Science Grades 3-4. New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, N.Y
DOCUMFNT RESUM1 E ED 023 603 SE 005 416 Science Grades 3-4. New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, N.Y. Bureauof Curriculum Development. Pub Date 66 Note -353p. Street, Brooklyn, Avatlable from-New York City Board of Education, PublicationsSales Office, 110 Livingston New York 11201 ($250). EDRS Price MF -$150 HC Not Available from EDRS. Descriptors-Biology, *Curriculum, Earth Science, 'ElementarySchool Science, *General Science,Grade 3, Grade 4, Instructional Materials, Physical Sciences, ScienceActivities, *Teaching Guides Identifiers -Board of Education, New York, New YorkCity This handbook provides the elementaryschool teacher with specificsuggestions regarding use of materials and organizationof effective learning experiencesin science at th;*3 level. The book containsthree sections:An introductionemphasizes both science knowledge and processwhile the other two sectionsdeal with subject matter topics for grades 3 and 4.Suggestions for eva!uation followeach science topic.A bibliography of both children's books andprofessiona books for scienceteaching in the elementary school is provided.An extensive filmlistis also developed.Topics developed in grade 3 include electricity,the earth and the sun, needsof plants and animals, sound, weather, friction, gravity,motion, and rocks. Topicsdeveloped in grade 4 include using a compass, the moon,plants, sound, weather, movingthings, and water. (BC) IN SCIENCE Grades 3-4 o o , , jy ;f. 4t, ,r ' r " . e ".4.A of; , o * , 11 4 A: 4it ;0: ,?; \\ me*. "ag 44; ,* =ttrz't " ilas beengrantAi P>rmission toreproduce thisc.,tmtrir71,1erl work Informeon Center(ERIC) and ttli -.3) theEducaVonal Resources operating under contractwith the U.S. Officeor thm organization the ERIC systern EtIwation to reproducedocuments included in of microficheonly, but this rightIs not corferred tO SIN means from the ERICDocument "Ie.,.
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