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Report2011.Pdf INTRODUCTION In these complicated times for both citizens and public administrations, public transport remains a government action priority, perhaps more so than ever before. Despite the demands placed on their budgets, the Catalan Government and local authorities have prioritised the allocation of resources to the ATM to maintain the current levels of quality and service. People’s right to accessibility must be guaranteed and, in order to do so to a satisfactory standard, we must equip ourselves with an effective and efficient public trans- port system, while abiding by the principles of sustainable mobility. Moreover, we must be especially alert to the needs of those people who, for personal or family circumstances, LLUÍS RECODER I MirallES require support from the administration. The commitment to discounted concession tickets Councillor for Territory and Sustain- is a clear example of this and is further demonstrated by the creation of the new ticket for ability and Chairman of the Metro- politan Transport Authority unemployed people, the reduction in the cost of the T-Jove and T-Trimestre cards and the expansion of the T-12 card to include children up to the age of 13. 2011 was a good year for the Barcelona Metropolitan Transport Authority from the point of view of demand. Within the area covered by the Integrated Fare System, a historic high of 935.5 million journeys was reached, 1.4% more than the previous year. The use of public transport has risen across the board, with an increase of 0.6% in bus travel and 1.9% in rail travel. This has consolidated the increase in demand seen in 2010 following the sudden drop in 2009. In order to make further improvements to the capacity of the metropoli- tan public transport, we are continuing to build major infrastructure such as line L9/L10, the extension of line L4 and the extension of the FGC to Terrassa and Sabadell. Work is also continuing to improve access to a number of stations for people with reduced mobil- ity, among numerous other significant initiatives, including the opening of new lines and increased service frequencies. For example, Rodalies line R8 is now in operation, mean- ing that for the first time passengers are able to journey between Martorell and Granollers without needing to travel into the city of Barcelona. Public transport is a key component of mobility and a means to reduce polluting emis- sions and congestion on our roads. We must continue to work towards a stable financial framework that is balanced between the public authorities and users. Looking ahead to the future, we must endeavour to ensure that frequent travellers benefit from the advances made, while maintaining the concession and discounted tickets to guarantee equitable us- age of the public transport system. Contents C1 Presentation of the consortium 8 The ATM consortium 10 Governing, advisory and consultation bodies 11 Organisational structure of the ATM 13 C2 Actions in the financial year 2011 14 Infrastructure planning 16 1. State of implementation of the actions 17 2. Summary of investments in progress 30 RMB Mobility Master Plan 31 Management of the tramway system 34 1. Diagonal - Baix Llobregat tram 34 2. Sant Martí - Besòs tram 36 3. Evolution in demand on the tramway system 38 Management of Rodalies de Catalunya 39 Integrated Fare System 43 1. Zoning of the Integrated Fare System 43 2. Range of integrated tickets and fares 48 3. Sales and use of the Integrated Fare System 52 4. Intermodality rate 57 Financing of the system 58 Other action 62 1. Operation Aid System - SAE 62 2. Sermetra, SL 63 3. Involvement abroad 64 C3 System statistics 68 TransMet Figures 2011 70 Survey on mobility on a weekday EMEF 2011 74 C4 Auditors’ Report 82 C5 2012 Budget 130 Presentation of the consortium C1 Presentation of the consortium The atm consortium The Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM) is a voluntary inter-authority consortium, created in 1997, and is open to all the administrations owning collective public transport ser- vices, individually or through groups or representative en- tities, based in the area formed by the Alt Penedès, Baix Llobregat, Barcelonès, Garraf, Maresme, Vallès Occidental and Vallès Oriental districts. The consortium is made up of the Catalan Government (51%) and the local administrations (49%): Barcelona City Council, the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) and the Group of Towns owning Public Transport services in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region (AMTU). We should also mention the presence of representatives of the General State Administra- tion on the governing bodies of the ATM as observers. The purpose of the ATM is to structure the cooperation be- tween the member public administrations owning the ser- vices and the collective public transport infrastructures in the Barcelona area, as well as working with others, such as the State Administration, which have financial commitments to it or which own or retain their services. 10 Governing, advisory and consultative bodies The various organisms and administrations related to collec- tive public transport are represented on the ATM governing, advisory and consultation bodies. Board of Directors The Board of Directors is the governing organ of the ATM. It consists of eighteen full members – nine representing the Catalan Government, seven the member local administra- tions (Barcelona City Council and the AMB) and two the AMTU – and two representing the State Administration as observers. The composition of the Board of Directors as at 31 Decem- ber 2011 was as follows: President Lluís Recoder i Miralles First vice-president Joaquim Forn i Chiariello Second vice-president Antoni Poveda i Zapata Members Xavier Baiget i Cantons Antonio Balmon i Arévalo Damià Calvet i Valera Isabel de Diego i Levy-Picard Maria Assumpta Farran i Poca Jordi Follia i Alsina Ricard Font i Hereu Josep Mayoral i Antigas Joan Mora i Bosch Sònia Recasens i Alsina Constantí Serrallonga i Tintoré Lluís Tejedor i Ballesteros Enric Ticó i Buxados Pau Villòria i Sistach Antoni Vives i Tomàs Observers Dolores Morán Laorden Ángel Rodríguez González Secretary Carme Sardà i Vilardaga 11 C1 Presentation of the consortium Governing, advisory and consultative bodies Executive Committee Mobility Council The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors has six The passing of the Mobility Law of 9/2003, of 13 June members, three representing the Catalan Government, two 2003, involved the amendment of the ATM statutes with the member local administrations and one the AMTU. the aim of turning it into the Mobility Authority. This law also Its general function is to examine and put before the Board provides for the constitution of territorial mobility councils. of Directors any proposals for planning instruments for the The new ATM statutes, approved in June 2005, define the Metropolitan Collective Public Transport System, financing ATM Mobility Council as the organ for civic and social con- agreements and services contracts with administrations and sultation and participation in the operation of the collective operators, fare system and annual budgets, among others. public transport system and of mobility. The composition of the Executive Committee as at 31 De- It has the following members: cember 2011 was: president: the second vice-president of the ATM a member of the ATM Board of Directors for each admin- istration in the consortium and each member entity representatives of the Federation of Municipalities of Cata- President Damià Calvet i Valera lonia and the Catalan Association of Municipalities and Members Ricard Font i Hereu Districts Antoni Poveda i Zapata representatives of the major employers organisations in Antoni Prunés i Santamaria Catalonia Constantí Serrallonga i Tintoré representatives of the major trade unions in Catalonia Enric Ticó i Buxados representatives of the leading consumer and user associa- Secretary Carme Sardà i Vilardaga tions in Catalonia representatives of the associations or collectives of special Legal Advice Committee importance in relation to public transport and mobility This committee provides legal assistance and advice to the the director general of the ATM Board of Directors and the ATM general management. It is made up of representatives of the Catalan Government, Bar- a member of the consortium management proposed for celona City Council, the AMB, the AMTU and the ATM itself. the purpose by the director general acts as secretary to the Council Operators Technical Subcommittee The Metropolitan Collective Transport Operators Technical Subcommittee is the consortium’s organ of collaboration and consultation on matters of a technical nature. Its members are representatives of the public transport operators in the metropolitan area. 12 Organisational structure of the ATM The composition of the staff of the ATM is as follows: Directors and managerial staff Technical and support staff Ramon Seró i Esteve Montserrat Alegrí i Garcia Director General Xavier Andreu i Sedó Marc A. Garcia i López Technical Director Lluís Avellana i Pla Magda Baró i Callejas Lluís Alegre i Valls Head of the Mobility Service Elisabet Bassi i Riera Josep Caldú i Cebrián Jordi Clària i Martínez Head of the Administration Service Marta De Domingo i Peña Francesc Calvet i Borrull Head of the Planning Service Anna Farrero i Vallès Mayte Capdet i Sorribes Núria Fontova i Jordana Head of the Fare Integration and Communication Service Sonia Gómez i Gil Carme Fàbregas i Casas Montserrat Hernández i Rovira Head of the Systems Service Carolina Lages i Llopis Jaume Garcia i Soler Head of the Legal Advice Service Miquel Lamas i Sánchez Lluís Rams i Riera Mònica Lladó i Garcia Head of the System Financing Service Josep Moya i Matas Xavier Roselló i Molinari Assistant to the Technical Director Alfred Pallardó i Beltran Àngel Sangrós i Bondia Sílvia Sanchón i Llausí Head of the Project Development Service Rosa Solans i Castells Maria Montaner i Maragall Head of the Studies and Communication Unit Marta Vancells i Morón 13 Actions for the financial year 2011 C2 Actions for the financial year 2011 Infrastructure planning The ATM Board of Directors approved the definitive ver- sion of the 2001-2010 Infrastructure Plan (PDI) on 25 April 2002.
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    EUROPEAN COMMISSION Competition DG Brussels, C(2006) Subject: State aid N 626/2006 – Spain Regional aid map 2007-2013 Sir, 1. PROCEDURE 1. On 21 December 2005, the Commission adopted the Guidelines on National Regional Aid for 2007-20131 (hereinafter “RAG”). 2. In accordance with paragraph 100 of the RAG, each Member State should notify to the Commission, following the procedure of Article 88(3) of the EC Treaty, a single regional aid map covering its entire national territory which will apply for the period 2007-2013. In accordance with paragraph 101 of the RAG, the approved regional aid map is to be published in the Official Journal of the European Union and will be considered as an integral part of the RAG. 3. On 13 March 2006, a pre-notification meeting between the Spanish authorities and the Commission's services took place. 4. By letter of 19 September 2006, registered at the Commission on the same day with the reference number A/37353, Spain notified its regional aid map for the period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013. 5. By letter of 23 October 2006 (reference number D/59110) the Commission requested from the Spanish authorities additional information. 6. By letter of 15 November 2006, registered at the Commission with the reference number A/39174, the Spanish authorities submitted additional information. 1 OJ C 54, 4.3.2006, p. 13. 2. DESCRIPTION 2.1. Main characteristics of the Spanish Regional aid map 7. Articles 40(1) and 138(1) of the Spanish Constitution establish the obligation of the public authorities to look after a fair distribution of the wealth among and a balanced development of the various parts of the Spanish territory.
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