Offshore Renewables in Europe Technology, Markets and Perspectives International Jack-up Barge Owners Association GA, Hamburg, Feb 2012

Photo: Ana Brito e Melo

Louis Quesnel, Jochen Bard Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy &Energy Systems Technology IWES,Germany

© Fraunhofer IWES The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft undertakes applied research of direct utility to private and public enterprise and of wide benefit to society.

Our Customers:  Industry  Service sector  Public administration

© Fraunhofer IWES The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in Germany

Itzehoe Rostock Lübeck 60 Institutes at 40 locations Bremerhaven


Hannover Berlin Potsdam Teltow Braunschweig Magdeburg Cottbus Oberhausen Halle Dortmund Kassel Schkopau Leipzig Duisburg Schmallenberg Dresden St. Augustin Jena Institutes Aachen Euskirchen Chemnitz Branches of Institutes, Wachtberg Ilmenau Darmstadt Research Institutions, Würzburg Working Groups, Branch Erlangen St. Ingbert Labs and Application Kaiserslautern Fürth Nürnberg SaarbrückenKarlsruhe Centers Pfinztal Ettlingen Stuttgart Freising 2010 Freiburg München Staff 18.130 Holzen Holzkirchen R&D-budget 1.653 Million € Efringen- Kirchen

© Fraunhofer IWES Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology Bremerhaven and Kassel Advancing Wind Energy and Energy System Technology

Research spectrum:  Wind energy from material development to grid optimization  Energy system technology for all renewables Foundation: 2009 Annual budget: approx. 30 million Euros Personal: approx. 300 (full-time: 220) Directors: Prof. Dr. Andreas Reuter, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schmid Formerly:  Fraunhofer-Center für Windenergie und Meerestechnik CWMT in Bremerhaven  Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik ISET in Kassel

© Fraunhofer IWES Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology Business fields I

 Wind energy technology and operating management

 Elasticity and dynamics of turbines and components

 Competence center rotor blade

 Development of rotors, drive trains and foundations

© Fraunhofer IWES Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology Business fields II

 Environmental analysis for wind and ocean energy

 Control and integration of decentralized converters

 Energy management and grid operation

 Energy supply structures and systems analysis

© Fraunhofer IWES Offshore technology related R&D topics and services

 Technical reliability  new sensor systems, structural health monitoring, condition monitoring  offshore degradation testing  Strategies for material protection  Device simulation and evaluation  Monitoring production cost  Representation of substructures (ADCoS –offshore for WTs)  Adjusting the level of detail in the progress  Drive train (in planning)  Full scale grid connected nacelle testing  Offshore site assessment  Characterisation of environmental conditions  Development of innovative measurement methods  Energy economy and grid operation

© Fraunhofer IWES Offshore wind and related R&D projects  RAVE: Coordination and Research  OGOwin: structural monitoring and modelling of a support structure  AERTOS Breaking the ice: Ice loads on offshore wind turbines, with VTT (Finland) Operation and Maintenance Offshore, with VTT (Finland), TNO (NL), Sintef  FOG: Optimization of construction process for offshore wind support structure, with WeserWind (Germany)  OC4: comparison of aero-hydro coupled simulation software  ESTIR: technology implementation bottlenecks and perspectives  PoWWow: wind-wave correlations and prediction  DENA I+II: National studies on offshore wind exploitation and grid integration (explicit scenarios)  Extools: European study on experience curves in RE  HiPRWind: Floating MW wind turbine, controls, rotors, CMS+SHM  Floating wind Demo projects (under negotiation)

© Fraunhofer IWES Overview of ocean energy activities @ IWES

 Technology Development SEAFLOW (2003), SEAGEN (2008),… Kobold I (2007), Kobold II (2010),… Pulse Tidal 1.2 MW Demonstration project (FP7 2009-2012) CORES – Components for Ocean Renewable Energy Systems (FP7 ’08-’10) SDWED – Structural Design of Wave Energy Devices (Dan. Res. Council) Marina Platform – research on multipurpose platforms (FP7 2010-2014) TROPOS: R&D on modular multiuse deep water offshore platforms New concepts for measuring currents, waves (WCI) and turbulence  Market and Resource Studies Wave Energy Feasibility Study for the German EEZ () Study on offshore hybrid Renewables concepts (Industrial client)  Coordinating Research & Networking Ocean Energy Network(, FP6) ORECCA: Ocean Renewable Energy Conversion Platforms - Coordination Action MARINET: research infrastructure project for offshore wind and OE  International organisations IEA, IEC TC114 (German Mirror committee at DKE/VDE)

© Fraunhofer IWES Ranges of global technical potentials of RE sources

source IPCC- SRREN

© Fraunhofer IWES Range in LCOE for selected RE technologies

source IPCC- SRREN

© Fraunhofer IWES European Wave energy map

Source: Oceanor

© Fraunhofer IWES Variety of wave energy technologies

Source: HMRC

© Fraunhofer IWES Categories of wave energy technologies

Source: Antonio Falcao, IST

© Fraunhofer IWES Oscillating water column (OWC)

500 kW Demo system Limpet since 2001

Voith Hydro

Npower renewables

Mutriku Project at the Basque coast: 16*18,5 kW © Fraunhofer IWES Siadar Project on Isle of Lewis: 40*100 kW Ocean Power Technologies (OPT) point absorber

“Electrical power generated by the PB150 has included peaks of over 400 kilowatts. Average electrical power of 45 kilowatts was generated at wave heights as low as 2 meters (…)“ Santonia Project using a PB40 (Iberdrola, Total, Sodercan, IDAE)

PB150 PB150 150 kW buoy Off Invergordon, Ocean trials in progress EU-Demo project WAVEPORT started April 2010, duration 48 month, 600kW point absorber for installation in Spain Coordinator: PERA, UK, Eligible cost : 7.9 M€, EC Support : 4.6 M€ Source: OPT

© Fraunhofer IWES Floating oscillating body: Pelamis

Pelamis II 750 kW, at 55 kW/m 120 m long, Ø 3,5m 2,7 GWh, or 3600 h

Aegir – joint venture of Vattenfall and : • a commercial wave farm off the SW coast of , St. Nianians Island • up to 14 Pelamis machines with a combined rated power of 10MW • to be built in stages: 1st machines to be commissioned in 2014 • construction work potentially beginning in 2013 • agreement for lease from The Crown Estate in May 2011 Source: Pelamis wave power, Aegir Wave Power

© Fraunhofer IWES Examples of study results for tidal and ocean currents

 China: 50 TWh  South Korea: 100 GW („expected“)  Ireland: 230 TWh/a (theor.) 10 TWh/a (tech.)  UK: 31 TWh  France: 10 TWh  Norway: 3 TWh Europe >54 TWh  USA: 115 TWh  Canada: >140 TWh

source: BMT ARGOSS

© Fraunhofer IWES Variety of tidal energy technologies

© Fraunhofer IWES Ducted rotors

Clean Current Race rock Lunar project Energy

Alstom Beluga 9 1 MW turbine

Open hydro

© Fraunhofer IWES Horizontal axis turbines

Hammerfest Norway

Voith Hydro Turbine

Sabella Turbine

Verdant Power, USA

© Fraunhofer IWES Marine Current Turbine: SEAGEN device

1.2 MW twin rotor

Source: MCT, Siemens

© Fraunhofer IWES Ocean Energy projects “in the pipeline” in EU

Pentland Firth, CE Round 1

EU 27 NREAP targets for 2020: 1880 MW, 6 TWh UK: 1300 MW, Pt: 250 MW, F:140 MW, ES: 100 MW, IRE: 75 MW, It: 3 MW

© Fraunhofer IWES Private investment into ocean energy

Who is involved:  1st generation investments: Utilities such as RWE, EON ,EDF, Vattenfall, Iberdrola, SSB, ESBI…  2nd generation investments: technology manufcaturing industries  Voith Hydro acquired Wavegen  Rolls-Royce acquired Tidal Generation Ltd.  Alstom has obtained a global technology licence agreement with Clean Current technology; deployment of a 1MW test project in Canada in 2012.  Siemens acquired a 10% stake in Marine Current Turbines.  ABB invested £8 million in for 15% of the company  ANDRITZ hydro acquired a 33% stake in Hammerfest Strøm AS, Norway  DCNS, the French naval architecture company, invested €14 million in OpenHydro  Renewable UK members survey: Pelamis Wave Power, Marine Current Turbines, Aquamarine Power, Atlantis Resource Corporation, Luna Energy, Voith Hydro Wavegen, Voith Hydro OCT, Pulse Tidal, AWS Ocean

…a total of £230 million of private investment has been made, with every £1 of public funding attracting £5.4 of private investment.

Source: Renewable UK, Wave and Tidal Energy in the UK - State of the industry report, 3/2011

© Fraunhofer IWES Synergies, Hybrids and Combined Platforms Wind/Wave/Tidal…. . Spatial synergies: Sharing the area (Co-location) . Installation and infrastructure commonalities . grid connection . Installation equipment (vessels, jackups, …) . port infrastructure . O&M synergies . Process engineering synergies: hydrogen, desalination, other non-electrical applications . Offshore Renewable Hybrids . Multipurpose Platform Concepts, “Energy Islands“

© Fraunhofer IWES What ORECCA delivers . Resource information (maps + WEBGIS) for the 3 target areas (Wind, Wave, Tidal sites) as well as combined resources . Vessel and port database . Project pipeline for offshore wind, wave and tidal . 12 major reports (total ≈1000 pages): . Information on funding policies and incentives, as well as investment opportunities . Technology state of the art of platform technologies (Oil & Gas, Wind, OE) for realised and planned installations . Grid integration challenges and offshore grid initiatives . Design tools and standards . Offshore supply chain and infrastructure (ports, vessels etc.) . Synergies, hybrids and multipurpose platforms . Pan European Pan technology OREC platform road map

© Fraunhofer IWES ORECCA WEBGIS: to be released towards the end of Feb

© Fraunhofer IWES Offshore supply chain and infrastructure

Graph: BVG Associates Pre-Installation Installation Operation Surveys Foundation Turbine O&M visits Geot&Env. Grid Substation Port A Ports B+C Port A Service Vessels Installation Vessels & Equipment, Service Vessels Offshore Grid

© Fraunhofer IWES Ports: capacity building, local supply chain clusters…

Source: Uk Offshore port study, DECC 2009

© Fraunhofer IWES Installation: vessels & barges – synergies vs specialisation

Herbosch-Kiere heavy lift crane vessel “Rambiz” self propelled twin hulled, 3000 t crane capacity

Fugro Seacore jackup barge “Deep Diver” 100 t crane capacity, drilling equipment, monopiles up to 3 m

© Fraunhofer IWES Offshore supply chain: 84 specialised vessels, jack-ups…data sheets

© Fraunhofer IWES Grid Integration Aspects: Subjects/items investigated

. Generator concept . Power electronics . Grid requirements with respect to controllability . Requirements with respect to system dynamics . Connection between (floating/moving) energy conversion device to the fixed ocean bottom . Transmission to shore (HV-DC/HV-AC) . Connection to the electrical main grid

© Fraunhofer IWES European offshore wind market development: EWEA scenario and “project pipeline” Cumulated numbers of offshore wind turbines and installed capacities from 2000 to 2020

17,000 85,000 16,000 number of wind turbines 80,000 EWEA data capacity 15,000 75,000 announced capacity 14,000 70,000 13,000 65,000 12,000 60,000 11,000 55,000 10,000 50,000 9,000 45,000 8,000 40,000 7,000 35,000 6,000 30,000

total number of wind turbines 5,000 25,000 4,000 20,000 total electrical capacity [MW] 3,000 15,000 2,000 10,000 1,000 5,000 0 0

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Source: DENA, EWEA, 4C Offshore year

© Fraunhofer IWES Development phases of the EU offshore wind market in terms of water depth (m) and distance to shore (km) up to 2025 Water depth / distance to shore of European offshore wind farms up to 2026 140 1991 - 2007 120 German EEZ 2008 - 2014 100 2015 - 2026 (GER) 2015 - 2026 (UK) 80 2nd market 2015 - 2026 (others) 60 phase UK round3 40 announced floating projects averagedistance shoreto [km] 20

0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 1st market average depth [m] phase

© Fraunhofer IWES WWW.ORECCA.EU ORECCAFoundation offshore types ofproject functional database offshore wind turbines in certain depths 800 other/unknown 700 end of 2011: floating 600 • 1,371 turbines installed &grid connected bucket • 3,813 MW in tripile 500 • 53 wind farms, 10 European countries tripod 400 jacket gravity base 300 monopile number of turbines 200


0 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-75 75-100 >100 depth [m] in 2011: 246 turbines were erected during 2011, 2.6 MW/d 81 of these turbines are awaiting grid connection.

© Fraunhofer IWES Cumulated capacity of offshore wind farms in selected European countries project pipeline data from 2011 to 2020 Cumulated capacity of offshore wind farms in selected European countries

United Kingdom 100000 Germany

France 80000 Italy


60000 Finland

Netherlands capacity [MW] 40000 Spain


20000 Denmark Belgium

0 others 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 year

© Fraunhofer IWES Areas suitable for offshore wind installations in European seas

200 - 700 m 50 - 200 m 3030 -- 5050 mm 00 -- 3030 mm

Map shows operational (green) offshoreand planned wind (yellow) farms offshore wind farms

© Fraunhofer IWES Offshore wind resources in Europe

Share of offshore wind energy potential of selected countries 100% 90% 80% < 50 m: ~ 3000 TWh 70% > 50 m: ~ 8000 TWh1 60% 50% 40% >50 m water depth 30% 0-50 m water depth 20% 10% 0% IE ES NO PT UK FR IT SE FI DK NL DE BE EU electricity production: 2010 2020 2030 3250 TWh 3800 TWh 4250 TWh 1max 700 m water depth, max. 200 km offshore, 20% of the area

© Fraunhofer IWES Main floating wind turbine concepts under investigation in Europe and US

Spar Tension Leg Platform Semi-Submersible

Source:, Drifwind Study , ECN et al. 2002

© Fraunhofer IWES Cost challenge in deep water Cost for 5 MW offshore wind turbine foundations/platforms in specific water depths bottom mounted foundations floating concepts 9 8 7 6 Monopile 5 Jacket 4 Spar cost[million€] 3 Tension leg 2 Semi sub 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 water depth [m] water depth [m]

Manufacturing cost models for 5 MW turbine foundations (various sources)

© Fraunhofer IWES Floating concepts: project examples

© Fraunhofer IWES …and many more… HiPRwind: Work plan

Main research topics: • Floater and mooring systems • Controls, power and grid • Condition and structural health monitoring • Advanced rotor concepts

10 MW

1.5 MW -> Increased scale -> Improved reliability -> Improved cost efficiency

© Fraunhofer IWES HiPRwind: Project timeline

© Fraunhofer IWES Scaling and optimsiation of the design for 10 MW

© Fraunhofer IWES Floating Wind Projects &Timeline in Europe

pre 1990 2000 2010 2020

Prof. ELOMAR Drijf- Heronemus wind FLOAT EOLIA


HiPRWind Hywind

Windfloat EU Demo projects NER 300 increasing scale, investment and installed power 25 MW farm

© Fraunhofer IWES Thank you for your attention

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© Fraunhofer IWES