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aaventy of the relatives and rHeodtof Binder>-J. C. Steves. Dry Goods.—Barnhun & Gompany. Legal. the Mutraotlng. partita gathiBrw at tn« rwldence of BlrrWalker. The houM OBTOAOE' 8ALK.-BKFAULT HAVIKQ been made In the payment nf eighteen waa tastenilly trimmed with evergreena Ired and sovon dollsrs and fortyliva cents, and two horse sboea of white flowers Mnow claimed lobe due snd unpsld. upon a cer­ arranged by Mrs. J. B. Fay were BUB- tain martgaRo buarinit dale. Ihe first day of Feb­ pended overthb bride and tfroom. The ruary, 1881, oxocutod hy Waggle A. Iiunhamto ceremony was performed oy Bev. L. H. Monroe, in a brief butimpieMive Mipnie Hodget;of ikieu il ttkcbing manner. After the marriagea bounti* , _. mortgages on page ninetjr- a olasa 111 liiBtrumental muaio. Dine. No suit or proceedings nt law or in All and elegant B r. u. dinner was ^9*or Warm Dayft-J^f^ chancery having beun instituted to recover any The fkrmera are very buay cultivat­ served to tbe guests which spoke well part tbcrool, and the power ol sulo therein con- ing corn and getting ready for haying. Ibr the culinary department of tbe tU-^ lalnod, having hocomo absolute by virtue of tho statute In such caao, made nnd i'rovided nolleo Thisre ia talk In flivor of having a ture Maishail mansion. Below -is a VOL. XXVII.-NO. 26. list of the presents and the donors with is hereby given that upoBllHlMrrtiiy.lhoaBlil MASON, MICH., THURSDAY. JUNE 25, 1885. oelebration at Holt the coming 4th uf J< oarda of tnanka. etc.. Ave eenta a line. . and makes collections; also dre insnr- Bunkerhlll. Essay-NuUhells and Kernels, Inn J. Main, ut her sou's. Win. Perry. Toilet dresslnic glass—Miss Ella Backus. A Drive in Ginghams at 8 cents per yard, Tho Ingham Oounty Tunchors' Association, Janoo agent. Olllce In Farmera' bank. is taking lessons of Mr. Stevens, the Easay-Ambitlon la King, 8. Alice Dyer. _ Al! those wishing baskots, baakeU nited Scrap Uook—15. S. Avery. which has hccumo so thoroughly established and Reader—Hon. Quincy A. Smith. Oration-Home Rule for Ireland, John D. with flowers, or out flowera, tor the coming W. R. Strebery has gone to the state Qluss sauce dish and plates—Sarah and awakened such a llvo and growing interest gentleman who painted H. M. Wll- VanEtten. of Fenusylvuula, called there by the Weatherby Walker. usually sold at 12 1-2 cents. among tho teachurs of thu county, has fixed its THE NEWS JOB BOOM Chaplain—Rev. F. L. McCoy. Musio—Two Forest Nynplis, duet. oommoncement exorcises, will please leave Toilet set—Miss Sarah Green. astoB of mooting for tho ensuing year ns follows: F\Yk^e^*F'?i'j{f1.%aS,'''p'i5'srn'2d°ia£S: "amB' l»orse. their orders with Mrs. C. M. Handeraon at death of bis mother. Silver picklecastor—Win Marshall nnd lady. Ii aupplled with the best macbinery that The following Is the Essay—"Our Glory is not ia never Falling, Tbo Inst Muturiliiy In Sonlunihur. November, Jan­ GAVStT* PHELPS, dealer. In hardware. , Aubrey Nellls missed a but in Rlalng every Time", Morale Phillips, their earlleet convenience. ISIOwSp. We ure in formed that members of Silver spoon holder and set of spoons—Mr. Choice styles in Figured Linen Lawns. uary, Fobrnary and April, at Mason. money can buy, ntted lor steam power, a large horse from ORDER OF EXERCISES I ^ration—What is True Sucoetar Lulu Belle and Mrs, It. C. Marshall. Appltcatlans for flrst nnd second grado eertiS- aiaortmont of tho latest stylos of Type, Bor­ O stoves, tinware, nails, glass, ptitty, etc. his pasture about three weeks ago, CMII EnrlF and Seenre n tMwn Orcia the Hives band will be here to take Silver pickle castor-Mr, nnd Mrs. H. h. 0 National salute and ringing of bells Oration-Character of Men and Nations, part in the imisioal part of the pro* Slroua. catos will bo received at tho Mason oxaraina- den, etc., enabling us to do Job Printing on FCBROWN, manft. nnd denier In harness. Last week he found it south of Leslie. AtlOcenUperyard, worth 12}j oenta at tions. at sunrise. At 10 o'clock A. M. the Qeorge W. Jewett. gramme the 4tb. Silver buUer dish-Mr. nnd Mrs, O. W. The hoard bclli'Vu that learhors dorlve great ihort notice, at low prices, and In the . saddles, whips, robes, trunka, etc, eto. jj, ^ofg evident marks of having been Musio-Away to tlie Fields, auartet. MABOUS OBBOOtt'S. I'riest. benefit from nttcndniico upon teachers' instl procession will form on Ash street, Pro " Ingham county Pomona grange met Oil painting—Mrs. L. .\, Ilundall. lutes, nnd will notico such nitondnnco In thoir BEST POSSIBLE MANNER! BEECH SON, proprletora of the Mason ridden away by some scoundrel, Oration—Beyonil the Alps Lies Italy—Valc- Pumps, lawn mowers, clothes wringers and I'lusli and ebony franio and cabinet photo. B foundry nnd machlneshops. Repairing...... i i with left resting on B street, and the dlctory-Hattle E. Bristol. pursuant to notice at tbe grange ball grnph—Mlnnlo Ilundall. estlmato of tho value of examination papers. carpet sweepers, repaired at last Wednesday. A large audience Third grade nludios will bo orthngraphy and We do as good work as can be obtained any Mr. and Mrs. Archie Marshall, who line of march will be thence south to Musio—I wish Those Daya were back Again, Cabinet nlbum—Henry, Cora, Euiina and grammar, reading, writing and spelling, googra C. WEBB, exclusive dealer itt clothing solo and oborua. OaaooD * RoBB. was present ana a Jolly good time was Lena Ilalscy. frbere, and parties In need of commercial or L. nnd genU' furnishing goods. Mason* were recently married in White Oak, Table cloth—Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Wolcott. CARPET pliy, arithniutio, thuory nnd art of toBcbing, Elm street, thence cast to C street, Hew Barbar' Bbop. bad. united Stntos history, phyilolojy nnd civil gov- fitney Job Printing of any description are were visiting friends in Caledonia, Glass sauce disli and S majolica plates—Mr. ernmont. Tlio second grade studios will be as requestud to call, examine styles, nnd obtain REED. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE tbence north to Maple street, thence Hon. H. P. Henderson will deliver I have Just re-opened tho barbershop over Children's day was celebrated at the and Mrs. A. J. Miller. aliovo with tJio addition of algebra, and philoso- L, in Ilnynor block over Cily Bakery. Tlireo mnjolica plates-Miss Evn Miller. prices before placing thoir orders. when they weresereiiaded by tbe local west to A street, thence north to Mill the4tb of July oration at Grand Ledge. H. M. Williams' drug atoro and am prepared M. E. church last Sunday afternoon Contains some BABE BARGAINS and good baud. Refreshments and a good time to serve ail customers with good work. Give and It proved a very pleasant occasion. Mirror plUHlifraino—N. E. Sherwood. "VhJh, o following rules will ho obeorvod in tbe O-DUBOIS, DEALER IN HEAVY AND street, thence east toB street, thence The old Mason lecture association, Glass spoon liolUor, pickle dish und salt oxamination of loachors; WM aUABANTBK PBHrEOT SATIHrACTION. A. SheifHardware. Maple street. Mason. followed. me a call. FBAMK DBUBY. Tbe church was tastefully decorated, dish—Jennie Skudan. opportunity for those expecting to buy 1. Tliu Bucrctary shall, In no case, grant mors south to court-house square, in the fol­ under wbose auspices Mason was treat­ tbe exercises weie never better and than one special certlllcatc to any person. lowing order: 1st, Chief Marshal; Carpetings of any description. Hew Adverliaementa Tbia Weak. E. L. Converse of Eden bus procured ed to so many excellent entertainments SeeoBd-Hand Boyee Reaper for jkslc. speaking, singing and reading were lu liale's Honey the groat cough curo,s3e.,soc.ft ii 2. Tho socrclnry shall not grant siiecial cortlfl- Herclihnt^' Protective Assoclat'n. 2d, Mayor and Common Council; 3d, Been uied one year only. For sale at a bar­ order. Glenn'sSulphttf Soap hoals & beautlfles, lie, cstca to nny person who, upon uxaminallon, fall- Fourth of July ad. a warrant for the arrest of Jas. Wells, during tbe winters of '79 and '80, last od to aocuro a ccrtlllcuto at the |iruvlans public Williamston and Dansville Cornet gain. Inquire of M. D. Chatterton, executor CenuanComRenovcr kills corns & nuniona examination. . . whom be charges with the larceny of week engaged a concert company, to of the estate of Dr. Minos MoRobert.' ' ' £TCIIELLS*CORNERS. Hiirt Hair and Whisker Dr»-Black and Brown, Ke. A full line of China Matting at 15, 20, 26 and 3. Each pcrpon applying to tho socrotary for Wew Bnalneaa I.oe»la. Band; 4th, Company K, M. S. T.; -)T-H-E(- a harness. The warrant was issued give an entertainment at tbe Rayner Plke'sToothaeheDropacure in i Mlnute.uo examination akall pay to tho secretary an Instl- Two Hogs—A. Butler. 5th, Grand Army of the Republic; Sbawla. Nbawla. Wbawls, 40 cents per yard. tuto foo and an oxamination fee. arocerlca-Ciirry 4 VanArsdnll. Monday by Justice Ryan, but Wells opera house on Thursday evening, Levi Swan has a new binder. Dean's Bbeumatle PlUa are • sure cure, OOe. J. 8. HUSTON, Prosldont, Williamston, 6tb, Liberty car with young ladies The best and cheapest lino ofiummer ibawla A. R. IlAnnv, Socrotary, Piue Lako, Justice of the Pcnco-W. H. Chirk. bas not yet been arrested. July 2. Tbis company, the Vescelius ever shown in lagham connty. Caahmere Joseph Haniia is home from school. 81, Paul Blnder-Kurus Raymond, representing States; 7th, Different t'oniiiiou t'oiiiicil Proceedings. We still continue to sell 20 yards good Ingrain JAY CAI.KINS, Luslio. lluildlng Materlal-E. A. llarnos. The lightning last Monday played a lyceum concert company, is secured ahawls all wool from ta.00 up at (School closes next week at Etcbells. Board School Examiners. Wool Monoy-A. O. DuBols. ISSOif Sunday-schools of tbe cltyj 8tb, Civic well-known agency of St. T. O. HOLMkS. No Sunday school at Etchell's this Carpet for $6.00. singular freak among the swine of summer. [orFioiAt..! MASOX, MICH., June 15,1885, Daniel Miner, about three miles south organizations; Oth, Citizens In general, prmand & Wetter of , who »ttn«vIilo, with NEWS NOTES. " [hoithK C. M. Williams is building a new Council met nnd was called to order Are offered FOR SALE south of here. It struck tbe pen After the parade the procession will »^ave control of many of tbe flnest ket price"' by Mayor Reed. Present Aldermen We would suggest to all CASH BUYEBS where two hogs were lying together, disband in front of tbe court-bouse, organizations on tbe road. It was 1379t;r granary; by the Curry &Van.\rsdall are giving away Clear pork per lb. o cento nt Sheep shearing is the order of the Howard, Butler, Dwinell, Rolfe and demolished tbeir slielter and killed where tbe following exercises will be ^o"' tbem that tbe lecture committee that a look through our establishment will be fans. I378tf E. G. HoKX's. day ut present. .Siialer. one, leaving the other perfectly un­ observed: 1st,Music; 2d, Prayer; 3d, secured Theo. Tilton and the Helen l.SOO Yitrda Beat KAWUB Etta Huston of Gross Lake is visit­ Minutes of last meeting read and of interest to those buying Dry Goods and Clilldren's day at tbe Baptist church harmed.—Local. Music; 4th, Reading Declaration of Potter Pleiades. They also have charge ing at Henpeck. approved. MercWs' Hntnal Protective ne.\-t Sunday. At lU cento, price 12<^ cents at llErOKT OK COMMITTEES. Carpetings. The rsgulsr old utabliihtd Tbe body of E. P. DuBois, whose Independence; 5tb, Music; Oth, Ora- Camilla Urso concert MABOCS GBKOOR'S. E. R. Lester of Ovid is visiting nt Pbyiieiaa and BnrMsn DB. Commeiiceineiit exercises will begin The flnaiice committee reported on drowning In Butler Co., Ks., was tlon; 7th, Music. company. The company engaged, Tho best twenty cent roost eoireo in Mason Mr. H. Hawley's. OLABZZ, at the old number promptly nt 7:30. the following claims, recommending -)Re8pectfully,(- continuci ta treat with hit utuol inentioned last week, was found after In the afternoon the time will be '«regarded fully equal in the at I378tr E. G. HUNT'S. B. F. iSherwood has a new wheat tlieir allowance as follows: treat skill all privata. I. M. Warner started tbis morning it had been in tbe water seventeen devoted to amusing athletic contests. «»d l^leasing qualities of the thresher and engine. V. .1. Tcin, printing $2.5 00 earonie, Birvoni snd tMoiu A full lino of palnto, oils, and varnlahos 13. Young has been visiting in a. Jj. Ilarunby, to work on streets It 148 for Oiimlin, Nebraska. hours. A coroner's Jury found that The following list has been prepared: entertainment they give to either the Just received ut the City Drug Store, Dons- N. A. Dunning, 5 days on board review.. 10 00 "I'I"' AdvenlsiSE Phy.ioian, aa Foot race—At 1 o'clock—Free-for-all. Camilla Urso company or the Helen vllle. lS70tl Sharou tbe jiast week. N. A. Dunning, taking tbe a.ssesHnicut... SO 00 nies oi l-apers show and all old ResidcnU know. A. V. Phister of Lansing Sundiiyed |»ls death was accidental. Tlie mail Distance 30 rods and return. Prize, Potter Pleiades, comprises the three Cnrrlasea. After a long spell of quiet I again On motion report of cominitteo was Aga and ezpsritae* Important. with Frank C. .Sayers. bags which he was carrying have not hoiie to write a few words from Heii- «• Hervoni Siliaitt ('»ith or without dresmi,) ?3.00. Vescelius sisters, whose singing bas L. Frank Clark bas the largest and nncBt accepted and adopted. Yeas, Aids, or dabilitf and lots of nam powar ttuled sclcB- Mrs. J. S. Btittertleld returned to been recovered. lot of carrlagea ever shown iu thia city and la Ijock. Howard, Butler, Dwinell, Rolfe, tifically by new methods wllh never failing success. -)0-F(- Wheelbarrow race-At 1:30o'clock-I «e»t«af ed fua aad all Mason, Michigan. last Sunday. In tbe morning Rev. llnup Sklrta. 108 and 110 Washington Avenue, who tuffer 'should consult Ihe etUbrattd Or. seriously ill at Wobbervllle. ond prize, $2.00. eled so long with Camilla Urso, a car­ All the now styles and latest makes at .', This place of Interest like some of rccoiniiieiidiiig tliut the prayer of the Clarke al once, 0>The ttrtibU POiloni of all Mr. Ellis preached a sermon appro- petitioner be granted. On motion bad blood and Ikin diteaset ol every kind Commciiceiiiuiit exercises ut tbe Suck mce—At 1:45 o'clock. Distance toonist who will sketch tbe faces of 138011 T. O. HOLXBS. the old volcanoes has its seasons of name and nature compleiclv eradicated. KSBiaBI- priate to tbe occasion, the music being quiet, followed by one of activity. report of committee was accented and Rayner opera liotise to-iiiglit. 20 rods. First prize, $3.00; second celebrities in the presence of the audi­ A bushel of good potatoes for 20 cento at' adopted. Yeas, Aids. Howard, Butler, bar, that one horrible disaaia, if neglected or furnished by a children's choir. In 1378tf Born—to Mr. nnd Mrs. Seymour prize, ?2.00. ence, and a pianist who is nlso a reel E, G. IIVKT'S. WHITE OAK. Dwinell, Rolfe and Shafer—5; nays improperly treated, anriei the (ireieni and coming J. A. Fowler, restaurant. Grand the evening the little folks carried out none. generations. .»-fiiitaMd diSObargei cured Worden of Sand Beach, on Tuesday, Fat mail's race —At 2:30 o'clock. tatioiiist. These ]>eople are all artists Two Ruoma lo Henl. prompdy without hindrance lo buslneti. Both lexcs , Ledge, $S'2 37 the children's day prugraniiiie. Furniture.—J. A. Underhill. a daughter. wlio command large salaries aud have Inquire at this ottioe. Grand wedding this week. The committee reported on the eoninlt eoafldtntially. If in tronblt, call er Distance 20 rods. Contestants must 1378tr request of A. O. DuBois and recom Win. Gutclie«.s, farmer. Mason,. 9 00 Criminal prosecutions liavu been delighted tbe most cultivated audiences Mrs. John Gibbons is at ber brotli- wnic. Belay, are danserous. "ProoraitlnatlOB Freddy, son of W. W. Duiiiiliigof weigh 225 lbs. or over. Prize, |3.00. Oreat Speelal Bale mend that the request be granted. On very light in Iiigliaiii county, outside er's. is the thiaf of timt." A written warraaty Mrs. W. J. Nott, Stockbridge,.. 8 50 Williaiiiston, died last Tuesday of Oxen race —At 3 o'clock. To be in tbe land. Tlie Vescelius sisters, On lawns to begin Friday, June 18, at motion report was accepted and of enra givsn in ev«r j ease nndtrtaken. ' of Lansing, for thu year 1885. Tho Samuel Halliday handled brick nnd adopted. Yeas, Aids. Howard, Butler, Send two tumps for aeiebrated works on driven to wagon. Distance 40 rods. like all great vocalists, would like to MABCUS GBBOOB'S. 9 25 brain fever. mortar in Stockbridge Inst week. Dwlnell, Rolfe and Shufer 5; nays FURNITURE! Cbrenlo, Nervous and Oellcate Diseases. You H. Wyman, Eden, two warrants issued by Justice Ryan First prize, $3.00; second prize, $3.00. give an evening exclusively of Italian Just arrived—a little Dutchman at none. have an ezhaaitivs tymptonatology by which Lansing has arranged for the dls- this week are the lirst issued at Miisoii musical pyrotechnics, but tlieir man­ My wife Mary having left my bed And Chas. Milberry, laborer. Mason, 37 85 Potato race—At 3:30 o'clock. Prize, board without cause, ull persons are notified Geo. Sliarland's. George bus our con­ Tbe sewer coiiimissioner reported on 10 study your owa Consultation, person, jKisal to eastern parties of her $100,000 for forty days. The prosecuting attor­ agement has arranged them a pro- gratulations. ally or by letter, free... Consult the old OoetOr. 4 00 $2.00. not to trust ber on my account, as i will pay tbe petition of Gr. M. Hoyt and otherSi Z would call the attention of those wishing to pur- Augustus Gary, laborer, Ma'snii,. water bonds. ney bos not been called to Williamston gninime in which appears almost en no debts contracted by her. Cut worms are very destructive tills recommending that the prayer of the Tboniandi eared. Offleei andparlete private. Mule race—At 4 o'clock. Distance chase anything in the line of You see no one but the Ooelor. Before confiding Chas. Gutchess, laborer. Mason,. C 20 About 2.5,000 pounds of wool have so or Webberyille on criminal matters ttrely the standard well-known bal­ I3;8w3p LEWIS BBSIO. season. Many of the farmers have petitioners be grunted. On motion your case consult Dr. CLABXS. A friendly ieue? 40 rods. Mules to be rode bare-back. tlie report wns acsepted. Yeas, Aids, far been purcliused. The higlieat price since Jan. 1. lads, which they sing most charming- planted their corn over. or call .may tave future suffering and sliame, and C. R. Moon, laborer. Mason,— 4 50 First prize, $3.00; second prize, $2.00. The best any cent tea in town at Howard, Butler, Dwinell, Rolfe und add Boliicii yearstohfe. Medicines sent everywhere paid is 23A cents. ly. The price of admission Is flxed at 137811 There wus a large attendance at tlie secure from espOiBTS. Hours, 8 to 8; Sunday, Some years ago Cedar river wns lib­ Greased pig—At 4:30 o'clock. The E.G. HCKT'S. Meadyille Sabbath school Sunday, Shafer—5 ; nays none. E. L. Converse, farmer, Eden,.. 7 95 50 cents, with no extra for reserved The committee appointed to invest! 0 to 13. Address letters: F, D. CtiABKE, Mrs. Albert Davis of Edeii died yes­ erally stocked with eels by tbe board person wlio catches the pig can have it. BnrKiiiua lu ClothiUB. Lovelctte Lnthrop olllciates as superin­ To my immense stock. I liave tbe largest stock of n> D.. Kerrill BInek, Cor. Woodvtxd a&d seats. At this low ratea largeaudience I would call the attention of tbe people ot tendent. gate us to the danger of gasoline stored JeiferionAvei. OETBOZX, WCH. Warren Snyder, laborer, aiasoii, 5 50 terday. Her remains were taken north of lisli comniissioners. Several eels Grand balloon ascension—At about by A. L. Vandercook, report that A. BROOKS OIL CO.'S on tills inoriiing's train. weighing over tiiree pounds each, is assured. We advise our readers Stockbridge and surrounding towns to the Tbe demand for pnrtners for the 4tli Enoch Hayiies, faiiuer, Leslie,.. 2 44 5 o'clock. to Ono Price Clulhlug Store, Stockbridge, where - L. Vandercook agreed to move tbe recently caught in the river by bold secure tbeir seats early. . ust now is simply linnieiise, nnd judg- building. On motion report was ac Fumiture^ Carpets, Tlie Fourtb of July coiiiiiilttee have Tbe funtastics will appear on the may be found genu'furnishing goods,-liato, iig from the number of turnouts one cepted. Yeas, Aids. Howard, Butler, GASOLENE. Ed. Noxon, fanner, Mason, US 30 secured from a costumer a line line of Lansing fishermen, show that the streets at about seven o'clock p. M., caps, boots, shoes, etc., etc. I liandlo flrst- meets OIL Sunday tiie orders are being Dwinell, Rolfe, Shafer—5; nays none. Wall Paper and harvest, in a piscatorial sense, is nearly 'rbe boat Hrnpera. Muweiw, M»kea olass goods and urn selling us cheap ai i^ny OUU BitAND OP Peter Cam, laborer, Mason, 1 10 costumes for the procession. and in the evening the city will be rapidly fliled. ready for the hand of the reaper.— .\iid Tedders and Binder Twlno In the mar. dealer lu Ingham or Jackson oounllcs. ,^ll RESOLUTIONS AND NEW BUSINESS. Locke, Leroy, Williamston and illuminated by a grand pyrotechnic ket, ut 8lw3 RuKUS RAYMOND'S. are respectfully Invited to coll. , .', F. C. Livermore hai purchased a Window Shades Geo. Goraiii, laborer. Mason, 1 85 Republican. large stock of goods from his father, a By Aid. Dwinell. Wbcatfield, liave tbeir pioneer meet- display. J. C. WlLLXonic, ClbtblOri Renolvcd, That the sewer commissioners bo, WHITE STAR John Pollok, farmer. Mason,— 2 20 A Warm WNV« Vuinlsiir 137711 retired Unndilla merchant. As the and they are hereby. Instructed to make a To be found in Michigan. The celebrated Ini; ill Keniiey's grove to-day. Dr. M. L. Rossvally, a converted Mason invites, expects and will wel­ And Curry dt VuiiArsdall, tho grocers, will Stockbrtdk'o. MlUviUe store building is too small for proflle, estimate, etc., of a branch to propos­ Jew, will lecture here July C and 7. come the largest crowd of her history. give you the fun to keep cool with. A fan OrKiiudy Maalliis this Immense purchase, the proprietor ed sower In district No. 'i In Bnrnott aud Ed. Bowdlsb, laborer. Mason,... 9 75 A.O. DuBois respectfully invites the narllns's addition to Mnson, to relieve Jona­ given to every purchaser, largo or small, on At 12J.J cents, reduced froni 15 cento at' , will resort to another "special sale" GASOLENE farmers who owe liliii to remember the Dr. R. has a national reputation nnd than Dean nud others, who petitioned for the W. E. Horton, Leslie, 8 25 nnd Rnnnwny. Saturday, June 27. Farmers, bring us butter MABOlISGBBodVf. soon. same. fact when tliey got tlieir wool money. bis facilities for illustrating tbe entire and eggs. Remember tlio place,, lirst door Domestic Sewing Machines Is the surest and purest Ciusiilenc In thu market. H. T. Hardy, farmer, Eden, 2 05 Jewish ceremonial are unsurpassed. Jas. Maxwell met with a serious ac­ llnrry It.' . ...:.•;..:„»• Daniel Stevens is slowly recovering Accepted and adopted. Yeas, Aids. This brand burns longer Ihun ciimmon (iusolvnc west of Ford'a Buzoiir. Slwl from an accident which at flrst was Henry Peter's will move bis meat cident, June 17, while returning to This fitnious trotting stallion will make tho Howard, Butler, Dwlnell, Rolfe nnd nnd docs not emit un otl'uneivo oiliir. Fur Gaso- 5 00 His robes, utensils aud vestments cost thought would prove fatal. A two- Shafer—5; nays, none. -ALWAYS IN STOCK. loncstovcsnnd all purposes for which Gnitoluncis H. H. Williams, farmer, Leslie,. market in a few days into the building Wlllliiin II. C'Inrb season of '85 at the Clark House barn. Terms used, tbo White Sinrllrnnd is thu most ruiiablc. many thousands of dollars. Tu see his home from Lansing. When near Will do allbu'slnoss Intrusted to hlin as Jus­ 810. IS72lf E. E, QBirW. • year-old bull runs In a pasture fleld By Aid. Dwinell. Fred Crocker, fanner. Mason,... 3 75 recently vacated by tlieDemoerat office. close to the house; Mr. Stevens wns JACKSON AND LANSING PBICES MET If tho WhIto Star Gucolunu in not sold in your and bear him is a priceless commen­ tbe Cedar street bridge the cock-eye tice of the Ponce; Collections and convey Scsotvcd, That tho sewer commissioners are vicinity, send your order direct to us lor a barrel- Tbe Presbyteilaii cliurcb was beau­ came ofl* from one of his wliillletrees Ame, tbe Barber. '"-^ caressing bis bovine pet, when the an­ hereby Oircctcd to make a proper estimate Fred Tuilinaii, laborer. Mason,.. C 11 tary on the old testament. nncing promptly attended to. Siwl Will give you a bettor shave or baimnitlban imal, without any warning, turned etc. ot sower in Diatrlct No. 3, commencing AND DISCOUNTED EVERY TIME. tifully trimmed lust Sunday, and tbe and the tongue dropped. The team on east Hue of lot i, block No. 3, thence run­ BROOKS OIL CO.'S Mnson, it seems, as well as other Look at the Wnrrlor Mower and any other barber In the cily.' Shop lat' door upon bim. Tbe undaunted man ning east on south side OI Nortli'St. to D'St., Frank Emery, laborer, Mnson,. 24 8.5 decorations have been ])hotograpbcd. took fright and were soon unmanage­ ' Knbe north of postofflce (up-stalrs.). Hair worl^ In seized his assailant by tbe boms aud a thence to connect with proposed sower In j®rCall and get prices, you will not be urged to buy. similar cities, is to be favored with an District No. 2, thence north to Rayner creek. 55 EUCLID AVE.. CLEVELAND. 0. Wm. Sliafler, laborer, Mason,.. 5 70 able. Tbe loose tongue swung be­ For sale by 8lw8p T. VANOSTHAND. latest style. . • -. ••: . terrible struggle followed, lu which Yours Respectfully, Ice crcaiii social nt the Wilson art loan. Tho ladies of the Presbyter­ Stevens was jammed against a fence tween their feet and made the wagon Two lIOKa. ReadO.W. Glynn's "ad" in another!\)ol- Accepted and adopted. Yeas, Aids. A. Miles, Eden 10 7.5 sciiool-liotisc next week Wednesday ian church have undertaken the mat­ and badly bruised. Here be succeeded Howard, Butler, Dwinell, Rolfe aud sway litie a drunken man. Besides A whito burrow weighing ISO lbs. and a nmn—"To the traveling publlo." . ^': t.i evening, for tbe beneflt of tbe Sunday- ter and arrangements are well under in getting a club, and with tbe help of Shafer—5; nays none. J. A. UNDERHILL. Melvin Hatlinwny, laborer, Ma- Mr. Maxwell there was in the wagon black sow weighing nearly as nitich, have tbe dog tbe brute wns vanquished. school. way rbrnn exhibition wlilcli will be a ontered my enclosure. Tlieqwner will please Tbe Sinr thnt Lend Tbeiu AU i Tlie request of Bert and Walter Root 3 00 his little son and another man. When The new nind improved bomostto aowin^f ma- . None too soon, for Mr. S's strengtti for the privilege of the use of 8 feet son. credit to our little city and a pleasure reclaim thorn. Slwl A; BDTLKB. had given out. He was assisted into Mrs. Rev. Flank Hoyt arrived in the wagon came to the bridge the ohine.-caU and examine tliem. For luleby front of the alley on north side of HARVEST. L. F. Bunnell, clerk, Jackson,.. 12 00 to alt. who view tlie collection. The FHriiiera, 130311 tbe house and has remained tliere ever Wm. Rayuer's store to erect a stand Mason last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt tongue wus pointed in such a way that •• J. A.UNPBBaajL. art loan is to be opened on Wednesday Call nnd soo tho new St. Paul Binder. since. on the 4th of July was granted. are boaidliig for the present at S. N. It seemed certain to guide tbem into WHiiled 1 ,.. '.y'.-.'V BROOKS OIL CO.'S evening of next week with musical 8iw3 Rurus RAYMOND. The request of Thomas M. Saraw Business Cards. Rolfe's. the river. Tho man, anticipating this What money you owe mo—0< o>ie«-r. i.,fV • ' DANSVILLE. and literary exercises, probably in the Tbe lUirtrONt I<<»e of Wblle Oooda for the privilege of the use of ten feet C. E. Fowler has been In Mason tbis danger,j uniped from the wagon and was 3ttf and oblige, 0. G. HijMTiNOTbil. • front of the alley on south side of H. ATfORNEYH. old Armory Hall. In the city al the lowest prices to bo lound nt Money to'lionn CORLISS - M'eek visiting friends. He is doing a rolled around like an empty barrel, sus- Come to Dansville to celebrate. M. Williams' store, to erect a stand on ' ' MABCUS OBEOOB'S. On real estate at the offlce of. J'.iM; Dieiier \ the 4th of July was granted, O. M, HUNTINGTON. M. P. HENDEllSON, very successful insurance business at Will Teall, son of Ira J. Teall, who tuiiilngscvere bruises. But the tongue The marshal Is putting down some HUNTINQTON & HENDERSON, Woliii^WoolI at ththe,Farmers',banke Parirnni-.'honk. i B5tf.- ,,i ' new crosswalks ou tbe four corners of he obtained the consent o'f H. St. Paul. resides four miles east of Mason, bad swerved again Just in time and tbe Willimns. TTORNEY3 AND COUNSELORS AT I want 200,000 pounds of good clean wool our village. . ENGINE OIL, _ law. Olllce over First National bank, a singular encounter with blacksnakcs wagon passed over the bridge, but just delivered nt MiMoii ur Loslio for wliich I will The requests of O. F. Miller, J. D. :a8on, Mich. In splto of bad weatbeor the meet­ furniture.. You onn snvo5 to lOper oeut by Rev. S. Daily of Plainfleld will J'OU lost Thursday. He was plowing in beyond the bridge tbe end of the pay the outsldo luarkot prloo. jircach at tbe M. F. church next .Sun­ Swart and W. Vandercook, were laid ing of tbe farmer's, club nt W. A. 80W-I • C. E. EATON. gottitigimy prices before purohu8ing..'-">l on the table for one week. REAPERS AND MOWERS. PIIYNICIANH. tbe fleld when he saw a huge black- tongue caught in the road and tbe .. J. A. VitpxBtnu. day evening, JUno 21. Melton's last Saturday was very Eiiipresa nt liidin The request of Jones and Conner for EVF-IIY FAIINKK NIIOIII.D BUY tho pleasant. . snake fully eight feet long. He jump­ wagon reared up on end and turned Thwi'Moiioy la Mine. ''' There will be a grand independence the privilege of selling books at auc­ DR. L. A. SNELL, Brand of Kid Gloves, best In the world, only ball at the union hotel on Friday even­ Corlcsa Engine Oil to uso on Ilioir reapers nnd O.MEOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN AND .SUR- ed nt the reptile. Intending to alight over oil to Its side, throwing Mr. You oweme a doctor's bill tUnt'hda'bken tion without a license wns presented mowers during hnrvcat. This Oil is manufac­ John S. Reynolds, an old gentleman tl.SO por pair at T. Q. Holmes' Noted Cheap running n good while. The money tiellMiga ing, Julys. Bm.$1.50. tured oxcluslvely by the Brooks Oil Co, Ask geon.. OIUco over Farmers'Bank, Mnsou, upon It near its bend, but struck tho Maxwell fully fifteen feet, while tbe Dry Goods House.' •.' , and on motion was granted. Yeas, yonr dealer for ' Olllco hours 2 to 4,7 to 0. residing in Alaledon, died yesterday. to me,, and I want you to pay It overi I'mtan ; There will be an ice cream lawn so­ Aids. Howard, Butler, Dwlnell, Rolfe eartii two feet short of,bis writhing horses broke loose and ran south at TBI-STATZ NOBMAL OOLLZaS, Angola, Indiana. S. H. CULVER, M. D., He will be buried at two o'clock this Envatroughing and general Jobblngahop op­ business by thia noUqe. .' ic •!!•>;, cial nt J. A. Richard's one week from and Shafer—5; nays none. BIlOOKS Oil, I'O.'S mark. Instantly the snake attacked breakueck speed. Mr. Maxwell struck posite Ford's Bazaar, Mnson. Saturday night, June 27. 'Oiassloal. CORI.ISH KNGIME Oil,. 13HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oii-PICE afternoon. , 8$tf ... ,..r'A..B.CAlir»B|iI.y. The request of Geo. Quick in refer- Literary. •{ Scientltlc, Tioard. Room neni and Tuition, lilil fbr Ten J: over Howard & Son's Grocery, Mason, hlin repeatedly striking his leg. Thir­ oil his shoulders and Injured his spine OsoooD A Ronn. The grist mill Is now In readiness for erence to a sluice-way being construct­ .Teachers. X> Weeks. First 'form for ISijS opens August Michigan. I!»ltf Wool comes to tlie Mason market teen teeth were left in his trousers leg so that his arms were partially par­ Cheap'Work ffbriie *or Ita'u'., ! grinding and until further notice will ed on Ann-st. was referred to the street Dopartments. Business. Bookkeeping. 11; Second. October 20; Third, Docomber21», :. , Call ] .. . committee. Telegraphy, «3-Send for Cutalopuo to B. DODGE, M. D:, HOMEOPATHIST. from right under Eaton Rnplds* nosoi by harmless strikes; but tbe teeth alyzed. He was conveyed home, but Attlieoity drugstore, and you will And the Inquire of ">V.M;CMMB, .' , .: ;rind on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Music, I, M. MNIFP. A. M., President, HOLSTEm BULL. . Olllco lu Darrow Block, up-stalrs. Res- itf •• • 1*0 aarble'Malu.. , Saturdays. On motion tbe request of Wm. H. Art. Painting A Drawing M03oow Angola, Indiana. Jidence ouo block west of Aiuerlcau Hotel. Fair dealing and good weight please only once so far.plercetl his clothing as his injuries were feared to be fatal. best and most ooihploto .line of booto and shoos in Dansville.1370tf . —•—.. ,.• .11 '.•1..;! ••.;/ There will be a grand celebration at Rayner that G. W. Bristol bo author­ the farmers. to touch his leg, and then only a At present, however. Dr. Campbell, ized to fUrnlsh a bouse for Wm. I have u tliorougbbied Holsteln W. W. ROOT, M. D., ^Tables! Tnblear (;'I'ableaitl;> Dansville on the Fourth of July. Bull, Alexaniler IV, 2 years old this HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE Secretary L. C. Webb Is receiving scratch, which did not draw blood, who is attending him, considers hlin Imdiea* and'Oenui* Vndorelotb'ln^ Five hundred „tables ,ror„8aIe atjimotory Every eflfort Is being mode to make Crouoher at $1.50 per week was accept­ hours ftom ouo to two, nnd tvom six to Insumniorwelithtii 111 India gaiiso nndbal- ed. Yeas, Aids. Howard, Butler, spring, now ready for service. Bred P letters from boi-Bcmen everywliere in was received. Mr. Teall then succeed­ out of danger. He Is upwards of sixty prices,,which la Si per cent lets, tbn,n,«ye this one the most successful celebrations by Koster, MIdevould, Nortli Holland; seven i>. M. brlggani from 2So per garment up at before offered in Moiion.' , ,,, •.,,:i^}t, Dwiqell, Rolfe, Shafer—6; nays none. mim m warn regard to the Mason races. A large years of age and the fall was a serious over held here. An Interesting pro­ imported in dam Huuiitjo (2941 H. H. ed in killing the snake, after which ho , T. O.Hoi.Mks. Several claims were presented nnd WITHOUT FEE A. B. CAMPBELL, M. D.. one to him. The son remained In tbe gramme bas been made, whiou will B.) milk record at 3 years old S3 lbs. HYSIOIAN AND SURQEON. OFFICE list of entries is certain to be made. placed it in the furrow, plowed It un­ .f Mviq. t|tr.flinle<'i:'' • ' soon be out. Tbe North Aurelius cor­ referred to the finance committee. UNLESS BU0CB88FUL. TWENNTY YEARS wagon and waa uhhiirt. The team Orrlo Harrington, .who has been studying BXPBRIBNOB. APPLY 10 REJOICE per day, 1 lb. butter from 17 lbs, 3 oz. over O. G. Parkhurst 4 Co.'s drug store, der, and stamped tlio earth upon it. musio for Uie past iwo, years In the Oberlln have a fiu-m, for sale br^^ylll tmde tot liBBl- net band will furnish music. Rev. L. On motion council adjourned for milk. Her dam gave 78 lbs, milk per son. Rev. F. L; McCoy will preach a escaped with scratched legs. H. Monroe will be tho orator. ono week. I E When he had plowed around ho was conservatory, will bo ready to give » course of ness property or small ploco.ln Maaon,' ]^m mLO B. STEVENS & 00. day, and dam of sire 87} lbs. per day, baccalaureate sermon before the grad­ Inslruotion in piano and voice culture during ooiislsU oMia^ acres in EatoqConn^ty.pear ' GEO. A. EARLG, Clerk. Ornoxs! Wnshlngton, D. 0.; Cle\;cland, O.; nnd 193 lbs. butter in 7 days. astonished to And that the buried ser­ We are indebted to tbe correspond­ BBtrolt,Uich.; Chicago, Ills. 1374w8p Mason Itusiness Directory. uating class of the higli school at tbe thoanrnmer vacation, beginning July e,and Vermontvillo, 108 acres ui'idor f|ir«tr<)lfn* AHi*'* ' ent of the Lansing Republican for the AND BE fiUD. SIltE pent had l^een disinterred by Its mate, Gregory, named after Its founder, a will give ft hariiiOny lesson each wook Aeo to vatlon, ia>/i acres aftbO' sugar bfishv ;Kprty < ^Shiloh's Cure will immediately re­ M. E, church next Sunday morning. following: -GET YOUR Alexander II (171 N. H. B. No. 1662 OUOCKHH. which, was; there, mourning its dead. prominent business man tliere, will nil pupils. , T0w8 . aorea of wheat oh the grbuild.: Gogd blilld* > Oho of the most pleasing recent so­ lieve Croup, Whooping Cough and H. H. B,) wbose dam "Smit" bas a A. HOWARD it SON, dealers in groceriei Mrs. Dr. W. W. Root started last He burled the snako again, but when logs. VmtY':' ••••vr^'VL.i^iak;:.':,: Bronchitis. milk record of 80 lbs. milk per day. , and provisions. Pioneer stand. Call celebrate Independence day. It is'in- Beat George's cod l|sb per lb. alz eenta at cial events occurred on the 10th Inst. JOB FRINTIlilQ t evening for Herkimer Co., N. Y., to he came aroulid the second time he 187811., , , B.G.HOMT'S, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Are you made miserable by Indiges­ CiiABGns: ?5 for grades; $10 for A toiidied to procure aS orator the services thoroughbreds. I have also a grade visit her parents. An extensive sash, found tbe'mate again gulling it from ForUuaon property,W'iwNSOfj^n^^.la^t^ Walker, tbe occasion being the mar­ tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of AT THE-^ iso a gr " nOO'i'H AND NIIOES. of a former Unadilia boy, Hon. Lewis To Wbom It May Coneera. bull, services $2. door and blind factory belonging to Its resting' |)laiB0.. Ad then dispatched town of Ware, Ooeaua'Co'.; Mloh. Aboui Wv riage of tbeir eldest daughter, Mary, to Appetite. Yellow Skin 7 Shiloh's DiinstMsrVanBarwi. ' L. FULLER, denier in boots, shoos, mil- Montague;' novv:,n^, prominent Howell AH notes and aocountaduemnitbepaldon aorea oIeared,balano^b^v^y Umbered. Frame Archie B. Marshall. About 8 Vitalizer is a positive' cure. NEWS OFFIOB, . lluory, and fancy goods. Main street. her father wah recently burned. the,infitijliifld,burled b^^ or .belore July t, 188S. BeipeotfUlly yonri, J attorney., •. h,,,". V honae and tog barni Four and oae-baitniiUa laTSwa •tun, HorrMAK. ItblPontwater. I8«tr- ;V^.'IjICirtjiiiv. j..


iilSBiili^^^l ...... - .... - ..,;--,.-:.-,,T^^!''^M^y^^^^'' oareii, now wound up to a pltob of Count Claudio cball iievcr wed yon. All VNUSBBO KljM. more. Listen while I' toll yon. Not ''faot;'^i'«tteni|»'.M'^^ waa mm' ' The ttOiOOO which Kalamazoo agreed Prof. C. 'V. Kili'y. tli'i niitoniohiglst fury.fury. " i She Is to bo feared, for sho has .tha in tbo presenpo of the old man; w« only will the Count'be utterly nilnotl 'The Countess ran frantically to the power.of gold." trhlrh proTod to raise for: kjidMuwo.college'h OLD WORLD NEWS. ol'thoDepartmsnt of' .Vtiti.niuiiv,-bus ready •TVirBT BBasaaT piRBsbir. if ho do not riidelve tho moneys but be 'il|«iBs, tkat , nave\': •••B iiiias.'.kr ' would-Mtglye much :fpr;:;«»^'l^^ , ,IA Mlbicrlbed.; "rhe pniispects for rafalng .•30,009 . With JtagllDg colna about ber walati $ door. In vain; it was bolted and . "What knows she of Count Clandlof Olirlattau WoraUlpera rornanr had hot sand enough toi st((na^'up>"andi < I for distribution a iwmi.lihitujjori the "Periodi­ will bodlsgrabod, dishonored, aiid his barred, nor could she discover where What enmity has sho agiiinst himP— Oanturtea, citlzn'nB iii.BrodVlyiiil^'na w. mlttce to locate the aoidiera'home la that ycar old bniml of the peiiodical dcadui. Dl gown of s|tUa stiff broca>ls "Oh, heavens!" cried the Countciss, soon eonvincod that for the present she "There is method in her madness, the Roman Catholic church, it can hot flre enfineB... fUco. "can it indood be soP'.' were not promptly checked. It /might .: BftnA •nffthet..;; ^... . ao nBIOHAl, 'oyiii OinXBAL I Tbe annual nd ii.utniont of >>alitrios of Aad eyes ot deepest amethyst. was safely caged. lady. Trust mo, she is to bo feared—a be gainsaid that she has ever been the .ffotosUon an extreme that the popu- . Chemlcu engines 70 ITATI IBOIItiATOBt "It is so." :. Heniy I. Johnson hus been sentenned o: postmasters hus ht>eii complete.!. It shows Ah. met'tla Idle to resist Kudlji^a regarded her . In silence, terrible woman.". . friend of the arts of painting, sculp­ lating of the pountrywould cease; And AROUND THE STATE ROM comMnles ea Ju.vi! 10-SissATR—Bills passed! providing "You can aid rao," she cried Implor­ ture, and musio, and tnat without her Boole ond ladder rompaoles to two yean' imprisonment In Jackson for for water works In Buttle Creek; ameudlngact thatou July 1 next there iviil he J.SiU prcsL The charm ot being on tha hit knowing flow, vain her attempts to es> "What is your motive In coming to we should haive to depond solely tipon 177 of ISiX, relative to delivery of grain by Bnafly Bseardtd. donUiil olHoi'S, a decrcairt of IS uurlng the ingly; "yon eiin save me. Do so; and oape would prove. me with this strange taleP" cherishing care much tbat we now MenbelonglDS.. abootlng Bostwfadt, tho telegraphic opet«tar tn Of slaves to sirens so arrayed I shall bo forever grateful." / foreigners for tbo material for our AUatod Imboiiltr AnrMted. Men paid. 197 Dexter. railroad companies; reincorporating Ullo; year. One hiiiulruij and tlility-four other So soon as tbe Imprisoned lady was "Lady, I may bo a bad man—a vio­ have as glorious relics of early art birth noticea. Partlypald 1,133 making an up|iropriatlnn for Improvements With Jingling coins. "Gratofult" said tho sorceress, John Mullen, formerly, of - Plttsbnrg, at tbe stale prison; for a grant of swamp lauds presidential otiiees wlil hu ruihicvd to the satisfied that all hor efforts must prove lent man. but 1 am a man of honor." would have been destroyed and lost. ' W« were talking with a young man Volunteers.,. 1688 Mrs; Lee, wife of the Bev. Or. Luther Lord Salisbury ha* doflnitoly accept­ scornfully; "will gratitude give me This is especially true of music. The ra«. haa' been | Irrostod;' in -Detroit Hli Fcetot hose to drain Hiiwcs and Ewers lakch Ingham coun­ ed tbo premiership. It Is stated tbat Sir SUf- fourth class ou July 1. t said I nercrcould exist vain she desisted, and turned with the Here he laid his hand on his heart about his girl the other day; hei said ^'a?4 . ^ °' rociently, aged 68 yean. Dr. ty, Tlie bill to consolidate tho laws relative to back my gold?" hightist and grandest oontribiitions to •treat'^ was''based ' on in : Indictment No. alarms ford Northcote bos accepted a peerage, leaving Unless I stooped forthwith and Mtsed Intohtion of boseeohing the Woman in and struck nn attitude. "But my worst she was just the nicest and sweetest lit­ 'uoo Lee Is one of the oldest Motbodist minlsten In prisons und to ulMillsh convict labor Tho president IUIH iijipcjintod .lohn B. "I will pay you Uborally.for tbo loan the musical art have been inspired by : by .a Pittsburg, grand jiwy.; for .tha was discussed' In committee ot the - whole. Sir MIshael HIcksBeacb to lead the Couscrva- .'Her lips. She dtd not seam afraid. Red to release iter. enemy can novor say tbat Hector Fiar- tle girl in the oity, but shei was s() skit- . Value of property destroyed.'.'.'.'.'. .'.'.'.'$1,888,101 IhUsUte. Stallo ot Ohfo, iiiinlstiT to It:il,v. Bayliss W. whon I roturn It." But, to her dismay, the Jewess had ainonto is an ungrateful man. Count the Catiiolic church, and are the work . cinbeialem'ontbf'iaiifiOOfruin his former bus­ Inturance 8,0?«,!tr9 Extra cniupimsatlon at the rate of $1 a day tlvcs tn tho House of Commuiui. I.ofd But when I tried, she deftly laid "W'hon you roturn Itt That may be tlsh that she never would ..let bim kiss iness partner, who died several years before, Frederick Wrut, Henry Dicke. and was voted .lanltor Bcrnhard Rico aud Asshitaut Hannah of Indiana, inliilstcr to the Argen­ Upon my ear a llttlo Hst vanished, and she was alone—immured Claudio once dlcTmo a service, and my of her votaries. In the music, that wHl ber, and it worried him oontaidb'rably. Insnraneepald 817,803 Secretary Summer; t2 a day to Secretary Lewis Randolph Chiiichill will have an •ever," •od who had designated Mullen as his exocu. Men Injured 46 Catherine Vandowator, were each found dead tine republic. Charles A. Dati.ghtorly ot Penn­ With Jingling coins. in the dismal old houso of the sorcer­ sword, my lifo. Is always at his ser­ be sung in the churches to-day some of Now we propose to say a few words to Alleired causes of lire— M. Miller. The committee on appi'opritttions important position In the new cabi­ "I have my jewels with me, and my ess.". vice." the hymns are eight hundred years old, tor, with tbe tmderstandlng tbat the buslneat In tlioir riispectlve homes near Royal Oak a presented a statement uf the estimated ex- net, but the distribution of portfnlius will not sylvania, secretary of lugiitloii to Home. AVIl. daughter's.'' that young lady, and to all others who iBceiidlarT 18S Francosca loo!ced with surprise on coming to us out of what we are have wrapped a oloak of false modesty ' should bo continued for six'yean. At the end Fireworks 13 few days ago. tiendlttircs for ISiSa to be tl.OilL^mi 90, for be decided until the arrival of tho queen. Ham L. Aldcn of New York, coiuuil-gcntral at "Your daughter's. Countess Donatil of throe yean Mullen wont Into partnersblf iSSa, t7»5,971. The estimated receipts for 1885 Rome. Pierce M. H. Voiin.g, ot Georgia, con­ THE~WOMAN IN EED. CHAPTERVL tho singular looking bravo, wno, do- pleased to term the darkness of tba around them, and what wo want to say Defective chimneys S79 from other sources uxiept t4ixutiau, ure for Lord Churchill iipord to tho renewal ot tho IToti said your daughter, I think!'" middle ages. with tho widow ot ills deceased partner and Ashes Tho present state oxooutive, whon all sul-general nt St. Petersburg. spite of his rascally profession, enun­ is just this: Love without a kiss is liko iS8 Us titles arc givuu, nhonld be addressed thus: 1885, $l«l),()00, for ISS'.i, *lii« (100. coercion act on coudltlou tliatlt only be en­ Tho piercing eyos ol the soroeross THE PALACE DONATL The Gregorian chant, or tones, a bought the Eagle rolling mills. In 1677 the HouKK—mils iiassed: .-liuciidlng general ciated so generous suntimcnt. the harp without the hand, tbe ralnbOw S^oiton's" *.'.'.',!*.'.'.!!','.'.'.!'.!!!!....*.! IB "His Excellency, R. A. Alger, LL. D., Gov­ forced It fouiul Iniperiitlve. There are at prfwoiit 130 spooial A ThriUing Italian Story of tlie wore on hor faco, its ttiough to road In ono of tho sumptuous saloons of "What aro you, sir?" name given to certain choral melodies, without Its hue, tho brook without lt» Arm went Into bankruptc}'. It Is alleged tbat highway law; uuthorlzliig Ituttlu Creek to con- . hor inmost soul. other causes... ernor of Michigan." struct watiir works uud scwurs, and to estab- { Hundreds aro dying of cholera dally agcnt.s of the pension bureau wlioso term of tho Palaoo Donati, a fair young girl •*A soldier of fortune, wlioso sword ets its namo from Pope Gregory the bubble, the landscape without its col­ there was niuub.crookvdncss In the business re. llsh a board of public works; incoriioratlag tho olllce will expire ,luiie iVJ. but tho new appro Last Centiu'y. The Countoss nuailod boforo heri nn- g Importaat to Jonrnalisti. in Spain. wandered restlessly np and down, ovor is nt the command ot any who can front, who was himself a musician or, the tea-rose—sweetest flower for lattona ot Mullen and Mrs. Moloney. Shortly The total number of doaths in Detroit public schools of Ofleoda fiounty; authorising . priatlon bill allows their reaii]'Olnliiient for an­ ablo to moot that liery, seonshlng and taught at the Latcran palace, so the mustering of milltarv companies at Me- I and' and anon casting anxious glances pny. nnd at tho nervico of Count scont that blows—witho-jtt its odor, the afterwards Mullen lelt town, bnt was obliged Tho now libel latv is so important to for the year ending May .11, ISW, wns 3,314 Eatthquako shocks oiour daily in tho other yonr at a reduction ot salary tioui *l,(i00 UT aEOltOlS W. St. ItEVNOUia glanco. that this form of music comes to us lo return by the asslgucc, Tbe iiomlneo, Muskcaon, Detroit, •laekson und out ol tho largo, open window which Claudio or yourself free of all re­ anroni borealls without its varieties, loarnalists that we give it entire: Tbis Is a death rate of 23.!ir for every 1,000 of Oraml Ihipids; to jiay the expenses Inciiircdin ivalle y of Cusbincrc. to $1,40(1. These i-eappoIntmciit-i eonie under "I have my jewels," sho said. In looked into the courtyard. A sweet.palo from about 690-600. This ecclesiastical orphans' court appointed A. 1). V. Watterson ward." poetry without rhyino, spring wifeliout SscTtoN 1, In any suits brotigbt for the tbo clty>.s population. thu uxuiuluation of charges nttaliist Nelson Do I the civil scrvlc-u rules ami it Is not probahlu CHAPTER TV. hnmblor tones; for now she was thor­ faced, fair-haired girl of somo eighteen Francosca was about to speak again, chant is tho chant of tho Catholic foliage, or marriage without love. The trttsteo of the estate, which was formerly publication of a libel in atiy newspaper in this Long, major of Muskuiron; to Tho Kmporcr of Chiint has. ratilicd Michigan lias the honor of having ono that the entire nnuiber will be ri.-|ilaccil by new oughly terriliud at tho deep knowlodgo or ninctoon snmmcrs,thclook of anxiety when a third jiursou appeared on the church all ovor the world. In it wo young girl whose ideal teaches her >to valued at $160,000. It was found that tor somo state the plaltitiff shall wc tur only nclua! dam- prolilblt thu use ot tobacco by the treaty with France. Tllli: VEILED LADY. this woman possu.ssod of hor affairs. aya It it shall nppeur Uiat the publication was of the two dental schools in tlic , |iii|)ils nnd tcachei's In und alxmt : appolntancuts. and grief on her features made her yet scene, bave all that tho priest sings at mass, recoilfrom a kiss cheats the lover of jcara he had filed. DO account of the estate. made in good lulth and did not iu'vulvo a schools and on school grounds; amending see- ' Princo Fioderict Clmrlns, :i nephew "They will not sullioo." moro intorosting. Dressed in pale- "I have been an accidental listener and it is in gonoral use by choirs of ec- the joys of loving, and docs not deserve Oomplalnt was laid against Mullen, and, at a certillento from ivhiiJi will entitle tbu bolder Kudiga seated herself, and loolced criminal charec, and Its falsity was due to tlous 14-l2'il-ri-(l, llowell, rehitlvu to damages of tho Emperor of Qermauy, Is dead. First Comptroilor l.iiirlmm lias disal­ around tiio upartmcnt. Wluitborfrom "They aro worth moro tiian a hun­ blno satin, hor luxuriant light bair to a conversation, my man, and cleaiastics. In tho course of time tho devotion of a manly heart. She though he claimed to have mude largo pay mistake or inlsupprehenslon of thu facts, and to practice In . for Iniurios caused by defective sidewalks; I lowed tlio account of cc-Coimuisslom-rot Agri­ dred thousand ducats." that in the next regular Issue of said news­ ttiuending Hcetlou St!!l,5,' llowell, relative lo the Tho Austrian government refuses, to tasto or to foster tho superstitious flowing loosely ovor her white shoul­ havin* beard so much—I must hoar abuses of one kind or another crept in­ may live up to the dining-room dado monts, whicli'luft the estate in his debt, decis­ Observations taken recently at tho culture l.orlii.'.; • au'gr.'jgiiting ?2'.1.8l0 for ex­ "'lhat may bu:; but thoy nro not to church music, for the reason that paper after such inlstnlte or mifappi-obfuslon punishment uf libel ami slander; umetidlug sanction privato cremation societies. Idea.s of tbo people, her houso was fit­ ders, alio lookod like a pale and moro." and the side-board brlc-a-orac, but sho ion was given ugalnst htm. While tbe case was brouijht to tliu knowledge ol the publirinT Agricultural college obscn-atoiy revealed sixty Lunslng elty ubarler; upproprliitltig (10)000 to penses Incurreil In the piin-.-ha.-*..' secib, elc ted up in grotesque, even repulsive worth a liundrud and fifty thousand, delicate lily—a being too friigilo for there was no established form, until will never prove a conjugal wife, aiiy was BtlU in litigation be left for Cauada. or pnbHshera, whetlur before or after suit place a stjitue ot Ocii. Cass In the old House of Dr. Lorliig and his Ijoiiii.-iiiuu will be held ro- and a loss sum is toyou iisoloss." "And with these words the ,voung spots In the sun's surface. Two of them were Tho entire Itali.in Ministry have ten­ manner. oartli. Count Claudio himsulf stepped for­ the timo of Pope Marccllus II, about more than a bluo-eyod bull-dog with a brought, a correction was publlshnd in as cou- over 80,000 miles In diameter. rcprnseiitatives. Adjourned. siionslhle for tho amoiiiit. l"he tlrst coiuiiti-ol. "True, too Into, alaslli cried tho 1555. In his time music had so degen­ Mullen bas lived In Detroit for,over three splelous a manner and place in raid ncwspa^ier diiNH 1"—SBNATK—Thu following nomlna- dered their resi.°nation to KIngHitmbcrf Skulls grinnod from tho walls; stuf- "My mother, my dear mother! whoro ward and stood before the bravo and second hand set of six-dollar teeth can as was tbe article sued on as libelous, lor also dcelilut that I'mf. UII17 eaiiiiot legally Countoss. "What can I do? Woman, can sho bo?" tho young girl murmur­ erated that he thought to throw it out hope to lay the deck cold and chew his ycara. ' He claims to have paid the' widow bor Martin Meredith has been appointed tlona by the governor were contlrnicd lu execu­ Admiral Coiirbot, commander of tho 'led rejitiles, owl.s, and birds looked havo you no pity? You know all, and tho girl. SKO, 9, In any action or suit for tho piili- tive HCKSIOII; Members of thu advlsorv board receive pay for his seivieeji a.-* i-ntoinologlst of ed, "Sho went out livo houra ago, say­ of the church altogether. Before pro- contemporaries into a hopeless, earlesS' full share as guardian ot the five heirs, but postmaster of East Sajjlimw. lie has tendered down with tlicir sightless eyes fiotn yot rcfiisn to aiil nio." "Claudio," cried Franeesca, running llcatlon of a libel in any newspaper ill this ot p'.irdons. For lour years, Henry C. Wiener French (leet In the Chinese waters. Is dead. tho doiMrtmciit of agrieultiiiu ar.d ut thu niiina all sides. Tho shelves aroui>d wuro ing shu wonld bo back vory soon, tt eocding to this oxtromo stop, however, mass of howling pulp. says tbat some of the busiucss was not carried stiito, theplalnUII.shnll not he entitled torts bisrcalgnatlon as dlvlcloii superintendent of the uud Ucoi'ge R. liichanis of Detroit: for two "Pity. Countoss Constanza DonatiP up to him, "I am so gl.ad you have on through proper channels, aud that sinco Several sevcni shocks of earthquake time us curut.or of lusei-.ts ut the imtional fillud with largo books, strange look­ wants now but an hour of midnight. a cons-ultation was hold with Palestri- Manners—not what, but how. Man­ covcr, iu addition to a'-tual damaga, any Flint & Pero Mariiuctte rallroaiL vears, Albert M. Henry of Detroit and Chester Is it you who talk to nie of pity? Have como. I am in a terrible grief. M.y na, a great musician. He promised (hen there has been a steady attempt to obtain greater sum thun JIM thmuatid lUiUari. Wurrilier of Jackson. To be member of the hove been experienced iu Swltxorland lately. museum Mich. ing apparatus, bottles, aud iiiystor- Surely nothing can havo happened? mother has gone out, I know not ners are happy ways of doing things: 8BO. 3. The words "actual damages" In tho Tho Michigan press its.soclation and board of pharmacy, Ottiiiar Kbcrhack of Ann lous oljjcets, of which the use could you any pity on tho vwllicr whom you Her mannor wiion sho loft was strange, the Pope 'to introduce music that each one a stroke of genius or of love, money trom him. Ho will fight tbe case in El Mahdi refuses to rcleasu ciirisliaii have robbed of Iter chilU9" whither, antl now this good man comes foreirolug section shall be construed to Include the western press association hold a joint Arbor, vice Christian Ebcrback, resigned. Bills NEWS IN OENEBAl. not oven bo guessed by the unitiatcd. and there was a wild light in her oyo would not be chargeable with the —now repented and hardened lnto< thcHlcbigan courts. When arrested he was all damages thu piaiutin: may show he has suf­ passeii: Thu general approprlatiou bill; prisoners unless they embrace Mulnuiiiiic- "I robbed a'mother of hor child!" and lilla ray soul with dread by his grossnoss and uncouthness of that meeting at Traverse City, .luly 7. An Interest­ consolidating the management of statu prisons Tho apartinuiit waa liglitud by a which alarmed mo. This morning she dark spooebes." usage. MTanners require time; nothing, found to be unite 111 and waa taken to a fered in re-pect to his property, business, danlsm. It is iindcrstouil th:tt lliu a trial will gasped tlio Countoss, turning deadly which it was to supersede. Ho com­ hosplUI. trade, profession or occupation, and no other ing program has bceu prepared. and ttlMillshing tho contract systera; licgin July 15. lurid llanic, which, itself being invis­ roeeivod a letter from tho Count, my "This-must bo unraveled. Pa.ssing is more vulgar than haste. damages. _ . amending act 21S, C, L, relative to inechnnic palo, "What moan you? 1 understand father. 1 fear it contained bad news, posed the work known as tho Messa di Go*. Alger baa appointed R. C. WIsner as Dr. William Urodie of Detroit, was iicnn; upproprlutliig swamp hind to drain Dow- King -Alfonso of Spain has abandon­ ible, ca.st a demoniacal glaro on tho by, I saw n liglit in tho saloon, and Ex-United Stales iniuistiir Lowell is ma.ssivo furnit.iiro and on the qucor be­ you not." for, from tho moment of reading P.ana Marecllo (tho mass of Pope Mar­ •pcclal examiner to investigate tbe ease and appohitcd medical exanilccr, und Bernard ogiac crock. Van Burcn comity; uinendliig tho ed his proposed tour of the cholera Infcctwl "Yon understand mo well, Countoss knowing thereby tliat you had not re­ Blackstonc. Ths KayOatpnt election laws; rtilatlvu to liipior tax. at home again. longings. Two largo iron safes or sho has boon oppressed with a heavy ccllus) which was so thoroughly a flee that Mullen is fairly treated. Magoonaugb uf Deiirlioin, keeper of the districts. Donati. Vonr daughlor—your daugh­ tired to rest, I entered, and. annoticod success that the Pope accepted him Tho following nro the products of the Hot'sK—The L'overnor noted his approval of caskets stood ou stand.s, C-M-M by tho grief. God grant no harm has befali- by tho .servant, made my way here. Bloetwood's Mososlne. overnmcnt arsenal at that point. thu following acts: Abolishing tne Marquette Lat"8t repo't'i pliiee tho number of Three men were instantly killed by ter, wliom you call Francosoa " eu ber!" and gave him full power to go on and His conservatism, or to give it the har­ Tha Oovemor's Beaisni. various copper mines for May: the bursting of machincrv in a mill near Erie aide of a pillar to which tiicy wero The sound of voices attracted my at­ July 7 a special election will bo held fractional scliool district; for a stenographer killed In th—e- collier- -y explosion near Man- chained. Tliuso wero ruputod to con­ "My daughter! what of her! What Thus musing tho young girl touched recast and remodel as he chose. The sher name, his hostility to reform, wan Qav. Alger gives tbe following reasons for Tous. Lbs. Pa. of niy iluar Francesua?" tention and the montiou of my own 8,.'U7 ,"K9 n Grand Rapids to doierinlne whether or not of the nbith judlelal ciicuit; applying to Ma- cheater. Eng., at 140. tain vast siiins of money, *i>d to tlio a small silvor bell, and a waiting-maid mass of Pope Marcellns is a magnifi­ in great part due to timidity and insuf- his disapproAul oftbe Euguu prison bill for the comb county act 89 of 1870 relativu to canals | "This: your daughter—is—NOTVOun name oausod me to pau.so on tho 250 17.5 the city shall he bonded for *:.3n0,000 to extend It is rumorojl that through somo tech­ uninitiated appoarcd to bu foriiiod of quickly appeared. cent work. It was given at tho recent iicient knowledge of the world. He- •t)olV.ion ol the contract labor system. if""^.tlnntl c 215 K.-iO and harbors; to in-otcct hotel keepers; amend­ A serious labor riot occurred in tlircshhold and listen. I heard the plenary council at Baltimore. This the water mains to the city limits. ing section 7;V;9, C. L. relative to of­ nicalities In the law Rlcl may escape puuUh- solid blocks of iron—to lia^e no door DAUOIITKlt." "Ninon, I am alarmed about tho latter part of what passed, and now," was a sh.v and reserved man, whoso "In my iuangurai message I recom­ Franklin 190 GOO Brunn, Austria, to compel a decrease lu the Tiio Woman in Red rose as sho spoko style of music is that which forms tho Huron 115 fenses; ainendlng section Si>i5-!ili47, How. ment. or opening wiiatuver. But tho mys­ Conntess, my mother; where can sho turning to Hector, "you please speak lifo waa divided between ono kind ol mended the abolition of the prison contract Rov. .(. H. Kcolcv ' f O.sgood, owns n relutlve to plank roads; to laallitate the giving number of hours of labor. thoso word.s, and stood boforo tho un­ basis of tiiat made known by tlie Ce- narrowness at Westminister and an­ aystcm. I odmlt that I omitted rccommcndlnff Copper Falls (15 im of bonds rciiuivcdbv law, for thu yarding, feed­ terious nii.stress of this |ilace coii'ld, bo? Did she go out in the carriage?" plainly, fori will not suffer tliis young tout before the contract sv.Ucm M'mi abolisbeu Hancock IB m bible printed at Zuridi In Vtlli, by Chrls- ing and traii.s|)ortatloii of Texas cattle; to pen-I Gla'Iston-* has liuoti tenrlcrod an earl­ tiireotors of tlio World's cciio-ition, witli i simple touch of tlie lingers, fortunate lady like an avenging angel. "No.Signorita; her ladyship went out cilian society, which is now widely other kind of narrowness at Oxford. lady to be ahirmcd with idle talcs. spread over the United States with the another system should be'substitutcd. It was Frasehaucr. The book Is coiiipletc save the n!on Detroit lliciuuii: for the iiidi-xliig of Uie dom In recognition of Ills scrvku.-i to t!iu queun held In New Orleans, will be able to pay ail ID cause tho invisible windows to tl.v Again sho repuatud tho words, almost on foot, aud would not even allow ono Come, sir, .speak." He was shut off from tho real lifo of « crave omlasion, and I suppoae I will have to MINOR KICHIOAN ITEMS. journals of tliu legislature. Tliu tollowing Uchtednus.s. shrieking thum forth: intent of oncouraginjj good classical take the responsibility therefor. But whether laat two chapters uf the A poe:iiypse. and country. Hu duclines. opnn, rovealiiig tlio treasures coti- of the aervanis to accompany hor. Sho Count Chiudio addressed him in England. Among his books, which bills jiassed unless otherwise noted: establish "YOUII DAUtSHTKIl 13 NOT YOUK church music. This Palestrina music taught him that tho state should foster this blame rests wholly • on myaclf does not >Vheat in Kalamazoo novor looked Tho First Njitional liaiik of Owasso in.g a board of pardons; tto( promote morality Fiold Marshal Maron von MantoulTul. Uarlliiiltli's st.ntue of "Liberty En- cealod within. said she would not bu more than an haughty tones, as was his wont; for mattter; my duty at present is very clear. In llghtulng the World" arrived la New York a DAUGUXBU! " hour at tho outside." is tho stylo used in tho Sistino chapel, trade, ho could only know by hearsay Iho Egan bill there Is no provision for a work­ better. failed to renew its cliiuter. Hereafter the and prevent crime; aiuuiiiVui; Sec. .ITfl.") liow., the dlstlugiilshrd flenuun coiiimandur und Tho Woman in Red gUtnoed bitterly there wa,'; not a moro fiery aud hot- where the Pope to-day will celebrate relative to alieuutioii by ileeii; iiimaidlii!; .Sec. few days ago. around. "That will do. Ninon. Leave me; I of tho new industrial movement then ing caplal to carry on business, so that the There are now about 430 prisoners banking liusluo.>is ot that city will IJU iloue by ri'.Ki'.l How., relative to witnesses; for organiza­ Governor of Alauccuiid Lorruliic, it dcud. bloixlod young noblo in Ital,y. Easter. The celebrated Miaerores for oonvlcts shall ha kept lu employment, Senator "And they call mo sorceress," sho CHAPTER V. would bo alone." "Havo patience, most noblo Count; beginning to transform tho country, at Ionia. the banking lirm of M. S. Stewart .t Co. tion of liiilliing soeietlcs—hisi; coiii]ielllng »'. A. Iliiiitlunsiok, the criminal which tho Sis-tine Chapel ia f.amous in and doatined soon to sweep away the Bolkoon liurinjj tbe delmtc moved to appro­ fai-.H of age. The citiznn.s ot' Ann Arbor havo .il- ing the law relative lo pinilslinieiit for libel existing deadlock but tlic rctiiru to olllct of Mr. H. Cousins, chirk in the ]jo.stollico in ject of tho suposed utter ruin of her who is still living, has compo.sed a frains from giving a clear opinion. Amid tyould bave to be shut up in their colls and ex­ roady commeiii-ed prepai-atloiis for the meet. 1111(1 slaniler; im-orporaling Osenila schools; Gladstone. who dared to insult luu. Oh, Naomi, command hero." •'His name?" father was a delicate ono. Work on llio new jail for Washtenaw aiiieniiing law relath-u to cnlii-cting damages , London, Out., pleaded guilty to slesiUiig tour beautiful Ave Maria. Mercadanto has the Toryism of Oxford, where he hod" orcised at intervals In tliii prison yards, to pre- Ing ot the American assuclatlon for the lul- Naomi! why have I fotimd you, only "Would you daro attempt to detain "Hector Fiaramonte, ho says." "Wliat I told you of tho Count Do­ composed a number of beautiful mass­ Scrvo tbem from sickness, whhh senile of county, has been commenced. I'oi* llijitrius euiiserl by ilff(!Ctive slilcwullcs; ' As a result of tho recent oart'iquakos uioiicy letters au.l was soiituncud to live yeura "I novor hoard the name. I know seen students expelled for Methodists, vaiu'cmeiit ot scleiK-e to be held In that elty aiiieniliii!; law nliiMvo. to proof, convcyanco to soo without tho power to clasp you me by force?" nati was true as gospel. Ero to-mor­ es. The masses most popular in Rome liberty would bo uusafe and danccrous Jand lu Cafliincru !!,031 per.Mins lost their lives, 70.- on eoch, thu te-riiis running concurrently. in my arms, to oall you imino—Uitrk! him not. What can ho want with Blackstonewas hardly likely to under­ cannot Lu thought of. You see, the present Mrs. Fred Uppondalil of East Sagi­ In August. and colketiou of mortga.gea; ameinllns: "Would I daro? Ha, ha, lia! as­ row's sun goes down, my words will to-day are those of Morcadante, Tirzi- stand what toleration, much less wbal- Conlraclors would neccssiully remove lliclr naw dropped dead the other day. law- relative to tliu comiH-tciicy 000 housus wurc laid in ruins and 33,030 nni- Prcsidunt IViiito of Cornell university a knock! Some onu comes tO'Oon.suIt suredly I would, my proud l.idy; so mo?" havo bcon proved." plant and machinery, so that money Is needed Tho notorious ITcnry Harrington, rc­ ofwiliii'sses; lo iinimote iiinrallty and sup­ ana, and De Piotro, a Jesuit, Ros­ religious freedom meant. He deprcoa- mals perished. An oHicer has been sent to has tendered liLs resignation, mid the Biune has tho fortune-toiler." you had best listen to mo quietly," "Shall I dismiss him, Signorita?" "Confound this follow," muttorod sini's Stabat Mater is always a favorite «t onco. Tbe only appioprlatlon Is a $10,000 Wm. L. Raiicroft lias been appointed eently pardoned from prisnn uud Itichard press crime; establishing an advisory board of "Yos. I will not SCO a stranger.'' ted persecution, once indeed be uses- dppi'oprlatlon on a separate hill for piece wuil; piinloiis; providing for the sale of certulii state 1surve y the scctiu of the shocks. been accepted by the board of iriistecs. Ills It was indeed u continued rapping The Countess glanced around tho Claudio to himself; "ho seems conli- in Rome. Of Palestrina^s musio it collector of customs at Port Huron. Burke escaped from the jail Iu Juist Tawas by Tho girl was about departing, but wltli unwonted energy the phrase atthoJttdtson prison. This Is for thu broom tax hinds; coiupelliiig U|I|IIT peiiiiisula mining | Wm. rietehor of Micliigan, chief of resignation is deeply regretted by all friend^ at tho outer door which hud disturbed room. There appeared no possibility dont. Can it bo that thcro arc grounds should be understood that it was never "daJmon of persecution,"' but it is rath­ business. A cniilractor turnt-ilied ull thu lua- Tho 6. R. &!., depot in Carr>-villo, cutting through tho floor with a saw mad-' anil smelllii.!.' eoiiipauies to make reports to thu of tlie university. her. Sho arose, and, touching a of escape; for the door by which she sho called her back. for what ho avers? What reason can written by him, but taught, aoA is tra­ toi-lal, aud the convicts worked It np under the auditor general; extending thu time for laying the loan division, trea.'.ni-y department, has "Stay; I will see him." er under tho impulse of a wild human! Lake county, was burned recently. from a ease knife. a statu roud In l.euleiiaw county; cxtuuiliiig been removed by Secretary .Muuuliig. Fletehcr Tho Now York Hor.iM's Madrid cor- pring on ono of the pillars, the door entered had again clo.sod bohintl her, ho havo for deceiving mo? I will ditional. ty than any trvst in the people or an^. eupovvialon of the jirlTOU antluiltii's. Bnt how and sht) could not discern oithor lock Tho servant looked wondcringly at long would this Inst under the Eugan bllU Not .John Lalnndo.wiio stabbed Arcliibtilil the time lor layiii.g 11 slate road In Grand has held th-is (losilion for a great many yuars i-ospondoiit telegraphs that tho reports ot Spain Sew open. question hiin. Now, sir, spoak plainly large love "of liberty. When a stroni moro than a few weeks. Not Ic.-is than S200,- Michigan bicylists hold a mooting in Traverse c-outity :;to coulirm the sale of swaiMj) or handle. hor young l;ul.y. at a loss to account No less a person than the illustrlons Hale In Kawlcawliii township, Hay county, was and has been regarded us a vui-y ellicicnt clurk. having sent Scnor liataiiro to Washington to A lady, dressod in black «nd closely anil say what you havo to say.' 000 to Sf:00,000 Is necessary. I regret all this Coldwutcr about the middle of July. lands to Martini M. Ingalls; thugMicial appro­ veiled, entered, and stood before bor. She gazed despairingly around tho for her aiiddoti change of purpoae. Charlemagne, himself is the'ropntod rotcst was raised by Dr. Priestley anv exceedingly, but I shall uot sign tho bill." arralcncj at llay City on ii charge uf murder, priation bill. negotiate the sale ot Cuba to the Uultcd States "What I have to say Is said in Ninety-ono nioral}ers of tho st.ato A panel of tho .losiiit church in Tho sorceress had reseated herself, room, but saw no chance ot escape. "Perhaps ho hn.s news of Iho Coun­ few words. I havo already told this author of the "Voni Creator Spiritur," Eir. Furncax against his account of thc- and bound over to the present term ot the cir­ iliinsi:—The governor noted his approval ot arc iittci-ly bu.seless. tess my mother. Send him up." laws relating to Protestant dissenters,, pioneer society dl(d during the past year. tlic following: .Amending law r-latlve to ser­ Dublin, rccordiugthc prosuiitatlon of a memo­ and gazed lixudly at tlie new-comur Then sho again turned to Rudiga and lady that she is in groat danger; that who died at Ai.x-la-chapelle, his crown cuit court, without hall. rial H'liidow In coiiimcnionitlon of the deuth ot .Vlaxwull, who luurdorod Chas. A. "What would you with mo, lady?" said : The ijirl obeyed: and in a short spaco upon his head, and his copy of tho whom almost in so many words he* The State Pioneers. vices of processes on railroad f-oiiipanlus; lie- ono wiio is to bo dreaded purposes to The annual reunion of tho 9th Michi­ li-oil biilhliiig ln.-

i;•:->•;;-::u•v^'/• mi.


ia'«ffMMI«;«S ntektafv.." was a long thing n iread out on some- ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Dry OoodB^—BnrnliBm Company^ tMNTi tat this Ofymanii and A;meeting of Pomona Orange No. thin„g white. ^-Jo w diflbrent her BOMERVILLE:-In Delhi, June 18, to Mr. PAY YOU KING'S EVIL Poles have stood out like heroea, and 14 waa held at the ball of Fitchburg touch I 1 took to her at once. Since six couples of young people drove and Mn. Jas. Somervllle, 4 aon, _ J GO TO I was .to be touched and handled— Juef8,188<. tbe other laboren have playad the grange, on Wednesday, the 17th inst., vru tits Bsms lomnrlr glm to IcNfiila Thursday, Juno 25, 1885. from Dansville last Saturday evening KENT—In Alaledon, June iB, to Mr. and DETHOIT although I could not see the necessity Mrs, Henry Kent, s son. AND HAVE YOUR p«rts;or tiypoorltes.'' ;, according to previous notice. On ao- for such proceeding—It was delightfkil iNtMue of a npenttUoB tlut IteovUM : to attend tbe salvation array meeting. During the forenoon Frank Myers count of the absence of some of the to be touched aud bandied so tenderly. cnnd by a kkg's touch. Tlu world U A burglar entered the rear door of Card of.Thanlu. olBoen the grange was not opened I had undergone so much hanhness WIMT BOW, aad knowi tbat TEST YODR BAKINtt POWDER TO-DAT! Informed the men that If they prefer­ Glllit Jones' saloon at Williamston To the many kind friends who aided us In until one o'clock p. K. already that I could readily distin­ nramlM nit vurtUud a. abaulatoly pure : r "OFrnrsivB p*rtlMUMblp" doM not red to work for I1.2S per day and no guish hard from soft. She was so SCROFULA last Saturday evening and stole a tiie burial of our liuaband aud father we wish piece work rather thah accept tbe five At that hour th^ master's gayei fell. cjcjgaTAija AaaaaoggxA. to return our sincere thanka. mean that partlaanablip which Is often: soft! She had no angles; she was as quantity of liquor. Mils. T. B. iBiau AND FAMILY. While the choir were getting to their round as the sun. I lielleve my love THi Tian alvftto upright, Ubeial; minded men, cents per foot proposition, they might Wasson's concert and comedy coni' places the master announced the pro­ for my mother began then. How I K.'KS?;".'",''^"V'r.'""' "'"""• A c">>8 thfi trenohes for the. Lan­ earnestly discussing the proposal. Aid. extended a hearty welcome to the oili- tinoe. Bhennatlsm, Borofulons C*> say adveruied. R. Q. C. KNIOIIT.V. M. Edwards aud others present counseled cerJ9 and meinben of the Pomona going to write out my diary she laugh­ tani. KMnei and Uver Dlseasesb With two waj't doctors yelling at .-^^ TESTING EYES. AND SELDOM sing water warka la at last ended. The ed aud said: "Write a diary Indeed! Tnbeteular Conaamptlon* and varl^ Chnrgeil wllli Oblnliiitiff flood* on FAIL TO GIVE RELIER" ita acceptance on the ground that it grange and visiting citizens who had I have spunked all the wits out of hlin, MMoOer ^a||erous er fatal malsdlei, ara one end of tbe street, at tbe other tbe Is a great attraction for the citizens of Cen­ final settlement of the dlflbrences be­ raise Pretense*. I was the beat that could be done, the honored them with their presence. If he ever had any." This Is partially salvation army wltb tbclr drum und tral Michigan this week. tween Contractor Myers and the men Justice Byan on Monday last Issued leaden at the same time passing from The response by John Holbrook, true, for I often wondered bow tbe tambourines, In tbe middle a collision waa brought about less.by negotiation good Creator could stand there and see a warrant for the arrest of Alpha one group to another, advising them to master of Pomona grange, was one of Ayer's Sarsaparilla of teams, Wasson's clown wltb bis and ooneeselohs than by the foot that ono of His machines thus spoiled, and Freer of Bunkerhlll, on complaint of Just before leaving New York our buyer accept the advice of no outsiders but ills happiest efforts and was well re­ horse kicking up, and a boy ringing a the men grew slok of doing nothing not interfere. But evidently she Is A. W. Parkhurst, for obtaining goods leave It to the men who had worked ceived. The speaker explained some not well acquinted with my anatomy atmoi rellatU bell for a book auction, Miiauii last DETROIT secured one of the GREATEST BARGAINS in biit attend Indignation meetings while on false pretenses. The complaint of the objects and alms of tbe grange —my wits didn't reside there; so I Tuesday evening assumed metropolitan Summer Silks ever bought by any house in their fkmllles were suflbring for the in the ditch to say whether $1.25 per will go on with tny story lu spite of ^er»5icatM*ft»*' charges that In May, 1884, Mr. Freer and also some of tbe work that had POWDER airs. this State. product of tbe wages tbey might have day was enough for the kind of labor her prognostications.—"Stray Leaves purchiuicd of him a carriage for $73, earned. they had to perform. A meeting of been accomplished. from n Baby's Journal" In Babyhood, and mercury. At tbe same time it e». A meeting was held at armory ball Absolutely Pure. rkbe* and vitalises tbe blood, reitorlof claiming nt tliat time to own, free We glean flom the Bepubllcau the striken was held at Mead's hall to Essay by Mn. Wiley of Alaledon, last Friday evening wblch organized a Hale's Honey tbesreat Cough eure,ue.,60e,atl This powder never varies. A marvel of pnrit.v, bealtliAil aetkm to the vital onans uS from liicumbraiice, a farm of 80 acres p The quantity being large we are offering details of tbe negotiations: consider the oflfer, and It was decided subject. Should farmen wives and strength and wholesomonoss. More economical mJuTcnatliigtbeeiitlnsyitcm. Tbiignat base ball club. T. Q. Holmes was Glenn'* aulptaursoap bcais k heauuaei, Ke, than tho ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In in Buiikerliill. Mr. Parkhurst now m] them in two special lots. to wait upon Mr. Myen with a counter daugbten follow city fashions? fol­ elected president, C. H. Hall secretary To tbe offer of Mr. Myers to pay tbe GermanComllemover kills corns k Bunions competition with tho multitude nf low tost, short Regenerative Medlcintt -DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. charges tht Mr. Freer never owned a The Se£t Weekly in Itichigan. men 4} cents per lineal foot and when offer to resume work at $1.40, tbe lowed by a general discussion In which Hiirt Hilr and Mniliktr Die-Block and Brown, BOo. weight, alum or nhosphato powders. Sniil nntu and Geo. Eaile treasurer. Frank foot of land In Bunkerhlll. He did at Pike's Toothache Drop* cute In i Utnute.ue incan*. Kovjki, UAKINO Powvan Co., 100 Wall. If eenpoMd of ttaajmnlne Sbndutn m Ulil.TIII'l'I.NKSB IliHJNEVER OKKK <|tKSTIII\KU. the earth should prove too hard to ad­ proposition to be accepted Immediate­ ladies and gentlemen engaged. St., Mew York. In a million home*, for a qunrtsr of* century It lia.Siiyer s was chosen captain of tbe nine, one time have a contract fnr 40 acres of 19 Months for $1.25. LOT XrO. 1 AT 37'^ CXXTTS FXR ^s&ZlS. Dean'* Bbeumatle Pill* are a sure cure, SOe. stood tlio cotiKuniorH' rullnlilu tv.t. mit of averaging (1.35 to leave the ly or not at all. Following this was a poem by Mn. and he says Mason bas excellent ma­ land from H. B, Hawley, on which he ZiOT xro. a at 47 CaXTTS FSa TASLD. A. C. Lawrence. MASON MABKETS. THE TEST OF THE OVEN. terial for a club. A paper bas been question of acUustment with the con­ In the afternoon the striken learned Benl Eatate Tranarera. •^^•ffiWt&'ciirco'K lived for several years, but be wus Next was Introduced a question pro- circulated to raise funds for the iieccs' The WEEKLY POST will bo sent on sulting engineer, the strikers made a that two of their number had resumed The following Is u list of the real Cnrefally Corraeted Vn to Tbarsdny ML lummula IS generally known PRICE BAKING POIVDEU CO., obliged to let It go back. Freer admits poeed by tbo lecturer of the National estate transactions recorded In tbe Noon or Eaeh Week. , BMdlcal oroieislon, and the beit sary outfit. all subseriptiouH rccetvcil un or before Don*t fail to see these goods and remem­ counter proposition that he should pay work at 1 o'clock on the terms oifered. tea* eonsuuiUf preierlbo Ana's .M.vicnnn OK that he did not own 80 acres of land grange. What are the causes that pro- register's office for one week ending ORAIK. August 1,1SS5, until January 1, i8S7, ber one thing, a bargain to us is a beneflt to them 4} cents for tbe soft earth and 0 They at once marched In a body to June 20, 1885. Consideration $200 WHEAT, No. I, whlUs & »0 arABOLAaiaB Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts, The Lansing camp-mecting wns a when he purchased the carriage, but 'duce tbe present depression In money for cents per foot when the ground was so Franklin street where the two oflend- and over: WHEAT, No, 2, whlto ® 8:1 TtotlrtmRral.RiiiM ilrllrlnui aHil HRlura(Rater ImuNti.utl success tltiancially and In point of at­ insists that he did not claim to. He the public every time. hard as to. require the use of a pick, en were engaged, and affaln assumed in channels of trade ? This brought Geo. M. Dnytou lo Emily A. Millar, part WHEAT, No. 2, red ® »0 AtMsolute Cure tendance. On Sunday last the crowd was arraigned and pleaded not guilty. or lot«, hlock 2«T, Ijinslng $'2,0M Dr. Price's Lupulin Yoast Qtms nnd leave all questions of arbitration such a threatening aspect that the city out a lively discussion by ladles as WHEAT, r^ccted ® 73 ForsUdlMifM esosed by tbe vlttatteaef wus greatly dciiiinlsbed by rain, and His examination is set down for next James B. Humphrey to James Foley, w CORN. In the car, per bushel ® 80 For LlBlit, llfiillliy llmiil.Tlif llirtt Uiy 11.>p $1.25. $1.25. $1.25. with three men, the strikers to select manhal and Mayor Donovan were well as gentlemen. 2 rods ot lot 6, and H \i ot lot 6, block tbeblood. ItlieoBoeBtntedtotbaUgH. Yin«t III Ihu Wurld. the sojourners In tents had tlieir Wednesday. lltl, liiinslng 460 OATiS, per bushel ® 32 est pnctleable d«p«e, far beyond uqr iS^^All Other Silks at LowFriceSa one, the contrator the second, and the hastily summoned. The latter gentle­ Next recitation by Ada A. Aiigell Susan T. Benjamlu to Wm. Spauldlnif, WOOL, washed 'J2@ 24 fOR SALE BY GROCERS. beds soaked by the drenching shower. The WEEKLY POST lins special tele, and select reading by Mrs. Lawrence w>^onotsland2, andnll of 3, block otiur pieparstioB for which like elftets CHICAOO. • ar. couia. Inglinni County Tencheiw' Reading graph service from nil the world; lias two chosen the third. man stated to the excited laborers that 22, Williamston 1,400 MISCKI.t.ANEOCS. tofliinwrtisnd to therefore the ehMpMl» The malingers of tbe catnp-iiiectlng This proposition Mr. Myers declined tbe two men would be protected at entitled. Spoiling the roads, closed the Mary J. Earlo to Francis Loolir, n piece LAND PLASTER, per ton 5 60@6 00 have under consideration a proposition Circle. among lis special corrcsiiondents, To make it a little more interesting w& 3 by 10 rods on vi'A ot to % ot sacUon SALT, Saglnnw, per barrel... as w«U as the bMt blood purUJiagaod^ All imiHirtant organization has re­ to accept, but later on Thursday morn­ any cost, and as the two men went public exercises. 17, Lansliig 300 @I 60 das, la the world. to purchase thirty acres of land near Grant, Slicriiiuii, Dana, Gladstone, are selling one case choice Dress Ginghams Judson H. Gregg to Lewis A. Gregg, n >4 BEANS, white, per bushel 85@1 00 cently been eflectcd in this state, called Blsuiorck, and all tho lending writers ing made another ofTer which he stated quietly on with their work It could be A little time spent In general visit­ ot so a ot ne >4 ot section 14, Aurelius, 300 POTATOES, per busliel & 20 Eaton Kapids to be used permanently 12 YARDS FOR 96 CENTS. seen that there was a decided tendency ing while those who chose to do so Jacob Uonin to EiSy. f ij9i> k Co., Lnnll, AM. able that It will be purchased. ineiits, nnd Is ciiiplintli'nlly the best at Mead's ball, and a proposition was Ellzuiieth nnd O. W. Cannnn to Sam W. APPLES, dried, per pound though It bas beeu lu existence but a family newspaper In .HIchigan. Every FACTURERB' PRICES. matter whether the digging proved the transaction of business. CHERRIES, dried, per pound ® ' tAaalftiaal OliaBdstB.] .. " J. M. Potter of Lansing and bis submitted from Mr. Myen to resume Helms, s (10 acres of w H of nw !4 of very short time the Idea seems so prac­ Bemocrnt should ri>nil It. No Kcpub* hard or easy, and where tbe ground The next meeting will be held in secUon 12, Delhi S,0CO PEACHES, dried, per pounti 10® ..0oUbf aUDmiitoU: PrieaUt hrother-iii-Iaw, R. J, McAuley of work at $1.30 per day of ten houn, Emery I. Holley lb Kate N:Miiler,iiw ONIONS, per bushel tical and deserving of success that 18 IIcAii cnii nlTord to do without It. was liable to cave' they must do their Aurelius Aug. 20, of which due notice -r' lisbattUsforlS. North Adams, Mass., were In Mnson 25 pairs Turcoman Curtains will also be and no piece work. The pro|H)sal will be given. Cyrusif nI'e. yIcelan o. sectiod to nAugus 27, Delhi...... t and Hor. u 1,200 AORICULTUIIAL SALT, per Ion @0 00 county circles are now organized as own curbing, although he would fur­ last Tuesday to show up of put in at $4.50 and $5.76 per pair, former waa accepted by an overwhelming 'siocklc, lot 5, block 'ilS. Liinslng...... SOO LAND PLASTKIl, per ton 5 50®fl 00 auxiliary to the state association. Tbe nish the plauklng. Tbe ladies of Fitchburg and vicinity Loraino ferry to Delia O. Davis, lot 5, LIVK STOCK AND .MEATS. OSOOOD a steel elastic car wheel patented by majority, and tbe striken quietly went furnished dinner and supper at grange block 6, Green Oak addition. Uuising . 2,500 circle aims to assist iis members by SUBSCRIBE NOW. price $6.00 and $7.60. A meeting of worklngmen was held Delia O. DiivlK lo Lorain Terry, lot ». CATTLE, per 100 pounds 3 00@4 00 & ROBB. TnnTERs. Mr. McAuley, for the manufacture of back to their abandoned work in the hall for people who lived at a distance. block 5. Green Oak nddltipn. Lansing.. 2,500HOGS , per 100 ponmls 4 0034 25 prescribing a course of study ; secur­ at the hall of the Knights of Labor, to DellaO.DavlK to Stephen Baldwin, lot EXTRACTS which be Is trying to organi/.c a stock consider, the contractor's ultimatum, trench this (Tuesday) morning. The day was pleasant, tbe attend­ fl, block 1«5, Lunsing...... ". PORK, dressed, per 100 pounils 5 00®5 SO ing books at reduced rates, preparing Address Be on hand, for such UNPARALLELED Maria U. ami David .1. llttldwiu tj. Ho - SHOULDERS, per pound ® 7 Wo linve purchased of A. O. DuBols his company at Lansing. Tbey desired lists of tiie Lest educational publica­ the general impression belng,however, ance good and the exercises were In­ r^- C. Klockselm, lot II, block 70, Lan- HAMS, per pound ® 0 Eiivc 'rrough llHHliu'Ks, and have locnied in MOST PERFECT \AMZ BA.RGAINS as the above will go rapidly. Ayer's Sarsaparilla operates radically tho wooden liulldliig Just opposite Ford'a Purest and strongest Natural Fnilt Flavors. Mason men to Join Lansing parties In tions ; ofl'erlng advice and direction as that it was decidedly less favorable teresting and instructive, all of which Alice .Vl!''_Baid»TiV^ CHICKENS, per pound, dressed & 10 Ba»iar. Wc are prepared to Vanilla, I.«man, Orange, Almond, Rose, etc., Investing sulllcicnt capital to manu THE POST, upon and through tbe blood, and Is a helped to make the day one long to be CHICKENS, per pound, nilve @ 7 flavor us delicately and uatiindiy as tho fruit. to the methods of reading; examina­ tban the ofller to pay 4} cents. When safe, reliable, and absolute cure for the selin, lot 11, block 70, Lansing, except fiicture a few of the wheels and give -)ReBpeotfulIy,(- remembered. «16 feet TURKEYS, per pound, nllvo © 8 I'lit up Euvc Troughs and do General PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., tions of work done, and certificates of Oetroit, l^ich. title question was put to a vote every various diseases, complaints, and dis- Geo. W. Lee to Oliver Keith, c7 rods of them a trial. Tbe wheels are con­ nian lu the room arose to bis feet and orden, due to debility or to any con lot 0, block 147, Lansl ng 750 nUII.DINa MATKUIAL. Job nnd Ciistuiii Work. cnicAoo. 8T. Loiria. proficiency, which It is hoped the stltutlonal taint or Infection. When the system is weakened F. C. KobertN, to Ijoutsa A. Kwlft. a piece WATER LIME, per barrel @I CO templated to be made wltb spokes so county examiners will place to tlie voted against it. In the afternoon tbe through debility or other cause, a 8 rods n niul s by 17 rods 22 MO llnkK o CALCINED PLASTER, per barrcl...2 2S®2 50 siuuiig that they will constantly exert several committees appointed by tbe and w on no li ot ne % of section SO, LIME, per barrel ® HO Wringers Repaired. credit of candidates for certillcatcs, The Fourth oi Jnly nt nnnsvllls. strong tonic medicine Is what is need­ Oiiouilaua Island Home a pressure outward. Tbu spokes are strikers were as busy as bees about Dansville will remember the birth ed. James Donagby, of Zanesville, NclKoii Ilnulloy. receiver, to Frank PLASTERING HAIR, per bushel-... @ 115 Tlie coiiuiiittee In charge has atlopted Ohio, writes: "This is to certify that Hu.vcs, lot II. block 171, Lansing iCU SHINGLES, per Uiousond I 00@S 50 Stoves Stored und IJlaeked. Tiii- expected thus to expand and contract town, one of tbe delgations waiting uf national Independence in an old- Geo. H. Lliiicbeck to Wm. S. Holmes, rooliiig. .\lso agents for Ihe Stock Farm, a three years' course of reading and as DYSPEPSIA. DRNBAM & COMPANY, I have been suffering from general lots 8 and «. block .1, French's addition, LATH, per .M leet ®4 SO Oroaaa lla, Wayne Co., Mloh.: ' IIS the wheel expands and contracts upon the city boarding-house keepers, fashioned celebration. The following LauKlng 1,000 K. A. linrncH' Price Mat. celel.'Vuled I'urriiigUiii soon as possible will issue a manual of Sedentary habits, mental worry, nerrooi debility and loss of appetite for more SAVAGE & FAKNUM, PROPRIBTOBS. from heat and cold, wblch keeps the Win. II. Spoor lo .MnulluH Mann, lul U, JUNK 21.1885. Feed .Steamer. study. Similar associations have al­ excitement, cxccsa or Imprudence in eat­ and asking them to refuse board to persons have been chosen ofilcera of than three montbs. Hearing of the lluglcy's subdlvlNlon, Ijiiisiiig .1,000 wheel solid is the essential point in ing or drinking, and various other cause*, imported labor. Four thousand clrcu- tbe day: wonderful curative properties of MIsh­ Compare with the above. «3'-Wcsollclt Ihc patroiiiiguof the public.*Sa ready been cstablishetl In Ohio,. Indi­ 108 and 110 Washington Avenue, CiiAKLKS C. Fi'i'cii, Register. SALT.Siiglnaw, per barrel 00® 95 tbeir favor. Iniluce Constipation followed by general lan were also sent out to Knights of Orator—Rev. L. H. Monroe. ler's Herb Bitters I tried three or four ana, Illinois and Iowa, and are meet­ derangement of tho liver, kidneys, and bottles and nm entirely cured." LI.MIi:, largo burrclH 80(S) 85 i.^fltf O.S(3001> k llOBU. etomocb, in which tho disorder of each Labor lodges throughout the country, President—H. L. Strong. Avoid by all means the use of calo­ Manager Riiyiier has engaged the ing wltb decided success. A teachers' Manbals-D. E. Watte aud E. A. CE.MI-:NT 1 40@1 50 organ Increases tbo inflrmlty ot the other*. asking them to keep laboren away mel for bilious conipluints. Ayer's CALCINED PLA.STKR, per barrel 2 20®2 40 "Only a Farmer's Daughter" Co. to reading circle for Ingham county was The Immediate results are Loss of Appe­ Hendricks. Coniinon L'ouiicli Procccilings. Cntiiurtic Pills, coiiiiKiundcd entirely give two plays. "Only a Farmer's tite, Nausea, Foul Breath, Heartburn, Fbt- from that city. Another committee PLASTERING HAIK. per bushel S&g 30 Michigan (Tentral organized last Saturday, and tlie fol­ Reader—Andrew Been. of vegetable iiigredleuts, have been Daughter," July 15, and "Only a ulenco. Dizziness, Sick Ucadocbes, failure Furniture.—J. A. Underhill. waited upon Frank Myen, and asked Chaplain—Rev. L. S. Tedman. [orriciA!..! tried for forty years, and are acknowl­ lowing oflicers elected: President, of physical and mental vlgar, dlitreulng if a proposition to resume work at The following order of exercises has MASON, MICH., June 22, 1SS5. edged to be the best remedy ever Woman's Hearl" July 22. The fol­ Wesley Emery, Lansing; secretary, •enae of weight and fullness In tho stomach, Council met and was clled to order R. P. KLOPP, and Increased Costivencss, all of which are $1.25 per day and no piece work would been determined upon: devised for torpidity of tlie liver, co.s- lowing is a synopsis of tlie former: M. Hanlon, Wiliianiston; treasurer, known under ono bead aa Dyspepsia. by J. B. Dwinell, president pro tein. tiveiies, und all derangements of the "Only a Furiner's Daughter," by MUs Marion McDonald, Mason; A. be considered. Mr. Myen telephoned National salute at sunrise. Tbe Present Aids. Ellis, Butler, Dwinell, digestive apparatus. —Merchant Tailor,— In every liistunco where thu disease does tbe question to bis father at Hillsdale, Barnes, was presented lust night with R. Hardy, Pine lake, and Miss Clara not originate from scrofulous taint in the FI7HITZTUKE! procession will form promptly at 10 A. Rolfe and Shafer. blood, AVER'S FaLS may be confldently who replied that bis last offer before M. on Jackson street north of Mason OVER WEBB'S CLOTHING STORE, Mason. great siicuess. It is a peculiar drama, Locke, Holt, are also members of the relied upon to effect a cure. Those case* ItEl'OllT OF COM.MrrTli:E.S. not amenable to tho curative Influence of departing for home must be considered street, in the following order, under The finance committee reported on (o) bold In lis portrayal of wickedness, county coiiiiuittee. Teachers cuii join yet tlirilliiigly Interesting. An old AYKH'S PILLS alono will certabily yield if I would call the attention of those wishing to pur­ final. tbe direction of tbe Marshals: 1st, the following claims, recoiinnending •When Baby was tick, we gave her CASTORIA I have Just received n large Hue of SPRING rsln)et*Ka,M9ini<7). the circle by paying the membership the PILLS are aided by the powerful blood- chase anything in the line of their allowance as follows: When sho was a ChUd, she cried for CASTORIA and SlI.M.MERSUrriXG.S.NEW PLAIDS The J^iagara Falls (Route. fanner bus a bcuutiful daughter, who fee of 25 cents to any member of the putlfylug properties of AYBR'S SARSAPA­ In tbe evening a largely-attendeil Frank Hicks Post G. A. R., uniform­ »IMPORTED« RILLA. James Kellcy, to work ou streets S I .',0 Wlicn Hbo became Miss, sho clung to CASTORIA WINIC COi.ORKD and other i'lNK is lielovcti by an author, who marries county cominitteo. All books desired labor meeting was held In North Lan­ ed ; 2d, Dansville Light Guards; 3d, G. L. Burnaby, to work nu streets Xl IR AVbon she had Children, sho gave Uiom CASX'A SUITINGS. A largo llnoof STRIP­ Percheron Horses. Dyspeptics should know tbat tbe longer Offlcen of tbe Day and Orator; 4tli, James Morey, to work on streets ;i 'S ne Great East aol West Hintoay. iier and vows to protect and cherish must be ordered of Wesley Emery, treatment of their malady Is postponed, sing, at the corner of Fmnklin and John Kellcy, to work on streets !l HO PED PANTS PATTERNS IN All stock selected from the get ofslrcs snd dams the moro difficult of cure It becomes. Village Officers; 5tb, the Nortli ALL SHADES. C0M>ENSE1> TINE FROM MASON. of cstablisherl rcpu ution and registered hi the her until death. Ten years afterward who bus been appointed state agent by Center streets, the striken and their ' . L. Ilhodcs 14 nighu on streets 21 OU French and A merican stud books. -To my Immense stock. I have the largest stock of- Aurelius Band, nicely uniformed; 6th, On motion report of committee wus SOUTHWARD. tlie author has grown faniousaiid rich. the state circle. Circulars of Informa­ friends ilnt parading the streets in tt®*°FitB Warranted. ISLAND HOME Chariot with Goddess of Liberty and accepted and adopted. Yens, Aids, IMPtlKTANT. Leave Mason 8:15 p. 111. is boautirullv Mluated at the head of GSOSSB ILB All adventuress, in the guise of the tion can be procured from any member Ayer's Pills large numben, headed by music. lOlffi tt. Ul. 0:40 " Ellis, Butler, Dwinell, Uolfe, uii.l When yon VIKI tor Ktavu Now York Clly. siivo Arr. Jackson In the Detroit River, ten miles below the City, snd widow of a Fieiicb general, invades Never fall to relieve the bowels and pro. Furniture, CarpetSp Editor Frank Fogg made a character­ maidens representing the States; 7th, Shafer—5; nays none. Itu^IKUgi: K!ciiri!»!iiii;c und Ciirringc lllri; iinil nop S^Call and Examine. •* Kalainnzoo 11:2•.';105 p". I'AOo a. m. Is accessihle bv railroad and steamboat. Visitors of the committee.—Republican. Ladies aud gentlemen on horseback; »t lliu Ciriind Union Ilutcl, opi»wiie Gnind Cen­ 3:45 1:48 " not fauiiliar with the location may call at city office, tiie household, nnd, with the aid of a moto thehr healthful and regular action, istic speech, Unproving the opportuni­ The committee reported on tlie re- tral Depot. " NIlCH 7:10 " ^2 Camp:iu nuildiog. and an escort will accompany and thus cure Oyapepsla. Temporary 8th, Trades and industries of Dans­ " Chicago «:U0 " llicm to tlic larm. Send for catalogue, free by msILmal e accoiiipiice, succeeds in alienat­ I.nnMiuK linrglHrlOH. Wall Paper and ty for a caustic attack upon the city uest of Geo. Quick reconnneiuling Klo^tint rooiuK lUlod up si. tho coHt of ono _ _ R. F. KLOPP. 3:.10 palliatives all do permiinent barm. Tbe that the sluice-way be built. On uii>- million dolliirf, rt'ducod to fl.Od and upwards " Ornud Itaplds p. in. 0:00 a. III. Address, SAVACB & KAKKI/MI Detroit, Mich. From the Republican. fitful activity Into which the enfeebled fathcn nnd other munclpal officials. ville; Oth, Citizens in carriages. The per day. Enriipean plan. Kluvator. Kontanrant " Ann Arbor fl:.'!!) p. 4:111 a. m. ing tiie husband aud wife, slays the Btomach Is spurred by "bitters," aud alco­ procession will luarcli up Jackson tloii report was accepted. Yeas, Aid. Hiippllod with the boi'l. llorco carr*. Ktii^'os and " YpsilanU ,1:45 •• in. ^.W " wife and ehild, gets possession of the Early Thursday morning burglars Windov Shades He advised tbe men to keep away from Ellis, Butler, Dwlnell, Kolfe und DR. DAVID '• Dutroll «:45 " holic stimulants, Is Inevitably followed street to Adams street, down Adams olevatud railroad to'all dopiilH. Kiimlllo. can fl:0« " . entered the residence of Captain A. C. by reaction that leaves the organ weaker the saloons and be strictly temperate, Shafer—5; nays none. live bultcr for iorit^ inonoy at lliu Urand Union " St. TlioiiiHS 11:15 " 10:211 " husband and his money, is slain by tban before. To be found In Michigan. Tbe celebrated aud counseled tbe boycotting system. to Strong street, down Strong to Ma­ Hotel Ibuu al any oibur llriil-claiis bolul in the •' Bulliilo 4:35 a. in. 4:l.'i p. m. the latter, und fills a pauper's grave. Cottreil on tlie corner of Michigan MESOLUTIOXS ASV NICW BU.SI.N'KSS. cliy. l!17flyl KENNEDY'S "Costlveneas, induced by my sedentary Other addresses were made by Sam son street, up Mason to Grove street, NOIITHWAIID. That is the way the drama seems to avenue and Larch street, nnd stole bablta cf life, bccamo chronic; ATXn'a PILLS Bby Aid. Butler. llio Fuuiitniii of Yoiitlu Leuvu .liiuksoii 7:'.'5 a. in. I^OTHER $3.75 in silver and two pocket-hand­ afforded mo speedy relief. Their occaelonal uio Zuckerman, J. I. Mead, John Potter, down Grove to Adams street, and Kcaotvetl, That the sewer comnilsnloncrK ho, 8:20 •• •1:|.'.5 p. m. come out, but the last scene shows that bas alneo kept mc all right." RxBiUMa Baina. and nre hereby, uuthorlr.cd to prepare a pro- Dyspepsia is the prevailing malady " .Mason kerchiefs. They did considerable Dorv, Iftuark, K, J. J. W. Hinchey, and Senator Pennell. thence to Orchard Grove, where the tlle and estimate of a drain lu (listrlctK II uml Arr. I.auKiiig mr, " all the events after the entrance of the Domestic Sewing Machines following order of exercises will be seven, petitioned for by .Miltoa Ityun un>l of civili/.ed life. A weak dyspeptic •• OWOKNO ll:.UI " 7:l:l '• ransacking but did not arouse tbe in­ I "I was induced to try Ana'* PILLS as a Tbe speakers were frequently inter­ others. stoiiiiieli acts very slowly or not at all " .Siiainiiw Clly ll;25 " S::« •• adventuress Into the action, are the lemody for Indlgeatlon, Constipation, snd rupted by demonstrations of approval. observed; 1st, Music by the Bund; on many kinds of food, gases arc extii 1'.':'.'5 p. in. !I;;10 " TIaed herbs in doctoring the familyjmd ligurants of a dream. lint tlie dream mates. Attempts were nlso made to Headache, from which I had long been a suf. ALWAYS IN STOCK. Adopted. Yeas, Aids. Ellis, Uiiller, •• I lay City her aimple romodiea DID CVllB in ferer. I found their aeUon easy, and obtstned . Another meeting of tbe strikers was 2d, Prayer by tbe Chaplain ; 3d, Music cutcd, aciils ure formed unSo evident did it become on Monday it 217 MinoB Ara., Oitooit, m night. Tbe door was unlocked and a $3.00; second prize, $2.00. iliig things, but this wus so redieiilous Cuturrh cured, health and sweet SiVi'^TJS'giW Parker'i Pleasant Worm 8ymp ReTtrFtito 10. Names marked by a star nre AND BE 61AD. Gome to that I absolutely luiiglied. I do not N.Y., Who amputated tho leg neat tho thigh primary scholars: : morning that tbe striae was going to breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Joint. To ESTABU8EE1) IS DETEOIT IN 1850. Walter Allen, 00 •Minnie Dingman, n light was dimly burning. The In­ Von sie bound to do It it yon read IBE OBICAQO pieces that the leaders seemed to lose To the handsomest baby u prize of think that that stupid nurse MUIb9 and delicate trouble.. All case, and Robert ilosKottcr, 118 Orrie Folton, 05 door of the ball, and ransacked the ! able for its picturesque style gt diction tbe elty, and numerous bowery diiiiecs mill fastened around my body, then from attacks tliat originate lii change of lir& corictpondence sacredly confidcmlai. Tho mail route Irom Dansville lo .Musou •,IcsBle Rossetter, Stella Folton, 07 garments in the yard. Tbe rascal got uiuithcr which they piisscd over my •Cora Rossetter, 'Ariel Felton, Choice Meats constantly on rather than elegance. "These men will be open to tiio publie during llie Siilioh's Coiigii nnd Consumption leasons nnd climate. To women FAVOBIli Fenoni living al a dlitance can be cured at home having been disconlinued, tlie subscriber about two dollars In money and a jail- VICTOltl afternoon. Twelve large balloons will head, forcing my arms lliroiigh two Cure Is sold by us on a guarantee. It lUUtEOY proves a real Mossing. . Jmt at well, and without any oneknowing it. Med­ will lioroall«r run n vehicle over the road Ernest Burgess, 05 Daisy Champion, 100 -GET YOUR- • have acted double-faced with' us from holes, then another UIKI anotlier, nnd dully (Sundays and tho 4tU of July excopted) •Herlliu Chase, Kitlfe McCurdy, l<8 road ticket to Homer. The whole hand. By the way. If you To nlnko the Beeaon ofUSS, at ray barn In also be sent sky ward, cures Consuniplion. icine (with full directioni for using) seni to nny for tho eonvoynnco of piisNengers, express, : first to last," bitterly exclaimed oue of finally one so long that I lost niy

^tiM'.fiw^iiaTariiieb^^^ •rhicb he wa» diBldllU'i.^lil n ^^^^^ Tralilns* BnnUhg Segk . I^Msnra, Jnnosa. bababntfbyrvvetbbV \ Tbb Imiiortant SAIISBUBY SUCCEEDS ruatored^: • ; \ '•. , > rteVt Baa. - • n nw f'• KsBAffe • Bai Bab BlttlnK Bull has sent a proseat of a tniSato I he Owosso minora spring water has ^mniiiABioox. ; V. J. Tmwrt, Pabliaher. ^' :7k* blMing'i^diqri legislatiybAotsbre inoluded httbefol- Tho art of raising hunting dbgs Is •M.ffHyiHioa VtmfUnm. "~- robe to bis holiness the pope, VIGOR and VITALin. A New Conservative OabinetAl. liech examined l.y I'rof. UulUiiM ot Auu Arbor, Tbe sea b probably nowhere more, more than m M«rioB;werb: busy ones at the stato bap-, lowMtgsiiihmary: ' : ^ thing that needs careful study as we ilatOUttair wttk flsroam aad BrUIlBst Nocii.ug ou uurth fu obea a man Ilk* * • • RocaaaTBR, Jane 1, UflO. et cent, as severe patienoc. A man; withoi flve miles deep, and thu tallest mounUiB la Are given to Ihe whole system by the puriiyinr, ten* ^ TO GO TO Tsars ago I was attackea with tbe nwst .MASON, •tblv i 4^ inak^^ The importiint acts of tbo senate with Truth. a good dinner and a weu-dreaee' ~'£ I Inf. and sircnalhenInK Influences of Hood's Saria- Inteaae aad deathly palna la my baek aaA lln^tMBolca both hOuMs iwerb iinutually iaoliide: boniito ina.ijHeiilii, 19,n;C; lliviirbonntn Iron, . FUh In tbe government bruodlnr ponds near psrillii. ir you led •••ll«ane," are dehlliuited by r 'O&AmXOHS WIU. XBT TO 7BIVENT Sog in tbu tlto way ho sliould go. Yo forward to such a state oi .ry Washington are being killed off V snakes. AND UAVS YOUR :. :< . —Xlduiyt. • Imsy.and i«ror|^^ »ibbmtuendable ProhiUtIng justloai of the peace IS.CBD; Chlorldus sodium and pU,40!>. .Thi. lyhs iso has moro dogs than ho can 001 [Sural Home bratal home, and tbe wife who studies bis New Hampshire has paid over tlS,aOO aa to Uke ihls medU'inu merely because of what wa aay. f.r.o spring water; It boUmgs -o class cbuly- Kiiap. I. '«Ha8 Malaria;" goes to "bounties" for theklllluK ufwUd auUnaU In ID many respects the leglslaturo of abo.lshing tho offiou of'oommisslonor of Tonlently take oare of, and with It comfort will have bnt little difllcnltv Ths Ihouunds of people who lesdff la lis favor "Which mitde me dellrlouti Osnsral lortign News. bcatc, and will bu ot servt'c to any one re­ Iforida. said state In tho laat 13-montbs. 1885 Is one of the most remarkable of swamp lands; establishing a mining pedigree that gives a history of all tb in managing him according to ber wilL should certainly coavliica you of its great msdicin*' •'From agony I 111 quiring Iron. pup's ancestors, Oh! bow you loj Chop, n. '^'Overworked;" goes to Man are gregarious animals, und will SwIUerland has rc-adopted eaplUl punlib* "It took three men to bold me oii ny bad at any of the legislatures that ever made school in the upper peninsula; prov.ding The political doad-look in England ment, having abolished it three vears ago;to auril. Goo. Gardner of Charlotte had oliargo that pup, und many i» the brign jurope. wander in spite of all allurements, bal tbe public's snbscquent sorrow. " I uied UofxI's SarsaparilU last spring and can timeal for the indexing of tho gene al laws of has at last been.broken. Lord Salisbury havlnj; laws for the state of Michigan. There of a Bang of trumps who were working a sen. dream that yon have of < the' ducks it Chap. III. "Has Rheumatisn;" goes they aro selfish enough to remain truly say it helped me very much. To Uiuse lufliirlng "Tbe Doctors tried In Vain to rellera ma, bit: •onaented to form a new cabinet. All dlller' It takes a strong healthy castor oil plant to EXAMINED AND PITTED WITH waa not a noticeable at ray of talent of a tho state; providing for publishing in­ tcnce for vagrancy In the city park, when ono will rotriovo und pile up at your fe< with bilious complaints, nervous prosUsllon, or rheu­ to no purpose. |>Kms. where they are tho best treated, and knock mosquitoes and Hies "ellly." If they SPECTACLES OR ETE GLASSES formation coiicoriiing experiments at ences between the WblKs and Tories wew ad- started to quit tho job. Ho was ordered to as you stand iu your blind, warding o by taking a little trouble for a year or enter a room where such a ptant Is kept they matism, I etrnesUy rccoinmcod it." MHS.E.CAK- JTciTiAlfM an(lotA«*C!pia(«t/ . high order, nor any brilliant display of Chap. IV, Has a row with his Dootorl ctlrl up and die before they have tbne tu make "Had no effect I .1. 1 li^ J ji tusted at a meeting of tbo leaders of both stop or take cousequcoees wldch proved to b* the cold north wind with your baek. {two.of murrledlifo, tbe yours that fol- Pim«K, KaUmiiioo, Mich. iKOEiiiBx &i^yraTG%Tvm, oratorical effort to distinguish it from the agriouitural ccilogo; and amending {,„tlos before the announcement was made their .wills. , "After - tlto montha I was given ap to All dogs grow mora or less tho llri I low will as a rule find the hus- | ••Haod'stiiirBanarilUas a blood ptirlAer has no the act appointing an assistant prose the contuuts of a revolver. Tho load entered The above chapter.", Mr. Editor, I IMPORTEBS, JEWELERS AND OP- dlel It It'i predeoossors. The parties were more that Salisbury bad formed a cabinet. year after putting in an appearance i band always glad to go back to the Japanese builders provide against damsgi* equal. It times the system, atrenirihena anil lnvl||0- TICIANS. 140 WOODWARD AVE. tho left side nnd liillictoil n serious wound. nd in a book recently published by an by earthquakes by placleng ordinary dwellings rslKi, giving new lite. I liave lalien it for kiilnrv evenly divided tban for many years be­ cuting attorney of Wayne county so As a result of this confurciiee and the cITorts tnis world of sorrow, and as a m.ttte T^Y MAKE NO CHARGE FOR "Wben my wife There la a great deal of discussion over thu taonymous - uutlior. I have road a proltyhomo, whore smiles and the on squared stones liurlwl In tbo ground, or on complaint with Ihe best mulu; h.ive used wvt-riil beard a neighbor tell what Hop Bitten baft that in the ovent of tho disability of the of the Queen the Miu-quls of Salisbury has re­ of fact your pup begins to develot dinner that I spoko of await him. Ix-tlsn in my lamilv and am salisfiud lhat lis repuU- TESTING EYES. AND BELDOM fore, and this g.%ve an air of more rad­ propiletv ot thu shooting and sympathy Is (oal of sarcasm in my day, but I never intltlcs of shot, thus partially preventing Iloii in merileil." D. R SAUNOKRS, SI Pearl sUceet, done tor ber, she at once got and gave mt . solved to accept Mr. tiladslone's promise to Being constantly in Ills society you a transmission of the shucks. FAIL TO GIVB RELTEP. ical Indepondonce and greater freedom prosecuting attorney tho assistant may about equally divided. end anything equal to the sarcasm There are so many women who object r Clnciona'i, Ohio. some. Tbe first dose eased my brain and sceiii- uso his Inlluenc! with the Llherals to prevent not notice a vory groat incroaso in hi to boing "bossed, as thoy call it. My Russian generals who have gained great a ed to go hunting through my ayitem fartiial from tho hum-drum conservatism tha^ aot. Senator Carvutii hits secured tha An examin-ition of oandid.itcs for tho (eroin contained. I suspect tho ox- victories In former years ft'el "sore" over the Hood'a Sarsapariiia I pain. factious opposition. Lord Salisbury has an­ slzo but his coat begins to got raggo| dear Indies, yon can always boss if you position ot fourth usalstjiiit cxiiinlnflr In tho lorience portrayed is a personal one; in marks of distinguished consideration bestowed Bold by' all drugglita. tl;iU(urai. Made only kr Tbe second doae eased me so much that t slept two - too often is noticeable in legislative passage of a bill making further pro- nounced the formation of a rnhliiet with .\fr- liko a farmer's bulfalo robo that ha tako the trouble, By git^lng in you got cjsnr on Koinaroff, who had United StJites patent olllco, salary (1,300 pe, hort, ths author intimates nsinuch on by tbe that little C. I. IIOOU ft CO., Apothccarlca, Lowell, Maas. HALL'S hours, something I bad not dona (or two months. Be^ bodies. An importiint factor in tho tecliou of labor debts agaiu>t oxomp Bourkc, probably, as Chief Seci-etury of Ire. boon in tho family "fcr nigii onto fort' your own way as you never would by skirmish with the badly armed Afghans. fore I had used flve bottloa,. I was weh and at work annuin,will be hold at Ann Arbor .lulyrj at the [ago 81. Lot mo givo you u synopsis: IOO Doses One Dollar. land. Writ-i have been issued for tho year," aad by stopping to think for lightin)}^ for it. And, aftur all, it is Tho formal denial of tbe right of a atatc to ubard aa aay man could, (or over three weeks; bat. workings of this session was tho pres­ tlons. Minor amendments to tho university biilldliig lii.-Uveoii tho hours ot U a. ["Malaria" as It states, is the cloak Sulphur smoke makes an re-election of the cabinet mcinhers. moment, you can sce'tliat he is aboQ bolter to fool you respect your husband seccdo from tho union was maile hv the su- "anny" of grau- I worked too bard for my strength, and Uking a barA' ence of tho labor element in both mechanics' lion law wero made by m, and 5 p. in. Candldatos will hecxainiiiod m\\ which Kuporticial pliysiulans cover promo court in the case of White vs. Texas, In hoppers very tired. cold, waa taken Wfth tlie most acute and pslnfni The foUowhi'; Is an authentic list of the new two foot liighor than ho was whon yo so much that to givo in lo him is not a houses, and it will not bo too Senator Kubboll. I'iio pharmacy bill, In inecliauics, physic, nmllicinatlcs, cleuioutary lirst got him. About this time- ho b(j p a multitude of ill feelings which they lSfi9. Tho samo conclusion was reached by When you visit or leave Now York city, via rheumatlatn all tbrougb my, systoin that ever waa cabinet: dilllculty. Nine mon out of ten aro most people out of court several years earlier. gatarrhgure known. cbeiiilstry and tocliiiologlciil siih.leots, and only gins to act tired, a.s tliotigh his liver lo not understand, and do not much Central depot, save Baggage Exprcssago and partisan to sny that this fact had much tho ostabl shmotit of a stato prison in Prime Minister and Secretary for Foi-elKu manageable if you go tho right way $:i Carriage Hire, and stop ut the Grand Union "I called the doctors aKstn, snd after several week* those who have applied to the olvil service torpid, or as though t-:oniothlng is nal laro to invoKtigate. It is also a cover "Tlswln" Is the Apache name for whisky to da moulding tho opinion of tho leg- the upper peninsula, tho restrlctiou of .VfTiiir!.-—the .Mui-riul.s ot iSullshnrv. for such diseases as tlioy ca not euro. about it, and ono groat ])oint ia to :ict Tho cIToct, wlion takou internally, la not chang­ Hotel, oppositJ said depot. Six hundred ele­ they left me a cripple on crutches for lifo, as they l-'irst Lord ut the Trea.siii-y—.Sir Stiiltord commission nl Washington will hu eligible. ing him, and you besrin to woriy fo| I* Beeommended tor Phygtelsnsl said. I mot a friend and told him my case, and ha WnXIAU COLLINS WHITRET, tlio uso of tlio turm "warranty tloed" IVhen they ad viae thoir patient to travel after marriago just us you did before. ed hy the dllleront wording. gant rooms lilted up at u cost ot one million islature In Its rogards for Iho rights of Northeoto. Mr. C. J. Kiiiliior of tbo patent olllce, Wash­ fear tho .thread of life will bo severe Argument and contradiction are vital dollars; tl and upwards |jer day. European said Hop Dtttcrs bad curod him and would cure me. I PBCSIOENT CLEVELAND'S secretary ol ChaiHwIlorot the K.\-clic:f|uer—Sir Michael E. w that ho ia overworked and needs rest The use of Latin letters In printing In Ocr" plan. Elevator. Restaurant supplied with poohed at blm. but Iw waa soearncst I was Induced t» tbo people as against wealth and oor- to only warranty deeds and the appor­ ington, will ooiiiluct the examination. [n the llowor of his youth. onomios to married peace. Should you many is rapidly progressing. It makes Bis­ SIOOREWAaPliMMI nicks-llwich. tnd ia probably aull'oring from malaria, the host. Horse cars, stages aud uluvatcd rail­ usu tticnr again. jtha navy, belongs to the younger tionment bill, aro other important wisli for anything particularly, don't marck mad, but he can't stop It We raanafsstura and aell ttwitba posltIVS porato power. Lord High Chaueelloi-—Sir Ilardlngo Cilt- Aftertlio uxliibitioti ot Colo's oirciisin Hia eyes begin to run and rcsomblo road to all depot. Families can live hotter for In less than four weeks I throw away my orutehsa Xord. t is a confession of ignorance or of A panic is lininliiont among tliecolorcd folks branoh of the domojracy. Ho was bom measures. Tiiu now tax law originated Houghton the other night, while Chas. IJai-ry, couple of lintton holuH in au old ovcij insist upon it after refusal. Somo • lesa money at the Grand Union Hotel than at etiarantee that V. will cure any and went to work lightly and kept on using the bitten Whoro so many diflbront interests Inability. The patient goes abroad. of Macon, Gil., because several of tbclr n-Jtn- any other flrat-claas hotel lu the city. and we will forfait Lord I'ro.siaont ot tho Council—Vl.scount women aro persistent, and ask, "Wliy tor flve weeks, until I became as well as any man in 1889 at Conway, ' Massachusetts, in tho Sonato, and tiie law prohibiting Cranbrocilc. a dcteetivo for tlio oireiis, was lying In bed lu coat. Ilia nose dries up on the ond, an/ I'ho change is a tonic and for a timo ho ber have reoently gone Insane. are represented and so many difTorent A colored imitator of D. L. Moody Is evan­ !r?b*remedr,as living, and have been ao for alx yoars since. being tho son of Gon. James S. Whlt> Lord ot tho Privy' Seal—the Earl of Har­ tho slocpliig car, Sam l.awi-cnco, porlcrof the turns a palo yollow color, and in fac pels better. Comes homo. Fickle ap- may I not? Why don't you do us I ask | temperaments brought^ into contact it tho mauufacliiro nnd salo of oleomar - yoiiP" and iritato thu man. Rather • In Japan there Is a sanitary society wlth5,003 gelizing Georgia. It has also cured my wife, who had been side row hy. sleeping car, camo In and Ihcd ouo nhot at hlni, lie is the toughest looking siiocimon c ict'to, frequent lioadaehes, severe meiiihors. It la a bad society for health olll­ th«B^oo^("•^''yo•u-l;f^^rS?bVe^^l"lra ney, the great opponent of Gon. B. F. would bo 'a talo told by an Idiot, full garino. Senator D. W. Smith is tho Sucretary of tho Homo Dep:\rtmen;—Sir bide your timo, and make an extra 'BOVaR 0NCA7ABBH." for years: and bas kept ber and my cblldrea which passed through Harry's body. Barry ro. dog moat that you ovur saw. olds, cram s, sleopleasne.ss, irritability, cers and boiu-da of health to quarrel with. Correct otrnnnlvu oilom at oncii. Complete core nf distrssalng disease, ask rourDruggistrorll.and Elchard Aslioton-Cio.is. Accarr no IMITATIOI OB SCBSTITDTB. If ba well and licnitby with from two to three bottles Butler. He settled In New York, en­ uuthor of thu bill providing for uniform good dinner of his favorite dishes, put - About tlircc dozen cattle to the square mile worut caHUB.alflo unuriiinlud an Karfftu fur Olnhllierla. of sound and fury, signifying nothing" .•Sceretin-y .•:if the Colonial Dciiartmeiit—Col. turned the lli-c, Ihe ball going through Law- You ask tho advice of somo frien ircd fcelinirs, and general unfitness for Bore Throat. Fuul Ureath. Mlu. has not gat It, send to lu and we irill forwara per year There Is no need to be sick at all U tering the law olSce of Abraham R. a bow on tho color hu likes, make manage to exist—despite defilctlon of their •ly. Frici theaebftter are used. to expect that to nn entirety tho high­ car couplurs on tlie railroads in thu Frederick Stanley. ftaioc'fl lung, which killed lilm. Drs. Jonoo who has had expurienco in dog raising lusiucss aro suuccddcd in duo time by There ore no whito servants at tbe White tramsdlatsly. Price, 7S ceatsper botlla. home and yourself sweeter than ever. , ranks hy butchers-In tlie noble state of Iowa. S. J. « " " *ol"dol . Ohfa. J. J. BP.KK, Ex-Supcrvlsor. Lawrence, now a judge of the supreme Scerctury of War—Ut. lion. Wm. Ilcnry aail Mason held a post mortem, llndliig the aud ho lolls you that tlio pup has go ilnrming attacks of rheumatism whioh House. IIHENCV est moral prinoiplos would prevail. stato. Smith. You will get it -sure, even if you havo ' One Boston judge has openly expressed his "That poor Invalid wife, Sister, Mother. court. In 1871 Mr. Whitney first made Si'ci-ctai-y ot St.-.tn for tnilia—Lord Itamlolpli ball against tho back bone. Barry will also the distemper. You hie yourself to i lit about his body regardless of all disgust at the insolent qiicatlons which some THE ROPE OF THE RATIOIT. "Or danghtcrl 11 Thoro have boon instances during the In tho Housu thoro originated the fol­ drug store immcdiatoly, and buy som/ luman fellings. j to wait. Also, when you want him to Clilldron. itow In ilevuiopmiiai. ptiiiy, •orawnr aad "Can be made the picttne of health I his appearance as a party loidor, when Churchll'. dlo. Au old grudge cxlsii-d holwceii the two ' do any particular thing which you lawyers delight to put to wltnesaes In court dellcnte, u«u "Well'g llciUtli ttnnewcr.' session just closed whoro contrary lowing laws: Yivst, Lord ot the Adinlralty—Lord Ceorc;!; sulphur, nnd ou retiiruing Iiome, ])ro "With a few bottles of Hop Blttcrat parties, who had had lights before aud had It is muscular,— in his back. Articu­ Parisian belles now cnri-y pistols. ibe organized tho "Young Democratic lluinllloii. coed' to fill tho ilog up. Perhaps, i know will bo for his good, for heaven's A Sad Career. "•wm yuu kt tbem luffer ffj I principles aoomod to hold sway, and Extend ng tho timo for tho payment thrcatoiied to kill each ollior several tiiiics. lar,—in his joints. Inflammatory, my! CATABBH OF THE BLADDEST |Club." Ho was active in opposition to I're.siiliMit ot the Locjal tiovernaii'nt Board— nothing happens, in "a few weeks ho i sake do not aay '•Do it." Rather drop tho pure and upright gave place to Arthiir il limes liol lou I-. Tho divorced wife of a bonanza mil­ SthiKlnR. Irritation. Inllniiimatlun. nil Kidney aad JProaeeute the Swlnitlertiltl of t:ixes th s spring; autliorizing tho for­ Thn circuit eourt last February aw.ard- ow ho fears it will fly to his iioart! a hint, think so nnd ao would bo a Urinary Complaints, curod liy "Uuuhu-Palba." II. tbe Tweed ring. In 1872 ho served I'l-eshlont of llm lioanl of Trailc—The Duke all right and ablo to bo around again lionaire recently camo to a mournful baser motives which led to lower re­ ow off he goes to the springs. Tho good thing to do. Got him interested Greece Is excecdlgly""ha"rd up." If when yo» call for Hop Bitter (all oaaaic OLVtm mation of siifli associations as tho De­ of liichinouil anil Cioi-ihiii. cd E. V. Cicolle a verdict ot $7,000 against and now you begin to lliink of trainin; or HOPS ox TUI wniTK LAHSL) tho druggist handa upon the New York school board, and Dctor sends him thoro, of course, to and then let the subject drop. 1 ven­ death principally from taking chloral, out any atufl called 0. Di Warner's Oermat Hop Bl^ sults. But upon tho wholo the legisla­ troit art association; providing for pay­ Vlc-u-l'i-i-sldeiit 01' the Couiiell—Ilou. l-^lward Wayne county for the caro ot pri.soncra while him. In Iho moautiiiio tlie dog ha which unsettled hor mind and demoral­ 1iH>B lliaRAana of lion incurable tnd land ran for governor of tho "Empire he will i;lvi! the now i^ovcrniin-nt as iiuii-li time tie tills bill, hut tlm latter dcforrod it from ful head ho has, and call thu altontioi: Bulirarlan Funemls. MALT COLUR PAD moro important work accomplished, allayed popiihir foitr by tho pass.ago of lis left side; is fretful; very nervous nnd fought her sorrows oft', and enjoyed lav at death's door. Ycttuch a cure was aceom- stato" Mr. Whitney was most active in as po.->yibl(! diiriiu.vthe rcniaiiulL-r of L'le si-.'i--I(»n, tiino to time, and waa a])i)arenlly unwilling to of your friends to iliU'erunt marlcs o| .Of ZIno * Leath'sr. But this is unneccs.sary, as tlio ollicial his bill whicli made it a fcloiij' to havo rritable; is palo and flabby; hii-s fro- A funeral prooos.iion described by healthy lifo. Thia valuablo medicino pished by Kidney Wurt in Ihe person of MM, and is helieveil thai no .''u-ricju.-; ti-oulile will fiil- beauty, and congraltilatu yourself oi BITTERS. 2fo Moxts WOUE TXF.cii.m. tbe canvass ond from that time the penult a reopening of the caso. .Mr. Gartner )Uent chills and fevers; everything Mr. Moro in his recent work, entitled cures general debility, tones tho nerves, Dcvereaux of Ionia Mich., whosavs:** After thirteen It vlU poiltlrely prevent chaRng and cnra son rooord has boon givnri in our possession of or manufacture dynamite low. hon applied to the supremo court for a niaii- being fortunatoenough to procure sue! strengthens the muscles nnd aids di­ Wlthern. Hone ean be worked white cure ia psf two havo boon tho warmest and most iboiit him aeuma to go wrong; becomes "Under the Balkans," was rcniarkaiilo of the best dtxtors in Dcitroithad given mc up, ! was Iteted. Itarieai makeri will r«(uBa money tt nal columns from day l>t day, and the or any explosive for any unhtwful pur- damus to compel the .iudgo to settle the bllland a prizQ in tho first place for a yoke of whito gest on. cured by Kidney Wort. I want everyone to know Blood Purifier ^ Health Restorer. tatislad alter !t\ days trial. Intimate of friends. Mr. Whitney is ADDIXIONAL STATE NEWS. luspicious; musters up strength nnd UKXXJIiA CUHTIS. Madlaon. WU. laws-piisscd aro soon to bo published by ])Ose. Mr. IJickson h:t.s the thanks of that tribunal has notitioil tho judge to cither At last you got lialf a day oil', ami rt^ lemands to know wh:it is killing him! oxen drawing a wagon with wicker Beef slaughtered at and shipped from Omaha. what a iHxin It ID. It nnrar falls to do Its work In eases ot Mala* reputed to bo quite wealthy and is an The attorney geiiev:ir.s report on the rlsi, Blllouaneaa, Conatlpatloii. Bead* us in supplement form tho colored population for a civil rights to settle the bill befoi-u tho Isl ot .luly or show sides, on which the cofTin—that of a Neb., gets to Boston lu good condition In six tsr* ftnantlty and Qnality. In the Diamond •Che, loss of A ppelile and Slaep, Nerroaa lIAi'i!f tho facts." roialivea. It was followed by a small struction in any important channel Nausea, Dlic/.lness, Vain In tlic Side, &c., Hromatiea. Hops ft Malt Bitters Is recom* ogo. Their story Is that tho contractora, W. crowd of about twenty orthirty mourn­ mended by Phraiclaiis, Rllnlaters and (or circulars. tho provisions of which will Sellers' obscene liieratui'o bll will shut Presiiic'.nt Atiiiivw D. Wiiito ot Coi^ harder work of it. .Tust as like as nojj I llo di.siniKSud his d'-ctor, but too late! moans disaalur. Olistructions in tho guaranteed to thoso using Carter's Little Llvei N uraea as belnit the Uest Komlly Medicine ever II. Myers & Son of lilll.sdalc, pay ^l.-iTi tor dig­ Au. Kansas rejoices over tbe honors nell unlviTsity, Mho resigned tlie other day, ho will bring a defunct oat, and lay ij ilis fortune has all gono to fous. ers, mostly woniun, wearing gowns of organs of the human body oring inevit­ T'Uls. Tliese complaints aro nearly alwoy compounded. Any woman or clilld can take It bo most salutary, in tlto work out from circulation iu the state, if the ging a space of .'^0 feet long, six foot ilccp, nud coarse homespun cloth, colored caused by torpid liver and constipated bowels. heaped upon oxhibitors and exhibits was a iirofi-ssor In Michigan university for down at your foot, but you smilo ant Biit him, what becomes of him? able oi-ctiso. 'Ihey must ho cleared Restore tlicsc organs to thoir jiroper functions •Trom my linowlodee of Its ingredients, under of preserving tho sanctity of tho frco- law is enforced, such publications as averaging IS inches wide, and that tho soil he- send him'oll" again, in the course o aprons, and iiankorcliiofs on thuir noeli-oumstances can It Injure any one using It. from tbat state at the New Orlcins ex­ several years, and there devolopcJ his life jilaii ^ The other day a well-known W.all away or ph.ysioal wreck will follow. and tho trouble ceases. Carter's Little Fills It contains no mineral or other deleterious suli- now aronot carried in tho mails and have 'ng still clay thoy nould not make iiioro than tho d.ay you gut slightly out of pationcf heads, being the usual costume of tbe will do tills ovory timo. One plU Is a doae. man's (Jod-given right. By the pro. of founding a iinlvcn-slty In conjiiuctlon wltli Street banker said to mo "it ia roall,v Keep tho livijr in order, and tho pure stance. Possesslni; real merits, tbe remedy Is hibition, and papers of tbo common­ £0 or 90 cents for It) hours' hard nork. W. IL and your smilur rofiisos to act. Yot country. Arriving at thu ruin.s of tho Forty In a vial. I'ricc 25 conlS; desenlag success." _ . . visions of tho bill, at all general elec­ to be distributed Ijy tho express com­ Ezra Cornell at the Now York senate. iistoniahinghow general bright sdiseas'e blood courses through tho body, con­ wealth aro ringing tho ohangos on a Myers aald that the work Is oipiivaloiit U> 10 nro surrounded by more dead cats, batturod and dustrovcd ciiurch of St. It atlUcted with sore i^vcr, use Dr. Isaac C. £. DEPUT, Ph. G., Detroit, Mich. •QUID iklMZjm tions, and at all election precincts in panies. In adilition to its own appor­ a becoming. Two of my porsoiial voying healt'i. -slrength and life; lot it Something ovor a year ago ..'nmcs cubic yardii, aud not a largo day's work; tluit few dead chickens lhat had found George, tho procession stopped, and Thompson's Eyo Water. Drugglats aell it. 25c. The only Genu ino are manufactured by tbe glad refrain of tho following pattern: rionds are now ilying of it. But it is become disordereil nnd tho channels nro HOPS^ MALT, BITTEIUCC.DelreH, Micb. tho stato liaving 20t) or moro votes, two tionment laws have been made for th Catlln, abrakeman, scoured a venllet for $11,- several men bad made ovor t'i for 10 Impo.ssiblo to stand the cold weathcrl tho monrnerii ero.ssed thomselvus, while The nuri'flt. sweetoHtiinil lii-Hl Uiiil I.lvi-r OtI tn tlio ?offiS^«eSl^ Kansas captured all tbe premiums lot incurable I am ecrta n, for my clogged with impurities, which result worlil. intuiufatauroil from frieili, lionlttiy llvem, up ^AMM.. acnitcardordealerwhodofsnntkerp IKOO ballot boxes shall bo provided, and in incorporation of trade and labor socie­ SO:) ugalnst the MIehlguii CoiiUal railroad com hours' work, and lhat the men wero find old bones are piled up knee deep' tho priest .scattered incunso on all on tho KiMi-Hhoro. U Is nhHolately jniro ami sweet. ^ONCE MORE TO THE FRONT l,wlU>flvs3iiiUunpalbtiAMPLECANr||rF t'gga worth her having. Hor exhibit tlioro lopliew was recently curud when his in di ease and death No other modi- I'alli-nts Willi have unci nikca tl pret^ortt to nllottiom. additional to tho usual number two ad­ ties, and a st.ito livo .stock sanit.try pan.v, tor Injuries i-eeclveil. .Tudsc Clilpiiiaii incited to strike hy outsiders wlio The dog has become lirod of chasing] ihysicians said recovery Wiis impossi- sides. Tho eorpau, wliicli was wrau- cino Oduala Dr. I^ierce's "Golden Medi­ riiyHloInnH liiivo ilooti oil tt minertiir tu any of tho Tlic Old rtillalilo tiouHc of IiissiiCtiititCo.,Gloaecttr,IIass. niCCCSSP was a -'".iiy, and no other stato got as of Deli-olt, |-etuscJ a motion for a new trial. co.ixcd and terrorlxod thciii to quit a stick, and after ])icking out tho mos' ped in a colorud blanket, the face only nilier,iitl» Iji iiiiirket. !i uilo liy OASWEU. HAZAIID, S OUAI.'. 'rOY.\TOK A FOX, ditional clerks of elections for each pre­ commission has boon ustabli-hed. Tho JIO. '1 he caso s ems to mo to bo a cal Di.scovery" for acting upon tho liver Detroit,.!Iundquniten for many wards. Sho received first pre­ The company will lake the case to the supreme work. In the ovenlug u large meeting wius choice bone in the pile, haa crawloii wonderful one." This gentleman for- being exposnd, was curried Into tho and purifying tho blood. ''c'imimiiu UiiiiOa. Face. PIniptoH. nnd Uomth Sktn. cinct. One of tho l>ai lot boxes shall bo log floating act has been amended by chiii'uh, placed before the altar, nnd cured liy usIuK Juniper Tar Soup, inaUu byCASWELi. IRE WORKS! R. U. AWARE miums on whito and yellow corn, with court. held In the old capitol park, which was ad­ under tho stoop to tako A rest. Tlii iierly represented hi-i uovernmuu' in a llAZAKiJi'eCu.. Now Viirk; Pistols. Cnpii..Flrucracltor«, Unltoons. Torpedos. THAT used from tho opening of tho polls until Mr. Post. The law provided that in Mrs. William Vanblarcum ot Bloom- dressed by Frank .M. Fogg, Thos. /iickerinan idea suddonl,v strikes you that it wouh foreign country. Ho knows appro- laid fuel eastwards iu the blanket, the Flans, .lupanoaoUay Ftroworlia, Etc., Etc. a gold modal for tho best corn in tho head being supported by a pillow. The Lake Ontario aturgoon, wheion propcrlv work- Halfofd Sauce UXf^irK'^^llrili^^Sr"'" Lorlllard's Climai Plngi noon, when it shall bo closed, and the ovent of a disagreement Ijctween a inu-lale, A'aii Hnrcu eoiiuty, while carrying a and Uepreseiitatlves Harry uud Long. Tho be a good plan to get the dog used tt jiales and declares the valiin of tbat ed over, make spleiulid "siiiok)keed hallbiit" Exhibitions, for cltti-a itnil lowiia. anctetltia and pri- world; first premium on red winter the sight and sound of a gun. body was elad iu a gold-braidnd bridal Tiitc luinlcs prcniirud. and aU orders filled with burlng a rtd Nn (op; that LorlllaidV booming company and a land owner pall of water was seen to fall. Wheu assfilst- men were exhorted to stand Ann against white [ircparation,' ecauso his iiepliew, who is F Ituae Lcnf fine cut; that IxirlllardW number of namos on tho poll-lists aro costume; a handkerchief on the liuad, 'The Proper Study of Mankind is Han." proinptuesd and dlsiiat^lu S'nvy Cllpplnga and that Lorlllanfs l«DuU.ar« wheat, against tho severest competition, ance reached her she could scarcely articulate, slavery lu Lansing. You go into tho house, get half a doz json of lianisli Vice-C nsul'chmidt, • -'t ni.-t oheanc-'.. .illnllt.v coilsl'Jorad 7 to bo counted to show tho number of for damages, tho ])crsott damaged must shoos and stockings on tho feet, and a says the illustrious Pope If ho had in­ and first pominm on the best lOO vari­ and died hefon.' she could he carried to thu en cartriilgos and your shotgun, ant w.as prononneo • incurable when the S * ' iay* * \VLVDrA*B.VlMKHA*M'8 . a votes received up to tho hour of closing suo in tho circuit court. By tho amend­ then proceed to get tiiu dog out fron gold chain around tlio uock. On tho cluded woman in tho list, ho would T'OTJira MEWStTeuMKi?, eties of apples. On short-horn cattle house. She leaves a hushaiid and two grown­ ;cmudy, Warner's safe cure, was begun . VEGETABLE COMPOUND tho box. Tho inspectors are to bo di­ ment tho matter is loft to an arbitration A BINOULAB HURDEB CASE. under tho stoop. Tliis is no easy mat "Yes," said his father, "I was very breast was placed a lighted triple- have been nearer ilio Iruth, if not so sho received ton first and second pre­ up sous. brnnelied wax taper, and bunches of poetical. Dr R. V. Pierce has made • , • IS A rosmvE CURK TOU • vided into two classes; three of them board in thu justicu eourt, so that large tor, but his curiosity finally gets thi skeptical but since lak ng that remedy All those painful CoraplalnU miums, while on Polled Angus sho led Tho cash reccivo-J at tho recent spring best of him. and lie comes" forth. H« flowers wero also placed on the breast them both a life stnd.-y-, cs ccially Red Star and with two of tho clerks are oxponso need not be involved in con­ Twice Convicted and now Asks a Hew Trial- tho t'oy is well." • and W'e«knt!S»e» so couimoa '* tbe world. Tho first premium on flour fair of tho Cciitnil Mi ,>l','an agricultural smells of the gun, wags his tail, ant and phteed in tiiu h:ind. A small oil woman, and tho peculiar duinngo- Talegraph Institute, Ealamaxoo, Mlab. EcnAfor I rogr t lo note that ox-President • i^iftSa* •,»,»,toourbe»t»»»»»* Journal. to bo known as tho "Receiving testing rights. society at Lansing was .s;;,i'.21 S."), agalnai *3,- acts as tliougli it is just what hu wants lamp was burning ucar tho head. A mouts to whicli her delicate system is by tho roller process, and first on llour Jackson Marlon has been convicted of tho Arthur is said to bu a violim to tbis tcr- , i»EJIAlKP0PtI.iTI05.«, Board." and tho other two inspectors 379 01 last year, or an Increase In LSt."! of $34i3,- You begin to fuel uticouraged, am loaf of broad on a plate, a pan of liable Mi.ny women in tho land who STAW *' /HI Sk«T IS CHBAPISr.** by the old process and first premium murder of ,Iolin Caiiicroii twice and twloii :ible disoase. He ought to ivu, but tlio t»le» »l to IliaWi tin •»!«••«• 1^™- Tho people of the stato will soon bo 84. Tho prcmimns jiaii! out this year were $-3,- Bcutcncod to death, but each time reprluv(-d, slipping in a couple of shells you Iin hoilod wheat, and a disli of honey wore aro acquainted with Dr. Piorco only with tho rom.iining clerk aro to be [irobabilities aro that since autliori/ed on sorghum sugar, also wero given her able to point with pridu tu tho statuo o< 3S4, against $1,950 palil for a similar purpose and is now awaiting the decision of thcsuiiroiiia both barrels off in thu air. Yoii hear f set near tho corpse. The mournurs through lii.s "Favorite Proscription," dl&JS^STm « /S"''T''\*'4!S!"„S5'MfiiuSi. tho legishiture oxeoeds l)y seven days other displacements, ulceration, "in­ to bo cast in tho afternoon. The first he lattc-r was prcti-iidiiig ;o look tor work. middle of May thoy reached the house ot .Mrs. trembling in every Imb conies out intr Morgan & "o.'s., told mo horegirdod condemnation. Bishop Howo having de­ ternal fever," bloating, tendency to in­ Z>ec from OpUUea, Jimettea and Pofsona. that of any other logislatura of tho stato Stevenson i-cpahl the kindness hy steiUlng Kuchol Wnrro^i, InNcliiaska. Uestliig theru a thu yanl. Uy this titi'.u you aro tlior "aaa tvonderfiil remedy." A South Carolina lleallicn. box is tlion taken hy tho "canv:issing few days thoy went ou. i-'our days later .Marl­ iirap to Lynn.'^MaSH., (or pMuphlet. V°'W.f.' nounced them in the aovorust terms at ouglily (lisgii'slud and luul like kicking ternal cancer, and otber ailments. lunltilentlallyanswered. jrc>r«lai-.s. Shi! was the oldest native east. In the spring of 1S7.'! tho remains by a profession:! 1 who has moro tinii named Miller and a i2-year-old son ol Price 80cents n bottle. Sold by DrnnUtts and Deal- time "that an organized attempt should shall he checked, tiio boxes changed, born white resident of Delrolt, and perhaps ot ot\ Cameron wore' found im llii; banks I I cannot close my notice of this book tiiu latter as companions. A negro crop of tobacco this year. boon growing all these j-oars and more of Indian Creek, llftceii miles from licatrloo. tiian money. and tho canvassing proceed concurrently the eiilire state. She was liorn In the year ot bettor than by quoting hia advice to his named Dave Bolton came riding np in be made by Cliristian mon to abrogate matters have como up for legislative Three biillol holes lu his sltiill told ihe story of ireaders. We guarantee tho spoudy, painlois with tho voting. lT0i3 In a log house In Detroit. She had been his (loath, ami the (tloMiiiig en-.iblcil the ivit- the roar on horseback. Presently he and permanent euro without knif , tiu ciuBi.rji A.TooittitR coapAinr, rVERY NEW SUBSCRIBER these licentious laws which brood iiossos, among whom was .Marion's w-lfe, to quiet Times "On flic I'o.id." ' ' "If, my friend, ymi liavo such an ox- Hill. Uwuer. anil M4iiur,.ctitr«r«, consideration. Each future legislature tor sevfci-al years liedriihU-n, hut preserved most haltod, dismounted, went into the edge caustic or salve, of tho largest pile tu­ gets a Preisat valuai) from 35o. iniquities. Tho laws of church and At eaeh change of tho box tho ballots, Identify the body beyond doubt. Sriiroh was iperienoo as I luive jiort rayed, do not lUlllinnri.. Har.-I.iiil. 0.a>. will probably sit a few days longer than of her faculties lo the last. Four of tho "knights of the grip- of the woods, and lirod a load of nine mors. Pamphlet nnd references sent I SSOO. and no favor'tiim^ inaiic rorMarioii, but, he luiiiM nut be found, Iput.your trust in physieians to the cx- state should bo in harmony with tho (unopened) aro c.mntod bj- tho canvass­ l.ate In December. IS.Si. nearlv crli-vou years suck" met in a curl aiii town on tin; buckshot into Aaron Doan, killing him for two letter stamps. World's Dis­ shovnn. its imtneiliato predecessor, until in Sucofissful jAlicliigan cjliibitors at |olusison of other rouiedial agencies, instantly. This was the substanoo of lis" law of God. Have wo not, in ea'y ing board, and if tho number of ballots Ninv Orleans: .Mml.-y l!ro,s. Kasl Siiglnaw, after the iniiriier, M.irloii was In jail at Sedan, Mi.ssouri rivur roouiitiy, and coiiuluiled pensary Medical Association, 6(i!] Main ooiir.so of time it will bo onie necessary Ks., lor larceny. SliorllT Ueri-oii wont there hrhey have no monoply over dis uso and to liuisii thu tri]) up tliu river togctliorJ Miller's testimony at the inquest. Street, Bullalo, N. Y. lOsn divorces and frequent m.arriages," ho jxoeed tho numbers recordeil on tho lo hold annual sessions. It may bo pos­ llrst<-lass iiu-tlal fo:- .-•.a\v-::ii!l and liiiiihcrliig anil ari-csi.ed blm, learning that for ten .vears 1 pors naily know that many of thom When put on tho stand, the following a g ? »- c > tools; Chas. W. Co", l-'cnl.onvill.-, lirsi-claj-s ho luul been living in liitliaii Ti;rril*irv, In 'riii'ue of tlieni wero iu tiiu saiiiu line o N added, "polygamy ns bad in essence, poll list, tho otooss of thn ballots shall arc ao vory 'conscifntiotis' that they There are only 'JOS distinct characters In sible to traii-sact logisl;uivu bu.sincss in ISSy .Marlon was oonvlcteil, the cliaiii of evi­ luisiness. and uaturaliy onougli a s|)iri dialogue took plaeo bolweon Miller's j medal for Iilac.k,--iniiir.-: lool-i; .Michigan a.vc would far prefer that their paSfcnts the Abyssinian alphabet. "Plough not so openly proclaimed, as bo drawn out ivs providctl by law iu dence being very slnmg, lie was seiitonoeil of frii'iiill.v rivalry oxisluii as to v.-ho) 12-year-old boy and tlie coroner : :t luucli .slioi'lcr tiinu than has boen cus- and tool i-iiiir,ia:iy, l-!ast :>a'.;iiiaw, secoud-clas.-- to be hanged Si-pteiiil.'er 10, I-TISII. The supreme 'should go to Heaven direct from thoir that among tho Mormons?" It will other oases and fa .toned wi li a pin Op slioiiUI sell tlic' l:ir;j;-is;i ainutint olfl "Do you know what it is to take aa For all diseases of the kidney, and liver, toiuaiy, but the men to do it have not modal for ilisjilay of cilge xxioU. coiirr graiiteil a new trial, iu-caiise the jury power1o.ss hands than that they should <° CD o S- Z n under llie i.lil law bail tlxeil llie penally, lii goods during tbo lr';p. 'I'liu lioys w'onll oath?" plijslchins prcsurihu f/n-u t Utmtly. notbesurprisiog if tho Mormons aro thread p:is3od tlirongli thom, and if, at yet been ilisuovorod. Inlonsu i.'.wiliMiu'iU jmivailrt In Maple Kaplils, be sn\'ed by tho uso of any 'unauthor­ April, I.SS.->, .Mai-lo:i was again convicted' and at il with nil tbu ci:ii'i-.ry ami ali'ility po- "No, sir" Wild beasts and poisonous snakes in India found making wso of this denunciation tho close of tho ballott :vnd count tho and the fi.-clin,:;- is gi-owiiig l.li.-il foul menus was soiitoiicoil to 111-liaiiitcil .rune lill. K.vor sinco ized' moans." For all (.'xpunsos of tho sos.sion just culiar to thu ururt. hwi as ••inau 'pi'ti- "Who made yon?" make wav with between 'JU,000 and S3,0C0 hu­ 8 tho next timo thoy appeal against hos­ wholo num'jor of ballots cccoods tho used to caii,-ie L!ie iiiysterliius iloat.li of the twin his arresl three year^i ii-^'o .Marion has strongly And that tho author's condemnation matuialnod his Jnuitc-m-.o, but lias refused t,'> posos, etc.," thu l:i-;l, town u-as ri'ticlior "I don't know, sir." man bi:lrigs every year. c'osed oxoliisivu of printing there was children of 'riiniiia-i I'. I-'nli;y, who wen- found SandV$1.00^ """^ _ tile legislation. wholo num or of niviuo.s on the poll lists, give any |)ai tioiilai-s as lo his n-liitions with witliout oitluir liav::!;^ siilii n ••liill. is too true, how many thousands duped, "Did YOU over hear of God?" The niodlclnc that can search and root out appropriatoil SI-'0,000, and for printing doajl In ihi-ir (-i-aillc only a I'oiv days ago. The Cameron or his eai-eia- siiioo l,tio niiirtlor. nnd yet rescued, as ho waa, can person­ and your namo goes ori^ so many of t)io drawn b:ilIots sluiU ho G.-iir.g up, tlu) I'larty" was aiigtiiuiitci' "No, sir" every 111 of kidneys or liver. Is Hunt's Remedy. orilereil or causuil by tho logislatiiro the Imdies hiivi; c:illsst.as,slnl. wufu .sUimiiiig in ii liiil-tl ollieo, cliat-1 In Hoilaiul, VlichT '^'I.^^^^ "No, sir" tivenuss, and dysyepshi, ai:d purines the blood. ious condition of various parts of tbo ent estimates, .Sl;i!0,000, leaving a mar­ about to liazi! him, ili-(-\v a revolver to ])roloot who lias just r.-Miriie.l to (.hiobco. slates that tiu"' on (iill'on'nr ••HI-M'CI piibliahcs tho Vew.s, ami in its oolumns His testimony was not taken. His count, tho result .shall bo .•iscert:iinod hissoii in no w-iiv i-.vaggeraleil the facts In re- i >bi.'^n-iri >- M-b,,. wbiui one o BEST TONIC. gin ol 810,000 for uonlingoncios. himself. lie iioiiiii-il the weapon at one •v.ll strongly rccouiincnd.s Dr. 'riinma-' Elec­ father is a deacon in tho church, but An average ot one picture per day is added country. He declared tbat thcro are and set down, and tho ballots and poll ganlto l.akoM(,Hlassliil, tbo great unknown | , ' u-,,,;;,. , ,. call Frank to the Birlln rogues' gallery. This medicine, eomblnlng Iron with pure TO THE PUBLIC. Taken as ii whole the session has boon Gamble, but I.iem. Weallii-nvax iinilertook to soaot Norl.heasl.-ni t.'aiimia. Hi- says Ibat I tbinK.iug tt .1 • -••unity to gut tric Oil for coughs, coUls, soro throat, gives as an e.xcu.so for hia son's ignor­ veRctsble tonics, qiilokly and completely "more whito people" in Ihis sta^o "out somo of tho iinmeioiis Islands which It eontaln.i ance that ho haa not liad him at home llurvt llyapepaln, litdlKCatlnii. Wcnuneas, Rochester, N.Y., Mar. al, 1885. Viati disposed of as in other cases, and get possession of the n-vulvi-i-, when It was dis­ ji joko oiii tiiu ,. Mriiud tlio coii catarrh and asthma. The old lirandcth houso p'-opcrty on Broad­ of roach of any public rolig'ous service productive of good. A number of im­ appear to lilin to be ovor ton miles In loiigtli sitnoo ho wus an infant. Imniire Blnml, itIalarlu,Clilllaaiid Fuvers, I aro acquainted with the publisherUH^HJCI:^,s 9cut. tho inspectors as a body shall appoint charged, the hall onicrlng Weathorwax's vtsrsation to tli.: ,|-. i t of biisines,s, way, .New York, sold recently nt $11,000 per and Nruralvla. of the AMEIIICAH RunAi. HOME, nnd I • ^ portant and desirable measures havo and aro found to ciiibraco largo lakes In their A sequel to "Boeketf Is being written by the It Is an unfalllnR remedy for Diseases oftbe every Lord's d.ay than there are un- shouldi-r. Tho gang of soldierly hoys tool; Interior. Onor.-sull, ut his otisorvaUoiis was foot front. It was not wanted as a postollice believe they mill fulfil every guarantee (Mmy*r tf Rothtittr /or Tvf'^-^^-Cf'*^ ono of thoir number to attend tho coun­ and propouudud IIU-. <;uust.iou. "Uow|; fBrltlab iioct Laun-ato. | alto. • Itldneya nnd l.lver. ovangolizod Indians In the land, Alaska been passed, and jirobably as few of un­ Vundcrlli) and pniilsliod hini sovei-oly. to show that tlie height of the land foi-iulii" many goods liavu b.-un sold since wt About Widows. It Is Involiiahlu lor Dlscnucs peculiar to they make to the public. Un jHartfait.) ty canvass. Any question as to the tbo iiorlhoru bo:iiularv of that province anil The organ grinder who passes around hla hat Women, and nil who lend nedcntno' lives. necessary ones us can bo said of most mot!'" Tlio ruplius varied slightly, APDUK ANi> Ri-;i.t,\tii,K MBIJICINE.— I havo a vagiio idea, says a writer in included. Tho woodsmen and thoir validity of any ballots, or for whom in­ While a gravel train was swit.'.liLng tho situation oi' both Groat and Llttlo .Mlsatas- for ponnicH after hu has gro'ind out u tune Is It does not Injure the teelh, cause hcndnche.or RURAL HOME COa, Limited, ROCHESTER, N.Y. legislative bodies. slul as laid down ou tho luasw ranging trom uigluuun to twenty-foui A compound tiiiiil u-Irani of roota, the San Francisco Chronicle, thut a not begging. So duclih^s a Washington (u Ige. produce constipation—nrtcr lm» nnlwinnilo. families jn thirty-eight lumber counties , ^ on the Granil r.aplcls A Imllana yard In Mack Itcurlchesnnd purlllea thehinod,stimulates tended to bo oaat, that may arise during la altogether cn-oiioous. The latitude ot car-loads uacli, as a rusiiltof stronuoni [loaves, barks and linrrios is BunoocK widow, to bo natural, should always Cremation Is very ''cutelilng' lu Italy; The Tho closing sessions witnossod tho iliac City, ii. v. Ilosloy, I'oi-omau ot the gaiigi Hudson's Hay coinpauy post Is at tho appetite, nlila Ihe nsslmllntlon of food, re­ havo hardly any opportunity to boar j tho canvass, shall bo determined by the elVorls. Tbo Colonel, who had boor BLOUI) Brrruus. Thev eiiio ull diseases bo plump. 1 can't givo my reason for creinatoi'loH uiroudy estibllsliod have all the lievos llcarthiirn nnd lulchiiiF. and strciistb. usual vote of thanks from olllcers, com­ was walking fiver tho tnioks and toll olt. The least halt a degree from that hcrutxifcu-a ac­ liuslncss they can attend to and furnaces arc ena the niusoles nnd nerves. cepted as ciu-roct, aud l.llllo Mlsslassliil, au iittuntivo listouur, drew a stop noar- of tho blood, liver and kidneys. It, I havo long had a conviction that tbe gospel." I ,yj,oi(, board ol inspectors. cars ran over hliu, cutting onu ot his logs oft building. For liitcrmiitciit Fcvoi-s. Lossltiido, Lack of Curta Diizineaa, Let$ ofAppitlie.hdIgMtion, Bittouirei: Oy$atp' mittees and mombors, tho "caning" of stead ot hi-Ing a mere arm of thu big lak nl. III- or, and witli a most commiserating grief ovor a departed husband was fat­ Eiicriry, Ac, it hns no niiiiil. and liilllotliig Injuries fr.iin which hu died a Over a,(!0:) p« •pic vLsit thu Hrltiflh National Tbu poet Gruy has ut last got "on a bust" In sia, Jaundice, AffaetioM eftht Liper and Kid., ufa. Pmpin and Fau Cities may, whon tho common council several individuals whoso .so vices wore roallly a distinct sheet of wator, 1(X) "i)" sniilo, said; "Well, iiovs, business it tening. I notice that stage widows 00". Tho ponulne hiia above trade mark and SPENCER F. Baird, secretary ot ttie art gallery each day. the grounds of rcinhi-oke college, Cunibrldgc, Cruba, Btdtchaa,Boilt,Humen,Saltlihtum, Senfula A etya/pata: .so dotormine, apply tho provisions of few hours later. The iloeeascd was about 40 miles long by 8 w-ltlo. ^ j dull; I'm sorry tor you'. Now I have are always wan und palo and faint ut eriissod red lines on winpper. Take no other. Smithsonian institution, recommends uf moro than usual importance to a because he uas pr(lfes^^r of modern history a»i«nijby Ritiius i-iiKaicti. 111.. nil.TiJinHi, an. this act to municipal elections. years of age and leavosa wlfu aiul two olilldieii' Among other natural curhisltlos of tho re­ been out to call on niy trade this af­ FoiiRAitAOitK, ' ootnche, '•"ore ' hroat, tho sight of any rolic ol iho dooeased. there ulKiiit u contury ago. that all water for drinking purposes, grateful ronstituoncy. A general hand­ His remains wero t!ik-.!ii to 'Poloakoy tor burial- gion Mr. BIgiiell visited un oxlraordliiary cavo ternoon, and whili) 1 liavu not attempt Wo have given thus fully theprovi Uiiown among tho hicul liullaus as "Ciivo ot (Swollcd Neuk. and the rusiilt,s of <nHl a quantity nnd inflaniiiiutioii. iisu Dr. Thomas' in comedios whore truo'lovo and devo­ noRtolter'i Rtom* sions of thia bill, as its importance their different ways and tho session was of the cxpodltlon's supplies. Mr. HIgiiull re­ what has buiui 'pigoon-holud'..lor mo, bothc od i.lni wlillo in Ikln.t. Ills revenge was ncli Hitt(M*H rnnqiiun an hour. Ho relates his oxperlenoo Saginaw, a lllor iit Sanbu-ii, Hill & Iloard'sinlU jElootrc' il tliu groat pain destroyer tion are made funny, not to aay ridicu­ sweet, hut It coi-t lilm a Hue ol$l;i. itntl proviuitiiiiiitlarUl soems paramount. ports that tho cold of last winter at Mlaataa- I havo sold thirtv oar-loads." lous, do they make widows plump. t%\vv.T», cj y It i> u p i la« with it during the Philadelphia exposi­ at an ond. CASI'BU. at Carrolltoii, was onjtage-,1 In guniining tho Blnl was Intense, marking ."il dogices below i Colored gems .mil | r.jclcus stones arc having English and Amer can coinpctitloii has rous­ chrmitr- t'ouwtlniUlunt An ell'ort was made to secure the pas- zero 111 neocmljcr and i& on .March 'S!, but he I "What's your lino, sir?" askod th« Co-^'o lolhiiik of it, I don't see why a u idmhimiy to Kldnuy tion, and says he believes this - course I saw on an emery wlio.il, tlio wheel Inirst, a |« great run In the uiict. ed I'arlsl'.n .oiiruals to foine display of enU-r- niHl hlaildiir iillninnt* «%.M. li. u-a as New Ilanipsliiro has paid over $1.')|003 na bellovoB that tho soil of llio region will bo | would-bo jcikor- wioow shouldn't bo plump. Sho lias prise. Wl cn lingo iHei] tlici-i! were IfJ report­ sago of n resolution authorizing tho ; piece striking liln loft oye. It; acted as a wedge, niul rtiunmntlMn, nnd \ < Airn—Toal «iiuM»anii«' nv >ii,a> «Trii«,K' "bounties" for tho klllbiK otwild animals iu fouud well lilted for the growth ot hardy cer- i •'Wutch muvoinonis," was tho reply. Adol Lalloz, rarringo niannfaeturcr, nothing to wurr,y ubout. She is heroine ers for the city press waiting lu front oftbe IH of t»io KniufcBt «nlS.n->*«i:s«takD«'i*,Mrl:-i .uj.ii" would have averted m «P«- governor to oD'or a reward ol $20,000 eald state In the last la-iiionths. and split his .'.kull Its ciilli-e length so that thu oals. Whun he started on his return to Quo- | VHUIC. ill v.i\»e» of It-is noudlusB lo say lhat the shout of 119 Carroll sli'ouf, ' iill'alo, . Y . atiitoa: of ono groat battle, with a weakened housu. lioifUy Iroiihlu nrlitng '•oi!,a«.. 1 will sand a.raerlr* ital »ll . demies which havo proved so fatal in .^^^ discovery, apprehension ttnd Switzcrlaiiil Iiiis ro-adopti-d capital luinlsh- brnin oozod. Tho lii,|ui'y Is iiroiiouiiced fatal. bee on May IW tho Ice in tho bay was breaking fi-iiin witakiiUfiH. uUi RRii «|p rBAHUR This Kr.>«l ramadj up, hut the main body of the lake still held laiigiitor that wont lip was fat' frora world uuforo her to con<|uer I liko Kin Yamol, called here Miss May King for o«M0dlif a mmlnnarj In .-inita Anian«a._li iiient, having ahollslied It three yeur.s ago to A surgeon romoved a ploou ot thu cniory wheel It wa-s tro ilili'd with luiu-oii of tlieslom- Iiotiplt; Hr« Kenerally many localities. ^ oonvicton of tho Crouch murdorors. ilrm. ploastt.'it uiitaio to tlm ears ot tho pro- ach, sic iii-!iiii clii' and guiK^ral debility widows. It always sooms.to me that a saki' of cuiihony. has ,liist taken the dcg n- ot iildvd by It, ond |t it thu publle's .-iiiliaeiiueiit sorrow. four Inches In loiigtli I'nmi YuirU-k's skull. .M. D. at New 1 urk, hung the llr.t Chine n highly vi'.rvlutmblQ to •Alf tiation ii. New Viirk THE importance whioh attaches to a Tho gonoral opinion soomoil to bo atl- It lakes a sti-oiiR healthy castor oil ]ilaiit to pouudur of lliu question. Burduuk Blood ISiiturs uiit'ud dl* cide by hanjj-ing lilmsolf to a hciim In bis Coloring of meoriichauma is a no\v|| clitutuiiikit with (mn tho following statement: In three towns was witiidrawn. curl up and dlo before they have time to make inai-ks of diatliigiilsliod ooiisiilcrallon bostowod ^liilred shortly lo wear Lu.o,iuii coi-tiinius lu man, but shu's got tho boat of him. It A Now Orleans paper refers odi- Ihavaa InftmtAfurtns baTadtiaasaiki father's barn In the township of 1'iilaokl, .Tack- by the czar on ICoinaroll', who hail that little borman iiultisti-y. Tiie pipe or cir'iir 01) innRiournoyi, and ortka wnisi kind aiidot I their wills. olllcu hours. coiintoniiiiN tTio cf> lam s.ofcasaa tism ' of England—Ely, Rugby and Salisbuiy As we havosaid, to give a reatme of sklniilsli with tho badly ui-iiioil .-Vfghaiis. Nuoms t« be awfully hard for a woman turiully to tho wonderful csturation to atiiiidlnRbaTla Vhnma li««u curtd. 1 iilamiHil«£i,i I ** jo^l^^g^^jjlp Japnneso hnlldors ,provjd o ajjainst damiigo £0n county, about four iiillos fioiii Concord. holder IS suspundod in a tightly-closuJ ft'ctH of niimtal px- laliaatSeaey.ilijisI will awit— Tho formal denial of tho right of a stato I tu survive hor husband. I tlo not wish health of v.r. r. I osoy, druggist, '^2ft litiUKtliin. Fur •.lie iogitKarwlthaVAt.tlAai.U'rllKr^taKonViusrtharwltnaVAt.DAai.UTl ^ —consumption has declined from 40 to the work done is imprnctlcab'o In tho by ourtliquakes by jihiclcii!,Bicii!,^' ordinarordliinry dwulllUK' "' S Deceased waa about 30 yoars old nnd was vory 'jO;'^! '"to wbiclismoku is Clown ffoiif Tho I'osB < oUur fad of -zinc nnrl by . ull , Di'uitglma sooodu from thu union was miiile hv tliu su i daini), strono- lil-iol- tn\ to ask whether matrimony is, after ail, I anal street, that city, who somo time BOpercent: sinqe theland was thorough- -'^paoo allotttid to its, Gf tho vast num­ on sqiiurcd stones buried lu tho prooundi , ur on much rcspofitod by all who knew lilm. 1 lo was bauco until tho leather is unqncstionalily ll.o best pud nnd l)e«l4]ri g e a* miantitlcs ut ahot, thus.partially preventing prcuio oourt In tho oiiso of Whito vs. Texas, b. , .i',! pnChl • ,\ n disease that ia fatal to women. I ago wns proHti ated by an oxcrucialing ernlly. ly drained. ber of bills introduced: Htid disousBod< .the transmission of tlio shocks. formerly In business nt .facksoii but becoming 1S119. Thn saiiio coiioliuilon was rcaoliud b.,, r „_ , P"'""^"lU-'Uitui, .,...tudl tothOsmok ever mude. Humuniiy domands Its use don't say that a woman should never Olio i.pii.ilal roaiuroof It^dgo'a Fowl. In vontyadtf most pooplo out of' on ovory liorao wearing it ame olliir. iitta k of Bolatica. After n iioh siifTor- tliwthintoothora, Isltaneuiriilaiuluniijr-- ••- *"'-- Insauc was scut to the Kalamazoo nsyliiiii from t acvcrul yciiia carUci- i urtinloH marry at all. Sho shinild always mar­ I" Bro. Juiathan's mt rl». For this roasois It la otpoelally sdj- aiiiii»o>n'.iini a"' It provonts chafing and positively cures ing his wife applied 8 . .'aoobs Oil, tonaiiui wtieii Imwcl troubles ar.no BBlUuit.VU' •» ry tome other inan. which cured him promptly and en­ uriiuiier Iltdgo's Food Is an apt nnd tr.« HtJU'ttlll'Mltl sore ueoks. it is muiiufuutured by ilavlr.g bcrnln use thir.y .rsri. In Dexter Curtis, Madison, Wis. tirely. ttatl BsSkMaMHlOTU* AiHrrTea. Itli a inte sudnuuilahlag il iauituitet.e« illlSUI., -

.!^-..i«iaateiteie&iigM 1 mm (ieted ai^MnlfloeiitatriieturQ aonry wbldb stands alongside tbe bum- The Fonrth of July. .Legal. Ma dwelling tbat Uas sbeltered the liyrUHTaAQB HALB.-BBPAVLT UAVIMa tliinlly..so long. :Mr. PhelpiIs much ITJ. been made In tho payment of eighteen pleased, with: the work as It proRresses Eundrod and aevun dollsrs and foMy-tlve eenta, now claimed to lie due and unpaid, upon a xer- under tfie arobitectural skill of Messrs. WE GEI.EBRATE! tain mortRage bearing datu Ibu llrat day of Feb. •Mllatu'ahd OUrk; iAdam Cottlngton, rnary, 11181.executedliy Maggie A. iionbamto ALAIBDOir. too, tia* the honor of having laid aside KiAma'O. lleod, and recorded In the omco of the reglater of deuda for Ingham county, elate of C. 0. Burgem' ntted ' barn last the bnisb and jpaint pot that lie might Mrehlcan, upon tbe third day of March IWI, in aid with the hammer and saw in Its liber nity-Buven of mortgagoa on page ninety- ;;f;:[';Ji;':>:;:rweeki-^/vvy;;,..;,::::^ v^' coustrtoctloh. nine. Mo auit or prnceedinKa at law or In 1776. CRAXTD chancery having boun inatituted to recover any if; ;',^«nry Sandura; qflndlanalB visits pari thereol, and tho power of anio therein ceh- ! . ing^lBlrotbor David.;r iainod, having become abaolule by virtue of the VOL. XXVIL-NO. 27. ' V vW. SvM^rabaa^ eto^ grain atatuto in auch caao, made nnd provided noUee MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1885. WHOLE NO. 1382i la hereby given thnt nnonNntlirdayitheaSth I!.•, 'r.Jbarn preiuiratory to laying a (buhda* .Schoolcloses this week Friday. . day or Jnly, 1N85, at ono o'clock in tbe 'l.:tion^UDderneath lt.oi '/.'^ C. F. Newkirk aiid (bmlly are In anernoun of aald day; I aball aell at pnblie town for a few days. auction to the highoat bidder, at the front door 4EWKLBK. : i 0';M BIder und tbeir of the Ingham county court-houao, in the Mrs. James Kendry and ber two He Saw tiie Town. Inshnm drenil Cwnrt. [•v>'' respective ^^ives have beeo visiting Bev. J. M. iSbank of Trenton boa elty of Maaon, aald court-houae being LIA8 CULVER, dealer In watohea, clooka. children of Peterboro, Canada, la visit­ the placo where -tho circuit court for Jewelry, ellverware, eto. Repairing done. William J. Burgess, a middle-aged From the Republican. ID good eondiUon and almoat new, belonglog ' .relative*In;Adrian. been In town this week. aald cunnty ia held, or ao much of tho land E ing with her sister, Mrs. G. A. Bobb of '• Miss Heleu will iclose. ber farmer who resides about four miles In the circuit court in the case of to the MoRobert eaUto, will be sold at aucUon. -Dr. J. C. Lemon and Miss Kittle embraced in aald mortgage aa ahall be neeea- PcBLisnED EVERY TMOIWDAY, Bv Mason. on aoutb aide of Court House, J uly 4tb, at a P. . sobbol In tbe Canaan district next Hatch were recently married. aary to aatiafy the amount duo on aald mort­ niHCELLANBOVB. from Bancroft, came to Lansing on James Blackmore v. Wm, Allen, ad- gage, and all legal coala. together with'an at- ' V. J. TEFFT. X. Termi, fbur jnontha with approved nqte, Friday, wltb a plonlo. The dog' show whloh was in town toraoy fee of twunty.tivo dollars, covenanted for FARMCRS* MUTUAL The various Sunday-schools of the Friday evening and started in indus­ mitilstrator of the eatate of W. C. intoreat aeven p«r cent. Xbtwlthatanidlng tbe Iholemenoy of therein. Tho land deacribod in said mortgage la DIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF INQ- triously to carmine the town. In tbis last week was pretty well patronized. tho west half of tho northeast Quarter of aectlon f ham county. Barest, oheapeat, beat. For city will meet.at the M. E. church next Stratton, a Judgment was given the issawl P. HEitDsaaoir, AucUoneer. tbe weatber, tbe farmer's picnid.beld thirty.two in townahip three north of range two Oae year, tl.SO; sia moaiha, 7S eanle i three Infbrmntlon write ttiO.F. MifiSr. aeoreUry, Saturday to Join the 4th of July pro­ undertaking he was rendered able plaintifr of 11,425.39; Hiram Stark v. VanAndall will aell orsngea and lemona at W. A. Melton's last' Saturday after­ Keep in mind the celebration at this weal, in Ingham county, atate of Michigan. meaiha, 40 canh—la edtaaec. Ma«in. Samuel Skadan, pre8ldent,Dansvllie. place. A grand time Is already as­ cession. assistance by John Randall and Jock Almira Smith, Judgment amended; ebeaper than any other plooe in town, on noon, was quite a success. GQ , ADVCnTltlNO RATES. sured. KMMA O. UKBD, Mortgagee. ONEY TO LOAN, BY THE REAL E8- Farrell, a colored man. Tbe two pilot­ Edward Blair v. Ezra Joelyn, settled UieUh. . , Kwl An Invitation is extended to any LDCIIR RKID, Atlurnoy for Mortgagee. Our advertlBlng ratea made known at olllce, M tnto Agent, JoHH DUMBUAOK. The agents of the Sllsby and chemi­ CD OEiIL.E3BIl,A.TIOI«r Dated April 28,18H6. Bnalneaa oarda SI a line per year. cal Are engines have been laboring ed Burgess about until a late hour, all without trial; Albert Butler v. Michi­ Varmen, lady orRentlenian who wishes to ride Bnalneaa locale Uve cenU per line eaeh and LARK HOUSE, Wm. H. Clark, proprietor. Can and see tho new at. Paul Binder. on norseback in the procession.. •very Inaertlon. Beat one dollar » day bouse in tho elty. with the Are protection, committee hands drinking heavily, and at about gan Central railroad company, stay of Mn. B, Langley's healtli Is Improv- TBACIIBBS.-PUBLIC EXAMINATIOHe C 8iw3 RvriM RAYMOND. Dr. A. S. Dolan was In town this 0 will bo held as follows; Third grade ex­ Marriage, birth, and death notloea free. 2 o'clock steered bim Into tbe third proceedings ordered; Soblna Tread- iug. \ ramination will he bold at Danavlile, Friday.Aug- Obituary notloea, reaolutlona of reepeot, M. DRESSER loana money, buya notea, this week. ' - week packing up bis goods. The Dr. earda of tbanlia. etc., Ave eenU a line. . and mokes colieotions: alao nre Insur­ ward park, where, to the Bancroft well V. Cbas. E. Paddock, Judgment Bmpreaa of India ''Mi Himnielberger bas reabingled bis uat '.181 at Williamston. Fridoy. Suptumher 88; J Brand ofKldOloyei, belt in the world, only ' will locate at Lowell, Kent county. at Maaon, Friday, October SSU; at Leslie, Friday, ance agent. Olllee in Farmera' bank. At the annual gathering of the granger's intense surprise, his newly- for defendant of $21.55; Elizabeth barn. .. MASON, November 27, ItltiS. alumni of the Ann Arbor high school tI.SO per pair nt T. O. Holmes' Noted Cheap Prof. W. A. Hearn baa returned MICHIQAN. THE NEWS JOB BOOM RAZEL dl MEHAN, proprletora of city furined friends turned upon him, and Page V. Arthur J. Hackett, report set Dry Gooda House, CM. Cornwell bas a bran new car­ Tbo Inghsm County Teachers' AasociatloB, bakery. Freah bread, pies, and cakea. K. Kittredge was elected orator for the riage. .. from tbe upper peninsula where he which haaliccomeao ilioronghly establisbod and la aupplled with the beat machinery that F after knocking him down and choU- aside and issue referred to H. B. Car­ bas closed a successful term of school. awakened such a llvo and growing Intoreit AYERS 4 PHELPS, dealera In hardware, next meeting. Ing him, secured his pocket-book, con- WMlf Woolt RIna Mayer has resumed bis elerk- among the toachera of tho county, bus llxed ita money can buy, ntted lor ateam power, a large penter as referee to tbe new trial; Oeo. t want iiOO.OOO pounds of good clean Wool Miloii Oreenougb of Tuscola county datca of inuuting for tho ensuing year as fuIIowB: •anortment of the latest atylea of Type, Bor­ S stoves, tinware, nails, gliuis, putty, eto. James White of Lansing has ten sblp In bis brotber's store. and Mrs. F. B. Avery were united In The various oommitteeB appointed by the citizens of Mason Tho Inst Sttliirdny in Suptomher. Novctnbur,Jan- • taiining $30, revolver and watch. In P. Sanford v. John Burke, case discon­ delivered at Mitaon ur Loslie for which I wlU Quite a number of dwellings bave have made complete arrangements tor a Jolly but uary. February and April, at llnaon. ders, etc., enabling ua to do Job Printing on F. BROWN, mnnfr. and denier In hnrness, days in the county jail for being drunk the struggle the watch was dropped to tinued ; J. B. Truesdell v. Conrad pay the outaide market prioe. marriage on tbe 20tli by Bev. L. H. Applications for flratan d aocond grade certifi­ •hort notice, at low prleee, and in the C. Baddies, whips, robes, trunks, oto., eto. been repaired and repainted. Monroe. proper observance of Independence Day and cates will bo received at tbo Maaon eaamlna- and disorderly, Thos. Warrington of the ground and Ratidall and F^arrell Heffer, motion for new trial; Samuel «Owl - C. E. EATpy. Stepben Cronklte and wife returned A son of Alfred Swan, who bos been have succeeded in making a pro* tlona. . . BEST POSSIBLE MANNER! BEECH * SON, proprietors of the Mason tbe same place ditto. Aed without it. Burgess roused, the liovk Nt the Warriorr BloireBIoi r nna ^ Tho hoard holleve that teachora derive great B foundry and raachineshops. Repairing. Ellsworth V. Henry H. Smith, a mo­ borne from Tompkins, Jackson county living at E. Sedwick's, died on Sunday gramme replete with beneflt from atlendnnco upon toachera' InitI city marshal an hour later, and the Bake lostwieck. last aged lOvears. Funeral Tuesday We do aa good work aa cnn be obtained any­ C. WEBB, exclusive dealer in oiothing Cbas. Epley, Joe Lenathen and Wm. tion to set aside order was denied; J. For aate by tales, and will notice aucb atlondanco in their where, nnd partiea in need of commercial or , and gents' nirnlNhlng goods, Mnson. two accompanied by Policeman «'»»P T.VAMOSTIlAlin. Tbe grangers will bold a basket pic­ at the M. P. church. oatimato of tho valiio of uxaminntion papera. L Jones, Lansing boys, are flned $4 each B. Truesdell v. Conrad Hefler, motion Third grailo sludics will bu orthography and fhnoy Job Printing of any deaeriptlon ore Mathews, started out to look up tbe If otiee or Dlaaoliiiion.'.' ^ nic In Long's grove, July 4, 1885. Abrain ^Dukin died Sunday at bis grammar, ruading, writing and spelling, geogra REED. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE for breaking a window light In front of for new trial denied; L. S. Hudson v. requeated to coll, examine atyles, and obtain . In Itnyner block over City Bakery. The co-partnership heretofore exIstlDg bo- Come one, come all. residence after a painful Illness of hv, arithmetic, thuory and art nf toaching, prleea before placing their orders. L Fred Abler's cigar store. stolen property, taking tbe back track Frank R. Millard, motion for new between Ed. Curry and Geo, A. VahAiadaU several months, aged 41 years. Tbe FUN and AMUSEMENTS, Cnited Status history, physiolopy and civil gov- on tbe devious wanderings of the trio We called on tbe two oldest persons ernmont. Tho second grado sludics will beaa o. DUBOIS, DEALER IN HEAVY AND Jas, Wells, who is charged wltb trial granted; In the matter of the under the Arm nome of Curry A VonAndall, in towii last week. Cbarles Owen is funeral was bold Tuesday at tbe Bap­ above with tlic addition of algebra, and phlloio- W« OnABASTItB PKUrROT HATIHrACTION, during the night. Farrell and Ran­ il this day dissolved by mutual conient. The . Shelf Hardware. Maple street, MnBon. stealing a harness from A. L. Converse appeal of Geo. W. Shaw from an order ih bis eigbty-tlfth year and bale and tist church under the auspices of tbe Which is under the supervision of Competent dall were Anally found near the fair business will bo continued by O. A. VanAn­ O. A. B. post.of which lie was an hon­ jO following riilos will bo observed in tbe Bfew AdvcrtiaemenUTbia Week. of Eden, has not been arrested, as the of tbe probate court adjudging bim to bearty. N. U. Huntington', aged 84 Superintendents. oxamuiation of tcacbors; grounds, and were both arrested. Tbe dall, who la authorized to settle the accounts years, prospects good In tbe "race. of ored member. Bev. L. H. Monroe 1. Thu socrotary shall, in nncaae, grant more Merchants' Protective Assoclnt^n. be insane, order, approved. Inside of the late nrm. ED.B. CURBY. • . ' officiated. UAJ^t^ 6>»^/ Dry Qoods—Burnhnm tt: Company. oflicers cannot And him. fife" to be a ceuteunarlan. than one special ccrtlllcali' lo nny person.' latter made an attempt to escape blinds were ordered placed in tbe GEO. A. VAKABSDA!.!.. 2. The secretary shall not grant special certlfl- Now Bnalneaa Lctcitla. While the salvation army were through a window, but was gamely June 29, 1885. Slwl PLAINFIELl). cates to any person who. upon uxaminallon, rail­ court room before the next term com­ AVttEUVS. ed to aocuro a certlllcatc at tbo previous public -)T-H-E(- marching last Tuesday evening some­ caught and held by Burgess. All of oxamination. Iloyco Reaper fnr Snlo—M. D. Cliiittorton. mences. Tbe work of tbe term was The beat Re»peni. Ho wen,. Bakes Keep Away-Wlll Teall. one threw a Are cracker wblch Ignited tbe stolen property was recovered, and Dell Barnes bas completed a corn Came near having a visit from Jack 3. Bach person applying to tho secretary for iiry Goods-G. J. Clinrlcs. completed, and court formally adjourn­ And Tedders and Binder Twine in -the mar­ Frost the morning of the IGtli. Grand Military Parade! examination aball pay to tbo accretary an Initi- Oroccrles—Geo, A. VanArsdnll. one of tbe ladles' dresses. tbe two were locked up in Ibeclty jail. and wagon bouse. tuto fee and an exnmination foo. Two Hogs—A. Butler. ed at 4 o'clock on Friday afternoon. ket, at 8Iw3 Bot-ns BAYMonn's. Topping proposes to buy 200,000 lbs. J. S. HUSTON, Proaldont, WUIIamaton, Miehlgnn Maiiuruclurlug Co.—S. A. Bow- Curry & VanArsdnll bave dissolved They will be given a bearing before Anotber musical troupe will visit of wool if be can get it cheap enough. By Company K, Ist Regt. M. 8. T. and the Grand Army A. U. IlAnnv, Secretary, Pine Lake, dlHli. call tbis place tbe 2Gtb inst. JAY CALKINS, Luslio. Groceries—A. L. Viindcrcook. partnership. Mr. Curry has retired Justice Hebbard to-day. "After all, t'oinnion L'ouncll rroceedings. At the city drug store, ond you will find the But very little wool bas been mark- O. L. Smith bas removed hla stock of the Republic of Mason. Board School Examinera. Ford's Five nnd Ten Cent Biizanr. from the Arm and Mr. VanArsdall this town Is quite a dandy," sadly best and moat, complete line of boots and of goods to bis new store at Gregory. Are offered FOR SALE [omoiA!..! ahoes In Dansville. 1379tf leVed up to tbe present time. Tills gives our Plainfleld niercbniits a will continue tbe business. remarked the Bancroft man on parting Miss Emma Tripp of Cbapinsville, better chance. by the NEWS NOTES. with the oflicers at 3 o'clock, as be MASON, MICH., June 29,1885. Pumps, lawn mowers, clolbes wringon aud N. Y., is visiting at Ii. B. Freshour's. Mr. and Mrs. Genirdus Smith of Council met nnd was called to order carpet aweepen, repaired at An Icecream and strawberry festival MUSIC WILL BE FURNISHED BY THE Selieiiectady, N. Y., are visiting at disconsolately wiped tbe blood from by Mayor Beed. Present Aldermen Farmers are busy cultivating corm for the benefit of the P. M. church was New goods at Charles'. his battered countenance.—Republi­ OaaooD A BOBB. A few will commence baying this Mrs. C. H. Darrow's. Mrs. Smith Ellis, Howard, Butler, Dwlnell, Rolfe New Barbvr Mbop. held in O. L. Smith's vacant store on HercWs' HDtnal Protective can. and Shafer. wceiv. Tuesday evening, June 23d. Haying has commenced. was a ncice of Dr, Darrow. I have Just re-opened tlio barber shop over Corn will be mucb less tbnn an Fanners feeling rather blue herea­ Lawns only 5 cents nt Charles'. Bemember, on the 4tli of July every REPOBT OP COMMITTEES. H. M. Wlliiama' drug store ond am prepared . average crop. Oats promise to be a iliaitoo and lassie COIIIEI Bi "Only n I'arnicr'a nniiKiiler." The Anance committee reported on to serve all customers with good work. Give good crop. bouts. Cut worms have ruined many The regnlsr old sitabliibtd Look ont for a crowd in Mason the customer buying 50 cents worth of Miss Etta Frank, as Justine, the fleld of corn, meadows very light nyileiui and Bargeen OB. the following claims, recommending me a call. FBAMK OBtrBY.' Levi Slagbt Is building a flue DURING THE DAY AND EVENING. 4tli. groceries ut A. L. Vandercook's Bee and wool bringing only 15 to 22 cents OlABXX, at the old number farmer's daughter, is a very sweet lady their allowance as follows: Look. Oo lo TUomaou dc Boa'a . residence on bis farm. Also rebuild­ per lb. continuci to treat with hli uiual Prof. E. N. Brown Is home for the Hive will receive a present. and played her part as a true and lov W. H. Rayner, 1 year's rent for city ing and enlarging bis barn. tat IkiU all privato. pound % 5 00 Foundry and Machine Works for low prloea The contemplated mail route between SronlO) ntrvons and iMeiat sutniner vncution. Lust week Weilnesday evening Mr. lug wife and mother to perfection. In Suyers it Flielps, to nulls, eto 5 93 on Windmills, Chilled Plows, CulUvoton, M. O. Mead of Aurelius sbeared 060 Howell and Gregory, via. county poor diieaiet. OBCIABniithe State tenclier's institute at Mason and Mrs. J. C. Marsliall of Iiigliniii the flrst act she Incurs tbe hatred of .lohn Kelly, to work on town line 2 SO ete. "loPlow repairs for all genemlly-nied • pounds of wool from 55 sbeep making farm, proposes to leave Plainlleld out OFFICERS OF THE DAY: ___oldMt Adveniilng Phyiiolan, aa f IM plows. • oowtr an average of lii pounds per bead. niemi ol {'.iptra ahow and ail old Rutdcnu know. from July 27 to August 7. gave a pleasant reception to their son Lizzie Stark because she refused to as G. L. Bnrnnby.to work oniitreet«7.V.V."V.V U 32 in the cold. There will bo some lively Sayerx <& Plielps, guB pipe, eto., for cem­ Hhawla, Nbnwla, Hbnwli, 37 ewes sheared 111-5 pounds each. kicking, but if they succeed we will Age and experiene* ZmperUat. -)0-F(- Peters' meat market is moved into Archie Marshall, and his bride. sist ber In aiding her lover to escape, etery .C ai 20 59S:/S; W'.Si-3^^^ of St. Johns, - Orator 49* irervoni OIlMita (with or without dreamt,) The best and ciieupest liuo of summer ahawla' A strawberry social will be held at probably live ns we have mail twice or debility and loia of ntnt pewtr treated acian- its new quarters on .\sli-st. I have placed in stock a full line of During tiie eight years between the On motion rejiort of committee was ever aliown In Ingham connty. Cashmere 3ood Templai-s' ball on Friday eve­ per day now. MAYOR HARPER REED, - - President lilically by new methodt with never failing tucecii. Arst and second acts, Mr. Harold Leu accepted and adopted. Yeas, Aids, ahawls all wool from 93.00 up at ning, Jan. 20, for the beneflt of tbe 49-11 make! no diflerence vbstyouhavelalwaor Mason, Michigan. The Baptists ure agitating tlie(|ues- the celebrated Hiiskell dress silks in A number of young people from VhO haa failed to cure you. nox, the husband of Justine—which Ellis, Howard, Butler, Dwlnell, Bolfe, 1380lf . T. Q. HOLMKB. organization. All are cordially Invit­ Iosco, Plainfleld and Gregory held a ffiS^'i'^i^^^^^^WW Chief MSshSl tlon of buying a parsonage. black und colors, which I shall be and Shafer—0 ; nays none. ed to come. picnic In the grove on the banks of s^Toanff men and mlddl*'tfed m«a and all pleased to have you cull and inspect. part wns admirably done by Jerome On motion the bill of Nelson Boy Go to tbe City Drug Store, Daniville, wltU f SS* ^2^n^^®^™' • • Reader who sulTer ihould coniull the Mlcbrattd f>r. About .80,000 pounds of wool have so your butter and eggs and get the higbeat mai^ . Bruin lake in Unadilia lust Wednes­ REV. F. L. McOOY, - - Chaplain Clarke at once. 49- The terrible Boliont of all G. J. CllAKLES. Melville—has become a wealthy author lin against tbe city was referred to "sTOCKuiilDOE. day. The day i)as.scd pleasantly in bad blood and ikin diliaiei of every kiad far been marketed In Mnson. nnd has become Impressed with tbe the poor coinnitssloiier. . kel price. 137Btf name and nature compleiclv eradicated. KeiBeB* J. A. Fowler, restaurant, Grund The costumes for the Mnson 4th of Ashing, boating, elc. About 400 flsh Mr. Juck.son is putting up a new idea that be is too much absorbed In RESOLUTIONS AND NEW BUSINESS. A full lino of pulnta, oils, and yarntahes : Lo. Isbeli is at work on bis new wore captured, one (u piokerel) weigh­ ber, that one horrible diMait, if neglected or Ledge, $.12 37 July celebration arrived last Tuesday. juat received ut tbe City Drug Store, TitM-'*^ house. ing about .seven lbs. All report a fine improperly treated, eariei the present and coming residence in tlic second ward. Ills literary labors to pay much atten By Aid. Shafer. viile. IS78tI,. . ^'JfAi.l^S!??'. "^£f.' ••^4-®®'* ASCENSION ! FAT All arrangements are now completed Chas. Nims is tlie pa of an eight time and express u desire to roiieat the Eenerationi. «»-])iiiaiid diieharffCS cured Wm. Gutchess, farmer, Ma.soii,. 9 00 Buy only the Haskell silK. Every tlon to his wife and child. In this act TZcialveU. That tbe atreet eommiaaioner be, pound girt. MAN'S RACE! MULE RACE I GREASED PIC! promplly without hindrance to buslneii. Both aexet for the flnest fantastic display in tiie nnd is hereby ordered to repair and gravel CarrlitKca. visit Inter. All hands unite in giving ooninlt eoa&dentially. if in troabit, call or Mrs. W. J. Nott, Stockbridge,.. 8 50 pattern warranted at Charles'. lie drops asleep and dreams tbe occur­ Uuzzle-st. from B-st. to the city limlU. Tlie L. Frank Clark hoi the largest and finest .. . Bud Ellsworth's planing mill is nt a vote of thanks to Mr. Daniel Cliap- SACK RACE! POTATO RACE! FOOTRACE! liistory of the city. rences which happen In the two suc­ aainotobo done under tho direction of the lot of carriages over shown in thli oily and li CATTLE RACE! ETC., ETC. wnte. Oelayaaredangeroul. "ProeraitinatiOB street committee. work again. maii for his kindness in ullowiiig them H. Wyirmn, Eden, 0 25 Miss Clara St|uier Is the guest of tbe The sale of reservetl seats for the ceeding acts. Little Minnie Glrvtn •elling them mpldly at astonishingly low lo cross his llcUls, for use of bouts and is the thief Of time." A written^anuty On motion the resolution was laid on prices. Stockbridge will celebrate the 4tb at Of eore given in every eaie undertaken. ' family of O. F. Miller this week. Vescelius sisters' concert insures ns Nellie, the little daughter, stands mstf Jackson, Pinckney nnd Gregory. grove and otiier favors. 49* Send Iwo lUimps for eelebrated works oa Chns. Milberry, laborer. Mason, 37 83 on the table for one week. Chrenie, Nervoui and Oelicale Diseases. You Mat. Wlxom's tented show Is adver­ large audience this evening. They firm to the precepts taught ber by her On motion the privilege of Mr. Hoop Sklrta. Our band boys ar6 trying to get Augustus Gary, laborer. Mason,. 4 00 liuckleu's Arnica Salve. Ordei" of Exercise® : tised to be in Mason next Monday. will sing a series of popular old ballads mother and does some good acting for Johnson to erect a stand on the 4th of Ail tiie new styles und latest makes at uniform; They are making fine pro July on the east side of Frazel & Me­ 138011 T. a. HOUCBS. gress. The best salve in the world for Cuts, National Salute and Biiigingof Bolls at sunrise. .•Vt 10 o'clock A. .M. the Chas. Gutchess, laborer. Mason,. 0 20 Mrs. Minnie Charles and Miss Delia In a way that is seldom ei|iialed. a little child. Miss Etta Frank, as liau's bakery was re-consldered, and Wool is coining In lively. Dun Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Blieum, procession will form on Ash street, with left resting on B street, and the line of Barber are visiting friends in Jackson. Mollie tlie little one's nurse maid. Is a Great HpeelMl Snie C. B. Moon, laborer, MILSOII, 4 50 Burnliam & Company advertise in tlie clerk was instructed to notify bim Ou lawns to begin Friday, June 13, at ning of Mason and Lockwood of Wil­ Fever Soros, Totter, Cliapped Hands, march will be thence south to Elm street, thence east to C street, thence north auu goincii years to me. Medicines sent everywhere very pretty young lady, who shakes of the same. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup­ No county in Michigan can shown TliK Nnws tills week tlieir semi-annu­ MAUODS GEEOOB'S. . liamston nre tbc buyers. to Maple street, tliciiee west to A street, tlience north to Mill street, thence cast secure from espoinre. Hours, 8 to 8; Sunday, E. L. Conver.se, liiriiier, Eden,.. 7 95 the English butler very forcibly and Several claims were presented and Some young cusses of this village tions, and positively cures Piles, or to B street, thence south to court-house s(iuaie, in the followiiiK order: 1st, 9 to II. Address letters: r. D. CEiARKE. better wlieat crop this year than Ing al clearing out .sale. Their goods are reierred to the finance committee. BnrKKiua lu CiolhluB. no pay required. It is guaranteed to Chief Marshal; 2d, Mayor and Coiiiiiioii Council; 3d, AVilliainstoii and Dans­ M. D., Herrill Bloek, Cor. Woodward aad Warren Snyder, laborer, Mu.soii, 5 50 liani. marked way down. If you don't be­ joins her fortunes with Sammy Green, I would call the attention of tho people ot entered the Craig school-house and give perfect satisfaction or money re­ On motion council adjourned for Stockbridge nnd surrounding towns to tho ador.ned the desks and blackboard ville Cornet Band ; 4th, Compiuiy K, M. S. T.; 5tli, Grand .-Vriiiy of the He- JeffereoaAvej. DETBOIT, MICH. Don't fail to come to Mason tlie 4tb lieve it, read tbeir advertisement. who is green, but not too green. Miss two weeks. funded. Price 25 cents per box. For public; Oth, Liberty Car wllh Young Ladies representing States; 7tli,DifIer- Enoch IluyiU's, limner, Leslie,.. 2 44 Emma Frank, as old Mother Stark, Uno Price Clotliing Store, Stockbridge, where with obscene writing. Better look a sale by C. G. Parkhurst & Co. and see the Are department in their GKO. A. EABLE, Clerk. muy be found gents' Airuisliing goods, hate, "leetle.oud." ent Sunday-schools of the City ; Stli, Civic Organizations ; Oth, Citizens in gen­ The Bogers Manufacturing Co. ship­ gave a vivid portrayal of an old bag. eral. After tiie parade tlio proce.ssioii will disband in front of tlie court-house BROOKS OIL COa'S Ed. Noxon, fanner, Mason, 33 30 great act. ped to Mason City, la., yesterday caps, boots, shoes, oto., eto. I handle flnt- Mrs. David Leek of North Waterloo where the following exercises will bo observed: 1st, Music; 2(1, Prayer; 3d Beed City Clarion. This charming The ladies of the Baptist church will class goods and am seiling aa cheap aa any . w.'is,buried at Waterloo village the 23d An Enterprising, Itellalilc House. Peter Cam, laliorer, Mason, 1 10 Mrs. Gilbert Stanton of Hillsdale is twenty top buggies and eleven combi­ servo meals in the basement of tbe C. G. Parkliurst & Co. can always be Music; 4tli, Beading Declaration of Iiidepeiideiice; 5tli, Music; Oth, Oration GASOLENE. play will be produced at the Bayner dealer in lugliam or Juokaon oounltei. Al She'was a very estimable lady. Her 7th, Music. visiting the family of iier brother, A. nation three-spring wagons to All church on the 4th of July, ore respeotfuliy invited to call. funeral was largely attended. Mr. relied upon, not only to carry in stock Geo. Goruiii, laborer. Mason,.... 1 85 opera Iiouse, July 15. the best of everytliiiig, but to secure oun niiAND Ol' J. Shurger. Iowa orders taken by J. J. Bogers. J. C. Wii.i.MOBa, Clothier, ' Leek has a largo family and feels his 2 20 Tlie MIclittfnii NnnurMCtiirlnit Co. loss keenly. He und his family have the Agency for such articles as have Joim Pollok, furiiier, Ma.son, Tbe Vescelius sLsters' grand concert The young peoples' missionary so­ isnti stockbrtdg^.> - well-known merit, and are popular Prof. Thos. W. Hubbard aud wife Occupy the Checkered Front with n full line tlie sympathy of nil. Ed. Bowdisli, laborer. Mason,... 9 75 company at tlie Bayner ojiera house ciety of the Presbyterian church will of McCormick ninehines. Cull aUd see them. Orgrandy Mnallns - ' ' With the people, thereby sustaining tho WHITE STAR will return to Mason about Aug. 1 to At Vi% eenU, reduced from ID cent! at this evening. serve ice cream tho Fourth of July at 82w2 S. A. BoWDlsit, Agent. XORTll AURELIUS. reputation of being always enterpris­ W. E. Hoiton, Leslie, S 25 conduct a four weeks' normal musical MABOUS GBBOOB'SOB'*'; , l! ing, and ever reliable. Having secured ^FUN! FUN!! the Arst door east of Webb's shoe store. CHII Enrly HIKI Nneiire n I.nwn Drcaa 2 05 Mrs. Minnie Botsford of Chicago has Institute. There work here last win­ Harry H. Wlnslow Turner is building a horse the Agency for the celebrated Dr. 6AS0LENE H. T. Hardy, luriiier, Eden, been visiting at her relatives, S. Van­ A cordial Invitation is extended to all At 10 oenta per ynrd, worth 12<^ cents at King's New Discovery for Consump­ ter was very successful nnd satisfactory. MAUODS GHKOOK'S. This famous trotting stallion will make the 1...;;^.. barn. , AFTERNOON AMUSEMENTS: H. H. Williams, farmer, Leslie,. 5 OG Etten and family. lovers of good cream. aeoson of '85 at the Clark House barn.' Termi tion, will sell it on a positive guarantee. Is thu snfost null purust OuHolcnc In thu market, By the annual readjustment the sal­ Haying has commenced in thia vi It will surely cure any and every 'rhis brand burns longur thnn cntnuioii Inisnlenc Children's day services at Notice. «io. i872tf E. E.aBtrrkTB;:' ' cinity. FOOT BACE—At 1 o'clock—Free-for-all. Distance .10 rods nnd return. and ilouH notuiiilt un otVutiHlvu odur. For Cluso- Fred Crocker, fanner. Mason,... 3 75 A valuable suckling colt belonging tbe Bap­ ary of the Williamston postmaster My wife Clara liuving left my bed and board affection of Tlirout, Lungs, and Chest, Prize, $3.00. tist church last Sunday crowded the Ame. the Barber. Joseph Lake is building an addition iuncstoves nnd nil pnrj>Di^ui< t'nr which GusnlunoiB to Clement Laxton wus killed by drops from $1,100 to $1,000 per year. witiiout cause, ail persons are notilied not to and to .show our oonlldeiicu, we Invite WHE13LB.\BB0W BACE—At 1:30 o'clock—Contestants to bo blindfold­ used, thu Whitu Sinrllrnnd Is thu most, ruliahlc. Fred Tuiliuaii, laborer. Mason,.. 0 11 audience room. The church was taste­ trust licr ou my account, as I will pay no Will give you a better shavo or hair-out than to his residence. you to call and get a Trial Bottle Free. ed. Distance 20 rods. First prize, $3,00 ; second prize, $2.00. If tliu White Stnr Unsnlunu Is not i^old In yonr ligiitiiiiig lust Friday. The Leslie office drops from a presl< any other barber In the cily. Shop lat door y Mr. postage from three to two cents, which Read G. W. Glynn's "ad" in onothM eol- hlll Sundayed at Q. W. Wilson's. ney or LivA Complaint tiiat Electric First prize, $3.00; second prize, $2.00. A. Miles, Eden, 10 75 Crittenden. A Willie barrow weiglilng ISO lbs. and a umn—"To tbe traveling publie." 55 EUCLID AVE., CLEVELANO. 0. went into effect lost September.—En­ black BOW weighing nourly as much, havo Geo. M. Webb bas been sick for Bitters will not speedily cure? Wo POTATO BACE-At 3:30 o'clock. Prize, $2.00. Geo. Tuttie of Locke has a fully nearly two weeks and Is still in a criti­ say they can not, aa thousands of cases MULE BACE-At 4 o'clock. Distance 40 rods. Mules to be rode bare­ Melvin Hathaway, laborer. Ma­ developed siieeii three years old with Miss Ann H. J, Barnes and Mrs. terprise. ontored my enclo.sure. The owner will please Tbe Star thnt Lend Tbem All^ ' back. First prize, $3.00; second prize, $2.00. roclalm tliom, 82wl A. BDTLER cal condition. already permanently cured and who son, 3 00 two mouths.—Eiiteipri.se. Barney Bofit were in Mnson last Ex-sheritr J. B. Dart made an as­ Tho new and Improved DomesUo lewIng ma- are daily recommending Electric Bit­ GBEASED PIG—At 4:30 o'clock. The per.son who catches the pig can Tuesday visiting friends. Mr. Boot, ohtne, call nnd examine them. For iaieby Several in this vicinity have pur have It. L. F." Bunnell, clerk, Jackson,.. 12 00 signment last Tuesday to Hon. D. L. VanArsdall will give away funs all day tbe ters, will prove. Bright's Disease, A ride through the country last Sun­ 130511 J. A. UHSBBHUX. : chased new binders, and are now Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary GB.\ND BALLOON ASCENSION—At about 5 o'clock. who was a brother of Dr. W. W. Boot, Crossman of Wllliamston. His liabil­ 4tli. 82wl • anxiously waiting for wheat to ripen. day showed crops looking well and 1,900 YnrdM Beat Lawna ^ Wanted I .. , complaint quickly cured. Thoy purify HARVEST. read law with Barnes & Huntington, ities are from $12,000 to $15,000 with Dusiiicss Curds. almost everybody at work. At lU cents, price 12V<; cents at What money you owe mo—(X (»ie»— Mrs. David Miller recently received the blood, regulate the bowels, and act There will be two Bowery Dances in the Afternoon and and afterwards was a law partner of assets nominally $20,000. Both Mr. a back pension of eighteen hundred directly on the diseased parts. Every Evening. S^^Good Music in Attendance. I. B. Woodliouse wns in Mason tbis Mr. Huntington. MAKOUS OUEGOR'a. 31tf and oblige, 0. Q. HoMTiMOToni • dollars on account of a son who starv­ bottle guaranteed. For salo for SOc. a BROOKS OIL CO.'S A'rr«»ItNEYN. and Mrs. Dart aro still critically 111. Honey to Loan weelc. He was on his way to Ann Alvali Freer of Bunkerhlll, who Two BooiiiB to Bent. ed to deutli ill a southern prison. bottle by C. G. Parkhurst & Co. 1 "cT. JT^IUSTISOTON. II. p. «KNDEKSON. But for his sickness Mr. Dart believes Inquire at this ollloc. ISTStf On real estate at the office of J. H. Drewir With the money she. has purchased a Arbor to be treated for diabetes. was arrested last week for obtaining HUNTINQTON & HENDERSON, tliat ho could easily have satisfied bis Keeii at the Farmors'bank. 95tf •"^i farm in Delhi of Emory Holly. CORLISS A TTOUNKYS AND COUNSELORS AT Co. H, M. S.- T., of Lansing will cariiiige of A. W. Parkhurst by Awny from the Mill Poud. A. law. Onioe over First National bank, creditors. Persons liavo been visitiug my mill pond ' Great Bnriralna : ••''';.:'^^i. A sm.irt young man of this vicinity compete in tiie competitive drill at falsely representing himself as the - AYER'S Siasou, MIcli. Miss Orrie Harrington will return to­ recently who commit depredations. I now furniture, You can save 5 to 10 per cent by ' •Z'^k^ recently swindled a poor man out of The Faxitasties! Falrmount Park, Pliiladelphia. owner of an unincumbered 80 acres of licreby warn nil persons lo refrain from going three cakes of soap and tbat, too. In ENGINE OIL, night from Oberlln college and on somo getting my prices before purohaalng. -'..'iS tbe city of Mason, under the very Preceded by the "Little Gernmn Band," will appear on tlie streets at about PIIYNICIANM. T. G. Holmes is in correspondence land, settled the matter last Tuesday to tho poud withoul flrst obtaining my per. • J. A. UMPKaailJ.. Vfj evening of next week, the date has WILI. TKALL. nose of tiie sheilff and city marshal. 7 o'clock in full dress uniform, and must be seen to be appreciated. I'on by securing tlie payment to Mr. Park­ mission. 1382w2 That Honey la HIne. Ague Cure DR. L. A. SNELL, with a Biclimoiid man in regard to yet not been Axed, she will give a We say that such proceedings ought REAPERS AND MOWERS. TTO.MEOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN AND SUU- hurst of the claim. Bond TlilM. You owe me a doctor's bill that has beOn M. Koon. OMlco over Farmers'Bnnk, Mnsou,startin g a woolen mill In Mnson. concert at the Baptist church, assisted not tb be allowed. Perhaps, though, contain! an ontldoto for all malarial dla- KVKHV PAIIMKII NII4>1JM> ItVY tho Gent's nobby neck ties cheap at Ford'a running a good while. The money beloagi we have eirourastances a little mixed. ordora whicli, ao fat na knovrn. Is uaod la no Cocluss Kn(!lnu Ull vo wm on thoir reiipcra nnd M. Olllco lioiUH 2 to 1,7 to fl. Ingham chapter No. 51, B. A. M. Tlio pupils of tho 8th grade, gram­ by Miss Hottenstien, a teacher In the Bazaar. me, and I want you to pay Itbver. I meiin- otiior romedjr. It contatiu no Quinine, nor Don't fail to see the WHITE ELEPHANT and moweifl durlntj linrvusl. This Oil is niauufac- 8. H. CULVER, M. D., Paper collars, nil sizes, only ton eenta a box bualneaa by tbli notice, nn; mineral nor delotorlont aubitance viiiat. f tnrud excUislvoly liy thu Urooks Oil Co, Aelt visited Leslie cliapter No. 100 last mar, intermediate und secondary Oberlin conservatory, and a gentlman i WHITE OAK. ~ other attractions in the procession. your dunlor for , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE Thursday evening, by invitation. rooms of the public schools with their who is a graduate of the institution. at Ford's Bazaar. 8811 .'.A. B.OAMipaai,i^;.'.^' cTor, and eonieqnently produoei no lojurlont over Howard dt Son's Grocery, Mnson, Latest Styles in corsets, lioop skirts, and Bicbard Hale, brother of Thomas olfoot upon the oonatttutton, but leavei tbe UU4IOUH OIL CU.'N Michigan.* ' ~ ' li>>ltl J. H. Brandell nnd wife of Bristol teachers, went to Bayner's woods last The concert will comprise vocal, piano Cheap Work Horae Vor Biile. • ..,,.•« tyitem al bealtby ai it wa* before tlie attack. bustles at Ford'a Bazaar. Kale, is stopping at Meadyille. CORLISS KNGINK OIL. B. DODGE, M. D., HOMEOPATHIST. Center, N. Y., bavo been guests of Mr. Friday to picnic and have their rhetor- nnd cornet solos, and four band music Hair goods, ribbons nnd - laoea at Ford'a Inquire of • W. M. Ow»*;':;v ^4-v''''';S;'i;l u . Olllce in Dnrrow Block, upstairs. lies- lasitf . The M>rMe:M>n; Sumner Pulling, who was trodden m WABBAKT ATEB'8 AOUI! CUBE* JIdeuc e one bioelc west of Amerlciiu Hotel. and Mrs. B. Doolittle the past week, Icals. The rain came, and after a on the piano. Bazaar. upon by a horse of John Wolverton's, to oiire every oaie of Fever and Ague, Inter- thorough drenching tbey gave up the Silk und lisle thread gloves. cheap at Ford'a Tableal Vnblest I Tableal ti' ^-••^fefiS HOLSTEIN BULL. Teall's mill pond, three miles east of r.ow navigates without a limb. nilttdat or Cblll Verer,' Bemlttent Fover, W. W. ROOT, M. D., Bev. F. L. McCoy has been awarded exercises and camo home. Bazaar. Five hundred tables for sale at'fiwt«|r f r®;;^ :( Tbe testimony of tbe scholars at tbe Dumb .Ague, Bllion* Fever, and Liver Com- HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE the degree of Master of Arts by the this city, is quite a resort for people Duplex cnrselB and Langtry hoop sklrta. prices, which ii 35 per dent leaithaiii'eve"'.^^^ jilaiut cauaed by malaria. In caao of failure, Gl hours from one to two, nnd ftoni six to Harry Fitzgerald, a boiler-maker, Examiuo prices at Ford'i Bazaiir, ' before oObred in Maion, Mcadville school refleuts credit upon I have a thoroughbred Holsteln aevoP n i'. M. Syracuse university upon examination. who wish to bathe and Ash. Mr. their teacher. Miss Ida FulUng. nftor duo trial, dealera are authorized, by our' Bull, Alexander IV, 2 years old this was found lying In a pool of blood In Tho nnest line of hemstitohed and fancy A. B. CAMPBELL, M. D.. Dr. M. L. Bossvally, a converted Teall keeps a good boat which has bordered handkerchiefs in the city, only Ave ! E. M. Gillam bas Invested iu a new circular dated July lat, 1882, to refund the •IIV THE EVEIVIIVO. spring, now ready for service. Bred front of tho second-hand store on rarnt for SnIe. . money. , • ' ' by Koster, MIdevould, North Holland;" T»HYSICIAN AND SURGEON., OFFICE Jew, will lecture at tbo M. E. church always been free to all, and visitors and ton ceute eoeii, at Ford'a Bazaar. ' I have a farm for sale or will trade. Birdsall separator and engine. Tbe Jr over 0. G. Purkliurst & Co.'s drug store, Michigan avenue at 11 o'clock on have been welcome at all times. In Lots of new goods ohenp at Ford's Baxoar;' rado.fbrbili;j'^';v;.';«;-;;^ machine with which Ed. was connect­ Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, MiM. imported In dam Hiiuntje (2041 H. H. next Monday and Tuesday evenings. noBi property or aihaU' place In Maaon. B.) milk record at 3 years old 63 lbs, Mason. Monday night, with several ugly return for this kindness visitors leave conaiaUof 126}^ aoreiin Eaton Cout(,,..m, ed last fall did some good work. SoldhysUPraggiit*. i The committee has purchased an unusually flno assortment of Pyrotechnic The art loan, which waa to have The Blffiteat Line or Wblte Oooda The family of H. White extended per day, 1 lb. butter lioni 17 lbs. 3 oz. gaslres and contusions about the head his gates open, let down his fences, In tho city at the lowest prices to be lound at Vermontvillo, 10* aetea undeiF.(lritidiBM oulti-Ii^ novelties, among tliem somo of the flnest piiices ever oxiilbltud in Mlchlgim, milk. Her dam gave 78 lbs. mllk.per Mason Business Directory. been opened nt the Presbyterian church v.o.tlon, SMH norei a flue augar buiU.'iVoriy^ 'iV.yjll'a ; its bosnitulity to a motley White Oak, which will be displayed from tho roof of Armory Hall, by a competent mana­ and face. He stated that he had been tip over bis boat, and do other mis* MABOUS GRBOOR'S. : Meadyille and DansvlUo ieomiwny Sat- day, and dnm of sire 87} lbs. por day, last evening, lias been postponed for a •ores of wheat on the ground. Good ~" ger and assistants. and 10.^ lbs. butter In 7 duys. OKOVERS. drinking heavily all tbe evening with chief. Last monday morning when Eovatroughtng and general Jobbing shop op. ingi. laeatf w.M, ui'da.y night. Not until the hands of fHSioii cui: mosn short time, tho clock, moving steadily toward the A^Tbe citizens are doing all in their power to assist the committee of SIBE — A. HOWARD & SON, dealers In Krocorles a fellow workman, who afterwards bo found 57 sheep in his fleld of beans poilto Ford'i Bazaar, Maaon, arrangements in making tbe preparations complete in every particular, and Alexander II (171 N. H. B. No. 1552 , nnd provlBlons, Pioneer aland. Call I Bemember, on tbo 4tb of July every knocked him down and kicked he was Justly Indignant. NoW|tbrpugh OSOOOD A BOBB, ror aNle;Or .Trad*...... ,.,;.j;.-i;-;!nv.s^yj. hour of 12, warned them of the ap­ V WITHOUT FEE; A ForMttion pr6perty;8lli •aoroiof l»nd'4i;'tii1',>ii^^^^^^^^^ proaching Sabbath, did they leave the UNLESS^BUCOBSSPIJL. TWBNNTY YEARS cordially invite the people of tho surrounding country to come to Mason and H. H. B,) whose dnm "Smit" has a customer buying 50 cents worth of him. The Injured man was taken to THE NEWS, ho warns all persons not Lndiea' and Oenta' Vnderelothlnv EXPBUIBMOB. APPLY'iO participate In the festivities of the day.. milk record of 80 lbs. milk per day; BOOTH AND 8IIOBS. town of Ware, Oceana Co., Mioh; Al^ftCTfe'^-p';.- V house where they were so pleasantly groceries at A. L.'Vandercook's Bee bis home on Cedar street.—Republi­ to visit his pond without flrst obtain­ In anmm'er welgbta In India gauge andbal- aoreaoleared,batanoe heavily timbet^dV '-'^ CKABOES: $5 for grades; $10 for L. PULLER, denier In boots, shoes, mil­ ;outertaiuedi.iV'v...... ' . MILO STBVEifS fc 00. Hive will receive u present. can. ing bis permission. brlggan, IVoin Sik) per garment up at taouie and log barn;: Four'ond ohtf-ball " thoroughbreds. I have also a grade linery, and fancy gooda. Main street. T. Q.HoLXia. jjjwpei'^^helpiwin hiiye sooji ooin* _q»«fl»a! WMblugton, D. d.; cioroland, O.; Detroit, Ulcb. ,• ObleaRO, Illi. : • • > imvfBf • ' fir opi w Mm bull, aervloes $2. 13Q8wl3 R. F. GRIFFIN.
