International Journal of Research and Review E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

Research Paper

Youth Perception on Features and Accessibility of Mebidang in Bridging Interconnected Areas in North Sumatera

Yusuf Aulia Lubis, Sirojuzilam, Suwardi Lubis

Regional Planning Department, School of Post-Graduate, University of Sumatera Utara, ,

Corresponding Author: Yusuf Aulia Lubis


One of Indonesian problems in infrastructure development is how to nationally avail Bus Rapid Transit having transit rail system in its development system. In the macroeconomic perspective, the availability of urban transport infrastructure services can affect the marginal productivity of private capital, while in the microeconomic perspective; such services can also decrease production costs. Moreover, the contribution of urban transport infrastructure to improving quality of life is indicated by the increase in welfare, productivity and access to employment, as well as macroeconomic stability. This research is descriptive trying to gain youth’s perception on Bus Rapid Transit in Medan. In this study, the primary and secondary data sources are used and the populations include all users of Trans Mebidang. The samples are taken from those using the routes of Tanjug Anom to Down Town (or Pusat Kota), Jamin Ginting to Down Town, and Simpang Pos to Down Town and the samples chosen are only 15% of population. Sampling technique is purposive and accidental. It can be concluded that partially the Feature Perception (X1) gives impacts on the uutilization of Trans Mebidang and partially the Accessibility Perception also brings effect to the utilization of Trans Mebidang.

Keywords: perception, features, accessibility, bus rapid transit, Medan

INTRODUCTION Mamminasata). Several other cities i.e. Background of the study Medan, , and eastern Indonesia’s One of Indonesian problems in other cities will have soon ( infrastructure development is how to Following Trans several BRTs, for nationally avail Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) instance Trans , Solo Trans Batik, which has the capacity like the transit rail , and Trans Musi have provided system in the BRT’s development system. electronic cards but they do not have path There are 16 cities in Indonesia that have separator except the Trans Jakarta. They provided public BRT such as Jakarta (the have interconnected links to airports, BRT is named Trans Jakarta), Bogor railway stations, and even to water bus (TransPakuan), (Trans Jogja), docks such as Trans Jogja, Solo Trans (Trans Metro Bandung), Batik, Trans Semarang, Trans Musi, and (Trans Musi), Semarang (Trans Trans Metro Pekanbaru. Indonesian Semarang), Pekanbaru (Trans Metro Government has spent big money to build Pekanbaru), Solo (), BRTs; the BRT’s road construction for (), (Trans about 5 km costs US $ 5 million and if the Padang), and Makassar (Busway Trans cost is mainly relied on national budget, International Journal of Research & Review ( 192 Vol.5; Issue: 9; September 2018 Yusuf Aulia Lubis Youth Perception on Features and Accessibility of Bus Rapid Transit Mebidang in Bridging Interconnected Areas in North Sumatera

Indonesian Government will have big consumption. It has a fleet of 30 bus units problem in building perfect BRTs. giving services into two corridors, namely In the macroeconomic perspective, the Medan-Binjai and Medan-Deli Serdang and availability of urban transport infrastructure in the future, seven corridors will soon be (UTI) services can affect the marginal developed. About supporting facilities, the productivity of private capital, and in the TM is supported by 47 bus stops along the microeconomic concept, such services will routes; passengers are required to wait for decrease the production costs. Moreover, buses at shelters. Due to the field situations the contribution of UTI to the improvement and conditions, there are only 17 units of quality of life is indicated by the operating for two corridors with an average increasing levels of welfare, productivity, number of passengers is 22 per trip although and access to employment as well as a bus has the capacity of 80 people (30 macroeconomic stability. people may be seated but 50 stand). The Government of Indonesia has Three questions are formulated: 1. issued the Presidential Regulation No. 2 in Do youth perceptions partially influence the 2015 regarding the National Medium- features and increase the interest in the Termed Development Plan from 2015-2019, TM?, 2. Do youth perceptions partially which is directed to improve the UTI’s influence the accessibilities and increase the qualified services, to prioritize on urban interest in the TM?, and 3. Do youth mass transportation (UMT) development, perceptions simultaneously influence the and to focus on road-based mass transport features and the accessibilities and increase infrastructure, rail-based mass transport, and the interest in the TM? maintenance of UMT’s network quality. The targets by the end of 2019 are to get Literary studies 32% shared-capital increase, to reach 70% Charisma (2016) did a research of 29 cities having BRTs, to increase the about the perception and public public transport capacity amounting to 80% participation in the infrastructure and the traffic speed with at least 20 development (case study in the construction km/hour, to expand the application of urban of route for South-South corridor, phase 1, traffic management technology and the Lebak Bulus ). She concluded improvement of non-road alternative modes that poor perceptions from communities in the potential cities, to utilize gas-based about the infrastructure development should energy, especially for urban public be eliminated so that they have the same transport, to improve urban traffic safety, views and ideas about such development. and to reduce environmental impacts, Such eliminations would develop awareness especially urban air emissions. The and critical thinking among them; moreover, government considers the need to involve community’s participation should also be other parties such as the private sectors, improved so that the development ran national state companies (or BUMN), and smoothly, effectively, efficiently and in donor countries including GIZ-SUTIP to accordance with expectations. In her study improve the urban transportation system; the level of community participation was government also explains its plans to local quite good and such such participation governments and communities. affected positively the infrastructure Trans Mebidang (TM) began its development. operations in November 2015 after being Kartika (2013) did her research on delayed from the schedule in 2013; it has "Perception of Bandar society large capacity with short travel time at a towards the implementation of Mayor's reasonable cost. The TM is hoped to switch Policy on Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)" and people from private vehicles to UMT and to showed in her results that of 60 respondents, reduce both congestion and high fuel 33 of them (55%) felt satisfied on BRT’s

International Journal of Research & Review ( 193 Vol.5; Issue: 9; September 2018 Yusuf Aulia Lubis Youth Perception on Features and Accessibility of Bus Rapid Transit Mebidang in Bridging Interconnected Areas in North Sumatera tariff, security, and crews’ hospitality The BRT’s ideal features include the services. When doing research on "Bus followings: Rapid Transit System of TransJakarta In 1. it is special bus line, or special line (or Social Engineering Studies" Tangkudung on exclusive path) right-of-way. (2011) indicated that the highest quality of 2. its benefit can be lowered since it is service is related to the empathy dimension engineered to enter the safe zone when and the lowest quality of service associated compared to the roads opened for non- with the tangible or real dimension. Astuti professional drivers. (2011) when focusing on "Factors 3. it consists of a tunable path on an influencing people's interest in choosing asphalt surface with the right path can Trans Jogja in Malioboro" in her research be modified into a right-of-way rail. stated that people's perception on the 4. it has low infrastructure elements and existence of Trans Jogja is very enthusiastic can reduce the speed and the constraints because this trans has adequate facilities of of bus services including bus out of the structure and infrastructure and of way, bus breaking the rules and bus with affordable price. Inhibiting factors are bus high speed. delays, lack of bus stops, and of paths 5. it has comprehensive line. themselves. 6. it has specific market with with Various views on perceptions can be everyday’s high-frequency service. referred to Slameto (2010: 102), Young (in 7. if the system runs chaotic then the Adrian 2010: 1), Suranto (2010), Pride & service will not serve a particular Ferrel (in Fadila 2013: 45), Kotler and market. Keller (2016: 228), Natalia (2012: 3). 8. bus priority/bus line. Factors that influence perception are two, 9. it is categorized as vehicle having namely internal factors such as characteristics. psychological needs, educational 10. its main priorities are: guaranteed background, sensory equipment, nerves or driving quality (waveguide bus and central nervous system, personality and electronic drivetrain control for smooth experience of self-acceptance and individual control of operation), large capacity circumstances at any given time, and (dual and double buses), reduced cost of external factors for instance a. size and operation (hybrid electric power train), placement of the object or stimulus, b. specific image with company’s name colors of objects, c. uniqueness and contrast such as Viva, TransMillenio, Trans of stimulus d. the intensity and strength of Jakarta etc.), and specific stations with the stimulus, and e. motion or movement art features from countries that use BRT. (Walgito 2010: 54). 11. it has off-bus passengers. BRT is a flexible mode with rubber 12. Another alternative is when passengers wheels, having fast-moving transit and can enter via an unclosed bus station or access to station, other transport vehicles, shelter area prior to bus arrival. services, roads and to Intelligent 13. it has floor boarding: low-floor (or high- Transportation System (ITS) elements in an floor system) to facilitate passengers to integrated system with strong identity enter the bus. "(Levinson et al., 2003,: 12). BRT is a high- 14. Halte/bus stop quality, client-oriented transit offering speed, convenience, and affordable pricing (Wright, 2003: 1) and it is also a rapid mode Fig. 1 shows the effect analysis of of transportation that combines the quality perception on features and accessibility to of rail transport and bus flexibility" (Tomas, the interests in the utilization BRT 2001). Mebidang.

International Journal of Research & Review ( 194 Vol.5; Issue: 9; September 2018 Yusuf Aulia Lubis Youth Perception on Features and Accessibility of Bus Rapid Transit Mebidang in Bridging Interconnected Areas in North Sumatera


Utilization of BRT Mebidang: 1. Features (See BRT’s ideal features) 1. Development goals 2. Service 2. Benefits for development a. Cheap tariff rates b. Giving special service c. Security and safety is more assured. d. Built for public e. Getting comfort while on bus

Figure 1. Research framework

Meanwhile, the research conceptual framework is shown in Fig. 2 in the following: Dependent variable (X) Independent variable (Y) Perceptions on features (X1) Utilization of BRT Mebidang Perceptions on accessibility (X2) Figure 2. Conceptual framework

This research has the following hypotheses: carried out through literature studies from Partially, features influence youth books, scientific journals, regulations, and perception to increase the interest in BRT experts’ opinions. Mebidang. Partially, accessibilities influence youth RESULTS AND DISCUSSION perception to increase the interest in BRT Totally, there are 47 bus stops Mebidang. scattering along the bus routes, starting from Simultaneously, features and accessibilities Binjai City to Deli Serdang regency. The influence youth perception to increase the Medan-Binjai corridor was built by Binjai interest in BRT Mebidang. municipality. From Medan the bus stops can be found at Simpang Megawati, Simpang MATERIALS AND METHODS KM 18, KM 19, Binjai Terminal and from This study is descriptive (Sugiyono Binjai, the bus stops can be found at 2014: 53) to describe the youth perception Simpang Tanah Tinggi, KM 19, KM 18, and on BRT development in Medan and has two Simpang Megawati. The Medan- data sources. Primary source is collected Lubukpakam corridor was built by directly by the researchers from 360 Deliserdang regency and from passengers using BRT from Medan to Binjai Lubukpakam, the bus stops can be found at to Deli Serdang routes. Meanwhile, Lubukpakam Terminal, Penara/Pasar 7, secondary source is gathered from KIM Star Tanjungmorawa, Subsidi, Sinalco, documents and questionnaires. The and Madirsan while from Medan, the bus population in this study refers to 360 stops can be found at Madirsan, Subsidi, passengers using public BRT Mebidang and Sinalco, KIM Star, Penara/Pasar 7. the samples amount to 54 (or 15%) passengers taking routes from Tanjung The influence of perception on features of Anom to Down Town, from Jamin Ginting BRT Mebidang to Down Town and Simpang Post to Down We obtained the value of t Town. Sampling technique involves calculation > t table (2.658> 0.67933) and purposive and accidental samplings. Data this means that there is partially significant collection in this study covers primary and influence between perception on feature secondary data. The first was conducted (X1) and sales volume. So, from this data, it throughgiving qquestionnaires which can be concluded that partially the X1 consist of multiple choice answers but the influences the utilization of BRT Mebidang. answers are ticked secretly. The second was The BRT is a term for various public

International Journal of Research & Review ( 195 Vol.5; Issue: 9; September 2018 Yusuf Aulia Lubis Youth Perception on Features and Accessibility of Bus Rapid Transit Mebidang in Bridging Interconnected Areas in North Sumatera transport systems that use buses to provide destinations in large amounts with faster faster and more efficient services than times that can increase the public's regular bus lines. It has special line to reach appreciation. Compared to other transit high efficiency based on its qualified service systems this system works well. In case of and systems. The result of the system is bus line every bus line must have certain approaching the transit rail system which signs. The green light at a junction that has a maintains security and bus fares. Countries signal should surely detect when the bus is that use BRT are found in North America, passed. The priority of the intersection Europe and Australia but the BRT is named should be optimized and can be helpful busway in those countries, while in other during when BRT is crossing public line countries the BRT is called the quality bus because the traffic can get chaotic because or bus service. of this situation. Certain images with Bus Rapid Transit looks like rapid company names are Viva, TransMillenio, transit that has high-capacity rail transport TransJakarta etc. with feature-specific (or it can be called right-of-way). The rapid stations art from countries that use BRT. transit train which is relatively fast, has long About off-bus passengers the collections of body and is available for short lane uses conventional on board without passengers underground tunnels. The transit speed of can lower the boarding process, usually the BRT system is at an average of 19-48 when there are passengers with different km/hour depending on the road surface. destinations or class, or another alternative Features commonly used in BRT might is when passengers enter via an unclosed include: bus for special lanes, or special bus station or shelter area prior to bus lines (or exclusive paths) right-of-way arrival. This system prevents passengers referring to a special lane where the path is from standing at all bus stops. With regard free from the reach of private vehicles. to boarding floors many BRT systems use Therefore, the BRT is operated at a high low-floor systems (or high-floor systems quality level and only professional bus when the bus is high-floor bus) to make it drivers can operate. The BRT’s benefit is to easier for passengers to enter the bus and lower its construction costs since it is about the bus stops the BRT can serve high proclaimed and to enter the safe zone when quality and deliver highly qualified features compared to non-professional drivers. such as sliding glass doors, guarded ticket Consisting of a tunable path, on an asphalt counters, information points, and many surface, the right lane can be modified to a other features. right-of-way rail. A street bus or street mall The collection of revenue/ticketing can be made in an urban setting by can be done in various ways such as at the dedicating all the paths of the city road to be bus stops which are equipped with booths used exclusively for buses. Low selling tickets as the TransJakarta bus infrastructure elements can reduce the speed showed or through automatic dispenser/ and constraints of bus services including ticket to reduce humans’ roles. About the buses out of the way, or buses breaking the bus using a prepaid card, the card is usually rules and buses with too high speed. be used for various purposes and can be In case of comprehensive line the refilled through retail stores or shops or BRT can choose parts of roads and have through banking. The trans Mebidang can road networks for private cars. This can have a flexible function as the main mode of make the time more efficient and faster than transportation or feeder. Technically it regular bus systems that take longer time. requires physical combination of network, Serving specific markets with high daily and system (transaction) and operation service frequencies the BRT networks can between the two modes of transportation. serve a particular market (all passengers) by The Trans networks can still be expanded to transporting passengers from a place to their reach the suburban communities. Never

International Journal of Research & Review ( 196 Vol.5; Issue: 9; September 2018 Yusuf Aulia Lubis Youth Perception on Features and Accessibility of Bus Rapid Transit Mebidang in Bridging Interconnected Areas in North Sumatera imagine that the trans service should always systems in urban areas is that BRT is be medium or large. If the physical usually able to provide high quality public condition of the road network is limited, it transport services and the a cost that is can be served by a small bus which looks easily accessible to the public. like small public transport (or angkot); what is important is that the management system Influences of feature and accessibility and its operational standard should be in perceptions on utilization of BRT accordance with the type of the trans Mebidang Mebidang service. The BRT Mebidang is a The percentage contribution of the highly qualified bus which is based on fast, independent variable (the feature and convenient, and low cost transit system for accessibility perceptions) to dependent urban mobility and provides pedestrian variable (the utilization of BRT Mebidang) paths, infrastructure, fast and frequent equals to 87,0% and the F calculation is service operations. It basically emulates the 111.139. When the confidence level is 95% performance characteristics of modern rail with α = 5%, the F table is 2.79. The value transport system and typically costs 4 to 20 of F calculation is > F table (111.139 > times less than the transit (LRT) 2.79), then Ho is rejected. Because F and 10 to 100 times less than the subway calculation is > F table (111.139 > 2.79), system. then Ho is rejected, meaning that there is a significant influence between feature and Effects of accessibility perception on accessibility perceptions to the dependent utilization of BRT Mebidang variable (the utilization of BRT Mebidang). The result of data analysis obtains t So this can be concluded that the feature and value > t table (9.716> 1.66105) meaning accessibility perceptions influence the that there is partially significant influence variable of the utilization of BRT between accessibility perception (X2) with Mebidang. sales volume (Y). So it can be concluded In its initial operation, the BRT that partially accessibility perception gives Mebidang had no special lanes (this is effect to utilization of BRT Mebidang. BRT different with the Trans Jakarta), so it ran on is a flexible, fast-moving rubber mode and the highway coincided with the public is accessed with station, vehicle, service, vehicles; moreover, this BRT was only road and with ITS elements in an integrated operated at two corridors. This was certainly system with strong identity (Levinson et not able to meet the needs of public al.2003,: 12). BRT is a high-quality, client- transportation for travelers who needed oriented transit offering speed, convenient, facilities outside the existing corridor. and affordable pricing (Wright, 2003: 1). Although there were still shortcomings in its BRT is a rapid mode of transportation that operation, but, in fact, the BRT Mebidang combines the quality of rail transport and already had a lot of passengers (compared to bus flexibility (Tomas, 2001). All of these the recorded data from Medan office of definitions determine that the BRT is Perum DAMRI). In the beginning of BRT different with the conventional bus service. Mebidang operation in November 2015 the In fact, the definitions tend to show that number of passengers at Corridor I (Medan- BRT has much in common with rail-based Binjai) amounted to 15,728 passangers. systems, especially in terms of operational There was an increase in the coming months performance and service to passengers. BRT such as in December 2015 (36,246), in has attempted to take on aspects of the LRT January 2016 (40,737), in February 2016 and metro systems and is most cherished by (40,549), in March 2016 (49,850), and in public transport customers and makes more April 2016 (48,506). While at Corridor II attributes accessible to wider quotations. (Medan-Lubuk Pakam) in November 2015 The main difference between BRT and rail there amounted to 21,505 passengers, in

International Journal of Research & Review ( 197 Vol.5; Issue: 9; September 2018 Yusuf Aulia Lubis Youth Perception on Features and Accessibility of Bus Rapid Transit Mebidang in Bridging Interconnected Areas in North Sumatera

December 2015 (36,421), in January 2016 Medan-Binjai corridor the routes began at (34,697), in February 2016 (32,161), in Binjai Terminal then running to Medan, March 2016 (35,977), and in April 2016 Binjai, Gatot Subroto, Kapten Maulana (34,070). Lubis, Raden Saleh, City Hall, Bukit The data above only shows the Barisan, Railway Station, and MT Haryono number of passengers in each corridor but streets, then stopping at Pusat Pasar. A does not display the characteristics of the driver and a conductor are responsible for a passengers. As a recently operated mode of BRT. transport, BRT Mebidang is necessary to As it is expected to reduce traffix, recognize the characteristics of travelers and the BRT Mebidang also serves and helps bus service system which can later become people with economy class with cheaper a source of information to overcome the fare. For example, travelling from Binjai to challenges for the operation of this BRT in Kampung Lalang Medan by using angkot a the future, so that BRT operators can passenger has to pay IDR 5.000, and IDR revamp and improve various facets for the 5.000 from Kampung Lalang using another advancement of transportation in the angkot; so totally, such passenger pays IDR Mebidang regions. The BRT Mebidang 10.000. Meanwhile, travelling by BRT interested residents living in Medan, Binjai, Mebidang for such locations can be and Deliserdang and to transport passengers achieved with cheaper fare and with easy from Medan to other two cities, the BRT travelling and costs only IDR 6.000 for one passengers waited in the junctions of M.T. trip from Binjai to Medan. Another Haryono/Bintang street. There are two buses advantage for passengers is the wide space serving from Medan to Binjai and from in the BRT as well as the safety. The BRT Medan to Lubuk Pakam. Most passengers Mebidang has 12 units of shelters in Deli were schoolchildren, students, and the Serdang, 8 units in Binjai, and 18 units in public. In addition to Medan residents, most Medan and there are five planned shelters passengers came from Binjai or from which have not been developed locating at Deliserdang, who worked or studied in Diski, Pasar Besar, Mandiri, KM 12, and Medan. Average passengers waited at the Pardede. provided bus stops. Unfortunately, the The lack of bus stops in the Deli conditions of bus stops in Medan are Serdang area caused the BRT Mebidang generally damaged and not feasible. In fact, drivers to take passengers in the streets, but there is a bus stop with no seats. This not at the bus stops. This made quarrels condition is in contrast to the bus stops in between the RBT and angkot drivers and Binjai. The average bus stops in Binjai are many angkot drivers got angry. "Woy, from very good; the ceilings are plastered with the bus stop you take your passengers," said ceramics so that the passengers who are Mr. Ranto (informant) mimicking angry waiting feel comfortable. angkot driver. The BRT Mebidang drivers The hopes from local residents and experienced bad problems when operating from Medan city government to reduce their buses, such as they were stopped in the traffic congestion is likely to be achieved by middle of the road, shouted or yelled with the existence of BRT Mebidang which is rough words. When many passengers donated by the Ministry of Transportation argued that the BRT created smooth traffic, and operated by Medan branch office of but Suriadi who was an angkot driver did Perum Damri. The BRT routes from Medan not accept the BRT and argued that the BRT to Lubuk Pakam corridor start at Central created traffic jams and reduced angkot Market (Sambu terminal) then leading to passengers. When asked about his Asia, Pandu, Sisingamangaraja, and Medan expectations, he quickly responded that the streets and going to Tanjung Morawa, and BRT is not hoped to be a barrier for public Lubuk Pakam Terminal. While at the transportation drivers. Traffic jams is likely

International Journal of Research & Review ( 198 Vol.5; Issue: 9; September 2018 Yusuf Aulia Lubis Youth Perception on Features and Accessibility of Bus Rapid Transit Mebidang in Bridging Interconnected Areas in North Sumatera to be overcome if the whole community operation of public transport constantly with realizes and empowers the utility of the support from public funds in Indonesia, as BRT Mebidang and are no longer using long as energy costs do not increase private vehicles. If the community is not substantially. aware of the utilization, then whatever perfect the BRT is in providing service, CONCLUSIONS traffic jams would continue to occur 1. Youth perception on features when they because the numbers of public and private use BRT Mebidang is positive. vehicles are increasing each year. 2. Youth perception on accessibility of BRT Medan has already prepared budget Mebidang is also positive. of about IDR 4.4 billion although such 3. Concurrently youth perception on both budget has not been chanelled. Currently the features and accessibility can increase their government budgeted IDR 382 billion to interest in using BRT Mebidang and this is realize BTM in six major cities in Indonesia positive. including North . The BRT Mebidang was estimated to cost IDR 12.6 REFERENCES billion and Medan government provided a  Abdul. 2004. Akuntansi Keuangan Daerah, budget of IDR 1.2 billion to build 30 BTM Penerbit Salemba Empat, Jakarta. stops, while provincial government only  Adrian. 2010. Metode Mengajar budgeted IDR 5 billion for operational Berdasarkan Tipologi Belajar Siswa. purposes and infrastructure development. In  Andriansyah. 2015. Manajemen Transportasi dalam Kajian dan Teori. relation to local economic growth, the BRT Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Mebidang creates efficiency either for users Universitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo. or operators aand is considered to be a step  Basri, Y. Zainul dan Mulyadi Subri. 2005. forward as a mass transportation that can Keuangan Negara dan Analisis. Kebijakan reduce the level of traffic of private vehicle Utang Luar Negeri. Jakarta: PT volumes on the road. Related to the RajaGrafindo Persada. rejection from Organda and Kesper, Arifin  Fadila, Dewi & Ridho, Sari Lestari Zainal. (an informant) expected that the 2013. Perilaku Konsumen. Palembang: government's policy do not affect or shut Penerbit Citrabooks Indonesia. down the business of certain group or  Kotler, Philip and Kevin Lane Keller. 2016. groups. He considered there was a Marketing Managemen, 15th Edition, miscommunication so that one of the parties Pearson Education, Inc. felt aggrieved by the policy. An effective  Kuncoro, Mudrajad. 2010, Masalah, and efficient public transport system would Kebijakan, dan Politik, Ekonomika Pembangunan. Penerbit Erlangga. Jakarta. support better urban planning, in which city  Levinson, H., et al. 2003. Bus Rapid Transit residents have equal access to mobility Volume 1: Case Studies in Bus Rapid without being tortured by congestion and air Transit. Washington: Transportation pollution. Research Board. Until the end of 2014, out of 34  Mulyana. 2011. Ilmu Komunikasi. provinces and 505 municipal governments, Bandung: PT. Rosdakarya. there are only 18 units of road-based mass  Natalia. 2012. Analisis Pengaruh Motivasi transit services and only new Trans Jakarta Kerja dan. Kemampuan Kerja Terhadap has special lanes although the operation of Kinerja Pegawai Universitas Methodist. most mass transit services is not yet in  Nugroho, Iwan dan Rochmin Dahuri. 2004. accordance with the minimum service Pembangunan Wilaya, Perspektif. Ekonomi, standards (SPM) specified by the Sosial dan Lingkungan. Pustaka LP3ES. government. Thus, it should be considered Jakarta. by decision makers at both national and  Ramadhan. 2013. Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Untuk local levels to support the financial Mengetahui Profil Keterampilan Proses.

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How to cite this article: Lubis YA, Sirojuzilam, Lubis S. Youth perception on features and accessibility of bus rapid transit mebidang in bridging interconnected areas in north Sumatera. International Journal of Research and Review. 2018; 5(9):192-200.


International Journal of Research & Review ( 200 Vol.5; Issue: 9; September 2018