
Corsham Primary School Pound Pill Pupil and Parent Curriculum Newsletter

Class teachers: Miss White Autumn Term 2014 Miss Martin Year 1

Your child will be focusing on these objectives this term:

Literacy Rhyme and Rhythm/Role Play into writing/Stories with familiar themes/Poetry Can I… Say and read popular, familiar rhymes paying attention to rhythm, expression and punctuation? Understand rhyme, create my own rhyming strings and compose rhyming patterns? Discuss the layout of a story book? Retell familiar stories, with intonation and actions? Identify basic story elements and discuss characters? Give the sound of each letter of the alphabet? Sound out words when reading? Hold my pencil correctly? Write letters correctly? Re-enact stories through role play? Write simple stories?

Numeracy (Maths Makes Sense) Can I.. Add and subtract using cups? Recognise halves and quarters using cups? Count and recite numbers and groups of numbers to 100? Identify and use the phrase Same Value: Different Appearance for different arrangements of cups? Recognise common 2D shapes and give simple descriptions? Recognise common 3D shapes and give simple descriptions? Recognise patterns in shapes and objects? Use non-standard units to measure length?

Science (Humans and Seasonal Changes) Can I… Identify, name, draw and label parts of the human body? Observe changes across the four seasons? Observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies? Investigate the 5 senses? Investigate similarities and differences between humans?

ICT Can I… Give instructions to make objects on the screen move? Add my own images and make them move when the programme starts? Plan a short film? Create a short film?

The Foundation Subjects

History (Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole) Can I… Use pictures to ask questions about a famous person in the past? Find out about the life of Florence Nightingale? Talk about the conditions in Crimean hospitals? Find out about the improvements made by Florence Nightingale?

Art (Printing) Can I… Investigate printing methods? Draw from observation? Create a block print? Create a printed picture?

Geography (Around my School- local study) Can I… Use geographical vocabulary? Describe a place? Create simple maps? Observe the features of a place (school)? Make observations about a place (Corsham)?

Design Technology Can I… Create a product to sell at the Christmas Fayre?

Personal Social Health Education Can I… Identify my friends and discuss how to make our class a happy place? Talk about and the changes in my life so far? Identify healthy foods and their importance? Identify the importance of a healthy diet? Describe why I clean my body and how?

P.E. Can I… Make shapes with my body? Move in different directions? Recognise and respond to changes in music? Develop my ball skills?

Music Can I… Listen and discuss Old School Hip Hop Songs? Learn and perform a song? Learn how to apply key musical elements eg pulse? Understand and use general musical vocabulary linked to the song?

Please note that your child will be accessing these objectives at their own level of understanding.

Other information….

 The role play area this term is a hospital where the children will work co-operatively with each other taking on the role of doctors and patients.

 We also greatly appreciate the continued support you provide when reading with your child. Reading books will be changed daily if required and it would be appreciated if your child’s reading book and reading record could be placed inside the reading box in the morning if they need changing.

 Children will take part in both inside and outside PE. Please ensure your child has a complete, labelled PE kit, including some tracksuit bottoms for outdoor games.

 Children can bring daily tuck of plain biscuits or fruit with water or juice to drink.

 Parent helpers are always welcome to support the curriculum in school. We welcome parent helpers into the classroom after October half term which gives time for the children to settle in their new classes. Please approach your child’s teacher if you would like to become more involved.