
S10810 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 20, 2010 advocate for the Peace Corps program food safety dangers occur and are oc- Senior citizens deserve to have hous- and for volunteerism in general. In curring. The use of indirect food addi- ing that will help them maintain their that regard, he and I have much in tives and processing aids have not been independence. It is my hope that with common. As a young man, I served a determined to be the source of food the passage of S. 118, many more Amer- full-time mission for the Church of borne illness outbreaks and I believe it icans have a place to call home during Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I too is important that the FDA continue to their golden years. learned much about the benefits of focus its scarce resources on the key f selfless, volunteer service while serving elements that this legislation hopes to TRIBUTE TO DR. JANE GOODALL as a missionary and those 2 years were address in the Food Safety area. instrumental in my understanding of f Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. the world and instilled me with a de- President, in July I introduced S. Res. ELDERLY HOUSING sire to serve and help others. The Serve 581, a resolution honoring the edu- America Act was meant to embody Mr. KOHL. Mr. President, I rise cational and scientific significance of these ideals and provide similar oppor- today to praise the passage of S. 118, Dr. Jane Goodall on the 50th anniver- tunities for others. It could have very the section 202 Supportive Housing for sary of the beginning of her work in easily been a purely Democratic en- the Elderly Act. Earlier this Congress, what is today Gombe Stream National deavor. But, in the end, we were able to Senator SCHUMER and I introduced S. Park in Tanzania. I would like to urge work together in drafting and passing 118 to modernize and improve section my colleagues to support this resolu- this legislation. With CHRIS’s help, the 202 housing for seniors across the coun- tion, which also has a companion bill Serve America Act became one of very try. This piece of legislation will help that was passed with unanimous sup- few bills passed during this Congress ensure that seniors have accessible, port in the House of Representatives on with a broad, bipartisan majority here safe and affordable housing so they can July 28 of this year; and I would like to in the Senate. It was, in my opinion, a live independently and with dignity, have printed in the RECORD the article piece of legislation that represents the while also saving the government printed in the October 2010 edition of best of what both parties have to offer. money by keeping people out of expen- National Geographic. The article, enti- Fittingly, we named the bill after sive nursing homes. tled ‘‘Fifty Years at Gombe,’’ describes CHRIS and my mutual friend, the late HUD’s senior housing program, also Dr. Goodall’s lifetime of dedication and Senator Ted Kennedy. known as the section 202 program, pro- contribution to our understanding of I want to wish Senator DODD and his vides capital grants to enable the de- chimpanzees and the natural world, as wife Jackie the very best of luck going velopment of supportive housing exclu- well as her unique and heroic person- forward. sively for the very low-income elderly ality. As described in the article, Dr. f population. Unfortunately, the 202 pro- Goodall ‘‘made three observations that gram has been unable to address the rattled the comfortable wisdoms of FOOD SAFETY MODERNIZATION growing demand. For every available physical anthropology: meat eating by ACT unit, there are ten seniors waiting to chimps—that had been presumed vege- Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I move in. Under the current law, the de- tarian—tool use by chimps—in the am here to recognize today’s achieve- velopment and preservation of existing form of plant stems probed into ter- ment of the passage of the landmark 202 communities can be time-con- mite mounds—and toolmaking—strip- bipartisan Food Safety Modernization suming, bureaucratic and often require ping leaves from stems—supposedly a Act out of the Senate. duplicative waivers and special permis- unique trait of human premeditation. The first responsibility of govern- sion from HUD to complete. Each of those discoveries further nar- ment is to protect its citizens. Ensur- Additionally, the program provides rowed the perceived gap of intelligence ing a rapid response to outbreaks of rental subsidies and grants to fund sup- and culture between Homo sapiens and contaminated food is critical to main- portive services for seniors, such as in- Pan troglodytes.’’ taining public trust in our food supply. home care and transportation. Over As a leading researcher, conserva- This bill will make necessary changes one-third of the section 202 population tionist, and humanitarian, Dr. Goodall to help keep consumers safe, and I look is considered disabled enough to be at has made remarkable contributions to forward to passage in the House and risk for being put in a nursing home. our understanding of the species with the bill being signed into law. By reducing the need for costly nursing whom we live. She has led by example This food safety legislation is going home stays, access to these types of in efforts to ensure that these species to be a tremendous benefit to our Na- services saves both seniors and the gov- continue to thrive and to ensure that tion, and to protecting our citizens ernment money. surrounding communities are also able from foodborne illnesses, as well as po- Modernizing the elderly housing pro- to thrive. tential acts of terrorism aimed at our gram will promote the preservation Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- food supply. I urge the Food and Drug and renovation of existing 202 develop- sent to have printed in the RECORD the Administration, FDA, to work very ments. Many properties are in need of article to which I referred. closely with the business community both rehabilitation and increased ac- There being no objection, the mate- in the rulemaking process to be sure cess to services that help seniors to re- rial was ordered to be printed in the that we are not adding additional regu- main in their homes. This legislation RECORD, as follows: lations that may already be covered will help provide the modernization [From National Geographic Magazine, Oct. and regulated under other areas, such they desperately need. 2010] as the Food and Drug Cosmetic Act and I want to thank the American Asso- FIFTY YEARS AT GOMBE the Bioterrorism Act. ciation of Homes and Services for the (By David Quammen) I want to thank my colleagues for Aging as well as the Wisconsin Associa- In 1960 a spirited animal lover with no sci- their efforts to make this legislation tion of Homes and Services for the entific training set up camp in Tanganyika’s strong, and to protect the American Aging for being champions of this leg- Gombe Stream Game Reserve to observe people while balancing the legitimate islation and for working with us to de- chimpanzees. Today Jane Goodall’s name is synonymous with the protection of a beloved concerns that businesses have that do velop a comprehensive bill that will species. At Gombe—one of the longest, most not over reach or over legislate in this help meet the growing need for senior detailed studies of any wild animal—revela- bill. The rulemaking process must not housing in this Nation. tions about chimps keep coming. be duplicative or attempt to regulate I also want to thank Senator DODD Most of us don’t enter upon our life’s des- areas that already protect public safe- and his staff for all of his efforts to tiny at any neatly discernible time. Jane ty in other areas of law, statute and move this legislation. He has always Goodall did. regulation. It is my hope that the FDA been great to work with and he will be On the morning of July 14, 1960, she stepped onto a pebble beach along a remote will be practical in applying this legis- greatly missed next year. And I want stretch of the east shore of Lake lation to manufacturers of ingredients to extend my appreciation to Senator Tanganyika. It was her first arrival at what such as food processing aids, and will SHELBY and his staff for working with was then called the Gombe Stream Game Re- direct their resources where the real us on this bill. serve, a small protected area that had been VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:04 Jun 21, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\S20DE0.REC S20DE0 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE December 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10811 established by the British colonial govern- wild, focusing on individual characteristics published In the Shadow of Man, her account ment back in 1943. She had brought a tent, a as well as collective patterns. She created a of the early Gombe studies and adventures, few tin plates, a cup without a handle, a research program, a set of protocols and eth- which became a best seller. Around the same shoddy pair of binoculars, an African cook ics, an intellectual momentum—she created, time, she began hosting students and grad- named Dominic, and—as a companion, at the in fact, a relationship between the scientific uate researchers to help with chimp-data insistence of people who feared for her safety world and one community of chimpanzees— collection and other research at Gombe.
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