New Technologies of Gauge Variation for Wheelset Vehicles Crossing

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New Technologies of Gauge Variation for Wheelset Vehicles Crossing Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov CIBv 2015 • Vol. 8 (57) Special Issue No. 1 - 2015 NEW TECHNOLOGIES OF GAUGE VARIATION FOR WHEELSET VEHICLES CROSSING P. NICOLAE1 C. PLEŞCAN2 I. SZENTES3 M. BOLÂNU4 C. SIMA5 D. MITU6 G. DUMITRU7 Abstract: In Europe there are countries where both freight and passenger transport are affected by different gauges. Need circulation of rolling stock gauge has resulted in looking for solutions to improve various diversified systems in operation. There are two possible solutions, namely the exchange of axles (rolling element that steering bogies) or adapt them to the new gauge on the fly (during the journey without stopping the train), for rolling stock operating on different systems to track or endowment both rolling stock and infrastructure, with an automatic gauge change. Key words: variable gauge, unconventional axles, suspensions, traffic safety. 1. Introduction These trains passed through changing track tens of thousands of times. They have The first trains offering regular been used since 1969 for international passenger transport services equipped with traffic and since 1992 also for domestic automatic gauge change system while rail services using high-speed lines driving axles are TALGO trains. First, in partially. 1969, III RD type TALGO trains (with The passenger carriages type articulated "variable gauge") and subsequently trains TALGO RD are autonomous and different in various other versions of therefore can be towed by any type of TALGO trains, equipped with a tilting box locomotive as ancillary services are technology vehicles (circulation at high supplied (insured) generating units located speeds). at the ends of the train (the second The inclination train system is already locomotive at trains traction or “end” the fifth generation, 1981. The sixth locomotive classic, that mean pusher generation of such trains dating from 1988, locomotive). and the seventh is viable in 2000. 1 Politechnica University of Bucharest & SNTFC “CFR Travellers”. 2 Civil Engineering Department”, Transilvania University of Braşov. 3 SNTFC “CFR Travellers” SA. 4 Control Traffic Safety Department, National Railway Safety Agency. 5 Control Traffic Safety Department - ASFR. 6 Control Traffic Safety Department - ASFR. 7 Control Traffic Safety Department, National Railway Safety Agency. 246 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov • Vol. 8 (57) Special Issue No.1 - 2015 Like all TALGO trains, their for rolling stock (RSRS - Rolling Stock composition is varied. The wagons may be Re-Gauging System), or gauge railway attached separately or in groups constituted control system (RGAS - Rail Gauge various other trains. The series TALGO III Adjustment System) or changing or RD (trains) can run at speeds up to 160 variable gauge wheelset tread, or track km/h in Spain and up to 140 km/h in change depending on the track axle tread. France. The "Catalan Talgo" is a class of Also SUW 2000 / bogie design PKP trains / coaches who provide transport System is manufactured by Polish from Barcelona to Geneva (change track Company ZNTK Poznań for The Polish and locomotives border crossing with State Railways (PKP) and the BRAVA France from Portbou) for a period of time system is built by Spanish consortium CAF between June 1, 1969 to May 31, 1995, (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles (calendar date that coincides with the - Constructions of rolling stock and introduction of the transport service components for railways). The Japanese provided by SNCF high-speed trainsets - amending automatically gauge train TGV from Geneva to Montpellier) trace wheelset is known in the literature under which made it possible to shorten the the name (acronym) GCT (Gauge Change distance to Montpellier. Train). Furthermore, Gauge Changing The frequency of use of transport Bogie - EV 90, is a gauge changeover of services increased immediately from two the bogies and in Bulgaria, The Bulgarian passengers on a wagon, until the supply of Automatic Gauge Changeover System - small vehicles daily service to Barcelona BAGCS, it is also an automatic gauge and Valencia to Montpellier in change system. Montpellier. Moreover, two sleeping cars Spain has a gauge different from the in composing frames / type trains TALGO European one. In addition, the decision of RD is provide the rail passenger service at implementing high-speed lines, 1435 mm night Remote Barcelona - Paris in the created an internal barrier between the period between 1974 and May 1991. conventional network and the new high Currently, seven different systems have speed line in the country. Spain has also been developed gauge change developed different solutions to solve both automatically. The TALGO (Tren problems. Articulado Ligero Goicoechea Oriol - the In 2000, Spain has developed different slightly train / articulated frame type solutions to solve both problems. Solution Goicoechea Oriol). Rafila / DB AG - began with variable gauge Talgo trains in Deutsche Bahn / public limited company 1969, and to date, more than 260,000 trains (SA), is similar to the German system. and 325 million passengers used the trains. There is a generous variety of alternative In 2000, the second Spanish variable gauge names for this acronym. Some of these system developed by CAF was introduced refer to wheelsets adjustable depending on in commercial operation. the gauge (GAW - Gauge Adjustable Japan has the same internal matter Wheelsets variable gauge wheelsets). between the narrow gauge (1067 mm) and Another explanation close relates to a track "Shinkansen" (1435 mm), and switching system / automatic change of Switzerland also has two distinct types of track gauge axle (ATGCS / TGC - gauge to its network of railways (1000 mm Automatic Track Gauge Changeover / 1435 mm). Furthermore there is a System). Similarly, we can talk about a variable gauge system Polish (PKP SUW system of rehabilitation / measuring gauge 2000), A German - track system variable P. NICOLAE et al.: New Technologies of Gauge Variation for Wheelset Vehicles Crossing 247 (Rafila - DB) and Bulgarian variable gauge (third Generation) can run at a maximum system developed in these countries to speed of 220 km/h, and their outer connect rail network 1435 mm with the dimensions are identical to those in railway network of 1520 mm. previous generations factory wagons The fifth generation of trains TALGO is respectively 4, 5 and 6). Passenger a class of trains equipped with technology carriages of the current generation began for tilting boxes and variable gauge circulating since the summer of 2000 wheelset. Three of these trains were built between Madrid and Barcelona on to provide the transport of passengers on conventional line. These trains are the route Madrid - Paris from May 1981 equipped with static frequency converters until May 1991, when this type of trains arranged in two vehicles by the end of the was replaced by the new class of trains train set, which are supplied with TALGO - the sixth generation. electricity from 3000 V the engine for this The sleeping carriages fifth generation of purpose. TALGO trains were able to run at speeds Action connection / disconnection of up to 160 km/h in France for a period of these vehicles from mains electricity is ten years (between 1981 and 1991) and in needed bushing sleeve handling of Spain, they were able to run at speeds up to auxiliary circuit when changes or reverses 180 km/h, the technology of building the change gauge train locomotive. These performance of vehicles with tilting box. types of trains provided rail services Later, these trains were sixth generation involving partial use of high-speed lines passenger transport services at night from 2003 until 2008. Movements such different in Spain for a period of time trains (trailer) was suspended in June 2009. between 1992 and 2009. The sixth generation of TALGO 2. Specific Characteristics Gauges passenger trains (those who only have Variation Systems Automatically for berths) began to circulate on the national Rolling Stock Axles in Movement network of railways in Spain since 1988. There were technical improvements such The system was a solution offered by the as automatic door closing, which made company RENFE (Red Nacional de los them suitable for speeds of up to 200 km/h. Ferrocarriles Españoles - National Trains consist of sleeping cars were put Network of Spanish Railways) to prevent into service for movement between passengers refractor change to the Spanish Barcelona and Bern in 1989 (and later border - French appliances running due between Zurich and Milan) and also gauge different from Spain, which has generation VI trains Talgo replaced in gauge the width of 1668 mm and other circulation series of trains Talgo RD and European countries that have lines with fifth-generation trains TALGO trails night gauge 1435 mm), except by Portugal, in Barcelona to Paris and from Madrid to which same type of gauge as Spain. The Paris. TALGO gauge change technology was Since 2000, the consortium Talgo made developed smoothly and successfully since a number of further technical 1969, it is the newest and best technology improvements for coaches who have gauge changeover "experienced" in the implemented the box tilting technology, world. Initially was solely assigned just for including pressurization systems, the TALGO carriages of passenger trains, underfloor air-conditioning systems and but its use was later extended to better sound insulation. These new wagons locomotives and locomotive end high 248 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov • Vol. 8 (57) Special Issue No.1 - 2015 power (from high-speed trains type of elements (Figure 2). Motor bogie, frame, such as factories built by Alsthom). bogie freight car and passenger carriage. The TALGO-RD has a system of automatic change of the gauge that can be used in general bogies for locomotives engines and locomotives end high power electric trains type frame speeds. This type of bogie frame (Figure 1) is BO (ie two axles) and consists of two longitudinal beams, two beams cross at the ends and a central transverse beam (central beam).
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