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" ESXABLISHED� 1863. . TOfEKA; 'KANSA'S� "'M�Y :2'6:>18751•


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,." s '" ):.' .. J'.' .. : .. !' ',<,: '. ,,,""":.' �,.�: ' '."<1 .. (. .. �" �� .�::···�I�, . ' . ,� •• JACKSON.. " 'rt.;/., :;. ,f • .. •• ," . ',", ''','' ... lD , : (. :tH.'" t ." ", C1I11l_'.. " , FARKaR :...... M(!)NTHl.yl},�E�:ART. I � ;., 'EDITOR .. J I fi :":,' • i'l : :/", � �I., In " " '�'. ',,_�ff, "�". ,,�.I and and a decrease "U " In winter wheat . O.. .': I About the usual A amallincrease COrti, ' , fOr .. for &hI -, . -, f;nIJ�. acreage. Fu '. FABJIBB of APrIl 18;: beIt'·nmlcty . "', "" ,"� •. , ",' ) , ,:.,! ,,,. \

'¥a,:':: " _ beelil : . .. '" ':1'1. l'. , ,', ;1' , ��SAS' STAT�. ��g:���:f Il��� lex- .,� __ � J\Ja�iMate'�'or �ciIl�:"J��ofeoJtJAIrlc�·�.:Jj' In Have ob�wheat, oa6tand garden 'gefl\ltablOi to lOme ". �::·o�. N�:,'boIer �ecl"-.�i ottiir OIl ,th .. �:j "N�rous plilces. foraged up �,r,.g:, . tha'Pa&IoDI of OO�8IIt,I •. li(!}ii�Pllrs. , bo5irellln�=��:.-..a�7:::a!':: �,Coaat, eoail!Ul of Haa..",·1D4 "W """,,', , \nil, 01' (, ',"" • ,,'l.t,�� •.•. .m \, F;' ,.'·,,:;1; n'::'��: . �y • 'p.n -. , SI, .. •. . .. r,1UUl ''''X'hl pa�" �I, ", •. ,j"""}"",J:·'_',.,tehtl;:.;'''>'�.).\. -"·1\\i' ". ',:' '," '�' ' . I' JEPPERSON. 1:' ...... ,.' I .. ',; .:,�" ' '. the .. I, •. � .,j "t;.. ,'" ':. '",'," • I (r " No-�tU.c.ON.,.. j.t�,tbI'f�"liMtle." I. � , �, 1.'...... "'·,,�·,�'�II .. ," ' ,,", ; 01 '.' AL�. ••• '·iI.iI(iI;e;iiJ.,PfelentprSlaPecia,v�,yiflattcring., ' .' .iultclhAw..OI '; . �1 . "'. i:' !, ,:.-: ::;:'w'," : '. ,",' .',' )"',"i' ;.''' " ; .: ',1. :\'.'-�, "", �,: 1,:1, '. , ot,�.:�e'''''UI'�.h....., usual but ,\1:' ." �'(" :" ,";;1 Not • ,,/.'Vel'l!olte/of � .IIIIld C,.�s .-:"'Iaa,com hQ,� phui�lthan mo� mDlet"b� "'1I,�alt; ,,�tfl''1i�!�yl;. �d ,winds'of y.... , apm""_' I� pnr� � s�, IfrJ �shoppe�'of, ���t of Y�,91l account 'i'f depredAtions.of\cllinch bugs,' �t.'iI�.�bin.Uon Ci!fl tl!�cum��ncea-:"hOt 1ast',llUIII,me,r, ly� . Io!:t!'«!i' 1 ,baYe ��ter ��eat ' ti:r."df,: �uce4,.f1;dly,tw��,;�l!,,;that . th!a,,�o,.e,er,.theD!wJlII1ie �lalr \Nell ,." &hll'I�, IN gr��,lnj�O'� �Iihstiu!ding " 'i.' '. .,' eZl�(�r �u.sqd I �hdlat, .JUt '.' ��, �r '., ', •. ,:.. ' . � 'I' ".'1!' the •. '. ;J.'. .. '- .. hODIe y!liL\'. ,!" �, 1')'£': af!l_..�-. ��h�Wlt�'!IO�th-\¥�ferl.Y,��posu�s��.Jl��r, ��t iV' by utn ·• .. ,::JP!:IDI�ure,Ii,�w1ngnlce1y:. ,,�" .' :�.' .I� crop.,;'·'��i'�." '. .1 ,. .IDee . . �I�.�t.h�tliy, . . " "J ..._'. I" �·.Slo,j.-NCld� W�.I� .. e ;" :. .. :' >.'\'; '...... ,-,: � ,� orcbWr'dS ... liat�i:d i \'; iiu\t"",.1Iio.:' . IlI!p1li pl�tifuny;.. ", JII a"d . .��'. '�"oIJ"'J. . IOm.�ha� ',SOm� yo� '. If � J�ni , I, �, .YfiuYatyil ....;;.p� � ' .� .11 J:irI,>ftfks . ...p �,�� aJIPU",,:�a�],It. �ds, With th.. ',,1'<1., 11",', '''u.. J,dH�so'i., .' ,.,�it. �� 'Ii)r'iln,���.,. :'�fi"\ '. , & ,excepti0i!"s,tbe'�ectIi , .... JO.. jured by depridatlonl " .• ,.:. ;" ,'.. of�pppe!'5 last1.tall.,': . to, "; J. of trimmed' closest, • '.' ." : :':.'<'." ".' June'1RanCl"'J-'ii.(,�·• ·eachy*,·U\tle-'or the voractoui grasshOpper '�j more winter Of .',' .. ' ,',' � . Is than . �'lleVer bettl!S' O{ grapes,'where an' wmter this , •. ' ",' .l. ,dant.&wt ,\ . !"kid. lost.by c� " QUIte � "' Crops. mc�ease III a\,reag� ?f wh�t, b�t in�rease frozen. • �I'be doae .tber ..boY. cent."arij per cellt. of Is t, ..,' " winter aome "1 . 61 �f 'he, per' kUled: 5 n� stoc!c .• sown, Is well, Clover killed; also, ,timothy· �. thli are xte.nalvely up. �II. lookmg ti�ly ,no In quantiUee and commltllng depredaifons I" vllrl� locab"r, no whatever badI .The beesle hMah_ lD' &he NlIOI1io' ,GrIUJj�/ws.-Have,1i8tche:d illlm� 'I �kilUel:f.,prlax were,..In many Instances, eatelj the ground, ,leaving protection BpeIll_ ". �.�d,pas�nres i�to . flax i " .•• t'� ;'.', last ties on crops. Oats. IDdp�vegetables·autrer th�:m�. and winds . spring . ' , ' dry .. in the �Ing, . • mon&h earUer ,han I " 9. fr�JI"g .the of win!er. 0 ValieiI. Jlearly• .' w(: .',' ',. .t·, ,,�'� usual. . ,li,"!' smaller '. ,,' • . "��I",·, ·is·the trouble. Loss the wl.llter tha.n : �� , only duru:lg two cd the ,1"., AN'DUsON. ,'." ',,::.' �4 �1;,4N��t:.fi.0Ymy, small fruits Ohio. " bacle and ·iDJG1 8cloto fou4 pain " • and. Apples Valley, ,I. I : ,; Osage' par�ially·:killed. �y, freezing. . .' ,(�{ re,,9)1� he���· ..' . : "'.': �·()re�, summer . "Orchards were grasshop- •. 18&h of the the well latl!l .own, Winter � dec� ,Ip, correspb�aent ,says: Injured' Ias�' .by q o. :April (�_.. wh�t. Th�lwlUI .A��.�er o1ir:YlObo,hrl y .,' �/d ,crops except t\e ��� �C,I'9I!1. , ',. '.' ()y,/s.-All IIJPk 'i • com last winter and flat-headed borers." ;'. lD th.. winter wheat of IOwn fiill. More than! the usual b�th of p�nte4. the .b�s, I)y's�vere frosts. thls,spring, by 1I&t but 'hOle �.or .ov�r. 4�OOO last li,l!r&·rem'qYIlll. �I� are head) lD, my ��, � ,.. Our"corr�po�Qen�,reports.grasshoppers not.as numerous as in 1867, but they 11 condition, ..' ... the Son billQOd Gt:��." '. � in • Springwor�w�lIadvan�.' .' box ill ,&hl,houe,are '18& ; meadows to sOme extent & ,.' ' ." ha�nll dlsi:ase foraglngion,�eni� ·tlmothy a�d'clover . ;', \, '.' SlO&.E...-No repoJ'ted... ,',.: >".' .; . 'i Konl sumn,�, and aub� . \' weU I&naor ...... B l1ICIOa.fal..- Nu"swUs.-Peach trees somewhllt'lnjured 'by drouth/last 1:';.';'::'" ,;;j'·:f� 'I"',''.' rr .. , .•• o,.,Iuvds, JlilIqa,.ds.a..d...... pllpa In- " :., .. I,ABltT'I'E.'· /.':�., ·0 trees the, 'V'I', ,',. ". ' Bo�rs �.: " • • ",,:f . �d peach �B.,I� ", apple ' • In�d. . ' , • '., • cultariR·:m_ •• .. t . : ••;.. .' .... sequent}'reedng, "The,lO�th"8Id.fof l!Ianr , .. " ',(i" '," h, 1 ',: '.: �". metl nd,m1llO�e,all1thlng well., ,�'..,. �. .. )":.' ,:'... � . . killed. ,small: prolp�� • In �ii'''' 'w' cent .bf grape Vlnl'S ,'P�, che�� �� fruita for an abundant never more cent. Increase 'ii hilk. bil,' 'I. J�d pliacei: 'Funy:ab lo'callmis. de- !"kId ·'t,.ots.. Prospects crops' flattering. Fully' 25 per G ... _p , .. are 'considerable In 'Eggs . call1ln'''·;_�. hatched":and i!limagt! . • _. .'" hliYe doing rather .. ,': ";l7!l, ...' in late sown, . NIl:... and GNis.tOP/wl.-"MIlHoDl wmter . on wh.,t Early sown, heavy splendid condition; light. henda 'he near belts of timber. the streams, and unplowed aC.reage. �pulll.e io 'hem, praetl. in spots-ill protected exposures, skirting Cholera . evldeDtlf posited elsewhere Stocll..ll11'! dISease rcport. among poultry. oats and near the hatching grounds, exempt. Damage Borerll have ... and 1\ 11 .. con- ground. Flax, veg«:tables destroyed etc in Have come tbe winter IIll right. injured cal pre.en\atlve, west of O,.cha,.ds, .. good condit!on. through t}llng confined to creek bottoms. and fields in Immediate viCinity; Jackson township, Gamet!, A.re trees to a hmlted extent. Fruit good.. r • '/0 .. \hat 1 ,mostly consumed. Com lIS fast,as It, young prospects duilive to health' any appUcadoD Here entire oats and flax have.�n �en to Farm- '. hIlS suffered the most. fields.of \ in immense and lire crops. Cor '., Have hatched numbers. doing slight damage early e Gtasshoppers. and th comes will em as soon as have! fj)lIDd., ,i1he �r up. ers are of the that are not in numbers and that they migrate they unit �'!lllher increasing . opinion , . they _., ,. .. ,. A1'CHISON. . �." "'. bark: \he Itr�Dfler Roald be th� IOIIlUon. can ·fly. 'Are the' most numerous In bottoms along timber belts•. oS

with . and condition. Usuill • r Potlllh'·iUIOI.ed In' IDA_. goocl"bQ'IL. well. Soil in admirable acreage .. '" , waWi, F�/d remarkably flanted I,," " "'" tj .' ';' C"oIs:-Alllooking h J .� (! an increase flax w,interwheat. LEAVENW6JtTH�'�' :�.', rIa," "UJ of com, an4 . walh. F.or ,h. peaoht borer, ... aniDlllls' have: suffered for rav, ... Thin in flesh but thriving on'spring pasture •. Work for .. Wint�r�h'ea� i� exceil��t that 'or -Health, gOoc;l. Pi�id C,.ops. Pr�s�cts '�n average crop, good Co�dlt{�ri,. e�cept e fJom the' malohlDg' lastfall,farmerswillbeabletodo,thesprill' w eat. dUl'erellHuect abovej ' as usual'IS not 100k' lIS well as willter h wt:0ctofg'rain;butllSalargeaniountofgroundwasplowed whichI'was sown, ate. Not mu��h spring wheat sown. and Ing . 0 , \10...... on'that account. , " 0 -"'per,I.·hepa work without much Inconvenience Srock.' No ,disease -ra"p'plng' ,-'. .• frozed prevailing." ' ·�.�,co·�, "., ".'.l�_.·,',,6_ last drouth and grasahopperll.· Peach trees badly and smail fruits. o,.e"a,.ds� e/'.,....Frult trees were Injured' fail'by Orcha,.ds, e�c. by freezing. ,A fair'crop of grapes 'Ap�ies 'prom- PFaches . . '1 preven\a.lvlI.�� ,iOap, t�n� hard injJ:lred '.. . " ..... • . p�tl�' trees but will survive. vines damaged freezing. ..'!. '.' m�t the winter. Young Injured Grape by Ise an TI)<:re Will be some peaches. referred uh \0 11. during hatched in In average crop. .!. wI\h fl-1..... brine I.1111 P w. eep to the' western of the only spots. ( confin�d to iue not have , the center part county, they l1ave Are the millidns, but are localities; general; G,.tiss"opplrs.-From is hatching by nellr timber. serious apprll- 'Grassh0t.pen.·: result . In the No damage . .mooth peach barkj ali'd 'to ...e expailill the eastern part they are more general, especially very done buthttle pamageas'yet,and the funners who were here in 1867,'.�·,not y�cyne�9usaboutthe

" . hended. . , tbe once cele�iated CarboUo IOIop, 1 bllyinll � • , , 1 .� I 'LINN. · woollo a¢d, 'wo � to the �QD of. BR.OWN. ,. � the uswit has been planted... La�e sow� wheat froze out considerably. J 'Field' trops. Abq�t �creage '. w.. on _der bark; IOIop winds. 'Whllt' remains looks well. : to ,the of and' 'cattle have become bar Illy h"ex08pt 'yolIDg '. 'killed and Sloe"" No 'disease want p�opcr pl-otection FUld badly hard'freezin� dry. reported. "Owing l C,.ops.-Wlnter wheat by , , look Several head are as died from the effect of buckeyes.. 'eve Iud. or 1iri�e lll1UODir 'eno1lflb: wheat'hot'quite up to average. All other crdps finely. weak alldAibilitateP. report hayiJ)g catlng . ' Spring Winds. ' were :"....l , etc. wh,i.ch were planted laSt. spring damaged by hot, dry the yOW'll "--"-f-'-'I Stoe".-No prevailing disease. 0rcha,.ds, Many young orch;u:ds '. afflicted' blossoms �I'� �,1., abundant harvest of, fruit in prospect., Peach trees and grape vipes injured by The·.trees were scallied on the south side and borers attacked the J:llaces thus 'Apple o,.cha,.'/"Itc.-An . .' ' . W. ,.::W. TIPTOl'l. , .j but 'not enough to interfere with prospects for an o�dinaty crop. searce...Pears. cherries and small fruits ,make a good spowing .. , , , freezing, of fields of taken and on 'sto ����������������!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are and are the edges spring wh�t, Have in numbers. Have gardlln veg«:�)lle c;ommenced GrassM/lws.-Myrillds hatching skil'11lishing. �ound "G,-asslwPp�rs. I. ha.t�hed i�ense . have thus been but lIS a lIS com- " , some Individuals . Not, much lIS oats and flax In localities. damaged, county,damage yet . and ldamllge yet. oats, �ax gardens. ' '. " . ,.' . If: . 1\ slight; :.llutattsnal.. '. jnraHvely . ' '. 'I 'J! BU1.1LER. " ", ;, ,' 'J' ".. L;Y0N. .. , .• more ret and farmers of wl�i�r 'wheat' tl)an The thus has been favorableJor operations, and Fuld C,.ops.-Crops looking finely, very hopef�. Acr�e Fielll C,.oJs. ,Crops looking well. si!ason, far, v,ery faqn . . , BDITBD ·PBOI'.1.1. B. HOLImOOK. of . ']"', BY three times as great than at any previous year. farmers are e�couraged with flattering prospects good crops again. sta . 'but all other is Swine tliin of stock recupera,ting' no disease. SIO&j.-N:o lilsease. Work animals very thin for want grain; • Stock. Cattle in excellent condition. Work animals thin, but prevailing verY , pili turned out to , • since " effects of a severe the of food, Pl'Sture. want of the winter.' 1'" 1C11IOB8. . fr9m tht; win�er �d, scarcity on account of grain during tqe apple. · sun scald and trees killed ba,* by and orchards . tr� vineyards wint�red ve'!y·�ell"l?ut.the.borers.llre�!t Orclla,.d. et,•• injured' by bore�; PeacJJ '''' slightly tht " �hardf.'.,C.: l!�lt more Young IS Chinch bugs • but'no apprehended .. . allthorl.\y; localities, damag� I •. . hl�h .h." wQ,rd in.some wi�h . : . "'·to.· ""IT, G�iltopp"s'"7Hav:e hAtched ,other'ye¥lj. .cOO.'" • prospects wil�average ' 'A, Idln,·.·, .'. .free�ing. F��t " ': &he 18\\8,. of than 9f the former are th�lr of them but no damage hIlS been sustained as yet: .�, repr8l8Ated "y Millioqi .mBkih� appeara�ce. ," G,-asshoppen Plen�y great I be �7,,� �� '.' • �ri th�.grass'li��per. � � .t��.�� ,'. ." �,. ',' ' . , . , .. there ", . , the ""'7., '�e., ", �.IAMI. • ,.uphabeUn , CH�E. .. .' • • G,�'dlfl'erent . � . . \' : : I " �.' It,., : U th"woId breadth vari'oUs crops' eXcept po- will be harve!it­ '1'999 w�y, !"kid re�arkably well. Usual plantedof'the '�Our wheat is a total failnre. Not one acre· iri one hundred soWn .. e.. �ne:,�.e. ·CrOls.-t�o� loclklng Field crop !, .,....,.kj��. " C"QjJs. a�l' .' twice the of com The correct onhopph:r �f 'tatoes. Decrease Owiog scarcity of seed.. ed, The hard of last winter the cause. There has been 'at least acreage plant- oa; tq .' . lreezing to,.JP�IPt".qgh�. :', . .' 'Sloc".-No made its appearance. over and about the Same of oats. in whOle com b1u.- disease; tbrl�;ng''sillce grass ed this spring; any year, proportion· a01l8OlI'la. deJ,o.tted .l&Ie, trees well that were from .,grasshoppers Peach protected . all 'safe;' . off�d. C»clla,.dr.-Apple trees'nearly doing &",... Stock.·of kind looks well considering,the long wintl!f·and �c\ty r.,.. . wilhlD" I. � In U··OD'.j It, hai 6 000 0"'---" Aow'oae were' of their "',' more than at· year. Vineyards bu '��,., ." IlISt tall,'butinjlired whm,:they 'stripped foliage. Or.chq,.t/f., NUrljeries have been damaged bYlr.lqbits any previous 00 .' � ,,',. hatched in 'sufficient The bark cracks o'n the south":west side to· take from Mfe 1118, mllBt Gra,;s/lolle,.s.-Have.llot quantities to·do,IlJIY Injury. condition;' Orchards' irrep�rably ',njured by bOrers. OpeD co th� wo�. &h� for good ac­ .. arid wind where tlie borers enter. no he� on ). of froln effects' of Sun Willge apples. . the tree, ptobiibly . lip • ICXk . • ,€LAY. 1!h1o�� '�e . 'IIP,On II.:' ,:' t' buds,last ". - fruit Jail: th k�?�. �Jie: ���I����'; 1 � .Cc;JUllt 0.(ifI\SSQ9PP!ln 'eating the ,": ,. ,I, ' AlDlOli, to do wu .. ago.: as fast at this time. A: than a billion are now upon us. TheY'promise ce ..). br � I,OOO,-.n all are' well. Oats not quite lIS forward year ,"More hundred �ilIiqn quartered ' G,.qs�hoppe,.s. ' ,Fflld crops looking ,. C""s.-Nearly .. around or near'the where , ' barred .'. ...., hatch in certain 10caHties and eat place �ve..., wOM In \he � I. Ukewile of winter wheat aod com. :' us damage; :t.rhey up everything ''iI' _ large.lncrease In1acreage than' great their disease of loss no greater hatch. We will soon be able to leave and will not stand 011 the or4er or going/' weak for want of grain, but no prevailing. Percllntage ' . they hope they frO� imlter oomt,I.Dadon· Sto&#.�Verj work animals. 81111:acotlII� 1.'Thei,� do farm work on account of the condition or' 8aJ:- usuah It is extremely dlfficulhto B lilt' b�barolll wood IllSt fall, In cqnse- ·M�RION. ��"', J�.. 'Ro� all of, IlISt or' deStroyed by grasshoppers. . grp�th . ' year's • I��k\ o,.cha,.ds;.,,'c.-Nearly .' ,. I. 1 Nor�or,l1a.lIh Brl\toDiand or whlchabout.three-fourthslof the,young trees are dead. . continual oUII, IgDoran� quence Some damp, , jbs . bottoms. harmed as yet Field "Crops lookin, finely." ea�!y coJ1l . in the creek . , C,.oji: ,Plante4 . �othing suJf�red. in ' on,accC?unt.of A:merioaDli· ",:. 100;000 'wOrd ale thlll 'Ito,,"· GrlJfslwHn-:s.�Are hatohlng consldc!;Rble, numb�rs ,. cold' weather. .. Many fieldS·'replanted. . ' I, I, 1 I, :: ' . vegetables.. . I except early Stock. I. No' , away. Evel1'obUa mUlt' 18l:m '�he� Ob�bfDir.·· dis�. . " of laSt fall, CLOUD., : , fair Some grasshoppers. !1,nd h. tha, etc" �pple �ees i� c9ndition. injured fr� effec� each :word'lI,III""bet�re .Or.char,ds, suffered most. tl® h�n w�oh doublethllt of last and prospect for an abun- borers made tl)eir appearance this spring. Peaches, pears and grapes w Field of winter wheat more than year, if 'holliaDd C"oJs.-Acrelige ' "So far lIS I can learn there been few, any, ill ":�ril-l. hl8 for .!JIII. 'One"h'llJldred about 1115 below par. Our cQrrespondent'notes: '¥ave very harvest·never·better the being petlcent. oGmsslitilpen. . \ dant t OBtsl;leing only exception, not' .. tIi'e of afflicted with foot rot'.and hatched." comb1Dltlon. mllB' be I�ecI'; Stoek.-Cattle, borses and swine, thin and weak for want grain. Sheep IIggs . . " ; gJ ' . MITCHELL,' . a ,;' ":'.' ) . ..�:1 ( oomblnac1on of th•• of dropsy. , ,: flgur. by. �p1,lcaUltn I to have the buds. and the effort or the , all dead. seemed fre- O,.cha,.ds. etc,-Ne�rly GrllSShoppers I?Oisoned Breadth of oats and greater than atl·any previous year. Rains &hI. · Jiie/d. wheat,. And . the rye, (com fe�,.ori'D!llpl8i"bll' .I8�y. why last and the of sap which was caught by early-�t, �eDl� C"oJs. ·trees.to bud late flqw outlook. . - fall, consequent heavy with the 6_ has been co�ditio!l and �mers elatcd, __ a and ,In, good 6 .�'. ':..-_ ,I_. 'OU 16•• quent p\elltiful.; ground • ....m I , 'h"0 .. no most of the orchards. ani­ 11 .,....�., �y e� l1.wm to have killed horses and mules thin, but up on new grass.' Work streams and in the creek bottoms,put �o damage Is allprll� Sloell. No iiiseases. Cattle; pi9king nicely hatched the ' ' have . . " breadth last . along fIlrmers 'Il thle vad'DumberoUook.! Areth. wolde·, Grass/lop/ws.-Some. and were it not for the circumstances that large C Why . : mats are exceedingly weak, plowed ,hended. .' wo�k would have been .. ,!'all in of delayed. e:lbl� ·.iv. ' " this, spring o'ri'vati Are "he' '. COWLEY IlI1ticipation th�y , prope�! ,'. '," ".. " . . winds which . Hot sun and " , :.' etc. mined. Defoliated in July py grasshoppers. dry ,. . 9t'c.lta1',ds, Near:ly who have , I� are well. same of the �ew "pIe .and,. ,. and other looking trees and artificial served the way. \1 rI,ght 'Fuld sown winter wheat killed out some. Early sown, crops, 'followed geJierally"killed them. Large peach young forest, in. ..-.'I C,.ops.-Late . ':

�miild. Wtth . n nati \0 '\heir needed. .. _. ; ti. C oU 1""4&Jl l Cln acreag'e of corn planted. Rain is Young grapll vlnes'badly'lnjured by freezing. .. on:m',. , �, Large been retarded CQns� but'work animals are weak, and farm work .h� !n )'lo w.ere deposited; th.e llIIIOlentiflo Slook.-Healthr, SO,I!-JIlWhat. ·G,.asslwppetrs. �gg8 ol'&hography . I • . . : o<�,lanp."e': . ',',"" o� ' . . ' MONTGOMBR.Y. , quence, ,,'. II rthm!e) 'dUaer oflOllg 'heM' .0. 11 Peach trees cold of win" " .' t�e one·,haIf borers. injured slightly by post are .. • '. L· o,.,hardt.":"'Appletrees destroyed by Some is knee' C ...... ' '. '.11 which had much to'do with t1.1e Wheat Jooking remarkably well, now, May: firl!t, iligh. Ther� very an x N-�" : .�. 0, In the fall injurY , ,!field C,.ops, 'bol 'i' •• . � were of grasshoppers, ·'i ,1!!'tc; ter•. ',Fruit trees by Where in and with a drill It fs � .'4I-"\_)W:!l �n qp"," � stripped foliage few and are confined to late broad-cast sowing. put early f, poor fie)(is, . they that sustained•.!, Ie oUJ18ntly accepHd by. llterUJ pellODi uniformly good. Recent rains' wllich fell on March 30 and Aprtl ., and io, Bggregating 4 3�"IOO "inches, No depOlited. beautiful and Idea Gf'lUsltoPle,.s.-Not any. eggs meadows a start. The country is looking farflle11l.are I.'an evidence'of oul,ure. Thl. have given spring pastures andl good . ,... .pelllDg .

. ". � tran.la� lii\o mll&Dl: If the CRAWFORD. hopeful.. . ! • are EqlWl, thin. . ., p.lain-.J ,',., but work 4nimals t NO'disease I ·of).' . Stock. prevailing, Fruit Dot o�. Never better. 'etc.. Fruit trees have from winter all right, 'but borers 'are at work, pros· 41C11Dpellecl,\o,RIlcl7 . V1llaU,� �� !"kId C,.ops. Crops in splendid condition. Orclia,.ds, emerged :. . , . heart. , . J ooald wriWi almOit condition Work animals, a little thin, but in,good v�ry- good.. ' . thography flve'1l1&1'1; they Sloc", No disease; good. pects se­ a conaiderableextent. in some .timber belts and water courSes.. No and other trees have been injured by the, borer to VineYl1!'dsin G,.a/lslwppel's. Are very numerous Iq�a1itjes along th� we. BlIUhli for tbe' O,.ella,.ds, Apple . " .. .. . of gn.t'leUon .' . and the oaf fields. wen� excellent. . rious yet, except to garden vegetables edges good condition. Fruit prospeCts damage , that " :, .: ',,"," wheat, oats and , DOll't �t;lt�e. p�n' 'onlio,rrap�y,I", Grasslloppws. Have hatched to an alarming extent, destroying ve,etabl� ,. �n�.ol .' ,NEMAHA. . " ". . it .' " .: will, numerous.1IS · if .t �,I!IIlP��" b�a.lOle.tlflo ODe, seem to be lIS spme days,ago. , A in of winter and spring wheat; com and flax All looks well. be DC) I Fie�4 C;,.ops. large. il)crease ac;rellge be 100t. 1\ I. 'rue ,there woald DIIOIIIIlt1 Farmers have learned ·that with 'extra care DICKINSON. .' ,. Mock. Stock in good; healthy condiiion: 'good prairie hay "Plera for' lotdog It. The onhdgrapll:r of, Fields is better than prairie hay and com without the Care. ." wheat a beautiful appearance. Field Neyer better. Th� waving fields of winter present fruit trees somewhat,'and then the severe winter which C,.ops, the as ·the ,banner O,.clta,.ds, etc. Grasshop�er depradations injured Qc:Oll\h:� '�� 18, ma1_'.�1l)e ate not uncommon: IDickinson, this year, will claim palmi it not been for the first Plo_�g�;,j. of fro'm 500 to l,ooo'acreS followed fruit ttees...:.:.espedally the peach'-as it' would not have done had at to of seed or feed. damaged Been, admired or lallflhad aocordlDg wheat ofthe State. No idle for want small cent. of vines frozen. �4 county ground . A fair Is looked for. A per grape ." .."., injury. crop and . tbe •. Confined tute. . It 1I1lrue that It woold not be loet, that Stock. Healthy hapPY', of them In certain. localities, not general through connty to, .bluffy · GrasshoJpe,.,.. Plenty are all killed. Orchards, vineyards, and nurseri�s, o,.eha,.t!s. 'Peach trees over,tilree'years old nearly were found 'for farmers are cold weather localities where south anI! sOllth.westem .exposu.res depositing eggs. Many it 1f'oUld be 'ilnpolllbleto deltrOyit. ,Jt lli�� last. caused a !lew after fall rains, and. tQen injumed by:drouth and grasshoppers fall, growth but those who were here in :i869 but little a,ttention to them. or to in nervoUs, pay' true UI what­ and sometimes the entire tree the grpund. Hedges planted I 'IJ that 1011 . would.J:!e .nl) d!!t-rtmeD� kllle_d.:the cU\Tent yea�'s growtlt, .. vin� , ' . , NEOSHO. fear of of , ever to Bu .&he spring 18740 ba41y Injured.,. • ;' I 1( .:� i ��Jai I�flII." of 1I0te, " have but are no worthy menaces hatched, doing dam�e same as in The outlook Is· the of •. Gl'fUshoppe,.s·, ,So!Be Field About the '74. cheering, except fOl'lDl of the 1&1. C,.ops. acreage .. 19l1lDg.�e Prel8Dt wonu,' 1 ".,' grasshoppers and' chfnch bugs:' w1th· comblnatlon 11 the .�rong arllu­ DONIPHAN•. a fine start. Work animals 'loeb, 'Stock. No disease reported: Spring 'grasses have already given slock ,and lof March. ment fORh tiy the J.lWrt.iy'��ie. "Bu\. SOWD: winter was bad! y injured hard freezing dry wind!; have a hard time of it. put Field, C,.ops;. Lale w}1eat by from well. and clover tA� .(or- etc. Peach trees killed to some extent frost. An ordi!lary fruit crop is promised than and sown !Wheat in with Il drill as a tbing looks .Timothy .injured by Or,hards, by �Il�� Eqlilhm;n, E:ady put general . nj)"IP,�ll' 'D.�" last follow.ed a hard winter. :. ..,1 , present indications. \0 their aging of the. grasshoppers fall, by �m"ricaD�d"'� 1t th8ll1lll1.e., age,and are afflicted with and a fcw have Are to be neilr the timber. Slocll. In the eastern ·part of the county, horses and mules qistemper, . G,.asshoppers. reported hatching their \0 In 1&1 .. • and condition... mother,\ongue, pNlllrve died. Otherwise, ��ock is in good h!'alth OSBORNE. and hard Young apple + orad Ilnbroken 'and O,.cha,.ds, lie. Peaches badly injured',by both grllSShoppers,last fail. freezing. beauty, lID.potted thtollgh the of winler wheat. greater than at any previous year. Most o(last year's'crop of are of are sun sCo'\lded on the south sil!e. Bor.e,rs penetrated illjnred FieM C,.ops. Awerage trees where stripped foliage .,' rea­ the' 'of their literature :and they hand at seed time was used seed. wheat was sown quite extensively for the ' wheat Spring aU time, t'tuDple • ," ... fo� "If spotsandhave·doneconsiderable·P.amage. , winter. ,on for corn. The usual of other will than to the average . crops The referred \0 serious trouble is 'are confined to :rpotsand son that it took less·team work prepare ground their b1 but no anticipated. They ' ,anruge." temple ' ... . . G,.asrltoppn's. ... , ',' , Are�tchln$" . but It is not believed that the to crops will be genera). hllve 'been sown.... i. �h. onhoaraphy In preieD�. tliere do some 'daIDage, injury in the condition of work Mi;r.Qwlght;· • and are vegetables are �qt worth spea�ing of �he county, making average writes: 'There are they destroying' · Sto�". :ij.IlY �d�f�d Another Corr�ondent myriads'of grasshoppers . . 'we . 1iI8. Of the .1iall. apeak ., , animals low. "..cr8d'.beallt,.." ' . .. � '. , and small '. " all .. All dead above the Causes' ate grai�. DOUGLAS. Orcha,.ds, etc. Fruit trees nearly dead ground. GrllSShoppers week. . next ," I I with rains in the off bar� in July last.· Theil the long c9ntinued drouth dry wln�, freqent Sep­ and In the absence 'of chinch bugs and graSshoppers the.l�ves �.d Filld Spring croPs green thrifty. an cold finished the e,.ops. • . and \\finter, job. . tember, extremely ilOTBI 'abundant harVest. .. 01'( ..PliCATION.' ate for' an early and . . prospects cheering G,.asshoppe,.s. No eggs deposited.' otherwise . . a SlO&k. for wllnt of gnUn, healthy. who h.. DIMID for long SUffering OTTAWA. IA,t.eaCher, eliaaged cold weather. Pear trees supposed to be' healthy two andJ'wim8ll8Cl 'hot in· o,.cllares o',r,. Peach trees seriously injured by time In hie,prot_OIl,' well. As' a whole wheat is of breadth than last year, and is months found to beidead.from effects of blight. Those living are'blo�50ming Fielfl "en/s•. Never looked better. The crop greater fluence,of a the mI.DdI of a &gO:are ' newlpapllr Ilpon Nurseries are in condition. ! •. could not iDe had in to meet th«: wants for seed. The . abundance of fruit. Seed potatoes quantities. an . there will be good very prol,1l!sing.· . writel .. follow.: a relish. fami.11 &J;id"ohilcqea, � millions, and going for veietables and oats with has will be, planted. Pasture good. O,.as�hoppen hatching by' , .usual ,e,creage. fJf �!lm be�n, ,o� I' "I . have. foun1l It \0' be • qni'nnal faCt, breadth WIIS last which enables fllrm­ .' Stbc'k. Work ammals thin. A large ·plowed fall, of both H'�althy.· ICIholan . -,rithOIl\ tliU thOle . FRANKLIN,' with farm work without much eXe8li\loD, , ers � gO through feeding grain of who baYe __ to first of aand then scalded and all . About the' and stripped foliage I8xe., &gel, in com and' ,flax etc., . Orcpards ..YQung damlJged by being Field A decrease of acreage in winter wheat; an increase O,.;ha,.ds, k at to thOle C,.ops. large Borers are at work and much . wh_ the sun on the south side. damage. newBpapeli home, oompaJecl and· are well. by doing. . ..' .usual amount· of s�d put In, crops looking ha•• are-.- 'Ndt of mention. ."ho� n!K,' , 'Grtb"slwp'len any worthy Stock. 'Fhin, but . bealthy... ' I c, . · ,1J.. i Betwr 'III:08lll111t, In readllll, ,pro�lIDcla' trees also .. POTTAWATOJlllE.· o,.chal'ds. Peach slightly injured; grapes . and read more IIDdell\and· and in some the is ,entirely !:Overed with tlon, ,eolllllqllllDUy Eggs have hatched extensively places gro\lnd tf.n or twelve earlier than last Seed , G;r'assltoJp.,.s. Field Crops.. Farmers all J.'li:ead 'ivith'their spring work, days year. to localities where have , '. thus is they hatched;,. \nllly: . with drills looks Most in condi- Injury . well. young , crops good �"oppers.. IjOnfi�ed ..1 corn scarce'and'Of poor quality"'Whe.atpul'in cluly Jt ·.are better· and debe w.r. " ,; 'Th87' .pallell . ": . . '11' , , . , tio!). ,. WOrdll with eUII and accuracy. "HARVEY •. of few I I in in of the grain, I, �'I "Our work teams !\re P90r.condition consequence scarcity very · a,very 3. o�n.·praotloal'knowleclge of .g.. well. Have had of rains, Winter wheat ,�to(kt" iil the and are In condition. Neat cat- Il'hey Field C"ols. Flji:ld �d other crops looking unuswllly plenty ha\ling out little 'to feed: There arebut few hogs county they poor 111, al� half the 'time It of: is on'account the .the . og'.ph, requl18 Is almo.st made, and 'lIuch �Jun was. considered .dt$d springing up nicely. tle have come through better than usual of dryness of winter.' ha.e mad'e them I . and horses were on prairie grass !Khell, .. the' ne"lp&-perI Stock. fine except work animals. (:attl,: .wintered, Orchards. etc. One of our correspondents reports : Looking unusually, . .\ and fruit t.eq.llainted .pth .\he looadon of the'importan\ ��. "After tile grasshopperS'left last fall. fruit and shade trees put out new buds and lea�es, mahy' . are somewhat twice of grasshopper� last weather 501 the second was tender, and was killed. of ',heir, �emmeDt and do· Fruit trees by being stripped foliage by ' trees were lull of blossoms'. w.ben cold in. growth. .very plaa. nadoDl, . o,.cl!a,.ds,·.te. injured

. , . j • In the of I, '," some . " were failure. out 0'0 the I have done , J ., , I out last enlire O�e hedges,set spring 1874,are fall.. 13o�ers damage. r ". , • ,..., spring almost,an ·lnJll 'I'lobe. 1 Orcl!ar�.�llt · ' '. a natives. l� the in most cases. vines I would ,4. are better flI'iUIlJDIrIaI j for hav,i l'dasJltbpjeh ... N6t anyeXtept few .killed. Gnisshoppers ate the »ark off at ground � Grape badly injured. They ' , the trees the . to.be with corn' for a few to from of HOWARD. , recommend, orchards planted years protect young become 10 famlUar wi\h evel1 variety . young ,Ing it in Ihe orchard.' Let It stand a1I'wlnter and will not be fiom 'he Common, some; sugllJler. Cut up·the.com I!-Ildstock you . ,1&,1111 ill the' new.pe.peII,' well and Pasture ab\lndant.. Chi'nch bugs ntlP.le�ous.in h�t,o.f , , :.('iIld C"_�s.- Smallinlins looki'nk sprini:· I, with rabbits .. this " year." tlDl.hed"cl"'1oal '. • tre!!S a,�e ; . advertllem_t ,&G.,the, " y�ur Gar.�ens �ar!y :place loCalities.. ." troublpd gjrdli,ng are to some , are not field eating .' much; more' in calves.. All is· G,.asshoppers. "Grasshoppers hurttni: grams garden vegetal:lles .IO,.UO.D lof,the, Stock, No disease tep9rted except a little blackleg slock In pastufe doing'. exceeding- are' and the chinch ita&eI'mUI,':,'hey re�lly, , . ." chic�n and· .', .. ,The black snipe, prairie quail, destr.ying them· and 'con· extel)t. blrds/llong-billed ' .00000p,reh_d',the meaning or· the \eXt. Willi.' sndnot to at ly and be proteCted by law fOf the next five, years, at lea,st, be allowed be destroyed conmuotlOll' With accu' etc. Orchards and nursmes are in ·�ondition. Grape vines badly'frbzen. bug, shRuld Ofcha,.ds, good • If wehave . the small 'lI8IluililtJy.anal1Zf1·I&I ' of the willbe the salvation of grain crop, any. season . any year. 'They. . t' r'lll A isolated >.rae,. Grass"opj;,.s. very fe'!V'in localltl�, I.' I ;, , -' . , .?���

,,' '." ." ::,"1.'1 .. " j� � /"'!I"'I1, ' "',';';WiII'" '.:' ,,' •.•... "w!''; ,; �Jtl ., · ",.(:""" .,' ... 1.,""'.- 'r. � !t,·.·)·,h��'.�·"'JI'�'..(�\:\7"" ,��r.. " ,'",,".1.':' dj')::, , Ie· __ �N·�NID.l,... IlIilti.,a.rJ��l ", ' i ( ,�, � '" ·tu.'i114 �'&b., '�iQiit�\.j •. , I Ii. ... '. \' 'II -J�"'.�.' , . IIIJ1JfO. )-"I'.I"'.f' ia'''o'�'''; '" <�. /�'�I: \::.=�r...:::r�=·�.:.�';!l.:r4,..:rr�.���f�'!!�:·:r:�,��· 'uCni:��' . , ....."'. '>, · ., " _'fa't.. , •. ,1'"< IJ > , 11':"", �':!... \ l �/il "Renocountj Ilbut·th*J,aI�d.all·arebegillnenH*_:,.r.lftr)'tblqba� . -n.!"'. CroIs. �. .':'�;( ...,f.\..,..,., ... "'..." I ,'� beelildeltroy�'IaIt,_..'Nuilhdlftiaalty wor t e me -",I .. l\iW ...., of' �*,''aU� '11'/:'(". . 1fBIe. ..OIl 'Ylili at. dolDl-, �" ney • , reprell8DlalIolI, . of the are�. ,n, 'lli I �_'_' , II fiae. few farm� Ieed cab, tie ·W. IJi.to4!t �_��. � ": FutUre ...... i'W ._z.", ;Sut UJJei'!tJI�Ce4,\lettllII�"lt��J���ltt.���·,.rtnJ planted·WlthIii'ten �i1f Th, dye �, . do..�{ of ..w cIlsdDodC)i!8;��;a.� ' II '.0 '1"" " of tHe com plaDted. . ..;)� 'I'�" :,::" •• , cent. �ur..iPd, "'. ,.,;:a�� ji"I',!\I:t. · IP ·.�ecl t About per Abundant rains now and cropIlfOwin, finely. ,;. Tbe. ,,�, .' .,tIl;' i4iiP8·" £!_ ,: .• liIS _�=N�'wII.·lW:('Wbniiecl'.;,ota�1Iieiidr.W�·=' 1iu\'uAUUoofiUlI , ooldlUd backward. :;' tb. I a· been lUI. t ,their �_iD , :Ia ./ " .' w&lJliaMlJ, bIiiI O&lierdtatit�!)fooUII�Ii&D,�,..� . !,AIIOIl WIl'reoedentl, " tiIhlDtoBl)·.,...., ��t:'rQr'v . C ',,' -B'.T.-KeliIt,otta'fti .• . 1 ,I ,of�' 'after�e'tnt� ,QII�:SfR' ,. �' � t Ii , :.1J.., , �.corresponde�t",,� blltltock of Illlilnda.poor. 'lIIlIUi'1ft &4! J� f '�or4,.ihe:r.��,;,�\•• " ,.' , , .... ' · . .�.' repOft'�'lenerallyln goed,can'dltion, of .; I , j. fIJ'> 'L'\'� 'il�l."'��·' 11. '"PrI teiadvlces Work anlfnalaverytbiD'On&OOO1I1It 1�..... Ni· ':;t", · NOdllealer.porM;aliihtOok'JruIIDtn,t®t·lsthrlvln,. ���e�'PI iab�:.I�'-�.�' := . ; UI' $. ilMWo"'1' ,�.•,. ", ",' Th 'n:A�� IIIPl"1_>.v:"\.��f,f.�. ,., >�,�,; '�.,'i $lie;: ' telabel' '," ' " lJ .: A l: ::umiiOf'"·�b.h:""D'·''-ifile' et'a """U"JIDI I are li." '�'1IlilIIJtlred'"�d�&&i.H·:I!' t ldtll�: ..t� � 'the ICU'C\tyof'l(I8iadurlaglthellriMer. Illit IUpImer. they tile /mil '·".·'ol ,"'" ,! ,,,, "'M_��l\ad"�"��'9,',� were Injured by,lfUIhop'�n ptpe� dol�w� � "',""_" :",,, Orcluvds, 61&. The fn"t u:. lIla'lOa�:-l' aE�'-'. ,'.,< � .";",, �,'. ,tOck more tIian one' year old. NOvineyardaororcluu'di,lnbeart.ng. 'N�. \0lh�u�DI"" _d '","1 _\tIlu': to'I'i4�1 nunerles In county Wlth ,,\ illaUhe .....ea it.... aDcUb'e:c,.,U\l'J l' No or lIy .,,: n'1I le,�o.fttiDl illf '. \};; lIne'Of fmit tr_ldUed badly Injured P,dihoppen. �'Ub'le,.� iltp�' &iia 'inc" eliM.:_·,"1' t. (,'. In' the o�� '� la'rt,� .. pli.bur cURin�7 . bl, Iy everythiilg " In 't81,*- thoqgJi. n� �}fQ ' �, 'tpUild;, # ;".\ ., 'north... ye�·'.uOh;" the.,41d ��e fot • " " "",, 1oHiiI\lil�ti·�l"UIII.'r.iil\"d�.I.""ri�;\· RBlWBLIC. .' *»t'f.,.u..' � '. • &helllmplen.lon,�hatihew�co"'*""wUtilll8ftted � 7 . , .. :.:j: been i" ....� N,\,;i" "�"t.�. ';/"':" " .. '{', • I, to tbt i�VlLSlonl .r.iV'l ·i:.:.di �_.:cl.\F_:.\,l,_, '18I fo) crops. : are reliab.le uc'l abo';" :the � .,...... � to!.,y" good :' ' ,1 The.(oliowi�g·lettera . see� "',� Winter '. , '. "" ,,,, .• ,.(,' ..... Mb\ih···· ': .. ' \ H, ,FUM .. ' ,,�" .' • ';'" ." i • Ott{"')'"er. "l'll"v"e, 11Uil ,.,. , flesh."r �t;o'h �'_"l.�. . • b�� and of , : .� C�ops. no whea�IOO�� J'ItripS country. '.� .;,,'..: / SUcll. 'Healthy. preval ng ' lpots ,;. '. 'GM" . BDilNI'tJf.i4KrihI/fri1;l':· was of .. '.�. Our co ndenti.dda:· of County,· Kan.,I,Maly 13. 1-B'151il.f&1'y' :'!r.b",. �.��,Of- l ,'(" to the of JrraIa,8l;ld poor.�uallty �y'w�� Maywood,; Wyandotte bll&O!1 thl!!�"'�on: aalmaillI owlag iCal'City �e or fiierl'tb 'inlt.l, ..1dng't�hifimnation 'lCOnGenit .j -, frOm " "The �ditioalof 01, . and a �e DEAR.' SIR: 'I a� "ip 're�ipnif 16\Jra acUOIl It, � '.t.&knW',�, � ,.,' rains of IlIIIt fall ofproPl'r slielter. �v� .,o",s.� tC) tbeir � ��(' '. by the heavy �k of in' KansaS." 'ln 'n!�ly WOir'1:iie' 1.1, 'hiltbtyf ," . badly � bued. •. •. �d, �/. visitatio� �a$,h�p�ers m_ be ,..o-'n <. ,.' Nunerles iDJ.'.��e 'the 'oldeSt: iriJUibitantS �d' �'�,1Ioucl , I.� last bard •• .lIgbtlt sOoJi written. 'Unlil '., .--�:. '� '.�'1.. Vlnevards freezing i� '1867 \. , U. .;. i� ,G, � 'i", .. , damaged by 'far ai K!arlsu is concerned, v,'ery ... .1.om ...... , '. �ter. I so ' '. 1110- • n·.dltIon of Orchards good .',. "'. . , ! Co . .1'-"'I":'.:t..l ,Ie. . 8q,",_v ,"'I, J '. '.' �,p��p- -A-�"'M' bf'them ': .' "'" �·,'/l'<. . helirCf I�, . IRIl!::..kards, I not II! ...,...... hls""'" late 01 Y I8 and at,has been. my omct.1 �"'f�·"'�m1llt' \ ' 'k' to at nQWwe S'" r.!,ablas,.an 37; J81��"" None. ' 1.1""" "'i ,�.'. Asyou n0"'i. Fame Ui•. ,.';lu" f,,.., GnusMJlws. . ·I.ICE. faildom . • . . that b:"nt'"t theenti� pl�in' not lor", thaHb.;."�"·��Do\ since werea�c���eaj� .".....:._., \.", '" ;':r� , 4"�· , '.' � , and 1Wt. :. :home The.I!lW��}i '" ".' 6""" 0f',, :.i '. Mountains-a( e\'(llr enCOull�l'tI!i 00••• *lie,oraer " �y'whfBt and are now East of the they. 'I. . �/d �s. CropalookingweU, the winter d.., Rocky om� �� �e, .��� '. �; ,took all got lhro)Jgh In�'COIldition of Froa;a .. �y\ �er ,GUrce, I . 1 heard Ipeak ithe �elJl,.� ',; , NodiJease.prevaUln,; ' Sltull. '. s�ouJd haye occu"!'encll. HlIIban!ll1. t .... . '::":" "� " , ;. th�m ...... • ,. ':" 1 , '." ": . last 11$67·�Sil¥lhoppe��I,am.c;ertainJ weU' on the new the Jl'llllhoppen heard of of :o.utl,pre�nt'lan.vaden" � �,�ppearl1Jice. to· 'i ", grass. IdIled never .. by I ""1" _ the'�xas�ence. .. .�.�._. _,.,\'.',.'.":' . �eF�hUl1l,eD nearly '" '�, .. But_fmiUrees la Ullsaew county; � we If e:ver, be .. , t.iId.,�� .. BOt Shall,IOOQ, se�,", ·Ordarrls, ,Ie clim,ate I Clo •.pprehend . e4, :', L:.. do ot.llelong,.an ille' .' . .o.ur \., 1""',' IV'�!.?lii·.1 __.

- " . . I • ' 'i 1 , ., t .." .. • �. .,.,....!." .�, �� , 11, .'" are maltlDg lure Work amoDIl the egp.- olean out ,_ arinJ10t If'UIhoppere. ..:...[Oaca'r ., " J, M'GdIlIIJ (MID•.).... Strong, Rolfe,' Pocah�Dtu count,., Io"&,lD' l '" • Farmer� .• l869. "I'Kansas Wmwn 'Tbe I Thll mite I, belonp tothe8IDUl7rombidium, �"Feb t"o N. A. of "blab ha"e been de. ,Mr. Bye"" lil'lpeaking of Ute 1000000ta hatoli· only lpeel81 Kan...... is • Dew . This 'KAt un- In In "That .IIVIlIITB AIIII1JAL B.POaT 011' PBOII' C8A. �O Co., gl'Ullllopper .....,. T.peka.lb. the the 1863, (loc. oit.) .yI.: ' I. H.. 8UDloII, Pro,rletor, ICrlbed. viz., �'" &Y, �d Ina .Colora,do ' half full .. eateD but "e have' bror.ll acrea � ,The hO\b lb1tpc81 lfo&J,alpJDa a\)qut ��r 11118, thel V" IIT&TII .noMoLool":" .. couDty, �any s.y. delCrlp'loDB fni .�poD BILBY, ' II "hether "ere attacked a "bloh,ltlDlPng,hem In are "el')' brief. and It dUBoDltto.y by Il" 011' llIIIioI1BI. of tall wheat ,that .leota "ell, altho,ugh, it TBBIIII 0ABJl IN ADVAltOB. , the lpeel_ In qutl8tlon, and "bloh II' herewitJ1 the ,back bet"een the roote 9f de, Ocimplle • che',wiDII, one tam We thank Prof. for the "u IOme"h.� Ooa One OoP,. Weekl:r. for ana"8N ODe, or more Rll"y' �mpllment by kllllDg. ,eardaa . lOll flguftId belODP to either. It to un- poIl� elgl, ,,�oh pi'oduced. th"�i.�ut wi,nter 500 worm Thll 1'4M amQun� date had· been IOWIl _._ =ca'l't:ee��i-:r�::,.ear csum, far U large- "hIte IDAIgot. The lublllte4 of a copy of hll valuable report. A very larae 0' • ho"ever, ,thll . 800 d8lCl'Iptlon�, .. ,10 0 PlT. :Weal,. iIIr one,ear lte . Oopf • 1500 and I to 10 refer It rather·than d8lCrlbe the bally oaualDg more In dollare and and I00kI "e.II There hu bee11' bu. Ooolel, WeeklT. prefer upon gruahopper, port alone II worth very ,Ten (Oron�:rear. ,:, cut {te and entered U The "hloh � u. d.th, "hen l,t ""y o,ut lOme . RAT. 01' ADVBRTIS1NG. i,t �e". .pecimen. have, centl to the of MlaIOurl tban'the of· IItlli! wheat We have "ere d.. people IpriDg �"D.. aminecl have DOt been full gro"n, and the pale the eart'tt In thll'"ay probably,half One 10 Gente. we have Inaertloil. per line, (nonl1adel) .. fice of hu COlt tllat State Ilnoa feare of ohiDOh 'uDI8111 heavy " " .. 111 I�rtlon red color J)(IIII8II8d "ould doubt. often OJ)ve.rIDg. the ground and filllD' Entomologtlt bUgl, per Itroled, . One month .. wlliab they " " 11"" the, furroWiln with their car· It "U eatabllihed. Prof. la fa.... raiDa the Dext month. No 10ung OOU Three monilt.." " Ie. have lDtenlified Europe. plowed flelde, RUey very during hop- . .. "Ith,age. ,Every ' . One Year.�· 10 remainder to an .. famlllar with the acarlet mi� (2". 1wlq. CUIIeI. The toqk Il,ght, moving vorabl knoWll to the of· K.D.... HII here, Dor do "e look for them, •• ilie .tD:lMI.....T8.­ 1 people pere 1Il':ICU.L 0."8 .OB TBl>toL' which II commOD In the 1011 of when their wingB 'were IpfBoleDily ,eriMum, L), IOlltheut, I.bore in MIBIOurl have been of val ue to old lett before their for 8 month.. (18 Inlert10U), for I1Q, ot on �Dee depotlitlDg eggl. linch Ipace In and upon Iar- developed, and' "e loet trace them the o,ur tAl all advertu.en. gardenl spring preVl' 10unl ill' the earUer' Oop:r ot the paper maIled:regnlarl:r In Plalnl."· : : State and very largel1 ueilted i1l develop- Considerable corn planted of the PAJUlul8nt tree tAl all appl1· VIB of various deecriptlolil. color.1l1klns. great sample ,cop:r ' J. of Ill' hli cor- to be ow. AUeii, �ta. and habh It reaembl8l'our lpeelee aDd 'W. 'Crow, Biglow, Mo., Ing a large and gro"lng iDtereat .111' the part of April will have planted over, greatly �r. . Andel ot with theee ",:.., 0_" o_ indeed be All the reepoDdence me,dtlllOrlbel maggo... 0 .... re1a.... IoU to the wire worml. may Iden��orJ.. apeclee �,ence 'f E._n moIog1, 10 nearIy Ing cold ralnl and Upon Atohl are Illlhlicolored. and the n-o".. ulnfelilngthe "hoppere" In' H.olt countylut Browl OI1R CO�TRIBI1TOB" tbillenus Agrioulture. .' the "hole,oull prolpeOte for a gooa crop are' bidium 'i1lCtorium found In GniDea Nld Surin' Fall; aud in 1869 I received the from Butle' A ._ DB. JOHN A.. WARDBB. Ohio. I tblnk that our Oh"". am II I ed u. d J0h11' PD. of Rock Port, Atcc.raaitelOll' COUDt)", very promlelDg. greatelt • GBO. T. Ran. emp oy 1e. opf, OIa, ANTHQ.l!L..LeaTonwOltb. from· the Dltl'ereDtlal Lo- Tbe tbe Blaae Boar. or A.rleullur... do our DB. OHARLBS lUiuIOLDS. :r.ort.lUl81. Ran. The LocUit Mite Le;Baren) and have bred it Repon.r need here "Ill be mllli to 'arlndlng. Olond Carollna a emaIler(.ABtomarur.llariam te, II even a more cuat, Ilgured further on.and frOm the -The condltloD of the crope, the "eather, the HutchlDlOn Ihould bave t"o mUIs where no" 0011'11 Kan.. -Thll, though Oraw! M: �:J.B�: �=���ciotte. e1ll0ieDt than the Almolt Locuat bMolina, L.) In St. Louli hunone. JAB. A. MoOB. �'JUNBBBRRY" W�dotteOoant:r. ensmy preceeding. «(Ed,jpoda exteDt of the grMIhoppt!r'lIavagel,a�eall mat. .Ihe Dleldl JIBS. X. s. Shawn08 Oount;r. ODe "ho baa attentloD to'the count,. ,. R'ShawDee 11.- BBImS. every paid any ters of 10 much importance and IDtereat to our OBBVILLB, Co., Kan., Mar ,Doni) mUit have Dotlced that are ofteD FlDally. Mr. S. E.' Wilber, of Greely, Col., Doug IOCUI!ta the, wheat "" ill' whaUI reade� 'hat "e beileve DO II Winter badly IDjured Mareh; FraD1 �\��. more or 1_ arouDd the hu pubUahed an account of evidentl, apolob neceeaary .. BBTTY BADGBB." Preeport'..Pa. covered, 8Ipeelally and of BanI red 181- the ·aame Ill' 'this account. after for to ou, columnl the valuable a�.ut one-third hu been plowed up, DR. A. G. CllA8B. Leaven"o' Ul. � of 'he "inp, with lman mit8l, 8.y. Ihowlnl tranl.fe�ng BOWl a ho" the the balance thert! II about half a Itand-laT"e' Jack. dom than the head of Theil fly pureu81 locllli-r - of A the .. - pereiltently The WP�_ larger pill'. report of the So·te Board Agriculture. JJUDOHNGlIDJAA�SDBAa'l'llNWcoAany� e...... mltll have but Ilx thoullh It DO and 10 effectually weaken.., and JolI'er 1811 "hloh, eully leaving reat, full and the reenU of a amount 1011'11'. Rye il looking Ilplendid, John. P. J. LOWBAJiLeaven';'orth: "hole ."armI u to render harmlssl reportil very great wheD the animal fint attacb81 �hem , R. ·S. KIrkwood. 110. vlllble ItlBlf, IDg IOwn. L"bel BLLIOTT: that the conltant deal of l,bor. a very large, acrer.ae SpriDI "heat, w. KARLA'1'"l',lIanbat�. KaD. become more, or 1811 oblOlete and IDvisible -he exprei181 the OplniOD �. Le"., wheat NOAH and of thl. are oi.te and barlew-IloodJf ", leH loring LInD I U it I"ells aDd though a careful ex· Importunltl8l, annoJanC81 fly JLaII. '. enlarg8l, O. W. JO,OAHVBRN800NN'AIt��enco.L.Kan.• """,IOn. ow· L,on amInatIon wIII rall rever.1 hem at th·...e ...e o&UlIe 0flOCUlt mI'wratlonl. WhlIe, h ,than lut Coualderable flu "ow OBNTRB," "COUNTRY LAD" "HOOSIBB geDe y � Buaen.-For the bene!t of our tempel'loDOB IOWIl, Iprlng. ."rl, COllltitute a factor In the reo .... ALPBBL end of the' The ever, they may ut ""e ]Il1"Dl W. P. POPBNOB, a�y� anterior body. mite, there: "e IOWD. Com ...... commen�-" .abo' Gmh:' boet frieDdI wh0 take thelre Ill' "bUtel'8," give plantin" PlIo•• ano . a conclulioD la too lIitol SNOw. PlIoI'. KBDZIB, lll:)J)GlI, PIIOl'of' fore, more oken t.o the ordinary obo lult, slloh I"eeping. i preeente The tweDtieth of aDd II "ell advanced,· and Moot ovoid 10 The red·talled "hloh is 10 UIII' the follilwinir information free. State April, eerver a bright red, .wolleD, bod" TachlDr.-fl, Nom. �f�'a"::��o:-��efb; The are r:e:h:a:.�!';. and 'miDute fuliD the Army."orm, wlIleerve Rhode ..YI that "HOItet.- coming up fine, hoppel'8 taking' the for and merit. , immovable flrml, attached byite deltroylng AMayerot leland, Ncol lOme fields u fut u it comes but think , are not .w.re of lte Dr.' to 111ultrate the and, indeed, dltl'ere up, OlhOl counrar orl�t:r jawI; that thOle "ho lpeciee, t�r'l Bittere" coDtain 43.8 per ceDt. alcohol. "?r'o!e=:t,!� of the � will do no aerlous except to " IOtt", wit t��ie :::rt�ettere ,:::,:r�i 'ture be led Into bellving It a nat· IICIoroaly at all except In havlDI the tip the1 damage, and oth8lll Ir terelted In the variO der, baa beeD built in the or "heat, but making Iweep ,ardell tbe and eat and eltuated LocUit dead and IUDD,lDg ·the foundry, Sa: which penetrate gr&IIIhopper lege are cloaely approximate �ear Rocky MOUDt&t� dyil!g fro� continued their In� ' no" It II truck. Inl it II , quite'eDo.ufrh.tO They depredatlo�, be :the anterior of the the thll caUle.. .: shop driViDg. . hil vitalI. Thismay proven by.klpg thq extremity body; poete. - .1 Ktl tbat it doee lte work .. well lOme more tbaD IJmonih 'riorareeeta,llttleDearerto Ii FLY' :: eay' as;,uy days othelll,for.ii.bout .. eachother,il.ud' !CO:HMON FLBBU' Ne '·hoppersand.eDclollng th8IDIDa�\leorbox.i TUf f" i. could, and that the company C&D'ctupU. "I�- " the middle of the '&J engiDe and then IUddenI d Their oourae .i little In advaDce of body Jon;" LI11'11'. y �ppeare. be found (O_�Ii:JU{rCO'j),_(J �na, )-Thie'"..y, "hlo.,. cate It to an, .uch aD article, In maDY CU88 the arubl may iDlerted at the of th� an. perlOn wantln� hatched t an, being poaterlor part the thll year 11 entlrel, dltI'ereDt; they Le · u cheap u anYlhop in county.-Ft. &ott seeD the naked eye upon opening thli division or 101Ml. 'our hall'8 'Pl'Qject XI �rior with. us at leut elx weekI earUer than· they ��a:h�D:'I��:�.!��.:.r�t��I� Monitor. , by. tbll from the of the 08 hoppel'8. polterlor extremity body. of smooth, II a, great enemy of the Rock, larger l�ve We.o�llIldel' al." The malD shaft at the lead mlDee is DOW did theD. The queetioD now ii, wlll they Sa TUB ANONYMOUS TAOUINA-FLY. I it mUlt moet fact for people; of tbl Br:fouDtalD LocUli, though thln� b� eDcouraglng t�e, nearly ODe hundred and flfty feet in'depth,and at the end of the month, as did W alZed. Our Locust,Uke 10 many 'other inlleCta.is allO looked upon more u a IoaveDlt8r than an ac-+ d1aappear they State and it allo determln81 without doubt th an immenee of , to the attacks of certain rult and that it II attraeted'more just pUlIng t'blOuah depollt' then. If 10 "e will be in time for a I two.winged tlve pa' e, ea-:: ._ .... crop. 1 subject . ev. tbeee terrible """ta black The "...... bette'r th utter " of r� dei e commOD h.ll J·ack. impoll1blllt" I""iea much reeembli.bng. ouae-uy, peclally to thOle speclmliDB whloh are ftleble theee hinta in order to draw out the tlr. The minere "':tsp ct the diacovery of a give the Statee Eut of us. W"uk ot but One il the Vtlry eame TachiDa or I have received it vaating o� larger. fly already dee4. amonll Call' we form velD of lead jUlt beneath. In theee mlDea we viewl aDd, experleDce of. othere. Ai the State and (Tachina anonyma) which I have bred from the Tachlna �tee eeDt by Mr. Shattuck eorreapondente throughout 14 have an element of exceeding great wealth, their actlODS ill' the BI • Dumber ot otoer IDIe.cUl, I flret reared thlB from Colorado, imd from Prof. C. E. Beslity, of any opiDiollZfrom past? MiBlOuri to examine the hoppere and repo� whloh wheD developed "Ill be "orth ten IIi fiy from specimelll of the Rock, Mountain Amee,.Iowa, who bred it from the DiffereDtial At our lut GraDge msetlng, the Bubject for K are from them or ani thouaand COUDty le&ta.-Pka.tanton Obur1ler. N whether they sutreriDl �nt me by JOI. C. Shattuck, Vice Locult, and pubUshed the followiDg deaorl� dlaouadon "ID view of the drouth· and . 1 Locust, "u,' 1', th'e her enemi d8lCribed below : Preeldent of the UnioD Col., tlon of Ita worli: . i John C. late of K&DB&I,but of ot, I CoIODY, Greely. Bunnell, Topeka, "e '" and the 10 , 81, araIahoppera, what "hall .plant who followlof Ita work: now of hu been L BNBMIB8 AND P�SITBS. I A �OMJlICNDABLB FLY. , BurliDgtoD, Iowa, IOjoD!nlng * * boo a of the the wrOtf),JuI114,1878,1UIwm.y that ilie with us .....t hll timber opinion expreaaed " large malorlty• � II man u AlIO, .. t,he r- "eek, It la fortunate that, ,in .. urln t e �ummer I noticed that 0I fo� �I .ft:.. < D ... h' many ._.. snAAkere wu ill favor of u 0 _I '_.ft••• nce -ri.... 0usl t ""'n.,....o ...,...... r- IOrghum, produc- thie 1 tl-.... DOt w, '!WhiCh a mODth el y Choppen olalm. He hu ImftroviDge' tlng 4 of most no.....oUl """"'-, ocUlI e IIi J'uso comp �pl 8! I t:. th large yellow gruehoppere(O(,l-t6nUB�I:' for tbe labor beato"ed. devour thl ve me"t a [Uj,t and 7 &Cree IDg more Itock feed out ita numerous eDeml8l.· ChiCa.E!DI, turk every green ng acree 10 treee, planted additioDal, 'VI 61'ential·IS) "ere iDI8Ited b, the maggot of II. The drouth baa llttle affect on it ad and ar mortal foe, aDd beeD e1a1n mUlloDI. OD't l. aDd ."Ith 9 acrel ...... In walnu.· makes 20 very , and devour linmenie quantl�8I, by �h lf no, ,oj e'Y. ...." • of hogs __I _'t� IJ)8Ciee fly very Dearly reeembUDg. IhuD WYANDOTTB. thl-kIII "milli0.... to ... wo. V bro en Mr. Bon. gr&Ilhoppel'8 IhDtlrely. durI 0f 1ocust iDV... rd) ery,ew __ acrel already �an·-"aDd planted. happy DI yeal'8 OD,. � iclentlt!a1 with the common fl8lh-fly (_q;;,-, vvP� abound. ·Pram have "�ken to themeelA"seV81 win� aDd flo"n .. nell to reeide Oil' the land ill' about 1."0 Invidl- whenever thell ineecte. 1 oannana). ,Many ofthe expects EDITOB FABJIBB :-It would aeem ga grUllhoppol'8 ... u but lie dead In the fieldll we� ...... devour them "Ith away," heretofore, " eara Larned. PrBIJI. chickeDs and quaiill avldltYi almoet eaten out "hell' found, r&i- ous aDd ill' an old Kanean to � 10 A amall piercel them completely unbecomiDg . and even hunt tor their eggB; s"al1owl aDct they lately ravaged. fly lufIlcleDt to Some fifteeD famUlee of oame E wnlDg juat atrength hop ImmigraDte eelect ODe of our falr and them aDd depotllte an elrg tDhile on the tiling, (or on ,feebl* any portioD State; l! blackblrde pursue unrelentingly; th� over the I 8Itlmate that thie Into toWD on MODday. They came with good Herod of old are grQund. partlo- other I bird. devour the jump) aDd like "they werll cant iii pralll8ll to the depreclatioD of little SDOW areat quantltlee of ular speci. of graaehopper wu dlmiDlshed wagolll, stock, &a., and looked alllf they ! t.o the eateD of worm. and give up the IthOlt." i, I eggs wheD theee are brought surr�, Dumbers at leut ODI-teBth. the deeirable klDd of immigration. They portions of our lovely and fertile domain. I The iteme refer to potI!Ilbly one.elg�i; . I �he'freezing aDd tha"ing of the. IrouDd l following uDdoubtedly came from CeDtral lllinois and were headed by theee new frlende. It la to be hoped th�t Shall Dot do It, therefore, for I have eeen but I oet an the aame Ineect: by and th·e aame may be aald of alm bird, Increase for'Ellis but about come to the conolu. ,theee Dew paraeltea wlll rapidl;. oounty, little land withlD the Umitlof our common- J the weetern wiDter; fo, GBASSUOPPBB-BXTBlUllNAllNG FI,Y. waa ( inhabltiDg couDtl')'in Prof. C. V. Informs me that the MIg�. eloD that the country Ill' thll vicinity JUBt · Riley should be de- of It aeeml that the so. "lll eettle Dear tlall· wealth, that, In my judgment, f w"rblere, enlpe , tli"t and in 'the crope plovere, an4 graaehoppere aFe Locust II allO Infest. right, they probably , tory 'J1f,ettUJ) 0_" T -_. kllled the wlrea deetructive to' Ill' many ill w, "w,..,..... But while I caDdor com• other blrde by telegraph i9 vegetatioD places ed a limi�OalopttmtUJar ODe,' thus ,...... however, I na.-...-ne 0< ntII preciated. eay thlB, by ' · .. m" of " frlentl; .he ce11'tral f the CODtI t are likI- 'Il. • the vicl-·t... " LaWr8lioa, K&DIl&8, -r. portio11'.0 Dell', to all''' s....M ens colle t Labette town- that of the State talled dlltect Ill' the Mr. w.. Sargent,"h0 llv8lln pe�11I me to add that portioD G. F. G.umer, found thell e8P lut "IDter. ly to find an eDemy:whloh t�tens their rap- ha*c', in this vicinity:" ahlp, has juat brought from I1Jlnoll. four very called "South"eetern KanllU," which la em· or butcher-bird, lmpa181 theJD o. Id deetructloD. 'l'he Deer Lodge our The Ihrlke, IndqJe1ldellt I have allO 'bred it from a Dumber of n.. fiDe Leicester aheep UPOD which the wool i8 that a baa made ite cloee· braced ill' the countiee of �ue, Harvey, Mar- and other lubli.Dcee; . to thorns poiDted aud,. aay:a fi:y appearanoa, tlve locusta "hoae carCUllel-foraaken by the from 8 to 10 IDabel In and of a very I!. leDgth J of other u well .. the commOD house but ... Butler and Dumber blrdl, reptUel, 1,. reeembliug fly, - .... be 17 other iOD, Sedgwl9k, Sumner, Cowley ...,. 1_-v_may quite frequentl" Rupertor quallt,. He alIO brought them! and of a mottled color -_.. and snak8l, feut' upon much l.rger gray' ' g. tOadl, frogs -.rcof.haaousBeen utened to the steme of different of 'he ve'" bel·• I<�k.""" Thie Is the is the 0f the Sta··.e...... """,I' upright sheep ." glU'Uen spot the moe·• e..'"�ctive hel- In weake"!U 11'hiCh d Ita underthII of the Bu'• by tar r- et""�te eggs winga Ill' the Fall of the wear. I have kind of farmere we "ant iD the for it plaDts, al�o county I travelled a of this terrl- the vaat armlee of locuate, are the par� graaehopper. The ('gl is eDoloeed ID a glu- through portioD Ing bred It from the commoD" Carolina Manti" II such that bDlld up and make the communi· eltlc albel� their "ort Is perh.ps le18 tinoul substance, whloh aeourea It In Ita poal. it "hile and ha' lOme ten yeare ago, aDd ,aaw the land iDlleCtl, "hlch attacked livlDa; � ty prOlperous.-Par,0n8 Sun. tory and 18111 Paaelng tlon untlJ.the worm II' matured de. no�iceable appreciated, ove, [embryoD kDOWll It to Infeet the commOD WalkIDg.ltl; w!len It "u "VltgiD' eoU;" and I have �ecently the like certalD of digger "upe, It then the body of thll the ,Is Eldorado bouta of a water power flouring tew, Ipeci81 veloped.] penetratel (Sp6Ct1'umfemoratum)' IDdeed, Ipeclee meandered over a of the aame, at whioh occulon� worm mill and steam "11' a broom portion and, belonging to the geDU<&olaa, grU!lhopper. w..blch speedily �8I. The 'a molt and It8Deral mIll, tr.ll11ery, wlclely-epread aoaven� and a of the wheD I could teet the a few then burrows. in the and at the end factory, fUTnlture factory, and a "AgOD time year capa- · .lly bury lpecimelll ..,rovieloD fo;r;thelr ground, occurring In moet civiUzed countrlea, and feel:!: -:- We want 8. cheese factory bllltiea of the BOll apd olimate. I am forced, w!!dli1:1 � r:h��!��f �::in:c':'l. =;;:1r1'=�' to the declara. ��:faii�h:a�ri:I�,:>::i�;::e� ::�::t:':ut!:!:e �t::r,!ndul:nl:yn ��t�n�It;c:r�fvt�;u:�� therefore, by convlotlon, repeat JO'81 out aDd the omnivorous ant, whlcb Mr. Wm. Walker, of DemPleY Creek, I.forml "Pacla is a and commodious 'itsj�cea, aecta. By way of iIlustratiDg lte traDIformi. erectlDg larae tlon the ot the State Damed, la, Ill' ] on the on that twice the ,tha.t portion u .and the . is reported feeding eggs t� Independent durlDg put tiODS, I iDtroduce a figure of the Sarracenla building for a chlletle factory." 187 will be and a and hop�rT"lt lummer the graeahoppere threatened to des. 'fertility beauty, gardeD. I weak, sickly cijeabled deeh-flv (Ba/TWmhaga 8aI1Tacenial Riley) whl�b "Pacla has a match factory which manufac- of thOle Che fllee 10 well to treat more fully parultl'e troy hll but killed them on tbOBe ou. The devastation lut by drouth, bugs 187 crope, feedl tbe ci�d insects caught ill' tllnlS about 40,000 mlLtchee every day. AD· year which reuder etl'eotlve eervlce to rapidly that they cijd him but little damage leavee J species mar rious tbe trumpet (Sarraunia. other KaDaaa industry." and wu appalling; but the recupera-I loculi. Theile CoDlllt .. kUled before loquat. 18� in destroying this prill',.. AI the gr hnpptlra w.ere depoe. and whlc 10 reeemblee the commoD trar' cloBely a whloh is a climate and .. ,heir it belleved. that '�Paola hu Dump factory tumlnl tlve,po"er of luch lOll. people, J clpaUyof two mitee (01 .Arachnida,) "hic� mDg eggs, ,II l8Jlerally deeh.flv In queetioD, that,it Is probably oDli a flies ill' the Deer out the beet article In UlIe In the State." no are external feedere, and t"o dipterous thil plaflUe II""\)nded Lodge V,lley. varlety. 'l'heee fll81 depoei' livl� larv,e, is great Indeed. to the M'Il8CidaI, which are Ill' MODtana In The firet manuf.ctured at the Dew belonging famlly -[PubUlhed I18veral. papere "hlo� are dlstingullhed from thOle of t)le paper Durlng my recent trip, I hr.ve looked UpOD eli Green wu exhibited Summer of 1874. Tacblna-flles more concave ud mill of Mellrs. G. & J. .. � .""A_'_ by Leing tr�n. tenlof thOUBaDwt 0f &Cree 0f wbeat and rye, lut It wu lDtTehrneaSllflekedyeMrel"ft (m..-"""'�um SaY'.) A great many of the locuatl 198m to be cated at the potIterior eDd. The Taohina lar- MODday. wrapplDg paper, strong ;�;""�;';,. and and the is in ",hlch give a fairer proapect of all' abundant -I:..aat May, Prof. c.TE':B:.ey pale Oil' the back, and on pulllDIl their va Is rouDded poIteriorly,�lth a ImaIl' .plr�, tblck, proprietor emphatic d� with au account of hi attacklnll the hll that ite call' be than I have ever ieeD eleewhere-and 81 red mite tUncturedeadl 8ff after death (many were fOUDd dead) ular cavity, eallly closed, and haviDg a smootb aitaertlon q:uali�y barveet of the Mountain Locust 10 north- We,ehalllOOn kDO" what the Dew milimrroved.Is ca· eggs Rocky from 1 to l) ordinary magltOts would btl rim: It contraeil to a pupa "hlch il quite my obaervatloD baa DOt beeD limited-er.rly "ere III western Iow,a, and Dumerous accounta fOllnd. farmel'8 ear It be, rounded at eDd. The pable of. Many loo'klnft millht uDlformly �ch Sarcoph. In Ma": The OD the 24th of the efficleDt "ork of thll little ., rye, mODth, !! · of the published an introduction of a new Mal' not larva Is more trnncate beblnd, WIth .A. Ihort time IIDce "e took occuion to visit "" plague. aga ... w erever • ... __ .. 'Ill wu aDd the wheatin Cowle ·and n laid h _ out, " anima1 I d IIggs, .... 0 .w.8IIl'8. Howard & h.eaded 8Itro".ng thll Ilentleman "Ith hil little KJmleUn time 11eehy wartll on ·be• rim of ""...... e Iplrac-1 the new uourIng mUI f in loud Minne- Sumner coundel waa rapldly theae had been depoelted Iowa the of the hateilaul locust 1- and "ith a morll head: it D· located on the Little Blue-at approachlDg prove deltroyer ty. tapering Greenman, . �' " The be u a am. that condition. The corn II well up, and gro,,- 'IOta. following may quoted P. C. WlllOn, Platte City, Mo., iD private tracta to a pup., "hloh is .110 ,truncate be. Waterville.-Blw RapiiU Time.:· [R. and,the other cereals, as we}! aa graaeetl , letter.' Ing; 1: j. MDd, aDd more t"perlDg in front, ,where the A oheeie baa at Mount hal been made of IDterest: factory �n �,tarted and vegetablee, all live promiae of an abun. ) ? 'h- pIA: dilCovery Kreat I eaw a hopper klcklDg about u If he could prothoraclc apiraclea Iho" u the1 Dever do.lD Bro"D Count... The Iharee' of ltock are q .. or about the size of a Roy, "dant harvelt. A red bu.. , Iplder, I him to and Tachlna amall, hardly move; pulled plecee ., eaoh and is found Dum $25, Itxt, Ihar8l, making '1,500 I heard no of young small kernel of 'wheat, in great found that he contained a footl811 half complaint grushoppere g.rub, h....e been takeD. J. N. Mllli holde a O1ajori- Into the hol81 to the �ruahop- Ill' tbll great region. All the tlIlel'8 of the � bere, creeping an Inch in length. Ill' a Ihort time more were A manufactory of pluter parll II In vo"ue of the Ihares. The "Ill han the ot the ty factory lOil were full of the dealere ill' rean.r- .Dd the contenil egJII hope,, Qd per eggs eatiDg procured, pllo!l6d In ,; covered tumbler, "here at ,Blue KanllU. The article of plU- milk of ·800 or 400 Rapldl. to Uee up the rea I"" thelr bualD_ (irea� numbere "lire fO.und in capaclt1 ers and th h'ere were I p .1..Dg voracioualy. Inatlit 1e more thaD t',,� weekI the ter loud land is laid to be ' , Irubl ' luperlor ex--. to Nrt with about' 800. So ....- pluter bllt 0 CO"I, ..... • vlaor act of the _,- "lth e o_ with grea· .... the Mtln.".. .. empty chan to Tachlna much -Amb..w_ IoU • e Imnnr'-""" """.article .."'ed, fiiee, very tarll eay_ the Wathena .BerHn-tw. I shellslu the eame Deli. I'xtent ot the"''''1It· Oil' lOme future occnlon, may "rite you, ''fhe . I Is not but' have BlaDdOD & Smith have gone Into the. Iheep on the territory named In 'thll huty tIe llmited, they . agaiD Ifrlends �:g!�e:a�,!;n':�a�o:ueeen�;:,'oU: n*umbeWrheoDf. KaDaaa Is to have a competlnlliDe of rall- In In dltl'erent dlrec. buel n8111 exteDlivelY In eh... County. letter, and IPve your' readere a hlltory of Ita .'been Been maDylocallti81 e"gl (fly.blowl) will lay and that,each, In road to Pueblo; Colorado. The AtchllOn, To- Mr. J. D. JohDlOn, Aut.- many "ater coursel, and thriving toWIll. tioDB In' this.'Place.. a}:lout • month, "IlrwU be a perfect fly, It llaeen peka & Santa Fe "m be to that Mr. MoaimaD., DW Wiohlta, hu a fiDe bed - thu theae red completed C. R. rim, 'proved conclusively buga that It would take but a fe" generatlonl to 'POint In July. ot stra"berrl8labout an acre In extent.

. 't""" ',', Ba, H. 1."1.

" M'ONTH,LY . OF' .... RE�aR'T' I THE' . .� ';', 'IDV!I,TAOB-S:; "'<� � 'P:R,UI1K'BN,r: :i,;"';'\ • 1 'KANSAS STATE 'BOARD O'F AGRI,CULTU1RE� . FaUlT PaosPEc-rS,"yRASSHOPPEas, ETC. OF .. CONDITION S'1'OCK," Tn ...... Caops, ,...... ,� • NEW ' t, \ ' 'f.. \ ,,I :r IIOJI'bI.l. '" !:�,t. tiL .. , WW"s_BvoIi'''��jN:'�I''�',.. , I 1 '. ot oftlC8l'l ot County AcrIcu1tnal OrgllliAtI.ou, COmpiled from returna made to the State Board AgrIculture, b1 and other on tho lit deyot Kay, 11m. � Oounty Oonnclla ot the PaUolll ot Balbandl'}', correapondelite Are in Prlqa',; I , Eoonomy: ' " " 1� ,I ea'=!l'::i;iel���L�::r:;·�'_,a:14·Ei.aa.t� ;"'r I' '1IftIII,' 0.11.' ..j oJ " �� 'M .: ... 1- . .' ..; .. 'f'r" .. i� 1i � .i 1 � � .= ...... � � � :.' ... .rt!! ... £! i'" ! J :ill � ...... -� �,.;� S� . � 1i ,...... � .. tf'O·! i�1: , -SI -ill . ::II �� � ill. -!� .sill ...... iz1 5�! . .. jS:" "gill f- �i , !� �. �.' : I'! I'! .. a.Q ".!: illl .. I'! f'''' "I'!.�)' '�1�11:.�1 A )I: ;; =- 'O,onsttlioti��' � ,J ... (lOUNTIKS. .. I!� Superior. QI! I! �g �!! a.s UlO . :!!i[9 .n. 'fJO'* 00 '1'" .0 L"n! -t:-' ;I 51!;I ;: '";I �;I ':�:a:1 A.il"I'!:il �8H :r8 �� . Sl! 'I:.� ')6 :e' "C:; 0:01 � � :a Po!_ CI: , .... :e A.ij " .d i:a "C� :a !� .. tim��'i.:' �fIIAP,4_., '"'I'! II: I'! ;;, . 1ID,s .� 8 8 8 8 ,s '. : i�JJ:�:�. '-i." 1t:.3 oS �S J 888 °1 =8 ] • " '1' 8 '. 'In , ,." . 100 ,orm B'8l. 1011 '86 97 11U 86 70 8t 113 100 mnY.'.& ' MarUI. , I' .... 80 90 '90 k"1 -, ,.'-ope", 97 .... 911 lIllifi' ." 'king'.,: �� 80 : '. , . ": Allen, 80 . '=r��0,11;':'��.:�.::., 110 Q 80 .... 60 100 eo 90 ", .... ·80 60 100 100 110 76 , , lIG .... 100 Andenon· , Oorrectednekl'b7�.;"'J'oaOiai•. . &0 '76 60 _ ': 96 72 76 .. s , 76 96 62 107 '100 100 100 100 72 1011 97 . ,",,' Atohllon 100 80 90 \ 76 90 00 86 90 86 ...• 76 90 100 Brown 76 100 96 100 100 ·76 ...... D•• 76 eo 60 76 .... 26 26 76 .... 100 100 I 160 126 .... 100 Butler .... 110 76 ...... 16 ...... 100 100 80 100 100 .... 100 �aDd.o��. ChM" 100 100 100 -::' iii .... a�eB:t ' .... ,&�f����.�" 26 9& IKI 9& .... 110 100 100 100 �u�bl'lt�. �a.,: 100 'ioo ·110 110 100 '., Cl0.1 'IIi 6 II "r" I 'H8" ...... 76 .... 150 110 110 150 iii 200 100 100 100 . . PERFECT Cloud And 1���i�I:�:·.::�::.:::.::�:::::::.:::•. 110 '76 100 loo SlTISFl�TI�N 1(0 ,...... 1'00 .... 76 76· 76 80.l1li '7Ii 711 Evaryw�ara.. 8., .... '7Ii GIVing 711 100 76 "'.,' ' . Oowley 100 100 . .",' : " 100 100 1150 110 100 26 100 100 .'. , .96 1�0 ... ONLY .Y' Cr..wford 110 100 IMI 611 '7Ii 150 MADE COD' roo ta7 112 'ioo '100 100 .... 1150 101 � 90 100 :a DlcldnlOD ...... 90 ...... III· .... 60 ...... 80 80 '10 116 76 76 .... 100 100 100 . . 90 II'J 70 83 112 80 'IIi 6� ,72 .' .... 911 90 90 100 100 101 102 .... 100 100 DOnl�h.nDougu 100 100 100 711 70 70 86 76 711 100 lot .... 100 100 .... Franklin 76 ...... 711 76 . ,�1.110 150 110 711 711 .. Oi.�wa�-:J�;.:.;.:�:.:�:\:�:��i:��.:.::�,'•.• .... '100 100 100 100 160 1150 160 j• 1150 100 Excelsior " .,' '. , !'·r !·...... · R.. 100 - .. ney 1110 120 � ta· ·:·,,· .. ,,· .. · 1.110 .... 911 110 110 90 110 ",Comp<:anIY"' llK1 60 100 • .... 100 '. .... lot '' 1150 .... " ". Ho....rd 1JO II 150 •. I'LOUB-P ':,lIi�· 1011 1011 100 1011 100 80 100 80 8Ii 70 70 100 80 90 JaoluOD 70 , .. "" .. 70 100 911 1011 86 100 100 86 &Ii &Ii gg ST. MO., STREET .. 126 .... 100 1011 14AilN ,I', Jelrenon 11& . &; �.��:.�::::::,::. /;t= 100 . " .. . 1150 100 150 80 80 100 90 100 10 10 100 618.N. �OUlS,. �.rO.I.0.1 "" 1.'111 JohnsoD 90 100 100 100 100 100 612,614',616 611 100 1011 lOll 1011 100 .. ·�;",..s: .. I.r'·' 1.40 1.'111' 100 1011 '96 911 87 00 lOll .' :·, 1� .... 96 100 ,'. Uabetto 100 CLUSIVIELV" BY' 100 VII EX, .. " 1.10, 100 '711 90 100 100 90 100 110 90 86 100 80 AND ·80LD OORNr.v.�Per: 100 1)18 .,.., 1,10 ..orth 100 100 80 100 Le....vn om.' "...... 100 150 100 76 100 100 100 ...... 1.10 .... 110 110 .... 100 iii 100 100 �.,.:,.,., 100 .. LIIlD 10 80 ...... 100 I.,' ...... 100 1150 110 100 10� 1111.110 100 100 100 .... 100 & CO"· eoo:��"'Oii9P 110 110 KNO"WLES .. 100 '7Ii 100 100 60 70 '7Ii 4.0 A.• "W .,' 1;:�!C:::::·::::::;:::�::::I.eoeI:=' ... 100 80 .'. WII.�'OhOp�.: .rloD 1&0 1011 100 100 100 ,.. �on 110 "00 'iiil 110 '.IIi 90·90 100 116 100 110 100 . " Miami- .. 92 41 41 43 ...... ·KABSAS.• 'm 'iiil 'ioo 'ioo 100 .... ,911 71 90 ,TOPEKA., HI�hell 'ioo 108 100 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 itii· ioo' 108 100 ...... 100 ...... ecWr.e�:'�b��.��"" ...... 80 90 ...... '150 '90 'IIi 911 .... '711 90 ... 60 76 100 100 ...... Mon!t0muyNem 100 ..... 100 100 .... 100 110 96 96 100 90' 100 100 100 100 ..... Neosho ...... ···1 .... " . .... 711 .... iii lID ... 26 '76 '. 100 100 100 .... 100 O.bor.D 100 100 . .1l1li l11i 100 100 'ioo 711 711 100 100 , " .Ott.". '00" if' .....1...... 1.U "80 100 ltl 61 106 1011 78 90 "7S" "iO" a_;'''' 60 1011 97·100 �:=: c:,:�TI::OI����=':;IJ:��:::��di.; .' n . r411 111,'1, I...... HDT''p. ...tomlo Potta ...... _____.. Gr7- 0Iared. � ..." ,...... 08 ...... SW' �;;;:�;:;�; .... 87 hiau.h'bea' oqrl�O.'PL·1�'8'·___ 100 .... 97 87 150 87 100 4.0 onlofth throat bronc '. 100 100 100 100 ...,_.... CODditl . I., ...... , ., " ReDO ...... ,� .11 ...... O�G-t .... 110 &0 80 ,...... \ 100 100 100 100 100 .... 60 110 80 80 tbemaelvea. But wheth-, ...... '. manifest .l1li Republic

...... ful · IIIIU. Dreea;d. per lb.... TO'·'OLS"'_,. • agriculture. I ,�ckiml,... .., ." I ... Ao •• ...... 1 wlll do ita . '.1Il� that . The demand for machiner,. '--- .�""."&,ulb. '. .10 and at the eame time expedltioUl­ work well, is .. ... �OON-:Per Ib-;8hould_...... 1�1Il'¥.• � the N.me ot pertlOn lv, ia growing throughout Agricultural =:�• Cle-. Sldea; .... ; :...... m Territo· '1IaDU. Ciiied : .. ;. �.. .18 8TATION. reporting. diatncte ot the Weatem Statea and a..r-...,IIW. Supr ." �" ,'.; 1 .18 ac- -�--- ______riea_ . With a view ot becouiihg 8Omewha� Ib .10 ot ;.... , quainted with the number aDd magnitude �p", .10 eatabli8hmenta enlrall8Ci in thl! manUfacture of Kansas .:Parmer Publications.' 8m��ia��::::::::::::::';::::: v1Ilted. few ·8BBDs..-P.erllll-U_' '...... 1.00 ohhie character,'we SEOBETARY"S ,: Implemente .. Bom . and moat noted manufacturere, 1.00 . the . • • B B of 890ti' 9II°1g' ·1000 14°.104(10 -18°. • leading >., Il:fGiiii:::::·:::·:':::.::::::::::::: Wm • From atatietice that '.00 AtchllOn 87"8' 1K087' 810 �,111510 -I? 1.01 BylaDd the put monthe. . during Alteft"er ok' J . . 'boo '.00 Baxter· 80 Jno 11 inDU"nt and ,U , 8prlnp were in our that. in 1874, "5- JI, .U" ,,I' I"IIlp"to ! ;,�J�=.m'::::::::::::::::: ' banda, 'I' .. I!ranrro placed w!' filllc;\ . •••••••••••••• J Ii Walker •. !t , IDdependence 870!iW' "046' _.• iefii iii?,:88 ioow '..... tlItablleh· of : .. .. ' different' and iilatinct Intended to ta1I:e 'he Shoemaker Thll ..ork now In II place .. KlJIaley ...:...... 1120 _16° 0.111 J G uinetr-elght prel. f/09� ,.qI:� 88"06' 9lloiii 100,.11 in the Secretarlel ot SubordlD..te' " were aU other hook. : .. '1',00 Near Leroy 1981 _goo 8 G Cowdrey menta in the United St.tea, enlr&lf8d 1l8edJb1 geap OiaDp 98"67' . ll"A8ti0 88010' .. the aecOUDta .Dd .hoWII the Lamed , B 8now It sy,tem tlzee -...... 0 Port 8801i8' 911016' 884 1110.6044° -10°110.11 11' manufacture ot Mowell alone, Gr.nges. " the Re.pere �nd each Glvel a·fllIl.anc!, Lawrence out· of 8t..ndlugot Granges for Quarter. 8:::'::.::.::.::.:::::::::::::::::::::: 1&-'10 inade that 100,000: memor..Dd.. ot each .Dd Ihowl.lI Important Leavenworth ':':i7') .:... W K Kedzte who during yeal' comple.. �o�ta .. 89oi8i tiil08!ii 'iciiil' iao:inoiS0" . th41 per'" ...... manufactured .etc. occurring dorlng .. .. were .. 10Clala, .. 1I'0eter dlscUllloD., lIanhattan.. _Do.. .. B B thiB 23,000 bUIIDes8, 98°4li'. 1000 10" 16 43° 89"80' . large number, '.. . .. Pettel . Oshome (llty -18°. " . .. Wm C. Aultman & of year. :.. 890 980 . 160' 4.,., three firma, viz: Co., CaD� a' the , 1!' Swallow by This book II copy-righted ..DdiOnly pubUlhed . S..IIua 890 101084 8318' 110 (160 _Do...... Chae Mlller & Co., of Akronj _ Aultman, olllce ot the KAIlua J'...... __'-- ton, Ohio;. , -'-_�_-'- ...... :.._.....:. �allace I __ and Adriance, Platt & Co., of Pough� Itl.... 0Ift, Kaylli. 1M.. Ohio, Sent to One.Addreaa for One Dollar, keePsle, New York.·1 I GRAIN. manufacture the The ftlU81rIq &Ie ",hola.1e caQ prleel f'toID � Theae firme jUltly . celebra7 . B Born which haa lIonmlll. . . 89°4J' 116°18' 1000 16"7 1iS0 >-11° 1.80 B tecl "Bock.eye" Reaper and Mower, NO W BEING PREPARED FOR PRESS. . WllBAT-Per .. . AtchllOn 1K"8'7" 810 111°.1067° _1° 1.76 Wm Byland Ita in ev· bll-8prtng Bed.... '1.0701.10 87"8' . national for Jno 11 Altalrer a reputation superiority, No...... ·1.�1.1O iii . lI'all, Bu::ter 8'prillge and Over 200,000 are IN SLate ISSUED " ' "" . .. J A Walker Territory; TO BE No.8 .• 8io�i "OW iii6:. iSi'" SO" 0.11 J G Shoemaker OIDBB-Perbbl ;: 10. 88"06' 1IIi"ll7' rorml of and.eedlbill. Stock regl.ter for Near Leroy S;O.M 910 Ill" S G OowUeY ==.======.==, Dote., recelptl BGGS-Per 4os-J'reah ; '...... • .1 .1.,¥ 88"l0' 98"5'7' 1981 of .all klndl of domeetlc .nIm.l. eta., e'o. 'Thll births . Port Lamed go 110.10Ul B B 8now · Plckled 884 87"'10)j2<> ..ork will Dot be ..D. account book proftt Lawrence 'l'8" 9" B lIcGovern Ol'J'Io. o. only .h!1wIDg lI'BATIIBRS-Per lb-lIlzed.•••••••••••• . .,.'.4.0 88"G8: 96:10; 87":0 1.110 ...r the " M 896 .. bDllnes. of the ID farm, .. �1 IK and lOIS on Dd y Leavenworth...... 86 '70 .K 11' Kedzle cropl PrIme Live a- " .. ". .411 860 SO" 1.11 refereDce .uch .. .. 89°111' 96°40' 10150 ... but ..Iso be a cODvoDlent ..Dd ready book, lIInllllttan 00 B B Fo.ter •••••••••••••.•••• 8.00 860' Btl 89" 0.90 & &.-:. tbe farm I'I.()UB-:Per a.n-Bye Oeborne 89"80' 98"411' 1000 Wl¥I. B....-RI "EWS,' u the practical experloDce of the Author upon 1.1IO-a.'IIi City 87" 70 Wm Pettee , . asO' .. 89" 98° baa out u Doceleary .Dd e8118ntlal to keeping a.oo 8.111 8allua 88" 80 .80 Cbae 11' 8wallow poln�d Hx·::::::':::'::::::::::::::::::::: 89" lOt"&( 8318' 06�0 �. the .tNln ot the farm ID • .Yltematic and buslDel8 Wallace ; .. " .. I.• 8.110 . . ret aIae01. , like Ih.. � T P pe. 00.aN ...... L-Per cwt••••••••.•••••••••• 1.'10 1.80 . 'Thla book ..m be Illued ye..rly aDd forw.rded to aDY KIlD drled. DIr bbl .. . '.80 UP APRJ:L. .. ONE DOLLAB PER . ..ddre.1 ..t the 10 price of gOPY. Thll ..orkl. cOP1-rlghted andpubllshedoDI1 LtVB 8'1'OOJL at the om.e·ofthe KAKSAS FAIIMB.. '. 89"411' 9li"12' 1000 150".28 81" !nO 1l.1K1 B B Born ·OATTLB-Bma. a.... 1,800 to 1,Il00 1.110 11.00 Atchleon 150 87"8' 1K087' 810 111°.28 '1'1" 82" 7.80 Wm BylaDd Renderm' PrIme, to I.." .. :.. 1.00 II Baxter Sprlnge , g&Packing, ,,�_1JIOO 87"M' 99"46' .s.44Il".80 01°.1687".48 .. J A Walker ...... av.l,l00 toO 1..,.:...... 10 1.00

. Kln.ley . : S.60 Jno 11 AltaO'er Great. Publio Sale NB'alrto.tln av. 1 000 to 1',1110 •.'III ••iii , Stocker&, Independence 150" 89" 280 �.84 J G Shoemaker lledll1lll N.tlve si.oCk8iI...... 1.111 8.'IIi Near Leroy 88"06' 9II°M' 88"10' 98"57' 1931 41l".04 '7Ii0 16° 1.84 8 G Cowdrey Good butOhera' ccnn...... 4.00 4,150 Fort Lamed 11' 884 41l".70 81" Ill!" II.M B Snow lledll1lll bu�era' CQWI...... a.1II t. '711 Lawrence 88"58' 9li"10' 896 81" Ill!" 1.67 B lIcQovem HOU�E, 800 to 800...... 8.••. 1lII Leavenworth 89"111' 1K0M' 11!!:.8 -TUllllCo""," ,tat.a., 10150 ",,-.7681" 11l" 1.80 B 11' Kedzle Com ted tahv 1,00 to 1.- ••• II.�O lIaIlhattan 89"18' 96°89'. Teuu; 98"46' 1000 4'7°.6 80" 111° Il.M B B Foeter 00IQ1J1do TezaIui...... '.00 8·.110 Oebome Clty 89"80' CATTLlI' . SHORT-HOBI 46° 96° �1° Wm Pettee .v 800 to 1,000.. 1.00 1.00 SaJlua 89" 98" Commpn T� 11' Sw.l1ow · 89" 101°84 8818 47",98 80" Ill" 1.1i1j Ohae OaIvee,eIICh 11.00 10,00 Wallace "."""'" BOGS-Good butchera...... II.'III '7.110 for ftrlt four mODth••f the Jut thlrty.elght lI'aIr...... '.00 1.'IIi 'l!'ORT LEAVENWOBTB:-The rainfall at l!'ort Leavenworth thp lor Febru.. M.rch and April 1875, Mil, Yorken II.'III 1.00 to wu 6.99 IDCh..; tor 1974. 11.41 IDche,; ry, 188'7 1874, IDclu81vv, Rerchandlse - years, • General stock, •.,.... 1IlI5111 .. 11.00 JaDuary not reported. 1868 fo 9.88 1876, .. BAXTER SPBINGB:-Flrst four monthl for IIx yearl, 1873, IDclullve, IDc1,les;:tor IlU7lnches; 1874 DOt reported. I&.'_" ...." tor Port Addreu, B� 20, .. 1870 to 1,8n, IDclnalve, 8.02 IDchea; tor 1874, ·1I.87lnchel; Ojftu l!'ORT LARNED:-Flrat tODr mODth. tor live ye n, . 18711 9.02IDchel. ••• to tor 8." Inch... ; tor Indianola. Tex LAWRENCE:-l!'lrlt four month. tor seveD ye..r., 1868 1874, lDelulln, 7.38IDchea; 1874, GRA�;,�."��:.���.��:.��:::::. I .: . . Com. N_ mixed " .. �,¥ . 18711 6.07 IDchel, • 1h'·�JhI· to Inch... 3.80 1874 MANRATTAN:-l!'lret four monthl for BeveD 1o..rs, 1867 1873, IDclllllve,4.41 ; tor.18JII, Incbel; . �\':.:::'::: ::::::::: :::::::::.:::: .IJO DOt reported.. O.te, No.1 m1J:ed . tM8III mODthl for four to 1.80 IDchea; (or 1874,1.43ln- WALLAOE:-Forllut tour y.are,1871 1874, IDolullve, """ l!'ORr . cholce 110 • Barley, cho.; tor 1876 2.M IDch.... RYe ;...... 1.1l�1.06 tlr.t fourmoDthl of 1874 wu4.99 ·IDobe.; tor 18711 7.011 Incb••. EASTERN BIIlLT:-The aver"", rainfall fvr the LIVB STOCK. . S.76 Fort h.d In MIDDLE BELT:-l!'or tint four mODths oU874, 6.18 loch�.: tor 18711, Inchea: Hay. 1874, OA'l'TLB-N.tlve C1n••••••••• No for .nd that .tatlon II Dot ID tbe .'Ofr. � per te.8OOCI.00 th. tint tour .. ralDf..ll of 12,8ll Inchel. report 18711, . during monthl, TlIDIIII .: � . •.�.'IIi ""'��. BOGS-� perC1rt, •••••••••••••••• '1' •• UO belt tbat bas for both .. ralnf..ll tor ItatioD ID thll reported ye n; .. WESTERN BELT:-l!'ort W..II.ce II the only Stookel'll Il' 6.'11618. iii lint four mODthl of 18n, 1.41lnohe.: tor 18711, 2.M Inches. Attention. Farmers' GR�!����f H. TO RENT, the Young fariD In Sec. 22, Town We would adYIM you "'hen comlUIr to this cit)' to 12, ,Range 16,4 miles ·S. E. of Topeka. In. buy lIfOCIIriea, to call on WHITTON .. WlUSB'. ID­ CIa"" and Bee the at 'thllr aoodI. before . prlcae . q!l&l1t1 .' RUE'S PATENT . quire at· oftlce tiaying elllll"'here. KANSAS LOAN & TRUST CO. GEORGB M. NOBLB. Hand Oultivator TBB PBBlIIUlII at live 8tate Pa..,_ JOB'· PRINTING, RBCEIVBDSt. Lonln, 110.; lIaDIlield, 0.; Cleveland, 0.; Brie, Ind. lIN a mO'fllble rakea. Relief for Hard Timas. r•.; Indlanapoll., beam; from a' card co. doabl.. .Ide. ot nree' rldgea: cnt. For LoaDl Real JIlatate of aDd hoee; 8Cr&poe the potato EVERYTBlNGabeat Poater executed lA the aD" upon t300 doee all th.t any other hand plo" doea. It II . 11&71. want l'lIJIIIerai. at THE FARMER otBce.' Ullwarde (Eut 6th P. M.), wheD you th� a WlOlIIrnt IroD &&me; .t8ellmplemente. circular.. .&ddren la_. 8end"for without waitina', aDd at equitable NOTIOE. lIu. GBO. W. O. 'money BUB..1..Bamllton, It. It. It. It. It: It . machine be .een at w. W. .. . may campbell ('..0. 8ample • to the KA-KeAI LoAR & TRUBT Bedae PlaDte tor lI1e.1 mllea 8oath",eat or Topeka, for the tor Apply Bro., Top�, KaDta•• General Agenta. Pa71 "..:au the � � lMa: Topeka, Kanau 011 Buillngame road, by B. W. 0VlI'l'II.

'f' ,'.. ,Ba, ',.el 1876•. THE I KANSAS 'FARMER�

. . ADd Ulegirlleemltollkeltl behind; these'little skirts measure some- ADVERTIIEMENTI. browD "Dever WfODal 'You haTe my fue, I.,,?be,.urel ID thin .hoe.... es four around. The are w.'ll be She I cuch her' dea'h�ut tim. yards plaits bell wl.u... Go OD, old boy, proud 'he kitcheit and the material Ho", "WaU.r," crled JohD, through stuched flat beIow the belt, f'I ,..... 01 la a..werla, aa AdYer.a.e..eal you." In , "MI. BrowD hal a oold. Come ' cblld that will not be John' I kDew door, ,beneath,iscutlaway, sq they will MDfttr'a raTOr dq IIDITBD B1' 1IBlI. II...... BU1JaoN. "I knew )'OU would be glad 'eoIDma. you II, oome." Two like pass' &1aM. Of oounie we .caIl" both leav�De bulky. straps, suspenders, Dr' CIoIIllf at' ;onoe at hlB ud paIII8d the of' w_I'_ID_'._e_'_K_U_'_i\_'_P_A_BH_B_R_.-- She call,' over hold year are 'he old.. ud .'eadie&" the shoulders, and weight _'_OD ...... mllM._y....:you Uo �� to have demurely ID. the skirt. The are very long-waist- ud tbeD, father eeemed dropped- jackets day, hiB haDd OD her hair THE KANSAS' 'STATE 1 Howard had bella called to make abellAt He drooped lightly and the backs have the buttons far roon Jom. UPOD_ EIt.h·lIk_ hi. maDtle you." ed, · yet . ud Mid: "You forgot yotJ the No I hi. 8n' I&Crl8oe. to a mu who � lDdulS. "No I" I&ld Jo,hll hUlkily; alearlDa, hiB C&neIIIDgly, and little revers in the seams, in �ON 'he In lide. Walter apa�, I up a 1 ed ID pi.....', clNUu ollo'lite happl. at tlie untruth, hoanD8IIud paiD ),our fashion. The fronts to cultura1 0011 ho�rlil he addl!d reddeillDg English slope away A ege U, lei' ,UlU &heIe dream. �hl'O&t, me 10.'"But l.thoughtl_,he4081D','uDdentudthatyou gnu n8ll, who�" � tb8l8oloverblOl8OmI choke up 'show the vest, and DIRBCT DU­ without are more teDder 'bu the' rude fellon of hie fumlshes a THOROUGH were real1utlon-'ha' bou..' brown eye8, and bil creoniP poul\)le;at &ean were In hll " " who Intend to be A s f hlIon d'writes: NOWCA'l,!ION to thOle FAlUDm8, hoUl el.... 'Pan' ':Ilt PumlIlI. their ful811me We,I\l8Uwo!Jld.be wonhl� • a� cor.respon or to follow other IDdu.trlal ..� hand nDltet.dy. and MlCCHANIC8. AI to She amlled u n tetull and wit of materials the to ' llue e Item ·-1_11_, kim plaid -to .uoh a maD, e 'h. 80 1& eDded. It had been but a bo �I dreIun mtro�uctlo� TBB POUR (lOURSB' OP INSTRUCTION, vert a touclt of .r_ lD h�mlle Y/or wom.! �heomparanve dress mao 1 of llte. ID hl.limple wu too plam.n�ss o.f �klrts appe!lr ·BU8INB88 and WO­ JohD; goodD.!, of for him Plaid PARMBRS, MBOlIANIC8, • oral wu the like, a .uddeD prelCieDce dUger to be the " :!w'1fl=.: ��D-:�'l=J::t.=� to murmur. It wu rlght. He only striking mnovatlon�. to these If are with ap� referllJlce t�:r:pa� great .' . � of �hlch bad come to her. not used for the maerial for a HBNB, prepared alone, wu an ,�. 'of I8lf�bDeaa�PD oldellt. He wu the aDd, no doubt, staple davl plalneit, of the other tnembers tIlln�: oftl beeD He never wheD all with solid Dot meD ."ould'have capable. taleDted of the He had ThatDlght dreress, combined, plain, .tra many theleut two, 'helr John' �ut 1IIly; at�eDd� &8 hlB other draam had Waltflr ;ent b k t had been served to in com- �utua�II:���::��r:tlc:,tn jtllltlv� nDd lookiDg up UDlteadUy. per them. rateat 1llldentlUld aDd ves�el In ordBl' to be We. the ABloCtation bes tlle to,. did Jobn perfeCtly. hl,Ufe. "Little MIBB BrowD." the affiaDced �f Kate joh:kRp� with some immediate college .' pany twenty others,the than average rate ofall the compa· W&l the white hatred mother, one·dtth hiJlher th� Here o.ld. like-lik_" John Bald "I do OD at hia plaiD life. nausea an J dl1ference In the coDBtruetfoD "Gh, alowly, effect of which was ' vomiting The to b)' th� ".. reDdered helpl8ll"almOlt imbeclU'l, I too-like 11.6... lOBe'k not 1M anythlng-yee do, that," (The remainder will J'+"ollo1D ) severe in the bowels • nJ'l:'tffid�lclilgan'da had come fQr �e Davi" pain to ��dKan-::�':'J=.:r::,�=e- blow that upon them; .md he pointed to the white kltteD playing �In_g ud IUD 4' We the foll�wlngae'an IDnstratlonof theQl1l'Bl'- aDd had lived together throllSh.ItoRD of which Sarah held iD glve I with utriDg, ODe eDd between our rateBBlidjolnt atock companies. $I) '1)1I,t P"SHION JOTTINGS. THE BEST FAn'liLY .JOIJRNAL enee ahine for thirty yean. �d �i.�. h� her hand. per OD after an4 wheD IQ had gone before, all, The ud JohD went back to Black horse hair and. black lace are the IN WEST. JO�:!:::uif&:!nyIOWeBfCIIII\&ra�. alrl. laughed, . THE 00 \; the fearful &rial. of }j.er inarrle4 On each 11,000, for·iliiee·yeara ,111 mau)' tlmel,lD I for dress hats. are ,...... 00-17 00, hl.oaper. favorite materials They A tee of...... , II had been 10 Dear' Death'. door. The KANSAS FAlUlER will' be BeDt the bal- life,she Thllllttle "schoolmarm" had Dot eDtaDgled trimmed with gay �lICY ",hq ,. usually aDee of the for He, the grea', IItroDg,' via9roWl D�vid. old JohD. ' flow�rs. '. year 1870, $1,00. w!Fge;r�u::�8��0a:=e&re are m favor to have died the to cloth sacques Amembel'llhipfeeof : fll10 was lut, al",&Y8,l'ilteDdl!d The next .he came-came iD on JohD'!!, Gray �rowmg !16 &beauler day are sUitable for On policy of wt year's premtum, to hav.e, had pan. .every ' f1J.OOO, havil gODe 8rat, much to the conlterDatlon of tht> every day. They esch e1OO 1110 wear BEINSTEDLB' 101 ahe had had h through lite; wbl?D8verh, shade of dresses, and for spring they R. 14... Hbh0ulder,'II ole house.. CelftBOD -;;;;t;; had beeD able to favor nero She bille, and too stili' to �e under.ell :me. Deraware,:Martha, lana, Diana, tlmee, of ambltiou. hopeI, and of the greal musl!n Nortou, Herbeamont, Catawba Croton, we are DOt Deeded her,. that dress skirts a�e Eumelau, "that really l_III made effective now and all other vartetleft cbeaper 'than aDV tw.o do wblcb be ba4 to eDter. Hartford otber of· handa may thl,B "QrJd 10.Dged to the form. Also all small Fruit PlantB. Address Any aW�Dg her from at Dll{ht. tuck. made to cling so closel)' wbere. pal,� . lle �hool , I:!OBRODBR. BLooKIllOTOK ILLs. work al well. brl)u.ll�t DB. H. hlll'ID under tbe robtl, h"r to tb� Th COllib", 0f fol' dl ess the rake 81 hA for John IDg buryiDg' lIIa.lIon m;,te�Ih'ls He took up spoke, aud e. oDly her blud eyas pluk. IS to be sUl'pn�cd at. had it, aDd began to rake the II11JD, lll!ltvl,nll !'{oocls s01;tethlllg c.:r.ce PLASKET'S dropped cuqrr'" had \I.e mOl'e t.lJ;n " . !i1!�bI8. It was together. �.qae "Ucited .taste t? il�' If thbilll, were happy days to JohD.the)' CO�:ldHrd SIX are not out tbought of' that'tOlY," I�d Job" two coIGr�, nc;>w o.t tight BALDWII CITY NURSERY,' :'1 ha�e word'to that elldc,. If he wall dreamloll 01 .but and UI I'1'B for now he make knowJ1 lJP, order. !:)traw IS combmed with {u'r, hnllhteDIDjt, coul4 wheD be Bat· in the IUDII' '0.' dream of hlB life. , .ro�Dct1p futurs, dre:;ses of the lighte'it shades Ilre made ?"-tb YEAR. the 10ft face with th. ,.,!It to watcbiDIl Katie'l worn in "Yea;" Walter weut OD; f!,II! face bent tile "veDIDgI With. of velvet alld cloth is 800.000 Two year HedJre, nice even .Ize, In quantities , did not thA sleeves. his a dauclDgover it,be expresB round. of per 1,0110. grouDd, IlDd e)'81 walc}j.lDIr hone),.b,. !i�11R:ht dress 'gQOds illl the year BA..ISERf!!J REFUSB t� IO,OOOt.ll.� 00 wordB or actlonB. HIB manDer tow GBAIN .1.'10. 1 Two and Three year Apple Trees, 14 • to the .weet heart of la drea�iD work of otber 211,000 trying vaiDly reach, newest are little submit to the wBllteful ;and Imperfect the Best Varieties for Kanaae. wu full of tenderneel. vfjry full Among the im ortations per 100; clover bloseom. "I It!8 t.h!!. 'DAed of )'qu lUcia hlll' very ThreBhers, wbeD posted.ou, tbe vast su]Jllrlqritli of thl� Peach, Apricot, NectBrlne IIIId �Q�� chaDce dresses It me.rei k'ltI Sk'trt Pear, Cherry, Plum, ot aDd Uby French kilt i� y for K1'aln,�sav1ng time. aDd doing faet ' at to 8ult the times. aDd [ botb. here, ud Xl you are 1'1.1 .1y:mpathe�Ic C1ODlideratloD, a. one, saving all Nurser)' 8tock prtCetl �taylDg little act of coun8lY for her, It wa� sewed to a b0'd that f:astens f thorou_gh and economical worll:. be Peach 8tock good tops .".00 per olthe old did e,ny plain Y '.10 ro.nt. .. seedling lnll, JOhD, take my Ihare plaqe �, THRE8HERMEN FIND IT hlghlvadvantagc 1.11 .he wu a aDd a very small. Th th '\t find most favor .have IJf'OOO I'm tired of 1\4 .though child, eight �Ide OUI rUD a machine tliat lias DO ":Seaters," "Picken," centB and go. out 11It0 th,e world. faqn c;>se to New 8eed, flO.OOper bushel, 110 per lb., . Apple aud he ImmeDsel' older aud front each that bandies I:!traw, . I'd a hp.lpl888 one, too, Y plaits turnecl s!de, 18" Apron� Damp Grain, Long mall paid, Jlfe. I tbiDk. Johu, m,.ke bet�lIr lawyer to:ovard t�e, o� all BUch dllllcult lty post I've made graver than Bbe. a behmd. or IIdlngB, J!'I&X, Tlmotb;r, 1Illllett.aDd for Catal0lrue. farmer; aDyway, up m),'miDd box'pl,llt .fOIlT mch�s wide'. ,Helu and 8eedl. with EASE AND EF· l3end to came lrome from at a�d ENTIRtc. tba? .' When Walter collell'e 1 he belt IS three Inches with I!BV�8 the , �hi\ped Wide, Cleans to peilecf1oD; WM. PLASK.ET, tr),.' " vuadoD, it wu Ilke a bunt of aUDBhiDe collar is round graCTIVENESSrhfstnreBh 1i IJ �xtra4lBvlng or gralD; makes TheD it wali tbat John'l head weDt dow� loops and bows behind. The f�er by Baldwin CltT. DOUKlae Col. JUn. seemed to brlllhter .; larmLltteriDKI," requires LlCS8 THAN ONB HALF fl' beart beat and leDt t�e �te herBlllf grow or or of the made of that his great loudly, shape,. no "lulIl lind Gears: eaeler lOme BuddeD bad oome to squa�e Byr�n BeltB, Boxell, Journals, hll and the hilt though bappin818 trimmed with beald. These are for less one rateel'll' to hot blood ID.t? 1,�J!.�urDt face, IJlqlla �ed; repairs; thllt'graln prefer her. walt even at advanced tears Into hiB eyel; but the noble fellow both and employ aDd for, m�e bl... the how boys girls. whlle,.other machlneB are "out of jobe.' brother weDt "Dear Walter, God boy·1 . pl'lcee, DO and tbe younger 0" l' 10 Ilgn, JobD. SUIS ment de d II lor Four e1zes :maCle 'Wl,th 6 8 wordl were he being. at home." Bald k'lt 't" eapecla y never ,how full hll Qf D',I�� el1.loye Pique I. B,nd :1 � hO).�lie "Mountedl' 'P�'W­ dreaming. too.' Well ['m lad. vests. '·'He'. 'fond of Ku.tie, a torturetolbe , boys, �ave .Jackets a!ld �eep Se�a­ ors. also I!!Ipeclalty of'Separa· h88flbetoreJhhli. afrald-be's eo to wear With .. 1'0),' I mUllt lire for I have been alwaYI b8�D �rtl- skirts of white pique, tors alon�_" expressly "Yee, John, begi� mYI8�f. Dot rat� kilt. BAM PO _ and to :matcb al to dark womeD-tbat he woul� or habit are HT Eft. Had fatber lived It would, liaye beeu jUlt tij,e eyed vanous Jackels .with skirts, Horae Po'Wers. Ilttle teacher. Of other and care for or write for or ,tho Barn Door 'IIme. We it over together, �e my goldeD-halred If IntereBted In grain raising, tbreBhllllr, FARM 'GATE HANGER. H8nger .talked, fODd of ODe 18. ma,de. of Gate. A durable COD­ tbat I 'should enter (lOUJ'le; she'll be hhli'. every Ilustrlltcd Circulars (sent free)wltb fnll partlculal1l mocUded for uee. ou the Farm WI!

, 1, " + ,',' 1,1 l � ':


. Tbt.'ffi

LAW. D�LL FARM. 'nNOPflIIOP TBB &TBAY· p�AI8m Pi_ ... Peoal. How to POll a &tra,. II", P-. •

S+nWI""1'IOn . S time In the eason, Broken anlmll:I:�f: :�e;:�t·:n, FOR 1878. between the tit . ye;�broken anlmlll.OID only be taken up lint ot exoept when' DLI U day of November and the daJ: April, .VAN'. 1IiJ. tnolOiDre ottlle taker up.. tound In the lawt'U1 BOrle; foalded 18'1Oj bred '" B. Jpz, ToWinde, and hOUleholden can take Ba, dim No penonl, except clt1&enl ·Pa 1Joed B,ldyk'l Bambletolilan, by Young ••• !!1 Dnroc up a Ilray. Amerlcan IOn of AmmCIID Ragle1 ('791,) come the Jlilgl!! Berod. animal Uable to be taken .hall upon. IOn or Blng It an dim KlIlg Berod, . ten dan iI'te� be- gl!nd bl IOllllg of penC)n,and he Wllror hone CAD be Hen on the tarDi. premll81 any other ORiien lind The get of thll notltled In mtln" of the tact, any In" thelllDe. Blmbletonlan II the lire of Duter, JIY take . houaeholder ma, up '. . 1f,114lk'I' and the ad Jam.. A. III .Vly, mOlt Gould, Bowe1l�,Net"'e, etc.\.etc., Pl!non taII:tq up Imme�IY a BoIIUDd Glolter Any 1f11tten no ..cee·lD of lIuntreel ' the lame by POl&Jq Uan!e Irf&!ldilre Bodllle, vertue othen . a oorrect deacrlptlon qoldlmlth )[aId and man; many placelln the lOwDlhlp,l1vlna Judge FUUerton, of luoh Itray.·· . MACCR.COR� " the often ROBERT lfluchltrayllnot proven' up It expiration JUltloe ot the·relCe 8. dave the taker up IblllJlo before any Oheetnut Borae; fOllded 187-1; b� by Whltmanl a1IIdavlt ltatlng that luch IItllflction IIld 1I1e au Y. 81Joed )(alor Bdllll, (recoM better: lell fuel' better • oUbe townlhlp, be did not drive OI'll1� county, N. br Bake " burn takon on hll that In the Sth Itray Will UJ! advertlled It·I dam Ilater to W,hltman-record and are the ltandard 8tovel 0�vethe d�y. he hu Lady caule It to be driven 'here,premll.\tha 11:119,) nor not been Alaerlcan Star, pod dam Bxtenllon with Blab or Low Down that'tbe marie IIld brandl have heat oU:81"-br8eeler'e Top 8tovee, Cor tan daYI, of the lame, Duroc. CoWS, .'BULLS, allo he Ihlll dve a fIl11(1eacriptlon Darland'i Y01ll1V Xeuenger Beeervofr. BAhANOB. �D altered, to the Stata bI lire' of ' II bond Alexander'l Abdllllh (the and lte cuh value. Ke Iballlllo dTe BelIIlI by l4Jor Bambletonlan-dlm' . In double the vllue orsucb IVlY· Goldlmlth )laId) IPn ofBpdrk'1 daVi trom IOU of Barrie Blmbleton- Peace ahlll within Vermont Bambletoli.lln ,' . ...,_ The Juatlce otthe twen� by Xe.. 8t.'Lonf. R. B l&n bY..BlIhol!'l Bambletontan IOU ot Imported Npkomll II on ·the lniuanaP9ll1oii ::k���:���:��1tJ't�e����:b\��,���rtIlI:J'g����1 Duroc l)y Xee- OI'Ol8t.na Oen La� � , D�land'. young X_ager 1 l'IIU1. w8ltof� the tA'1Plnpll . �� . lucb .eenpr. \ .' ... and value of Btra,. Dnroc Dnroc ('791.) STOVE WARRANTED. t of LlfCuue1d, we _lq the EVBRY , mUee .... delcrlptlon Archl '0)' tral R. and 18 .• ten dollanlt II� br81r B., be vllued It more tban D,uroc 8tar Ilred the dim of Dexter, Jay oftheTol8do�Wabalh·"Weatern\B,B. ·1 f" J'_'_' Ihuch ItraYlhlil IUC- . lJeeley I Amellean three . KAJrlA8 F.unD. ·In on .• advenlled III the etc. . app�:ved I'. be monthl , .' , shall 9ould, Aberdeen, Nettle, etc., A credit of Il:x wW;118 li1'en ' ... .."., .' . . btl' tOr ceBllve numben. CllOIIel of Jleuenger thrpUlRh or 11.... per 'cen\:' � trom XacgrflllOr hal eiRht no,..· 81x per cent, Intereet, twelve monthl . mav within American 8tar, and • 1 , ••••• , ••rohantuul,� PdntlDf The owner of any Itray Beeley'l .. Balkoaa, evidence hefore tIiiongh caeh. " ' "'-.01. the lame bJ' �or BdIlU�one on ," ..u_- the time ottaldng lIP prove I Duroo, total Xellenger In !Kay - tint notl. X8II� readr early . ,." - of':"'I�' AUlU!lt.' -bavlng oqe ,.hrough onng BUOK'S __Oatal!lgl!el appUcati9?...... :a;� Peace of the countJ, . .. Juetlce oftlie marealllclndlnir my own. '. . any and the JUllice before crolse8 ten, limited· to 80 or on of IIle. taker of the time when, foal re­ dar tleit the up . notIn Tbe Ihall be.delivered the lIIIon, marel .; wID be 01l'ered. stray TBRK8-IIIO.oo �'lJf!rbl., . whom proof and the 18IIOn-l8llOn ends JulylSth. DoD': oUhe Juatlce, upon ttom·thene:xt JY�J:'��" . on the order. tnrnable ..' to the " ,,'. box 1tr.11a etc., fur- •. ". 1"," ,.,. ,'. a I cha el and COite. with runnfng 'Wlter, Nokomll,Dllnoli. or· thlI paymentowner,'ot .. PutlU'lge I ..?OI'to mlfntaln the ftIPII,tation ownenhlp within terms tbe belt of care gIven �_:_:_ IhaIl,llll,d on rellOnable ____ ..,.... Itthe owner ora Itray·raul to prove nllhed --,.....,.. ",� ,,' worIaDaDIIIlp and tII.Ir Ileal- a complete title areat the ownen rlIk; eBtablllllmmiUofperreat monthutter the time of taking, but all accldouta aud eacapei . twelve removal of the Guarantee, before the thall velt In the taker up. au charges are Pl71Ible w. BARTH. Addr8ll. Wholesale Grange;' Suppl)' .. GBO. ltack. . House��·, :I���O����enlciu!�&oicf:; B, I. LEB, tl��}�t:���ealt�tf:I��r served JOHN DREW, Supt. or are the 80ft Coal Ooo� Bucb Itray summone to be . KaDA.. For Ooal Wood, ouly . to appear Bnd apprllae shall In Topeka laid or two of them by the'taker.up, ap:rrallen, and mue . �;�'l!��eg��;at�':!'t,v� OF ���IB�t which Iut :':�fn�!;:::c;,1tea:am�tlfJ;:ly���.ltray, TO BREEDERS tltted with our Patent ChUted Iron LIIlI.nge, the bene- determine COlt of keeping and &llongulnyll.veletaofordlnarylllltnp. Thelro� They shall allo on the lame FINE HORSES. ' fttathetakornpmav,have'.had, and report OF ratlon�18 perfect. Has · line bred BeeerTolr,' '$1<>2,000,00, the BlghorLowDown =;��!�L tbelr apprallement. 8t1llion _IOn of 18715, BnenelonTop,wlth ...·0 ... at helhall Durlng the Work of all klndl, .' :�o Inallclllelwherethetitiereateinthetakerup 18IIon a\the Enameled Ohloago. .. wU1 the We allO mannracture ., ot 8taUion'Billy 8tarnger, make. .. Trelllury, after and Plnmbere' &c. WSOIoBB.tU DbL.. Dr Into the . HOUlE County • pay ot the ra- herein named. Oul1narJ � ' E8JATE"IAIIII.· deductlnftal\costeone ha t \ I � �.: ". "'.'.' of, pllco I 'IEAL' i' �:Ne��ltr:�.ti:��r'����r...r;. Buck &, 'j. STANGER, Wrla-hi;, " .. '.' .. ;..,....011- otastray,ortake BILLY DRY iOODI I, An1penonwholhalliellordlipose velted Xannfactnren of '". " 'before tlie title Ihall have Beantlful '8t1lllon 115 handl8 IIlcliel high 'lit lIuln 8treet. 8t. Lonll. the Bame out otthe Itate blY 'IIlO Ind & Bhall line action 8k1ves. •. OOM:PANY, shall he guUty ot a''lnlldemeanor 18 fast. hie Ityle.md together varletles of and Beating SaD;lple �NNIS. In him a�d to a �orfeline 0 A" very Coo� 100TI AID, 1 "'-!o<'f, ...... de- IHaEI� Buch and be lub.ect e render hlB etook veey PrlceLlltafnrnlue(onlppUcatlon. donble the of stray with hll nnbrokeu pedl,,_w, OardBlnd dollars.val�e twenty eIrable. d'. u�����kta!!!�=�:��:':.=; 'IiA'I, CA.I,·' lhouIiI 1f11te lUll d. III follows' CLOTHII., .. Fees 10r. ....,.,.IJO'lind P'Wf!t'�ltcantl ,.!IIl PEDIGREE--Amerioan Stud Book. 1iII!!!!!!�������������!!!! mule, orllll, out of a ;:: V iI:; �'ft To tBkerup,tor'elChhqrse, YSTBANGBR Wae g()t by 8tranger l:ft:: \�� • .211 .dILL .. '. bead of,cattle she was 1m· JlLeroh'anUUiO� ft����reC'o1il�&ae::le',:.uwhether to relleye eJ:IIt- 80uthern mare, by enera1 ad tor wbatJlUl'DOiJe" . wanted black CherryJJellej to "vertlHmeDU. And G . II on O.r In repl,lDII , We aIIO have cefWIOlte her aim Wullght, by .... reden. , lDODIIIberlDce· or Cor IIlv.tment. To County Clerk,.tor record�eacb Glencoe; he by Lince; ." lDIr lIIe at ported full ••vo. If.L win ...to land for .111 hie dam Lance In the p'arme. wiII...... 0 .. a ...flY .&n4 or.-ore. ·ofoholne farmlnlr KAN8.AS FAmI&B, tmnnrted Levlathan', by wiilp .,.&BIIIBRS' (lL11BS, hID�mnlloD. to oollect1oDl of III and torwardlngto a lorrel hOrBe GR'&N.GB� Promplattentlon atven American "verd8el'l. ifeelred lo;(prtCel. ' above Bcllpee 10 In . III brother of by It In letten CONSvllIBR8 anr , K.ureAl FAB__a for publication Arlel, .&LL lupplled ,. To XUler's Dameel by Melsenger Whip, �elr lum- kIII.••." '." 1,1 valued at more than Duroc;d&m bv ======�==�==� ofprlcee foraprlngand by . mentIoned tor each animal hande 811lchel etc. qnantltlea. my, ----.-,------.!IIl brown hlgll, run IIlformation regarding ,.,. -,,-, , - - tmPQrted, contain • hon!..!S - mer trade • • three .., • '. wllllllAke theeealOn on • ,1000 8TRANGJiiA Breede-'.... Dlrecto••.... el. be lent free appll� - .BILLY bUll wl11 ' forelCha1lldavltoftakerup,.211 of the Raw rlvor. manner o�dolnR.OItal� .-;.a.. I ' of RoeevUl,. IOnth ...... 0' LO' J�Bi.lceorthePeaCe mUee IOUth . :&y& t' ======catlon to any addrell. .. , of receive the beet of "'Q-.'.' '.' ,,' , " out certlllcate well

tbe . WelllllRton, hehlnd . BATB8, CIOnntYl braDdecJ on right Side Juat 11:' four rears old, (raU road statlon LmnRton, breeder 01 Trost 00I IndJBtlnct. Appralled at 111(00. TBEODOREMo., anttQ,CI Loan Q''''d Bhoulder but pure8hon:.BornOlttle;a110CotawoliianLatl[.ette80uthdown �� ..wu. FORH&'TCHII.I" A 'D" A Clerk. ••I . lIel". E I . ·Brown.Count"..,..H. 8tock for we. ... AAiIlI""SAS VEGETABLE PLANTS eheep, _o..__ - TOiP'mT.QD..;A., ot Hamlin Ie11 t the nUIIUJ��'i:a1lJ:����:'��J and sldes,lpUt lIIa,l7th. vu�.::::a-:,ra����:&e�'!.':�� CON, and bUDd. ARpprallled att45.oo. IndlaDapolll, '!'handa" to Blidge, Hydraulio Engineera nd:rly ASSOCIATION BBI�lsp.!�&\r����g!t���·LAWUlfaa; KAnAI. STOCK-BREBDING NOA.H � FLORA . ------Clerk. . A. Bdwardl. breeden of bred Shorthorne of onll1'lWAtorat A Ddenon CouDty-B. IITAU·lI'AIB GLBNWankegan, Ill., pure a tIu'blotlber wtl1 1811 a' the Cataloguee aent on J M JackBon light ,.,.�- '1'11_ approved aad RORSEI. B:aneu. STEER-Taken up bJ' Wa�t .Tp,.?ne INnIANiPOLIS INn.. CD OWlVlllR8 011' 147 B:aneu AVlIDue. Topeka, the horn. .L �G.aoUNDS, Addreu.IlIIhlonable8edlJn'eee.C. • PARKS ATTENTION. omee. 8 old, branded .H C on. rlllbt i118�."" IIPllUcation. lIIueiCor roan lteer, yeRn 27th, 1875, lbout 70 tor Water Power aDd for Wa- at tIIF. lin, about:.OBl!r-d J'OIIIIIr�� rI It r.oLI.AK PAD. 8urvelllDlde Brl�, Appralaed ,20. �.n CiLnl.-conlllttn" of CRANE D h P k M the ZIIlC and IItfJutte one red about one tar Plane, �oatione pre- Jesae Reeder Tp cow, h8lten that w111 avenae ,ear Breeder 01 Pure Sh'::'rtt'::rn ��tlle o� t�I��ablea&� COW-Taken up bJ' on over H ALllERT star n forehead, branded R The 01:1 ltock tor Bale cbeap. Send tor catalolrUe. ����.,:;,u� pared.8upp�ork.uperliiten4ecJ Ifrea.w.4. white 8pOt. ou eacb lIank, Daf.' Ill.B Young ::;,�::: at . l':tll:=. or IDDney'1'erunded.1f 7 old. Appraised ,15. =�laftJl�n1!:tl.fm· Charlea MlsBou. mule, C.a.:BOO.,. leR hlp, years luch bDlII • B. TALBOTT St. Co., dlrectlonl are 1'01-' Reeder Feb. 8, 1875, condlllon. The blood of _ Dllhog. Bulll Jaa. '!'P, D1JKBF�vvOOy:F Short-nom. Cattle. Good _ VOW-Taken up by Scott, ReG a pure Prln p. rI, Breeder of pnre r,rlntildowedo Benl1750. cow, oranded P on right hlp, (101112), THOS. Prlcea low. Correapondence 10- torlalll.p1e. one red and wblte.potted Mr. and bull calve. for ..Ie, Zino Pad at 118. b)' �lIar age DOt given. Appralled Tliornto»t.Sta:&;l) � lIelted. lIlIlut'trloBIIOhaIIaD,cO"liIO� �ed . 8EED�OWER Clerk. warll�EW��OB�ON(�OOTHrr,F' Greene Brown Oountv-Henr" lIel", OF BLACK., "Vornwelllarm." Carrollton, WAskl:ourHameu DUK -, and Imp. iRIlIli Cattie. Choice young 8.....Dlllla4lof B breeder ot Shorthom WalnutTp Mar. 'ISJIII�m:l17 Booth. the croilel 0' WM.Co. m" Lee Co ILL. Jobn Brannen, en�r Into top PAW PAW GBOVB ...... ·- HORSE-Taken up by BIB (llIIlIJ), largel, forl&le,at reaeonabl prlcea. B. XOFFATT, _ .._ 8 :years old, 14)( hdB extended pedIp-, buIll and i.�en 0 ·_·-0· obe sorrel pony, blaze Cace, mOl& althe herd. For rull� and # Slit 1875, at Iowa, breeder W "'-all'''''.... and collar mark•. AppralBed ,00, v.,." .... .tm�rtenandbreedenofPure-br8dOlvde'daieand Berk- 8audle IIIIdIlrC&tal()lllle.� ort·horn hlgb, Berirlhlre Swine. Stack 8 cattle,Ootawold Iheep • oDa T IwfUlIIIoll11althelllDeumeandplece,lboUl ofShorthomBRIan.AijattKeIlO-ltJuperco.,Ie, III hol'l8l, • W I Pda I p.on MILTON & PONY-Taken up by JeBle A orey, W. H••Alle_ 00. old, bald fdce. for lal�. Ihlre pip. one roan mare •• "'b...... Aprl1-187�, leather baIter on. 10 .11RB BBRKSDIRB G,,· "Locnat Lawn FlI1'm," Car- 1IoI!t..... white, right fore footpOnY!8y�arswh te, L. BURRUSS" SON, .. reet . bind a G. "__1 CGMdlGnPrf_lIld 1IrtIIkrr- hreeden of Shorthorn Cattle•. Stock .n -RICA OB .•• at 110, • of Imp. • rollton, nt., .D AM'&TD I'" ..,.. ,,_ 8L Appraised .... G lollclted. B"ST ...._ ft,It , oommencc at 11 o'clock.A. M. Bale at farmers price.. Correepondence Clerk. IIalIIo tor SEEDS .one" e�Wld.d P OD �R OIIIO�Go. Cla-• Ceuoty-D HUlton, w111 hi 11_ TUBKBY8.-The """'_A credit of 11:1: monthl DucKs XND BRONZB Oheapest --�... non b81 Franclll· ltoblDlon, Cbapman Tp, dra1l1lllrIntereetat8perceut.n.m er now. Rouen BurdlrectfromQBOWJlBcltll� 1001 "lIon" MARE-Taken up by no-. pBKINplckofthe 11ock �or 1874 . Ord freeh, 0U old,blnd teet white, orlperCtlls.dIIcoun'tl'orCUhlDlilllld. Dark world on prlcee, Quality, reHable, 'B!lDulll� ilia .. 10, 187�, onefllackmare,5 years ='� BulfIUd Partridge COChlDl, LIght and tb.e .I'loral" Gar- April ppralledate&ll. LOWDJUL. DUCli:I, name. A nice lllu.Vlted 0'..hluh. . BL.S true to starln'orehead,15bdl A. C...... Jllva Gamel, Addren Il!edB, BeedemeTlI'ree. -Puurnu.li;bID. Brallmal, tree.. Wool_Ie lilt for • Oonn. Guide MoPheraon Clerk. CloI.I. W .JtlDT, W. OLIFT, Myetlc Bridge, den 111. Cherokee Count,,-Bd A1ICUon.er. R. B. 8BUllWAY, Rockford "I' AND BBRK- Pleuant VIew Tp., LOT OF POLAND CHINA HOBBE-Taken np by JameB Jllee, IIhoJ't.bOl'll Breeden' Conftn· Calves constantly branded � on rlghtl"w. .ora.-Tbe Indiana Ihlre PIp. 1110 Shortborn Durham 1874. one horse, and the two '1'HEFINE81' one on Dec. 1, bay at tIan meetI Il lIId1anaP9111 the l1IIth lIIth, Balrold, 15 hdl hlgb, 4 yean old. AppraIsed J on bitt aboulder, dQI prmoua 10 the .ate. ::.nu���t ��r-M�tI�'�����fll�� ���..�. PII. W. Bown, Clerk. AGEE Geary CUy, Donlphlll co" Kanelll, Importer MarloD Coun,,-Tho. : ... hred lor the THE DAY AFTER "nr! "reeder otGame Fowll. Gamea CATTLE one MEREDITH'S SALE B• of IHORT-HORN Johnson. Mareb 4, 1875, can theleadlnj{ atralns COLT-Taken by M. atter our lie.... PIt a locclalty. AI.o rurnlsb all In,torehead, Apprall FrIdIJ, Mar 28th, the dar 1I1!.o_S, 0ur.d, Iiay, wblte lpot adJolnlqlJ&Dlbrlclp watar fowls and fancy pl!reonl. horBe colt, 2 yrs dlth" BOu will 1811 at their farm. land and Summit tp. ed at..,. ClIJ,Ind.. about tll head of 8hor..hOrDl. Clerk. Marahan County, J. G. �IDtlre _ ...... I&oekW...... MarYlvllle PONY-Taken up by Nichollll KOPPIl8, Seedamen'a Btar In CoreheadTPdan ... Directory. one dark mare pony, -"">""'..,..""...... = 17th, flay -""> HO"" April old. Appralled at 122.!iU. wblte spot on noae, six years WednesdaJ,lune I, lS7L Wm Thornton, April 10th, Vermll· COW-Taken UII by old. Of' Fashionable Breedlnu:. KBRN, S.IIDIIIA. brown and white cow, 10 yean T""OTTING Marllet S� LoDls, Un Uon Tp,n, IDI.- 81. 81. 81. 81, 81. BeD' the bal· ...... B!RDWABI8PIClUUIII. . KANRAS FABMJCB will be (UIor'_'...... _ (l r.... PSOIl1QX. or the let or 18'16. The . BLOOlOJlGTON11'. K. 811rin1r ;\etlftee, for 'he FABIOB' for 'he baiu. of 8. L. ALL811 .. c:o. 11... 4Uo!llo.��.... CANAL 8'1' ClBlCAGO. Pa,. fonr POlt frec tor fwonty cenla. H SOUTH .. for ,1.00. � LIVE AGENT WANTED IN EVER N I 8Ital�uel ..,. nee of the year 187�,. I DOUble-Whee'-'08w1l1' . .

', HOW H,UBY. ' 1�.N�1llh'Y : ef The neete be made of c'Il\ tVa" 'ud The,·8t.at8 Ormran,v� 601,001 !fJBES ebo\ald . ....sed ;. • mixed. a boX; " 1 " hay al",a,.,� pocl , ',," I" OF' , and1.ha'", �QPOD··_,\h.�d. �e Oftb... lP"ea"t a"t"trac"tion.-to ., I'ra" or tree fiobl"lDe �, Ihould, "tho- In searoh or neW" , • Laads . • ha�. Ihou!il '&1 d::i .. ,. , l¥IJohltlan f ,

�... )} ':'� �.� .tll(Jlne"j.���i� FOR SALE . �. ... t.. . .•88t�in1�1,.u'e 0 • If� �'-:-"" b4i�' a...... UraedYe of .arrarAl. lda, on fifteen.. W en 7,.9a dIYTr."v The p�qhe Lands" o:f The " Dfu! be lare tof.1i8iamB4lIl'..p '.e,illlQil' � �'hen.� Grilli. _ery. '. flour of ud lulphar �boa' oftr::h n:-' 1111. ell..alO. No eseM.a,e eol. or·op.,,.,.lYe Jackson; Lansing & Saginaw R. R;Co., ��!JJ�:').l: ,�·r��M· bolt, �� beal. &Yeraie IOlliper.tare, mmmer 6,Q wla· ARR NOW OPFBRED FOR SALBAT or "herev- ter ..0. TInIllOIer ...... ·harrlea.lI. a_ a place to wallo" ID,' lIa\l1e bolt, N, LOW' PJlIVES AND LONG TIME. ODe.thlld , ON. er boa\ ".owa.·· . !I . Ihe "allowl'!rfll_y� kee, .• , a 1I\il. Tbe of . "",ood �••:' adcl\Dg De.lh Iha.... SI.III. Railroad is constructed and lu operation froID r." I�...",,r .'D, Olbll, t. .' Jacklon to a dtstanee of '11m-e, fiild MiDi ·tlme· to \iID. a rJr-eJack.eel Gaylord, two hundred alld . ·.�U'ofl ' lalted .. L ...... aroand 01 D � rerdl"" 'elpeel.II, thlrtY·11.J: mlJea, and will 1I00n be completed to the ae . .... • 1 ODee I!. woe...·.b'10"..-roD".. -r·· , . . 1'" Strait of ..... Mackinaw' a fnrtller or abont .. 411taoce lIrty· the box she eetlin•.• .tJ,,,a,. k..p P1enty 0f'.. _...... ,NO la!la� oI; ere.,. I. �I.� ,••r•• dve mllss \' mllllh TOOID Particular attention III ,'fteeb' ""a&6r for ber' aod ..110w. .. J;�aC laM•••arAl or frail.' 'lI�k r.I"'1I Yer, C411e4 to tbe largo tracta Of.. r 1 the beat Whft.! and . .. a· llhtle \ 10ft- N()rtoall pine timber the lIoe " ,or'sf be, �ltlt..l i'eIIIiL St.UlII along e.ruJ;l __01 .•'. ,.... Ibe of the the AU _...... _...... :.,' • ,roOl.llle 11111 eoanu" road,anl1 upon Sable. Mus- ��I!"'"'!" � --- .ul.. Oheboy"",n, mlxeel feed ...... '.oo..,...Dtr\ ...... kegon. and Manistee Rivera. the m08t DOl of thll tJaIon.· Important 10K· phur But' ''he malD feed,,' for eeUlnli .ar,aue. II, .D, .parl glng 8weamlln the State. ,' be iaJ'8 ee 01 .nd ,.lIroad fafTTI.N of the Include lOme . helll' Ihould be Ihelled oom, and &11..... ,004 "heap pabne, lGpt/8 Compaov (If thTMe a..d weU ••_ a.... mO,llt,feiiUe wAtered hard·wood landll In . off' they, "hav.o ,8DOD,b. tf!J�err , .....e. ••• ,rI"'Ie'lall". ·tbe StIlte. Bspeclal'att/mtion Is called to'th.) I : farnliog The fourth or before '�a eD"rr'i � lands In and fifth ,dar ....rAllieaetl for Crawford, Otsego. Cheboygan countle., ' 01 •• 1 Varle', ofdla""r e!leepllo . which are hateh' "ben Ihe II ofl', take lOme wa&er an high and rolling: limbered mainly with the hel flne8t hard maple; .011, black sandy loam. and abound· e band can bfI � , par'_.·· maIttI 'it warm b·10 'h �rlal .! In eno� , ...... Ing 8prlng. of Ule pQ.reBt wate,r TheAe countlt'8 i l' in lit and 'jim !lo1lg.'; at I'bat,._ ,a,rt...... , Gre.. IIIlallr.1 relOureel, elpeelall, co.l, Iro., are being rallidly aettled,:and ;the lumbering bulne;. lu tho wlll'lIl1'ord"to a drst·rate mar· . eve� vicinIty farmers oYer the . n_,bQ_ e�"'d aa. . . lIghtiy •1711.e .....;..� 'Ies. ,01. "{.lIr . ket for prodnce for hen ..'hi. ihe "a&er;' many year8. ._ n.... water Y.I' watllr power. ,. .,IUlm, TBRlIS or SALB . . �tar.1 u ave ...... oold mg,�imebetbeing eare.t-if�ft'l'��\�Ii'11Ot.O ��ly-"\ ,. ••• ... Good ...rllle' for .I,leal'ar.1 pro , ow.al ll'0r remainder In too . ,bot. • TW.. wana off" � @d .�",n piIi8�,IO�:ro� 'Ilpwn,'aud ." <'" ''::''!:.�:.ili..i.·1al·." three eqaaJ'lUlIIlUIl _.,·.-l with'lnterelt at 8even Ithe idle ...... abol'l ..tloa ...hll P.el0"e oeeaa, .. Ibelll; leaviDg Y®"',OUl�f�.i Ir.alpor a� per cen't. For lands to . aettlers time o� farming ' longer R.II· will If hearty, ' .1NcII esportallo n p.rl. of Ihe world; dealred. LEAYENWORTH STATE NORMAL LEA tlldcnts can enter at aay time. Rlglit1 percent. 0' the Nor· m\cW;".&,1a!' 8t�� ell 1 &e&lyeee.._ree. V.lae·or es,oralla 18''', mal studenta are now boarding themselves at a coat (Includ�g,everythlilg) 0�t6.00 pellmonth, Incidental fee ,1.00. per term.· Three terma a year. The Fall 'i'erm of til" Normal Scb'ool' eommeilcel,geptember IItb, 1875. hattlti.init l'flDlOve �ile'aHeH 1lllUJ0.. 01 Dol...,. Gold. Lansin.g.Mlch. lIIId'aO!�d • Write I'or Information. .JOHN n �.' O!rcll1arllent tree'f0!1 application" WHBRRBLL, Preaident, feed ud water "hileDri::::r�yet � !' �hlt l!"!e OD8I,. ".��OD��, elylIlaed eoad1rle.. .1.1 .1.1 JJ 'DUTTdT 'he BYer, adYaa...., ellJ�,ed·", SHA.'lT'lTO'lT STOOK neB'. In feedln1r,....W&Y•.reember m� . Llller.1 law.. QeO

· ' I Do,thil·for"aboat one tile. . Addrea' GLIo:K&'KN�. · wee.kf!_I".�1; ' . inereMe'the tbl' f_,u,n· '.. .. B�, otIIee. P. S. Persona delllring to visit the larm, calling timl"'bet"eeq "h� ..... •. b'y on' W.OUtkin will be theclty ofAtcblwn: H. B B. . . E:T T'· MAA' I .·arefed.tourm8ld.,a\ii.y.,.Thef..cr·��.:1JfI �elloa "!"IO Boar. or Immllr.lIoa, Hr;ed,G.to and f(om the farm free of cbarlre. 1 .' , �vey . a little " e:Jrll, �.eal, with. �htl to �IP:"'ll��"'addfcl,' SaCC88llOI GRANT"• MABB£TT • (JO. R_ No.8, I ed"with.,warm "a&er, 'and f_."hD.'�*,Dl. fI .,; N�,,�r UIMIl!oDy lpolled or lOur ,meal for. f�! Tr.lI.erlpi Balldla., 528 && 528 Shawnee st., Leavenworth, ·Kan. It ill Ilpt to.JnHI' tbem td�\..... J!IOD." 'h�7 -_ Boa... M_ehaee'a., ,it;, q�ve"l"�). "bej\ a)ti8 ��g�" }, on to barley, oatl, ana finan" oo�, �tidic1.

..' . . etc.. hen them, l,W·bUe �tlo. "Hla,\.be th, :.L 'U' by leading . Hides Furs,., 'l1allow.· de "Wool Recommen�ed oll.c�rB . , . a' l.,..t t1i['D'IIIIS� . . T ""nF,'G'OOI .. I, FOR WHIOH THEY PAY HIGHEST MARKET Ilhould be. clfl� ,!IT. . Letter and NoteHeada from Bame. PRIOES. IN·CASH. · .plac� c�anged "V4l9;; �. •. ,�, copied .'" leaned' &very day lncl' Immed. TQ6yf' 'UliNIo. '6 uth .....aID . ·for Manufacturen of Hamess, Saddles. W)llpaand Collars. We ltock 'III. th . keep mlll� . A:llO, ST�' . Samplea Inlpeetlon. the.!arie.tandbeat BtJ;ee.t, be underaold llrm East or Welt. . pure other CO 'JI., aodwlllllot by any b�ea�he atm.�Jlhete, o� ,clt�. ST, LOUIS, Mo. AM;ERICAN O,LEOGRAPH ...... Kansas North . 67 A.venue, 'Kan.a8. w;lU follo.\T.., . .T MUwaukee. 1"!T0' T.opeka, . • ...... WII, u,. . H I��"--'".,.. In my fOlmer artiele. UDder. 'be·o head· 1"".;& anaaer. "'What lfeed'� I dver!GOkeel",be··'followt.g: . , Ii 'wee T•• E 8, ·SICCOLI.. ". l,. always teed'meat of' IIODi'l'ttud tWiee' 0l JOHS •. LIBER'A!L PRICBI:! 'to InNSA8. beef : .,in. �In&ll quantit�es:ge��ralJ.t'u�ln-g �b, F'�EE from •. LIVE STOGK , c�ack1iDSrtB G:ARDEN.&&FIELDIlZBDS I1.'!rllf!.', .a�q per.¢� �uteb- .

er H . tite. . . blocks, , AND i fur' H. E: B �GETAB�E .. , ,Ramp-dy �c�ly 'Eg'g!l'7"Sai t.� Commission :Merchant�.·. of ,r"I)Oi.DI!'S lIouuty. gr"..'" ""'" FLOWERING ·P,LAN�S. tlLk, �Illt., ILL. In1·'I� I;' l1alon 8ao,," Y.rdl, ClIlCAGO, Onr ouu.' Ilcld. Annual lJ'ee on •. �nbltJ,pl)onfuj,J !l�b,?!..lc �br8� ��J!l' . C�talogue to. ali DEAlESI BROWN & apPllcau�n mi � ,ltnd ODetl a day with a (eather ',. .0Uclted. Refer by pel· Sonl. SeedlDlen, .New Bl11nawlok, apply COlIslgnment!! respectfully ew ' FARM·JUtl �. Hd erse;y. l."'ilB,'leet, mlsslon'to '. four, ------_,... 'tiLe., fof'>thrt!e:�r� .d�'�,'�I1� �h' L Home lll. -----,...�.-- uille�He '" C N Bolder Cashier Bank, Bloomington, will M. . OARD�NBJlI olsappear.-il, Lang. Gm, City of Bloomlugton, Ill. Selld for the' moat . S:'F:'Funk; Haypr cinat-i TO . Ill. TREI: • .• 1:. Gaze�lJ. Bloomington, . , loterestina; .James Porter, "".DEALER�'&_�_ NURSIrRYUII!!N� ..... A. B. Pearoe, Kan8&ll CIty.· 00. humens ill Stock. oIfta .. Callhier Anderson Bank, CATALo.OGUE John H. Fostar, SaYings acres OUR cIOse�y ur:n� an4"-,eomp�.�,:::,",.�verneral800I...... goa PubUahecL OIl Flu: Garnett KaJl d � Eaa:r 01 K. f t �.,ent pfuult and wnamentlil Seed " Castor and other Hon W iI Smallwood Secretary State, Topeka, . Beana, � c:mPt: � al� J. K: Hudwon Editor KAnsas Farmer. Topeka, Ks. tree� lot_tilll matter, alid Ilvlne de­ oir'e�. :na'b1ea . =��J�lt., We are �et!:�:a.:::= Icrlption and l'rlce 1m ·of· OUf ImpJe. I'Illly prepared � eyery, re.pect, � meet ments SeedI SENT FREE. tbe demands or�e . whollllll.e trade. lIiiild 10t;1ibole- an� .. NORMAN HORSE,S sale Prlco List. .L:&IB,BB_.... 100 1000 Lee'e . Proprletol'll Summit NUfllerlee , lepllS-tf Lee'a Summit Jack80Ii .OounW••0.

o "W.:F.L. & •. EA:tTXS CO . . .' 3. 0 . ��.c:l�:m:J:)tmt.... aJ::::a. All1.1'l!e ofField, Garden supplY IIIItlJ'lIn,.iIeod.,•••" R4-"TIlO 1,'&C!tu. Send tor Price Lia&. . \.00 � , 12,50 Comstock's 110. Seeder, Hand (lul�lTa�o."t

110. . 1I"eIl'10', Blr�wborr1 VIDe Outter. Sbo ••1 &lid )ro1, Plo" . 120. 01 50. Cqmbined Separate, 110. 60,

,'... I 'HleM CLASS 'POU;LTRY. lU:us1; be Sold, Imp"rterand Breeder or Jotlll'eford Qattle and Qota" B",� �tom Cochlns and Brahmall, tiI.OO per dozen. · ".' ", and warranted to arrive In TO . '.� wolCi 'QlpDPd ·,by exprorls good I TEB:.MS DO� · Blie.p.. ,I, � .. conOl'ilon. C. F. VAN BUI>KIRK, � CA!�:_����� are tbo Tbe;He,efor.d •. bl!et l(ruing ca�'le.. Box 1M. Troy, Kanslls. and lIlIt on· . Sample and are price application. Tbeymattrre·earfy �y. , Malee ·tb·o IM'geat gilin 011 a amount of feed'. , ill MOORE & BENNETT. P. '0. Box 146. glY.eu month to �. . . agent Make large aUd .. gnarant.eed welgbtB. gOod quelit.,. everywbere to sell 'our INDE. Lawrence, Kanlljll. ,Mv ijeret�!'d BUJI, sCr. ChU'II!!I. weIJrhe','lOO poundl' (JhR"...... Beat 11'..1'11 alld CODVey01' la I> . WIRE CLOTHES LffiES. •• over well@froml,800tol,800 potIndl. lt99rl21�muper ..... UnloAdiaod eameslla,., G� &C deep · Cqw� free Addrele.the Hunsoll WiRE 121' Into Sa•• lallOf, tlme,money. Tbe are and 'will Ihear �ple MILLS, mow, shede. barna,&o. Herer.ord bard., N. 1Il. 1Ie1l\ ou trl... fltr(lularlllent. wanted. MalClenLane, Y.,oi' 8�., Chicago, Agents .. DAVIES & • . or 18�rk .... FITS. '. y- r�\S�'M�b8�heep . . G, B. Week. & (J•., 8poae.ath EPILEPSY MAN.SPEAKER, They welab from 1150 to *10 pouudaand 0'11". (SUOCESSORS TO COOK & A SURE CURE for this distressing complaint \8 now MOFADPEN,�, 8-TOCK FOR ·lllE. made known In a, Treatise (of 48 octavo page�) on Foreign and Native Herbal Preparatlon�, publlsbed by solicited. . ' MasSillon,Harvester was 'dtscov· WHOLESALE RE". TAIL �CorresPondence Dr. O. Phelps Brown. The Ilresc'iptl6n . &;,. tile Bed. In Buch a' provldentlal·manner tbat he I :� ..9 iI"" oredbyhlm Its.at. _"BE TWO men bla4 caunot conaclentlonsly refnse to make It known. as II Aore. dallv. GROCE'''i£':>S� TeD bas cured everybody who has Ij.oed It for Fltll, nevel BlDd... COD SIT --AND--' In a ... The may b. or STAND. Ad· bavlng failed slnglecaBe Ingredients . all - A sent free to d...... EDWIN 'obtalned' fI'Om any druggilt. 'copy BAYLISS, app\lcanta by mall, Addreea JIAMUIaiI, O. 21 Street. . DB. O. PH,ELPSIBROWN, Oraqd I '. . GRA N 'DEALERS E Jersey City. New Jersey. , WILL REMOVE TOPEKA. POULTRY. IMPORTING and TO BREEDING (JOllIPA.NY. rl��::; 227 from choice )I�,:!OC�.�: :ro�.. il"'N8A8 AVENUE, Wlllllell egge rarr. lroua. piauled 0.· foWI� tbat liave taken prlz. 10... 1..,1Il ONION SEEDS' .0U low ror 1ll!lIable fleer' I. lear,... e.. at great poultry ShOW8. tbe out 10 d.,... Write (or I)rices. vel'Y Recently Occupied by B. Haywood, themoet Old.apd Imported leed I, being f)trered. Bawl'xo o(ltj �t II WepackeggaiD ..lor REF· JUN'E • ..orthl.... ,Suee 10 D. S. II1t', 187� man n e r and ,U�S. H. MORRIS approved nOli), 80040, bDpI.DlOUI., Elc., alSo State..&.. c'..e.a... ..

���n�� ' ����C�}O�gg. .. . Addre�s. farmf and fowls. ALEX CHARLES k . Sweet lJaI On , W1j:LL Impcoved CO.," Po+n.t'o' i.; Plants. '.'&0 on live time or lei' • years (no 1000 150 . '. =-< . ._- Box H�.��:: �:�: . cbarge for·packlng) per 18 at a �il�· , " " lowerrate of Interes, U �. •• 0' . .' . BAHAlIIA,Bermuda, 3150 MONEY tban ever before .. charged . ' ...... YellowNansemondno" a ...... '··.. , ." 800 'I' ') In this State. A o .u: '" u' u u. u -,.1&"'''''" ·-GROW..,.RIi • GHN ADVERTISING IAGENTS, . I Red. 8 00 . Addresa, for of Ellaworth's 1M (crop 1874) 'I to 80 bu. per 00 I stamp .. ," J. B. WATKINS&-CO. description' . bU�1f '€'edar , Iowa' Osage,?rilng�,Seed, . LOAN . •. bu. 'TO SENDPROVED TOBACOO DRYING u Rapids 80 and over" "15O! Lawrence. Kansal.. HOUSH, by which l500 ce Advertisement.• Inserted at reduced ·ratellin !ill the 8 Rowed Yankee Corn lIeld com.KI'Own � the vlaue of tobacco III eDhanclld per earUjllt ,

bu . . papers ·In America. Stock Broeder. per . .. .. I 150 C. MAXWELL BUEL . 8O'l' Broad N. Y leadlbg (particu· , . way. �t. larly) wUl lind It to their advantage to Boud forollr List. Cash mUlt aooompany ordera from IlIIlmOWll coml'l . . Our not 'Te'J'JIlI, etc. facilities exceT those of spondeuts, We d9 lIend and lIeedll O. O. D. , ... any Agency planta . and New York post.pald- welt of City. Acidre8I· .. SENT FR.EE ' The TOLL GATE to .�. BUDOU t40 ,75 CASH, perweek W ��a�:::!';,� ,•• :,•• '•• ,•• ,I. 'I. 8.. TRUMBU11L, REY'NOLDS .& ALLEN... bjecta to addreas I'r�.lfu�e�i�n���n��r�tlwith IItamp, E. U. Allli'II:Y, traveling. Sometblng new. Addrelli. Tbe Beverly . find_!, . lfaftlo.New J:ork. Co. Chlca&o: PaYI f'or the FARHER �or the balanee o.f 1875 KSDIDI Mo QtV, .• "�: