
Journal of Clinical and Experimental 1380-3395/95/1702-291$6.00 1995, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 291-321 0 Swets & Zeitlinger

Double Dissociation Without Modularity: Evidence from Connectionist Neuropsychology *

David C. Plaut Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA


Many theorists assume that the cognitive system is composed of a collection of encapsulated processing components or modules, each dedicated to performing a particular cognitive function. On this view, selective impairments of cognitive tasks following damage, as evidenced by double dissociations, are naturally interpreted in terms of the loss of particular processing components. By contrast, the current investigation examines in detail a double dissociation between concrete and abstract word reading after damage to a connectionist network that pronounces words via and yet has no separable compo- nents (Plaut & Shallice, 1993). The functional specialization in the network that gives rise to the double dissociation is not transparently related to the network’s structure, as modular theories assume. Further- more, a consideration of the distribution of effects across quantitatively equivalent individual lesions in the network raises specific concerns about the interpretation of single-case studies. The findings under- score the necessity of relating neuropsychological data to cognitive theories in the context of specific computational assumptions about how the cognitive system operates normally and after damage.

Cognitive neuropsychology attempts to uncover meaning (e.g., TRUTH), after a severe left- the structure of the human cognitive system by hemisphere , patient PW (Patterson & studying the patterns of impaired and preserved Marcel, 1977) correctly pronounced 67% of cognitive abilities of brain-damaged patients. In concrete words but only 13% of abstract words. this endeavor, perhaps the most powerful weap- The finding that concrete and abstract words on in the neuropsychologist’s armamentarium is are differentially susceptible to the double dissociation (Kinsbourne, 1971; suggests that they are represented separately in Teuber, 1955). A single or one-way dissociation the brain. An alternative view, however, is that occurs when, as a result of brain damage, a PW’s brain damage has affected concrete and patient’s performance is significantly more abstract representations equally, but that ab-

Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 impaired on one cognitive task than on another. stract words are more impaired because they are For example, although neurologically intact inherently more difficult to pronounce (al- individuals have no difficulty pronouncing though still well within the abilities of nor- written words regardless of whether they have a mals). On this latter account, one would not concrete meaning (e.g., TABLE) or an abstract expect to see the opposite dissociation: better

*This paper developed out of a presentation given as part of a Workshop on Modularity and the Brain sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. I would like to express my appreciation to the Institute for the opportunity and financial support to participate in the workshop. In addition to the Institute, I’d like to thank the McDonnell-Pew Program in Cognitive (Grant T89-01245- 016), the National Science Foundation (Grant ASC-9109215), and the National Institute of (Grant MH47566) for providing financial support for this work. I’d also like to acknowledge for his contribution to the larger collaborative project that forms the context for the work described in this paper. Finally, I’d like to thank , Asher Koriat, and an anonymous reviewer for helpful comments on an earlier draft of the paper. Address correspondence to: David C. Plaut, Ph. D., Department of , Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890, U.S.A. Accepted for publication: August 1, 1994. 292 DAVID C. PLAUT

reading of abstract than concrete words follow- that the cognitive system is composed of a ing brain damage. However, this is exactly what collection of relatively independent processing Warrington (1981) observed in a patient CAV components or modules, each dedicated to with a left-hemisphere tumor: he read correctly performing a particular cognitive function 36% of concrete words but 55% of abstract (Chomsky, 1980; Coltheart, 1985; Fodor, 1983; words. Marr, 1982; Morton, 1981). In fact, double Together, PW and CAV constitute a double dissociations and modularity fit together so dissociation of concrete and abstract word read- naturally that this theoretical perspective has ing.‘ In a similar way, double dissociations completely dominated the field of cognitive among brain-damaged patients have been iden- neuropsychology. As Ellis (1987) has put it, tified for many other pairs of tasks, across a “There can be no argument with the fact of wide range of specificity in the cognitive sys- modularity, only about its nature and extent” tem. These include auditory verbal short-term (p. 402). versus long-term memory (see Vallar It is important to bear in , though, that & Shallice, 1990), episodic versus semantic different authors use the terms “modules” and memory (see Tulving, 1983), compre- “modularity” in the service of very different hension versus production and syntax versus claims about the structure of the cognitive sys- semantics (see Caplan, 1992), sublexical versus tem. For example, as defined by Fodor (1983), lexical processing in reading and in writing (see modules are domain specific, innately speci- Coltheart, Patterson, & Marshall, 1980; Patter- fied, hard-wired, autonomous, non-assembled, son, Coltheart, & Marshall, 1985; Shallice, and most critically, informationally encapsulat- 1988), visual recognition of words versus faces ed. By contrast, Coltheart (1985) states explicit- versus other objects (see Farah, 1990), and lY7 naming pictures of natural kinds versus artifacts (see Warrington & Shallice, 1984). In each of I am not using the term module in the these cases, a natural interpretation of the pat- adopted by Fodor (1983).... the model I tern of results is that the different tasks are sub- describe... would be regarded as modular in served by separate neural mechanisms, such that character by information-processing theo- these mechanisms can be selectively impaired rists, but its components are not modules in by brain damage. For instance, Warrington Fodor’s sense - for example, they are not (198 1) states, “the only plausible interpretation innate, not informationally encapsulated, and of a double dissociation between abstract-word not hard-wired. (p. 4) deficit and concrete-word deficit . . . is that the functional and structural organization of seman- Nonetheless, there is still a common thread that tic representations of words is categorical” runs through the various usages of the term Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 (p. 185). That is to say, the semantics of con- “module”: that the cognitive system is com- crete words and those of abstract words must be posed of components, that the function of each represented separately in the brain. The logic of component can be characterized independently this interpretation dovetails well with the view of the functions of other components, and that these components can be selectively impaired by brain .damage. This is the interpretation of I For the purpose of making theoretical inferences from modularity that is adopted in the current paper. the data, it is important not only that the effects were in Notice that not all forms of differentiation of opposite directions for the two patients, but that PW read concrete words better than CAV, while the reverse function qualify as modular on this view. If, as is true for abstract words. If it were the case that one Fodor (1983) suggests, “the condition for suc- patient performed worse than the other on both tasks, cessful science . . . is that nature should have the double dissociation might be due simply to one task joints to carve it at” (p. 128), the modularity being more sensitive to the available resources of a hypothesis says that, fortunately for cognitive process common to both tasks (see Shallice, 1988, Chapter 10). science, the cognitive system (or at least most DOUBLE DISSOCIATION WITHOUT MODULARITY 293

of it) has very clear joints. Adopting a modular view of the cognitive 1. system provides a natural way of describing many of the interesting and often counterintui- tive double dissociations among cognitive tasks (modU*S) (mntinuum ofa (overlapping that have been identified among brain-damaged procbnino rp.ce) Prowaning ngion) patients. Some researchers, however, seem to take the further step of interpreting the occur- rence of double dissociations as implying the existence of separate components, each dedicat- ed to performing one of the dissociated tasks (e.g., Warrington’s, 1981, claim, quoted above, that separate concrete and abstract semantics is the “only plausible interpretation” of the rele- vant double dissociation). Shallice ( 1988) spells Fig. 1. Depictions of six types of systems capable of out the logic of the argument thus: “If modules producing double dissociations when dama- exist, then . . . double dissociations are a rela- ged (from Shallice, 1988, p. 250). (a) Traditi- onal modules. (b) Continuum of a processing tively reliable way of uncovering them. Double space. For example, damage to the retina at 9 dissociations do exist. Therefore modules vs. 15 degrees eccentricity would selectively exist” (p. 248). As Shallice points out, howev- impair visual processing at these locations er, the inference is valid only if modular sys- without there being separate modules for each. (c) Overlapping processing regions. If tems are the only sort of system that can pro- the processing regions subserving two tasks duce double dissociations. As evidence against partially overlap, selective damage to the non- this, he describes a number of different types of overlapping portions would doubly dissociate processing systems that are not naturally de- the tasks, but neither of the two regions nor scribed as modular, or are only partially modu- any of their subregions constitute separate modules. (d) Coupled systems. If two subsys- lar, and yet could still give rise to double disso- tems (e.g., visual and auditory lexicons) were ciations (see Figure 1). In view of these exam- tightly coupled so that the two could not pro- ples, the claim that a double dissociation im- cess contradictory information concurrently, plies the existence of separate modules dedicat- but each could operate correctly in isolation, ed to each task is clearly untenable.* Even the they would be isolable (Shallice, 1979) with- out being modules. (e) Semi-modules. Sub- weaker notion of “functionally dissociable systems can be modules to some degree, subsystems” (Shallice, 1979) does not capture depending on the extent to which its correct all of the relevant distinctions (e.g., processing performance depends on variables within the continuum, overlapping processing regions, system itself vs. influences from other subsys- Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 multi-level systems). What, then, can be learned tems. (0 Multi-level systems. Two tasks may depend on selectively impairable properties of from the patterns of dissociations among brain- the same physical system at different levels of damaged patients? description (e.g., may depend on Shallice (1988) proposes the notion of some neurochemical whereas mature perfor- “functional specialization” as capturing the mance may depend on the structural integrity important distinctions in all of the relevant of the system). cases. In his formulation, the degree of special-

~ ~ ization of part of a system is essentially defined ’ It should be pointed out that there are a number of by the specificity of the impairments that can for adopting a modular perspective other arise following damage: the greater disparity in than the existence of neuropsychological dissociations performance across the critical tasks, the more (see Fodor, 1983; Shallice, 1988, for discussion), but specialized the damaged region must be. Criti- most if not all of these can be satisfied by nonmodular systems with some sort of functional specialization. cally, the power of neuropsychological data for 294 DAVID C. PLAUT

constraining cognitive theories is considerably weakened on this view. A double dissociation of two tasks cannot even serve to distinguish between the rather different types of system depicted in Figure 1. What is even more prob- lematic is that we cannot know for sure whether the dimensions on which the behavioral dissoci- ations are based (e.g., word concreteness) cor- respond in any discernible way to the underly- ing functional dimensions within the system that give rise to the behavioral differences. As Shallice (1988) puts it,

It remains logically possible that specialisa- tion ... could have no functional relevance. In biological systems, this seems implausible. What does remain conceivable is that in particular cases, the pattern of resource spe- cialisation [i.e., the observed dissociations] might throw no useful light on what function is responsible for the specialisation. If and when examples of this are found will be the time to begin to consider this possibility. For Fig. 2. Morton and Patterson’s (1980, p. 115) infor- the present, a reasonable conclusion is that mation-processing account of deep dyslexia. determining the degree of specialisation Note that the semantics of concrete (imagea- ble) words and those of abstract words are within a system is a useful guide to system assumed to be represented separately, and architecture and its functional organisation. thus are independently susceptible to brain tp. 258) damage.

A shift away from a strictly modular perspec- tive would have profound implications not only capricious nature of brain damage, such patients for the form of theoretical interpretation offered are exceedingly rare; brain damage will more for neuropsychological phenomena, but also for typically impair a number of components to the criteria for selecting brain-damaged patients varying degrees. Such mixed cases -comprising for detailed study, and for the empirical meth- the large majority of patients - are far more Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 odologies that are or are not considered appro- problematic to interpret and, thus, are deemed priate for studying such patients. Currently, less theoretically relevant (although notice that, researchers typically cast their explanations of as reflected in Figure 2, PW is to be a the of brain-damaged patients in terms mixed case). As Ellis (1987) has lamented, “the of all-or-none functional “lesions” to one or cognitive neuropsychologist will pass over 999 more components of an information-processing patients to find the one thousandth who comes diagram. Figure 2 illustrates this approach for close to being a pure case of ‘word meaning the pattern of symptoms shown by PW - so- deafness’ or whatever” (p. 402). By contrast, a called deep dyslexia. In such a framework, the nonmodular framework may be more appropri- most productive way of determining what the ate for capturing the effects of partial damage, components are and how they work is to study thereby providing a basis for understanding the just those patients whose impairment is restrict- full distribution of effects that arise following ed to a single component - so-called pure cases brain damage. (Lichtheim, 1885). Unfortunately, given the Furthermore, given Caramazza’s (1986) DOUBLE DISSOCIATION WITHOUT MODULARITY 295

universality assumption that the premorbid 1993; Sartori, 1988; Wood, 1978). As Shallice cognitive system is essentially equivalent (1988) points out, across individuals, the only relevant distinction in a modular framework among patients is A valid demonstration of a double dissocia- which component or components are impaired. tion arising from the effects of two different Thus, patients with different underlying impair- lesions to a distributed-memory system ments are different sorts of patients, requiring would need to satisfy two conditions. First, different explanations, even if their impair- before the lesion is made, the influence of ments happen to give rise to the same overt any particular on what output is pro- pattern of behavior (Coltheart & Funnell, 1987; duced should be small. Second, the Shallice & Warrington, 1980). As there is no affected by the lesion should not be selected way to determine pre-theoretically which pa- by some algorithm that is deter- tients have the same underlying impairment, mined by the dissociation to be explained there is no legitimate basis for grouping patients and that is not typical of those that arise together in neuropsychological investigations naturally. It seems most unlikely that if these (Caramazza, 1984, 1986; Caramazza & conditions are satisfied, a classical or a McCloskey, 1988; McCloskey, 1993). Put an- strong double dissociation could be demon- other way, each component in a modular system strated in a properly distributed memory operates according to its own separate princi- system. (p. 256) ples, so there is no theoretical basis for explain- ing why damage to different modules should The current paper investigates in detail the produce common effects. By contrast, various effects of damage in a connectionist network portions of a nonmodular system may operate that exhibits a double dissociation between according to common computational principles, concrete and abstract word reading (Plaut & so that different locations of damage produce Shallice, 1991, 1993), and yet does not suffer the same symptomsfor the same . In this from the limitations of previous simulations case, it would be appropriate to group together mentioned above. The purpose of the investiga- patients with such damage for theoretical pur- tion is to evaluate the theoretical status of a poses. central pillar of cognitive neuropsychological In the context of examining varieties of non- methodology: demonstrating double dissocia- modular systems, Shallice (1988) specifically tions among single-case studies. Specifically, a considers the relevance of “distributed-memo- consideration of the distribution of effects ry” systems, more commonly known as con- across quantitatively equivalent lesions in the nectionist, neural, or parallel distributed pro- network (i.e., at the same location and severity) cessing (PDP) networks. In these networks, raises specific concerns about the interpretation Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 computation takes the form of cooperative and of single-case patient studies. Furthermore, competitive interactions among simple, neuron- contrary to Caramazza’s ( 1986) transparency like processing units. At first glance, the dis- assumption, the functional specialization in the tributed nature of such systems would appear at network that gives rise to the double dissocia- odds with the selective dissociations that can tion is not transparently related to the network’s arise from brain damage. To the contrary, dou- structure. Nonetheless, the occurrence of the ble dissociations of a sort have been demon- double dissociation does “throw useful light” strated after damage to connectionist networks, on the functional organization of the network but in these cases either the model had built-in given specijc assumptions about the computa- structural distinctions corresponding directly to tional principles governing its operation. As a the observed dissociations (Farah & consequence, cognitive neuropsychologists McClelland, 1991), or the lesions involved the cannot assume that the cognitive system must removal of individual units or connections that be modular in order to account for observed had idiosyncratic effects (Bullinaria & Chater, dissociations among brain-damaged patients. 296 DAVID C. PLAUT - Rather, developing adequate accounts of rleuro- the occurrence of semantic errors in oral read- psychological deficits may require a close inter- ing (e.g., reading CAT as “dog”). In addition play between empirical and computational to semantic errors, these patients also exhibit a methodologies. wide range of other symptoms in oral reading, The next section presents in more detail the including visual errors (e.g., CAT -“cot”), empirical data on the double dissociation be- mixed visual-and-semantic errors (e.g., CAT tween concrete and abstract word reading. *“rat”), morphological errors (e.g., GOES Following this, the Plaut and Shallice connec- *“go”), a part-of-speech effect (nouns > tionist simulation of reading via meaning is verbs > adjectives > functors), a severe impair- described. This network forms the basis for ment in reading pronounceable nonwords, poor investigations aimed at identifying the condi- performance on other phonological tasks, and, tions under which double dissociations occur as previously mentioned, better reading of within the network, and what can be inferred concrete than abstract words (see Coltheart et from the effects of individual lesions. The paper al., 1980). In addition to severe impairment of then concludes with a general discussion of the the phonological route, it is commonly assumed implications of the results for theorizing in that deep dyslexic patients also have partial cognitive neuropsychology. impairment of the semantic route (e.g., Morton & Patterson, 1980; Nolan & Caramazza, 1982; Shallice & Warrington, 1980, but see Coltheart, DOUBLE DISSOCIATION OF CONCRE- 1980b; Newcombe & Marshall, 1980; Saffran, TE AND ABSTRACT WORD READING Bogyo, Schwartz, & Marin, 1980, for alterna- tive accounts). There is general agreement that normal readers In his comprehensive review of cases of deep have available to them (at least) two means by dyslexia in the literature in 1980, Coltheart which to pronounce a written word: a semantic (1980a) found that, among those patients for process that derives the pronunciation via the whom there was sufficient data, all were signif- meaning the word, and a phonological process icantly better at reading aloud concrete than that bypasses semantics, deriving the pronunci- abstract words. According to an updated review ation directly from orthography on the basis of (Coltheart, Patterson, & Marshall, 1987), this common spelling-sound correspondences (for was still the case seven years later after numer- reviews and discussion, see Coltheart, 1987; ous additional cases had been reported. As is Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins, & Haller, 1993; Hen- the case for PW, cited in the Introduction, the derson, 1982; Humphreys & Evett, 1985; Pat- effect can be quite large (e.g., 70% vs. 10% in terson et al., 1985). This second route also DE, Patterson & Marcel, 1977; 73% vs. 14% in enables skilled readers to generate reasonable KF, Shallice & Warrington, 1975; and 50% vs. Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 pronunciations for word-like nonsense letter 10% in GR, Marshall & Newcombe, 1966). It strings (e.g., MAVE). In fact, most researchers should be noted, however, that there is consid- believe that skilled readers rely primarily (per- erable disagreement as to whether the relevant haps even exclusively, see Van Orden, Penning- semantic variable is concreteness per se, or ton, & Stone, 1990) on the phonological route perhaps something like imageability (Marcel & when reading words aloud. Only in cases where Patterson, 1978; Richardson, 1975; Shallice & this route is rendered inoperative by brain dam- Warrington, 1975) or ease-of-predication age, as in so-called deep and phonological (Jones, 1985). In any case, these measures are dyslexic patients, are strong effects of semantic highly intercorrelated and so may have a com- variables like concreteness observed (although mon underlying functional origin (see Barry & see Strain, Patterson, & Seidenberg, 1994, for Richardson, 1988). evidence of concretenesshmageability effects in The concreteness of a word also appears to normal word reading). have a more subtle effect on the reading behav- The hallmark symptom of deep dyslexia is ior of deep dyslexic patients, in terms of its DOUBLE DISSOCIATION WITHOUT MODULARITY 297

likelihood to produce different types of errors. enough to give rise to the concreteness effect In particular, less concrete words are more but not so severe as to produce semantic errors, likely to produce visual errors, and the respons- the magnitude of the concreteness effect tends es in these cases tend to be more concrete than to be smaller than is typical in deep dyslexia. the stimuli (KF, Shallice & Warrington, 1975; For example, patient DV (Glosser & Friedman, BL, Nolan & Caramazza, 1982; GR, Barry & 1990) was 100% correct on concrete words but Richardson, 1988; PS, Shallice & Coughlan, only 87% correct on abstract words. This may, 1980). Thus, a semantic variable -concreteness however, simply be a ceiling effect, as the over- - clearly influences what would intuitively all word reading performance of such phono- seem to be a more peripheral effect: visual logical dyslexic patients tends to be much better similarity in error responses. than that of deep dyslexic patients. Phonological dyslexic patients may also Thus, among deep and phonological dyslexic exhibit effects of concreteness in single word patients whose word reading is affected by reading. Although these patients, by definition, concreteness, all find concrete words easier to do not make semantic errors, they can be quite read than abstract words. This concreteness similar to deep dyslexic patients in many re- effect mirrors the general advantage that con- spects. In fact, Glosser and Friedman (1990; crete, highly imageable words have in a variety Friedman, in press; also see Newcombe & Mar- of cognitive and linguistic contexts (see, e.g., shall, 1980) have argued that deep and phono- Kieras, 1978; Paivio, 1969, 1991; Schwanen- logical dyslexic patients fall on a continuum of flugel, 1991). severity. In particular, the relevant symptoms In striking contrast with the advantage for can be ordered such that each successive symp- concrete words shown by deep and phonologi- tom is exhibited only by patients with an in- cal dyslexic patients, patient CAV (Warrington, creasing severity of impairment. Thus, all pho- 1981) exhibited better performance in reading nological dyslexic patients have a selective abstract words. On initial testing, CAV’s read- deficit in nonword reading relative to word ing was very severely impaired: he failed at reading, and this may be the only symptom that reading common words like MILK and TREE, the least impaired patients exhibit. Somewhat but occasionally succeeded at reading abstract more impaired patients also make some visual words like APPLAUSE, EVIDENCE, and IN- and morphological errors in reading words FERIOR. On more detailed testing, involving (although word reading is still much superior to 387 words from the Brown and Ure (1969) list, nonword reading). With still more impairment, CAV read correctly 36% of words that were a part-of-speech effect among words is also more concrete than the mean, but 55% of less observed. Even more impaired patients also concrete ones. Most of his errors were visual in exhibit the concreteness effect. Finally, it is nature, and - also in contrast to the deep dyslex- Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 only the most severely impaired patients, arbi- ic pattern - his responses were more abstract trarily relabeled “deep” dyslexics, who pro- than the stimuli in 67% of these, although the duce semantic errors (along with all the other incidence of visual errors was approximately symptoms). In corresponding fashion, Friedman equal for concrete and abstract words. Although (in press) has shown that the pattern of recovery CAV made no more semantic errors than might in deep dyslexic patients follows the reverse be expected by chance (see Ellis & Marshall, ordering (also see Klein, Behrmann, & Doctor, 1978), he appeared to be relying at least in part in press). The occurrence of semantic errors is on the semantic route because his performance the first symptom to resolve, followed by the improved when cued with the semantic category concreteness effect, then the part-of-speech of the , and he showed a corresponding effect, then the visual and morphological errors, advantage for abstract words presented audito- and only lastly, the impaired nonword reading. rily in a word/picture matching task. Also, as Among those few documented phonological CAV could read some nonwords correctly dyslexic patients whose impairment is severe (6/30), residual operation of the phonological 298 DAVID C. PLAUT -

route may have “edited out” some phonologi- Patterson, 1980), while not explicitly endorsing cally implausible semantic errors (Newcombe the necessity of this claim, nonetheless incorpo- & Marshall, 1980).3 rate it into their accounts (see Figure 2). How- This double dissociation in reading aloud ever, as pointed out in the introduction, a vari- concrete and abstract words mirrors an analo- ety of general types of systems can give rise to gous double dissociation in the comprehension double dissociations without such a strict sepa- of these word types (Warrington, 1975). When ration of the representations and processes asked to define low-frequency words presented underlying the two tasks. auditorily, patient EM (also see Coughlan & As a specific instantiation of this possibility, Warrington, 1981) could provide adequate the next section describes the simulation of a definitions for 56% of concrete words but only connectionist network (Plaut & Shallice, 1993) 45% of abstract words. In contrast, patient AB that replicates the double dissociation of con- could adequately define only 24% of concrete crete and abstract word reading, but in which words but 85% of abstract words.4 This second there is no structural separation between the pattern was later replicated by Warrington and semantic representations of these word types. Shallice (1984) in patient SBY (50% concrete The section begins with a discussion of a gener- vs. 94% abstract). Warrington and Shallice also al framework for lexical processing, and situ- mention that SBY showed the same effect in ates Plaut and Shallice’s general investigation auditory word/picture matching, although no of reading via meaning within this framework. data are given. More recently, Breedin, Saffran, The central concept of an “attractor” is intro- and Coslett (1993, 1994) have documented an duced and used to explain the basic error pat- advantage for abstract words in a similar pa- tern in deep dyslexia. The remainder of the tient, DM, across a range of lexical tasks, in- section presents considerable detail on the cluding auditory word definition, auditory architecture and representations used by the lexical decision, auditory word/picture match- concrete/abstract network, as the simulation ing, and written word synonym judgement. study presented in the subsequent chapter in- The fact that performance on concrete and volves a detailed analysis of the effects of le- abstract words in oral reading and in compre- sions to this network. The focus of the analysis hension tasks can be doubly dissociated by is on the variability in the effects produced by brain damage indicates that there are important quantitatively equivalent lesions. differences in how these types of words are represented and processed in the brain. Exactly what these differences are, however, remains a A SIMULATION OF READING VIA matter of debate. Some researchers (e.g., MEANING Warrington, 1981) contend that, in order to Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 account for the findings, the representations of A full implementation of the word reading concrete and abstract words must be neuro- system would involve both semantic and phono- anatomically separate. Others, (e.g., Morton & logical processes for generating the pronuncia- tion of written words. An example of a general lexical framework embodying these processes Visual errors would be less likely to be edited out by is given by Seidenberg and McClelland (1989) a partially operating phonological route as they would and is shown in Figure 3. Within the frame- tend to be more phonologically plausible, given the work, orthographic, phonological, and semantic high degree of systematicity between English ortho- graphy and phonology. information is represented in terms of distribut- ed patterns of activity over separate groups of Although the difference in EM’S performance on simple neuron-like processing units. Within concrete and abstract words was not statistically signifi- each of these three domains, similar words are cant, his overall pattern of performance was shown to represented by similar patterns of activity. be significantly different from that of AB (Warrington, 1975). Lexical tasks involve transformations between DOUBLE DISSOCIATION WITHOUT MODULARITY 299

these representations - for example, oral read- Waters, Barnes, & Tanenhaus, 1984; Taraban & ing requires that the orthographic pattern for a McClelland, 1987; Waters & Seidenberg, word generate the appropriate phonological 1985). Patterson, Seidenberg, and McClelland pattern. Such transformations are accomplished (1990, also see Patterson, 1990) attempted to via the cooperative and competitive interactions replicate the symptoms of surface dyslexic among units, including additional “hidden” patients (see Patterson et al., 1985) -in particu- units that mediate between the orthographic, lar, the frequency-by-consistency interaction in phonological, and semantic units. The interac- naming accuracy and the tendency to “regulari- tions of units are governed by weighted connec- ze” low-frequency exception words (e.g., tions between them, and it is these connection DEAF 3 “deef”) - by damaging the Seiden- weights that collectively encode the system’s berg and McClelland model. More recently, knowledge about how the different types of Plaut and McClelland (1993) implemented a information are related. The specific values of version of the Seidenberg and McClelland the weights are derived by a learning procedure model using representations that better capture on the basis of the system’s exposure to written the relevant structure within and between or- words, spoken words, and their meanings. thography and phonology. The new model can Seidenberg and McClelland (1989) imple- read both words and pronounceable nonwords mented only the pathway from orthography to as well as skilled readers (see Plaut, phonology (shown in bold in Figure 3), attempt- McClelland, Seidenberg, & Patterson, 1994; ing to account for a wide range of aspects of Seidenberg, Plaut, Petersen, McClelland, & normal skilled reading - particularly the nature McRae, in press), and also forms the basis for a of the interaction of word frequency and spell- more adequate account of (see ing-sound consistency in naming latency (An- Plaut, Behrmann, Patterson, & McClelland, drews, 1982; Seidenberg, 1985; Seidenberg, 1993; Plaut et al., 1994). Plaut and Shallice (1993) investigated prop- erties of various implementations of what can Context be thought of as the complementary portion of Seidenberg and McClelland’s general frame- work: the pathway from orthography to phonol- ogy via meaning (semantics). Their primary Meaning was to account for the specific pat- tern of impaired oral reading exhibited by deep dyslexic patients such as PW. Previous work by Hinton and Shallice (1991) had demonstrated that single lesions throughout a network that Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 mapped from orthography to semantics would produce the co-occurrence of visual and seman- tic errors found in deep dyslexia. Plaut and Shallice systematically investigated each aspect t 4 of the design of the Hinton and Shallice simula- MAKE /mAW tion, attempting to identify which aspects are critical to producing the results and which are less central. The design issues included the Fig. 3. Seidenberg and McClelland’s general frame- definition of the task of reading via meaning, work for lexical processing. Each oval repre- the network architecture (i.e., the numbers of sents a group of units and each arrow repre- units, their organization into layers, and how sents a group of connections. The model they implemented is shown in boId. (Adapted from these groups are connected), the training proce- Seidenberg & McClelland, 1989, p. 526). dure used for adjusting connection strengths, and the procedure for evaluating the behavior of 300 DAVID C. PLAUT

the trained network in its normal state and after damage. The major finding was that the occurrence of the qualitative error pattern was surprisingly insensitive to these detailed aspects of the simu- lation. Rather, what appeared critical was a more general property that all of the implemen- tations shared: that units learned to interact in such a way that familiar patterns of activity over semantic features - corresponding to word meanings - formed stable attractors in the space of all possible semantic representations. Fig. 4. Mapping from orthography to semantics using Thus, after training, if the activity levels of attractors. For simplicity, only two dimensi- ons of semantic space are depicted. Each units are to correspond to a particular attrac- point in semantics corresponds to the attractor tor pattern, unit interactions exactly balance and for a word meaning; the solid oval around it the network remains in that pattern. If the net- corresponds to its “basin” of attraction (deli- work is placed into a similar pattern - perhaps a miting the other semantic patterns that will distorted version of the meaning of a word - settle to it). The dotted oval depicts a basin after semantic damage, resulting in the visual units will interact and gradually change their error CAT=>“cot”. (From Plaut & Shallice, states so as to “clean-up” the distorted pattern 1993, p. 393) into the exact meaning of the word. It may be helpful to think about this process in the context of a high-dimensional state space in which the activity of each unit in the network This shift in perspective, from thinking di- is plotted along a separate dimension (see Fig- rectly about the interactions of units to thinking ure 4). At any instant in processing an input, the about a changing pattern of activity as a moving pattern of activity over the entire network cor- point in state space, provides insight into the responds to a particular point within this space. occurrence of errors after damage. Lesioning This is easiest to imagine for a network with the network involves permanently removing only two units; in this case, the pattern over the some of its units and connections, affecting how units corresponds to a two-dimensional point the remaining units interact. In particular, it whose x and y coordinates are simply the activi- may change which initial patterns settle to ty levels of the two units, respectively. For a which final patterns - that is, the shape and network with a hundred units, the point for a positions of attractor basins in state space. As a particular pattern of activity would have a hun- result, an input that, in the normal network, Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 dred coordinates instead of just two. As units falls within the appropriate basin (thus leading update their states, the global pattern of activity to a correct response), may now fall within the changes, so that the corresponding point moves basin of a neighboring attractor. The operation in state space, eventually arriving at the point of the damaged network will thus “clean up” corresponding to the nearest word meaning. In the pattern into the exact pattern for this neigh- fact, there is a region in state space around each boring attractor, producing an error response. familiar pattern - corresponding to a set of Notice that the use of attractors over distrib- similar patterns - such that, if the network is set uted patterns of activity constitutes a controver- into a pattern falling anywhere within this re- sial claim about the representational status of gion, the network will settle back to the familiar words (also see Seidenberg & McClelland, pattern. For this reason, each such familiar 1989). In most standard formulations, a word is pattern is called an “attractor” in state space, explicitly represented in the structure of the and the region around it, its “basin of attrac- reading system - for example, by the existence tion.” of a particular evidence-accumulating device DOUBLE DISSOCIATION WITHOUT MODULARITY 301

called a “logogen” (Morton, 1969; Morton & over 32 orthographic units, such that each of the Patterson, 1980). The same is true of so-called 4 letters in the word was represented by a dis- “local” connectionist models of lexical pro- tributed pattern over a separate group of 8 units. cessing (e.g., Dell, 1986; McClelland & Rumel- The phonology of each word was represented in hart, 1981), in which each word is represented terms of 61 phoneme units, organized into posi- by a separate unit. By contrast, in a distributed tion-specific groups of mutually exclusive attractor network, there is nothing in the struc- phonemes (see Plaut & Shallice, 1993, for de- ture of the system that corresponds to a word. tails). Although the resulting orthographic and Rather, the lexical status of a string of letters or phonological representations are not particular- phonemes depends solely on functional aspects ly realistic, and would not be sufficient for of the system: how particular patterns of ortho- many other purposes, they do have the essential graphic, phonological, and semantic activity property that the similarities among words, interact to form stable patterns as a result of the either in their written forms or in their spoken system’s knowledge encoded in connection forms, are reflected in the similarities of their weights (also see van Gelder, 1990). representations. Plaut and Shallice’s (1993) second major The critical difference between concrete and objective was to extend the general approach of abstract words relates to their semantic repre- distributed attractor networks to account for the sentations. Plaut and Shallice’s (1993) approach full range of oral reading behavior exhibited by to capturing this distinction was based in part deep dyslexic patients. Hinton and Shallice on Jones’ (1985) demonstration that words vary (1989) focused primarily on the co-occurrence greatly in the ease with which predicates about of visual and semantic errors, and the relatively them can be generated. For example, more high rates of mixed visual-and-semantic errors, predicates can be generated for basic-level produced by these patients. However, many words than for subordinate or superordinate other aspect of deep dyslexia were not ad- words (Rosch, Mervis, Gray, Johnson, & dressed, including other types of errors (e.g., Boyes-Braem, 1976). Jones showed that there is visual-then-semantic errors such as sympathy a very high correlation (0.88) between ease-of- “orchestra”), the part-of-speech effect, effects predication ratings and imageability (which also of concreteness and their interaction with visual correlates highly with concreteness), and that errors, the existence of subvarieties of deep the relative difficulty of parts-of-speech in deep dyslexia, as well as less central aspects such as dyslexia maps perfectly onto their ordered mean relatively good lexical decision and relative ease-of-predication scores. He argued that the differences in confidence in error responses. effects of both imageability and part-of-speech Plaut and Shallice replicated many of these in deep dyslexia can be accounted for by assum- symptoms in the course of developing simula- ing that the semantic route is sensitive to ease- Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 tions to test the generality of the basic error of-predication. Within the present framework, pattern, but some - in particular, the concrete- the natural way to realize this distinction is by ness effects - could not be investigated using assuming that concrete words have more se- the original Hinton and Shallice word set as it mantic features (predicates) than do abstract contains only concrete nouns. words. Accordingly, Plaut and Shallice designed a However, a literal interpretation of this ma- version of the task of reading via meaning that nipulation would be misleading, as abstract would allow the effects of concreteness and words can certainly make rich and substantial visual similarity to be investigated directly. contributions to meaning. Rather, a more appro- Twenty pairs of four-letter words were chosen priate interpretation relates to the degree of such that one member of the pair was concrete, variability across contexts in the semantics the other was abstract, and the two differed by generated by different types of words. As only a single letter (e.g., ROPE and ROLE). Saffran et al. (1980) point out, The orthography of each word was encoded 302 DAVID C. PLAUT

A concrete word - a reference term like A similar contrast appears to hold among differ- “rose” - has a core meaning little altered by ent parts-of-speech - for example, between context (a rose is a rose) ... The meanings of nouns and verbs (Gentner, 1981). Thus, the use abstract words, on the other hand, tend to be of fixed semantic representations containing more dependent on the contexts in which fewer features for abstract words should really they are embedded. (p. 400) be considered an approximation for a simula- tion in which abstract words have fewer seman- tic features that are consistently present across

Table 1. Semantic Features for Concrete and Abstract Words.

max-size-less-foot 35 found-in-transport 68 positive max-size-foot-to-two-yards 36 found-in-factories 69 negative max-size-greater-two-yards 37 surface-of-body 70 no-magnitude main-shape- 1D 38 above-waist 71 small main-shape-2D 39 natural 72 large main-shape-3D 40 mammal 73 measurement cross-section-rectangular 41 bird 74 superordinate cross-section-circular 42 wild 75 true cross-section-other 43 does-fly 76 fiction 10 has-legs 44 does-swim 77 information 11 has-arms 45 does-run 78 action 12 has-neck-or-collar 46 living 79 state 13 white 47 carnivore 80 has-duration 14 brown 48 plant 8 1 unchanging 15 color-other-strong 49 made-of-metal 82 involves-change 16 varied-colors 50 made-of-liquid 83 temporary 17 dark 5 1 made-of-other-nonliving 84 time-before 18 hard 52 got-from-plants 85 future-potential 19 soft 53 got-from-animals 86 relates-event 20 sweet 54 pleasant 87 relates-location 21 moves 55 unpleasant 88 relates-money 22 indoors 56 dangerous 89 relates-possession

Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 23 in-kitchen 57 man-made 90 relates-work 24 on-ground 58 container 91 relates-power 25 on-surface 59 for-eating-drinking 92 relates-reciprocation 26 otherwise-supported 60 for-wearing 93 relates-request 27 outdoors-in-city 61 for-other 94 relates-interpersonal 28 in-country 62 for-lunch-dinner 95 quality-difficulty 29 found-woods 63 particularly-assoc-child 96 quality-organized 30 found-near-sea 64 particularly-assoc- 97 quality-bravery 3 1 found-near-streams 65 used-for-games-or-recreation 98 quality-sensitivity 32 found-mountains 66 human 33 found-on-farms 67 female 34 found-in-public-buildings - Note: From Plaut & Shallice, 1993, p. 450. DOUBLE DISSOCIATION WITHOUT MODULARITY 303

a variety of contexts. In fact, if a connectionist words. network was trained to generate pronunciations The architecture of the network that Plaut from such variable semantic representations, it and Shallice (1 993) used to investigate effects would come to rely on just those few features of concreteness is shown in Figure 6. As can be that are consistently predictive of the correct seen by comparison with Figure 3, the network response (see McClelland & Rumelhart, 1985, is broadly consistent with the semantic pathway for illustrations of this property). in the Seidenberg and McClelland (1989) gen- The particular list of 98 semantic features eral framework for lexical pro~essing.~Ortho- used by Plaut and Shallice (1 993) to describe graphic input maps by way of 10 intermediate the meanings of concrete and abstract words is units to semantics, which in turn maps via 10 given in Table 1, and their assignment to words additional intermediate units to phonology. In is given in Figure 5. The first 67 of the features addition, both semantics and phonology are (e.g., found-on-furms, does-jy) were based on each reciprocally connected with a separate set those used by Hinton and Shallice (1991) and of 10 clean-up units. These clean-up units are apply exclusively to concrete words. The re- critical because they implement the attractors maining 3 1 features (e.g., has-durutian, relutes- for word meanings and pronunciations: during money) apply primarily to abstract words but the processing of an input, the clean-up units occasionally also to concrete words. Overall, interact with and influence the activities of the concrete words contain an average of 18.2 semantic units and the phoneme units, gradually semantic features while abstract words average pushing them towards the correct values. Each only 4.7. set of connections (indicated by an arrow in the If the orthographic and phonological repre- Figure) represents complete connectivity from sentations were suspect, these semantic repre- units in the sending group to units in the receiv- sentations must be approached with even more ing group. In particular, any unit connected to a caution. However, as Plaut and Shallice (1993) semantic unit is connected to every semantic are quick to point out, unit. As units are insensitive to the ordering of their connections, the actual ordering of seman- We do not claim that this representation tic features as listed in Table 1 and Figure 5 - adequately captures the richness and subtlety and in particular, the apparent separation of of the true meanings of any of these words. features applying to concrete words from fea- Rather, we claim that it captures important tures applying primarily to abstract words - is qualitative distinctions about the relation- irrelevant to the simulation. ships between word meanings - namely, that Input is presented to the network by clamp- similar words (e.g., LACK and LOSS) have ing the states of the orthographic units to the similar representations, and that there is a representation of some word. Other units in the Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 systematic difference between the semantics network have their states initialized to a low of concrete and abstract words that reflects resting value. In processing the input, unclam- their relative ease-of-predication. (p. 452)

In particular, the exact identity of the semantic Notice that, by implementing only the semantic features is of no importance. The operation of pathway, Plaut and Shallice (1993) are implicitly assu- the network is insensitive to any external labels ming, along with most researchers (but not all; see, e.g., such as that may be Buchanan, Hildebrandt, & MacKinnon, 1994) that the made-from-other-nonliving phonological pathway is completely inoperative in deep attached to units for the benefit of external dyslexic patients. More subtly, they are assuming that observers. What is important is that the seman- the nature of the representations and processes in the tic features induce the appropriate relative semantic route do not depend critically on the fact that similarities among words. In this regard, the they develop in the context of a concurrently develo- semantic features provide a coarse but adequate ping phonological route. In actuality, this claim is likely to be only approximately true (see Plaut et al., 1994, for approximation of the relationships among these simulations and discussion). 304 DAVID C. PLAUT

M mm ...... c .-U mh ...... v1 ma ...... 'I'.-- mm ...... I.. mo ..=...... -I...... I..=.I...... mp-) ...... =I.... mN ...... -=..-...=...I...=... m,+ ...... I... .=I.. ... am.-mo ma ...... I...... I..I-. I=. .I.. .I.. ak,I...... 'I'"11'1'11'1' ma ...... am ...... ap.= ...... (Dp-)...aN ...... I I I.=...I.. -I a,+...... I...... I...... o .o I hm...... I...... 'I' h...... I ..I=.=.==.=. ... La ...... I...... bm ...... m bp ...... I....2 hp-) ...... 0 hN.I.I...... =I.I:: .... .I...... a- h*I...... I..I. .I.I.. . : : : : : :i.... .I.. ho .....I...... II...DD.1...1..... am ...... I.I..I...I.I..I. a. .I..I.=:...... I. . a..I ...... gn, :m&:=:m;=,mw; 1.:. '. . - ...... mi...... a* ...... ap-).l aNI...... ad ...... =I...... D.mD= ...... 00 ...... mm== ...... I.I...... =I-...... z$?i::=:==::=:&mmm ...... mbII-Ill-.=ID'--- I.=...... p-).I ...... ~ND...=..I..=...... =-...... o ...o ...... oapm.. .I .I 0...... ~a..~~.~..~~.~.~.~~...... pp ...... =....I.-...... qp-) ...... fN ...~....~..III.=I...... to mm ..Il....ID.III.I=...... p-)m ..I.==...... IT)h. .I...... I...... p-jm ...... I-...... I...... IT)m...... I...... mq-...... I.'--::::::::.I ...... IT)M ...... =I....=.....-...... ~N.I.I.. . I. .I. .. I...... IT)d. I.=...... I ...... o .o ...... I..=...... ~m.~.~...... =...... Nm.~~~~~..II.II..Il...... N. ..I.III=.I...II..III...... Na ...... NmD...... I.. I...... =D.D.m.D.D.=...... -1 ..=1..1...=...... 1..==.DDD.I=.D...... I......

Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 D..DD-DDD.DD.D...... I=...... I.-...... I..Il: =:& ...... 4a.I..I.....-.. ...=I=...... Am. .I..I=. .I..I. .=I...... ~VD..=...==..=...... +p-)...... dN.. .=I.. .II...... I...... ODD. .I- .. =..I...... 1....=I.==-...... a.D.l,bI'I.1 I.=rrl:y=;:::::.:::::...... LDI' I'I .I...... q-...... I...... I...... I. .I...... 1.1..D.DDD=...... ,+I.=..ID...=..=......


terns for each input.6 The weights for all of the connections in the network were trained in the same way, including those involved in imple- menting the semantic and phonological attrac- SX tors. After the network had learned to pronounce all 40 words equally well, each set of connec- tions within the “input” portion of the network (up to and including semantics) was subjected

32 onhqlraphlc Umt8 to lesions across a range of severities, in which some proportion of the connections in the set were randomly selected and removed. The Fig. 6. The architecture of the network used by Plaut network’s responses to the 40 words was accu- and Shallice (1993) to investigate the effects mulated after 50 specific random lesions at each of concretenessin deep dyslexia. Ovals repre- combination of 5 locations and 9 severities. The sent groups of units, while large arrows repre- following is a summary of the major findings sent complete connectivity within or between layers. Sets of connections are named in terms (see Plaut & Shallice, 1993, for details): of the first letter of the names of the unit groups they connect (e.g.. O=>I for ortho- 1. Correct performance on concrete words was graphic-to-intermediate connections). (From significantly better than on abstract words after Plaut & Shallice, 1993, p. 453) lesions to the “direct” pathway from orthogra- phy to semantics (i.e., the 0 I and I * S con- nections) at every level of severity. ped units repeatedly update their states based on the states of connected units and the weights on 2. Slight and moderate lesions to the “clean- these connections. Initially, most effects are up” pathway (i.e., S * C and C * s)produced near the clamped input, but gradually the ef- no relative difference in performance in con- fects of this input are felt further into network. crete versus abstract words, but severe lesions Initial semantic activity is progressively refined to these sets of connections (i.e., 0.5 and 0.7) by interactions with clean-up units, while pho- produced the reverse advantage: abstract words nological units begin to become active based on were read significantly better than concrete partial semantic activity. Eventually, the se- words. mantic units settle into a pattern of activity representing the meaning of the input word, and 3. For lesions of the direct pathway, visual the phonological units settle under pressure errors (i.e., responses overlapping the stimulus Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 from their clean-up units into a pattern of activ- in at least two letters) were more likely in re- ity representing the pronunciation of the word. sponse to abstract words than to concrete The network was trained with back-propaga- words, and the responses in these errors tended tion through time (Rumelhart, Hinton, & Wil- to be more concrete than the stimulus. For se- liams, 1986; Williams & Peng, 1990) to settle vere lesions of the clean-up pathway, the oppo- into the correct semantics and phonology of site effects obtained: visual errors were more each of the 40 words when presented with its likely on concrete words, and the responses orthography (see Plaut & Shallice, 1993, for details). This procedure calculates how to change each connection weight so as to gradual- Although back-propagation, in its literal form, is ly reduce the total error on the task, where error implausible as a neurobiological learning procedure is defined in terms of the discrepancy, for both (Crick, I989), more plausible learning procedures - semantics and phonology, between the patterns such as contrastive Hebbian learning (Peterson & An- derson, 1987)- produce qualitatively equivalent results generated by the network and the correct pat- (Plaut & Shallice, 1993). 306 DAVID C. PLAUT

tended to be more abstract than the stimulus. age corresponded to the symptom-complex Thus, lesions to the pathway from orthogra- exhibited by deep dyslexic patients in general. phy to semantics replicated the effects of con- The current paper adopts a different empha- creteness and their interaction with visual simi- sis. Specifically, it focuses on the variation in larity found in deep dyslexia. Conversely, se- the effects of quantitatively equivalent lesions vere lesions to the semantic clean-up pathway (i.e., those at the same location and severity). replicated the effects observed in the concrete Such an investigation is critical because much word dyslexic patient CAV (Warrington, 1981). of neuropsychological theorizing is based in the In fact, the etiology of severe damage at the se- behavior of individual patients. If we assume mantic level is consistent with other aspects of that a given patient has a particular location and CAV’s behavior. His reading disorder was quite severity of lesion within the cognitive system, severe initially, and he also showed an advan- then one can think of a population of such pa- tage for abstract words in auditory word/picture tients with different random instances of the matching, suggesting modality-independent same location and severity of lesion. In this damage at the semantic level. way, any individual patient may be viewed as a Table 2 illustrates the double dissociation of sample from the (hypothetical) population of concrete and abstract word reading produced patients with equivalent lesions. In the simula- after direct versus clean-up lesions to the net- tion, it will turn out that different random in- work. The results listed are the averages from stances of equivalent lesions can have qualita- 50 instances of each type of lesion. Each of tively different effects - specifically, on wheth- these 50 instances might be thought to corre- er concrete or abstract word reading is selec- spond to a particular hypothetical patient who, tively impaired. The findings thus call into presumably, would have a particular brain question the theoretical implications of reliance lesion. The standard objections to averaging the on single-case studies. behavioral results of neuropsychological pa- tients (Caramazza, 1984, 1986; Caramazza & McCloskey, 1988; McCloskey, 1993) do not SIMULATION STUDY apply, as the experimental manipulation guaran- tees that the various instances of the lesioned The simulation study involves a detailed com- network have the same “functional” lesion. parison of the effects of two types of lesions of Nonetheless, there are interesting and important the Plaut and Shallice (1993) concrete/abstract issues concerning the distribution of effects network shown in Figure 6. The two types stud- within a functionally equivalent patient popula- ied are lesions of 20% of the orthographic-to- tion that cannot be addressed solely on the basis intermediate (0 a I) connections, and lesions of data on average performance. In fact, almost of 70% of the semantic-to-cleanup (S 3 C) Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 all of the results reported by Plaut and Shallice connections. These two lesion types were cho- (1993) are averaged, not only over quantitative- sen because, among the locations and severities ly equivalent lesions, but also over a range of of lesions investigated by Plaut and Shallice, severities - those resulting in average correct these two produce the clearest double dissocia- performance between 15-85%.7 This averaging tion between correct performance on concrete was done because Plaut and Shallice were con- versus abstract words (as shown in Table 2). cerned primarily with demonstrating that the Notice that the two lesion types are not equated general tendencies of their network under dam- for the overall level of performance that they produce (average percent correct is 40.6% after 0 3 I(0.2) lesions vs. 34.1% after S =j C(0.7) ’ Plaut and Shallice (1993, pp. 426-428) do report lesions). This difference is not problematic for data on the effects of lesion seventy on error pattern, the current study as the goal is to explore the and on the effects on individual lesions, but only in the variability within each lesion condition in the very restricted context of verifying the generality of the Hinton and Shallice (1991) results. effects caused by specific lesions. DOUBLE DISSOCIATION WITHOUT MODULARITY 307

Table 2. Correct Performance on Concrete and Abstract Words after Lesions.

Lesion Percent Correct Location Severitv Concrete Words Abstract Words 031 0.2 52.7 25.4 s*c 0.7 28.4 42.1

Note: “Location” refers to a particular set of connections as labeled in Figure 6. “Severity” refers to the proportion of these connections randomly selected and removed for each lesion. Results are averaged over 50 instances of such lesions. (From Plaut & Shallice, 1993, p. 457)

METHOD son, 1980) of accepting a response as visually similar to a stimulus if the two share at least 50% of their letters in approximately the same order. The concrete/abstract network was subjected to 1000 Defining semantic similarity is more problematic, instances of each of the two lesion types: 0 I(0.2) both for patient’s responses and for the network’s. and S 3 C(0.7). This large sampling of specific le- For the Hinton and Shallice (1991) word set, the sions enabled a better evaluation of the distribution semantic representations that were assigned to words of effects caused by lesions. Each of the 1000 lesions ensured that, in general, words in the same category involved randomly selecting and removing the speci- tended to have similar (overlapping) semantic repre- fied proportion of connections from the network. The sentations. In the concretelabstract word set used in damaged network was then presented with each of the present simulation, words are not organized into the 40 words for processing, as described in the pre- semantic categories and so category membership vious section. Correct performance was measured cannot be used as the basis for deciding semantic and error responses were accumulated and catego- relatedness. Instead, we use the degree of overlap of rized as described below. semantic representations as a direct measure of relat- As a result of the damage, the activity levels of the edness. Specifically, we consider two words to be phonological units at the end of processing were not semantically similar if their semantic representations generally identical to the (correct) levels produced by overlapped in sufficiently many features. The exact the undamaged network. Nonetheless, they might still number of features required differs between concrete constitute a reasonable pronunciation. In order for the and abstract words due to the systematic differences phonological activity generated by the network to be in their semantic representations (see Plaut & Shal- considered a well-formed pronunciation, exactly one lice, 1993, for details). Fortunately, the exact values phoneme unit (possibly corresponding to a “null” of these criteria are relatively unimportant as we are phoneme) had to be active at each position (see Plaut concerned only with comparing the resulting rates of & Shallice, 1993, for the precise definition of “ac- semantic errors with the chance rates of such errors tive”). If, in response to an input, the damaged net- among randomly paired words. work did not produce a well-formed pronunciation, Given the definitions of visual and semantic simi- that word presentation was interpreted as an omission. larity, any word error response can be classified as Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 Otherwise, the concatenation of active phonemes was either visual, semantic, visual-and-semantic, or taken as the network’s response. This phoneme string “other” (unrelated to the stimulus). Table 3 lists the could correspond to the pronunciation of the stimulus relative proportions of each of these error types for word (correct response) or it could be some other error responses chosen randomly from the training string of phonemes (error response). Thus, each word corpus. Notice that the large majority of possible presentation produced either an omission, a correct error responses are unrelated to the stimulus. Also, response, or an error response. concrete and abstract words have approximately Among error responses, if the string of phonemes equal chance rates of visual errors. Concrete words produced by the network did not match the pronunci- are somewhat more likely to produce semantic errors ation of any of the 40 words in the training corpus, by chance although, according to the definitions of the error was classified as a nonword. The remaining visual and semantic similarity, they cannot produce (word) error responses were categorized in terms of visual-and-semantic errors. This limitation is an their relation to the stimulus word. A response was artifact of the word set and similarity definitions, and considered visually similar to the stimulus if the two is not problematic for the current work as we are words overlap in at least two of their four letters. concerned only with comparing the relative rates on This corresponds to the standard (if somewhat vague) visual errors and on semantic errors. neuropsychological criterion (e.g., Morton & Patter- 308 DAVID C. PLAUT

Table 3. Chance Error Proportions for Concrete and Abstract Words.

Error Type Word Type Visual Semantic Vis&Sem Other Concrete .121 .044 0.0 .835 Abstract ,115 ,012 .072 ,801


Correct Performance After 1000 lesions of 20% of the orthographic- 5055 i to-intermediate (0 * I) connections, average correct performance on the 40 word training corpus is reduced from 100% to 40.1% (SD = 12.1). Replicating the findings of Plaut and Shallice (1993), correct performance on con- crete words is reliably better than on abstract i words (paired tggg= 50.5, p < .OOl). On aver- 25 t age, 52.9% (SD = 14.9) of concrete words are 20 -. read correctly compared with only 27.2% (SD= Lesion Type 14.1) of abstract words. Also replicating the previous findings, lesions of 70% of the seman- Fig. 7. Average correct performance on concrete and tic-to-cleanup (S + C) connections have the abstract words as as a function of lesion type. opposite effect. Correct performance is reduced Results are averaged over 1000 lesions of each type. The “orthographic-to-semantic’’ to 36.1% (SD = 7.0) overall, but abstract words lesions involve removal of 20% of those are read better (45.1%, SD = 10.5) than are connections, while the “semantic-to-clea- concrete words (27.1%, SD = 9.4; paired tggg= nup” lesions involve removal of 70% of those 40.0, p < .001). Figure 7 presents these data in connections. graphical form, illustrating the clear cross-over double dissociation. Of more interest is the distributions of these concrete word performance > abstract word effects across individual lesions. Figure 8 plots performance) while the opposite is true of S 3 Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 abstract word performance against concrete C lesions (i.e., concrete word performance < word performance separately for the two lesion abstract word performance). However, while types. In the plots, the radius of each circle is these dissociations are generally true after these proportional to the number of lesions yielding lesions, they are not universally true. Specifi- the performance levels on concrete and abstract cally, 4.2% of lesions to the 0 a I connections words indicated by the position of the circle. produce better performance on abstract words, The diagonal lines in each plot correspond to while 7.9% of lesions to the S C connections equal levels of performance on the two sets of produce better performance on concrete words. words. The overall double dissociation of con- This overlap in the distributions of effects crete versus abstract word reading after 0 * I produced by the two types of lesions can be versus S C lesions is evident by comparing brought out further by plotting the proportion of the two plots in the Figure. There is a strong lesions producing particular differences in tendency for 0 * I lesions to produce levels of correct performance on concrete word versus performance below the main diagonal (i.e., abstract words (i.e., percent correct on concrete DOUBLE DISSOCIATION WITHOUT MODULARITY 309

20 941 Orthographic-to-IntermediateLesions 70% Semantic-to-CleanupLesions

90 80

70 60







" 0 10 20 30 ~ 40 50 ~ 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Concrete Word Performance Concrete Word Performance (4 (b)

Fig. 8. Percent correct performance on concrete versus abstract words after (a) lesions of 20% of orthographic-to- intermediate (0- I) connections and (b) lesions of 70% of semantic-to-cleanup(S 3 C) connections. The radius of each circle is proportional to the number of lesions yielding the performance levels indicated by the position of the circle. The diagonal lines correspond to equal levels of performance on concrete and abstract words.

words minus percent correct on abstract words) word type, are reliable at the .05 level by one- for the two lesion types (see Figure 9). For tailed Fisher exact tests. Thus, these differences example, lesions producing 40% versus 10% constitute valid double dissociations by the and 75% versus 45% on concrete versus ab- criteria applied to the performance of neuropsy- stract word reading, respectively, would both chological patients (see Shallice, 1988, Chapter contribute to the proportion of lesions produc- 10). ing a difference of 30%. More generally, these data can be interpreted as the results of project- Error Pattern ing the data in each plot in Figure 8 onto the Table 5 presents the distribution of outcomes of plane orthogonal to the main diagonal. The two Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 lesion types clearly differ on this measure (0* Table4. Correct Performance on Concrete and Ab- I(0.2): mean 25.7, SD = 16.1; S =+ C(0.7): mean stract Words after Specific Instances of Lesi- -18.0, SD = 14.2; t1998 = 64.3, p < .OOl). ons. Nonetheless, there is substantial overlap be- tween the two distributions. Furthermore, if we Percent Correct consider individual lesions, we can observe a Lesion Concrete Words Abstract Words double dissociation between concrete and ab- 0 * I(0.2) stract word reading after two instances of quan- Instance 636 80 15 titatively equivalent lesions to the same set of connections (see Table 4). Even though each Instance 88 25 60 cell in the Table reflects performance on only S * C (0.7) 20 words, all of the differences in performance, lnstance 831 45 15 both between word types for a particular lesion Instance 143 10 65 and between lesion instances for a particular 310 DAVID C. PLAUT

Table 5. Percentages of Correct, Omission, and Error Responses after Lesions.


0 jI (0.2) S * C (0.7) All Words Correct 40.1 36.1 Omissions 48.4 61.0

0.2 Errors 11.5 2.9 0.1 Concrete Words 0.0 52.9 27.1 -70 Correct Omissions 39.2 68.3 Errors 7.9 4.6 Distributions of the difference in percent Fig. 9. Abstract Words correct on concrete and abstract words after lesions of 20% of orthographic-to-intermedia- Correct 27.2 45.1 te (0 I) connections and lesions of 70% of Omissions 57.7 53.8 semantic-to-cleanup(S * C) connections. Errors 15.1 1.1

all word presentations to the damaged network, as either correct responses, omissions, or error currence of omissions. If this criterion is re- responses. As can be seen from the Table, when laxed, the network produced more explicit error damage prevents the network from responding responses relative to omissions. However, the correctly, it often fails to respond at all. The rate of nonword responses - which are rare in rates of explicit error responses are rather low, deep dyslexia - also increases (see Plaut & particularly after lesions to the semantic-to- Shallice, 1994, for details). Thus, the high cleanup connections. These connections are relative rates of omissions would appear to critical for implementing the attractors for word reflect a real limitation in the ability of the meanings; the fact that lesions to them yield network to generate phonological responses. very low error rates provides direct evidence The “output” portion of the network (i,e., from that the network produces the error pattern in semantics to phonology) was developed primar- deep dyslexia only when intact attractors are ily to avoid having to apply criteria directly to operating to clean up distorted activity patterns. semantic activity - as Hinton and Shallice Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 However, although deep dyslexic patients do (1991) were forced to do - rather than as a fail to respond to some words, their explicit realistic model of human speech production per error rates are generally much higher than those se. The development of a more adequate distrib- of the network (see, e.g., Shallice & Warring- uted connectionist model of speech production ton, 1980). must await further research (see Dell, Juliano, In evaluating this discrepancy between the & Govindjee, 1993, for promising work along model and the patients, it is important to bear in these lines). For the present, we must be content mind that many specific aspects of the model with comparisons of the relative rates of differ- contribute to its quantitative behavior that are ent error types after lesions. Fortunately, these not central aspects of the proposed theory of comparisons are fairly insensitive to the partic- reading via meaning (also see Plaut & Shallice, ular procedure used to generate responses 1993, €or discussion). In particular, the criterion (Plaut & Shallice, 1993). used to decide when a pronunciation is “well- Table 6 presents the overall rates of each formed” affects the relative frequency of oc- error type - visual, semantic, visual-and-seman- DOUBLE DISSOCIATION WITHOUT MODULARITY 311

Table 6. Rates of Each Error Type and Ratios with “Other” Errors (Divided by Chance Ratio) after Lesions.

Error Type Lesion Word TvDe Visual Semantic Vis&Sem Nonword Other 0 * I(0.2) All 5.77 (10.1) 1.43 (10.5) 0.30 (1.71) 0.01 3.99

Concretea 3.45 (11.0) 1.06 (7.7) - 0.02 2.61 Abstracta 8.20 (10.5) 2.79 (34.3) 0.61 (1.26) 0.00 5.42

S 3 C (0.7) All 1.54(14.4) 0.47 (18.6) 0.10 (3.07) 0.03 0.74

Concretea 2.69 (23.3) 0.53 (10.5) - 0.05 0.96 Abstracta 0.34 ( 4.6) 0.25 (32.7) 0.19 (4.15) 0.00 0.51

Note: Rates are percentages of all word presentations and are averaged over 1000 instances of each lesion type. Each number in parentheses is the ratio of that error rate with the rate of “other” (unrelated) errors in that condition, divided by the same ratio for “chance” error responses (chosen at random from the corpus). Numbers greater than 1.0 indicate that the network’s tendency to produce that type of error is greater than predicted by chance. a Rates are normalized relative to the chance error rates for each word type and error type (see Table 3).

tic, nonword, and “other” - after 0 3 I(0.2) Figure 10 provides data on the distributions and S C(0.7) lesions to the network. Consid- of the co-occurrence of visual and semantic ering the data for the entire word set, notice errors across individual lesions to the network. that, as in deep dyslexia, the rates of nonword Considering 0 I(0.2) lesions first, 41.1% of responses to words are quite low after both lesions produce both visual and semantic errors, types of lesion. Also notice that the rates of 48.0% of lesions produce only visual errors, visual and semantic errors relative to “other” 4.7% produce only semantic errors, and 6.2% of errors are greater than expected by chance lesions do not produce either type of error. The similarity within the corpus. This is indicated network shows a stronger tendency to produce by the numbers listed in parentheses next to visual errors than semantic errors, although this each error rate. This number is the ratio of the is partly due to the relative chance rates of these rate for that error type with the rate of unrelated error types (see Table 3). Also, the occurrence errors, divided by the corresponding ratio based of visual errors without semantic errors is com- on responses generated randomly from the mon in most forms of acquired dyslexia (see Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 corpus (see Table 3). If the network were re- Shallice, 1988, for review). What is peculiar to sponding randomly, the observed ratio of each deep dyslexia among acquired dyslexias is the error type with unrelated errors would be equal opposite relation: the occurrence of visual er- to the chance ratio, yielding values of 1.0. As rors in patients who make semantic errors. In can be observed in Table 6, the observed values the network, 89.7% of lesions producing se- are all significantly greater than one, although mantic errors also produce visual errors. None- the rates of visual-and-semantic errors after 0 theless, the occasional lesion will produce se- 3 I(0.2) lesions are only slightly greater than mantic errors with no visual errors. The occur- chance. In general, both locations of lesion rence of such effects in the network, although produce above-chance rates of both visual and rare, may provide an explanation for the exis- semantic errors (also see Hinton & Shallice, tence of two documented cases of patients who 1991). make semantic errors but no visual errors 312 DAVID C. PLAUT

20% Orthographic-to-IntermediateLesions empirical data, a common (Barry & Richardson, 1988; Nolan & Caramazza, 1982;

0.2 05 0.3 0.1 0.1 Shallice & Coughlan, 1980; Shallice & Warrington, 1975) is that deep dyslexia patients are particularly prone to produce visual errors 3.8 7.8 85 7.7 5.3 1.4 0s 0.2 0.1 in response to abstract words. The same is true of the network after 0 3 I(0.2) lesions: the rate 0 5 10 15 20 25 of visual errors is much higher for abstract Visual Error Rate words (8.20%) than for concrete words (a) (3.45%). These rates have been normalized to 70% Semantic-to-Cleanup Lesions take into account the chance rates of visual 10, , 1- ‘, , I , , , I errors for each word type (as listed in Table 3). By contrast, S 3 C(0.7) lesions produce the opposite effect: concrete words produce a high- 5 0.2 0.2 0.1 $10’ er rate of visual errors (2.69%) than do abstract .- 1i: 1 9.3 5.9 2.0 0.3 0.2 words (0.34%). This latter finding is somewhat d$ 0 1- 405 33.4 7.4 05 discrepant with Warrington’s (198 1) observa- 0 5 10 15 20 25 tion that the visual error rates of concrete word Visual Error Rate (b) dyslexic patient, CAV, was unaffected by the concreteness of the stimulus. These findings are clarified further if we Fig. 10. Rates of visual errors vs. rates of semantic consider how the visual error rates on concrete errors, as percentages of all word presentati- words versus abstract words are distributed ons, after (a) 0 * I(0.2) lesions and (b) S a across lesion instances (see Figure 11). Abstract C(0.7) lesions. The numbers plotted are the percentages of lesions giving rise to the rates words produce more visual errors than concrete of visual and semantic errors indicated by the words after well over half (56.9%) of 0 + position of the number. I(0.2) lesions. In the extreme, six lesions pro- duced visual errors on 30% of abstract words and no visual errors on concrete words. Howev- (Caramazza & Hillis, 1990).* er, a substantial proportion of such lesions The very low error rates produced by S + (19.3%) give the opposite result, with concrete C(0.7) make an analysis of the distribution words producing more visual errors. For one across lesions difficult. Nonetheless, as can be lesion, this consisted of visual errors on 25% of seen in Figure 10, of the 18.2% of lesions that concrete words and no visual errors on abstract produce semantic errors, about half (47.8%) words. By contrast, only 3.8% of S C(0.7)

Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 also produce visual errors. lesions produced more visual errors on abstract Returning to Table 6, another important words than on concrete words. Forty-four per- effect involves a comparison of the rates of cent of such lesions produced more visual er- visual errors produced by concrete versus ab- rors on concrete words. Thus, while different stract words. As mentioned in the review of the locations of lesion produce distinctive patterns of visual errors across concrete and abstract words, there is also considerable overlap in the * A third patient, KE (Hillis, Rapp, Romani, & Cara- effects when individual lesions are considered mazza, 1990), produced some visual errors on prelimi- nary testing. Furthermore, in the main experiments (see Figure 12). reported, she was retested repeatedly on stimulus items from a fixed set of semantic categories (4 or 10). It seems likely that she could learn to restrict her respon- ses to the relevant categories, thus eliminating many visual errors (which would be unlikely to fall in any of the semantic categories tested). DOUBLE DISSOCIATION WITHOUT MODULARITY 313

I".'I'"'I' ,'"'I."'I' 30 - 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.1 30 -

Fig. 11. Rates of visual errors produced by concrete vs. abstract words after (a) 0 + I (0.2) lesions and (b) S C (0.7) lesions. The numbers plotted are the percentages of lesions giving rise to the visual error rates on concrete words and on abstract words indicated by the position of the number. The diagonal line indicates equal rates of visual errors on the two word types.

I'"""~"' J SUMMARY O=>I(O 2) Leaons S=X(O 7) h1ons I,h 05[ The current simulations investigate the behavior of the Plaut and Shallice (1993) concrete/ 0.4 I abstract network after two particular types of lesion: 20% of the orthographic-to-intermediate connections, and 70% of the semantic-to-clean- up connections. The focus of the investigation is on the distribution, over a large number of Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 0.1 specific instances of each lesion type, of three major effects: (a) a double dissociation in cor- 0.0 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 rect performance on concrete and abstract Concrete - Abstract (Visual Error Rates) words; (b) the co-occurrence of visual errors with semantic errors; and (c) an effect of con- Fig. 12. Distributions of the difference in visual error creteness on the rates of visual errors. If the rates produced by concrete and abstract words effects are averaged over lesion instances, the after lesions of 20% of orthographic-to-inter- findings replicate those of Plaut and Shallice mediate (0 I) connections and lesions of 70% of semantic-to-cleanup(S * C) connec- (1993). Specifically, (a) performance on con- tions. crete words is reliably better than on abstract words after 0 jI lesions, but the opposite is true after S 3 C lesions; (b) both visual errors and semantic errors occur at above-chance rates after either 0 * I or S jC lesions; and (c) ab- 3 14 DAVID C.PLAUT

stract words produce more visual errors than do establishing what constitutes a valid demonstra- concrete words after 0 + I lesions, but the tion of a double dissociation in a computational opposite is true after S 2 C lesions. The double simulation of a nonmodular system. Only once dissociation, in particular, mirrors the relative this is established will we take up the issue of performance of concrete versus abstract word analyzing the functional specialization in the reading in deep dyslexia versus concrete word network that gives rise to the double dissocia- dyslexia. tion, and evaluating the implications of this For each of these effects, however, there are specialization for the role of cognitive neuro- individual lesion instances that violate the over- psychology in understanding human cognitive all effect for that lesion condition. Thus, (a) processing. some 0 - I lesions yield reliably better perfor- The current work investigates the effects of mance on abstract words, and some S * C le- damage in a connectionist network that has sions yield reliably better performance on con- been trained to generate the pronunciations of crete words; (b) some 0 + I and S a C lesions written words via their meanings. The network produce semantic errors but no visual errors; forms part of a larger systematic investigation and (c) some 0 I lesions result in higher (Plaut & Shallice, 1993) of the conditions under visual error rates on concrete words; and some which networks that develop attractors for word S a C lesions result in higher visual error rates meanings, when damaged, exhibit the diverse on abstract words. The basic finding is clear: set of symptoms found in deep dyslexia. The even when a particular location and severity of focus of the current simulation study is on the damage yields a characteristic pattern of break- network’s performance in reading concrete down, individual lesions may not faithfully words versus reading abstract words after le- reflect that pattern. sions of particular severities to two separate locations in the network: in the “direct” path- way from orthography to semantics, and in the GENERAL DISCUSSION “cleanup” pathway that forms semantic attrac- tors. Performance of the network was evaluated The purpose of the current investigation is to after 1000 instances of each of these two lesion evaluate the theoretical status of double dissoci- types, corresponding to 2000 individual brain- ations among single-case studies. Double disso- damaged patients. Averaging across the effects ciations play a central role in theorizing in of individual lesions, the two lesion types pro- cognitive neuropsychology. If each of two tasks duce a clear double dissociation between con- can be selectively impaired by brain damage to crete and abstract word reading, corresponding two individuals, there would seem to be a basis to that observed between deep dyslexic patients for believing that the two tasks are subserved by on the one hand (see Coltheart et al., 1980), and Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 separate brain mechanisms. As Shallice (1988) the concrete word dyslexic patient, CAV, on the has pointed out, however, this logic is predicat- other (Warrington, 1981). Thus, on Shallice’s ed on certain assumptions about the structure of (1988) arguments, there is evidence for func- the cognitive system - specifically, that it is tional specialization in different portions of the composed of independent components or mod- network, and this specialization must somehow ules, each dedicated to performing a particular relate to differences in processing concrete and cognitive process (Chomsky, 1980; Coltheart, abstract words. Before considering the exact 1985; Fodor, 1983). If nonmodular systems can nature of this specialization, however, we must also give rise to double dissociations when address the implications of the effects of indi- damaged, the observation of such a dissociation vidual lesions. in patients, in and of itself, does not provide The average effects just mentioned corre- evidence for a modular organization of the spond to the means of distributions of the ef- cognitive system. fects produced by individual lesions. As neuro- Our first concern in this discussion is with psychological theorizing typically involves DOUBLE DISSOCIATION WITHOUT MODULARITY 315

comparing the relative performance of two or tion for the corresponding results in patients. more individual patients, a more direct analogy Thus, to understand the implications of the in the network would be to compare the effects findings for interpreting human cognitive im- after specific instances of lesions. As would be pairments, we must first consider in more detail expected from the average results, the large how the effects of damage in a network should majority of such comparisons yield the same be related to the effects of brain damage in findings as the averages indicate. However, the humans. occasional lesion of each type may produce The critical question is, are the effects of a effects that are exactly opposite to those pro- single lesion in a connectionist network rele- duced by most quantitatively equivalent lesions. vant to human neuropsychology? At this stage Thus, while most 0 =$ I lesions selectively in the development of connectionist models of impair concrete word reading, a specific 0 I cognitive processes, the answer must be no. The lesion may selectively impair abstract word reason is that even the largest current-day simu- reading. This state of affairs leads to the some- lations are of a vastly smaller scale than the what disturbing observation that two instances portions of the human cognitive system to of quantitatively equivalent lesions can give which they correspond. As a result, it is far rise to a statistically reliable double dissociation more likely in a network than in a human that between concrete and abstract word reading an individual lesion would give rise to idiosyn- (see Table 4). Furthermore, similar findings cratic effects that do not reflect the general arise when we consider the patterns of errors properties of the system. This effect is evident that occur after damage - specifically, the co- in its extreme form in simulations in which occurrence of visual errors with semantic er- double dissociations are produced by lesions of rors, and the effects of concreteness on the rates individual units (e.g., Bullinaria & Chater, of visual errors. It would seem, then, that the 1993; Sartori, 1988; Wood, 1978). Even though observation of a double dissociation does not specific lesions in the current simulation in- even indicate functional specialization, as Shal- volve the removal of large numbers of connec- lice (1988) suggests, for how can the same tions, the relatively small scale of the simula- portion of a mechanism be “specialized” in tion (relative to the presumed size of the human two different ways? word reading system) increases the proportion One reaction to these findings might be to of lesions expected to have idiosyncratic ef- view them as a basis for dismissing the net- fects. Thus, identifying such lesions tells us work, and perhaps connectionist modeling more more about the limitations of the scale of the generally, as irrelevant to the study of human simulation than it does about the general com- cognitive neuropsychology. After all, if the putational properties of the system and how same damage to a network can produce opposite they might correspond to those of the human Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 results, what can the results of any simulation cognitive system. tell us? Such an argument is similar to that Of course, no matter how large the cognitive raised by Massaro (1988) against connectionist system is assumed to be, it is always possible modeling of normal cognitive processes. No- that specific lesions may produce effects that tice, however, that the behavior of the damaged are not representative of the general functional network is no more counterintuitive than that of specialization of the damaged portion of the the relevant patients: selective impairment in system. As long as damage is characterized as reading a particular class of words. Also notice complete loss of an isolable component in an that the effects were produced by random le- information processing system (see, e.g., Figure sions to the network and not by a subtle manip- 2), problematic questions concerning the distri- ulation on the part of the experimenter designed bution of effects caused by lesions do not arise. to produce the desired effect (cf. Wood, 1978). Unfortunately, such a characterization belies What is perhaps unsatisfactory is not so much the actual complexity of effects that would the behavioral results as the implied explana- plausibly be expected after damage to the cog- 3 16 DAVID C. PLAUT

nitive system. In any sufficiently detailed neu- must demonstrate systematic properties that ral implementation of a cognitive process, ran- result from damage, not those that arise from dom variations in quantitatively equivalent nonsystematic (random) aspects of the training lesions would be expected to produce a distribu- or testing (lesioning) procedure. On this basis, tion of effects. Depending on the variance of the selective impairments in concrete versus this distribution, the effects of individual le- abstract word reading as reflected in the aver- sions may not be representative of the distribu- age effects of lesions to 0 * 1 versus S * C tion. connections, respectively, constitute a valid This possibility raises concerns about the demonstration of a double dissociation in a reliance in cognitive neuropsychology on sin- connectionist network. The next question to gle-case studies. Without some information on ask, then, is why do the dissociations occur in how the performance of a particular patient the network, and how do they help explain the relates to the performance of other patients with corresponding dissociations in patients? equivalent deficits, effects that appear to pro- Plaut and Shallice (1993) explain the double vide insight into the functional organization of dissociation of concrete and abstract word read- the cognitive system may simply be statistical ing after damage to the network in the follow- flukes. In traditional theoretical formulations, ing way: such outliers are deemed of particular relevance because they reflect “pure” cases in which As abstract words have fewer semantic fea- only a single component has been damaged. In tures, they are less effective than concrete alternative formulations in which the effects of words at engaging the semantic clean-up damage can be graded, it becomes more impor- mechanism, and must rely more heavily on tant to understand the full distribution of effects the direct pathway. Concrete words are read across patients rather than the peculiar behavior better under lesions to this pathway because of just a few. This proposal runs contrary to the of the stronger semantic clean-up they re- all-too-common tendency in cognitive neuro- ceive. . . . Under severe damage to [the psychological methodology to seek out and clean-up pathway], the processing of most study in detail just those patients that exhibit concrete words is impaired but many abstract the most unusual symptoms (recall Ellis’ com- words can be read solely by the direct path- ments on “word meaning deafness” quoted way, producing an advantage of abstract over earlier). At one level, the proposed shift concrete words in correct performance. (p. amounts simply to emphasizing the need for 460) replication of the findings in one patient in other ones with similar impairments.’ More At the heart of this explanation is the claim that fundamentally, the relevance of neuropsycho- the network develops stronger semantic attrac-

Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 logical data for contributing to our understand- tors for concrete words than for abstract words. ing of the normal cognitive system depends on In support of this claim, Plaut and Shallice the degree to which the data reflect general provide evidence that the clean-up units are rather than idiosyncratic properties of the sys- driven to more extreme values (i.e., closer to 0 tem (cf. Caramazza’s, 1986, “universality” or 1) by the semantics of concrete words than assumption). by those of abstract words. The network learns For the same reason, investigations of the stronger attractors for concrete words because effects of damage in a connectionist network their greater number of semantic features pro- vide more opportunities for small subsets of features (e.g., has-legs, living, on-ground) to Notice that replication of single-case results is diffe- reliably predict other features (e.g., does-run). rent from group studies in which patients are selected The role of the clean-up units is exactly to learn on coarse behavioral or anatomical bases (also see to implement such semantic “microinferences” Caramazza, 1986; McCloskey, 1993, for related discus- sion). (Hinton, McClelland, & Rumelhart, 1986). DOUBLE DISSOCIATION WITHOUT MODULARITY 3 17

Attractors emerge from the collective influence attractors serves to unify what would otherwise of a large number of microinferences. appear to be disparate accounts of similar ern- An important implication of this more gener- pirical phenomena. al interpretation is that other possible differenc- One implication of the relative strength of es between concepts that affect the relative attractors in the concrete/abstract network is strength of their attractors, if embedded in a that concrete and abstract words are differen- similar network architecture, would be expected tially sensitive to damage at different locations to give rise to analogous effects. For instance, in the network. How are these effects related to McRae, de Sa, and Seidenberg (1994) suggest the standard notion of “functional specializa- that the semantic features of natural kinds (e.g., tion” (Shallice, 1988)? It would be a mistake to animals) are more highly intercorrelated than claim that the direct pathway is specialized for are the features of artifacts (e.g., tools), and that abstract words while the clean-up pathway is this difference can account for normal subjects’ specialized for concrete words. Both pathways faster naming latencies of pictures of natural are involved in processing both types of words. kinds versus artifacts. As greater feature inter- However, they make different contributions in correlation directly increases the available the course of this processing: the direct pathway microinferences, this factor would affect the generates an initial approximation of the se- strength of attractors in much the same way as mantics of the stimulus word which are gradual- absolute numbers of features did in the current ly refined by the clean-up pathway into the simulation. In fact, McRae and colleagues dem- exact semantics of the word. What distinguishes onstrate this property in a simple attractor net- concrete and abstract words is not to be found work (Hopfield, 1982). in the structure of the system but rather in its Similarly, Breedin, Saffran, and Coslett functional properties. This is a direct conse- (1994) suggest that semantic representations of quence of the representational status of words concrete words depend more heavily on support in the network. In the general theoretical per- from interactions with high-level visual repre- spective, a word is not a structural entity to be sentations. Thus, damage to these visual repre- located somewhere in the system, but rather the sentations would selectively impair perfor- functional consequence of the way in which mance on semantic tasks involving concrete different types of information (e.g., orthograph- words, as they found in their patient DM. This ic, semantic, phonological) interact. proposal provides yet another alternative ac- Thus, there is functional specialization in the count for why the attractors for concrete words network, but the nature of the specialization might be stronger than those for abstract words. does not directly correspond to the observed In fact, Warrington and McCarthy (1987) put behavioral effects under damage (i.e., selective forth a similar account of the double dissocia- impairments in reading concrete vs. abstract Downloaded by [Carnegie Mellon University] at 15:12 16 March 2016 tion in the comprehension of natural kinds words). In this way, the system violates versus artifacts (Warrington & Shallice, 1984), Caramazza’s (1986) “transparency” assump- and Farah and McClelland (199 1) supported tion and would seem to pose a problem for and extended this account with an attractor standard assumptions on how to use neuropsy- network implementation. chological data to constrain cognitive theoriz- Thus, critically, what would appear to be ing. In particular, it raises the spectre, as ex- quite different proposals - numbers of semantic pressed by Shallice’s (1988) quote earlier in features, feature intercorrelations, interaction this article, that observed behavioral dissocia- with visual representations - for various word tions “might throw no useful light” on the class effects in semantic tasks can be seen as nature of the underlying functional specializa- alternative versions of essentially the same tion. However, the implication of the current explanation: word types differ in the strength of work is not that neuropsychological theorizing their semantic attractors. In this way, an under- is fruitless (cf. Kosslyn & Intriligator, 1992; standing of the computational properties of Kosslyn & Van Kleeck, 1990), but rather that it 3 18 DAVID C.PLAUT

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