Caracas 1964 – Editorial Sucre


Johannes Wilbert

University of California, Los Angeles Instituto Caribe de Antropologia y Sociologia de la Fundacion La Salle de Ciencias Naturales



The wisiratu of the Winikina – Warao.

(Foto by the author)



1) Objectives and methods…….…………………………………..…….. 13 2) The ethnological setting ………………………………………...……. 15


1) Tales o f origin Kanobo dibunai (Our Forefather said)...... 21 Warao hakitani (To be Warao)...... 23 Wauta (The Frog)...... 28 Warao tida mana wahabutu (The roasted Indian and his two Wives)……………...... …. 37 Hoa hakitani (To be a chant) ………………....………..………….. 45 Hekunu hakitani (To have fire) ………………………………...…. 49

2) The world around Hebu muida (Spiri, Big-Eye) …………………….………….………. 55 Neburatu kwamuhu, (The young man and theskull)….……. 59 Hokohi (The sun) ……………………………….…………………..….. 64 Hobahi eku (In the earth) ……………………………………….…. 68 Naba eku (In the river) …………………………….………………..… 70 Naba nonate (He will make the rivers) …………………….……. 72 Hobahi eku (On the land) ……………………………….………….. 74 Págs.

Ohidu hakitani (To be Moriche palm) ……………………………. 76 Bisi hakitani (To be bisi wood) ………………………………………. 78 Nowararoko (Likes-to-tell-a-story) …………………………..………. 80

3) Tales o f men and women Tida kwabuai huba (The woman pregnant with a snake)…… 85 Tida simo (Honey woman) ……………………………………………. 90 Simo hakitani (To be honey) …………………………………………. 93 Arahe araka (The older brother and the younger brother)…. 94 Neburatu muana (No-eye) …………..………………………………… 98 Nake Warao (The Indian and the monkey woman) …………. 100 Idamotuma (The old ones)…………………………………………….. 112 Tihidamo (Old woman) ………………………………………………… 115 Tidaidamo anatoro sanuka ha (The old woman and her granddaughter) …………………………………………………………….. 117 Tidaidamo (The old woman) …………………………………………. 120 Yari anamonina (Changed into anger) ……………………………. 122 Iboma anohi taira (The young woman with the stiff thighs) 123 Warao tida manamo ha (The Indian who had two wives) …. 125 Mokototo aibutu (Mokototo's lover) ………………………………. 127 Mokototo hakitani (To be hollow)……………………...... 129 Anibaka (Young girl)…………………...………………………………… 130 Wata behoro (Dog's member)……………………………………..…. 132

4) Tales of enemies and war Musimotuma (The red-eyed ones; Carib Indians)…………..… 135


Neburatu (Young man; Arawak) ……………………..…………….. 140 Siawani (Siawani) …………………………………………………………. 141

5) Tales o f animals Wabu (Rat) ……………………………..………………………………….. 149 Muhu yawanane (Broken bones) ……………………………………. 150 Ekuya hese (Concerning it) …………………………………..………. 151 Hoetobu (Otter) …………………………………………………………… 153 Ibure anamonina (Changing into peccary)...... 155 Honinaba (Manatee)...... 156 Tidasebe (Many women)...... 157 Domu tokoyo (Tokoyo bird)...... 161 Hue hakitani (To be stingaree)...... 163 Ahia ahobahi (The land upstream)...... 164 Ahia ahobahi (The land upstream)...... 166 Tatutuma (The women)...... 168

6) Trickster stories Koneho robe niarabaka ai nisanai (Rabbit gets a Jaguar's paw and a crocodile's tooth)...... 175 Tobe (Jaguar)...... 181 Koneho (Rabbit)...... 183 Koneho Tobe (Rabbit and Jaguar)…………………..…...………… 186 Tobe Koneho (Jaguar and Rabbit)...... 190 Tobe aisia hese (Concerning Jaguar)...... 194




In 1954 I received a grant-in-aid from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research to conduct an ethnological field study of the Warao Indians of the Orinoco Delta in Venezuela. I spent a total o f seven months on this expedition and five months among the WINIKINA-WARAO. The WINIKINA, together with the MARIUSA and ARAWABISI, inhabit the central part of the Delta region. They are known as HOANARAO, "Black-Water People", because they frequent the banks of the mosquito-free black-water rivers. From the very first day of my field work, I concentrated heavily on learning how to speak the Warao language until, towards the end of the period, I was fairly fluent therein. My main informant was the WISIRATU-priest o f the WINIKINA, a senior member of the group who became fascinated with the idea of preserving the DE-HOBO, the old stories, by "speaking on paper". For five weeks he sat patiently in my house and dictated all of the following texts. He needed no other incentive for this rather tedious task than the pleasure of having each story read back to him. He would interrupt for corrections and explanations and laugh each time the recapitulation ended. Quite frequently the sessions of recording lasted for more than six hours a day. Upon leaving in the afternoon the priest would promise to think of new tales and come back the next morning. Very often the informant stayed in my village after sunset. Then the people would crowd into my humble stilt dwelling and listen to their DE-HOBO, their "old stories". I could not record at this speed and tried to understand as much as possible - ducking with the listeners when the moon fell into the river right in front of the village, looking up with them to the stars where the Other Warao live, taking cover when the Red-Eyed attacked, and relaxing when the final KOKOTUKA DIANA concluded another story. From these experiences I learned that the maa texts I was transcribing in my note book were but bloodless images of what they are in life. But I continued recording them with two main objectives in mind: to collect the ethnological content and to record ex- tensive context material of the language. The present publication is meant to serve the second purpose exclusively. The ethnological and f olkloristic evaluation of the tales will be published later. The present transcription is phonemic. After its completion it was sent to Henry Osborn, a connoisseur of the Warao language and author of a "Warao phonology and morphology". Doctor Osborn agreed to translate the texts, saving the author an immense amount of time and guaranteeing at the same time as faithful a translation as possible under present circumstances. I take this opportunity to thank Dr. Osborn, once again, for this kindness and generosity. Barral's dictionary, Osborn's phonology and morphology, together with the present context material, make Waraoan rank quite prominently on the list of the "preserved" languages of South American Indians. I am very greatful to the members of the Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle for having helped me cluring all stages of my expedition. Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. George Peter Murdock, to the late Dr. Paul Fejos, and the Wenner- Gren Foundation who made the field work possible. The La Salle Foundation in Caracas and the University of California at Los Angeles have facilitated the research work and assisted in preparing the manuscript for the publisher. Marie Louise Beckh and Marge P. Larsen typed the manuscript. To all, many thanks.


The Warao occupy the Orinoco Delta of Venezuela and the adjacent swampy regions of (59 ° - 62° long. W., 8° - 10° lat. N.), They have lived in this area since prehistoric times, and due to its inac cessibility neither other Indians nor Afro- Europeans have ever succeeded in conquering its islands nor in communicating with its inhabitants. The present habitat of the Venezuelan Warao represents a ter- minal station of a precolombian eastward migration. In its labyrinthian swamps they found effective protection from expanding Arawaks and Caribs who intruded into these northern territories of South America several centuries before the arrival of the white man. The Warao of British Guiana are known as "Spanish Warao". In the 18th century they were forced to evacuate their Delta homes in order to escape the "entradas" of certain colonial officers who had decided to expatriate and settle them in more accessible regions west of the Delta. The Spanish Warao fled into the coastal hinterland of the Barima. They have lived there ever since in friendly symbiosis with Neo-Indian tribes of Arawakan and Cariban affiliation, adopting many traits of their culturally more advanced enemies of the past. The tribal designation is autochtonous and means "Boat People". Certainly, no other name could apply more appropriately to these aquatic Indians. They comprise somewhere between 9 - 10,000 souls and due to modem. Mission influence their number appears to in- crease rather than to decline. Until very recently the Warao language was classified as a distinct linguistic stock. But lately attention has been drawn to Chibchan elements in the vocabulary. Waraoan seems to share these with a number of other Paleo/Meso-Indians, e.g., Yanoaman and Barian, and these Chibchan elements are more readily explained as stemming from a common Proto-Chibchan heritage rather than some accidental contact. However, the linguistic relationship between Waraoan and the Chibchan of peoples of higher cultures is quite remote. There exists a pronounced hiatus between such "Chibchan" languages as Waraoan, Yanoaman, and Barian on the one hand, and Ican, Muiscan, and 15

Paezan on the other. Traveling through the Delta from one subtribe to another, one soon becomes aware of existing dialectical differences. But nowhere do these internal divergencies impedemutual intelligibility. Some forty years ago Capuchin missionaries from Spain contacted the Warao. They have since established several Mission stations in the general area, catechizing the Indians in their boarding schools and on innumerable expeditions into the interior of the Orinoco Delta. One of the more significant changes brought about by these missionaries was the introduction of agriculture. In 1954 there were still some pre- agricultural Mariusa-Warao living in the central parts of the Delta. Now agriculture is rapidly spreading to all sub-tribes. Contrary to previous assertions, wide areas of the 18,000 km' of the Delta are suitable for agriculture. Consequently, had the Warao practiced agriculture before entering the Delta, they would not have been forced to give it up because of the alleged lack of arable land. Today they plant large fields of ocumo, both kinds of yuca, bananas, plantains, sugar cane, maize, and rice; but they probably immigrated into the Delta as Meso-Indian riverine fishermen. Hunting is infrequently practiced, but with the introduction of shotguns and flashlights the stalking of aguti, capibara, lapa, deer, and birds has become economically more significant. A most important food source of the Warao is the pith of the Moriche palm tree. Despite the Moriche's extensive tropical and sub- tropical distribution only the Warao have learned to exploit the starchy pith as food. They probably discovered it after their arrival in the Delta, and thus the region became viable, one of the most self-sufficient marginal niches of indigenous South America. Quite rightly can the Moriche tree be called the "tree of life" of the pre-agricultural Warao. Not only have they made use of more than ten different parts of this tree, not only did they develop a very efficient type of arboriculture, they also consider the pith to be the only indicated food for man and further, even worthy of serving as a sacrificial gift to God. In combination with fish, the starch of the Moriche is called nahoro witu, the very food. It is available during much of the year and it supplied the Warao with an abundant and'reasonably well balanced diet for centuries. The Spanish Warao have not only adopted many traits of their Neo- Indian neighbors in British Guiana, they have also carried them across the Orinoco to their relatives and friends in the Delta. These foreign elements become especially apparent in the realm of technology and material culture, but are also present in other configurations. "In the begining the Warao were poor", begins one of the stories. 16 Their only clothing was a fiber loin-cloth, while pieces of wood, bone, and shell were made into necklaces, bracelets, and other ornaments. Their basketry technique was a very primitive one; while metallurgy, pottery, and weaving were always lacking. Their original shelter was a domeshaped structure in which they slept in improvised leafstalk hammocks. The modern rectangular stilt dwellings with thatched saddle-roofs were adopted once the large netted hammock of moriche fiber had become the most important piece of furniture in the house, in the ha-noko, the place of the hammock. Human life would hardly be possible in the Orinoco Delta without the dug-out canoe. No other single item of Warao culture appears to be of such vital importance. The boat is the floating house. They travel in it, carry heavy loads in it, sleep, cook, eat and play in it. Eventually, they are even buried in it. "Boat People", is indeed a very appropriate genericname for these Indians. The Warao community is a matrilineal, matrilocal lineage. The village pattern is consistent with the society based on kinship and not on class. As a rule one house shelters several nuclear families, which belong to the same extended family, the women of which are related to each other in a direct line of descent. Generally speaking marriage is monogamous but elders and higher ranking men are free to marry two and three women, preferably sisters of the first one. The levitate is also practiced. The kinship system of the Hawaiian type, local endogamy prevails, and descent is bilateral. Succession of political and religious offices is not subject to any rigid rules and property is inherited bilineally. The Warao recognize three different types of religious practi- tioners: a medicine man, a shaman, and a priest. The former cures physical ailments caused by bahana. The second cures patients who suffer from hoa, and the third cures hebu sickness. Bahaa sickness is caused by introduction of some material object into the body of a victim. Hoa sickness is caused by introduction of hoa essences which are the specific properties of all plants and animals. Hebu sickness is caused by introduction of a metaphysical essence, such as an ancestor spirit, into a person's body, thereby causing internal pressure. The introducing is done by the practitioners themselves in their aggressive role, although hebus may also act on their own. In case of a sickness the three practitioners of the group will be summoned to the hammock of the afflicted where they prepare to make the diagnosis. The cause of sickness once established, the appropriate practitioner will begin the treatment. The bahana practitioner is called bahanarotu, "owner of bahana". 17

Correspondingly the hoa practitioner is called hoarotu, "owner of hoa", and the hebu practitioner heburotu "owner of hebu". The latter is also known as wisiratu, "owner of pain". He is identified as a priest because he represents his congregation at the court of God and because he transmits God's orders and warnings to his people. A specialist of this kind has usually not been reported for Meso-Indian societies, although the Paleo-Indian Yanoama seem to have a similar priest. The fact that the wisiratu presides over the temple cult elevates him to a rank high above any other member of his group. The key importance of this institution and office is that no society can exist without a ¢uisiratu, lest it be a society lacking intimate contact with God. The wisiratu is accordingly the maximum religious and political authority of any Warao group. He is a human with metaphysical properties. For many centuries the wisiratu has been carrying the burden of governing his people. He has cared for their bodies and cared for their souls. He has done well. The Warao have survived to tell their chapter of the genesis of American man and culture.





1. kanobo dibunai warao aisia dokohoto. 2. aura kanobo dokohotai. 3. dokohotakore warao dokohonatanai. 4. kanobo diboto warao dokohoto nakatane. 5. Daisa dokohotoai. 6. Huba dokohotoai. 7. Araisa dokohotoai he. 8. Tatuma he wabakore wabanaka hakitani. 9. he yakera nakaia. 10. he abahoro iabakitani. 11. kanobo dibunai warao sanera hate. 12. he hisia dibunai yakera hate. 13. huba aisia dibunai yakera hate. 14. yakera nakakuna takore asida nakai. 15. warao waba kore moniai asida nakai. 16. kanobo aribu nokonatanai. 17. ayahuka kanobo aribu noko hakakore yakera hakuna. 18. amaseke moniai. 19. taiseke warao wabakore arianawitu diayaha. 20. atai kanobo di bunai warao wabai.21.wabakore hokohi urabakaya eku ayahuka ka nobo aribu eku abanai. 22. ayahuka kanamunai warao wabakore nauai. 23. naukore warao ateho hokou tane nauai. 24. ebisaba warao dibunai wabai hametai atai nauya. 25. amaseke ebisaba warao kokotuka warao waba miai. 26. warao kokotuka miaha kayuka nebumatu tairakate miai.27. mikore warao waba kutai nakai. 28. nakakore amaseke warao hoitai. 29. asida nakayaha nebumatu seke asida toanai. 30. ayahuka ya- kera yarokuna. 31. asida nakai.32. kokotuka.


1. Our forefather said to the Indian, "Shout!" 2. Now our fore father shouted.3. When he shouted the Indian didn't shout. 4. When it happened that the Indian didn't answer the shout of our forefather. 5. Another shouted. 6. The snake shouted.7. Another shouted, crab. 8. Those crabs when they die, it's not for death.9. Crab comes out fine. 10. Crab will leave its shell (?). 11. Our forefather said, "The Indian will come out badly". 12. He said to crab, "You will come out fine". 13. He said to snake, "You will come out fine". 14. If it had just comeout fine! It came out bad. 15. When an Indian dies there is nothing

(1) God.


to be done. It comes out bad. 16. They didn't obey our forefather's word. 17. If at last they had listened it would have been good. 18. Now there is no way. 19. Now when an Indian dies, right then he is lost. 20.Again our forefather said, "The Indian died". 21. When he died, on the fourth day he did according to our forefather's word. 22. At last the Indian got up. When he died he went. 23. When he went the Indian's body became all white. 24. The Indian spoke before him. Because he died he goes again. 25. Now before them all the Indians saw the dead one.26. All the Indians saw Nebumatu before them. They saw him too. 27. When they saw him the dead Indian fell down. 28. When he fell now the Indians buried him. 29. When it came out bad they threw him away badly. 30. At last he would come better. 31. It came out bad. 32. That's all.



1. nahamutu eku kwai namoninai. 2. namoninai warao era hanoko era kawahera. 3. tiakore hanoko awere ha awai winamoru. 4. tatuka domu anabakanoko warao hisaka ha awai harayakara.5. ahata bu ha hataburu.6. ahatabu Hawai senenebaka. 7. domu hatakore awereya hatanaha hisaka abane hotaya. 8.domu naya awai warao harayakara. 9. tiakorehese warao tai harayakara hakore domu hatanai awereya hakanai hatabu domu awereya hakanai. 10. hakakore ahatabu arotu ayamu soronai. 11. sorokore amumawitu naruai. 12. ahatabu arotu saba naruai tata nabakanai. 13. arotu dibunai kasaba mahatabu nakai. 14. taitane yakeraha nahoboai. 15. nahobokore diana minatanai. 16. amaseke miai toto sanuka miai. 17. mikore yaruai tai arotu ayamo hoiwai. 18. hoiwakore nwanai. 19. iwakore hobahi miai. 20. tai neburatu hakoma nisanai. 21. nisanai inawara waranai hoaika. 22. tai aisia hirinai hoaika. 23. hirikore hobahi arai nakai sorokore nahoro aru chi ibure inarao kokotuka kokotuka kokotuka kokotuka era era nahoro era erawitu. 24. neburtau ahatabu nahobuai minatanai. 25. neburatu atai naruai kwai awarao sabasaba warakitani. 26. tata nahamutu eku nabakakore neburatu dibunai. 27. mawarao ine miai hobahi nahoro era. 28. amaseke warao kokotuka dokohotuai. 29. seisa tamatika nahoro ekida nohoro eraha miai. 30. diana ha bokoai hoaika narukitani. 31. warao awabaramu naruai hoaika nakai hobahi arai. 32. ayamo warao era nauya. 33.yakera nauyakore mate warao era nahamutu ata. 34. tiakore kwabu hisaka diana naruai hoaika. 35. narukore hoawa yatuka nabakanai tiabanai. 36. tiabakore tamatika aukwa arai sebuhukore tai kwabu ahotokobo ehobonai. 37. tai hakitani kuraida hokonakore. 38, taiseke kwabu ahotokobo. 39. ama warao asibia na hamutu ata bahinai. 40. bahiahakotai dibunai yatu komi yakera nakai oko moniai naukomoni. 41. tiakware yatu yakeraha witu tanaha oko yatu ahara oane. 42. hate dibunai warao nahamutu eku bahiakotai. 43. ama hobahi arainaka hakutai nahoro era. 44. aru era aru sehuta ibure era hoku era ohi era era. 45. warao hobahi arai hakutai era oriwakaia nahoro era witu. 46. ama ohidu kwahana hisaka kabakore tai ohidu


hisaka amutu aru uhu hisaka yiwaraia wite aubonona ama hau hisaka kabatakore abaia sinaria aisiko ya urabakaia. 47. urabakaia eku naukore mia ha hisaka. 48. tai mikore era warao oriwakaia. 49. yauta ekida warao obonoboai nome yakera yauta ekida. 50. tiakore diana monikatai warao imonyaha. 51. warao yauta mine hakitani ekida. 52. ekidarone dibunai dauna eku yatu warao diana. 53. moniai yatu aubonona sana mine hakotu. 54. tai dibuyakutai hau arotu kokotuka imoniaha. 55. yatu yauta mine witu ha mine hate. 56. dibunai hebu ateho ekidarone yakera katowakitani. 57. obonoboai takore warao diana moninai. 58. amaseke hobahi arai noboto hisaka diawarai. 59. diawakore kanobo dibunai tamaha hiauka ikanamanu. 60. takore warao tida hakutai dibunai ine mauka ikanamunaha mate aka botobotera. 61. nakate atai dibunai kanobo nakanaha tai hiauka sanukidarone kanamuya ama ihi dibuya. 62. tiakware hiauka hemo eku uria hisaka dibuhune hate. 63. hiauka sana mine witu eribuhune hate. 64. ama tatukamo yakera naruya oriwakaia. 65. nobotomo tautuma kokotuka nibo yakera. 66. oriwakaia waba ekida hebu ekida kokotuka bahukaia. 67. tiakore hisaka nobaranai hebu oanai. 68. oakore diana nobaranai wwabai diana wabai. 69. wabakore amaseke tai hoitai sinaria aisiko. 70. ya urabakaia eku kokotuka ha huba ha kokotuka. 71. kanobo dibunai dokohoto waba aisia takore warao wabahakutai dokohotonatanai. 72. ama huba dokohotoai tai ahoro nisane hakitani. 73. warao waba. 74. tai wahabara dokohotohakore yakerakuna. 75. amaseke huba wahabara dokohoai. 76. tiakware huba wabanaha huba yakera ha. 77. warao dibunatanai wabakore nomewitu oko warao wabaia atai oko bahukanaha. 78. huba seke wabanaha. 79. tai dibunai aubonona wabanaha. 80. warao wabakore ayamo unanatanai. 81. kunaruai hoitai dau eku tai sinaria aisiko. 82. sinaria abanai ya urabakaia eku warao waba hakutai nawai kanamunai. 83. kanamakore hanoko ata naruai. 84. tai warao ateho botobotera dibuhida naukomoni uria. 85. naruai hanoko obonone narukore ebisaba _nehimatu ha. 86. tai warao waba nauyakotai anohiba ekida. 87. ama ebisaba hanoko eku warao hakutai dibunai nehimatu aisia. 88. of nehimatu nauyakutai miai minaka of miai. 89. tiarone dibu nokonaka miai nauyakotai. 90. nehimatu dibunai warao waba hakutai diana atai nabakaya. 91. takore amaseke nomewitu wabai. 92. wabakore warao kokotuka tai waba hakutai yaunai erawitu onai. 93. atai nome witu warao waba hakutai hoitai dau eku. 94. hoitakore sinaria abanai ya urabakaya eku. 95. sinaria abakore kwareya hakanai. 96. amaseke nomewitu warao wabai. 97. tamaha hakutai oko warao wabani hakitarii. 98. tamaha kokotuka diana. 99. tai warao anamonina. 100. kokotuka diana.



1. Up in the sky it changed. 2. It changed. Many Waraos had many long houses 3. So there was a place near the house named Manaca-Palm. 4. There was a gathering place for birds. There was an Indian named Good- (shooting) arm. 5. He had a bow and arrow. 6. His arrow's name was Hit-the-mark. 7. When he shot an animal he did not miss even though it were backward. 8. He who killed game was Good-arm. 9. So that Indian Good-arm shot at an animal and missed. The arrow missed the animal. 10. When he ran, the owner of the arrow looked around. 11. When he looked he went right along the water's edge. 12. The owner of the arrow went for it and came there. 13. The owner said, "Where did my arrow fall?" 14. He looked for it well. 15. When he looked now he did not find it. 16. Now he looked and saw a small hole. 17. When he saw it the owner got down. 18. When he got down he dug it. 19. When he dug it he saw land. 20. That young man took a rope. 21. When he took it he hung it down. 22. He went sliding down. 23. When he slid he came to the land. When he looked around there was food, manioc, moriche, peccary and jungle animals, all kinds, all kinds, all kinds, many, many. Lots of food. Plenty. 24. The young man looked for his arrow but didn't find it. 25. The young man went up again to tell his com panions about it. 26. When he got to the sky the young man spoke. 27. "My companions, I saw land and plenty of food". 28. Now all the Indians shouted. 29. "Let's go. Here there is no food. He saw plenty of food". 30. Now they rolled up their hammocks to go down. 31. The first Indians went down and came to that land. 32. Many Indians came behind them. 33. They came down well but many Indians were still in the sky. 34. So one pregnant woman went down. 35. When she went she came to the hole and squeezed in. 36. When she squeezed in it closed on her head and (only) her anus came through. 37. That's the morning star. 38. That's the anus of the pregnant woman. 39. Now a portion of the Indians were still in the sky. 40. Those who stayed said, "You went well without us. Now we can't go at all. 41. Now since you are not doing well we will pull your arm. 42. So it will be". Said the Indians who stayed in the sky. 43. Now those on earth had plenty of food. 44. Manioc, bitter manioc, many peccary, many "Sweetwater", fish. Plenty of moriche. 45. The Indians on the earth were rejoicing. There was abundance of food. 46. Now when they cut down one long moriche palm that one moriche fills a basket. He


thought it out himself so that when he cuts the fiber part he leaves it for four days' time. 47. When he goes at four days he finds enough for a hammock. 48. He sees it and rejoices a lot. 49. "Now there is no work", says the Indian. "That's fine, no work". 50. The Indians thought there was no work. 51. When the Indian looked there was none. 52. Even though there was none he said, "You are the people of the jungle now. 53. It is all confused because of you. Now suffer". 5 4. He who speaks now is the owner of the palm fiber forgetting all. 55. "If you find work there it is. If you look there will be work". 56. So he said. It was a spirit. Even though he had no body he made like us. 57. They thought and then the Indians couldn't do it. 58. Now a child was born on earth. 59. When it was born forefather said, "Stand your child up". 60. So the Indian woman said, "I will not stand up my child. His legs are still soft. 61. He will fall". Again our forefather spoke, "He won't fall. Even though your child is small he stands. Now you say. 62. So if you child goes along a little it will hurry (? ) you. 63. When your son touches your feelings you will hurry (? ) him". 64. So from there they went on rejoicing. 65. The children and the women and the men were fine. 66. They rejoiced. There was no sickness and no fever (from the spirits). Everyone was well. 67. Then one was sick and got fever (from the spirits). 68. When he got it now he got sick and so died. 69. When he died now they buried him in the specified time. 70. On the fourth day there were worms everywhere. 71. Our forefathers spoke to the dead Indian but he did not answer them. 72. Now the worms answered which had taken his flesh. 73. "The Indian is dead". 74. If he had answered first it would have been good. 75. Now the worms answered first. 76. So the worms don't die. The worms are good. 77. Since the Indian did not answer when he died truly we Indians die and don't get better. 78. The worms don't die. 79. So he said, "His soul does not die". 80. When the Indian died they did not cry after him. 81. They took him and buried him in a tree in the specified time. 82. They made a time. On the fourth day the dead Indian came. He stood up. 83. When he stood up he came to the house. 84. Because his body was rotten he could not go fast, only slowly. 85. He went along thinking of the house as he went and there it was before him. He was Nehimatu. 86. That dead Indian who was coming was not fast. 87. Now before him the Indians in the house talked of Nehimatu. 88. Look out. Nehimatu is coming. He saw him. "Carefull you don't miss seeing him". He saw him. 89. But they did not hear his work but they saw him coming. 90.


Now Nehimatu said, said that dead Indian, "I have come again". 91. Now he truly died. 92. When he died all the Indians cried for him. They cried plenty. 93. Again. they truly buried that dead Indian in a tree. 94. When they buried him they set a time at four days. 95. When they set the time it came near. 96. Now truly the Indian died. 97. This is how we tell it.98. This is all now. 99. That's how the Indians changed. 100. (That's) all now.



1. warao ha hisamika ubaya. 2. atatu manamo oriwarao. 3. arahia hakutai auka anoboto ha nibora. 4. anibora hakutai hisamika duya. 5. dukore tata nahoro wahabuaa. 6. wahabukore wahabu isiko yaroya. 7. atai hokohi araisa toatanehese. 8. atai hokohi araisa dibunai ine yatu omi naruaa matatu. 9. ine wahakore anakwarika witu yarote. 10. amaseke duai. 11. dukore asinariya wayabanai. 12. imaya yaronai yarokore dibunai matatu ine anai. 13. wahabu dauwatabu isiko. 14. yarukore dibunai matatu nahorokotu. 15. mauka makware abanu mo ote hoko nahorokotu. 16. amaseke kanamunai anoboto hakutai isiko. 17. kanamukore arima awereya abanai. 18. kanamunai dauhatabu enoboai. 19. enobokore arai witu anibora wahabuai hebu. 20. atatu dibunai dahia kanibora wahabuai. 21. arai witu anibora awata abaya. 22. miai mikore araiba dibunai tamaha arai witu kanibora awata abanai. 23. mikore tamaha kanibora awata. 24. kanibora wahabuai. 25. tamaha hakutai kaniborayana haiku ubaya kutai. 26. tai hebu seisa dahia.m 27. oko katukane tate. 28. oko kanoboto nisate. 29. amaseke hekunu hutanai_ 30. hutakore miai amehoya ahihi ha. 31. awai hebu tai. 32. kanoboto nisakore dau amuhu saba naru. 33. saba naukore dau amuhu nisanai. 34. nisakore hebu ubai hakutai awereya dau amuhu abanai. 35. abakore anoboto nisanai. 36. nisaitane isiko naruai seisa dahia nauki. 37. kasaba oko naute. 38. oko naute kanatu ata. 39. tatutuma hakutai dibunai dahia himu hihi hara. 40. arahia dibunai ha. 41. amu hihi nisanai. 42. nisakore tatuka abanai omunoko eku. 43. dibunai kehido hau tamatika. 44. atai dibunai nisanai hi hau. 45. hi hakitani hi anamonina. 46. atai dibunai koi hau tamatika koi anamonina. 47. koi hakitani. 48. tatukamu naruai daukaba ehobonau 49. ehobokore hanoko awere dibunai ayamo nokokore hebu nauya. 50. tatutuma dibunai hikware natu hidarakoho iakanu. 51. adarakoho iakanai wauta tai wauta ahanoko. 52. wauta adarakoho iakanai tatuma hakutai dareku riakai. 53. takore darakoho mukoronai. 54. mukorokore ayamo hebu nauai. 55. hebu naukore wauta kanamunai dau buari isiko. 56. hebu nai hebu wabai. 57. wauta dibunai manatoromu detanaka hebu maharako wabai.58. amaseke nokabuka ubai.59. uba

28 kore hokonai. 60. hokokore wauta dibunai manatoromu kanamakotu aru buarakoru. 61. manatoro sanuka mamo eku abakotu. 62. abaitane nakotu. 63. amaseke tatutuma hakutai aru buarai. 64. buarakore hanoko ata nebu ekida. 65. tai tatutuma saretuma anoboto ha. 66. amaseke wauta kanamunai noboto natokonai. 67. natokore detane nakai hariyare ekoitai. 68. ekoitakore aranituma nokoai. 69. dahiawauta ata nebu ekida seisa.70. tatutuma hanoko ata naruai.71. nau kore neburatu duhunai mu nawarai. 72. hatabutuma nunaia. 73. nu nakomo duhunai neburatu. 74. ama tatutuma saretuma hakutai dibunai natu manoboto mamoau. 75. diboto wauta dibunai manatoro sanuka ihi hinoboto mamoayara ihi mamoanaha. 76. tane dibukore amaseke kanamunai awai haburi. 77. domu saba kanamunai domu kubakitani. 78. anakwarika domu hisaka yaronai. 79. yarokore wauta ebika domu aidemo. 80. wauta ebika toanai. 81. ama domu amokomoko aranituma ebika toanai. 82. wauta nahoro nunai. 83. nunakore haburi ebika abanai. 84. atai hokonai atai doai domo saba. 85. dokore tata sisi ehobonai. 86. asisi arau awai siawanatuma. 87. ehobonai horu ha bihi ha aru ha nahoro ha. 88. amaseke haburi horu eku kiminai. 89. kimikore haburi kwai nakai. 90. nakakore horu eku kiminai. 91. kimikore aru arotu nauai dibunai horu eku kiminai tia tai awai haburi. 92. tatuka ha tai nahohokotu. 93. tatuka hatai kwai duhuya. 94. aru arotu dibunai hoaika nakau haburi dibu himo akitini. 95. amaseke haburi hoaika nakai. 96. nabakakore dibunai ine dibu himoate. 97. haburi maribu noko. 98. wauta hakutai hidani yana. 99. ihi hidani yanaha domu aidemo ebika toaya yama. 100. takore saretuma hakutai tai arahia hakutai taiseke hidani witu. 101. wauta hinatokonai haburi obonobuai yakera maribu noko. 102. haburi dibunai yakera amaseke domu kubai. 103. domu kubakore hanoko yarunai. 104. yarukore aranituma ebika toanai. 105. domo amokomoko wauta ebika toanai. 106. toakore wauta dibunai aii mauka memoniyata. 107. haburi yatemuinai. 108. hokonai haburi kanamunai obonobuai yakera. 109. ama ine wahibaka nunate. 110. ahabara wahibaka amuhu nunai. 111. nunakore honi abanai. 112. honi abakore dihanai. 113. atai araisa nunai ohoru ahoru nahinai. 114. nahitane honi toanai. 115. toakore dihanai. 116. atai ariyana tane nahinai babe ahoro nahinai. 117. nahikore honi abanai. 118. abakore sanuka wakoho kwaya sabuka nakai. 119. tatukamo haburi naruai bisi miai. 120. mikore ahoro nahinai. 121. nahikore honi abanai diaya takore kwaiwitu butu eku hakitani wahibaka. 122. yakeraha abanai. 123. abakore haburi obonobuai hahe nunai. 124. nunaitane waiku abanai. 125. abakore hok6 takore aranitumaisia dibunai danituma wahibaka ine nunai. 126. tata mebe naukotu. 127. aranituma kanamunai naruai. 128. waiku

29 nabakanai haburi dibunai wauta aisia dani hiebe naukomo abate. 129 wauta kanamonai haburi ayamo naukomo abaia. 130. abakore wauto omi etoai. 131. erokore haburi hakanai. 132. hakakore toromu dibunai aii wauta haburi hakaya. 133. amaseke haburi hakanai.134. ayamo wauta hakanai. 135. haburi hakayakotai we_iku witu nakai. 136. nakakore wahibaka yehisinai. 137. wauta dibunai aii mauka bahinu ine hidani. 138. haburi dibunai ihi dani yana. 139. tamaha arahia hakutai dani. 140. ihi manatokohiyama. 141. ama wauta dibunai tamaha hiauka anoko araha natokonai. 142. tamaha ekumu ihi nakai. 143. naruai haheisia wiriai.144. wirikore hahe ho oanaha. 145. wirinai seotanai kwarika domu koitai. 146. koitakore domu koitai kobokobore basaya. 147. haburi dibunai basaya. 148. amaseke naruai.149. naukore nokobuka wauta koitaya arawa kanamunai dokoriyaba esoboai. 150. esobokore atida saba waranai. 151. warakore dibunai arani aisia dani hidawa dokoriaba esoboai. 152. tata witu hidokoasa inaru. 153. wauta kananit.inai dokoriaba yata nabakanai. 154. naba kakore hoanawitu bahai. 155. bakakore tata anai. 156. anakore ana yakore wauta koitai waa waa waa wauta hakitani. 157. wauta tane nakaiyaha. 158. tatukamu haburi naruai aranituma saba dibunai danituma tamatika nabakakitani domu hatakitani. 159. haburi nabakanai naruai. 160. naukore kwamuhu kware nabakanai. 161. nabakore kwamuhu hakutai notoriai. 162. notorikore kwamuhu dibunai. 163. dibukore haburi aro mahanai kwamuhu kutai. 164. isiko naruai isiko naukore haburi dibunai kwamuhu tamatika tanu. 165. kwamuhu omi naruai. 166. haburi hakanai. 167. hakakore haburi ayamo kwamuhu naruai. 168. amaseke kwamuhu dibunai haburi aro kabatate. 169. hakanai kahamuhu kware nabakanai. 170. nabakakore aro kabatanai. 171. kabatakore dibunai yara wabai amuhu nowarate. 172. nowarakore amuhu manamo ehobonai. 173. tamaha daisa. 174. atai kwa- muhu naruai haburi kware nabakanai. 175. kware nabakakore aro kaba- tanai. 176. kwamuhu dibunai yara wabai ine amuhu nowarate. 177. nowarakore amuhu manamo ehobonai. 178. ehobokore daisa. 179. tatukamo haburi liana ehobonai. 180. ehobokore hana kayanuka nakai. 181. ayamo kwamuhu hana ehobonai ehobonai. 182. ehobokore kwa muhu hana autu dianai. 183. niarabaka bakitani. 184. niarabaka ana monina. 185. tatukamu naruai harayakara kware nabakanai. 186. na bakakore haburi dibunai miki domu hatanu. 187. domu hatanai hara yakara dibunai haburi aisia domu hatanu. 188. hatakore domu awere ya hakanai. 189. haburi ahatabu. 190. hakakore ahatabu kwai nakai. 191. nakakore nowara waranai hobahi aisia nakai. 192. nakakore hata bu arotu tata naruai ahatabu yata nahobukitani. 193. nahobuai ekida. 194. minatanai ahatabu arotu dibunai mahatabu yakeraha. 195. mikore 30 ahatabu hota eku anoko ha. 196. buari nisanai hoiwai. 197. hoiwa kore hobahi ehobonai. 198. ehobokore ahatabu ayamo soronai. 199. sorokore ahatabu hoaika ohidu miai. 200. ohidu era. 201. nahoro diaka nahoro era ibure era. 201 a. haburi ahatabu sakabuai. 202. ama haburi awarao saba waranai mawarao hobahi yakeraha miai. 203. ine hobahi miai. 204. nahoro era warao sebe ha warao era dokohotoai. 205. as hobahi yakeraha miai. 206. tata seisa. 207. amaseke warao kokotuka bokoai. 208. warao kokotuka bokokore aidamotuma koko tuka. 209. seisa nauki hobahi kaba ekuya omunoko abanai. 210. aba kore ekuya kokotuka hoaika nakai. 211. autu kwabu ha. 212. obvia kaba ekuya kwabu hakutai hirinai. 213. hirikore kwabu tiabanai. 214. kwana yehisinai. 215. kwabu ahotokobo hinarokatai. 216. tai awai hokonakura hakitani. 217. taiseke kwabu ahotokobo. 218. ebe hoko nakore ekida. 219. hokonai hokoyakore hokonakore mura mura mura mura tane tanai. 220. kwabu aubonu tiabanai. 221. tiabakore eubo kaukwarika bahinai. 222. wisimo yakera taubuyaha kaukwarika bahinai. 223. hanoko asibia hoaika nakai. 224. nakakore asibiahese yakera kuna. 225. ayahuka kokotuka hoika nakahakore yakera kuna. 226. oko yakera nakakuna. 227. wisimo bahinai kaukwarika kanisani hakitani. 228. asibia hoika nakai warao hakitani warao anamonina. 229. hoaika nakakore diaka ohidu kwahana. 230. kanamunai tata naukore akaho bunamo yahia. 231. ama kwahana kabakore yakeraha esokaya. 232. esokakore yaha orabakaya eku tata naruya. 233. naukore aubonona aisia aru yewaraya hisaka. 234. atai tatukamo hau kabataya. 235. kabatakore yakeraha abaia. 236. yakeraha abakore ha yiwaranai. 237. ha yiwaranaha batokonai. 238. ebe yakera. 239. waku dibuhida ahakana taira. 240. hunabaida ahakana wakera. 241. ibure ahakana wakera. 242. amaseke hokabai. 243. hokabakore tata tiabuai. 244. ebe waku anaru dibuhida. 245. tiabuai tiabakore hokaba eku waku wakai awai waku tane waku hakitani. 246. hokaba kwareya nabutahine hakanai. 247. ibure rakate toatanehese. 248. hokaba kwareya nabutahine hakanai awai ibure hakitani. 249. tane ebe yakera witu ha tiaha emoninai. 250. emonine emo abanai. 251. kokotuka ekoranai.


1. There was a man who lived alone.2. He had two wives who were of the same family. 3. The younger sister has a son. 4. The husband looks for food alone.5. When he finds food he roasts it on the spot. 6. When he roasts it he comes home with it.7. The next


day he does the same. 8. Again the next he said, "I am going without you, my wives. 9. When I have roasted I will come in the late afternoon". 10. So he got food. 11. When he was finding food the set time went by. 12. He came at night. When he came he said, "My wives, the night caught me". 13. He came with the roast meat wrapped up. 14. He said, "My wives, eat. 15. Put my son beside me. Eat the grubs in the light". 16. Now they got up with their son. 17. When they got up they put him beside his father. 18. They stood up and unwrapped the package. 19. When they unwrapped it right on top the spirit had roasted their husband. 20. The woman said, "Little sister, he roasted our man". 21. Right on top he puts the husband's penis. 22. They saw it. When they saw it the older sister said, "This one put our husband's penis right on top".23. When they saw, "This is our husband's penis. 24. He roasted our husband. 25. This one is not our husband that is sleeping in the hammock. 26. It is a spirit. Let's go; sister. 27. How shall we do? 28. We will get our child". 29. They lit a fire. 30. When they lit it he had hair all over his chest. 31. He was a spirit. 32. "Go for a piece of heart-of-wood to get our child". 33. When she went she got a piece of heart-of-wood. 34. When she got it they put it next to the spirit who was sleeping. 35. When they put it in they took their child out. 36. Having taken it out they went. "Let's go, little sister. 37. Where shall we go? 38. We will go to our grandmother". 39. So the women said, "Little sister, do you have a pubic hair?" 40. Little sister said, "I have". 41. She pulled out a hair. 42. When she pulled it out they put it on the trail. 43. They said, "Let there be large thorns here!" 44. Again she pulled (one) out and said. "Let there be thorns!!" 45. There were thorns. It changed to thorns. 46. Again she said, "Let there be rot here", and it became rot. 47.There was rot. 48. They went on and came to a garden. 49. When they came out they said, "There is a house near". When they listened the spirit was coming behind then50. Thewomen said, "We are here, grandmother, open the door". 51. Frog opened the door. It was Frog's house. 52. Frog opened the door and they entered the room. 53. So she closed the door. 54. When she closed it the spirit came. 5 5. When the spirit came Frog stood up with a ma chete. 56. She killed the spirit and it died. 57. Frog said, "My grandchildren, don't be frightened. I killed that spirit as my prey". 58. Now after that they slept. 59. They slept till dawn. 60. When it dawned Frog said, "Get up, my grandchildren, to go pull manioc. 61. Leave my little grandson with me. 62. Having left him, go". 63. Now the women pulled manioc. 64. When they pulled it there were no young men at the house. 65. The women were husbandless with just the son.


66. Now Frog got up and stretched the boy. 67. When she stretched him he was frightened and cried out. 68. When he cried out his mothers heard. 69. "Little sister, Frog has no young men (to proctect her). Let's go". 70. The women went to the house. 71. When they came the young man was seated with his eyes dried. 72. He was making arrows. 73. The young man was seated making arrows. 74. Now the husband less women said, "Grandmother, give me my son". 75. Frog answered, "Did you leave my grandchild? You left no child here". 76. When she said that now he stood up. His name is Haburi. 77. He stood up to go to kill birds. 78. In the late afternoon he came with a bird. 79. When he came he put the larger birds before Frog. 80. He threw them before Frog. 81. The little birds he threw before his mothers. 82. Frog made food. 83. When she made it she put it before Haburi. 84. Next day he went for food. 85. When he was searching he came to a trail. 86. The people on that trail are called Siawana. 87. He came out and found a cooking pot, a sifter, manioc and food.88. Now Haburi defecated in the cooking pot. 89. When he defecated he climbed up. 90. When it fell it fell in the cooking pot. 91. When he defecated the owner of the manioc came and said, "Someone defecated in the cooking pot. That's Haburi. 92. He's up there spilling it. 93. There he is sitting up there". 94. The owner of the manioc said. "Come down, Haburi, I will tell you something". 95. Now Haburi came down. 96. When he came down the other said to him, "I will give you advice. 97. Hear my word, Haburi. 98. That Frog is not your mother. 99. It is said you put the big birds before the one who isn't your mother. 100. That husbandless woman and her sister, they are your mothers. 101. Frog stretched you. She wanted Haburi. Hear my word". 102. Ha buri said, "Fine". Now he killed birds.103. Having killed birds he came to the house. 104. When he came he threw them before his mothers.105. He threw the small birds before Frog. 106. When he threw them Frog said, "Ay, my son has forgotten me. 107. Haburi has forgotten". 108. Next day Haburi stood up and thought well. 109. "Now I will make a dugout canoe". 110. First he made the dugout of bone. 111. When he made it he put it in the water. 112. When he put it in it sank. 113. He made another of permancilla bark. He split it. 114. When it was split he put it in the water. 115. When he put it in it sank. 116. Again he split it; he split the bark of a (type of) cachicamo tree. 117. When he split it he put it in the water. 118. When he put it in it came right up to the gunwhale. 119. After that Haburi went and saw a (another type of) cachicamo tree. 120. When he saw it he split the bark. 121. When he split it he put it in the water. Now


that floated up high. It was a dugout. 122. He made it well. 123. When he put it he thought. He made paddles. 124. When he had madethem he put them in the dugout.125. When he put them and it dawned he said to his mothers, "Mothers, I have made a dugout. 126. Go there before me". 127. His mothers got up and went. 128. When they got to the dugout Haburi said to Frog, "Mother, I'm going ahead of you".129. Frog got up and went after Haburi.130. When she went Haburi took a short cut. 131. When he took the short cut Haburi ran.132. When he ran Parrot said, "Look out, Frog, Haburi is running away".133. Now Haburi ran.134. Frog ran after him. 135. Ha buri who was running came to the dugout.136. When he came he pushed the dugout.137. Frog said, "Oh, my son come back, I am your mother".138. Haburi said, "You are not mother".139. This younger sister is mother.140. You stretched me".141. Now Frog said, "You are this one's son. I stretched you.142. You were born to her".143. He paddled with his paddle.144. When he paddled the paddle did notcatch in the water.145. He paddled. He looked around. Up above a bird called.146. When it called it said, "Around and around, on edge". 147. Haburi said, "On edge". 148. Now they went.149. When they went after that Frog was crying so her son-in-law cut down a sweet-mouth (honeycomb). 150. When he cut it he told his wife. 151. When he told her she told her mother, "Your son-in-law cut down a honeycomb. 152. Go there with your bitter mouth". 153. Frog got up and went to the honeycomb.154. When she got there she stayed at the black-water (stream). 155. When she stayed it was night. 156. In the afternoon and in the night Frog cried, "Wah, wah, wah", to be Frog. 157. Now she was becoming Frog. 158. From there Haburi went on. He said to his mothers, "Mothers, let's stop here to shoot birds". 159. When they came he went on. 160. When he went he came to a skull bone. 161. When he came he touched the skull. 162. When he touched it the skull spoke. 163. When it spoke the skull clung to Haburi's neck. 164. He went along with it. When he went Haburi said, "Skull, stay here". 165. He went without it. 166. Haburi ran. 167. When he ran the skull went after him. 168. Now the skull said, "I will cut Ha buri's throat". 169. It ran and came near. 170. When it came he cut its throat. 171. When he cut it he said, "Partner died. I will count the bones". 172. When he counted there were two bones. 173. This was another one. 174. Again the skull went and came to Haburi. 175. When he came near he cut its throat. 176. Skull said, "Partner died.I will count its bones". 177. When he counted it it came out two bones. 178. It turned out to be another.179. After that Haburi came to a

34 stream.180. When it appeared he got to the other side. 181. Behind him the skull came to the stream. 182. When it came, the skull went down in the stream. 183. It became a crocodile. 184. It changed to a crocodile. 185 From there he went and came to Good-arm. 186. When he came he said, "Let's see, shoot a bird". 187. When he shot a bird Good-arm said to Haburi, "Shoot a bird". 188. When he shot he missed. 189. Haburi's arrow (did). 190. When it sped the arrow fell long. 191. When it fell it showed his prowess. It fell through the earth. 192. When it fell the owner went there to look for his arrow. 193 He looked but it wasn't there. 194. When he couldn't find it the owner said, "My arrow was good" 195. When they saw there was an arrow hole through the ground. 196. They took a machete and made it bigger. 197. When they made it bigger they saw a land (below). 198. When it came in view they looked for the arrow. 199. When they looked they saw the arrow below in a moriche tree. 200. There were many moriche trees. 201. There was food now, much food and many peccary. 201 a. Haburi trampled his arrow. 202. Now Haburi told his companions, "My companions, I saw a good land. 203. I saw the land. 204. There is much food". There were many Indians. Many cried out. 205. "Aha, he saw a good land. 206. Let's go there".207. Now all the Indians clamored (?). 208. All the old ones clamored. 209. "Let's go. They made a trail through the hole. 210. When they made it they all went down.211. There was a pregnant woman among them. 212. The pregnant woman slid into the hole.213. When she slid in she stuck.214. They pushed hard. 215. Her anus came through. 216. That morning star is what they call her anus. 217. That is her anus. 218. In past times it wasn't there at dawn.219. It dawned. When it dawns there it is twinkling, twinkling. 220. On account of the pregnant woman they were stuck.221. When they were stuck the rest stayed above. 222. Good able shamans stayed behind.233. Half the house came down. 224. When they came down half the house stayed above. 225. If at last they should all come down it would be good. 226. It would be fine for us.227. Shamans stayed up above to be the ones to receive us (?). 2228. Half came down to change to be Warao.229. When they came down now there was moriche fruit. 230. They got up and when they went there the moriche "cheese" rests at the bottom (after washing the flour).231. Now when they cut the fruit they clean around carefully.232. When they cleaned after four days they go again. 233. When they go they finish the flour of one tree. 234. Again after that they cut the fiber. 235. When they cut it they fixed it well. 236. When they fixed it well they finished the


hammock. 237. When it was not finished they left it hanging 238. Before it was good. 239. Then the turtle ran fast. 240. The lobsters (?) were slow. 241. The peccary were slow. 242. Now they made a ditch. 243. When they made the ditch they closed it in. 244. Beforethe turtle went fast. 245. They closed it in. When they closed it in the turtle waited (waka-) in the ditch, so it was called turtle (waku). It became turtle. 246. It ran having jumped beside the ditch. 247. The peccary was the same way. 248. It ran near the ditch and jumped and became peccary, 249. So it was fine, that (time) before. That is forgotten. 250. It was forgotten and changed. 251. It is all finished.



1. tai wahabutu hakutai atida manamo. 2. atautuma hakutai. 3. tida yakera deko araiba arahia yakera. 4. araiba auka ekida takore arahia auka noboto ha. 5. hisaka eridaha yakeraha. 6. tai araiba tida taira borokitani boroya arahia namoya aboto aru arahia. 7. araiba boroto hakutai tai nibora monuka. 8. anibora hakutai tai aukarutane duya hisamika inarau nahobukutani. 9. mikore inarao mikore tata hani dauna eku wahabuya. 10. tai tuatane are ayauta tuatane. 11. atidatuma hakutai aru boroya hakutai tai rakate anibora monuka ayauta. 12. tida taira yoreku nahoro nahobuya taya kokotua aisia. 13. tiakore hese ya hisaka diana atutu naminamoana hisamika kware diana wabai. 14. tatutuma naminanaha. 15. tatutuma manamo hakutai anakwarika diana anaya. 16. anibora eku atautuma dibuya yorisiko kanibora katukane tanai ekida anaya wahabara tamai tanaha. 17. anayakore diana nabakanai wahabu aisiko toarai. 18. toarakore dibunai ai matatutuma ine hotanai wahabu tida manamo ebika ababanai tai nibora hakutai. 19. takore warawana tai diana hebu dibunai yakera diana ine ubakitia mauka noboto maukware abakotu. 20. tiakware nahorokotu mawahabu. 21. amaseke tidatuma manamo hakutai wahabu miai.22. mikore namina abayaha wahabu arai witu ha. 23. yakera yaheraha ha. 24. mikore anibora awata. 25. miai dibunai tidatuma manamo hakutai tamaha haiku ubaya hakutai kanibora yana daisa hai kanibora wabai. 26. tamaha kanibora wahabuai. 27. taikware diana seisa. 28. ama kanoboto aisiko ubaya. 29. katukane tete. 30. ama dau kobou tiaha nahaubu kanoboto noboto nisakitani. 31. dau kobou nahobuai miai kobukunai hebu ubai hakutai awerea abakitani. 32. abanai noboto ko- bokonai. 33. kobokakore tida manamo hakutai dibunai seisa nauki. 34. naruai naruai naruai nokoai inarera hatai naruai. 35. tida arahia anoboto aisiko naruya urida. 36. amaseke dibunai daiba mauka mano boto urida. 37. ama araiba arahia amo hekumo nisanai seisa dahi kwarika naruki dibuhida. 38. tai ayamo nokoai. 39. nokokore mate inahera. 40. kwarika naruai ayamo nokoai. 41. nokokore ayamo nauya hebu hakutai. 42. amaseke dibunai daiba oko katukane rate ebisaba abaki. 43. amo hihi buhunai toanai hobahi arai awai waranai hi

37 hau kwarea naruai atai amo hihi buhunai. 44. buhakore atai dibunai hobahi arai toanai. 45. dabaka eraha namoninu tida manamo hakutai kwarika naruya dutanaha. 46. atai amo hihi buhunai hobahi arai abanai dibunai tida manarno hakutai daubo eraha namoninu kwarika naruya. 47. diana ayamo hebu nauyakatai awere sabuka nakaya wauta kware nabakanai. 48. wauta hidarakoko iyakanu dibuhida. 49.takore wauta adarakoho iyakanai. 50. iyakakore tatutuma manamo hakutai dareku yaruai. 51. yaukore arairnaha witu hebu nabakanai. 52. nabakakore dibunai hebu wauta hidarakoko iyakanu tamatika tida manamo nauar. 53. takore wauta dibunai tamatika tida manamo ekida. 54. amaseke wauta dibunai miki himoho sanuka miai waraowana hima witu tai dibu yako hebu amoho tai.55.ataidibunai hiyahara miki.56. miai ahoro hima witu atai dibunai hiteh6 miki. 57. miai hima witu hebu ateho. 58. atai aukwa miai hima witu hiyotuma miki.59.miai oanai tatuka botobotera. 60. takore wauta mohorabaka nisanai.61.nisakore hebu ahotomu ekuya ibotoronai. 62. tamate aukwa eku nakai. 63. nakai wabai hebu wabai. 64. yaha araisa eku anihako witu miai hebu ahihi era. 65. tai nahorotu. 66. aura wauta yakera tida manamo hakutai yakera nakai.67. detanaha wauta dibunai tida manamo aisia manobotomo Diana kanamakotu narukotu aru hiwarakitani.68. ine naunaha tamatika manatoro sanuka mamoheku abakotu. 69. omi narukotu. 70. tida manamo hakutai yakera.71. tiakware mauka ovate wauta moai noboto hakutai.72. aranituma naruai aru hiwarakitani. 73. aru hiwaranai diana yiwaranai abahina hanoko awere.74. nakakore nokoai. 75. nokokore koitaiya. 76. neburatu isimoi hariyari. 77. aranituma naruai tata kware nabakanai miai neburatu ha. 78. amaseke tida manamo hakutai obonobuai tamaha mauka natokonai wauta. 79. amaseke noboto arani dibunai natu mauka kasaba. 80.takore wauta dibunai manatoro sanuka yatu mamowanaha. 81. aranituma naminaia. 82. tamaha neburatu hakutai mauka tai awai neburatu haburi. 83. amaseke tai haburi harayakore domu era kubaia dokosimo, kwahene yaromu domu mokomoko kokotuka kubaia. 84. naruai domu waba aisiko hanoko ata. 85. hanoko nabakaia domu aidehemo kokotuka wauta moaya domu amokomoko arani aranituma moaya. 86. domu mokomokera tiarone nahoroya tai tidatuma manamo hakutai. 87. amaseke haburi aisia de nokoya haburi aranituma isanaya monuka domu mokomoko aranituma moaya. 88. domu aidehemu kubakore wauta moaya. 89. amaseke aranihota haburi wakai tamate hakuna haburi .araniyana tiarone saba domu era kubaya wauta saba. 90. tiakore diana haburi miai. 91.ohita kawana kaimiai. 92. haburi aso miai. 93. kaimikore aranihota dibunai haburi manahoro eku kimiai. 94. aranihota haburi aso oanai. 95. haburi tatuka kwai disanai duhunai aranihota miai. 96. 38 mikore hoaika hirinai. 97. hirikore aranihota dibunai haburi katukane ihi tia. 98. wauta hidani yana. 99. tida manamo hakutai taiseke hi danituma wauta hidani yana tai hinatokonai. 100. ama domu kubakore aidehemo tida manamo hakutai moau domu aidemo hidanituma moau.101.domu amokomoko kubakore wauta moau. 102. tai hidani yana. 103. tai awai wauta. 104. haburi dibunai yakera. 105. amaseke ha buri obonobuai wahibaka nunakitani. 106. nunai dokoriaba amuhu yiwaranai. 107. yiwarakore naba eku honi ebutunai. 108. ebutakore haburi waiku nakai. 109.nakakore aisiko dihanai. 110. iabanai daisa nunai ohoru nunai wahibaka yakeraha yiwaranai. 111. yiwarakore naba eku honi abanai yakera. 112. tiarone eku nakai dihanai. 113. dihakore daisa nunai. 114. babe nunai wahibaka. 115. nunakore yiwa- ranai.116. naba eku honi abanai. 117. abakore eku nakai dihanai. 118. waukatu bisi wahibaka nunai. 119. nunakore yiwaranai. 120.yiwarakore naba eku honi abanai.121. wahibaka eridaha yiwaranai tai seke nome yakera eku nakai. 122. eku nakakore haburi oriwakaya na ruai wauta ata. 123. hanoko nabakanai tida manamo hakutai aisia dibunai. 124. danituma wahibaka yiwaranai seisa oko naute. 125. tiakware yatu aha kokotuka waiku abakotu oko narukitani ine naukamo namate. 126. amaseke wauta dibunai mauka haburi naukamo abaki hokoai. 127. haburi naruai wauta aisiko naukamo namakitani. 128. haburi dau oanai wauta ayamo naukamo hoiwa eku abanai. 129. dibuhida neburatu hoiwa nunai. 130. wauta awahabara kwarika dausia hoiwai. 131. tiakware hese diana neburatu wauta omi etoai. 132. etokore wauta rakate kwarika nohibaya. 133. hoiwa eku naukamo abayaha. 134. neburatu hakutai wauta omi etoai. 135. kwarika omi etoai. 136. omi etokore diana haburi hakanai. 137. hakakore toromu dibubaka dibunai. 138. haburi hakaya kwarika haburi hakanai. 139. atai toromu dibunai haburi hakaya. 140. amaseke diana wauta nokoai. 141. nokokore wauta hakanai haburi ayamo haburi kwarika hakaya. 142. ebisaba taut-nn manamo aranituma hakutai obonane.143. diana aranituma kware nabakanai. 144. waiku nakai haburi wahibaka kwane yehisinai. 145. yehisinai nabautu nakai. 146. nakakore hahe nisanai. 147. wirinai hahe aha aisia wirinai. 148. wirikore ho oanaha. 149. atai wirinai tai monuka hese. 150. wirikore kwarika domu kono koitai kobokobore basaya kobokobore basaya. 151. takore wauta hakutai domu aribu nokoai. 152. nokokore arani dibunai mauka mauka domu koitaya. 153. yakeraha noko auka. 154. takore kasaba domu koitayane. 155. yakeraha nokoki. 156. atai nokoai domu koitaya kobokobore basaya kobokobore basaya. 157. amaseke dibunai abasaya neburatu hahe oanai abasaya wirinai. 158. amaseke wahibaka naruai. 159. wauta ayamo era onaya. 160. onayakore neburatu wauta sabasaba ho

39 kwai toanai. 161. neburatu dibunai ihi daniyana hiwai wauta. 162. takore wauta arokc eku ho abanai.163. aroko eku ho abakore haburi ayamo homoai. 164. wauta dibunai tamaha haburi naruya kotai detakuna naruai haburi detanaka naruai. 165. burohoata () nabakanai. 166. ama wauta bahinai onakomo bahinai tatuka. 167. ona yiwarakore aukatida aisia dibunai maukatida marawa masaba dokoriaba nanaubu kunarai maroko iakara takitini. 168. amaseke arawa naruai dauna ekuya. 169. naukore dokoriaba miai kabai isoboai. 170. isobokore ayiwarana atida naruai arani saba warakitani.171. naruai waranai dani hidawa dokoriaba isoboai diana. 172. arani dibunai yakera maukatida rate ine nature. 173. naruai tata nabakanai.174. nabaka kore wauta dibunai naru maukatida momi tamatika ine bahete. 175. akatida naruai. 176. wauta tatuka bahinai ekidaha imanananu. 177. takore imaya dau toto eku koitaya uwa" uwa° uwa°. 178. tai wauta namoniyaha wauta hakitani. 179. idamotuma are denobo naruyaha. 180. tai diana koketuka.


1. That roaster had two wives.2. He had wives. 3. Both women were good, the older sister and the younger sister. 4. Older sister had no children but younger sister had a son. 5. One was big. 6. Older sister was strong for cutting palms to get the flour; younger sister dug out the flour in the soft part of the tree.7. Older sister cut palms for flour like a man. 8. The husband and the little son looked for food alone, searching in the jungle.9. When they find suitable animals they roast right in the jungle. 10. That is always their work. 11. The women, when they cut trees for flour, that is like their husband's work too. 12. The strong woman alone looks for food with all of them. 13.So one day now without the women's knowledge he died all alone.14.The women did not know.15. The two women were waiting for darkin the late afternoon.16. Talking of their husband they say to each other, "What could have happened to our husband?" they said to each other. "He is not here at early dark".17. At dark there came (a man) with roast meat and rested.18. When he rested he said to the women, "Oh, my wives; I am worn out". So he put the roasted meat before the two women, that man did. 19. So No-Indian, that spirit, said, "It is well. Now I will sleep. Put my son beside me. 20. Now you eat my roast meat". 21. So the two women looked at the meat. 22. When they looked they recognized something right on top of the roast. 23. It was lying right there. 24. When they looked they saw their hus

40 band's penis. 25. They saw and said, those two women, "This one who sleeps in the hammock is not our husband. It's someone else. Our husband died. 26. This one roasted our husband. 27. So let's get away. 28. Now he is sleeping with our child. 29. What shall we do? 30. Now look for a round log so we can get our child out". 31. They looked for a round log. They found it. They lifted it up to put it beside the sleeping spirit. 32. They put it and lifted up the child. 33. Whenthey lifted him up the two women said, "Now let's go". 34. They went and went and went and listened. It was still, so they went on. 35. The younger sister with the child went slowly. Now she said. 36. "Older sister the child is slow". 37. Now older sister took the child from younger sister saying, "Now sister, let's go faster". 38. They listened behind. 39. When they listened it was still quiet. 40. They went further and listened. 41. When they listened behind, that spirit was coming. 42. Now she said, "Sister, what shall we do? Let's put something in the way". 43. She jerked out a pubic hair and threw it on the trail saying, "Be thorns!" They went around and again she pulled out a hair. 44. When she pulled it out she said as she threw it on the trail. 45. "Turn into spears!" The two women were going further without stopping. 46. Again she pulled out hairs and put them on the trail and the two women said, "Turn into many knives!" So they went on. 47. Now when that spirit, that was coming behind them, was quite near, they came to Frog. 48. "Frog, open up your door quickly". 49. So Frog opened the door. 50. When she opened it the two women went into the room. 51. When they went in the spirit came right behindthem. 52. When he arrived the spirit said, "Frog, open up your door,two women came here".5 3. So Frog said, "There are no two women here". 54. So Frog said, "Let's see your hand". She saw a little. NoIndian was ax as we say. Maybe that's a spirit hand. 55. Again she said, "Let's see how you are".56. She saw. His skin was an ax. Again she said, "Let's see your body". 57. She saw, it was an ax, that spirit's body.58. Again she saw his head. It was an ax. "Let's see your hair". 59. She felt it. It was soft. 60. So Frog took her spear. 61. She pierced the spirit in the anus. 62. It went to his head.63. He fell, that spirit died. 64. The next day at dawn they saw him, a great hairy spirit. 65. It was an eater. 66. Now Frog was good to the two women and they liked her. 67. So not fearing, Frog said to the two women, "My children, up now and go pull manioc. 68. 1 am not going. You leave my grandchild here with me". 69. They went without the child.70. The two women (thought it) all right. 71. Saying, "My child will

41 cry", she left the child with Frog. 72. The mothers went to pull manioc. 73. They pulled up manioc and finished and returning came near the house. 74. When they came near they heard. 75. They heard playing. 76. A young man was playing the flute. 77. The mothers went there and saw there was a young man. 78. Now the two women thought, "This is our child. Frog stretched him". 79. Now the child's mother said, "Grandmother, where is my son?" 80. So Frog said, "You didn't give my grandson to me". 81. The mothers knew. 82. "This young man is my son. His name is Haburi". 83. Now when Haburi went hunting he killed many birds, wild turkeys, game birds and little birds of all kinds he killed. 84. He went home with the birds he killed. 85. When he got home he gave the large birds to Frog and the small birds to his mothers. 86. Even though they were very small the mothers ate them. 87. Now we hear this story about Haburi as if he were making fun of his mothers, giving them small birds. 88. When he killed large birds he gave them to Frog. 89. So Haburi's aunt waited for him in case he should be here. She (Frog) was not his mother but he killed many birds for her, for Frog. 90. So now she saw Haburi. 91.He defecated among the leaves. 92. She saw his excrement. 93. When he defecated his aunt said, "Haburi defecated in my food". 94. Aunt took his excrement. 95. Haburi sitting up there hidden saw his aunt. 96. When he saw her he slid down. 97. When he slid down Aunt said, "Haburi, what is the matter with you? 98. Frog is not your mother. 99. Those two women are your mothers. Frog is not your mother. She stretched you. 100. Now when you kill birds give the big ones to your mothers. Give the big ones to them.101. When you kill small birds give them to Frog. 102. She is not your mother. 103. Her name is Frog.104. Haburi said, "Fine". 105. Now Haburi thought about making a dugout canoe. 106. He made it and finished it of "sweet-mouth" wood. 107. When he finished it he floated it in the river. 108. When it floated Haburi got in the dugout. 109. When he got in it, it sank. 110. He left that one and made another of peramancilla wood. He finished a good dugout.111. When he finished it he put it into thewater easily. 112. When he got into it, it sank.113. When it sank he made another. 114. He made the dugout of cachicamo wood. 115. He finished making it. 116. He put it in the water. 117. When he put it in and got into it, it sank. 118. Last of all he made a canoe of (another type of) cachicamo wood. 119. When he made it he finished it. 120. When he finished it he put it into the water. 121. He finished a really big dugoutand truly got into it. 122. When he got


in Haburi rejoiced and went in it to Frog's place. 123. When he got home he spoke to the two women. 124. "Mothers, I finished a dug out. Now we will leave. 125. So put all your hammocks into the boat to go. I will plant corn". 126. Now Frog said, "Son Haburi, let's put in corn". It dawned. 127. Haburi went away with Frog to plant corn. 128. Haburi took a stick (to make holes). Frog came along behind putting corn into the holes. 129. The young man made the holes rapidly. 130. He opened holes ahead of Frog. 131. So then the young man took a short cut without Frog. 132. When he cut off, Frog alsohurried faster. 133. She was putting corn in the holes. 134. The young man took a short cut without Frog. 135. He cut off faster without her. 136 Cutting off without her Haburi ran. 137. When he ran a talkative parrot spoke. 138. "Haburi is running away". Haburi ran faster. 139. The bird said again, "Haburi is running away". 140. Now Frog heard. 141. When Frog heard she ran after Haburi. She runs faster than Haburi. 142. Having thought already of the two women mothers, 143. then he came to the women. 144. He got in the dugout and pushed hard.145. He pushed it and it moved into the middle of the river. 146. When it got there he took the paddle. 147. When he paddled he paddled in the air. 148. When he paddled it did not catch in the water. 149. When he paddled again the same thing happened. 150. When he paddled a bird up above sang out, "Not round, flat. Not round, flat". 151. Then Frog (1) heard the bird's words. 152. When she heard his mother said, "My son, the bird is singing. 153. Listen well, my son". 154. Then (said he), "Where is the bird singing? 155. Let us hear well". 156. Again the bird sang out, "Not round, flat. Not round, flat". 157. "Now I see, flat". The young man took the paddle and paddled on edge. 158. Now the dugout moved. 159. Frog was strongly crying behind. 160. When she was crying the young man threw water up toward her. 161. The young man said, "You are not my mother. Your name is Frog". 162. Then he put water in her mouth.163. When he put water in her mouth the water behind Haburi settled down. 164. Frog said, "This Haburi who is going, if he would just be afraid". Haburi went on fearlessly. 165. He came to the Island (Trinidad). 166. Frog stayed behind. She stayed there crying. 167. When she finished crying she said to her daughter, "Let my son-in-law get me some sweetmouth (honey) to fix up my mouth". 168. Now her son-in-law went into the jungle.169. He found some sweetmouth and cut it and gathered (1)I think the narrator means one of Haburi's real mothers and not Frog.

43 it up. 170. When he gathered it up and finished the woman went to tell her mother. 171.She went and told her, "Mother, your son-in-law gathered sweetmouth now". 172. Her mother said, "Good, daughter,I will go there". 173. She went there and arrived. 174. When she arrived Frog said, "Go, daughter, and leave me. I will stay here". 175. Her daughter, went. 176. Frog stayed there alone until midnight. 177 Then at night in the hollow tree she sings, "Oowang, oowang, oowang". 178. That Frog changed to be a frog. 179. That's the way the old ones tell it. 180. That's all now.


HOA HAKITANI 1. hatanai warao idamotuma tai hakutai kokotuka mate naminanaha. 2. tiakore amaseke hisaka obonobuai. 3. obonobuai oko sanera witu. 4. katukane takore oko yakera kuna. 5. takore amaseke arakoi sanuka ha. 6. tai tida yakeraha. 7. tai tida hakutai aibutu ha aibutu neburatu. 8. tai era yamaretaya nibora aisiko. 9. yakera neburatu hakutai tida aisiko atida monuka ha. 10. tai tuatane kawahera ha. 11. tiakore hese tai tida hakutai ama nibora araisa aisiko dibunai atai aibututane. 12. tai nibora araisa hakutai mate naminanaha. 13. tai tida ha kutai nibora araisa aisiko yori notoria. 14. tai arakobo mia. 15. ama seke arakobo dibuya dakoi sanuka katukane. 16. tai amasaba neburatu wahabara hakutai nokokore memonite nome dakoi sanuka asida. 17. tai arakoi sanuka hakutai neburatu araisa aisiko era yori notoria dakoi sanuka asida. 18. taneseke arakobo dibuya. 18a. tiakore hese diana arakobo hakutai oriwaka abanai. 19. abakore amaseke tai tida arakobo dibunai arakoi sanuka aisia dakoi sanuka ine oriwaka abaya tiakware of maoriwaka emonikore. 20. mimoni takatane ama tai nibora neburatu hakutai tamatika nabakakore isiko yakera dibanu. 21. taiseke hisaba yakera. 22. tamatika neburatu araisa hakutai tai amu minakatanu. 23. neburatu araisa seke ihi amu mite isiko kotubute. 24. takore neburatu araisa isiko kotobunaka. 25. tiakware ine moriwaka nakaya. 26. yakera ine mabieta hetokitani obonoya. 27. mabieta emoninaka. 28. amaseke tai tida arakobo hakutai arakoi sanuka dibu moai. 29. diana bieta nakai. 30. era warao oriwakaya hohoya. 31. ama monuka neburatu asinaria. 32. takore amaseke tai tida arakobo hakutai arakoi dibu yakeraha moai. 33. of dakoi sanuka ihi monika takore maisia hiaubonona abanu. 34. tiakware ine mabieta yakera hohokitia. 35. tamaha neburatu araisa hakutai amu minakatanu. 36. nibora araisa nabakakore tai amu mi. 37. maribu yakeraha noko. 38. of nokonaha dibunai tai tida arakobo.39. takore amaseke diana hohoya tai warao erawitu ho hoya habisanuka 40. tida arakobo hakutai kwarika honi arakoi sanukadibu moaya of dakoi sanuka ihi maribu noko. 41. tiakware ine hohoya. 42. diana neburatu araisa nauya. 43. eburihi era kahuruya. 44. ebi saba hakutai hohoya. 45. amaseke tai tida arakobo era detai.46. tai

45 neburatu nauya kutai isimoi koitaya isimoi dibuya mebisaba hakutai ya- kerakore yakerate. 47. tai neburatu isimoi era. 48. isimoi daisa ekoitaya yakerakore yakerate dibuya neburatu isimoi. 49. hekunu kabe ekoitaya tai isimoi dibuya mebisaba hakutai yakerakore yakerate asida takore asidate. 50. tai ihabaya ama isimoi daisa nisaya awai muhu isimoi. 51. tai muhu isimoi dibuya tuatane hese mebisaba hakutai yakerakore yakerate asidakore amawitu monite. 52. tamaha nokoitane tai tida arakobo hakutai dibunai arakoi sanuka aisia of dakoi sanuka ihi of mi moninai mabieta emoninaka. 53. amaseke tai warao hohoya. 54. hohoyakore diana nauya hoebo. 55. tai hoebo awai warao hohoyakutai tatuka diana warao kwarika sabuka ha tai hoaika nakakitani. 56. takore amaseke tai neburatu nauyakutai diana nabakanai. 57. nabakakore ha arai duhunai buari aisiko. 58. tai neburatu iboma amu mikitani obonoya. 59. iboma hakutai neburatu amu mikitani obononaha. 60. neburatu araisa amu mia. 61. amaseke tai neburatu araisa oriasiai. 62.takore diana tai neburatu hakutai inahakanai buari aisiko.63. warao era kawanaya. 64. inakakore tai hoaika nakaya kutai kaba tanai. 65. buari aisia kabatanai. 66. kabatakore tai warao hohoya kutai kokotuka asida nakai wabaya monuka. 67. sanera ehobonai. 68. tai neburatu awai abahera. 69. buari aisia kabatana hakutai awai hoebo ateho. 70. kabatakore hoebo akari yariboto naruai. 71. tai hoebo akarai hese ya ayamo naruai. 72. tai aubonona ya ayamo narukore tata nakai warao kwana. 73. tai aubonona warao hoarao era. 74. ama yariboto hoebo akari naruai tai aubonona warao tuma yariboto arao warao kokotuka hoarao. 75. tamatika witu tai hoebo ateho hoa hakore warao kokotuka hoarao hakuna. 76. nobotomo tatutuma kokotuka witu hoa naminani hakuna diana taisa aubonona waraotuma hakutai sanera kokotuka naminanaha. 77. taneseke hatanai idamotuma are denobo. 78. diana tamaha kokotuka.


1. It was so that the old ones of the Warao did not know all they know now. 2. So now one thought. 3. He thought, "We are all poor. 4. How could we come out better?" 5. So he had a younger sister.6. She was a good woman. 7. That woman had a lover, a young man. 8. She made love with that young man many days. 9. The young man treated her well, like his wife. 10. That was for a long time. 11. So that woman spoke to another man that he should be her lover, too. 12. That other man didn't know it yet. 13. They were making eyes at each other. 14. Her brother saw it. 15. Brother said, "What is

46 sister up to? 16. Now when that first young man hears this he is going to say it is not possible that sister is bad. 17. Sister is making eyes alot with this other young man; she is bad". 18. So the brother is saying. 18a. So Brother prepared a fiesta. 19. When he prepared it he said to that woman, to his sister, "Sister, I'm giving a fiesta, so be careful you don't mess up my fiesta. 20. When that young man comes here you speak nicely to him as if by chance. 21. He's the one for you. 22. Don't be looking at his young man here. 23. You look at that other one and play with him. 24. Don't be playing around with that other man. 25. That's why I'm having a fiesta. 26. I want to get ahead with my fiesta. 27. Don't you confuse it". 28. So now the brother gave his sister good counsel. 29. So the fiesta time came. 30. Many Indians came to dance and celebrate. 31. This was the time for the young man. 32. So now the brother gave his sister good counsel. 33. "Now listen, little Sister, put your thoughts in line with mine. 34. I am going to dance my fiesta well.35. Don't be looking at this young man. 36. When that other one comes, look at him. 37. Hear my counsel. 38. You be careful you don't listen", said the woman's brother. 39. So then the crowd of Indians were dancing the Little Gourd dance. 40. Since he was older he gave counsel to his little sister, "Careful now that you hear my word. 41. So I am dancing. 42. Soon that young man will come. 43. Their coming and going is resounding. 44. They are dancing openly". 45. Now that woman feared her brother greatly. 46. Now that young man who was coming was playing the flute. The flute says, Whoever is before me if he is good that will be good". 47. That young man had many flutes. 48. Another flute plays and says, "If it should be good it will be good", says his flute. 49. When he plays a fire brand it says, "Whoever is before me if he is good, he will be good, if he is bad he will be bad". 50. That one marks him up, he takes another flute called bone-flute. 51. That bone-flute says the same, "Whoever is before me if he is good, he will be good; if he is bad now he will be impossible". 52. When the woman's brother heard that he said to his little sister, "Sister, watch out. You be careful. See he is making trouble. Don't you spoil my fiesta". 53. Now that Indian was dancing. 54. While he was dancing Hoebo (spirit) comes. 55. His name is Spirit. He is a little bigger than that, Indian who is dancing. He falls down. 56. Now that young man who is coming arrived. 57. When he arrived he sat down with his machete. 58. That young man wants to make eyes at the girl. 59. The girl does not want to look at him. 60. She looks at the other young man. 61. So that other one got angry. 62. So now that young man knocked him down with his machete. 63. It was among many Indians. 64. When he knocked him down that

47 ne who fell down cut. 65. He cut with a machete. 66. When he cut that Indian who was dancing fell down all injured as if he were dying. 67. It turned out terrible. 68. His name was Macaw. 69. The one who cut with a machete was named Spirit-body. 70. When he cut, a piece of Spirit went to the east.71. A piece of Spirit went to the west. 72. Since it went to the west it fell among the Indians. 73. On account of that there are many chant-singers. 74. That piece of Spirit that went to the east, that thought made the eastern chant-singers. 75. If a piece of Spirit's body had come right here all the Indians would be chant- singers. 76. All the female children would know chants, but now the Indians are poor because they don't know them all. 77. So it happened that way according to the stories ofthe old ones. 78. Now that's all.



1. wahabara warao sanera hekunu ekida. 2. nahoro nahorokomoni hokohi aisia nahoroya aru ohidu.3. konaya domu hakutai hanoko eku abaya aru. 4. takore hanoko eku minaha. 5. warao obonobuya sina tane kanahoro ekida hanoko ekumo. 6. sina nahoroya kanahoro. 7. amaseke obonobuai diana. 8. aura domu hisaka ha awai toromu. 9. aisia dibunai toromu sina nabakaya tamatika hanoko eku. 10. ama yakerami. 11. warao dibunai toromu aisia, denokoai sina kanahoro nahoroya.12. toromu dibunai tai yatu anahoro nahoroya kutai.13. tai nabakaya dauna ekumu hanoko eku nakaiya.14. nakakore diyana aroko ekumu nakai hekunu. 15. tai awai naniobo. 16. amaseke dibunai warao hakutai toromu aisia. 17. tai kanahoro nahoroya aroko ekumu hekunu nakakore hekunu sanuka nisanu.18. nisakore kayamu aisiko naru.19. toromu dibunai yakera. 20. hekunu sanuka ine isiko narute. 21. naniobo nabakanai atai nahoro nahorokitani. 22. toromu naniobo awere nakai hekunu sanuka nisakitani. 23. nakakore naniobo toromu jarahinai. 24. harahikore toromu dibunai koa". 25. tai naniobo aru nahoroya warao anahoru hekunu erida ha toromu hekunu sanuka diyana taronai. 26. tarokore aisiko sanuka naruai.27. narukore hekunu hakutai toromu ai kaunai. 28. diyana hekunu hoaika nakai. 29. nakakore naniobo hekunu korunai. 30. toromu hisamika naruai warao aiyamo. 31. warao saba waranai ine hekunu aisiku nauyakore mai dokunai. 32.anakwarika warao kokotuka hanoko nabakakore yakeraha waranai. 33. tai nahoro nahoroya kotai tamasia naniobo nauya. 34. naniobo aru nahoroya. 35. ama yaha araisa eku diyana warao kokotuka kanamunanohobukitani.36. naruai dauna ekuya.37. tata miaidiyana naniobo.38. mikore kobukunai.39. kobukane iyahinai warao dibunai, nobo, tamatika nomewitu yahenu.40. amaseke warao dibunai diyana hisaka kwai yaburuai buari aisiko. 41. kwaimu kabatakitani yaburuai. 42. wahabara kabatanai dokumuru anare aukwaha naniobo arai. 43. kwai kabatakore hoaika nakai naniobo arai. 44. nakakore auru ekida.45. ama atai naniobo kobukanai ohi era miai.46. mikorenoika atai iyahinai.47. atai dibunai, nobo, tamatika atai yahenu.48. warao yaburuai. 49. yaburukore ohi kabatanai naniobo arai. 50. ohi

49 nakai. 51. nakakore hekunu ehobonai sanuka. 52. atai kobukanai. 53. amaseke muhi kware nabakanai. 54. kware nabakakore dibunai, nobo, tamatika yahenu. 55. muhi arai kabatakitani. 56. kabatanai arai nakai hekunu idasabuka ehobonai naniobo aroko ekumu. 57. atai kobukanai. 58. kobukakore aisiko naruai. 59. naukore kware dau nabakanai. 60.dauaukwaha era ha. 61. atai dibunai, nobo, tamatika yahenu. 62. dohi eraha amuhu. 63. kabatanai naniobo arai diyana naniobo aisia nakai. 64. amaseke naniobo autuya sibinai. 65. sibakore hekunu diyaka nakai. 66.hekunu diyaka nakakore hobahi kokotukaia nakai, hekunu. 67. dau dokonai. 68. dau hekunuana hakutai dokunatanai. 69. dau hekunutuma hakutai taiseke kokotuka dokonai. 70. hekunu dokakore hekunu ehobohakutai. 71. ehoboiya dautuma eburuaha hekunu ehoboiya. 72. ohi amuhu tukakore hekunu ehoboya. 73. diaru wahaha tukakore hekunu ehoboya. 74. himaheru tukakore he kunu ehoboya. 75. yahiyono tukakore hekunu ehoboya. 76. samariya waha tukakore hekunu ehuboiya. 77. dabaka waha tukakore hekunu ehoboiya. 78. taisia aubonona warao oko sanerayana. 79. tiyakware oko warao yakera. 80. oko naruya hekunu erawitu obononaha. 81. hotarao ahekunu dau hekunu. 82. tai monuka oko warao hekunu ha. 83. yakera naruya. 84. ahotana hekunu abatu aubonona. 85. awai naniobo. 86. ama kwai akabatatu hakutai nome nabuakanai nahamutuata. 87. hoaika arotu kakutai warao hobahi eku nakai. 88. tai hebu hakitani. 89. tamaha diyana kokotuka.


1. In the beginning the Indians were poor and had no fire. 2. They could not eat their food cooked with fire, their palm flour. 3. They bring a bird and put it in the house with flour. 4. Then in the house they could not find it. 5. The Indian thinks, "Who did away with our food from in the house? Who eats our food?" 7. Now he thought. 8. Now there was a bird named Parrot. 9. He said to him, "Parrot, who comeshere to our house? 10. Now it is good".11. The Indian asked the parrot, "Who eats our food?" 12. The parrot said, "That one is the one who eats your food. 13. He comes from in the jungle and comes intothe house.14. When he comes then fire comes out of this mouth.15. His name is Toad". 16. "Oh-hoh", said that Indian to the parrot. 17. "He eats our food and fire comes out of this mouth. Get us a little fire. 18. When you get it come after us with it". 19. Parrot said, "Fine".


20. 1 will go with a little fire". 21. Toad came again to eat the food. 22. Parrot came close to Toad to get a little fire. 23. When he came close Toad pushed him. 24. When he pushed him Parrot said, "Squawk!" 25. That Toad eats the palm flour, that Indian's food and has lots of fire. Parrot grasped a little fire now. 26. When he grasped it he went with a little bit. 27. When he went with it the fire got to his teeth. 28. Now the fire fell down. 29. When it fell Toad swallow ed the fire. 30. Parrot went to the Indian with nothing. 31. He told the Indian, "When I was going with the fire it burned my teeth". 32. It the late afternoon all th° Indians came to the house and talked it over well. 33. "The one who eats the food is Toad. He comes. 34. Toad eats the palm flour". 35. The next day all the Indians got up to look for him. 36. They went into the jungle. 37. There now they saw Toad. 38. When they saw him they picked him up. 39. Having picked him up they laid him down and the Indian said, "Grandfather, lie right here". 40. Now the Indian said, "Let one climb up with his machete". 41. He climbed up to cut one from up there. 42. First he cut the fruit of a black palm above Toad. 43. When he cut it up there, it fell on Toad. 44. When it hit it wasn't heavy. 45. Now again they took up Toad and found moriche fruit. 46. When they found it again they laid Toad underneath. 47. Again he said, "Grandfather, lie here again". 48. An Indian climbed up. 49. When he climbed up to cut moriche above Toad, 50. the moriche fruit fell. 51. When it fell a little bit of fire came out. 52. Again they picked up Toad. 53. Now they came to the seje palm. 54. When they came he said, "Grandfather, lie here". 55. (Now) to cut seje fruit. 5 6. He cut it above. It fell. A little more fire came out of Toad's mouth. 57. Again they took him up. 58. When they took him up they went with him. 59. When they went they came to a tree. 60. It had much fruit. 61. Again he said, "Grandfather, lie here". 62. There was much corozo fruit with (large) seeds. 63. They cut it above Toad and now it fell on Toad. 64. Now Toad burst in two. 65. When he burst the fire came. 66. When the fire came, it came on all the earth, that fire. 67. The wood was lighted. 68. Wood not for fire did not light. 69. Wood for fire, that is what lighted. 70. When the fire burred it was the fire that came out. 71. It comes out. When it is thrown in (?) the fire comes out. 72. When moriche seeds are bored fire comes out. 73. When diha wood is bored fire comes out. 74. When "ax" wood is bored fire comes out. 75. When "poison" wood is bored fire comes out. 76. When dry cedar is bored fire comes out. 77. When dabaka wood is bored fire comes

51 out. 78. Because of this thing the Indians are not poor. 79. For thiswe Indians are fine. 80. When we go someplace we don't want much fire. 81. The white man's fire is matches. 82. Like that we Indians have fire. 83. We can travel fine. 84. It is because of the one who put fire in the beginning. 85. The name was Toad. 86. Now that one, who was cutting up there, was blown off into the sky. 87. The one below went into the earth, 88. to be a spirit. 89. That is all now.




1. idamotuma are de naruya hebu aisia warao era ubaya yakera oriwakaya waba ekida. 2. tiaha diana warao ibure omunoko miai. 3. warao hisaka hakutai awarao warao saba waranai dibunai mawarao aura ya aisia ine ibure naruwaha omunoko miai. 4. tane kware hake ibure ayamo oko narute ibure kubakitani. 5. hokonayaha araisa eku diana warao kokotuka ibure ayamo naruai. 6. warao hisaka wisiratu naruai ibure omonoko ekuya naruai. 7. naruai naruai ibure omonoko eku. 8. ebisaba ibure waba hisaka ha miai. 9. mikore ibure yakera amu eko amu ekida amu nahoroai. 10. tai anahoro arotu awai hebu muida. 11. warao naminanaha ibure nahoroai. 12. ibure waba miai sereai sanuka sanuka on moai mokomoko. 13. tai nahoro kore tatuka hese ubai. 14. wisiratu hisaka wisiratu witu nahoronatanai.15. ubai warao hisaka wisiratu ubanaha. 16. tiakore hebu muida nauai warao saba. 17. ebisaba warao kokotuka ubaya. 18. hisaka witu ubanaha taiseke wisiratu. 19. hebu muida nauai warao kware nabakanai warao aroko ahanai amu nisanai. 20. araisa aroko ahanai amu nisanai. 21. warao araisa aroko ahanai amu nisanai. 22. warao araisa aroko ahanai amu nisanai. 23. warao erawitu amu nisanai hisaka amu nisanatanai. 24. hoko ana yaha araisa eku warao kokotuka amu ekida hokonai. 25. kokotuka dibunai ama kamu ekida oko katukane rate. 26. warao aubonona yakera atautuma aisia aubonona nakai. 27. warao kokotuka matida naminamoana. 28. ine wabayaha. 29. takore kokotuka naminamoana oko wabayaha. 30. katatu mabahakore yakerakuna tiarone yakera. 31. warao kokotuka dibunai amu ekida kutai oko wabaya tihi. 32. kokotuka oko wabate arubuhu aisia. 33. tanewitu takomoni ama oko kasaba. 34. tamatika hoibi ha. 35. hisaka buari nisanai sisi nonai. 36.nonai hoibi awai eheina. 37. ehobonai amukabaya yakeraha witu yautai, tai warao hisaka hakutai. 38. yauta yiwarakore bahinai awarao amu ekida kutai tatuma saba. 39. naruai kware nabakanai. 40. nabakanai dibunai diana mawarao seisa. 41. takore diboto yakera seisa. 42. ama kamohoro koyate kokotuka bumo tane kanamate. 43. kanamakore hau koyanai amohoro kokotuka. 44. naruai hoibi ata nabakana bumo tane kanamonai. 45. kanamonai tamatika tai dibunai wisiratu


hakutai tai warao amu ha. 46. takore dihisane amohoro akoya kabatanai buari aisia. 47. emo sanuka naruai. 48. naukore dibunai warao amu ekida kutai dahe nau. 49.hisaka dibukitani obonoya. 50. warao araisa dibunai tuatane hese nau dahe hisiko dibukitani ine obonoya. 51. takore warao hisaka hakutai dibunaha inare detaya. 52. ama warao amu ekida kutai kokotuka dibunai nau tamasaba oko dibu himoakitia. 53. warao araisa hisaka hakutai detaya wwere nakakitani obononaha. 54. tamatika warao amu ekida kutai dibunai diana seisa yoreku witu honi nakai. 55. honi nakakore ehe nahoroai. 56. homakaba awai ehe. 57. ekoranai kokotuka ehe witu warao nahoroai. 58. hisaka amaba awarao muanakore hisaka warao hakutai bahinai ahanoko ata hanoko ata. 59. onakomo warao hisaka onai erawitu onaya hanoko nabakanai warao hisaka hakutai dibunai diana mawarao kokotuka wabai. 60. wabakitani ibure waba hisaka miai. 61. mikore nahoroai. 62. nahorokore kokotuka amu ekida. 63. hana eheina eku nakai. 64. ehe nahoroai. 65. takore hisaka bahina hakutai warao wabatuma atatu atautuma era tai warao hisaka tida isanai. 66. warao hisaka nebu mokomoko tida isanai mohabasi. 67. noboto sanukida nibora tida urabakaya. 68. tai tautuma hakutai noboto sanuka nahoro irida moaya aniboratane. 69. ama warao tuma awabanoko wabanoko mikitani naruai tata kware nabakanai. 70. nabakakore miai rihitihi era idai. 71. tai tihitihi aukwaha hakutai tai warao aunomu. 72. ama tihitihi atokoya hakutai taiseke warao awata tai osibu anahoro. 73. tai tihitihi aukwaha aida hakutai osibu anahoro. 74. tai tihitihi aukwahaida hakutai simokore hoaika honi nakaya. 75. tai osibu nahoroya era era witu. 76. osibu hisaka hatanai dose aisia aukua ahinai ahinai wabai. 77. wabakore hobahi arai abanai. 78. abakore aisia sereai. 79. serekore hekunu eku abanai. 80. abakore hekunu ahuku dihapera warao waraotuma aubonona eku. 81. tai osibu nahorone hakitani. 82. ayamotane oko warao hido osibu nahoroya dihapera. 83. tamaha warao are denobo. 84. diana tamaha kokotuka.


1. The old oneE are always telling stories about Indians when they lived well and were happy and had no sickness. 2. So then an Indian saw peccary tracks. 3. That one Indian told it to his friends saying, "My brothers, today I saw tracks where peccary were going. 4. So tomorrow let's go chase the peccary to kill them". 5. So the next morning all the Indians went after peccary. 6. One, a shaman, followed the peccary trail. 7. He went and went after the peccary. 8. He saw a dead peccary before him. 9. When he saw it the peccary was all right.

56 but it had no eyes. His eyes had been eaten. 10. The one who had eaten them is named Spirit Big-eye. 11. Without knowing that the Indians ate the p::ccary. 12.They saw the dead peccary and cut it up and gave a little tc each one. 13. When they ate it they slept in the same place. 14. That one shaman, just he, did not eat. 15. When they slept that one shaman did not sleep. 16. So Spirit Big-eye came for the Indians. 17. All the Indians were sleeping before him. One was not asleep, the shaman. 19. Spirit Big-eye came and arrived at the Indians. He smelled a mouth and took out the eyes. 20. He smelled another mouth and took out the eyes. 21. He smelled another Indian's mouth and took out his eyes. 22. He smelled another Indian's mouth and took out his eyes. 23. He took out the eyes for a greatmany but one he did not take. 24. The next morning all the Indians dawned with no eyes. 25. They all said, "Now with no eyes what shall we do?" 26. Since they were such good Indians they thought of their wives. 27. They all (said), "I haven't known my wife yet. 28. I am dying". 29. So all said, "We haven't known her yet and we are dving. 30. If we could just be with our wives a little while it would be good, yes, good". 31. All the Indians with no eyes said that, "Because we are dying. 32. We will all die with much speed. 33. Now we can't do anything. Where are we?" 34. Here there was a pond. 35. One took his machete and made a trail. 36. He made it. The pond's name was Many-carib- fish (meat eating fish). 37. He came out well to the edge, right at it, that one Indian. 38. When he finished his work he went back to the Indians with no eyes. 39. When he went he came to them. 40. He arrived and said, "Now, my brethern, let's go". 41. So they answered, "Let's go".42. Now you will tie our wrists together and we will stand in line". 43. When they stood up he tied all their wrists with a piece of palm fiber rope. 44. They went and came to the pond. 45. They stood there. The shaman spoke, the one who still had eyes. 46. So stealthily he cut the bonds with his machete. 47. H° went a little to the side. 48. When he went he saidto an Indian with ito eyes. "Come, brother". 49. He wanted to speak to him. 50. To another Indian he said, "Come, brother, I want to speak to you". 51. So that one Indian was afraid and said nothing. 52. Now all the Indians without eyes said, "Come over here we will give you counsel". 5 3. That one Indian was afraid and didn't want to go near him. 54. Here the Indian without eyes said, "Now let's go". All together they fell in the water. 55. When they fell in the carib fish ate them.56. The fish's name is ehe. 57. They finished them up.The carib fish ate all the Indians up. 58. After a while one Indian was left when the others died and he went home.59. He was crying and

57 crying a lot. He got home that one Indian and said, "Now, my brethern all died. 60. To die they saw a dead peccary. 61. When they saw it they ate it. 62. When they ate it then they had no eyes. 63. They fell into Carib pond. 64. The Caribs ate them". 65. So that one who was left, that one Indian, took the wives of the dead Indians. 66. That one young man took five wives. 67. That little fellow had four wives. 68. Those women gave that little fellow lots of food to be their husband. 69. Now they went to see the place where the Indians died; they arrived there. 70. When they got there they saw lots of ocumo (1) plant growing. 71. That ocumo was the testicles of the Indians. 72. The flower of the ocumo, that was the penis of the Indians for osibu fish food.73. That fruit of ocumo is good for osibu food when it is big. 74. When that big fruit gets ripe it falls into the water. 75. That osibu eats it lots. 76. When he speared a fish he hit its head with a stick and killed it. 77. Then he put it on the ground. 78. Then when he put it, he cleaned it. 79. When he cleaned it, he put it on the fire.80. Whenit's on the coals that is delicious to an Indian.81. That's for eating osibu. 82. After them the new Indians eat osibu (and find it) delicious. 83. This is a Warao story.84. Now that's all.

(1)Tuberous roos used for food



1. neburatu hisamika naruai naba kwarea. 2. am6 eku ha hataburu ahatabu aisiko naruva. 3. tai neburatu aubonona ekida kwamuhu sabasaba. 4. naruya kwarika naruya. 5. tiakore hese diana tatuka witu u ehobonai hobah- yakera arai. 6. amaseke neburatu hakutai ahatabu aisia tane torinai tatukamu neburatu naruai tai u hakutai aiamo. 7. inahakane neburatu ar6 mahanai. 8. mahakore amaseke neburatu dibunai ekida diana ar6 kabatakitani. 9. takore dibunai neburatu mar6 kabatanaka. 10. atai neburatu dibunai yaraha. 11. tiakware tane oko dekokubute ine hisiko nature. 12. yaraha isiko naruai kwamuhu hakutai neburatu arc mahaya aisiko naruai. 13. naruyakorehese domu miai tai u saba hatanai. 14. domu hatakore domu wabai warao aharako. 15. wabakore u inahakanai domu waba nahoroai. 16. nahoro yiwarakore u hakutai atai neburatu ar6 mahanai. 17. tai tuatane aisiko naruai maba hatakore tai u nahoroya warao aharako. 18. taisia inarao wabakore nahoroya u hakutai. 19. tai warao hataburu arotu domu akuba ha tai aisia domu kubaya u masi nobu inarao era neburatu hakutai kokotuka naya. 20. nakore tai kwamuhu neburatu aharako nahoroya. 21. tuatane kuhuya dau ekuya awai yaraha u dibuya warao aisia yaraha deko tai yakera oriwakaya. 22. tiarone tai neburatu obonobuai yakerakuna tamaha u mar6 maha yakutai. 23. amaseke neburatu obonobuai ama ine domu mikore awerea hatate tiakorehese diana domu miai. 24. domu hatanai. 25. hatakore domu kwarea hakanai. 26. takore ahatabu ore witu nakai tai hatabu hakutai. 27. amaseke warao dibunai a aisia yaraba tamatika tanu. 28. kahatabu ore witu nakai. 29. ine nahobukitia. 30. kahatabu mikore ine hisaba warate. 31. wabakore makware naru. 32. takore u hakutai dibu nokoai yakera yaraha tamatika in- hiwakate hobahi arai duhunai u hakutai. 33. takore neburatu diana omi naruai hisamika. 34. naruai diana u hakutai dibu nai yaraha kahatabu miaira. 35. takore warao dibunai u diboto mate yaraha kahatabu ekida mate ine nahobuya. 36. amaseke neburatu kwarika naruya tai bahene naruya neburatu hakutai. 37. atai dibunaiu yaraha diana kahatabu miaira. 38. takore diboto atai dibunai warao hakutai mate ekida yaraha ine nahobuya. 39. dibunai neburatu inare

59 tanu mate nahobuva kahatabu. 40. takore amaseke tai warao neburatu hakutai kwarika naruya taisia bahi behene. 41. amaseke dutanaha na ruya tai neburatu hakutai. 42. takore u dibunai warao aisia yaraha ka. hatabu miaira. 43. takore warao atai dibunai mate mate yaraha mate kahatabu ekida. 44. amaseke neburatu dibuhida naruai. 45. kwarika naruai hana ehobo:iai warao hakutai. 46. hana ehobokore honi nakai kayanuka imakaiiai hobahi oanai. 47. oakore neburatu hakutai tatuka dihisai. 48. amaseke u diboto soroya inaretane. 49. tiakore diana nokoya u nauyaha. 50. nauyakotai hobahi isia nakaia hoti. 51. diana ebisaba warao nokoya diboto mia. 52. inaretane tai u nauyakore ebikamo inarao hisaka hakakore ar6 kabataya. 53. kabatakore tai u dibuya yaraha wabai. 54. wabakore amoho noaraya. 55. noarakore anoara eku nakanaha tai ,u naminava warao amoho moabasi omu moabasi noarai. 56. noarakore yahoto tai u dibunai tamaha yaraha yana tai daisa. 57.atai naruai. 58. naruai hakanai masi hakakore u hakutai masi ar6 kabatanai. 59. kabatakore dibunai u diyana yaraha wabai. 60. atai amoho noarakitani. 61. noarai u dibunai yaraha amoho moabasi ama tamaha daisa. 62. tamaha yaraha yana tai dibuya u warao aisia yaraha. 63. amaseke kwarea naruya u hakutai warao ayamo. 64. naruyakore hese hana ehobonai honi nakai hana eku. 65. nakakore u dihanai. 66. dihakore ahikoto ekumu kahara ehoboai. 67. takore nokokore horemuhu ahi aii koitaya taiseke ehe tane namoninai awai homakaba ehe. 68. namonikore neburatu kwarea naruai. 69. naruai, naruai naukore nokokore ebisaba hohobuyaha nokoai. 70. nokoai warao hakutai naruai obonane. 71. naruai nokokore nome hohobuya. 72. warao hakutai ebisaba era oriwakaya. 73. neburatu kware naruya. 74. tata nabakakore warao era. 75. amaseke dibunai tamate eau daka warao neburatu hakutai tata kware naruai. 76. naukore dibunai hanoko arotu katukete baukayara. 77. amaseke tai hanoko arotu warao hakutai tamatika de ekida ama oriwaka. 78. tiakware nahoro abanai. 79. tai neburatu hisaka nabakanaha hakutai ebika abanai nahoro.80. amaseke tai neburatu hisaka hakutai diana nahoroai.81. nahoro hakutai ohidu aru aukwaru he. 82. tai bieta (fiesta) oriwaka awai nahanamu. 83. warao era oriwakaya. 84. amaseke tai warao hisaka hakutai neburatu diana dibunai diana ine naruya mawarao. 85. takore diboto dibunai diana yakera tamatika diana neburatu naruai. 86. naruai anahoro ebo hakutai miai. 87. mikore ahi aukwaru miai ayare. 88. tai nahoro deko webatonai.89. amaseke naruai neburatu kwarika naruya.90. naruyakore atai ebisaba r:okoai. 91. nokokore hohobuya koitaya wana. 92. amaseke atai neburatu oriwakaya. 93. tai nokoitane kwarika naruya. 94. naukorP diana kware nabakanai. 95. nabakakore tai neburatu hisaka hakutai yatukware diboto dokohotuai. 96. yakera atai ha

60 noko arotu ha hisaka. 97. tamate nau etuwari. 98. etuwarakore dibunai hanoko aronl hakutai nome tuwarao. 99. de ekida diana nahoro abanai tai neburatu ebika nahoro hakutai aru. 100. aukwaru hakutai mo. 101. amaseke nebutatu nahoroai. 102. nahorokore naminanaha. 103. nahoro yiwaranai. 104. yiwarakore anahoro ebo yakeraha abanai. 105, tai oriwaka awai wana. 106. amaseke neburatu hakutai kwarea naruai. 107. narukore tai nahoro ebo bahinaha hakutai miai nahoroana. 108. mikore dau aukwaha iburu aukwaha ibu basabasa. 109. tai aukwaru hakutai yakeraha mikore moana tai ohidu aukwaha awai hau kwaha. 110. miai tai nahoro deko webotanai. 111. tai ori waka arao awai wai. 112. oko ekidakore kanobotuma kanesenobotuma de are amayana. 113. diana kokotuka.


1. A young man went along the river alone. 2. In his hand he had a bow and arrow as he went. 3. That young man unthinkingly goes toward skull. 4. He goes and goes further. 5. So now there he comes to a basket on a good piece of ground. 6. now that young man touched it with his arrow. After that he went on following the basket. 7. It ran up to him and hugged him around the neck. 8. When he hugged him the young man (1) said, "It is nothing to cut his throat". 9. So the young man said, "Don't cut my throat". 10. Again the young man said, "(Let's be) partners. 11. So then we will talk. I will go with you". 12. With Partner went Skull hanging on his neck. 13. When he was going he siw a bird. He shot it for the basket. 14. When he shot the bird it died, that Indian's game. 15. When it died the basket ran to it and ate the dead bird. 16. When he finished eating it that basket hung aroun(l the young man's neck. 17. So they went like that. When he shot something that basket ate the dead game. 18. When some animal died the basket ate it. 19. The young man with the bow was good at killing animals. With it he kills deer, possum, and many animals of the jungle. 20. When he kills them he eats the young man's game. 21. Then they go by way of the tree and that one named Partner says to the Indian, "Both partners are fine, I'm glad". 22. But the young man thought, "If it could be fine with this basket hanging on my neck!" 23. Now the young man thought, "Now when I see a bird I will shoot near it". So now he saw a bird. 24. He shot at the bird. 25. When he shot it missed. 26. So his arrow fell way over there, that (1) 1 think the narrator means Skull.

61 arrow did. 27. Now the young man said to the basket, "Partner, you wait here. 28. Our arrow fell way over there. 29. I am going to look for it. 30. When I find the arrow I will call you. 31. When I call come to me". 32. So when the basket heard that word he said, "All right, partner. I will wait for you here". That basket sat down on the ground. 33. Sr the young man went without it. 34. He went and now that basket said, "Partner, did you find your arrow?"35. So the Indian said, replying to Basket, "Not yet, Partner, the arrow isn't here. I'm looking for it". 36. So the young man goes further while that other one stays behind. 37. Again the basket said, "Partner, did you find the arrow yet?" 38. So the Indian replied again, "It's still not here, Partner. I'm looking". 39. The young man said, "Keep still. I'm still looking for the arrow". 40. Now that Indian goes further that way and the other stays behind. 41. Now that young man goes along without stopping. 42. So Basket said to the Indian, "Partner, did you find the arrow?" 43. So the Indian said again, "Not yet, not yet, Partner, the arrow still isn't here". 44. Now the young man went fast. 45. He went on and came tc a river. 46. He crossed to the other side and got to land. 47. Wh:,n he got there that young man hid. 48. He looked toward the basket quietly. 49. He hears the basket coming. 50. What is coming goes "Kerplop! ! " 51. Now the Indian hears it in front of him and looks back. 52. That basket comes quietly and when a jungle animal runs before him he cuts its throat. 53. When he cuts it the basket says, "Partner died". 54. When he died he counts up his hand. 55. When he counts it, it does not come out like an Indian with five fingers and five toes. 56. When he counts it it is lacking and that basket says, "This isn't Partner. It is someone else". 57. He goes on. 58. He goes and runs. When a deer runs (near) that basket cuts its throat. 59. When he cut it that Basket said, "Now Partner died". 60. Again he counts the hand. 61. Having counted the basket said, "Partner's five-fingered hand is different from this. 62. This isn't Partner". He calls the Indian "Partner". 63. So now he goes around following that IrOian. 64. As he goes he comes to a stream and falls in the water. 65. When he falls in Basket sank. 66. When he sank, out of his nostrils came big ants. 67. So then was heard crying out, "Ay, ay!" as they flailed the skin (?) and that very one changed into caribs, called Carib (flesh-eating) fish. 68. When he changed the young man went along. 69. He went and went and while he went he heard dancing ap ahead. 70. When he heard it he liked it and went on. 71. He went and when he heard truly there was dancing. 72. There were many Indians there ahead celebrating. 73. Then the young man goes along. 74. When he got there there were many Indians. 75.


Now they said, "Come here, little brother". That young Indian man went there. 76. When he went he said to the owner of the house, "How goes it? Are you well?" 77. Now this owner of the house had no news, just celebrating. 78. So he put out food. 79. Now they put food before that young man who had come. 80. Now that one young man ate. 81. Now the food to go with that palm flour was crab. 82. It was the fiesta of Nahanamu. 83. There were many Indians celebrating. 84. Now that one young man said, "Now I am going, my com- panions". 85. So they answered, "It is well". Here the young man went. 86. He went and looked at the other food. 87. When he saw it, it was thorns and poisonous juice. 88. He threw both of them away. 89. Now that young man went further. 90. As he went along he heard something ahead again. 91. When he heard they were dancing and playing a bamboo (flute). 92. Now again the young man was happy. 93. When he heard it he went on. 94. When he went now he came there. 95. When he came that young man called to them. 96. Well. again there was the owner of the house. 97. "Come, stop here". 98. When he stopped the owner of the house said, "Truly rest". 99. There was no news so they put on food for the yong man. It was manioc. 100. The accompanying food was moriche grubs. 101. Now the young man ate. 102. When he ate he didn't know. 103. He finished eating. 104. When he finished they put on other good food. 105. The name of that celebration was Bamboo. 106. Now the young man went on. 107. When he went on, that food he left, he saw, was not food. 108. When he saw it, it was fruit of a tree, sangrito fruit and flat sangrito fruit. 109. That accompanying food he had thought so good wasn't moriche grubs. It was from the moriche tree, called fiber fruit. 110. When he saw it he threw both foods away. 111. Those who were celebrating were howler monkeys. 112. Our forefathers told this story about what happened before our time. 113. Now that's all.



1. idamotuma are niyabu hokohi hakitani wahabara sanera. 2. hokohi ekida imananera warao sanera nahoro nahobukomini. 3. amaseke de nokoai. 4. warao hisaka yakeraha hayama abitu kasaba ha. 5. takore warao hisaka tai anibakamo arima arani nokoya nome oko sanerawitu nahoro nahobukomoni. 6. tia tihi diana obonobuki matida kanobotuma tida manamo ha anibakamo araiba arahia manamo ha. 7. ama diana inatabaki tai neburatu yakera arotu hakutai. 8. taisi saba arani dibunai yakera diana inatabau oko sanamatai. 9. ama inatabai arima dibunai maukatida naru diana tamaha anaru yakeraha hoara waraia. 10. ekuya naru anababituma minaka nome witu naru. 11. anarumana kawanuka yori nabahi ha. 12. tamaha tai asida araisa tamaha taiseke yakera. 13. of ihi monite moninaka naru. 14. anaru anibaka diana ihi dibu nohoaira anibaka dibunai diana ine dibu nokoai. 15. ama anibaka naruai. 16. naruai anaru autu yori nabahi tatuka naibaka obonobuai kasaba ine narute. 17. anibaka tamaha anaru araisa ekuya naruai kware nabakanai. 18. ebisaba hakutai anibaka ahara oanai. 19. oakore anibaka ateho miai. 20. mikore anibaka totoana iwanai. 21. tai warawana tai hebu awai hoidatu. 22. anibaka totoana mikore diana bahinai. 23. arima arani obonane bahinai naruai arima ata nabakanai. 24. amaseke arima dibunai denokoai maukatida katukane tanai ihi monikata.i. 25. aukatida dibunai ine monikatai. 26. dima daisa kware nabakanai. 27. ama arahia tai aisia dibunai yakera ihi maukatida naru tai neburatu obonane. 28. dibu moai maukatida of hi daiba monika nabakakore sisi tamaha daisa araisa tamaha tai neburatu saba anaru. 29. taisia naru. 30. naukore ihi kware nabakanu. 31. takore anibaka arima aribu yakeraha nokoai. 32. diana naruai naruai narumana kawanuka tai yorinabahi. 33. tatuka nabakakore anibaka obonobuai yakera kasabukaha anaru yakera. 34. amaseke anaru araisa ekuya naruai. 35. naruai tai neburatu obonane uaruaha hakutai taisi kware nabakanai. 36. neburatu dibunai anibaka aisia ihi nauera. 37. anibaka dibunai ine nauai dani dima mainatabai hibitu saba. 38. neburatu dibunai yakera ihi yakerakore yakerate mabitu kunarute. 39. monika takore ihi kunarunaha. 40. tamatika neburatu kanamunai abitu anamu

64 eku iyaruai. 41. narukore imanau. 42. takore neburatu anibaka ahara oanai. 43. oaitane yorikware abanai haiku. 44. diana anibaka na tainai. 45. nataik-rc ateho ha. 46. amaseke neburatu oriwakai yakera. 47. neburatu anibaka yawanai. 48. yawanakore amaseke neburatu dibunai amawitu yakeraha. 49. neburatu anibaka dibu moai yakera ine himoate mabitu. 50. takore of ihi yawanai. 51. yawanaka hidima hi dani saba waranu 52. anibaka arotu hakutai kanamunai abituma ha hinai anibaka moai. 53. imoieku abanai. 54. naru diana. 55. naruai arima arani obonane. 56. nabakanai arima arani anibaka mitane ori wakai. 57. amaseke arima dibunai yakera maukatida ine hidima oriwa kaya hidani oriwakaya. 58. takore tai hokohi tatuka ha kwai batoko nai. 59. ama arirra hakutai kanamonai anamo akumu natokonai hoaika. 60. natokakore yawanai diana yawanai asatai. 61. asatakore hobahi ko-ko-to-ka-ya nabakanai. 62. naharakore abitu arotu naminai. 63. naminakore abitu arotu unai. 64. ama asata hakutai diana kwaia butanai. 65. tamate nahamutu aukonamu. 66. hokohi kwaia butanai yariboto anamu nisonai kwaia butanai yayamo. 67. tai hokohi anamu waniku hakitani waniku hakutai hokohi anamu. 68. ama hokohi tamaha toakore yariboto. 69. toakore hokohi hatanai. 70. takore dibuhida atai hokohi ya dibuhida naruya. 71. takore warao nahoro nohobukomoni. 72. ama warao obonobuai yakera monida oko nahoro nahobukomoni. 73. va dibuhida naruya. 74. takore amaseke obonobuai sina ibihi takore yakera kuna kasabukaha dibunai ibihitaki wakuromu nahobuai. 75. nahobukore miai. 76. mikore nisanai. 77. nisakore yakeraha abanai hokohi ehobonai. 78. naruai naruai naruai dibuhida. 79. narukore tamatika wakuromu nisanai. 80. nisanai tamatika nakakore ayamowitu kwaia butanai dibunai warao hakutai. 81. tamaha hiwaku romu tau wakane naru diana moai aromu tane imananau. 82. takore ya araisama eku hokwane ehobonai hokohi. 83. ehobokore amaseke uria witu hokohi naruai tane hakitani. 84. warao oriwakaya yakera nakai. 85. yaha aisiko duya warao yakera nahoro nohobuya. 86. ama tamaha kwaia butana hakutai tai hokohi anamu. 87. awaitane abanai waniku ibananau. 88. takore akoyana waniku sanuka hatanai hakitani. 89. warao anamonina aisiko tamaha denobo. 90. warao yakera nakaiyaha. 91. hotarau kokotuka yakera nakai oko warao kasabasaba. 92. tamaha kokotuka diana.


1. The old ones were always trying to find a way to have the sun. At first they were in a bad state. 2. Since there was no sun it was dark

65 and the Indians could not look for food. 3. Now they heard a story. 4. There was one Indian, a fine man. Where was it he lived? 5. So that one Indian, father of some young girls hears his wife, "Truly we are in a poor state and can't look for food". 6. "Because of that let's think. I have my wife and my two daughters, the older and the younger sisters. 7. Now let's send to that young man who is owner (of the sun)". 8. The mother answered him, "Fine, send now. We have suffered". 9. Nov/ he sent. The father said, "My daughter, go now along this way ca11 ~d Washing (?). 10. Go this way without looking at the forks; go straight ahead. 11. Now and then there is a fork in the trail. 12. This one is bad; this other one is good. 13. Careful you don't forget. Go without forgetting". 14. When the young girl goes, "Do you understand now?" She said, "Now I understand". 15. Now the young girl went. 16. She went and at the halfway point came to a division and thought, "Which way do I go?" 17. Now this girl went the other way and got there. 18. The one before her grabbed the girl's arm. 19. When he grabbed her he looked over her body. 20. When he saw he broke the girl's membrane. 21. That was a no- Indian; his name was Owner-of-high-water. 22. When he had known her he left. 23. Thinking of her parents she went back. 24. Now her father said, he asked, "My daughter, what happened? Did you fail?" 25. The daughter said, "I failed. 26. Father, I arrived at someone else". 27. Now he says to the younger sister, "Well, you, my daughter, go thinking of that young man". 28. He gave her counsel, "My daughter, don't be like your sister when you get there. This path is another one. This other path goes to the young man. 29. Go that way. 30. When you go, you get there". 31. So the young girl heard her father's counsel carefully. 32. Now she went and went and went and came to the forks in the trail. 33. When she got there the girl thought, "Now which trail is best?" 34. So she went down the other (correct) one. 35. She went along thinking of the young man and got to him. 36. The young man said to her, "So you came?" .37. The young girl said, "I came. Father and mother sent me for your whatsit". 38. The young man said, "If you are good it will be fine; you will take my whatsit. 39. If you are like (the other one) you cannot take it". 40. Here the young man got up and entered his whatsit room. 41. When he went in, it was night.42. So the young mar_ pulled the girl by the arm. 43. Having pulled her he put her beside himself in the hammock. 44. Now he pierced her. 45. When he pierced her, her body was complete. 46. Now the young man was happy, "Fine". 47. The young man tore the girl's membrane 48. When he tore it the young man said, "Now that's fine". 49. The young man gave his word to the girl, "Good, I will give you my whatsit.


50. Be careful you don't break it. 51. You tell your parents about it unbroken. 52. The girl's owner stood up and untied his whatsit and gave it to the young girl. 53. He turned it over to her. 54. "Go now". 55. Thinking of her parents she went. 56. When her parents saw the girl they rejoiced. 57. Ncw her father said, "Well, my daughter, I, your father, and your mother are happy". 58. So the sun was there hungup high. 60. When they pulled it it tore, now it tore and broke. 61. When it broke it lighted up the whoooooole world. 62. When it lighted up the owner of it knew. 63. When he knew the owner of the whatsit cried. 64. Now that broken part floated up high. 65. That is the (round) root of the heavens. 66. The sun floated up high and got its place to the east and floated up high to the west. 67. The container to be for the sun is the moon. The moon is the sun's container. 68. Now when he threw the sun it was to the east. 69. When he threw it, it was the sun. 70. Now again the sun goes swiftly through the day. 71. Now the Indians couldn't look for food. 72. Now the Indian thought, "It still isn't good. We can't look for food. 73. The day goes too fast". 74. Now he thought, "Who would be good for a remedy? Where could it be?" He said, "Let's make medicine". They looked for turtles. 75. When they looked they found them. 76. When they found them they caught them. 77. When they caught them they fixed them well. The sun came out. 78. It went and went fast. 79. When it went here they took turtles. 80. He took them and when he was right behind it that Indian said. 81. "This is your pet turtle. You go along waiting for it". He gave it to him for a pet and it was night. 82. So the next day it dawned and the sun came out. 83. When it came out it happened that the sun went along very slowly. 84. That was fine for the Indian and he rejoiced. 85. Now he can fish and look for food by daylight. 86. Now that floating up high that is the container for the sun. 87. They named it the moon. 88. So it was tied to the little moon. 89. This story is about the Indian transformation. 90. Things came out fine for the Indians. 91. It turned out fine for the white man and for us Indians. 92. That is all now.



1. denobo warakitani warao are ihi obonoya. 2. yakera oanu ine hisaba warate. 3. ama idamotuma ahanoko yakera ha. 4. hanoko orisaba. 5. hobahi arotu orisaba aidamo iridaha. 6. tai tamaha hakutai awai huba. 7. huba anamonina. 8. ine tamatika ha. 9. makware nabakakomoni. 10. ine manatorikomoni. 11. huba dibuya tamaha ma hobahi. 12. ine hoarotu mahobahi sakakomoni. 13. mahanoko sakakomoni huba dibuya huba anamonina. 14. makware nabakakore ine mahoa aisia abate. 15. abakore ihi koitate. 16. ine hoarotu huba dibuya huba hakitani huba anamonina. 17. huba namoninai taikware warao saba asida nakai. 18. wabaiarone takore wabanaha. 19. huba dibuya yatu ahoa ekida ine hoarotu. 20. taikware ine manakore wabanaha. 21. tane diyawarai huba. 22. tane waranai masaba eku. 23. ine hisaba waraya. 24. tamaha hobahi arao aisia. 25. hobahi aisia akobukuna. 26. araisa huba amatana nata awai nata. 27. hobahi arotu tai sike oriwarao. 28. orikayanika nata anamonina nata hakitani. 29. nata ahoa era. 30. nata hoarotu anebu era. 31. nata nebusebe. 32. tai nata ahanoko sakakore ahoa kasia abaya. 33. abakore ahera oko koitaya.34. ahoa erawitu koitaya. 35. tamaha kokotuka.


1. You are always wanting Indians to tell you stories. 2. Well, take this one I am going to tell you. 3. Now the old ones had a fine house. 4. Their house was for themselves. 5. The owner had the ground for himself. He was an important man. 6. This one's name was Snake. 7 He changed to snake. 8. "I am here.9. You can't come near me. 10. Yeu can't touch me". 11. Snake says, "This is my ground. 12. I am a. (shaman) singer. You can't step on my ground. 13. You can't step in my house", says Snake. He changed to snake. 14. "Whoever comes near me I'll put a spell on him. 15. If I do you'll rot. 16. I am a spell-caster", says Snake. That snake that was changed (said it). 17. He changed to snake and it was bad for the Indians.


18. Even though he died he wasn't dead. 19. Snake says, "You have no spell- chant. I am a chant-singer.20. So if you kill me I don't die". 21. So Snake was born.22. So they told it to me. 23. I am telling it to you. 24. This is about earth people. 25. If he could be killed (? ) on the earth!26 There is another snake now, Black-ant. Black-ant it his name. 27. He is family of that other owner of the ground. 28. Opposite the other, Black-ant changed to be Black- ant. 29. Black-ant has many spells. 30. Black-ant's helpers are many. 31. They are a multitude of helpers. 32. If one steps on Black-ant's house he puts his spell on us. 33. If he puts it. we rot. 34. His many spells cause rotting. 35. This is all.



1. neburatu ys.bakitani naruai. 2. nabakoho era ha. 3. tatuka ne buratu butanai.4. butukore warari toanai bahanai osibukai isia bahanai nabarao aukatida. 5. bahakore natokonai nabarao aukatida iboma. 6. neburatu atidatane. 7. inabe isiko duai. 8. dukore anibora ohidu kabai eboroai nahurukitani. 9. atai araisa tane ohidu kabai. 10. kabakore atai amuhu sanuka arai abanai arua awere. 11. awere aru abanai. 12. anamo namoai anamo aru yiwaranai. 13. yiwarakore arimaata honi aru isiko nakai. 14. arima ahanokoata arimasiata araniata. 15. atida hakutai arani mikitani obonoya. 16. takore anibora asida. 17. anibora dibunai ine ho abate. 18. atida dibunai ho abanaha seisa dani mikitani. 19. anibora asida. 20. hisamika anamo isiko arimaata naruai. 21. nau kore arima dibunai marawa naukunarai. 22. ine marawa mikitani obonoya. 23. anibora hakutai arahima minatanai. 24. nabarao aukatida aniborayana daisa oanai. 25. oakore nabarao aukatida wabai. 26. wabakore nabarao dibunai waraosaba oriasiai. 27. hoarao kokotuka warao saba asida nakayaha 28. ayahuka yakera nakakuna. 29. ko- kotuka. IN THE RIVER

1. A young inan went to fish. 2. There were many waves. 3. There the young man anchored. 4. When he anchored he threw out a line and caught th:° daughter of the water people with his fishhook. 5. When he hooked her he pulled in the young woman, daughter of the water people. 6. She became his wife. 7. He went into the jungle to find food. 8. When he looked for food the man cut moriche palm and dug out the flour t,-, eat.9. Again another moriche was cut down.10. When he cut it he put a bunch of moriche fruit down near the trough. 11. He put the flour near.12. She washed the flour and finished it. 13. When she finished it she went with the flour to her father in the water. 14. She went to her father's house, to her father and mother.


Now they said, "Come here, little brother". That young Indian man went there. 76. When he went he said to the owner of the house, "How goes it? Are you well" 77. Now this owner of the house had no news, just celebrating. 78. So he put out food. 79. Now they put food before that young man who had come. 80. Now that one young man ate. 81. Now the food to go with that palm flour was crab. 82. It was the fiesta of Nahanamu. 83. There were many Indians celebrating. 84. Now that one young man said, "Now I am going, my com- panions". 85. So they answered, "It is well". Here the young man went. 86. He went and looked at the other food. 87. When he saw it, it was thorns and poisonous juice.88. He threw both of them away. 89. Now that young man went further. 90. As he went along he heard something ahead again. 91. When he heard they were dancing and playing a bamboo (flute). 92. Now again the young man was happy. 93. When he heard it he went on. 94. When he went now he came there. 95. When he came that young man called to them. 96. Well. again there was the owner of the house. 97. "Come, stop here". 98. When he stopped the owner of the house said, "Truly rest". 99. There was no news so they put on food for the yong man. It was manioc. 100. The accompanying food was moriche grubs. 101. Now the young man ate. 102. When he ate he didn't know. 103. He finished eating. 104. When he finished they put on other good food. 105. The name of that celebration was Bamboo. 106. Now the young man went on. 107. When he went on, that food he left, he saw, was not food. 108. When he saw it, it was fruit of a tree, sangrito fruit and flat sangrito fruit. 109. That accompanying food he had thought so good wasn't moriche grubs. It was from the moriche tree, called fiber fruit. 110. When he saw it he threw both foods away. 111. Those who were celebrating were howler monkeys. 112. Our forefathers toldthis story about what happened before our time. 113. Now that's all..



1. naba kokotuka anonatu. 2. Tai winikina hakitani arawabisi hakitani arawao hakitani. 3. ama araisa sakubana abate merehina hakitani merehina abate. 4. naruai wirinoko wirinoko hakitani. 5. ama waku moabi tobe isiko on awarotu tai. 6. awarotu tane nakai. 7. tobe aruai nisanai hehibaka. 8. nisakore naruai waku moabi. 9. naukore domu kokou isia dibunai. 10. dibukore tahinai. 11. tahikoro kokou wabai. 12. wabakore awihi nisanai. 13. waku moabai awihitane abanai. 14. abakore kokou aidamo kware nabakanai. 15. nabakakore isia dibunai. 16. isia dibukore tai kokou awihi nakai ekoranai. 17. ekorakore waku moabi hoaika nakai. 18. hanoko aisia nakai. 19. nakakore tihidamo aro kabatanai waku wabai. 20. tihidamo hisabai horu eku. 21. hisabakore anatoromu ibomano. 22. anatu aho toronai waku moabi hakanai. 23. amaseke domu auka tane nakai iboma aisiko duai. 24. ama dukore tatamu yarunai. 25. yarukore imaya domu auka kware abanai. 26. imaya tai auka hakutai oanai arahia. 27. owakore araiba oanai hanoko araisa nokoai. 28. nokokore waku muabi yaruai. 29. waku muabi hanoko araisa yarunai. 30. yarukore waku muabi wabai. .31. wabakore waku muabi nakabatai. 32. amaseke nakabatakore honi toanai naba eku honi waku toanai honi waku hakitani. 33. toakore atai araisa waku tane nakayaha. 34. waku anamonina waku hakitani. 35. araisa hobahi eku toanai mehakobo hakitani. 36. daua hakitani hobahi eku toanai. 37. tatukamo waku simo hakitani toanai. 38. hobahi eku hese hibahima aro ikasini toanai hibahima hakitani. 39. amuhu honi toanai iyo tape hakitani. 40. tamaha kokotuka diana ekoranai.


1. He is the maker of all the rivers. 2. He makes it to be Winikina and Arawabisi and to be Indians. 3. Now another will put Sacupana and will put Merehina to be Merehina. 4. He went to make

72 the Orinoco. 5. Now Turtle Bee's-Wax- (black) -eye made a bet with the jaguar. 6. The bet came out. 7. He took Jaguar's necklace from him. 8. When he took it he went, that Turtle Black-eye. 9. When he went he spoke to a hawk. 10. When he spoke he took it. 11. Whenthe hawk took it he died. 12. When he died he took his feathers. 13. Turtle Black-eye put the feathers on himself. 14. When he put them he came to the chief of the hawks. 15. When he got there he talked to him. 16. When he talked to him those hawk feathers fell out. They were finished. 17. When they finished Turtle Black-eye fell down. 18. He fell on a house.19. When he fell the turtle fell on an old woman and killed her. 20. He boiled the old woman in the cooking pot. 21. When he boiled her she had granddaughters. 22. They emptied the water from their grandmother. Turtle Black-eye ran away. 23. Now he became a little bird and a young woman found it. 24. Now when shefound it she came in from there. 25. When she came in at night she put the bird beside her. 26. At night the younger sister took that little one. 27. When she took it the older sister took it. The other house heard. 28. When they heard Turtle Black-eye went in. 29. Turtle Black-eye went in that other house. 30. When he went in Turtle Blackeye died. 31. When he died they cut Turtle Black-eye all up. 32. When they cut him all up they threw him in the river. They threw in Turtle to be turtles in the water. 33. When they threw him in again he became turtle. 34. It was the changing of Turtle to be turtle. 35. Another part they threw on the land to be round-chest-turtle. 36. To be the turtle shell they threw it on the land. 37. From there they threw it to be red-turtle. 38. They threw a part right on the land and cut the neck to be hibabima-turtle. 39. They threw the bones in the water to be iyo-tuzt1c. 40. This is all. It's finished.



1. ina eku ine warate denobo eku wanu. 2. hanoko ha. 3. hanoko eku ha warao ubaya. 4. ubakore hokonai naruai. 5. hanoko araisa ata basiatakitani. 6. naukore tata miai. 7. tai hanoko araisa naminanaha. 8. amaseke miai. 9. mikore denokoai. 10. tamaha katukane. 11. tamaha ihi nahoroya katukane. 12. araisa waranai toatane waranai ine hokokore naruya. 13. naukore omonoko ehoboya. 14. ehobokore ekuya naruya. 15. naukore uria naruya ayamo. 16. naukore kware nabakaya ohisi kware nabakakore ehotane hobia. 17. tai awai ohisi. 18. kware naruya r_abakaya ubaiyaha. 19. nabakakore ahu kubaka kobukaya. 20. kobukakore ewiyaya ahotomo ekumu. 21. ewiyakore ohisi ewiyaya. 22. ewiyakore akobe ehotaya. 23. tane naya. 24. nakore nahoroya. 25. ine tane nahoroya awai naba. 26. hobahi eku naba awai hu nabaida. 27. tai naminanaha bahinai. 28. bahikore ahanoko waranai. 29. warakore anai. 30. anakore ubai hokonai naruai. 31. naukore omonoko ehobonai. 32. ehobokore ekuya naruai. 33. naukore ehobonai. 34. ehobokore ohisi kware nabakanai. 35. nabakakore hobiai. 36. ehotane hobia'. ho aisiko. 37. tatukamo naruai. 38. naukore kware nabakanai. 39. nabakakore ahukubaka kobukunai. 40. kobukukore ahotomo ekiunu ohisi waranai. 41. warikore uhu eku abanai. 42. abakore ahara auboka tiabanai. 43. tiabakore warao isiko naba hakanai. 44. hakakore dibunai ahumuhu nabanai amuhu aisiko. 45. warao dibunai korekomo aukwaru isiko nakakore warao wabai. 46. wabakore tomonoho eraha kware nabakanai. 47. nabakakore eku yanisinai. 48. yanisikore omi naruai. 48. aukwa ekoronai kokotuka.


1. Here in the woods I will tell you a story. Get it. 2. There was a house. 3. An Indian was sleeping in the house. 4. When he slept it dawned. He went. 5. He went to another house for a visit. 6. When he went there he saw somcthing. 7. He didn't know that other house. 8. Now he saw it. 9. When he saw it he asked. 10. "What is it?


11. This you are eating, what is it?" 12. The other said. So he said, "At dawn I am going". 13. When he went they came to a trail. 14. When they came to it they went along it. 15. As they go (the first one) goes along slowly behind him. 16. As they go they come to wasps. When they come they melt it (honey paste?) and drink it. 17. It's name is ohisi. 18. They go back and arrive and sleep. 19. When they come (again) they lift up a smoker. 20. When they lift it out of the hole they are excited. 21. When they are excited the wasps are excited. 22. When they are excited their stomach is softened (?). 23. So they kill them. 24. When they kill them they eat them. 25. 1 eat them so. It is called sweet-taste. 26. In the land there is a sweet-taste called honaba (balsam). 27. He, not knowing, stayed. 28. When he stayed he told it in the house. 29. When he told it, it got dark. 30. When it got dark he slep.. It dawned. He went. 31. When he went he came to a trail. 32. When he came to it he went along it. 33. When he went he came out. 34. When he came out he came to the wasps. 35. When he came he drank. 36. Having melted it he drank it with water. 37. He went from there. 38. When he went he got there. 39. When he got there he lifted up a smoker. 40. When he lifted it up the wasps streamed out the hole (of the hive). 41. When it streamed out he put it in the basket. 42. When he put, it came next to his elbow. 43. When it came the perfume ran over the Indian. 44. When it ran over him he spoke. They hit the tail bone with the bone. 45. The Indian spoke. When he put it boiling (?) with other food the Indian died. 46. When he died many red wasps came near him. 47. When they came they defecated in it. 48. When they defecated they left it. 48. That's the end of it. That's all.



1. ohidu anamonina. 2. amaseke diana warao manamo nibora tida tane omi naruai.3. omi naruyaha sinaria abanai atai yatu saba naute. 4. takore diana tai nibora atida tane hobahi sakanai. 5. sakakore kemo hobahi oanai. 6. tai warao eobo hakutai kware naruai. 7. nabakanai mikore hakutai diana waraorone teribukore dibunaha. 8. omi naruai awarao warao hakutai. 9. hanoko ata nabakakore awaraotuma saba wa ranai. 10. tai warao manamo hakutai oko Baba naruai. 11. narukore tata nabakanai aisiko dibunai. 12. aisiko dibukore dibunaha. 13. tai katukane takitani 14. amaseke atai naruai mikitani. 15. tata nabakakore miai. 16. mikore diana yiwaranai ahido hakutai ahido aroko. 17. nibora diana musabera atana ha. 18. atida hakutai aukwaha ha ohi. 19. nibora hakutai aukwaha mokomokera awai haukwaha. 20. amaseke tai ohidu manamo hakutai waraotuma kabai. 21. kabakore weruyakore ohi hakutai nakai kokotuka hobahi kokotukaya arai. 22. tai ohidu hakitani. 23. ohidu namoniaha, ohidu hakitani. 24. diana tamaha ko kotuka.


The changing of moriche palm. 2. Now there were two Indians, a man and his wife. He went off without her. 3. When he was going without her he put a time to come back to his wife. 4. Now the man's wife walked on the ground. 5. When she walked she came to a distant place. 6. She came to those other Indians. 7. She came there. When she saw, even though they were Indians, when she spoke, they didn't speak to her. 8. She went back to her people without them. 9. When she got home she told it to her people. 10. Two Indians went to look for vines. 11. When they went they came there. They spoke to them. 12. When they spoke to them they didn't answer. 13. How is that to be? 14. Again they went to see. 15. When they got there they saw. 16. When they saw it they sharpened up and finished. 17. There was

76 a man there with understanding. He had blossoms. 18. There was a woman with moriche fruit. 19. There was a man with small fruit called fiber-fruit. 20. Now the Indians cut those two moriche trees. 21. When they cut them and they fell and the moriche fruit fell all over the ground. 22. That was to be moriche. 23. Changing to moriche, that was to be moriche. 24. Now that's all.



l. bisi namo. inai burohoata. 2. tatamoseke nauai wahabara. 3. ya atai nauai babe. 4. tamasaba tamatika hobahi miyaha. 5. hobahi miai hobahi yakera. 6. ya hakutai tamaha isia hobahi oanai. 7. babe arakate hobahi oanai. 8. amaseke tai bisi hakutai wahabara babe ya aisia dibunai sinaria abanai. 9. bisi hakutai wakaya. 10. wakakore diana bisi oriasiai. 11. amaseke bisi ayamo nauai. 12. tai nauyakutai kokotuka aisiko bisi aromutuma asiko nauai domu kamuku wahasaraka hobi aukwabu wauta koho tihitihiboiya domutuma kokotuka aisiko nauai. 13. ama arahoro homakabatuma horohene mobo wasi tai kokotuka aisiko nauai. 14. nauai hobahi tamasaba oanai. 15. oakore miai ya hakutai. 16. ya hakutai amayana hobahi eku ha. 17. ama babe rakate diana ho bahi eku ha. 18. takore amaseke bisi hakutai oriasiai. 19. oriasikore dose aisia ya yewerai babe yewerai tai bisi hakutai oriasidawitu awaraotuma saba. 20. tai hakutai tai wituana hobahi arotu hota arotu. 21. ama bisi arotu kokotuka hobahi tamasaba oanai. 22. tamahaisia naruai kokotuka aisiko. 2.3. amaseke dibunai tai bisi hatai tamatika abahimo sanera hate. 24. nahoro ekida hate. 25. babe aisia dibunai bisi hakutai waraotuma hiobonokore hinahoro ekida hate. 26. ama bisi dibunai ine tuatanaha. 27. waraotuma maobonokore manahoro erida hate. 28. dibunai bisi naruai ahia nakai. 29. tai hobahi arotu hakutai tai bisi aisiko naruaa uhu iridaha eku tamahaisia. 30. naruyakore sanuka buraranai taisi aubonona tamahasia sanuka hota ha. 31. hobahi awai hota. 32. tai naruai ahia nabakanai. 33. diyana tai hobahi hinaronai kokotukaya. 34. ama bisi diana hobahi oanai oriwakane. 35. amaseke tai bisi aidamo hakutai kwarea naruai ahitoma. 36. tai bisi arotu bisi inamonitu bisi hakitani hebu dau arani hobahi oanai.37. diana tamaha kokotuka.

TO BE BISI WOOD l. Bisi changed on the island. 2. It came from there at the beginning. 3. (With) Babe wood came another temicbe palm. 4.


4. Toward here it saw the land. 5. It saw land, good land. 6. The temiche got to this land. 7. Babe also got to land. 8. Now that bisi at first spoke to babe and temiche and put a time. 9. Bisi waits. 10. While it waits now bisi was angry. 11. Now bisi came behind. 12. That one that came, that bisi, came with all kinds of birds, aruco, guachraca, hobi, aukwabu, wauta, koho, tihitihiboiya; all these birds came with it. 13. Now the food, all kinds of fish, horohene, mobo, wasi, all those came with it. 14. They came to this land. 15. When they got to land the temiche saw it. 16. The temiche wasn't yet in the land. 17. Now babe was in the land already. 18. So now bisi was angry. 19. When it was angry it beat temiche with a stick, it beat babe. That bisi was angry with his companions. 20. He was not the owner of the lowland and the hills. 21. Now the bisi came as owner toward this land. 22. It came this way with all those. 23. Now it said, that bisi, "Those who stay here will be in a bad state. 24. There will be no food". 25. Bisi said to babe, "If the Indians want you, you'll have no fruit". 26. Now bisi said, "I'll not be like that. 27. If the Indians want me I'll have no fruit". 28. The bisi spoke and went upstream. 29. That owner of the land goes with bisi in a big basket. (They went) this way. 30. When they went they pulled up some. Because of them there is a small hill here. 31. The name of the land is Hill. 32. It went upstream and got there 33. Now he emptied (spread out?) through all that land. 34. Now bisi rejoicing came to the land. 35. Now that bisi went around as chief jealously. 36. That bisi's owner is bisi's changer to be bisi. That's the spirit mother of the trees who came to the land. 37. Now that's all.



1. hanoko yakeraha ha aidamo warao dibuya aidamo.2. tai kanamunaha haikuwitu ubaya. 3. anebu ha. 4. anebu hisia dibuya kokotuka masanetakotu. 5. nahoro isia dibuya nahoro awai waraya. 6. aidamo hakutai dibuya dau kabakotu. 7.amakokotuka dau kabakitani kanamuya dokohotoya. 8. aee dau kabate nebu dokohotoya kokotuka naruya. 9. hisaka naminanaha hisaka kanamunaha. 10. hokohi kwaisabuka nakakore kanamuva. 11. kanamukore naruai. 12. naukore warao waraya ibu. 13. warao hisaka naminanaha kabakitani naruai ha noko awere kabai. 14. kabakore aidamo dibunai tatuka hara dawatuma. 15. auriwaka kware tatuka harone akahuya narubuya. 16. kabai kabakore tatamo yaronai ibu isiko witu yaronai. 17. aidamo kanamunai dibunai ine ibu nahorote kanamunai ebikamo ahakayamo niyakanai. 18. aidamo dibunai tamahayana ihi naminanaha. 19. ihi anakwarika yaroyaha ihi mite. 20. anakwarika yaronai wina eraha isiko dokoriaba isiko. 21. hokonai aidamo dibunai ama yabaho yewerekotu. 22. kanamunai dokohotoai aee yabahouu yeeweereetee tane dokohotoai. 23. ama kokotuka duai. 24. hisaka naminanaha. 25. hokohi kwaisabuka nakakore kanamunai. 26. kanamukore hanoko awere yabahokabai. 27. kabakore yewereai dose aisia. 28. yewerekore hanoko yaronai. 29. yarukore dibunai ihi katukane tanai. 30. ine yabaho yewereai. 31. aidamo isia dibunai ine yabaho yewereai. 32. takore aidamo dibunai toataneana mute ihi anakwarika mite. 33. anakwarika nakakore nebu kokotuka yaronai nahoro aisiko. 34. aidamo dibunai tamaha mi. 35. nebu hisaka naminanaha. 36. atai dibunai hokohi hakore dibunai huba sitakotu kokotuka. 37. nebu dibunai aee huba sitaate. 38. ama nebu kokotuka duai. 39. hisaka naminanaha. 40, awarao kokotuka dukore hisaka hakutai kanamunai. 41. kanamukore hanoko awere ahiaka nisanai u eku abanai. 42. anakwarika yaronai. 43. yarukore aidamo dibunai ihi katukane tanai. 44. diboto dibunai ine huba sitai. 45. aidamo dibunai roataneana mate ihi anakwarika ihi mite. 46. diboto dibunai ee nomera. 47. anakwarika nebu yaronai. 48. yarokore uhu kwatubuai hoku. 49. atai aidamo tai hese dibunai hokoyakore ama hoyo nisakotu. 50. nisaitane mamoakotu. 51. nebu dibunai aee hoyo nisate.


52. nebu duai. 53. hisaka naminanaha. 54. kanamunai hoyo nisanai. 55. hoyo nisaitane aidamo moai. 56. tamaha hoyo. 57. aidamo dibunai tamaha yana. 58. mate ihi mite anakwarika ihi mite. 59. nebu anakwarika yaronai uhu kwatubuai hoyo. 60. tai tamaha mi hoyo tiakotai. 61. taiseke awai mehokobo. 62. nahorokore dihapera. 63. mehokobo ahi erawitu ha. 64. karina ahi monuka. 65. kokotuka ekoronai. 66. taiseke awai nowararoko.


1. There was a good house, so tell the chief of the Indians. 2. He slept in a hammock without getting up.3. He had workmen. 4. He speaks to his workmen. "All of you help me". 5. He speaks of food and calls their names. 6. The chief says, "Cut wood". 7. They all get up to cut wood. They shout. 8. "Aee, we will cut wood", all the work men shout. They go. 9. One doesn't know. One doesn't get up. 10. When the sun is rather high he gets up. 11. When he got up he went. 12. When he goes the Indian calls out, "Sangrito tree". 13. One In dian, not knowing, went to cut. He cut near the house. 14. When he cut the chief said, "Is there any there, my sons-in-law?" 15. Even though it was near fiesta time he went along by the foot of it. 16. He cut and when he cut he came from there and arrived with sangrito. 17. The chief got up and said, "I will eat sangrito". He got up and it flew away from him. 18. The chief said, "This isn't it. You don't understand. 19. You come at dusk and you'll see". 20. At dusk they came with many v~inas (to smoke) and with honey. 21. It dawned. The chief said, "Now beat yababo". 22. They got up and shouted, "Ace, we will cut yabaaahooo!" they shouted. 23. They all went to look for it. 24. One didn't understand. 25. When the sun was quite high he got up. 26. When he got up he cut yababo near the house. 27. When he cut it he beat it with a stick. 28. When he had beat it he came to the house. 29. When he came (the chief) said, "What did you do?" 30. "I beat yababo". _31. H:~ said to the chief, "I beat yababo". 32. So the chief said, "That's not it. At dusk you will see". 33. When dusk came all the workmen came with food. 34. The chief said, "See this". 35. One workman did not understand. 36. Again he said the next day, "All of you act like snakes". .37. The workmen said, "Aee, we will act like snaaaaakes! " 38. Now all the workmen went to find it. 39. One did not understand. 40. When all the Indians went to find that food; one got up. 41. When he got up he took the cloth near the house and put it in a basket. 42. At dusk they came. 43. When he

81 came the chief said, "What did you do?" 44. He answered, "I acted like a snake". 45. The chief said, "That's not the way. Wait, at dusk you will see". 46. He answered, "Eh, is that so?" 47. At dusk the workmen came. 48. When they came their baskets were full of "sweet water" fish. 49. Again the chief said the next day, "Now bring stones. 50. Having collected them, give them to me".51. The workmen said, "Aee, we will gather stones". 52. The workmen looked for them. 53. One did not understand. 54. He got up and got a stone. 55. Having gotten it he gave it to the chief. 56. "This is a stone". 57. The chief said, "This isn't it. 58. Wait, you'll see later at dusk". 59. At dusk the workmen arrived with their baskets full of stones. 60. "This is my kind of stones". 61. It is called round-breast-turtle. 62. When you eat it, it is delicious. 63. That turtle has many eggs. 64. They are like chicken eggs. 65. It's all finished. 66. The name of that one is Likesto-tell-a-story. -




1. tane hakitani warao ha. 2. warao era hisaka seke diana warao wisiratu. 3. tai hakutai wisiratu kanobo arima. 4. tai wisiratu anakonoko ha hobinoko. 5. amaseke warao kokotuka naminanaha tai tidatuma kokotuka naminanaha kanobo arima wisiratu hokohi anakwarika nakoya tai hobahi hoiwaha sanuka hobinoko ekumu. 6. tai nakoya warao wisiratu. 7. amaseke tai tida hisaka hakutai nebumatu. 8. tai nebumatu naminar-taha tiakware tai kanobo arima warao hakutai ana konoko ekumu nakoai tai tida nebumatu hakutai. 9. nakakore amaseke dibunai tai warao wisiratu warao tida aisia yakera tida nebumatu ha manakonoko ekumu nakoai. 10. tai dibunai warao wisiratu tida aisia tida hakutai kwabute. 11. kwabukore warao idanaha huba idate aubono eku. 12. tane dibunai warao wisiratu tai tida aisia tiakware tida kwabuai. 13. kwabukore diana huba ha tida aubono eku. 14. waraotuma kokotuka naminanaha tida kwabu erida ha. 15. amaseke warao eobo tau tuma eobo obonobuya. 16. tamaha kwabu hakutai aubono ekumu diana warao nakanaha. 17. tai tida hakutai aubono kwabu erida. 18. tiakore amaseke diana daukwaha erawitu ha. 19. amaseke tai warao tautuma hakutai era nahoroya daukwaha. 20. dau aukwaha awai usi. 21. tai tautuma hakutai era nahoroya.22. amaseke tai kwabu hakutai tai ra kate naruai hisamika uhu aisiko hisamika tai kwabu hakutai. 23. takore awarao obonobuya tai kwabu aisia tai kasaba naruya. 24. sanuka kware mahabai eku. 25. takore diana nabakanai daukwaha aisiko uhu kobu witu. 26 tai daukwaha hakutai aukwa yakera tubuyaha. 27. amaseke warao eobo hanoko eku hakutai tai tida kwabu aisia obonobuya tai tida kasabamu daukwaha yakera miai. 28. takore oko kokotuka nisai. 29. amaseke tai tida kwabu tuatane nahoroya takore wahabara warao eobo hakutai diana daukwaha oko kokotuka nisaya. 30. tiarone katukane tamaha tida hakutai hisamika naruya daukwaha Baba. 31. diana takore oko daukwaha kokotuka nisaya. 32. ama atai katukane daukwaha era nisaya tai kwabu hakutai. 33. taneseke awarao obonobuya. 34. takoreamaseke tautuma eobo naruai wahabara dau aukwaha saba usi Baba.35.naruai tai daukwaha kokotuka nisai uhu eku. 36. nisaitane yiwarakore naruai hanoko ata tata nabakanai tai tida kwabu hakutai hisamika


haiku ha. 37. amaseke to.i warao hakutai usi nahoroya. 38. nahoro hakore tai tida kwabu hakutai kanamunai uhu nisanai naruai hisamika dahukwaha saba. 39. tiakore amaseke nebu manamo dibunai tamaha kwabu naruyakutai katukane tai daukwaha nisaya. 40. takore nebu manamo naruai dihisane mikitani. 41. tai nebu manamo hakutai naruai dihisane miai. 42. mikore diana tai kwabu hakutai araya daya ihaka nai. 43. ihakakore huba bohinai ekumo. 44. tai huba hakutai dau usi arao diana yaburuai dau aisia. 45. yaburukore hoaika kanamuya arani tai tida hakutai. 46. amaseke tai auka ayamo soroya tai tida dibuya huba aisia mauka of ihi nakate. 47. takore huba dibuya hoo tai dibuya huba ararri diboto tida diboto. 48. takore amaseke nebu manamo hakutai dihisane mini. 49. amaseke huba tai dahukwaha era inatoya hoaika. 50. inatol_ore arani hakutai uhu eku nisaya. 51. uhu kwatakore diana ararri atai dibuya mauka diana hoaika nanakau. 52. takore huba diana hoaika nanakaya. 53. hoaika nakaya nakakore arani aubonoeku atai yaruya. 54. yarukore tida aubono hakutai aubono erida nakaya. 55. amaseke nebu manamo hakutai diana yakeraha miai. 56. tai nebu manamo deku dibunai oko kanamate duhu ihidokitani tai huba nakitani tai huba waraoana. 57. waraoana isiko kuhuya arani hakutai tai nebu manamo hakutai huba nakitani. 58. amaseke diana naruai tai tida hakutai hanoko ate.. 59. nebu manamo hakutai tatuma rakate naruai hanoko ata. 60. dibuhida naruai nebu manamo hakutai. 61. hanoko yaronai waranai awarao saba tamaha tida kwabu hakutai waraoana tida ekumu huba ehoboya oko yakeraha miai. 62. tiatihi hataburu duhu ihidote tai huba nakitani. 63. takore tai tida kwabu hakutai diana na bakanai hanoko eku daukwaha aisiko uhu kobu witu. 64. nebu manamo hakutai hanoke emo. 65. naruai ohidu kabai. 66. kabai weruai. 67. werukore duhu nisai eraha nisai ihidobuai. 68. ihidobuai aisiko bahinai hanoko ata. 69. hanoko awere ihabanai. 70. tai tida kwabu hakutai naminanaha. 71. diana anai. 72. anakore ubai warao kokotuka. 73. ubakore hokonai yaha araisa eku kanamunai tautuma atai daukwaha nisakitani naruai. 74. naruai daukwaha era nisai. 75. nisai bahinai hanoko ata. 76. hanoko nabakakore tai tida kwabu hakutai haiku yahia. 77. diana atai kanamunai tai tida kwabu hakutai uhu nisanai hisamika naruai daukwaha nisakitani. 78. naukore nebu manamo hakutai naruai duhu ihido isiko. 79. naukore diana ebisaba ha tida araya ihabanai huba atai bohinai aranima ekumu. 80. warao tida kwabu hakutai ekumu bohinai huba. 81. nebu manamo mia. 82. huba hakutai diana dau aisia yaburuai. 83. yaburukore dau aukwaha nakai kwai. 84. nakakore nebu manamo hakutai duhu aisia hataya. 85 ha takore diana tai huba aisia nakai. 86. kwarika honi nahataya nebu manamo hakutai. 87. hataya hatakore diana huba hoaika nakai hobahi

86 arai. 88. nakore hobahi arai amaseke arani dibunai dakobo sanukatuma yatu maukamo naye tai mauka. 89. takore nebu manamo hakutai dibunai tamaha huba. waraoana tamaha huba tamaha asida. 90. katukane ihi warao monuka abaya. 91. diana huba wabai. 92. wabakore arani era onaya. 93. tai nebu manamo hakutai dibunai seisa hanoko ata tamaha huba ayamo obon okomoni 94. tiakware seisa hanoko ata. 95. naruai hanoko nabakanai. 96. awaraotuma tida awaraotuma saba waranai tai nebu manamo hakutai diana wabai huba. 97. amaseke dibunai huba arani saba dibunai tamaha huba tai asida obononaka onanaka. 98. takore arani sanera ehobonai tai warao tida hakutai huba obonon era onaya huba yaonayaha. 99.diana kokotuka tamaha idamotuma are denobo.


1. So there were Indians. 2. There were many Indians. One was a shaman. 3. That shaman was the forefather of our father. 4. That shaman had a bathing place and a drinking place. 5. Now all the Indians didn't know about it. The women didn't know about it. That shaman forefather of our father bathes in the late afternoon in the drinking place at that (dry) land. 6. That Indian shaman bathes. 7. Now there was a woman of marriagable age. 8. That young woman unknowingly bathed in the bathing place of that Indian, our father's forefather, that young woman did. 9. When she bathed that Indian shaman. said to the woman, "Fine, young woman, you bathed in my bathing place". 10. He said, that shaman, to the woman, "You will be pregnant. 11. When you are pregnant it won't be an Indian that will grow in the womb, it will be a snake that will grow". 12.So the shaman said to the woman. So she was pregnant. 13. When she was pregnant then the woman had a snake in her womb. 14. All the Indians didn't know with what she was pregnant. 15. Now the Indians thought and the other women thought. 16. "This one that is pregnant, the child is not born from her womb. 17. She is big because she is pregnant". 18. Se now there was lots of fruit. 19. Now the Indian women ate the fruit a lot. 20. The fruit was anti. 21. The women eat it a lot. 22. Now that pregnant one also went with her basket; alone (went) that pregnant one. 23. So the Indians think about that pregnant one, "Where does she go?". 24. A little while went by. 25. Then she came back with her basket full of fruit. 26. That fruit is good. 27. Now the other Indians in the house think concerning that pregnant woman, "Where did that woman get such good fruit? 28. 87 We picked it all". 29. Now that pregnant woman eats. So at first the Indians (said), "We pick them all first. 30. How is it this woman goes alone for fruit? 31. Now then we pick all the fruit. 32. Now how is it that pregnant woman picks so much again?" 33. So her companions think. 34. So now the other women went first for the fruit, for usi. 35. They went and picked all the fruit in their baskets. 36. When they finished picking they went home. When they got there that pregnant woman was alone in her hammock. 37. Now those Indians eat the usi. 38. While they are eating the pregnant woman got up and took her basket alone and went for fruit. 39. So two young men said, "This pregnant one who goes, how does she pick fruit?" 40. So the two young men went hidden to see. 41. Those two young men went hidden and saw. 42. When they saw now they ran behind the pregnant woman. 43. When they ran (behind) the snake appeared out of her.44. That snake climbed up the usi tree. 45. When he climbed up his mother, that woman, stood below. 46. Now looking after her child the mother says to the snake, "Careful, son, you will fall". 47. So the snake says, "Hooo! " in reply to his mother that woman. 48. So now the two young men hidden saw it. 49. Now the snake throws down lots of fruit. 50. When he throws it down his mother collects it in her basket. 51. When the basket is full the mother speaks again, "Now, son, come down". 52. So the snake comes down. 53. When he comes down he enters his mother's womb again. 54. When he enters, that woman's womb swells up again. 55. Now the two young men saw it well. 56. The two young met. said, "We will get up to sharpen a lance to kill that snake. That snake is no-Indian. 57. The woman goes with no-Indian". The two young men (go) to kill the snake. 58. Now that woman went to the house. 59. The two men also went to the house. 60. The two young men hurried. 61. They got to the house. They told their companions. "This pregnant woman had no-Indian come out of her. We saw it clearly. 62. So now bows and lances we will sharpen up to kill that snake". 63. So that pregnant woman came now to the house with her basket full up with fruit. 64. The two young men were away from the house. 65. They went to cut moriche. 66. They cut it and it fell. 67. Whet it fell they took the lances, many of them and sharpened them. 68. They went back to the houses with the sharpened ones. 69. Near the house they hid (?) them. 70. That pregnant woman didn't know it. 71. Now it got dark. 72. When it got dark all the Indians slept. 73. When they had slept it dawned. In another day the women got up and went again to gather fruit. 74. They went and gathered much fruit. 75. They gathered and went home. 76. When they got home that pregnant woman was lying in the hammock. 77.


Now again that pregnant woman stood up and took her basket and went to gather fruit. 78. When she went the two young men went with their sharpened lances. 79. When she went before them they ran behind. Again the snake appeared out of his mother. 80. The snake appeared out of that woman. 81. The two young men see. 82. The snake climbed the tree. 83. When it climbed it got to the top of the tree up there. 84. When it got there the two young men shot it with the lances. 85. When they shot it now that snake fell down. 86. The two young men shoot it more. 87. They shoot it. When they shot now the snake fell down on the ground. 88. When it fell on the ground the mother said, "Little brothers, you are killing my child, my son". 89. So the two young men said, "This snake is no-Indian. This snake is bad. 90. Why did you put it like a person?" 91. Now the snake died. 92. When it died the mother cries much. 93. The two young men said, "Let's go home. We can't think further of the snake. 94. So let's go home". 95. They went home and got there. 96. They told it to their family, to the woman's family. "The snake is dead". 97. Now they said to the snake's mother, they said, "This snake was bad. Don't think of it. Don't cry". 98. So the mother came out poor. That Indian woman thinking of the snake cries a lot, crying for that snake. 99. Now that is all of this story of the old ones. It is a story.



l. tida seke awai simo. 2. tai tida hakutai anibora saba ho konaya mataro eku. 3. ho konane anibora moaya. 4. moakore anibora ho hobiya. 5. hobikore dihapera taitane ha amayana kura aisia waniku aisia. 6. awaraotuma naminahaha. 7. taiseke anibora witu naminaya. 8. tiakore diana oriwaka abanai. 9. oriwaka awai habisanuka era hohoya imaya. 10. vakerawitu monikata ekida. 11. tiakore imautu anibora dibunai atida aisia ho konau masaba ine hobiahera. 12. tiakore amaseke atida mataro nisanai. 13. nisanai naruai ho hoanai anibora saba konaruai anibora moai. 14. moakore anibora hobiai. 15. takore awa raotuma naminanaha. 16. amaseke hisaka dibunai dahe ihi yahakutai eobo ekidara ine hobiahera. 17. takore anibora dibunai inaretanai. 18. tiarone amaseke atida obonobuya moakore monidate. 19. atai nibora araisa dibunai ihi hobiya hakutai eobo hakore mamo ine hobiahera. 20. amaseke diana tai tida anibora hakutai nibora araisa hobiai. 21. hobikore dibunai tai warao araisa aah nome dihapera ihi komi yakaramataya simo ihi hobia. 22. takore tai tida hakutai awai tuatane. 23. diana tidaunai awai nokone. 24. hokonai tida duhuya inaretane. 25. hoko takore naruai kimikitani monuka. 26. naruai soto anibora naminanaha. 27. sanuka kwari mabakore anibora ayamo naruai. 28. narukore diana tida ekida. 29. amaseke anibora obonobuai kasaba naruai. 30. mikore omunoko ha. 31. naruai soru aukwa hetonai anibora hakutai ayamo naruai. 32. narukore minaha. 33. amaseke anibora atida omunoko miai. 34. naruai bahibahiai amunoko hakutai ayamo naruai siana omunoko eku anibora dibunai kasaba ihi naruai. 35. takore inare nohobuai ekida. 36. amaseke diana tai anibora diboto warao hisaka ehobonai. 37. ehebokore tatuka mikore diana ha. 38. namoninaha tai dokoriabatane awai mohorohi. 39. mikore amaseke anibora obonobuai matida ihi witu tane takomoni ine rakate taisia mite. 40. naruai anibora tai rakate namoninai. 41. tai anibora awai asebe. 42. tai asebe hakitani. 43. warao nohobukore miai. 44. atida hakutai mikore isoboai. 45. isobokore tai dokoriaba simo atida hakutai aho dihapera. 46. anibora rakate isoboai. 47. tai rakate aho dihapera. 48. warao


manamo namoninai atida anibora. 49. tai awai dokoriaba.50. idamotuma hakore tane taneyama denobo hakitani. 51. tamaha kokotuka diana.


1. The womar_'s name was Honey. 2. That woman brought water to her husband in a gourd. 3. Having brought it she gave it to her hus band. 4. When she gave it to him the husband drinks it. 5. When he drank it, it was delicious. It was like that for a year, for a month. 6. The Indians didn't know. 7. Just the husband knows. 8. So he made a fiesta. 9. The name of the fiesta is Little-gourd. Many dance at night.10. It was fine, no need for punishment. 11. Now at midnight the hus band said to his wife, "Bring water. I'm thirsty". 12. So the woman took the gourd. 13 She took it and went and got water for her husband. She gave it to him. 14. When she gave it, the husband drank. 15. So the other Indians didn't know about it. 16. Now one Indian said, "Brother, don't you have some of that other? I'm thirsty". 17. So the man spoke. (The other) was silent. 18. Now the wife thinks, "It can't be given to him". 19. Again the other man said, "What you drink of that other, give it to me. I'm hungry. 20. Now that woman's husband (gave) to the other man to drink. 21. When he drank he said, "True, it's delicious. Wher. it's convenient you have been drinking honey with out us". 22. Now that was the name of the woman. 23. So the woman cried because they had heard her name. 24. It dawned. The woman is looking for food without talking. 25. When it dawned she went off as if to defecate. 26. She went off and disappeared without her husband knowing. 27. After a while her husband followed her. 28. When he went there the woman was not to be found. 29. Now thehusband thought, "Where did she go?" 30. When he looked he found footprints. 31. The man took a short cut by the defecating place and followed her. 32. When he went he didn't find her. 33. Now the man saw his wife's footprints. 34. He went around and around following the footprints. It wasn't a trail. As he followed the footprints the man said, "Where did you go?" 35. No. answer. He looked and there was nothing. 36. Now an Indian came out toward him. 37. When he came and when he looked there she was. 38. Having changed to be honey, it was mohorohi honey. 39. Now he saw it the man thought, "You can't really be my wife. I will see in there too". 40. When he


went the man too changed. 41. The man's name was Many. 42. To be many (bees). 43. When the Indian looked he found it. 44. When he found his (honey) wife he split open the hive. 45. When he openedit it was sweet honey. His wife's honey was delicious. 46. He split the husband too. 47. That was delicious too. 48. The two Indians changed, the wife and the husband.49. Their name is "sweetmouth" honey. 50. Wher. there were the old ones, they told this story. 61. This is all now.



1. iboma amoho dihapera ayauta dihapera.2. ohoana ho dihapera. 3. idamotuma hohoai imaya sehokonai. 4. hokokore ubai. 5. ubakore hokoki kwahesika naruai. 6. naukore iboma hakutai namoninai simo hakutai. 7. simo anamonina iboma tida.8. anibora atida namonikore anibora ayamo naruai. 9. narukore anibora rakate namoninai awai simo arao asebe. 10. tai anamonina nibora namoninai. 11. simo hakitani. 12. tamaha ine waraya denobo. 13. kokotuka.


1. There was a young woman with a fine hand. Her work was good. 2. Having no infection her water was good. 3. The old ones danced until dawn 4. When they danced they slept. 5. While they slept the sun reached the zenith. 6. When it got there the young woman changed into honey. 7. That woman changed to honey. 8. When the man's wife changed he followed her. 9. When he went the man too changed. His name is Many-bees. 10. So changing the man changed. 11. To be honey. 12. I'm telling this story. 13. (That's) all.



1. arahe araka manamowitu naruai wahibaka ekuya. 2. narukore arahe dibunai daka oko manamowitu kebisaba warao ekida. 3. tiakware detanaka naruki. 4 narukore oko naruyakore sanuka oriwakaki. 5. ama diana ohio awere yatabanai diana. 6. yatabakore kanamunai arahe dibunai daka ihi hima arotu. 7. ine himu uhu arotu. 8. diana naruai sisi ekuya. 9. narukore arahe dibunai kebisaba warao era daka. 10. tiakware oriwakaki. 11. hanoko nabakakore hanoko hisaka eku. 1.2. oko tuarate. 13. tuarakore diana oko mo nahorote tamahasia ohi era era mohoru. 14. amawitu ohi nahorote. 15. ama oko daka naho rokore musika anakore dauwaha karawahatani orikware ananu. 16. hake oko mo wahabute. 17. tai anai. 18. anakore arahe dibunai daka ine narukitia hohara ahobi hobikitani. 19. amawitu ine narute. 20. tiakware ihi narunaka tani. 21. ine hisamika nature. 22. tamatika ma wakau daka. 23. diana daka ine naruya. 24. amawitu ine narute tatamu. 25. naruai hohara era hohoya. 26. hobi hobia. 27. bieta (fiesta) era. 28. nnautu sanuka dahe nabakakore ine ubate. 29. amawitu ine ubakurnoni. 30. dahe nabakakore seke ine ubate aribu eku. 31. ine dahe wakaya. 32. wakakore diana dahe nabakanai. 33. nabakakore dahe dibunai daka hekunu eridaha abanu. 34. ine dehorohera tiakware ine momu ihitate. 35. ihitakore diana ine yakerau yabate. 36. amaseke tai hr- kunu eridaha abana hakutai. 37. daka hekunu manoika abane. 38. momu hekunu eku abakitia. 39. abakore momu ahoru nauboyaha ihi nokote. 40. hekunu eku abanai diana. 41. araka dibunai dahe hika dokuya. 42. amaseke arahe dibunai daka tai ine momu hebu eku abaya kutai. 43. araka dibunai dahe hiomu dokuya dia na nisanu. 44. arahe dibunai ine tai momu daitera. 45. tai omu nisako re amaseke dabo nisanai. 46. nisakore aka wihiai. 47. ama arahe dibunai daka momi narunaka tatuka tane. 48. araka obonobuai ine katukane rate. 49. dahe diana narukomoni. 50. tiakware dahe ubayaha wakate. 51. ubakore diana ine nature. 52. amaseke arahe ubaya. 53. ubayakore araka hakutai diana naruai. 54. sisi ekuya naruai kwarika naruai. 55. amaseke setane naruya sisi ekuya. 56. era hakaya hakanai. 57. hakakore sanuka dutanai nokoai ayamu iabuyaha inarera. 58. ta

94 tukamu atai naruai naruai naruai kwarika naruai sisi kawaheraha ekuya. 59. atai dutanai nokoai iabuyaha. 60. tatukamu kwarika naruya setane. 61. tiakore hese masi hakanai amaseke kwarika naruya. 62. narukore diana wahibaka kware nabakanai, 63. nabakakore wahibaka yehisinai. 64. diana naruai wahibaka ekuya. 65. wahibaka ekuya narukore hanoko nabakate aidamotuma ahanoko. 66. nabakakore amaseke waranai. 67. ine nakai maidamotuma yatu saba warakitani. 68. diana oko dahe manamo naruya hakuto.i. 69. dahe oko tata naruai hatai ohi duina eku oko nabakanai. 70. nabakakore diana dahe dibunai. 71. dibakore ine araka tiakware oko manamo mo wahabukitani naruai. 72. dahe dibunai dahe dibakore oko wahabara hekunu erida abanai. 73. taitane dahe naruai momi. 74. naruya hakutai tani dibunai daka ine naruya kaida motuma ahobi hobikitani. 75. ine amawitu nabakate tatuma hobi hobitani. 76. tai nabakanai. 77. nabakakore daka ine dehorohera sanuka ine hidahe. 78. hohara ahobi hobiai. 79. tiakware ine dehorohera. 80. hekunu erida abanu. 81. ine ihi takitani obonoya. 82. araka ha kutai amaseke aidamo waranai. 83. tamatika aidamo dibunai dibakore nebu aisia dibunai. 84. kanamakotu manebu. 85. nebu dibu hisaka kanamunai diana. 86. kokotuka nisakotu buari daborabaka hima hataburu ama dose. 87. ama tiakware seisa wahibaka mohoreku. 88. tai warao aka ihidoai hakutai mikitani naruai erawitu naruai. 89. tata nabakanai. 90. nabakakore kanabakate nebu bahitane. 91. ayahoro dianamo erawitu. 92. hisaka diana mite hanoko yata. 93. mikore do kohotate. 94. dokohotakore hikware dahe. 95. amaseke warao koko tuka dihaka nakai. 96. dihaka nakakore diana nai. 97. nakore wabai diana aka ihido tiami tai. 98. wabakore ehuwai. 99. ehukore atoma webatonai. 100. webatokore dibunai webatokore amaseke dibukomu tamaha kahido tane namonenu tamaha ihi naba ahotumu here tane na monene. 101. amuhu kahido amuhu honi webato hakutai naba eku tai wama tane namonene. 102. atai amuhu honinaba eku towai yakotai. 103. iotane namonenu kokotuka kahido atoma webatonaia hakutai. 104. ihi dohido tane namonikotu kahobahi ekuya kokotukaya. 105. tane waraotuma are tamaha kanobotuma oko ekidakore. 106. kokotuka diana.

THE OLDER BROTHER AND THE YOUNGER BROTHER 1. The older brother and the younger brother, just the two of them, went in a dugout. 2. When they were going Older brother said, "Little brother, just the two of us are here with no other Indians.3. So let's go unafraid. 4. As we go let's enjoy ourselves".5. Now they

95 came near the port. 6. When they came near the older brother stood and said, "Little brother, I have an ax. 7. I have an ax and a basket". 8. Now they went along the trail. 9. As they went Brother said, "There are many Indians ahead. 10. So let's celebrate. 11. When we come to the house, (let's go in) one house. 12. Lets stop. 13. When we stop we will ear moriche grubs since there are many moriche trees around here and many `hand' trees. 14. Now we will eat moriche fruit. 15. Now, Little brother, when we eat later at dusk split firewood and pile it up. 16. Tomorrow we will roast grubs". 17. It got dark. 18. When it got dvrk Older brother said, "Little brother, I am going to drink the Tree Frogs' brew. 19. I'm going right now. 20. You are not going. 21. I any going alone. 22. Wait for me here, Little brothe.23. Now, Little brother, I go. 24. Soon I will come from there". 25. He went (where) there were many tree frogs dancing. 26. He drinks their brew.27. It was a big fiesta. 28. (Little brother said), "When Brother gets back at midnight, I'm going to sleep. 29. I can't sleep now.30. Right when Brother gets back I'll sleep like he says. 31. I waitedfor Brother". 32. While he waited Brother came. 33. When he came Brother said, "Little brother, make up a big fire.34. I'm so cold I willheat up my feet.35. When I'm warm I'll be fine".36. Now he put abig fire.37. "Little brother, put the fire under me.38. I'm going toput my feet into the fire.39. When I put them you'll hear the skin of my feet popping'". 40. So he put them in the fire. 41. The younger brother said, "Brother, your legs are burning". 42. Now Big Brother said, "Little brother, I'm the one putting my legs in the fire". 43. Little brother said, "Your feet are burning now, take them out". 44. Older brother said, "My feet are cold". 45. When he took out his feet he took a knife. 46. When he took it he trimmed his leg. 47. Now older brother said, "Don't go off without me". 48. Younger brother thought, "What shall I do? 49. Brother cannot go now. 50. I'll wait until Brother is asleep.51. When he sleeps then I will go". 52. Now Older brother sleeps.53. When he sleeps Younger brother went. 54. He went along the trail and went further. 55. Now he goes hurriedly along the trail. 56. Running a lot he ran. 57. When he ran a little he stopped and listened and behind him it was quiet. 58. Again he went and went and went along that long trail. 59. Again he stopped and listened behind.60. Again he went along hurriedly. 61. Then a deer ran and he goes on. 62. When he went he came to a dug out. 63. When he came he pushed the dugout.64. Now he went in the dugout. 65. When he goes in the dugout he gets to the house of his parents.66. When he gets there he told it. 67. "I came to tell you, my parents. 68. Now we two brothers were the ones who went. 69. We

96 brothers went to the moriche forest. 70. When we got there Brother spoke. 71. When he spoke 1, the younger brother (obeyed) and we went to roast grubs. 72. Brother spoke and when he spoke we made a big fire at first. 73. Then Brother went away without me. 74. When he went he said, 'Little brother, I am going to drink the brew of the old ones. 75. I'll be back soon (after) drinking their brew'. 76. He came back. 77. When he came back, "I your brother, am cold. 78. 1 drank Tree Frogs' brew. 79. That's why I'm cold. 80. Make a big fire. 81. 1 want you to do it'." 82. So Younger brother told the parents. 83. Here the parents said to the young men. 84. "Up, my young men". 85. One young man got up with advice. 86. "All of you take machetes and spears and axes and arrows and sticks. 87.Now let's go ten dugouts full". 88. They went to see that Indian with the sharpened leg, many went. 89. They got there. 90. "When we get there (one will serve as) messenger to come to us. 91. Three is too many. 92. One will go to the house to see. 93. When he sees he will shout. 94. When you shout we will go to you, Brother". 95. Now all the Indians hid. 96. When they hid they killed him. 97. When they killed him he died because he had his leg sharpened. 98. When he died they cut him up. 99. When they cut him up they spread out his flesh. 100. When they spread it out they said, "Now we are saying to this Sharpened- leg, change!" It changed into deer flies and mosqui toes and snails. 101. When they threw the bones of Sharpened-leg into the water, into the river, it changed to anacondas. 102. Again it changed into manatee. 103. "Being thrown away, change all this flesh of Sharpened-leg we are throwing away. 104. Change into crocodiles through all our land". 105. This is an Indian story of our forefathers before our time. !06. Now (that's) all.



l. neburatu yautakitani naminanaha. 2. neburatu yabakitani naminanaha. 3. neburatu amu ekida neburatu awai muana. 4. arakatuma ha taiseke yautakitani naminaya. 5. arahe muana naminanaha. 6. arakatuma aubutu ha. 7. arahema isia dibunai ihi iboma obonoya. 8. muana dibunai ine obonoya. 9. araka dibunai hisaba warate hisaba warari abate. 10. abanai bebe ekuya naruai. 11. araka dibunai tamaha aisia naru. 12. naukore ihi iboma isabani nakate. 13. naukore arakatuma imasibuai muana kutai honi nakai. 14. honi nakakore hoahua ayamo neheruai. 15. neherukore okwa anamona yatabanai. 16. yatabakore yaburuai. 17. muana kwai nakai kwai duhunai. 18. duhukore arakatuma saba arahe saba naruai. 19. naukore dibunai dahe oko hisaba nauai. 20. arahe dibunai ine naunaha. 21. arakatuma obo nobuai oko tidatanc nakate. 22. arakatuma hakutai doai doahinai. 23. doahikore arahema imasibuai. 24. imasibukore muana hoaika nakai. 25. hoaika nakakore muana awata kanamonai. 26. awata oriasiai. 27. muana hoaika nakai. 28. hoaika nakakore dibunai mate kawanaka. 29. hobahi yakeraha. 30. tataseke ihi kawate. 31. isiko naruai. 32. isiko naukore hobahi oanai. 33. oakore dibunai oko dahe imasibuai. 34. muana hakutai honi nakai. 35. honi nakakore aka koyanai. 36. Kokotuka.


1. The young man didn't know how to work. 2. The young man didn't know how to fish. 3. The young man had no eyes. His name was No-eye. 4. His younger brother knows how to work. 5. Older brother No-eye doesn't know. 6. Younger brother has a mistress. 7. He said to his older brother, "Do you want a girl?" 8. No-eye said, "I want one". 9. Younger brother said, °I will speak for you. I will put a line out for you". 10. He put it. He went through the thicket. 11. Young er brother said, "Go this way. 1.2. When you go you will find a girl cooking". 13. When he went Younger brother deceived him. He fell


into the water. 14. When he fell in the water he drifted along on the outgoing tide. 15. When he drifted he came up against the top of some (poles) stuck in. 16. When he came against them he climbed up. 17. No-eye climbed up and sat up there. 18. While he sat younger brother came for his brother. 19. When he came he said, "Brother, we came for you". 20. Older brother said, "I won't go". 21. Younger brother thought, "We will pretend to be a woman". 22. Younger brother put on a necklace. 23. When he put it on he deceived his brother. 24. When he deceived him No-eye came down. 25. When he came down No-eye was excited. 26. He was aroused. 27. No-eye came down. 28. When he came down he said, "Don't wait for me yet. 29. The ground is good. 30. I'll wait for you there". 31. He went with him. 32. When he went he came to land. 33. When he got there he said, "We deceived Brother". 34. No-eye fell into the water. 35. When he fell in. he tied his legs. 36. (That's) all.



1. amaseke warao ha idamotuma tatumaseke inabe ubaya ohiduina eku. 2. tai hakutai nebu atato aisiko. 3. tai tidatuma hakutai arakobo sanuka neburatu hisaka ha. 4. tai hakutai arakoituma era aru na moya. 5. tai arakobo sanuka neburatu hakutai tai rakate neburaturone namoya. 6. hisamika tai neburatu anamo hanoko ata aisiko naunaha. 7. aru sehuta abaya arua yatuka omi nauuya hanoko ata. 8. takore ya araisa eku hokwane. 9. atai duya tai neburatu hakutai hisamika namokitani. 10. dukore arua yakuta nabakakore. 11. tai neburatu wite boroya. 12. borokore yiwarakore wite namoya. 13. tai neburatu tidamonuka namoya anakwarika aru inawahaya. 14. inawahaitane tutuka abaya. 15. omi naruaa hanoko ata. 16. anakwarika imananau imaya ubaya hokwane anihako duai. 17. duai aru ata nabakanai. 18. nabakakore aru sehuta eku. 19. tai mate neburatu dibunaha tai tuatane naminai neburatu hakutai taira. 20. atai namoai aru tata omoai hani anakwarika naruai hanoko ata. 21. ubai imaya hokonai aniako atai duai. 22. duai area yatuka nabakanai. 23. nabakakore tai aru sehuta eku. 24. amaseke neburatu obonobuai manahoro sina nahoroya. 25. mikore aru sehuta eku. 26. takore atai neburatu obonobuai sina tai mabitu nahoroya. 27. tiakware ama anakwarika ine yaurote. 28. tai neburatu hakutai dibunaharone taneseke obonobuai. 29. ana-, kwarika aru sehutai abanai. 30. abakore tatuka abaha eku yorihoitai. 31. hoitakore inare takore diana dau aukwa baya nauai. 32. nauyakutai mikore naku nauai hoaika nakai. 33. nakai nakakore tida tane namoninai. 34. tida tan-, namonikore aru ehuta nisanai. 35. nisakore hekunu abanai. 36. abakore aru hakutai nahoroai. 37. tai tida yakeraha amohoro hokera. 38. takore neburatu mia. 39. amaseke neburatu hakutai obonobuai tamaha tida hake ine oate matida tane. 40. tai tida diana nantai atai naku tane namoninai. 41. namonikore naruai. 42. naukore tai warao neburatu tai rakate naruai hanoko ata. 43. hanoko nabakanai neburatu dibunaha. 44. inare obonobuya anai hoko aniako. 45. atai duai. 46. duai nahoruai yiwaranai namoai. 47. tai neburatu dibunai ama anakwarika ine oate tida hakutai. 48. amaseke aru sehutai abanai. 49. abakore eobo hakutai nobotomo naruai ha


noko ata neburatui bahinai. 50. atai wakakitani tida oakitani. 51. amaseke dihisai baha eku aru sahuta awere. 52. awarao naruai naokorediana atainabakanai.53. nabakakore miai naku.54. tatuka witu namoktnai tida.5 5. amaseke tai neburatu miai.5 6. diana neburatu kanamunai tida autuya mahanai. 57. mahakore ko~tai. 58. koitakore neburatu dibunai inare tanu ine hioaya matida tane. 59. amaseke tida hakutai era tomanera ha. 60. nibora hakutai tida saba dibunai tomanetetiaka tanu 61. tai neburatu dibunai seisa hanoko. 62. naruai dekomana hanoko nabakakore. 63. nabakakore tida dibunai ine tomanera ra; ateho dihaka. 64. amaseke bua nahobuai tai tida abuatane. 65. tai neburatu arakoituma abua ha awai daya. 66. daya hisaka nisanai. 67. nisaitani moai. 68. moakare tai tida hakutai nisanai bua abanai. 69. abanai hanoko nabakanai. 70. tai tida yakera yakeraha. 71. amaseke tai tida hakutai warao naminanaha. 72. yaha dihanamo eku warao naminai diana yakera ha tai neburatu aisiko. 73. amaseke neburatu diana atida tane miai yakera ha. 74. tai deko duya tida anibora aisiko yakera oriwakaya yakera ha. 75. taakore hese ya hisaka eku oriasiai neburatu arakoituma. 76. tida arakobo sanuka atida aisiko neburatu arakoi hakutai dibunai tida oana hakutai aisia ihi waraoana ihi dakobo sanuka aisiko ha ihi naku warao. 77. tida yakerarone hiyauta kobera. 78. takore oriasiai tai tida hakutai. 79. amaseke obonobuai yakera nome ine waraoana. 80. tida dibunaha. 81. amaseke tai auka hisaka ha. 82. sabahikore ayiwarana yiwarakore tida nokoai. 83. tai auka sanuka noboto hakutai aisia dibunai seisa mauka naruki. 84. diana naruai auka noboto aisiko boto iabanaha namokitani. 85. naruai naukore tai anibora mia kwarimahaba sabukani anibora ayamo naruai. 86. naukore omonoko miai, omonoko ha. 87. naruai sisi ekuya kwarika naruai tai anibora hakutai ayamo naruai arua yatuka nabakanai. 88. nabakakore aru sanuka abanaha eko. 89. amaseke anibora kwarika ayamo naruai. 90. naruai sisi ekuya naruai diana auka hetonai tai tida hakutai anibora hakutai kwarika naruya ayamo. 91. naruai sisi auka hetonai naruai omunoko eko. 92. takore diana tatuka miai auka tata. 93. mikore amaseke dibunai tai anibora hakutai auka noboto aisiko mauka haiku nakiu. 94. arani dibunaha diana naruya dau aukwa haya. 95. tai noboto hakutai arani aisiko ama arima howaikaya naruya. 96. tai tida hakutai noboto aisiko dau aukwa haya naruya arima hobahi araya naruya noisabaya. 97. tai dutanaha imaya ubakitani takore tai tida noboto aisiko dau aukwa hata ubaya. 98. anibora warao hakutai noisaba hobahi arai ubaya. 99. nokb takore yaha araisa eku atai naruai tai -tuatane dutanaha kwarika naruya. 100. tai naruya ya kokotuka naruya soatana tai tida bahinaha anaru witu naruy^. 101. imaya ubakitani takore kwai ubaya dau

101 aukwa hata tida ubai. 102. anibora tai hoaika ubaya hobahi arai. 103. tai tuatane nibora hakutai atida ayamo kwarika naruya. 104. naruya hakore hese diana naba ehobonai. 105. ehobokore tai dibunai tida hakutai dokohotoai. 106. tai kayanuka saba atai dokohotoai. 107. dokohotokore hobahi nauai. 108. naukore tai tida hakutai kayanuka nakai. 109. nibora hakurai hobahi arai nakai neburatu tida anibora. 110. nakakore wite aubonona aisia naruai hobahi tai tida aisiko. 111. tai tuatane naruya. 112. naruyakore amaseke diana ya hisaka eku nabaida ehobonai tida hakutai. 113. ehobokore ama nibora tai tida anibora hakutai waku anahoronoko miai. 114. mikore tai nibora diana waku nahobuai. 115. nahobuai tai tida hakutai diana dokohotoai. 116_ ama anibora hakutai kwarika waku nahobuya.117. waku mikitani obonoya kwarika nahobuya tai neburatu obonobuya waku nisakitani. 118. tiakore tida hakutai dokohotoya manamo. 119. dokohotokore tai nibora hakutai kwarika honi waku nohobuya. 120. takore tida hakutai ariyanatani dokohotoya. 121. tiakore hese tai nibora hakutai diana waku miai. 122. miai mikore amaseke dibuhida hakanai waku aisiko. 123. takore tida hakutai atai dokohotoai. 124. dokohotokore dian? hobahi araisa nauai. 125. tai nibora hakutai dibuhida hakaya tida yata tata kware nabakanai. 126. nabakakore tai tida hakutai diana hobahi araisa oanai. 127. oakore nibora hakutai diana hobahi araisa oakomoni. 128. amaseke tida hakutai dibunaha takore diana dibunai anibora aisia. 129. amaseke yakera diana ine naruya mobononaka tanu diana ine hiomi naruya ine naunaha. 130. tau kuna takore hidakoituma masabahiai maisamanatane dibuai dibunokoitane ine unai nome maubonona abanai ine waraoana. 131. tiakware diana ine naruya atai maubononaka. 132. amaseke nibora dibunai tai tida anibora nomme ihi matidatane hinisanai takore ine hiabunaha hisabahinaha diana. 133. amaseke tida hakutai naruai hobahi daisa oanai. 134. anibora hakutai era atida ayamo onaya. 135. ona kore ayiwarana diana bahinai tai nibora hakutai. 136. bahinai naruai naba kwareya. 137. naruai kwarika naruai. 138. amaseke warao obonobuya naba imakakitani obonoya. 139. takore detaya hawanera naba imakakomoni. 140. tai noaya niarabaka uama ebute. 141. ebuteida taiseke noaya ine naba imakakore wabate. 142. tai warao ne buratu unakomo naruya atida ayamo naruya naba kwareya. 143. naruyakore hese diana kware nabakanai ahi. 144. ahi araisa ahisimo dibunai katukane i-hi detaya detanaka tanu. 145. takore warao dibunai ine detaya masaba hawanera. 146. amaseke atai dibunai aisimo tamaha naba hakutai wahera detanaka tanu. 147. ine obohonamo hisaba waranaha anaka mi tamaha naba wahera aunuwitu sanuka unutiya tatukamu kokotuka waha. 148. dibunai ahi anaka mi naru


warao diana naruai honia. 149. naruai tai ahi aribu eku nome naba wa hera. 150. amaseke ahi dibunai tai nabatuma kokotuka wahera warao hakutai oriwakai naruai nome naba wahera tai ahi aribu eku. 151. atnaseke warao sanuka oriwakai naba imakanai kayanuka mahanai. 152. tai warao kwarika naruai. 153. naruya dutanaha atai naba ehoboya yiwarane'dibunai ahi aribu kware naba wahera naba imakanai. 154. wahera witu kayanuka mahanai. 155. mahakore kwarika naruya tuatane naba eraha imakamo naukitani omu aisia. 156. naruya dutanaha kwarika naruya diana naba ehobonai. 157. ehobokore nokoai ururuyaha nokoai. 158. nokokore amaseke tai warao hakutai naruai ururuyakutai tata obonane. 159. naruai kware nabakanai. 160. nabakakore miai ahotomu erida 161. warao hakutai bahinai dihisane bahinai emoya witu naruai. 162. naruai tai idamo ho awiyatu kware diboto witu naruai. 163. naruai tai idamo ho awiyatu kware nabakanai. 164. nabakakore dibunai warao hakutai nobo hikware tane takore idamo dibunai manatoro sanuka ihi kasabamo nauai. 165. takore warao dibunai anobo tama hotomo nauai hidiboto witu nauai. 166. takore dibunai idamo ho awiyatu hakutai manatoro sanuka hiomonoko miki. 167. takore warao dibunai ai nobo idamo dibunai dibakore warao omonoko miai. 168. miai nome diboto witu nauai warao omonoko. 169. amaseke idamo dibunai yakera manatoro sanuka. 170. atai ho ni sanai. 171. nisaya kutai ho anisakoina awai utorotorou. 172. tai aisiaho wiaiya naba inawahaya. 173. naba inawakore homakaba diaka naka ya. 174. nakai warao hakutai mia nome mikore erawitu homakaba sinariyanaka ha kokotukaya era oru osibu mukobo hobi uama niarabaka ibute ibuteida nabarao honi warao akwa kokotuka miai warao hakutai amu aisia. 175. amaseke warao naruai oakitani homakaba. 176. takore idamo hakutai ho awiyatu manatoro sanuka oanaka tanu tai homakaba amuhu era nahorokomoni ihi doahakitia. 177. amaseke idamo homakaba kubai aru aidehernu oanai amuhu aisia kubai erawitu kubai. 178. yiwaranai tai ho hakutai atai naba eku abanai. 179. abakore nabatihi ho aida tai monukahese ehobonai. 180. ama homakaba kuba hakutai sereai. 181. tai warao tatuka ha mia amu aisia. 182. tiakore hese idamo hakuta-. dibunai manatoro sanuka buari nisanu dau kabatanu. 183. takore warao hakutai buari nisanai. 184. nisakore naruai dau mokomoko kabatanai. 185. yiwaranai idamo ata dau aisiko naruai. 186. naukore idamo dibunai manatoro sanuka ihi karikitia tatuka toanu. 187. ama inewitu mite idamo hakutai buari nisanai. 188. amaseke dau aidehemo sabuka kabatanai aubonona eku kabata- nai. 189. kabatanai konai homakaba sereya hakutai tatuka. 190. amaseke diri abanai. 191. abakore homakaba did arai abanai tai wahabukitani hekunu aisia. 192. wahabuyakore idamo hakutai dibunai

103 tai warao aisia manatoro sanuka naru tamaha dau kanamuyakutai tatuka yabahene ha nahoro aru Baba naru. 193. naukore tai dau akahu nabakanai. 194. yabahina sorokore aru ekida tatuka ha aruana tai uama miai. 195. miai .;x; arao hakutai bahinai. 196. bahikore idamo saba waranai nobo ekida. 197. takore idamo dibunai ai manatoro sanuka tatuka ine abakataisa yakera ama ine witu mite. 198. takore idamo hakutai kanamonai. 199. kanamukore naruai. 200. naukore miai nisanai aru akaba hisaka. 201. nisaitane aisiko nauai. 202. tai wahabu watuka. 203. nabakore atai dibunai manatoro sanuka naru horu saba. 204. takore warao naruai dibunai tai dau kanamuya kutai tatuka yabahene ha 205. warao naruai dau yabahikore ekida tatuka ha daisy miai tobe. 206. warao bahinai idamo saba waranai nobo ekida. 207. takore dibunai idamo manatoro sanuka tatuka ine abanai ama ine witu nauni mite. 208. idamo naruai. 209. narukore tai dau kanamuya hakutai akahu nabakanai. 210. nabakakore idamo miai horu isanai. 211. isakore nauai aisiko wahabuya kutai tatuka. 212. amaseke diana aru hisabai nahoroai wahabu aisiko. 213. amaseke diana anal. 214. anakore idamo hakutai dibunai warao saba manatoro sanuka tiakware tamatika ahuhu anahoromo era nabakaya imaya. 215. imanau takore amaseke dibunai idamo manatoro sanuka tamaha ihi imaya ubakomoni takore tamaha hima sanuka aisia mabahi ahenu. 216. takore warao hakutai diana naminaya. 217. anakore idamo ubaya ahikoto koitaya. 218. nokokore nome erawitu warao ubakomoni hawanera detaya. 219. warao hakutai tai dose aisia diana ahinai idamo abahihi. 220. tai atai ahinai arivanatan~. 221. ahikore amaseke warao dibunai nobo himu dokutane diana ine ubakomoni. 222. idamo hakutai kwarika ubaya atai ahinai idamo abahi nobo himu dokutanu. 223. ahikore idamo dibunai ssoo. 224. takore tai lobe erakutai sanuka kuruhubuai. 225. takore tai robe erakutai sanuka kuruhubuai. 226. takore amaseke idamo dibunai manatoro sanuka ihi ubakomoni tiakware makaha saba yahenu. 227. amaseke warao diana idamo kware nakahinai akahasaba. 228. yahikore idamo auno natokonai. 229. natokokore warao araya simaranai. 230. simarakore diana warao ubai deta omi ubai. 231. ubai hokonai. 232. hokokore anihako witu tai idamo awahabu homakaba hakutai amaseke idamo dibunai manatoro sanuka bebe ari takore warao idamo aribu nokcai. 233. warao naruai bebe ariari. 234. arikore idamo saba kunaruai. 235. naruai idamo moai. 236. moakore idamo dibunrii yakera manatoro sanuka. 237. tiakware ore barenu sanuku. 238. idamo aribu kware warao hakutai ore barinai. 239. atai barikore tai wahabu sebeida hakutai ekida. 240. amaseke warao obonobuai tamaha wahabu sebeida katukane tanai. 241. mikore maka sanukida. 242. amaseke idamo dibunai yakera manatoro


tamaha mamaka notorinaka. 243. naru of ihi inohobonai idamo dibunai warao aisia yakera yakeraha dibunai. 244. tiakore diana warao nokoai. 245. takore warao hakutai diana naruai maka sanuka aisiko naruai. 246. naruai naukore amaseke warao hakutai obonobuai tamaha maka sanuka katukane tanai. 247. tamaha maka sanuka hakutai ahoka harisatane. 248. warao dibunai dibutane diana maka sanuka inohobonai. 249. inohobokore tai maka sanuka ahokwa homakaba atoma hinarokatai, 250. hinarokatakore erawitu otaya homakaba aroma ehobonai. 251.. ehobokore amaseke tai warao hakutai atai bahinai idamo saba warakitani. 252. bahinai idamo kware nabakanai. 253. nabakakore dibunai warao hakutai nobo himaka nohobonai. 254. takore manatoro sanuka yakeraha yehimarai seisa dibunai idamo diana naruai. 255. naruai tai maka nobonaha hakutai kware nabakanai. 256. atai dibunai idamo hakutai manatoro sanuka bebe arenu. 257. takore warao hakutai bebe arinai. 258. aritane idamo moai. 259. moakore atai dibunai idamo hakutai manatoro sanuka sanuka kemo barenu. 260. takore warao hakutai barinai. 261. barikore tai wahabu atai eko. 262. amaseke maka hakutai sanukida witu ha. 263. takore idamo dibunai yakera manatoro sanuka ama oanaka naru of oanai. 264. yakeraha tai warao dibunai. 265. takore diana warao dibu nokoai. 266. diana warao naruai. 267. naruai kwarika naruai. 268. naruai war-,,o liana ctoai. 269. etakore tai maka sanuka nohobonai. 270. nohobokore wahabu hinaronai. 271. hinarokore tai warao hakutai liana atai bahikomoni. 272. amaseke warao obonobuya tiakore tai wal-abu arotu idamo hakutai diana naminai as yakera mauwahabu hinaronai. 273. amaseke idamo dibunai mauwahabu nahorote monuka yakera tanai. 274. ama tiatihi waraotuma kokotuka sanera hate. 275. sana mine witu rate obononaha homakaba minaha. 276. obonokorewitu mine hate. 277. obonona hakore minaha dibunai idarno hakutai tai awai idamo hakutai ho awiyatu. 278. tamaha seke idamotuma are denobo warao are. 279. tamaha diana kokotuka.


1. Now there were people, old people, who lived inland in the moriche forest.2. There were young meri with their wives. 3. These women had a younger brother. 4. His sisters found lots of palm flour. 5. He too, even though he was a young man, got palm flour. 6. He would not go alone with his flour to the house. 7. He put his flour in the drying place in the trough and without it goes into the house. 8. So the next day dawned. 9. Again he goes to look for food and digs

105 go to the house". 62. The two of them went and came. 63. When they came the woman said, "I am ashamed". Her body was bare. 64. Now he looked for a loincloth and clothed the woman. 65. That young man got a loincloth called daya from his sisters. 66. He got a loincloth. 67. Having gotten it he gave it to her. 68. When he gave it the woman took it and put it on. 69. When she put it they got to the house. 70. That woman was fine, very fine. 71. Now the woman didn't know the Indians. 72. On the third day she knew the Indians. Now it was well with the young man. 73. Now the young man having taken a wife it was well. 74. They went together to find food. The woman with the man was happy. 75. So one day the young man's sisters got angry. 76. One woman spoke to Little Brother's wife and said to that wife he took, "You aren't an Indian person. You are Little Brother's companion. You are a monkey person. 77. Even though you are a good woman your work is thin". 78. So that woman was angry. 79. Now she thought, "True, I am not an Indian". 80. She said nothing. 81. Now she has a son. 82. When the (other) woman scolded him and finished the woman heard it. 83. She said to her little son, "Now, my son, let's go". 84. Now she went with her son to wash flour, not leaving the dough. 85. She went. When she went her husband saw it. Shortly her husband followed. 86. When she went she saw a trail. There was a trail. 87. She went along the trail. She went further. Her husband followed her and came to the trough. 88. When she came it was empty, not having put in even a little flour. 89. Now the husband followed her more. 90. She went along the trail. Now the son took a short cut. That woman's husband goes along behind. 91. The son went and took a short cut. He went and the trail gave out. 92. So now he saw his son there. 93. When he saw him now that man said to his child, "Get into the hammock". 94. His mother, saying nothing, goes along the tree tops. 95. The child is with the mother and the father goes along below. 96. The woman with her child goes along the tree tops. She goes. The father goes along the ground below. 97. He doesn't stop to sleep the night so the woman with the child sleeps in the tree top. 98. The husband, the Indian, sleeps on the ground underneath. 99. When it dawned the next day they went again. The same way they did not stop but went. 100. They go the whole day. That woman goes on along her way with- out stopping. 101. To sleep the night she sleeps up above. The woman slept in the tree tops. 102. Her husband sleeps below on the ground. 103. So the same way the man follows the woman who goes up above. 104. They go and come to the river. 105. When they came to it the woman spoke. She shouted.106. She shouted again to the other side.


out palm flour alone. 10. While he is looking he comes to the trough. 11. That young man digs out the flour himself. 12. When he digs it, then when he finishes he washes it himself. 13. That young man washes the flour like a woman and then dries it in the afternoon. 14. Having dried it he puts in there. 15. He goes without it to the house. 16. He sleeps through the dusk, the darkness and the night and goes out again next day. 17. He looked for food and went again to his flour. 18. He looks into the drying place. 19. He doesn't say anything yet since he knows. He is strong. 20. Again he washed the flour and left it there and went to bed int he late afternoon. 21. He slept through the night and next day went again. 22. He went and came to his flour trough. 23. When he came the flour was in the drying place. 24. Now the young man thought, "Who is eating my flour?" 25. He looked and it there and went to bed in the late afternoon.21. He slept through "Who is eating my stuff? 27. So now in the afternoon I will go in". 28. That young man didn't say anything, he just thought. 29. In the afternoon he dried it and put it in. 30. When he put it in he buried himself under the cloth. 31. When he buried himself and was quiet now there came a sound through the tree tops. 32. When he saw what was coming a monkey came. It came down. 33. It came down. When it came down it changed to a woman. 34. When it became a woman it caught up his dried flour. 35. When it took it up it made a fire. 36. When she made it she ate the flour. 37. That woman was fine. Her skin was white. 38. So the young man sees her. 39. So the young man thought, "Tomorrow I will catch this woman for my wife". 40. That woman went away. She changed to a monkey again. 41. When she changed she went. 42. When she went that Indian young man went home. 43. When he got home the young man said nothing. 44. He thought to himself. It got dark. It dawned. 45. Again he went for food. 46. He found food. He ate. He finished. He washed flour. 47. The young man said, "Now at dusk I will grab that woman". 48. Now he put the flour to dry. 49. When he put it the other children went to the house. The young man stayed behind. 50. (He stayed) to wait to catch the woman. 51. Now he hid under a cloth near the dry flour. 52. His companions went away. When she came she arrived. 53. When she arrived he saw the monkey. 54. Right there she changed to a woman. 55. Now that young man saw. 56. Now the young man got up and caught the woman around the middle. 57. When he caught her she cried out. 58. When she cried out the young man said, "Be quiet. I grabbed you to be my wife". 59. Now the woman was very ashamed. 60. The young man said to the woman, "Don't be ashamed". 61. That young man said, "Let's


107. When she shouted the land came. 108. When it came the woman got to the other side. 109. The man fell onto the land, that young man, the woman's husband. 110. When he fell he went of his own accord on the land with the woman.111. So he goes like that. 112. When he goes now one day the woman came to the river. 113. When it appeared that woman's husband saw a turtle feeding place. 114. When he saw it that man looked for turtles. 115. When he looked that woman shouted. 116. Now the man looks further for turtles. 117. He wants to find turtles. He looks further. That young man wants to catch turtles. 118. So the woman shouts twice. 119. When she shouted the man looks further in the water for turtles. 120. So the woman shouts all at once. 121. So now the man saw a turtle. 122. He saw it. When he saw it he ran quickly with the turtle. 123. So the woman shouted again. 124. When she shouted now another bit of land came. 125. That man ran quickly to the woman. He got there. 126. When he got there that woman got to the other bit of land. 127. When he got to it the man couldn't take hold of it. 128. Now the woman had said nothing. Now she says to her husband. 129. "Now I go. Don't think of me. I'm going without you. You are not going. 130. It was so that your sisters scolded me. They made me suffer. They talked. Having talked I heard it. I cried. I put my thoughts on it. I am no Indian. 131. So now I go. Think no more of me". 132. Now the man said, that woman's husband, "True, I took you for my wife. Now I don't hit you and don't scold you". 133. So the woman went. She took hold of the other land. 134. Her husband cried (because of) his wife. 135. When he finished crying that man stayed behind. 136. He stayed. He went along the river. 137. He went and went further. 138. Now the Indian thinks. He wants to cross the river. 139. So he is frightened and cannot cross because of the danger. 140. There comes a crocodile floating (?). 141. He comes floating. "If I cross the river I will die". 142. That young Indian man goes along crying following his wife beside the river. 143. As he goes a termite came to him. 144. Another red termite said, "Why are you afraid? Don't be afraid". 145. So the Indian said, "I am afraid. It is fearsome to me". 146. Now (the other) said again, that red one, "This stream is shallow. Don't be afraid. 147. I'm not telling you a tale. Look here, this stream is shallow. It's very channel is shallow and from there it is all dry". 148. Termite said, "Let's see. Go". The Indian went along in the water. 149. He went trusting in the termite's word. True the stream was shallom,. 150. Now Termite said, "All these streams are shallow". The Indian was glad. He went. Truly the stream was shallow according to Ter

108 mite's word. 151. Now the Indian felt better. He crossed the stream and got to the other side. 152. The Indian went further. 153. He goes without stopping. Again he comes to a stream. When he did he spoke. "Termite said the streams are shallow". He crossed the stream. 154. It was quite shallow so he got to the other side. 155. When he got there he went on and went on on foot crossing many rivers. 156. He goes without stopping and goes further and came to a river.157. When it appeared he heard pounding. 158. When he heard it now that Indian went to where the pounding was. 159. He came to it. 160. When he came he saw a pile from behind (?). 161. That Indian went back and stealthily came another way. 162. He went and came toward the old man bailing (the river). 163. He went and came to the old man bailing. 164. When he came the Indian said, "Grandfather, I am near". So the old man said, "Grandson, where did you come from?" 165. So the Indian said, "Granfather, I went from behind and came toward you". 166. So the old man who was bailing, said, "Grandson, let's see your trail". 1.67. So the Indian said, "There, grandfather". The old man spoke. When he spoke he saw the Indian's trail. 168. He saw that it was true that the Indian's trail came toward him. 169. Now the old man said, "It is all right, grandson". 170. He took out more water. 171. The thing he got it with is called a torotoro basket. 172. With that he was bailing the river dry. 173. When the river was dry there were the fish. 174. When they appeared the Indian sees. When he sees there are many fish without number. There are all kinds. Many laulau, morocoto, catfish, cachama, anaconda, crocodiles, shark, and (other) water creatures. The Indian saw their heads in the water with his own eyes. 175. Now the Indian went to catch the fish. 176. So the old man who was bailing water said, "My grandson, don't catch those. They have too many bones. You can't eat them. You will choke". 177. Now the old man killed fish. He grabbed one of the largest laulaus and killed many with a bone of it. 178. When he finished he put the water back in the river. 179. When he put it, since it was a river, it came out the same size as before. 180. Now he cleaned the fish he had killed. 181. That Indian who was there sees it with his eyes. 182. So the old man said, "Grandson, take a machete and cut wod". 183. So the Indian took the machete. 184.When he took it he went and cut some small wood. 185. When he finished he went back to the old man with the wood. 186. When he went the old man said, "Grandson, you will break down. Throw it over there. 187. Now I will see about it". The old man took the machete. 188. Now he cut larger wood according to his desire. 189. He cut and brought it to where he cleaned the fish. 190. Now he made a grill.


191. When he made it he put the fish on it to roast it. 192. While it was roasting the old man said to the Indian, "Grandson, go to this tree that is standing out and going around it you'll find food. Go for some manioc". 193. So he went to the foot of the tree. 194. When he had gone around and looked there was no manioc. Instead of manioc he saw an anaconda. 195. He saw it and went back, that Indian. 196. When he went back he told the old man, "Grandfather, there isn't any". 197. So the old man said, "There must be, grandson. I put it there myself. I will go to see myself". 198. So the old man got up. 199. When he stood up he went. 200. When he went he found it and took up a cut manioc. 201. Having taken it up he came. 202. (He came) to the place of the roasting. 203. When he came he said again, "Grandson, go get the cooking pot". 204. Now the Indian went. He had said, "That tree standing out, go around it and there it is". 205. The Indian went and went around and there was nothing there. It was something else, a jaguar. 206. The Indian went back to the old man and told him, "Grandfather, there is nothing". 207. So the old man said, "Grandson, I put it there. I will go myself and see". 208. The old man went. 209. When he went he came to that tree that stands out. 210. When he came the old man found the cooking pot and picked it up. 211. When he took it he came to the roasting place. 212. Now he boiled the manioc and ate it with the grilled fish. 213. Now night came on. 214. When it was dark the old man said to the Indian, "Grandson, now during the night many dusteaters come here". 215. In the deep darkness the old man said, "Grandson, if you (are afraid and) can't sleep hit me on the leg with this little ax". 216. So the Indian knows (what to do). 217. The old man goes to sleep in the dark and snores. 218. When he heard it that Indian was afraid and couldn't sleep. 219. That Indian hit the old man on the leg with a stick. 220. He hit him all at once. 221. When he hit him the Indian said, "Grandfather, open up your eyes. I can't sleep now". 222. The old man goes on sleeping. He hit the old man again on the leg. "Grandfather, open up your eyes". 223. When he hit him the old man said, "Sooooo". 224. So those many jaguars were running around.225. So those many jaguars were running around. 226. Now the old man said, "Grandson, since you can't sleep lie down beside me". 227. So the Indian lay down beside him. 228. When he lay down the old man stretched out a testicle. 229. When he stretched it he covered the Indian with it. 230. When he covered him the Indian slept with no fear. 231. He slept until morning. 232. When it dawned the old man with the roast fish said, "Grandson, gather grass". So the Indian obeyed the old man's word. 233. The Indian went and gathered grass. 234. When he

110 gathered it he brought it to the old man. 235. He went and gave it to the old man. 236. When he gave it the old man said, "Fine, grand son. 237. Now turn that way a bit". 238. So the Indian turned that way a bit according to the old man's word. 239. When he turned back all that roast (fish) was gone. 240. Now the Indian thought, "What could have happened to all that fish?" 241. When he looked he saw a small bundle. 242. Now the old man said, "Fine, grandson, this bundle is mine. Don't be touching it. 243. Go. Careful you don't undo it". So the old man said to the Indian, "It is well", he said. 244. So the Indian heard. 245. So the Indian went with the bundle. 246. He went. As he went now the Indian thought, "What is there about the bundle?" 247. This little bundle (came about) all at once". 248. So the Indian said. Having said, he opened up the little bundle. 249. When he opened it up the contents spilled out, the meat of the fish. 250. When it spilled all over, all that fish meat came out. 251. That Indian went back to tell the old man. 252. He went back and came to the old man. 253. When he got back, the Indian said, "Grandfather, your package came open". 254. "So, grandson. I tied it well. Let's go", said the old man. Now they went. 255. They came to where the opened up package was. 256. Again the old man said, "Grandson, gather grass". 257. So the Indian gathered grass. 258. Having gathered it he gave it to the old man. 259. When he gave it to him he said again, that old man, "Grandson, turn away a bit". 260. So the Indian turned away. 261. When he turned back that fish was nowhere (to be seen). 262. Now the package was very small. 263. Now the old man said, "Well now, grandson, go, but don't take any. Careful you don't take any". 264. "Fine", that Indian said. 265. Now the Indian obeyed. 266. Now the Indian went. 267. He went and went further. 268. He went and took a short cut. 269. When he took the short cut the package came open. 270. When it came open the grilled (fish) spilled out 271. When it spilled that Indian thinks, "Now I can't go back". 272. So the Indian thinks. So the owner of the grilled fish knew it. "Aha, he spilled my grilled fish". 273. Now the old man said, "He will eat my fish. Now he fixed it. 274. For that reason all the Indians will be poor.275. It will be that they suffer. If I don't wish it they will find no fish. If I wish it they will find some. 277. If it is my desire they won't find any". That's what the old man said. His name is Water-bailer. 278. This is the story of the old ones about Indians. 279. Now this is all.



1. idamotuma hatanai tidatuma. 2. tai tidaidamo hanoko eku bahia. 3. tidaidamo tai dabai aukatida ha. 4. anibora ha neburatu. 5. ya kokotuka aisia kanamuya nahoro saba. 6. tai neburatu obonobuya ine kanamate marabai aroko saba nahoro konate. 7. tai era nahoro konaya arabai saba era boroya arabai anahorotane. 8. tiakore ya hisaka eku tidaidamo obonobuai arawama aisia. 9. tidaidamo hanoko eku ha yautaya ha nunaya nunayarone kanamunai hani naruai. 10. naukore tata duhunai. 11. wite hisamikarone yori denokoai. 12. abaha eku mine di bunai marawa maisia dibuyara waranu inaretanaka. 13. abaha eku mia tai tidaidamo hakutai emo soronaha tai miatani aukua hoaika abane kwarika dibuya. 14. diboto dibuyaha ekidarone adobahi teribuya. 15. tiakore wite aubonona aisia dibuya tidaidamo hakutai. 16. abaha eku mikomo dibuya abaha dibunaha mi amo hihi buhunai sanuka. 17. buhukore ahibo sanuka nakai. 18. nakakore tidaidamo dibunai amami ihi dibunaha ama hone ihi ubaya dibanu hidoko ha, hiahono ha inare tanaka. 1.9. ine hikabaha nabate ihi hiaubohona. 20. onanaka tanu nome witura marawa maisia. 21. dibuyakotai marawa meribuyakotai obonamo waranaka nome witu waranu. 22. ayiwarana naruai hanoko ata. 23. naruai anakwarika aukatida nahoro aisiko tuarai. 24. tuakore aukatida hakutai arani mayatuka nawai. 25. arani dibunai maukatida tiaha marawa meribuyayama maisia dibuyayama. 26. takore aukatida iboma dibunai monida dani ihi tuatane dibakomone. 27. takore hidawa ihisia dibunaha. 28. aribu ekida hidawa ihisiko yakera oriwakaya. 29. tiarone ama ihi hidawa aisia dibuya. 30. ama ine hidawa saba warate. 31. aukatida iboma hakutai anibora saba waranai ihi dani aisia dibuya tuatane dani dibuya. 32. takore anibora dibunai ekida ine marabai aisia dibunaha katukane marabai obonobuya. 33. tai ine tomanera tai matomana imaya ubai. 34. hoko takore arawa hima nisanai atai duai borokitani nahoro saba. 35. tata nabakanai anibora hakutai eboroai nahuruai. 36. boroai manamo boroai dibunai matida namo diana taikware ine taisia naruai. 37. naruai nibora hakutai hanoko ata. 38. naruai hanoko awere nakai. 39. mikore hanoko eku ekida arabai. 40. naruai soro ata awere kanamunai. 41. kanamukore tidaidamo ha

112 kutai naruai soro ata duhunai arawa diboto. 42. dukore arawa hakutai mia arabai diana dibunai. 43. atai abaha eku mine dibunai nomera marawa meribu yakutai. 44. dibanu inaretanaka takore tidaidamo abaha eku nabanai ihi dibunokoni tai tidaidamo yori denokouaha. 45. ado bahi arokoho oanai tamaha mi hidokoho dibanu. 46. takore arawa dibu nokoya. 47. yiwaranai amaseke arawa obonobuai marabai wite aubonona dibuya. 48. yiwarakore naruai hanoko ata tidaidamo hakutai. 49. arawa bahinai atida obonane. 50. atida yata nabakakore atida saba waranai matida tiyaha hidani ine miai hi dani marabai wite yori denokoai. 51. ama naruai hanoko ata anibora atida aisiko. 5 2. anakwarika tuwarai hanoko eku aukatida nahoro kunaruai arani amo eku abanai. 53. abakore aukuatida hakutai dibunai dani takore ihi obohonamo dibuya. 54. hidawa aisia ama hidawa hidibu nokoai. 55. ihi hisamika rone dibunai wite yori denokoai tuatane hidawa masaba waranai. 56. takore tidaidamo dibunai monida maukatida ine tuatane dibunaha. 57. tamatika tidaidamo kanamunai haiku nakai. 58. nakakore atomana witu tidaidamo wabai. 59. ebehokuane yaha araisa eku aniako witu miai tidaidamo wabai wite aubonona aisia. 60. tamaha idamotuma oko ekidakore denobo. 61. diana kokotuka.


1. There were some old women. 2. That old woman stayed home. 3. That mother-in-law had a daughter. 4. She had a husband, a young man. 5. Every day he went out for food. 6. That young man thinks, "I go out to bring food for my mother-in-law's mouth". 7. He brings a lot of food for his mother-in-law and gets lots of palm flour for her to eat. 8. So one day the old lady thinks concerning her sonin-law. 9. The old woman is working and doing in the house. 10. There she sat down. 11. Even though she is alone she talks to herself. 12. She looks into the loincloth and says, "Son-in-law, speak to me. Don't be silent". 13. Looking into the loincloth without glancing around that old woman puts it under her head and speaks to it. 14. Even though it doesn't answer she speaks of her member. 15. Now she is speaking to her own thoughts, that old woman. 16. She speaks into the loincloth and the loincloth doesn't answer so she pulls out some pubic hair. 17. When she pulled it out some urine fell. 18. When it fell the old woman said, "Now look. You say nothing. Now even though you sleep, speak. You have a tongue. Don't let your tongue be silent. 19. It's your fault I'm going to slap you. 20. Don't cry. It's true my son-in law (said it) to me.21. What son-in-law said to me, how he asked me,


don't speak, thinking of it. Tell the very truth". 22. When she finished she went home. 23. In the later afternoon her daughter took her food. 24. So the daughter came to her mother. 25. The mother said, "My son in-law said so-and-so to me and spoke in such-and-such manner". 26. So her young daughter said, "Impossible, mother, you can't talk that way. 27. Now your son-in-law didn't speak to you. 28. He has no such words; he is happy because of you. 29. But now you speak of your son-in-law. 30. Now I will tell your son-in-law". 31. The young daughter told her husband, "You spoke to mother, so she says". 32. Then the husband said, "Not at all. I said nothing to mother- in-law. How can she think that? .33. I'm bashful. I am ashamed". That night he slept. 34. In the morning the son-in-law took his ax and went again to get palm flour for food. 35. He arrived there and cut the palm; he cut it down. 36. He cut down two and said, "Now I went through here to get flour for my wife". 37. The man went to the house. 38. He went and came near the house. 39. When he looked the mother-in-law was not there. 40. He went to the watching place and stood. 41. While he stood the old woman came to the watching place and sat down opposite her son-inlaw. 42. When she sat the son-in-law saw his mother-in-law speak. 43. Again looking into the loincloth she said, "Truly my son-in-law is the one who speaks to me. 44. Speak. Don't be silent". So the old woman slapped into the loincloth. "You are dumb", the old woman is saying to herself. 45. She grabs the lips of the vulva. "Look here, this is yours. Speak". 46. So the son-in-law hears her words. 47. When she finished now the son-in-law thought, "My mother-in-law is saying her thoughts". 48. When she finished the old woman went home. 49. The son-in-law returned thinking of his wife. 50. When he returned to his wife he told her, "My wife, now I saw your mother. Your mother, my mother-in-law, is talking to herself". 51. Now the man with his wife went to the house. 52. In the late afternoon the daughter took food and put it into her mother's hand. 53. When she put it she said, "Mother, now you talk your thoughts. 54. Now your son-in-law, he heard your words. 55. Even though you were alone you were talking to yourself, so your son-in-law told me". 56. So the old woman said, "Impossible, my daughter, I said nothing". 57. Here the old woman got up and went to her hammock. 58. When she got in the hammock she was so ashamed she died. 59. It was just the other day in the morning when they saw it. The old woman died because of her thoughts. 60. This is the story of the old ones before we were born. 61. Now that's all.


TIHIDAMO 1. tihidamo hisaka ha. 2. tai tihidamo hakutai hisamika ubaya aha noko eku dareku. 3. tai hanoko eku hakore oriasida. 4. awarao mikitani obononaha. 5. mikore saba asida oriasida. 6. tihidamo hakutai ahanoko eku ubayarone hisamikarone era dibuya. 7. dibuyakutai tani dibuya. 8. tihidamo era obonobuya. 9. tai tihidamo oriasida kwareya naruya. 10. naruyakore idamotuma obonobuai oko tani hese hatera. 11. oko tani hese takomoni. 12. amaseke diana idamotuma dibunai. 13. dibukore tamaha tihidamo aya saabate diana. 14. ama naku nate. 15. nakore tihidamo nakokitani. 16. narukore nokabuka ha eku abateha eku. 17. tai tihidamo nako ayiwarana. 18. naukore aha eku mite. 19. mikore tihidamo detai. 20. detakore dibunai. 21. dibukore sina maha eku abanai. 22. amaseke miai. 23. mikore tihidamo enoai. 24. enokore awaraotuma kokotuka enoai. 25. natu waba mikitani. 26. idamotuma dibunai. 27. dibukore amaseke tihidamo oriasida hame tai diana yakera. 28. kokotuka.


1. There was an old woman. 2. That old woman lived alone in her house in her room. 3. In her house she was angry. 4. She didn't want to see her family. 5. If she saw them she didn't like it. 6. The old woman, though she lived in the house alone, she talked a lot. 7. She says what she says. 8. The old woman thinks a lot. 9. Because she was angry she went. 10. When she went the old ones thought, "Shall we let it be so? 11. We can't let it be so". 12. Now the old ones said. 13. They were saying, "Now the old woman's time is near. 14. We will kill a monkey". 15. When they killed it the old woman was bathing. 16. When they went they put it in her hammock behind her back. 17. That old woman finished her bath. 18. "When she comes she will see it in the hammock". 19. Whet} she saw it, the old woman was frightened. 20. Frightened she spoke. 21. She said, "Who put


(this) in my hammock?" 22. Now she looked. 23. When the old woman saw it she laughed. 24. When she laughed all her family laugh ed. 25."Grandmother sees the monkey", 26. said the old ones. 27. They said, "Now because the old woman was angry, now it is fine". 28. (That's) all.


TIDAIDAMO ANATORO SANUKA HA 1. amaseke tihidamo anatoro sanuka ha iboma. 2. anatu dibunai. 3. dibukore ohita yata naruai. 4. naukore tata anatu dibunai. 5. ana toma ebe ohita kware nabakanai. 6. nabakakore anatoro sanuka dibunai anatuma aisia natu kohita nahoroai awai masi. 7. anatu dibunai ma natoro sanuka tai tatuka waba ha 8. anatoro sanuka dibunai masi wabaianatuma saba waranai. 9. warakore anatu tihidamo hakutai arabokaba isia masi serenai. 10. serekore dabo anoko ekida. 11. anatoro sanuka dibunai natu masi amuhu dekoai. 12. anatu dibunai wabai. 13. tia rone kwarika sereya. 14. serekore dabo hanera dabo anoko ekida. 15. masi amu hatanai. 16. anatoro sanuka anatu saba waranai natu masi amu hatanai. 17. anatu dibunai masi wabai ihi wabakore himu hata kuna. 18. anatu dibunai hatanaha masi wabai. 19. tamatika dibukore masi kanamunai. 20. kanamukore tihidamo hakutai yabukahurunai. 21. anatoro sanuka dokohotoai. 22. dokohotokore anatumaisia dibunai natu wabai. 23. natu dibunai ine wabanaha. 24. dabo sanuka miai. 25. mikore arabo arotu dibunai marabo awisi masi wabakuna masi noahikuna. 26. dibunai ine wabanaha ine kwai turatanai. 27. anatu dibunai anatoro sanuka seisa tamasabaia nauki. 28. naukore sorobukomo nauki. 29. dawatuma musabera. 30. tomonoho musabera. 31. dawatuma kutai domu ahinoko eku musabera. 32. tomonoho hakutai awamana eku. 33. anatoro sanuka mia anatu saba dokohotoai. 34. natu dawatuma tamatika ha. 35. anatu dibunai ine naminaya ine bita namina. 36. tihidamo hakutai kwai yaburuai. 37. ahotane abakitini kwai mahanai dibunai asonobo. 38. atai dibunai ahotoho. 39. atai dibunai aoo aoo. 40. tane dibukore anatu dibunai anatoro sanuka isia dibunai matera sanuka hitanu. 41. hitaitane akoho soanai.. 42. soakore tihidamo arokoho hetoitanai. 43. takore tihidamo nakai kwaimo. 44. nakakore anatoro sanuka dokohotoai aoo natu wabai. 45. dibunai ine wabanaha ine kwai turatanai. 46. tai inare takore anatoro sanuka atai dokohotoai aoo natu araya nakai. 47. anatu dibunai dayayana naidu aroko. 48. marayayana ihi obohonamu ihi de warakitani obonobuya. 49. anatu dibunai kahanoko ata nauki. 50. naruai tihidamo hakutai hanoko Yaronai. 51. yarokore dibunai manatoro sanuka hekunu mawere


nautae. 52. anatoro sanuka kanamuai hekunu nautai. 53. nautakore tididamo hakutai haiku ubai. 54. ubai hakutai tihidamo wabai.55. waba dubuhidaha tihidamo wabai. 56. akwa diana kokotuka.


1. Now an old woman has her granddaughter, a young woman. 2. The grandmother spoke. 3. When she spoke they went to the moriche place. 4. When they went the grandmother spoke there. 5. Being lazy they came to the moriche palm. 6. When they got there the granddaughter said to her grandmother, "A deer ate our moriche fruit". 7. The grandmother said, "My granddaughter, it is dead over there". 8. The granddaughter said, "The deer died". She told it to her grandmother. 9. When she told her the old woman cut the deer with her knife. 10. When she cuts, the knife makes no mark. 11. The granddaughter said, "Grandmother, the bones are divided". 12. The grandmother said, "It died". 13. So she cuts further. 14. When she cuts the knife is dull. It makes no mark.15. It's eye was shot. 16. The granddaughter told her grandmother, "Grandmother, its eye is shot". 17. The grandmother said, "The deer died. If you died your eye would be shot out too". 1 S. The grandmother said, "They didn't shoot it. The deer died". 19. Here when she said this the deer got up. 20. When it got up the old woman got kicked. 21. The granddaughter shouted. 22. When she shouted she said concerning her grandmother, "Grandmo ther died". 23. Grandmother said, "I'm not dead". 24. They found a small knife. 25. When they found it the owner of the knife said, "With the power of my knife the deer would die, the deer would be afraid". 26. (She ? ) said, "I'm not dead. I was just sitting up there". 27. The grandmother said to her granddaughter, "Let's go over this way. 28. Let's go along watching. 29. Our sons-in-law are clever". 30. The wasps are clever. 31. Sons-in-law are clever about where birds lay eggs. 32. The wasps are in their double hive (?). 33. The granddaughter sees and shouts to her grandmother. 34. "Grandmother, there are sons-in-law here". 35. Grandmother said, "I know it. I know how to knock them down". 36. The old woman climbed up. 37. Having begun to put it she got up there and said, "Old excrement! 38. Again she said, "Excrement and pus!" 39. Again she said, "Aooh, aooh". 40. When she said this the grandmother said to her grand(laughter, she said, "Nothing yet? Go on a little".. 41. Having gone on she spit on the opening. 42. Having spit it ran past her mouth. 43. So the old woman fell from up there. 44. When she fell the grand

118 daughter shouted, "Aooh, grandmother died". 45. She said, "I'm not dead. I was sitting up there". 46. When she was quiet the granddaughter called out again, "Aooh, it fell on grandmother". 47. The grandmother said, "Now that is a crocodile's mouth. 48. It's not on me. You are just being spiteful. You want a tale to tell". 49. The grandmother said, "Let's go home". 50. They went. The old woman got home. 51. When they got there she said, "My granddaughter, make a fire near me". 52. The granddaughter got up; she made a fire. 53. When she made it the old woman slept in her hammock. 54. She slept. The old woman died. 55. The old woman died a quick death. 56. That the end of it. (That's) all.


TIDAIDAMO 1. tidaidamo anatoro sanuka ha. 2. tidaidamo naruai. 3. narukore dibunai. 4. tidaidamo dibakore manatoro sanuka dau awamana eku hakotai taiseke tomonoho. 5. domu ainoko eku hakutai taiseke tai. 6. tani dibunai tidaidamo nerukomo. 7. sisi akwa hetonai. 8. hetokore bebe ekuya naruai. 9. narukore kware nabakanai miai. 10. mikore anatoro sanuka dibunai. 11. dibakore natu diana yaroya dau awamana eku. 12. tidaidamo dibunai tai tomonoho manatoro sanulca kwarea wai abanai. 13. wai abakore naruai bebe ekuya. 14. narukore kware nabakanai. 15. anatoro sanuka dibunai natu diana yaroya domu ainoko eku. 16. anatu dibunai narukomo akoho sohakitani. 17. kwai yaburuai. 18. yaburukore dibunai tamaha ayabana nobo kwarea ahi tanai. 19. takore dibunai tamaha ayabana hido kwarea ahi tanai. 20. hi takore tamaha ahoboto. 21. kwarea hitanai. 22. hitakore dibunai. 23. dibukore tamaha aubaha. 24. atai kwarea hitanai. 25. hi takore amaseke diana akoho kware nabakanai sohakitani. 26. akoho sohakore tomonoho tihiai. 27. tihikore tidaidamo hoika nakai. 28. hoika naka kore anatoro sanulca dibunai nat u wabai. 29. anatu dibunai wabanaha. 30. tidaidamo dibakore tane dibunai kwai tora tanai obohonamu witu. 31. arahetuma saba de warakitia. 32. amaseke kwaimo tidaidamo nakai. 33. tidaidamo nakai abua nakai. 34. nakakore anatoro sanuka dibunai natu abua nakai. 35. amaseke anatu dibunai. 36. dibukore noidu aroko tai. 37. diana kokotuka.


1. An old woman had a grandchild. 2. The old woman went. 3. When she went she said. 4. She said, "Grandchild, that in the branches of the tree is wasps. 5. Right where the birds' eggs are, there". 6. So the old woman said as they drifted. 7. They cut off the head of the way. 8. When they cut off they went by way of the cachicaino tree. 9. They went and came near and saw it. 10. When they saw, the grandchild spoke. 11. She said, "Grandmother, now we are


getting to the tree limbs". 12. The old woman said, "There are wasps there". She put the dugout around them. 13. When she put the dug out around they went by way of the cachicamo tree. 14. When they went they came around it. 15. The grandchild said, "Grandmother, now we are coming to the place of the bird's eggs". l6. The grandmother said, "Going along let's spit on the opening". 17. She climbed up. 18. When she climbed up she said, "Around this old laying place they lay eggs". 19. Then she said, "Around this new laying place they lay eggs. 20. When they lay this is the place. 21. Around here they laid. 22. If they laid", she said. 23. She said, "This is where they sleep". 24. Again, "Near here they laid". 25. When they laid she came near the mouth of the place to spit. 26. When she spit at the mouth the wasps stung her. 27. When they stung her the old woman fell down. 28. When she fell down the grandchild said, "Grandmother is dead". 29. The grandmother said, "I'm not dead". 30. When the old woman said that she stood up of her own accord. 3 l. She (the grandchild) tells it to his older brothers. 32. Now the old lady fell from up above. 33. When she fell her loincloth fell off. 34. When she fell the grandchild tells, "Grandmother's loincloth fell off. 35. Now grandmother said. 36. She said, `That's crocodile's mouth'." 37. That's all.



1. ebe yari ekida. 2. orimaba oriatatu oaya. 3. toatakore mate yari ekida. 4. amaseke yari nahakanai nahamutu atamo. 5. nahakakore nahakanai hanoko aisia nahakanai hanoko aroko aisia. 6. nahaka kore harimaka arai duhunai. 7. duhuitane yari soronai kaisia hanoko ekuya. 8. sorokore oko orisiai. 9. oriasikore yari dibunai. 10. dibukore atida yeweriai ine seke yari mawai maobonona asida. 11. warao dibunai yari kaisia soronai tai kware ine oriasida nakai oko ebe yakera. 12. amaseke oko asida nakai. 13. tai kware kaobonona hisaka. 14. mamo asida nakai. 15. maobonona naruya. 16. yari amaseke ha. 17. tamasaba hokohi yari ekida. 18. hokohi anewerenoko sabasaba yari diawarai.19. tane kasabasaba yari diawarai. 20. kokotuka.


1. Before there was no anger. 2. For a while they took each other's wives (without anger). 3. When they did that there was no anger yet. 4. Now Anger came down from the sky. 5. When he went around he came to the house and came up to the opening of it. 6. When he came he sat down on a rolled up hammock. 7. Having sat down he looked around on all of us in the house. 8. When he looked on us we got angry. 9. When we were angry Anger spoke. 10. When he spoke one beat his wife. "My name is Anger. My thoughts are bad". 11. An Indian said, "Anger looked on us. That's why I was angry. Before we were all right. 12. Now we have turned out bad. 13. Because of that we have one single thought. 14. My hand has come out bad. 15. I lose my temper. 16. Now there is anger. 17. This morning there was no anger. 18. When the day ended Anger came into being. 19. Now Anger came into being for us". 20. That's all.



l. anatoro sanuka ha. 2. dibunai anatuma sia natu ine musibai. 3. anatu dibunai ihi katukane musibuai ihi dukoina sanuka aukwa bararau tiaha mabaho ekuya ama hitanai. 4. anatu dibunai manatoro sanuka ihi semusibuai nako ine rakate nakote. 5. deko nakoai. 6. anatoro sanuka kayuka nakoai. 7. daya hidu buanai. 8. buakore naruai. 9. naukore anatu dokohotoai. 10. anatu dokohotoai aa. 11. neburatu ekidara amatika manatoro sanuka taturu tiayama. 12. inare atai naruai kwarea naruai atai dokohotoai ekuya hese amatika neburatu ekidara. 13. nebu dokohotoai ohidahu hariai. 14. harikore kware nabakanai dibunai natu ihi katukane dokohotoai ine nokoai. 15. manatoro sa- nuka taturu tiayama tane ine dokohotoai. 16. tihidamo dibunai anatoro sanuka aisia tamahakota tane dibunai. 17. dibukore anatoro sanuka iboma yahinai. 18. yahikore anatu miai anatoro sanuka anohi miai. 19. anohi mikore anohi taira. 20. tamaha manamanu anatu dibunai. 21. inaminabuana asida hinohi taira nohi botoboto abanu. 22. ine hinatu himikore hinohi taira. 23. kanamanu amaseke tihidamo hakutai ayahinoko eku yahinai. 24. neburatu awere duhuyakore amaseke tihidamo hakutai yanisinai. 25. yanisikore tihidamo hakutai aso ehobonai. 26. ehobokore neburatu aukwa sabasabamo sekiminai. 27. tihidamo hakutai neburatutuma sekiminai. 28. kokotuka.


1. She had a granddaughter. 2. She said to her grandmother, "I dreamed". 3. The grandmother said, "What did you dream?" "I dreamed you put in a small instrument with a round wooden head". 4. The grandmother said, "My granddaughter, you dreamed about it. Now bathe. I will bathe too". 5. The two of them bathed. 6. The granddaughter bathed before her. 7. She put on a new loin-cloth. 8. When she had put it she went. 9. When she went her grandmother called out. 10. The grandmother called, "Hey! 11. Isn't there any young man over there? My granddaughter has desires". 12. No


answer. Again she went and went there and shouted again. "Isn't there any young man in there?" 13. A young man shouted. He was beating fiber. 14. When he beat it he came near and said, "Grandmother. Why are you calling? I heard". 15. "My granddaughter has desires. That's why I called". 16. The old lady said to her granddaughter, "This is verily the one", so she said. 17. When she said the granddaughter lay down. 18. When she lay down the grandmother saw her granddaughter's thighs were stiff. 19. When she saw her thighs they were stiff. 20. "Double them up", the grandmother said. 21. "You don't know. It's bad. Your thighs are stiff. Soften up. 22. I your grandmother saw you. Your thighs are stiff. 23. Get up". Now the old lady lay down in the place. 24. While the young man sat near, the old lady defecated. 25. When she defecated her excrement came out. 26. When it came out she defecated on the young man's head. 27. The old woman defecated on his head. 28. (That's) all.



1. warao tida manamo ha aubutu ha. 2. tata naruai imaya. 3. aubutu nehimatu. 4. tata narukore aubutu dibunai ihi nauai. 5. diboto dibunaha. 6. aubutu dibunai araisatane. 7. dibukore tamaha waraoana tamaha hebu. 8. amaseke hekunu nisanai. 9. nisakore auto setoronai hekunu sia. 10. setorokore hakanai. 11. atatu ata nabakanai. 12. nabakakore dibunai atida sia ubayaha etokonai. 13. etokokore anibora dibunai nobotomo saba ekidara. 14. atida dibunai u eku sanuka ha ine nohera nahorokitani obonoya. 15. anibora hakutai aru heuba nahoroai. 16. tiarone auto ehekeai. 17. dibunai aru heubu dihapera. 18. atida saba dibunai ihi hokoyakore naminanaha. 19. amaseke anibora ubai. 20. ubakore hokyakore atida dibunai anibora aisia etokonai ihi hokona wayabaya. 21. anibora dibunai kanamonai hima nisanai buari nisanai. 22. nisakore duai. 23. dukore arukaba eboroai. 24. eborokore atatu ayamo duai dekomana duai. 25. dukore anibora kutai nahuru nisanai. 26. nisakore atatu sabasaba abotane abanai. 27. amaseke anibora nahuruya. 28. nahurukore atatu botosaba naruai. 29. narukore anibora hakanai.30. hakakore ohidu sia dibunai tamaha tamate nakate. 31. araisa amasabaya nakate. 32. atatu amaseke arahia sia dibunai. 33. dibukore kanibora asida ihi kabahu kemo sabamo naru dahia naukore ine naute. 34. amaseke naukore araiba naruai. 35. araiba naukore anibora hakanai. 36. hakakore arahia dibunai araiba saba as daiba as bahama hai. 37. kanibora auto hekunu aisia seto- ronai. 38. amaseka anibora koitai akai akai. 39. anibora hakutai ahoro isiko ahoro bahi araya yahinai. 40. yahikore koitai. 41. koitakore anau ahini nisai. 42. anibora auto isimo nisai. 43. kokotuka ekoranai.


1.There was an Indian who had two wives. He had a mistress. 2. He went there at night. 3. His mistress was in her period. 4. When he went there his mistress said, "You came". 5. He didn't answer. 6. The mistress spoke thinking it another. 7. When he spoke it was

125 a no-Indian, a spirit. S. Now she took fire. 9. When she took it she jabbed it on his forehead. 10. When she jabbed it he ran. 11. He got back to his wives. 12. When he got back he spoke to his wife. She was sleeping but he shook her. 13. When he shook her, her husband said, "Isn't there anything for the children?" 14. The woman said, "In the basket there is a little bit". "I'm hungry. I want to eat". 15. The husband ate roasted manioc. 16. But his forehead got scrubbed. 17. He said, "The roasted manioc is delicious". 18. He said concerning his wife, "When it dawns you won't know". 1.9. Now the husband slept. 20. While he slept when it dawned the wife shook the man and said to him, "You were waiting for dawn". 21. Her husband answered. He got up and took his ax and went. 22. When he took it he went for food. 23. When he went for food he dug out palm flour. 24. When he dug it the two women went with him to get food. Both went. 25. When he got food the man took the flour-hoe. 26. When he took it he put the soft part for his wives. 27. Now he worked digging out flour. 28. When he dug it the wives went for the soft part. 29. When they went the husband ran off. 30. When he ran off he said about the moricbe palm, "This one will fall here". 31. The other will fall over there".32. Now of the wives the one said to her little sister. 33. She said, "Our husband is bad. Go beyond the garden, Little Sister. When you have gone I will go". 34. Now when she had gone the older sister went. 35. When the older sister went the man ran. 36. When he ran the younger sister said to her older sister, "Sister, aah, what could have happened? 37. They jabbed our man's forehead with fire". 38. Now the husband called out, "Help, help!" 39. The man with his skin turned back lay down. 40. When he lay down he called out. 41. When he called out the ooze came out all black. 42, It came out of his forehead. 43. It's all finished.



l. de neburatu mokototo aubutu. 2. tane hakitani warao era. 3. hisaka neburatu ha. 4. tida ekida. 5. tai neburatu obonobuai. 6. diana amaseke hanoko emo sabuka naruai hisamika. 7. ohidu moko toto miai. 8. miai ohidu kabai hima aisia. 9. kabakore weruai. 10. amaseke awereya yautai buari aisia yakeraha witu abanai. 11. diana neburatu moko toto ohidu kabatanai. 12. kabatakore warao tida monuka nunai yakeraha abanai. 13. tai neburatu era boroya mo era konaya. 14. tai neburatu nahoro era ababaya. 15. mo era konakore bihi eku abaya. 16. hoku wahabu abaya. 17. aru hisabaha abaya bihi eku. 18. bunamu abaya bihi eku. 19. tai neburatu hakutai hiaka hido buaya. 20. buakore anayakore naruya hani tai nahoro wara aisiko. 21. naruyaha dibuya neburatu me Soho aisiko nahorokitani naruya, so korukitani. 22. awarao hakutai obonobuai tai tamaha neburatu nahoro era aisiko hani naruya. 23. tai sina ha. 24. neburatu hakutai tatamo hanoko eku nakaya nahoro omi nabakaia. 25. tiakore hese awarao nebutuma dihisane miai. 26. mikore amaseke tai nahoro era moaia warao monuka. 27. amaseke ya araisa eku mokototo yawanai hima aisia nahoro hakutai warao nahoroai. 28. tai warao anakwarika atida yata naruai miai hima aisia isoboai. 29. mikore amaseke neburatu dibunai yatu matida isoboai. 30. takore yaha araisa eku neburatu sanera nakai. 31. tai awai mokototo aubutu. 32. tamaha diana kokotuka.


1. (This is) the story of the young man, Mokototo's lover. 2. There were many Indians. 3. There was a young man. 4. He had no wife. 5. That young man thought. 6. Now he went to another house apart alone. 7. He saw a hollow moriche. 8. When he found it he cut it down with his ax. 9. When he cut it fell. 10. Now he worked around it with his machete and fixed it up well. 11. Now the young man cut down the hollow moriche. 12. When he cut


it he made it like an Indian woman. He fixed it well. 13. That young man gets lots of palm flour. He brings lots of grubs. 14. That young man provides lots of food 15. When he brings grubs he puts them in the basket. 16. He provides "sweet- water" fish for roasting. 17. He puts roasted manioc in the basket. 18. He puts moriche "cheese" in the basket. 19. That young man puts on new clothes. 20. When he puts it at dark he goes to the hammock with that food. 21. When he goes the young man says, "I go to eat with excrement, to drink with excrement". 22. His companions thought, "This young man goes to his hammock with food. 23. Who is there? 24. He goes from the house and comes back without the food". 25. So now his companions, the young men, hidden saw. 26. When they saw now he gives much food like to an Indian. 27. Now the next day they broke up Mokototo with an ax. Those Indians ate up the food. 28. That Indian went at dusk to see his "wife". He saw she was broken up with an ax. 29. When he saw the young man said, "You split open my wife".30. So the next day the young man was very sad. 31. His name is Mokototo's lover. 32. That's all now. . y



1. neburatu hisamika ha. 2. hisamika hakore ohidu kabai. 3. kabakore yakeraha abanai. 4. yakeraha abakore ho kunai neburatu duai borokitani. 5. tatamo yarunai nahoro isiko mo isiko. 6. araisa bunamu isiko yarunai. 7. yarukore anakwarika bihi eku bunamu nakabatai. 8. bihi kobu abanai. 9. abakore aubutu ata naruai. 10. naukore tata nahoro abanai. 11. aubutu awai mokototo. 12. tai awai mokototo aubutu. 13. ohidu ekumo era mia tai ohidu ekumo era mia mokototo hakitani mokototo ariamonina. 14. aukwa kokotuka.


1. There was a young man alone 2. When he was alone he cut down a moriche palm. 3. When he cut it he fixed it up well. 4. When he fixed it up he brought water. The young man went for food to dig out palm flour. 5. After that he came with the food and the grubs. 6. Another time he came with moriche "cheese". 7. When he came at dusk he put it in the basket and cut it up. 8. It filled up the sifter-basket. 9. When he put it he took it to his mistress. 10. When he came he put the food there. 11. His mistress' name was Mokototo. 12. His name was Mokototo's lover. 13. One sees many from moriche plants. One sees many of them from moriche plants. It was to be Mokototo. It changed to be Mokototo. 14. (That's) the end. (That's) all.



1. anibaka nona awa:. 2. arima awai nahakoboni. 3. tai nona nibora nisanai. 4. nisakore ateho taira. 5. tairakate isia dibunai orikware abanai. 6. nebu kokotuka domu kokotuka. 7. orikware aba kore anohi koyanai iboma anohi. 8. koyakore ahabara awatu domu awai yoyo. 9. iboma yawanakitani. 10. yoyo inahakanai. 11. inahakore iboma yawanateyana yoyo ahu karinai. 12. karikore tatuka dau mahanai yoyo hakitani. 13. araisa domu yoyo monuka inahakanai. 14. araisa awai domuwata. 15. tairakate inahakanai iboma yawateyana ahu karinai. 16. domuwata dau mahanai. 17. ama domu atai daisa iboma totowana yawanai domu kono. 18. yawanakore ahotu nisanai horu eku. 19. totowana ahotu horu kwatai. 20. kwatakore hotu eku domu nakai yariboto aromu eku nakai. 21. araisa hotu eku nakai simoku. 22. ariyana domu abahera. 23. amehu aisia nakai hotu eku. 24. urabakaya domu awai hehukubara akwa isimotai. 25. atai domu tawatawa arokwaha isimotai. 26. tatukamo hoto hoko nakai. 27. hotohoko nakakore domu warawara eku nakai. 28. domu wary hakitani. 29. awihi hoko nakai. 30. tatukamo hotu ana nakai. 31. nakakore ahukatu eku nakai awai domu sabana. 32. hotu ana eku nakakore eku nakai domu sabana. 33. kokotuka ekoranai.


1. Her name is Made-(manufactured)-girl. 2. Her father's name is Nahakoboni. 3. A man took that Made-(girl). 4. When he took it the body was stiff. 5. When it was stiff he spoke to it and put it beside him. 6. The young men were all birds. 7. When he put it beside him he tied the leg of the girl. 8. When he tied her the first to hold her was Yoyo bird. 9. (He tried) to break the mem brane. 10. Yoyo flew toward her. 11. When he flew he didn't break her. Yoyo's beak was broken. 12. When it broke it stuck in the wood to be yoyo (has long curved beak). 13. Another bird like yoyo flew. 14. His name is domuwata. 15. He also flew. He didn't break


the girl. His bill broke. 16. Domuwata stuck to the wood. 17. Another bird broke the membrane of the virgin girl. It was kono. 18. When he broke it the blood fell in a cooking pot. 19. The blood of the girl filled the pot. 20. When it filled it the birds from the east got into the blood 21. Another, simoku (scarlet ibis), got in the blood. 22. Now the red-breasted macaw. 23. It got its breast in the blood. 24. Fourth a bird' named -siimoke-bird painted its head. 25. Another (kind of) parrot, tawatawa, painted its mouth. 26. Now the blood was getting white. 27. When it was white wara bird got in. 28. To be a white crane. 29. Its feathers came out white. 30. Then the blood turned black. 31. When it so turned the last to get in was one called Ugly-bird. 32. When the blood turned black Uglybird got in. 33. It's all finished.



1. tamaha de nobo idamotuma are. 2. ine warate awai wata be horo. 3- wata behoro naruai sisi ekuya naruai. 4. sisi ekuya narukore ebisaba aubutu ha. 5. aubutu ha ebisaba kware nabakanai. 6. dibunai. 7. dibukore denokoai 8. denokokore dibunai ihi sisi era nauai. 9. tamaha masiko nauwai 10. ekoronai kokotuka.


1. This is a story of the old ones. 2. I will tell it. It is called "Dog's member". 3. Dog's- member. went along the trail. 4. When he went along the trail he came to his mistress. 5. His mistress was there ahead. He came to her. 6. She spoke. 7. When she spoke she asked. 8. When she asked she said, "You came through many trails? 9. You came to me". 10. it’s finished. (That's) all.




1 - tai hakutai oko warao kanobotuma aisiko yorisaba aubonona asida nakai. 2. nakakore obonobuai musimotuma warao aisiko yori notoriai. 3. takore aura warao obonobuai. 4. musimotuma diboto kanamunai warao hakutai. 5. warao tai sanuka ibihi abanai ateho okeratakitani. 6. awai tehoko. 7. tai aubonona yakera abanai. 8. musimotuma sabasaba hisaka tehoko ha. 9. tai diboto. 10. amaseke yori notoriai dariya monika. 11. yori isanai tehokotuma hakotai yorekuwitu ha. 12. ama yoridoboto kanamunai. 13. wahabara mu- simotuma sabasaba hakotai tehoko nauai warao kware nabakanai. 14. nabakakore noboto hisaka nisanai. 15. nisakakore dose aisia aukwa ahinai. 16. noboto wabai. 17. amaseke musimotuma tehoko hakotai dibunai, anahoro dibunai. 18. waraotuma tamaha hiauka nahoro obonoya. 19. tai auka ahikomo. 20. noboto dibuya aru obonoya, hoku obonoya, mo obonoya. 21. tai anahoro warakomo noboto nai. 22. musimotuma tehoko awai. 23. takore warao kanobotuma sabasabamo hakotai tehoko kanamunai. 24. musimotuma saba diboto abakitani. 25. oko kanamate musimotuma saba. 26. kana- munai diboto musimotuma auka noboto sanukidaha ha nisanai. 27. nisakore amaseke warao tehoko hakotai dibunai anahoro waranai akwa ahikomo. 28. tamaha hiauka nahoro obonoya, toma obonoya, hinahoro ibure atoma abonoya, hinahoro baka atoma obonoya, hinahoro bakamiho hobikitani obonoya. 29. noboto akwa dose aisia ahikomo anahoro waranai. 30. takore amaseke musimotuma kokotuka nauai wahibaka eku. 31. tamatuma nauahakutai dibunai amaseke oko mite. 32. tehoko hakutai oko nate. 33. nebu aidamo musimotuma aidamo dibunai anebu aisia. 34. nebu kebisaba hakotai tehoko nakotu. 35. tai yaharanaka. 36. takore warao tehoko hakutai honi nakai neheruya hoyamu. 37. tai musimotuma era dibuya. 38. dibakore tehoko hakutai dibu nokoya. 39. awere nakakore tehoko honimu kanamunai. 40. kanamukore wakoho oanai wahibaka bahinai. 41. barikore wahibaka wanariai. 42. wanarikore tehoko warao sabasaba hakotai oriyasiai. 43. kanamunai tehoko musimotuma akwa dose aisia yewerebuai kubai. 44. yewerebukore bahinai musimotuma tiyarone

135 mate aubonona iyabanaha. 45. amaseke aidamo kware nabakanai. 46. nabakakore saba waranai oko ekoroya. 47. aidamo dibunai kanamakotu. 48. musimotuma amaseke era kanamunai. 49. atai nauai. 50. naukore dibunai amaseke nome kabonona hisaka. 51. kebisaba hakutai tehoko yaharanaka nakotu, nauai. 52. naukore diyana hobahi sewirinai. 53. sewirikore aidamo dibunai tehoko omunoko nohobukotu. 54. tai tamatika ha. 55. takore tatuka dibu nokoya. 56. warao tehoko hakutai mia musimotuma waiku ha. 57. amaseke warao tehoko obonobuai yatu mananaha. 58. ine amawitu kokotuka kubate. 59. warao tehoko musimotuma saba diyana inahakanai. 60. inahakakore musimotuma diyana ebikamu wahibaka yata kuruhubuai. 61. kuruhubukore aiyamo inahakanai wahibaka oanai. 62. oakore nabautu aisiko naruai. 63. narukore iwanariai. 64. iwanarikore honi kokotuka akwa yewerebuai kubai diyana ekoronai. 65. atai bahinai. 66. bahikore ama musimotuma obonobuai yakera katukane takore oko nate tai hakutai tehoko. 67. ama tida moate. 68. tanikware tida hisaka moai tehoko nakitani warao sabasaba, tehoko hakutai. 69. musimotuma tida hakutai kware ubai. 70. tida aisiko yorikware ubai. 71. ubakore musimotuma tida hakutai imautu kanamunai. 72. hima nisanai tai tehoko nakitani. 73. hima nisakore ahikitani ahinai. 74. ahikore tehoko kabatanaha. 75. nibora tehoko hakutai kanamunai wabanaha, wabakomoni. 76. takore tehoko hakutai musimotuma nebu manamo owanai anebutane. 77. owakore amaseke tehoko atida manamo ha. 78. tai tehoko dunaha musimotuma nebu manamo hakutai duya aru borokitani. 79. tehoko atida manamo aisiko takore diyana monikatai. 80. monikatakore tai tehoko anibora nokoai. 81. nokokore musimotuma nebu manamo yehebuai. 82. yehebukore di- yana nauai. 83. tai nauyakutai isimoi ha, ekoitakomo nauai. 84. nauai hanoko awere takore tai isimoi akoita moniai. 85. akai, ine wabai. 86. isimoi akoita monikore diyana eko arotu dekonai. 87. dekokore aubonona aisia diyana onai. 88. diyana yehebuai, yehebuai erubunai. 89. warao tehoko aubonona hisaka. 90. musimotuma manamo hakutai aisia nakitani. 91. takore amaseke dose aisia deko kubai. 92. kubakore biyeta abanai. 93. abakore oriwaka eku nebu hisaka tai tehoko atida aisiko enowai. 94. anibora tehoko hakutai miai, oriasiai neburatu yehebuai. 95. neburatu eruhunai dabo aisia aubono sibanai. 96. kwai sina hinai. 97. takore amaseke tehoko dibunai diyana kokotuka hokotu detahanaka. 98. ama tai warao tehoko hakutai diyana nakomoni. 99. warao hawanera tiyakware ama. 100. warao obonobuai katukane takore oko nakuna tamaha warao tehoko hakutai. 101. ama bahukatane tehoko nate hoa aisia. 102. hoa aisia toakore tai warao tehoko diyana wabate. 103. tai tehoko


ekoroyaha. 104. diyana hoa bitanai. 105. bitakore hoa aisia diyana tehoko wabai, tehoko ekoranai. 106. kokotuka tamaha ekoranai, de kanobotuma are, denobo. 107. tai musimotuma warao aisiko on kubahakutai. 108. tamaha kokotuka diyana. THE RED-EYES ONES (CARIB INDIANS)

1. It was that our Indian forefathers were angry with each other. 2. When it happened they thought the Red Eyes were making eyes at them. 3. So now the Indians thought. 4. The Indians stood up against the Red Eyes. 5. elittle Indian put on bees' wax to make his body light. 6. His name was Light-body. 7. He thought straight. 8. Light-body belonged to the Red Eyes. 9. He was against. 10. So they looked each other over like in battle. 11. They insulted each other, those of Light-body all together. 12. They stood up now against each other. 13. At first Light-body from the Red Eyes came to an Indian. 14. When he came he grabbed one young man. 15. When he grabbed him he hit his head with a stick. 16. The young man died. 17. Now the Red Eye Light-body spoke of food. 18. "Oh Indians, your child wants food". 19. He hit the child 20. "The child says he wants manioc, he wants hoku fish, he wants moriche grubs". 21. While he was naming food he killed the children. 22. That Red Eye Light-body did. 23. So a Light-body stood up on the part of our forefathers. 24. ,To put him against the Red Eyes. 25. "We will stand up to the Red Eyes". 26. When he stood up against them he grabbed a small child of the Red Eyes. 27. When he grabbed him Warao Light-body spoke of food as he hit his head. 28. "This your child wants food. He wants meat, he wants your food, peccary meat, cow's milk he wants to drink". 29. As he hit the child's head he named the food. 30. Now the Red Eyes all came in dugouts. 31. When these came they said, "Now we will see. 32. We will kill Light-body. 33. The old men of the Red Eyes said it to their young men. 34. "The young men in front of us, you kill Light-body. 35. Don't let him escape". 36. So Warao Light-body fell into the water and drifted downstream. 37. The Red Eyes were talking much. 38- When they talked Light-body hears their words. 39. When he came near Light-body stood up out of the water. 40. When he stood up he grabbed the prow of the boat and turned it over. 41. When it turned over the boat filled with water. 42. When it sank Warao Light-body was angry. 43. When he stood up Light- body fought and beat the heads of the Red Eyes with a stick. 44. When

137 he beat them the Red Eyes went back but did not change their minds. 45. Now they came to their old ones 46. When they came they told them, "We are giving out". 47. The old ones said, "Get up!" 48. Now many Red Eyes stood up. 49. Again they went. 50. When they went they said, "Now we are of one mind. 51. Those in front kill Light- body without pity". They went. 52. When they went they came to the port. 53. When they came to port the old ones said, "Look for Light-body's footprints". 54. He was around there. 55. So there he hears their word. 56. Light-body looks and sees the Red Eyes in the dugouts. 57. Light-body thought, "You will not kill me. 58. Right now I will kill all of you". 59. Warao Lightbody ran upon the Red Eyes. 60. When he ran upon them the Red Eyes ran before him to the boats. 61. When they fled he came behind them and grabbed their boat. 62. When he grabbed it he went with it to midstream. 63. When he went he sank it. 64. When he sank it he beat all the heads in the water and killed them and finished them off. 65. Again they went back. 66. When they went back now the Red Eyes thought. "Now how can we kill that Light-body? 67. We'll put up a woman". 68. So they put up a woman to kill Warao Light-body, that Light-body. 69. He slept with that Red Eye woman. 70. She slept beside him. 71. When they slept, at midnight the woman stood up. 72. She took an ax to kill Light-body. 73. When she took the ax she hit him. 74. When she hit him it did not cut Light-body. 75. That man Lightbody doesn't die, he can't die. 76. So that Light-body took two Red Eye young men to be his workmen. 77. When he took them Lightbody had two wives. 78. Light- body did not look for food. Those two Red Eye men went to get palm flour. 79. They did bad with Light-body's two wives. 80. When they did bad Light-body their husband heard of it. 81. When he heard he called the two young Red Eye men. 82. When he called they came. 83. That one coming had a flute, he came playing it. 84. He came near the house and couldn't play any more. 85. "Help, I am dying". 86. When the flute wouldn't play more now the owner asked why. 87. When he asked it cried. 88. Now he called, he called and hurried them. 89. Warao Light-body had one idea. 90. It was to kill those two Red Eyes. 91. Now with a stick he killed them both. 92. When he killed them he made a fiesta. 93. When he made it, in the celebration one young man laughed with Light-body's wife. 94. Her husband Light-body saw it. He was angry and called the young man. 95. He set the young man down and cut him open with a knife. 96. "Up, who killed you?" 97. So now Light-body said, "Now all of you


dance unafraid". 98. Now they couldn't kill that Warao Light-body. 99. The Indians were all afraid. 100. The Indians thought, "How could we kill this Warao Light-body? 101. The best way would be with a spell. 102. If we cast a spell on him then Warao Light-body will die. 103. That Light-body will be finished". 104. Now the spell hit the mark. 105. When it hit him Light-body died because of the spell; he was finished. 106. This finishes it all. It's the same story our forefathers tell. 107. (When) the Red Eyes fought with the Waraos. 108. That's all now.


NEBURATU 1. neburatu naruai awai aruako. 2. naruai tida hisaka sisi ekuya namoya. 3. namokore anibora dibunai hiomi naruya. 4. tatuka namo. 5. aruako nauya ehuru aisiko. 6. naukore anibora aruru awere kwai nakai yaburuai. 7. yaburukore aruako kutai tida oanai. 8. oakore tida dibunai ine obononaha. 9. aruako anohibana taira. 10. iboma nakai. 11. nakakore tida anibora hakutai aho aisia toanai_ 12. toakore neburatu hakutai hakanai. 13. hakakore ayamo naruai. 14. narukore ahiyaka miai. 15. naruai esohara miai. 16. naruai aruako wabaha miai. 17. wabakore tida aniboro hakutai aruako ohidu isia sikabai. 18. aruako waba dibuhida wabai. 19. neburatu wabai. 20. tai asida. 21. tamaha ine obohonamo waranaha. 22. nomewitu ine waraya. 23. kokotuka. YOUNG MAN l. A young man went named Arawak. 2. As he went a woman was washing palm flour. 3. As she washed it the man said, "I'm going without you. 4. Stay here washing". 5. Arawak went with the grater. 6. As he went the man came near the beating place and fell down. He got up. 7. When he climbed up he grabbed the woman. 8. When he grabbed the woman she said, "I don't want to". 9. Arawak shook her hand. 10. The young woman fell down. 11. When she fell down her husband threw water on her. 12. When he threw it the young man fled. 13. When he ran he came after him. 14. When he came he found his clothes. 15. He went and found his spittle. 16. He went and found Arawak dying. 17. When he was dying the woman's husband cut into him with a moriche stick. 18. Arawak died quickly. 19. The young man died. 20. He was bad. 21. I'm not saying this just to be talking. 22. I'm telling the truth. 23. (That's) all.



1. wahabara warao ha. 2. warao hakutai naminanaha. 3. warao sanera. 4. taisia nahoro saba narukore asida. 5. aru borokitani hima aukwamo aisia boroya. 6. tida hakutai awaku tewaya mate namina naha. 7. tiakore diyana taisia dauna ekuya naruai. 8. narukore warao naminakomoni ekida anaya. 9. atai naruya taisa warao ekida anaya. 10. tiakore diyana sisi ehobonai. 11. sisi eku diyana tai siawanituma asisi. 12. tai nahoromo tai warao. 13. tiyarone oko aiyabatuma kanahoroya. 14. tai nome warao tiyarone nahoromo. 15. tai oriasida kokotuka huba monika aubonona abaya. 16. tobe monika aubonona abaya. 17. huba monika aubonona abaya. 18. uama monika aubonona abaya. 19. tai aubonona hakutai tai aubonona asida. 20. niyarabaka monika aubonona abaya. 21. tai tatuma hakotai taiseke nome nahoromo. 22. tiyakore warao hisaka naruya tata mikore diyana naya. 25. ahitani orinaniai warao nahorokitani. 24. hima aka kawahera. 25. hima aisia tai isiboya. 26. hima awai hima kawarituma. 27. tai awai siawanituma. 28. taiseke nahoromo. 29. tiyakore warao manamo naruai asisi ekuya, naruai arua miai. 30. atai miai bihi kwareya naruai atai miai. 31. boronoko miai tatuka ha borokoina awai nahuru, ohidu ahini nona. 32. miai yakera aukwamo ha. 33. ateho ha, ahi ha. 34. tai deho kwa akuba. 35. aka ha tai uakoina. 36. takore tai aribuhu isia. 37. miai manamo, nebu manamo. 38. diyana araisa wahukatu ha. 39. araisa wahabara naruya. 40. tiyakorehese diyana wabai, nai. 41. araisa wahukatu hakutai hakanai hanoko obonai. 42. araisa seke wabai. 43. hanoko ata bahina hakutai. 44. dewaranai awarao saba. 45. diyana maraisa wabai 46. ya araisa eku naruai warao kokotuka tai wabaha hakutai awarao mikitani. 47. anaminatu aisiko waba hakutai araisa aisiko, waba hakutai araisa aisiko. 48. kasaba wabai. 49. naruai sisi ehobonai ekuya naruai. 50. naruai naukore ahanoko kware nabakanai. 51. nabakakore ebisaba mikore sorokore hanoko eku ekida. 52. tai nahoromo. 53. hanoko eku mikore tida idamutuma manamo hanoko eku ha. 54. miai kware nabakanai aisiko dibunai. 55. baukayara bahukaya. 56. tai tida idamotuma hakutai dibunai. 57. okowitu tamatika ha hanoko

141 eku. 58. naruai kubakitani. 59. hoiba obonani naruai. 60. ama warao hakutai dibunai oko yatu mikitani nawai. 61. tai warao hakutai sorokore era nahoro aru. 62. ama warao dibunai dyakware diyana oko naruya. 63. tai kubamu naruwa hakutai kayuka kubakitani. 64. ayamo naruai. 65. naruai diyana kware nabakanai. 66. warao era naruai tai nahoromo. 67. awere nakakore diyana warao asibiya yakobonai nahoromo hakutai mana kawanuka nakai. 68. ama hisaka tata naruai. 69. naukore awere takore dokohotoai. 70. dokohotokore nabukarinai. 71. tai nahoromo hakutai. 72. hoibi eku nakai kokotuka, tai warao kokotuka warao naruwaha kutai diyaka nakai kokotuka. 73. amaseke ebisaba warao nahoromo hakutai honi hakutai diyana kubai. 74. kubai hima aisia, buairi asia, daborakaba aisia. 75. kubai tai warao hakutai kokotuka namoniya, uama tani namoniya, niyarabaka tani namoniya, huba tani namoniya. 76. tatoma warao hakutai namonihotutuma. 77. tai warao asida. 78. kubai kokotuka. 79. tai kubakore damana dau tane namoniya isibutu tani namoniya. 80. kubai uriyawitu diyana ekoronai. 81. ekorakore obonona abanai. 82. dibunai aidamo hakutai nebu diyana yatu aubonona hisaka aba- kotu. 83. hanoko eku tida hidamutuma manamo hakutai yatu aubonona aisia. 84. takore nebu hakutai aidamo aribu nokoai. 85. nokokore nebu ahorabamo. 86. naruai tai tida hidamutuma manamo kware nabakaia aru nakabatai hima aisia. 87. wahukamu aidamo hanoko nabakakore wabawitu miai. 88. atai aidamo dibunai anebu aisia. 89. yakera nebu, ama kaubonona eku. 90.ama aidamo hanoko eku mikore hanoko yakera. 91. hanoko ayehimare yakeraha mikore huba. 92. aru era aidamo dibunai, hekunu abakotu. 93. oko nohera, aru sibakotu. 94. buari aisia sibakore diyana horu eku imahanai. 95. imahakore sanuka nahoromo mikore asida hukida, aru yakera, tiyarone asida. 96. nahoronatanai nahorokomoni iyabanai. 97. aidamo dibunai aru kokotuka yawanakotu. 98. tuatane iyabakotu, kokotuka buari mowakotu. 99. hanoko kokotuka inatokotu. 100. tai nahoromo aha- noko, kanahoromo ahanoko hanoko kokotuka inatonai. 101. tuatane iyabanai- 102. iyabakore diyana bahinai. 103. bahikore amaseke yakeraha miai. 104. nunaturna bihi ahotana yakeraha miai. 105. nuna naminanaha. 106. tatukamo aru ha yakeraha miai. 107. tatukamo miai nahuru. 108. mikore aka ha oakoina, aukwamu ha, ateho ha, tatukamu ahutu ha, miai ahi, ahi abanaha. 109. araaseke warao hakutai obonona abainai. 110. ama oko sanerayana. 111. oko oriwakaya. 112. amaseke oko yakera. 113. tai aubonona nuna namoninaha. 114. bihi hakitani, aruha hakitani, nahutu hakitani, yiwarani diyana miai. 115. tai eku warao yakera nakai. 116. warao bihi na- minanaha, arua naminanaha nahuru naminanaha. 117. hanoko na

142 bakanai amaseke warao yakera. 118. diyana kokotuka miai. 119. yaha araisa eku bihi nunai. 120. yiwaranai warao araisa nahuru nunai. 121. tai rakate yiwaranai arua nunai, yiwaranai. 122. bihi eku namoai, aru miai, ohidu aru. 123. nahuru aisia boroai. 124. ohidu ahokwaboto ha. 125. ama yakera warao aubonona abanai. 126. oko sanerayana. 127. tatukamu anaru hakutai oko yakera ha. 128. ama oko warao yakera ha. 129. diyana kokotuka.


l. In the beginning there was an Indian. 2. That Indian didn't know anything 3. He was poor. 4. It was hard to go for food at that time. 5. To get palm flour he used a tiny ax. 6. The wife didn't know yet how to catch turtles. 7. Now he went that way into the woods. 8. When he went he ended the day without finding any thing. 9. Again he went and ended the day finding nothing. 10. Now a trail turned up. 11 - Now along that trail is the trail of the Siawani. 12. Those people are cannibals. 13. But if they catch us (? ) they eat us. 14. They are truly people but they are cannibals. 15. They are all bad and can make themselves like snakes. 16. They can make themselves like jaguars. 17. They can make themselves like snakes. 18. They can make themselves like anacondas. 19. Their thoughts are bad thoughts. 20. They can make themselves like crocodiles. 21. That's what they are. They are really cannibals. 22. So that one Indian goes there and when they see him they kill him. 23. When they hit him they served him up to eat that Indian. 24. The handle of the ax was long. 25. They split him with the ax. 26. The name of the ax is Our-length. 27. Those people are called Siawani. 28. They are cannibals. 29. So two Indians went along the trail. They went and saw their trough (for palm dough). 30. Again they saw bihi (to sift flour), and went around again and saw. 31. They saw the place for digging out palm flour; they saw the digging instrument called nahuru for moriche palm. 32. They saw it well. It has a head. 33. It has a body and a handle. 34. The two together are an instrument. 35. It has a handle for holding. 36. So they heard their conversation. 37. The two young men saw. 38. Now one was behind. 39. The other was going in front. 40. So now he died. They killed him. 41. The other one coming behind ran, wanting to get home. 42. The other one verily died. 43. The one who got home 44. told his companions. 45. "Now my companion died". 46. The next day all the Indians went to find their dead companion. 47. The one who knew, who was with

143 the dead man (went too). 48. Where did he die? 49. They went along and came to the trail and went along it. 50. They went along and came to the house. 51. When they came and looked the house was empty. 52. They are cannibals. 53. When they looked in the house there were two old women. 54. They saw and came up to them and spoke. 55. "Are you fine?" "Fine". 56. That old woman spoke. 57. "We are the only ones here at home. 58. They went off to fight. 59. They went off singing". 60. The Indians said, "We came to see you". 61. When the Indians looked there was lots of manioc. 62. Now the Indians said, "So we are going. 63. We are are going to fight like those others who went". 64. They followed them. 65. They came to them. 66. Many Indians were going, those cannibals. 67. When they came near, half of the Indians went around and doubled back on the cannibals. 68. Now one went there. 69. When he went and was near he shouted. 70. When he shouted they fled, 71. those cannibals did. 72. They all fell into the pond, all those cannibal Indians who were going, they fell in. 73. Now all the cannibals before them that were in the water fought. 74. They fought with axes, with machetes, and with spears. 75. When they killed those Indians they are changed; they changed into anacondas; they changed into crocodiles; they changed into snakes. 76. Those Indians changed. 77. They were bad Indians. 78. They killed them all. 79. When they killed them some changed into trees and some into electric eels. 80. Slowly they killed them and finished them all off. 81. When they finished they gave counsel. 82. They said, those old men, "Young men, now you agree together. 83. Decide what to do with those two old women in the house". 84. So the young men heard the counsel of the old men. 85. When they heard they agreed. 86. They went and came to the old women and cut up the manioc with axes. 87. When the old men came later to the house they saw them dead. 88. Again the old men said to the young men. 89. "Good, young men, that was in accord with our feeling". 90. Now when the old men saw in the house they liked it. 91. The ties for the house were snakes. 92. "Put lots of manioc on the fire", the old men said. 93. "We are hungry. Split the manioc". 94. When they split it with the machete then they put it in the cooking pot. 95. When they put a little in, the eaters saw it, smelled bad, good manioc, but smelled bad. 96. They couldn't eat it; they left it uneaten. 97. The old men said, "Break up all the manioc. 98. Now leave off and take machetes. 99. Tear down the houses. 100. Those cannibals' houses, our eaters' houses. Tear down all the houses". 101. So they left off. 102. When they left off they went back. 103. When they

144 went back they saw everything good. 104. The weavers saw the beginnings of bihi baskets. 105. They didn't know how to make them. 106. They saw plenty of manioc. 107. Then they saw nahuru for palm flour. 108. They saw the handle to hold by, the little ones, with the body of it. They saw the cord and the point. They didn't put the point on. 109. Now the Indians held council. 110. "Now we are not poor. 111. We are happy. 112. Now we are fine". 113. They had not known these things. 114. To have bihi and a trough and nahuru now they saw them made. 115. The Indians came to that. 116. They had not known about bihi or the flour trough or nahuru. 117. When they got home the Indians were well off. 118. Now they had seen everything. 119. Next day they made a bihi. 120. When they finished it another Indian made a nahuru. 121. He also finished that and made a flour trough and finished it. 122. They washed palm flour in the bihi; they found flour, and flour from mo riche. 123. They dug out the flour with nahuru. 124. The moriche palm has a soft flour heart. 125. Now the Indian had new things. 126. We are not poor. 127. Since then we have things fine. 128. Now we Indians get along fine. 129. That's all.




1. hobahi hisia. 2. hobahi arao witu. 3. hobahi arao hakitani. 4. idamotuma are. 5. tane waranai hobahi arao hakitani. 6. ahabara waranai hobahi arotu awai wabu. 7. tai hobahi arotuma awai. 8. awarao araiba awai wabu. 9. awarao araibawitu ebiwitu. 10. taisi arahia kahamuhu. 11. wabu arahia kahamuhu. 12. warao arahia. 13. kahamuhu arahia ibure. 14. ibure arahia honabaida. 15. honabaida arahia honinaba. 16. arahiawitu honinaba. 17. aukwa kokotuka. RAT 1. Concerning the land. 2. There were many people in the land. 3. It's a story of the old ones. 4. They told it about being people in the land. 6. They told how at first the owner of the land was Rat. 7. That was the name of the owner of the land. 8. Rat was the mother-in-law of an Indian. 9. She was verily his mother-in-law a long time ago. 10. Her younger sister was Chin-bone. 11. Rat's younger sister was Chin-bone 12. The younger sister of that person. 13. Chin- bone's younger sister was Peccary. 14. Peccary's younger sister was Sea-cow. 15. Sea- cow's younger sister was Manatee. 16. That was the sister next to her. 17. That's the end. That's all.



1. domu masi ibure kahamuhu honabaida orikware abanai hobahi arao. 2. orikware abanai. 3. orikware abakore domu kwai nakai. 4. domu kwai nakane yasa abanai. 5. yasa ebe yasa ekida. 6. inarao iyasa tubuai. 7. kahamuhu enoai. 8. ai ekida nakakitani. 9. enoai araisa masi. 10. ai ekida nakakitani. 11. sanuka enosi honabaida. 12. enonatanai tobe.13. robe kanamunai akanamunatane hoyo obonai. 14. robe dibunai tane ine muhu yawanate. 15. muhu yawanane hakitani tobe. 16. ekoronai.


1. The animals got together, deer, peccary, "chin-bone", sea-cow. They are the land people 2. They got together. 3. When they got together the animals climbed up. 4. When the animals got up they had a competition (?). 5. That was before, now they don't have it. 6. The jungle animals had a competition. 7. Kahamuhu (Chin-bone) laughed. 8. It came out with no teeth. 9. Another, deer, laughed. 10. It came out with no teeth. 11. Sea cow laughed a little. 12. Jaguar didn't laugh. 13. Jaguar got up and broke open a stone. 14. Jaguar said, "Just that way I will break bones". 15. It was for jaguar to break bones. 16. It's finished.



l. hobahi arao orikware abanai kokotuka. 2. inarao kokotuka ori kware abanai. 3. abaitane ahuba miai. 4. ahabara kahamuhu sanuka oanai hakanai kahamuhu. 5. eku takitani ahu kabuka hakitani. 6. araisa ibure tai rakate eku hese. 7. tai monuka ibure ahuba miai. 8. ahuba mikore sanuka oanai ahu. kabuka tane ibure. 9. oakore hakanai. 10. eku hese honabaida ahu kabuka hakitani sabuka oanai hakanai hona baida. 11. ahu kabuka hakitani. 12. araisa oai. 13. tai ahuba erida. 14 ahu oanai natokonai. 15. natokokore yiwaranai nomininai. 16. eku ahu. hakitani behoro ahuba miai ahu oanai natokonai yiwaranai behoro nomininai. 17. behoro ahu hakitani. 18. behoro hubaida ahuba erida. 19. tobe rakate tai monuka hese. 20. ahuba erida ahu natokunai ahuba erida eku hakitani ahu hakitani tobe ahu hakitani. 21. kokotuka.


1. The people of the land all got together. 2. All the people of the woods got together. 3. When they got together they saw each one his snake (1) . 4. At first Chin-bone caught one a little. It ran, that Chin-bone. 5. Accordingly her tail is short. 6. Another, peccary, the same way. 7. Peccary saw its snake. 8. When it saw its snake it caught it a little and so has a short tail. 9. When it caught it, it ran. 10. The same way Sea Cow caught one to have its tail short. It ran, that Sea Cow. 11. To have a short tail. 12. The other caught one. 13. It was a large snake. 14. It caught the tail and pulled. 15. When it pulled it finished and changed. 16. The same way to be a ( 1) "Snake" here seems to be related to the spirits, the "owner" of a certain thing. This is parallelled in a recorded conversation with a shaman (unpublished) in which he refers to the "snake" of black earth, the "snake" of this and that. See also the next (among these) "In the earth". - Osborn.


dog's tail. It saw a snake and caught its tail He pulled and finished. It changed to dog ('s tail). 17. To be dog's tail. 18. The dog found big-snake. It was a big one. 19. Just like a jaguar, it is. 20. It pulled a large snake. To the measure of the large snake it came out a tail, a jaguar's tail. 21. (That's) all.



1. hoetobu ariawara naukitani. 2. tai warao hakutai homakaba era oaya. 3. tai tuatane naminai naba unidaha eku nakane oaya amoho aisia horemuhumo. 4. tiakore hese aramitu sanukatuma manamo ha. 5. tai aramituma mia araka arahe. 6. tiakore amaseke aramitu hakutai dibunai tai arami sanukatuma aisia. 7. of yatu masitai yatu wabate. 8. tai arami sanukatuma hakutai aramitu aribu oanaha. 9. dibunai arahe seisa daka homakaba oaki. 10. takore aramitu naminanaha. 11. amaseke tai nebu manamo hakutai naruai arimitu monika homakaba oakitani. 12. waikuya butunai araka dibunai dahe ine honi nakate warari aisiko. 13. honi nakai takore diyana homakaba hakutai warao korunai. 14. arahe hakutai bahinai naruai ahanoko ata. 15. hanoko nabakanai nabakakore aramitu saba waranai diana daka wabai. 16. takore aramitu dibunai dami sanukatuma ine dibunai yatu aisia of yatu wabate masitananaka takotu. 17. takore yatu maribu nokonaha. 18. taneseke dibunai aramitu. 19. amaseke aramitu hakutai diana naruai tai warao waba hakutai are aisiko. 20. tai butanaha eku butanai dibunai tamatika daka wabai. 21. takore aramitu honi nakai homakaba kokotuka oanai warari aisia waiku tuanai. 22. aisiko naruai hanoko ata nabakanai. 23. nabakakore amaseke diyana homakaba aubono ekuya nahobuai. 24. nahobukore homakaba hisaka awai himaka taiseke aubono kopowitu. 25. tai diana warao waba saba serenai. 26. serekore diana bohinai tai warao waba. 27. tamahaseke warao are denobo. 28. tai hoetobu ariawara hakitani. 29. tai homakaba anahorotu. 30.honi behoro.31. tamaha kokotuka. OTTER

1. For the coming of the spirit of otter. 2. That Indian catches many fish. 3. So he knew. Having arrived out in a big river he catches them with his hand, skinning them. 4. So he has two younger brothers-in-law. 5. He sees his brothers-in-law, the younger brother and the older brother. 6. So the brother-in- law says to his little


brothers-in-law. 7. "Look out! If you do like me you'll die". 8. The younger brothers-in-law didn't listen to their brother-in-law's counsel. 9. The older brother said, "Come on, little brother, let's catch fish". 10. Now their brother- in-law didn't know it. 11. Now the two young men went to catch fish like their brother-in-law. 12. Anchored in their dugout the younger brother said, "Brother, I am going into the water with the fishing line". 13. So he got in the water and a fish swallowed that Indian. 14. The older brother was left and went home. 15. He got home. When he got there he told his brotherin-law, "Little brother died now". 16. So brother-in-law said, "My little brother-in-law, I said to you, 'Watch out, you will die. Don't do like me! 17. So you did not hear my counsel". 18. So said brotherin-law. 19. Now brother-in-law went to where the Indian had died. 20. There he anchored in the anchoring place and said, "Here is where little brother died". 21. So brother-in-law got in the water. He caught all the fish with a line. He threw in the boat. 22. He went home with them and arrived. 23. When he arrived he looked for him in the stomachs of the fish. 24. When he looked there was one called himaka that had its stomach full. 25. Now he cut that one open looking for the dead Indian. 26. When he cut it open now that dead Indian appeared. 27. This is a story of the Warao. 28. It was the beginning of otter. 29. He eats fish 30. He is the dog of the water. (Called in perro de agua). 31. This is all.



1. tai denobo ine warakitia naminakitani. 2. tamaha awai ibure anamonina. 3. warao anabotomo era. 4. nobotomo nebu mokomoko aidamotuma duai. 5. dukore nobotomo kotubai. 6. aidamotuma yarukore nobotomo ayamo naruai. 7. aidamotuma yarukore nobotomo ayamo naruai. 8. narukore aidamotuma ebikamo kuruhubuai. 9. aidamotuma aribu nokonaka kuhuhubuai. 10. tai nobotomo hakutai ibure hakitani. 11. ibure anamonina. 12. tai ibure warao namoninai. 13. kokotuka diana.


1. I'm going to tell you a story so you can know it. 2. The name is "Changing into peccary". 3. There were some Indian children. 4. The parents of the little children were out getting food. 5. While they sought food the children played. 6. When the parents came they went for their children. 7. When the parents came they went for their children. 8. When they went their children ran further away. 9. Not listening to their parents they ran off. 10. The children changed into peccary. 11. They became peccary. 12. So Indians became peccary. 13. That's all now.



1. honinaba awarao hanoko manamo. 2. nebu hisaka basiatakitani naruai. 3. narukore tata honinaba wahabu miai. 4. mikore denokoai. 5. dibunai tamaha katukane oaya. 6. araisa dibunai ho yawaka irida nakakore nahobuya. 7. nahobukore mia. 8. mikore honinaba aro mahaia ahibaha kanuai. 9. kanukore honinaba wabai. 10. wabakore nahoroai dibu ekuwite ehobonai. 11. ekoronai,


1. The manatee people have two houses. 2. A young man went visiting. 3. When he went he saw roasted manatee. 4. When he saw it he asked. 5. "How does one catch this?" 6. The other said, "When it is outgoing tide you dive in. 7. When you dive you will see. 8. When you see hang on to the manatee's neck and bite his side. 9. When you bite the manatee died. 10. When it died you ate it". It came out just like he said. 11. It's finished.


1. warao hisaka atida era. 2. tai hakutai yakera ha. 3. atautuma (atidatuma) aisiko yakera ha tuatane. 4. yakera naruya yori kubanaha. 5. kura kura naruya monikata ekida. 6. yori kubanaha tautuma erarone monikata naubunaha. 7. yakerawitu oriwakaya. 8. aniborarakate yakera naruya anahoro irida nahoro era taiseke anahoro mikore. 9. anibora hakutai yakerawitu naruya. 10. tiyakore ya hi- saka asida nakai. 11. anibora aniaukwa duai borokitani. 12. atautuma kokotuka aisiko duai. 13. hani tata nabakanai yakera. 14. yari obononaha. 15. anibora hima nisanai ohidu aru bborokitani. 16. iboroai yiwaranai. 17. yiwarakore amaseke anibora dokohotoai. 18. tautuma inare. 19. atai anibora hakutai dokohotoai. 20. tautuma karokonakotu. 21. takore tatuturna erarone dibu nokoyarone nokonaha monuka. 22. tai diyana monikata abayaha. 23. asida aubonona abaiyaha. 24. tiyami anibora hakutai diyana oriyasiai. 25. tautuma sina kware yatu dibu nokonaha. 26. tamatika anibora hakutai dose nisanai. 27. nisakore naruai atautuma yata. 28. narukore ebisaba tautuma hanoko arotu hakutai dibunai atekorotuma aisia yakera. 29. diyana tamahasia duwakotu. 30. kobo hisaka araia takore dibunai matekorotuma yatuwitu. 31. yewerekore yakera. 32. ine mahikore monida. 33. ine dibakore maribu hisaka nokokotu. 34. anibora nauai wahabara tida atekorowitu ahinai. 35. ahinai dibunai kanaya. 36. tida araisa ahikore atai dibunai kanaya. 37. atai ahikore dibunai kanaya. 38. amaseke hanoko arotu araisa kware nabakanai. 39. tai rakate ahinai. 40. ahikore dibunai kanaya. 41. ahanoko arotuwitu. 42. tai ahinatanahakore yakera kuna. 43. amaseke ahanoko arotu tai rakate ahinai. 44. kanaya takore tida hanoko arotu hakutai dibunai. 45. yakera ihi mayewereya. 46. yakera dahiyatuma kanamakotu owakotu. 47. tamaha diyana kayewereya. 48. tamatika tautuma kokotuka kanamunai anibora owanai. 49. owakore hobahi arai tuwanai. 50. tuwakore diyana hisaka tida hisaka anibora auno natokonai. 51. natokakore anibora auna ikahowai. 52. ikahokore auno ahutu aisia aro yehimarai. 53. diyana nibora wabaya monika iyabanai. 54. iyabakore tautuma hakutai aidamo hanoko arotu dibunai seisa nakai dibuhida araka neburatu hakutai naukitiya. 55. naruai


hanokoata. 56. hanoko nabakakore abayaratu neburatu hakutai hariyari ekoitaya. 57. amaseke dibunai bayaratu diyana yatu arahe kaiamo aru yaharaya tiyakware yatu arahe yehebuya aru kunakitani sanetakitani. 58. diyana dibu nokoai tai neburatu kanamonai arahe diboto narukitani. 59. naruai neburatu hakanai sisi ekuya dibuhida naruai. 60. tata nabakanai arahe yatuka. 61. nabakakore miai arahe diyana wabaiawitu. 62. amaseke araka dibunai adahe hitautuma masaba obohonamo waranai memusubuai. 63. yakera dahe maro mahano. 64. aro mahakore aisiko hanoko ata naruai arahe aisiko. 65. hanoko nabakanai. 66. nabakakore tautuma hanoko eku minatanai. 67. amaseke neburatu oriasiai. 68. amawitu tautuma ine kubate. 69. kasaba naruai. 70. amaseke hanoko eku hakutai dibunai tautuma tamahote naruai. 71. takore neburatu aiyamo naruai, tautuma kubakitani. 72. aiyamo hakakore naruai nnaruai. 73. kwarika naruai.74. naukore anaru aukwa etonai omunoko etonai. 75. kwarika neburatu hakutai ayamo naruya. 76. naruya etokore diyana awere nakai. 77. nakakore tautuma hakutai dibuhida naruya. 78. aiyamo neburaturakate kwarika aiyamo naruya. 79. tiyakore naba ehobonai. 80. tautuma hakutai. 81. ehobakore tautuma naba imakanai. 82. naba ima- kayakore wahukatu iboma hisake aumuhu ahinai. 83. ahikore tai boisiai. 84. tai tautuma hakutai kayanuka hobahi oanai. 85. ina eku nakai. 86. ina eku nakakakore diyana namonia. 87. aino nokokore diyana asida, ouwowo. 88. tai tidatuma iburetani nakayaha namoniyaha nahoro ibure hakitani. 89. takore amaseke hisaka nai behoro aisia. 90. nakore wahabuai. 91. wahabukore koroko eku abakore, kanukore diyapera. 92. tiyakore sanuka abera. 93. hukida tai nahoro namoninaha ibure hakitani warao namonai. 94. tiarone aiyamotane oko warao hidotuma hakutai oko nahoroya ibure diyapera. 95. tamaha diyana kokotuka, ibure anamonina denobo kanobotuma are naruyaha. 96. tanekware okorakate ayamo obonona naruya. 97. tamaha namo- nibuaha, kanesenobotuma areniyabu. 98. diyana kokotuka.


1.There was once a Warao man who had many wives. 2. He was a good man. 3. The women lived well with him. 4. Things went well with no fighting. 5. Years went by with no punishments against him. 6. Even though there were many women they did not fight among themselves to come to punishment. 7. They enjoyed things quite well. 8. Things went well with the man so that he found abundant food for the many women. 9. Things went well

158 with the man. 10. But things went bad one day. 11. Early in the morning he went out to find palm flour. 12. All his women went along. 13. So they got there fine. 14. They did not want to be in a bad humor. 15. The man took his ax to cut out the palm flour from the moriche palm. 16. He finished getting the flour. 17. When he finished then the man shouted. 18. His women didn't answer. 19. Again he shoutel. 20. "Women, south to me!" 21. Even though there were many women and they heard him they pretended not to hear. 22. That calls for punishment. 23. They had made their thoughts bad. 24. So then the man became angry. 25. "Women, whose fault is it that you didn't answer?" 26. Here the man got his stick. 27. When he got it he went to the women. 28. While he was going the first wife (owner-of-the-house) said to the rest, 29. "Now wait here". 30. She said to each one in turn, "You are my lesser fellow-wives 31. If he beats you, all right. 32. He can't beat me. 33. When I speak hear my one word". 34. The man came. First he hit the lowest wife. 35. Having hit her she said, "Good-fornothing!" 36. When he hit another wife she said, "Good-for-nothing!" 37. When he hit another wife she said, "Good-for- nothing!" 38. Now he came to the wife next to the owner-of-the-house. 39. He hit that one too. 40. When he hit her she said, "Good-for-nothing!" 41. Then owner-of-the-house. 42. If he had not hit her it would have been better. 43. Now he hit owner-of-the-house too. 44. Then, "Good-for-nothing!... said owner- of-the-house too. 45. "You hit me so well. 46. Now, my sisters, stand up! Grab him! 47. This one is beating us now". 48. Here all the women stood up and grabbed the man. 49. When they grabbed him, they threw him on the ground. 50. When they threw him down, one woman pulled his testicles. 51. When she pulled them then they stretched out. 52. When they stretched, they tied up his neck with the cord. 53. Now they left the man dying. 54. When they were leaving him, the old woman ownerof-the-house said, "Come on, let's go quickly. His younger brother is coming". 55. They went to the house. 56. When they got to the house the younger brother-in-law was playing flutes (?). 57. Now they said, "Brother-in-law, your older brother is unloading manioc (from the boat) behind us, so he is calling you to help him bring the manioc". 5 8. So having heard this the young man stood up to go meet his brother. 5 9. When he had gone, he ran and went quickly down the trail. 60. He arrived where his brother was. 61. When he arrived he saw his brother was verily dying. 62. Now the young man said to his brother, "Your wives told me tales to deceive me. 63. Now, brother, lean on my neck". 64. Leaning on his neck he

159 went with him to the house, with older brother. 65. They arrived at the house. 66. When they got there they didn't see the women in the house. 67. Now the young man was angry. 68. "Now I will kill the women. 69. Where did they go?" 70. Now someone in the house said, "The women went this way". 71. So the young man went after them, to kill the women. 72. When he ran after them he went along. 73. He went faster. 74. When he went he took a short cut by the head (of the way); he short cutted the way. 75. The young man went along faster than they. 76. Taking a short cut now he came near them. 77. When he came near the women were going along fast. 78. Behind them came the young man too, along behind them. 79. Then they came out to a river. 80. The women (did). 81. The women crossed the river when it appeared. 82. When they crossed the river the young women who guided the canoe hit her bone (rib? ). 83. When she hit it, it was wounded. 84. Those women, when they got to the other side, came to land. 85. They went into the jungle. 86. When they went into the jungle they changed. 87. When their howls were heard they were fierce, ohoo, ohoo, ohoo. 88. Those women were changing into capybara, capybara for food. 89. Now then he killed one with his dogs. 90. When he killed it he roasted it. 91. When he roasted it and put it in his mouth and chewed it. It was delicious. 92. So it smelled some. 93. The flavor doesn't change to food; Warao changed to capybara. 94. But after that we Indians who are new, we eat capybara - delicious. 95. That's all now, that's the way our forefathers tell of the changing into capy. bara. 96. We go along with the same story. 97. This changing is the story of our forefathers 98. That's all now.



1. domu dibunai awai tokoyo. 2. tokoyo dibunai araisama hisia konu ihisia dibunai orikware nabakanai. 3. nabakakore tokoyo dibunai konu hisia ama ihi mawarotu. 4. konu dibunai yakera ama oko oriawarotutaya. 5. makware naru mawarotu. 6. hisi naruya eku ine hiwakate. 7. hisi naruya eku yarunai konu tokoyo kware yarunai ma- waratu makwarewitu mawarotu. 8. makware ubakitani orikware ubaki mawarotu. 9. awarotu dibunai yakera. 10. anai konu detane robe noai konu. 11. tokoyo dibunai robe ekida ubaki mawarotu detanaka ubaki mawarotu. 12. takore awarotu hakutai detaya konu hakutai ubanakawitu hokonai. 13. hokokore naruai konu ahanoko ata naruai. 14. narukore diboto dibunai mawarotu ine naruya. 15- ihi rakate hikware naute. 16. hisi nariya eku ine hiwakate. 17. konoata tokoyo naruai. 18. naukore tokoyo dokohotoai. 19. hikware mawarotu tokoyo dibunai. 20. diboto kono dibunai makware witu. 21 tokoyo dibunai yakera. 22. kware yahikore anai. 23. anakore tokoyo dibunai mawarotu hawanera witu oko tutakitia. 24. awarotu konu dibunai mawarotu detanaka. 25. detanaka ubaki. 26. taira mawarotu tai oko tutanaha. 27. tokoyo hakutai ubanaka hokonai detai witu. 28. hokonai naruai. 29. akwa kokotuka ekoronai.


1. There was a bird named Tokoyo. 2. Tokoyo spoke to another, to Kono and they came together to the same place. 3. When they came Tokoyo said to Kono, "Now you are my buddy". 4. Kono said, "Fine, now we are buddies. 5. Go along with me, buddy". 6. "You go along that trail. I'll wait for you". 7. He goes through the trail. He came. Kono came to Tokoyo. "My buddy is right beside me; my buddy is. 8. Sleep near me. Let's sleep near each other". 9. His buddy said, "Fine". 10. It got dark. Kono was afraid a jaguar might come, that Kono was. 11. Tokoyo said, "There is no jaguar. Let's sleep, buddy. Don't be afraid. Let's sleep, buddy". 12. So his buddy


Kono couldn't sleep and so dawned. 13. When it dawned Kono went to his house. 14. When he went he said to him, "My buddy, I'm going. 15. You too will come. 16. Going along the trail I will wait for you". 17. Tokoyo went to Kono's place. 18. When he got there Tokoyo shouted 19. "I'm here near you, my buddy", Tokoyo said. 20. Kono answered, "You're near". 21. Tokoyo said, "Fine". 22. He lay near him and it was night. 23. When it was dark Tokoyo said, "My buddy, I'm afraid. We might get burned". 24. His buddy Kono said, "My buddy, don't be afraid. 25. Sleep without fear. 26. Nothing like that, my buddy. We won't be burned". 27. The Tokoyo didn't sleep all night long. 28. It dawned. He went. 29. That's the end. It's all finished.



1. neburatu warao hisamika naruya wahibaka ekuya. 2. narukore dibuya hue isia. 3. hue isia nabakore hue nabutuya. 4. nabutu kore huerone tida monuka iboma monuka waya awai hue aubutu. 5. hue anamonina hue hakitani. 6. kokotuka.


1. A young Indian man went alone in his dugout. 2. When he goes he speaks to a stingaree. 3. When he strikes the stingaree it floats. 4. When it floats, even though it is a stingaree, he takes it. It is like a young woman. His name is Lover-of-stingaree. 5. He became a stingaree. 6. (That's) all.



1. tata ahia ahobahi warao era ha. 2. warao era ha hobahi sehokonai. 3. sehokokore hokonai. 4. hokokore anibora dibunai atida kahotubuai arahia anibaka aisiko. 5. kahotabukore naruai. 6. nau kore akaba kware nabakanai. 7. akaba ata nabakakore obonai. 8. arahia isiko mo iwiai. 9. dekomana on diboto duane iwiai. 10. iwiakore tobe araiba oanai anoboto hisaka. 11. oakore araiba dibunai arahia aisia dahia robe ahenu. 12. arahia nokonatanai. 13. tida hakutai wabai robe isia wabai. 14. arahia kwai nakai. 15. kwai nabakakore arahia anibaka hakanai nabata wahibaka ata. 16. hakakore ayamo tobe hakanai. 17. hakakore anibaka waiku nakai naruai. 18. robe hakutai inabe bahinai. 19. anibaka hakutai hanoko ata naruai. 20. yarukore dibunai tida wabai. 21. anibora buari nisanai. 22. nisakore hoyo aisia ehidoai. 23. ehidokore warao era kanamunai wahibaka mohoreku naruai. 24. naukore tida waba kware warao naruai. 25. tata naruai kware nabakanai. 26. nabakakore tida wabai. 27. anibora buari aisia robe nai aro kabatani. 28. robe wabai. 29. atida wabakore amoara abanai tobe wabai. 30. ahia atobe. 31. kokotuka.


1. In the land upstream there are many Indians. 2. Many Indians dawned there. 3. When it dawned day came. 4. When it was day one man spoke to his wife. He commanded her and her younger sister. 5. When he commanded they went. 6. When they went they came to his garden. 7. When they came to the garden they remembered. 8. They dug out grubs with the older sister. 9. The two, opposite each other, dug out grubs. 10. When they were getting them a jaguar grabbed the older sister and a child. 11. When he grabbed them older sister said, "Little sister, hit the jaguar". 12. The little sister did not hear. 13. Woman died because of the jaguar. SL... lit:. out. 16. When she ran the jaguar came after her. 17. When she

164 ran she got in the dugout and went. 18. The jaguar was left in the jungle. 19. The young girl got home. 20. When she came she said, "The woman died". 21. Her husband took his machete. 22. When he took it he sharpened it on a stone. 23. When it was sharp many Indians stood up and went in ten dugouts. 24. When they went the Indians got to where the woman died. 25. There they went and arriv- ed. 26. When he came the woman died. 27. The husband killed the jaguar with his machete and cut its throat. 28. The jaguar died 29. The jaguar died and so paid for killing the wife. 30. That was the jaguar upstream. 31. (That's) all.



1. ama warate nebu eraha ahia ahobahi nebu eraha naruai hanoko nobo ata. 2. mo nahorikitani. 3. narukore nebu sebe hanoko nobo yarunai. 4. yarokore nebu mo era nahoroai. 5. nahorokore anakwa rika nahoko hisaka eku ubaya nebu eraha. 6. orikwarikaya ha koyannai. 7. koyakore nebu ubai. 8. ubakore tobe nauai. 9. robe naukore tai nebu hakutai araimuhu nakabatai tobe. 10. nakabatakore nebu kubai. 11. hisaka hoaikaya arotu. 12. tai wabanatanai. 13. nebu hisaka dibunai ihi masehiboya. 14. hekunu nautai. 15. nautakore nebu kokotuka wabai. 16. hisaka wabanatanai. 17. hanoko kawahera autu nakai. 18. hanoko aukwasiata kobokunai. 19. kobokukore noika yaruai. 20. yarukore tai nebu waba robe konaruai. 21. konarukore imaya tai nebu ahanai. 22. nebu hisaka araya naruai tobe. 23. naukore hokonai. 24. hokokore nebu hisaka hakanai. 25. naba yata wahibaka yata hakanai. 26. hakakore ayamo robe hakanai naba yata wahibaka yata. 27. hakakore waiku naruai nebu hisaka. 28. hanoko yarunai. 29. yarukore warao eraha kanamunai. 30. kanamukore wahibaka mohoreku tai naruai. 31. naruai inabe yaruai. 32. yaukore tata nabakanai. 33. warao erarone kware nabakanai. 34. kware nabakakore tobe wabanatanai. 35. nebu amoara abanatanai. 36. robe wabanatanai. 37. warao erarone robe noai. 38. kokotuka.


1. Now (I) will tell. There were many young men in the land upstream. Many young men went to an old house. 2. (They went) to eat moriche grubs. 3. When they went the number of young men came to the old house. 4. When they arrived the young men ate many grubs. 5. When they ate in the afternoon the many young men slept after one eating. 6_ They hung their hammocks next to each other. 7. When they hung them the young men slept. 8. When they slept a jaguar came. 9. When the jaguar came he broke up the


Back bone of one young man, that jaguar (did). 10. When he broke it he killed the young men. 11. One was hanging below. 12. He didn't die. 13. That one young man said, "You are urinating on me". 14. He got a fire together. 15. When he lighted it all the young men were dead. 16. One did not die. 17. He went into the middle of the long house. 18. He raised up to the top of the house. 19. When he raised up he came below (the jaguar did). 20. When he came the jaguar carried away a dead man. 21. When he carried him at night he smelled that young man. 22. The jaguar went over that young man. 23. When he went it dawned. 24. When it dawned that young man went running. 25. He came to the river to his dugout. 26. When he ran the jaguar ran after him to the river, to the dugout. 27. When he ran he went in the boat, that young man. 28. He came to the house. 29. When he came many Indians got up. 30. When they got up about ten dugouts went. 31. They went and came inland to the place. 32. When they came, they arrived. 33. Even though there were many Indians they came. 34. When they came there they did not kill the jaguar. 35. He did not pay the price for the young men. 36. The jaguar did not die- 37. Even though there were many Indians the jaguar got away. 38. (That's) all.



1.tatutuma naruai ohi saba. 2. ohi ata nabakakore asihaka nisai. 3. amaseke nahoroya. 4. tatutuma hisaka seke tidy tairaha ha. 5. tai dibuya warao sanuka kwai yaburuai. 6. taiseke anare namutaya. 7. tai soronai ote kwaimo dibunai. 8. tatutuma yatu saba tobe naruya yatu kubakitani. 9. naruya yatu awere witu ha. 10. amaseke tatutuma dibuya ihi koneho obohonamo. 11. tai diburatu sanuka dibunai ine yatu saba waraya. 12. takore yatu maribu nokonaha. 1.3. ine obohonamo waraya monuka. 14. diana tobe yatu kware nabakaya. 15. amaseke tobe diboto sorakotu. 16. nabakakore tobe hakutai diana tida hisaka oanai. 17. oakore tatutuma obo hakutai honi nakaia ohi aibi eku. 18., 19. tobe hakutai waba wabai hakutai aisiko naruwai. 20. aisiko narukore hatai tobe tanihese boinai. 21. atai daisy nahobuyaha. 22. tobe naruai atai. 23. tanihese boinai. 24. waba awarao tatutuma hakutai. 25. amaseke tida hisaka tairaha ha. 26. tobe hakutai tai tida tairaha hakutai oanai. 27. oakore dibunai mawarautuma makware inahakakotu diana Me waraya manaya tobe. 28. tai tobe aroko oanai. 29. oakore tida hisaka hakutai dibunai dibuhida buari aisiko inahakakotu. 30. diana Me waya. 31. ama mawaraotuma sina tane yatu inahakanaha makware. 32. diana oko ekoroya. 33. amaseke tidy hisaka bahinai. 34. bahikore tai obonobuai. 35. amaseke warao sanuka kwai hakutai aroko aisia soitia. 36. tatukamu warao sanuka hoika nakai. 37. nakakore naruai sisi ekuya hakanai setane kwarika hakanai. 38. hakakore kwarika hakaya. 39. amaseke sanuka dutanai nokoai ayamuiabuyaha inahera. 40. atai hakanai setane sisi ekuya kwarika hakaya. 41. naruyakorehese masi miai. 42. mikore kwarika hakanai. 43. hakanai naruai naruai naruai. 44. diana hanoko yaronai. 45. yarokore aidamo saba waranai. 46. warakore diana danituma muanai tobe aisia. 47. Me anare akwahata Me ha. 48. danituma ohi nahoroyakore tobe nauya. 49. ine miai kwaimu ine miai tobe nauyaha nauyaha- 50. ine waranai. 51. warakore obohonamu saba waraoya tane abaya. 52. nomewitu ine waranai. 53. tane dibuyaha kayukawitu. 54. tobe tida hisaka oanai. 55. oakore tida tairaha hakutai dibuhida nakakitani obonoai. 56. tai tida hisaka ai


siko tobe orikubai. 57. kubakore dibunai mawaraotuma diana ine wabaya makware inahakakotu. 5 8. buari aisiko tobe nakitani. 5 9. ama tatutuma awaraotuma hakutai inahakanatanai. 60. tai wabai. 61. tida wahabara oanai hakutai. 62. tobe ebe wabai tida hisaka. 63. neburatu sanuka hakutai hakanai sisi ekuya. 64. amaseke era hakaya setane kwarika hakaya sisi ekuya. 65. hakayakore sanuka dutanai. 66. ayamu iabuyaha nokoyaha. 67. inahera amaseke kwarika hatanai. 68. kwarika setane hakaya sisi ekuya. 69. tiakorehese atai kanamane nokoai ayamo iabuyaha nokoyaha inahera hakanai kwarika sisi ekuya. 70. hakauyakore atai dutanai sanuka ayamo iabuyaha nokoyaha. 71. nokokore diana amaseke iabuya ayamu nauya. 72. nakokore hakanai kwarika nakaya, diana awere. 73. awere nakayakore hanoko rakate awere hakanai hanoko nabakanai. 74. hanoko yaro yakore borohoro ahitu sakanai nakai ahina ekotanai. 75. amaseke nebu manamo kanamonai kobokanai. 76. kobokakore eku abanai. 77. abakore wisimutumu nauai. 78. naukore tai kware nabakanai neburatu yarona hakutai. 79. oane mikitani. 80. tai wisiratutuma warao ahina ekotane hakutai oane miai. 81. mikore mate ahaina ha. 82. amaseke isimoinai yarai. 83. yarakore aubonono dokonai. 84. dokokore aidamo awere duhunai denokokitani ihi katukani tanai hatoro. 85. denokokore diana dibunai ine wabai wabairone ine yaronai. 86. yarokore neburatu dibunai nobo diana maribunoko ine warate. 87. oko naruai ohi Baba. 88. ohi Baba naukore ohi ata nabakanai. 89. nabakakore diana ohi nahoroya. 90. nahoroyakore ine anare yaburuai. 91. yaburukore kwaimu miai tobe tatuma saba naruyaha. 92. atai ine dibunai diana yatu awere witu ha. 93. amaseke tida hisaka dibunai obononamu kakobe eretanaka tanu. 94. ihi kwai yaburitane era kakobe eretai- 95. tane dibukore diana tobe tida hisaka oanai. 96. oakore awaraotuma honi nakai ohi aibi eku. 97. tanitanai mai- damotuma. 98. ama aidamu kobenahoro kapitana bisikari waranai. 99. warakore wisimotuma saba waranai. 100. warakore wisiratu hisaka naruai. 101. narukore ahamara kawahera nunai. 102. nunakore diana hebu ahanoko era dokohotihibuya. 103. dokohotihibukore amaseke tatutuma waba hakutai arotu hebu aisia yehebuai. 104. yehebukore nabakanai. 105. nabakakore tatutuma arotu nabakanai. 106. nabakakore dibunai oko wabanaha tobe asia wabai wabai tiarone oko wabanaha. 107. amaseke wisiratu ehobonai hebu ahanoko yatamu. 108. hebu ahanoko yatamu ehobakore waranai diana tatutuma amehokohi dihaka nakaya. 109. nakakore dibunai hebu mataru aisia kayeheboi. 110. naukore dibunai amaseke oko hebutane oko nakaya. 111. amaseke oko yatu mia. 112. mikore karotu oko hakutai hebu ahanoko eku oko ha. 113. yatu kanokoya oko rakate yatu nokoaa. 114. oko

169 wabai hebutane nakai. 115. kahio hebu ahio kamuhu hebu amuhu. 116. ama yatu kanokoya oko rakate yatu nokoya. 117. tamatika yatu kayuka oko hate. 118. oleo yatu sabasaba kamuhu wihatakore yatu nisanai hate. 119. diana tamaha idamotuma are tamaha kahokonamutuma are. 120. muhu hoitai hio hoitai. 121. hoitakore arakabosa abanai warao hisaka waba awere duhunai. 122. duhukore warao waba hakutai arai arotu dihaka nakai. 123. nakakore arakabosa arotu hakutai hatanai. 124. hatakore wabai. 125. tai arakabosa obakore waba awere aruhatu. 126. tai yakatu wabai kokotuka.


l. The women went to get moriche fruit. 2. When they got to the moriche they took the top. 3. Now they eat. 4. One of the women was a very strong woman. 5. She talks. One Indian child climbed up. 6. He is standing on a manaca palm. 7. He looked out and from up there said, 8. "Women, a jaguar is coming toward you to kill you. 9. He is coming right near you". 10. Now the women say, "You are a liar just for spite". 11. The young speaker said, "I'm telling you. 12. Now you do not hear my word. 13. It is as if I am spiting you. 14. Now the jaguar is near you. 15. Look and see the jaguar". 16. When he came near, the jaguar caught one woman. 17. When he caught her the other women jumped into the water rear (? ) the moriche place. 18., 19. That jaguar went off with the dead woman he had killed. 20. When he had gone off the jaguar appeared again. 21. He was looking for another. 22. He went off again. 23. Again he appeared. 24. The dead one's companions were women. 25. Now one woman was very strong. 26. That jaguar caught that strong woman. 27. When he caught her she said, "My companions, come running to me. I am dying. This jaguar is killing me". 28. She grabbed the jaguar's mouth. 29. When she grabbed it one woman said, "Quickly, come running with a machete. 30. I'm holding him now. 31. Now, my companions, who is coining running to (help) me? 32. We are giving out now". 33. Now one woman came back. 34. When she came back she thought. 35. Now the little one who is up (the tree) is going along through the leaves. 36. From there he comes down. 37. When he gets down he ran along the trail and hurrying ran faster. 38. When he ran, he ran faster. 39. Now he stopped a little and listened. Along behind it was quiet. 40. Again he ran hurriedly along the trail and ran further. 41. When he was going he saw a deer. 42. When he saw it he ran further. 43. He ran and

170 went and went and went. 44. Now he came to the house. 45. When he came he told the old folks about it. 46. He told how his mothers were killed by a jaguar. 47. "1 was in the top of a manaca. 48. Mothers were eating moriche when a jaguar came. 49. 1 was up high and saw the jaguar coming and coming. 50. 1 called. 51. When I called the Indians thought it was for spite. 52. `It's true', called 1. 53. But I was telling just as it was. 54. The jaguar grabbed one woman. 55. When he grabbed her the big woman wanted to fall on him right away. 56. The jaguar fought with her. 57. When they fought she said, `My companions, I'm dying; come running to me. 58. (Come) with machetes to kill the jaguar'. 59. Now the women her companions did not go running. 60. She died. 61. That first woman died. 62. That one woman died because of the jaguar". he was running he stopped a little. 66. He listened along behind. 67. When it was quiet he ran further. 68. Going hurriedly he runs along the trail. 69. Again having stood he listened and when it was quiet he ran further along the trail. 70. When he ran he stopped again and could hear a little bit behind him. 71. When he listened now it was coming behind him. 72. When it came he ran further. Now it was near. 73. When it was near him he ran near the house too; he came to the house. 74. When he arrived at the house he stepped on the edge of the floor and fell; his breath was all gone. 75. Now two young men stood up and lifted him up. 76. They put him in (a hammock). 77. When they put him in the shamans came. 78. When they came they came to him, to that young man who arrived. 79. They felt of him to see. 80. Those shamans felt of the one who was out breath to see. 81. When they saw, he still had breath. 82. Now they blew and took something out. 83. When they took it out he vomited. 84. When he vomited the old men sat near and asked, "What happened to you?" 85. When they asked then he said, "I was dying, but anyway I got here". 86. When he came the young man said, "Grandfather, now I will tell my story. 87. We went for moriche fruit. 88. When we went for moriche fruit we got to the moriche place. 89. When we got there we ate moriche. 90. While they were eating I climbed a manaca. 91. When I climbed T saw a jaguar coming toward them. 92. 1 saw again, `Now a jaguar is very near you'. 93. Now one woman said, `Don't be frightening us just for spite. 94. You are always climbing up and frightening us'. 95. When she said that the jaguar grabbed a woman. 96. When he grabbed her, her companions jumped into the water at the moriche place. 97. So it happened, old ones". 98. When he told it the "go


vernor" called to an official_. 9i. When he called him he called the shamans. 100. When he called them a shaman came. 101. When he came he made a long cigar. 102. When he made it now he clamored aloud in the spirit house. 103. When he clamored now he called the owner of the dead women by the spirits. 104. When he called he came. 105. When he came the owner of the woman came. 106. When he came he said, "We are not dead. They are dead by the jaguar. They are dead but we are not dead". 107. Now the shaman went out of the spirit house. 108. When he went out of the spirit house he called out, "The souls of the women are now coming". 109. When they fell they said, "He called us with the spirit gourd-rattle". 110. When they came they said, "Now we are turning into spirits. 111. Now we see you. 112. When we see you we have our owner in the spirit house. 113. You all hear us and we hear you. 114. When we died we became spirits. 115. Our hair is spirit hair and our bones spirit bones. 116. Now you all hear us and we hear you. 117. Here we are just like you. 118. If we dry our bones at your place you must take them. 119. Now thesemen are our roots". 120. They buried the bones and the hair .121. When they buried them one Indian took his shotgun and sat down near the dead.122. When he sat down the owner of the dead came.123. When he came the Indian with the shotgun shot him.124. When he shot he died. 125. When that one seated near the dead fired, it exploded. 126. In the explosion they all died.




1. koneho hakitani inarao kokotuka emusubune hakitani. 2. koneho wahabara seke hisamika ahanoko ha dauna eku. 3. tai tuatane tiakore hese amaseke koneho obonobuai yorisia dibunai ine katukane takore yakerakuna. 4. mateho sanukida. 5. taneseko koneho aubonona abanai. 6. diana amaseke koneho naruai kanonatu ata naruai koneho hakutai. 7. naruai tai kanonatu saba dibunai Me nauai hikware hisiko dibukitani. 8. ine mateho sanukida tiakware sanuka manatokonu. 9. takore diboto dibunai kanonatu yakera ihi nauai. 10. nauai maukware maubonone nauai tiarone ine hinatokonaha. 11. tanekware dibunai kanonatu koneho aisia ine obonoya tobe amoho araisa niarabaka ai. 12. tane manamo masaba konau. 13. ihi masaba konakore vakera. 14. tai koneho hakutai tai kanonatu aribu nokoya. 15. amaseke koneho dibunai yakera. 16. taiakware ine nohobute. 17. ama tamatika koneho bahinai. 18. bahinai koneho obonobuai katukane takore Me yakerakuna. 19. tiakware amaseke diana koneho kanamunai. 20. taisia naruai. 21. naukore sisi ehobonai sisi ekuya naruai. 22. naruai naba ehobonai dorotakore koneho hakutai soronai naba ekuya. 23. sorokore diana miai niarabaka ha honi naba eku. 24. mikore amaseke koneho dibunai niarabaka tamate nau ine hiyehebuya. 25. takore niarabaka nauai koneho awere nakai. 26. nakakore amaseke koneho dibunai niarabaka ine hisaba warakitia tai aidamotuma aribu. 27. tiakware diana aidamotuma hiyehebuya ihi naute yama of ihi naunata takore. 28. tanekware ama hiyehebuai. 29. takore amaseke niarabaka hakutai koneho diboto. 30. tiakware ine naunaha. 31. ine hake naute. 32. takore amaseke atai koneho dibunai of ihi naunaha ta kore niarabaka. 33. takore niarabaka dibunai nomewitu ine naute. 34. diana tamatika koneho bahinai ahanoko nabakanai imananau takore dia na koneho ubai. 35. lioko diana amaseke koneho obonobuai tanekware yakera diana atai ine narute. 36. naruai tai sisi yakera hakutai ehobo nai ama tai sisi autu diana koneho dose kabatanai. 37. kabatakore diana tai koneho hakutai dihisane kanamunai dau awere dose aisiko niaraba ebisaba. 38. diana koneho soroya. 39. soroya niarabaka diboto. 40. wakayaha tiakore diana niarabaka nauya. 41. niarabaka nauai diana

175 koneho awere. 42. amaseke koneho yakeraha witu kanamunai dose aisiko. 43. tai niarabaka hakutai diana bohinai. 44. bohikore koneho hakutai dose aisia diana ahinai koneho hakutai niarabaka ahinai dose aisia arai. 45. ahikore niarabaka wabaturuai. 46. waba awere naruai honi nakai niarabaka hakutai. 47. amaseke koneho dibunai ama katukane takore yakerakuna. 48. tai koneho dibunai ya araisa eku atai koneho dibunai yakera ama atai naruai nabate. 49. nabate narukore naba ehobonai. 50. naba ehobokore sorokore diana atai niarabaka ha. 51. amaseke atai koneho dibunai niarabaka katukane ihi narunatunai. 52. takore niarabaka dibunai tiarone ine naruai Me narukore sisi manakawanuka dau maisia nakai. 53. maisia nakakore ine wabaturuai dau maisia nakakore ine atai bohinai. 54. taiseke dibunai niarabaka koneho diboto ama tane dibakore koneho dibunai tiakware naru of ihi naunaka takore. 55. tiakware hake naru. 56. amaseke atai koneho dibunai tai ihi wabaturuwahakutai kasabuka isia dau nakai. 57. takore ama niarabaka dibunai mawaba aisia nakahakore ine wabakuna. 58. amaseke koneho dibunai niarabaka aisia kasabukaha isia hiwaba taneseke dibunai koneho niarabaka aisia. 59. takore niarabaka dibunai tamaha mam6 aisia dose nakahakore me wabakuna. 60. takore amaseke koneho dibunai aubonona aisia amaseke yakera tai niarabaka hakutai awaba waranai koneho saba. 61. amaseke diana koneho naminaya hokwane ya araisa eku diana atai koneho kanamunai naruai niarabaka ebisaba dau awere dihisane kanamunai dose aisiko. 62. takore soroya koneho hakutai niarabaka diboto. 63. sorokore diana niarabaka nauya. 64. amaseke koneho aubonona abaya ama ine wabanaha. 65. diana ine musabera niarabaka awaba. 66. takore diana niarabaka nauai. 67. naukore koneho awere nakai. 68. nakakore tatuka kanamuya dihisane dose aisiko. 69. awere witu nakakore tai koneho hakutai diana ahinai. 70. diana ahinai niarabaka. 71. ahikore diana wabai niarabaka hakutai. 72. wabakore koneho kanamunai niarabaka oanai. 73. oakore yakerawitu abane niarabaka al nisanai koneho hakutai. 74. amaseke araisama aisia aubonona abaya tai koneho hakutai katukane takore me yakerakuna mate hisaka ekida tai koneho obonobuya aubonona aisia. 75. taakore amaseke koneho taisia kuhuya diana ero eraha miai. 76. mikore amaseke tai ero era hakutai tatuka diana ero oanai amoho aisia. 77. oakore diana enehutuai. 78. tai enehutu hakore diana amaseke tobe hakutai tai koneho kware nabakanai. 79. amaseke kware nabakakore tai robe di'ounai koneho aisia koneho katukane ihi tai ero inahututuya. 80. takore amaseke koneho dibunai katukaneyana ihi naminanaha hara. 81. takore robe dibuai ine naminanaha. 82.

176 amaseke koneho dibunai ine hisaba warate tiakware diana ahakaida nauya. 83. tai naukore ine ahaka ayamo narukitani obononaha taisia aubonona tamaha ero hakutai masaba mateho yehimarakitani. 84. tai robe obonobuya koneho aribu nokoitane. 85. takore amaseke tobe dibunai nomera koneho. 86. takore koneho dibunai nome ine hisaba waraya. 87. takore amaseke robe dibunai tiakware yakera. 88. robe dibunai aisia ine wahabara mayehimarau. 89. takore amaseke koneho dibunai yakera ihi ateho erida tiakware nome yakera. 90. ama koneho dibunai ine wahukatu yori yehimarate. 91. tiakware koneho hakutai diana robe yehimarai tai koneho hakutai yehimarai yiwaranai. 92. yiwarakore ayiwarana. 93. yiwarakore koneho dibunai robe omi naru- komo dokohotoai. 94. ekida robe obohonamo dibunai koneho robe aisia. 95. koneho hakanai. 96. hakakore tatamo atai bahinai koneho hakutai. 97. amaseke botoro nisanai tobe amoho nisakitani. 98. ko- neho naruai tobe yata. 99. naukore nabakanai robe yatuka mikore diana tobe unaya. 100. amaseke koneho diana tobe amoho nisai. i61. nisakore yiwaranai. 102. yiwarakore tobe tatuka iyabanai. 103. koneho naruai diana narukitani tai kanonatu ata. 104. diana koneho naruai niarabaka ai robe amoho tane aisiko manamo naruai kanonatu ata. 105. tata nabakanai tai koneho hakutai amaseke kanonatu aisia dibunai tiakware diana ine nauai akonaru manamo hakutai tai kanonatu moai. 106. moakore amaseke koneho dibunai diana manatokonu. 107. amaseke kanonatu dibunai ine hinatokonaha tiakware hikohokowitu hinatokote dibunai kanonatu koneho aisia. 108. tiakware tai kanonatu koneho akohoko oanai natokonai. 109. akohoko amatana natokonai. 110. amaseke tai kanonatu dibunai koneho aisia ine hiteho natokonaha. 111. hikohokowitu natokonai tai yakera diana. 112. tai kanonatu koneho aisia aubonona abanai ine hiteho natokakore hiwarao monida witu isanate. 113. tiakware koneho akohoko natokonai tai kanonatu hakutai. 114. tamaha kanonatu aribu eku koneho hakutai naukitani awarao era emusubuni. 115. emusubune hakitani koneho narukitani. 116. tuatane hakitani amaha denobo idamotuma are.


1.Rabbit is always deceiving the jungle people. 2. At first Rabbit lived all alone in his house in the jungle. 3. When it was so Rabbit thought to himself and said, "Now why should it be so? 4. I am small. 5. That's why a rabbit has brains". 6. So Rabbit went to God, that

177 rabbit did. 7. When he went to God he said to him, "I have come to you to talk to you. 8. Since I am so small stretch me out a little". 9. Then God replied, "You did well to come. 10. I am pleased that you came, but I will not stretch you out". 11. So God spoke to Rabbit, " want a jaguar's paw and a crocodile's tooth. 12. Bring me those two things. 13. If you bring me them, well". 14. That rabbit hears God's word. 15. So Rabbit says, "Fine. 16. So I will look for them". 17. So now that rabbit went back. 18. When he went back Rabbit thought, "How would it be good (to proceed) ?" 19. So now Rabbit got up. 20. He went along that way. 21. When he went he came to a trail and went along it. 22. He came to a river; when it came in sight that rabbit looked along the river. 23. When he looked he saw a crocodile down in the water of the river. 24. When he saw him now Rabbit said, "Crocodile, come over here, I'm calling you". 25. So Crocodile came near to where Rabbit was. 26. When he came near now Rabbit said, "Crocodile, I am going to tell you the word of the old ones. 27. Now when the old ones call you look out you don't go. 28. Now they called you". 29. So now that crocodile answered Rabbit. 30. "Now I won't go. 31. I'll go tomorrow". 32. Again Rabbit said, "Watch out, Crocodile, that you don't go". 33. So Crocodile said, "True, I'll go". 34. Now here Rabbit went back and came to his house. When it was dark Rabbit slept. 35. When it was day now Rabbit thought, "Well now, I will go again". 36. He went and came to a good trail and in the midst of that trail cut a stick. 37. When he cut it that Rabbit hid near a tree ahead of that crocodile. 38. Now Rabbit looks out. 39. He looks out toward the crocodile. 40. While he is waiting the crocodile comes. 41. The crocodile came near the rabbit. 42. Now the rabbit stood carefully with the stick. 43. The crocodile appeared. 44. When he appeared that rabbit hit him with the stick. Rabbit hit the crocodile on the back with the stick. 45. When he hit him the crocodile was on the point of death. 46. Nearly dead the crocodile went and fell into the water. 47. Now Rabbit said, "Now what shall I do?" 48. That's what Rabbit said. Next day Rabbit said, "Fine, again I will go and hit him. 49. I will hit him". When he went he came to the river. 50. When he came to the river he looked and now there was Crocodile again. 51. Now Rabbit said again, "Crocodile, how is it you didn't go?" 52. So Crocodile said, "But I went. As I went along the trail a tree fell on me. 5 3. When it fell I was at the point of death; so when it fell on me I turned back". 54. That's what Crocodile told Rabbit. When he spoke Rabbit said, "So go, but be careful you don't fail to go. 5 5. So go tomorrow". 56. Now Rabbit said further, "That which left you almost

178 dead, where was it the tree fell?" 57. So Crocodile said, "If it hit my vulnerable place I could die". 58. So Rabbit said to Crocodile, "Where would it be to kill you?" so Rabbit said to Crocodile. 59. So Crocodile said, "If a pole fell on my hand here I would die". 60. Now Rabbit said to himself, "Now Crocodile just told Rabbit of his death". 61. Now Rabbit knowing, the next day he got up and went ahead of Crocodile and stood with his stick near the tree. 62. So Rabbit looks out toward Cro codile. 63. When he looks out Crocodile is coming. 64. Now Rabbit decides, "I will not die. 65. Now I am wise to the way to kill Croco dile". 66. Now Crocodile came. 67. When he came Rabbit came near. 68. When he came there he stands hidden with his stick. 69. When he came up close that rabbit hit him. 70. Now he hit Crocodile. 71. When he hit him Crocodile died. 72. When he died Rabbit stood up and took hold of Crocodile. 73. When he took hold he put him just so and pulled out a tooth. 74. Now he puts his mind on the other (job) and says, "How shall I do? There is still one more (job) ". So thinks Rabbit. 75. So Rabbit goes along there and sees many lianas. 76. When he saw all those lianas he took some of them. 77. When he took them he wove vines together. 78. When it was joined now that jaguar came near to Rabbit. 79. Now when he came near that jaguar said to Rabbit, "Rabbit, why are you joining vines?" 80. So Rabbit said. "That's not worth questioning. Don't you know?" 81. So jaguar answered, "I don't know". 82. Now Rabbit said, "I will tell you. A cyclone is coming. 83. When it comes I don't want to go with the wind. For that reason I am tying the vines around me". 84. So jaguar thinks when he hears Rabbit's words. 85. Now jaguar said, "Is that so, Rabbit?" 86. So Rabbit said, "I'm telling you the truth". 87. So jaguar said, "Well, all right". 88. Jaguar said to him, "Tie me up first". 89. Now Rabbit said, "Fine, since your body is big that's good". 90. Now Rabbit said, "I will tie myself up last". 91. So Rabbit tied up jaguar. So Rabbit finished tying. 92. When he finished he was through. 93. When he finished Rabbit said, "Jaguar, you can still move", (?) he shouted. 94. "That's not so", (?) said jaguar to Rabbit. 95. So Rabbit ran away. 96. When he ran away he came back from there. 97. Now he took a piece of glass to take off jaguar's paw. 98. He went up to jaguar. 99. When he came to jaguar he saw he was crying. 100. Now Rabbit cut off jaguar's paw. 101. When he cut it he finished. 102. When he finished he left jaguar. 103. Rabbit went running to God. 104. Now Rabbit went with the crocodile's tooth and the jaguar's paw. He went with both to God. 105. When Rabbit got there he said to God, "Now I came".


He gave the two presents to God. 166. When he gave them now Rabbit said, "Now stretch me out". 107. God said, "I will not stretch you but I will stretch just your ears", said God to Rabbit. 108. So God took Rabbit's ear and pulled. 109. He pulled the other ear. 110. Now God said to Rabbit, "I will not stretch your body. 111. I stretched your ears and that's enough". 112. God worked his will on Rabbit, "If I stretched your body you would cause your companions much suffering". 113. So God stretched Rabbit's ears. 114. Just like God said Rabbit deceived his companions a lot. 115. Rabbit went off to deceive them. 116. That's the story of the old one of how it came to be.



1. amaseke tamaha de hakutai koneho hese de naruya robe aisiko. 2. koneho hakutai robe isanai. 3. amaseke koneho dauna ekuya nakai taisia hisamika kuhuya. 4. robe hakutai koneho aisia aubonona ekida. 5. aubonona ekidatane kauhu yabaya homakaba era kubaya. 6. tiakore koneho diana dihisane mia. 7. tobe naminanaha. 8. amaseke koneho wire aubonona aisia obonobuai katukane takore ine kauhu nisa- kuna. 9. diana tobe aharako aisiko naruya. 10. naruyakore tai koneho hakutai ebisaba nakai. 11. nakakore tai koneho hobahi arai yahinai waba monuka. 12. tai tobe naruya. 13. naruyakore tai koneho kware nabakanai. 14. nabakakore koneho miai waba witu. 15.koneho waba mikore amaseke robe dibunai as koneho wabai. 26. kwareya naruai. 17. narukore atai koneho kanamunai. 18. naruai koneho robe ebisaba waba witu nakai hobahi arai. 19.tobe the naruyakore koneho waba kware nabakanai. 20. nabakakore atai robe dibunai amaseke koneho era wabaya. 21. ama robe dibunai hinisanaha ihi asida. 22. tai robe kwarika naruya. 23. atai koneho kanamunai. 24. koneho naruai tobe ebisaba waba nakai. 25. robe miai wabau ihi asida. 26. amaseke tatuka robe obonobuai koneho yakera nahorokitani yakera. 27. ama tobe aharako kauhu hakutai koneho awere abanai. 28. abakore tobe dibunai tai koneho era wabahakutai tai nahorokitani yakera. 29. tobe bahinai koneho waba Baba. 30. bahikore waba ek6. 31. takore koneho hakutai kauhu homakaba nisanai diana aisiko nakanai. 32. tai koneho hakutai kauhu nahoroai. 33. tobe nahoronaha tanai. 34. amaseke tai robe dibunai as koneho nome asida maharako nisanai. 35. koneho era maisanaya. 36. tamatikamo ine koneho mikore ine nome nate.


1.Now this is a story about Rabbit himself and about Jaguar. 2. Rabbit mocked Jaguar. 3. Now Rabbit was in the jungle. He was going along there alone. 4. Jaguar wasn't thinking about Rabbit. 5. While he was distracted he was fishing for kauhu and killing many

181 fish. 6. So Rabbit sees him, hidden. 7. Jaguar doesn't know. 8. Now Rabbit thought about it, "How can I get hold of those kauhu?" 9. Now Jaguar goes with his prey. 10. When he goes Rabbit goes ahead of him. 11. Having gone Rabbit lay down in the trail as if he were dead. 12. Jaguar goes along. 13. As he goes he comes to Rabbit. 14. When he came he saw Rabbit "dead". 15. When he saw Rabbit dead then Jaguar said, "Ah, Rabbit died". 16. He goes around him. 17. When he went Rabbit got up again. 18. He went ahead of Jaguar and lay down "dead" on the ground. 19. While Jaguar was going he came to the "dead" Rabbit. 20. When he came Jaguar said again, "Now there are many dead rabbits". 21. Now Jaguar said, "I'm not going to pick you up. You are bad". 22. Jaguar goes around him 23. Again Rabbit got up. 24. Rabbit went ahead of Jaguar and fell down "dead". 25. Jaguar said it. "Die! You are bad".26. Now Jaguar thought at that point, "Rabbit would be good to eat". 27. Now Jaguar put down his prey, those kauhu fish, next to Rabbit. 28. When he put it Jaguar said, "All those dead rabbits would be good to eat". 29. Jaguar went back for those dead rabbits. 30. When he got there they were gone. 31. So Rabbit took the kauhu fish and got away. 32. Rabbit ate the kauhu. 33. Jaguar had nothing to eat. 34. Now that Jaguar said, "Ah, Rabbit is truly bad. He took my prey. 35. Rabbit mocks me a lot. 36. From here on, if I see Rabbit, I will surely kill him".



1. atai tatuk?rno koneho aisia hese tai tuatane naruyaha koneho anaru. 2. amaseke koneho taisia hisamika kuhuya dauna ekuya. 3. tiakore hese warao ahanoko. 4. hanoko era kware nabakanai. 5. na bakore warao hisaka burata era ha 6. koneho burata ekida. 7. amaseke koneho dibunai tai warao hisaka burata era kutai dibunai yakera ine nauai tiakware ine hakutai daukaba eri,la l,

183 oanai. 45. so oakore koneho dibunai tai obohonamo tai so. 46. koneho hakanai. 47. amaseke warao dibunai nome koneho asida. 48. koneho maisanaya era kotubuya. 49. tiakware tamaha diana kokotuka koneho anaru denobo. 50. idamotuma are. 51. diana tamaha kokotuka.


1. Again after that there is more about Rabbit. He was going on his way. 2. Now Rabbit all alone is going through the jungle. 3. Now there was an Indian house. 4. He came to many houses. 5. When he came there was one Indian with lots of money. 6. Rabbit had no money. 7. Now Rabbit said to that Indian with money, "Greetings, I came. Now I have a large garden with lots of corn. 8. So I came to borrow some money from you. 9. Give me ten (bolivares?)". 10. Now that l:idian said, ' `v'atdi out you are deceiving me". 11. Rabbit said, " 'on't (say) I'll give it to you". 12. Now that Inc (gave him) ten. 13. Now when he gave hii on. 14. When he went Rabbit spoke and pt), owner of the money was waiting. The set tinx conllM, close. 16.The Indian says, "That Rabbit is truly bad". goes to Rabbit. 18. He went and said, "When( ;s the corn?" 19. Now Rabbit said, "Wait awhile". 20. "If there is-, no corn I am . kill you". 21. Now Rabbit said, "But wait. give it to you". 22. So the Indian said, "If you should not want to give it to me, I'll kill you". 23. But Rabbit said, "Don't kill me. 24. I'll take it to you". 25. So the Indian, owner of the money, hurries away. He goes back. 26. He went back to his house. He bought a hat. 29. When he bought it he defecated into it. 30. When he defecated he went with his excrement to those many Indians. 31. Now when he got to an Indian's house that Indian sees him. 32. When he sees him he asks him. 33. Rabbit says, "That's money". 34. He goes on. 35. Another asks, "Who is carrying something". 36. So Rabbit said, "I am carrying money". 37. So one said, "Let's see". 38. Then Rabbit said, "You can't see". 39. So now Rabbit said, "It's impossible to see this. 40. Whoever looks into this hat must do it slowly, looking with his hand". 41. Now one Indian said, "I will look". 42. Rabbit said, "Putting it

184 in slowly, look". 43. The Indian put his hand into the hat. 44. When he put it in he took hold of Rabbit's excrement. 45. When he took hold of the excrement Rabbit said, "That excrement is for spite". 46. Rabbit ran away. 47. Now the Indian said, "Truly Rabbit is bad. 48. Rabbit mocks me and makes fun of me a lot". 49. Now this is all the story of how Rabbit went. 50. It's a story of the old ones. 51. Now this (is) all.



l. diana atai araisa tai hisaka aisia hese koneho akuhu aisia awarao- tuma asidaha nunubuaha. 2. era kotubuai koneho. 3. amaseke koneho hakutai taisia dauna ekuya naruai robe rakate naminanaha. 4. taisia kuhuya dauna ekuya. 5. tiakore hese tai koneho hakutai aubonona taira. 6. tai koneho hakutai daukwaha kware nabakanai. 7. tai koneho nahoroya daukwaha. 8. nahoroyakore hese robe nabakanai koneho daukwaha nahoroya. 9. amaseke tobe dibunai koneho tai nahoroya kutai sina tai. 10. koneho dibunai tamaha ine nahoroya tai daukwaha dihapera. 11. amaseke tobe dibunai miki sanuka mamo. 12. takore koneho hakutai tai daukwaha tobe moai. 13. moakore dibunai robe nome dihapera. 14. katukane tamaha daukwaha tamaha haria. 15. koneho dibunai tamaha harikitani kaono ibaharaya. 16. ibaharakore daukwaha nisaitane kaono eku abaya. 17. eku abaya hoyo aisia kwaresabamo haria. 18. takore amaseke robe daukwaha hisaka nisanai. 19. nisaitane aono eku abanai hoyo arai abaitane hoyo aisia harinai. 20. harikore tobe wabawitu nakai hobahi arai. 21. amaseke koneho dibunai robe obohonamo emo hakanai. 22. robe tatuka wabaya monuka nakai. 23. amaseke tobe dibunai tai koneho nome era kotubuya. 24. ama mikore ine nome nate.


1. Now this is another one with that other one about the ways of Rabbit. He was bad to the people. 2. He made fun a lot. 3. Now Rabbit went along that way. Jaguar didn't know about it. 4. He goes along that way in the jungle. 5. So Rabbit's thoughts are tough. 6. So Rabbit came to the fruit tree. 7. Rabbit eats the fruit. 8. Right while he is eating Jaguar comes. Rabbit was eating fruit. 9. Now Jaguar said, "Rabbit, what's that you're eating?". 10. Rabbit said, "This I'm eating is a delicious fruit". 11. Jaguar said, "Let's see. Give me a little". 12. So Rabbit gave Jaguar some fruit. 13. When he gave it to him Jaguar said, "True, it is delicious. 14. How does one

186 squash this fruit?" 15. Rabbit said, "This fruit is pulled like our testicles. 16. When it is pulled the fruit is put in the testicle. 17. It is put in and pounded all around with a stone". 18. So Jaguar gathered the fruit. 19. When he had gathered it he put it in his testicle, put it on a stone and pounded it with another stone. 20. When he pounded it Jaguar fell down almost dead. 21. Now Rabbit said, "Jaguar, that was for spite". He ran away. 22. Jaguar fell down almost dead. 23. Now Jaguar said, "That Rabbit really mocks a lot. 24. Now when I see him, I will kill him".



l. amaseke robe diana orisaba asida monuka nakai koneho tane manamo.2. robe dibunai koneho seke nome asida ama ine koneho mi kore ine nate. 3. tai koneho taisia ha. 4. tiakorehese robe rakate kuhuya amaseke diana koneho taisia ha. 5. tiakore diana tai koneho naba awere duhunai hobahi arai. 6. amaseke tai koneho hakutai honi nakaya. 7. honi nakaitane hobahi arai nakaya. 8. nakaitane tai koneho hakutai honi mia. 9. diana amaseke tobe dibunai koneho sina tai. ihi mia. 11. koneho dibunai tamaha ine miakutai tai ore mi horem hu tai ine nisakitani obonoya. 12. tai nisakore dauru cridaha nakakitani. 13. tiakware ine nisakitani obonoya. 14. amaseke koneho di bunai tobe aisia ihi obononahara tai horemuhu hakuti nisihirani. 15. ama robe dibunai yakera katukane nisakuna ihi hiteho. 16. amaseke koneho dibunai tobe aisia miki ihi dibuhida nisanu dibunai koho tamaha dibuhida nisakitani uridaha aisi dibunai koneho. camaseke hoyo nisanai. 18. nisaitanei.19. koyakore ama robe aka koyanai naikoneho hakutai wahabara honi nak nakai.22. nakakore ama koneho ho , ti hoyo hakutai. 23. toakore tai hoyo h mo robe horemuhu diana tai koneho hra obohonamo tai dibunai koneho. 25. iu nakai tai era nohibaya uriyawitu tai t&e nabutJnai 26. nabutuekore diana tai koneho ekida nokabukanai. 27. amaseke tobe dibuggana koneho mite ine nome nate. 28. amaseke de naruyaha.


1. Now Rabbit was bad as far as Jaguar was concerned, more than once. 2. Jaguar said, "That Rabbit verily is a bad one. Now if I see Rabbit I will kill him". 3. That Rabbit is around there. 4. So the Jaguar also goes. Now Rabbit is around there. 5. Now Rabbit sat



1. ama tai hisakarone koneho naruyaha awarao isanakomo naruai koneho nakitani obonokore nakomoni. 2. ama koneho taisia dauna ekuya tuatane kuhuya. 3. tiakore amaseke koneho hakutai diana uhu iridaha nunai uhu utorotorou iridah-a nunai. 4. nunayakore hese diana miai robe. 5. tobe hakutai koneho mikore amaseke koneho dibunai tobe aisia robe ihi nokonahara. 6. #kore robe dib okonaha. 7. ama katukane ha. 8. koneho de -itu taisia kuhu ine hese detaya. 9. tiakwar. tai manamo tane ine eku takitani. 11.kolcotuka diaya. 12. tai aubonona ine uhu nt ainaseke robe dibunai wahabara ine masaba no (Iibunai yakera wahabara Me hisaba nunate. u masaba nunate.16. amaseke koneho diann. tai u eku duhunai. 18. duhukore yakera.19. . amaseke u akoho koheyai. 21. robe kware sabamo.22. di~,rna tobc yakera diana area ero aisia a akoho koyariai koyatane diana kwai koyanai tobe aisiko. 23. tamatika diana hakanai tobe omi. 24. koneho dibunai ekida obohonamo. 25. ama tobe hakutai tatuka bahinai u eku.26. bahikore tobe obonobuai tai nome koneho maisanaya. 27. tai koneho nome asida. 28. tiakore hese amaseke tai tobe hakutai noho erawitu nahoro minaha. 29. amaseke diana naku nunai. 30. naukore dibunai tobe naku masanetau. 31. takore naku dibunai ine hisanetakomoni. 32. ihi manahorote. 33. takore amaseke robe dibunai ine hinahoronaha dibuhida hahenu. 34. naku dibunai yakera diana uhu hahinai naku hakutai. 35. hahilcore tatukawitu naku oanai. 36. oakore naku dibunai mananaka tanu. 37. tiakware kwai matoanu. 38. takore ine tatamo hidoko eku nakate. 39. tai naku hakutai robe emo nakai. 40. nakakore tatuka robe bahinai tamaha tuatane naruyaha koneho aisia. 41. de naruyaha koneho aisia. 42. robe dibunai tai koneho nome asida witu. 43. era maisanaya. 44. ama ine mikore koneho nate. 45. tiarone koneho nakomoni.



1.Even though he was just one, that Rabbit went around mocking his companions. They wanted to kill him, but they couldn't. 2. Now Rabbit was going along there through the jungle. 3. So Rabbit made a big basket. He made a big torotoro basket. 4. When he had made it Jaguar saw it. 5. When Rabbit saw Jaguar now Rabbit said to Jaguar, "Jaguar, don't you hear anything" 6. So Jaguar said, "I don't hear anything. 7. What is there?" 8. Rabbit said to Jaguar, "Un fearingly go along there. I myself am afraid. 9. That's why I'm making this basket. 10. lam making it double. 11. A big flood is coming. All the land will be covered. 12. That's why I'm making bast for my self". 13. Now Jaguar said, "Mon- for me first". 14. 'L'ow Rabbit said, "Fine, I'll make one for first. 15. So I'll make for my self last". 16. Now Rabbit sai pit down in it". 17. He down in it. 18. When he sat down i, a d it he pressed it. 20. Now he sewer ' around Jaguar. 22. Now Jaguar's fine li a vine. Having tied it he tied it up now he ran off without Jaguar. 24. Rab t for spite. 25. Now Jaguar stayed there in stayed he thought, "Truly that Rabbit male Rabbit is truly bad". 28. now that Jagua didn't find any food. 29. Now a monkey ca Jaguar said to him, "Monkey, help me". 31 So Monkey said, "I can't help you. 32. You will eat me". 33. So now Jaguar said, "I won't eat you. Untie it quickly". 34. Monkey said, "All right". So that monkey untied the basket. 35. When he untied it right there he grabbed the monkey. 36. When he grabbed him Monkey said, "Don't kill me. 37. Throw me up. 38. Then I'll fall down in your mouth". 39. That monkey got away from the Jaguar. 40. When he got away then Jaguar was left going after Rabbit. 41. He goes along after Rabbit. 42. Jaguar said, "That Rabbit is truly bad. 43. He is always making fun of me. 44. Now when I see him I will kill Rabbit". 45. But he can't kill Rabbit.



1. amaseke koneho aisia de naruyaha. 2. taisia koneho naruai dauna ekuya hisamika. 3. tai koneho hakutai kuhuya hisamika. 4. kuhuyakore hese daukaba aisia ehobonai tai buratana era daukaba eku. 5. tai koneho hakutai buratana kabataya. 6. tai yaha kokotuka aisia tuatane. 7.koneho buratana era nahoroya. 8. amass-c° araukaba arotu dibunai tai sina maraukaba manamuna buratana nahoroya.-*tai waraodibuya kutai tai koneho nahoroya. 10. takore tai warao h77utai miki tani obonoya. 11. takore minaha. 12. taakore hese tai warao hakutai obonobuai ama ine nunate warao monuka koneho oakitani. 13. amaseke tai diana nunai warao monuka nunai nunaitane aba cku abanai koneho saba. 14. abakore tai , nabakanai tai daununa yatuka. 15. amaseke koneho , nabakanai tai warao sita yatuka. 16. nabakanai koneho oriasiai.17.tai dibunai koneho tai warao sita koneho. 18. dibakore koneho ori: 19. koneho warao sita nabanai. 20. nabakore warao sita oanai. 21. atai nabanai. 22. nabakore oanai. oanai. 23. koneho akaisia aka oanai. 24. koneho dekokomoni. 25. diana koneho anohiba ekida. 26. tai daukaba arotu nauai warao sita hakutai tatuka nabakanai tatuka miai koneho. 27. mikore diana koneho nisanai tai daukaba arotu hakutai. 28. amaseke tai warao dibunai tamaha koneho bitaisana koneho asidaha. 29. koneho aisiko naruai hanokoata. 30. hanoko eku borohoro arai abanai. 31. tai warao hakutai ho ihitai. 32. koneho ahihi nisakitani. 33. amaseke diana tai koneho waba hakutai tatuka hakore omi naruai ho ihitaha saba. 34. tatamo bahinai bahikore eko. 35. diana atai koneho hakanai. 36. tamaha koneho naruya. 37. tai warao hakutai koneho nome asida. 38. atai ine mikore koneho nate.


1. Now there is a story going around about Rabbit. 2. Rabbit was going along there alone through the jungle. 3. That Rabbit goes alone.

192 4. When he was going he came to a garden. It was a garden of many plantain plants. 5. That Rabbit cuts plantains. 6. He does it all day. 7. Rabbit eats many plantains. 8. Now the owner of the garden said,"Who is eating my harvest of plantains?" 9. That Indian says, "Rabbit is eating it". 10. Now the Indian wants to see him. 11. He doesn't see him. 12. So that Indian thought, "Now I will make something like an Indian to catch Rabbit". 13. Now he made it. He made it like an Indian. Having made it he put it in the garden for Rabbit. 14. When he put it one day Rabbit came to that garden. 15. Now Rabbit came to that scarecrow. 16. When he came Rabbit was angry. 17. Rabbit said to that scarecrow, "These plantains aren't yours. They're mine", said Rabbit. 18. When he said it Rabbit began to fight with the scare crow. 19. Rabbit hit the scarecrow. 20. When he hit him the scare crow held him. 21. He slapped him again. 22. When he slapped him (the scarecrow) held him. 23. He kicked with his legs. He held his legs. 24. Rabbit couldn't get loose. 25. Rabbit had no more strength. 26. The owner of the garden came. He came to the scarecrow. He saw Rabbit. 27. When he saw him the owner o€ the garden caught Rabbit. 28. Now the Indian said, "This Rabbit is a thief. He is a terrible Rabbit". 29. He went home with the Rabbit. 30. He put him down on the floor in the house. 31. The Indian heated water. 32. He was going to skin Rabbit. 33. Now with that "dead" Rabbit right there he went to get the hot water. 34. When he came back -nothing! 35. Rabbit had gotten away again. 36. This Rabbit goes away. 37. That Indian (said), "Truly Rabbit is bad. 38. If I see him again I will kill him".



1. tobe dibunai waku sia ama ihi mawarotu. 2. on awarototane nakaki. 3. tobe dibunai yakera ama ihi mawarotu dibunai mawarotu. 4. ama ine hiteho tane nonate.5. ama ine hiteho habatate. 6. yakera mawarotu habatau. 7. waku kanamunai tobe habatai. 8. waku amuhu isia tobe habatai. 9. tobe ahaba hakitani. 10. tobe ahaba hakutai taiseke waku ahaba. 11. diboto kanamunai tobe amuhu aisia waku habatai. 12. tobe dibunai mawarotu ine habataya waku ahaba taiseke tobe ahabata. 13. waku ahaba hakutai robe ahabata awarotu ahabata. 14. tobe dibunai waku sia mawarotu ihi muhu nahoroya. 15. waku dibunai mawarotu ine muhu nahoroya nome witu nome. 16. toatiakore robe dibunai mawarotu oriwere oko kimite aso mikitani. 17. amaseke oriwere duhunai oriwere. 18. tobe dibunai oriwere duhutani oko kimite. 19. waku dibunai yakera mawarotu ash mikitani. 20. waku kimiai ahabara. 21. kimikore waku dibunai mate mawarotu of kaso kware mate barinaka.22. amaseke waku ash nakai. 23. nakakore waku ash wire ash nisanai. 24. robe ahotomo noika abanai. 25. amaseke waku hese tobe ash nisanai. 26. nisakore waku wire ahotomo noika abanai tobe aso. 27. abakore waku dibunai diana mawarotu on kayuka kaso kware bariki. 28, amaseke tobe ash kware barinai. 29. barikore tobe ahotomu noika bebewitu waku ahotomu hoika muhu witu. 30. waku dibunai mi mawarotu ine muhu nahoroya. 31. tobe dibunai ine muhu nahoroyarone. 32. akwa kokotuka.


1. Jaguar said to Turtle, "Let's be buddies. 2. "Let's be buddies". 3. Jaguar said, "Fine, you are my buddy". He said, "My buddy. 4. Now I'm going to draw you. 5. I'm going to draw a body like yours". 6. "Fine, my buddy, draw it". 7. Turtle got up. Jaguar drew. 8. Jaguar drew like Turtle's hand. 9. It was Jaguar's drawing. 10. Jaguar's drawing was a drawing of Turtle. 11. Changing about, Turtle drew like Jaguar's hand. 12. Jaguar said, "My buddy, I drew a picture of


Turtle. That is Jaguar's drawing. 13. Turtle's drawing and Jaguar's drawing are drawings of buddies". 14. Jaguar said to Turtle, "You eat bones". 15. Turtle said, "My buddy, truly I eat bones". 16. So Jaguar said, "My buddy, let's defecate side by side and compare". 17. Now they sat side by side. 18. Jaguar said, "Sitting by each other we will defecate". 19. Turtle said, "Wait, my buddy, we will see". 20. Turtle finished first. 21. When he finished he said, "Wait, my buddy, don't turn around yet". 22. Now Turtle's excrement was there. 23. When it fell Turtle took it. 24. He took it and put it under Jaguar. 25. Now Turtle took Jaguar's excrement. 26. He took it and put it under himself. 27. When he put it Turtle said, "Now, my buddy, let's turn toward it". 28. Now Jaguar turned toward it. 29. When he turned, under Jaguar was just grass, under Turtle were bones. 30. Turtle said, "See, my buddy, I eat bones". 31. Jaguar said, "Even though I eat bones (here is this)". 32. That's the end. That's all.




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