ARSOM-KAOW The Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences Permanent InternationalAssociation for Navigation Congresses Port of The World Association for Waterbome A Antwerp Transport lnfrastructure International Colloquium INTEROCEANIC CANALS AND WORLD SEABORNE TRADE: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE (Brussels, 7-9 June 2012) Guest Editors: J. CHARLIER, C. DE MEYER & H. PAELINCK Financially supported by FONDATION beis po Sefacil tnrs LOCIBT10UC • PonTUA!AC • MARlfl"'C LA Ulf.ITil CHUCHUDE The Belgian Science Policy Office Fondation Sefacil Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique 2015 ACADEMIE ROYALE KONINKLIJKE ACADEMIE DES VOOR SCIENCES o'ÜUTRE-MER ÛVERZEESE WETENSCHAPPEN Avenue Louise 231 Louizalaan 231 B-1050 Bruxelles (Belgique) B-1050 Brussel (België) Tél. 02.538.02.1 1 Tel. 02.538.02. 11 Fax 02.539.23.53 Fax 02.539.23.53 E-mail:
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[email protected] Web: Web: ISBN 978-90-756-5257-4 D/2015/0 149/4 CONTENTS J. CHARLIER, C. DE MEYER & H. PAELINCK. - Introduction ........ 5 lnteroceanic Canals in Context G. CAUDE. - Le röle de l'AIPCN dans la conception des projets majeurs d'infrastructure de navigation maritime et fluviale et dans l'orientation de ses travaux au bénéfice des pays émergents. 13 C. DUCRUET. - The Polarization of Global Container Flows by Inter- oceanic Canals. 27 P. DRANK.IER. - Connecting China Overseas through the Marine Arc tic: Le gal lmplications and Geopolitical Considerations for Arctic Shipping..................... 45 D. DE LAME. - Connected by Oceans, Parted by Land............ 61 S. A. RrcH. - "Shiver Me Timbers ! "No Cedar Ships in the Medieval Mediterranean? . 69 The Suez Canal in between the Gibraltar and Malacca Straits N.