
C h a p t e r 2 2

Social Cognitive : A Review of Core Systems

Bruce P. Doré, Noam Zerubavel, and Kevin N. Ochsner

Descartes famously argued that the is both SOCIAL everlasting and indivisible (Descartes, 1988). If he APPROACH was right about the first part, he is probably pretty In the past decade, the field of social cognitive neuro- impressed with the advance of knowledge science (SCN) has attempted to fill this gap, integrat- on the second. Although Descartes’ position on ing the theories and methods of two parent the indivisibility of the mind has been echoed at disciplines: social and cognitive neurosci- times in the of psychology and neurosci- ence. Stressing the interdependence of , mind, ence (Flourens & Meigs, 1846; Lashley, 1929; and social context, SCN seeks to explain psychological Uttal, 2003), the modern field has made steady phenomena at three levels of analysis: the neural level progress in demonstrating that subjective mental of brain systems, the cognitive level of information life can be understood as the product of distinct processing mechanisms, and the social level of the functional systems. Today, largely because of the and actions of social agents (Ochsner & success of cognitive neuroscience models, Lieberman, 2001). In contrast to scientific approaches researchers understand that people’s intellectual that grant near exclusive focus to a single level of anal- faculties emerge from the operation of core ysis (e.g., , artificial , elimina- ­systems that are instantiated by particular brain tive materialism), SCN researchers develop theories networks (Gazzaniga, 2009; Shallice, 1988). From that leverage data from each of these three levels, this , the brain consists of a of regarding them as complementary sources of informa- ­distinct but interacting information processing tion that enrich and mutually constrain the under- systems that carry out cognitive functions of per- standing of mental function (Cacioppo & Berntson, ception, , decision making, , 1992; Ochsner, 2007). Accordingly, SCN executive control, and so forth. Without a doubt, typically involve manipulating and measuring vari- the breadth of these models is impressive, but ables at the social and neural levels and attempting to until relatively recently they have been incom- draw inferences about intervening psychological pro- plete in an important way. Namely, researchers in cesses. In service of this goal, SCN research makes use this tradition had placed scant emphasis on the of a wide array of tools, including social para- social and emotional abilities that account digms meant to model aspects of everyday social phe- for much of what makes human such nomena, tightly controlled cognitive tasks, and a complex and fascinating target of scientific as well as other biological measures. explanation.

Bruce P. Doré and Noam Zerubavel contributed equally to this chapter. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/14341-022 APA Handbook of and : Vol. 1. Attitudes and Social , M. Mikulincer and P. R. Shaver (Editors-in-Chief) 693 Copyright © 2015 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved. Doré, Zerubavel, and Ochsner

Integrating and categorizing data collected across understood as emerging from interactions of these these levels of analysis is inherently challenging, core systems. Finally, we consider the near future of especially when the theories and methods tradition- SCN in general and our processing stream model in ally applied to different levels have tended to particular, with an eye toward identifying exciting develop in relative isolation. Although it is clear that new questions about the basic nature and transla- different regions of the brain are associated with tional potential of these core systems. ­different psychological functions, finding psycho- Across topic areas and processing systems, we logical categories that “carve nature at its joints” is illustrate two types of goals that motivate SCN difficult because the natural ways of segmenting research (Ochsner, 2007). The first goal is exempli- concepts in psychology (or, for that matter, in fied in experiments designed to ask the question human ) may not cleanly onto the “Where is psychological process X located in the brain (Barrett, 2009). Consequently, early attempters brain?” By carefully manipulating the psychological of this kind of categorization are like vegetarians state of research participants and observing resulting supplied with a turkey and an electric carving knife activity in particular brain regions or networks of in that their naiveté ran them the risk of misspecify- regions, such research allows for functional ing the boundaries of the natural world and passing ­inferences about what particular parts of the brain on a legacy of dyspepsia rather than enlightenment. do (this process is sometimes referred to as forward That said, without clear guiding principles it can be inference, or a approach). Although difficult to figure out how the myriad and diverse clearly illuminating to a brain researcher, knowing pieces of data collected under the SCN umbrella fit the location of processes in the brain may not seem together, or how to prevent Thanksgiving from particularly informative to a social psychological devolving into a slapdash free-for-all. Some happy theorist. Critical consumers of this literature some- medium must be reached in which the processing times ask whether there are instances in which language researchers use to make of brain social psychological theories developed from behav- ­systems is useful both for that purpose and for ioral have needed to be updated in light ­connecting to higher level ­descriptions of of SCN data (Kihlstrom, 2010). As it turns out, there and experience. are already several such instances (which we outline Keeping these precautions in mind, our over- here), and, moreover, there is to be ­optimistic arching goal in this chapter is to illustrate the SCN that they will occur with greater frequency and have approach at work in the context of key topics in more profound impact in the not-too-distant future. social psychology and research. As our repository of functional inference findings Rather than simply cataloguing the manifold brain grows, so too does researchers’ ability to use the regions implicated in social processing, we distill tools of neuroscience to ask social psychological findings from the SCN literature into a set of basic questions. The results of repeated investiga- functional brain systems that together support a tions of a given task or psychological process give wide range of social cognitive abilities. Toward researchers an idea of how reliably a given psycho- these ends, this chapter has three parts. The first logical function is associated with activity in a cer- proposes a social cognitive processing stream con- tain brain region. With quantitative or qualitative sisting of six basic systems—three of which perform review of the broader imaging literature, researchers evaluative, regulatory, and self-representational can also make an estimate of the specificity with functions we have cast as intrapersonal and three of which activity in the region corresponds to that which perform perceptual and cognitive functions function (Poldrack, 2006; Yarkoni, Poldrack, Van that support the ability to understand other people, Essen, & Wager, 2010). Together, this information cast here as interpersonal. In the second part of this can be used to estimate the of a particular chapter, we attempt to explain how high-level social brain region as a marker of a specific psychological psychological phenomena—from and process, thereby laying the groundwork for the ­altruism to persuasion and romantic love—can be ­second goal of SCN research: using observed brain

694 Social Cognitive Neuroscience activity to draw psychological inferences (sometimes thing with interoceptive information from the body called reverse inferences) about the processes under- (Schachter & Singer, 1962), with resulting evalua- lying a given behavior or experience. Although func- tions playing central roles in approach and avoid- tional inferences are more prevalent in the literature ance behavior (Chen & Bargh, 1999), emotional and necessarily come first, every SCN in experience (Russell, 2003), attitude formation a sense serves both functional and psychological (Eagly & Chaiken, 2007), decision making inferential goals by (1) providing additional infor- (Montague & Berns, 2002), and many other mation about brain regions activated by particular ­phenomena in psychology. It is hardly surprising psychological manipulations and (2) requiring that then that the evaluation system has long been of these results be placed in the context of previous interest in social psychology (Hovland, Janis, & research to draw inferences about the psychological Kelley, 1953; Thurstone, 1928). However, many processes that observed activations represent questions about the nature of evaluation and the (­Ochsner, 2007). In sum, by approaching neuroim- mechanisms underlying it have been difficult to aging with these two inferential goals in mind, SCN address through behavioral studies alone, prompting researchers can observe multiple psychological much recent neuroscientific interest in this topic. ­processes operating in concert and link theory At the social level, evaluations exist as subjective developed in social psychology to an extensive experiences of valence and , an ­neuroscience literature. evaluation is felt or behaviorally expressed as a posi- tive or negative reaction to a that carries some degree of arousal or intensity, from low to SOCIAL COGNITIVE PROCESSING high (Russell, Lewicka, & Niit, 1989). Across stimu- STREAM lus domains, evaluations operate on stimuli with Core Systems of Intrapersonal Social intrinsic, learned, or cognitively generated affective Cognition properties (see Ochsner et al., 2009). Two neural structures strongly implicated in the evaluative System 1: Evaluation. Among the most funda- ­process—the and ventral portions of the mental of human activities is the process of assign- striatum—are evolutionarily old areas of subcortex ing a valenced evaluation (good or bad) to objects, that receive multimodal perceptual inputs and are people, and other aspects of the surrounding environ- interconnected with autonomic control areas and ment (Figure 22.1; Osgood, Suci, & Tannenbaum, neuromodulatory systems (Pitkänen, Kelly, & Amaral, 1957). The process of evaluating something can 2002; Schultz, 2004). Other brain regions critical to involve integrating sensory information about that evaluation include the ventromedial prefrontal


dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) ventral tegmental area (VTA) periaqueductal gray (PAG) insula (not shown) ventral striatum amygdala ventromedial (vmPFC)

Figure 22.1. Evaluation.

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­cortex (vmPFC) and nearby orbitofrontal cortex to be that the ventral striatum responds to differ- (OFC), the insula, the dorsal anterior cingulate ences between the outcomes predicted and those ­cortex (dACC), and the periaqueductal gray (PAG). actually received and uses these prediction errors Together, these structures work to integrate sensory to guide (Delgado, Li, Schiller, & Phelps, and visceral information to form aspects of an expe- 2008; Knutson & Cooper, 2005; Schultz, Dayan, & rience-dependent value representation (see Kober Montague, 1997), whereas areas of the vmPFC et al., 2008; Lindquist, Wager, Kober, Bliss-Moreau, & more directly track reward outcome magnitude in a Barrett, 2012). Much recent work has illuminated variety of contexts, and thus activity in this region the precise components of the evaluation process is to represent an integrative value signal performed by each of these regions. (Fehr & Rangel, 2011; Schoenbaum, Saddoris, & Amygdala. One of the most replicated findings Stalnaker, 2007). in this domain is that the amygdala is critical for Insula, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, and the recognition of stimuli that directly or indirectly ­periaqueductal gray. Initially, on the basis of pat- signal the presence of a potential threat, such as terns of anatomical connectivity (Augustine, 1996; ­pictures of untrustworthy faces (Mende-Siedlecki, Craig, 2009) and bolstered by meta-analyses of Said, & Todorov, 2013) or fearful faces (Whalen, ­neuroimaging studies (e.g., Chang, Yarkoni, Khaw, & 1998), findings clearly consistent with a wealth of Sanfey, 2012), it has been proposed that the insula research demonstrating the importance of this brain supports the integration of visceral and somatic structure in the acquisition, storage, and expression information involved in interoceptive states, of conditioned fear (LeDoux, 1996). However, it ­including the experience of and . In is becoming increasingly clear that although the ­contrast with amygdala lesions, which dispropor- amygdala is crucial to negative evaluations, it also tionately decrease arousal ratings to negative stim- responds to a wide variety of stimulus dimensions, uli, lesions to the insula result in attenuated valence including novelty, positivity, and ambiguity, leading and arousal ratings to both positive and negative to a broader conceptualization of the amygdala as stimuli (Berntson et al., 2011). Together with the a surveillance system that continuously monitors dACC, PAG, and other cortical and brain stem the environment for affectively relevant stimuli and structures, the insula is also recognized as a crucial modulates activity in perceptual and memory systems region of the pain matrix, the set of brain structures to detect and encode them (Whalen, 1998). that underlie the sensory and affective components Ventral striatum and ventromedial prefrontal of the experience of pain. In addition to respond- ­cortex. Similarly, the ventral striatum and the ing during physical pain, the PAG has recently vmPFC have been implicated in both encoding been shown to be involved in negative more and constructing evaluations of stimulus value. ­generally (Buhle et al., 2013; Mobbs et al., 2010). These structures receive dopaminergic input from On the automaticity of evaluation. When people the ventral tegmental area in the midbrain and report or otherwise express their evaluations, it is represent key parts of the mesolimbic dopamine difficult to know what underlying processes have reward pathway. The animal literature investigat- generated these evaluations. For instance, although ing this ­pathway has suggested that the function of people sometimes express their attitudes - mesolimbic dopamine is to gate attention to novel, ively, at other times they deliberately shape these salient, or rewarding events that require an effort- attitudes before expressing them. Interestingly, ful response (Berridge & Robinson, 1998; Schultz, regions of the evaluation network may in some Apicella, & Ljungberg, 1993). Imaging studies have cases respond regardless of the deliberate intention shown that these structures respond to a wide range to evaluate, although the precise conditions under of rewarding stimuli including sweet liquids, money, which this happens remain a subject of debate. On attractive faces, political figures, and desirable con- one hand, many early showed that the sumer goods (reviewed in Haber & Knutson, 2010). amygdala responds to threatening stimuli that are One functional distinction between regions seems subliminally presented (Anderson, Christoff, Panitz,

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De Rosa, & Gabrieli, 2003; Whalen et al., 2004). forms of self-control (Cunningham & Zelazo, 2007; On the other hand, there are reports that amygdala Ochsner & Gross, 2005). responses are sensitive to the amount of attention Explicit regulation. Perhaps the most commonly paid to stimuli (Hsu & Pessoa, 2007; Pessoa, Japee, studied means of regulating behavior involves Sturman, & Ungerleider, 2006), which suggests ­asking participants to keep in mind explicit regula- that top-down, controlled processes exert modula- tory goals that they use to guide and shape their tory influences over evaluative processes. Indeed, behavior. Such explicit forms of regulation have when participants are asked to explicitly evaluate been shown to depend on two kinds of processes. a concept on a good–bad dimension, to the extent The first involves detecting a conflict between two that they try to control their evaluation of the topic, or more alternative responses—for example, reach- increased activity is observed in the dACC and ven- ing for versus not reaching for a piece of chocolate trolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC; Cunningham, cake. Botvinick, Braver, Barch, Carter, and Cohen Raye, & Johnson, 2004), two regions that make up (2001) proposed that the dACC and adjacent medial part of a regulatory processing system, which we prefrontal cortex (mPFC) support this conflict mon- turn to next. itoring function and, when conflict arises, a signal is sent to regions of the prefrontal cortex involved System 2: Regulation. Within both social psy- in implementing the intended response. Activation chology and , regulation refers of dACC has been shown in imaging studies of to the process of overriding prepotent responses to stereotyping (Amodio, Master, Yee, & Taylor, respond in a context-sensitive and deliberate man- 2008; Kubota, Banaji, & Phelps, 2012) and social ner (Figure 22.2). Cognitive neuroscience research ­exclusion (Eisenberger, Lieberman, & Williams, has suggested important distinctions among sub- 2003), providing converging neural evidence that components of regulation, including the detection these phenomena entail conflict processing. of response conflicts and the implementation of Once the need for control is detected and controlled processing (e.g., Miller & Cohen, 2001). ­signaled by the dACC, the second type of cognitive Recent SCN research has demonstrated that similar control process kicks in. This type is associated with systems are drawn on when people regulate their activity in the lateral regions of the prefrontal cortex , overcome stereotypes, and enact other that implement deliberate and controlled forms of

Regulation dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC) ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC)

Figure 22.2. Regulation.

697 Doré, Zerubavel, and Ochsner regulation. Anatomically, both dorsolateral prefron- mappings (Schiller & Delgado, 2010; Schiller, tal cortex and vlPFC have extensive connections Levy, Niv, LeDoux, & Phelps, 2008). Interestingly, with a wide range of other cortical and subcortical regions of the vmPFC also underlie effective placebo brain structures (Passingham, 1993; Petrides, 2005). ­analgesia—the modification of pain by in a ­Neuroimaging studies of cognitive tasks have shown treatment (Diekhof, Geier, Falkai, & Gruber, 2011). that these regions support language, attention, and Taken together, these findings suggest that activity functions (Badre, 2008). SCN in the vmPFC supports regulatory processes that are studies have shown that cognitive reappraisal, which not driven by explicit regulatory goals but nonethe- entails reinterpreting the meaning of a stimulus to less have a powerful impact on affective experience. diminish or enhance an affective response, also depends on regions of the regulation system, includ- System 3: Self-representation. The self is one of ing the vlPFC and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, as psychology’s richest constructs (see Baumeister, well as posterior portions of the dorsomedial pre- 1998) and may prove to be among the most com- frontal cortex similarly implicated in cognitive con- plex to map comprehensively onto underlying trol. Together, these regions act to modulate activity brain processes. Nevertheless, imaging studies have in regions of the evaluation system that support already identified a number of cognitive and neural ­emotional experience, including the amygdala, mechanisms underlying self-representation, which insula, and ventral striatum (Ochsner & Gross, we consider here as a single system performing 2005; Wager, Davidson, Hughes, Lindquist, & the ­conceptually related functions of recognizing, ­Ochsner, 2008). reflecting on, and maintaining knowledge of the self Implicit regulation. In contrast to forms of (Figure 22.3). regulation that are driven by explicit regulatory Agency. One key component of the self is the goals, SCN studies have also looked at forms of experience that one was causally responsible for learning-based regulation in which stimulus val- generating a particular behavior. This process, often ues are updated implicitly according to principles referred to as agency, has been studied in a number of associative learning. One example of this form of ways. In an early study of this process, partici- of learning is extinction of the conditioned fear pants were asked to watch a clock and remember response. Fear conditioning involves learning the precise time when they formed the intention to that an initially neutral stimulus (the conditioned respond (Libet, Gleason, Wright, & Pearl, 1983). stimulus) predicts the occurrence of an intrinsically Intriguingly, this study revealed a neural response unpleasant outcome (the unconditioned stimu- that preceded participants’ reports of the time they lus). During extinction, the conditioned stimulus consciously decided to act by a few hundred mil- is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned liseconds. Subsequent neuroimaging studies of this stimulus. Over time, conditioned responses to task have observed similar responses in supplemen- the conditioned stimulus diminish as the organ- tary motor areas, along with the dACC, dorsolateral ism learns to no longer fear that the unpleasant prefrontal cortex, mPFC, and precuneus (Babiloni unconditioned stimulus will soon follow. Recording et al., 2008; Lau, Rogers, Haggard, & Passingham, and lesion studies in animals as well as func- 2004). Although one interpretation of this work tional imaging studies in have implicated is that neural responses are causally antecedent to a region of the vmPFC in this ability (Delgado, both intentions and behavior, whether neural events Nearing, LeDoux, & Phelps, 2008; Phelps, Delgado, causally precede all intentions or just reflective Nearing, & LeDoux, 2004). Overlapping regions of reports of intention recognition is unclear at this vmPFC have been shown to support performance point (Wegner, 2003). in reversal learning tasks, in which participants Another approach to the study of agency investi- are trained to respond differentially to two stimuli gates action monitoring, which involves the through reward and punishment conditions and ­detection of the divergence (or lack of divergence) then tested under reversed reward and punishment between observed and expected ­behaviors,

698 Social Cognitive Neuroscience

Self-Representation precuneus & posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) temporoparietal junction (TPJ) medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) anterior prefrontal cortex (aPFC)

Figure 22.3. Self-representation. as well as the metacognitive assessment of agency, (reviewed in Legrand & Ruby, 2009). Interestingly, which occurs when participants reflect on the activity in the mPFC, posterior cingulate cortex, ­output of the action monitoring process and then and precuneus is also observed during retrieval consciously infer the extent to which they caused of autobiographical memory episodes (Cabeza & the behavior in question (Miele, Wager, Mitchell, & St. Jacques, 2007), imagination of potential future Metcalfe, 2011). Across several studies, the most events (Szpunar, Watson, & McDermott, 2007), and common correlate of action monitoring is activity in during periods of rest in the functional MRI (fMRI) the temporoparietal junction (TPJ) that tracks the scanner, when participants are free to engage in mismatch between observed and predicted behavior spontaneous thought (Gusnard & Raichle, 2001). (Blakemore, Oakley, & Frith, 2003; Miele et al., These regions are also commonly recruited when 2011; C. Preston & Newport, 2008). Metacognitive people think about other people, particularly those assessments of agency, however, seem to rely not on who are emotionally close to them (Krienen, Tu, & TPJ but on the anterior prefrontal cortex, a region Buckner, 2010; van Overwalle, 2009). Thus, rather implicated in more generally than being “self regions” per se, it is possible that (Miele et al., 2011). activity in mPFC, posterior cingulate cortex, and Self-knowledge. Beyond just recognizing precuneus supports more general processes that authorship of their actions, humans have the are recruited across these contexts—for example, remarkable ability to reflect on and maintain knowl- inferential or associative processing that operates on edge about themselves. A fundamental question in information recalled from memory (see Bar, 2009; social psychology is the degree to which the self Legrand & Ruby, 2009; Lieberman, 2012). is a unique knowledge structure, qualitatively dif- Shedding light on this issue, a recent meta-analysis ferent from other kinds of mental representations has shown that the mPFC regions most strongly (Higgins & Bargh, 1987; Klein, Loftus, & Kihlstrom, engaged for judgments about the self are relatively 2002). This line of investigation has played out in ventral, whereas more dorsal regions of mPFC are SCN research as a search for neural regions specific more strongly engaged when making judgments to self-knowledge processing. An early study found about others (Denny, Kober, Wager, & Ochsner, 2012). that, relative to judgments about other people, self- This finding­suggests that ventral and dorsal mPFC judgments of trait words more strongly engage a regions are ­topographically mapped with respect to region of mPFC (Kelley et al., 2002). Activity of processes engaged more strongly for self as opposed mPFC has since been seen in several studies of self- to other judgments, perhaps relating to the differential judgment, often observed in concert with activity ­connectivity these regions have with other parts of in the posterior cingulate cortex and precuneus the brain (Ongür, Ferry, & Price, 2003). As noted

699 Doré, Zerubavel, and Ochsner earlier, vmPFC enjoys strong interconnections with with its other-detection function, extrastriate body regions implicated in evaluation and is involved in area activation is greater when viewing bodies from implicit forms of learning-based regulation. By con- a third-person perspective (i.e., externally, at a dis- trast, dorsal portions of mPFC are relatively more tance) than from a first-person perspective (i.e., the interconnected with lateral PFC regions implicated in viewpoint from which one views one’s own body; cognitive control and memory retrieval, although Chan, Peelen, & Downing, 2004; Saxe, Jamal, & they too have connections with subcortical regions Powell, 2006). The posterior superior temporal sul- implicated in evaluation. This pattern suggests that cus (pSTS) responds to various dynamic social cues self-focused judgments depend more on systems such as moving eyes, lips, fingers, and hands (Alli- involved in evaluation, perhaps because the expres- son, Puce, & McCarthy, 2000; ­Pelphrey, Morris, & sion of self-knowledge inherently involves a ­constant McCarthy, 2005; Pelphrey, Singerman, Allison, & tracking of the value of things with respect to the self. McCarthy, 2003), as well as point-light videos depicting only the articulated motion of joints during Core Systems of Interpersonal Social human action (e.g., Grèzes et al., 2001; Grossman & Cognition Blake, 2002; Puce & ­Perrett, 2003; Vaina, Solomon, Chowdhury, Sinha, & Belliveau, 2001). Neurophysio- System 4: Nonverbal social . To under- logical research in monkeys has revealed that neu- stand and interact with other people, one must first rons in the pSTS ­activate in response to biological perceive them as social entities, distinct from other motion cues from multiple perceptual modalities objects in the environment. The system underlying (Barraclough, Xiao, Baker, Oram, & Perrett, 2005), this ability is made up of several distinct brain and human neuroimaging studies have confirmed regions that are specialized for detecting particular that the human pSTS responds to the sound of features of other people (Figure 22.4). All of these ­people walking (Bidet-Caulet, Voisin, Bertrand, & regions are part of the ventral visual stream that is Fonlupt, 2005; Saarela & Hari, 2008). This body of the primary processing pathway for visual inputs. research has demonstrated the existence of a core Studies have found that the fusiform face area social ­perception system that receives dedicated and the occipital face area are uniquely sensitive to ­support from brain regions sensitive to particular static face stimuli (Hoffman & Haxby, 2000; static and dynamic social cues. ­Kanwisher, McDermott, & Chun, 1997; McCarthy, Puce, Gore, & Allison, 1997). Another region of the System 5: Experience sharing. The simple act brain, the extrastriate body area, selectively of observing another person’s behavior has been responds to visual presentation of bodies (Downing, shown to rapidly (i.e., without reflection or extensive Jiang, Shuman, & Kanwisher, 2001). Consistent ­inferential processing) activate representations of

Figure 22.4. Nonverbal social perception.

700 Social Cognitive Neuroscience certain kinds of internal mental states associated Fogassi, & Gallese, 2001). Converging neurosci- with the behavior (Figure 22.5). This process is ence research on action understanding implicates a thought to support vicarious social inference by ­network of several interconnected brain regions: the matching a target’s behaviors to stored representa- anterior intraparietal sulcus, premotor cortex, and tions in the perceiver’s own repertoire—including, inferior frontal gyrus (Rizzolatti, Fabbri-Destro, & crucially, the motor intentions and affective states Cattaneo, 2009). This network receives input from associated with the behaviors. In so doing, the the pSTS, which integrates visual and auditory ­experience-sharing system is thought to provide sensory information about (for people with direct experiential understanding of reviews, see Barraclough et al., 2005; Pulvermüller, other people’s internal states. 2005). Dovetailing research in monkeys and humans Neuroscience research on experience sharing has found that signals from the pSTS propagate to began with electrophysiological recordings of indi- the anterior intraparietal sulcus (Keysers & Perrett, vidual in the macaque ventral premotor cor- 2004; Nishitani & Hari, 2002), which specifies the tex that fired when the monkey either executed or action’s context and associated objects (Tunik, Rice, observed a manual grasping action (di Pellegrino Hamilton, & Grafton, 2007), and to the premotor et al., 1992). Deemed mirror neurons, these cells cortex, where input is compared with stored motor seemed to encode representations of an action’s representations for actions (Rizzolatti et al., 2001). intended goal whether performed by the self or by Compellingly, the premotor cortex contains neurons others. The discovery of such low-level self–other that activate with sensitivity to the particular goal of linkage prompted hypotheses positioning mirror an action, for example, grasping an object to eat it neurons as the foundation of human social cognition versus place it in a container (Fogassi et al., 2005). (e.g., Gallese, Keysers, & Rizzolatti, 2004). Although The inferior frontal gyrus is also thought to facilitate this view has some problems (see Gallese, Gerns- identification of motor intentions by comparing bacher, Heyes, Hickok, & Iacoboni, 2011; Glenberg, resemblance of input to stored representations in 2011), these ideas inspired a productive body of the perceiver’s repertoire (Rizzolatti et al., 2009). By research asking how human perceivers use shared representing simple motor intentions, these systems self–other representations to understand other people. enable a social perceiver to identify what a social Action understanding. According to the direct- ­target is doing as well as how she or he is accom- matching hypothesis, perceivers comprehend plishing this act (see Spunt & Lieberman, 2012a). an observed goal-directed action by mapping its Affect sharing. Extending the shared represen- perceptual representation onto a corresponding tation logic beyond the scope of affectively neutral motor representation of the same action (Rizzolatti, actions, it has been suggested that ­perceivers also

Figure 22.5. Experience sharing.

701 Doré, Zerubavel, and Ochsner simulate affective states (Bastiaansen, Thioux, & dACC and anterior insula during both the observa- Keysers, 2009; Decety & Jackson, 2004; Keysers & tion and the personal experience of pain (Bernhardt & Gazzola, 2006; Niedenthal, 2007; S. D. Preston & Singer, 2012; Zaki & Ochsner, 2012). Indeed, de Waal, 2002), resulting in what has been called ­observation of various pain-related social stimuli has both and affect ­sharing between been found to engage these regions, including perceiver and target. Consistent with this hypoth- watching video clips of targets hearing painfully esis, studies have shown overlapping patterns of aversive sounds (Lamm, Batson, & Decety, 2007), brain activity during execution and observation of seeing hands being pricked by needles (Morrison, emotional facial expressions (e.g., Carr, Iacoboni, Lloyd, Di Pelligrino, & Roberts, 2004), and viewing Dubeau, Mazziotta, & Lenzi, 2003; Hennenlotter other body parts in painful circumstances (Jackson, et al., 2005; Jabbi, Swart, & Keysers, 2007; Meltzoff, & Decety, 2005). Lee, Josephs, Dolan, & Critchley, 2006; Leslie, ­Johnson-Frey, & Grafton, 2004; Pfeifer, Iacoboni, System 6: Mentalizing. Whereas research on Mazziotta, & Dapretto, 2008). Botox injections that experience sharing focuses on shared self–other paralyze facial muscles involved in frowning present representations that enable vicarious understand- a natural experiment for testing the link between ing of others’ intentions and experiences, work on execution and observation of emotional displays: A the mentalizing system instead emphasizes abstract recent study found that these injections cause pro- semantic representations that support symbolic, portional decreases in the responsiveness of frown descriptive, and propositional understanding of muscles and the amygdala when viewing angry faces these mental states (Figure 22.6; Ochsner, 2008). (Hennenlotter et al., 2009). This line of research follows from seminal work Further support for affect sharing comes from on : the capacity to attribute mental findings that disgusting odors and observing states on the basis of an understanding that others others doing so recruits overlapping portions of the have beliefs, intentions, and feelings that are differ- anterior insula (Jabbi et al., 2007; Wicker et al., ent from one’s own (Premack & Woodruff, 1978). 2003) and, similarly, observing people receive mon- Consistent with the methodological tradition of etary rewards activates regions of the ventral stria- theory-of-mind work, SCN studies of mentalizing tum also engaged by reward receipt (Mobbs et al., have typically involved explicit judgments about 2009). Other studies have focused on sharing of the mental states of human targets. Collectively, pain-related negative affect, showing activation of they have implicated a mentalizing network made

Figure 22.6. Mentalizing.

702 Social Cognitive Neuroscience up of the mPFC, pCC, precuneus, TPJ, pSTS, and ­perceivers recruit pSTS for tasks in which nonverbal ­temporal poles (see Van Overwalle, 2009). social cues contain information relevant to mental One striking finding is the extent to which this state attribution. By contrast, TPJ activation is more mentalizing system overlaps with the network for typically observed in studies that use exclusively self-representation, which suggests that some of the verbal variants of Wimmer and Perner’s (1983) processes perceivers recruit to understand others are false-belief paradigm to test children’s theory-of-mind also engaged to understand themselves. In particular, competence (e.g., Gobbini et al., 2007; Saxe & the mPFC is activated in virtually all studies that Kanwisher, 2003). These studies have led to ­proposals require making judgments about transient or enduring that TPJ specifically underlies attributions of belief psychological characteristics of oneself or other (e.g., Saxe & Kanwisher, 2003). An alternative ­people (see Mitchell, 2009). Yet studies that include explanation of TPJ activation is that false-belief par- judgments about self and others have generally adigms require participants to recruit this region shown both shared and distinct patterns of activa- simply to reorient attention to task-relevant stimuli tion within the mPFC (Jenkins, Macrae, & Mitchell, (Decety & Lamm, 2007; Mitchell, 2008). To ­establish 2008; Mitchell, Macrae, & Banaji, 2006; Ochsner a comprehensive model of the mentalizing system, et al., 2004, 2005; Saxe, Moran, Scholz, & Gabrieli, future SCN research must continue to ­clarify the 2006). As discussed earlier, a recent meta-analysis independent and interactive contributions of its revealed that judgments about self versus other individual components. within the mPFC are functionally organized along a ventral to dorsal gradient (Denny et al., 2012), a COMPLEX SOCIAL PHENOMENA EMERGE ­pattern that can be observed in single studies as well FROM INTERACTIONS AMONG CORE (e.g., Mitchell et al., 2006). Interestingly, mentalizing SYSTEMS about similar or close others also recruits the regions of the vmPFC that support mentalizing Just as a cognitive neuroscience approach can about the self (Krienen et al., 2010; Mitchell et al., explain high-level cognitive abilities, such as working 2006; Mitchell, Banaji, & Macrae, 2005), thus sug- through a difficult math problem, in terms of inter- gesting that making inferences about people who are acting brain systems enabling, for example, selective similar or close to one is psychologically and neu- attention, cognitive control, and long-term memory, rally akin to introspecting about one’s own mind. the SCN approach considers complex social phe- Aside from the mPFC, additional components of nomena such as empathy and social rejection as the mentalizing system are activated in some, but emerging from the interaction of more basic compo- not all, studies in this research domain. The hetero- nent processes, including the six core systems we geneity of results across studies of mentalizing is not have outlined. Because neuroscience tools allow altogether surprising given the variety of tasks used researchers access not only to stimulus inputs and by different researchers. It suggests that reasoning behavioral outputs but to the brain mechanisms about others is not a monolithic process; rather, underlying phenomena of interest, these tools are ­perceivers recruit different constellations of mental- uniquely capable of revealing interactions of these izing system components depending on the particu- core systems. In this section, we summarize SCN lars of their task. For instance, increased activation research aimed at delineating the roles of core of pSTS (implicated in nonverbal social perception) ­processes in the construction of a wide range of is consistently observed in mentalizing studies that social psychological phenomena. use nonverbal stimuli such as eye-gaze cues (e.g., Baron-Cohen et al., 1999; Platek, Keenan, Gallup, & Empathy Mohamed, 2004) and animations of anthropomor- Despite its prominence in social psychological phized geometric shapes (e.g., Castelli, Frith, ­theory and research, empathy is a notoriously ill- Happé, & Frith, 2002; Gobbini, Koralek, Bryan, defined construct made up of multiple component Montgomery, & Haxby, 2007). It seems that processes (Wispé, 1986; Zaki & Ochsner, 2012).

703 Doré, Zerubavel, and Ochsner

Some studies of empathy have focused on neural ­experience-sharing and mentalizing systems predicts responses when observing pain, demonstrating that the accuracy of perceivers’ judgments concerning the magnitude of participants’ dACC and anterior the target’s emotional state (Zaki et al., 2009), as insula response is correlated with their self-reported well as feelings of empathy and resultant helping tendency to share others’ affective states (Lamm behavior (Rameson, Morelli, & Lieberman, 2012; et al., 2007; Lamm, Nusbaum, Meltzoff, & Decety, Waytz, Zaki, & Mitchell, 2012). 2007). Other studies have shown measures of trait Much recent research has conceptualized empa- empathy to correspond with activation of mPFC thy as a flexible phenomenon and aims to specify (Rankin et al., 2006; Shamay-Tsoory, Tomer, Berger, & when and how particular situational, motivational, Aharon-Peretz, 2003; Shamay-Tsoory et al., 2005; and dispositional factors influence the component Singer et al., 2004), as well as dorsomedial prefron- systems that perceivers recruit (e.g., Decety & tal cortex, vlPFC, and ventral striatum (Chakrabarti, Lamm, 2006; Downey, Zaki, & Berenson, 2008; Bullmore, & Baron-Cohen, 2006; Kaplan & Hein & Singer, 2008; Hodges & Wegner, 1997; ­Iacoboni, 2006; Pfeifer et al., 2008; Rankin et al., Spunt & Lieberman, 2012b; Zaki & Ochsner, 2012). 2006; Schulte-Rüther, Markowitsch, Fink, & Piefke, One situational factor affecting empathic responding 2007; Shamay-Tsoory et al., 2005; Singer et al., that is emphasized in social psychological theory is 2004). This diverse array of findings links individual the goal of the perceiver. In the context of empathy differences in dispositional empathy to activity in for others’ emotional experiences, the action identi- the brain’s evaluation, experience-sharing, mentalizing, fication model would distinguish between identifying and regulation systems. It may also reflect the het- the behavioral actions involved in an expression of erogeneous conceptualizations of empathy probed and then inferring the cause of these by different trait measures. Inspired by social actions (Vallacher & Wegner, 1987). Intriguingly, ­psychological theories that dissect the traditionally Spunt and Lieberman (2012b) found that partici- unitary construct of empathy into functionally dis- pants watching videos of people displaying emo- tinct component processes, some researchers have tional behavior show neural evidence of experience also developed fMRI paradigms aiming to probe sharing (but not mentalizing) when simply identifying ­particular subcomponents of empathy. the emotion displayed and, interestingly, functional Although early accounts of the brain basis of coupling of experience-sharing and mentalizing empathy tended to place sole emphasis on either ­systems when attributing a cause to the emotional experience-sharing or mentalizing functions as behavior. instantiated by distinct brain systems (see The relationship between the perceiver and ­Shamay-Tsoory, Aharon-Peretz, & Perry, 2009), a ­target also influences empathic responding. Con- growing trend in the field advances an integrative verging evidence has indicated that the target’s model of empathy, using tasks that examine the way closeness or similarity to a perceiver modulates in which these two systems may interact to produce activity of brain regions supporting experience shar- empathic outcomes (Keysers & Gazzola, 2007; ing. For example, when participants are close to or Spunt & Lieberman, 2012b; Zaki & Ochsner, 2012). perceive themselves to be similar to a target, they Although earlier studies used relatively artificial show greater ventral striatum activity when that tar- stimuli that elicited increased activation of either get wins money (Mobbs et al., 2009) and greater experience-sharing or mentalizing systems (but not dACC and anterior insula response when that target both), results from more naturalistic paradigms, is in pain (Beeney, Franklin, Levy, & Adams, 2011; such as live joint-attention tasks (Redcay et al., Hein, Silani, Preuschoff, Batson, & Singer, 2010; 2010) and video accounts of autobiographical Meyer et al., 2013; Xu, Zuo, Wang, & Han, 2009). events (Wolf, Dziobek, & Heekeren, 2010; Zaki, Interestingly, people who endorse a preference for Hennigan, Weber, & Ochsner, 2010; Zaki, Weber, social dominance ­hierarchy over egalitarianism Bolger, & Ochsner, 2009), have revealed coactiva- (Chiao, Mathur, Harada, & Lipke, 2009) show tion of the two systems. Moreover, activity in both lesser dACC and ­anterior insula responses when

704 Social Cognitive Neuroscience observing others in pain, and men watching compet- intrinsic value (see Fletcher & Doebeli, 2009). An itors experience pain actually show activation of the early imaging study on this topic asked participants ventral striatum (Singer et al., 2006), thought to to donate money to charities at their own personal reflect an instance ofschadenfreude , or joy derived expense. Relative to baseline, both receiving money from the misfortune of others (see also Takahashi et and donating money to charity engaged regions of al., 2009). Another study (Masten, Morelli, & Eisen- the brain’s mesolimbic dopamine system, including berger, 2011) suggested that people observing social the ventral tegmental area and ventral striatum pain tend to show more mentalizing activity when (Moll et al., 2006). Subsequent studies have shown targets are unfamiliar and more experience-sharing that the vmPFC also responds during charitable activity when targets are familiar. Intriguingly, this decision making (Hare, Camerer, Knoepfle, pattern did not hold for highly empathic perceivers, O’Doherty, & Rangel, 2010; Zaki & Mitchell, 2011) who showed affect-sharing responses to both famil- and that the magnitude of this vmPFC response iar and unfamiliar targets. Thus, there is still much ­correlates with the subjective value of the donation to understand about patterns of empathic respond- (Hare et al., 2010). Moreover, inequitable decisions ing that differ between people and the extent to are associated with activity in the anterior insula, a which these differences are stable versus malleable. region associated with negative affect (Zaki & Mitchell, 2011). A parallel line of research has Prosocial shown that individual differences in pSTS and A defining feature of human beings is their pro- mPFC activity predict self-reports of altruistic foundly social nature. The motivation to affiliate ­motivation (Mathur, Harada, Lipke, & Chiao, 2010; with and care for other people has surely been a big Tankersley, Stowe, & Huettel, 2007) and that indi- factor in the success of the species. Yet many eco- vidual differences in mPFC response during a social nomic and evolutionary models of human nature judgment task predict the later amount of money have proposed that prosociality and altruism are given and amount of time spent helping another merely cleverly disguised self-interest—sham dis- person (Waytz et al., 2012). plays deployed in the service of protecting a reputa- Taken together, these findings support the tion and avoiding social punishment (e.g., Dovidio, notion that fairness can act as its own reward and 1984). Evidence in support of such a view certainly show that people who tend to strongly engage the exists. For example, emphasizing the importance of brain’s mentalizing system also tend to be generous reputation leads people to distribute resources more with their time and money. These studies have equitably (Milinski, Semmann, & Krambeck, 2002), drawn strong connections between social under- and threatening to punish participants who do not standing, evaluative processing, and altruistic act fairly leads to increased giving that is strongly behavior and in doing so provide a preliminary correlated with activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal sketch of the mechanisms enabling the sociality that cortex (Spitzer, Fischbacher, Herrnberger, Gron, & characterizes the human species. Gehr, 2007), suggesting active regulation of ­prepotent responses driven by self-interest. Social Exclusion However, numerous experimental demonstra- To the extent that social disconnection can be a tions have suggested against self-interest as a pri- ­fundamental threat to survival, socially painful mary motivator for prosocial behavior (Batson, experiences should engage basic neural circuitry 1991). For example, even in the complete absence of involved in processing physical pain (Baumeister & threats of punishment, most people opt to share Leary, 1995; Bowlby, 1969; Eisenberger & Lieberman, money with each other in economic games (Andre- 2004; Macdonald & Leary, 2005; Panksepp, 1998). oni & Miller, 2002). These findings, together with Pain researchers have determined that this circuitry the results of several recent fMRI experiments, have includes at least two distinct components: (a) suggested an alternative model of prosocial acts: Somatosensory cortex and posterior insula map the Perhaps these acts are motivated by their own sensory pain signal to a particular location on the

705 Doré, Zerubavel, and Ochsner body, whereas (b) dACC and anterior insula generate evidence that individual differences in sensitivity to pain’s subjectively felt unpleasantness (Price, 2000; social disconnection relate to responsiveness of Treede, Kenshalo, Gracely, & Jones, 1999). brain regions that signal affective pain. If processing social pain engages the basic neural systems for processing the affective component of Grief and Romantic Rejection pain, then socially painful experiences should evoke Although most studies have investigated social pain activation in the dACC and anterior insula in the context of interacting with strangers, a few (­Eisenberger, 2012; Eisenberger, Lieberman, & have examined the brain systems that respond to ­Williams, 2003). To investigate this hypothesis, the loss of a significant other because of death or many fMRI studies have used the Cyberball task to the end of a relationship. Two studies have docu- induce social exclusion. In this task, participants mented activation of dACC and anterior insula believe they are playing a virtual game of catch over when bereaved participants view of the Internet with other study participants (actually deceased loved ones (Gündel, O’Connor, Littrell, computer-programmed players) who, after initially Fort, & Lane, 2003; O’Connor et al., 2008), including the participant, stop throwing the ball to ­supporting the social pain account of grief. Several the participant entirely. Being excluded from the studies have also investigated brain processes impli- ball-tossing game in fact reliably evokes increased cated in romantic rejection, another source of pain- activation of the dACC and anterior insula (see ful loss. In one such study, viewing photographs of Eisenberger, 2012). Moreover, just as activity in the a recent ex-partner and thinking about the dACC and anterior insula correlates with self- unwanted break-up elicited increased activation of reports of the unpleasantness of physical pain dACC and anterior insula (Fisher, Brown, Aron, (Craig, 2002; Craig, Reiman, Evans, & Bushnell, Strong, & Mashek, 2010; Kross, Berman, Mischel, 1996; Kulkarni et al., 2005; Schreckenberger et al., Smith, & Wager, 2011). 2005), activity in these regions also tracks feelings Another interesting parallel between studies of of distress evoked by social exclusion in Cyberball grief and romantic rejection concerns the role of the (see Eisenberger, 2012) and by negative feedback . In participants suffering from com- about a personal interview (Eisenberger et al., plicated grief (i.e., prolonged, unabated grief), this 2011). Converging with findings from research on task additionally engaged the ventral striatum, and emotion regulation processes, activation of right the magnitude of this response correlated with self- vlPFC during social exclusion relates to downregu- reported yearning for the deceased (O’Connor et al., lation of self-reported distress and affective pain 2008). This pattern of results corroborates the role regions (Eisenberger, Gable, & Lieberman, 2007; of reward circuitry in attachment and suggests that Eisenberger et al., 2003). enduring reward responses to reminders of the Individual differences in activity of affective pain deceased may interfere with adaptively letting go of regions also correlates positively with daily life expe- this attachment. In a study of people who were still riences of social disconnection (Eisenberger et al., intensely in love with an ex-partner, activity while 2007), as well as with low self-esteem (Onoda et al., viewing images of the ex was observed in the ventral 2010), rejection sensitivity (Burklund, ­Eisenberger, striatum, vmPFC, and ventral tegmental area, & Lieberman, 2007), and anxious attachment style regions implicated in reward, craving, and (DeWall, Masten, Powell, Schurtz, & Eisenberger, (Fisher et al., 2010). Together, these findings 2012; Gillath, Bunge, Shaver, Wendelken, & Miku- ­suggest that engagement of reward circuitry, which lincer, 2005; Lemche et al., 2006). However, some likely serves a function in sustaining the bonds of a factors correlate negatively with this activity, includ- close relationship, may become maladaptive when it ing (Eisenberger et al., 2007; Masten, endures after a relationship terminates. These stud- Telzer, Fuligni, Lieberman, & ­Eisenberger, 2012) ies have laid the groundwork for a functional and avoidant attachment style (DeWall et al., 2012). ­ of grief and romantic rejection. It Collectively, these studies have ­provided mounting would be fruitful for future studies to examine how

706 Social Cognitive Neuroscience trajectories after a loss can be shaped by various Paradigms that involve active tasks—rather than individual- and relationship-level factors. passive viewing of stimuli—have gained more trac- Comparing neuroimaging findings from studies tion, particularly in elucidating the brain systems on grief and romantic rejection has also yielded underlying attachment in close relationships. Some ­several divergent results that have not yet been ade- social have suggested that secure quately explained. First, studies of grief have yielded attachment figures provide a critical analgesic safety activation of the PAG (Gündel et al., 2003; signal, particularly during threatening or painful O’Connor et al., 2008), but studies of romantic ­situations (Ainsworth, 1979; Bowlby, 1988; Feeney & rejection have not. Second, although studies of both Kirkpatrick, 1996; Hazan & Shaver, 1987). types of social loss implicate dACC and anterior ­Consistent with this account, exposure to an attach- insula, reminders of romantic rejection additionally ment figure during physically painful circumstances elicit responses in neural substrates underlying the reduces both self-reported physical pain sensory components of pain: posterior insula (Fisher ­(Eisenberger et al., 2011; Master et al., 2009; et al., 2010; Kross et al., 2011) and secondary Younger, Aron, Parke, Chatterjee, & Mackey, 2010) somatosensory cortex (Kross et al., 2011). Explicat- and associated neural responses in affective pain ing the functional roles of these threat- and regions such as the dACC and anterior insula ­somatosensory-related components in processing (Eisenberger et al., 2011; Younger et al., 2010). grief and romantic rejection, respectively, remains a Moreover, the pain relief associated with the pres- goal of future SCN research on social loss. ence of a romantic partner is directly linked to recruitment of systems that inhibit threat-related Romantic Love and Attachment responding, including vmPFC (Eisenberger et al., Love is a complex and elusive object of scientific 2011) and the ventral striatum (Younger et al., inquiry, varying significantly across cultures and 2010), which may support implicit emotion regula- individuals, as well as within a given relationship tion and retrieval of rewarding associations. In over time. Neuroimaging methods allow research- ­addition to inhibiting recruitment of affective pain ers to unravel some of the component psychological regions and decreasing self-reported pain ratings, processes underlying the construct of romantic vmPFC activity also tracks relationship length and love, including caregiving, attachment, and sexual perceived social support provided by the romantic attraction (Acevedo, Aron, Fisher, & Brown, 2012; partner (Eisenberger, Master, et al., 2011). Exposure Fisher, Aron, & Brown, 2005, 2006). Many fMRI to images of a supportive attachment figure also studies of love and attachment have shown partici- reduces neural responses underlying distress pants in the scanner images of a loved one. These induced by social exclusion (Karremans, Heslenfeld, studies have typically implicated regions involved van Dillen, & Van Lange, 2011). Turning to attachment in basic reward and motivation systems in respond- processes more broadly construed, it has been shown ing to romantic targets (Acevedo et al., 2012; Aron that, although positive social feedback has been associ- et al., 2005; ­Bartels & Zeki, 2000, 2004; Fisher ated with increased activation of ­reward-related regions et al., 2005, 2006, 2010; Leibenluft, Gobbini, such as ventral striatum (e.g., Izuma, Saito, & ­Harrison, & Haxby, 2004; Ortigue, Bianchi-Demicheli, Sadato, 2008), this activity is less apparent for those Hamilton, & Grafton, 2007; Ortigue, Bianchi-­ with an avoidant attachment style (Vrticˇka, Andersson, Demicheli, Patel, Frum, & Lewis, 2010). Some Grandjean, Sander, & Vuilleumier, 2008). studies have also reported increased activation of the mentalizing system (Leibenluft et al., 2004; Moral Judgment Seifritz et al., 2003), whereas others have reported Philosophers and psychologists have long asked the opposite (Bartels & Zeki, 2000, 2004). Such how it is that people come to know what is right and conflicting results are perhaps not surprising given wrong and on what factors this knowledge is based. the ­complexity and heterogeneity of love as a Recent work in the neuroscience of moral judgment ­psychological construct. has begun to contribute to this line of inquiry in

707 Doré, Zerubavel, and Ochsner

­several intriguing ways. As is the case with most Bramati, & Grafman, 2002; Moll, de Oliveira-Souza, social and cognitive neuroscience research, early Eslinger, et al., 2002). Subsequent research has studies of this topic focused on the functional infer- shown modulation of activity in these regions by ential goal of mapping moral cognition to putative particular aspects of the moral scenario, including brain substrates. These studies often proceed by the actor’s intentions (Schaich Borg, Hynes, Van constructing controlled contrasts between types of Horn, Grafton, & Sinnott-Armstrong, 2006) and the stimuli that ostensibly differ only in terms of their consequences of the actor’s actions (Young, moral content. For example, participants may be ­Cushman, Hauser, & Saxe, 2007). scanned while reading sentences describing moral Thus, what has largely emerged from these violations (e.g., “He shot the victim to death”) versus ­studies aimed at uncovering the moral brain is that social violations (e.g., “He licked the dirty toilet)— the brain substrates of moral judgment largely these types of studies have revealed greater vmPFC ­overlap with areas of the brain crucial in evaluative, response to moral versus nonmoral stimuli regulatory, and social processing (Young & Dungan, ­(Harenski & Hamann, 2006; Heekeren, Warten- 2011). As such, the weight of the neural evidence burger, Schmidt, Schwintowski, & Villringer, 2003; suggests that the evaluation, regulation, and mental- Moll, de Oliveira-Souza, Eslinger, et al., 2002), izing systems act as key inputs to moral judgment, a ­supporting the notion that basic affective evaluation conceptualization complementary to current social processes subserved by the vmPFC contribute to moral psychological theories of morality (e.g., Haidt, judgment (reviewed in Young & Dungan, 2011). 2007) and encouraging for future investigators Other studies have opted to contrast one or more interested in the interaction of these component different types of moral cognition with each other. processes. An early investigation into this topic contrasted “personal,” or highly emotionally salient, moral Conformity decisions, such as physically shoving a man off a Why do individuals conform to the judgments and bridge to save five other people from being killed, behavior of others? This question has always been with “impersonal” moral decisions, such as rerout- central to social psychology, inspiring a research ing a trolley so it hits one man instead of five others agenda spanning several decades (Asch, 1956; (Greene, Sommerville, Nystrom, Darley, & Cohen, Sherif, 1936; Turner, 1991). Most of the findings in 2001). This study found that the personal scenarios this area are broadly consistent with two potential were associated with vmPFC activity and that the accounts of conformity. The first, private accep- magnitude of this activity predicts participants’ tance, proposes that individuals might be drawing ­tendency to condemn the emotionally salient act of on the behavior of others to inform and truly modify shoving one man to save five others. The same their own judgments. The second, public compliance, ­personal scenarios were also associated with holds that individuals could merely be professing increased activity in lateral PFC and parietal cortex, agreement with norms they do not accept to obey which Greene et al. (2001) interpreted as reflecting perceived requests and avoid social sanctions. These processing of the cognitive and emotional conflict two sources of conformity, conflated in many involved in such trials, an inference bolstered by ­behavioral studies of this phenomenon, have proved behavioral data showing that response times for exceedingly difficult to disentangle empirically. ­personal dilemmas were longer when the partici- Aiming to isolate the effects of private accep- pants responded that the act was morally tance, many studies have asked participants to pro- ­appropriate versus morally inappropriate. vide their responses anonymously and in private. In addition to vmPFC, several studies of moral Yet even these requirements cannot rule out the judgment have generally implicated TPJ and poste- possibility of participants conforming because of the rior STS, regions crucial to mentalizing and self-­ influence of implied or imagined others (Allport, representation (Berthoz, Grèzes, Armony, 1954). Indeed, a meta-analysis of nearly 100 studies Passingham, & Dolan, 2006; Moll, de Oliveira-Souza, of conformity indicated that responding publicly

708 Social Cognitive Neuroscience versus privately has no effect on participants’ ual differences in behavioral conformity effects responses (Bond & Smith, 1996). In its attempt to (Berns et al., 2010; Campbell-Meiklejohn measure the isolated effects of private acceptance et al., 2010; Klucharev et al., 2009). uncontaminated by public compliance effects, Collectively, these studies have charted a course empirical research on conformity has been mired by that enables conformity research to circumvent this quandary: Measuring social modulation of pri- long-standing obstacles of the field, distinguishing vately held beliefs requires that participants explic- private and public sources of conformity as well as itly report their judgments, but this necessarily clarifying their particular antecedents and conse- introduces the possibility of public compliance, if quences. By drawing on these findings, researchers even to the experimenters themselves. can better understand specific stages of conformity Recently, several studies have used neuroimaging processes and the psychological operations they to distinguish public and private sources of confor- engage. Revealing how the processes underlying mity effects by using both explicit (self-report) and particular conformity effects are modulated by situa- implicit (neural) measures of evaluations of the tional (e.g., exposure to peer vs. expert attitudes), objects of social influence. One study examined the developmental (e.g., adolescent vs. populations), reevaluation of facial attractiveness owing to expo- and dispositional (e.g., individual differences in sure to peer ratings (Zaki, Schirmer, & Mitchell, rejection sensitivity) factors remains an important 2011). Participants provided attractiveness ratings goal for future SCN research. for a series of faces before and then again after learning how their peers had rated each face; consistent with CONCLUSIONS AND THE NEAR FUTURE extant behavioral findings, participants’ second OF SOCIAL COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE attractiveness ratings conformed to peer norms. ­Neural responses collected during the second rating In this chapter, we have sketched out a précis of the period revealed that changes in participants’ ratings guiding principles of the SCN approach, nominated tracked with activity in brain regions of the evalua- a short list of brain systems core to social cognitive tion system that code subjective value (vmPFC and functioning, and illustrated efforts to explain ventral striatum). Thus, exposure to peer norms ­complex social phenomena in terms of interactions changed explicit attractiveness ratings of faces as well among these core systems. Along the way, we have as evaluative neural responses (Zaki et al., 2011). tried to emphasize the value of neuroimaging Neuroimaging paradigms have also shed light on research in teaching researchers more about what the conflict processes evoked when participants particular parts of the brain do and how this find out that other people disagree with their judg- ­information can then be used to discover how the ment and how these processes predict later confor- social mind works. mity with these other people. Several studies have For the behavioral considering shown that conflict with social norms results in engaging with the SCN approach, there are, at deactivation of ventral striatum and activation of ­present, for both caution and enthusiasm. dACC and anterior insula, whereas agreement with On the cautionary side, there is little doubt that stud- norms produces an inverse pattern of activation ies using artificial and highly simplified tasks run the (Berns, Capra, Moore, & Noussair, 2010; risk of generating patterns of social cognitive brain ­Campbell-Meiklejohn, Bach, Roepstorff, Dolan, & activity that differ systematically from brain activity Frith, 2010; Klucharev, Hytonen, Rijpkema, Smidts, & underlying everyday social experience. In addition, Fernandez, 2009). On a trial-by-trial basis, stronger studies that apply a subtractive logic to isolate the conflict-related­signals in dACC and striatum pre- neural correlates of high-level ­psychological dict subsequent behavioral judgment adjustments ­phenomena such as romantic love risk obscuring the in line with group norms (Klucharev et al., 2009). possibility that such phenomena ­actually reflect the Moreover, activation of dACC and anterior insula emergent properties of more basic brain systems. during conflict with social norms predicts individ- Fortunately, however, there are reasons for

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