'mm mmm aaventy of the relatives and rHeodtof Binder>-J. C. Steves. Dry Goods.—Barnhun & Gompany. Legal. the Mutraotlng. partita gathiBrw at tn« rwldence of BlrrWalker. The houM OBTOAOE' 8ALK.-BKFAULT HAVIKQ been made In the payment nf eighteen waa tastenilly trimmed with evergreena Ired and sovon dollsrs and fortyliva cents, and two horse sboea of white flowers Mnow claimed lobe due snd unpsld. upon a cer­ arranged by Mrs. J. B. Fay were BUB- tain martgaRo buarinit dale. Ihe first day of Feb­ pended overthb bride and tfroom. The ruary, 1881, oxocutod hy Waggle A. Iiunhamto ceremony was performed oy Bev. L. H. Monroe, in a brief butimpieMive Mipnie Hodget;of ikieu il ttkcbing manner. After the marriagea bounti* , _. mortgages on page ninetjr- a olasa 111 liiBtrumental muaio. Dine. No suit or proceedings nt law or in All and elegant B r. u. dinner was ^9*or Warm Dayft-J^f^ chancery having beun instituted to recover any The fkrmera are very buay cultivat­ served to tbe guests which spoke well part tbcrool, and the power ol sulo therein con- ing corn and getting ready for haying. Ibr the culinary department of tbe tU-^ lalnod, having hocomo absolute by virtue of tho statute In such caao, made nnd i'rovided nolleo Thisre ia talk In flivor of having a ture Maishail mansion. Below -is a VOL. XXVII.-NO. 26. list of the presents and the donors with is hereby given that upoBllHlMrrtiiy.lhoaBlil MASON, MICH., THURSDAY. JUNE 25, 1885. oelebration at Holt the coming 4th uf <lny of inly. iSSO, at one o'clock in Uo WHOLE NO. 1381. July. which our young flrlends start out with afternoun of suid day, I shall sell at pnblie the best wishes of all who know them: sncUon to tho highest bidder, at tho front door George Miller ia adding a valuable An Elegant Assortment, consisting of India of the Inghsm county courthouse, in tho addition to hla real estate by building li»-Mr«.W. 8. Walker. , „ city of Mason, said courtheuse beipu JKWBI,RR. The Veacellus sisters will sing num- Setallver knives and forka—Hr. and Mrs. tho place where thu circuit court for Fsavib ttt Jaljr. CamaiMeeaieMt EBevelM*. a barn. W 8. Walker. Linens, Swiss and India Muslins, Persian said county is held, or so much of the land The committees appointed to prepare Vord's I«eals. - Our cornet band gives an open air Sot'sllver knives and forks-Mr. and Mn. embraced In said uiortgage as shall bo neces­ Below we give the programme of the One pound of bird aeed (Me with (ivory bird Henry Walkor. and Victoria Lawns, and Check, sary to satisly tho amount duo on said mort­ a programme for the proper observance oage at Ford's Boiaar. concert at the village of Holt Tuesday Pillow shams-Mn. a. O. T.Athrop. gage, and all legal costs, together with an at­ POBMSHEO EVBnV TUUHSOAV, By commencement exercises, which will evening and Saturday evening. Silver butter dlih-Mn. O. O. Latbropand torney fee of twenly-llvo dollars, cpycnanted for MMCELLAITEOVB. oiy God to Thee is said to be wonder­ of Independence day have completed be held at the Rayner opera house Theflnoitllneof Cuspadon and Plant Jars Vanohlfl Walker. Striped and Plaid Nainsooks. V. J. TEFFT. ful. la the oily at Ford'i Baioar. Mrs. Perry Mayo of Battle will spealc thoroln. The land doscrlbod in said mortgage la FARINERa' MUTUAL their, lubora and now present a pro­ this evening: M—Mrs. J. O. Marshall. the west half nf tho northesst quarter of section For Crockery and Qlaasware call at Ford's at Delhi grange ball in the village of Feautirul family bIbte-Jamea O. Bfaraball. thirtytwo in township throo north of range two vaaatxcar piRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF INQ- Mrs. David R. Miller, formerly Mrs. gramme replete with interesting fea­ Invocation. China ton set-Mr. and Mrs. J. B. aibbona. west, in inghsm |o^5|,'i. S',if„»£5'/SKR»",gee. r ham county. Safest, cheapest, beit. For "*™'JJ»ym «. jHiiier, roi Basaar. Holt, Tuesday evening, June 28,1885. Sliver cnko baskel-Mrs. J. B. Fay, Odell Oae yeer, ILSO; sis months, 7S canU; three tures. Tbe officers of the day are as Muaio—Come Holy Spirit, quartet. Ageneral invitation is extended toall. Luoian RBsn, Attorney for Mortgagee. moalhs, 40 cents—la edvenee. Essay—Assumption and Assertion, Minnie Those luster Llile Gloves ore lolling teat at and Luaell Fielding. , Dated April 28,1885. 55S^»ma.[3a°n\t:re=,SS.^^^^^^ receiveJf:i'.''„^L',"""''^^^'^'d «],800 pension for tbe deat^ h of follows: E. Lamb. Ford's Basaar. Glass cuke liasket-Mr. nnd Mrs. O. L. Latb- ADVEHTItlNO RATC*. CD Big Bargain in LAWNS! ONEY TO LOAN, BY THE REAL ES- her son, and has now bought a farm Orator—Hon. O. W. Barker of St. Essay—Echoes of Memory .Maggie A. Burns. Hoop Skirts, Ooneta and Buetlei to suit the mCUBUBtt. Counterpane—Mrs. N. Wade, . OnradvertislnR rates made known aloffloe. M tate Agent, Joiiw OuifanACK. Clasa History—L. Qraoe Itoyitou. Ladles. Call and aea them at Ford's Baiaar. Decnmled null bnsket-WIIIetta Walker. O TKACHKR8.-PUBLIC' EXAMINATtOM6 Bnalneaa oarda Ua line per year. In Delhi. Johns. , Will bo hold as follows: Third grade ex­ Bnalneaa locale Uve oenta per line eaeh and Oratlon-We Llvo for Future Ages, W. We are giving apeclnl bargntna In a great E. R. Huwley will act as president Walnut bible slaud-Mr. and Mrs. K. C. CD Tamination will bu hold at Dansville, Friday, Aug­ LARK HOUSE, Wm.H. Clark, proprietor. President—Mayor Harper Beed. Lafayetto Near. Walker. ust 28; at WlllismBton, Frldsy, Soptombor SB; •very inaertlon. C Best one dollar a day house In tbe olty. Spencer Beecher, who displays re­ Mnslo—I've been Dreaming of My Child­ many articles In our atore. July 4. Lamp aud shade—Jennie Marshall. 12 yards fast colors for 60 cents. Marriage, birth, and death notlcee free. Chief Marshal—John Lee Clark of hood, solo and chorus. Call and see Hi at Ford'a Bacaar. Server—Henry Mandiall. at Mason, Friday, Ocloltor SO; at Loslio, Friday, Obltnary notices, reaolnUone of respect, M. DRESSER loans money, buys notes, markable talent for animal painting, Essay—Mileatones, Edith L. Fanson. Mi's. Perry of Mancelona is visiting Novcmbor27,1885. > J< oarda of tnanka. etc.. Ave eenta a line. and makes collections; also dre insnr- Bunkerhlll. Essay-NuUhells and Kernels, Inn J. Main, ut her sou's. Win. Perry. Toilet dresslnic glass—Miss Ella Backus. A Drive in Ginghams at 8 cents per yard, Tho Ingham Oounty Tunchors' Association, Janoo agent. Olllce In Farmera' bank. is taking lessons of Mr. Stevens, the Easay-Ambitlon la King, 8. Alice Dyer. _ Al! those wishing baskots, baakeU nited Scrap Uook—15. S. Avery. which has hccumo so thoroughly established and Reader—Hon. Quincy A. Smith. Oration-Home Rule for Ireland, John D. with flowers, or out flowera, tor the coming W. R. Strebery has gone to the state Qluss sauce dish and plates—Sarah and awakened such a llvo and growing interest gentleman who painted H. M. Wll- VanEtten. of Fenusylvuula, called there by the Weatherby Walker. usually sold at 12 1-2 cents. among tho teachurs of thu county, has fixed its THE NEWS JOB BOOM Chaplain—Rev. F. L. McCoy. Musio—Two Forest Nynplis, duet. oommoncement exorcises, will please leave Toilet set—Miss Sarah Green. astoB of mooting for tho ensuing year ns follows: F\Yk^e^*F'?i'j{f1.%aS,'''p'i5'srn'2d°ia£S: "amB' l»orse. their orders with Mrs. C. M. Handeraon at death of bis mother. Silver picklecastor—Win Marshall nnd lady. Ii aupplled with the best macbinery that The following Is the Essay—"Our Glory is not ia never Falling, Tbo Inst Muturiliiy In Sonlunihur. November, Jan­ GAVStT* PHELPS, dealer. In hardware. , Aubrey Nellls missed a but in Rlalng every Time", Morale Phillips, their earlleet convenience. ISIOwSp. We ure in formed that members of Silver spoon holder and set of spoons—Mr. Choice styles in Figured Linen Lawns. uary, Fobrnary and April, at Mason. money can buy, ntted lor steam power, a large horse from ORDER OF EXERCISES I ^ration—What is True Sucoetar Lulu Belle and Mrs, It. C. Marshall. Appltcatlans for flrst nnd second grado eertiS- aiaortmont of tho latest stylos of Type, Bor­ O stoves, tinware, nails, glass, ptitty, etc. his pasture about three weeks ago, CMII EnrlF and Seenre n tMwn Orcia the Hives band will be here to take Silver pickle castor-Mr, nnd Mrs. H. h. 0 National salute and ringing of bells Oration-Character of Men and Nations, part in the imisioal part of the pro* Slroua. catos will bo received at tho Mason oxaraina- den, etc., enabling us to do Job Printing on FCBROWN, manft. nnd denier In harness. Last week he found it south of Leslie. AtlOcenUperyard, worth 12}j oenta at tions. at sunrise. At 10 o'clock A. M. the Qeorge W. Jewett. gramme the 4tb. Silver buUer dish-Mr. nnd Mrs, O. W. The hoard bclli'Vu that learhors dorlve great ihort notice, at low prices, and In the . saddles, whips, robes, trunka, etc, eto. jj, ^ofg evident marks of having been Musio-Away to tlie Fields, auartet. MABOUS OBBOOtt'S. I'riest. benefit from nttcndniico upon teachers' instl procession will form on Ash street, Pro " Ingham county Pomona grange met Oil painting—Mrs. L. .\, Ilundall. lutes, nnd will notico such nitondnnco In thoir BEST POSSIBLE MANNER! BEECH SON, proprletora of the Mason ridden away by some scoundrel, Oration—Beyonil the Alps Lies Italy—Valc- Pumps, lawn mowers, clothes wringers and I'lusli and ebony franio and cabinet photo.
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