Brosjyre, høst ´99 M 07.10.99 20:31 Side 1 Programme and registration / Programme et inscription Perspectives Commemorative Volume with CD-ROM Oslo 2000 XIXe Congrès International des Sciences Historiques 19th International Congress of Historical Sciences Commemorative Volume of selected papers from the three Major themes. CD-ROM including all the session introductions, abstracts and papers from the Major themes, Special themes and Round tables. Planned publishing date: Nov. 2000. Special pre-congress price 430 NOK when ordering with registration - see registration form. Oslo 2000 OSLO - 2000 - OSLO - 2000 - University of Oslo Université d´Oslo 6-13 August,2000 6-13 août,2000 Kristian Augusts gate 7b, 0164 Oslo Tlf.: 22 98 52 00 Fax: 22 98 52 01 e-mail:
[email protected] Brosjyre, høst ´99 M 07.10.99 20:31 Side 2 3 Welcome ➜ ➜ ➜ PARIS 1900 ROME 1903 BERLIN 1908 LONDON 1913 Welcome to the 19th International Congress BRUSSELS 1923 of Historical Sciences OSLO 1928 Bienvenue au XIXe Congrès International des Sciences Historiques WARSAW 1933 ZURICH 1938 PARIS 1950 ROME 1955 STOCKHOLM 1960Welcome VIENNA 1965 Bienvenue MOSCOW 1970 SAN FRANCISCO 1975 BUCHAREST 1980 University of Oslo STUTTGART 1985 Université d´Oslo MADRID 1990 OSLO 6-13 August,2000 - 2000 - 6-13 août,2000 MONTREAL 1995 OSLO 2000 Brosjyre, høst ´99 M 07.10.99 20:31 Side 4 4 5 Welcome ➜ ➜ ➜ Bienvenue ➜ ➜ ➜ Welcome to the “Millennium Congress”! Bienvenue au ” Congrès du Millénaire ” It is with great pleasure that I send the warmest greetings to all the participants at the 19th International C’est un honneur pour moi d’adresser mes plus chaleureuses salutations à tous les participants au Congress of Historical Sciences in Oslo - as well as to the Congress’ international and national audience.