Government Balance Sheet Ministry of Culture Government of 2011/2015 Executive summary

Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de Cultura

Government Balance Sheet

Ministry of Culture Government of Catalonia 2011/2015

Executive summary

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Contents and coordination: Cristina Crespo Blanco

Writing and production: Eva Benedicto Soriano

Barcelona, September 2015

Government Balance Sheet Ministry of Culture. Government of Catalonia Executive summary Legal deposit: B 24874-2015


A legislature has ended and it is time to make out a balance sheet. These have been enormously complex years in cultural terms. The economic crisis, technological transformation, demographic change, a sharp fall in cultural consumption, reduction in Catalan government budgets and totally adverse cultural policies in the State government have composed an extremely complex environment for Catalan culture and even more so for the policies of the Ministry. These have been very difficult years, with the objectives at the outset having to be transformed to accommodate the changing and unfavourable circumstances we have had to live with. But without ever neglecting the basic ideal: to maintain a cultural system as solid and central as possible in our region’s social structure.

We have tackled the crisis, then, with the conviction that we could only win through if we faced up to it and if, measure by measure, detail by detail, policy by policy, we palliated the effects of the crisis and at the same time put into practice the necessary process of transforming the outdated public cultural policies in the region.

The document you have in your hands explains the initiatives that we have taken, but also sets out the structural changes that we have been articulating and a substantial modification in the methods of handling. We have rethought a good part of the cultural policy, we have taken full advantage of what we had, we have updated structures and protocols. We have remodelled essential things and we have made the structural and cooperative bases of the public policies more solid. We have backed creativity and cultural enterprises, the heritage, cultural associations, internationalization, the best possible management, the definitive normalization of the language and the principle of cooperation between administrations. We have suffered alongside the suffering in the sector, but we have given a response to the difficulties by forming a sound base on which we can benefit as fast as possible from clarification in the political situation and improvements in the financial and social situation, which are starting to come out.

We have smoothed out the way. The policy barrier which we are at the point of lifting will give us a cruising speed of maximum intensity. The work that we have done in these years allows us the certainty that the mechanisms of support for culture are much more solid than they were, that creativity is at the centre of the cultural story, we have improved the general perception of the role of entrepreneurs and cultural enterprises, we have organized the governability and role of most national amenities, we have organized the network of markets to be definitively focused on contracting and professionalization in each sector. We have achieved a significant presence in some international ambits (for example, the Catalan pavilions in Venice).

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On another point I would like to mention advances in the implementation of the library project. Without losing their individuality these have become focus points for cultural dynamism in their environments. We have created the Heritage Agency. A year and a half later, it is already seen to be a magnificent instrument to manage our rich heritage with much more efficiency.

In the field of language we have maintained our pace and, even, have advanced its use – although unevenly – in spite of continuous campaigns of disrespect, disdain and division by the State government. Luckily, after years of chipping away at it, society in general in Valencia and the Balearic Isles is entering a new and much more encouraging stage. In any case, from the Ministry we have prepared the ground for a return to applying shared policies to encourage extending the Survey on Linguistic Uses throughout the Catalan- speaking ambit.

We have also used these years to promote, with truly excellent results, citizen participation in manifestations of popular culture and in the associative movement. Half a million people are involved. We have been there to help them, we have created organs of participation.

Be that as it may, the last five years have served us for working with the idea of maximum cooperation. We have gone deeply into all the instruments of dialogue and participation, to the point of being able to ensure in practice that we have created a joint administration-civil society working model. All the sectors have a presence in executive bodies and there are many joint working tables. We have promoted to the maximum the exchange of ideas with creators, creative enterprises and agents of culture, both professional and amateur. We have created numerous forums for discussion. Everyone has been able to give his opinion. In the same way we have untiringly sought a consensus and understanding with the rest of the administrations and we have achieved agreements which would have been difficult to foresee some years ago. In spite of the logical difficulties, we are grateful for everyone’s readiness to talk, talk and talk until finding the elucidation of each problem.

There remains much to do, much money to invest when the economic situation changes, but the bases for restructuring the public cultural sector and support for the private sector are in place. The effects have started to be noted, but will not become clear immediately. With time we will find that the changes which have been introduced in these five years are a good basis on which to achieve the materialization of the qualitative leap that we desire. We want the Catalan culture to have maximum centrality in our society. To achieve a cultured region is the best guarantee for the future, the most rotund commitment to a creative, innovative, prosperous, cohesive, singular and universal region.

Ferran Mascarell i Canalda Minister of Culture

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Significant items

1. Deployment of the visual arts network (XAV) 2. Creation and start-up of the Catalonia Culture Foundation 3. Approval of the National Photography Plan 4. Plan to Stimulate Architecture 5. Seismographic Festival 6. Creative Catalonia Programme 7. Mapping the Cultural and Creative Industries of Catalonia including new disciplines 8. Catalonia, country of festivals 9. Reordering the strategic markets for the scenic arts and music in Catalonia 10. Comprehensive Plan for Music 11. Stimulus to the professionalization of culture 12. Creation of tax on electronic communications operators in order to promote audiovisuals 13. Defending the return of what are called the “Salamanca Papers” by the Government 14. Commemorative years and acts to recall and update leading figures in the Catalan cultural heritage 15. Open Romanesque Programme 16. Heritage in action 17. More tools for archaeological research 18. Integration of important legacies into various Catalan institutions 19. Impulse to setting up the National Fund of the Comic 20. Plan for Cultural Associations 2014-2016 21. Methodology for the inventory of the Intangible Cultural Heritage 22. Architecture Museum 23. Agreement for the delimitation of tasks between the Catalan National Art Museum (MNAC) and the Barcelona Contemporary Art Museum (MACBA) 24. Updating the museum presentations at MNAC 25. New headquarters of the Catalan Film Library and opening the Film Material Preservation and Restoration Centre in 26. Public system of facilities and amenities 27. Stimulus to the “Apropa Cultura” programme for groups in a situation of discrimination or risk of exclusion 28. “ArtAccés” application for people with hearing and visual disabilities (2014) 29. Scene 25 for young people aged 18 to 25 years 30. National Reading Plan 31. Libraries on the Network 32. 2015, the Year of the libraries 33. Single card 34. Creation of a new framework of financing 35. Creating the Heritage Agency 36. Digital efforts 37. Setting up the Office for Support to Cultural Initiatives (OSIC) – Single window for aid 38. Rationalization of the administrative structure

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39. Catalan, European language 40. Catalan, State language 41. Catalan, shared language 42. Catalan, language of society 43. Recognition of the Aranese Studies Institute as an Occitan academy 44. Setting up participative organizations 45. Setting up the Social Council of Culture 46. Reinforcing the Social Council of the Catalan Language 47. Creating the Social Council for the Catalan Sign Language 48. National Agreement for Culture 49. Institutional agreement 50. Internationalization 51. Catalonia participates in the International Biennales 52. Record of Catalan translations 53. Governance

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1. Deployment of the visual arts network (XAV)

Created in 2010 without a budget or structure, it was not until 2013 that its organic structure was deployed and started up, formed by the General Council of the Network and the Technical Table of Visual Arts Centres and Spaces. The General Council of the Network comprises the minister of Culture, the director general of Creation and Cultural Enterprises, the Network coordinator and the managers of Culture of the City Councils of Barcelona, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Tarragona, Amposta, , Mataró, and Lleida. The Technical Board comprises the network coordinator, the directors of the art centres which are members of it, a representative of the Barcelona Contemporary Art Museum and a representative of Arts Santa Mònica.

The objective is to guarantee the basic presence of contemporary visual arts in the region in order to improve balance in the artistic and creative fabric in Catalonia as a whole. At present the network comprises 8 centres: Barcelona Contemporary Art Centre, Tecla Sala - L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Tarragona Art Centre, Lo Pati; Amposta Visual Arts Centre, ACVic; Contemporary Art Centre, Mataró Art Centre, Bòlit Art Centre - Girona and La Panera Art Centre - Lleida.

The number of visitors to the network's centres in the period 2011 -2014 was 499,023.

The investment made by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia in this period was €4,218,416.92.

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2. Creation and start-up of the Catalonia Culture Foundation

The Ministry of Culture has been the impulse, since 2014, for setting up the Catalonia Culture Foundation in order to find new forms of financing which would assist in promoting cultural projects in collaboration between the business and cultural sectors. The enterprises taking part in the Foundation are: Damm, Fluidra, Havas-Media, Banc Foundation, Carmen y Luis Bassat Foundation, Gramona, Planeta Group, Hewlett Packard and Vueling.

The objective of the Foundation is to create and develop a public-private collaboration network of enterprises and entrepreneurs with activity in Catalonia in the context of their corporate social responsibility.

On 2 July 2015 a convention was signed which set up the Projects Exchange (Llotja de Projectes), a platform where creators can present their projects, defend them, propose relationships of collaboration and establish contacts with the business fabric.

The programme is addressed to emerging creators and cultural projects with a will for social impact, projects in an incipient phase of development and projects for the rehabilitation or restoration of the cultural heritage.

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3. Approval of the National Photographic Plan

In response to the need for a comprehensive and structured policy to conserve and preserve the Catalan photographic heritage, in 2014 the Government approved the National Photographic Plan.

The aim in creating the plan is to produce a comprehensive policy to standardize and coordinate the actions which have been and are being developed in Catalonia in the field of photographic heritage.

The Plan envisages a comprehensive and specific treatment which includes the elements which are already active and functioning in the various systems linked to the cultural photographic heritage, especially with regard to archives, census, funds and collections. The Plan is the first to be set up in Catalonia to organize all the collections in the Catalan photographic heritage.

Principal actions in the Plan:

Creation of a photography portal to divulge and disseminate the historic and contemporary photographic heritage of Catalonia. Creation of instruments for the protection and description of the photographic heritage. Creation of the National Photographic Fund. Broadening the National Historic and Contemporary Photography Collection. Bringing photography into the ambit of the Catalan National Art Museum. Identification and formation of centres of reference for the restoration, conservation and preservation of the photographic heritage of Catalonia. Bringing photography into university programmes and encouraging training through professional degrees. Creation of the National Photography Centre. Creation of the Promotion Committee, a body which will watch over the development and execution of the Plan.

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The Promotion Committee of the National Photography Plan is formed of Ferran Mascarell, minister of Culture; Joan Bufill, photographer, poet, art critic of La Vanguardia; Julio Carbó, photographer; Manel Esclusa, photographer; Francesc Fàbregas, photographer; Jordi Guillumet, photographer and professor of the Faculty of Fine Arts (UB); Sílvia Omedes, director of Photographic Social Vision; Laura Terré Alonso, photography historian; Joan Pluma, director general of Archives, Libraries, Museums and Heritage; Pepe Serra, director of the Catalan National Art Museum; Bartomeu Marí, director of Barcelona Contemporary Art Museum; Àngels Solé, director of the Centre of Restoration of Goods and Chattels of Catalonia; Josep Maria Sans i Travé, director of the Catalan National Archive; Conxita Oliver, as representative of the General Directorate of Creation and Cultural Enterprises; Jaume Ciurara, 5th Deputy Mayor, Area of Culture, Knowledge, Creativity and Innovation of Barcelona City Council; Llucià Homs, as representative of Barcelona City Council; Xavier Arola, manager of the Cultural Heritage Agency; Magda Gassó, head of the Museums Service of the Ministry of Culture, and Enric Cobo, head of Archivist Cooperation in the Ministry of Culture.

For this year 2015 the Plan has a budget of €460,000, of which €360,000 comes from the Ministry of Culture's own resources and €100,000 from private patronage. The Ministry contribution includes €150,000 of resources taken from the cultural 1%.

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4. Plan to Stimulate Architecture

During 2013 an Action Plan was prepared for the sector of architecture, with 85 architecture studios taking part in a meeting with a hundred architects. The Plan is set out in the document “Strategic reflection on the sector of architecture in Catalonia. Proposal of corporative actions between the professional sector and the public sector”.

One of the industrial sectors which received the attention of the Ministry of Culture during recent years is that of architecture, one of the cultural fields producing the best projection of Catalonia at world level.

The aim is to obtain a map of architectural studios and enterprises in the sector and their related value chain and to identify areas of work which allow strategic challenges to be faced and specific projects started up.

The Action Plan in the architectural sector is beginning to come into practice with the constitution of the Impulse Group in the architecture sector, formed of Josep Font, representative of the Ministry of Culture; Enric Batlle, of Batlle i Roig; Andreu Arriola, of Arriola Fiol; Marc Chalamanch, of Archikubik; Albert Pineda, of Pinearq; Maximià Torruella, of PmMT; Eva Prats, of Flores & Prats Arquitectes; Joan Ramon Rius, of Aura Arquitectura; Toni Casamor, of BCQ-Baena Casamor; Josep Benedito, of GINA; Ramon Sanabria; Manel Ruisánchez, and Eduard Rodríguez.

The principal undertakings carried out are the creation of a group to promote the sector, the Catalan architecture web portal, the Architecture Museum and the drafting of the new Act on Architecture.

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5. Olot Seismographic Festival

In 2014 the Ministry of Culture and Olot City Council made a new effort to make the Seismographic Festival into the strategic market of dance in Catalonia, in the context of the Comprehensive Plan for Dance.

The main objectives of the Seismograph are to make dance visible, bring it to the citizen, contribute a space of extra presence in the media and become a market platform, offering the creators a space-time where they can show their proposals to the public and to professionals.

The 2015 Festival had more than 20 companies performing, more than 8,000 people attending and 150 international programmers.

The total budget of the festival was €300,000, €150,000 from the Ministry and €150,000 from the City Council.

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6. Creative Catalonia Programme

In 2013 the European Union instituted the Creative Europe programme which envisages spending 1,460 million euro on cultural projects in Europe between 2014 and 2020. This programme is addressed to the cultural and creative sector and is intended to provide resources for projects which promote internationalization, strengthen cultural financial capacity, promote innovation and stimulate the creation of new audiences.

The Ministry of Culture started Creative Catalonia, an advice and training service, in order to make it easier for Catalan creative enterprises to access and participate in the Creative Europe programme.

In 2014 there were 10 sessions and in the first half of 2015, 7. The sessions are grouped under the title #EuropeCalls.

From 1 January 2014 to 30 June 2015 215 assessments have been given personally, 97 being for projects interested in the sub-programme Culture of Creative Europe and/or other European funds and 118 are audiovisual projects interested in the sub-programme MEDIA.

The objective is to offer resources for the internationalization of Catalan cultural enterprises and their participation in European programmes.

10 projects with Catalan participation obtained aid in public competition for Support to Cooperation Projects in the sub-programme Culture of Creative Europe. They received a total of €5,680,535.47.

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7. Mappging the Cultural and Creative Industries of Catalonia including new disciplines

An in Theme-depth knowledge 2. Enterprises of the real culturals map of creative industries in the region has been one of the objectives of the mandate. To that end a Mapping has been made of Cultural and Creative Industries in Catalonia 2013. Mapping has also been done in the following specific fields: architecture, videogames, heritage, design and audiovisuals and cinema. Altogether we have an exhaustive analysis which has allowed us to make our policies more precise in the various cultural fields.

Summary table of cultural and creative industries

Field No. No. employees Billing in million enterprises euro Creative across the 3,798 35,548 7,805.5 media Books 2,073 17,462 3,938.2 Audiovisuals 642 6,552 1,969.2 Communication media 449 7,956 1,648.1 Music 565 1,997 197.0 Videogames 69 581 53.0 Design manufacturers 2,099 32,251 6,251.8 Fashion 1,252 23,968 5,278.4 Home 847 8,283 973.4 Creative professional 3,521 21,669 3,511.8 services Publicity and 1,680 11,632 3,077.4 communication Architecture & town 1,300 8,000 236.0 planning Language industries 240 1,423 130.0 Design for third parties 301 614 68.5 Live culture 617 2,317 307.1 Scenic arts 311 1,643 156.5 Live music 24 250 107.2 Visual Arts 282 424 43.3 Total 10,035 90,785 17,876.1

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Source: Strategic report on the heritage sector in Catalonia: map and analysis. 2014

Source: Strategic report on the heritage sector in Catalonia: map and analysis. 2014

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8. Catalonia, land of festivals

Catalonia, land of festivals draws value from the asset represented by music festivals in Catalonia. Theme To 2.the Enterprises historic and traditional culturals festivals others have been added in these last four years, in various formats and with very diverse genres of music, demonstrating the creative richness of our musicians and the public's wish to enjoy top rank cultural events.

In Catalonia there are more than 360 music festivals. 32% of the festivals are more than 20 years old and 42% have been going for between 0 and 9 years, while in Europe, 48% are over 20 years old and 24% between 0 and 9 years.

The festivals attract audiences of more than 1.5 million and have a general budget of approximately 60 million euro.

Investment by the Ministry in music festivals as a whole from 2011 to 2015 was €15,737,335.

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9. Reordering the strategic markets for the scenic arts and music in Catalonia arts The Ministry of Culture has carried out an intense task of harmonization and coordination of the principal markets for the scenic arts and music in Catalonia, aware of their strategic role as places for meeting and exchange, as ideal platforms for the presentation of new proposals and to encourage professional contacts.

These markets are fundamental for the dynamism of the various artistic disciplines, since they encourage contracting and stimulate the creation of audiences.

The strategic markets for the scenic arts and music are: FiraTàrrega, Mostra d’ de Teatre Infantil i Juvenil, Trapezi de Reus, Mercat de Música Viva de Vic, Fira Mediterrània de and Sismògraf d'Olot.

The annual contribution from the Ministry to the strategic markets for the period 2011 - 2014 was more than 7.2 million euro.

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10. Comprehensive Plan for Music

The Ministry of Culture is working on a document which sets the bases for the Comprehensive Plan for Music in Catalonia. This study analyses the current state of the music sector from a broad perspective, seeking to detect the problems and principal challenges in the sector.

In September 2015, in the context of the Live Music Market in Vic, the Music Board was formed, with various representatives of the sector and representatives of institutions: Provincial Governments, Municipal Associations and other Government Ministries.

The bases proposed to develop a new strategy of musical policy are:

Strategic internationalization. Areas and festivals in key countries for musical segments. Intensive action. Development of market(s). Protection of copyright. Promotion. Adequate pricing. Distribution system. Thematic circuits. Broadening audiences. Subscription tickets, facilities. Review of the role of public radio and television. Community action. Quality in production. Qualitative mechanisms for access to the profession. Links with institutions and amenities, festivals, circuits (associated production). Structuring in the sector. Reduction of widely dispersed associations and operative platforms with shared structures: unions, “employers”, professionals. Common territorial strategy. Training. Arriving at 1% annually (75,000). More good postgraduate courses, today's music, residences and tutorials. Links to amateur movements with schools (teachers and headmasters).

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11. Stimulus to the professionalization of culture

In the crisis years, tools and resources were made available to creative enterprises in order to contribute to their professionalization, make them grow and make them more competitive.

The objectives are to contribute to improvements in professionalization and competitiveness and to promote the favourable conditions necessary for innovation in their management.

The Business Development Service (ICEC) and Business Development Area (ICEC) are the units responsible for deploying these actions, which have offered a stable training programme with some sixty workshops, seminars, days, annuals and a professional consultancy service.

In this period, training activities have increased by 23% and the numbers attending by 57%, reaching a total of 63 activities with 4,214 people attending. In the period between 2011 and 2014 a total of 146 projects was approved.

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12. Creation of tax on electronic communications operators in order to promote audiovisuals

The Government promoted the Act creating a tax on electronic communications operators in order to stimulate audiovisuals and digital cultural dissemination, which Parliament approved at the end of 2014.

The tax will strengthen and help our own audiovisual production in the line of what happens in most European countries, where contributions from public funds are supplemented by contributions from taxes.

This new tax applies to operator companies in electronic communications services, with a fixed quota of 0.25 euro/month for each connection contract signed in the territory of Catalonia, whether through the fixed telephone or through the mobile.

It is foreseen that this tax will raise 20.5 million euro a year, a sum which will be allocated to providing funds to encourage the audiovisual industry and funds for the promotion of digital cultural dissemination.

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13. Defending the return of what are called the “Salamanca Papers” by the Government

It is now more than 30 years since the first requests were made for the return of documentation removed from Catalonia during the Civil War and nine years since approval of the Act 21/2005 on returning the confiscated documents, and the Government has found that part of the documentation corresponding to the last parcel is still awaiting despatch by the State Ministry of Culture.

Stages of the process:

In 2005, after various negotiations, the Spanish Parliament passed the Act 21/2005, of 17 November, on returning to the Autonomous Government of Catalonia documents confiscated by reason of the Civil War and kept in the General Archive of the Spanish Civil War, now called the Documentary Centre of the Historic Record.

In 2011, the minister of Culture, Ferran Mascarell, and the then Spanish minister of Culture, Ángeles González-Sinde, agreed on the immediate return of 20% of the documents of the Salamanca Archive.

In 2011 the formal procedure began for the restitution of documentary funds in private ownership returned by the Documentary Centre of the Historic Record of Salamanca to their legitimate owners. The return of these funds was made possible because, since 2005, the Ministry of Culture, through the Catalan National Archive, has been in charge of the identification, description and digitalization of the documents confiscated in Catalonia.

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In 2013 the Constitutional Court dismissed the appeal for non-constitutionality lodged by the Government of Castilla y León against the Act allowing the restitution of documents confiscated due to the Civil War.

The Catalan National Archive received the last despatch of documentation (the sixth) from the Salamanca Documentary Centre of the Historic Record in 2014 and began work on analysing and identifying the items.

The Ministry of Culture has lodged a judicial review appeal before the National Civil Court requesting the Spanish Government to return all documentation still outstanding, which amounts to some 10%.

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14. Commemorative years and acts to record and update the leading figures in the Catalan cultural heritage

The Ministry of Culture has recorded leading figures in the Catalan cultural heritage by means of rereading and updating the works and legacies of these central figures in the cultural history of Catalonia.

2010-2011 Maragall Year: 150th anniversary of the birth and centenary of his death.

2011 Homage to Pau Casals: 40th anniversary of the concert he gave in the White House and fifty years since the death of Josep Maria de Sagarra

2012 Centenary of the birth of Joan Sales, Pere , Avel·lí Artís Gener, and Josep Ferrater, centenary of the birth of Xavier Montsalvatge and centenary of “Grammar of the Catalan language” by Pompeu Fabra.

2013 Salvador Espriu year, Carmen Amaya year, centenary of the birth of Joana Raspall, centenary of the birth of Joaquim Amat-Piniella, Joan Teixidor and Bartomeu Rosselló-Pòrcel, centenary of the birth of Antoni Clavé, a commemorative event on 5 April at the Generalitat Palace, centenary of the publication of “Orthographic Standards” and “Anniversary Passage” by Josep Vallverdú on the occasion of his 90 years.

2014 Tercentenary Year of the events of 1714; Xammar year, commemoration of the 125th anniversary of the writer; Vinyoli year, centenary of the birth of the poet and 30 years since he died; centenary of the death of Frederic Mistral, writer in Occitan; 50 years since publication of the first edition of “The other Catalans” by Francesc Candel; death of Agustí Calvet i Pascual, “Gaziel”, writer and journalist, and homage to Teresa Rovira.

2015 Ramon Muntaner year, commemorating 750 years since his death, 150 years since the birth of Enric Morera, 125 years since the birth of the folklorist Joan Amades, Ramon Llull year, prepared jointly with institutions in Catalonia and the Balearics and the year of the Libraries.

The total of commemorations from 2011 to 2015 is 21.

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15. Open Romanesque Programme

Open Romanesque is the first project to be deployed under the collaboration agreement between the Autonomous Government of Catalonia and “La Caixa” Foundation to restore and recondition monuments of notable architectural and artistic interest in the territory of Catalonia.

Actions have been carried out on 77 monuments and items of the Catalan Romanesque heritage, comprising works of restoration and conservation, archaeological actions, repairs, signposting and adaptation for people with reduced mobility.

The Ministry has carried out each project, has given advice to the owners of the heritage items and has followed up the actions on the monuments. The investment made in these actions is 18.2 million euro.

The monuments and items the subjects of action are located in 25 districts:

Alt Camp, Alt Empordà, Alt Penedès, Alt Urgell, Alta Ribagorça, Baix Empordà, , Barcelonès, Berguedà, , Conca de Barberà, Garrotxa, Gironès, Noguera, Osona, Pallars Jussà, Pallars Sobirà, Ripollès, Segarra, Selva, Tarragonès, Urgell, Val d’Aran, Vallès Occidental and Vallès Oriental.

All the monuments and items the subjects of action have been declared by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia to be cultural assets of national interest.

Some of them are:

The bell tower of Vic cathedral, the Monastery of Sant Pere de , the Tapestry of the Creation, the Monastery of Sant Pere de Galligants, the Monastery of Sant Quirze de Colera, the Castle-Palace of La Bisbal, the Monastery of Santa Maria of , Santa Maria of Mur, Sant Climent of Taüll and Sant Joan de Boí.

A notable example is the museum conditioning and restoration of the apse in the church of Sant Climent of Taüll in the Valley of Boí, Alta Ribagorça, completed in November 2013. This innovative project of virtual recovery of the paintings in Sant Climent of Taüll won the Laus d'Or prize in the Audiovisuals category (2014) and was the winner in the Multimedia category of the earlier MW2014 event. The project cost 400,000 euro and, from its beginning, the number of visitors to Sant Climent of Taüll has risen by 40%.

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16. Heritage in action

The Heritage in Action project was conceived in 2014 as a new plan for collaboration between the Ministry of Culture and “la Caixa” Social Works, focused on improving the experience of visiting and consequently increasing visits to heritage items.

The objective is to make the Cultural Heritage of Catalonia more visible and to cooperate in the joint undertaking of initiatives of social and cultural interest.

The Ministry has reordered and prepared the list of monumental complexes configuring a historical and artistic reading which ranges from the earliest peoples up to the modern age, bringing together the values of Catalonia, its history and culture.

Outstanding actions have been carried out in the Iberian town of , the Greek and Roman town of Empúries, Sant Pere de Rodes monumental complex, Miravet Castle, the Royal Monastery of Santa Maria of Vallbona of the Monges and the Carthusian monastery, Cartoixa d’Escaladei.

The investment in the programme was €1,963,754 in 2014 and is forecast to rise to a figure of €2,400,000 in 2015.

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17. More tools for archaeological research

The Ministry has set up new instruments for the organization and improvement of the archaeological and paleontological heritage. The main steps have been setting up the National Council, in 2011, which proposes actions for protection and dissemination, the Archaeology and Palaeontology Research Committee, which advises in matters of research, and approval of the Catalan archaeology and palaeontology Research Plan.

The Council members are:

. Ferran Mascarell, minister of Culture; Joan Pluma, director general of Archives, Libraries, Museums and Heritage; Elsa Ibar, sub-director general of Architectural, Archaeological and Palaeontological Heritage; Ramon Ten, head of the Archaeology and Paleontology Service; Josep Manuel Rueda, director of the Catalan Archaeology Museum; Josep Maria , director general of Research; Carme Rubió, sub-director general of Tourist Programming; Anna Maria Chávez, representative of the Federation of Municipalities of Catalonia; Maria Ocaña, representative of the Catalan Association of Municipalities and Counties; Josep M. Fullola, representative of the Department of Prehistory, Ancient History and Archaeology of Barcelona University; Miquel Molist, representative of the Department of Prehistory – Area of Prehistory of the Autonomous University of Barcelona; Joan Gómez, director of the Catalan Classical Archaeology Institute; Salvador Moyà, representative of the Miquel Crusafont Catalan Institute of Paleontology; Isidre Pastor, representative of the Association of Archaeologists of Catalonia Ad’AC; David Asensio, representative of ROCS, SCP; Joaquim García, representative of the Municipal Institute of Cultural Action IMAC; Joan Lluís Quer, representative of Infraestructures de la Generalitat, SAU, and Josep Donés, representative of the Catalan Federation of promotors and constructors of buildings FECAPCE.

The Committee members are:

. Joan Pluma, director general of Archives, Libraries, Museums and Heritage; Elsa Ibar, sub-director general of Architectural, Archaeological and Palaeontological Heritage; Ramon Ten, head of the Archaeology and Paleontology Service; Josep Manuel Rueda, director of the Catalan Archaeology Museum; Joaquim Ibáñez, director general of Research of the Ministry of Universities and Research; Josep Maria Vila, representative of the Association of Archaeologists of Catalonia Ad’AC; David Asensio, representative of ROCS, SCP; Ana Delgado, representative of the Pompeu Fabra University – Faculty of Humanities; Josep Burch, representative of the Faculty of Letters of Girona University; Joan Sanmartí, representative of the Faculty of Geography and History of Barcelona University; Helena Kirchner, representative of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Autonomous University of Barcelona; Emili Junyent, representative of the Department of History of Lleida University; Xavier Terradas, representative of the Higher Council of Scientific Research (CSIC); Josep Maria Pons, representative of the Department of Geology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona; Xavier Delclòs Martínez, representative of the Department of Stratigraphy, Paleontology and Marine Geosciences of Barcelona University; Jordi Peiret, representative of the Catalan Classical Archaeology Institute (ICAC); Jordi Agustí, representative of the Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution (IPHES) of the Rovira i Virgili University;

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Salvador Moyà, representative of the Miquel Crusafont Catalan Institut of Paleontology; Mònica Borrell, director – manager of the Municipal Institute of Management of the Cultural and Natural Heritage, and Joaquim García, representative of the Municipal Institute of Cultural Action IMAC.

The objective of the Plan is to achieve standards of quality and excellence at the level of the countries most advanced in this field, with results which benefit the whole of Catalan society.

The total investment in research and archaeological and paleontological action for the period 2011 – 2015 was €2,900,222.44.

The total of archaeological actions in this period was 2,606, including both those which received financial aid and those receiving technical advice.

The actions which received financial support were 438:

Serrat de la Palomera, Àger Carrer Torras i Bages, 2, Abric Pizarro, Àger Coastal plain of the Empordà, from Vall d'Àger, Àger Fluvià to the Ter, l’Armentera Tossal Roig, Agramunt Cova de les Encantades, Arsèguel Serrabanda ancient Serrat de la Cabra d'Or, Artés urbanization, Roques del Monjo, Artesa de Lleida Sant Martí d'Aiguafreda de Antona (Vernet), Artesa de Segre Dalt, Aiguafreda Heritage complex of the Spanish Alt Congost, Aiguafreda, Civil War, Artesa de Segre , Sant Martí de Aixalelles (section 5, parcel 3), Ascó , Centelles Barbers PR 2 wind park, Ascó Mil·liari de l'Hostal de la Areas of Pont d'Orrit i Sapeira and Manxa, l’Albi Les Avellanes-Embassament de Moleta del Remei, Alcanar Canelles, Espinau deposit, les Iberian Village Sant Jaume / Avellanes and Santa Linya Mas d'en Serrà, Alcanar Cova Gran de Santa Linya, les Convent of Santa Anna, Avellanes and Santa Linya Alcover Sant Urbà Hermitage, les Avellanes i La Palma (section 5, parcel 3), Santa Linya l’Aldea Cal Boixer (carrer Portal no. 24), Section of Rocanys, l’Aleixar Avià Mas d'en Piquer, Alfara de Turó de la Font de la Canya, Carles Avinyonet del Penedès Archaeological actions at Serra de les Gunyoles - Font del Almoster, Almoster Coscó, Avinyonet del Penedès Xicotó Shelter, Alòs de Puig de la Mola, Avinyonet del Balaguer Penedès, , Puig d'Àlia, Amer , Tres Cales, l’Ametlla de Mar Roman city of Baetulo (C/Termes Els Vilars, Arbeca Romanes 2 cantonada Pl. C. Joan Maragall, l’Arboç Assemblea de Catalonia, 2.), Parish of Sant Julià, l’Arboç Arbolí, Arbolí Pla de la Guineu, Baix Pallars Montsoriu Castle, Arbúcies Formós Castle, Balaguer

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Cova del Parco, Balaguer Les Batalles, Carrer de l'Església and carrer Cabanes Cemetery, Cabanes del Forn, Coll de Cabra, Cabra del Camp La Draga, Banyoles Ca l'Arnau. TV3 Programme “Sota Monastery of Sant Esteve, Terra”, Banyoles Subsidies in matters of culture Barberà Castle, Barberà del 2012, Cabrera de Mar Vallès Archaeological work and C/Mercaders, 28, Barcelona recreation/simulation at Ca C/de la Comtessa de Sobradiel, l'Arnau- Can Rodon-Can Modolell- 4, Barcelona Porta meridional de Burriac C/Sant Pere Més Baix 31-77 (Cabrera de Mar) for the (urbanization), Barcelona programme “Sota Terra” Season Carrer Corders, 3, Barcelona 2, Cabrera de Mar Carrer Duc, 14, Barcelona Balma de la Griera, Calafell Carrers dels Abaixadors, 12, Cova Foradada, Calafell Plegamans, 2 and Cap del Prehistoric deposits at Calafell, Món, 2, Barcelona Calafell Drassanes reials arising from Camp dels Ninots, Caldes de the rehabilitation of the Malavella building - Maritime Museum, Archaeological actions at Caldes Barcelona de Montbui, Sant Antoni Market, Barcelona La Torre Roja, Caldes de Montbui Pla de Palau, 13, Passatge de Dolmen del Puig de Ses Forques, Palau, 3, Barcelona Plaça del Pi, 1, Barcelona Roman villa at Collet, Calonge Dolina II Les Alzines, Begas - Font del Torricó, Camarasa Monteró 1, Camarasa Cova Cassimanya, Begues Roca dels Bous, Camarasa Cova de Can , Begues Fontlonga 6, Camarasa Cova de Can Sadurní, Begues Bordisal, Camarles Campgràs dolmen, Begues El Cavet, Cambrils -Ordal, Begues, Gavà, La Castlania, Cambrils , Vallirana Roman villa at Vilauba, Camós El Sotarró, Begues, Vallirana El Sunyer de Beget, Aiguablava VI, Begur Barranc de la Boella, La Canonja Iberian Village of Iberian Village of Puig del Castell Castellsalvà/Tossal de la Pleta, de Samalús, Cànoves and Samalús Belianes The Consagració shelter, El Tossal de Baltarga, Bellver de Cerdanya Romaní shelter, Capellades Castellot de la Roca Roja, Balma de la Costa de Can Manel, Benifallet Capellades Iberian Village of Puig Church of Santa Maria, Castellar, Biosca Pla de Parets (geophysical Zoning Plan of Les Planes prospecting course), Baixes, la Bisbal del Penedès Cardedeu Massís de les Gavarres, la Bisbal Carrer de la Creu, 15, d'Empordà Cardona Rectory, la Bisbal d'Empordà Carrer de la Fira, 1, Cardona El Castellot de Bolvir, Bolvir Carrer de la Fira, 4-6, Cardona Solana de Casteras, Bossòst Carrer de l'Església, Cardona

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Carrer de l'Hospital i de la Sant Cugat de Gavadons, Torre del portal de Graells, Cardona Cova de les Llenes, Conca de Dalt Carrer Escassany, 13, Cardona Castle, Alberg-Can Caramany, Carrer Escassany, 28, Cardona Corçà Carrer Graells, 60-62, Cardona Forn d'Ermedàs, Cornellà del Terri Carrer Sant Miquel, 40-42, Mina de la Turquesa o del Mas de Cardona les Moreres, Cornudella de Plaça de la Fira de Dalt, Montsant Cardona Incarcal, Crespià Plaça de la fira, 20, Cardona Mas Fenollet, Cruïlles, Monells i Plaça del Mercat, 13 and 14, Sant Sadurní de l'Heura Cardona Hostal d'Aiguabona, Cruïlles, Section of wall, Sant Miquel Monells i Sant Sadurní de l'Heura gateway, Cardona Avenc de Sant Antoni, Cunit Cal Ros-Ancient church of Sant Various palaeontological actions in Martí, Carme the Banyoles-Besalú basin, Serrat del Campaner, Carme Various prospecting in the districts Balma de la Terracuca, of Vall d'en Bas, Olot and Santa Casserres Pau Camp dels Portxos, Casserres Various prospecting in the north- Sant Pere de Casserres, east Catalan pre-coastal Casserres depression Subsidies in matters of culture Various prospecting in Cerdanya 2012, Castellar de la Ribera and Alt Urgell Castellar Vell, Castellar del Various rural Andalusian Vallès settlements on the right bank of Costablanca II and Molí Calopa, the Ebro Various triassic outcrops in Cova del Centenari, Catalonia Castelldefels Various prospecting into outcrops Cova del Rinoceront (Pedrera of Maastrichtià. Area of Tremp de ca n'Aymerich), Various prospecting in the Castelldefels Berguedà district Massís del Garraf (Zona Pla de Various archaeological les Basses), Castelldefels prospecting in the county of Turó nord de Cal Ticó, Osona Various archaeological de Benedormiens Castle, prospecting in - Castell-Platja d'Aro Sant Climent de Sescebes Mas del Cosme-El Catllar, el Various archaeological Catllar prospecting in the districts Mabarrera Castle, Celrà of Alt Camp and la Conca de Torre Desvern, Celrà Barberà Iberian Village of Ca n'Oliver, Various archaeological Cerdanyola del Vallès prospecting in the Ebro Cova del Coll Verdaguer, Cervelló lands Early Cretacean outcrops in Various post-cretaceous Catalonia (palaeontological prospecting prospecting), Coll de Nargó Various actions in Vall Sant Pinyes, Coll de Nargó Maurici - Ratera, Vall Sant Nicolau, Estany Gento

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Sant Baldiri de Taballera, El Electrical line evacuation Arcs port de la Selva Eòlics, la Granadella Clot del riuet, El Rourell Auliver wind park, la Granadella Castèth Leon, Es Bordes Les Roques wind park, la La Coma, l’Escala Granadella Alternative 2, B-231 road spur, Montclúes wind park, la from Kp 0+600 to 3+400, Granadella Areas affected by the construction Obagues de Ratera, Espot of Sant Antoni wind park. Phase II, Cova de les Borres, la Febró la Granadella Ignites de Fumanya, Fígols i Can Jaume - Carrer Pompeu Fabra, 4, Fumanya, Fígols and Vallcebre Carrer A. Clavé, Pl. J. Maluquer Figuerola del Camp, Figuerola Salvador, Granollers del Camp Guardiola de Berguedà Castle, Archaeological prospecting in Guardiola de Berguedà the municipal district of Flix, Prospecting at Castellar de n'Hug Flix and Guardiola de Berguedà, Sebes, Flix Guardiola de Berguedà Sidillà, Foixà Iesso: Carrer Sant Sebastià, 29, Cova de la Guineu, Font-rubí Guissona L2 heritage complex of the Civil Iesso-Archaeology Park - Hot War, Foradada springs area, Guissona Church of Santa Coloma de Iesso- Archaeology Park-Wall area, Fitor, Guissona Archaeological prospecting at Actions in the Guissona district, Serra d'en Cals (Les Gavarres), Guissona Forallac Mas de Godes, Horta de Sant Joan Casa de la Reina Sibil·la, Fortià Vall del Raser, Horta de Sant Joan Archaeological complex of Hostalets de Pierola, Hostalets de Monistrol de Gaià, Gaià Pierola Coll del Moro, Gandesa Basturs Poble, Isona i Conca Dellà Lo Calvari, Gandesa Camí del Molí, Isona i Conca Carrer del centre, Plaça de Can Dellà Decans and Plaça de l'Església, Molí del Baró, Isona i Conca Dellà La Doma, la Garriga Orcau-1, Isona i Conca Dellà Roman villa of Can Terrers, la Cultural heritage of Isona i Garriga Conca Dellà, Isona i Conca Trull i Celler Maset, Dellà C. Celler, 3 - C. Hostal de l'Ase, Palaeontological 12, Gavà prospecting at Isona, Tremp Prehistoric mines in Gavà - Can and Conca Dellà Tintorer (mines 107 and 108), Vil·la de Llorís, Isona i Conca Gavà Dellà Passeig Marítim 10-12, Gavà Cova B d'Olopte, Isòvol Cases de la Valenciana, Les Guilleteres d'All, Isòvol Carrer Sacsimor, 4-6, Girona Parish church of Boldú, La Ciutadans 10, Girona Fuliola Old road from Amposta to Godall, Costa de la Serra, la Secuita Godall La Dou de S. Esteve d'en Bas, la Vall d'en Bas

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L'Aubert, la Vall d'en Bas Móra d'Ebre – Camposines, Móra Savellana Castle, Les Masies de d'Ebre Roda Móra d'Ebre – Ascó, Móra d'Ebre, Tomb of Roca d'Ivet, Ascó Les Colomines - zone A Fòrum El Molló, Móra la Nova de Iulia Libica and zone B, Tentellatge I - Roman fort, Navàs Historic centre of : carrers Iberian village of Montbarbat, del Pont, Sant Pere, Sant Antoni, del Carme, Parolers i Empordà, City Council Building Navata , Madremanya Rabassats, Nulles Clascar, Malla Sant Miquel de l'Olèrdola (Pla dels Archaeological actions in the Albats), Olèrdola historic centre of Manresa District of Olesa de Bonesvalls, L'Hort de la Boquera, Margalef Olesa de Bonesvalls Coves de Santa Cecília- Cova Puig dels Avençons, Olesa de Gran, Bonesvalls, Begues Santa Margarida de Sant Genís Iberian village of Castellvell, Olius de Rocafort, Martorell Puig Ciutat, Oristà Santa Maria de Villalba, Les Avellanes i Santa Linya - Os de Martorell, Balaguer, Os de Balaguer L'Esquerda, Section 1 parcel 211, Os de Baixada de Sant Simó, 2-4, Balaguer Dom Magí de Villalonga, 1-3, Sarcophagi of Morulls de Gerb, Os Mataró de Balaguer Roman villa of Torre Llauder, Cova de Lluert, Pacs del Penedès Mataró Ullastres I, Balma del Gai, Moià Illes Formigues, Palamós Cova de les Teixoneres, Moià Castle de , Cova del Toll, Moià Palol de Revardit Sot de la Tomba de Can Parès, Torre Mora, Moià Old district of Parets del El Calvari, el Molar Vallès, Parets del Vallès Carrer Tajo, 9 cantonada amb Prospecting at Paüls, carrer Bartomeu Robert, 1, Tortosa, Amposta, Sant Mollet del Vallès Carles de la Ràpita, Alcanar, Group of caves: Tutes de Paüls Menús, Montellà i Martinet Els Reguers, Peramola Balma de la Vall, Montblanc , Piera Cantacorbs, Montblanc Passatge de la Mora - Camí Church of Santa Maria, de Can Martorell - CEE Montblanc Horizó, Port del Cantó, Montferrer i Vilagrasseta, els Plans de Sió Castellbò Cova de la Tuta de Saus, la Can Cutxet, Pobla de Lillet Sant Miquel de Sorba, Erillcastell-Malpàs-Peranera, el Mons Observans, Montmeló Pont de Suert Can Tacó - Turó d'en Roina, Pontils, Pontils Montmeló-Montornès V. Hortes de Cal Pons/Corral Nou, Cova del Cudó, Mont-ral La Roca, Montroig del Camp Mas Castellar, Pontós Massís del , Montseny Cala Cativa I,

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Cap de Vol, el Port de la Selva Sant Ignasi, corner of C/Xercavins, Santa Creu de Rodes, el Port 7-9, Rubí de la Selva Can Llobateres, Sabadell Municipium Sigarrensis, Prats Carrer Les Valls, 11, Sabadell de Rei, , Aguilar de Sabadell cemetery -Sant Nicolau, Segarra, Beciana Sabadell Old centre of Prats de Rei Can Roqueta business centre, (sarcophagi), els Prats de Rei Sabadell Open air deposit of Montlleó, Sant Feliu, 10-14. Coromines Office, Sabadell Can Ferrerons, Premià de Mar Sant Pau Riu Sec, Sabadell Archaeological and Via Massagué, 16-22 - Raval de architectural heritage of Dins, 21-27, Sabadell Puigcerdà, Puigcerdà Iberian village of Cogulló, Coma de Vaca - Coma del Cova del Far, Salou Freser, Carrer Santiago Rusiñol, 16, Sant Vall de Núria and Coma de Cugat del Vallès Vaca, Queralbs Carrer Villà, 16-18, Sant Cugat del Mas Felius de Colera, Rabós Vallès Sant Quirze de Colera, Rabós Carrers Escaletes, Marges, Mir and d'Empordà Sallés, Sant Cugat del Vallès La Cansaladeta, la Riba Major, 15, Sant Cugat del Vallès Coll de Terrers, Ribera Cova Colomera, Sant Esteve d'Urgellet de la Sarga Necropolis of Hortó, Ribera Els Altimiris, Sant Esteve de d'Urgellet la Sarga Old church of Sant Martí, Riner Sant Martí de les Tombetes, Archaeological remains at Sant Esteve de la Sarga Costa de Ballester (area close Carrer Notaria 3, Sant Feliu to Riner Castle and church of de Guíxols Sant Martí), Riner Sant Benet, Sant Feliu de Els Pinetons II - medieval farm, Guíxols Monastery of Sant Feliu de Molí d'en Ginestar - Can Guíxols, Sant Feliu de Masachs, Ripollet Guíxols Prospecting at Vallfogona de Area of Borredà-Sant Jaume Ripollès, i Vidrà, de Frontanyà, Sant Jaume Riudaura de Frontanyà Gorgs wind park, Riudecanyes Sant Antoni de Pàdua, Sant La Torreta School, la Roca del Joan de les Abadesses Vallès Iberian village of Castellum, Pedra de les Orenetes and Pedra Sant Julià de Ramis de les Creus, la Roca del Vallès Zoning Plan SAU 4, Sant Julià Turó de Can Santpere, la Roca del del Llor i Bonmatí Vallès Centelles Castle, Sant Martí de Torre El Cucurull, Roda de Barà Centelles West redoubt of the bastion of Martí Castle, Sant Martí de Sant Andreu de la Ciutadella de Centelles Roses, Roses Pallissa del Castell de La Farella building, Roses Granollers de Rocacorba, Sant Puig de les Muralles (Puig Rom), Martí de Riucorb Roses Coll de Sas de Sant Roca

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Can Llach Vell, Santa Cristina Tàrraco. Av. Vidal i Barraquer, 27, d'Aro staircases C and D, Tarragona New transport substation of Tàrraco. C. Estanislau Figueras, 4- Santa Llogaia at 400 KV, Santa 6, Tarragona Margarida de Montbui Tàrraco. C. Ramon y Cajal Penyafort Castle, Santa (Crossing with carrer de Frederic Margarida i els Monjos Mompou), carrer 27, 22-24 Besora Castle and Church of (Bonavista), Rambla Nova, 10, Santa Maria, Santa Maria de plaça Corsini, 6, Tarragona Besora Tàrraco. Provincial forum. C. Arc Dolmen of Puig Ses Pedres, d'en Toda, 2, Tarragona Santa Maria de Corcó Tàrraco. Roman wall. C. de la Carrer de Santa Maria, 12, Portella, 7, Tarragona Santa Perpètua de Mogoda Tàrraco. Passeig de la Rafael Casanovas i Plaça Independència, 23 / Av. de Roma, Roman villa-Pla de l'Horta, 30-38, Tarragona Sarrià de Ter Tàrrega Castle, Tàrrega Buira, Sarroca de Bellera Pou del Gel, Tàrrega Roman villa of Pla de l'Horta, Cova de les Pixarelles, Sarroca de Bellera Cal Baster, carrer Antonio Galleries of the section of Mas Machado, 29, Teià del Pujolet. High-speed line Kp Torre de Cal Baster, Teià 521+500 to PK 521+600, la Carrer Major de Sant Pere, Secuita 37, Terrassa Cau del Roure, Serinyà Churches of Sant Pere de Cova de l'Arbreda, Serinyà Terrassa, Terrassa Cova de Mollet, Serinyà Torrent de Vallparadís, Bovalar, Seròs Terrassa Cova d'en Pau, Seròs L' Assut c-2015, Tivissa Gravera La Valleta, Seròs Iberian village of L'Assut – Capçalera de Vallter i de Coma Tivenys, Tivissa de Fresser, la Seu d'Urgell Camp de les Lloses, Tona Cova de Sant Llorenç, Iberian village of Castellet Cova del Gegant, Sitges de Banyoles, Tona Underwater heritage of Sitges, Turó Castell de Tona, Tona Sitges Molí de l'Espígol, la Torre de Palau Llobera, Solsona Cabdella Archaeological heritage of Sant Vicenç de Cabdella, la Solsona, Solsona Torre de Cabdella Castle, Subirats Vall d'en Foix, Terres de Calpruvi, Cal Sutxet i la Les Valls de Foix/ Els Casalots Fontsanta, Subirats de Foix, Torroella de Montgrí Sepulchral balma del Samuntà, Carrer Abat Oliva, 2, Tossa de Súria Mar Church of Sant Pere del Puig, Súria Carrer Albert del Castillo, 2, Church of Santa Maria, Súria Torre Presó, Talarn Teodoro Gonzalez 1, Tossa de Carrer de la Nau, 17, Tarragona Mar Carrer Ernest Lluch, Tarragona La Ferradura, Ulldecona Illa 7 of PP2, Tarragona Bassa E-6 of Irrigation of Site 23 of avinguda Vidal i Garrigues Sud, Ulldemolins Barraquer, Tarragona Coves del Fem, Ulldemolins

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Les Pedrenyeres, Ulldemolins, Medieval tower at Rambla Sant Cornudella, Montsant, Morera, Francesc, Vilafranca del Penedès Poboleda Bòbila Jané (CAP Penedès-2, Prospecting in Montsant Carretera d'Igualada s/n, Avinguda brook, Urús Pelegrina s/n), Vilafranca del Complex of caves: Vall de la Penedès Valira, la Vall de Boí Plaça de Fèlix Mestre Nutó, El Molinot, Vallbona de les Vilafranca del Penedès Monges Domus del Pi, Restoration of the roofs of the Can Nolla (Carretera de Premià/C. monastery church of Santa Lluís Jordà Cardona), Vilassar de Maria de Vallbona, Vallcebre Dalt Onion fields, Vallfogona de Restoration of Can Boquet, Ripollès Cova Bonica, Vallirana District of Vilobí, Cova de l'avi, Vallirana Cova de Xaragalls, Vimbodí i Can Sala Gros, Poblet Ca Padró. C. Cort, 22 - C. Forn Molí del Salt, Vimbodí i Nou 3-5A, Valls Poblet Ruanes - north-east area of Monastery of Poblet, Vilar, south of section 11, Vimbodí and Poblet parcel 10, site 10, Valls Peoples of the transverse valleys between the Serra Llarga and the Serra de Montclús, various municipalities Zoning Plan "El Mas Canyamàs", el Vendrell Els Estinclells, Verdú Bisbat de Vic - Priest's house, Vic Carrer de la Ramada, Vic Diocesan Priest's house in Vic (Parc Balmes, 2), Vic Plaça de la Pietat, 2, Vic Plaça Major, 32, Vic Subsoil of Casa Masferrer, Vic Balma de la Vil·la, Vidrà Sant Iscle Castle, Site of the fountain of Abbot Rigau and Plaça de l'Església, Roman villa of Vilablartheme, Santa Maria de Sales (service levels- Funeral Service), Assembly of Palol Sabaldòria, Sant Miquel de Palol Sabaldòria, Vilafant

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18. Integration of important legacies into various Catalan institutions

The Ministry has received, since 2011, 25 funds from authors, illustrators, photographers, engravers and thematic heritage collections. These funds have been deposited in the relevant institutions for their correct preservation, conservation and dissemination.

The Library of Catalonia received the Josep M. Benet i Jornet Funds, the Tusquets Funds, the Gustavo Gili Funds, those of Jordi Rubió i Balaguer, the Grijalbo- Random House Mondadori Funds, the Roser Capdevila Funds, the Carme Solé Vendrell Funds, part of the funds of the Catalan Excursionist Centre and has made 9,000 drawings by Cesc available on the internet.

The National Archive of Catalonia has absorbed the Joaquim Gomis Funds, the Funds from the Palau Requesens Archive, the Pedro Urraca Funds, the Lidia Falcón Funds, the Ignasi Marroyo Funds, the documentary Funds of El País in Catalonia, the personal archives of journalists and the Carlos Nadal Gaya funds and part of the funds of the Catalan Excursionist Centre.

The Catalan National Art Museum has received the Joan Colom Funds and the Antonio Gallardo Ballart Collection.

The National Archive of Popular Culture has taken in the Legacy of Consol Mallafré, which completes the Joan Amades funds.

Girona Historic Archive has received the documentation of the Janus archaeology enterprise, the Trueta photographic funds and the funds of the Noguera Foundation.

Girona Museum of Art has received the Colomer Funds and those of the Busquets Mullera brothers.

Lleida Historic Archive has received the documentary funds of the delegated committee of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia in Lleida during the Republic, from the archives of Lleida Provincial Government.

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19. Impulse to setting up the National Fund of the Comic

The Ministry of Culture, Barcelona City Council, the Association of Professional Illustrators of Catalonia (APIC) and the Federation of Professional Institutions of the Comic (FICOMIC) agreed in 2014 to start work on preparing the National Fund of the Comic.

The objective is to bring together not only a broad collection of graphic works representing Catalan illustration, but also a sample of authors and international publications of recognized artistic and cultural value.

The Fund will be formed by: original graphic works for comics and illustrations on any support, from the first decades of the 19th century and until today, works by national and international artists, works published in Catalonia and in the Spanish State, works published abroad and translated into Catalan and/or Spanish, editions of the various genres of illustration and the comic on any support published in Catalonia from the 19th century until today, collections of publications and original works and publications which are considered fundamental to the history of the comic and illustration.

The fund must form the basis of the project for the future Centre of the Arts of the Comic and Illustration (CACI), now awaiting its opening, depending on having the necessary financial resources set the project going.

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20. Plan for Cultural Associations 2014-2016

Starting from recognition of the task carried out by the bulk of the cultural entities, and their contribution to Catalan society, the Government wishes to grant more leadership to the world of associations, to work jointly for the benefit of people and of society.

With the objective of implementing policies of protection, management and ordering of the cultural associative fabric in Catalonia, in 2013 the Ministry of Culture prepared the Plan for Cultural Associations, with measures of actions foreseen for the period 2014- 2016.

In 2014, the Government approved the creation of the Cultural Associations Board composed, for the first time, of the thirty-two federations and confederations representating the various ambits of Catalan associations. These thirty-two entities are: Associació Catalana de Puntaires, Federació Catalana d’Entitats Catifaires, Federació Catalana de Pessebristes, Federació Catalana dels Tres Tombs, Associació Cultural Xarxa Ateneu, Federació d’Ateneus de Catalunya, Ens de l’Associacionisme Cultural Català, Coordinadora de Colles Castelleres de Catalunya, Federació de Colles de Falcons de Catalunya, Coordinadora de Centres d’estudis de Parla Catalana, Corals Joves de Catalunya, Federació Catalana d’Entitats Corals, Federació Catalana de Pueri Cantores, Federació de Cors de Clavé, Moviment Coral Català i Secretariat de Corals Infantils de Catalunya, Federació Catalana de Societats Musicals, Agrupament d’Esbarts Dansaires, Associació Coordinadora de Ball de Bastons de Catalunya, Confederació Sardanista de Catalunya, Obra del Ballet Popular, Unió de Colles Sardanistes de Catalunya, Agrupació de Colles del Ball de Gitanes del Vallès, Associació Coordinadora de Trabucaires de Catalunya, Federació de Diables i Dimonis de Catalunya, Agrupació del Bestiari Festiu i Popular de Catalunya, Agrupació de Colles Geganteres de Catalunya, Associació Coordinadora de Pessebres Vivents de Catalunya, Coordinadora de Pastorets de Catalunya, Federació de Grups Amateurs de Teatre de Catalunya, Federació Catalana de Cineclubs and Federació Catalana de Fotografia.

Other important actions in this period were the declaration of Cultural Associations Day (4 June), a stimulus for the new Act of cultural associations, the accreditation by UNESCO of the Catalan Cultural Associations Organization as a consultative Non-Governmental Organization and the starting up of the Group of Cultural Entities with Documentary Funds.

At the end of 2014 in Catalonia there were 4,217 cultural associations, 350,483 associate members, 384 centres for information on the intangible cultural heritage, 143 associative cultural institutions and 15,388 traditional festivals.

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21. Methodology for the inventory of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

The Ministry has developed several actions for the preservation of the intangible cultural heritage of Catalonia as indicated in article 12 of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003) which recommends, as one more action for safeguarding, that each State starts by making an inventory of the intangible cultural heritage (PCI).

The most notable actions are in the area of the Montseny, which was declared a Biosphere Reserve in 1978, and in the Ebro Lands.

The results of the Montseny project consist of a methodology for PCI inventories which is applicable to other Biosphere Reserves or places of great natural value, an exhaustive inventory of 294 cultural manifestations, and a proposal of contribution of the intangible cultural heritage to sustainable development. The project was carried out by the Catalan UNESCO Centre with the collaboration of the Montseny Natural Park, the Montseny Ethnological Museum “la Gabella” in Arbúcies and the General Directorate of Popular Culture, Associations and Cultural Actions.

In December 2013 the project was recognized as a proposal which brings together and adequately reflects the principles of the PCI Convention.

In 2015 a start was made on the Inventory of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the 4 districts in the Lands of the Ebro, 2015 – 2017, jointly with public and private institutions in the area. The investment forecast for the 3 years is €500,000.

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22. Architecture Museum

The Autonomous Government of Catalonia has gone into the process of creating a National Architecture Museum in order to demonstrate and explain the architectural wealth of the region.

In this sense, the working group of the Architecture Plan has been preparing the basis for a Catalan architecture museum, in various meetings held throughout 2014.

The purpose of the Architecture Museum will be to reflect and disseminate architecture in its broadest possible acceptance, from the conception of habitable environments, spaces of power and representation, to relationships between environment and living, that is, the creation of landscapes and strategies of population, mobility and the creation of spatial models devised for the region, society and city.

With the collaboration of Barcelona City Council, the future museum will be located on the Museums Esplanade on Montjuïc and will have a total area of 6,000 m2.

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23. Agreement for the delimitation of tasks between the Catalan National Art Museum (MNAC) and the Barcelona Contemporary Art Museum (MACBA)

at The Ministry of Culture, together with the representatives of these two institutions, agreed to rearrange the collections and the museum presentation of these two principal museums of Catalan art in order to define the scope of each of them and construct a shared project taking advantage of synergies.

At the end of 2012 the new criteria were presented for delimitation of the tasks of the two museums:

 MNAC has the purpose of constructing the tradition of Catalan art in the various stages of its history, with the aim of preparing the story of Catalan artistic manifestations without any kind of chronological limit, in a multidisciplinary way and placing them in the most suitable context for their best appreciation.

 MACBA has the commission to go deeper into experimental art, both Catalan and international, with the objective of representing the contemporary values of Catalan and international artistic creation from an interdisciplinary transverse viewpoint and preparing a story of global relevance.

With this objective, the two institutions agree to establish a policy of mutual and priority lending, with no financial involvement, between the two museums, to coordinate their respective policies of acquisition, coordinating the exhibition programming in both museums and strengthening common projects.

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24. Updating the museum presentations at MNAC

The Catalan National Art Museum presented in 2013 the strategic lines which will govern its actions until 2017 with a vocation of public service and social commitment. The objectives are to achieve the optimum conditions for the conservation of works of art and to offer visitors the most suitable conditions in which to appreciate their aesthetic, historic al and cultural values.

At the end of June 2011 the remodelling of the rooms holding the Romanesque art collection was presented, with the objective of updating the museum's showing, based on rationalizing the order and selection of works, and aspects linked with their presentation and conservation.

The first floor devoted to Modern Art reopened in September 2014 after a renovation process affecting the collections, the rooms and the museography. This department now offers a new critical and complex story which avoids a mere succession of styles and names, and includes all the artistic production of the period. This new presentation of the collection for the 19th and 20th centuries comes up to the 1950s for the first time, including the "Dau al Set" movement. It is structured in four ambits and an epilogue: The modern artist, Modernism, Noucentism, Art and Civil War and the post-war avant-garde.

The museum has opened a new room in the permanent collection with a selection of new furniture pieces and a series of watercolours by Gaspar Homar and Joan Busquets. The projects and modernist furniture by these two cabinet makers and decorators gives an idea of the tastes of the Catalan bourgeoisie of the time. This display is made possible thanks to the programme “Partage Plus – Digitising and Enabling Art Nouveau for Europeana”, which involves the previous digitalization of this modernist fund to make it accessible to the public.

The collection is completed with a series of paintings on carved wooden panel, sculpture in stone and precious metals. As a novelty, a set of Coptic fabrics is on permanent exhibition for the first time. With regard to the Romanesque murals, the most valuable and unique in the world preserved in a museum, the actions were especially centred on the lighting.

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25. New headquarters for the Catalan Film Library and opening of the Terrassa Film Material Conservation and Restoration Centre

andd In 2012 the new building of the Film Library was opened to the public in the Raval district of Barcelona. A year later, in 2013, the new Conservation and Restoration Centre (2CR) for film material was opened in Terrassa Audiovisual Park.

Among other areas, the new premises, in contrast to the earlier, offer two projection rooms and a total of 555 seats. In the first year of operation the number of spectators rose by 36%.

Since the opening of the new headquarters there have been 5,590 sessions, of which 4,991 were in the Barcelona headquarters and 599 in the rest of Catalonia, with a total of 538,030 spectators, 509,772 in the central location and 28,258 in the territory.

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26. Public system of institutions

In 2012 the government, in collaboration with local and supra-local agents, started a new system of aids to guarantee that there is a stable and balanced offer of scenic arts and music throughout the territory, in the context of the Public System of Scenic and Musical Institutions (SPEEM).

For the first time, the criteria and resources of the Ministry of Culture and the Provincial Government of Barcelona are unified to strengthen the support that the two institutions supply.

Catalonia has four kinds of facilities, depending on their capacity and offer. This classification defines the type of support:, conventions or programme contracts.

In the period 2011 - 2014 there were 8,261 activities carried out with support from the Stable Municipal Programming for Scenic Arts and Music. In 2015 there are 201 facilities in the 141 municipalities adhering to the programme.

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27. Stimulus for the “Apropa Cultura” programme for groups in a situation of discrimination or risk of exclusion

In 2012 the “Apropa Cultura” project was reactivated, a programme of social inclusion through culture which is addressed to centres and associations which work with people in a situation of discrimination and risk of social exclusion.

The programme's activity is divided into four main lines: attending performances of music, theatre, dance and circus, visits to exhibitions in museums and cultural centres, participative activities and training in the scenic arts and music for social educators.

The programme was consolidated in the 2012-2013 season, with the participation of 25 theatres, auditoriums and festivals in Catalonia, offering more than 15,000 seats for more than 300 performances.

The 2013-2014 season added the programming of visits to and activities in museums and exhibition halls, by means of support by “la Caixa” Social Work, achieving the participation of 46 institutions.

The programme included 9 museums and 37 theatres, auditoriums and festivals.

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28. “ArtAccés” application for people with hearing and visual disabilities (2014)

or The Ministry of Culture and the Telecommunications and Information Technology Centre (CTTI ) promoted in 2014 the free app and multiplatform Artaccés.

The application allows members of the public with hearing and visual disabilities to gain accessibility to films shown in cinemas.

The purpose of the initiative is to ensure that all groups can have access to culture.

During 2014, tasks were carried out to extend the catalogue of contents offered so that it should be at full performance in 2015 and a study has been made also of its application in scenic institutions.

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29. Escena 25 for young people aged from 18 to 25 years

f To make access to the scenic arts easier for young people and encourage their participation in the cultural life, in 2013 the Ministry of Culture started the Escena 25 campaign, which takes place in the autumn every year.

Escena 25 contributes 25 euro per young person going to performances of the scenic arts and live music. The programme puts the offer and the demand in contact through a digital platform on which the young people register ( ).

The programme enjoys the collaboration of the General Directorate of Youth and of universities and libraries in Catalonia, among other agents.

In total, in the two years of Escena 25, 61,162 young people registered on the digital platform, 168 institutions in 78 municipalities took part and 564 performances were enjoyed.

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30. National Plan for Reading

Aware of the importance of reading, the Government has made this one of its principal objectives in the field of culture. In this line, it has set up the National Plan for Reading: 100% readers (2012-2016), which articulates the efforts of the various sectors and fields of Catalan society in order to strengthen the citizens' reading habits and so increase their access to knowledge and the cultural and human capital of the region.

The principal objective of the Plan is to raise the percentage of reading population and bring it close to the European average, from the current 61.9% to 71%.

The main lines of the National Plan for Reading are:

Agreement with the Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation and with private media. Editactiva Plan. Llibreriactiva Plan. Bibliotecactiva Plan. Mediactiva Plan. Lecturactiva Plan. Xarxactiva Plan. Plan for action with centres of cultural activity. Plan for action with entities representing authors in Catalonia. Plactiva.

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31. Libraries in a Network

To equip the municipalities of Catalonia with libraries in order to guarantee access to culture for the citizens in equality of opportunities and in the best conditions is one of the Government's great commitments in the last four years.

So that distance does not become a negative factor, the Government's actions are directed to achieving a balanced territorial distribution of public libraries in Catalonia.

Currently the network in Catalonia comprises 387 libraries, serves 24,872,153 visitors and has loaned 14,783,545 documents. Today 93.5% of the Catalan population can visit a library service in their municipality.

During the period from 2011 to June 2015 73 libraries were opened. The construction, alteration and starting up of these amenities in the last four years has meant a total investment of 44.5 million euro. The 73 amenities are:

1. Joan Maluquer i Viladot Library, Artesa de Segre 2. Canyadó i Casagemes - Joan Argenté Library, Badalona 3. Vicente Aleixandre Library, Badia del Vallès 4. Sant Gervasi - Joan Maragall Library, Barcelona 5. Montbau - Albert Pérez Baró Library, Barcelona 6. El Clot - Josep Benet Library, Barcelona 7. Camp de l'Arpa - Caterina Albert Library, Barcelona 8. Trinitat Vella – J. Barbero Library, Barcelona 9. Vilapicina i la Torre Llobeta Library, Barcelona 10. Vallcarca i els Penitents - M. Antonieta Cot Library, Barcelona 11. Esquerra de l'Eixample - Agustí Centelles Library, Barcelona 12. La Ginesta Library, Begues 13. Joan Solà Library, Bell-lloc d'Urgell 14. Library, Bigues i Riells 15. El Safareig Library, Capellades 16. Josep Mateu i Miró Library, Castellbisbal 17. Central Library, Castelldefels 18. Valeri Serra i Boldú Library, Castellserà 19. Central Cerdanyola Library, Cerdanyola 20. Cervià de les Garrigues Public Library, Cervià de les Garrigues 21. Collbató Library, Collbató 22. Sant Ildefunds Library, Cornellà de Llobregat 23. Municipal Bibliocreixell Library, Creixell 24. Joan Coromines Library, 25. Valentí Almirall Library, 26. L’Ateneu Municipal Library, Esparreguera 27. Mossèn Ramon Library, l’Espluga de Francolí 28. Esterri d'Àneu Public Library, Esterri d'Àneu 29. Carles Rahola Library, Girona 30. Salvador Allende Library, Girona

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31. Library, Gironella 32. Emili Pujol i Vilarrubí Library, La Granadella 33. La Selva del Camp Public Library, La Selva del Camp 34. Julià Cutiller Library, Llagostera 35. Lloret de Mar Municipal Library, Lloret de Mar 36. Municipal Library, Maçanet de la Selva 37. Ateneu Les Bases Library, Manresa 38. Martorell Library, Martorell 39. Library, Masquefa 40. Antoni Comas Library, Mataró 41. Sant Valentí Library, 42. Palafrugell Library, Palafrugell 43. M. Serra i Moret Library, Pineda de Mar 44. Carles Fontserè Library, 45. Guillem de Berguedà Library, Puig-reig 46. Freser Reading Centre Library, 47. Ripollet Library, Ripollet 48. Antoni Gaudí Library, Riudoms 49. Ponent Library, Sabadell 50. Library, Sant Antoni de Vilamajor 51. Maria Aurèlia Library, 52. Volpelleres - Miquel Batllori Library, Sant Cugat del Vallès 53. Mira-sol - Marta Pessarrodona Library, Sant Cugat del Vallès 54. Josep M. de Garganta Library, 55. Sant Fruitós de Bages Library, Sant Fruitós de Bages 56. Miquel Martí i Pol Library, 57. Francesc Balagué Library, Sant Jaume d'Enveja 58. Mercè Rodoreda Library, Sant Joan Despí 59. Can Coromines Municipal Library, 60. S. Vives Casajuana Library, Sant Vicenç de Castellet 61. Sebastià Juan Arbó Municipal Library, Sant Carles de la Ràpita 62. José Escudé Albesa Library, Santa Bàrbara 63. Fondo Library, 64. Joan Ruiz i Calonja Cultural Centre Library, Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana 65. Mont - Àgora Library, Santa Margarida de Montbui 66. Frederic Alfundso i Orfila Library, 67. Carles Morató Library, Solsona 68. District 3 Library, Terrassa 69. Campredó Public Library, Tortosa 70. Carles Cardó Library, Valls 71. Infant Pere, Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant Library 72. Contravent Library, Vilanova del Vallès 73. Can Manyer Library, Vilassar de Dalt

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32. 2015, the year of the libraries

Coinciding with the centenary of the Popular Libraries Network in the Community of Catalonia, the Government declared 2015 to be the Year of the Libraries. In the context of this commemoration, various measures were implemented for support and inter- administrative cooperation in the public libraries of the region.

The Year of the Libraries intends to bring into relief the task of libraries as the principal cultural service in a locality. Going beyond the dissemination of culture and their task linked to the world of books and reading, the library is a community place with a multiplicity of resources.

Notable activities in this celebration of libraries are the exhibition “BiblioTec. A hundred years of studies and the library profession 1915 – 2015”, the literary routes to the first four libraries, the “The Library in life” project, the Grant 3000, Testimonies to the Libraries and the Congress of Library-Buses.

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33. Single card

The Ministry and Barcelona Provincial Government are working on a proposal for a single cultural card linked to and based on the library card. This cultural card would offer, aside from the basic library services, a catalogue of offers, discounts and cultural advantages to the user, as personalized as possible and valid throughout the Catalan territory.

 3.5 million users of the Public Libraries Network would benefit from this card.

The Working Committee which is developing the card comprises the head and an expert from the Ministry Library Service, the coordinator and an expert from the Public Area of the ICEC, the head of the Provincial Government's Library Coordination Service, an expert from the GSB and a Communications expert from the Provincial Government.

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34. Creation of a new framework of financing

Cultural enterprises and entities have in recent years seen changes in business models, partly due to the digital transformation and partly due to the need to face the economic and financial crisis.

In this context, in order to respond to financing needs in the short, medium and long term, the Ministry of Culture has investigated new policies for financial support to give an answer to the finance needs of enterprises and entities and to simplify their access to credit.

These forms of financing are:

Repayable contributions: an innovative form of aid in the system of public financing, which combines a part of traditional subsidy and a part of credit, on a scale depending on the characteristics of each project and the financial capacity

of its promoters.

With this initiative, the Ministry of Culture has become a reference point on the European level in innovation in models of financing.

There are five lines of repayable credits: Cultural projects, Discography publishing, Audiovisual distribution, Editorial publishing and Exploitation and distribution of performances around Catalonia.

The total granted in repayable contributions for the period 2011 -2014 was 20.34 million euro.

Participative loans: this method was set up in 2014 to give support to digital entrepreneurs in the initial phases of their projects.

During 2014 a total of 35 enterprises and entities presented various projects, of which 6 obtained financing for a value of 500,000 euro, 33% of the total of 1.5 million euro allocated to the line.

Reformulating the system of aids: in 2011 a new aid was formulated for the distribution and exploitation of theatrical and musical performances in Catalonia. The objective of this form is to promote the contracting of performances around the region.

It is a mixed form of aid which consists of one part of credit, which has to be repaid independently of the results of the project, and one part of subsidy, which is only repayable according to financial success.

Aids to the distribution and exploitation of performances in Catalonia meant a total investment of €1,394,574 for the period 2011-2014.

Convention with the Catalan Institute of Finances (ICF): a line of loans of 20 million euro to finance projects for investment in fixed assets (for the structural

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needs of the enterprises) and/or circulating assets (for liquidity needs), addressed specifically to the Catalan cultural fabric.

The total sum of financing approved was €6,597,430, a figure which represents 33% of the total sum available.

From the start of the convention and until 10 December 2014 a total of 41 loans were granted to 40 enterprises and entities, 20 projects are for the scenic arts, 10 are audiovisual, 6 editorial, 3 for music and 2 for visual arts.

• Convention with Triodos Bank: in 2013 an agreement was signed with the objective of advancing, via loans at 1 year, the amount of the aids and subsidies granted. The amount of the loan is 90% of the total aid or subsidy, which must be a minimum of 10,000 euro.

• European Projects Accelerator: advisory service to increase financing coming from the European Union. Between May and until the end of 2014, 255 projects have received advice.

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35. Creation of the Heritage Agency

The Catalan Cultural Heritage Agency began work in 2013 and was formally set up on 1 January 2014 in order to improve the social use of heritage elements in Catalonia.

The Agency is conceived as a new way of managing the Catalan heritage. In particular it means improvements in the conservation and rehabilitation of monuments and amenities, better promotion and a new impulse for making them into poles of cultural and tourist attraction.

7 institutions attached: History of Catalonia Museum, Catalan Archaeology Museum, Catalan Science and Technology Museum, Girona Art Museum, Tarragona National Archaeology Museum, Centre of Restoration of Goods and Chattels of Catalonia, Pedret Research Centre.

38 monuments attached: La Cartoixa d’Escaladei; Prat de la Riba House-Museum; Rafael Casanovas House- Museum; castles of Cardona, Claramunt, Miravet, Calonge and Granada del Penedès; Escornalbou castle-monastery; convents of Sant Francesc de Montblanc and Sant Bartomeu de Bellpuig; monasteries of Vilabertran, Santes Creus, Sant Pere de Rodes and Sant Pere de Galligants; Torre Manresana; the deposits of Castellet de Banyoles, castles of Palamós, Empúries, Olèrdola and Ullastret; the Necropolis, Forum and Theatre of Tarragona; the Roman villas of Munts and Centcelles; Arc de Barà; Torre dels Escipions; the Torre Carles V; the Colònia Sedó and Ciment Asland Museums; Farga Palau; Palau Moja; the monastery of Sant Pere de Portella; the Roca dels Moros del Cogull; the deposits of Coll del Moro; the Molí d’Espígol and the centre-store of the Tarragona National Archaeological Museum.

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The Agency has taken on seven amenities previously managed by the Ministry of Culture and thirty-eight monuments.

The total for visitors to the amenities since 2013 is 2,059,986.

The Agency's budget for 2014 was €21,307,090.54 and 431 actions were carried out.

The most notable actions of the Catalan Cultural Heritage Agency in 2014 were:

Signature of a collaboration agreement with “La Caixa” Social Work to encourage the social use and knowledge of the Catalan cultural heritage: Heritage in Action Signature of the collaboration agreement with L’Escala City Council to improve accesses and the landscape environment of Empúries Signature of a collaboration agreement with Cogul Town Council and Garrigues District Council for opening to view the Cave Paintings of the Moors' Rock at Cogul, World Heritage of Humanity (opened on 1 August 2015) Adjudication and conceptualization of a reference area for the cultural heritage in Barcelona Publication of the web portal, the first searcher which coordinates all the educational offer of the Catalan cultural heritage Implementation of the audio guide service in the institutions (Empúries and Ullastret) Commemoration of the Tercentenary Reactivation of the combined ticket for the Cister Route, 25 years after its first creation 57 actions of conservation-restoration on the Autonomous Government's own heritage, 110 on heritage shared with other institutions and 32 subsidies granted to private and local entities Restoration of the General Prim mausoleum Creation of a new model for maintenance of heritage amenities, for their more efficient and sustainable management Implementation of an Energy Efficiency Plan in the amenities Invitation to a process of public, open selection for managing posts in the Catalan Archaeology Museum, the History of Catalonia Museum, the mNACTEC and Girona Art Museum Preparation of a strategic report on the sector of the cultural heritage in Catalonia, mapping and definition of the value chain Celebration of 30 years of mNACTEC

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36. Digital efforts

In 2013 the Ministry prepared the Plan for digital culture 2014-2016 with the aim of placing cultural and creative Catalan enterprises in the first line of innovation, technology and the digital world.

The Plan forms part of the Government's iDigital strategy, with the objective of improving competitiveness and employment through stimulating ICT, where cultural and creative industries are among the driving projects.

The Plan comprises 13 action lines, among which are the following: a new line of participative loans to native digital cultural enterprises for a value of 1.5 million euro, a review of the Ministry's lines of subsidies to traditional cultural enterprises to adapt their demands to the digital change, the creation of projects of digital implementation and various actions for internationalization.

One of the most notable activities is the “Digital June” programme, which is intended to group together the best events in each discipline taking place this month and to encourage the network of exchange between professionals in digital culture.

Events which form part of it (dates of holding in 2015)

Cartoon 360, 1 - 3 June Loop, 4 - 6 June Atlantida Film Festival, 8 June to 8 July B’Ars, 11 - 14 June e’ICT day, 17 June 4 Motors X Europe, 18 June Sonar+D, 18 - 20 June Cine Europe, 22 - 25 June Gamelab, 24 - 26 June Videojoc prizes, 25 June Awards, 26 June Learn To Share, 26 - 27 June

The Ministry is decidedly backing “Digital June” with support of €746,500. The total budget for all the events is €3,319,912.

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37. Setting up the Office for Support to Cultural Initiatives (OSIC) – Single window for aid

The Ministry created in 2011 the Office for Support to Cultural Initiatives (OSIC) – Single window for aids, in order to rationalize, modernize and make more transparent the systems on application for and the processing of aids.

The objective of the OSIC is to make it easier to apply for aids in cultural matters, to improve the service by means of simplification and standardization of documents, optimizing resources and procedures. In the form of a single window and with clear backing for electronic methods, it allows access to information and the steps for aids from the Ministry in an easy and clear manner in a single website.

In 3 years, the files received in the Virtual Processing Office rose from 257 in 2012 to

1,827 in 2014.

The total of subsidy files processed by OSIC since 2012 is 10,246. The total amount of aids granted between 2012 and 2014 was €67,870,258.90. The amount granted up to July 2015 was €14,240,988.44.

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38. Rationalization of the administration structure

of Since 2011 the Ministry of Culture has been promoting a change in relationships with the principal cultural institutions in the region: opening public competition as the method for choosing new directors for the institutions and simplifying their structures.

The objectives are to acquire powerful executive teams, with a strong power of decision and contracts programmed with objectives marked and quantified, and to make the institutions more flexible and transparent and with more capacity of reaction, avoiding duplications.

Where were we? Where are we?

Ministry Organization Chart

. General Secretariat . General Secretariat . Culture Secretariat . Communication Media Secretariat

Processing aids

. General Secretariat . Office of Support for the

. DG Cultural Heritage Cultural Initiative . DG Cultural Promotion & Cooperation . DG Popular Culture and Associations . DG Linguistic Policy . National Council of Culture and Arts . Institution of Catalan Letters

Cultural heritage management

. Catalan Archaeology Museum . Catalan Cultural Heritage . Science and Technology of Catalonia Agency Museum (Management, promotion . History of Catalonia Museum and joint dissemination) . Tarragona National Archaeological Museum . Girona Art Museum . Restoration Centre of Goods and Chattels of Catalonia

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39. Catalan, European language

Catalan is the ninth language of the European Union and among the 100 most spoken in the world, with 10 million speakers.

Recently an intense effort has been made to establish Catalan as an official language of the EU and agreements have been made so that any citizen can use Catalan with European institutions. At present, Catalan is recognized for limited official use, but it does not have the status of an official language. In the context of work for the national transition, a study has been prepared on linguistic aspects when a Member State joins the European Union, referring specifically to the case of Catalonia.

The General Directorate of Linguistic Policy prepared the 4th report on the European Charter on regional and minority languages (ECRML) and sent it to the Languages Office of the State Ministry of Taxation and Public Authorities in October 2013.

The final report that the State sent to the Council of Europe omitted information on the State linguistic policy's adversity towards Catalan, in Catalonia and in other Catalan- speaking territories.

In 2014, for the first time, the Autonomous Government of Catalonia also sent the earlier complete report to the Committee of Experts of the Council of Europe and made public the Affronts against the Catalan language during 2010-2013.

Studies of Catalan language, literature and culture have great diffusion in Europe. During this period, every year, around five thousand students have worked on these subjects, with the support of the Ramon Llull Institute, in more than 100 European universities: 21 in the United Kingdom, 20 in France, 20 in Germany, 13 in Italy, 7 in ...

At European level, the Government is part of the European Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity (NPLD), the Association of Language Testers in Europe, (ALTE) and the European Association for Terminology (EAFT). All three are the main references in their fields.

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40. Catalan, State language

At the beginning of 2015 the Ministry of Culture published the document “Affronts to the Catalan language 2010 – 2013”, which denounced the obstacles put up by the State and other authorities to application of the European Charter for regional or minority languages (ECRML).

The document points out the following affronts:

The negative effects of the Constitutional Court's judgment in 2010 on the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia. The intention of recentralization of competences by the State, reinforcing the position of Spanish in Catalonia. Measures contrary to ECRML, such as the bill for an Act on education, promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Measures taken by the governments of the Balearic Isles, the Valencia Region and Aragon, regressive with regard to the application of ECRML. The impact of the tax deficit in the financing of activities in support of the language. The refusal by the Spanish Administration of Justice to apply ECRML, as though it were not a regulation text valid in Spain. Also, the EC Committee of Ministers calls on the State to ensure that a percentage of the Justice personnel in the autonomous communities know the relevant language. The lack of receptiveness by the State to the recommendations of the EC Committee of Ministers. The situations of discrimination which lead to ignorance of Catalan in groups dependent on the State. The State's challenge to the quotas of Catalan in the Cinema Act (2010); the linguistic regulations in the Act on the consumption code (2010); the Act of welcome, in the part referring to linguistic competences (2010), and the Act on Occitan declaring the preferential use of Aranese (2011). The obstacles put by the State on the broadcasting and reception of radio and television channels in Catalan in places where it is spoken, and the scarce or nil presence of Catalan in the media on a state-wide scale. Difficulties in the use of Catalan in European institutions. The State's little or no contribution to the promotion of Catalan abroad.

The content of the document “Affronts to the Catalan language 2010 – 2013” is a summary of the earlier report of 2013, which the Ministry of Culture prepared to evaluate the follow-up of ECRML by the Spanish State in relation to Catalan.

Other actions carries out by the Ministry have been to participate in joint working with the Basque and Galician Governments in 2013 and 2015, in the context of the Protocol signed on linguistic policy, to exchange information and collaborate in matters of linguistic policy.

Government Balance Sheet 2011-2015 Executive summary, page 60

The General Directorate of Linguistic Policy, in the framework of the national transition, has formed a group of experts on official languages, which has met to debate the status of languages in Catalonia. To go deeper into the debate, a study has been promoted and published entitled “The official nature of language. Constitutional declarations and legal and practical implications”.

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41. Catalan, shared language

The Ministry of Culture and the Catalan Institute of Statistics presented in 2014 a Survey on linguistic use in the population in 2013. The preparation of these statistics responds to the regular need (every five years) to obtain official details which enable actions to be taken in the field of Catalan in social use. The Ministry, through the Linguistic Policy, extends these statistics to all territories of the Catalan linguistic domain, by means of collaboration agreements with institutions in the various territories, with the objective of obtaining global information on the situation of Catalan. It also collaborates with the institutions in order to face the attacks on the unity of the language which have occurr ed in recent years. Conventions and agreements have been signed with the following authorities and institutions:

Government of Andorra (2014) Alghero City Council (2014)

Perpignan University and the General Council of the Eastern Pyrenees (2014) Iberus Campus: University of Zaragoza (2015) University of the Balearic Isles (2014) Universities in Valencia (in progress)

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42. Catalan, language of society

The use of Catalan has risen according to the details of the Survey on linguistic use in the population (EULP 2013) and the Report on linguistic policy 2013 prepared by the Ministry.

Catalan maintains its trend towards normality in spite of a very special demographic context, globalization and the impact of State policies unfavourable to the deployment of the Catalan language.

The Survey on linguistic use in the population 2013 shows that in Catalonia most of the population aged 15 years and over say they can understand, speak, read and write Catalan and Aranese in the following proportions:

Survey of linguistic use in the population (EULUP 2013)

Catalan Aranese Understand 94.3 % 80.7 % Can speak 80.4 % 55.6 % Read 82.4 % 59.3 % Write 60.4% 34.9 %

5,899,400 people aged 15 years and over understand Catalan, 5,027,200 people can speak it, 5,152,400 people can read it and 3,776,300 people can write it.

Catalan is the initial language (maternal) of 31% of the population, but the proportion rises to 36.3% for people who consider it as their language of identification, that is to say, their own language. The increase in the percentage population speaking Catalan with their mothers and those who use it with their children is 6.2 points, which evidences that in Catalonia the process of intergenerational linguistic transmission is favourable to Catalan. The use of Catalan in the age band from 15 to 30 years has risen from 31.5% in 2008 to 36.4% in 2013. The indicators show a growing knowledge of Catalan in the younger sections of the population. In Catalonia 48.1% of the population have a high level of Catalan in all the language abilities (2,963,000 people). But for one in four citizens aged 15 years or over there are shortcomings (1,634,000) as they have little or no knowledge of Catalan. There are still many people in the lower knowledge band in spite of the up-and-coming new generations who are better taught.

The Consortium for Linguistic Normalization (CPNL), attached to the General Directorate of Linguistic Policy, comprising the Autonomous Government of Catalonia and 135 local consortiums, offers classes in Catalan throughout the territory of Catalonia, through 22 normalization centres. In this period, they organized more than 3,200 courses a year in 155 localities with 70,000 students a year. Through the Linguistic Policy programme “Volunteers for the language (VxL)” the Consortium has promoted the use of the language and has encouraged conversation in Catalan for people who wish to acquire fluency and security.

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From 2011 to 2014, the number of linguistic couples formed was around 10,000 a year. In 2013 the VxL has been going for 10 years and in this period more than 81,000 couples had taken part. VxL has the collaboration of entities and establishments. From 2011 to 2014 agreements were established with 2,995 entities and associations and 11,406 establishments.

The entities which promote the use of Catalan on their own initiative are a sample of social vitality and an ally of the first order in the Government's linguistic policy and the extension of social use of the language. For this reason, the Ministry of Culture, through the General Directorate of Linguistic Policy, promotes the work with two lines of action: support for projects promoting Catalan stimulated by entities (more than 75 each year) and the Census of entities promoting the language. From 2011 to 2014 the Census has gone from 66 entities to 142 entities, which represents an increase of 115.2%.

The socioeconomic sector is one of the fields in which action for the promotion of Catalan has been intensified. The Ministry of Culture established agreements with trade federations and business associations such as the CCC and PIMEC (more than 5,000 conventions between the sector and the CPNL), organized campaigns promoting Catalan for business and every year offers a line of aids to enterprises for the use of Catalan on products and in technological services addressed to end users (applications for mobile devices, videogames, programming, etc.) and for translation into Catalan of non-literary works in whatever form of publication. It collaborated in 128 projects from 2011 to 2014.

Other sector programmes supported during this period were: Oberts al Català, Catemprèn, I tu, jugues en Català? (trade), Mou-te (sport), En Català, també és de llei (justice), El Català, llengua digital (ITC).

As a tool for improving the quality and use of the language, the online linguistic consultation service called Optimot has been made available to everyone, with more than 40 million enquiries registered since 2011.

To increase the offer of films in Catalan, the Ministry of Culture, through the Linguistic Policy, has given support for dubbing (82 films), and subtitling films (811), and for feature films and shorts for festivals (2,317). Also it has encouraged the extension of subtitling through an agreement with Canal+, which in 2014 subtitled 146 films and 16 complete seasons of series; and with Cinemes Texas, which subtitled 40 feature films in 2014. With the CINC programme, Cinema for Children in Catalan, children have been encouraged to see films in Catalan, with more than 500,000 viewers.

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43. Recognition of the Aranese Studies Institute as an Occitan academy

In 2014 the Aranese Studies Institute (IEA) was formed as a new independent body under public law, its authority was extended to all of Catalonia and it became the organ of cooperation with the Occitan region. The Aranese Studies Institute has been recognized as an academy, which gives Aranese a linguistic institution of the highest rank.

The Decree 12/2014, which granted the IEA the status of academy, extended the Institute's linguistic authority to the whole of Catalonia and, at the same time, gave it a mandate to establish the linguistic regulations of reference in collaboration with academic, research or cultural entities recognized by public institutions. The Aranese Studies Institute has through this Decree become the authority for advice in matters of the Occitan language, Aranese in the Vall d'Aran, for public authorities and the bodies depending on them, for public and private teaching centres and for the media in public ownership. It is also the organ of cooperation with the Occitan region.

On 10 July 2015 the formal ceremony forming the IEA was held in Vielha, with the Government and the General Council of Aran, and the members of the Aranese Studies Institute addressed the assembly on entering the academy.

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44. Creation of participative bodies

In the period 2011-2015 the Ministry was represented in various institutions and entities of the world of culture throughout the territory. The objective is to promote collaboration between entities at all levels to join forces and resources and contribute to having a strong and competitive cultural sector.

The participative bodies of which the Ministry is part are: the governing councils of public amenities and cultural institutions, the National Council of Culture and the Arts, the Museums Board of Catalonia, the Social Council of the Catalan Language and, with partial competences in matters of culture, the Council of Associations and Volunteers of Catalonia, the Catalan Council of Professional Training, the Advisory Board of Information and Communication Technology, the Tourism Advisory Council and the Schools Board of Catalonia. The Social Council of Culture, created in 2014, represents more generally social participation in all fields of culture and completes these instruments of participation.

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45. Creation of the Social Council of Culture

In 2014 the Government set up the Social Council of Culture with 52 representatives from the economic, social and associative world, so that the various sectors could become more closely involved in the analysis and deployment of cultural life and in order to monitor the sector and the public policies applied by the Government in these areas.

The Council's objective is to make culture more central. In this sense, it must work to make other sectors more aware of the fundamental role of culture, presenting proposals and analyses which contribute to improving the public policies.

The creation of this new body does not mean any increase in expense, since the exercise of its members' ordinary functions does not involve any remuneration or reimbursement for attending meetings.

The Social Council of Culture is composed of the following members:

. Jordi Dinarès Daura, CECOT; Daniel Furlan Silvestri, PIMEC; José Gálvez Miguel, CCOO; Rosa M. Puig-Serra Santacana, General Workers' Union of Catalonia-UGT; Pere Vicens Rahola, Barcelona Chamber of Commerce; Jaume Fàbrega i Vilà, Girona Chamber of Commerce; Andreu Suriol Ribé, Tarragona Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation; Joan Horaci Simó Burguès, Lleida Chamber of Commerce; Miquel Àngel Oliva, ABACUS Cooperativa; Eusebi Vidiella París, Users and Consumers Organization of Catalonia; Miquel Àngel Fraile Villagrasa, Trade Confederation of Catalonia; M. Rosa Armengol Auguets, Trade Confederation of Catalonia (Lleida); Sergi Albarran Nadal, Trade Confederation of Catalonia (Camp de Tarragona); Emiliano Maroto Rebollo, Trade Confederation of Catalonia (Barcelona); Josefina Cambra Giné, Ass. Intercol. de Col·legis Professionals de Catalonia; Neus Bonet i Bagant, Ass. Intercol. of Professional Colleges of Catalonia; Júlia Betrian Fatjó, National Council for Youth of Catalonia; Irene Asensio Nerín, National Council for Youth Catalonia; Jordi Cabezas Llobet, Consorctium of the

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Elderly in Catalonia; M. Rosa Llurba Caparó, Consortium of the Elderly in Catalonia; Mercè Meroño Salvador, National Council of Women of Catalonia; Victòria Guinduláin Oliveras, National Council of Women of Catalonia; Jaume Cela Ollé, Schools Council of Catalonia; Mariàngela Vilallonga Vives, Schools Council of Catalonia; Lourdes Cirlot Valenzuela, Inter-University Council of Catalonia; Bonaventura Bassegoda Hugas, Inter- University Council of Catalonia; Núria Llorach Boladeras, Catalana Media Corporation; Mònica Fulquet i Tenas, Local Audiovisual Network; Lluís Gendrau, Association Periodical Publications in Catalan; Ignacio de Orovio, La Vanguardia; Robert Serentill i Utgés, Catalan Radio Association; Sílvia Muñoz d'Imbert, National Council of Culture and the Arts-CONCA; Ramon Arnabat i Mata, Penedes Studies Institute; Francesc Bellmunt, Culture Circle; Salvador Casals Romagosa, Federation of Cultural Associations of Catalonia; Miquel Curanta i Girona, Catalan Culture Club; Tracy Sirés, Association of Professionals of Cultural Management of Catalonia; Joan Calmet Piqué, Catalan Association of Municipalities and Counties-ACM; Àlex Medrano Soler, Federation of Municipalities of Catalonia-FMC; M. Teresa Pijoan i Balcells, Ministry of Education; Núria Betriu Sánchez, Ministry of Business and Employment; Marian Muro Ollé, Ministry of Business and Employment; Elsa Artadi, Ministry of the Economy and Knowledge; Claudi Alsina, Ministry of the Economy and Knowledge; Ezequiel Baró; Xavier Cubeles; Pau Rausell Köster; Xavier Marcet Gisbert, and Lluís Bonet.

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46. Reinforcing the Social Council of the Catalan Language

The Ministry of Culture is promoting the Social Council of the Catalan Language to make it more representative of all the groups working in the field of the language.

The Council's objective is to act as an adviser to the Autonomous Government of Catalonia in matters of language and to simplify rapid communication among the various sectors working with it.

It is formed by representatives of the State, autonomous and local governments, by sector organizations with representation throughout the linguistic domain and by entities for promotion of the language.

In the period 2011- 2015, the Council has issued four declarations of support for the Catalan model of education and on linguistic policy in the face of offensives by the State and other autonomous communities to discredit Catalan:

Statement in support of the Catalan educational system (14 October 2011) Statement in favour of Catalan in the educational system (13 December 2012) Declaration by the Social Council of the Catalan Language on the Act on the use, protection and promotion of languages pertaining to Aragon (13 June 2013) Declaration rejecting the State policies in linguistic and educational matters (11 May 2015)

On another line, the Social Council has continued its task of follow-up and advice on linguistic policy and has issued the following opinions:

Opinion on the Report on linguistic policy 2011 (22 October 2013) Opinion on the Report on linguistic policy 2012 (22 October 2013) Opinion on the Report on linguistic policy 2013 and 2014 (2015)

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47. Creation of the Social Council for the Catalan Sign Language

The Government approved, in 2012, the creation of the Social Council for the Catalan Sign Language as a body for advice, consultation and social participation in the Government's linguistic policy in relation to the Catalan sign language.

It is the first institutional body for representation of this group.

The objective is to give a new impulse to recognition of the Catalan sign language in order to extend its codification.

The Council is a Government body of participation and advice composed of:

. Ignasi Genovès i Avellana, in representation of the Ministry of the Presidency; M. Gemma Pifarré i Matas, in representation of the competent department in matters of accessibility and people with disabilities; Gemma Alsina i Masmitjà, in representation of the competent department in matters of teaching; Montserrat de Vehí i Torra, in representation of the competent department in matters of public function; Santiago Frigola i Segimon, in representation of the Federation of the Deaf in Catalonia; Joan Martí i Castell, in representation of the Philological Section of the Catalan Studies Institute; Júlia Garrusta i Ribes, in representation of the Association of Interpreters of Sign Language and the Guides-Interpreters of Catalonia (ACILS); Raquel Perich i Berini, in representation of the Association of Parents of Deaf Children of Catalonia-Space (APANSCE); José Francisco Quer i Villanueva, as a person of recognized standing in the world of scientific research in relation with sign language; Josep Maria Segimon i Valentí, as a person of recognized experience in the protection of linguistic and cultural rights for the users of the Catalan sign language and Esther Requena i Olea, as a person representing an association of users of the Catalan sign language.

In this line, in 2014 a Plan was prepared to promote the use, research and social dissemination of the Catalan sign language. The actions are directed to members of the community of sign language users and to the citizenry as a whole.

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In Catalonia in 2014, 29,424 people were acknowledged to have hearing disabilities. With regard to regulated teaching, during the year 2013-2014 there were 1,928 students with hearing difficulties who followed their studies orally or in the bilingual LSC/Catalan form.

At the same time, in 2015, the LSC Prize was created to encourage the use of the Catalan sign language, an institutional award intended to recognize people, entities and initiatives which contribute to the promotion, diffusion and prestige of the Catalan sign language (LSC).

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48. National Agreement for Culture

The National Agreement for Culture covers all the essential elements which characterize the culture of our region and themes which must play a part in the Government's actions in coming years. The National Agreement for Culture wishes to be the document of consensus on the waybill which must allow the development of the Catalan cultural system: a transforming and lively expression of identity, a tool to prevent social fragmentation and dispersion, citizens' rights in the basic framework of the welfare state, a sector of strategic opportunity in economic and social development and a centre for the region's group project. History

The first version of the bases for the National Agreement for Culture was drawn up by the Ministry of Culture in 2011 and was then sent to the parliamentary groups and entities representing local authorities so that they could make contributions. In November 2012 the text prepared so far was brought before the Catalan Parliament.

At the end of 2013 the Government set up the working group to update the preliminary document on the bases of the National Agreement for Culture. The group, presided over by the Ministry of Culture, is formed of representatives of the various parliamentary groups, the National Council of Culture and the Arts, the Catalan Association of Municipalities and Counties and the Federation of Municipalities of Catalonia.

The document includes a whole series of agreements and commitments on the following themes:

. Language . Cultural identity . Civil society . Social cohesion and cultural security . Culture: exclusive competence, institutional commitment . Culture and authorities . System of cultural amenities . Financing culture . Cultural dimensions . International Catalan culture

The minister of Culture delivered the National Agreement for Culture to the Autonomous Government of Catalonia on 21 July 2015 and to the president of the Catalan Parliament on 29 July 2015.

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49. Institutional understanding

The Ministry of Culture took another step forward in networking with different institutions and combining forces to achieve objectives and projects.

20 years after approval of the Libraries Act, which defined the need to arrange for a unified inter-library loan system, in 2014 the Ministry of Culture and the Barcelona Provincial Government finally signed a protocol of collaboration for joint working, which until then had never been possible.

The purposes of this collaboration are: to offer services of support and encouragement to the reading public, stimulate cultural activity, encourage the maximum access to culture for the population and see to the functioning of the libraries, now much more complex.

This agreement allows for the development of three main projects: a single collective catalogue, a single unified library card for the whole of Catalonia and the offer of unified inter -library loans.

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50. Internationalization

Catalan culture has been a great ambassador to the world for Catalonia, encouraging knowledge about our country, before it became known through other disciplines.

The Ministry has carried out a task of identifying great events in each of the cultural ambits and has been amplifying the Catalan presence at these events, paramount in reinforcing the image of Catalonia and so obtaining standing abroad. Catalan culture was invited to 54 international cultural events, many of them at top level, between 2011 and 2014.

The Catalan Cultural Enterprises Institute and the Ramon Llull Institute are the bodies responsible for the internationalization of Catalan culture and cultural industry. The total subsidies granted to Catalan artists for travels abroad for the period 2011 – 2014 were 3,719, with a total amount granted of €4,871,370.27.

The Ministry of Culture also takes part in many European programmes, both in joint initiatives to promote cultural and creative enterprises and in the dissemination and preservation of the common cultural heritage. These programmes are: European Creative Industries Alliance and Linked Heritage.

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51. Catalonia takes part in the International Biennales

In 2011 the Autonomous Government of Catalonia took the decision to maintain its presence at the Art Biennale in Venice as a permanent feature, with its own pavilion, and to take part in the Architecture Biennale with its own pavilion on a regular basis.

With the aim of making Catalan art and architecture more visible and getting Catalan artists into the international panorama, the Ministry is strengthening its presence in both Biennales.

The quality of the exhibits in the successive events has been confirmed by their good reception by critics and public.

Projects representing Catalonia at the Art Biennale in Venice:

2011: exhibition “Mabel Palacín 180 ”, curated by David G. Torres.

2013: project “25%. Catalonia at Venice”, curated by Jordi Balló, with newly created work by visual artist Francesc Torres and cineast Mercedes Álvarez.

2015: project “La singularitat”, curated by Chus Martínez with the audiovisual installation prepared by Albert Serra.

Projects representing Catalonia at the Architecture Biennale in Venice:

2012: project “Vogadors: Architectural Rowers: Catalan & Balearic Threads: hard materiality for a permeable architecture”, curated by Félix Arranz and Jordi Badia, includes works by a dozen architectural offices. 2014: project “Arquitectures Empeltades”, curated by Josep Torrents i Alegre, assisted by Guillem Carabí Bescós and Jordi Ribas Boldú, coordinates a total of 16 architectural works.

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52. Record of Catalan translations

The number of translations of Catalan works into other languages is in a golden age. The contacts and exchanges made to promote these translations, especially their publication by important publishers, have meant that not only contemporary authors, but also our principal classics will come to be known by readers in the languages most spoken in the world.

The Ministry of Culture, through the Ramon Llull Institute, wishes to guarantee the diversity of the translated works, ensuring that our greatest classics are translated, and to enhance the quality of the publishers that translate them.

The Catalan authors most translated are: Albert Sánchez Piñol, with La pell freda; Mercè Rodoreda, with La plaça del Diamant; Salvador Espriu, and Jaume Cabré, with Jo confesso.

Between 2011 and 2014 357 works of Catalan literature were translated into 44 languages and 48 countries with the aid of the Ramon Llull Institute. The investment made in this period was €1,012,663.

In 2015, among the classics, Vida privada by Josep Maria de Sagarra was published in English and Solitud by Víctor Català in Italian.

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53. Governance

The Ministry of Culture has intervened in several important cultural institutions of the region in order to update their structures and appoint managing teams able to carry out the ambitious projects planned for them.

The themes worked on are: the establishment of programme contracts and directive plans with objectives to be met and with indicators to measure the activity carried out, renovation of the executive personnel through competitive public appointment and simplification of the organizational structure.

In the last four years actions have been carried out in 14 institutions: Catalan National Art Museum, Barcelona Contemporary Art Museum, Catalan Archaeology Museum, Catalan Science and Technology Museum, History of Catalonia Museum, Lleida Diocesan and District Museum, the Auditori, the Palau de la Música Catalana, Gran Teatre del Liceu, Catalonia National Theatre, Mercat de les Flors. Arts in Movement Centre, Teatre Lliure, Arts Santa Mònica. Creativity Centre and Library of Catalonia.

11 programme contracts have been signed and 11 new directive teams appointed by public competition and the structure has been simplified in 7 institutions.


Programme contract: system of working with specific

Catalan National Art Museum objectives New directing team chosen by public competition Barcelona Contemporary Art New directing team chosen by public competition Museum Simplification of structures and more transparency New directing team chosen by public competition Catalan Archaeology Museum Programme contract: system of working with specific objectives

New directing team chosen by public competition Catalan Science and Programme contract: system of working with specific Technology Museum objectives New directing team chosen by public competition History of Catalonia Museum Programme contract: system of working with specific objectives Lleida Diocesan and County New directing team chosen by public competition Museum Girona Art Museum New directing team chosen by public competition Programme contract: system of working with specific objectives Programme contract: system of working with specific objectives The Auditori New directing team chosen by public competition

Simplification of structures and more transparency

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Palau de la Música Catalana Simplification of structures and more transparency Programme contract: system of working with specific objectives Gran Teatre del Liceu New directing team chosen by public competition Simplification of structures and more transparency Programme contract: system of working with specific Catalan National Theatre objectives New directing team chosen by public competition

Programme contract: system of working with specific Mercat de les Flors. Arts in objectives Movement Centre Simplification of structures and more transparency Teatre Lliure Simplification of structures and more transparency

Programme contract: system of working with specific Arts Santa Mònica. Creativity objectives Centre New directing team chosen by public competition Simplification of structures and more transparency Programme contract: system of working with specific Library of Catalonia objectives

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