S10810 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 20, 2010 advocate for the Peace Corps program food safety dangers occur and are oc- Senior citizens deserve to have hous- and for volunteerism in general. In curring. The use of indirect food addi- ing that will help them maintain their that regard, he and I have much in tives and processing aids have not been independence. It is my hope that with common. As a young man, I served a determined to be the source of food the passage of S. 118, many more Amer- full-time mission for the Church of borne illness outbreaks and I believe it icans have a place to call home during Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I too is important that the FDA continue to their golden years. learned much about the benefits of focus its scarce resources on the key f selfless, volunteer service while serving elements that this legislation hopes to TRIBUTE TO DR. JANE GOODALL as a missionary and those 2 years were address in the Food Safety area. instrumental in my understanding of f Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. the world and instilled me with a de- President, in July I introduced S. Res. ELDERLY HOUSING sire to serve and help others. The Serve 581, a resolution honoring the edu- America Act was meant to embody Mr. KOHL. Mr. President, I rise cational and scientific significance of these ideals and provide similar oppor- today to praise the passage of S. 118, Dr. Jane Goodall on the 50th anniver- tunities for others. It could have very the section 202 Supportive Housing for sary of the beginning of her work in easily been a purely Democratic en- the Elderly Act. Earlier this Congress, what is today Gombe Stream National deavor. But, in the end, we were able to Senator SCHUMER and I introduced S. Park in . I would like to urge work together in drafting and passing 118 to modernize and improve section my colleagues to support this resolu- this legislation. With CHRIS’s help, the 202 housing for seniors across the coun- tion, which also has a companion bill Serve America Act became one of very try. This piece of legislation will help that was passed with unanimous sup- few bills passed during this Congress ensure that seniors have accessible, port in the House of Representatives on with a broad, bipartisan majority here safe and affordable housing so they can July 28 of this year; and I would like to in the Senate. It was, in my opinion, a live independently and with dignity, have printed in the RECORD the article piece of legislation that represents the while also saving the government printed in the October 2010 edition of best of what both parties have to offer. money by keeping people out of expen- . The article, enti- Fittingly, we named the bill after sive nursing homes. tled ‘‘Fifty Years at Gombe,’’ describes CHRIS and my mutual friend, the late HUD’s senior housing program, also Dr. Goodall’s lifetime of dedication and Senator Ted Kennedy. known as the section 202 program, pro- contribution to our understanding of I want to wish Senator DODD and his vides capital grants to enable the de- and the natural world, as wife Jackie the very best of luck going velopment of supportive housing exclu- well as her unique and heroic person- forward. sively for the very low-income elderly ality. As described in the article, Dr. f population. Unfortunately, the 202 pro- Goodall ‘‘made three observations that gram has been unable to address the rattled the comfortable wisdoms of FOOD SAFETY MODERNIZATION growing demand. For every available physical : meat eating by ACT unit, there are ten seniors waiting to chimps—that had been presumed vege- Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I move in. Under the current law, the de- tarian—tool use by chimps—in the am here to recognize today’s achieve- velopment and preservation of existing form of plant stems probed into ter- ment of the passage of the landmark 202 communities can be time-con- mite mounds—and toolmaking—strip- bipartisan Food Safety Modernization suming, bureaucratic and often require ping leaves from stems—supposedly a Act out of the Senate. duplicative waivers and special permis- unique trait of premeditation. The first responsibility of govern- sion from HUD to complete. Each of those discoveries further nar- ment is to protect its citizens. Ensur- Additionally, the program provides rowed the perceived gap of intelligence ing a rapid response to outbreaks of rental subsidies and grants to fund sup- and culture between Homo sapiens and contaminated food is critical to main- portive services for seniors, such as in- troglodytes.’’ taining public trust in our food supply. home care and transportation. Over As a leading researcher, conserva- This bill will make necessary changes one-third of the section 202 population tionist, and humanitarian, Dr. Goodall to help keep consumers safe, and I look is considered disabled enough to be at has made remarkable contributions to forward to passage in the House and risk for being put in a nursing home. our understanding of the species with the bill being signed into law. By reducing the need for costly nursing whom we live. She has led by example This food safety legislation is going home stays, access to these types of in efforts to ensure that these species to be a tremendous benefit to our Na- services saves both seniors and the gov- continue to thrive and to ensure that tion, and to protecting our citizens ernment money. surrounding communities are also able from foodborne illnesses, as well as po- Modernizing the elderly housing pro- to thrive. tential acts of terrorism aimed at our gram will promote the preservation Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- food supply. I urge the Food and Drug and renovation of existing 202 develop- sent to have printed in the RECORD the Administration, FDA, to work very ments. Many properties are in need of article to which I referred. closely with the business community both rehabilitation and increased ac- There being no objection, the mate- in the rulemaking process to be sure cess to services that help seniors to re- rial was ordered to be printed in the that we are not adding additional regu- main in their homes. This legislation RECORD, as follows: lations that may already be covered will help provide the modernization [From National Geographic Magazine, Oct. and regulated under other areas, such they desperately need. 2010] as the Food and Drug Cosmetic Act and I want to thank the American Asso- FIFTY YEARS AT GOMBE the Bioterrorism Act. ciation of Homes and Services for the (By David Quammen) I want to thank my colleagues for Aging as well as the Wisconsin Associa- In 1960 a spirited animal lover with no sci- their efforts to make this legislation tion of Homes and Services for the entific training set up camp in Tanganyika’s strong, and to protect the American Aging for being champions of this leg- Gombe Stream Game Reserve to observe people while balancing the legitimate islation and for working with us to de- chimpanzees. Today Jane Goodall’s name is synonymous with the protection of a beloved concerns that businesses have that do velop a comprehensive bill that will species. At Gombe—one of the longest, most not over reach or over legislate in this help meet the growing need for senior detailed studies of any wild animal—revela- bill. The rulemaking process must not housing in this Nation. tions about chimps keep coming. be duplicative or attempt to regulate I also want to thank Senator DODD Most of us don’t enter upon our life’s des- areas that already protect public safe- and his staff for all of his efforts to tiny at any neatly discernible time. Jane ty in other areas of law, statute and move this legislation. He has always Goodall did. regulation. It is my hope that the FDA been great to work with and he will be On the morning of , 1960, she stepped onto a pebble beach along a remote will be practical in applying this legis- greatly missed next year. And I want stretch of the east shore of Lake lation to manufacturers of ingredients to extend my appreciation to Senator Tanganyika. It was her first arrival at what such as food processing aids, and will SHELBY and his staff for working with was then called the Gombe Stream Game Re- direct their resources where the real us on this bill. serve, a small protected area that had been

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:04 Jun 21, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\S20DE0.REC S20DE0 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE December 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10811 established by the British colonial govern- wild, focusing on individual characteristics published In the Shadow of Man, her account ment back in 1943. She had brought a tent, a as well as collective patterns. She created a of the early Gombe studies and adventures, few tin plates, a cup without a handle, a research program, a set of protocols and eth- which became a best seller. Around the same shoddy pair of binoculars, an African cook ics, an intellectual momentum—she created, time, she began hosting students and grad- named Dominic, and—as a companion, at the in fact, a relationship between the scientific uate researchers to help with chimp-data insistence of people who feared for her safety world and one community of chimpanzees— collection and other research at Gombe. Her in the wilds of pre-independence that has grown far beyond what one woman influence on modern , noisily Tanganyika—her mother. She had come to could do. The Gombe project has enlarged in bruited about by Leakey, is more quietly study chimpanzees. Or anyway, to try. Cas- many dimensions, has endured crises, has suggested by the long list of Gombe alums ual observers expected her to fail. One per- evolved to serve purposes that neither she who have gone on to do important scientific son, the paleontologist , who nor Louis Leakey foresaw, and has come to work, including , Caroline had recruited her to the task up in Nairobi, embrace methods (satellite mapping, endo- Tutin, , Tim Clutton-Brock, believed she might succeed. crinology, molecular genetics) and address Geza Teleki, William McGrew, Anthony Col- A group of local men, camped near their questions that carry far beyond the field of lins, Shadrack Kamenya, Jim Moore, and fishing nets along the beach, greeted the animal behavior. For instance, techniques of Anne Pusey. The last of those, Pusey, now Goodall party and helped bring up the gear. molecular analysis, applied to fecal and professor and chair of evolutionary anthro- Jane and her mother spent the afternoon urine samples that can be gathered without pology at , also serves the putting their camp in order. Then, around 5 need for capture and handling, reveal new in- (established in 1977) p.m., somebody reported having seen a chim- sights about genetic relationships among the as director of its Center for Studies. panzee. ‘‘So off we went,’’ Jane wrote later chimps and the presence of disease microbes Among other duties, she curates the 22 file that night in her journal, ‘‘and there was the in some of them. Still, a poignant irony that cabinets full of field data—the notebooks and chimp.’’ She had gotten only a distant, indis- lies near the heart of this scientific triumph, journal pages and check sheets, some in tinct glimpse. ‘‘It moved away as we drew on its golden anniversary, is that the more English, some in Swahili—from 50 years of level with the crowd of fishermen gazing at we learn about the chimps of Gombe, the chimp study at Gombe. it, and, though we climbed the neighbouring more we have cause to worry for their con- That 50-year run suffered one traumatic slope, we didn’t see it again.’’ But she had tinued survival. interruption. On the night of May 19, 1975, noticed, and recorded, some bent branches Two revelations in particular have raised three young Americans and a Dutch woman flattened together in a nearby tree: a chimp concern. One involves geography, the other were kidnapped by rebel soldiers who had nest. That datum, that first nest, was the involves disease. The world’s most beloved come across Lake Tanganyika from Zaire. starting point of what has become one of the and well-studied population of chimpanzees The four hostages were eventually released, most significant ongoing sagas in modern is isolated on an island of habitat that’s too but it no longer seemed prudent for the field : the continuous, minutely de- small for long-term viability. And now some Gombe Stream Research Center to welcome tailed, 50-year study, by Jane Goodall and of them seem to be dying from their version expatriate researchers and helpers—as An- others, of the behavior of the chimps of of AIDS. thony Collins explained to me. Gombe. The issue of how to study chimpanzees, Collins was then a young British biologist Science history, with the charm of a fairy- and of what can be inferred from behavioral with muttonchop sideburns and a strong in- tale legend, records some of the high points observations, has faced Jane Goodall since terest in baboons, the other most con- and iconic details of that saga. Young Miss early in her career. It began coming into spicuous primate at Gombe. In addition to Goodall had no scientific credentials when focus after her first field season, when Louis his baboon research, he has continued to she began, not even an undergraduate de- Leakey informed Jane of his next bright idea play important administrative roles in the gree. She was a bright, motivated secretarial for shaping her life: He would get her into a Jane Goodall Institute and at GSRC itself, school graduate from England who had al- Ph.D. program in at Cambridge off and on, for almost 40 years. He recalls ways loved animals and dreamed of studying University. May 19, 1975, as ‘‘the day the world changed, them in Africa. She came from a family of This doctorate seemed a stretch on two as far as Gombe was concerned.’’ Collins was strong women, little money, and absent men. counts. First, her lack of any undergraduate absent that night but returned promptly to During the early weeks at Gombe she strug- degree whatsoever. Second, she had always help cope with the aftermath. ‘‘It was not gled, groping for a methodology, losing time aspired to be a naturalist, or maybe a jour- entirely bad,’’ he told me. The bad part was to a fever that was probably malaria, hiking nalist, but the word ‘‘scientist’’ hadn’t fig- that foreign researchers could no longer many miles in the forested mountains, and ured in her dreaming. ‘‘I didn’t even know work at Gombe; Jane herself couldn’t work glimpsing few chimpanzees, until an elderly what ethology was,’’ she told me recently. ‘‘I there, not without a military escort, for male with grizzled chin whiskers extended to had to wait quite a while before I realized it some years. ‘‘The good thing about it was her a tentative, startling gesture of trust. simply meant studying behavior.’’ Once en- that the responsibility for data collection She named the old chimp David Greybeard. rolled at Cambridge, she found herself cross- went straightaway, the following day, to the Thanks partly to him, she made three obser- wise with departmental elders and the pre- Tanzanian field staff.’’ Those Tanzanians had vations that rattled the comfortable wis- vailing certitudes of the field. ‘‘It was a bit each received at least a year’s training in doms of physical anthropology: meat eating shocking to be told I’d done everything data collection but still functioned partly as by chimps (who had been presumed vege- wrong. Everything.’’ By then she had 15 trackers, helping locate the chimps, identi- tarian), tool use by chimps (in the form of months of field data from Gombe, most of it fying plants, and making sure the mzungu plant stems probed into termite mounds), gathered through patient observation of in- (white) researchers got back to camp safely and toolmaking (stripping leaves from dividuals she knew by monikers such as each night before dark. Then came the kid- stems), supposedly a unique trait of human David Greybeard, Mike, Olly, and Fifi. Such napping, whereupon the Tanzanians stepped premeditation. Each of those discoveries fur- personification didn’t play well at Cam- up, and ‘‘on that day the baton was passed to ther narrowed the perceived gap of intel- bridge; to impute individuality and emotion them,’’ Collins said. Only one day’s worth of ligence and culture between Homo sapiens to nonhuman animals was anthropo- data was missed. Today the chief of chim- and Pan troglodytes. morphism, not ethology. ‘‘Fortunately, I panzee researchers at Gombe is Gabo Paulo, The toolmaking observation was the most thought back to my first teacher, when I was supervising the field observations and data epochal of the three, causing a furor within a child, who taught me that that wasn’t gathering of Methodi Vyampi, Magombe anthropological circles because ‘‘man the true.’’ Her first teacher had been her dog, Yahaya, Amri Yahaya, and 20 other Tanza- toolmaker’’ held sway as an almost canon- Rusty. ‘‘You cannot share your life in a nians. ical definition of our species. Louis Leakey, meaningful way with any kind of animal Human conflicts overflowing from neigh- thrilled by Jane’s news, wrote to her: ‘‘Now with a reasonably well-developed brain and boring countries weren’t the only sort of we must redefine ‘tool,’ redefine ‘man,’ or ac- not realize that animals have personalities.’’ tribulation that affected Gombe. cept chimpanzees as .’’ It was a mem- She pushed back against the prevailing politics could also be violent. Beginning in orable line, marking a very important new view—one thing about gentle Jane, she al- 1974, the Kasekela community (the main stage in thinking about human essence. An- ways pushes back—and on February 9, 1966, focus of Gombe research) conducted a series other interesting point to remember is that, she became Dr. Jane Goodall. of bloody raids against a smaller subgroup paradigm shifting or not, all three of those In 1968 the little game reserve underwent called Kahama. That period of aggression, most celebrated discoveries were made by its own graduation, becoming Tanzania’s known in Gombe annals as the Four Year Jane (everyone calls her Jane; there is no Gombe National Park. By then Jane was re- War, led to the death of some individuals, sensible way not to call her Jane) within her ceiving research funding from the National the annihilation of the Kahama subgroup, first four months in the field. She got off to Geographic Society. She was married and a and the annexation of its territory by a fast start. But the real measure of her mother and famous worldwide, owing in part Kasekela. Even within the Kasekela commu- work at Gombe can’t be taken with such a to her articles for this magazine and her nity, struggles among males for the alpha short ruler. comely, forceful presence in a televised film, position are highly political and physical, The great thing about Gombe is not that Miss Goodall and the Wild Chimpanzees. She while among females there have been cases Jane Goodall ‘‘redefined’’ humankind but had institutionalized her field camp, in order of one mother killing a rival mother’s infant. that she set a new standard, a very high to fund and perpetuate it, as the Gombe ‘‘When I first started at Gombe,’’ Jane has standard, for behavioral study of in the Stream Research Center (GSRC). In 1971 she written, ‘‘I thought the chimps were nicer

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:04 Jun 21, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\S20DE0.REC S20DE0 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S10812 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 20, 2010 than we are. But time has revealed that they grandson of Fifi, great-grandson of Flo, the ‘‘It’s very sad that the virus is here, but a lot are not. They can be just as awful.’’ beloved, ugly-nosed matriarch famous from of knowledge can come out of it. And under- Gombe was never Eden. Disease intruded Jane’s early books). Here also was Titan, a standing.’’ too. In 1966 came an outbreak of something very large male, 15 years old, and still rising The fancy new methods of molecular ge- virulent (probably polio, contracted from hu- toward his prime. The rules at Gombe Na- netics bring more than just dire revelations mans nearby), and six chimps died or dis- tional Park say that you must not approach about disease. They also bring the exciting, appeared. Six others were partially para- closely to a chimpanzee, but the tricky thing cheerful capacity to address certain long- lyzed. Two years later, David Greybeard and on a given day is to keep the chimps from standing mysteries about chimpanzee social four others vanished while a respiratory bug approaching closely to you. When Titan dynamics and evolution. For instance: Who (influenza? bacterial pneumonia?) swept came striding up the trail, burly and con- are the fathers at Gombe? Motherhood is ob- through. Nine more chimps died in early 1987 fident, we all squeezed to the edge and let vious, and the intimate relations between from pneumonia. These episodes, reflecting him swagger past, within inches. A lifetime mothers and infants have been well studied the susceptibility of chimps to human-car- of familiarity with innocuous human re- by Jane herself, Anne Pusey, and others. But ried pathogens, help explain why scientists searchers, their notebooks, and their check because female chimps tend to mate promis- at Gombe are acutely concerned with the sheets, has left him blase´. cuously with many males, paternity has subject of infectious disease. Another reflection of casualness: Gremlin been far harder to determine. And the ques- That concern has been heightened by land- defecated on the trail not far from where we tion of paternal identity relates to another scape changes outside the park boundaries. stood, and then Golden too relieved herself. question: How does male competition for sta- Over the decades people in the surrounding Once they had ambled away, a researcher tus within the hierarchy—all that blustering villages have struggled to live ordinary named Samson Shadrack Pindu pulled on effort expended to achieve and hold the rank lives—cutting firewood from the steep hill- yellow latex gloves and moved in. He of alpha—correlate with reproductive suc- sides, planting crops on those slopes, burning crouched over Gremlin’s dollop of fibrous cess? A young scientist named Emily the grassy and scrubby areas each dry season olive dung, using a small plastic scoop to Wroblewski, analyzing DNA from fecal sam- for fertilizing ash, having babies, and trying transfer a bit into a specimen tube, which he ples gathered by the field team, has reached to feed them. By the early 1990s deforest- labeled with time, date, location, and Grem- an answer. She found that the higher rank- ation and erosion had made Gombe National lin’s name. The tube contained a stabilizing ing males do succeed in fathering many Park an ecological island, surrounded by liquid called RNAlater, which preserves any chimps—but that some low-ranking males human impact on three sides and Lake RNA (from, for instance, a retrovirus) for make out pretty well too. The strategy in- Tanganyika on the fourth. Within that is- later genetic analysis. That tube and others volves investing effort in a consortship—an land lived no more than about a hundred like it, representing one fecal sample every exclusive period of spending time as a pair, chimpanzees. By all the standards of con- month from as many chimps as possible, traveling together, and mating—often with servation biology, it wasn’t enough to con- were destined for the laboratory of Beatrice younger, less desirable females. stitute a viable population for the long Hahn at the University of Alabama in Bir- Jane herself had predicted this finding, term—not enough to ensure against negative mingham, who for ten years has been study- from observational data, two decades earlier. effects of inbreeding, and not enough to ing simian immunodeficiency virus at ‘‘The male who successfully initiates and stand steady against an epidemic caused by Gombe. maintains a consortship with a fertile fe- the next nasty bug, which might be more Simian immunodeficiency virus in chim- male,’’ she wrote, ‘‘probably has a better transmissible than polio, more lethal than panzees, known technically as SIVcpz, is the chance of fathering her child than he would flu. Something had to be done, Jane realized, precursor and origin of HIV–1, the virus that in the group situation, even if he were besides continued study of a fondly regarded accounts for most cases of AIDS around the alpha.’’ population of apes that might be doomed. world. (There is also an HIV–2.) Notwith- Impelled by broader imperatives, Jane Furthermore, something had to be done for standing the name, SIVcpz had never been ended her career as a field biologist in 1986, the people as well as for the chimps. found to cause immune system failure in just after publication of her great scientific In a nearby town she met a German-born wild chimpanzees—until Hahn’s expertise in book, The Chimpanzees of Gombe. Since then agriculturist, George Strunden, and with his molecular genetics converged with the long- she has lived as an advocate, a traveling lec- help created TACARE (originally the Lake term observational data available at Gombe. turer, a woman driven by a sense of public Tanganyika Catchment Reforestation and In fact, SIVcpz was thought to be harmless mission. What’s the mission? Her first cause, Education project), whose first effort, in in chimps, an assumption that raised ques- which arose from her years at Gombe, was 1995, established tree nurseries in 24 villages. tions about how or why it has visited such a improving the grim treatment inflicted on The goals were to reverse the denudation of lethal pandemic upon humans. Had a few, chimpanzees held in many medical research hillsides, to protect village watersheds, and fateful mutations changed an innocuous labs. Combining her toughness and moral maybe eventually to reconnect Gombe with chimp virus into a human killer? That line outrage with her personal charm and willing- outlying patches of forest (some of which of thought had to be modified after publica- ness to interact graciously, she achieved also harbor chimpanzees) by helping the vil- tion of a 2009 paper in the journal Nature, some negotiated successes. She also founded lagers plant trees. For instance, there’s a with Brandon F. Keele (then at Hahn’s lab) sanctuaries for chimps who could be freed small population of chimps in a patch of for- as first author and Beatrice Hahn and Jane from captivity, including many orphaned by est called Kwitanga, about ten miles east of Goodall among the co-authors. The Keele the bush-meat trade. That work led to her Gombe. To the southeast, about 50 miles, an paper reported that SIV-positive chimps at concerns about human conduct toward other ecosystem known as Masito-Ugalla supports Gombe suffered between ten times and 16 species. She established a program called more than 500 chimps. If either area could be times more risk of death at a given age than Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots, encouraging linked to Gombe by reforested corridors, the SIV-negative chimps. And three SIV-positive young people around the world to become ac- chimps would benefit from increased gene carcasses have been found, their tissues tive in projects that promote greater con- flow and population size. Then again, they (based on lab work at the molecular level) for animals, the environment, and the might be hurt by sharing diseases. showing signs of damage resembling AIDS. human community. During this period she By any measure, it’s a near-impossible The implications are stark. An AIDS-like ill- became an explorer-in-residence at the Na- challenge. Proceeding carefully, patiently, ness seems to be killing some of Gombe’s tional Geographic Society. She now spends Jane and her people have achieved some en- chimps. about 300 days a year on the road, giving couraging gains in the form of community Of all the bonds, shared features, and simi- countless interviews and schoolroom talks, cooperation, decreased burning, and natural larities that link our species with theirs, lecturing in big venues, meeting with gov- forest regeneration. this revelation is perhaps the most trou- ernment officials, raising money to turn the On the second morning of my Gombe visit, bling. ‘‘It’s very scary, knowing the chimps wheels of the Jane Goodall Institute. Occa- along a trail not far above the house in seem to be dying at a younger age,’’ Jane sionally she sneaks away into a forest or which Jane has lived intermittently since told me. ‘‘I mean, how long has it been onto a prairie, sometimes with a few friends, the early 1970s, I encountered a group of there? Where does it come from? How is it af- to watch chimps or sandhill cranes or black- chimpanzees. They were noodling their way fecting other populations?’’ For the sake of footed ferrets and to restore her energy and cross slope on a relaxed search for breakfast, chimpanzee survival throughout Africa, sanity. moving mostly on the ground, but occasion- those questions urgently need to be studied. Fifty years ago Louis Leakey sent her to ally up into a Vitex tree to eat the small But this gloomy discovery also carries study chimpanzees because he thought their purple-black berries, and were seemingly in- huge potential significance for AIDS re- behavior might cast light on human ances- different to my presence and that of the Tan- search in humans. Anthony Collins pointed tors, his chosen subject. Jane ignored that zanian researchers. They included some indi- out that although SIV has been found else- part of the mandate and studied chimps for viduals whose names, or at least their family where in chimp communities, ‘‘none of them their own sake, their own interest, their own histories, were familiar. Here was Gremlin is a study population habituated to human value. While doing that, she created institu- (daughter of Melissa, a young female when observers; and certainly none of them is one tions and opportunities that have yielded Jane first arrived), Gremlin’s daughter Gaia which has genealogical information going richly in the work of other scientists, as well (with a clinging infant), Gaia’s younger sis- right back in time; and none is so tame that as a luminous personal example that has ter Golden, Pax (son of the notoriously can- you can take samples from every individual brought many young women and men into nibalistic Passion), and Fudge (son of Fanni, every month.’’ After a moment, he added, science and conservation. It’s important to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:04 Jun 21, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\S20DE0.REC S20DE0 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE December 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10813 remember that the meaning of Gombe, after the Senate by Mrs. Neiman, one of his Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the half a century, is bigger than Jane Goodall’s secretaries. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Definition of Omis- life and work. But make no mistake: Her life sion from Gross Income’’ (RIN1545–BI44) re- and work have been very, very big. f ceived in the Office of the President of the f EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED Senate on December 20, 2010; to the Com- mittee on Finance. ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS As in executive session the Presiding EC–8568. A communication from the Chief Officer laid before the Senate messages of the Publications and Regulations Branch, from the President of the United Internal Revenue Service, Department of the PENNSYLVANIA VOLLEYBALL States submitting sundry nominations Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the CHAMPIONS and a withdrawal which were referred report of a rule entitled ‘‘2011 Section 1274A CPI Adjustments’’ (Rev. Rul. 2010–30) re- ∑ Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, today I to the appropriate committees. ceived in the Office of the President of the congratulate the Pennsylvania State (The nominations received today are Senate on December 20, 2010; to the Com- University’s women’s volleyball team printed at the end of the Senate pro- mittee on Finance. on their fourth consecutive NCAA ceedings.) EC–8569. A communication from the Chief of the Publications and Regulations Branch, f championship. With its December 18, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the 2010, sweep of the University of Cali- EXECUTIVE AND OTHER Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the fornia, the Nittany Lions became the COMMUNICATIONS report of a rule entitled ‘‘Requirement of a only team in division I women’s Statement Disclosing Uncertain Tax Posi- volleyball history to win four consecu- The following communications were tions’’ (RIN1545–BJ54) received in the Office tive national titles. Prior to this laid before the Senate, together with of the President of the Senate on December streak, no NCAA women’s volleyball accompanying papers, reports, and doc- 20, 2010; to the Committee on Finance. team had ever won consecutive na- uments, and were referred as indicated: EC–8570. A communication from the Chief of the Publications and Regulations Branch, EC–8561. A communication from the Acting tional championships. Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Congressional Review Coordinator, Animal The team was led by Head Coach Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the and Plant Health Inspection Service, Depart- Russ Rose. Coach Rose has coached the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Farmer and Fisher- ment of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant Nittany Lions for the last 32 years. He man Income Averaging’’ (RIN1545–BE23) re- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Gypsy ceived in the Office of the President of the coached Penn State to an NCAA cham- Moth Generally Infested Areas; Illinois, Indi- Senate on December 20, 2010; to the Com- pionship in 1999, and together with the ana, Maine, Ohio, and Virginia’’ (Docket No. mittee on Finance. recent four consecutive championships, APHIS–2008–0083) received in the Office of the EC–8571. A communication from the Chief President of the Senate on December 20, 2010; his five NCAA titles are more than any of the Publications and Regulations Branch, to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, other coach in division I volleyball his- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the and Forestry. tory. Coach Rose was aided by assist- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the EC–8562. A communication from the Under ant coaches Dennis Hohenshelt and report of a rule entitled ‘‘Standard Mileage Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Tech- Kaleena Davidson, as well as director Rate Procedures’’ (Rev. Proc. 2010–51) re- nology and Logistics), transmitting, pursu- ceived in the Office of the President of the of Volleyball Operations Adam Hughes. ant to law, the 2009 Report on the Depart- Senate on December 20, 2010; to the Com- The team members have also distin- ment’s Operation and Financial Support for guished themselves individually. mittee on Finance. Military Museums; to the Committee on EC–8572. A communication from the Chief Freshman Deja McClendon was named Armed Services. of the Publications and Regulations Branch, by the American Volleyball Coaches EC–8563. A communication from the Asso- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Association as the national freshman ciate General Counsel for Legislation and Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the of the year. Her performance during Regulations, Office of the Secretary, Depart- report of a rule entitled ‘‘2011 Standard Mile- the championship tournament led to ment of Housing and Urban Development, age Rates’’ (Notice 2010–88) received in the transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Office of the President of the Senate on De- her being named the Most Outstanding a rule entitled ‘‘Conforming Changes to Ap- Player of the final four. Senior Blair cember 20, 2010; to the Committee on Fi- plicant Submission Requirements; Imple- nance. Brown became the sixth straight menting Federal Financial Report and Cen- EC–8573. A communication from the Chief Nittany Lion to be named the Big Ten tral Contractor Registration Requirements’’ of the Publications and Regulations Branch, Player of the Year. She was also re- (RIN2501–AD50) received in the Office of the Internal Revenue Service, Department of the cently named as a finalist for the 2010– President of the Senate on December 13, 2010; Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the 11 Honda Sports Award. The award is to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and report of a rule entitled ‘‘Notice: Tier 2 Tax given to the top female collegiate ath- Urban Affairs. Rates for 2011’’ received in the Office of the EC–8564. A communication from the Assist- lete in the sport. Brown, along with fel- President of the Senate on December 20, 2010; ant General Counsel for Legislation, Regula- to the Committee on Finance. low seniors Arielle Wilson and Alyssa tion and Energy Efficiency, Department of EC–8574. A communication from the Chief D’Errico were members of each of the Energy, transmitting, pursuant to law, the of the Publications and Regulations Branch, four national championship teams, and report of a rule entitled ‘‘Energy Conserva- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the have won 24 consecutive tournaments tion Program for Consumer Products: Test Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the together. Procedures for Refrigerators, Refrigerator– report of a rule entitled ‘‘Jerome R. Vainisi Members of the 2010 championship Freezers, and Freezers’’ (RIN1904–AB92) re- and Deloris L. Vainisi v. Commissioner, 599 team include: Ariel Scott, Katie ceived in the Office of the President of the F.3d 567 (7th Cir. 2010), rev’g 132 T.C. No. 1 Senate on December 20, 2010; to the Com- Kabbes, Fatima Balza, Jessica Ullrich, (2009)’’ (AOD 2010–52) received in the Office of mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. the President of the Senate on December 20, Kristin Carpenter, Maddie Martin, EC–8565. A communication from the Sec- 2010; to the Committee on Finance. Arielle Wilson, Erica Denney, Blair retary of Transportation, transmitting, pur- EC–8575. A communication from the Direc- Brown, Darcy Dorton, Alyssa D’Errico, suant to law, the Department’s annual re- tor of Regulations, Social Security Adminis- Megan Shifflett, Cathy Quilico, Maggie port on the administration of the Surface tration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Harding, Katie Slay, Deja McClendon, Transportation Project Delivery Pilot Pro- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amendments to Krosby Pabst, Mikinzie Moydell, and gram; to the Committee on Environment and Regulations Regarding Withdrawal of Appli- Ali Longo. Public Works. cations and Voluntary Suspension of Bene- EC–8566. A communication from the Chief The hard work and dedication of fits’’ (RIN0960–AH07) received in the Office of of the Publications and Regulations Branch, the President of the Senate on December 16, these young women is exemplary. I Internal Revenue Service, Department of the 2010; to the Committee on Finance. congratulate them, their coaches, and Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the EC–8576. A communication from the Sec- the students, faculty, staff and alumni report of a rule entitled ‘‘2010 Cumulative retary of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant of the Pennsylvania State University List of Changes in Plan Qualification Re- to law, a report relative to the export to the on a record-setting season.∑ quirements’’ (Notice 2010–90) received in the People’s Republic of China of items not det- Office of the President of the Senate on De- rimental to the U.S. space launch industry; f cember 20, 2010; to the Committee on Fi- to the Committee on Foreign Relations. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT nance. EC–8577. A communication from the Sec- EC–8567. A communication from the Chief retary of Health and Human Services, trans- Messages from the President of the of the Publications and Regulations Branch, mitting, pursuant to law, a report entitled United States were communicated to Internal Revenue Service, Department of the ‘‘Report to Congress on American Indian and

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