JOAN Y. CHIAO Department of Psychology Northwestern University 2029 Sheridan Rd, Evanston, IL 60208 Email:
[email protected] Phone: 847.467.0481 ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2006-present Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Northwestern University Affiliated Faculty, Neuroscience Institute (NUIN) Affiliated Faculty, Cognitive Science Program Affiliated Faculty, Asian American Studies Program Affiliated Faculty, Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease Center Affiliated Faculty, Multidisciplinary Program in Educational Science Affiliated Faculty, Technology and Social Behavior Program Faculty Associate, Institute for Policy Research EDUCATION Ph.D. Harvard University in Psychology, 2001-2006 B.S. Stanford University in Symbolic Systems with Honors, 1996-2000 RESEARCH INTERESTS • Social affective and cultural neuroscience • Race and its influence on perception, cognition and emotion • Psychological and neural mechanisms underlying social status and dominance • Integration of psychology and neuroscience research to public policy and population health issues HONORS, AWARDS and FELLOWSHIPS 2011 Association for Psychological Science Rising Star Award 2011 NIMH Early Career International Travel Award 2006-07 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellow 2003-06 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship 2005 John Merck Summer Institute: Biology of Developmental Disabilities Allport Travel Funds, Harvard George W. Goethals Teaching Prizes, Harvard Cognitive Neuroscience Society Graduate Student Presenter Award