editor Berit Hessen [email protected] of Skiing” in America. As the winner In 1909, Carl Howelsen headed Copy Editor & Christy Olsen Field [email protected] of 14 championships in ski-jumping west. He was too much of an outdoor and cross-country at Holmenkollen, person to be stuck in Chicago or at the Subscriptions Manager (206) 441-3044 Carl found himself as an out of circus in New York City. For the next Assistant Layout Editor Harry Svenkerud [email protected] work stonemason in Oslo. Upon the 13 years, (before returning to Norway advice of a friend living in Chicago, in 1922), Carl became the “father Carl immigrated to the Midwest in of skiing” in Colorado—building Contributing Editors search of work in 1905. That first the famous ski jump in Steamboat, Anita Alan Carmel, CA Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, FL winter, he found plenty of work and encouraging Denver officials to Eric Dregni Minneapolis, MN Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, LA immediately began working with develop Winter Park and establishing Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland Donald V. Mehus New York, NY several others Norwegians to start the jumping hills and cross country layouts Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, VA Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, NY David Moe Juneau, AK Norge Ski Club of Chicago. The date throughout the state. Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, MN Roman Scott Herre, Norway was Nov.12, 1905. The first order of In the two hours that I spent with Else Hvistendahl New York, NY John Erik Stacy Seattle, WA Solveig M. Lee Seattle, WA Rolf Kristian Stang New York, NY business for the club was to put Carl Carl Howelsen’s son, Leif, I became Nina Lichtenstein Hartford, CT Kjell Olav Strømsli , Norway in charge of finding a suitable hill to enthralled with not only what his dad build a ski jump. Just 40 miles outside did to establish the sport of skiing in of Chicago, on the highest spot in America, but what Leif has done with CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right Illinois, Howelsen constructed a ski his life—as a Nazi concentration camp to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions hill that was soon to become named the survivor in World War II, a noted deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those “Hollmenkollen of the United States.” author of many books and a peace views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by The first competition was held in the humanitarian to Germany, Russia, the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor-in-chief. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly except the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August by Norwegian winter of 1907 and attracted crowds China and other countries of the American Weekly, INC. • Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual of over 30,000 people watching the world. The story of Leif Hovelsen’s Subscription Cost: US$50 Domestic, US$70 to Canada, US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. “flying Norwegians.” life is rich in goodwill, kindness and Carl Howelsen was not a person the Norwegian spirit of contribution SINCE 1889: Formerly Norway Times & Western Viking & Washington Posten. . . Comprising Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona and that did well sitting around. After to others, just as with his father’s Skandinaven constructing the ski hill, he was attitude of refusing to ever being paid looking around for other adventures to share the joy of skiing with others. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. and challenges to conquer. His search Please expect more features led him to an amusement park in about Carl and Leif in future issues downtown Chicago. The park had a of the Norwegian American Weekly. ride that started at 90-feet in the air These two Norwegians not only and the participants flew down a ramp led incredibly fascinating lives, but and into the water. His curiosity got need to be recognized, thanked and him thinking about duplicating the remembered. ride on snow skis. Early one morning, What did you pay for that? before the amusement park opened, he convinced the security guards to let him USD USD climb the tower and slide down on his All the best, $3.19 $2.99 skis. The speed that he attained going is the median price for is the median price for down the ramp shot him skimming Jake Moe Dole fruit cups- 3 pack Dole fruit cups- 4 pack over the water below, just like water skis. So successful was the maneuver in Norway. in the U.S. that he constructed a jump near the bottom of the ramp and he flew in the air before hitting the water. Everything

SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • Ma r c h 6, 2009 8 Th e Ta s t e o f No r w a y On vacation from June 28th to August 4th!

“A Taste of Norway in the Heart of Brooklyn!” Curry soup

Phone: (718) 748-1874 Karrisuppe Fax: (718) 833-7519 ORDIC E-mail: [email protected] DELICACIES 6909 3rd Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 Indian spices have been enjoyed in Norway for many centuries, particularly in the south of the country, and curry Proud to bring you the powder has enlivened many dishes. Norwegian American Weekly More recently, South-east Asian food has become popular and the coconut milk in this recipe replaces the more familiar Scandinavian Specialties cream. 4 Tablespoons butter 2 shallots, finely chopped 1 cooking apple, peeled, cored, and chopped Bringing you the finest quality 2 Teaspoons curry paste Scandinavian Foods and Gifts 2 Tablespoons plain (all-purpose) flour

1 Largest Scandinavian 5 /2 cups chicken or beef stock Store in the West! 14 fl. oz. can unsweetened coconut milk salt and groun black powder Melt the butter in a pan, add the and, stirring all the time, cook until the 6719 15th Avenue NW, Seattle, WA 98117 shallots and cook gently for about 5 sauce boils and thickens. Lower the heat Phone: 206-784-7020 or toll free at 1-877-784-7020 We ship via UPS. Mastercard and Visa accepted. Call for product list. minutes until softened but not colored. and simmer gently for 10 minutes. Add the apple, season with salt and Add the coconut milk to the soup and pepper and cook for another two minutes, stir well. Check the seasonings, adding until the apple is slightly softened. salt and pepper if necessary . Pour the Stir the curry paste and flour into soup into individual serving bowls and the pan and cook over a low heat for 1-2 serve with a swirl of cream or coconut minutes, without coloring. Remove from milk on to pof each and chopped parsley, the heat and gradually stir in the stock to to garnish. Recipe from “The Food and form a smooth sauce. Return to the head Cooking of Norway.” Parmesan Crisps

Parmesan crips are a delicious addition to nearly any soup. Not only are they tasty, they are also very easy. You’ll be sure to impress your luncheon guests with such a dainty treat.

1 (3 oz.) piece of Parmigiano-Reggiano 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour

1 /4 teaspoon black pepper You’ll also need a nonstick bakeware liner such as a Silpat pad Photo:

Preheat the oven to 375˚ F. Using keep flour evenly distributed. Flatten the largest holes on a four-sided grater, each mound slightly with a metal spatula coarsely shred enough cheese to measure to form a 3-inch round. 1 cup. Bake in the middle of the oven until Line a large baking sheet with a golden, about 10 minutes. Cool 2 minutes nonstick liner. Stir together cheese, on sheet on a rack, then carefully transfer flour, and pepper. Arrange tablespoons each crisp (they are very delicate) with of cheese 4 inches apart on liner, stirring metal spatula to rack to cool completely. cheese in bowl between tablespoons to Recipe from Send us your favorite spring-time recipe with a photo and it might get printed here in the paper, or on! Send submissions to: [email protected] OR 7301 5th Ave. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 The Little Viking Gift Shop Seaport Village - 817 West Harbor Dr. San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 232-7160 • • [email protected] Fine Gifts and Collectibles • Cooking supplies • Clothing • and more!

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • Ma r c h 6, 2009 Tr a v e l s t o No r w a y 9 Treasure in the Sognefjord English church services in Balestrand

Ber i t T. Me s a r i c k Williamsburg, Va.

Deep in the heart of the Sognefjord in Entering the church, a portrait of Balestrand, stands a unique, little church Margaret Sophia Green Kvikne is by the built on the concept of a Norwegian entrance. stave church. Surprisingly, this is an The church has 29 plain glass English church, St. Olaf’s Church, which windows allowing a spectacular view is under the Bishop of Gilbraltar, who is of Sognefjorden and the surrounding responsible for all English churches on mountains. Above the altar, nine the European mainland. stained glass windows depict Irish and The history of the church goes back Norwegian saints. There are several to 1890, when a young, local man, Knut other noteworthy paintings and textiles Kvikne, married Margaret Sophia Green, in the church. the daughter of an English clergyman. From May to August, priests come She wanted to build a church for over from England to conduct Sunday English-speaking visitors. The Kvikne services and sometimes during the week, family made property available, while for the tourists and the local population. Margaret started collecting funds for A special agreement between the the construction of such a church. She local parish council and the English never saw it completed. She died from Anglican Church allows the locals to tuberculosis before her dream was fully use the church during the winter, when it realized. otherwise would be vacant. However, the St. Olaf’s Church was Thanks to the generosity of visitors, completed in 1897 with contributions the St. Olaf’s Church is kept open daily mainly from two American women during the summer, and warrants a visit. with strong ties to Balestrand, Gertrude Abbott and Elisabeth Winslow Peters.

Photo: Berit T. Mesarick Photo: Berit T. Mesarick If there were ever a place designed to show God’s handiwork, perhaps this is it. The views from St. St. Olaf’s Church was completed in 1897. During the summer months, priests from England conduct the Olaf’s Church’s 29 clear windows are nothing short of inspiring. Sunday services for tourists and interested English-speaking locals. Get Connected Find out what’s going in Norway everyday at the new We’ll keep you up-to-date with: Live Webcams Online Travel Planner Interactive Maps Regularly updated News Blog Calendar of Events Regularly updated Culture Blog The Norwegian American Foundation Scenic Videos Homepage Business Directory The Norse Federation Homepage Education Directory ...and much, much more! Visit us today!

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • Ma r c h 6, 2009 10 Ro o t s a n d Co n n e c t i o n s Answer key for: LETT X-ORD Historisk valg i U.S.A. Printed Feb. 27 av Solvi Dolland VANNRETT: 1. Kursiv 6. INDEKS 11. YR 12. KNALLER 5. mars 14. NI Gladice Widman Elmont NY 15. SOFA 6. mars 17. LYD Vicky Sjong Seattle WA 18. ASYN Clarice Nereng Blair WI 20. SLIT Alma Drage Tacoma WA Robert Aasen Portland ND 21. PEST Margred Jacobsen Becida MN 22. INTET 7. mars 24. APENT Martin Gaustad Yucaipa CA 26. OG Arne Stensrud Nes i Ådal Norway 27. ETAPPER Grant Skalet Black Earth WI 29. EL 8. mars 31. KØ Petra Sletten Outlook Sask Can 33. BELLONA Mabel Nilsestuen Cashton WI 37. BY 9. mars 38. ROERE Lars Bakstad Romedal Norway Helga W Endahl Spokane WA 40. KYSSE Capt Otto G Lee Greers Ferry AZ 42. MEST 10. mars 43. SULE Asta Lehn Trondheim Norway 45. OFTE Selmer M Hamland Gilman WI 46. GRU Hanne Ekelund Lunner Norway 48. ISÆR 11. mars 49. SI Magne Erga Seattle WA 50. NADELØS 12. mars 53. RO Inger Flagtvedt Nyborg Norway 54. SKOTTE Sig I Gildnes Bow WA 55. TRIVES Oddbjørg Petzinger New Bern NC Judith Lien Seattle WA LODDRETT: 1. KYSS 2. UROLIG Want to see your birthday in the Norwegian American Weekly? 3. SKATTE Give us a call at (800) 305-0217. 4. IN Birthday listings are free, but must be submitted one month in advance. 5. VALUTA 6. ILDDAP 7. NE 8. DRAPER 9. KNYSTE Ole and Norwegian American Weekly 10. SINT 13. LY Lena Photos of the Week 16. FIN Send your photo of the week to [email protected] 19. SEN 23. ETTER 25. PENNY Ole and Lena lived by a lake in 26. ORK Nordern Minnesota. It vas springtime, 28. PÆL and da lakes vas yust beginning to thaw. 30. LØY Ole asked Lena if she vould valk 32. ØREFIK across da frozen lake to da yeneral store 33. BETENT to get him some smokes. She asked him 34. LENGDE for some money, but he told her, “Nah, 35. OKKULT yust put it on our tab.” 36. ASSISI So she valked across, got da smokes 37. BELÆRE at da yeneral store, den valked back 39. OST home across da lake. Ven she got home 41. SUS and gave Ole his smokes, she asked him, 42. MOSS “Ole, you alvays tell me not to run up da 44. EROS tab at da store. Why didn’t you yust give 47. RE me some money?” 51. AT Ole replied, “Vell, I didn’t vant to 52. ØR send you out dere vit any money ven I vasn’t sure how tick the ice vas.” “Soon I will be an old, white-haired lady, into whose lap someone places a baby, saying, “Smile, Grandma!” I, myself, who was Unfortunately, we have no information about who this darling couple is or when the Proud to bring you the photo was taken, but we thought it was still worth sharing! so recently photographed on Norwegian American Weekly From the Norwegian American Weekly Archive my grandmother’s lap.” -Liv Ullmann

NORWEGIANNORWEGIAN AMERICAN AMERICAN W EEKLYWEEKLY • J a• nM ua r cy h23, 6, 2009 Fa i t h a n d Re l i g i o n 11 In honor and memory of Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Send a brief memoriam to [email protected]. Just a Minute Lars Roar Fure By Per W. Larsen We hoped the message would never come, but it did: our good friend and colleague Lars Roar Fure passed away in Madrid on Feb. 18, only 54 years old. He How to cut off ears had been battling an illness for almost I remember an old, wise pastor help if we are telling the truth, because two years. in Norway who said about certain people don’t want to hear the truth if Lars Fure pursued his academic preachers with a legalistic approach the intention is to attack them. Instead studies in the United States, France in their preaching: “They cut the ears they put up their defenses. The Bible and at the University of Oslo. In 1982, off people.” What he emphasized says: “Speak the truth in love.” Don’t he started his professional career with New York (1997-2001), this time as Consul at the Norwegian Consulate was—people don’t want to listen when cut off people’s ears! This is not an the Norwegian Ministry of Trade and the message is conveyed in a hostile easy matter, especially if we tend to get Shipping. After a few years, he took General. In 2005, Lars was appointed and rude manner. I think that concerns too easily excited when we are faced leave of absence to serve as Secretary not only preachers, but to a certain with aggravations and difficult people. for the Norwegian Labor Party’s Ambassador to Guatemala. When he became ill, he came back to New York extent—all of us. If we get angry and There is no question about it — a quiet Parliamentarian Group. hostile, we may “cut off the ears of answer is more in line with the spirit of Lars first joined the Norwegian in order to receive medical treatment. As his health improved, he joined the people” with our words and one of Christ than an angry response. So it’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the then voice. How we talk speaks so loudly hardly a Christian service to give our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Thorvald Norwegian Permanent Mission to the United Nations one more time, this time that people can’t hear what we say. I fellow man “bloody ears.” Or do you Stoltenberg’s personal secretary. think this guy has also been guilty of think so? Don’t cut off people’s ears! He started his foreign posting at the as Minister Counsellor. In August 2008, Lars was appointed that, although my wife tells me I have “A gentle answer turns away Norwegian Permanent Mission to the improved. Age and God’s grace can wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” United Nations in New York (1990- help us with that problem. It does not (Proverbs 15:1) 1992). Five years later, Lars returned to CONTINUES PAGE 12

The late Pastor Per W. Larsen wrote this column for several years in the Norway Kong Olav V’s kirke Times, and eventually had the columns made into a small book, which was recently Sjømannskirken sent to the Weekly by Per’s wife, Josse. Pastor Larsen was ordained and served in the The Norwegian Church in New York Evangelical Lutheran Church of Norway, as well as the Norwegian Seamen’s church in New York and San Francisco, and a number of other churches over the years. He 317 East 52nd Street (Betw. 1st & 2nd Aves.) was a well-loved man with a heart for God, people, and of course, Norway. New York, NY 10022 - Phone: 1-212-319-0370 [email protected] - Åpningstider: man.- torsd. 12-19, fre.- søn. 12-17 Our Funeral HOme's reputatiOn is Based On Family service, nOt a stOck market index! Gudstjenester: Formiddagsgudstjenesten og Søndagsskole i New York: Large corporations have worked their way into the funeral industry and taken the hver sønd kl. 11, m/ kirkekaffe i etterkant. Hver første søndag i måneden intimacy and integrity out of funeral service by making it “a profit driven” business. erstattes gudstjenesten med Familiegudstjeneste kl. 14. Aktiviteter for At Edw. C. Halvorsen Funeral Home, we have earned our reputation in the community barna kl. 13. Washington DC: Hver 2. søndag i måneden kl 15 (sept.- juni) by providing quality, caring service for over 150 years. Our pledge to you and your family is to keep our locally owned status and continue the highest Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 7730 Bradley Blvd ( 7 Locks Rd. og Bradley quality service possible. We have all your best interests at heart. Blvd.) i Bethesda, MD. Philadelphia: Hver 3. sønd. i måneden kl. 16 (feb- april, okt-des): “Gloria Dei” - Old Swedes Church, Delaware Ave/Christian St. Skjærtorsdag Gudstjeneste og kveldsmåltid: 9. april kl. 18 Edw. C. Halvorsen Funeral Home, Inc GudstJeneste Langfredag: 10. apr. kl . 18. Påskedag: 12.apr. kl . 11 5310 Eighth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11220 Tel: (718) 435-2276 • Fax: (718) 435-5137 What’s Happening: Business Lunch: We offer a delicious “smorgossbord”, a Norwegian “hot We are the only Scandinavian Funeral Home left in the Tri-State Area meal” & dessert. All this for only $22! Next date: april 1, from Noon - 2 p.m. Funeral Home LunsjSuppe: fra kl 12 til 2. Pris: $10. Neste dato: 18. mars og 15. april Risgrøt: hver lørdag fra kl 13:00 - 16:00 - eller så lenge det varer. Pris: $5 SOlie and Crematory Småbarnstreff: hyggestund for småbarnsforeldre og barn, 2. April Honoring • Caring • Serving “Nattklubben”: m/mat og litt småprat. Neste dato: 26. mars kl. 19:00 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 café De Concert: by Aksel Kolstad on Piano, Bjarne Magnus Jensen, Violin and Jan Clementsen, Cello. Music by Händel-Halvorsen, Edvard Grieg, Proud to bring you the Schumann, Debussy and Ole Bull. March 8 at 12:30 p.m. No admission fee. Norwegian American Weekly “Musical Seasons”: Enjoy a classical consert with music by Edvard Grieg, Sergei Rachmaninoff etc. on March 17 at 8 p.m. Vocal: Ulla Westlund, Violin: Stefan Waldemarson, Piano: Irene Wong and Cello: Lauren Riley Rigby. “Favorite Songs” med Sonja Dalen og pianist Walter Troelsen : Søndag 5. april, etter gudstjenesten (ca kl 12:00). On Display at Trygve Lie Gallery: “Houses in the Land of the Northern Light”: Lithographs and Paintings of characteristic houses from northern Norway by Gunn Vottestad . "Sisters" - Anki King Paintings and drawings: Opening Reception on Thursday March 12, 6-8pm. King’s process is focused on images collected from her childhood; consciously and unconsciously registered situations retold in intimate paintings, 30” x 40” and smaller. The exhibition will run until April 26.

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • Ma r c h 6, 2009 12 Ar t s a n d Entertainment A “Don’t Hug Me” sequel opens in L.A. With song, dance, and Minnesota spoofing

Photo: Doug Engalla The cast of “A Don’t Hug Me County Fair” huddles up for a silly photo. L-R: Tom Lommel, Judy Heneghan, Tom Gibis, Katherine Brunk, and Brad MacDonald.

Ju d i t h Ga br i e l Vi n je A winter sequel, “A Don’t Hug Me Los Angeles, Calif. Christmas Carol,” was chosen Best Musical of the Year in Los Angeles. The world premiere of the new Judging from audience reaction, the musical, “A Don’t Hug Me County Fair,” new installment is expected to have an is drawing peals of laughter from Los extended run in North Hollywood, and Angeles audiences—even if they don’t then will go on to play in seven other come from Minnesota, even if they’re cities around the country in the next few not Norwegian American. But it helps if months. The seven cities are Hudson, you’re familiar with the lay of the land, Wis.; St. Cloud, Pequot Lakes, and have gone fishing for walleye, and know Alexandria, Minn.; Webster City, Iowa; the dialect. Rural Minnesota dialect, that New Rockford, N.D.: and Port Clinton, is. Ohio. The hilarious, quirky play, which The three Don’t Hug Me musicals opened Feb. 6 at the Lonny Chapman have played in over 90 cities around the Repertory Theater in North Hollywood, U.S. and Canada. And there’s talk of a is the third in a series of hit musicals TV series in the works, according to the written by award-winning Norwegian- playwright. American Phil Olson—born in Edina, Olson had earlier success with his Minn. but now Los Angeles-based. (And “Crappie Talk,” also set in a Minnesota yes, he’s gone fishing plenty of times.) bar; and the more socially complex The setting is county fair time in “A Nice Family Gathering” about a Bunyan Bay, Minn. Gunner and Clara Norwegian American who loved his Johnson, owners of a little bar called wife so much, “he almost told her.” Both The Bunyan, are setting their sights on received several awards in playwriting winning the fishing contest and the Miss festivals and competitions. Walleye queen competition. But there’s There’s no denying that the play competition for the queen title between catches many aspects of the Midwestern Gunner’s wife Clara (who hopes she’s Norwegian American personality— not too old), and the very pretty waitress, including that certain sense of reserve Bernice. And when Gunner’s twin sister, and social distance that playwright Phil Trigger, shows up in the beauty pageant, Olson has dealt with in all his “Don’t Hug things get complicated—and riotously Me” plays. But the performances are funny. anything but reserved, full of rollicking The play bursts to life with 18 original fun, wacky humor, and good-natured Lars roar fure … He played a significant role in making song routines, with music written by spoofing. (…continued from page 11) the anniversary exhibition “Norwegians Paul Olson, the playwright’s physician They’re also full of talent, with Minister Counsellor at the Norwegian in New York 1825-2000” on Ellis Island brother. Phil writes the lyrics to numbers polished dance routines choreographed Embassy in Madrid. Sadly, his illness a great success. Lars was a man who such as “Who’s Better Catching Fish,” or by Stan Mazin and superb acting by the returned and he passed away in the never said “no,” and was always willing “My Campfire is Burning for You” and “I cast: Katherine Brunk, Tina Gibis, Tom Spanish capital early in the morning on to help. Lll-urv Her,” relating to the overarching Gibis, Judy Heneghan, Tom Lommel and Wednesday, Feb. 18. The Norwegian Foreign Missions in theme of the Don’t Hug Me series: Brad MacDonald. The play is directed by With Lars Fure’s passing, the New York would like to thank Lars Fure that it’s difficult for many folks with a Doug Engalla, and produced by Engalla Norwegian foreign service has lost for all he has done for Norway through a Minnesota or Scandinavian connection and Stefanie Ibanez. The wonderfully an important and dear employee. He career ending far too early. Our thoughts to express their feelings! believable set of the Bunyan Bar was always gave that extra that was beyond go out to his family, who are left with the This is the third installment in the designed by Chris Winfield. expectations. He was dedicated, greatest loss. series which was launched when the Playwright Olson will step onto the thorough, well-informed and always original “Don’t Hug Me” first opened boards for one performance, playing eager to do his very best. Friends and colleagues in Los Angeles in November 2003, the role of Gunner, at a special Sons For the Norwegian-American Norwegian Permanent Mission to the becoming the longest running musical of Norway matinee at 2 p.m. Sunday, community in and around New York, United Nations comedy in Los Angeles when it closed March 29. Lars has meant a lot through the years. Royal Norwegian Consulate General, after six smash-hit months. It then The play’s website is www. During his time as Consul, he promoted New York moved to Minneapolis where it ran for Norwegian interests in an excellent way. nine months.

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • SMea p r t c e hm b6, e r2009 19, 2008 In Yo u r Ne i g h b o r h o o d 13 mentioned the trip that her American- accolades and … born grandfather took to Norway, at 74 (…continued from page 1) years of age, his first. It was reported Verrazano Travel recollections of past emotional or that when he came to the Hustvedt Scandinavian intellectual struggles now overcome, with family homestead near Voss, he knew and European Specials, the result that she was frequently self- and recognized things indoors and out in Winter Specials, ironical. Siri is a person willing to share Carribean Destinations surprising detail, though, remember—he and Cruises! her mode of thinking and the innermost had never been there before! Call for Details: labyrinths she has traversed. She herself Siri’s performance was treated with 1 (718) 979-6641 often broke into whimsical laughter well-deserved accolades and applause. [email protected] before her listeners did, which of course Vibeke Steineger, president of the [email protected] drew her audience in even more. American Scandinavian Society who Siri speaks with welcome clarity along with Harriet Nilsen and her program about complex aspects of her craft. For committee, worked hard to make this Scandinavian American Music for all Occasions all her obvious seriousness of purpose, the success it was, came forward to say there is no trace of ponderousness. As a thanks at the end, mentioning proudly Ellen Lindstrom Please call: result, many felt prompted to buy her new that “Siri is my cousin!” A busy book (718) 680-8361 or book “The Sorrows of an American,” the signing followed. & Company (917) 968-2926 focus of the evening. The energetic and youthful Siri is a In responding to a question mother of a grown-up daughter, and the about roots, a smile lit her face as she wife of renowned author Paul Auster. reflected on her Mandal-born mother The hardworking authoress is already and Norwegian-American father, a working on her next masterpiece, in distinguished professor at St. Olaf Brooklyn, where she lives with her College. Her parents met at the University family. of Oslo. Her late father, the famed Lloyd An elegant reception followed at Hustvedt, had much to pass along to Siri the Norwegian Consulate General’s in terms of culture and personal character residence, hosted by Ambassador Sissel that is distinctly Norwegian she said, and Breie, Consul General of New York. has permeated her life and work! Because it was Siri’s birthday, she was To demonstrate the power of strong presented with a birthday cake and a root connections, which can be passed hearty rendition of “Happy Birthday.” from generation to generation, she Max Manus … (…continued from page 1) “Max Manus” (2008) is a biographic war film based on the real events of the life of Norwegian resistance fighter Max Manus (1914-1996). After fighting as a volunteer for Finland in the Soviet- Finnish of 1939, he was Discount Car Rentals in Norway one of the pioneers in the Norwegian We work exclusively with HERTZ resistance movement, and was arrested Photo courtesy of the Norwegian Film Institute. Aksel Hennie as Max Manus. by the Gestapo in 1941. He escaped 1.800.870.7688 to England for training and went Jacobsen said that he is unsure how Prices from back as a saboteur for the Norwegian the film will be received by the American NOK 2310 (~$455)/week Independent Company 1, better known public, and hopes the results of the two as Lingekompaniet. showings will illustrate how the broader NOK 4284 (~$840)/2 weeks He became a specialist in ship American audience might react. 108 N. Main St., Cranbury, NJ 08512 • [email protected] • sabotage and sank ships that were Gunnar Sønsteby thinks “Max important to the German Kreigsmarine. Manus” is an outstanding film, and it He is famous for being one of the most is important that the film is seen in the MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE brilliant saboteurs during World War United States. II, and was awarded Norway’s highest In New York, the film is sponsored a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w decoration for military gallantry, by Andrew Whist, a friend of Gunnar Krigskorset med sverd ( with Sønsteby who has brought together Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, sword). the Scandinavian community in New commercial transactions and estate planning. Producer John M. Jacobsen is York. The initiative to show the film to enthusiastic that the film will be have a students in Hartford, Conn. is the work of 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 favorable reception in the United States. Norwegian American author Irene Levin Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 “I think that is exciting to come here Berman, who came out with the dramatic and show the film, and I think it will be family story “Flukten fra Holocaust” last well-received,” said Jacobsen to NTB. fall. Spring has been involved in only remaining member of Manus’ The film’s budget was an estimated “It’s great that the enthusiasm about Norwegian films for many years, and has group—and Max Manus’ widow, Tikken NOK 50 million, making it the most the film is more than the traditional worked with Liv Ullmann. Manus, appreciated the authenticity of expensive of all Norwegian film community. I have not seen anything “Many of the film people I have the film. productions before 2009. The production like this before. I am very flattered, and spoken with who have seen the film Reception from critics was largely included around 1,800 extras, and 2,000 think it is fun to present the film,” said already like it,” said Springer. positive, though some found the film workers behind the cameras. Jacobsen. The Norwegian premiere of “Max to be too traditional, and compared it The private showing in New York “I believe the chances that ‘Max Manus” was an elaborate event, attended unfavorably to the recent Danish film is by invitation only for Norwegian Manus’ will do well in the United by King Harald V, as well as Gunnar “Flammen og Citronen.” diplomats, representatives for American States are really good. I hope it comes Sønsteby, one of the resistance fighters The film was seen by around 140,500 film festivals and distributors, and here,” said Gary Springer of Springer portrayed in the film. King Harald V, who people on its opening weekend in Norway, American journalists. A public showing Associates, who has been responsible himself is old enough to have experienced a national record for a Norwegian film. will take place at Hartford University in for setting up the guest list for the New World War II, was allegedly moved to As of Feb. 2, 2009, over 1 million tickets Connecticut. York showing. tears by the film. Both Sønsteby— the had been sold for the film. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • Ma r c h 6, 2009 14 No r w e g i a n He r i t a g e e Scandinavian Hour Celebrating over 40 years on the air Rønningen Ramblings KKNW - 1150 AM with Heidi Håvan Grosch Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 am Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married Streaming live on the internet at: her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is experiencing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us in on the good, the bad and the unexpected!

Takk Kultur Now is the time to book your Thank you culture Dream Cruise VaCation In polite American society, children Takk for mat (thanks for the meal – used Call or email us for the best offers are raised to say “please” (vær så snill) by anyone eating it, even if they prepared Super Rates to any destination of your dreams and “thank you” (takk). However in it, and is used the same way “excuse me” Available! Norway please is seldom used. Instead, is used with children) the tone of voice and the use of “kan” Takk for i dag (thanks for today – 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11209 • [email protected] (can) instead of belting out a direct used when you depart a job or school Fax: (718) 238-3604 • Tel: (718) 748-7400 • Toll free (800) 822-5838 command, is considered to be courteous – it basically means today is over, go enough in most circles. home!) Takk, however, is used for everything. There are some older Norwegian As in English, a straight no is not polite expressions that cover everything offered enough, but should be followed by during a visit as well as the visit itself. “takk.” From Karmøy to Hawaii Takk som byr (thank you for offering me Nei, med ellers takk (no, but thank something) Big DreamsThe Kaare Ness Story you) Takk for traktementet (a Trøndersk Nei, takk (no, thank you) phrase that is still used) Now available on DVD from the Norwegian American Foundation Classic Documentary Collection Even in places where an English speaker would say “please,” Norwegians Visiting Takk opt for “thank you.” Where English speakers might say Behind the Blackout Would you like a cup of coffee? Ja “Good to see you again,” the Norwegians Curtains We can’t wait to takk (yes, thank you). prefer… By Ellen Dahlberg Zahl hear from you! The Standard Takk When arriving: Life in Nazi occupied Takk (thank you) Takk for sist (thanks for the last time Norway Send us your favorite Spring-time Tusen Takk (a thousand thank yous) we visited/saw each other) only $14.95 plus $5 shipping recipe with a photo, and it may be Mange Takk (many thank yous) send check or money order: printed in a future issue of the When departing: Ellen Dahlberg Zahl Norwegian American Weekly! Mange tusen Takk (many thousand Takk for besøket (thanks for the visit – P.O. Box 96 Saint Helens, OR 97051 (503) 366-9493 Email [email protected] thank yous) said by the host) Takk og takk (thank you and thank you – Takk for meg/Takk for oss (thank you this one is more informal) for having me here/thank you for having LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Takk skal du ha (thanks shall you have us here—said by those visiting) – used often in response to someone else Sales and Service saying tusen takk first and is a bit like the When I was first learning Norwegian, English “you’re welcome”) I frequently misused the phrase “Takk for alt.” I thought it meant “T.hanks for Takk for nå (thanks for now – used after everything.” Instead, it is supposed to be a visit with someone) used only at funerals, and when said to Takk, i lige måde (thanks, the same to or about the deceased means “thanks for Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK you—often a response to tusen takk) all that you have given us and for all that phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 you have done with your life.” It gives fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 Takk de same (thanks, the same to you— often a response to tusen takk) the living a chance to thank the person Takk likens (this is a Trøndersk phrase who has died, and in only three words. —the dialect of Trøndelag—that means With all these options, my head is [email protected] spinning so I have gotten in the habit 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 right back at you. For example, if someone wishes you a god helge/have now of just nodding my head and saying takk a nice weekend you can respond takk plain old . It seems to work. SeaMates Consolidation Service, Inc. likens/the same to you)

Ocean Freight Consolidators for Household Goods, Heidi is a recent immigrant to Nor- Personal Effects and Commercial Cargo Naming the Takk way from Minnesota and works as a to Scandinavia and other Worldwide Destinations Norwegians also like to specify freelance writer and educator (www. what they are thanking someone for. For Her Norwegian 316 Main Street, East Rutherford, New Jersey 07073 example: sister-in-law, Inger-Marie Kimo, Tel: 1-800-541-4538 • Fax: 1-201-460-7229 provided the inspiration, and the Takk for gave (thanks for the present) takk phrases, for this article. Contact Sig Samuelsen: [email protected] Takk for blomstene (thanks for the flowers) Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly Takk for kaffen (thanks for the coffee)

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • Ma r c h 6, 2009 Ed u c a t i o n 15 Events on A year to remember For more information on these and other events visit us at: My experience as Does your organization have an event coming up? Miss Norway of Would you like to have it added to our events calendar? Send an email to Christy at [email protected] or give us a call at 1(800) 305-0217. Greater New York California ensembles of the Gordon College Music 2008 A Don’t Hug Me County Fair Department. Contact Melinda Bargreen Through March 29 at (425) 252-6129, email mbargreen@aol. Sa r a h Li n d l a n d North Hollywood, Calif. com. Special to Norwegian American Weekly It’s county fair time in Bunyan Bay, Minn., which means one thing: The Miss Minnesota Walleye Queen Competition. Visit www. Genealogy with Marilyn Sorensen When I applied to the Miss Norway or call (818) March 17 of Greater New York 2008 contest, I 700-4878 for more info. Minnetonka, Minn. knew that there would be a lot of talented The Sons of Norway Vestland Lodge will and beautiful Norwegian girls competing Lecture by Consul General Arne and that only one person was going to Rosnes on the Middle East meet on March 17 for a lecture with Mari- Photo courtesy of Sarah Lindland. Sarah Lindland, Miss Norway of Greater New March 15 lyn Sorensen. Sorensen is an expert in win the crown. genealogy, and all are invited to join us. On the day of the competition, I York 2008 in front of her Great-aunt’s home San Francisco, Calif. outside Oslo. Consul General Sten Arne Rosnes will Questions? Email [email protected] or was welcomed by smiling faces and speak on “Norway’s role in the peace call (952) 941-5740. a room full of girls just bubbling with visited the Royal Palace, and was able to process in the Middle East.” Sten Arne excitement, and all just a little bit pick up enough additional Norwegian to Rosnes was the Norwegian Representative New York nervous, of course. Right away we all actually carry on basic conversation. to the Palestinian Authority, before taking Showing of “Kautokeino Rebellion” began to bond and share stories about For the next 11 days, I tried to see over as the Norwegian Consul General in March 11 our Norwegian backgrounds. Before we everything! I traveled to Lindland in San Francisco last year. RSVP to Dagfinn New York City, N.Y. knew it the show was underway and the Søgne, where my great grandparents Kvale at (415) 456-4076 or Halvor Skeie at Based on a Sámi rebellion that occurred interviews, presentations, and question lived, and which happens to be the (707) 643-3068. in 1852 against the local authorities that answering began. source of my last name. It was so abuse and exploit them, this sweeping Per Brevig at the UC Redlands When the judges had finally voted, meaningful to me to see the house where epic by Nils Gaup delineates the many my name was announced as Miss my grandfather was born, and the yard March 25-28 threads of the complex weave behind the and the lake he used to play in. A quick Redlands, Calif. Kautokeino conflict. Details at www.scan- Norway of Greater New York 2008! My Per Brevig conducts D’Elisir D’Amore, first appearance was, of course, at the trip to lovely Kristiansand and I was on Donizetti’s opera in two acts at the Uni- 17th-of-May Parade—an unforgettable my way to Risør, my favorite place in all versity of California at Redlands. For in- Ohio experience. I had never been the center of of Norway. formation and tickets, please call (909) Peer Gynt Puppet Show attention before like I was in this parade. Well, I ate a lot of moose, fish and, 793-2121 or visit March 17 Hundreds of people lined the streets of course, melkesjokolade, and it was all Kent, Ohio to congratulate me and celebrate the delicious. It was truly a life-changing Florida Join the Kent University Scandinavian anniversary of Norway’s Constitution. experience. Viking Regatta Weekend Club for a Peer Gynt puppet show! Space Seeing that many Norwegians all in one My year as Miss Norway cannot March 20-22 is limited to 50 people, so please call the place to celebrate May 17th was really be summed up in any other word than St. Augustine, Fla. library at (330) 673-4414 to RSVP. We heartwarming and shows that Norwegians incredible. Thanks to the contest I was The Gateway to Florida Lodge in Jack- hope to see you there! remain proud of their heritage and feel able to meet family members who I sonville, Fla. Invites you to join the fun very much connected. I was able to meet may otherwise have never met, and was of the Viking Regatta weekend in historic Washington a lot of very important people and also able to see where I really come from. St. Augustine. Events include wine tast- Nordic Heritage Day ing at San Sebastian Winery, the regatta, a share the excitement of that day with the Thank you to everyone at the Norwegian March 14 people I love. Immigration Association, who made friendly and casual dinner with renowned Bothell, Wash. My trip to Norway really began when this dream come true for me! I strongly Norwegian chef Willie Hansen, and a per- Celebrate your Nordic heritage with the encourage any girls to apply because the formance by Knut Erik Jensen. For ques- Bothell Sons of Norway at the annual I landed in Oslo, and stayed at the Hotel tions about the regatta, call Eugene Yerkes Nordic Heritage Day in Bothell, Wash- Continental, compliments of the contest. worst-case scenario, if you do not win, is at (904) 268-9924 or Eric Nord at (904) ington. This free event features food dem- I saw the new Opera House, took the meeting other wonderful girls who also 699-0460. onstrations, craft demonstrations, music, ferry to see the Viking ships on Bygdøy, share a love for their heritage. genealogy help, food, fjord horses, a Sami Sarasota Sons of Norway Anniversary Lavuu, and Viking lifestyle education! Nordic Saga Tours Celebration Questions? Please call Wendy at (425) Nordic Saga Tours March 28 482-0849 or April at (425) 778-1665. specializes in travel to specializes in travel to Sarasota, Fla. Scandinavia, Russia, and Velkommen to the Sarasota Sons of Nor- Scandinavia, Russia, and way 35th Anniversary Dinner-Dance cel- Lise Olden in concert Baltics,Baltics, offering offering thethe veryvery ebration at the Sara Bay Country Club! March 20 best of independent fit and Cash bar begins at 5 p.m., and buffet Seattle, Wash. best of independent fit dinner begins at 6 p.m. Features include Lisa Olden, the Norwegian indie-pop sen- andcustomized customized tours. tours. awards, dancing, entertainment, and sation, performs at the Swedish Cultural more! Music by DJ Magnaus. Admis- Center, including songs from her album CustomCustom Made Made Itineraries: Itineraries: sion is $35 per person. To reserve a spot, “Waiting for the Full Moon.” You are in- • For• For individuals individuals and and groups groups of all sizessizes please RSVP by March 23, to Mary Lar- vited to the Swedish Cultural Center for • Airfares,• Airfares, hotels, hotels, car car rental, rental, ferries, ferries, railrail and busbus passespasses. sen at (941) 371-6132. smørgåsbord and music by Lise Olden. VIsIVISITt our OUR webs WEBSITEIte at AT www.nord WWW.NORDICSAGA.COMICsage.CoM Admission: $18 for guests, $16 for SCC EMAIL: [email protected] MAssachusetts members, free for Leif Erikson Lodge eMaIl: [email protected] Norwegian Folksong Suite Premiere members. RSVP by March 18 at (206) 18518 Bothell Way NE Suite B, Bothell, WA 98011 • 1 (800) 848-6449 • (425) 673-4800 March 22 283-1090. Dinner at 7 p.m. and concert at 18518 Bothell Way NE suite B, Bothell, WA 98021 • (425) 673-4800 • (425) 398-4000 Penham, Massachusetts 8 p.m. Premiere performance of choral/cham- Proud to bring you the ber work, “Norwegian Folksong Suite,” Norwegian American Weekly by Melinda Bargreen, performed by the

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If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation by check, mail it to the Norwegian American Foundation at the address below. Credit card You can use your cell phone to make a donation with your Visa or Mastercard. Our automated QuickDonation service is easy to use. 1. Call the NAF’s QuickDonation service at (866) 376-0302 from your cell phone. 2. Press 2. 3. Enter your donation amount and press # to confirm. The first time you use our QuickDonation service, you will need to follow the simple instructions to enter you credit card information. For your next donation, follow steps 1-3. You will receive your tax receipt by email. Other gift options Our staff is available to work with you to facilitate a charitable gift that benefits the Foundation and fits your individual needs and goals. Contact us at Congratulations and thank you to our donors! (206) 441-3044 or email [email protected] for more information. Your generosity has made is possible for the Norwegian American Foundation to support initiatives with over $300,000 since 2005.

The Norwegian American Foundation is funded by donations from members of the Ambassadors Circle, income from the NAF advertising-based information system, 7301 5th Ave NE, Suite A • Seattle, WA 98115 and generous donations from people like you! Phone: (206) 441-3044 • Email: [email protected] To find out more about the Norwegian American Foundation, visit us at or call us at (206) 441-3044