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Model-Based Cognitive Neuroscience Approaches to Computational

Model-Based Cognitive Neuroscience Approaches to Computational

CPXXXX10.1177/2167702614565359Wiecki et al.Computational : Clustering and Classification research-article5653592015

Special Series: Computational Psychiatry

Clinical Psychological Science 2015, Vol. 3(3) 378­–399 Model-Based Cognitive © The Author(s) 2015 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Approaches to Computational Psychiatry: DOI: 10.1177/2167702614565359 Clustering and Classification cpx.sagepub.com

Thomas V. Wiecki, Jeffrey Poland, and Michael J. Frank Department of Cognitive, Linguistic, and Psychological Science, Brown University

Abstract Psychiatric research is in crisis. We highlight efforts to overcome current challenges by focusing on the emerging field of computational psychiatry, which might enable the field to move from a symptom-based description of mental illness to descriptors based on objective computational multidimensional functional variables. We survey recent efforts toward this goal and describe a set of methods that together form a toolbox to aid this research program. We identify four levels in computational psychiatry: (a) behavioral tasks that index various psychological processes, (b) computational models that identify the generative psychological processes, (c) parameter-estimation methods concerned with quantitatively fitting these models to subject behavior by focusing on hierarchical Bayesian estimation as a rich framework with many desirable properties, and (d) machine- clustering methods that identify clinically significant conditions and subgroups of individuals. As a proof of principle, we apply these methods to two different data sets. Finally, we highlight challenges for future research.

Keywords computational psychiatry, drift diffusion model, computational cognitive neuroscience, RDoC, response inhibition

Received 9/27/13; Revision accepted 7/15/14

Imagine going to a doctor because of chest pain that has the heart, our understanding of the normally functioning been bothering you for a couple of weeks. The doctor is still, arguably, in its infancy. would sit down with you, listen carefully to your descrip- Despite this complexity, concerted efforts in the brain tion of symptoms, and prescribe medication to lower sciences have led to an explosion of knowledge and blood pressure in case you have a heart condition. After understanding about the healthy and diseased brain in a couple of weeks, your pain has not subsided. The doc- the past decades. The discovery of highly effective psy- tor now prescribes medication against reflux, which choactive drugs in the 1950s and 1960s raised expecta- finally seems to help. In this scenario, not a single medi- tions that psychiatry would progress in a similar fashion. cal analysis (e.g., electrocardiogram, blood work, or a It is unfortunate that, in retrospect, it appears that these gastroscopy) was performed, and medication with poten- discoveries were serendipitous in nature, given that little tially severe side effects was prescribed on a trial-and- progress has been made since (e.g., Hyman, 2012; Insel error basis. Although highly unlikely to occur if you et al., 2010). This lack of progress also has caused many walked into a primary care unit with these symptoms major pharmaceuticals companies, such as AstraZeneca today, this scenario resembles much of contemporary and GlaxoSmithKline, to withdraw from psychiatric drug psychiatry diagnosis and treatment. development and to close large research centers (Cressey, There are several reasons for this discrepancy in sophistication between psychiatry and other fields of medicine. First and foremost, mental illness affects the Corresponding Authors: brain—the most biological system yet encoun- Michael J. Frank and Thomas V. Wiecki, Department of Cognitive, Linguistic, and Psychological Science, Brown University, 190 Thayer tered. Compared with the level of scientific understand- St., Providence, RI 02912-1821 ing achieved on other organs of the human body, such as E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]

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2011; Nutt & Goodwin, 2011). In addition, research on after nuisance variables are regressed out and that this mental illness, based on conventional psychiatric diag- clustering shows consistently better recovery of the age- nostic categories and practices (as reflected in the various groups than if behavioral summary statistics (e.g., mean editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of RT and accuracy) are used alone. Moreover, factor analy- Mental Disorders, DSM; e.g., American Psychiatric sis on the computational parameters extracts meaningful Association, 2013), has been widely viewed as disap- latent variables that describe cognitive ability. For this pointing, and the DSM system of classification itself has data set, no identified brain-based mechanism was ana- been viewed as an impediment to more productive lyzed. In contrast, for the second data set, we relied on a research. As a consequence, psychiatry is a field in crisis hypothesis-driven approach that suggested a mechanism (Hyman, 2012; Insel et al., 2010; Poland, Von Eckardt, & for how a specific decision parameter—the decision Spaulding, 1994; Sahakian, Malloch, & Kennard, 2010). threshold—varies as a function of activity communicated As outlined in more detail later, a central issue is a lack between frontal cortex and the subthalamic nucleus of sufficiently powerful theoretical and methodological (STN). A previous study showed that STN deep-brain resources for managing the features of mental illness stimulation disrupted decision-threshold regulation (e.g., a lack of measurable quantitative descriptors). This across a group of patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD; lacuna prevents effective management of the multidi- Cavanagh et al., 2011). In the following, we show that we mensional hierarchical complexity, dynamic interactivity, can classify individual patients’ brain-stimulation status causal ambiguity, and heterogeneity of mental illness. (off or on) with relatively high accuracy, given model And it leads to an explanatory gap of how basic neuro- parameters, and better than that achieved on the basis of biological processes and other causes result in complex brain-behavior correlations alone. disorders of the (Hyman, 2012; Montague, Dolan, Friston, & Dayan, 2011). Current Challenges in Psychiatry In the present study, we review current challenges in psychiatry and recent efforts to overcome them. Several The current crisis in psychiatry has complex causes that examples from the domain of decision making show the are deeply rooted in existing classification systems (e.g., promise of moving away from symptom-based descrip- DSM, International Classification of Diseases). In this sec- tion of mental illness and instead formulating objective, tion, we identify some of the problems these systems quantifiable computational biomarkers as a basis for fur- introduce and provide indications of the sorts of resources ther psychiatric research. We then introduce a computa- required for more productive research programs. In the tional cognitive toolbox that is suited to construct these subsequent section, we review recent attempts to meet computational biomarkers. We focus on sequential sam- these challenges and the sorts of resources that have pling models (SSMs) of decision making, which serve as been introduced for this purpose. As other researchers a for how computational models, when fit to before us have done, we proceed to suggest an approach behavior, have successfully been used to identify and to research of mental disorders that aims to link cognitive quantify latent neurocognitive processes in healthy and pure neuroscience to mental illness without the humans. Bayesian methods provide a resourceful frame- restrictions of prior classification schemes (Robbins, work to fit these models to behavior and establish indi- Gillan, Smith, de Wit, & Ersche, 2012). vidualized descriptors of neurocognitive function. After establishing the of these models to provide neu- DSM and research rocognitive descriptors of individuals, we review how clustering techniques can be used to construct a map of For decades, the DSM has been the basis of clinical diag- individual differences based on these neurocognitive nosis, treatment, and research of mental illness. At its descriptors. core, the DSM defines distinct disorder categories, such To demonstrate the viability and potential of these as schizophrenia (SZ) and depression, in a way that is methods, we reanalyze two data sets, thereby providing atheoretical (i.e., with no reference to specific causal a proof of principle before discussing future challenges hypotheses) and focused on clinical phenomenology. in application to psychiatric populations. The first data Thus, these categories are mainly derived from translat- set consists of a group of young and old subjects who ing subjective experience to objective symptomatology performed three different decision-making tasks (Ratcliff, while assuming unspecified biological, psychological, or Thapar, & McKoon, 2010). After fitting subjects’ choices behavioral dysfunctions (Poland et al., 1994). and response-time (RT) distributions with the drift- Although primarily intended to be of value to clini- diffusion model (DDM) using hierarchical Bayesian cians, the DSM has also played a substantial role as a parameter estimation, we provide each subject’s param- classification system for scientific research with the goals eter estimates as inputs to an unsupervised clustering of validating the diagnostic categories and translating algorithm. We show that the clustering is sensitive to age research results directly into clinical practice. Although

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these research goals are commendable, decisions regard- pose challenges to research and require sophisticated tools ing systematic classification are more often based on per- and techniques for their effective management. These ceptions of clinical utility rather than scientific merit. As a include hierarchical organization of the brain and various consequence, DSM-based research programs have failed sorts of interlevel relationship and coordination (e.g., the to deliver consistent, replicable, and specific results, and explanatory gap), dynamic interactivity, multidimensional it has been widely observed that the validation of DSM complexity, context sensitivity, identification of norms of categories has been limited, that DSM categories do not functioning, and identification of meaningful groupings of provide well-defined phenotypes, and that they have lim- individuals. As we discuss herein, each of these features cre- ited research utility. ates problems that contribute to an understanding of why the current crisis in research exists and of the sorts of Heterogeneity and comorbidity resources and strategies required for more productive research programs. One major problem of contemporary psychiatric classifi- cation is the heterogeneity of individuals receiving identi- Potential Solutions cal diagnoses. With respect to symptomatology, one striking example of this is SZ, with regard to which one As summarized in the preceding discussion, the short- must exhibit at least two out of five symptoms to receive comings of the current DSM classification system and the a diagnosis. It is thus possible to have patients with com- problems they pose for research are well documented. In pletely different symptomatology being diagnosed as the following, we outline some current efforts to address schizophrenic. It is important, however, that problems of these challenges. heterogeneity concern more than just symptoms; there is probably heterogeneity at all levels of analysis, including Research Domain Criteria Project heterogeneity of causal processes (Poland et al., 1994). and a Roadmap for And, as we discuss later, such heterogeneity is not just a Research in Europe feature of clinical populations but also may be a feature of the general population. As a consequence, heteroge- The Research Domain Criteria Project (RDoC) is an initia- neity poses a serious challenge for research (e.g., it intro- tive by the National Institute of Mental Health (Insel et duces uncontrolled sources of variance, it limits the al., 2010). RDoC improves on previous research efforts generalizability of results) and points to the necessity of based on the DSM in the following ways. First, as the developing techniques for its management. name implies, it is conceptualized as a research frame- Comorbidity is widely believed to constitute a second work only and, thus, is clearly separated from clinical major problem for psychiatric classification. Defined as practice. Second, RDoC is completely agnostic about the co-occurrence of multiple disorders in one individ- DSM categories. Instead of a top-down approach that ual, it has been widely documented that “comorbidity aims to identify neural correlates of psychiatric disorders, between mental disorders is the rule rather than the RDoC suggests a bottom-up approach that builds on the exception, invading nearly all canonical diagnostic current understanding of neurobiological underpinnings boundaries” (Buckholtz & Meyer-Lindenberg, 2012, of different cognitive processes and links those to clinical p. 996). It is important to differentiate between two rele- phenomena. Third, the RDoC research program inte- vant types of comorbidity: True comorbidity is a result of grates data from different levels of analysis, such as imag- independent disorders co-occurring; artificial comorbid- ing, behavior, and self-reports. ity is a result of separately classifying disorders that have At its core, RDoC is structured into a matrix with col- overlapping symptom criteria, have a common cause, or umns representing different “units of analysis” and rows share a pathogenic cascade. This distinction points to a for research domains. The units of analysis include genes, more general problem concerning the management of molecules, cells, circuits, physiology, behavior, and self- causal ambiguity that is found at the level of symptoms reports. Research domains are clustered into negative- but also at other levels of analysis. Specifically, the prob- and positive-valence systems, cognitive systems, systems lem is one of identifying which causal structures and pro- for social processes, and /regulatory systems. cesses produce a given clinical presentation or a given Each of these domains is further subdivided into distinct pattern of functioning at some other level; because clini- processes; for example, cognitive systems include atten- cal presentations and patterns of functioning can be pro- tion, , working , declarative memory, duced by different causal structures and processes, the behavior, and executive control. challenge for researchers is to develop techniques for Despite clear improvements over previous DSM-based identifying and managing such causal ambiguity. research programs, the RDoC initiative currently lacks In addition to challenges of heterogeneity and comorbid- explicit consideration of computational descriptors. As out- ity, several other features of the domain of mental illness lined later, computational methods show great promise to

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help link different levels of analysis, elucidate clinical symp- category achieved better performance when classifying toms, and identify subgroups of healthy control (HC) and within each functional profile than did a classifier trained patient populations. on the aggregated data. In other words, this implies that More recent, the European Commission started the the overall population clusters into different cognitive pro- Roadmap for Mental Health Research in Europe files, and ADHD affects individuals differently on the basis (ROAMER) initiative with the goal of better integrating of which cognitive profile they exhibit. The results of this biomedicine, , and public-health insights to study suggested that the source of heterogeneity not only further research into mental illnesses. may be distinct pathogenic cascades being labeled as the same disorder but also may be a result of the inherent Neurocognitive phenotyping heterogeneity present in the overall population—healthy and disordered. In a recent review article, Robbins et al. (2012) suggested The studies discussed all exemplify the danger of the use of neurocognitive endophenotypes to study men- lumping subjects at the level of symptoms and treating tal illness: “Neurocognitive endophenotypes would fur- them as one homogeneous category with a single, iden- nish more quantitative measures of deficits by avoiding tifiable pathological cascade. Instead, these studies used the exclusive use of clinical rating scales, and thereby MPs to find an alternative characterization of subjects provide more accurate descriptions of phenotypes for independent of their DSM classification that is (a) quanti- psychiatric genetics or for assessing the efficacy of novel tatively measurable, (b) a closer approximation to the treatments” (p. 82). underlying neurocircuitry (Robbins et al., 2012), and (c) Of particular interest are three studies that use such cognizant of heterogeneity in the general population. neurocognitive endophenotypes by constructing multidi- Nevertheless, this approach still has problems. First, mensional profiles (MPs) from behavioral summary sta- although there was less reliance on DSM categories, these tistics across a battery of various neuropsychological studies still used the diagnostic label for recruiting sub- tasks used to identify subtypes of -deficit/hyper- jects, selecting tasks, framing and testing hypotheses, and activity disorder (ADHD; Durston et al., 2008; Fair, drawing inferences. It could be imagined, for example, Bathula, Nikolas, & Nigg, 2012; Sonuga-Barke, 2005). that patients with compulsive disorders, such as obses- Durston et al. (2008) argued that there are distinct sive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or Tourette’s syndrome, pathogenic cascades within at least three different brain have abnormalities in similar brain circuits and, conse- circuits that can lead to symptomatology involved in quently, pathologies, deficits, and impairments may ADHD. Specifically, abnormalities in dorsal frontostriatal, crosscut these (and other) diagnostic categories. Thus, if orbito-frontostriatal, or fronto-cerebellar circuits can lead only ADHD patients are recruited, a critical part of the to impairments of cognitive control, reward processing, picture might be missed. Second, the cognitive-task bat- and timing, respectively. Core deficits in one or multiple tery covers only certain aspects of cognitive function. of these brain networks can thus result in a clinical diag- Other tasks that, for example, measure working memory nosis of ADHD and provide a compelling explanation for or reinforcement learning (RL), both of which involve the heterogeneity of the ADHD patient population. frontostriatal function, would be a useful addition to help Preliminary evidence for this hypothesis is provided by resolve causal ambiguity. More specifically, performance Sonuga-Barke (2005), who used principal component on each individual task is assessed by an aggregate per- analysis on MPs (based on a neuropsychological task bat- formance score. Recent behavioral and neuropsychologi- tery) of ADHD patients and identified three distinct sub- cal findings, however, have suggested that executive types that covaried on timing, cognitive control, and control (as an example) in a single task may instead be reward. more accurately characterized as a collection of related A similar approach to identifying clusters in the ADHD but separable abilities, a pattern referred to as the unity population using MPs was taken by Fair et al. (2012). The and diversity of . Furthermore, most authors applied graph theory to identify individual behav- cognitive tasks rely on a concerted and often intricate ioral functional clusters within not only the ADHD patient interaction of various neural networks and cognitive pro- population but also HC subjects. It is interesting that the cesses (see, e.g., Collins & Frank, 2012). This task-impu- authors found that HC and ADHD is not the predominant rity problem complicates identification of separate dimension along which clusters form. Instead, Fair et al. functional impairments and brain circuits solely on the uncovered different functional profiles (e.g., one cluster basis of MPs. might show differences in response inhibition, whereas In sum, although cognitive phenotypes provide a use- another shows differences in RT variability), each of which ful framework for measuring brain function, there is still contained both HC and patient subgroups. Nevertheless, ambiguity if behavioral scores that provide an aggregate and critically, a classifier trained to predict diagnostic measure of various brain networks are used. The idea

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that a can contribute to different cognitive organization, nonlinear dynamic interactivity, context functions helps explain why diverse mental illnesses can sensitivity, heterogeneity, and individual variation). Thus, exhibit similar symptoms (comorbidity; Buckholtz & computational psychiatry holds out considerable promise Meyer-Lindenberg, 2012). Disentangling these transdiag- as a research program directed at mental illness. nostic patterns of psychiatric symptoms thus requires On the basis of this approach, Maia and Frank (2011) identification and measurement of underlying brain cir- identified computational models as a cuits and functions. Whereas Buckholtz and Meyer- Lindenberg (2012) proposed the use of functional valuable tool in taming [the complex pathological imaging studies and genetic analysis, we discuss how cascades of mental illness] as they foster a computational modeling can contribute to disambiguate mechanistic understanding that can span multiple the multiple pathways leading to behavioral features. levels of analysis and can explain how changes to one component of the system (for example, Computational psychiatry increases in striatal D2 receptor density) can produce systems-level changes that translate to Computational models at different levels of abstraction changes in behavior. (p. 154) have had tremendous impact on the field of cognitive neuroscience. The aim is to construct models based on Moreover, three concrete strategies for how computa- integrated evidence from neuroscience and psychology tional models can be used to study brain dysfunction to explain neural activity as well as cognitive processes were defined: and behavior. Although more detailed biologically inspired models, such as biophysical and neural-network •• Deductive approach: Established neuronal or neu- models, are generally more constrained by neurobiology, ral-circuit models can be tested for how pathophysi- they often have many parameters that make them less ologically plausible alterations in neuronal state, for suitable to fit them directly to human behavior. Conversely, instance, connectivity or neurotransmitter levels more abstract, algorithmic models often have fewer (e.g., dopamine is known to be reduced in PD), parameters that allow them to be fit directly to data at the affect system-level activations and behavior. This is cost of being less detailed about the neurobiology. essentially a bottom-up approach, given that it Normal linking of one level of analysis to another is use- involves the study of how known or hypothesized ful to identify plausible neural mechanisms that can be neuronal changes affect higher-level functioning. tested with quantitative tools. Critically, all of these mod- •• Abductive approach: Computational models can els allow for increased specificity in the identification of be used to infer neurobiological causes from different neuronal and psychological processes that are known behavioral differences. In essence, this is a often lumped together in analyses of task behavior based top-down approach that tries to link behavioral on summary statistics. consequences back to underlying latent causes. The nascent field of computational psychiatry uses •• Quantitative abductive approach: Parameters of a computational models to infer dysfunctional latent pro- computational model are fit to a subject’s behavior cesses in the brain. Montague et al. (2011) defined the on a suitable task or task battery. Different param- goal for computational psychiatry as eter values point to differences in underlying neu- rocircuitry of the associated subject or subject extract[ing] normative computational accounts of group. These parameters can be used either com- healthy and pathological useful for paratively to study group differences (e.g., healthy building predictive models of individuals. . . . and diseased) or as a regressor with, for example, Achieving this goal will require new types of symptom severity. This approach is more common phenotyping approaches, in which computational with abstract models than with neural-network parameters are estimated (neurally and behaviorally) models, given that the former typically have fewer from human subjects and used to inform the parameters and, thus, can be more easily fit to models. (p. 75) data.

More generally, the tools and techniques of computa- Case studies in the domain of decision tional cognitive neuroscience (e.g., modeling at multiple making levels of analysis, parameter estimation, classification algorithms) are especially well suited for representing One key area in which computational models have had and managing the various features of mental illness iden- tremendous success is in the elucidation of how the dif- tified earlier (e.g., hierarchical and multidimensional ferent cognitive and neurobiological gears work together

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in the domain of decision making. Many mental illnesses symptom category (e.g., negative symptoms) rather than can be characterized by aberrant decision making of one SZ as a whole (J. M. Gold et al., 2012; J. M. Gold, Waltz, sort or another (Maia & Frank, 2011; Montague et al., Prentice, Morris, & Heerey, 2008; Strauss et al., 2011; 2011). In the following section, we review recent cases in Waltz, Frank, Wiecki, & Gold, 2011). which computational models of decision making have Using an RL task, Waltz, Frank, Robinson, and Gold been used to better understand brain disorders. (2007) found that SZ patients showed reduced perfor- mance in selecting previously rewarded stimuli com- Computational models of RL: PD and SZ. Our first pared with HC subjects and that this performance deficit case study concerns PD. Its most visible symptoms affect was most pronounced in patients with severe negative the motor system as manifest in hypokinesia, bradykine- symptoms. It is notable that patients with SZ and HC sia, akinesia, rigidity, tremor, and progressive motor subjects did not differ in their ability to avoid actions degeneration. However, cognitive symptoms recently leading to negative outcomes. However, as a result of the have received increased attention. PD is an intriguing task-impurity problem, this behavioral analysis did not neuropsychiatric disorder because its core pathology is allow researchers to differentiate whether SZ patients well identified to be the cell death of midbrain dopami- were impaired at learning from positive outcomes or nergic in the substantia nigra pars compacta. from a failure in representation of the prospective reward Neural-network models of the basal ganglia interpret this values during decision making. The following is a strat- brain network as an adaptive action-selection device that egy for resolving this problem. conditionally gates internal or external actions on the This dichotomy in learning versus representation is basis of their previous reward history, which is learned also present in two types of RL models—actor-critic and via dopaminergic signals (Montague, Dayan, & Sejnowski, Q-learning models (Sutton & Barto, 1998). An actor-critic 1996; Schultz, Dayan, & Montague, 1997). Behavioral RL model consists of two modules: an actor and a critic. The tasks show that the chronic low levels of dopamine in PD critic learns the expected rewards of states and trains the patients result in a bias toward learning from negative actor to perform actions that lead to better-than-expected reward-prediction errors (RPEs) at the cost of learning outcomes. The actor itself learns only “action propensi- from positive RPEs. In extension, we have argued that PD ties,” in essence, -response links. Q-learning is not a motor disorder per se but rather an action-selec- models, conversely, learn to associate actions with their tion disorder in which the progressive decline of motor reward values in each state. Thus, whereas a Q-learning and cognitive function can be interpreted in terms of model has an explicit representation of which action is aberrant learning and not to select actions. most valued in each state, the actor-critic model will In this case study, an existing biological model of healthy choose actions on the basis of those that have previously brain function was paired with a known and well-localized yielded positive prediction errors—regardless of whether neuronal dysfunction to extend our understanding of the those arose from an unexpected reward or the absence symptomatology of a brain disorder and to reconceive the of an expected loss. Thus, the differences between these nature of the dysfunctions involved. Note, however, that the two models can be exploited to attempt to resolve the model was not fit to data quantitatively, nor were MPs pro- causal ambiguity exhibited by the results discussed. vided to resolve residual causal ambiguity associated with In a follow-up study, J. M. Gold et al. (2012) adminis- the task-impurity problem. In the terminology established tered a new task that paired a neutral stimulus in one by Maia and Frank (2011), this is an example of the deduc- context with a positive stimulus and in another context tive approach, in which the model provides a mechanistic with a negative stimulus. Although the neutral stimulus has bridge that explains how abnormal behavior can result from the same value of zero in both contexts, it is known that neurocircuit dysfunctions. dopamine signals RPEs that drive learning in the basal Despite SZ being the focus of intense research during ganglia and code outcomes relative to the expected reward the past decades, no single theory of its underlying neu- (Montague et al., 1996; Schultz et al., 1997). Thus, in the ral causes has been able to explain the diverse set of negative context, receiving nothing is better than expected symptoms that lead to an SZ diagnosis. Current psychiat- and will result in a positive RPE, thereby driving learning ric practices view the symptomatology of SZ as struc- in the basal ganglia to select this action in the future (Maia, tured in terms of positive symptoms, such as psychosis; 2010). In a test period in which no rewards were pre- negative symptoms, such as anhedonia, which refers to sented, subjects had to choose between an action that had the inability to experience pleasure from activities usu- been rewarding and one that had avoided a loss. Both ally found enjoyable, such as social interaction; and cog- actions should have been associated with better-than- nitive deficits (Elvevåg & Goldberg, 2000). expected outcomes. An actor-critic model should thus Recent progress has been made by the application of show a tendency to select the neutral stimulus, whereas a RL models to understand individual symptoms or a single Q-learning model with representation of the reward

Downloaded from cpx.sagepub.com by guest on May 5, 2015 384 Wiecki et al. contingencies should mainly select the one with a higher strategically designing task demands, J. M. Gold et al. reward. It is intriguing that when both of these models pursued an innovative strategy for resolving problems of were fit to subject data, the actor-critic model produced a interpretation resulting from task impurity. better fit for SZ patients with a high degree of negative Another relevant line of work includes that of symptoms, whereas HC subjects and SZ patients with low Brodersen et al. (2013), who used dynamic causal model- negative symptoms were better fit by a Q-learning model. ing (Friston, Harrison, & Penny, 2003)—a Bayesian frame- In other words, patients with negative symptoms largely work for inferring network connectivity between brain based decisions on learned stimulus-response associations areas from functional MRI (fMRI) data—on HC subjects instead of expected reward values. It is notable that HC and SZ patients performing a numerical n-back working subjects and the low-negative-symptom SZ group did not memory task. Supervised learning methods demonstrated differ significantly in their RL behavior. This study by J. M. a clear benefit (71% accuracy) of using dynamic causal Gold et al. demonstrated how computational analyses can modeling compared with more traditional methods, such differentiate between alternative mechanisms that can as functional connectivity (62%). Moreover, clustering explain deficiencies in reward-based choice. Many RL methods were sensitive to various SZ subtypes, which tasks can be solved by learning either stimulus-response showed the potential of this approach to identify clini- contingencies or expected reward values (or both), but the cally meaningful groups in an unsupervised manner. model and appropriate task manipulation allows one to Finally, we refer to Huys et al. (2012) for an example of extract to which degree these processes are operative and, how a computational-psychiatry analysis can be used to thus, helps to resolve the task-impurity problem. relate depressive-symptom severity to a specific cognitive In a related line of work, Strauss et al. (2011) tested process involved in multiple future actions. HC subjects and SZ patients on an RL task that allowed subjects to either adopt a safe strategy and exploit the Computational models of response inhibition. rewards of actions with previously experienced rewards Besides RL, response inhibition is another widely studied or explore new actions with perhaps even higher payoffs. phenomenon in cognitive neuroscience relevant to men- Frank, Doll, Oas-Terpstra, and Moreno (2009) developed tal illness. Response inhibition is required when actions a computational model that can recover how individual in the planning or execution stage are no longer appro- subjects balance this exploration-exploitation trade-off. It priate and must be suppressed. The antisaccade task is is intriguing that in applying this model to SZ patients, one such task that is often used in a psychiatric setting Strauss et al. found that patients with high anhedonia rat- (e.g., Aichert et al., 2012; Fukumoto-Motoshita et al., ings were less willing to explore their environment and 2009). It requires subjects to inhibit a prepotent response uncover potentially better actions. This result suggests a to a salient stimulus and instead saccade to the opposite reinterpretation of the computational cognitive process side (Hallett, 1978). A wealth of literature has demon- underlying lack of social engagement associated with strated reduced performance of psychiatric patients with anhedonia. For example, one might assume that the lack disorders, including ADHD (Nigg, 2001; Oosterlaan, of engagement of social activities of anhedonistic patients Logan, & Sergeant, 1998; Schachar & Logan, 1990), OCD results from an inability to experience pleasure and, as a (Chamberlain, Fineberg, Blackwell, Robbins, & Sahakian, consequence, a failure to learn the positive value of 2006; Menzies et al., 2007; Morein-Zamir, Fineberg, Rob- social interaction. Instead, this study suggested that lack bins, & Sahakian, 2010; Penadés et al., 2007), SZ (Bad- of social engagement associated with anhedonia is a cock, Michie, Johnson, & Combrinck, 2002; Bellgrove et result of an inability to consider the prospective benefit al., 2006; Huddy et al., 2009), PD (van Koningsbruggen, of doing something that might lead to better outcomes. Pender, Machado, & Rafal, 2009), and substance-abuse These results also lead to the prediction that patients with disorders (Monterosso, Aron, Cordova, Xu, & London, SZ would not, for example, seek out new social interac- 2005; Nigg et al., 2006). However, as demonstrated by tions (because of the low value placed on exploration) Wiecki and Frank (2013), even a supposedly simple but could still enjoy social interactions once established. behavioral task, such as the antisaccade task, requires a Again, computational strategies allow for a reconceptual- finely orchestrated interplay between various brain ization and disambiguation of clinical phenomena. regions, including frontal cortex and basal ganglia. It thus In sum, J. M. Gold et al. (2012) and Strauss et al. (2011) cannot be said that decreased accuracy in this task is used a quantitative abductive approach to infer aberrant evidence of response inhibition deficits per se, given that computational cognitive processes in RL in a subgroup of the source of this performance impairment can be mani- SZ patients. By grouping subjects according to symptom fold (i.e., the antisaccade task exhibits the task-impurity type and severity instead of diagnosis, the authors identi- problem). fied more refined research targets and addressed the In sum, the use of computational models that allow problem of heterogeneity. By combining models and mapping of behavior to psychological processes could

Downloaded from cpx.sagepub.com by guest on May 5, 2015 Computational Psychiatry: Clustering and Classification 385 thus be categorized as the computational abductive but fitting such models to data presents significant technical approach. However, in addition to managing the task- challenges as well. In the following, we identify four levels impurity problem just mentioned, ambiguity of how psy- of the analysis: Level 1, strategic identification of cognitive chological processes relate to the underlying neurocircuitry tasks to be employed for the collection of performance still has to be resolved. By combining different levels of data; Level 2, the fitting of computational models to the modeling, researchers can better identify and study these performance data; Level 3, parameter estimation; and Level ambiguities. Ultimately, this might allow development of 4, identification of clusters and relations to clinical symptom tasks that use specific conditions (e.g., speed-accuracy severity (see Fig. 1 for an overview). We show how hierar- trade-off, reward modulations, and conflict) to disambigu- chical Bayesian modeling and Bayesian mixture models can ate the mapping of psychological processes to their neuro- be deployed to engage a variety of challenges at the various circuitry. The use of biological-process models to test levels of the analysis. Subsequently, we demonstrate the use different hypotheses about the behavioral and cognitive of these methods on two data sets as a “proof of concept.” effects of neurocircuit modulations would correspond to The methods identified in this section have direct applica- the deductive approach. In other words, by combining the bility to the analysis of cognitive functions in mental research approaches outlined by Maia and Frank (2011), illness. we can use our understanding of the different levels of processing to inform and validate how these levels interact Level 1: Cognitive tasks in the healthy and dysfunctional brain. Thus, there are a few example studies in which Cognition spans many mental processes that include atten- researchers have applied established computational mod- tion, , memory, , decision making, els to identify model parameters (which aim to describe and reasoning, to name a few. Various subfields devoted to specific cognitive functions) and related them to the each of these have developed a range of cognitive tasks that severity of a specific clinical symptom or used them to purport to reveal the underlying mechanisms. Research in identify measureable cognitive impairments. Such targets computational psychiatry can draw on these tasks to create (viz., specific symptoms, measureable impairments) rep- task batteries for the collection of performance data usable resent more refined research targets than do DSM diag- for the analysis of cognitive function; both the sensitivity nostic categories. In addition, through the use of and the specificity of tasks to cognitive functions are impor- strategically designed task batteries and MPs, problems tant characteristics, although the task-impurity problem of heterogeneity and task impurity can be managed. And complicates the analysis of data and their use in isolating the combination of various research approaches (e.g., and specifying cognitive functions. Rather than provide a multiple modeling strategies, task batteries and MPs, task list of tasks used (see the case studies discussed earlier for manipulations, novel approaches to sampling) can pro- some examples), we discuss desirable properties that cogni- vide a strategic framework for studying relations between tive tasks should exhibit. A single cognitive task used in neural and computational levels of analysis in mental computational psychiatry ideally should be tuned to assess illness. a specific cognitive function, separable from others; this is enabled by the following: Levels of Computational Psychiatry •• a task analysis that identifies what functions are Thus far, we have identified a variety of challenges to engaged and how they are engaged; research concerning mental illness and various strategies •• parsimony in relying on as few cognitive processes that have been employed to meet those challenges. as possible; Special attention has been given to computational psy- •• stress on cognitive processing in some way to chiatry as an especially promising research program. In reveal break-off points and allow a sensitive mea- all cases, promise for effectively meeting the research sure of the target function; challenges depends on the availability of conceptual and •• an established theory regarding the neural corre- representational resources and associated strategies and lates of the target functions; and techniques that are sufficiently powerful, given the fea- •• an established computational model that links tures of the domain of mental illness and the problems it behavior to psychological-process parameters. poses for research. In this section, we provide an overview of a four-level Given the task-impurity problem and other forms of causal approach to the computational analysis of cognitive func- ambiguity, task batteries ideally should be strategically tion and dysfunction by focusing on decision making and constructed to measure a range of relevant cognitive func- using SSMs as a concrete example (see Table 1 for a delin- tions and other variables to aid in the interpretation of task eation of terminology applicable to our discussion). Such performance and the isolation of specific functions and models provide a versatile tool to model cognitive function, dysfunctions. This can be achieved by including covarying

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Table 1. Terminology

Term Definition Psychological-process model A computational model that tries to parameterize the cognitive processes underlying behavior. This class of models is not primarily concerned with neural implementations of these processes. Often these models have a parsimonious parameterization that allows them to be fit to behavior. Drift-diffusion model An evidence-accumulation model used in decision-making research. Reinforcement learning Learning to adapt behavior to maximize rewards and minimize punishment. Parameter estimation/fitting The process of finding parameters that best capture the behavior on a certain task. Bayesian modeling A parameter-estimation method that allows for great flexibility in defining structure and prior information about a certain domain. Comorbidity The co-occurrence of multiple disorders in one individual. Heterogeneity The fact that there is systematic variation between subjects diagnosed with the same mental illness. Task-impurity problem The fact that no single cognitive task measures just one construct but that task performance is a mixture of distinct cognitive processes. Multidimensional profile A multidimensional descriptor of a subject’s cognitive abilities as measured by summary statistics (e.g., accuracy) of cognitive tasks spanning multiple cognitive domains. Computational multidimensional profile A multidimensional profile that includes parameters estimated from a psychological- process model that (a) more directly relates to cognitive ability and (b) deconstructs different cognitive processes that contribute to individual task performance (i.e., task- impurity problem).

Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Clinical and Cognitive-Task Computational Parameter Classification and Nonclinical Population Battery Modeling Estimation Clustering

Fig. 1. Illustration of the four levels of computational psychiatry. Clinical and nonclinical populations are tested on a battery of cognitive tasks. Computational models can relate raw task performance (e.g., response time and accuracy) to psychological and neurocognitive processes. These models can be estimated via various methods (depicted is a simplified graphic of the HDDM or hierarchical drift-diffusion model). Finally, on the basis of a resulting computational multidimensional profile, supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms can be trained to either predict dis- ease state, uncover groups and subgroups in clinical and healthy populations, or relate model parameters to clinical symptom severity. factors (i.e., conditions) in individual tasks that affect only models. Although each of these is informative in its own one mental function, which can then be identified. For regard in elucidating mental function and dysfunction, we example, Collins and Frank (2012) were able to separately focus here on psychological-process models. This class of estimate the contributions of working memory and RL in a model has the unique advantage of being simple enough single task by testing multiple conditions that increased so that it can be fit directly to behavior; that is, it is pre- load on working memory alone. Because working mem- ferred, from a statistical analysis point of view, given the ory contributions can contaminate the estimation of the RL level of data collected. The fitted parameters often quan- component, this manipulation enabled a model to not tify cognitive ability in terms of psychological-process only capture the WM component but also better estimate variables rather than behavioral summary statistics. For the RL component. example, in a simple detection task, one might consider the RT speed as a good measure of task performance. Level 2: Computational models However, by adjusting the speed-accuracy trade-off, mean RT can easily be shortened just by increasing the false Computational models in cognitive neuroscience exist on alarm rate. This obviously would not indicate an individ- various levels of abstraction that range from biophysical ual’s superior processing abilities. An SSM analysis, how- neuronal models to abstract psychological-process ever, would be able to disentangle response caution (i.e.,

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Response Density (Upper Boundary)

Upper Response Boundary

Nondecision Time (t) Drift Rate (v)

Threshold (a) Bias (z) Bias

Lower Response Boundary

Reponse Density Time (Lower Boundary)

Fig. 2. Trajectories of multiple drift processes (blue and red lines, middle panel). Evidence is accumulated over time (x-axis) with drift rate (v) until one of two boundaries, separated by threshold (a), is crossed and a response is initiated. Upper (blue) and lower (red) panels contain histograms over boundary-crossing times for two possible responses. The histogram shapes match closely to that observed in response-time measurements of research subjects. decision threshold) and processing abilities (i.e., drift modeled as a sequential extraction and accumulation of rate): These are generative parameters that produce the information from the environment or internal representa- joint distribution of accuracy and RT. Intuitively, an tions. Once the accumulated evidence crosses a thresh- increase in decision threshold would lead to more accu- old, a corresponding response is executed. This simple rate but slower responses, whereas an increase in drift assumption about the underlying psychological process rate would lead to higher accuracy but also faster has the important property of reproducing not only responses (Ratcliff & McKoon, 2008). In the following sec- choice probability and mean RT but also the entire distri- tion, we present a simulation experiment that shows how bution of RTs separately for accurate and erroneous two groups can be clearly separated in their DDM param- choices in simple two-choice decision-making tasks. It is eters but strongly overlap when described in terms of RT interesting that this evolution of the decision signal in and accuracy summary statistics. SSMs can also be interpreted as a Bayesian update pro- cess (e.g., Bitzer, Park, Blankenburg, & Kiebel, 2014; SSMs. As outlined earlier, RL models have already Deneve, 2008; J. I. Gold & Shadlen, 2002; Huang & Rao, proven to be a valuable tool in explaining neuropsycho- 2013). This may be useful because it would place SSMs logical disorders and their symptoms. A computational- under a more axiomatic framework and prevent the psychiatric framework that aims to explain the impression that SSMs are merely convenient heuristics. multifaceted domain of mental illness must include com- The DDM models decision making in two-choice putational cognitive neuroscience models that cover a tasks. Each choice is represented as an upper and lower broad range of cognitive processes (see, e.g., O’Reilly, boundary. A drift process accumulates evidence over Munakata, Frank, Hazy, & Contributors, 2012, for a broad time until it crosses one of the two boundaries and initi- coverage of such models). We focus on SSMs as an illus- ates the corresponding response (Ratcliff & Rouder, 1998; trative example of how these models have been applied Smith & Ratcliff, 2004). The speed with which the accu- to study normal and aberrant neurocognitive phenom- mulation process approaches one of the two boundaries ena, how they can be fit to data using Bayesian estima- is called the drift rate and represents the relative evi- tion, and how subgroups of similar subjects can be dence for or against a particular response. Because there inferred using mixture models. is noise in the drift process, the time of the boundary SSMs (e.g., Townsend & Ashby, 1983), such as the crossing and the selected response will vary between tri- DDM, have established themselves as the de facto stan- als. The distance between the two boundaries (i.e., dard for modeling data from simple decision-making threshold) influences how much evidence must be accu- tasks (e.g., Smith & Ratcliff, 2004). Each decision is mulated until a response is executed. A lower threshold

Downloaded from cpx.sagepub.com by guest on May 5, 2015 388 Wiecki et al. makes responding faster in general but increases the predictive of more accurate but slower decisions, as influence of noise on decision making, whereas a higher expected as a result of threshold regulation (Cavanagh et threshold leads to more cautious responding. RT, how- al., 2011; Zaghloul et al., 2012; Zavala et al., 2013). These ever, is not solely composed of the decision-making pro- results provide a computational cognitive explanation for cess—perception, movement initiation, and execution all the clinical symptom of impulsivity observed in PD take time and are summarized into one variable called patients receiving deep-brain stimulation (Bronstein et nondecision time. The starting point of the drift process al., 2011; Frank, Samanta, et al., 2007; Hälbig et al., 2009). relative to the two boundaries can influence whether one response has a prepotent bias. This pattern gives rise to Application to computational psychiatry. Despite the RT distributions of both choices (see Fig. 2 for trajec- its long history, the DDM has been applied to the study tories of multiple drift processes; mathematical details of of psychopathology only recently. For example, threat/ the methods motivated herein can be found in the Drift- no-threat categorization tasks (e.g., “Is this word threat- Diffusion Model section in the Supplemental Material ening or not?”) are used in anxiety research to explore available online). biases to threat responses. Subjects with high anxiety are more likely to classify a word as threatening than are Relationship to cognitive neuroscience. SSMs were low-anxiety subjects, although the explanation of this originally developed from a pure information-processing bias is unclear. One hypothesis assumes that this behav- point of view and primarily used in psychology as a high- ior results from an increased response bias toward threat- level approximation of the decision process. More recent ening words in anxious people (Becker & Rinck, 2004; efforts in cognitive neuroscience have simultaneously (a) Manguno-Mire, Constans, & Geer, 2005; Windmann & validated core assumptions of the model by showing that Krüger, 1998). Using DDM analysis, White (2009) showed neurons indeed integrate evidence probabilistically dur- that instead of a response bias (or a shifted starting point ing decision making (J. I. Gold & Shadlen, 2007; Smith & in DDM terminology), anxious people showed a percep- Ratcliff, 2004) and (b) applied this model to describe and tual bias toward classifying threatening words, as indi- understand neural correlates of cognitive processes (e.g., cated by an increased DDM drift rate. Cavanagh et al., 2011; Forstmann, Anwander, et al., 2010). In a recent review article, White, Ratcliff, Vasey, and Furthermore, multiple routes to decision-threshold McKoon (2010) used this case study to highlight the poten- modulation have been identified, thereby demonstrating tial of the DDM to elucidate research into mental illness. the value of this modeling approach for managing prob- Note that in this study, the authors did not hypothesize lems of the context sensitivity of cognitive function, about the underlying neural cause of this threat bias. causal ambiguity, and the task-impurity problem. On one Although there is some evidence that bias in decision hand, decision threshold in the speed-accuracy trade-off making is correlated with activity in the parietal network is modulated by changes in the functional connectivity (Forstmann, Brown, Dutilh, Neumann, & Wagenmakers, between presupplementary motor area and striatum 2010), this was not tested in respect to threatening words. (Forstmann, Anwander, et al., 2010). On the other hand, Ultimately, we suggest that this research strategy should be neural-network modeling validated by studies of PD applied to infer neural correlates of psychological DDM patients implanted with a deep-brain stimulator (Frank, decision-making parameters using functional methods Samanta, Moustafa, & Sherman, 2007) suggests that the such as fMRI and employing modeling techniques at mul- STN is implicated in raising the decision threshold if tiple levels of analysis. there is conflict between two options associated with The DDM has also been successfully used to show that similar rewards. This result was further corroborated by ADHD subjects were less able to raise their decision thresh- Cavanagh et al. (2011), who found that trial-to-trial varia- old when accuracy demands were high (Mulder et al., tions in frontal theta power (as measured by electroen- 2010). It is interesting that the amount by which ADHD cephalography, EEG, as a measure of response conflict; subjects did not modulate their decision threshold corre- Cavanagh, Zambrano-Vazquez, & Allen, 2012) is corre- lated strongly with patients’ impulsivity/hyperactivity rat- lated with an increase in decision threshold during high- ing. Moreover, this correlation was specific to impulsivity conflict trials. As predicted, this relationship was reversed and not inattentiveness. Note that in this case, the use of when STN function was disrupted by deep-brain stimula- the DSM category (ADHD) may have obscured a more tion in PD patients. When deep-brain stimulators were robust transdiagnostic association between decision-thresh- turned off, patients exhibited the same conflict-induced old modulation and hyperactivity, and “hyperactivity” itself regulation of decision threshold as a function of cortical may mask a variety of different causal processes. theta. Similarly, intraoperative recordings of STN field A recent study by Pe, Vandekerckhove, and Kuppens potentials and neuronal spiking showed that STN activity (2013) showed that the DDM could also be used to responds to conflict during decision making, and is explain previously conflicting reports on the influence of

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negative distractors on the emotional flanker task in the estimation of other subjects generally leads to more depressed patients. Specifically, depression and rumina- accurate parameter recovery (Wiecki, Sofer, & Frank, tion (a core symptom of depression) were associated 2013) in cases in which little data are available, as is often with enhanced processing of negative information. These the case in clinical and neurocognitive experiments. One results further support the theory that depression is char- alternative is to aggregate all subject data into one meta- acterized by biased processing of negatively connotated subject and estimate one set of parameters for the whole information. Critically, this result could not be established group. Although useful in some settings, this approach is by analyzing mean RT or accuracy alone, thereby dem- unsuited for the setting of computational psychiatry, onstrating the enhanced sensitivity to cognitive behavior given that individual differences play a huge role. of computational models. In sum, SSMs show great promise as a tool for compu- Hierarchical Bayesian models. Statistics and machine tational psychiatry. In helping to map out the complex learning have developed efficient and versatile Bayesian interplay of cognitive processes and their neural corre- methods to solve various inference problems (Poirier, lates in mental illness, such models can play a role in 2006). They more recently have seen wider adoption in resolving task impurity and other forms of causal ambi- applied fields such as genetics (Stephens & Balding, guity, identifying and measuring cognitive impairments, 2009) and psychology (e.g., Clemens, De Vrijer, Selen, and associating such impairments with both symptoms Van Gisbergen, & Medendorp, 2011). One reason for this and neural correlates. However, their applicability Bayesian revolution is the ability to quantify the certainty depends on the ability to accurately estimate them to one has in a particular estimation. Moreover, hierarchical construct individual computational MPs (CMPs). Such Bayesian models provide an elegant solution to the prob- CMPs are parameter profiles that represent an individu- lem of estimating parameters of individual subjects out- al’s functioning as measured by the specific parameters lined earlier (viz., the problem of neglecting similarities that make up the profile and derived from fitting the of parameters across subjects). Under the assumption model to task-performance data. In the next section, we that subjects within each group are similar to each other, review different (Level 3) parameter-estimation tech- but not identical, a hierarchical model can be constructed niques with a special focus on Bayesian methods that are in which individual parameter estimates are constrained usable for estimating parameters in the DDM and for by group-level distributions (Nilsson, Rieskamp, & generating individual CMPs. Finally, once SSMs can be fit Wagenmakers, 2011; Shiffrin, Lee, & Kim, 2008), and accurately, we move on to identify (Level 4) clustering more so if group members are similar to each other. methods that can be used in a Bayesian framework to Thus, hierarchical Bayesian estimation leverages simi- identify meaningful clusters of individuals, given their larity between individual subjects to share statistical cognitive profiles (CMPs). power and increase sensitivity in parameter estimation. However, note that in our computational-psychiatry Level 3: Parameter estimation application, the homogeneity assumption that all subjects come from the same normal distribution is almost cer- It is critical to have robust and sensitive estimation meth- tainly violated (see earlier discussion). For example, dif- ods to identify computational parameters in a variable ferences between subgroups of ADHD subjects would be clinical population with the DDM. In the following, we decreased as the normality assumption pulls them closer describe traditional parameter-estimation methods and together. To deal with the heterogeneous data often their pitfalls. We then explain how Bayesian estimation encountered in psychiatry, we discuss mixture models in provides a complete framework that avoids these pitfalls. a later section. A detailed description of the mathematical details and inference methods of Bayesian statistics rele- Random versus fixed parameters across groups of vant for this endeavor can be found in the Bayesian subjects. Fitting of computational models traditionally is Inference section in the Supplemental Material. treated as an optimization problem in which an objective function is minimized. Psychological experiments often Level 4: Supervised and unsupervised test multiple subjects on the same behavioral task. Mod- learning els are then fit either to individual subjects or to the aggregated group data. Both approaches are not ideal. Given that parameters have been estimated, or even When models are fit to individual subjects, we neglect given behavioral statistics alone, how can we group indi- any similarity the parameters are likely to have. Although viduals into clusters that might be relevant for diagnostic we do not necessarily have to make use of this property categories or treatments? Bayesian clustering algorithms to make useful inferences if we have lots of data, the abil- are particularly relevant to our objective, given that they ity to infer subject parameters on the basis of (a) deal with the heterogeneity encountered in

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computational psychiatry and (b) have the potential to Example Applications bootstrap new classifications on the basis of measurable, quantitative, computational endophenotypes. Because In this last section, we provide a proof of concept by we are describing a toolbox using hierarchical Bayesian demonstrating how the earlier described techniques estimation techniques, we focus this section on mixture (Levels 1–4) can be combined to (a) recover clusters models, given that they are easily integrated into this associated with age, on the basis of CMPs as extracted by framework. Where possible, we highlight connections to the DDM; and (b) predict brain state (deep-brain stimula- more traditional clustering methods (e.g., “k-means”). tion on/off).

Gaussian mixture models. Gaussian mixture models Supervised and unsupervised learning (GMMs) assume parameters to be distributed according of age to one of several Gaussian distributions (i.e., clusters). Specifically, given the number of clusters k, each cluster To demonstrate the concepts presented here, we reana- mean and variance is estimated from the data. This type lyzed a data set collected and published by Ratcliff et al. of model is capable of solving our earlier identified (2010). The data set consists of two groups of human problem of assuming heterogeneous subjects to be nor- subjects, young (mean age 20.8) and old (mean age 68.6), mally distributed: By allowing individual subject param- tested on three different tasks: (a) a numerosity-discrimi- eters to be assigned to different clusters, we allow nation task that involved estimation of whether the num- estimation of different subgroups in our patient and HC ber of asterisks presented on the screen was more or less populations. Note, however, that the number k of how than 50 (such that trials with close to 50 asterisks were many clusters should be estimated must be specified a harder than were those with far fewer or far greater), (b) priori in a GMM and remain fixed for the course of the a lexical decision task that required subjects to decide estimation. This is problematic, given that we do not whether a presented string of letters is an existing word necessarily know how many subgroups to expect in of the English language, and (c) a memory-recognition advance. Bayesian nonparametrics solve this issue by task that presented words to be remembered in a training inferring the number of clusters from data. Dirichlet pro- phase that were subsequently tested for recall together cesses GMMs (DPGMMs) belong to the class of Bayesian with distractor words. Details of the tasks (including the nonparametrics ­(Antoniak, 1974). They can be viewed as conditions tested), subject characteristics, and DDM anal- a variant of GMMs with the critical difference that they yses can be found in the original publication (Ratcliff infer the number of clusters from the data (for a review, et al., 2010). see Gershman & Blei, 2012). An arguably simpler alter- We used the hierarchical DDM (HDDM) toolbox native, however, is to run multiple clusterings tested with (Wiecki et al., 2013) to perform hierarchical Bayesian different numbers of clusters and perform model com- estimation of DDM parameters from subjects’ RT and parison, as we discuss next. choice data without taking the different groups into account. We concatenated the DDM parameters of each Model comparison. Model comparison provides mea- subject in three tasks into one 22-dimensional CMP. sures to evaluate how well a model can explain the data We next performed factor analysis on the CMP vectors. while at the same time penalizing model complexity. Factor analysis is a statistical technique that uses correla- Measures such as the Bayesian information criterion tions between parameters to find latent variables (called (mathematical details can be found in the Model Com- factors). Intuitively, highly correlated parameters will be parison section in the Supplemental Material) can be loaded onto the same factor. As shown in the factor-load- used to choose the GMM with the least number of clus- ing matrix in Figure 3, DDM parameters related to pro- ters that still provide a good fit to the data. Moreover, cessing capability (i.e., drift rate) in the three tasks are model comparison is used to select between computa- loaded onto the first four factors, whereas nondecision tional cognitive models that often allow formulation of times and thresholds in the three tasks are loaded onto several plausible accounts of cognitive behavior. Of par- Factors 5 and 6, respectively. Thus, instead of the 22 orig- ticular note are Bayes factors that measure the evidence inal dimensions, we are able to describe the cognitive of a particular model in comparison with other, compet- variables of individuals using six latent factors. ing models (Kass & Raftery, 1993). More recent, and Classification of impairments and dysfunctions based highly relevant to the field of computational psychiatry, on CMPs is a critical requirement for the clinical applica- these methods have been extended to provide proper tion of computational psychiatry. Although classification random-effects inference on model structure in heteroge- of age might not have clinical relevancy, it provides an neous populations (Stephan, Penny, Daunizeau, Moran, ideal testing environment because age is objectively mea- & Friston, 2009). surable (as opposed to, e.g., SZ, as described earlier). To

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Factor Loadings

Lexical: drift, high freq

Lexical: drift, low freq 0.9

Lexical: drift, very low freq

Lexical: drift, nonword 0.8 IQ

Intensity: drift, very low sig 0.7 Intensity: drift, low sig

Intensity: drift, med sig

Intensity: drift, high sig 0.6

Recollection: drift, 1-high

Recollection: drift, 1-low 0.5

Recollection: drift, 2-high Parameters

Recollection: drift, 2-low 0.4 Recollection: drift, 3-high

Recollection: drift, 3-low 0.3 Lexical: nondecision time

Intensity: : nondecision time

Recollection: : nondecision time 0.2

Lexical: decision threshold

Intensity: decision threshold 0.1 Recollection: decision threshold

Intensity: drift criterion

1 23456 Factors

Fig. 3. Factor-loading matrix. Drift-diffusion model parameters of three tasks are presented along the y-axis; the extracted factors are distributed along the x-axis. Color codes indicate loading strengths. See the textual discussion for more details. freq = frequency; sig = significance. classify young versus old, we employed logistic regres- (by using cross-validation). Classification performance sion (using Level-2 regularization) on a subset of the data was very high (up to 95% accuracy; not shown), which and evaluated its prediction accuracy using held-out data demonstrated that cognitive tasks show great potential

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GMM With Two Components GMM With Three Components 0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4 0.33*** 0.3 0.29*** 0.3 0.25** 0.2 0.2 0.13* 0.11** 0.1

0.1 0.06 Adjusted Mutual Information 0.05 Adjusted Mutual Information 0.04** 0.0 0.0 DDM DDM – IQ RT Summary RT Summary DDM DDM – IQ RT Summary RT Summary Stats Stats – QI Stats Stats – QI Fig. 5. Results: adjusted mutual information scores (higher is better, Fig. 4. Results: adjusted mutual information scores (higher is better, where 1 would mean perfect label recovery and 0 would mean chance where 1 would mean perfect label recovery and 0 would mean chance level) for age after estimation of a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) level) for age after estimation of a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) with three components on drift-diffusion-model (DDM) factors (see text with two components on drift-diffusion-model (DDM) factors (see text for more details on the factor analysis) and on DDM factors after the for more details on the factor analysis) and on DDM factors after the contribution of IQ was regressed out. Error bars represent standard contribution of IQ was regressed out. Error bars represent standard deviations assessed via bootstrap. Asterisks denote significantly higher deviations assessed via bootstrap. Asterisks denote significantly higher chance performance (*p < .05, ***p < .001). RT = response time. chance performance (**p < .01). RT = response time. for classifying differences in brain functioning. In this notable that the age cluster is not recovered at all when case, there was no benefit to using DDM parameters the DDM factors are used. Follow-up analysis suggests compared with using summary statistics on RT and accu- that the clustering selected by GMM picks up on some of racy, given that the differences in behavioral profiles the structure introduced by IQ (adjusted mutual informa- between subjects with large differences in age were quite tion = 0.1; not shown). This indeed represents a potential stark. There are several examples in which usage of a problem for this unsupervised approach, given that there computational model does yield a significant increase in are many sources of individual variation, such as age, IQ, classification accuracy (see later discussion; also see or , we might not be interested in when want- Brodersen et al., 2013) and may be more likely to do so ing clusters sensitive to pathological sources of variation. if the patterns are more nuanced. To address this problem, we regressed the contribution When these techniques are used to classify a mental of IQ out of every factor to remove this source of varia- illness such as SZ, there is concern about the validity of tion. Running GMM on these new regressed factors, we our labels. If SZ does not represent a homogeneous, observed that the algorithm now clusters into different clearly defined group of individuals but, rather, patients age-groups (adjusted mutual information is 0.25, which with various cognitive and mental abnormalities, how corresponds to an accuracy of approximately 75%). This could we expect a classifier to predict such an elusive, might thus provide a viable technique in removing ill-defined label? One potential way to deal with this unwanted sources of interindividual variation, given that problem is to use an unsupervised clustering algorithm variables such as age, IQ, or education could just be to find a new grouping that is hopefully more sensitive to regressed out before doing the clustering—if these nui- the neurocognitive deficits (Fair et al., 2012). As a proof sance variables are known and measured. of principle, we tested how well GMM clustering could The main issue here is that multiple factors can con- recover age-groupings in an unsupervised manner. Note tribute to clusterings of neurocognitive parameters. A that in a clinically more relevant setting, we would not different solution to this problem is presented in Figure necessarily know the correct grouping ahead of time. 5, in which we estimated a GMM allowing for an addi- Figure 4 shows the adjusted mutual information (which is tional cluster (three clusters total). As the figure shows, 1 if we perfectly recover the original grouping and 0 if we even when not regressing IQ out of the parameters, the group by chance) for age when estimating two clusters clustering solution shows a clear sensitivity to age, albeit based on six latent factors extracted using factor analysis none to IQ. Moreover, the use of summary statistics on (we did not include IQ in the factor analysis here). It is RT and accuracy (mean and standard deviation) alone

Downloaded from cpx.sagepub.com by guest on May 5, 2015 Computational Psychiatry: Clustering and Classification 393 did not achieve a comparable level of recovery with the Classfiying Simulated Date GMM (see Figs. 3 and 4). We also performed model 1.0 comparison using BIC (not shown) to find the best num- ber of clusters when we successively tested different 0.91*** 0.9 numbers of clusters. We found that adding more clusters monotonically decreased BIC thus favoring models with many clusters, despite the added complexity of these 0.8 models. This might not be surprising given that there are many other individual differences beyond age and IQ 0.7 0.68* that could affect group membership. It does represent a

problem for this approach, however, given that it is not Area Under the Curve immediately clear what level of representation should be 0.6 chosen if a purely unsupervised measure such as BIC does not provide guidance. 0.5 In conclusion, we demonstrated how computational DDM Summary Stats modeling and latent variable models can be used to con- Fig. 6. Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve that struct CMPs of individuals tested on multiple cognitive relates to classification accuracy of simulated response-time data from decision-making tasks. Using supervised machine-learn- the drift-diffusion model (DDM). DDM represents parameters recov- ing methods, we were able to achieve up to 95% accu- ered in a hierarchical DDM fit ignoring the group labels. Summary sta- tistics are mean and standard deviation of response time and accuracy. racy in classifying young versus old age. Finally, after we Error bars represent standard deviations. Asterisks indicate accuracy regressed IQ out as a nuisance variable, unsupervised significantly higher than chance (*p < .05, ***p < .001). clustering was able to group young and old individuals on the basis of the structure of the CMP space. conditions under which DDM provides a clear benefit over using the simpler summary statistics. Simulation experiment Although the preceding example demonstrated a clear Predicting brain state on the benefit in using the DDM for unsupervised clustering, the basis of EEG model parameters were less beneficial compared with simple behavioral summary statistics (RT and accuracy) The previously discussed age example clearly demon- when we performed supervised classification. This find- strated the potential of this approach in a data-driven, ing raises the question whether DDM parameters derived hypothesis-free manner. To complement this example, we on the basis of behavioral measures alone can, in prin- tested whether it was possible, using computational meth- ciple, provide a benefit in supervised learning over sum- ods, to classify patients’ brain state using computational mary statistics. We thus performed a simple experiment parameters related to measures of impulsivity. We reana- in which we simulated data from the DDM generating lyzed a data set from our lab in which PD patients two groups with 40 subjects each. The mean parameters implanted with deep-brain stimulators in the STN were of the two groups differed in threshold, drift rate, and tested on a reward-based decision-making task (Cavanagh nondecision time (exact values can be found in the et al., 2011). STN deep-brain stimulation is very effective Parameters Used in Simulation Study section in the in treating the motor symptoms of the disease but can Supplemental Material). We then recovered DDM param- sometimes cause cognitive deficits and impulsivity eters by estimating the HDDM (without allowing group (Bronstein et al., 2011; Hälbig et al., 2009). Prior work has to influence fit, which would be an unfair bias). Summary shown that when faced with conflict between different statistics consisted of mean and standard deviation of RT reward values during decision making, HC subjects and and accuracy. Figure 6 shows the area under the curve patients off deep-brain stimulation adaptively slow down using logistic regression with Level-2 regularization in a to make a more considered choice, whereas STN deep- 10-fold cross-validation. As the figure shows, for this brain stimulation induces fast impulsive actions. In this parameter setting, the DDM-recovered parameters pro- study, we showed that the degree of RT slowing for high- vide a large benefit over summary statistics. During the conflict trials was related to the degree to which frontal exploration of various generative parameter settings, theta power increased. DDM model fits revealed that theta however, we also found that other settings do not lead to power increases were specifically related to an increase in an improvement, similar to the result obtained on the decision threshold, thereby leading to more cautious but aging data set. Further research is necessary to establish accurate responding, whereas deep-brain stimulation

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Classifying DBS State Logistic Regression Coefficients 1.0

0.81* 0.52 0.8 0.5 0.67

0.3 0.4 0.38

0.4 0.3 0.28

Area Under the Curve 0.2 0.2 Absolute Coefficient

0.0 DDM – Theta RT – Theta 0.1 Coefficients Coefficients

Fig. 7. Out-of-sample classification accuracy using logistic regression 0.0 to deep-brain-stimulation (DBS) state comparing drift-diffusion-model a_dbs theta_diff_LC theta_diff_HC (DDM) coefficients and using regression between response time (RT) and theta power. Error bars indicate standard deviations based on a Fig. 8. Results: absolute coefficients of logistic regression model using bootstrap. The asterisk encodes significance (*p < .05). three predictors. Intuitively, the higher the coefficient, the more it con- tributes to separability of deep-brain-stimulation (DBS) state. The differ- ence in threshold between DBS on and off is a_dbs; theta_diff_LC and theta_diff_HC are the differences in trial-by-trial regression coefficients prevented patients from increasing their threshold despite between theta power (as measured via ) and increases in cortical theta, which led to impulsive choice. decision threshold for low- and high-conflict trials, respectively. These findings lend support to a computational hypothesis based on a variety of data across species job of the classifier then becomes the classification of regarding the neural mechanisms for decision-threshold whether an individual is in the deep-brain stimulation on regulation. However, the findings were significant at the or off state on the basis of the change in coefficients. The group level. Here, we tested whether we could classify features based on raw RT data were created in a similar individual patients’ deep-brain-stimulation status know- manner: Instead of using the regression coefficients of ing only their DDM parameters (estimated from RT and the influence of theta on decision threshold, we included choice data). We also included as a predictor the degree the influence of theta directly on RT in low and high to which frontal theta modulated decision threshold conflict (shown to be significantly correlated in Cavanagh (effectively, another DDM parameter). Specifically, we et al., 2011) as well as the difference in mean RT between used logistic regression with Level-2 regularization and deep-brain stimulation on and off. cross-validation. The features for the classifier were the As shown in Figure 7, use of the DDM analysis greatly difference in thresholds in the two brain states (on and improved classification accuracy. It is interesting that of off deep-brain stimulation) and the difference in the all the parameters fed into the classifier, the degree to theta-threshold regression coefficients in high- and low- which theta related to threshold adjustments in high-con- conflict trials (on and off deep-brain stimulation). The flict trials was most predictive of deep-brain stimulation classifier tries to predict which brain state a new subject state (see Fig. 8 for absolute coefficients of the logistic is in on the basis of these difference parameters without regression model using three predictors). This result is informing it as to which one corresponds to the on or off consistent with that obtained in Cavanagh et al. (2011) state. We randomly sampled binary labels for each sub- but extends it to show how an individual patient’s brain ject. The label indicated whether the features were coded state, as a biomarker of impulsivity, can be diagnosed. relative to the on or off state. Intuitively, if the label were We thus demonstrated that this DDM analysis can be 0 for a subject, the features would contain the change in combined with brain measures (here EEG, but other regression coefficients (theta_diff_LC for low conflict and measures, such as fMRI, are just as viable) to predict very theta_diff_HC for high conflict) and threshold (a_dbs) specific changes in brain state. Critically, the influence of when going from deep-brain stimulation on to off. EEG on RT alone, although significant in Cavanagh et al. Conversely, if the label were 1, the features would con- (2011), did not allow for the same accuracy as the DDM tain the change in regression coefficients and threshold analysis. Moreover, this example shows the value of when going from deep-brain stimulation off to on. The being hypothesis driven, given that this link between

Downloaded from cpx.sagepub.com by guest on May 5, 2015 Computational Psychiatry: Clustering and Classification 395 decision threshold and theta in high-conflict trials (which the placebo effect. More objective and quantitative mea- was recovered as the most discriminative feature) was sures of neurocognitive function are likely to improve suggested by earlier, biologically plausible modeling on these current issues. Moreover, many psychiatric efforts (Wiecki & Frank, 2013). drugs fail in Phase 3 clinical trials even though they Although aggregate performance scores (i.e., MPs, show promising results for a small subset of enrolled such as mean accuracy or mean RT) could, in principle, patients. If that subset could be identified by cognitive be used for classification and clustering, there are some testing, the output of the drug-discovery pipeline could unique advantages of using CMPs: be enhanced. Although the potential fruits of this research program •• Computational models distill domain knowledge are thus promising, the expected challenges to be over- of the cognitive processes underlying task perfor- come are nevertheless substantial. We cannot rely on DSM mance. For this reason, they can be seen as feature categories or a foundational understanding of the brain to extraction methods that reduce nuisance variables bootstrap a new system in which to redefine mental ill- and find a process-based representation of cogni- ness. Among the main challenges is finding a good descrip- tive ability and, thus, make it easier for the classi- tion of normal and abnormal cognitive function. Are there fier to separate different groups. distinct clusters of cognitive dysfunction (and if so, how •• Computational modeling can help with the task- many), or is there a continuum with an arbitrary threshold impurity problem. Aggregate performance scores on where mental illness begins? This article provides an summarize the contribution of a mixture of cognitive example for how regressing out IQ can allow for better processes involved in a task. Computational models classification of age. In more complex psychiatric condi- try to deconstruct behavior into its individual com- tions, we clearly may not always have access to variables ponents and identify separable cognitive processes. that affect clustering of behavioral phenotypes in ways •• Neurocognitive models often assume cognitive over which we would like to abstract. processes to be implemented by certain networks Although the new transdimensional approach of RDoC of the brain. For this reason, a computational by the National Institute of Mental Health is very promis- parameter identified to have predictive power can ing, it must be open to additional levels of descriptions, be linked much easier to neural processes than such as the neurocognitive computations of the brain. aggregate performance scores. Computational psychiatry could then be embedded in this framework and translate neurocognitive research Applications and Challenges findings to other domains, including genetics, neurosci- ence, and . How could this research program improve mental-health diagnosis, treatment, and research? The ultimate hope is that Conclusions psychiatric diagnosis could move away from a symptom- based classification of mental illness and instead use quan- In the light of the crisis in mental-health research and tifiable biomarkers. CMPs could contribute to this by practice and the widely recognized problems with con- quantifying subjects’ cognitive abilities in terms of psycho- ventional psychiatric classification based on the DSM, logical-process variables that describe the efficacy of their computational psychiatry is an emerging field that shows neural circuitry. great promise for pursuing research aimed at understand- Psychiatric drugs, as well as other forms of treatment, ing mental illness. Computational psychiatry provides including deep-brain stimulation, have a high degree of powerful conceptual and methodological resources that variability in their efficacy across individuals. By identify- enable management of the various features of mental ill- ing pathological cascades and how they interact with ness and the various challenges with which researchers treatment, we might be able to predict which form of must cope. More specific, by fitting computational mod- treatment would be effective for an individual and opti- els to behavioral data, we can estimate computational mize treatment variables. parameters and construct CMPs that provide measures of With regard to clinical research, computational psy- functioning in one or another cognitive domain. Such chiatry can provide tools to link clinical symptoms to measures are potentially of value in research contexts neurocognitive dysfunction that can open the door to a previously organized around symptom-based classifica- deeper level of understanding as well as provide novel tion as implemented by the DSM. CMPs may function as targets for future studies into the causes of mental ill- both more precise targets of research and more powerful ness. For pharmacological research, assessment of a explanatory resources for understanding individual dif- drug mechanism and its efficacy by clinical ratings alone ferences, significant groupings, dynamic interactivity, and is often noisy, hard to interpret, and biased as a result of hierarchical organization of the brain.

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Decision making appears to provide a good frame- Funding work for studying mental illness, given that many disor- This research was supported by National Institute of Mental ders show abnormalities in core decision-making Health Grant R01 MH080066-01. processes. Strategically designed task batteries can pro- vide the behavioral basis for studying such abnormalities. Supplemental Material SSMs have a good track record in describing individual Additional supporting information may be found at differences in decision making and can be linked to neu- http://cpx.sagepub.com/content/by/supplemental-data ronal processes. Hierarchical Bayesian estimation pro- vides a compelling toolbox to fit these models directly to References data because it (a) provides an uncertainty measure, (b) Aichert, D. S., Wöstmann, N. M., Costa, A., Macare, C., Wenig, allows estimation of individual- and group-level param- J. R., Möller, H.-J., . . . Ettinger, U. (2012). 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