Ocean Energy Development Programme

Annual Report 2011 Contents Contact Persons

04 This is Ocean Energy Business Development and Management Introduction and Site Development 06 The Aegir Project 08 Partnership with executive summary the Local Community Veijo Huusko Jörgen Josefsson Göran Franzén +46 70 242 80 70 +46 70 620 33 22 +46 72 245 99 83 09 Tonn and AMETS veijo.huusko jorgen.josefsson goran.franzen @.com @vattenfall.com @vattenfall.com I am pleased to present the first annual report for Vattenfall’s Ocean Energy Development Programme (OEDP). This annual Technology Development Technology Development report describes last year’s achievements of the OEDP and 10 Pelamis 10 Technology Readiness Level additionally provides a comprehensive overview of Vattenfall’s 10 Monitoring Wave Developers positioning in the field of ocean energy. 11 Standpoint Project 2011 11 Seabased Wave Energy – Project Maren Gunilla Andrée Björn Bolund Oskar D Fängström +46 76 141 35 85 +46 72 234 24 38 +46 703 86 34 70 Since 2006, Vattenfall AB R&D Projects has been investigating gunilla.andree bjorn.bolund oskar.danielsson-fangstrom the potential for ocean energy to offer a major new renewable @vattenfall.com @vattenfall.com @poyry.com energy source, and in 2009 Vattenfall established a formal Business Development ocean energy programme. Our early work focused on reviewing 12 Country by Country Overview conversion technologies to determine when and where they could be viable. 14 Industrial Partnerships In early 2011 we completed our investigations and finalized 15 Environmental Responsibility a comprehensive business review of the ocean opportunity. Our proposed business plan was approved by the EGM in April Per Holmberg Eoghan Maguire 2011. The bottom line of the business plan is to focus our efforts +46 70 378 35 73 +44 78 25 32 94 22 on a demonstration of one of the existing leading technologies per.holmberg eoghan.maguire and also to concentrate on a leading market for ocean energy. @vattenfall.com @vattenfall.com In this report we present the status of the ocean energy oppor- tunity. You will learn why and how we have decided to focus on as the leading market for early projects. The report Site Development also introduces Pelamis – the ocean energy technology that we Veijo Huusko. Photo: Elisabeth Redlig are pursuing. You can read about our first 10MW project in Shetland, using this technology, and why we are ex- In 2012 we will continue to intensively pursue these themes. For cited by the relationship with the local community organisations the coming year, I hope we can have enough confidence in our on Shetland. technical evaluations and industrial partnerships to order our As you read this report, I hope you will see three common first 1MW machine for deployment in Orkney, Scotland in 2014. themes that we have deliberately adopted in our strategy for This would provide us with the competence and confidence to consider ordering machines for our 10MW farm in 2016, which Kristin Andersen Erik Sparrevik Colin Stewart Harvey Appelbe ocean R&D: +46 70 618 38 97 +46 70 384 47 94 +44 79 72 13 14 34 +35 38 68 22 69 92 in turn might allow us to consider more than 40MW by 2018, kristin.andersen erik.sparrevik colin.stewart harvey.appelbe when we expect several technologies to be ready and proven. @vattenfall.com @vattenfall.com @vattenfall.com @tonnenergy.ie l Value: We are working on ocean energy before it is commer- cial because we are creating measurable value for Vattenfall To summarize, I am very pleased with our first year of results in terms of competence and a credible position that can be and also excited about the potential of the ocean energy devel- realised when the commercial market opens. Working now opment programme in the near future; not least because of the Communications is more valuable than waiting and trying to buy in later. strong team of smart people we have working on it. Once you have read this report, I encourage you to contact them directly to learn more about their work. I know you will find it compelling. l Partners: We are minimising the risks and costs of accu- mulating this value by working through partnerships, where others contribute competence and cash to the work that Veijo Huusko needs to be done in a way that fits with value creation for Director, Low Emitting Generation Vattenfall. Vattenfall AB Maria Parent +46 76 807 65 50 l Companies: We accumulate the value of our investment in maria.parent @vattenfall.com ocean R&D by doing the work through purpose-built com- panies in the local market, where the value of the company © Vattenfall Photo: Pelamis Ltd. increases as our work succeeds.

Ocean Energy Annual Report 2011 3 This is Ocean Energy

Ocean energy is a huge untapped renewable energy resource that represents a major growth opportunity for the coastal regions of Northern Europe. According to EU targets, this massive natural renewable energy resource off Northern Europe’s western coasts could be harvested by about 188GW installed capacity by 2050.

The wave energy industry could soon how a region like Scotland is currently continue to reduce at a pace faster than become the next wind industry, with a leading this race largely due to its clearly offshore wind. Furthermore, there are similar level of economic activity and articulated political commitment. Conse- substantial benefits of having both wave decarbonisation potential, but it will not quently, Vattenfall’s investments in ocean and wind on the grid, since wave energy happen automatically. As with any new energy will happen first in Scotland, close continues to arrive from the large oceans energy source, it will take a concerted to the leading technologies, strong wave long after winds have calmed after the effort to convert this opportunity for resources and adequate feed-in supports. storm and is so much more predictable. Europe. In time there is hope that Ireland, with While the benefits of ocean energy are its massive natural ocean resources, compelling, they are far from inevitable. Among the pioneers of wave power will follow suite, although policy building A concerted effort will be required to Those communities and organisations blocks remain to be put in place. Recent overcome the remaining hurdles. that move early will have the best chance announcements from the Isles project of benefitting from the opportunities are suggesting a subsea grid will further Upcoming challenges linked to ocean energy. Consequently, unlock the marine renewables there. This By working at this early stage Vattenfall Vattenfall initiated some ocean energy will be critical to realising the export di- can carve out a valuable position by de- projects in 2006, in order to remain mension of Scotland and Ireland’s marine veloping its competence and credibility in among the leaders of sustainable energy potential, which is much larger than the time to exploit the emerging opportunity. production. The team completed an initial domestic market can accept. The British The company is motivated to work in review phase in 2010 and has concluded Isles alone should contribute some 5GW ocean energy to show the opportunity to a thorough evaluation of the ocean energy of clean ocean energy to Europe by 2035. the existing large industrial players and opportunity. They were convinced that communities so that they will pick up the the first ‘pilot’ wave farms of 10MW from Constraints that ocean energy faces 2015 should be in Shetland to the North Although the technology has been devel- of Scotland. If all goes as expected, oped since the 1970s and a few full scale Vattenfall plans to ramp up to farms of devices are in the water producing power, 50MW and then commercial scale farms the products remains in an embryonic high

of >100MW after 2020. But this is still a state. The current lack of capital has medium

long way to go. slowed this development. Industry as- low sociations estimate that capital required very low Adding value to Vattenfall’s production by these small companies collectively is portfolio just EUR 157 million. Still, private capital Ocean energy could make a significant is not available to them and the recent contribution to decarbonising Vattenfall’s funding announcements from the EC of power generation portfolio, because a EUR 22 million, the UK Government of large quantity of energy can be harnessed EUR 24 million and the Scottish Govern- from the ocean movement with negligible ment of EUR 43 million are welcome, but

CO2 emissions. Offshore wave is consid- public funds are not sufficient. Wave resource distribution in Europe ered a relatively environmental benign en- Graphic: Vattenfall, Source: Aquaret ergy source, with limited negative impact A promising outlook on the local environment. For some spe- Like any new energy source it will take baton, bringing to bear their significant cies the impact could even be positive. time to refine the emerging wave conver- capabilities and financial capacity to However, important knowledge gaps still sion technology to survive and operate commercialise the opportunity. However, exist and Vattenfall is closely involved in viably in the violent oceans. It could take there remains a lot of difficult R&D work the ongoing research within the field. as long as 20 years before wave electri- to be done in the challenging open ocean city is at the same level as offshore wind environment, before this type of energy Suitable regions for ocean energy today. This is still compelling because could be regarded as a viable new energy Pelamis, a Scottish technology, illustrates the cost of wave energy could potentially source. ■ The launch of one machine segment at Pelamis docs in Leith, Scotland. Photo: Ltd This is Ocean Energy 5 The Aegir Shetland Project

Aegir Wave Power Limited fully showing that wave energy is a viable running Pelamis machines will, from time to is a joint venture company source of electricity at this scale will allow time, need to be towed back to sheltered for further, larger projects to be developed waters for maintenance work. between Vattenfall (owning and built in the future. In parallel, the Aegir Each machine is held on site with a 66 %) and the Edinburgh project will provide an excellent platform mooring system, consisting mainly of based manufacturers of to gather valuable skills, experience and anchors set into the seabed and chains knowledge that can be used to maximise lying along the seabed to rope tethers Pelamis wave energy the benefits of future projects. Working which connect to the nose section of the machines, Pelamis Wave closely with the leading technology com- machine via the yoke structure. Every pany, who happen to be Scottish, is an wave converter will have its own moo- Power Ltd (owning 34 %). excellent way of introducing Vattenfall into ring system but will be linked electrically The focus of the Aegir the ocean energy ecosystem, and to build to neighbouring machines by flexible competence. umbilical cables. These will hang in the company is to develop, middle of the water column with sufficient construct and operate one Functioning of the wave farm slack to allow each machine to move of the first small wave farms. At 10MW, the wave farm will consist of independently without putting tension 10 to 14 Pelamis wave energy converters through the electrical cables. Power from moored offshore in waters deeper than all machines will be gathered via the Good reasons for Aegir 50 metres off the coast of Shetland. Elec- network of flexible umbilicals and join one Since wave energy is still at an early stage tricity generated by the machines will be static cable on the seabed landing on of development with a lot of uncertainty exported back to the island via a subsea Shetland and then via a 600MW high- and risks, the is focused cable on the seabed, where it will be fed voltage direct current (HVDC) intercon- on the task of demonstrating wave power in to the local electricity grid via a small nector to the mainland. at the modest scale of 10MW. Success- substation. Once the wave farm is up and Finding the optimal position for the wave Several Pelamis converters can be connected together converters and be linked to shore through a single seabed export cable. Development work establishing the opti- Graphic: Aegir Wave Power mal location, design and layout for the wave farm has already begun, and Aegir has identified an area of search within row, machines will be set side-by-side Environmental assessment Scotland in 2014. Aegir hopes the first which it plans to locate the project. The separated by a space of about 300 m. The environmental assessment considers power export from the site will be in 2016 area of search is approximately 100km2 The two rows of machines will be offset the use of the area by other stakeholders, and, once built, the wave farm will occupy and lies off the southwest coast of the to reduce any effects of the front row on e.g. commercial shipping and fishing, as only a small fraction of the current area of Shetland Mainland between Kettla Ness the machines behind them. The artist’s well as the ecological status and sen- search with a footprint of about 2 km2. and the Bay of Scousburgh, with the impression above shows what a project sitivity of the area, e.g. environmentally The Aegir project represents an excel-

The 10 MW project is situated outer boundary almost 10 km offshore. with four machines might look like. protected areas for seabirds and marine lent opportunity to learn more about the off the Shetland isles. Shetland The final position of the machines In addition to getting planning con- mammals. This information and the dialo- impacts and interactions associated with is an archipelago off the north- within the wave farm will be influenced sents, the construction of the wave farm gue with different stakeholders, interest wave farms. By maximising the learning east coast of Scotland. The islands lie some 80 kilometres by a number of factors being assessed will also require the Shetland transmis- organizations, and regulators is a crucial from this small demonstration through to the northeast of Orkney and at the moment. This includes technical, sion link to the Scottish Mainland to have step in the ongoing environmental impact all phases, from development to decom- 280 kilometres southeast of financial and environmental aspects as been completed to allow for power to be assessment (EIA) process. missioning, it will help future wave farm the Faroe Islands and form part of the division between well. A holistic approach to the siting is exported to the main UK network. developments around Shetland to be the Atlantic Ocean to the west, taken, aiming to identify the optimal loca- Having secured agreement from The Current status and future planning planned and developed such that wave and the North Sea to the east. tion considering local community, stake- Crown Estate to locate the project here, This will allow Aegir to develop a detailed energy can help contribute positively to The archipelago has an oceanic climate, a complex geology and holders, and wild life. The preferred option Aegir is currently focused on completing design of the project and its potential the Shetland economy, communities and a rugged coastline. will have two rows of machines, front and site survey work, engineering designs and interaction in order to support the applica- environment in a sustainable and compli- Graphic: Vattenfall back, running parallel to the coastline carrying out an environmental impact state- tion for required planning permissions and mentary way. ■ with machines facing the sea. In each ment. licenses from regulators such as Marine

6 Site Development Site Development 7 Partnership with Tonn and AMETS

Tonn Power Limited is a joint venture company between Vattenfall (owning 51 %), the Local Community the Irish wave energy technology company Wavebob Ltd and the Irish power utility Bord Gáis Eireann (both together owning 49 %). In November 2011, the Shetland Council and Shetland Charitable Trust entered a partnership with Vattenfall to develop a roadmap for ocean energy development The focus of Tonn company is to develop, eager to help Ireland develop its opportuni- around the Islands. Katrina Wiseman describes the partnership with Vattenfall as a construct and operate wave farms in ties, Tonn entered a partnership with SEAI representative for the Shetland Islands Council and Shetland Charitable Trust. Ireland, to the extent that is permitted and ESBI to develop a full scale test site by the local market conditions. Following called the Atlantic Test Site positive pronouncements by the Minister (AMETS). Tonn’s role in the project was to for Energy in 2009, Vattenfall hoped that work on the environmental impact assess- through the Zetland County Council Act a 5MW demonstration wave farm could ment, giving Vattenfall a good opportunity 1974, promoting the conservancy and be developed in Ireland by Tonn. The to build competence for similar work in control of development in the coastal company submitted two applications to Scotland. SEAI’s role, representing the Irish area of Shetland up to 12 miles off the secure exclusive rights to explore two po- Government, was to manage and finance Wavebob (yellow) and Pelamis (red) machines with coast. The Council has also implemented tential locations. During 2010, Vattenfall the construction of the subsea cables and associated moorings deployed at AMETS. a Regional Marine Spatial Plan to actively Graphic: Frank O’Reilly worked, through Tonn, with the local Irish other infrastructure. Vattenfall encourages manage the marine resources, allowing authorities (SEAI) and the local power Irish Government to stay the course. the planning of ocean energy projects construction of the site for some year. utility ESB International (ESBI) to make Through Tonn, Vattenfall worked with alongside fishing and other activities. The appetite to fund the AMETS project progress in matters such as the consent- ESBI to complete the environmental reflects the Irish Government’s careful ing procedures. It became apparent that impact assessment, which included more The Shetland attitude toward wave energy R&D. As a the ‘first come, first serve’ process to than a year of marine mammal observa- community benefits from Aegir result of these market conditions, and allocate seabed sites was packed with tions, bird surveys and benthic seabed Shetland happens to emit more CO per wanting to focus on only one market, 2 more than 130 applications, many of sampling. The environmental impact capita than America. Acutely aware that Vattenfall encouraged the Tonn board to which were from speculative developers statement was completed and the consent our dependence on fossil fuels is unsustain- adopt a holding pattern to conserve its hoping to secure an asset. application was filed with the Department able, we are highly motivated to ensure that cash reserves until Ireland is more capable of Environment in December 2011. While a new and sustainable energy source is of exploiting the opportunity in the future. Gaining knowledge on environmental the consent process is expected to be Katrina Wiseman, Shetland Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Veijo Huusko, Vattenfall AB, Bill Manson, Shetland brought about. A review of the project opportunity in impacts of wave energy at the AMETS completed in the first quarter of 2012, Charitable Trust, Alistair Cooper, Shetland Island Council. Photo: Shetland Islands Council and Shetland Charitable The partnership will give us valuable first- Ireland is expected in 2013, by which time Trust Realising that the permitting process for given Ireland’s financial situation, it is hand experience from Aegir that will inform the market conditions in Ireland and Scot- commercial sites was not functioning, and unlikely that the Irish Government will fund By combining Vattenfall’s knowledge of wind, waves and tides offer the opportu- a strategy to enable the whole Shetland Is- land will be clearer. ■ technology and energy development with nity to generate significant amounts of lands community to capture the ecological, our knowledge of our offshore environ- electricity, much more than required by economic and social benefits of its sizeable Graphic: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, Marine Institute ment and the community we believe the Islands. ocean energy potential and the planned we have the best chance of success in Aside from our excellent wave re- electricity cable to the Scottish mainland. ocean energy, and that we will secure sources Shetland is very well placed for For Shetland, renewable energy offers the the most community benefit from early developing ocean energy with 40 years prospect of a new and growing industry success in Shetland, including the option of experience in oil and gas; expertise that will generate jobs and strengthen skills to co-invest in projects with Vattenfall to and capabilities in marine engineering among local people. It could also create reap future profits. from fishing, aquaculture and oil and gas; diversification opportunities for existing The Shetland Islands are positioned in and a proactive community with a track firms operating in the marine and engineer- the path of the strong predominant winds record of working closely with the energy ing sectors. As renewable energy activity and storms which blow over the North industry. Our community understands the increases, Shetland’s image as a Renewable Atlantic Ocean, so it is little surprise that marine environment, the challenges and Energy location strengthens. The greatest the Islands possess one of the world’s the potential rewards. chance of significant benefits arises from strongest wave and wind energy resourc- Shetland is unique from a marine spatial being involved from the start. ■ es. The strength of this resource makes planning perspective. The Islands have the Shetland Islands an ideal location to a rich and diverse maritime heritage site a wave farm project. evolved and grown out of the Island’s geographical remoteness and the fishing High experience in marine environment and oil and gas industries, which has and resource planning resulted in a strong and dynamic marine Shetland is viewed to be one of the most management ethos. Shetland Islands promising locations in the world for the Council has developed regulatory tools development of renewable energy. The to enable the management of our waters

8 Site Development Site Development 9 Pelamis The wave-induced motion of the hinged reduction and performance enhance- In late 2011, the first activities aimed joints is resisted by hydraulic rams, which ment scoping study was carried out at at reducing cost and increasing per- pump high-pressure fluid through hydraulic the beginning of 2011. This study, which formance was undertaken. This work motors via smoothing accumulators. The included a detailed project cost model, detailed the possible positive impact of hydraulic motors drive electrical genera- concluded that a ‘scaled up’ configuration active control, altered geometry, increased tors to produce electricity. Power from all based on the existing technology platform size and new material. A number of work the joints is fed down a single umbilical of the P2 offered economic advantages strands were started where the outcome cable to a junction on the seabed. Several without excessive risk. will help decide on the configuration for devices can be connected together and the first machine to be deployed in EMEC linked to shore through a single seabed Current status of Vattenfall’s Pelamis 2014. The work also highlights the pos- cable. Important features of the Pelamis programme sible future improvements and the effort concept are the ability to tune the motion Together with a business case model, needed to get there. of the structure for optimized wave energy Vattenfall set out and pursued a route absorption and the survivability charac- forward towards an enhanced P2 machine Outlook and upcoming challenges teristics, for example the structure’s dive (P2e), which comprises the following steps: The first part of the work has focused through higher waves. on reducing the remaining uncertainty 1. Work with Pelamis to reduce the cost and confirming the economic performance Programme history and increase the technical perfor- of the ‘P2e’, to provide a basis for Vatten- Funded in 1998, the Pelamis wave energy mance of the existing wave device fall procurement, detailed design and converter has undergone a stepped (the P2) and choose a new machine subsequent build. For 2012, attention is development programme including simula- configuration going forward. While now expanded to include challenges in tions, tank tests, scale sea trial and sev- Vattenfall helps to set the require- the subsea grid, operations and mainte- eral full-scale offshore sea trials. Pelamis ments and derive the necessary work nance as well as insurance. The outcome One of the existing Pelamis P2 machines at EMEC off the Orkney Islands 2010. Photo: Pelamis Wave Power Ltd have deployed four first generation (P1) strands, most of the technical work is of current work and the result of the tank machines followed by two second gen- carried out by Pelamis test in 2012 will hopefully emerge into eration (P2) devices in 2009 and 2011. 2. Perform tank test to validate the a compelling business case leading to Pelamis Wave Power is recognized as world leader within the wave energy industry Having monitored the Pelamis tech- numerical model and test survivability. the purchase of Vattenfall’s first Pelamis with regard to technological maturity and offshore experience. The Pelamis wave nology since 2008, Vattenfall engaged 3. Build and test a full scale device wave power converter. ■ in-house personnel to perform a technical at EMEC (European Marine Energy energy converter resembles a 200 meter long sea snake, floating on the ocean due diligence in 2009, gaining knowledge Centre) during 2014-2015. surface, facing the waves. It is a semi-submerged, articulated structure composed of and identifying the need for technical and 4. Evaluate and build a 10MW pilot plant. cost-related improvements in the existing cylindrical sections linked by hinged joints. P2 machine. To follow up, a joint cost

volume change Wavebob wave energy converter at full Seabased Wave Energy – More Technology Development Projects and consequently size for deployment in a pilot zone off the Project Maren a pressure diffe- Portuguese coast in 2013. The Wavebob rence between the is an axis-symmetric, self-reacting point The Maren project started in 2008 and Technology from idea to commercial readiness into 1. PowerBouy (Ocean Power Technologies, chambers. Energy absorber. The construction comprises two is a test of the Seabased wave energy devices on the west coast of Norway. Readiness Level (TRL) nine levels. In the wave power adaption USA): The PowerBouy is a point absor- is extracted via an bodies, the torus and the float-neck tank each level is described in terms of what ber working against a so-called heave air turbine when (FNT). Whilst the torus rides the waves the The Seabased concept is to have a buoy Wave power technology is an immature needs to be achieved, covering aspects plate. Hydraulic pistons in the section the air is trying to FNT is tuned to move out of phase with floating on the surface connected by a sector with developers in various stages from numerical and experimental verifica- below the buoy harvest the resultant stabilize the pres- the waves. The resultant force drives a wire to a linear generator mounted on the of development as well as different tion to system configuration. Vattenfall is force between the buoy and plate. sure between each Wavebob device hydraulic or a rack and pinion power take- seabed. Two units and a subsea grid were Photo: Wavebob Ltd approaches to the development process. actively working for TRL to be used as a pair of chambers. off system. Vattenfall is responsible for the deployed in 2009 and the project naturally As a prospective buyer of wave power standard for the whole sector. risk assessment of the design, manufac- expired by December 2011. An evaluation 3. Wavebob (Wavebob Ltd, Ireland): See converters Vattenfall has a need for a turing and deployment of the device and of the project will follow during 2012. text under Standpoint Project 2011 systemic metric of the development pro- has arranged several design workshops. cess both in order to assess the develop- Monitoring Wave Developers for further information. ment of each concept and as a way of While the Pelamis wave concept is communicating to developers what we Standpoint Project 2011 Vattenfall’s main track, other concepts expect from their development process. are also evaluated in view of the high risk The Standpoint (Standardisation of Point For this end Vattenfall has chosen to use PowerBouy device. Photo: Ocean Power Technologies Ltd associated with wave power technology Absorber Wave Energy Convertors by the so called Technology Readiness Level development. Three other deep water 2. AWS-III (AWS Ocean Energy, Scotland): Demonstration) project is a joint EU project (TRL) approach originally developed by technologies (presented below) have Basically a floating raft with rubber- between six members (Wavebob, GL Group, NASA and adapted for wave power by been chosen for further studies based on covered chambers. Waves acting on Hydac, Gernerg, Laborec and Vattenfall Irish utility ESB International. In short, TRL Illustration of Wavebob functioning Seabased wave generators and sub-sea transfor- their advanced development status: the rubber membranes cause a AB), which will seek to demonstrate a Graphic: Wavebob Ltd mer at Runde, Norway. Photo: Vattenfall divides the development process

10 Technology Development Technology Development 11 Ocean Energy in other European countries Country by Ranking Country Wave resourceTidal resourceIncentiveGrants, publicMomentum support Summary Comment

1 + + + + Ó Benchmark for Grid access is the only factor, which needs to Country Overview + + + + the sector. be improved in the near future. + + + +

Many countries around the world have the natural resources for ocean 2 + + + (+) Ø Good wave Ireland has arguably the most high quality wave energy. Nevertheless, not only natural preconditions are crucial, but + + resources, resources in Europe. Ireland had an ambitious + financial phased development programme in 2006 in- political commitment and financial support also play an important role situation cluding both a substantial feed-in tariff as well in pursuing a sustained R&D development programme in this area. thwarts as public grants for R&D. Due to the financial development. crisis it is unlikely that Ireland will be able to afford the financial or political attention needed Ocean Energy around the world This is illustrated well by the fact that the first full scale test to grasp the ocean energy opportunity from Due to the earth’s rotation the prevailing wind direction site of some 11 berths is being tested in the open ocean. Scotland in the short term. A critical element to is from west to east. Consequently, the best wave energy Ireland’s role in the sector will be its ability to put conditions are found at exposed west coasts around the The British Isles as Vattenfall’s in place export agreements to supply the UK. world, since waves are created by wind blowing over the prevailing Ocean Energy area sea surface. So it is natural that there is some R&D activity Compared to other countries and their respective political 3 + + + + Ö Robust France has good wave resources along its in countries such as Australia, USA and Canada where the commitment towards ocean energy (see other countries + + (+) actors, newly Atlantic coast. The wave power sector is in its wave energy resource is strong. Other countries with good on the right), today the British Isles in Scotland and the UK + developing infancy but a recently introduced feed-in tariff resources like Chile, South Africa and various Ocean Island have the most favorable conditions for pursuing an ocean sector. for marine energy in combination with a new States are also showing interest in wave power. However, a energy programme. This is why Vattenfall has chosen to focus public R&D programme will create opportunities. rich energy source is not enough to make progress, but a its ocean energy R&D work on the British Isles as there However, it is likely that initial efforts will be broad programme of supports is required. In many of these are both excellent wave resources and a genuine political focused on tidal energy. countries the support for R&D in wave energy is insufficient will to develop the sector. The company’s immediate efforts or once-off. are concentrated on Scotland and the UK where adequate None political and financial supports exist. 4 + None + + Ò In the near Portugal has a good feed-in tariff for small-scale Pioneers in wave energy development – + (+) term mainly deployment and is in the process of developing an Scotland and the UK High expectations for R&D Ocean Energy a proving infrastructure for deployment of wave power. How- In Europe, however, several countries have ambitious and in Scotland and the UK ground for ever, lack of domestic technology and/or project sustained wave energy development programmes in progress. There remains a number of market challenges. Ocean energy prototypes. developers makes Portugal dependent on attrac- First and foremost, the UK and especially Scotland have must show that it is approaching viability in a timely manner ting foreign developers in competition with UK. among the best resources in Europe and have probably if it is to continue to receive adequate support. In particular contributed more public funding to wave energy R&D than it must contribute to Scotland’s target to meet an equiva- 5 + None ? + Ö The Spain has good wave resources along its northern the rest of the world put together. In addition, the UK has lent of a 100 percent demand for electricity from renewable (+) + “negotiable” coast and off the Canaries. There is a thriving the Renewable Obligation Certificate system as a mecha- energy by 2020, which is the main political motivation. This tariff is an publicly funded wave power programme focused nism to provide revenue support for new renewable energy may be frustrated by the technology company’s ability to unknown. on R&D in place involving many Spanish com- sources. In the case of wave and tidal this is as high as five raise private funding to improve their product performance. Very panies and institutions, however somewhat times the normal price for electricity, equivalent to perhaps It may also be inhibited by insufficient transmission grid ac- domestic isolated from mainstream wave power develop- EUR 392 per MWh for machines connected before April cess, which is very constrained in the remote coastal areas profile for ment. Feed-in tariffs or similar remains to be 2017. Although this will be reviewed as part of the electricity of Scotland, such as Shetland, where these projects are best sector. introduced to be commercially attractive. market reform in the UK, it is expected that adequate revenue situated. To address these concerns the OEDP are working support will be available for some time, while wave and tidal closely with other utilities as well as other stakeholders to become commercially viable and make a contribution to the help the Scottish government to shape new policies. Additio- 6 + + - - N/A There is a near Of the Nordic countries Norway has by far the UK’s renewable energy needs. nally, Vattenfall has been working to develop the opportunities + total lack of best physical resource, on the level of UK and This illustrates the uniquely strong political support for in Ireland where the transmission grid is planned strategically + governmental Ireland. However, Norway does not have the wave and tidal in the UK and in particular in Scotland, where and it may be possible to more easily locate commercial interest. same need to develop new renewable energy Alex Salmond’s SNP party has an overall majority. Aside from projects, if an export regime with the UK is put in place. ■ sources. financial support, having strongly articulated political com- mitment has ensured that other enablers, such as consenting N/A + None - (+) N/A Some public Sweden has marginal wave resources and there procedures, are streamlined. Notably the UK hosts the vast funding for is e.g. no specific feed-in tariff or similar. There majority of technology development companies. technology is however some public funding for technology development. developers motivated by export opportunities, as well as for a 10 MW wave demonstration farm on the Swedish west coast.

12 Business Development Business Development 13 Industrial Environmental Responsibility Partnerships Effective management of our environmental responsibilities is essential for the success of the Vattenfall’s Ocean Energy Development Programme (OEDP) to develop commercial wave farms. The OEDP is working actively with environmental At the beginning of 2011 the Ocean Energy issues, both within the Aegir Shetland project and through international research. Development Programme (OEDP) completed a comprehensive review of its business plan. As part Progress towards consent sea bottom, as well as the presence of vestigations are fairly standardized, of the analysis the OEDP realised that in order for The Aegir Shetland project reached an marine mammals and sea birds. The base- many knowledge gaps exist in relation the business plan to be valuable, the number and size important environmental milestone in line environmental information will be fed to wave energy. As this industry is only of wave farms would have to ramp up significantly autumn 2011, when the ”Scoping Report” into the EIA and be of crucial importance emerging now, the legislative process was issued to consent authorities. This for identifying the optimal site layout for and guidelines are being developed. It from 2020 to 2035, once the technology was proven described the wave farm and the local the wave farm and grid route within the is important for OEDP that Vattenfall is at a commercial scale. This would require deployment environment at a high level, suggesting larger development area. actively involved in their formulation to scales (100s of MW/year) similar to offshore wind which baseline investigations should be influence the development of the future undertaken to characterise the site and Field surveying started framework. While valuable knowledge and today. The industry may need to be producing more the potential effects. Some field surveying has already started: experiences can be transferred from the than one full scale machine per week in 2020. Today The scoping phase is one of the the measurement of the wave climate us- offshore wind industry, more is needed. it can manage one machine a year. mandatory phases within the so called ing two different buoys deployed in 2011 The environmental team of the OEDP and ”Environmental Impact Assessment” (EIA), is an important milestone. These buoys Aegir maintain close contacts with lead- Installation of the mooring blocks at the EMEC nursery test site. a several-year long process providing will stay at their locations for several ing research groups, attending several Photo: EMEC Ltd the basis for the consent application for years, collecting wave height, length, and important environmental meetings and the project and, eventually, the consent direction. The wave data is important workshops, both as the role of a project Unlike the offshore wind supply chain, the players into the wave energy sector, first technology project (the deployment decision taken by the regulator Marine because it gives information about the fi- developer but also as a selected expert wave industry is not taking an existing the OEDP set about forming a system of P2e at EMEC), building competence Scotland, in consultation with other nancial, technical and biological feasibility advisor. Vattenfall sits on the board of product and putting it offshore. There integration business with two large and capability before building wave farms. authorities and stakeholders. By issuing of the Shetland project. It is used to de- various EU projects, as well as on the are no existing large companies present organisations. During 2011 a comprehen- This way, Vattenfall hopes to significantly the scoping report and receiving scop- termine the amount and nature of energy largest national R&D programme for in the sector able to do the R&D work sive business development exercise was reduce the risk associated with the first ing opinions back, the Aegir project (see in the waves; meaning how much energy environmental research in the UK. Through required to get machines into the water. performed to evaluate all of the potential 10MW Aegir project. page 6) is now able to move into the the wave farm will be able to convert into Tonn, Vattenfall has also gained experience Wave energy converter products are partners. impact assessment phase in 2012. This renewable electricity. working on the EIA of the AMETS wave currently being developed by very small Industrial partnerships support utility will take more than one year, including a test site project in Ireland that has just companies, the largest of which has 70 Partnerships with Babcock and Abengoa cooperations – E.ON and Iberdrola variety of field surveys, e.g. investigations Using results from international research been submitted for formal consent. ■ people working for it and has raised EUR In November 2011 the OEDP entered The Nautimus partnership also provides a of the sediment and biological life at the Although offshore environmental in- 60 million in total. a partnership with Babcock, a large UK basis for Vattenfall to coordinate its work Vattenfall realised that in order to scale Operations & Maintenance (O&M) com- with other utilities also working on ocean up at the required pace the wave energy pany, and Abengoa a large Spanish EPC energy. Both E.ON and Iberdrola (Scottish Photo of starfish identified during diving inventory of sea bed habitats at AMETS. Photo: MERC consultants supply chain needed large industrial (Engineering, Procurement and Construc- Power Renewables) have purchased players to put their engineering capabil- tion) company. These two represented a Pelamis wave energy products and have ity, manufacturing capacity and financial good fit with Vattenfall’s business plan for deployed them at the European Marine backing into the sector. ocean energy, since they shared the ap- Energy Centre (EMEC) test site. Through petite to develop this opportunity in the Nautimus, Vattenfall plans to buy a third Ocean energy still an infant industry UK. Together they provided the requisite enhanced machine (P2e) and deploy it The tidal technology space has seen O&M and EPC capabilities for renewable alongside the existing two machines at the arrival of companies like Rolls Royce, energy in the offshore environment. EMEC. This will provide a valuable oppor- Alstom and Siemens. Familiar with the tunity to reduce costs, and share valuable rotating turbine technology of tidal Nautimus Ltd – a joint venture formed by insights of array effects and device per- stream product inventors, these large Vattenfall formance. Where E.ON and Iberdrola will industrials have bought out the original In December 2011, Vattenfall founded gain the most operational data, Vattenfall development companies and adopted Nautimus Ltd and invested sufficient will gain information for the new product their technologies as their own. This has capital to enable the business to begin design. By sharing the information all not yet happened in wave energy, because developing its business plan as a system three will have more confidence in the the technology used is unfamiliar and the integrator for wave and tidal farms. If technology before considering investment timescales to have proven designs ready the business plan proves compelling, it in their own arrays elsewhere. ■ to be productised are longer. is hoped that Vattenfall, Babcock and In order to introduce large industrial Abengoa will co-invest to undertake their

14 Business Development Business Development 15 About Ocean Energy

Converting the enormous energy of the ocean waves into renewable electri- city is a massive but challenging opportunity for Vattenfall. This annual report gives you an insight in how Vattenfall’s dedicated R&D Projects team is working on the Ocean Energy Development Programme to move from R&D into actual commercial wave farms. It provides you with descriptions of some of the 2011 highlights, including:

l The formulation of a new ocean energy strategy for Vattenfall. l Achievement of some key milestones in the development of a Vattenfall’s first (10MW) pilot wave farm off the Shetland Islands, The Aegir project: - Lease agreement with The Crown Estate in the UK - Partnership with the local community - Deployment of two wave measurement buoys - Completion of the Environmental Scoping Report and opinion from the authorities. l The formation of a the first engineering services company, with large industrials partners, dedicated to wave energy: Nautimus Ltd. l Technology development progress with the world leading technology developer Pelamis Wave Power.

Asset Development R&D Projects Ocean Energy Development Programme www.vattenfall.com

Vattenfall AB SE - 162 87 Stockholm Sweden 2012, April