Interplay of multiple plasticities and activity dependent rules: data, models and possible impact on learning Gaetan Vignoud, Alexandre Mendes, Sylvie Perez, Jonathan Touboul*, Laurent Venance* (* equal contributions, email: fi
[email protected]) College` de France, Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology, 11 Place Marcelin Berthelot, 75005 Paris, France Abstract the millisecond timing of the paired activities on either side of Synaptic plasticity, the activity-dependent evolution neuronal the synapse (Feldman, 2012). As such, plasticity in the stria- connectivity, is admitted to underpin learning and memory. A tum has been widely studied and a variety of spike-timing de- paradigmatic plasticity depending on the spike timings of cells pendent plasticity were observed in response to a large num- on both sides of the synapse (STDP), was experimentally ev- ber of presentations of a fixed pre- and post-synaptic stim- idenced through multiple repetitions of fixed pre- and post- ulation pattern. Those plasticities were attributed to a di- synaptic spike patterns. Theoretical and experimental com- verse neurotransmitters and pathways including for instance munities often implicitly admit that plasticity is gradually estab- endocannabinoids (eCB), NMDA receptors, AMPA receptors lished as stimulus patterns are presented. Here, we evaluate or voltage-sensitive calcium channels. Moreover, the vast ma- this hypothesis experimentally and theoretically in the stria- jority of the studies focused on cortical inputs, and much